TTTE , STJXDAT OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 30, 1921 16 FOB flALB. M laneUr. FIFTY ARE SATISFIED! Fifty contractor! and home builders we greatly surprised at the real savings we of'rd them on exactly the lamt Bl'iLDBK HARDWARE they wer buying right alonK. wai last week rec ord, and we are out to make it at least 100 more. Uniea you've brought in yuur list of Interior hardware, you won't appreciate the saving we are offering. Solid bra ia frotvt door cylin der look sets, in a lock that la selling for $10.73, our grip to contractor and ome-buildera .$6.40 Front door seta, In a real good lookfng pattern, regular $3.25. just 45 aeta to go at. 1.93 Anything in hinges, nails, wish locks, bungalow handles, sanded brass, Inside or front door sets, garage sets, cupboard turns, case ment adjusters, xash cord, pul leys, anything In Interior builders hardware at il real saving. It will pay you to investigate. lt' dol lars In your pocket. MR. CARPENTER! Are you needing some new or used carpenter tools ? Good ell Pra tt miter box, Just" received a shipment from factory $14.75 Have you seen the new Stanley plow plane, froc, small size? 7 45 Stanley combination square 1.20 High-grade hand, finishing and rip saws, in a line we are discontinuing, now priced At 2.15 2-foot steel squares, 05c and 1 25 1-foot steel square 3.) In the new or used tools we can give you an honest deal at real saving. WOO D-CHOPP rNO TOOLS. Used double-bitted axes, han dled, cost $3.75 In the new, now $L95 Cross-cut dawn, new, but of fered at a real saving. 1 monda regular $1.40 a foot, only slightly rusted, our price a foot now 65 Ohn cross-cut saws. In a fully guaranteed blade; Just , con alder this value at, a foot 95 Used cross-cut saws, In any make. f 2 In the shorter blades), and up to $tf In the better grades tli at coat twice as much In the new. A reaj octagon me. el split ting bar, no, cot $3. our price ,. t 1.95 Hav you seerr our new drag-saw? Made by on of the oldest arvd mok re liable engine works in the state, with clutch and, fully guaranteed agatrut defect in any manjier; the woodsman knows what It It Is to get an outfit he can depend upon; our price complete with high grade blade 119.50 We would be pleased to demonstrate this machine to you. A dandy used Wade outfit, latest type, costs 3165 la the new, In perfect con dition, our price 75.00 We are agent for the VAUGHAN. Cable A dandy buy In -tnch steel, crucible cable, in extra good line, the spool price, 4 cents. Used H and plough steel cable at a saving. Single, double, triple wood and teel shackle and natch blocks; chain pulleys, bar rows, anything for repair or drain age work. We can give you a real figure. LEVI N H DWE, A FUR X CO., 221-23-25 Front. 202-4-6 Cor. Salmon OUR ONE BIO AIM. TO ALWAYS TREAT YOU FAIR. MITCHELL BARGAIN. S-passenger, 0-ryllnder Mitchell, good mechanical condition, all good tires, electric lights and starter; taken In on a deal; price only $140, $70 down, $15 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 8. Aldr. BARGAINS In used phonographs, Victors. Columbia, Silverton. fat he and good many of other makes: all cabinets and guaranteed ; $ 13ft, $ !ft and $25; now If you nre thinking of getting a phono graph here Is your chance. 172 3d, near YamhllL ENLARGING machine, large electric, post card si;;, make any size picture; has condensing lenses, focusing platform; cheap at 35. Come see, your oppor tunity. I need money. 2312 E. St., KEE Ul'H used Singer machines, they are all bargains and guarnnteed. all drop heada; New Home. 'White, Singer, Stand ards and a good manv of other makes, - 2ii. $25, $37.5u. 171' :t d. near Yainh.Hl. LARGE phonograph, new, with records; wool t el t mat trc, a linos t n w ; adjust able dreKs form; While Cross vibrator and attachments; electric curling iron. 42l 03d st. s. E., jJtiday. Hot water tanks, 30 ga'i., $7; 40 gal.. Ill ; tested, guaranteed ; etove and lur nace colls gas heaters installed; plumb ing. East Side Welding shop, 203 Adams. East .s5 16. ftl THOROUGHBRED chickens; 6 Giant rabbits; loo quarts fruit and pickles; 2 Stoves, folding bed, cot a. kitchen table, potatoes in ground: cheap. Main 23S7. A PHIVATE party's price ran t bout this - at $5i0; blue-white. 2' -karat diamond, full of snap and pep. Miller's, next door to Majestic theater. CONSIDER this a good buy the minute you take it at S3H3. 1 kt.. 20-100, fine next door to the Ma lest fc t he ter. CHEN BY PHONOGRAPH. Cheney phonograph, used very little; cost $205; price $105. easy terms. Hyatt Tslkinc Machine Co., 350 Alder. DAVENPORT and two chair, both with genuine leather upholstering; will sac rifice. Call mornings. 11 Hawthorne avc.. near 40th. Tabor 5I7. FIVE cross-panel fir doors, with lock and hangera, 7x7 window, lower sash 4Sx4d, upper sash 4sxlK. shade to lit; price 51ft .Monday. Tabor 531. I.A I Y'S musk rat t oat. nw $H5, great sacrifice. " a J 1 Sunday afternoon or Monday before noon or after 6 P. M., Main 7U7. 1 HKLI DAVENPORT, solid oak dining tabic, 2 rockers, 2 dining chairs, ivory d tiling table. 1 large trunk. 4037 East 7th st. S E. Kern Park l.KAl TIKI I. U.a.U n..I nn.1 t,....iHn ..vAnm now n. never woan, sire 3S. cost $L"n, sell S5; hi o New York model cape, ell I ftp. V h on, E a s t lt 13 . ila TO $25 SAVED on our hUlt or coat at 250 East Broadway ; absolutely hand tailored t o your measure ; all wool stock, t. u n ra n le i at If J act ion. Pho n e E a st "7; 5 s FOR S.U.K or trade for touring car. Helntzman transposing piano, also one buffet, lr(ie clock, laundry stove, book case and writing desk Ph-mo East 302. RUSSIAN FITCH RAP. 2S SKINS; A UKAI'TIY. AUTOMATIC 315-M. "JiEoLVlN t card stand. 10 leet high, small Nwtiona I rc later, $50 coil o.l tank. U d 1 n . ft 7 0 1 Ki i u k w cm,' in 1 Radio ra.iutor. 2 small m heat ing st.iv. H T.thor s:4 ,M'.' E Ash. A NATIONAL rotary electric sewing ma Chine. ,lut like new; bargain, $37.ft0. 172 3iL nHr Yamhill. WILL ei-hne new phonograph for kal eomlnlng. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., ar.n am-t WANTED 1'ttrty who will take S to 1ft doji. fresh delivered dailv at your iloor or off'ce Phone Main 47tU YOl NG man oereoat. itti t -1 1 a ?i t fitting, size 30 3. worn very tew time.-; too !-ma!l t-r me. $20 Vn.-d'nun 13i7. WILL dispofw of a lot of ud ma chines, all drop-heads hp-! guaranteed. 1 2ft 172 3d. near Yamhill SEWING machine, kitchen chairs, dress form, bedding, gas siove and other mi cellnneous tilings, E 3400. I""TAIR3 ladv's imported Japanese white silk hose. No 0. beautiful qua lit v. BJr ialn. Mil In 7520. ON E L'HKl'K writer t prnzectog raph ) ; practically new: . ss than half price. .V2 M irv st . rimer Pnwrll. AMI'l.IKIKH Three et,-pp-r. Federal irans-form-is. West. Klec. tubes. Si0. D 1M1. ( m Mgoni in. ONE 30x4S burglar and fire-proof safe, a 1 most new. $lo. Vaughan Motor W.rks. 475 Eist taln st. FC'K SALE I new copper oil tan, 10-gal-lon cHpacity. 431 Stark si WILL Nome i'ble student buy a large p a rijj el Hi Me? $10. Aut. 01 2 -St). CIMLD'S coat and cap. up to 3 yrs., $20; fi replace gra te. $7. Aut U21 47 Jtl A N N 1 NG kh m:tker, complete. $20. Tele- P h o n e Tal'or 3 . 53 F I NK I n r s h a 1 1 strawberry plants. 75c per ion. del!ered. Tabor Ts fOR SALE A small violet ray machine. Marshall 1611. FoR SALE Small gas heater, good con dition, $5. bs.l 8637. POR SALE. M 1 ace 1 laneous. SAVE MONEY: SAVE NOW. READ FOLLOWING HoWS. GAS RANGE. Detroit Jewel, five burners. 2 ovens: as good as new one costing $135; priced ior quica saie. J3.t. OVERCOATS. ' For men. ladies and children. SOME CANNOT BE TOLD FROM NEW. PRICE SI TO fiO. MEN'S HATS, NEW LOOKING, $1 TO $2 others not as nice looking and some boys iSfcW mats, n cents. SWEATERS. For men, ladles and children, 25 cents to 75c. LADIES SUITS. $1 TO $10. OIL HEATERS, GOOD ONES, 52.50 to $4. PER OCR NEW RUGS AND COMFORT ERS. MADE BY OCR PUBLIC WEL FARE INDUSTRY. NOTE THAT BEAUTIFTL BABY BAaSi.NET IN OUR WINDOW AT $5. Whenever you need clothing, shoes, furniture, household goods, men's and ladies' furnishings, baby carriages, baby cribs, books, pictures, etc., ask. us be fore buying elsewhere. You are bound to save money, as we sen NOT FOR PROFIT, BUT TO HELP THE NEEDY OF PORTLAND. PUBLIC WELFARE STORE, fin Business Not for Profit), 212 Third Street, Near Salmon. FOR TOUR PRESENT OR NEW HOME get a labor!?, odorless, erniokelesi, sootless, worryless and sanitary GASPTTLE3 FURNACE. Installed on eajv term. No In terest charged, either. Phone for apnolntment or call and see Mr. Rof-M at Edwards Furniture, ith and Oak. A REAL PHONOGRAPH SALE. We are cloning out all NEW Stradi vara and Hey wood-Wakefield machines. We need the floor space for regular stock. Each machine new. Stradlvara, was $200; price $100.00 Stradivara, was $175; price $ 87.50 Stradlvara, was $150; price $ 75.00 H eywood, was $215; price $125.00 Heywood, was $150; price $ 75.00 Small payment down, balance $5 a month. We have Just nine Instruments left. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. SEE OUR electric wmsfh-er for rent In the "New Today" columns. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Main 737a 128 Tenth St. HUNTERS, NOT ICE I Imported Irish frlese belted hunting coat; shepherd's plaid Norfolk: also 2 English sport vests; will sacrifice for cash or anything can use. Call Main 4232 Sunday or evenings, Woodiawn 31K0 weekdays. STAMP COLLECTORS. Breaking fine collodion foreign and U. S. stamps. 1S47. lMilt. depts., etc. Approvals. Sunday, 11 to 8 P. M.. eve nings by appointment. I. L. NEWTON. 20rt 13th st. DAINTY, lacey white gold and platinum mountings; they make your diamonds look 25 per cent larger and brighter as well. A wonderful selection to choose from. Miller's, next door to the Ma jestic theater. APPLE time at Sierra Vista; get your winters supply now; Kin get. Spitz, Jon athans, Pippins, also live and dressed chickens and rabbits at Sierra Vista farm, 1 mile eaat of Montavilla on Base Line. FOR SALE Combination wood and coal heater. Remington typewriter, white enamel kitchen cabinet, Bolo gas oven, electric light dome for dining room. Call Aut 320-41 or 55 E. 3Sth St. N. 4-tiULfc Kitchen range vvitn hot water, coils, also hot water tank; perfect con dition; several heating atovea with, pipe and zinc ; 3 V s.ze bed springs. 472 Mln st. Marshall 2S4H. FOit SALE -A 20-gauge Remington pump gun. new, and a 25o-3mm Savage rlnV, slightly used : your choice for $37. 50, cases and shells Included; can be seen at Holvie & Caldwell'g billiard room. I HAVE 2 Columbia, dictating and 1 transcribing machine, also a ahavlng ma chine; latest models and In fine condi tion; will sell part or whole equipment. H K.2. 'regonlan NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. RENT, BUY. SELL OR TRADE SHOT GUNS OR RIFLES. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER. MAIN 44f5 Bokhara rug, new, rxu. r0: under wood typewriter, No. 4, A-l condition, $2.; silk floss mattress, nearly new, $15. box 117. Multnomah. Or. 1 HAVE 50 holly trees loaded with big. red berries. Send your order now for delivery before Chrlstmaa. O'Brien's gardens. 1 E. 0th St.. Sell wood. SKV ERA L pairs of oxfords, almost new ; siJte 7 1: one new pair Laird & Sho ber A Main .Viol. FOR SALE Hlack pony skin coat, email size, like new. Call Monday or after. Fo it SA Llv Wicke-r baby carriage, good us new. $20. Call Wdln. 403ft, ask for M ts. Moen. 1 1 ."7 Williams ave. FOR lALE- Very reasonable, large btaok fox fur. 2301 10th et.. between Salmon and Main. LADIES. sae money by buying from me. Mrs. Shaw, 027 E. Hoyt st. Phone Eaat r2!. High-class imei garments. UUSS FAN pony fur coat, with skunk, collar and cuffs; also new Siberian fitch enpe. OTP ;ilsan St.. near 1'lat at. LADY'S raincoat. Universal bread mixer, 2 nlc hair switches, guest pillow cases. Marshall 3D. . MA K E your own drinks. For supplies Portland .Beverage &uppiy t;o.. Stark st. FINE diamond riiig or will tra-de for good rugs; want one 9x0. Marshall 3S17, from 5 to S P. M FOR SALE or trade, old model Overland engine and chassis, $rv. Young's Auto Shop. 12th st. N. Bdwv. 4044. Folt SALE one- car-old Infant' coat, very reasonable. Mrs. Stein. 230 loth st, side entrance. SAFE, medium size, in good condition, will sell reasonably. Week, days, 327 E. Wash. Ft. . ORDERS taken for home baked fruitcake; erv best Ingredients used; 0c lb. Ref erences given. Phone 324-7X. TWO I'D.VCHKTE wheelbarrows. 5 ehovels and 1 comb, trowel. 1S5 Vanderblle st. St. Johns HYDRAULIC barber chair, good as new, tr.r,. Can call Sunday. 4022 42d et., S. E. Woodstock car. A D LI' E SERtiE suit, size 36 to 3S, Filk lined ; good condition ; $15. Tabor 828. li': E. 30th. wn.i. frvchance new phonograph for new Ford roadster body. Hyatt Talking? Mnchfne ro.. 3ft0 Alder. TRADE modern wood and coal range f'"r gas range; also biacK Dany nuggy, a. Tahor M7V . liKAl'TIKLL seal coat, size 40 or 42. for ile very cheap. 215 Swetland bldg. Mon day. VI L ' A N gits range. nickel trimming, white enameled doors; tray like new ; cheap. Fas 130t. WILL sell cheap. Alexander Hamilton ni-"!ern business course. East 444 t GROCERIES at e st. ato new beT bottles. fruit presses. 431 ytarK st FoR SALE -2 stovew. 1 Carbon and 1 Ruby. Wdln. 5352. evenings or Sunday. $22." PONY fur coat for $40; also tailored mi it f-r $12 Evening. Main 501 1. ELECTRIC fixtures tor 6 rooms. $15. 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 4253 NEV BLUE dress hats, furs, suits, plush c oats Bdwy. 733. HnHAKT meat grinder, equal to new. Call E. S704 after today. OKAY reed baby buggy. In first-class cou rt , t i o n . ftOtt 1st s t . . ant. 5. SKLMER cian;.-t net, in fine caae ; bar gain. 13 E. 12th st. Eist 2193. FOR SALE- ram Kenaraior f urn 1 1 lira and canned fruit. 17ft7 Courtney st. WILL sacrifice beautiful Hudson seal liViiY'S layette set. hand embroidered. F 102. Oresnian. Ft R S VLE A first -class pair of dicta- phon' 21"'"' Oregon Mdg. At TO mt-c han course f sa le by pnv ate p t r! v. Tt ae.i"a hU . A' ..'d la w n x 7 A I- GAS RANGE, excellent condition, $3 Tabor HADIAN1K1KE gua f:rvp.ace $o.o. othr household good Tabor 722rt GAS WATER HEATER, baby's iron bvd. cbea p M aln 4 177. Ft'R SALE Practically new fiber truu. CaM Wd'.n. 2 W H 1 TE Latjy bas.-inet with frame, new lined. $7. East 5314. FOR SALE A beautiful dark blue suit, small 30. never heen worn. Mar. 1311. $w BABX carnage for f2J, t0 tih MU FOR SALE. M lace I Ian eons. REDUCING OUR STOCK. ALL PRICES CUT. IK)LAN WRECKING AND CONSTRUCTION CO., E. 8th and Morrison to C 8tb and Yamhill. Phone East 6110. 5.000,000 FEET OF NEW LUMBER. INCLUDING. 2x4, 2xti, 2x8. 2xlO. 2x12 to 14x14 and 14x16 up to 35 ft. long. Floor ing, rustic, ceiling, siding, etc. Get our prices on carload orders for Oregon or California, freight paid, direct from the mill. Star A Star shingles, $3.50. Standard shingles. $2. 100,000 ft. wallboard, ni. ft., SC. Six Carloads of Plumbing Material Just Arrived. Bathtuba, toileta, lavatories, 30 gal. range boilers, gas water heat ers. All less than wo legale prices Partition tile fire brick. 1,000,000 2d-hand brick, $10 per thousand. NEW STANDARD PIPE. Black. Galvanized. 5 15 $ 6.35 H-ln... -in... 1 -in... 1 4-in... 1 -in... 2 -in. . . 0.45 n.ou 9.15 11.55 15.00 18 05 25.00 12.40 14. 80 20.00 Reductions on Ouantities. Roofing paper (rolls of 108 sq. fL, Including naiis and cement: 1- ply $1.40 2- ply 1.75 3- pIy 2.25 New galvanized nails S .04 3000 new doors, each 2.50 French doors (any size) . . .$3.50-$ft Double hung windows, 50 per cent of list. 4 and 6-Iight sash, up 00c Two cafeteria steam tables. 1 Hot-air furnace. Ready-made Houses and Garages. DOT, AN WRECKING AND CONSTRUCTION CO., 4G0 Belmont St.. Portland, Or. ; or 183i Market St.. San Francisco, Cal. LOWEST PRICKS ON NEW AND USED OFFICE FURNITURE, adding machines, typewriters, time clocks, dictaphones, check writers. See u before you buy. WE RENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT. D. C. WAX OFFICE EQUIPMENT HOUSE. 24-20 N. FIFTH BROADWAY 2730. NOTICE. . Ladles price our fur coats before buy ing that cloth one. THE FUR SHOP, 615 Filers Music Bldg. Wash.. Bet. Fourth and Fifth. MILLER'S "Charmed" wedding rings, green gold, white gold and platinum, engraved In clever designs. The qual ity Is the very beat and moderately priced. Miller, next door to Majestic theater. TRANSPARENT PHOTO COLORING All work done In transparent oil col ors, never fade, work taken in or will teach the business Call Main 0013, ask for. Roy or leave call. PHONOGRAPHS $3 MONTHLY. Remember, we sell you new latest type Vlctrola, Columbia or Brunswick up to $50 for $3 a month. Hyatt Talk tng Machine Co., 350 Alder. SINGERS, Wnli- New Homes, like new. $25 to $45; other guaranteed da $15 to $18; latest Singers; cash, or terms rental $3 per month. Singer Store. Itfi 4th. Main flSSH. :u DROPHEAD sewing machines. $12.50 to $45; Singers. New Homes, Whites, W. W. : all makes machines rented and repaired. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave. East 2350. FOR SALE 40 chairs. 8 marble top ta bles, floor cases, register, hat cleaning outfit, popcorn machine, wall case, scale meat slicer, cash or credit. 240 Salmon. 30 HOOKS of fiction. 25c apiece; China closet, tireless cooker, heating stove. Cad Saturday and Sunday only. 4 East 26th street. MRS. S. W. HERMAN, apparel shop, ladies' and gents' clothes bought, cold and exchanged; best prices. 2b4 Park st., near Jefferson. Marshall Katfl. CASH registers . and computing scale bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex change. 220 Stnrk st. ' STOVES Castlron Oakwood heater, for wood or coal, $15; medium-sized air tight with water coil, $5. Auto 231-41 even Ings. DUCK shooting privilege. Wednesdays and Sundays, on fed lakes; Mallard decoys; Sauvies island; auto or bus, 1 hour's drive. V 137, Oregonian. SHIP your holly In phonograph and piano boxes; (rood condition for shipping pur poses. Starr Piano Co..i;20 Blake-McFall b!dg FOR SALE DeFry motion-picture pro jector, in good condition, suit.ble for family use or small hall. Phone Sell wood 2323. AMERICAN EXTENSION LAW COURSE for sale at bargain; guarantee to pass bar examination upon completion of course Main 5774. 4ol Columbia bldg. ST A M P collectors, we carry a line line of stamps, albums, etc.; stamps and collec tions bought.' Columbia Stamp & Coin r, 94 N. 10th ft. Phone Hdwy. 2019. BARGAINS IN LINOLEU5I3. CORK FLOOR PRODUCTS CO. BROADWAY AT TAYLOR. ARTIFICIAL eyes fitted at home. $3. Booklet free. Denver Optic Co., 534 Barclay, Denver, lolo. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. ETC BEN S. BACKMAN. 110 THIRD ST. UNCALLED-FOR suits, $3.50 to $37.50. Joy, the Tailor, branch store No. 6 only, 124 N. 0th. 2 blocks south Union depot. SECOND-HAND wood huater, pipe, mat, screen, only $10. Call at 4020 31st ave. S. R M t. Scott car. MISFIT and slightly used clothing, ladies' and children's. Vogue. 4t h floor. 403 Alisky bldg.. 3d mar Morrison. HUNTERS, attention; guns repaired, work guaranteed, price reasonable. Courthouse locksmith. 213 Salmon st. HAVE several pieces of gray fur kremer, beautiful for collar and cuffs on coat or for scarf or choker. Call Mar. 5744. GENUINE Russian pony fur coat, sacrifice for $40, worth $200; late model. Phone Tabor S104. ; LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12. 3 for $20, guaranteed to pass inspection. Woodiawn 3701. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exenrnge ko daks. Sandy. 320 Washington t HAND-MADE leather braided bridle, suit able for cowboy, a!so good shot gun and fie bt glasses. Phone fremvood 3000. ATTENTION Fur skins and hides bougiu or tanned. West Coast 1 anning Co.. &ui DIEUuLD safea, new and second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 4S Front st. Broadway 1066. FG RENT Electric vacuum cleaner, Mon. to Mon.. $1, delivered anywhere; guaranteed good condition. Wdln. 1250. FERTILIZER, well-rotted cow manure; full measure guaranteed: del!ered In a n y part o f city. W oodja w ri 0233. JUST a few left; 33x4 Goodyear all weather tread fabric casings, $18.50. Henry Ward. Butck expert, lio 13th et. FERTILIZER Best grades of cow or horse manure, delivered any part of city. East 730. FREE storage 00 day. We move any thing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Port ia nd Tnnsfer. M;itn 1515. 144 First st. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. iean. Sec ond ana .Morrison. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet masher; also vacuum rl ear. ins done. Eail 4045 SAFE, second-hand, in good shape, 22x16. Tilt Orrcrnnan f UK SALE- Dining room table and chairs, range. East 5215. SAFE Hall with burglar-proof chest. and one small gafe. A P j0i,oregonian. LARGE oil painting Mt. Hood, expenslve- 1 y fra mel, a t.eauty. Automatic 3T.I-S0. 12oo SH INGLES, also nails. Wood: a we 2t'l. 11x12 WALL TENT and My cheap for cash.. 442 E. Burnsiile at 7th. , DI A MON 1 Best quality at half market value. niog. Main tfj BE A UTI ir U L mink stol and muff, like new. E 2332. GoOD wood heating stove, cheap. 732 Lex lngton ave.. Seil wood. SECOND-HAND ovens, dough mixers, etc. DC i si. Oregonian. EXPERT STOVE REPAIRING. PH ON E EAST 5I2. LICENSED electrician wi.i save you money wiring ami ':upn Neiiwooq x BAR BELL, walnut wardrobe. 0 dining chr.irs. t.tble. 270 Sher;dan st. APPLES. Spltx.. etc., 25c basket. 1S70 E. RD10 fumeless gas radiator, same as n e w , half price. Marshall 34:;. WASHER Eectrlc, fine condition; bar gain. Am. 320-20. SA FE 30x24x24 ; best buy in city. Aut, .VJO-20 WKdjTKU'S New Standard dict.onary, Merrlman eerie;. $0. Aut. R42-S0. SET NO. 3. higher accountancy books, $2. a lit. I! 12-V. "MAN'S bicycle and Presto poUight and tank, for truck. . 72d. A NEW MARKET PLACE . Our New Heading Fruits and Vegetables STARTS TODAY JUST PRECEDING THE FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS COLUMNS. FOR SALE. M i hoc 1 1 h n eon m. KLINE FURNITURE CO. QUITS BUSINESS. SALE NOW ON. THOUSANDS OF BARGAINS. 102 FIRST ST., NEAR TAYLOR, PAUL WATER SYSTEMS. Run by electricity or gas engine. Fill automatically. Expert will Install one of thse plants for you at exceptionally low price $125 and up. Call Barnes. Brdy. 1460. Northwest Auto Co., 18th and Al der. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocking, zone therapy or con ductive anesthesia. Without danger or after effecta. We perform all dental op erations without pain. Come In and let us prove It to you. DR. A W KEENE Above Majestic theater. 351 tfr Wash FOR SALE Bankrupt laundry etock, at bedrock prices; must be sold Immediate ly; consists of tubs, pulleys, belting, shafting, electric motor, adding machine, trucks, delivery wagons and various other equipment and machinery. Call. ' see and leave bids at No. 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sts., with John H. Bitner. trustee. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory showroom nd save 1-3; all styles; finest selection. Come and see. You are under no obli gations to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4253 LADIES. Are you weary or exhausted after standing all day on you feet? If ao, be fore you sit down for a rest us a warm water wash with Takara Antiseptic Pow der; 50c and $1 box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. THE FOLKS back horrfe will cherish and appreciate a souvenir from Oregon. Send them pomethlng useful as well as beautiful. Oregon agate jewelry mount ed in soLd gold. A wonderful selection to choose from. Moderately priced. Miller, next door to Majestic theater. , FOR SALE Oak buffet, woven silk rug, portieres; also the following books: "Pa pers and Messages of the Presidents," 10 vols.; "American Law and Procedure." 14 vols. Several bound vols, of the "Cen tury" magazine, published in the '80s. Call E. 4377. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. S E WI NG M ACH 1 N E EM PORTUM. 100 Third St.. near Taylor. Main 0431. BULB PLANTING TIME IS HERE. A fine collection of early cottage and Darwin tulips, narcissus and hyacinths. Pacific coast grown, the beat. Plant Iris now. Write for price lists. The Pudor Floral farms. Puyallup. Wash. WHY A SUBSTITUTE roofer? Why not a genuine and permanent roofer? We re pair, rubber bond and rejuvenate ,al! kinds of warped, cracked, weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old leaky roofs. Phone Broadway 70. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR r YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Only genuine watch materials used. DAVID'S. Jewelers and Opticians. H43 Washington St.. at Broadway. DOORS, windows, lumber, molding, mill work and glass; see our odd stock of sash, doors, etc., for prices. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lumber store, 171 FRONT ST., between Morrison and Yamhill, phone Main 42ir. 1 FOR SALE r-Law library of C. J. Bright, deceased. Thoroughly complete and In first-class condition. Oregon Reports and best publications. Terms. Al library in every respect, inquire C. L, Pepper. The Dalles. Or. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Main 2045. NURSERY men and others we have on hand 174 lbs. colored raffia, various col ors 200 lbs. natural raffia, entire lot first-class quality and will accept 21c a lb. for the entire lot f. o. b. Yoncalla, Or., Stearns & Chenoweth. MAKE a 'small payment and wear your ee glasses and spectacles as you pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, second floor, Oregonian bldg. IF YOU are a shrewd buyer and know a bargain when you see it. Just take a peek at Miller's window, next door to the Majestic theater. He has diamonds in all sizes at ridiculously low prices. GRAFONOLA SNAP. Beautiful cabinet grafonola, flush top and $25 worth practically new records; a real bargain at $05, easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 850 Alder FOR SALE Black Monarch malleable leg base coal and wood range, practically new. 8. E. Lombard sl, Misslsaippt- Kenton car. NEW IVORY bed, springs, mattress and blankets; have purchased twin beds. 124S E. Davis. Tabor 615. Second hand dealers do not apply. FOR SALt; 2 body Brussels rugs: excel lent Quality, size ftxio; also 150 yards of felted carpet paper. Phone Sellwood 5S9. ALASKA WRECKING CO. AM kinds of building material and wood for sale, yard 2d and Columbia. Main 0132. FOR SALE Second-hand Singer sewing machine and mattress. Phone East DR A ISA W. good as new. at a sacrifice. Call Sunday. fii04 Whitman ave. S. E. Automatic my- STOCK of painters' and pa per hangers tools In first-class condition. R. T. Leonard. 16 First st. FOR SALE Doughnut kettle, furnace. Hood coffee urn. counter with marble top, cash register, ina n. 6th st. SAFES AND VAULT DOORS 70 Sixth at. New and second hand: big bargains. H U S HONG & CO. IF YOU appreciate splendid watch repair ing or Jewelry repairing, see Miller, next door to at a j ear ic tneater. MLT svrupj. bottle cappers, bottles, kegs, corks, all sizes. 431 Stark st. EVERYTHING electrical repaired; quick Service. lOW t iiniura- r imiir cuwy. STAR A STAR" shingles direct trom mliL Call Taylor-street dock. Main 8065. WOODSTOCK NURSERY Walnut and fcuit trees, berries, rosea. Aut. 610-9. OR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, thowew. 43 1st st.. near Ash,. SECOND-HAND tents ana covers for sale. Pacific Tent A Awning Co.. No. 1 1st at. LADI ES' good looking used apparel in a home: reasonable. Tabor 2S25. FOR SALE 40 penny-in-slot weighing machine. Barrett. 72 N. 6th st. SCREEN doors, window s. mirrors, furni ture repairing, cahmet work. Wdln. 147. TWO MANNING oil burners with big size pressure tank. Phone Columbia 1293, FOR SALE. M iscel laneoua. SALE OF UNCLAIMED FREIGHT. Monday and Tuesday, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Wholesale and Retail. A TRIFLE EVENT. This being our last ale at thl w-arehouse. we are going to make It worth your while. There will be all kinds of bargains. 1000 WORTH OF GROCERIES. The stock of groceries of tha Vancouver Mercantile Co. of Van couver. Wash., will be put on sale here at prices leas tha-n the whole sale grocer sells them. Most of you who read this ad already know what you can expect at this pla!e. I want It understood that this is not a bunch of junk, but a fin select ptock of the finest bra-nds- of groceries on the market. Come as early ai you can. These groceries won't last lone, LADIES AND GIRLS' SWEATERS. They must be cleared out at same price. 1 lot of ladies drawers, girls nd misses' vests, a nlxed lot of underwear at 15c. 1 75c Wool Teddybear legglna. 40c a pair. 1 lot of ladles and misses coats. While some of them are not the very latest style, but the nuality Is all wool and fine makes. Go at $3 and $5 each. 1 lot of gl r!s' hats, com e of them sell for $1.75. some for SI. 50. Kc each. 75c silver plated sugar shells, guaranteed for 15 years. 20c. in cluding war tax: $1.50 a dox. Make a fine holldav -present. Etched thin blown drinking glasses. 7-c a set of t. Fine fountain glasses. 75c a set ' Loose leaf fillers for books. 10c a 100. 2i-qL pitchers, etcbed design, IKV. Lots of sample pocketknives on sale. SWEDISH RA7ORS $5 and $ Elfkintlna Swedl-h razors on sale at Wc each or $10 a doz. 3Tc silver pollnti 3 for 25c. In case lots of 3 doz., $1.50 the case. 1A00 hotcake griddles and toast ers 10c. or $1 a dozen. 15c combination .tan shoe pol ish. 5c. 6 for 25c. 15c Bag White for white or buck shoes, 5c, or C for 25c. Combination hair clipper. 1.5. Thve hair clippers will cut short, medium and close. Have separate atra-chmeritfl and are hlgblv nickel plated. $1.65 each, or $18 a dox. f?YRTTS. I can sell you the highest grade cane and maple syrup cheaper than your grocervman can buv them. 2-c cans 2 for 3.V. case of 49 cans $7.75: 55c cans 2 for 75c. case of 24 ea-ns $7.75: $1.15 cans 75c, case of 12 cans $7.75. 25c Everlock tire patch 10c. or $1 a doz. fiV flashlights without bat teries. 15c 2 for 2rtc. ..- Todd check protector. $22. 50. 75c and fKV bone-handled shav ing brushes, 20c. 2 for 35c. or $1.75 a dozen. 1.25 white outing hats. SOc. $4.50 C. C. pills. 1000 to bottle, 40 Bottle of 1-O00 Blcarbonated Soda tahle-ts. 2-"c a bottle. We have Notions. Pots. Pans, Oil Cans. etc. fV FOR TWBRMO PACKS 50e. These Thermo packs will keep your food hot or cold, either sol ids or liquids. It does ten times ns much as a thermo bottle. Size Is 1 quart for only 50c. If It falls to do as I say you can have your money back. Sledge hammer handles. $2 a 10O. Mason fruit jar caps, 10c a doz. Jar rubbers, 3 doz. for 10c, Buy them for next year. All mall orders filled promptly. Please add parcel post charges. Reg-ulnr dally office hours. 9 to 10 A. M.. and 1 to 2 P. M. rOVROLTDATED PALTOS CO.. 200 Mill St.. bet. 1st a-nd Front. Opp. Blacksmith Shop. SAFE. Small size, good as new. $30.50: also small regis'er, S30.50; good roll-top desk. $28. We have all kinds of sewing machines at big reductions. OKI FTTRNTTITRB CO., 209 Second St. NISLEY PIANO. Nlsley piano, mahogany case, in splen did condition, exceptionally good tone; specially priced at $250, $50 down, $15 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. SI RI.OCO plpeless furnace, $70.60. $135. $1:"2, superior to any. regardless of price: best guarantee, hundreds pold, not one taken out. Don't be misled. Signed I. F. Woodruff, 1211 Mallory ave., Woodiawn 2103. I AM DIGGING dahlias now. rather than store them will sell at $1 per dozen. See them In bloom and you will buy. O'Brien's gardens, 1809 E. 9th St., Sell wood. CARPENTER tools and caulking tools; almost new; of best quality. I leave the trade and will sell cheap. A Hat land. 223'i Pine st. Room . LA WVERS Save $100 on combined Corpus Jurl and Cyc. Great reductions on other standardized works. 527 Gasco blag. Tel. Main Mlfl. GENTLEMAN'S blue overcoat, size 3-40. Soc'etv Brand, worn not over a dozen time.' cojtt $75, will sell for $35. M 107, Oregonian. CHEAP FOR CASH, one studio camera. RtIO. with Dnllmeyer lens that cost $20: one new Conley view camera. Bx7. 41QU, Second street. GENUINE northern mink "arr, very stvltah and vonthful shane: original cost $Lir; tnri fired for f-5. Call forenoons after Piindav. T30 Hnvt st.. apt. ..4. ALCORE, Waxen, Greenings and other varieties, ha no ptrKert at 7.c ntid Xl per -box. Bring your box with vnu. Wm. Bosrh. Maplewood. Or. Main 2182. LA UNDIl YETTE WASHING MACHINE. Like new. His been used less than a rVen times. Leaving town, must sell. 14f W'starla are Tabor 7370. 1 PIANO BARGAIN. Nice-toned Baus piano only $135, $25 down. $6 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 30 Alder. GENTLEMAN'S dlnmond ring. fraction over one rarat. cot $475. will sell for MOO; this If a beautiful ring; white gold mroi-ittnc: latet ntvlo. K" 176. Oregonian. MECHANICAL .DRAWING SETS FOR SALE OR TRADE. 128 FIRST. NEAR ALDER TWO THINGS I do and do well, watch repairing, jewelry repairing. Miller, next door to Majestic theater. SACRIFICING St. A ndreasbere- roller. $3.50 pair. 510 K. 7th t. . 324!. FOR SA LE Smu 11 rider press : used only one se,",n; price $15. 235 Stark, phone Main 2363. I HAVE two pair golden pheasants to dispose of. Call at O'Brien's. 1809 E. 0th ft., phone 215-10. DIAMOND, fteel blue gem. absolutely per fect. 2k: cost $1o00: forced to sell; $875. rssh onlv. F-"t 61. BAK E-RITE dmighnut machine at about half price: splendid e-nd!tlon: terms if dpfred. BP 123. Oregonian. BARGAIN, sanitary couch, large Califor nia dried apricots and boy's clothes. East 4618. WICKER BABY CARRIAGE. Practically new. for sale cheap. Tabor 7370 141 Wistaria ave. LATE $5V PIANO and s-tool for Ford. 4Jft Tavlor e-t. FOR SALE Gas range. 427 E. Grant St. near Seventh. NEW AM0 calculator and adding ma chlne. : post .-.o. East 3ft0. WALNUTS AND CHESTNUTS. Bowman farm. Base T.Ine road and Falrview ave KNITTING neatly done to orer. sweaters $2 up. Mrs. Tin ten, phone En !t 273". ELECTRIC RANGE, electric washer. East mo. EASTMAN vest pocket Kodak, $'I. Call A i't om itle 234-01. LARGE Moler fafe, first-class shape; sell cheap. Corcoran. 003 Kelly St. West. DOUBLE-BARREL SHOTGUN for eale; Stondav. at 264 Mil! et . FOn SALE Blue white diamond, cost $125. Sell for $25. A 175. Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, new fitch fur cape. Earn 470l. 15o FEET hardwood benches, part or all, $1 font. Kowltt. Main 807. CHILD'S metal bed and mattress, drop sides. like new; $10. Tabor 9-104. BA BY LAYETTE, embro'dered. a' I new; $1J8. Tahor 4140. 245 E. 46th s-t. JEWELRY ior Ue cbea. 264 Aider at. FOR SAI.K. BICYCLES ON EASY TERMS. W. r making It possible for every man or woman to own a bi cycle by paying for It on a itreet car fare basis. I'sy u. $1 each week what you would have to pay for car fare, anyway and In a anon while own your own mean, of transportation. Our term: NEW BICYCLES. 10 DOWN. 1 PER WEEK. USED BICYCLES $.1 DOWN. 1 PER WEEK. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand Ave. Bicycles. Motorcycles, Acceasoriet, Repairs. FOR SALE. Siia 8.1. high grade Hart Schaff ner A Marks black overcoat, plain make; also hiRh grade plain blue serge suit; both are as good aa new; price for both $23; this ta a real bargain. Call after 10 A. M. Sunday. Apt. 8. Melcliff. Court. 15 E. llih St. Take Sunnysldo or Mt. Tabor car. BUY A high grade America Elec tric Cleaner on our rental plan at only $1 down and l a week. Kree demonstration. It Is the most wonderful cleaner on the market today. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO.. Main T370. 128 Tenth SL NEW S0-CAI.. I.l'OEB AUTO MATIC FOR SALE. BEAUREGARD'S. 702 MAIN ST.. VANCOUVER. WASH. WATCHES. 1 l-s 15-J.. O. F.. O. W. Elgin... I22.S0 1 lR- I7-J., O. V., G. K. Elgin... 22 50 1 l-s I9-J., O. P.. G. F. Elgin... 80.00 1 12-s l.VJ.. O. F.. G. F. Kgln... 22.M 1 12- 15-J.. Htg.. G. F. Waltham 22.S0 1 ld-s 17J.. u. to.. G. to soum Bend 80.00 204 GERI.INOER BLDG. SEE OUR electric washer for rent in the "New Today" column. ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. PLANT iterenntal flowers for next sum mar's bloom. I have a quantity of choice varieties grown from imported seeds in my own hot frames, of which 1 ran spare a few at saving prices. O'Brien's gardens, 1800 E. Dth St.. Bell- wood. CADILLAC SEDAN. Have fine 8-cylinder, 5-passenger Cad lilac sedan, splendid ahape. Just re painted; will exchange even up for first- class lot. Kagar Jirayiieia, r. kj. wu 4. city. BUY YOUR PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S Remmher. we sell vou any model o; Vlclrola. Edison, Columbia or Brunswick nr. in on Davmenta of $5 a month. Hya tt Talking jiai-ninf i.o., Aiun. DO YOUR Christmas shopping at 73o Everett (between --a ana u bi.j Closing out balance oi oriental gut miivv. Baskets. . slippers, kimonos, art em broider i c 8 . Ileadsetc. BARGAINS 12-bu hl capacity electric corn popper and peanut roaster, adjust- . i i ,,,. n.lanpitn machine and warming tank, counter platform Scales. Evenings. HU4 iaciiia ti-.ii vimiKt. I'uihe: Dlavs all records yours for 85 cash, with 10 In records vnnr ntvn rnoice. raruit ikeuiw Central Market. Fourth and Yamhill sis FOR SALE Construction camp outfit for 23 men, steel cots. Deaning. bcyc kitchen equipment. Sherman Electric Co.. Moro. Or FOR SALE Gas stove, high oven. Gar land gas water heater, oak easy chair, leather seat. Call Sunday only. 933 E. 7th N.. near Prescott. FOR SALE Brown lace dress, made over brown satin, size 30; Al condition; worn but once. Bargain. 312 Cordova hotel. Mnln M472. I am over-stocked with uncalled-for tailor-made suits and overcoats. Henry Fine, the tailor, -''i rirm i. flKST-CLASS Edison cyllndcr-horn ma chine and 100 records $l!S.30, $7.50 down, $3 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 330 Alder st FOR SLE Dental Instruments, vulcan Izer and text books. Box 205, route .. Troutdate. DKK blue overcoat for sale, slightly worn: size 38; very cheap If taken at onre. t ail HI 1t.t ainnK i"n FOR SAI.K One heating stove with pipe, one kitchen table, one go-cart and med icine "i e.. m FOH SALE 1 printing press, size OxH: 1 habv pn; 1 showcase; all bargains. (ill sundny at 1023 E. Ollslin St.. city. ELECTRIC, coffee grinder, first -class con dition, for sale cheap. Inquire 40 N. th St. Hdwy. lii-- BLACK WALNUTS Nuts for planting, 10c per pound in the husk. Apply 515 Kant Anuenv. i-'i DROPHEAD swlTig .machine, fl. bar goln. Storage. 114 Union ave.. near Aider. ELK HEAD Splendid specimen, mounted hv Tavermen, Denver; perfect condition, ;-.o ri,.,, Tnl Ant. 320-01. FOR SAi.t. All-wmn. henna shade. Sil vertone cloth coat, ailk lined, s.ze 30-3i. M-iln 4so. FINE OAK R-FT. FLOOR CASE. IUH GAIN NEWMAN. 12S FIRST. NEAR ALDER. FOR SALE All or a part of gray Krlm mer coat. Beautiful fur. AV 58i. Ore gonian. OREGON grown tulips; plant them now; four different kind?: come and get them for 23c p-r doz. r.. inn si. r. iSlCYCl.E. 2 cord tires. 1 extra fabric tire. Woodiawn 4924. 239 Stanton St.. after 1 P. M DINING table and, buffet, radiantflre, bedroom rug and other LONG blue eorga suit and brown mixed suit. jize 3S. 10 each. Call East 231M erllcles. Tahor iV alter fuima. FOR SALE 3A Hoffman preps, 30(1. with out boiler. Call Mr. Freeliurg, Broad way i.i" STANDARD 230 phonograph used only as a demonstrator; yours for 200 cash. 104 E. Broadway .BEAUTIFUL wolf fur roliar. absolutely new. t ail jmri'im-i t LIKE new. $42. Reed baby buggy; half price. ei , wonn i i"i. WOOD or coal rani-'e. used two winters. S12.MI. I'none Piiwnnn - i - - SILK lace over go:d. evening dress, about 3K, worn once: rrayi'iitum. Ill Y E V KKYTH I N i i.U.unu' rmj V. L. RAT H h f- i . ' ' " ' - ML'LTUiRAl'H with f.exotype nil juan tltv of lob tvne. $1VV 7 Hd. of Trade. HOWARD heatlnp stove, good condition. 415 .Tessup. iin. FOR SALE Liaa ran tee. splemiod condition. 25-20 RIFLE, carbine, likts new; case. caririoey. tn. .--n. ONK WHEELBARROW for concrete work only usen iw nay?, -, REM INf .TON player-piano. $o"",0; youra ror Cft.-n. i"i - "- HAPIANTFIRK for fireplace; Rood condi EVENING DRESSES; all colors, sizes 11 to 411. Tnbnr 2S-'S. BROWN fur coat; braver trimming; 42-ln. Bartraln. Tabor ."--. STOCK YARD manure. $3.50 per ton de Hvered. Wdln. ?3tt3. BRAND NEW coal for aale. Call 3.1 ar- FOR SALE A good heating stove. Wdln. 50 2S. j ALL KINDS ot nw lumlr. We can save voij money. Bdwv. 1.''.71. REED eulkey with reed top. $10. 1004 Clenn ave. N. MAN'S imported $:.". uieter. New, $40. Sire 40. W2U Salmon. FL' H. TANNED h nd piucked., ready to mnke up. I ' 'reaonian. FOR SALE Very large beautiful fern. At i.- r-- vxn gt. . MAN'S leather driving coat, fur collar; .1 nnr.rllnn 1'r.nn Prn.lflttHV 4140 YOU CAN (jin nood home-made chill at ril n oars. l.4 ituswen si STRAWBERRY planto for sale. SI per KuR SALE ( piiira ot brown Sunfast rirar"!. r-all Tabor 1170. MUST sacrifice fine mate goat, cheap. A IIToniHUC i.t-.i-:-.T. KEED baby buggy for saie chp; can be Mea al 5135 Woodstock Ava. FOR SALE. 1 iMrllanruuN, SMASH GO PRICES ON HIGH-tiRADE PHONOGRAPHS. GRANT ELUCIDATION SALE. lrtOU CABINET MACHINES ALL MODELS. THREE FINISHES, MAHOGANY. OAK AND WALNl'T. We have been selected to clean up this huge stock of machines and mint complete the job by January 1. lt22. Price is a second consideration during this sale, as you will see by ths prices quoted In this ad. You will never have another opportun ity to by phonographs at such remark ably low prices. Christmas will soon be here! Ths gift problem is solved. Give a nice cabinet phonograph. Placs your order now for delivery later. NOTICE TO OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS. We prepay transportation charges on all cs.h orders to any point In Oregon, Waahinicton or Idaho. MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED.' All machines are new and are beau tiful cabinet models completely equipped with graduated universal tone arm (piaya any make of record), tone mod erator, full wood tone chamber, record filing compartment, newest improved sound box. automatic top adjuster and roller bearing casters; all panels are 5 ply crona band material. We give ONE DIAMOND POINT NEEDLE. ONE SAPPHIRE POINT NEEDLE, and 10OO regular assorted stel needlea Our sample room 1 located on the sec ond floor of the Dekum building, corner Third and Washington streets, room 207. and will be kept open every evening until V o'clock, until this entire stock has been disposed of. PRICES FOLLOW: MODETj NO. 3. REG PRICK. $200 MODEL NO. 3. SALE PRICE 5 MODEL NO. l, REG. PRICE 250 MODEL NO. . SALE PRICE H!5 MODEL NO. 14, REG. PRICE.... 125 MODEL NO. 14. SALE PRICE 65 All other models priced accordingly. Sale starts Wednesday. November 2. Open every evening. Terms on any machine. Don't forget the place: Room 2V7 De kum building, corner Third and Wash ington streets. HVR RY HURRYHURRY. NORTHWESTERN LIQUIDATING CO 207 Dekum Bldg. A LATEST RECORDS KA1.K. Just to make things hum in this puoticiiy saie: 1 record, 75c. 6 for $4.25. A dozen for $R.OO. We pay first-zone Durcel notn-e Thia sale Includes the very latest titles that you have been waiting for. Among them: "All by Myself." ' Ain't We Got Fun." "Just Keep a Thought for Me." "Cherle," "Vamping Rose. " Wyoming" "Mello Cello." "Wang Wang Blue" "Roll On, Silver Moon," "Sleep. Baby, Slepp. "Down Yonder," "Lazy Missis sippi." "Moonlight" and "I Found a Rose In the Devil's Garden." -OREGON FILERS MUSIC HOUSE. Phone Main 1123. Third Floor Ellen. Music Bldg. We peieiver Fre.e WHY LET your last year's hat trimming lie around useless when you can have it cleaned and dyed like new at HAKTNESS PLUME SHOP. NOW AT 05 YAMHILL. BET. 10TH AND 11TH. UPSTAIRS. NEW BUILDING. Mall orders promptly attended to. BUY YOUR feather trimmings for street and dress wear direct from the maker. We save you money. Big assortment, new colors and styles. Not many pieces of one kind. HAI1TNESS PLUME SHOP. NOW AT 40,-, YAMHILL, BET. IrtTH AND 11TH. T'PSTA IRS. NEW BUILDING. 2 MEN'S heavy dark overcoats. 40-44. long army overcoat, 44; lady's hand-embroidered white coat, 1-year sise; elderly lady's breast -trimmed hat ; Hard wick Wilton rug. 27&54; ball-bearing wringer. Wonderful buys. Tahor 4100. CHoRUS Kiris' costume, email rol'l-top office desk and four setd of hooks; Howard's Classics with Pathe history of the world. Mark Twain and Kip ling's, for sale reasonable. 5J0 Mlssis slppi ave. NEW automatic Westmghouae range, used 2 months; cost $220; will sell for $150; perfect condition; large white enameled refrigerator, cost $110. will sell for $40; also smnll refrigerator for $in. Sell. 2 3 .1 THIS FURNITURE is like new; light oak princess dresser with large plate mir ror, 3 oak rockers, leather and uwtry eeats-; library table, walnut dlni;: tabe William and Mary stvle. Main 31 it. SPECIAL prices on oalrich tips and bunds all this week at HARTNESS PLUME SHOP. Now at 4(5 Yamhiil. bet. 10th and ITth. upstnlra. npw building. DI A. PLAT, cluster ring. 21 dia.. all fine blue white, center stone weighing over k., very beautiful and up-to-date; regular price $mm); will take $400 for quick sale. Phone Mar. 3.124 Mondnv. DIA. CLUSTER, plat. top. S dia., 1 pearl in center; would sell for $275; must sell; will take $125. Phone Mar. 3324 Mon- day. $25 BARGAIN Settee and ;t good chairs, walnut frame, green tapestrv covers. A good orjuin. $H. A china und porcelain kKn. M;itn Mil, SACRIFICE complete standard dictionary. Funk & Wag nail's American edition ; morocco bound; fine condition, $10. J 171. Oregonain. LADI ES buying winter suits, coats and fura can save 25 to 30 per cent by look ing over my samples. Call at 220 Cook ave. Mrs. Remington. A DANDY hot water heater, burns coal or wood, big capacity, cheap operating; cost $180; $40, good as new. Call 530 East Ktnrk st. ' A PRIVATE party's price can't beat this at 5!t0, blue-white 2 li kurat diamond ; full of snap and pep. Miller's, next door to thp Majestic theater. FIN E. largf heating atove, in ood con d it ion, $15; worth twice that much. J i a nor i l.i. CHUNKY little orchard team, guaranteed to work anywhere, at a real- bargain. Tahor 1HT13 T 1 1 E Nc i 1 E AI ST ITCHING SHOP li E -OPENED. One yard free with this ad. 330 Mohawk bldg., over Roberts Bros. LADY.S dark green winter coat, aiao 30. $10. Al.u suitable for school wear; black murr. n. tan. rJ. WILL sell gentleman's new tailor-made $05 suit, size 3d. very reasonable. East 24T. ABOUT 25 varils good Axminster carpet and Victor grafonola. 245 W. Kil pn trick. Call Sunday or Monday. WANTED Party who will take 8 to 15 dozen fresh eggs delivered daily at your floor or office. Phone Main 47HS. WOOD heater in excellent condition, used 1 winter. 512. 1007 E. 7th st. N. Wood lawn 4040. BEAUTIFUL hand-made beaded bag for sale cheap. Every bead put on by hand. Call 444 Park st. FOR SALE cheap, anvil, vise, drill, jack, forge and blower. Call 011 Washington ft. Broadway 423. M oTI ON P Ic t u re ca me ra ; also t rl pod , ti lens. Instruct purchaser. M 178, Orego nian. BEAUTIFUL Peilect gem. 1 karats, gentleman's mounting. Cost $1300. Price cash. " urn. P.UUD paa water heater, ll ; also an 8 sectlon rado gas radiator, lota of heat, $25; will Install. East 4S52. ONE SANITARY cot and mattress. 1 triple mirror Onahogany), 3 window shades. Main 7002. FOR SALE Full vulcanising equipment, a bargain. 512 Mississippi ave. or Main 7273. room ." DIA. PLAT. Javallier, 3 fine hlue white diamonds, worth $300, for quick sale, Sis.",. Phone Mar. 3324. 1 FORD, panel delivery body ; 1 Bosch D V-4 magneto, high. 253 Columbia blvd., cor. Vancouver, ave. TWO very fine beaver muffs, very cheap. Can be made into large neck pieces. V 1 S3. Pro-gonlnn. STYLISH lailt'8 clothing and shoes, in al; sizes. New and unused. East 182 ft. 244 East Broadway. riNE DIA., 1 3-S k.. fine color, slightly imperfect, $400. Phone Mar. 3324 Mon day. FOR SALE New wood and coal stove, cost $25; will take $12. 142 Eaat 74th street North. NOW' IS in time to have a coll put in that furnace; will guarantee; prices very reasonable. Tahor 227'.'. FOK SALE New cord tire, tube and rim for rear of Ford truck. 32x4 V, . i 'out JOS for S25. Mr. Clayton. Tabor 2123. STAMP COLLECTORS. Scott's 11(22 catalogue has arrived. Co- inmMtt Stamp & Coin Co.. 04 North 10th. VELOUK coat, mink collar; velour serge dress, other dresses, very cheap; fox fur $3. Marf hull 1!J30. apt, 11. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRIT A NNICA. complete, latent oditinn. India papT. Wdln. 1277. a FLAT reed baby carriage, $1. East 1 1" 5. Cood condition. USED hot-water tank, $3; some new ones cheap. Tabor 7Qs. BEAUTI KL'L wolf fur for sal cheap, Jut HF good as new. Call 441 Park t. FoR SALE Two good cord tires, 35x4 . SSO Union a vnu North. USED vacuum cleaner, $45; good as new Sell TOT -. "- -t'' OI IVER typewriter and set books of . j U - Mar Ol.t-O Know.eiiKT. i'r"y - "T REAL haraln ; 10 kegs of 12 -penny TEAMING, loving. excuvating, etc. 240 BU RBANK books, new sei. uargain. m r a rn ipn hotel. w-ek-da vs or evenings. FOR S X.LE Ladv's broadcloth suit and hat iii good condition, $25. Sell. 3407. BABY'S very nice coat and cap. Eaat 3440, FOR WM.B. .M i-cellaneouw. PALE OF VIOLINS. FREE MUSIC LESSONS. Oet a violin for your boy or girl neither he nor she could possess a mora worth-while accomplishment than to play the violin; easy to learn now with new svtem. Violin, complete with bow, rosin and cave, the $45 value, for only $2S. Still greater reductions on the many more expensive types. Sam reductions on all other orchestra and band Instruments. Call and see them or send for price list and illus trations free during this sale. Greatest sale of hass drums and mart drums and other band Instruments; im mense reductions, in many cases more than 50 per cent. OREGON EILERS MUSIC HOUSE. Second Floor Ellers Muslo Bldg. GLOBE-WERNICKE sectional bookcase, tin. E. Ankeny. LEAVING city; nearly new Player piano, light 5-ptss. auto, cheap. Mursha'l 5-0. SHINOT.FS BROADWAY H.71. GOOD White sewing machine for sale cheRp. Phone Auto, iri'o-iu. CH ILD S high-chair and buby buggy. Phone EhM ana. BLACK satin pumps-, new. cost $13, tak . v a . - i. . ' w.ll ft Wl . 6-VOLT etorase battery, good as new, $15. Sunday P. M. l'-'OQ E. Grant. HEMSTITCHING. c yard, kiddle klothea, fancy work. 3S7 Yamhill. FOR SAI.K A I'TOMOBITKR. LOOK. LOOK. USED CAR SALE. lf1f Nash. .Vpass. 1 ! 1 H Nash. 5-pnsh. P50 875 1200 litis Chalmers, 5 new cord tires 1915 Cole 8; don't overlook this 1I1I Chevrolet roadster 1U17 I'nU a niar mint 300 .V.0 600 1020 Elgin;' don't overlook this .. Bulrk, 101S lftlD cord tires, new paint Chandler, 750 850 wlro wheels. . Any Terms In Reason. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 10th and Burnslde. Bdwy. 521. 101Ford touring, extras .... $1 111I Ford roadster, overhauled .... 1" H17 Ford touring, extras 1 1!Hl Ford express, overhauled 1 1120 Ford touring, starter, extras. . Jt5 120 Ford coupe, like new 5.Vi 1H20 Ford sedan, extras 1i2l Ford sedan, like new " HMfl Chevrolet, new tirs 315 H20 Chevrolet, like new 4'J 1itl7 Mnxwell touring 1""' 1D1S Br.ccoe touring, like new 25 !M7 Grnnt 0 touring 32-t 11(17 Onkhmd touring 325 1110 Oakland 0 coupe 75 limt Oakland tt roadster 325 Hit 3 Packard 30. 7-pnssenger 325 111 Jackson 6, 7-paasenger 325 VRANiSON'S USED CAR EXCHANOTt. Union Ave. and Belmont St., Upstair DUNNING MOTOR CO., INC., OPEN' TODAY. Ford touring, starter. Iirjo Ford touring, starter. i:2l Kurd roadster, starter. Hits Ford touring. 1 1111 Truck. Tliee cars are an in line snap and have many extras. 1010 Chevrolet; a bargain. All Mild on easy terms. DUNNING MOTOR CO. INC., AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. E. Bdwy. at Union. East 3irj. THESE ARE BAR-GAINS. Overland 1-'V Ford 150.00 Maxwell, il'17 2H 00 CndlLuu, -new tires 250. 0O Several Fords $173 to 425.00 LA XG & SILVA, 402 Hawthorne. i:;i lil.'U'K. 5-pass. This car has Just been completely overhauled, new top. new paint, five good tires. Excellent hu- for $1000, terms If uefclred. East 1,2 -M' DOIM.E touring. This car has had best of care; finished In good top. nearly new; cord tire'. A snap at $550. Phone 'ut. 315-33. LATE Dodge touring, in wonderful con dition, cord tires, factory llnish new top; only 550, terms. See It. That's all, i'all Main 754. " FORD WITH STARTER. A dandv buy. Car In first-class con dition. Special three-passenger road strr bodv. Wdln. -Mn, , LATE 1020 Dodge touring car In perfect condition: equipped with cord tires; a sp (-mild buy; $s5 cash. Phone Tubor 3721. A REAL BARGAIN Olds S, extra good condition, used privately; $500 cash. Call Sunday A- 51.. 4th and Pine, filling sta-in- - ii to :: SINDAV. USED tars, nearly all makes, from 145 tip; Ili'-ial terms. Tolhot St Casey, Inc.. linnd nve. and E. Ankeny st. ll'(l CHEVROLET, just rehullt. good tires, a little dandy; only $3H0; one-third down; a year to pay the balance. East 023 4 . BUICK 10 10. 5-passenger light fl. In first class condition, spotlight, good rubber. $So0. Main S40. Foil SALE 5-passenger Oakland 8. first class condition, good top and good paint; $::75. PI i one Main 25 0. 201 12th street . 1020 BABY grand Chevrolet, bargain; excellent condition throughout. Phone Wdln. 1878 for particulars. CIRCUMSTANCES permit the delivery of IH22 Dodge touring at $100 induction. M 105. Oregonian. A REAL SNAP. Late HMS Ford tourlna, beat price of f e re . 1. 457 Williams av. CADILLAC 4-cylindr, electric lights, se f-n tarter, four good cord tires ; $350. r.Rfi i. i ... A REAL ourKam. ll.' King . 5-pass.. good cord tires, excellent mechanically. Mar. 3M H C MARTIN. th Overland specialist, '5 now located m 207 E. St h st.. at Haw. t home, to maTntaln Overtond service. M DE L EE-45 liuick. fUM under price; your own terms or trade for Ford. Call Wood 1 n wn 3050. 1UI EoKD touring, from owm r, driven only a short time; this is a snap. Call Tabor " liHU ESSEX, new cord tires, new paint, first-class condition. $1m; must sell. r ut tint K. ...n . . HUPMOBILE 32, touring car, 75 down, . . i o iniii fnr 1 ' mon t ha. w"r? (iaroe. Inc. Brondwny at Burnslde, WANT from privato party model 410 Chevrolet; w'. offer Vlctrola as first ptiymonT. ' ai. WANT to slore a piano In my home for use of same, or will pay small rent. I a nor .".-'. LATE BHt t 'liewil-l, two new cord tires; 'new one-man t"P- $150. Call Main 0754. .lack SchloUT. n IVI'l FORD h-dan. $75 worth of extras, driven 7o miles; will take touring in tra-le. E. 7'M''' CA DI LLAU. L14 injd?!, A-l condition, " cord tires, b st buy in city at $iU. East 'M'.tQ. -- HUPMOBILE lOl'.l touring ; good shape; 7oo- 3i0 cash. Owner leaving town this wek. Mar. 11. FORD TOURING, $15", MUST SELL T0 DAY. WOODI.AWN 5317. PAIGE toM-lliK 5 -passenger, run only 000 miles. $075 Eas, 20S. Bl'U'K tait-nd delivery, runs like u scared rbbit: tood ttrs; $t".n. Tahor BUS. OVEKL-ND country ciub. excellent condl- flon. $3no K-ist 2"S ( V.tlit HUDSON Suinr -Six. new corrl tires. MAXW E 1.1. TOURING CAR, 225. WOOD- LAWN 5317 kTTrD CHASSIS, FOR TODAY, 11120 BLOCK. $1511 WDLN. 5317. BKlSt'OE. 5 PASS., $105 TODAY. WOODLAWN 5317 ONE MAXWELL. I'.tl7. A-l miape, Ij Ki a ;t y. S"04 37th ave. S K. 111 1 s FORD touring Ta bor 0137. W A N'T 5-riM.m modern house. 1!M S Dodge first pavmi-nt. Bmadway 2043. P.I20 KORD cooie. like new : roadster In trade. Tahor '.Ti:i 11'M FoR D soda ,i. used pt iv atelj ; must sell. East 5::70. DAt'oTB motor c.i1- e-ia?: DACOTB motor car enamel. 230 Sttund st.