20 TIIE SUNDAY OREGON! AX. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 30, 1921 SITUATIONS WANTED FKMAT.E. Housekeeper. WOMAN of cu:ture and refinement with boy 4 y. would like position tta houie keeper in congenial home, companion to middle-aged lady or governess to small child; beat reference. Call Tabor UIM . REL1 A RLE middle-aged widow wishes position as housekeeper In widower's home; no objection to children. Call or write. 10 Princeton at. 61. Johns car to McKenna ave. ,iilDLLK-AGED woman wishes position as housekeeper for widower or manage ... rooming house ; best references. Mar shall 340. . 'LADY wants position as housekeeper for widower or care for old peopie, city or country. Call or address Employment Office. Artieans' bldg. (;APAHLE hounv keeper. g.od cook, wishes position with employed adults, where sh can have evenings free; good wages. ., AT 2'7, Qregoman. WANTED ay middie-aged ladv position ms housekeeper In gentleman's home. Home more than wages. O ltW, Orego- nlan . I N I NCUM B ERED middle - aged widow wishes housekeeping for widower or bachelor with own home. No triflera. w East 37 H, - TOL' widow with little girl will keep houj-e for respectable widower; no tri fle rs. A r 1.7. Oregonian, YOUNG woman wishes housekeeping. Call or write 6021 53th st. 8. E. Iomewtira. , IbArhHIttNChu girl wants general hoube worl; in small family ; city references. F ' iregonuin. EX rtiKlL.Nl'El) child's nurve wishes po . sitw.n to older children. Tabor 1044. E. HER I ENCED cook wishes position in family. V oregonian. (i I K LS want general housework. Wood- . Uwn 60ft 7. t r U'UMAN wants ironing, cleaning or get ting dinners Phone Sell. 3-110. WANTED H'useclenning by hour in Rose Citv or Lnurelhurst dipt rift. Tahor 1707. QUI ET home, light work, small wages, by elderly woman. V 102, Oregonian. if ouex-leanlng. HOUSEOLEANINO Expert white and Ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, fur niture polished, carpets cleaned, win dows washed CITY HOUSECLEANINO SERVICE. . 188 Chapman St Phone Main 1157. Foil Hot'SE cleaning and polishing hard - wood floors and washing windows, call J liflwy. 1 ." ; all work guaranteed. Ask ' Mrs. OMer. Phone Main 04S2. CaK 6 V P. M. ask for F. D. Young, the house c P n n r r WOMAN, experienced, wants washing, housecleaning, Tuesdays, Wednesdays. EaM 0004. WANTED TO RENT. METER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable furnished and unfurnished houses, apart ments and flats, with definite Informa tion pertaining to each; sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. WEST SIDE. 7 tn 10 rooms, N. of Washington. 18th to 23d. 12 f.o 30 rooms. S. of Washington. 5th to St. Clttir. EAST SIDE. 12 to 20 rooms. S. of Broadway. 6th to 22d. Ask for F. C Marshall. FRANK Is. McOUIRE, 203 Ablngton UMg. Main 1068. DESIRABLE home for local man uger of foreign steam? h In com pany. Will pay up to $100. METXGER-PARKEU COMPANY. 200 Oak. near 4lh st. Bdwy. o305 KE.N TAL BUR-AU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quirk penults aid good tenants PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. LOAN3. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO.. &3 Fourth St.. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3713. WANTED TO RENT SMALL FUR NISH Ell BUNGALOW IN IRVINGTON, BEAUMONT. ROSE CITY PARK OR LALRELHIHST; FAMILY OF TWO ADI LIV. H ltf. OKEGUNIAN. CALL EAST Tnj.l MONDAY. WAN 1 ED Lai ge, modern, well-f urniehf d ' houp. with garage, or near; prefer Walnut Park. Piedmont or Ldd addi tion. Can give good reference. Woodlawn . 4 71 HI. , ABOUT Nov. l.'nh, by lour aduits; a fur nished house w it h two bedrooms, in vicinity of Broadway and Union, for ' about 140; will furnish best references. Mr. Crowtev. W'dln. Will. COUPLE want A or tl-roum modern un furnifhd house or flat with or without garar; best of care; references; re , ponmhle tenants; will take lease. Phont ', East l4.V ' - LIST our houke and flats with us for rent. We hav many daily call for them In all parts of the c.ty. PAHRISH. WATKIN3 A CO. , 22 Siark St. Mam 1644. WAN TED 'lo r-ni or tV-room well-furnished bungalow with garage by coume for winter months: refere.nres: good dis trict; Iioe City Park preferred. Tabor 37MI. B V K EF1N ED couple, f ie or six -room mMlrn bungalow in Walnut I'ark or Pli'danont district. 4?i to ".Y l'hone Wdln. Titisw. GiUU iiiudt-rn. unrurnl.-hed house wanted bv responsible Japanese couple; wilt pay Jim or CI. Apply 1014 Board of Trade bl.lg. HESPONS1 Hl.K t-ouple will lake bet of care of furnished home while owner is Htiwv: highest references. AJ 1. Ore- gnnun COUPLE wants furmned nou.e with yard Will rent or buy. AP 211. Ore- gonlan. ADULTS want small modern bungalow or house, unfurnished or partly fur nished. All lo. til'J-4 4. SEV EN rooms, modern bungalow and ga rage, view lot. Rose 'it y Park; shown by appointment. Milwaukie 4S. V A N T E I Large, unfurnished house: give reeftencf and pav 3 ino. r"nt in ad vitnie; am good t-nant. East ltV7. WANTED To rent, for the winter, nicely furnished bungalow in good district, for 2 adults. Aut". M0-4.y -WANT 4 to (i-room house, unfurnisnea. Sell wood or Mt. Tabor dlst. preferred, Scltwood 34H7. WANTED-- ur 0-rooin modern unfur nisiif d bungii low. Clinton or Piedmont district preferred. Phone Wdln. 47m. WANTED Kurni(lied, modern hou.se oi 8 or t rnxms bv Nov. 13. Tel. Tabor L'UM. rom heated v pt , furnished or partly furnished, good district, close in; rent urnier $40 AUI". MIPS. WANTED : to it-room apartment or flat, modern; west bide; thr-e adults. X 137, n'egonh.n. COfl'I.E u ants 1-ioom apt., bath and , kitchenette; must be close in. R 30. Orrgonian. Hoom. Kl,IKHLV business man wants furnished room, kitchenette and bath in quiet, well-heated house; could also use ga r.ige. Answer with price, phone num ber and full particulars. Y 1M. Ore gon lan. WANTED by two adult, tomfortably fur nished room with breakfast privileges in vicinity of E 4:d and Hawthorne ave. Ihne Tahor 71M'.'. A A.n TED Suite wf - ruoms and bath, weli heated, well furniIird. light and ciran. conentrnt to Y. W. C. A. llef-erenre.-. A K 1.1". Orcgnnian. ' ROOM Reasonable rent for nice woman employed; breakfast privilopey. E. 47? Kmm With Boiird. litr'IN'tt' young married rouple wish room antl board in congenial, private f.inuiy with strictly modern conveniences J antl gO'Ml mi liuon, tri I riei enie.. v a. t ' r-'e i 1 w ood -o I M "nd :i y P. M . IP E 1 A prtid tT it", what laniily or boarding house will receive irregular table boarders if given timely notice ? ' Y t ; goninn. ..Itt't) PEKSONS wish t know of a home like pl.ce lo get evening dinners; con - trenirtl group if middle-aged people pre i f.-rrrd X ItM. Orrgontan. TOUNG bulnen man would like room and board In private family. Can give best of rrff rem e s. BP 2". Oregonian. lul'Nti nan whiles iiMim an.l ooard in priate tamilv in Kenton ditrict. AP' 21. i rfsntin. Ii(HM itnil iH'itrd want-d l-y two young w omen, employed ; references. G 195, Ore ennmn. 1'LE eiuili'jcd. in C. i. tamilv. wheie 2-y r. ctrl can have care during dy. Won ill aw n -'lo Housekeeping Kmini. W. TIU Housekeeping rooms in pri vate I' tune, not too expensive, bv couple ir.id rt-vear-o!d son. within 2 blocks f 7th an I Grand ave.. bv Nov. I. Can f irruh reference. M. I. C. A V ."4v t T-'ironian. LU.'.ltLV bti:ntf mart wants furnished rM)in. kitihenette and bath in quiet, svell-healed bouse; could also uce ga Answer with price, phone num : r and full particulars. Y l'J, Ore--t ian. WA XTED TO RENT. Houw keeping Room. WA.VTKD By reltable couple, furnished housekeeping room with garage or would care for home of family absent during the winter; references furnished. AV ."t44, Oregonian. WANTED By young couple, two or three room furnished f!at with bath. E. 3."iH0. ItiininrHH Place. WANTED STORE OR LOFT FOR LIGHT MANUFACTURING. MODERATE RENT. A 1S4, OREGON I AN. VACANT store with living rooms, large enough for a small grocery. Must be rood location. Phone Main X042. M i nee llaneoiss. PIANO wanted to rent bv vounsr couDle. no children; best references. Wood lawn FOB RENT. CALL AT T. M. C. A. to see free list of moderately priced rooms for young men In all parts of the city, including rooms st the central Y. U. C. A. witn tele phone In each room, shower baths and club facilities. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, light, telephone, hot and cold water and bath furnished; $22 SO per month. Call Bast WH). Call Sunday from 7:30 A. M. to 1:3Q P. M. and evening. urnineu fttoom. HOTEL HARRISON. ROOM3 $2 WEEK. Clean furnished rooms: steam heat, hot wiier, bath. etc. 403 Front iL. corner Harrison. MODERN ROOMS, $5 M WEEK AND UP. II PER NIGHT AND UP CLASSY. Some with private bath, clean, well furnished, light, warm; all outside rma. They're right. THE BAKER, 2S FIFTH STREET. The Mioses Rhyne and Peterson. Props. FCR RENT. Room in a large and modern home, large rooms, sun porch, furnace heat, hot water, electric lights, telephone, etc. Only two In family. , For rent to lady only. References required. 369 Hera lo' k st.. Lidd Add Aut. 214-02. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORrtlSON ST.. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; CI. 5 PER DAY. $0 PER WK. AND UP, CONVENIENT. ALL-NIGHT GARAGE. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men in ail parts of the city, including iooms at the central Y. M. C. A., with telephone In each room, shower baths and club facilities. GORDON HOTEL, 174 West Pane it. Main 202. Clean, modern rooms at reasonable prices; telephone service Included , Iran stent and permanent guests aeMred HOTELS ROWLAND, ANNEX, MARYLAND, VIRGINIA. 170 guest rooms. 207-211 4th st. Rates 75c, $1 per day. With bath Cl.M) day up HOTEL NETHERLANDS. i 126 13TH ST., AT WASHINGTON. Rates (1 day; week, $o up; private bath, $s up; f ireprooC and clean; close to business center. ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th at., at Washington. .Rates $4 per week up, 11 day; fireproof, large, attiactive, spotless rooms, clse to Hmu.sfiuents and shopping center. ROOMMATE wanted; refined business gentleman, aoout -o years old. to hare a lovely front suite In a high-class apt. houue; 3a. Including service. ltitt SL Clair st., corner of Washington. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall 19T0. Large, attractive lobby with fire place. Special rates to permanent guests. Rooms with or without bath. LA R It A BEE HOTEL Modern, steam heated rooms, very reasonable rates; walking distance. Cor. Larrabee and Holladay sts. FRONT corner, double windows, all mod ern; positively clean; also single bed room, walking distance. 547 Yamhill. Main 3530. HOTEL H4RD1NG. SHhi Grand ave. Steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms; clean and respec able place. VERY clean furnished room; could gf light meal in room; hot water every da $3.75 a week. -J4 14th, corner of Co lumbia. WASHINGTON liuTWL, 12TH AND WASHINGTON ST3. Attractive rooms and suites at reason ab rate by week or month. HOTEL VERNON, 103 lth St., cor. Stark. Attractive up-to-date room, cluae to bust n tii-g center. Rates $4 and up, single S and up with bath. COZY, attractive; y furnished bedroom in exclusive family ; suit reiined business ladv; home privileges; near Via la ave. M m in 7S;5. THE. T. PAUL. 130 4th fct., corner Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 75c up. Private bath. L Special rates by week or month. 221 11TH. COK. SALMON. Exceptionally large, newly and beau tifully furnished rooin; suitable for 1 or - ladles or gentlemen. HOTEL Buckingham. under new man agement, ti.'tli Va Washington st. Modern, private baths at reasonable rates. Eree pnone. .imiii hi Hotel conradine. 22 North 10th st., 2 block north of Washington at.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. EUCLID HOTEL. 673 Washington, at lth. Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths. Rates to per ma nent gutfts. Bdwy. 2SH2. HOTEL RAMAPO, 14th and Washington. New management, newly furnished, at- tractive w e ekly and monthly ra tea. HOTEL BARR. 112 North Sixth, two bio. ka of depot. $1 per day, $5 per week and up, EAST SIDE; young man or woman; cheer ful, light front room, with good break fast. Phone Tabor 2:2 LARGE, co-mtortubie rooms, good beds, suitable far two; walking ditfiance; rea sonable. Phore Main 7M. LA RG E outside room suitable lor one or two gentlemen; heat and hot water at all tim-.; w-st sld-. Marshall 131. new t'niKKiN.s hotel, Washington and Kifth Streets. Special permanent rata. ARTHUR HOTEL, 176 Eleventh St., near Momon; clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. SHEFFIELD APTS. One large room, walking distance; rent $ 25 . Main "".t Ml. NK'ELY furnished iecping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water; reasonable. n:t-. ..th sf YEHV. light airy, attiactive room in mod- si. le. Marhall I.'.IH',, ' HOTEL TAIT, IJth and Stdrra. changed hands; rate $1 per day, wk. $5 up; pri vale bath. S'J up; all out.siUe rooms. LARGE, clean, quiet front room, first floor, back olf street. 2 til 14th et., near Jeiterson $15- LA RtiE front room for one or two gentlemen in widow's home 4-8 Sixth . t reet . M a ighall 177t. WALKING diMance, well furnished, clean, large, warm siteping rooms, suitable for one or two. tH';j u. oilman. NICE clean turnished room, furnace heat, home privileges, board if desired. Ta bor 4S51. MAUL V.N HOTEL. 17TH AND COUCH Large, attractive, modern rooms by day, week or month; rates reduced. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison si. at 10th 1 day. weekly $5 and up. Pree phone and baths; light and airy. DESIRABLE rooms In a high-class apart ment for n woman. Catholic preJerred. Bdw v. 3HHI SINGLE ROOM. aUo part of newly fur nished f'.at. SB.-.". PL ItNlSHED rooms $10 up. lurnace heaL 54 N. lH:h. near Wah. Gentlemen. LIGHT, airy and warm; extra good beds. $15 to Marshall 22. HSjt K'th st. 50c 1AY. $2. Mt WEEK, up; dean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d, near Jefferson. 2 DESIKABLE front rooms. 3tth and Haw thorne Tabor J40. FURNISHED roomh"and H. K. rooms." 5SU FirM st., near Grant ft. Ci.h N 1 1 on i . eping room. clo.He in, $3 per week. 3o 5th s?. NICELY furnished trunt ! epins num. r'.ose In. re:tsnab!. 4i3 M.m tcomery st. NH'ELY furnii-hed rooms ior young men :it SOt t'roshy st. Reasonable rent. I M.EKPIN 21T, 1 1 h M X nl iirnihed Rooms. i UN t I KN ISH El lur- rooms, bottom floor. $15 month; 3 upstairs. $10; chil li r. n titt-n. 5o: Williams '3 RiH "MS. niinK-rn. fine c.use-m location, fireplace, bath. etc.. furnace heat; a. !u ts. -V E. Ank-nv. UN FU K N ISH E D root" is. v ry reniunthc close in. M !; reeon tan r nrti.n d Kcotiio In Private Family. IU M with surase. furnaee heat; $12. 74o E l.'.Th st. South Ci C loom to r nt. w;;h h-mie privileges. 431 Mt 1 at. Phone Ma'i 7S. MuDr.KN loom in Nob Hill; wa.klng dis - no . Tt Hovt. CLEAN. '. is lit. sma.l sleeping room, 2 wk. 44 Taylor m. 2 LIGHT fr. nt sleeping rooms, $10 month. As7 O'T-tnn in. $ l . . . t lo, UtU. ft4U E. Ash. ca1 10. FOR BENT. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. IN NOB HILL district, 2 nicely furnished rooms in a beautiful home for 2 gentle men or man and wife; $70 per month, including board and home privileges; table board 45c per meal. Call Mar. 32. ATTRACTIVE room private bath; also one with hot and cold water, small third floor room cheap; enclosed sleep ing porch with running water and clothes closet. Also garage for rent. Main 1131. 779 Marshall st. NICE warm room facing east. 3 windows, big clothes closet, electricity. bath, phone, for 1 or 2 gentlemen or couple employed, no car fare. 1 block from library. 22S Tenth street. Phone Main BEAUTIFUL room in private home; twin beds; parlor, piano, home conveniences: close In; congenial younc man wishes roommate: $S.M) per week. 61 N. 18th mi. proaaway FURNISHED room in new house, near Mississippi car line, close In. can have access to living room in home; will fur nish breakfast If desired. 1H7 Michigan venue. Woodlawn i44, PORTLAND HEIGHTS Nice furnished room, large giaed-in sleeping porch if wanted, to rent to business women, near A ins worth school; references. S 15U, Oregon ian. BEAUTIFUL single room with piano and also --room apartment, in private fam ily, everything modern, clean and home like. In walking distance. Mala D3G4. 4!7 Clay sx. CLEAN, big furnished room, private home, for lady, with use of kitchen and all home privileges; $5 a month. Alberta car. 1181 East 15th st. North. BRIGHT, well-heated front room, adjoin ing bath, breakfast if desired; walking distance; reasonable rent. til5 Flanders, near lilsL Broadway 4U3. FURNISHED room, nicely furnished room for quiet young man, near three car lines, close in. -15 per month. Sell wood Sfl'ta. Call Monday. TWO clean, comiortable rooms; use of piano, furnace iieat, bath, walking dis tance, cloae to two car lines. 6US East Hurnsjd. East f2M. TWO VEK l' nice, clean lront rooms in pri vate home on east side; walking dis tance ; furnace heat; home privileges; men preferred. Phone 222-t) SLEEPING room in high-clats modem apartment; live-minute walk to Broad way and Wash. st. ; gentlemen only. Main sr;7. DELlGH'l PUL. large, front room adjoining bath; alo smaller room suitable for gentleman. Private home, west side, easy walking distance. Phone Mar. 61. PORTLAND H EIGHTS LaJ-ge, wIl-fur-n.thed- room In beat part of heights to rent to business woman; references A l.TCV. Oregonian. FOR RE-NT Two furnished housekeeping room on second floor, light, water and phone included ; for adults orvly ; good, location. tW9 Vancouver a. VEKYiulean, extra light sleeping room for one or two people ; walking distance, west side ; all conveniences. 126 N. isth et. 2 SINGLE rooms for gentlemen only; nice ly furnished, plenty of heat; walking distance ; one block to car; price rea son a hie. 2H East Ith TWO large housekeeping rooms; fireplace, furnace heat, lights, gas for cooking, water, use of phone, bath and laundry tubs. 141 N. 2ZA. WILL rent clean room, can have fire, close to Broadway, Williams ave.. Union ave. car lines, to a nice gentleman, reason able. Call at 300 Tillamook st. PLEASANT room, modern home, lurnace heat, bath and telephone, $15 a month. Tahor 211. Fort KENT Furnished rooms and sleep ing porch in private home ; references. Call after 6 at 144 N. 2:td. COZY room, suitable for one or two. bath, . telephone, furnace heat, walking tils- tance. East 7iMiO. j NICE room, business man, communicating ! bathroom, quite close in, f IS month, i N. 15th. 2 blocks Wash, st. I.V7 lTH LARGE modern room with two beds, hot and cold water, walking dis tance. Mf n only. FINELY furnished room, dressing room, running water, steam heated apartment. East .V.ifis. &.uAl.t. ruum. gentleman, furnace heat, hath, telephone ; private family. -au i::th st. I "WO MODE KN furnished sleeping or part ly furnished housekeeping rooms; adult. East :4i. : East Htark. FOR RENT Furnished, larse front room and bedroom, kite hen privileges ; phone, pas. WfliT Marshall 3:4. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with hot and cold water, steam heat, easy walk Ing distance. 215 14th. N ICFLV furn ished room, phone, bath, walking distance. 2. H.oO and (3. a til 14th at. Auto. .'lM-64, NICE, large roomu, clothes closets, furnace heat, always hot water; suitable for two $li. Bdwy. fS74i:: SUITE Fitst-tloor room, well furnished, housekeeping, bath i adjoining. 4 '.Hi Clay st.. near 14th. COM PORTABLE room for gentleman. modern home. 206 North ltn st. uuwy. 507 S. NICELY furnished bedroom, next to bath, i Hteam heat: near Good Samaritan hos- . pital; references exchanged. Main J4-t. COMFORTABLE room In private family for two girls. Breakfast it desired. Bdwy. 723. FOR RENT Large, light room. Every convenience. in private irvington home. Mose in. Call East 17S5. PLEASANT, sunny room for woman em ployed; may get own breakfast; furnace heat, etc. Phone 631-32. WELL furnished and heated room, busi ness man or woman, evenings or Sunday, 32(H Tenth st. ROOM" in nice, modern home, with or without board. .Marsnaii ill, auu aiar-k-t st. FL'RMH ED rooms in Nob Hill district for ladies who are employed only. Main ROOM in newly furnished flat, walking dis'ance; reasonable. 62Vi Ella street. Broadway 3s 1 L $2 BEDROOM, bath and use of kitchen in est side apartment to Protestant lady. H l.tu, oregonian ERY deslr.ble room for gentleman, nrivatii f jinilv -1 FiO nir vesnU e A sim H Imnnt. 'Phone East 120. FUR LADY Large. comfortable front room, desirable west side district; walk ing disrame. Marshall 73S. NICELY furnished bedroom, hot and cola water, furnace heat, bath, congenial sur- roiindincs. Ea?t 2143. BEAUTIFUL warm room in refined home; Nob Hill district, Protestant gentleman pr"terrd; references. Marshall 101!.' FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, suit able for lady only. K itchen privileges. 292 S Main st. East 0314. LARGE, beautifully fur. front room ad joining bath; Hteam heat; gentleman pre ferred. 20S IHth st. NICELY furnished room in private horn, a'.l convenieneee; breakfast priv.; west wd. c!op. Bdwy. 71. LaKGE, front, corner room, warm, home like. eery convenience, desirable loca tion; rent $14 Phone E. ttlO. LAKGE front room in nice home; all conveniences: walking distance; gents only. 371 Park. Marshall 299. fa .WALL ROOM Gentleman; furnace heat. bath, telephone: private family. 289 1 .1 n r-t E pleasant sleeping room; if desired. 408 Broadway. breakfast NK'Ei-Y lurnished room, suitable for one or two; 422a Jferson. Main 646. ONE piea.-ant sleeping room; breakfast if desired. wraqway. Ui . tst iai jit strictly moaern H. K. -ooma 2-19 i:tth st. l-.VK LAHtiE ;eei,ns room. Bdwy. 071. West Side, walkir.fl- distance LA RG E, cozy front room, modern ; walk' iny distance. Hilwv. ,-Tts. FL'RNISHED room, neat and clean, steam heat; suitable for lady. 43 u 12th st. t ATTIC room for gentleman, west side; reference!. .Marshall 3M3. GARAGE, also sleeping room, er-tt St.. city. $1.-. MONTH--ferred 37 LTomfortable room, man pre- fhapman. Fl'K RENT 3 furnished rooms. 139 Whifaker st. LA KG E. W E LL- FURNISHED ROOMS ; FURNACE HEATED, 327 SIXTH ST. 2 SINGLE room in a line home; olenty of ha-et. Main 4-."4 Home prlileges. GENTLEMAN accustomed to refined home, near Mult, club. Main 6o52. 2ti'- 1 4TH ST.. choice room, modern coll vfnirncfu. walking distance. NICE cheerful room, t or East 11th N. East 7404. persona 440 LARGE front room, phone, bath, furnace heat. 4"7 Fairbanks. LA RG E furnished room and kitchenette, private family. 207 North 23d st. IRVINGTON sunny front room, near club. Broadway car. $12. East 8259. 1." LARUE rooe m nice home for gent. Mar. fiv.V "4 ucretia. nr. 23d and Was h . NICELY furnished private room, walking distance, very reasonable. 230 lttth st. NICE clean, single or double room, haif block from Mu tnomah club. Main R.f. FL' NT room furnished, per mo. 3j2 Hall sL CLEAN room. S15. 150 North 16th sL Bmadway 47P4. Ft h.NSlifc.D ROOM. AVE. b 3 MINNESOTA c. furnishkd room for gentleman, modern conveniences. 3fl7 E. 7th st. N. ROOM Reasonable rent, for nice woman employed; breakfast privileges. . 4S79. S FOR RENT. Furnished Room in rrlvate. Family. LARGE, well furnished rooms, small pri vate family, no other roomers. Double or twin beds. Plenty heat and hot water. Breakfast if desired. Walking distance. Gentlemen. References. Mar shall 8X01. WELL-FURNISHED front room; walking distance; east aide; furnace heat; all conveniences; 1 or 2 business men; ref erences. S3U E. Couch, or iast Ask for Mr. Mitchell. . TWO xn.Hl.Y FURNISHED SLEEPING ROOMS. PRIVATE FAMILY, GENTLE MEN PREFERRED; REFERENCES. NH IRVING ST. MAIN Sl!a. PLEASANT sunny front sleeping apt- with all home privileges if aesirea ; iartw i-loset; fur. heat, elec : 10 m. to P. O. Rt M.HOnable. 415 Broadway. NIOELY furnished room with private fam ily In restricted district; ."I car iines, suitable for 2 ladles; breakfast and din ner If desired. Wdln. I'.'.tt. LARGE front room and kitchenette with porch, gas. electricity, phone, suitable for - 2 ladies; Sunnyside car. Tabor 1197. 3 Belmont. NICE clean, coxy homelike rooms, rea sonable: bath, electric lights and phone. Tabor 'J417. CaU and be convinced. NICE room for one or two people, fur nace heat, hot and cold water. 431 W. Park. FURNISHED room and garage for gen tleman, 2 blocks to Union ave., hard surface. 441 Jarrett: breakfast if desired. CLEAN, cheerful front room, modern home, on carline. No other roomers. Home privileges. Tabor POiw. ROOM with home comforts In home with mother and daughter. Breakfast If de sired. Aut. i!l'7-47. MAN CAN have room, reasonably and start furnace at 6:0 A. M. 431 W. Park. NOB HILL district, nicely furnished room, furnace heat; walking distance; rent $-0 per month. K. -1t st. I HAVE 2 comfortable sleeping rooms, good bath, furnace heat, near in. good home. Phone E. 3704. 42 E. Harrison. BEAUTIFUL room and bath, first-class apartment; ft blocks rrom posiomce, Main 7T1 or Marshall 1015. NICELY furnished room for 1 or 2; rea sonable. .14 IMat N. Bdwy. Mtt8. CLEAN sleeping room. lOl s E. tith st., between AIdr and Washington. ATTRACTIVE front room for woman em ployed. 431 Tenth street. Main Rooms 1 1 1 1 lioara. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the bMt-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. . NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-clajis family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. JEANNE D'ARC Furnisnea rooms with or without board for business girls and lady tourists, permanent or transient. Special features witnja the Ilmitatioi of the minimum wage earner; f 2 pet wea and up. 25 14th st. Main M29. ATTRACTIVELY furnished steam heated rooms with excellent meals for young Dusincss women exclusively: a rennea and homelike place; all conveniences, close In. 5ti7H Gllsan ft. Bdwy. 2.'A$. BOARD and rooms in private, home-like place where there are a few other board ers; good home-cooked meals and homi eonpniences. Piedmont. Woodlawn 61 PARK VIEW hotel. Srt Montgomery st cor. W. Park; ftrM -class residential ho tel ; rooms with or without bath ; rates by week or month. BOARD, room and nurye uid people; best of care and trained nurses: reasonable. Carolina home, 472 Soli wood blvd. Sell wood 30!)4. ROOM and board 'or business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; 13 per week. Auio. 21-74 . 1J E 7th at THE NORTON HOTEL, 12th and Morri son; room and board, $47.50 per month. Main f4l. LARGE, front room with a closet room fireplace; tu liable for 3 adult. A 14 sleeping porch. Kant 63HQ. FIRST -CLASuS room and board, home In every respect. 73S Johnson st. Main :7iti.. NICE clean room with board, $30 per mo. Close in, west side. Bdwy. 5925. 14'J Lownsdale. DINNERS ftuc at the Souie; cooked like mothpr cooked. Hl 11th st. 452 MORRISON. comer13th St.: choice rooms.; board optional; walking distance. ATTRACTIVE room with two meals fo: two. 320 nth st. Marshall fl72. ROOM and board. $3. per month, walking distance. 3.il E, 11th st. Eat SU.4. KonniM With Board in Private Family. REFINED home for gentlemen, close In. splendid meals. lovely room, furnace hat: f',r per month. PePwood 24fto. STRICTLl' modern home, large room r'nr two people employed. C. S. preferred, home privileges. East (1591. ROOMS suitable for two gentlemen or couple employed, with two meals. 5S2 E. Broadway. A NICE, larg; room, suitable for two men with or without board. Garage.. CaU Wdln. 5S14. WALKING distance, choice room, furnace heat, meals if desired : just like home ; r.isoTTP ble rates. - E. 8302. ROOM, board, one or two gentmen. 574 Ladd ave., near E. 12th and Hawthorne. East M4.V BOARD and room, Columbian apt. 35; will take two girls or business couple; rea sonablf rates. AJ 159. Orecronian. YOUNG MAN wishes roommate in nice hf'me. also room with board for lady or . gentleman. East 597. 4K2 E. 8th N. IDEAL hmt. elo.-e in. oft era rooms with 'xcflVnt home cooking. 104 N. 10th st. B'Uvv. 4314. FINE room for 2 men, beautiful locality. 2 mr lines, breakfast; $0 a week. Wdln. 4040 LARGE front room, suitable for two; also single room; walking distance; fine loca tion. East 131VI. BABY" lover wishes baby to board ; re liable, reasonable. 6403 80th st. S. E. Aut. 14-24. GOOD room with 2 meals, phone and home privileges. 1 2 minutes' ride from heart of city. Ca 1J Tahor 7S4fl. 1 OR 2 BUSINESS men may have room and board in comfortable east side home. CaU Fast R440. LARGE clean room, modern home, good location, close in; suitable for 1 or 2; reasonable. Main 12Q3. 3S0 10th. WEST SIDE, room and board. S3. : mod ern, close to Sunnyside car. 407 14th St., Mar. 17rt2. NICE warm room with board, close in. on west side. Price very reasonable. Auto, nl -:!. WIDOW wishes 1 or 2 men. near S. P. shop. Home privileges $3S pr month. Halsr st. Phone Sellwood 34ti.". LAKGE front room with board, suitable for two: walking distance: tine location. E.-ut A" 13. 2 LARGE well-furnished rooms with board In modern home; hot water heat. Wal nut Park. Wdln. 47ftfl. TWO ROOMS, suitable for 2 gentlemen or couple employed, with two meals. 582 E. Broadway TWO GLKL" rms.. modern home, near Haw thorne; smalt family, excellent board. 2ttl E. 3 2 d t . Auto. 224-oS. IN PRIVATE home, large pleasant room, hot-water heat, for 1 or 2 young men or young married couple. Tabor 4337. COMFORTABLE room, fcuitable for 1 or 2 persons, board, 10 minutes' walk from town. 5?.2 Everett. NICE front room suitable for two; also ' single room: good board and home privilege;.. Auto. M8-66. 170 N. 2 2d st. liKAL'TlFL'U large, sunny room for two people: home cooking and reasonable; In C. S. home. 414 Market st. EXCELLENT board and home privileges for two young ladies cr gentlemen; walk ing distance. East 1 51. L.-vRGE. wcll-f urnifched room with board. 701 Irving st. BOARD and room for I or 2 people in refined home. Phone Auto. 30-K4. GOOD room near Multnomah club. 2 meals: cent!emen. Main 221it. GOOD room and board for gentleman. 174 West 23d. Marsh. 3!59. FURNISHED room and board in Irvington. Call East .'003. CHILDREN to board; good modern home. Phone Oregon City, OF12. PRIVATfc. home lor cm.dren; 20 years' experience. 714 Everett g Mar. 214- NICE modern sleeping room, close in. W. P.. $ 1 2 month. 407 Harrison st. W 1 LL take babies to board at 6242 ti-d ave. S. E. ROOM and board in private family: home c -Mnz East STitVl. LARGE front room suitable for 2 in pri vate family. 4."0 E. 8th st. N. East 3.V KuoM and board in private family, $7.50 pe r week. 1 40 E. 34th t. LARGE sleeping room with 2 beds. 504 Johnson st. Bdwy. 64rt. LADY desires to UKe t hi.dren to care for or hours, day or night. T2 Hall st. PRIVATE home for children; 20 yeaVs experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2102 ROOM with br? alast and dinner. $25 a month. Marshal! .V0. WIDOW has room and board for one gen tleman. G lfi7. Oregonian. LA RG E room, break fast :i nd dinner in oern r.ome. l aDor j i ".. ROOM for young mn. no other roomers. hoMril ont'onal. 406 i Bdwv. Mar IIHKt WIaJL vre for uiid. jtiarshaU 2'jbi. FOB RENT. RooniK With Hoard In Private Family. PRIVATE sleeping room in my modern home, use of living room and kitchen privileges, plenty heat, everything fur nished; good location and real home to right party. 3tl Russell, near Union. 2 YOUNG ladies may have nicely fur nished steam-heated room with sleep ing porch. 2 beds, good meals and all home privilege, at moderate rates. w Giisan st. PdwV. 24: DESTKABLE Mngie. room with board for gentlemen, aUo large cheerful room for 2 with board; furnace heat, bath, phone, private home. Bdwy. 1US6. 564 Haw ' thorne. LARGE front room with board, suitable for two people, in small private family; located In one of PouJand'i best dis tricts; home privilege given; a real home v Auto. 213-7ii. WANTED 2 or 3 children to board; a pleasant licensed home with a mother's care; play ground; easy walking distance to school; children tutored if desired: references exchanged. Tabor 5577. LARG.E. front airy room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; all modern conveniences, walking distance downtown: good home cooking. Call SOS Larrabee at., or phone East 44.-I3- r WILL give mother's love and care to small children. Would love to have care of tinv baby. Call to see me. Mrs. Howard, 881 Mallory st. Williams ave. car to iason. PLEASANT sunny rooms, with board ; walking distance; furnace heat; close to car: home cooking and home privilege East 653. PLEASANT sunny rooms, with board; walking distance; furnace heat; close to car; home cooking and home privileges. Call East 503. BOARD and room in private home; a real bed. bath and home privileges. 1014 Com mercial st. or Woodlawn 3005 after 6 o'clork. . A WIDOW with nice home will room and board ladies, gentlema n employed, good location, close in; home privileges. Mis sissippi car. 1BO Morris st. DES1 KABLE front room, with meals, in refined private home, close-in; Broad way district, fireplace, all home corenl ences; references exchanged. E. 2'n4. ONE OF Irvington's finest homes offers elegantly furnished front room for two with breakfast and dinner. Moderate prices; references. K Ii. oregonian PLEASANT clean room in refined family, for 1 or 2 gentlemen, board if desired, home privileges, walking distance, west sine, l'hone .iin .mfd. -:i't narrison sx. ROOM and board for gentleman on Sell wood car line; good car service, nice room, good location, reasonable. 506 Bybee ave. YOUNG LADY, alone, will share her home with a young lady; piano and Vlctrola. Board, room and laundry at $25 per month. 340 Morris st. C. S. preferred. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Room and board with use of garage for couple or two ladies employed, home privileges. ft5 Fremont st.. near lAth. IRVINGTON 2 nicely furnished rooms, ex cellent table board, with refined sur roundings. Broadway car, garage. Hast R27. 523 E. 25th N. FINE, nice large rooms in Irvington; pri vate home, steam heated, breakfast and evening meal if desired; reasonable. East 8551. . LA RGE front room suitable for two or more; also single rooms; first-class board. 3U4 Columbia, cor. of 10th. Main CAN YOU beat It? Nice, pleasant out side rooms with steam heat and home cooking, in good neighbor hood, $32 mo. 474 E. Ash ft., cor. 9th. East 3533. FOR WORKING PEOPLE Good home cooking, home privileges. 1 single room, 1 double room, lfvlnw room, - fireplace, ninnn. 285 14th. Main 5533. COMFORTABLE rooms, opposite Multno mah club, walking distance, with or without sleeping porches. 5 SO Salm yn. .Main V,T 2. CUMKUJCVABLK room with good home cooking for two young men ; steam heated apartment. 13th and Jefferson. Call Main lrt3 2. BE A UT1FUL room w ith fireplace in private home for $35 per month ; fine for married couple employed ; garage; Mt. Tabor district. Tabor 1442. WILL room and board business or pro fessional man. no other boarders. Mar shall 273. WILL care, for children in my home. Christian Science children preferred. Call Wdln. 11811. ONE OR TWO .furnifched or partly fur nished rooms with or without board; Irvington. Phone East 2185. ROOM with meals Tor one or two, strictly private family, splendid home cooking, sleeping porch; references. Main 11; SMALL, neatly furnished, clean room, $14 a month ; 3 blocks from Morrison st; working man preferred. 225 W. Park st. ROOM and board, employed lady, with chtbl: C. S. preferred. Sell. 252S. NICGLY turniBiwd room in modern home. Hefernees. Phone F.st 84 13. Fu rn Ished Apartments. 2-ROOM furnished apt., near Jefferson high ; modern in every way; best of everything; never occupied; all outside rooms; beat heat; quiet, in private home; fine car service; to refined adults only; $27 50. 1035 Maryland ave. Wdln. 557 LEaL 'i ll u LL 1' f ui ni.she modern ,i-rm apt-, sun parlor, overlooking Waverly golf links; ivory enamel woodwork, hardwood floors, artistic furnishings. 'Will 'e;iMo for fi mo. A ut. 221 -1'.. LIBERTY APTS., 2-room apts, $4 and up; al?o 3-room apt.; electric lights, sinks in kitchen, bath and gas. walking distance. 372 E. C!sy. APARTMENTS 1. 2 and large, clean and tight, close in. near Washington and Benson schools. 20 East Kth, cor. Ash. -ROOM H. K. apt., heat, elec, gas, bath, linm furnished ; I m. to bus- center. A diilts. 415 Broadway. NICELY furnished apts., 2 and 3 rooms, very reasonable. Call Aut 520-12. 671 Gllsan. 3 - KOOM apartment, hardwood, ground floor. heat. light and gas free. $50. Phone Marshall 2(4. 3S9 12th ft. ALTAMONT APTS. 304 College ; 3 rooms in basement; light and airy, private bath ; $40. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2. 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. WILL sublet well-furnished 5-room apart ment; adults only; references required. B R A I NTP.EE. 12th and Columbia. FURN ISH ED 3-room apartment; private bath, free phone and lights; $20; 15 min utes to west side. Sellwned 2440 or 1332. HADDAN HALL APTS.. 11th and Hall Cov 4 -room apt., private bath, balcony, hardwood floors, new rug. $4s.A. WILL rent all or share modern 5-room furnished apartment with two bedrooms. Phone East 2545. WILL share our lovely apartment with refined Protestant woman. W 100. Ore- on lam ; t 2-ROOM apt. with bath and large dress ing room, walking distance. Chapman Apt.. 355 Chapman st. FL KMTURB for sale. 5-room steam heated apartment. 13th and Jefferson ; reasonable. Call Main li32. KING'S HILL APARTMENTS. 171 King Street. One 4 and on1 5-room apartment. CLEAN, completely furui&hed 2-room apartment, $23. 680 Lombard st.. corner risK. loiumnia i FOR RENT 3-room furnished apartment, $25 a month. Call Sunday or Monday. 1 2Q7 r.. lamniti. Aummauc -o-ai HALCY APT.. IJoo Williams ave. Three rOOIIlC, Bteaiii I'rni, (niiic "am. i-uit.- able for four adults. Two beds. $37.50. FOR RENT Nice clean apartment. Be tween 4 car lines. 1Q51 Kerhy st. MORTO-N apartments. 3-ronm furnished apt.. 6;7 Wn.hington st. Main 102. TWO-ROOM apt., also 1 room and kitchen ette. :s.s ji'.i st. Jyj 12TH IF looking tor clean " apt", kitchenette. Call. Walking distance. NK't. cl;.n, two front rooiiis, apt.; adults. 12tt Grand ave. LARGE front room and kitchenette; warm singie rooms. rianuerg. AUDITORIUM COURT. 2 rooms, modern, close In. 331 3d st. UNION aV. and Killings wortu , iur. apt $21. 50; all complete; concrete dui luing two ROOMS, furnished, for light- house keeping; reayonanie rent. rarn st. i.ROOM newly furnished apartment for re 11 a P J e a u u 1 1 mnj. usnni. i i 3-ROOM apt., close in; furniture for sale. Miin UM3. J-ROOM furnished apuriment. 515 Mor rison st. SMALL completely furnished apt. for housekeeping" anints oniy. vn.i . .viHin. WILL share nU e apt. iih two ladies FK'.'NT room and kitchenette; nice warm pine e p"'ip. ' ' 2 ROOMS, newly fitted, light and pleasant. i r AwiKitn t Vprv riir-n hie APT FOR RENT; walking distance; elec trlcity. 347 Hall st. Uo.-m-i.. . AtT., 1 10 N. 21st 2-room m"dn forn'shed npt. 4-RUO vi apt .. Portland Height. l'hone Marshal! -VT FOR SALE Hou.-.-hoid furniture, apart- ment Tt rent. ian .via in u.n. '-i .civ ll-furnished 2-room ant., rea sonable. U IU E.A VISTA 134 Harrison. First-class 2 and 3-rJom apts. Main 1052. a '5 NICE 2-room apt.; water, gai, eiec. C'.ll at 2t First st. FOUR rooms only $15: 1 block to school, MV i-ar. Searle. 1928 E. Gllsan. THE CHELTENHAM Attractiv. 2 and 4 roorfts. IHth and Northrup. Bdwy. 3658. : ISTdaYS STORAGE FREE. Moving for leas. Phone Bdwy. 2445. TOR BTNT. Furnished Apartments HIGH-CLASS APARTMENTS. Elegantly furnished apartments, 1 to 5 rooms, with sleeping porch, in resi dential district. We have the very hand somest furnished apartments in the city; white enameled woodwork, ivory willow furniture. Chinese rugs, pongee hannings. exceptionally clean and modern ; LOTS OF HEAT; also for refined gent'emen or ladies, bachelor suites and rooms, with and without bath; permanent ana transient; references required. D0 St. Clair, corner of Washington. $45 BEST WEST SIDE DIST. $45. 715 WAYNE ST., NEAR KING. ' Three large, light rooms? besides en trance hall, pasa pantry, bath and large closet; steam heat, hot and cold water furnished, main and private entrance ; steady tenants; 2 adults; ground floor. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. STELWVN APTS. HIGH CLASS. Very elegantly furnished, outside apt.. 16 windows, 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, electric fireplace; very modern and lots of heat. Can be seen today. Mar. 2S30. 166 St. Clair, cor. Washington. BETTER LOOK. THIS UP. Wre will have a beautiful 3-room front apartment for $55 per month and also a four-room corner apt. for $05, on Nov. ft. These are furnished fine to ac commodate 2 to4 D-rcons. None better. THE COLUMBIA. 11TH and COLUMBIA. PIEDMONT, clean apartment, wall bed. davenport, hardwood floors. furnace, fireplace, enameled kitchen, private bath, toilet, $45. Another, wall bed, daven port, sleeping porch, nicely furnished, fine neighborhood, $50; garage. Wdln. J 1107 Cleveland ave. m THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sta Five minutes' walk to Meter A Frank tore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apt., out side and French doorj and balcony; per . mirent and transient. . 4-ROOM APT. : PRIVATE BATH. MOD ERN CONVENIENCES; JUt-T THE rLAeE f-'O'K TWO FAMILIES OK F AM ILY WISHING TO TAKE HOARDERS: NO OBJECTION TO CHILDREN. THIS "LAt. IS L.N. oJ& rAKRi Si. MAIN 1-4S. THE JACKSON. 51 Union Ave. North. Three-room apts.. $35 to $40; private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, phone service; 15 min. walk to 5th and Alder. Rose City car. East 2S46. TO SUBLET with lease of 8-12 months, strictly modern, 4 rooms en suite, ele gant mahogany and antique furnishings, corner apartment with attractive view; central west side location. For appoint ment Marshall 2332. . THE ELM WOOD. Strictly first - class 2 and 3-room art., com-pletelv furnished. oriental rugs, period furniture. AdulU. 415 10th st. Main woo. DRICKSTON APARTMENTS. 448 11TH ST. 8 rooms, all light, plenty of heat, ele vator service, strictly modern apartment. m msappeanng pens. ONE and two room apartments, newly furnished, newly decorated ; Nob Hill district, one block off Washington st., under new management; reasonable rates. 020 Everett. Bdwy. 1370. WANTED Married couple employed or working girls to share 5-room apt., steam heat, built-ins. etc., reasonable. Walking distance. l'hone East 470't. HOZAN'l a A-f TS. Nicely furnished 3-room apt.; kitchen and bath newly enameled. 1D 23d st. Marshall 21445. IRVINGTON i-room apart me nt. first floor, part of fine home, hot wnier heat. close In, -no children. 2Uo ju. loth su rs. Mrs. Buck.ey. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10ih and Salmon, 2, 3 and 4 room apts.; permanent or transient; also wlng.e rooms. Main H041 . CLACKAMAS APARTMENTS. fiteam-heated 2-room apartment, in cluding light and phone, $30. 2724 Williams Ave. FURNISHED nicely. housekeeping apt, Nob Hill dUirict: heat. liKht and tele phone; $27.50; adults only. GXU Hoyt. cor of 2oth. aftr 12. KING ALBERT APARTM ENTS. Two and 3-room furnished, strictly modern; tile bath, elevaiur, litn ana Montgomery. Main 3.!'. TH E VAUGHN P.tth N. and Vaughn; Sadie M. Morris, propr. Sleeping rooms, apartments single and en suite; clean; low rates; lobby. Hoard adjacent. CALL at Lucre tia Court for a basement sleeping room, furnibhed, bath, lisht and heat included, $12 a month. Marshall LADY emu-loved desires to chare her apart ment at a very reasonable rate with girl employed or attending school; walk ing distance. Hl L'n., ur-goman. MODERN 2-R(X-M FURNISHED APT Private phone, lixhta and bath. $40 month; steam heat; adults, warning dis tance. The Uncom. 4th and Lincoln. UPSHUR APARTMENTS. 2-room, furnished apts., steam heat. hot and cohl water, $1 per month up. 4nfti,4. N. -jflth st. NICELY furnished clean room, first floor, with kitchen if desired: good heat, walk ing distance: rent reasonable ; employed people only, o-' :ortn -'ist st. ON KENTON CARLINE. Large front 2-room apartment: adulta; $?o. E. Lombard at Albtna ave. ?n mtnufs to town. Woodlawn 242. LEONCE APAHTMENTS. 1 N. 221). Nicely furnished three rooms, bath and dressing room, newly tinted ; $65. Marsh 22. V. MODERN 3-room furnished apartment, walking distance. Call Sunday or eve nine. M. Fifth st. NiOE. cievtn, front 2-room apartment, with alcove windows: alw 1 large single room. 242 K II lings wort h. Wri In. WILL thare 2-room welt lurnished apart ment with refined woman, close In, de sirable. H 1!t6. Oregonian.' TWENTY-FIVE -DOLL A R furnished apartments, also single rooms. 371 fith st. Business people preferred. THE REXFORI. 2-room apartment, hot water heat. TM Is- a nfre on-e. S.'iO M;iin 3-ROOM A PTS.. NEWLY FURNISH E T ; NO OBJECTION TO CHILDREN. 412 EAST ftTH ST. N. WILL nicely furnish reasonably three or four-room apartment or fat. C 15il. Oregonian. IRVINGTON. NIcMy furnished 3 and 2-room apart ments, large, sunny rooms i' FOR RENT In Irviagton. 4-room fur n ished apt . heated ; adults only. In quire o-1 nancni n, CARIXUS APARTMENTS. Two-room furnished modern apart ment. Reasonable. 14th and Market. ONE FURNISHED H. K. room with kitchenette; 1 sleepin- room for man or boy : reasonable. Westminster apts. LUCILLE COURT. 4-room front, corner apt., furnished. Broad wny 2071. PORTNOMAH. .1 rooms. g;as.ed porch, hardwood floors, walking distance, nicely furnished; adults. 2H) Ea st 1 3th. I'nfnrnlshed Apartments. ALTON I A apartments, liith and Marshall streets; 4-room unfurnished apartment, completely renovated; contains hard wood floors, tiie bath and French doors. Elegant view; will rent to desirable ten ant for $70. BRUCE APT?.. 2.1th and North rup, west side. 6 outside rooms, hdw. floors, sleep ing porch, front veranda, fine view, jan itor service, steam heat. gas range. East 13G9. ALVARADO apts., 730 Everett st., 7 rootn duplex apartment, elegant, large outside rooms, 4 balconies, walking dis tance, lease: references required. Wake field. Fries ( o.. jourtn st. CBCILIA OF PORTLAND. 22d and GU Ran -t Nice 2-room apt. with balcony, finished in old ivory. Price $42.50. Mar. 1V4. FINE CORNER APARTMENT. "Merlin," Broadway and Grant. 3 large rooms. 2 dressing rooms and bath; strictly modern; only $42..iO per month. WANT to sublet small apartment, unfur nished, furniture for sale cheap. Main 1273. IONIAN COURT, 38th and Couch. 3 and 4-room modern apartments, newly tint ed, clos In : adults. Broadway 27fi1 UNFURNISHED apartment, large yard; no objection to children. East 8307. 00 K. fith st. STEVENS Apia. Nov. 1: mx large ouiMde rooms, heut. watr, fireplace, sleeping porches, ian jaain mop, BEAUTIFULLY situated 6-room residence flat, heat furnibhed. west side, D. M. car, fireplace. $0. lKHj Savjer st. HIGH-CLAtS apt.. 3 rooms. dressing room and bath, nice quiet place. East 3iS. f OR . RENT t-ioom unfurnished apt.; high-grade house, centrally located, e- ee.'trnt service. Bdwy. 2201. FOR RENT 3-room apartment. 2 disap pearing beds, modern furniture for saie. t no ne FOR RENT Unfurnished apartment. Sil ver Court apartments. E. 22d and Hun- COCK l - HA RR I MAN APTS.. 1H4 24th st. N. Very desirable 4-room apts.. 3d floor, $00 and $55; adults only, reicrences. THE AMERICAN, modern 6 -room apart ment. Bdwy. 3300. GARFIELD 3-room, sleeping porch, rea son a b 1 e.3Fa5 S ROOMS, modern, steam heat, gas stove. 561 Glisan. i i S-ROOM modern apartment, west aide south. $20. Main 5420. UNFURNISHED 4-room apt., west side, near Washington at. K. lb 7, Oregonian. TOR RENT. L'nf rnisbed Apartmenta, BEAUTD"UL GORDON COURT APARTMENTS. 50 Montgomery. To those wanting something out of the ordinarv these new 5-roora bunga low apartmenta will appeal to. Hard wood floors, white enamel woodwork, French doors between living and dining room, tiled bath and 2 real bedrooms, good heut. hot water alt night. T W O-FAMILY A P A R T M ENTS. Walking distance, east side. A rooma and 4 rooms, unfurnished, very desirable. 3-year le&w. $65 monthly for both. J. W. CROSSLEY. (1 4th St.. cor. Oak. R;1wy. R044. Fuiuihhetl or tnturmsiied Apartments. JAEGER APTS., 701 Washington sL, one furnished and one unfurnished 3-r. apt. S-ROOM furnished and unfurnished apart ments, light, heat, hot and cold water furnished. No small children. Call BARKER APARTMENTS. One 4-room apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Mar. 2!6l. CAR M ELITA APTS. 4 and 5 rooms, beautifully furnished or unfurnished apts. Main 2us0. BACHELOR'S apartment with garage, view of city and mountains; 20 blocks from P. O. Marb.H 815. Flats. 5-ROOM upper Hat, E. S.. on Missisfcip.pl ave.; completely furnished, modern; if on W. S. rent would be $5, now only $22. AO. Selling furniture at a junk valu ation of 1454) for quick action. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 25 Arlington Bldg. Main 1WW 4oi -2 i tt m . ;i -room mouern iun, $:2.A0. Also we have 6rt E. Madison, very nice 5-room flat, for $(0. Both wa iking distance. Donald Woodward, agent. 104 2d st. Main 14-fl. t i-HlXiM flat, cioso In. west side, all nice ly furnished and clean, plenty of every thing; rent $:t5. Price $500. A snap. Sfe Garland. IMH :td st. NICE, light .-room, 2-story, unfurnished, modern except heat: grate, linoleum. water heater; close in; west side. 305 ntji st. .Main .tir.w. VERY desirable modern tf-room upper flat, 3i2V cor. E. 11th and Lincoln sts.; va cant Nov. 7; can be Inspected now; rent $:t(: adult? only. Woodlawn 4302. -ROOM fiat for rent. Furniture and Dlano for sale. Excellent place to keep a few boarders. $750. Phone Main 3-ROOM flat, downstairs, with bathroom and pantry; reasonable to quiet people. Vtl Williams nve. & LARGE, beautiful rooms and bath; Dutch kitchen ; good location; adults. Phone Woodlawn t7. 0-ROOM flat, walking distanoe, nice view. w. a.; fireplace, furnace. 3M 10th at., south of Montgomery, $.7.io. inney. 4 Rooms and bath. 1035 Rotiney ave.. near Jefferson high school. $35 per mon t h. Auto. 3I4-4S. (1-RtKJM unfurnished flat. close In on Rose City carline; $35 per month. East 001 ; evenings Tannr "4 4 J. 4-ROOM furnished and 2 4-room unfur nished flats cheap. 1M0 East Gllsan at. corner 72d. MontavlUa ear. 3-lt(HM lower flat; 272 Going nt.. Oft Williams ave. carline; $20. Phone East 431J 6-R. FLAT, walking distance, west side, adults; $Jl.t". 512 Gernnger Diag. U N FU RN1SH ED 4-room, flat. private hath. Main 2-fJ. FOUR-ROOM upper ftat. 2 blocks north of Hawthorne, near E. o4th. 1 a Dor lii.Wi $J5 5-ROOM upper corner flat. East 2245. FOR RENT 3-room flat with bath; adults. 0H0 Alberta. Wdln. 2601. THREE or four rooms, close to Ladd school, any day, 2-5. Main S"44. FIVE-ROOM flat for rent; WS Union ave. N. For particulars phone fc.. LIGHT, clean, modern 7 -room flat, one block Williams ave., $35. East S01 5 5 ROOMS. -on first floor, for rent. 206 Widler St.. near WHMiims ave. Rent $:t FOR RENT 3-roomed flat. 700 9 Wil liams ave. 5-R. FLA T for rent, west side, .lose in ; unfurnished, (-all ::oi Ity. Ex'-n. Furnished Flats. WALK ink; DISTANCE. Five-room modern flaL furnace, rent $:io.on; furniture for sale. $275. Can rent out rooms. Bridge Transfer. Irvington or W. A. ctir. 22 W East First LOOK! ClZY HOME. $3;j Clean modern flat, close In, new and uo-to-date furniture for sale, all complete; a snap for some one. 343 Columbia st. WANT t o uorkinn gif'S or couple to share a five-room modern, furnibhed flat with working man and wife. 172 North 23d street, cor. jonnson. aii evenin-R ;(fter r.::iO or Sundays. $.;o MONTH 4 room. furnished for housekeeping: electrk- lights, gas. bath; evervthing private. 4V2 Flint, near Rus- sen HTin -iuiain. r.a-i .ft i $lii MODERN furnished 5-room lower flat; adults; walking distance; 2 months in advance; references. '2'J- ts. ivin au bet. Hawthorne and Clay. VERY nicely -furnished 4 rooms and pri vt hath lower fkit. easy walking dls tance: nice surrounding.; adulta only. Cull 24 E FURN ISHED 3-room flat and bath, cioae in, including not waier. eiectric mnm, heat; nice for b1lneB couple. Call mornings. 468 E. 11th st. b, 'i ItiCTLV modern live rooms ana sleeping porch, Datn, etc., wesi siae; three months rent in advance; adulta. N l4. fregonlan. FoLR-RXM fiat, sleeping porch, private bath, walking ditan'-e, diock to o. o. car. adults, t.ast luHVN'KTAl Kii eiecant flat, nicely fur nished. $00; with or without garage. S43 pre srott. Wdln. 4tt7. 5 ROOMS. Hawthorne dlst., garage, fur nace, fi replace, stove. 5 Vi locks from Richmond .school. Tabor 5709. NICELY furnished four-room flat with bath. Rent reasonaDie. Aauiia oniy. East 3170. 3-ROOM lower flat at t20 Vaughn bet. 24th and 25th; adults. Call 745 V Roose velt. Phone Marshall 371 . FURNISHED 3-room lower flat; eUo two housekeeping rooms. 300 Chapman at., corner of Mill. 4-KOOM furnished flat at 2i$th st. and Sandy blvd., $35 per month. East 001; e e n i n gs i a oor uhj. NEWLY cleaned 5-room furnished flat. $40; sewing machine. 670 Kerby, near Fa rgo. W ood lawn .r.tt 4-ROOM furnished flat. 24th and Vaughn. $25. Phone Main 0507. CaU before 11 A. M 4-ROOM furnished lower flat (water and I va.M.nt VnV. 1 A A nit on IV. f ail v oo'iiii w n i to." WIDOW wishes tu share her furnished 5 room flat with congenial people; $20 ma Q.i 4 Larrabee st FINE flat, sleeping porch, fireplace, piano, garage ; clos-? in ; reierenceg. .nar. J t 1 M iHsrj . teau, ouhuj """ v V ... ! u Wnmllovn U yieepmB 1'"' " ; NICE clean 4-room flat ; phone, garage - A H.i W IVonrllii m n 3't !t FURNISHED flat. 245 Shaver at. Tabor 3Ki. TTkoOM furnished flat. Main 8107. 501 a s hlngton st, FOR SALE A nicely furnished flat; a bargain. cloe in. Marshall 4240. 4-ROOM modern, nicely furnished flat. 616 Commercial t. l'hone 310-01. 1'lVE-itooM flat to rent. 567 Fresco tt at. Tel. Woodlawn 15SM. 4-ROOM neatly furnished flat, rent $20. Cnll 2i.I HooKer sr.. or .Main i.-'-t:. THREE large nice rooms, bath, phone on same floor. $3i. 402 Park. UPPER furnished flat. 10W E. Harrison, corner of 't7t h. FL ' KN E. Hat for runt. l'hone Main I .".Tt 1 . 1 Thurmiin s. NP 'E 4-room cozy I lat, walking distance, $32.5'. 4 Pi Rodney ave.. cor. Tillamook. Housekeeping Rooms. LAR'j E front room with kitchenette, $-0. 3"H 4th street. CLEAN 2-room suite back off, the street 201 14tn, near jnirrmn FL'RNISHED DOWNIoWN H. K. rooma; c neap rent. -o i n.. cm. CLIAN. comfortable housekeeping rooms, fl'M) a week and up. 372 Hawthorne. NICE, clean apartment, single or en auite; also sleeping rooms. 500 Everett. LA R i K single H K. rooms, beat hot water in mom. $15 and up. 301 Kith st. NICELY finished H. K. four-room apart-m-nt 175 .Main st. TWO LA iti i E lront rooms, ground floor. Mutable for four. 235 nth. TWO nice h. k. room. 201 13th at. The M a n i t"U. FUIINISHED housekeeping rooms, electric TWO furnished housekeeping rooma. 75 E. 6-ROOM house. hardwood floors. 794 Union ave. .Minn, S.vo TH U H MAN at 2-.tn st.. --room apart- ment running waier; rgw"nani. CHEAP rent, t-lrjgle or en suite, all con x eniences. ft52S Thurman. CHEAP rent, well furnished "houi-ekeep-iiic since or en sprite. 541 I'ot t' crove. BINOLE and two-room housekeeping apartments, inn, w. ..m... , u j i urniMi d iiuut:Kti.-p.nj uuia. 2t I't'i yt North. 2 NICELY furnished front housekeeping rooms, close in. run 3 UNFURNISHED h. k. rooms. $15 per month. ni'i iaj l" LRNlSHtD h. H. room, 205 11th SL FOR RENT. Housekeeping Room'. $22.5 PER MONTH Furnished h. k. rrv with separate kltchenet te : elec. lights, hot and cold water and plenty of good heat for winter. Just the place lor couple of adults emp. during day. Del monte, 167 Stout St., 1 blk. S. of 20th and Wash. . $1(5(1 PERFECTLY clean and comfort able furnished h. k. room, sunanie tor Just 1 emp. person; electric lights, hot and cold water and plenty of good heat. Detmnnte. 107 Siout at., near 20th and W wshtngtn. NEWLY furnished housekeeping and Bleeping roomn, west aide, walking nis tance; 1 block from I. J. car. 2H0 Nar tilla, corner Madison. Phone Marshall 4173. FL R.MSriED H K. rooma, 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone electric lights, steam heat, five minutes walk to town. 3U1 Columbia, near Kifth. SINGLE H. K. ROOMS. $3 to $3.50 week. Double $3.50. Steam heat, tree phona, lights, fuel, gas and bath, walking dis tance. Hendricks apta., 15th and Flan ders sts. WASHINGTON APARTMENTS. 21ST AND NORTH RU P. 2 furnished rooms with h. k. priv ilege, ciosw to hopttal, very suitable for nurses. Mar. 101 1. NICELY furnished Urge, front h, k. room, homelike place; also 2-room basement apartment, very reasonable. 607 Clay street. Marshall 3012. m CLEAN H. K. ROOMS. PORCH, ELEC TRIC LIGHTS. FURNACE HEAT, FINE LOCATION. CALL AFTERNOON. B4 N. 1TH. NO CHILDREN. FURNISHKD lU'UM-ket ping rooms; 2 and 3-room suites; steam heat iui modern conveniences; across from dental col-leg-: 42: Pacific st. Kafai 8li4. NICELY furnished 3-nmm apt., with laun dry, bath and Bleeping porch, telephone' and um of electric washer, garage, $35. A iito. 010-54. FOR RENT One-room houe. furnished for housekeeping; walking distance. 4rt2 Flint Ht., ne.ir Russell and Will lama ave. East 5571. 2 OR 3-ROOM apartment, gas stove, elec tric light, telephone, bath, newly dec orated. $15 and $18 per month. Colum bia U4. $1U PER MONTH Two h. K. rooms, ground floor, vard. ehed; close- in. 246 t i- -. j a A TKIi- SINtiJE and 2 -room houbekeeplng apts., clean, light and close to car. 71$ Kverett. Main 102V 3 NICELY furnish d h. k. rooms; heat, electric lights, hut and cold water. 109 N. ISth st. , S IjARGE, pleasant, unfurnished rooma and sleeping porch, furnace heat; close In. went side. Main 7002. BARGENT HOTEL. Hawtnorn and Grand, h it. and sleeping rooms, hot and ooid wat er. at earn he at. E. 201. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, close In. 447 Mala at., between 12th and ISth sts. i LAK4IK. clean, light room for housekeep ing, close in; clone to Washington and Rpnson sc h o ols. L'U E. lih. corner Ash. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. looms. $15 up. including hot water, electric lights, launary room. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, $3 50 and up. Centrally located. 21 V Morrison. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences, walking dlstanca. 2H0 IL'th st. m NK'E hoube Keeping rooms. $3.50 and up; ciore in. wet side. 14U Lownkdale. Broadway 5025. . ONE FRONT room, with kitchenette, mod ern conveniences; walking distance. li5 l.lth at. Phone Main :Utv.. 2-ROOM mxirinnnt, very nicely furnished, ground floor; reasonable rate. Close In. Hdwy. 372. . HO I E K.EIOl ' 1 N 1 rooms, running water, lights, phone and water free. 200 14th street. ' . THREE rooms, everything furnishrd for housekeeping. 124 E. 15th at. Sunnyside car. , TWO furnished housekeeping rooms with sink and wash tray, near Brooklyn S. P. shop. 1H Milwaukie s t.Sellwnnd ca r. LIGHT, clean h. k. rooms, iighl, bath, phone, walking distance. 1N3 Holladay Phone Eai-t T41. FURNISHED housekeeping room, down town; light, heat, gas and hot water furnished. $20. 'all Main KIMl. 3 COMPLETELY" furnlMieu h. k. rooms on ground floor, $30 per month. 540 Going st. A I her t a car. ONE and to-room attic a part ment. fcuit able for man employed, walking distance. I ! Twenty-serond ft. ONE ROOM" kitchenette and bleeping porch, employed preferred. Ml North 1'oth near Wash intun. i NEWl7Yand nicely furnished Mfepin and light housekeeping, walking distance. II r o aw a V 4 7 14 . NEAT steam-heated single n. k. room. 3 up; everything furnlched. 445 Colum bia Pt. THE MAPLE, 3l N. 17th. near Wash. Furnish H. K. and sleeping rooma, hot and cold water, steam heat. IN IKVlN;TON 3-rnt.m h. k. uite, first floor; well furn iwhed. near school and carline. 441 K. 13th N , ONE LAKGE light room. kitchenette, hath, phone In hall- 4i2 Park FUR RENT 2 housekeeping room. cheap I-hone Bdwv, 12'ttl SINGLE steam-heated housekeeping rooms, $ 1 2 per mo. and up. 147 13th st. THREE newly renovated rooms, reii tolla ble, good car service. Tabor l.Jrt. U-RooM, central, reasonable rent. Call lo- diiy or later, 300 2d ft 2 ROOMS for light H. K. ; gas. elec. lltl Minnesota ave. Wdln. 14SS. FURNIS-HED H. K. rooms, ele.-.ric lighta; $l.7." per week an d up. Flrat. TWO R.MS.. $.1 up; ainsle room. $3; linen, bath, running water. -OS Washington. H on m keep log Rooniw in Private Family, ON E 2- ItooM huut(pke-pin apt. and 2 Bleeping rooms. Good heat, plenty of hot water, electric lights and telephone. Main 1f:0. CLEAN hout. keeping room, nflwij fur nished, hot and cold water, under new management. Cioe in. 63. Everett. Broii ri way 17 sEi 'OND floor. 3 nice, large, sunny, fully fur. h. k. suite; Kas, wood stova, elec lights and water free; walking dis tance. 134 Porter. Sell. 11 IK. TWO EXTRA largo H. K. rooms. Walk ing distance. Very desirable. 375 14th st. LARGE room and kitchen, two private entrances, walking distance to Meier A Frank's. .VI a week. Mar. 14.V.V 3u4 CLAY Seve.ral unfurnihed housekeep ing rooms. Call Sunday a ftex 3 P. M. or Mondav morning. 3 FL RN ISH ED housekeeping rooms, light and sunny, back and front entrances, rloe in. and gnrnge. Phone East 2610. FOUR housekeeping rooms, partly fur nished, in private family, $20. atk Grand ave. TWO FURNISHED h. k. rooms, prtvat hath, private family. 63 E. 1'Jth au N., cor. Davln. A NICE, clean room in private home, close, in. west aide. 328 13th at. Phone Mala o.ift. H. K. ROOM, with Bleeping porch and kitchenette, 20 per month ; adutta; walking distance. ;tft." Williams ave. 1 LARGE, clean H. K. room; alo 2 -room H. K., private hath; heat, light fur- niched. tii3 E. M adslon. OR 3 FURNISHED or partly h. k. rooma in Montavilla or near the Montavill c;ir line. Tahor 243. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooma, bath, phone; 701 Powell nt., near Brook Jvn cr shops; $20 Sollwood 12S0. F.JR RENT Two housekeeping roo-ma 00 E. 7."th st. N., Montavilla car. Call Ta bor Oil evenings or Sunday. SKV'EN-ROOM modern houwe for rent; fur nlturev for sale; near -car and school, .V..V Graham ave.. nr i ninn ROOM and kitchenette, ivory furniture, splendid for two employed ladiea, $!&. East K."J. 40 K. 31st and Pine, TWO FURNISH ED light housekeeping rooms with sleeping porch; adulta only. 71."i E Iitirn-ld , 3 HOUfElEEPING rooms, comfortable (home for 4 girl employed by day, all conveniences. 4:t." E. Alder. Rt HMS, front apart in-nt with htsat; adults ; reasonable. 200 E. 23 d at. l'hone En st 34.M. CLEAN, comfortable H. K. rooms, free iiaths light, phone ano nean linen, o-i West Park, corner of CUy. FURNISH Ei H. K. rooms for young peo ple. 435 Williams ave. 3 ROOMS, first floor, back and front en- tr.tnre. r,S2 E. lt st. r 4 NICELY lurnlMied housekeeping rooms. 105 Monroe st. phone Woodlawn 022. 2 UK.IKA BLE front rooms, walking dis tance, i Aiarnet Fl. 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Call ''4 MHWinnniP " , 257 1-TH HASEM ENT room, private en trance; w H IKing nistance. FIN K rooms, use nf kitchen, reasonable. LA AKii rs. c.ea n iiwi.d- " - kitchenette ; steam h-at. 403 12th st. H K. Ri.WMS, walking dintan"e. L'7."i Wl -.. I- . - - fl - M-u Wilnv iinm a t-. i n.--. - - CLEAN furnifched housekeeping ioom. Call K. 4 H" L'oY room for light H- K., $ per mo. Bdwy. 37C.3 ONE large h. k. mom. running water, good for parneior. t in .w i nyi"r, TWO completely furnished h. k. roonis. light, water ana pninf, ii mnnr --i-:. A NEWLY tinted housekeeping suite. Lights, gas. uoo rurvi