r TUT: SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 30, 1921 11 1 .HK.U. fTATF. For Nale Houses. $t;noo LAL'KKLHt'HST. A 5-roorr. new and nifty bungalow, with oak floors, all built-in), cabinet kitchen, break fan t nook, furnace, fire place, cement basement. ash tray a. etc.; finished in Ivory and white enamel; gnrsgts and runway; AOxlOO lot; city improvements paid : price only $0000; ieni aina oi tertna. $4150 YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS. Klx large airy rooms and a sleeping porrn, iurnace, nrepiace, DUlll-ins. lull cement bmrment, wash trays, beautiful light fixtures; very large living room. an iinif nea in ivory, tapestry paper AOxKmi lot, lawn and roses; ON K. BROADWAY, close in; vacant and in wondrfu condition; your terms can be arrange a. $H,100 IRVINGTON BUY. An b-room house near Knott St.; hot water furnace, two fireplaces, some built-lns. large kitchen with built -In pantry, glansed-ln sleeping porch, full cement basement, laundry trays; vacant ana in line condition: lot fiOxioo ft city Improvements paid ; will sell house and 1 (Mix 100 on corner If desired; terms reasonable. $450 ROSE CITY PARK. A practirally new 5-room bungalow. with Inlaid hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-lns, cabinet kitchen, large clothes closets with windows, cement basement, wash trays; corner lot, 60x100 ieei; garage; price, for immeaiate sale, $4850, with $750 down. RUMMKLL RUMMELU 274 Stark Ht. FtlHXISiHKtJ H ll K ' This 1s a sisrhtly corner 7.5x100. with an unexcelled view; just a good substan tial home of 8 large, sunny roomji; living room has large fireplace, roomy reception nan ana ainlng room ana uuicn Kitcnen on 1st floor, 3 homer bedrooms, bath and den or library opening onto sheltered view porch on 2d floor, large attic, with billiard or recreation room opening into view porch. Thi will appeal to the earnest homeseeker. as It has the homey atmosphere aa won as you enter. Will sell beautifully and completely furnlahed r unfurnished, as desired. RICHARD W. MAsT. Realtor. RITTER. LOWJS A CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trad BMg. 1025. Where la the fair golngT SOLD ABOUT $125,000 WORTH OF LOTS AROUND MOCK TRACT. RUILD YOUR OWN HOUSE. VK FURNISH THE LUMBER, WORLD'S FAIR ADDITION. THINK OF THE LOCATION. FAIREST OFFER EVER MADE. LOTS ItiliO AND UP. INCLUDING PAVED STREET. 6EE OUR HOUSES ONLY $100 CAPH DOWN. A. C. McDonald A Son. U8 and 206 W. LOMBARD. WOODLAWN B273. TnE five-room and two four-room houses on corner lot, close In, all street Im provements in and paid; In good repair; three Mocks to Mississippi ava. car; rented $02.50 per month, and price only $4200; soma terms. Also on five-room and two four-room houses on car line, clone In; all Improvements paid ; brings $63 per month rent; sell at $3200, with about one-third down, balance 8 per rent. If you want big Interest on your Investment, see us. Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Harala, 801 Mississippi ave. Wood lawn 1201, or res idence Woodlawn 27H5. LAURELHUiCST. NEW B-ROOM BUNGALOW. THIS BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW TS COMPLETE IN EVERY DETAIL AND LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THIS CHOICE DISTRICT; LARGE LIVING ROOM, KIRKPLAC E, BUFFET, BREAKFAST NOOK WITH TABLE AND SEATS THAT FOLD INTO THE WALL; OAK FLOORS AND TAPESTRY PAPER THROUGHOUT, TILED BATH GARAOE AND LARGE LOT. PRICE $7150. CALL TODAY. R. L. MrGREW, 1089 HAWTHORNE. TABOR HH02. HAWTHORNE 6-HOOM BUNGALOW. HERE IS YOUR IDEAL HOME. THIS BRAND NEW BUNGALOW HAS 4 ROOMS DOWNSTAIRS AND 2 UP, WITH ONE SET OF PLUMBING UPSTAIRS AND ONE SET DOWN; OAK FLOORS, FIREPLACE, BUFFET, TILED BATH, BASE TUB. CEMENT BASEMENT, GARAGE. PRICE $5500, $10OO CASH. H. L. MoGREW, 300 HAWTHORNE AVE. TAB Ta r HOSE CITY BARGAIN. $4ftV) ON CORNER lot. on hard-aurfaced atrwt. This bungalow Is well built and only one year old: hardwood floors. 2 bedrooms, fire-place, with Radiant fire heater, good furnace, bullt-lns, buffet, bookcases. This can be bought with mall cash payment down. W, M. Umixtenwtock 4c Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Rdwyc IH5M OWNER CALLED TO IDAHO. Exceptional opportunity to buy a beautiful 1 0-room corner residence, Broadway district, at a sacrifice. Hard wood floors, 2 fireplaces, bullt-ins. fur nace, garage. Beautiful yard, fruit trees. For quick sale will take $12,500 with $7000 cash. Will accept up to $2mw or equity In suitable place. Shown by Appointment onlv. East 2Qot. ROSE CITY. 15250 $1000. NEW. ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BUN OA LOW ; ALL THE RUILT-INS: FIRE PLACE; DUTCH KITCHEN; BREAK FAST ROOM. FURNACE AND GA RAGE; LARGE ATTIC. BELOW THE HILL CLOSE TO SANDY. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 247S. COME SEE THIS IRVINGTON 6ACRIFlCfc) 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. $5500. Owner leaving city; furnace, fireplace, garagv excellent condition; $LVM cash, balance 0 per cent Interest; no mort gage. T. O. Bird. Marshall 1022. Sell wood 2700 even in gf J HA E a "comfortable 5-room bungaiow cottage in the Peninsula district. Lom bard, near Wabash, that can be housht for only $2too. Only $250 will handle. Las bath, plumbing, electricity and gas, paved street. In good condition. Im mediate possession. Call C. F. Kolner, Sunday morninir. East 1S43. A LAMEDA. New, up-to-date, modem home, all bullt-lns. gas. furnace, Ruud water lieat or, 4 IkmI rooms; owner must sacri fice, for lees than cost; terms within reason. W. M. Umbdensjtock & Co., 210 Oregon btdg. Bdwy. 1 5W HOSE CITY rAHK DISTRICT. New 3-room bungalow, modern design, tapewtry paper, complete Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, unusual bar gain. $ifloii $3-00 down. HARRY BECK. WITH, REALTOR. 104 Fifth St. Main Hi iSE CITY I'A RK 4L'M". $75 CASH 7 YEARS OLD. R!x rooma, excellent condition, furnace, fireplace, bullt-lns. full cement base ment, best construct ion. MUST BE SOLD. $25 monthly COME, SEE IT. Miir IO?2 or Mur 2103 eenlns. it ( S K L'lTY Hl'MIA Lt W. 8WKLLKST LOCATION. On 40th st. This dandy, fully modern 6-room bungalow, with floored attic, full lot. etc.; accept $."hh as initial pay ment: easy terms on ba'ance. Main QU1N. RcHimr, 2O0 Mrirnn Hidg. BEAUTIFUL WEST SIDE RESIDENCE. ONLY $.10O0 CASH. BAL. MONTHLY. 12 rnnms. sleeping porch, two baths, near Washington park. Total price $30,000. NO PHONE INFORMATION. SMTTH-WAC.ONKR CO.. STOCK EXCH. $.1.10. 3-room house, ruMlc painted, gas. electric light, woven wire fence, lot ffOxino. 1 block to macadam street, 4 blocks to raved street and car line; 1 block out md city limits. J A. HKNKT E. SI 2 Wtlnger Bide I LoVELY home of thr-e rooms, a'l modern conveniences; large comer lot; all improvements In and paid; close in, on Com mere in I st. : can arrange terms. C.er. F- Crow, with Albert Harala. S01 Mississippi ave. Wooillawn 1201, or res Id n i-e W ood lawn 27 .Y HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Non-resident owner will sacrifice for only $37.10; modern 8-mom house, 4(1x12 lot. full bnment. furnace, newlv painted And timed, vacant, ready to move in. $7.v cash, hal nionthlv. V, W TQRGI.KR. Sherlock bldg. A SNA Is. A lot Mxl00, Irvlngton; all street, sidewalk and newr a.Hi.esmentK in and paid for; will sell for 1000 ; one -half what It cost the owner; talk quirk if you want this bomt ful lot to build on. E ir I'nsvnn. no Mi-k v wdg. G-K. AI.UI EDA ti-R. .!. Honest, this is a $tvtf0 bungalow. Brand nw and. of course, modern; 2 bias, to car. Call Main or Sundav, T VtlW ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. New modern 5-room bungalow with Dutch kitchen, hardwood doors, flre plsre. bt of plumbing and light fix tures and papered. Call Woodlawn 4S4l. Open 2 to 5 P. M. 1RV1NGT- N mm KS 1 UR SPECIALTY. BEFORE BUYING SEE T B N HUH A IS EN CO. REALTORS S.IO N. W BANK. MAIN n7 EAST 3l4 7-RooM house between Hawthorne and SunnysMe. near SSth; fine condition: Jt.Vi'io Tnbor 3S70 . HAVE a 0-room modern houe in Haw thorne: priced $l.ioO under value; $7.10 , will h n n le t. Rrond wa v 4 70 For SALE 4-room house, $ ISinT; $100 down $?. monthtv Ph-me Tab-tr 7vtn 4-L M new bungalow. Ha thorne. Mount T.ihnr rarhne. e,-sv terms. East rt.i'il "fi-ROOM houe. 2 beaut 1 ful" lot s. oil west aid, o'oas la; make offer. Wttln. 4124. REAL K STATE. tor Sale 11 o uses. RENT SAVERS. 1750 8-room ceiled cottage; gas, city water; lot 50x100; $100 cash, $15 monthly. 1800 3 -room ceiled cottage, with gas, city water, sink, small garage ; lot 00x143; fruit and berries; $100 cash. 2U monthly. $950 Neat small --room cottage, with sleeping porch. on macadam street; lot 40x100: a seat little home; $225 cash. $25 monthly. tlOOO 3-room shack, with gas. city water and sink; ground looxioo, .wonderful soil, in Woodlawn; $100 cash. $25 monthly. II 000 Very neat and clean little 8-room cottage, electric lights, gas, city water and sink, small fruits; $150 rash, 20 monthly. $1250 Neat little one-acre home with 5 room cottage, with electric lights, running water, some berries; two blocks from Estacada car; $3o0 cash, $15 monthly. $1310 Neat little 3-room cottage, gas. electric lights, city water, one half acre of ground, small barn, two chicken houses, 13 bearing fruit trees, some berries; $755 cash, $15 monthly. $1500 Neat 4 -room plastered cottage, electric lights, gaa. city water, hot water tank, good cesspool, white enameled Dutch kitchen, fruit and berries ; $200 cash, $-5 monthly, FRED W. GERMAN" CO., REALTORS, 73; Chamber of Commerce. THOMSON at THOMSON, REALTORS. $ 600 DOWN FOR THIS FURNISHED HOME Large - 4-room bungalow with bath, corner lot, garage, good basement. This la a bargain at $2100. A REAL SACRIFICE. $2350 Small payment down. 5-room modern bungalow with full 5x loo lot, all in lawn and roses; full casement, bullt-ins. close to car and school. Not another real buy like this in the city. Owner has bougnt a business. HOME WITH INCOME. $1200 will handle large modern home, close in. furnace, fireplace, ce ment basement, 2 sleeping porches will bring In $1.10' per month good location : price $7000. fi20 HENRY BLDO. BDWY. 4S0. ROSE CITY PARK. 7-room bungalow with garage; full ba smen t ; hot-water heat; wah trays, hardwood floors, fire- flace, built-in cases and buffet, rice for quick sale $5h00; terms, $1500 cash and $50 per month. For bargains In real estate come to METZGER-PARKER COMPANY. 260 Oak St., near 4th. Bdwy. 5355. H AWT HOR.VE DI ST R1CT. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. THIS NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW HAS AiLL- MODERN CONVENIENCES, SUCH AS OAK FLOORS. FIREPLACE. DUTCH KITCHEN. BREAKFAST NOOK. REAL MARBLE FLOOR tN BATHROOM; ATTIC; CEMENT BASE MENT, FURNACE, GARAGE AND F U LL LOT. ALL IMP ROVE M E N TS IN AND PAID. PRICE $5250. TERMS. SEE THIS REAL BUY TODAY. Rl L. McGREW, BTf HAWTHORNE AVE, TAR fW2. new! new: yes it's all new! Four rooms and sleeping porch. A new design, a new kind of a bungalow. Different from anything in town. Odd but attractive. Neat and handy. Just what you have been looking for. Some thing different from the other fellow's. Don't say you don't want it. for seeing it Is wanting it. Costs nothing to see it. Only $3000 to buy it. $.mo cash, bal ance easy. 202 E. 00th st. N. Tabor 13 O. Bv o w n er. ROSE CITY BEAUTY. $500 CASH. $4200; NEW. ARTISTIC CALIFOR NIA STYLE BUNGALOW: LA RGB LIV ING ROOM, OAK FLOORS. FIRE PLACE, 2 NICE BEDROOMS. CON NECTING BATHi WONDERFUL DUTCH KITCHEN WITH ARTISTIC BREAKFAST ALCOVE. GARAGE AND FURNACE. ALL CASEMENT WIN DOWS. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY.. 247S. 3 '.JO V. S. NAT. BANK BLDG. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. $5o0. Would you care to own one of the most attractive west side bungalows? Strictly modern, 5 rooms, sleeping pprch and large attic, fireplace, everv built-in feature, oak floors. Dutch kitchen, break fast nook, electric range and hot water heater included ; full concrete basement, Gaaco furnace ; easv terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BTTg ROSE CITY PARK $0350. Built for a home 7-room colonial house, beautiful drawing room, living room and dining room. hartLwood floors, complete k Itch-en. built-in refrigerator, concrete basement, furnace. Full lot, east face. Block from Sandy. A bar gain verv easv term. HARRY BECK WITH, REALTOR. 104 Fifth St. Main rtsftf. DOCTORS, TAKE NOTICE 12-room beautifully constructed hnaie. lot loox H0; artistic in design and construction, beautiful flowers and shrubbery, two baths and toilets, best residential dis trict of Irvlngton. Ideal for home and business quarters. $4500 handles. Surety Investment Co., 310-11 Panama bldg., in ana Airier sts. PORTSMOUTH RESIDENCE. $500 DOWN. Beat 7-room house, modern, good con dition and really pretty home, with a large lot. many kinds of fruit and shrub bery, balance $30O0, on easy terms: Con sider taking smaller 3 or 4-room house on deal. QT'IN 20 Morgan Bldg. REALTOR. A LA M EDA N E W. $rt2.-,n 5 large rooms down stairs, also oreakiawt-nook and bath, furnace, hard wood floors, built-lns, one extra bed room upstairs, 2 more could be added. This Is the best buy in the district. Shown hy appointment. Phone Broad way Irt.lH. w. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Orecon bide. W ESTM OR ELAND new 5-room modern bungalow, all huilt-ins, very artistic; all conveniences, French doors, full lot, ga rage. 1 block to car line. You'll never pay rent if you see this. JuRt completed. $.r00 down, balance like rent. Surety Investment Co., 310-11 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder sts. RK A L VALUE, "Woodlawn district, good .Vrm. cottage-, sewer, water, electric lights, gas. 50xloo ft. lot,, beautiful lawn, shade and fruit trees. $.VH down, balance easy. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Pdwy 1 K5. NOBBY Irvlngton Park bungalow, almost new, 8 bedrooms first floor, nice attic, fireplace, bullt-ins, hardwood floors, cor ner lot. block to car, 3 to school, re stricted district; a dandy home for you. Terms. Open all day Sunday. fore noons thereafter. T37 Jarrett. cor. 31st. EAST SIDE CLOSE IN. SNAP. 7-room residence, semi-modern, good condition, near Union and Knott. 2 caj lines. Price get thl only J3.HM). Will give you anv reasonable terms. QUIV. Realtor. 2ort Morgan BMg SMALL 4-ruom house, .luxloo lot. on Milh street, near Hatey; neds some repair.; good chance for handy man to make few hundred. Only $?."0; no mortgage; $7i down, balance eay. Owner. A 178, Oregor'an. I R VI N'OTOX NEW lU'XCALOW $ .1 .1 1 1 . Easy terms. ea.-t fat ing. near Broad way car. large living room, fireplace, oak floors. garag. Neuhciusen & Co., East 34. Main N'7S. h30 N. W. Bank bldg. U E FYRNLSJI THE LOT UR BUILD ON YOUR LOT. Will help you finance It ; we build under bond. See us before building your home. Mr. Smithen, THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. Bnildtnc Petit.. Broadway 4it. LOTS OK FRUIT $2tf00. Very neat 5-room plastered bungalow, with built-in kitchen, full basement, good garage: two blocks from car. in Woodlawn: chicken house and run; $500 cash. $20 monthly. Fred W. Herman Co.. Renitors. 732 Chnmher of Commerce. ikvinx;ton home. ft-room, strictly modern house; 3 bed rooms and sleeping porch upita Irs. hardwood floors throughout. Breakfast room, beautiful yard ith shrubs. By owner Main 42?V $3000 5 ROOMS BIG LOT. Close to I-aurelhurst on ."2d st. Paved street, improvements paid. Lot 72x120, garage. 0 big apple anil cherry trees, shrubbery and berries. 100 yearly from fruit, berries, etc. Tabor 2-154. $1Mi BUNG A LOW New. 4 rooms with plumbin 1. water, lights, gas. shade tresrt. big corner. 10.1M20 ft. Only $;HX down. W. M. Umbdenstock, & Co. Bdwy. DOS 21o ' reion bTrtg A NICE home at tht- right price. .1 rooms, modern bung.. 1 -year-old, fireplace, ivory finish, full corner lot. on raved at. S"" it tedfly. Main 7-o.fl or E r..V.2. FURNISHED home for j first payment accepted. Call at 2i Morgan bldg. ale, moderate good locality. SACRIFICE 5 rooms. eiectrtcltv. gas. bath, paved st., 50x100 lot, $2413. Bui E. ll'th st. North. IRVINGTON corner with a fl-room modern houe. F.n-e location: $7500, 43 RAIL WAY EXCHANGE RLlKl MAIN SIOM. BEAUTIFUL j-room bungalow. i;0 E. Alder. Mt. Tabor car. Furnished, $40, unfurnished $20 per month. REAL ESTATE. Kor Sale I DISTINCTIVE HOMES I $6800 TO $10,55O. PIEDMONT. $10,500. Beautiful 8-room home on 100x100 corner. ancouver ave. NOB HILL HOME. $9750. A wonderful new. ultra-distinctive bungalow that was built to meet the de mand or the most discriminating! Com bining tne finest In modern artistry . un cnmi'in. o rooms, garage, yulmoy st. SOMETHING NEW TO THE WEST bi.U.: ROSE CITY! IROOO. -room semi-bungalow In HEART OF KU.-5b UTr: A REAL HOME, mhomn tial. practical and beautiful; massive ouifi-in teatures; uasco furnace, cement runway and pergola: garage. E. 45th at. lUtuA.Lt HOME. IRVINGTON. 7000. HEART OF IRVINGTON, stately 8- ruum uiira-roooern nome. Clackamas 8L LAURELHURST! $fIS00. PURE PASADENA BUNGALOW, 6 rooms, an on one floor; every feature that heart could desire Is here! Beau tiful lawn, wide parkings, garage. A WORLD OF CONTENTMENT! Note. We have a carefully selected list of peauiuui nomea cnosen from every re stricted residence section of the city! Desirable from every standpoint beauty, practicability, durability. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Arlington Bldg. Main lOfl. IRVINGTON HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER. This home- was built a year ago. Double constructed and hardwood floors throughout. Finished in old ivory. Con tains living room 14x27. large fireplace, modern dining room, den with built-in bookcase, kitchen, breakfast room. In closed porch, toilet downstairs. 4 large bedrooms and bath upstairs, fine lawn and shrubbery, full cement basement, sealed garage. Beautifully furnished with begt possible furniture and drap eries bought within the last year. Home $02.10. Furniture at Inventory. Shown hv appointment. Auto. H2t-70. ALMOST everyone has wished for a tract of land, a place to build a summer home, perhaps, where the family could live in the open; a place to go for week ends and Sundays to rest, where the children can enjoy the great outdoors. Rltlow Acres, out the Base Line road, offers this and more; It is divided into small tracts and sold on easy terms. Send for plat and description; it's free. Drive out and look it over; you will see our signs. R. H CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-.1-7 Board of Trnde Bldg. PROFITABLE RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. Wonderful corner lot. 50x100. in center of Nob Hill; splendid 1.1-room house, filled with the highest tvfe of furniture. In perfect taste; netting over $500 monthly, besides wonderful home; prop erty worth $3,1.000; priced at $24,000. and fsnoo down. You can make $10,000 on this In 1A24. See Monday If vou want this wonderful bargain. Ask for F, C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 20.1 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. A REAL HOME BUNGALOW. For $2000. $.150 cash and bal. as rent. Improved street, near car. only 25 min utts out. Yes, garage, too. 4 rooms, all new and modern, 2 bedrooms, full cement basement. Arrange to see It Sunday morning early. Call up by phone from 0 to 12. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. Bdwr. 4711. 410 Henry Bide. ROSE CITY COLONIAL. s.taoo TERMS. NEW. ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM COLO NIAL, LARGE LIVING ROOM. FIRE PLACE, BOOKCASES. SIDE ELEC TRIC FIXTURES: FINE BUFFET IN DINING ROOM, OAK FLOORS, DUTCH KITCHEN, BREAKFAST NOOK LARGE BEDROOM. BATH ROOM 2 BEDROOMS ON SECOND FLOOR; LARGE CLOSETS; FURNACE. . R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2473. 320 U. S. National B.mk Bldg. r'OR SALE by owner. 7-room bungalow on very rme corner lot, noxlOO, on paved St., In first-cla.HH condition, with good cement basement; nice fruit trees, shade trees, grapevines, plenty of fine rose bushes and a good chicken coop. Very good location, one block from Sellwood street car. 15 minutes' car ride to center of city. Good bargain for quick sale. 553 Mall st. MODERN 5K( sOM BUNGALOW $40O0. H block from car, level lot. hardwood nnnrs in dining and living room. evert built-in feature. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, full concrete basement, laundrv tray a, garage; a very neat bungalow home. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor RITTER LOWE CO.. 201-2.;t-.-,-7 Hoard of Trade BMg 100 ACRES $1000. 110 acres: 3 acres under plow, T acres stump clearing, balance timber: good log house. 126; fair barn, chicken house, 750 strawberry plants, some fruit trees and berries; located 12 miles from Willamlna. Yamhill county; price $1000' mortgage $300; $700 cash. ALBERT HARALA, SOI Mississippi Ave. no $,-,00 $.100 GIVES YOU possession of this lovely 7 room 2-story house, 5 rooms downstairs, 2 up, bath, toilet, etc., double lots, double garage, modern chicken house, close to car line. Splendid neighbor hood. A real home worth while seeing. Surety Investment Co.. 310-11 Panama bldg., cor. 3d and Alder sts. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. " Large 7 -roomed house, walking dis tance to business center, builtins and laundry trays, cement basement. Can be bought on terms. Complete price. $40CO. R EVER MA V INVESTMENT CO 210 Lewis Bldg. Bdwv. 2054. Evenings and Sundays Auto. 324-10. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. New 5-room bungalow. Beautiful in terior, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, cement base ment. Full lot. S3.V0; S?.V down. HARRY B ECK WITH, REALTOR. 1Q4 Fifth St. Main OS 00. FOR SALE Snap; 5-room modern bunga low, two lots, fine district, on corner; streets paved, furnace, fireplace, built ins. Dutch kitchen, cement basement. Wash trays 'and dandy garage; cement floor runway; $4000; easy terms. Sell wood 11S4. WEST SIDE HOME. NOB HILL DISTRICT 7-room house, newly painted and decorated, hardwood floors, furnace hent. fireplace, fine lot 50x100. Price fSoOO, terms. E. J. OEISER. 417 Chamber of Com. IRVINGTON $7m ca.-h. balance term; 7-room bungalow ; everything modern ; 2 seta of plumbing ; all Improvements paid ; gara se ; must be sold before Nov. 1. Price $.1,100. Main To.iO or East 3C.92, ev-nlngn. BA RGAIN 021 WEIDLER. STX ROOMS. FIREPLACE, FURNACE CEMENT - BASE M EXT, LAUNDRY TRAYS; FIRST-CLASS CONDITION $47.10. EASY TERMS. OPEN AFTER 2 O'CLOCK MAIN 0O12. MONDAY N ICE 7-roomed home, pantry u ith a'.I builtins, 5 moms down. 2 rooms up. lot ."mx1'2; 0 fruit tres. 4erries and grapes. Complete price, J2700. Onlv $.Hh) down R E V E R M A N INVESTMENT CO. 210 Lewis Bldg. Bfl wy. 20.14. 1K INGTON Hae deciued to take a lots on my home In order to dispose of It promptly. 7 rooms, very modern, two fireplaces, furnace, h. w. floors. Reduced to swmx and l.iO0 or lees cash. Main 7-0'" 0 or E 3M? ALBINA SNAP, ft-room home,, good condition, 2 bed rooms, etf.. jot 50x12.1. and many kinds of fruit. $.f0 down, easv monthly term QU1N. 2' Morgan BMg. REALTOR. $50 DOWN and $15 per month. Will sell beautiful, modern bungalow for, above terms If you can furnish some security foi $500 more. Call Sunday at 409 Os wpgo st.. St. Johns. IRVINGTON WONDERFUL BARGAIN. $0500 Laree living rm . French doom, oak floors, fireplace. 3 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, garage, Neuhausen & Co. tJ30 N W Bank bldg. Main W. For. SALE Semi-modern house, nn cor.. ,10x100 lot. basement, fruit trees and berries. price $:t.nHi. $.oo- cash will handle, balance monthly. See Hosner, fios McKav Bldar. ROSE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT. $400 down, cottage of 5 rooms, semi modern; 4 lots and fruit trees in abun dance; payments $2.1 monthly. Owner, 2i" Morgan bide. Rea'.fnr. BY OWNER 5-room modern bungalow, attractive corner lot, Hawthorne, paved, furnace. fireplace. built-lns, splendid full basement, fine condition, $4000, terns. T.ibor G."M. FOR SALE. 5-room new bungalow, hard finish, good plumbing, full lot: Hawthorne car; easy terms; bargain: only $230O. J. A. HKXKI.K, M2 Qerllnger Bldg. $2350. J 175 cafh, $3") month; 6 rooms, semi -modern ; lot 37x100; h. s. street sewer paid. Tabor 4f2. J. p. McKenna Realtor. 1151 Belmont at 30rh MR.. RENTER. $3250 5 rooms, all modern. $250 cash, balance like rent. 212 Railway Ex change b!r! g. 5-HOt ! modern bungalow, good, clean condition, lot fiOxlOO. good location; four blocks from car line. Owner moving to Spokane. 9419 fi5lh ava. S. . REAL ESTATE. tor Sale Hounes. SOME WONDERFUL HOME BUYS. $1650 At $4UO down, 5 rooms, 73x100 feet of ground. Sell wood district; 16 full bearing fruit trees, berries, grapes, etc House is old but good home; close to bank. $4000 Mt. Tabor home, modern 3-room bouse, full cement basement, fur nace, trays, etc., U3xl04., paved St., lots of fruit, close to two cars; $500 will handle this bar gain. $5400 On terms, 10 modern rooms, two baths, furnace, 2 colonial porches, bell system to all apt?. Arranged to take In over $165 month. Streets, sewer, wajks, etc., paid. West side, near 14th and Columbia sts. Terms. $5500 New bungalow, $1000 down, less to bonus men; up to date; you'll like it. 7 rooms. ( Corner lot, lovely home. The above are just a few of the many Ideal good buys w have to offer in ail parts of city. GET IN MY AUTOMOBILE and I'll show you. J. W. Greene, in charge of homes. WITH GODDARD. .101-2 COUCH BLDG. ALBERTA. $1600 buys a good. 3-room house on paved street; good terms. $2700 buys a 4-room furnished house in Alberta; IVi blocks from Union ave.; a dandy little home; $7M down. $5500 buys an almost new. wonder ful tf-rm. home In Overlook addition ; hardwood floors, furnace, tapestry paper, panefed walla, beam ceilings, full attic, garage, full cement basement, wash trays., all bullt-lns, full lot. A snap; terms. $3500 buys a five-room bungalow with fireplace, conver lot, paving in and patd, butlt-in; adjoining the Alameda; a good buy. Terms. Open Sundays and Evenings. McGEE & DENNIS, Wdln. 5fiS4. 0fli Union Ave. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Strictly modern 0-room bungalow, lo cated one block south of Broadway, In good district; living room 10x20, beau tiful dining room, French doors between, both rooms artistically decorated In high grade imported paper; built-in buffet and bookcases, fireplace, gray enamel throughout; hardwood floors; bathroom equipped with highest grade fixtures In cluding solid base tub and pedestal lav atory; beautiful kitchen with breakfast nook, two bedrooms downstairs and one upstairs; room upstairs 10x24, attractive ly papered ; concrete basement, furnace, lot 50x100; garage, flowers and shrubs. Price $5000, $1150 cash, balance $50 per month, including Interest. This Is toO less than the house cost a year ago. Owner, 893 Weidler t. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST BUNGA LOW, JUST COMPLETED. Five large rooms with every modern convenience; large living and dining room with plate-glass windows, hard wood floors, cone ceilings and French doors. Ivory finish with French gray walla; a beautiful fireplace and massive built-in buffet; Dutch kitchen with cosy breakfast nook; white bathroom with tile floor, sanitary tub with showers Open Sunday from 1 to .1 P. M. Location lOuu Stark hL Phone Tabor 9213. $6300 NICE EASY TERMS. OUR NEW BUNGALOW is now ready to go and Inspect. Can be seen between 2 and 4:30 Sunday after noon. Let's go see. 5 rooms, spick and epan, with large basement, furnace, wash trays, hardwood floors, window shades, electric fixtures, street all paved. Yes. sure, right in Laurel hurst district. Take Montavilla car to Floral ave. an go to the left one blk. It's a beaut v. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS, e Bdwy. 47M. 410 Henrv Bids. ALAMEDA bungalow, hardwood floors, tapestry wall paper, tile fireplace, Gasco furnace, elid driveway to garage: best Ivory en amel throughout, breakfast nook, fine electric fixtures, screens and linoleum; $0000. $2s00 cash. 170 Mason st. Auto. 323-07. NEW 5-ROOM modern bungalow, built-in effects; fine lot; close to school and car. Paved street. Good neighborhood. Has to be seen to be appreciated- Price $4400; $500 will hand.e. C. J, CULLISON REAL ESTATE CO. Realtors, 20r.ifc Morrison St. ROSE CITY. Modern 3-room bungalow, nice living room, pretty fireplace, heavy oak floors; two good bedrooms and real Dutch kitch en; pretty breakfast nook; cement base ment; wash truys; built bv day labor; best f material and workmanship. Price $4500 ; $500 down, balance $50 per month. See ROYAL, 72d and Sandy. Tabor EX-SERVICE MEN WE HAVE LARGE LISTINGS OF DESIRABLE HOME SITES AND CAN HELP YOU FINANCE BUILDING. OUR OFFICE HAS FULL INFORMA TION TO YOUR INTEREST REGARD ING APPLICATION OF BONUS LOAN W. M. UMBDENSTOCK CO.. OREGON BLDG. PHONE B I W Y . 1 rt5 PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. Very desirable, well arrunged, well built bungalow. 5 large rooms down stairs, ivory woodwork, fireplace, built in bookcases, 2 rooms and attic upstairs, cement basement. Ligh-clans new fur nace ; lot 50x125; close In ; near car. Owner left city. Only $4750. ea.-y terms BROOKE, Mar. 4SJ7. Phono mornings. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Seven-room, bungalow style home; $?5J0. Large living room," reception hall; bullt-ins, kitchen, sewing room; one bedroom down, three up; bath; ce ment foundation; basement. Not all improved. $1200 required, balance easy. This place Is priced for a quick sale. See ROY A I.. 72d Hnd S:indy. Ta bor 1 55. BUNGALOW IN WALKING distance for sale; a little beauty. Just finished; strictly modern; ivory wood work, bullt-ins, furnace, electric fix tures; will give terms. Call at 5:; Maple street, Ladd Addi tion, any time between 12:30 and 5:30 P. M. today or Monday or Tuesday. See Mrs. Ijw1s. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Beautiful new colonial bungalow. Just completed; garage; choice location, fine view; large lot; ultra-modern interior, large 35-fuot) living room, old English floors; built by owner for a home. $7000, about $2300 cash. Phone Main 5720. V. SIDE II OM K WITH INCOME. $.15oO. 50x100 lot on Lovejoy, clone to Good Samaritan; modern 7-room residence in good condition, full basement with fur nace; 2d floor gives income of $0; per mo. $150o cash will handle. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR 243 Stark St. Main ML IRVINGTON COLONIAL. Especially nice mahogany panel In dining room. 3 bedrooms. 2 baths, on fine corner. $14,000; terms. J. R. HAIGHT, 327 Board rf Tradv Bdwy. 2045 NEW 4-ROOM bungaiow. just finished. This cozy and complete bungalow for $2(Wio. One block from carline. Terms, $." down; balance easy. W. M. Umb denstock & Co., 21-0 Oregon bldgL Bdwy. IrtV. MODERN W. S RESIDENCE $0300. Splendidly built 7-room residence In excellent condition, pretty interior, all modern conveniences : good lot. HENRY W. GODDARD. RE A LTOR. 243 Stark St. Main R3L $1000. Three-room house. 100x100 lot, cement sidewalks, sewer, bearing fruit trees, berries, give terms and might consider some trade. This "la biggest snap in Portland. Mr. Barrel. Phone Tabor 252. 1RVINjToN New 5-room bunaaiow, liv ing room 15x30, large bedrooms; in fine part of district; tile bath, oak through out, large attic. $7500. J. R, Haight, :i'7 Bf. Trade. Bdwv. 2045 fMih urban Homes. WHY PAY RENT? $50 will give you postepion of a tiny house. 2 rooms, city water. 50x100 lot. on street with all city improvements in and paid for; just off Lombard st. ; price $1000. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 10. Third St . bet Washington and Stark. IT PAYS to consult us before buying your subur ban home. A. K. HILL CO REALTORS. OM. reliable firm. HA M APO STATION $ 1 050. 2 acres, all In cult., fruit; 4-room house, e-ood well: $400 cash will handle. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark St. - Main R31. 5 A C R ES ONLY SlOOu. ' Nine miles from courthouse; level, fine for chickens, berries; $.10 gives posses sion. Se owner, oOO Concord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. IT PAYS to consult us before buying your sub urban home. A, K. HILL CO., Realtors, Old, Reliable Firm. REAL ESTATE. huburbun Home. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND TIGARD. Four acres, close to Capitol highway, 1 mile to school. mile to electric sta tion; good garden land, S acres under cultivation, 1 acre pasture, 1 acre bear ing orchard In fine condition, berries of every kind; good 5-room cottage, barn 20x20, chicken house, woodshed. The place is well furniished and garden in cluded at $3000. $1000 caah. balance for 2 years. Or consider small house or bungalow In Portland of same value. ana priced right. MODERN PLASTERED HOUSES. Three-fourth acre, juat outside city limits, b blocks to city carline; all under cultivation, woven wire fences, 15 bearing fruit trees and all kinds berries; 6-room plastered bungalow, ce ment Dasement, wmte enamel piumomg; large chicken house, earn tee. woodshed. Price $30oo. terms; or will sell place iurmsned lor $32a0. . . I Five acres. 8 miles from center of Portland, all under cultivation, l, mile to electric station and school: 70 bear ing fruit treeb; 4-room plastered house with cement foundation, barn 16x26. garage, chicken house. Price $3000, clear: lartre cash payment: consider house In suburbs of Portland for same amount; will not assume. One acre. 1 block" frera electric sta tion, between Portland and Gresham, 2 miles from Portland limits; 4-room plastered house, lota of berries and young fruit trees, chicken house and woodshed ; $000 cash, balance $ 1 5 pet montn at B per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerilnger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Ideally located and arranged for i-uictktrii uiniier inn ur runuiiuuee vi highway in Portland's most popular sub uruan district. Beautiful new modern nome to please the most lastiilious; living room 25x2S. hus-e atone fireplace, 2 baths, beautiful and artistic dining room, combination den and breakfast room, with fireplace, oak floors, gas heat, double garaae. complete laundry in building by itself; 3-room modern bungalow for caretaker, chicken house and runs for 1000 chickens, barn: four acres of choicest fruit, grapes ana ner ries ard beautiful landscape gardens. This is a wonderful place and can be bought right. Will sell either 2 or 4 acres with house, or will consider good city nome in exenange. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4084. 320 Lumbermen! Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 74-ACRFJ HOME AT A BARGAIN. It Is seldom we have a home of this character to offer at so low a price; acres, all in cultivation, perfect laying land, no rock, splendid B-room house practically new, full basement, wash trays, bath, fireplace, built-in bookcase: Dutch kitchen, other built-lns. wide, deep front porch, large screened-in back porch, large bearing orchard, 8 miles city limits, east aide, perfect road all way. V mile to station, with bank, can nery, stores, creamery, etc.; price $5500; easy terms. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. th St.. Near Glisan. Broadway 43SL SUBURBAN HOMES. Two acres of choice garden land. In cultivation, lots of fruits and ber ries, 4-room neat cottage and outbuild ings, near station on Oregon City line; $3000. half cash. Five acres, 2 acres In cultivation, new 8-room cottage (f urninhed . 100 chickens; near j.-hool, railway station, 10 miles out; $2750, $000 down, bal ance easy. Six acres extra choice land, running water, also large spring, c.n the pave ment at the rallwa;' station; 4-room house, barn, lots of fruit and berries; 10 miles out; $0000. good terms, or will sell half with buildings. This is nice. R. M. GATE WOO D fk CO. lti.V, 4th St. FOUR ACRES AT BEAVERTON. All In cultivation; about 2 acres of fruit ; 4-room box houe; city water piped to houe; electricity and gas available; you can't beat . it for $30oo. 500 cash, good terms on the balance. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. SUBURBAN home at Ran Plate with fine view; one acre of ground w ith foilow lnc fruit trees and berries, all bearing: A pplea. pears, cherries, prunes, plums, peach. English walnuts. gooseberries, currants, raspberries (black and red), grapes, and a house, 2Sx3(S,- full cement basement, fireplace and furnace. 3 large sleeping rooms and closets with each and bathroom upstair; 4 large rooms. Including kitchen, downstairs; built and . occupied bv preaent owner as home. Price $7300. with nt least $2,100 down, terms to suit on balance. Phone Main 2401 or see B. H. Stewart. 105V Fourth st reet 13-ACRE SACRIFICE All cultivated and well fenced ; almost new tt-room plas tered bungalow; large modern dairy barn with big new silo; located 1H miles west of Beaverton on Canyon road; mile from electric line: fine auto road; well im proved neighborhood; worth $2000 more than the price. Owner will sacrifice for $0500. good terms. Will accept mod ern city home as parL SEE THIS SNAP SURE. G. G. McCORMIC CO., Moved to 207 Falling Building. Main R220 or Main 03IS. ONE-ACRE TRACTS. JOINING CITY LIMITS ON EAST. $000 AND UP. Highly Improved farm, just been sub divided; lies level, productive soli, faces good macadamized road; Bull Run water and beautiful view of the mountains and city; some tracts with bearing cherry, pear and apple trees, and others with raspberries, loganberries, strawberries, currants, grapes and asparagus; $100 down and $50 every three months. SAYLER E. SMITH. 3 1 S Railway Exchange Bldg. TWO-ACRE COUNTRY HOME. Good black loam, fruit trees and ber ries in abundance; 9-room house with bath. electricity and gas; beautiful lawn and flowers; 3 blocks to school and close to Cornelius. Or.; barn, chick en houses, woodshed and garage; $4600, terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 203 Abington Bldg. Main lOftS. Third St.. bet. Washington and Stark. SACRIFICE HALF-ACRE HOME. Only $1000 cash for more than a half acre with plastered 3 rooms and sleep ing porch ; only 2 blocks from Garden Heme station, on Oregon Electric; elec tricity, gas and water; 0c commutation fare. Come to Gnrden Home Sunday and ask for McCormic. Main 0318 or Main S220. ONE ACRE. OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. Fruit and berries; 4-room plastered bungalow with gas. city water avail able; chicken house and woodshed; bloeks to cir and off the main paved highway; $1000. good terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bide. Main 10W. Third St.. bet. Wn?hington and Stark. $4500. Modern 6-room bungalow and 1 acre in fruit on Powell va I ley road, half mtle to Hawthorne car and grade school. House has city water, Dutch kitr hen. gas. etc. Four rooms and bath on first floor: 2 bedrooms up. 1 x24 garage and nw 1x24 chicken house. Call Main t;7n. evening' A tit o. V?7-0V 1 ACRE, in ruLivaiinn, balance can be. 4-room house, garage, woodshed' and chicken house: 5 blocks to school and station. 10c carfare by book. Plenty of fruit and berries. Price $170o. Cash $50O. Balance same as rent. C. J. CULLISON REAL ESTATE CO., Realtor. 20" u Morrison St. OSWEGO BARGAIN. ONLY $i(on. New 5-room bunga low : basement, wa ter, light, gas: big homosite. 105x120. on corner, hard road; small payment gives possession ; you'll not find another like this. See owner, 500 Concord bldg. 2d ftnd Stark sts FOR SALE or lease Beautiful suburban home. 6 large rooms. new, modern house and garase, fine lawn and shrubs. 4 acre in Parkrose district; all paved roads; 2 blocks off Sandy blvd., on Craig road. C. S GOOD ALE. Ta h or 7715 or Bd wy. 3ft"14. $500 CASH. REST EASY. Will handle full acre mile from Durham sta.. on Oregon Electric, with very attractive 5-room bunealow, elec trlcitv. close to school. Can purchase adjoining land if oVsired. Price $2500. HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor. 243 Stark St. Main 831. MULTNOMAH BARGAINS. A " beautiful littl bungalow. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, cement bo semen t. fireplace. acre of ground, fruit of all kinds: also a nice 4-room bungalow, beautiful cobble stone fireplace and of an acre of ground; a beauty. See. or call Nnii rtnT-tf p. fuitnotn" h Or. Miiin 1003. SACRIFICE 0-room bungalow, close n Oregon City car; gas, electricity. Bull Run water; acre, garage, chicken houses. 75 hens. 20 full bearing fruit trees, berries, roses, etc., $5250. K 179, Oregonlnn. BUNG AH W on 7 acres, citv limits ; gas. water and elec.; on macadam et. $5000 cash. U Cham, of Com. Bldg. REAL ESTATE. ."Minurltun Home. $i30O HL'BK R STATION, near BEAVER- lOAi. 1 acres of rich noil. neat 4-room bungalow with large psniry, cenea ana papered chicken 1 house, woodshed, good well, city water and gas in the street, oniy a mocks irom s. P. station and highway; cash $350. balance $25 per month ; owner acrmcing: paia sisou a year ago. SPLENDID value. $1600 HUBER STATION, almost two acres, a 4-room bunsalow. sem Dutch kitchen, small pantry and wash room, gas heat, brick well with plenty of clear water, large screenea cnicaen noue. rami v orchard; cash $300, balance $25 per montn. $3500 ALOHA STATION $3500. Fruit and poultry ranch, almost four acres, o-roora ceiled and papered house. gas, garage, barn, chicken house, good waier Bsiem. LUJljdbKtlAb UK CHARD, full bearing. This is an at tractive place, on a good gravel road anu only about t minutes walk to S. p. station and highway; cash $1000, bal ance per montn. jSoOO-ALOHA STATION $3000. LITTLE HOME RANCH of more than 5 acres, all under a high state of cul tivation: one acre in xruit. tun bearina: 6-room house, almost new, Dutch kitch en with many bullt-ins. good water svfc tern, large new barn, hog house, chicken house; the kind of a ranch that helps to pay for Itself; located on a good mac- aaam roaa. ciose to state nignway ana school, only about 25 minutes' drive to Portland. minutes walk to S. P. sta' tlon; widow selling at a sacrifice; cash 700, balance $20 per month, bee ton one. The above are only a few of our sub urban homes. We have a well-chosen list; some excellent values, $1300 up to (15,000. see us be lore you buy. M. K. DeJOICK COMPANY, 221 Henry Bldg. Broadway 10 COMFORTABLE COUNTRY HOME. Located out the Oregon City road, near the river; a modern tt room bungalow and 2 acres of land; lota of bearing fruit, grapes, etc; good district; price $5500, with $2500 cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 6 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S. MAKING it possible for you to enjoy the great outdoors, by offering easy terms on this cultivated acre, which faces on macadamized street, with Bull Run wa ter; situated Just outside of the city limits, where taxes are low; priced at $600; good neighbors and a fine place to live; along U-d st., near Section Line roaa, R. H. CONFREY, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg SACRIFICING FOR SltiUU. Cheerful 4-room plastered bungalow, with modern city conveniences; beauti- rui quarter acre fronting on nurd road walking distance to city car line; located only 20 min. out on west side; you will be surprised at the real value here and you can make it pay for itseir; price Includes furniture. Come in today and let us show you this snap before it's gone. Open Sunday until 2 P. M. A. K. HILL. 420 Lumbermens Hldg. LOOK THESE "CUTE" PLACfc-S OVER. $200 cash Wooded acre; new bunga low. 'A rooms, elec. light, near station; $1500. $2"J0 cash 2 lota, pretty new bunga low; corner, rocked street: gas, electric lights, trees; act quickly; the first $1000 takes it. $350 cash 3-room bungalow, full acre, near elec. station; water, lights; $1,"IH). Also re vera 1 other places priced right. McFARLAND. Realtor. Failing bldg. STOP PAYING RENT. 4-room cottage, spick and span, ready to occupy. 1 1-3 acres, on bank of stream. Mt. Scott district, city limits. Barn and chicken house, fruit and ber ries, fine shade trees. Can nave large garden, keep cow and chickens. Price $2750. part cash, balance like rent. If you would be' thrifty and own a good home where you are not crowded for space, this will appeal to you. W. L. Smith, O'JOO 1t7th st. S. E. Lents car. ONE-ACRE HUM.. Neat and attractive new 4-room bun galow, and one acre, on hard-surfaced road, 25 minutes from heart of city, for $3750, on very easy terms; will accept as part payment city lots or good piano. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HERE'S YOLR CHANCii! ONLY $2250. New four-room bungalow, double con structed, plumbing, water, lights, acre home site; fine spring brook; on rock road; price only $2250; $200 will handle, balance like rent. See owner, 500 Con cord bldg., 2d and Stark sis. Will f ina nee ex-service men. COMFORTABLE 5-room house, nemi-niod- ern; ouxiuu jot; not iar irom car; sitou, small payment will handle and balance like rent; Sellwood district. Ask for b C. Marshall, wUh FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Main 10R8. Third St.. bet. Washington and Stark. MULTNOMAH STATION. HaLF ACRE PRICE $2400. All in cultivation; fruit and berries; dandy 3-room house, woodshed, etc. ; city water, electricity and gas; right oa paved highway, near station. DUDHEY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 PANAMA BLDG. MAIN 3042. $1200 BUYS my 4-room p.asiered bunga low, with 3 nice lots in west Portland, not far from Multnomah station, on the Oregon Electric ; will take $10O down, balance $20 per month with (i per cent interest. For particulars see owner, 4li4 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. COURTNEY STATION. One acre with house, shed and barn, on Oregon City car line near station and on good road. Price $2000. Will sell adjoining acreage. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark St. Main 831. CUT PRICE 10 ACRES. $31 50 10 acres, house, barn, 70-foot hennery, creek, hi mile elec. and high way; extra soil; berries; near Beaver ton. 12 miles Portland; shown by auto. Main 3G72. McFarland, Realtor, Fail ing bldg. FOR SALE Situated at Donald. Or., on Oregon Elec. 12-room bungalow hotel, barn, woodshed, roothouse. hot and cold water, bath, toilet, electric lights, fruit, fine garden. Income property, reasonable term. Great house. 2i)S Ivy st. Phone East 52. $2050 TAKES a dandy bungalow with 2 large sightly lot. near Multnomah on the Oregon Electric; thoroughly mod ern, turns easy. For particulars call on BEN R1F-SLAND, 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st., or his agent, Mrs. Grant, at the Multnomah office. 20 ACRES HILLriBORO. Right on the highway all in cult, and in fall crops: house with lights, gas and city water; $350 per acre. Close to station and school. HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor. 243 Stark Street. Main S::l. ACRE AND BUNGALOW, ONLY 1450. Three blocks to S. P. electric station; electric lights; new, 3 rooms, plastered, painted and tinted; small payment gives possession, balance like rent. Owner, Son Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark ss. HIGH -CLASS suburban home; modern 7-room house. 2 acres, all Improved, fruit and ber ries, poultry; good garage; a bargain at $5500. See A. K. HILL, 426 Lumber iTi'ns bldif. $150 CASH. $10 MONTHLY. Small house, newly painted and pa pered; close to elec. sta.. Garden Home; acre of ground, plowed and seeded; can gt elec. gas and water; $1Hm0. Mc FA RLA ND. R-a I tor. F iling bldg. COMPLETE BUILDING PLANS. speci fications, material cost estimate. Cali fornia. Seattle, Portland bungalows, $5 up. Bungalow Book Qo . McKay bldg. For Sale Bu..inesw Property. INCOME BUSINESS PROPERTY. This property located on the best busi ness corner of Sheridan, brinies in better than $200O in rentals each year. A fin brick and plastered building. lOOxffS feet. Entire building rented. Large audito "Hum of 400 seating capacity'in connec tion. For sal: by owners. A real in vestment at $12,000. $30110 cah. Bal ance on terms to suit purchaser. Write or phone Matt Mauss. Sheridan. Or. BLblNUbS LOT, W'l LLIAMS AVE. 50x100 between Broadway and Rus sell sts.. facing east : $3000. Oregon Investment A Mortgage Co., 210 Lum ber Evrhanr- bldir AN APARTMENT PROPERTY. Paying over 12 per cent on price of $17.5o0. This property is well built and nicely locat-ed. Offer easy t"rms or take suburban or residence to $7000. Phone Wdln. 1 1M. venings. APARTMENT BA RGAIN Going to Eu rope, will sell 48-room furnished apart ment house. Priced to make 20 per cent on the investment. Miller apta.. Salem, Or"-iron. WILL sell Gem and Bungalow theaters of SutherMn and Oakland. Apply Globe TheaTer Co.. Albany, Or. Foil SALE Two 4 or 0 theaters Un-ated on main line S. P. R. R.. south of Port land, in Oregon. AV 607, Oregonlan. VaLLAIILE quarter, block on Belmont, sacrifice at $3-00. worth double. Wdin. 2403. FOR SALE by owner, fractional quarter block. N. 10th and Oak sta. ilar. 2206. REAL KSTATK. For Sale unines Property. APARTMENT HOUSE SITES. 1mx20U. This Is unquestionably one of the best and most desirable upartmcnt house sites in Portland. Price $30,000. Terms. 100x106 Right In the apartment house district. You should see it. Pries $500. Terms. BUSINESS COR. ON WASHINGTON. 45xloo This is a real buy and will make money for purchaser. Price $25, 000. Terms. ALEXANDER REALTY CO., 701-702 Title & Trust Blug. Entrance SO 4th St. $17,000. Williams ave. income business and residence corner, 100x120 and alley, over 15 per cent on the In vestment. Can bring more. Terms. WOODLAWN 1132. HANDSOME 11 -room apt. hoime; im lo cation; 20 minutes' walk from Morrison st. ; good income ; la wn ; roues, some fruit; fully furnished for housekeeping; assessments all paid; worth $tk00. all goes for 4S00, terms; will consider small close-in gotn farm. Owner, 5o4 E tlth -it- Phone S.-llwoud 1101. lor Sale Acreage. WE OWN six 7-acre tracts In the best . fruit district In the north west, extra fine soil, well drained, no rock or gravel. Four tracts in high state of cultivation, one tract with good house and barn, on paved road, electric light line, tele phone, U. F. D., only 40 minutes' drive to Portland business district; -mile to fine school. Prices as follows: Tract No. 1 $1500, monthly $18. Tract N o. 2 $2000, monthly $24. Tract No. 3 $3000, monthly $2.s.50. Tract No. 4 $4000, monthly $48. Trac t N o. 5 $2500, monthly $30. Trac t N o. $2000, aionthly $24. cash $L50. cash $200, cash $300, cash $400, cash $250, cash $200, The above monthly payments In clude interest. This is an easy way to get a fine fruit tract and good home. They will not last long. Come now. ATKINSON & PORTER, 705 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. 10 ACRES. Seven in cultivation, balance In pasture and easily cleared, acre in strawberries, hk acre in rasp berries; 3-room house, barn 20x30, chicken house 12x50, horse, cow, loo chickens, brood sow with 8 pigs, 2 plows, 2 harrows, culti vator, cream separator, buggy, 2 sets of harness, hay in barn, on good road ; $2750, $1250 cash; with furniture, 2U50. A. J. BOCKWOLD, With A. C. HOWLAND, 620 Main St., Oregon City, Or. 001 tiwetland Bldg., Portland, Or. READ THIS. Ten acres located Just two blocks from Battle Ground highway on grav eled road, In standing timber; will cut 3oo or 400 co:ds of wood; Al soil, no gravel; will throw in new drag saw and aell for UOO, with $200 down. Get bUriv. Geo. F. Crow, with Albert Hurala, tnl Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 1201, or res idence Woodlawn 27N5. 1U-ACKK W'OODcD Tit ACT. A beautiful level tract, facing directly on the 'Powell Valley road, just outside the city limits; covered with stately grove of native trees; an ideal spot for suburban home; sold on easy terms; $1250; you will see our sign. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trail Bldg. 0l ACRES, la acres in cultivation, itood rolling hill laud; 55 acres tillable land when cleared, 200 choice fruit tree, team, wagon, hay, implements, etc., plenty ol timber, small creek, pring and well ; 3 miles from Estacada, miles southeast of Portland. 3 mile of school, mall route. This Is a bargain al $2050, $1250 cash, balance terms to suit. See H. F. Gibson, Barton, Or. 4 AL'Kcc O.N Rhiu liLbt'TRiC, WfciriT OF HfciAVtiKTU.N, 1- OK o.0. Out Just wtl uf Beuverton. few blocks from highway and red eictrlc mat ion, 2 acres, all cleared, very pretty building site, city water and gas, pr.ee $650. Hargrove kkai.Ti co 122 N. bth St., Near Glisan. Broadway 43.n1. CLUO DOWN, 17.5U MONTHLY. 2u acres of good cut-over land on country road, near Hlllsboro; 1 acre in cultivation, house. 1.nx24, land prac tically level, splendid creek and well, best of soil, no rock or gravel. Total price $2 loo, a chance to douole your money. Fred V. German Co., Realtors, 7:iU Cna m iter of ( 'nm rnerce. HAS It; LIN hi ROAD. With 33d feet frontaKe, tract contain ing over 4 3 acres for $2150, on good terms; only two left at this price, so act quickly. R. II. CONFREY, Realtor, ' RITTER, LOWE A: CO., 2Q1-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SUBURBAN ACREAGE, SMALL PAYMENT. 2 to 5 acres, near S2d st. high wav easy walk, guod car service: best of soil; 25-mtnute drive 4ih and Wash.; $425 pt r acre, lO' down. Also tracts on hard street, same locatlty, investigate J. C. COKBIN CO.. :iu5-ti-7 Lewis bldg. UN ft. AC RE IN SI Ik A W BE R R 1 ES. Faces H2d st.. Just north of Powell Valley road; $1000, on easy terms; tho berries are in full bearing and will go a long way toward paying for the land. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE Ac CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE or trade, 10 acres crarlberry marsh. Long Beach, Wash., 5 acres in bearing vines, 5-room house, large pack ing house, fine spray plant. Price $8OO0. Will consider farm or acreage or citv property of equal value. C 181, Ore gor.ian. A BIG, juicy acre, $400; out Powell Valley road, about 3 miles east of b2d st. : only $50 ca.-h, bal. $10 per month; here s jour enance; troou neign onrnoou. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 2Q1-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg' FOR SALE 3 acres oil Oregon City line, living spring, some grape vines and berries. A tt-room house with 1 acre, gas and electric light In; some fruit and berries. P. O. Box 20110, East Portland, Station A . Oregon. ACKLS, gooii 7-room house, lots of fruit, chickens, all cleared, no g ravel ; only 4 miles from city iimlts; $3500; 500 down; worth $45on. LINTON & WELCH. 41H Railway Exchange. NEAR OREGON CITY. 7 acres in cultivation, good 4-room house, all. kinds of fruit and berries. 5 blocks from curline, school und store. Price $1450. A. H. Akeruon, 420 Henry nog. $100 down; 5 acrs on rocked country road, near Electric sta turn, A 1 soil, mostly cultivated; price $1400. W. 51. Umdenstock At Co., 210 Oregon bldg. nrjii-:iv iii5s. Do 1 O U want a be j u 1 1 1 u i site for coun try home',' Have 4." acres on Pacific highway; IS in bearing orchard. Pic ture give surroundings, one mile to good town. Sell or 1 1 ade for Portland residence up to $10.000. Phono 3 1 K-73 ACREAGE .-i.NAP. 27 acrs 10 A. in cultivation. 4 acres fine commercial orchard. 5 a-r'S almost cleared, live spring, new hou.se. 21 miles from Portland. $25o, easy terms. L. O Gerhor. 71 1 Sw-tb.nd bldg 1 ACRE;, f-acntl.-e; tills ,u 2 blocks Iloin , nr M -.. .-Ill . .. ,f I i ..il. ideal for poultry and berries; city water,' iectrictty; easy terms. W. SI. Umdenstock Co., Pr'..d:iV 15s. 10 irregon DHlg BEAUTIFUL one to live-acre tracts, clo to river and highway. See us. Your own terms in reason. RALPH HARRIS CO.. Sltf Chamber of Comnirre Main 5024 1-,-ACRL TRACT. NEAR MOUNT TA HoR PARK. These tracts are prlred below market value fur uub'k sale; no commission to pay ; 10 per cent down. All city con vnt'-nc-". Call own-T, Tabor ."7. WORTH IM HULL. $275 per acre, 10 acres adjoining car line, excellent soi!. all under cultivation, beaut if ul view of M t. Hood ; very sy term. W. M. Umdenstoek A Co.. 210 On-gT Mdtr Ttro-idway MUST sell at once in order to sett le an estate. 10 31 acres 4 miles from Canby, all under cultivation ; will sell on term or cash for $."..'.00. C 1 "7. Oregon i an. GARDEN HOME, .2 ACHK.S. Hard street, water, gas, electricity, cleared, nice view ; 1 ".o. Terms. J. C. CORR1N CO.. 3Q5-6-T Lewis b'dg BLY CITY ACRE Gas, elec, Main 47S1 Monday. water, cheap ONE ACRE land for ale in Alberta dis trict. Woodlawn 1S77. 2 ACRES in The Dalies, for good auto. Call Oak Grove 103 -W. REAL TATK. For Sale Acreage. 10 ACRES. 35 rnJes from Portland on good macail a m ; se d roa d ; rail and w 1 1 fences; mile to school; good creek bottom land ; 4 seres under cultivation, all can be farmed when cleared; some bearing orchard : rural delivery, cream route; 4-room house, small brn, ga rage, chicken house. price $1050 $450 ca.sh; will consider light car or city lot as first payment. ADJOINING LIMITS OF MILWAUKIK. Ore acre, all under cultivation: 1"00 strawberry plants. 50 raspberry. 4 acre potatoes, best of garden land ; good graveled road; mile to school, low commutation fare; city water and gas in houve: small garage, chicken house. Price $1S00, largo cash payment. Per sonally Inspected. ON PAVED HIGHWAY. Six acres, 9 nillea from center of Portland, near Tigard, i mile from station; A acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated, good loam soil ; offered at a bargain; $500 cash, bal ance $300 per year. Inspected by Hunter. AT TIOARD, OREGON. Four acres, on good rock road, 1 mile from station and school. 1 block from Capitol highway ; all under cultivation, dark loam soil; fruit trees and berries; 3-room house, woodshed. Price $2500, large cash pavment. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, Gerilnger Bldg. Over ItOO Small Places Near Portland. Cot Our Extensivo Classified Lists. $30 CASH. $550 PER ACRffi. Two or 4 acres and lumber to build a 4-ronm hou included. This Is lo cated cloae in on the east side, about 10 blocks from the mreet car; has city water and electric light and gas near land; land like this was selling U years ago for $l-'uo "er acre and no Improvements; now $550, including lum ber to build a little house. You should Investigate this if you are in the market for a mall ntnch ; will make terms that you can afford to meet Cp '1 on owner, G. II. Dammeler, 40b McKay bldg.. Third and Stark st. $50 CASH, $550 TER ACRE. Two or four acres and- lumber to build a four-room house Included. This Is located close in on the east side, about ten blocks from the street car; has city water and electric light and gas near land; land like this was selling 12 years ago for $1200 per acre and no Improve ments; now $55o including lumber to build a ho us. You should Investigate this If you are in the market for a small ranch; will make terms that you can afford to meet, Ca;i on owner, G. 11. Dammeler, 40K McKay bldg.. Third and Stark sta Open Sundays, 2 to 4 P. M. FINE SOIL, RUNNING WATER. TWELVE acres, about one-half In cultivation and now In clover; fine soil, some extra good onion land, lasting running water, beau tiful building site, close In on good road, near good station and school. Electric lights ava liable. Price only $350 per acre. Terms; othep nearby acreage advertised at $500 per acre and some much higher. Real soil, lasting running water, choice location and a real bar gain will all be found here. SAMUEL DO A K. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 5, 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a R-ticre tract In this addition of N00 acres; down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, ri er, auto stage and truck; beautifully l" ng land, free from rock and gravel ; some tracts have beautiful view of river; th-re are also some with streams; fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DELFEL. 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. IN THE GRESHAM DISTRICT. $. 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $50 TO $100 AN ACRE. Small cash payment. easy terms; owned by a Portland bank, who has taken It on foreclosure and can sell it at cost to them; 40c fare. frequent trains, 20 miles from Portland: land level, fertile, red -shot loam, free from rock: near highly improved farms. Fred I Huntress, exclusive agent. J 20 Grand ave., S. E. corner of E. Alder. Enst Old EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. Ten seres. Palatine hill. Ten acres, near Council Crest. Ten acres, 72d and Division, all In iultlvation. very desirable; only $1000 per acre, good terms. DONALD MACLEOD, 1002 Spalding Bldg. Main 341. YOU WILL LIKE THIS ON E. "V-acre. natural trees, city water. Al berta ca r. not far to Kennedy school. .1 ust outride city on Portland new nro posed highway Parkway, $ 1 200, Beau tlful tract, $lo pavments. $10 cash. ROGER W. CAR Y, 1210 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 1013. Residence Main 1377. CLOSE-IN FARMS. 75 acres extra choice land. H miles Portland, at railway sta.; paved roads; being run as dairy ; $10.0oi, term; or will sell 20, 25 or 30 acres, $210 per acre, and make terms. If Interested call and see us. U. M. CATEWQOD A CO.. llt.M, 4,th St. 2d ACKKS UT.'.O. 7 acres in cult., flue soil. -ml'e from na ed high w ay and electric line. 3d miles out. $100 cash, balance tuy nionihlv painenty. Ste N. I. Fanisworth INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 4lo Henrv Bldg LAND BARGAIN. 14 mis from Portland, only $Rf per acre. Think of it. Rich soil, lies fine on county road, all tillable. 000 cords of wood. 1 S miles from railroad. COME QUICK. BUY THIS FOR SPECULATION. W. H. RO.-S. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $S5 PER ACRE fh5 PER ACRE. 4 1 acres in best part Willamette valley, all Al soil, level, 12 acres clear; running water, small house, large hop house. 10O0 cords wood; 2'a miles Ore gon Electric station. 1 mile river; only $s.( per acre, on terms. J. II. Richards, 30S McKay hlilc . Third and Stark wis. j sCRij, o blocks .Wu'tjioni.ih. garden land, fine view and building site; Bull Run water, g.ts, electricity Hnd phone in ttr-et. Accept good Ford or small cash p.iymont, balance monthly payments, nt:d give first mortgage privilege If you Wrinf to b I 11. tier. Atl'O. 5 1 K-0'J. ONLV 1 150 BIG SACRIFICE. 10 acres, right at On-non Electric sta t Ion ; alt cleu r. In vel, vegetable and bwry land ; clear tltlo for $ 1 1JSO. on terms; must be. .sold bv November 10. J. II. Richards. 30M McKay bldg.. Third and Sturk Ms. CULTIVATED tracts, lust outride city, near 41 ; Alberta car; not far to Ken nedy school; citv water: beautiful tracts $s50 to $'-'50; $10 pavnieiit. flo cash. Let me show vmi. Roger W. Caiy, 1-1U N. W. Bank bldg. acres, new House. A cosy plastered houpe of 4 rooms, facing the Barr road: a good well, rich, red shot soil, latiil hnlf cleared; a low piiee, J25UO. $."Vho rnsli, $25 per month. STRONG & Co. O'Ml Chamh-rof 'otn. CHOICE acreage, only 30 miles down the Columbia river highway; good soil; good roads, any size 1 1 ads. low prices, easy terms: csn handle ome irsde. INTER STATE LAND CO.. 24S Staik st. Main 54 20. WO DED - AC R E, $1200. $10 pay m'n Is. t lO cash . This baut If ul tra't of natural trees just outMde city, near 42d. A'berta ar HU'-'vl! W I R V, 1210 N. W. B.mk Itl.ivr WRITE lor map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and asy terms offered to settlers. WEYEKH AUSKK I1MER CO.. Tarn m a. Wa h. FOR SALE Bv owner. :; acres, more or "f3. cleared. Ideal location, good drain age, fine ttoi I. clos to 1 'ortiaiol, on went side; i4 mile to xhool. h.itik. s'oren and rle-- Mne. M ;i r. 3H'.T A I'll Orect-nlan. 2', A'RKS. BARK It ' A I . Can't be beat tor soil and price; $1250, $,.( down and $15 per month. S T R ' 'NG At Co . Pint Chum, of Com. 11 1' H 1' V i m proven i wo acreb" c!om Tnt also K acres pa rt ly Improved ; u III con sider good house or bungalow In cha ng". Owner. 1 00 1 Ht h t ; Mai n 30' t. BARGAIN SALE-- K'(U:ty in 25 acre jo In cultivation; 10 mlies from court house. Base Lin mad ; god subdivision propo sitlnn. V 157. Or gontan. k. j.iTTl.E f. n in In lii" city. 1", ami At end of Hawthorne line; SlO'io per acre; also 1 acre farther nut. $o:.o. owner, 015 Ry. Ex-h. bldg. Mar. LYs.y FOR SALE OR TRADE 11 acres cran berry or peppermint land at Long Beach, Wash. Inquire 173 3d hi. Phone Mam t',4N. FOR SALE Half section of unimproved land In Hood Rl ve rcoun ty. A II u Prt E E Wn nn. R. F D 4. AIbnn. Or TILLAMOOK county cranberry land Fo: particulars write Sam Bauer. Ore town ' Oreaon. TEN ACRES. 4 mile from href-ham. good soil. 3 acres cleared, fn'eci; pile $750, ttrou. AF 21(1, Oreitunian.