TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 30, 1931 RK.AL ESTATE. rr Sale ROPE CITT PARK. $ 500 E. 4!th ft.. east -Xront, 50 ft. south of Klickitat. 650 E. 4!th M.. east front, 200 ft. north of Siskiyou. 600 Southwest corner 49th and Klick itat st. 700 E. 47th st., east front, 100 ft. north of Halsey. 730 E. 47th ft., west front, 100 ft. south of Siskiyou. 800 E. lilat st.. west front, 150 ft. north of Klickitat. 900 E. 3Hth at., eat front, 50 ft north of Thompson. 950 Broad way. north front, 97 ft. or ewn st. 950 Alameda drive, south front, 60 it. east oi i.un st. 1000 Northeast corner 48th and Stan ton pts. 1000 Southeast corner 56th. and Siski you MtS. LAURELHURST. S 825 Wasco at., north front, 150 ft west oi aaa it. COLONIAL HEIGHTS DISTRICT. $1400 E. 24th at., choice weit front Iota, terms. JGOO Hawthorne ave., north front, 40 xl. east of 25th st. WESTMORELAND. 9 650 E. 21st at., east front, 200 tt. north of Bybee ave. HENDERSON-BANKl'S CO.. 2H Henry Bldg. Pdwy. 4754. ACRB TRACTS. GARDEN AND CHICKENS. $13 DOWN $13 PER MO. We have a few acre tracts left In the New Wilhhire Addition, on E. 42 d at., N. Good (traveled roads. Bull Run water, within 3 mile circle from the c-nter of town: 14-acre tract In Park rose. Ideal for Intensive garde nine, 1 tract trees on. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main Branch Office, 33d and Bryce Ave. I'hone Aut. SOMK SNA FS. The, Swlntun Land company wish to dlspoe of the few lots thev have left and have lnsi ructed u to t-ell them at about one-third their former price In ordr to do so quickly. They are weil lo cated, being convenient to the west aide, St. John. Kenton and Vancouver. Sale price, rt)x nm. $:;oo; $:tn cash, 16 mo. Arrange to f them tomorrow. JOHNS' N -10 DSON CO., f.33 N. V. par.k Bldg. Main 3737. $2250 2 DS acres on east 37th st, facing n carline. Thla will make an excellent chicken ranch or la suitable for sub division. This is Just half price. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Hallway Exch. Bldg.. Main 86. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. Tabor MV. Open Sunday. $000 LOT FOR $275. Kllllngwworth ave., near E. 11th st. fiOxloo. with cement walks, curbs, grad ing, water In and paid close to several car lines, school, church and stores. Jutit think, in 1'JlO theee lots sold for fttOO and 1700 apiece. Will they bring that again? Our price 9275 lor short time onlv. HITTER. LOWE A CO.. Realtors. 21 -2-3 Hoard of Trade Bldg. KoN-RESI DK.NT will sacrifice for cah lot 12. block 4, Seventh-St. Terraces, 45x loo, located on Commonwealth ave., run ning throuKh to Buckingham ave. (be low old castle), and between two cot tages; view lot looking down Broadway over entire city; 17 minutes' walk from Morrison and Broadway ; I paid $2104); best offer geta It. Zella Hayncs, 1430 McAllister nt., San Francisco, Cal. NitKTH ,M T. TAHOK. Forced to eli my splendid lot on 52d at. This is situated about 3 blocks south of Gllsan St.; Limcni walks, Htwer and ?as; $500, ami very easy terms; this Is 200 lesy than adjoining lota. W. M. l'mbdertock A Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. MONTA VILLA. $000 last year was paid by owner, who must sacrifice) at $300,. on E. 73d N.. taring E. ; 150 ft. N. of Halsey. Go out lialsey to 73d and turn to the left 150 ft, Look for the sfgn. HITTER. LOWE At CO., Realtor. l 2l -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade B:dg. W EST SIDE LOT, 2U0 .Nice level lot with pretty maple and cedar trees, on east side Front st., between Iowa and Pen dleton. 4uxlO0, both sewer and water In: thi U Juit 3 block Fulton car und 2 blocks school ; liens $75; adjoining lots sold for $150. J. G. Ralney, 517 Ablng ton Mdg. Main 12M0. LAl'KKLIIIHi.ST Sandy nr. E. 33d; price $1250; streets on both ends; also fine south front on Ha.ulo nt-ar E. 3Hth, for $110o. See us for lot pickups In this Choice home district. HITTER. LOWE & CO. Realtors, -2-8 -5-7 Board of Trade Hldg. ROSE CITV PARK DISTRICT. Heal Bargain. lOrt ft. Sandy boulevard frontage -on E. hth St., beautiful grove of trees, three houses could be huilt on this piece. HARRY BEVKW1TH. REALTOR. lot Fifth St. Main mW. 1KVINUT(X 1 I C K L" I ' 5(1 x 1 01 , lie t wee n 2 new houses on E. 21st. an 80-ft. street, one block to Broadway car; price cut to $1250, hut it must be cash. This bar gain won't ke'p. HITTER. LOWE & CO, Realtors. 2'1 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALA .J hUA TRIANGLE. $1rt50. This is one of the few ex clusive building lot, surrounded by beau tiful hnni'g and three paved streets, all aMtwnii'nts paid; a wonderful buy at tht price, W. M. Umhdenstock A Co., Jin r. tron bldg Brmidwav Hf.'.S. ALBERTA. $sOi lOOxltK). N. E. cor. E. 13th and KilHngsworth, iirar carline. Many other Jotn in neighborhood from 2-5o up. Look lor the niunit. RITTKK. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 'jnl-j.a-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. rKK li 1 1. 'I OX ADD. B0 1 Ot LO T S. Dandv cultivated lot; a few with nat liral trees. Itio. Including assessments. $2 pavments. Walk du ease 30th and Alberta. ROGER W. CAR T. w TJIi X V. Unnk Bldg. $aMt HASEM KNT dug. on Stall ord st.. la. trig S., 250 ft. W. of Union ave. You iil know It by the little house on back of lot; gas and water Jn; nice neighbor hood. HITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 2il-i;-S-5-7 poard of Trade Bidg. AKI.lNiiTwN HEUiHTM Non-reMdent inr truct me to kell his fine lot on Rutland terrace at a barKain price; the first and betJt improved block In this fine addi tion; .b. tter buy this now if you want a real snap. J. CI. Ralney. 517 Abington Mdg. Main 1 6ANDY BLVD., corner. 55xloo lor lU'no, ciear of encumbrance, right on Port land's Ropeway, the entrance to Colum bia highway, corncrw on Sandy at this price an ecarce. See us at once. HITTER. LOWE At CO.. Realtors. JiM -2 S 5-7 Board of Trade H'dg. A SNAP IN A LOT. A NICK LEVEL LOT. paved, side walks, water. ran. etc., one block from Alb.rta st. offered special, $3mi. See Mr. Price, 517-21 Chamber of Commerce UUl.Mi, lacing S , bet. Rodney and Cleve land: all impro enif nts paid ; price 12'Hi; a shack and truit tree on back end thrown in for good meau re. HITTER. LOWE A: CO. Realtors. j"l 2 3 5 7 Board o Trade B!d H Io A MONTH. 1 7nu r0 inn on E. tllta st., near E. Pt h rk ; ma; a dam street, sewer and side walk Mil paid. JoMNsoN'-DOPSON CO., m V w. Bm' B'dg Min 877. Al.A.M I'.HA ."t I no corner . S lnuo c tears It up; ail improvements In; the cheap est corner m Portland. Belter act qut'k v on this one. HITTER. LOWE Ac CO. Realtors, -oi -J S-.V7 B'ard "f Tn."- Bldg AI. AMKDA .a E elusive if.-tru t. 2at h and rren-ott, ch.:c location lor home; s.dewaiks Pre cott p ed. HAHRY RafKWlTH, REALTOR IftlKV'h Sr. Main C.vtW IKVlMiToN Pit. PLR Real bargain; Mt 1"U on E 2 !l. est front : oniy H4. $4Nl cash. bal. e.inv. This pickup won't keep jine us w ithout delav. HITTER. LOWE & CO. Realtors, 21 2.S-.1-7 Hm-1 of Trade Hldg 1K iMiiu.N. 1 2h street between Thompson and Brazre; all Improvements paid; 11375, $275 cash . ha la nee ni'Tt gage. J o II N SON - po ji ,x -o . V W Btrk BMg Main 37S7 RiE C IT V l'AHK East 4Mh nr Sandy. special for short tune only. Hin; lot is level nnd all In cultivation, easy to build on. better hurry. HITTER. Li 'WE A CO . Restore ?'H 2 3 5-7 Board of Trade H dg. IS;. K I'i'HN'KK E ;H;d and Krnn!H . : fnl3n; has unobstructed view over nty; both Ktreets improved and paid for; a choir corner at close pr.ee. a. H. Birr-i-iiii Co., 2t N. W. Bank b'.dg. Mnr-h--ll 1114 ' LACRELHCRST IOT. On Peerle ave,. lot 4, block 35. $l!0O. Small pavment down w:.; hand-le It. Woodlswn 44i. LLAMh.UA PARK. BhixUmi. s. E. corner 3m h and Mason sta. $2300; will sell epara,t. Ta-bor REAL ESTATE. For rale -l.oia. SNAPPY. LOTS OF 1 RVIXGTOJI LOTS. $125u 25th, 100 feet south of Thompson. i(.r-::d, j.o reet north or b tan ton. $4W 21st. 150 feet north of Siskiyou. S 13.-.U l'4rh HrazM to Knott. $3200100x100, N. E. corner 14th and Man ton; will aiviae. $2100 75 feet, 14th, next Knott. 1 (50 Hth. block north of Fremont. $ t50 5ixl23 to alley, facing south on Clackamas, 15U feet east of 26th. $ 775 Face south on Schuyler, 250 feet east of East 2inh. $ 60O Hth, N. of Klickitat (no paving). $ H50 lux 100, 27th, north of Brazee. $ HnO 4Mxl2u, 27th. north of Brazee. SIM.-aj ltirh. 150 feet north of Knott. $ 550 -J.jth. luo feet south of Klickitat. lloo 2tfth, Knott to Brazee. 175o Corner 12th and Tillamook. . $1750 Corner 10th and Kllckitau $ll5o Corner 19th and Stanton. $ P.",o 5oxloo, 7th, south of- Knott. $1250 100x100, corner 25th and Slski von - Mwer. sidewalks, curb In now no hard-surface ; beautiful property; snap; will divide. 1250 15th, next store, near Braae. $1350 25th, Brazee to Knott. $ 700 11th. 150 feet north of FalUn?, 2 blocks north of Fremont. $ 650 50x142. 2Hth, south of Klickitat. $15oo osxloo. Clackamas, near 22d. $2250 lOoxloO. N. W. corner 0th and Thnmnmn: Sl."0 for Inside lot. $1200 100x142. corner 2tith and Siski you. $inno 50x100. corner 25th and Brazee, $ 725 50x100, 20th. 10o north KlickltaL $ i50 S. E. corner 24th and Klickitat (corner or inside). $1450 75xluO. 27th. loo south of Knott lOOxlOO, corner KNOTT and 24th, ol 100x1 no, corner 25th and Knott, or 200x100 or 50x100. Phone us to show you the buys on anj street In Irving ton. K. T. STREET, Irvington Headquarter East S04. Res. East 4 2 SO. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON. PORTLAND'S MODEL HOME SECTION. Irvington proper is situated bet. E. 14th, E. 24th, Tillamook and Fremont The Hughes estate owns practically al the vacant lots left In this most desir able addition. The prices of these home sites have not been raised since they were placed on the market two years ago, although we have sold over 100 of these lota and the demand Is steadily Increasing. How long we will be per mitted to sell at such low figures Is problematical. However, we will say this; The desirable ones are being picked, therefore if you expect to lKt in Irvington, look them over, then see us for reduced prices and easy terms. E. 15 fac. W. bet. Thompson and Brazee, E. 15 fac. E. bet. Hrazee and Knott. E. 14 fac W. bet. Brazee and Knott. E. 15 fac. W. bet. Stanton and Siskiyou. E. lfl. S. E- cor. Stanton, 100x100. E. 16 fac E. bet. Stanton and Siaklyou. E. 17 fac. W., 175 ft. S. Brazee, 125x100. E. 17. N. E. cor. Stanton, 05x100. E. 1, S. E. cor. Stanton, 75x100. E. 10, N. E. cor. Brazee. 100x100. E. 1ft, S. E. cor. Knott, 100x100. E. 10, 8. W. cor. Stanton, 150x100. E. 20, S. E. cor. Stanton, 100x100. E. 20 fac. W. bet. Klickitat & Fremont E. 21, S. E. cor. Knott. 100x100. E. 21, S. W. cor. Stanton, 150x100. E. 21, N. W. cor. Klickitat. 50x100. E. 22 fac. E. bet. Brazee and Knott. Also block bounded by E. 22d, E. 23d, Stanton and Siskiyou and block bounded by E. 23d, E. 24th, Klickitat and Fre mont. RITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors. 21-2-8--7 Board of Trade Bldg. FRANKLIN TRACTS. $25 DOWN" $15 PER MO. 60oc2Sl Ft. Either on Division or E. 52d st. These lots adjoin the Frankll7i High school grounds, carline and stores within 2 blks. J. T HARTMAX CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 20S. fioo DOWN, $15 MONTHLY. PRICE $1150 PRICE $1150. S. PORTLAND S. PORTLAND. SOxlOO lot on the went side of Water t., 100 feet south of Whitaker St.; good district: paved streets, sewers and side walks all In and paid for; asking price for lots In this diMrlrt 20 years ago before any street work was In was $2H0 and up; a truly wonderful bargain for pnrties desiring west side property. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham ber of Commerce HAWTHoRNK E. 71t. bet. 30th ave. and 31tt ave.; hard-surfaced street, kept up by county. 1 block to Hawthorne car line, school 2 blocks, store and good neighborhood. We have 3 nice level 50x100 Jots all In cultivation, $4i0 each; thev won't last long, better hurry. RITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors. ?Q1 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $HtoO CASH. Laurelhurst Corner lot on Hazelfern. Not an auction lot and never was. List price outside of Im-rrovements was $2200. Really and truly this Is & bar pain. Call Tabor 5319 or Monday Main 7031. LAURELHURST JltOO. Hazelfern. near E. 41st, aU clear, also $1050. E. Burn side, facing up E. 42d. 50x130. both be low auction price?. RITTER. LOWE CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BETTER rTT OUT of restricted district, build small home, stop paying rent. H down. $1 week, dandy Iota with cement walks; Alberta car. not far to Kennedy school: some as low as $250. Roger W f'ary. 1210 X. W. Bank hldg. IRVINGTON DISTRICT Broadway, fac. s, 50 ft. n. of E. 32d; only $MQ0; also one on Schuvler. fac. a., 100 ft. w. of E. 3Jd. for $ooo. RITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors, 2ni-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. Corner. $1200, 50x100; all improve ments paid; surrounded by new homes; 2 blocks to car and school. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. N. W. Bnnk Bldg. Main 377. UNIVERSITY PARK 33 1-3x110 with 13 foot alley ; Bowdoln. near Hodge; price $.'tnO: $50 down. $10 month; cement walks, curbs, paid. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. Realtors. 2'M -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. EXCELLENT lot with alley, suitable for two buildings, near West Killings worth ave., cut to $350. Including street Im provements. Easy terms. I'hone Wdln. 370tV ROSE CITY PARK Special: East 4mh near Tillamook; bargain for cash. $S50; no lots in this neighborhood for this monev. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. Ml -2 3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg, NEAR Jefferson high and Peninsula park, large lot 0Ox 155. $700; easy terms; also 50x100. $5in: $50 cash, $10 monthly. JOHNSON-DOISON CO.. 133 V. W. Rrnk B'dg. Main 37R7. WALK DUE EAST of 30th and Alberta to Hilton add. loOxlOO cultivated tracts, $500. Including assessments, $2 pay ment, $2 cash. Roger W. Cary. 1211) X. W Bank bldg. FIXd Hose Cltv Park lot. S. W. corner E. 52 d and Thompson sts. $1200. Streets paid, terms JOHNRON-PODSON CO.. V W. n.-ir.k PMg. Main 377. $ino CORN ER lot, 6uth and Thompson. 4 blocks from Rose City car line, clos to school; will sell on terms. By owner. Call or write SS3H 51st st. S. E NOX-KKSIDEXT while here will consider best ca.-h offer for lot 24, block 8S, I-AurelhurM. near park. C. H. Turner, room 242. Scott hotel. CHEAP LOT. 50xHo on 51st. near 45th avenue; $250; terms. HARRY BECK WITH, REALTOR. l4 Fifrh St Main .!. $4nn WILL handle this choice lot in West moreland, best vicinity, alt ready to build on. You'll be surprised. 407 Mc- Knv Mdg. ALAMEDA PARK lot. $750; atreett all paid. JOHXpO-rODSON' CO.. 1". X W. F.mk n;.)c. Main 377 $25n BUYS LOT IX VERNON Everything paid RUM M ELL A RU.MMELU 274 Stark St. CHOICE lot. .VtxUiO. E. 03d st , near Ala meda, onlv $650. A. H. Rirrell-C.ni Co.. Mrt X wlFink bid. Marshall 4114. OWXER wiil sacrifice f)slW corner. Campbell and Simpson, for $0O0, Paved. Tabor 7 -vi l,xMt rA.-H, comer iot, E. 5ih and Hovt ; lOsxlno. Scott A Berry. 1033 Relmnnt vtrr.'t $t5ii NICELY located lot, Hancock st., between 35th and 3th; Improvements paid Owner. East 2332. HST AND JOHNSON STS. WEST SIDE. lOOxinr, feet. $s:nO; terms. RUM M ELL R I'M M KM 27 Stark St. THREE Portland lots Tor saie or exchange for late mode roadster. Write, care Drug Store. Gervals, Or. $5iM LOT. 40th and Powell Valley road; . cltv improvement a paid : teema. RUM M ELL A RUM MKT. L. 274 Stark St. CORNER lot. Sixth and Eaat Uurnside, on t'Tms. Eaut 2704 Owner. 2 LOTS. 2 blocks from Woodmere sta. Phone 014-10. I .mo ROSE CITY PARK SNAP. 5nxlno lot. ussts. paid. Tabor 403. ROSE CITY. S. E. corner 41st and. Thomp son. tll'Wl. inside JH'Mi Tabor 441. FINE lots in Meniore. 2 blocks frorn th ved rod . Wd 1 n 227. morn in gs. 2 LOTS Rose city Park, all Improved. Phone East 207o. fun IajTS on East 43d near Hawthorne, Cheap for raV East 1 45:'. LAlHKUi I' KT Sight :y iol ft. from Sfth. Call owner on line. 50 T?"hor 74K3. WESTMORELAND One blk. N Bvbe ea Ullwa.uk.ie. clear $775. Max. 2130. REAL ESTATK HOMED ALE. HOME DALE1. Located at 24th and Fremont, ad Joining Irvington and Alameda Park; building1 operations to start at once: street improvements in and paid on Fremont and 24th streets; other im provements already applied for; prices $500 up. EX-SERVICE MEN AND HOME BUYERS ATTENTION! We will build and finance homes on this addition, built according to plans and specially prepared for you, on easy terms. Competent architect to assist you, EX-SERVICE MEN! Do you realize the full advantage to accrue to you by reason of the bonua loan? You pay hut $180 yearly which, in less than 29 years repays interest and principal. Now, let's suppose that I borrow the earn amount of money. I must have about twice the security required of you and I pay $210 yearly, which applies only on interest. At the end of 28 years I have paid in $40 more than you and still owe the $3oo0. while your loan, principal and interest Is fully paid. THINK WELL before you take the cash bonus and REMEMBER that to get the full value of your loan you pay just $13 monthly. Be sure you are buying in a district where prices are certain to advance where your prop erty can readily find a desirable tenant should it become necessary to rent it. BEE THE CLASSY HOME SITES IN HOMEDALE. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Realtors. "Shortest Way Home." 204 Stark St. Main 5S3 and 1094. OPEN TODAY. BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND. Here are a few of the bargains we have to offer in this high-ciasa district with street assessments and improve ments all paid for: $ 500 22d, facing east. S liT.-i 'Hit h. faclnc west. $ 750 Beautiful corner on 20th, facing east. $ 750 2oth. 50 feet north of Bybee, facing east. $ 850 Beautiful corner on 18th, facing west. $ 950 A very choice lot on 18th, near Bybee. facing east. $10oo Choice corner, 100x100, 18th and Claybourne. $2200 Claybourne and 17th; choicest corner in the district. We have many other lots to choose from and a number that can be pur chased for a payment of , $50 down. Come and see me. I live In the dis trict and know it from A to Z. JOHN E. HOWARD. Realtor. 31H Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WILSHIRiB ADDITION. $525. All ro bearing fruit trees. This Is large lot and is in an excep tional location and ca be bought on easy terms of $25 down &nd $10 Der month. J. I HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2U8. Branch Office. 33d and Bryce Ave. Phone Aul 32U-3-1. IP TOU want to beat the high rent, buy a. lot in our new suoai vision just out side the city limits at 45th and Fre mont. You have every city convenience except the taxes and there Is absolutely no restrictions. You can build your lit tle home just to ybur lking and we will give you any kind of terms and furnish you the money with whlcjj to buy your t lumber If necessary. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Railway Exch. Bltig. Main 86. Branch office 50th and Sandy. Tabor S4S5. open Sunday. IRVINGTON PARK BARGAINS. $50 DOWN, $in MONTH. $250 E. 25th, fac. W.. 300 fL No. Of Jarrett. $300 E. 23d. fac. E.. 100 ft. No. of Liberty. $:tv N. W. cor. E. 23d and Emerson. $50 E. 33d fac. E., 200 ft. N. of Ains-w-orth. $050 N. W. cor. E. 22d and Junior, 1 00xfl. Go out today and make your selec tion ; save rent, put up a temporary house. Any one of the above lots is way below true value. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Blrlg. $550 NICE LEVEL LOT. ONE BLOCK TO ST. JOHNS CAR LINE Sewer and sidewalks In. street graded, on Russett St., facing north. 225 ft. east of Penin sula ave. You will know it by the trees and the little shack on the back of lot. This Is a bargain. Let us take you out. Phone for appointment. Main 507. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 'OI -2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Brn g. BIG SACRIFICE S. W. cor. E. 03d and Pacific, 50x100; cement walks, curbs, grading, water and sewer in and paid for. Price $500 if sold quicklv. You couldn't put the improvements In today for that. O 1 T T L" D Trtl'P A. D.gltAii. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid;' $C0 WEST SIDE VIEW LOT, facing east on cornett St., lot it. norm oi t us ter. This level lot overlooks the river and has an unobstructed viow of nearly all of east Portland, including the Oaks Easv terms to the right party. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Pldg. MT. TABOR SACRIFICE Have 100x1.10 among the finest homes on the city side; lies well, good view, easy to build two houses as there fa no rough ground; all Improvements In nnd paid ; I will sell this week for $220O and give acme terms. Address AF 24. Oregonlan. LOVE LEIGH ("lose to Union on Lom bard, fine building lot. all In cultivation, for $450; also dandy on Stafford, near Union, with shack, water and gas in. for $700. Easv terms. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IMPROVED IRVINGTON LOT. On Weidler St., between 21st and 22d. HOxlOO, with fine modern garage, fruit trees and shade trees; located only one block from Broad wa v carline. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST. 50x114 $775. All improvements raid; 3 blocks to school. 4 blocks to Rose City car. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. H33 V. W. Rank Bide. Main S77. IRVINGTON CORNER SNAP 50x1 10. level corner on Brazee for JloOO. Buy this corner and make a profit when the fair comes. RTTTER. LOWE' CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-V7 Boqrd of Trade Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK Owner sick In Cali fornia, will sacrifice fine west front on E. 24th for $50. Must be cash; also a dandv on E. 32-1 near Shaver for $1050. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. Rea'tors. 201-2-3-5-7 Bard of Trade Bldg. BIO HEIGHTS BARGAIN Have a level comer lot with both streets paved ana paid for, joining the City park, also a good view; will take $2500 to sell at once and make terms. Address AF 2"1. Oregonlan. KENTON BARGAIN Willis blvd.. facing south, about j.n rt. . or Jventon Diva. 50x100. only $350. Look It over and come In to do business. RITTER. LOWE A CO., Realtors. 201-2-3 5-7 Board of Trsde pi rig. EVERY bank in Portland Indorses title insurance as the simplest and most eco nomical method of handling titles to real estate. Title insurance policies issued by Tlt Tnit Co , 01 4'h st ALAMEDA. A splendid lot. good district, hard surface streets, all improvements paid, jooo. W. M. Tmbdenstock & Co., 210 Orpr"n h'diT. Rrnadwiv 105R. STEWART STATION Mt. Sott car line. $200, for nice level building lot on 41st ave . near 61M st. Go look then see us. RTTTER, LOWE A CO.. Realtors. ?Q1 -2-3 5 7 Board of Trade Bldg. $50 DOWN. $1" MO. -."Mix 1 no on Wygant near interstate; sewer paia; oniy 4au. Better hurry for this one. RTTTER. LOWE A CO.. Rea'tors, 201-2-3-.V7 Board of Trade BTdg. TALK of The town, big nice lots at 1 down. Alberta car. not far to Kennedy school Cement walks. Roger W. Cary, 121! X. W. Bank Mdg. IRVINGTON", 14th near Stanton. S0x100 for $1100; all liens paid. See us for homerres in Irvington. RITTER. LOWE & CO., Rea'tors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. FOR SALE 2 lots. K5th ave. bet. Beech and Fremont: pnr .v'.- casn. one weeK only. Owner. J. D.. 6.V) Los Angeles st . Lo Angeles. Cal. FINE lot 5n100 at Ana be 1 station; sewer gas. electricity. In clos to car. srhool and stores; seeing it means buying iL NEAR Peninsula Park. 50x10' lot. $5O0. $50 cash lio a month. JOHXSOX-DODSON CO.. fi33 '. W P.n k pldg. - Main 377 50x100 LOT near Reed college. $350. ?50 discount for casn; 1 mocKs Imm pave ment. Will trade. Benedict. 410 Henry b'dg. Hroanwar 47.M KILLINGSWORTH A VET. 50x100. near Bnrrage ee sign) : a reij p ck-np nt 700 A. H. Blrrell-Oill Co.. 21 N. W. CORNER LOT. ALAMEDA PARK Every thing paid. 1300. RUM M ELL & RUM MFM, 274 Stark rt. HAVE a good lot near 4th and Holgate to trade rnr a usea piano. fbon Tabor 34Ct evenina-s WILL trade mv lot near Millard ave. for good used piano from private owner. G 81, Oregonlan. REAL ESTATK. J-'or Sale -Iots. KENTON I THE PENINSULA ADDITION WITH "CHARACTER"! A beautiful, natural park, wonderful trees and shrubs; paved streets, cement walk- and sewers now in and included m price. The score of modern, at tractive nomes now in m uiau-nt firmlv establish its character as an up- to-date residential district. Convenient to Kenton car. club, school ana our great industrial district. "North Portland." A "sale" district for buiiders to operate; an unsurpassed demand for new homes; 60x100 lots $700 up: 10 per cent down. 2 per cent per month. This is an Ideal spot to build your permanent home. Phone Main 1068 and one of our repre sentative will gladly call for you in his machine and show you over the prop erty. You will be absolutely under no obligation to buy. See FANK L. McGCIRE To Buy Your Lot. (Exclusive Selling; Agent.) Ablngton Bldg. Main mes. Builders and soldiers', take notice. 53x 100 lot. A-l location, west face, Improve ments in snd paid, second mortgage privilege; owner might furnish some cash for building, not far from school; 2 blocks to car line; quick action neces sary. Holladay addition, 50x100 corner, west of E. 17th at. and east of lth Bt-A-l location, about $600 under former price. 11500 50x100 foot lot on east 25th. near Brasee St., nice homes on both sides; see our aign on same; very easy terms. $750, corner lOOxlOO: Willamette addi tion, street graded and cement aiks In, A-l location; level, small payment down, easy terms given. Se M-!ne" F. E. BOWMAN A CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I. Til Ti Al) BIG SACRIFICE SALE. HOMESITES WITH A VIEW! Beautiful Carson Heights NO BRIDGES TO CROSS. West side of river; only 18 minutes out by car; or you can drive out over scenic Terwllliger blvd. Deep rich soil: some lota with beautiful shade trees and shrubbery. This is your WONDERFUL CHANCE to buy 50x100 lots at a Mcriftce price. VALUES WILL GREATLY INCREASE WITI1 THE FAIR. List price, $500 and $.0; sale price $200 and $150; W W cent down 2 per cent per month, city water to eh lot YOURS IS WAITINU. SO C W. Borders, with ADingion jjiuk. .... Third St.. between Wash, and Stark. LAURELHURST lot for sale, lot 2. block 15, Hoyt and 23d. $1100 cash or terms. A good buv, as owner must aell at one Phone Pdwy. 104 after A. M. " ' yor Sale House. IRVINGTON. $1500 CASH. 602 22D, CORNER STANTON. Wonderful corner home, 6 larga rooms, living room 33x22, large dining; room and Dutch kitchen, bedroom are large and each have dressing room, large plate-glaaa windows, beautiful hardwood floor, full basement, eolid con crete garage, beautiful draperies, large A-B gas range and water heater. This Is a special bargain for today. House open for inspec tion. McDONELL. REALTOR. EAST 41U. TOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BUY UNTIL YOU PEE THIS. ONLY $2500. Dandv 4-room bungalow, full base ment, trays, fine hot water heating sys tem, first-class plumbing; 1. block to car 80x125 CORNER LOT. THIS CAN T BE BEAT. HERE IS ANOTHERNEW. ONLY $205O E A S Y TERMS. 4 rooms, sleeping porch bungalow, fine location. Floored a'f- U.UITTG.A; RGE. THIS IS A NIFTY LITTLh. HOME, SO HURRY. BARGAIN FOR LARGE FAMILY. NINE ROOMS FOR $3750. Full basement. 80x100 lot with lots of fruit, berries. 3 rooms down, 4 up. Can be made into two Lata MARSH A MoCABE CO.. Realtors 3'2-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall Evenings Tabor 430. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME. This Is one of those large square colonials of 7 large delightful rooms. The living room is 14x-4, plate glass windows, French doors and cove celling, finished In tapes try paper, trimmings old Ivory and white, 3 large and 1 medium bed rooms, polished hardwood floors down and up. most cheerful Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace and ga rage; located in the cream of Irv ington with artistic and costly homes surrounding; $05o0. D. W. ALTON, AUto. 32U-1. BEST BUY IN IRVINGTON. DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT, BUT SEE IT YOURSELF. THE b ROOM. MODERN BUNGALOW. SLEEP ING PORCH. FIREPLACE. FURNACE, FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. HARD WOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. HEAVY OAK DOORS. LARGE CLOSET ROOM. ON PAVED STREET. CLOSE TO CAR AND SCHOOL; BEAUTIFUL EAST FRONT LOCATION. NO LIENS. $5750. TIMAIN 5604. 573 WILCOX BLDG. SUN. AND EVE. 52U-12. HOSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $2500, CASH $250. Dandv new four-room cottage, two blocks north of Sandy, with all modern conveniences, including Dutch kitchen. Must be sold by November 5. See It today. Any reasonable offer considered. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor, 104 5th Street. Main nSW. ROOMING HOUSE Of 12 rooms, in fine location, steam heat. Everything in first-class con dition; small cash payment, balance mortgage or easy terms. Owner, B ISO, Oregonian. ' A HOME BARGAIN. $:i500 $500 down, bal. $40 per mo. a large rooms finished in redwood, large attic can use for sleeping, full basement, lO full bearing fruit trees, logan, black and raspberries, fine corner lot 50x100. By owner. 35 E. 27th St., cor. Pine. Call Sunday or Monday. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Three-room house, water, light and gas, fu:i-sne lot; several nice fruit trees. Sl00, $300 down, balance very easy. See ROYAL. 72d and Sandy. Tabor 155. FOR SALE Modern 5-room house on Portsmouth ave., with sleeping porch, fireplace and garage; lot large enough for two houses; street improvements all in, good investment; will sell at once for c.i.h. Call owner at Kant 17H5. ROSE CITY. Just completed splendid new bunga low, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, plate glass windows, cement porch, garage, etc. 602 East 54th st. N., near Alameda. Open todav. FOR SALE. 5-room new bungalow, neatly finished, nice full corner lot, all streets paved. In Westmoreland. on!y $250. J. A. HEXKLE, 512 Gerllnger Bldg. Bl uVNrlit ."(-room house on Portland Heights, electric light and gas flrepiace, 4 blocks to school end street car. Owner will discount for cash. 525 16th st. Main 020 MODERN 5-room bungalow in scenic East Mllwaukie; good garage, lights, water and gas. fruit trees and berrlea. Im proved street ; $3')0 for quirk deal; terms. Phone owner. Mllwaukie 84 R. FOR SALE 5-room. large attic, full base ment, 8 large fruit trees, lot 50x100. on paved street and car; price $3750, terms. 1 4io Greeley st. 7-RoOM bungalow in Irvington, strictly modern, oak throughout, with garage, onlv $70AO J. K Haight, 327 Bd. Trade, pfiwv 2'M'. IRVINGTON 1 4-V'r' bungalow, near school; 8 fine rooms, modern, with garage. J. R, Haight 327 Bd. Trade. Wdln. R2A0 HERE is your chance, the best buy in the city for saie by owner. 5-ronm. all mod ern bungalow, lot 6"xl00, for $2'MiO. Call 22.1 E. c'.'th st. N. Take Montavllla car. NEW BUNGALOW. Call and inspect Sun day. 12V East Alder st. PENINSULA district. $2650. modern five- room bungalow; terms. belL siOtt. I SEAL ESTATE TOITI DOLLARS PAVED! ANT OF THE HOMES L1STETJ BELOW CAN BE BOUGHT FOR $500 AND LESS DOWN ! IF NECESSARY, we'll help you make your down payment! Every one personally Inspected and ap praised! THE VALUE IS ALL HERE! SEE FRANK L. McGCTRff. TO BUY YOUR HOME. Largest Homesellera In America. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY! $200 DOWN! $200 DOWN! $58&0 $20O down! Here's a neat 6-room bungalow type home right on Woodstock car line; everv modern con venience; bath, plumbing, electricity, gas, 3 light, airy bedrooms; 90x100 lot with WORLDS OF FRUIT I Woodstock ave. $200 DOWN ! $2O0 DOWN! $2250 WALKING DISTANCE In central E. Portland, on E. Caruthers St.. la this com fortable 5-room bungalow cottage; paved st.. sewer and cement sidewalks aH in and paid for! Near 7th St. SEE THIS FOR GOOD VALUE ! $250 DOWN! $250 DOWN! $221K) Coav bungalow, near Kenil worth park, and Brooklyn car shops. 5 airy rooms; white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas. full base ment; E. Soth st. $300 DOWN! $300 DOWN! $249-0 CLOSE IN on Cook ave., 5-room comfortable, neat plastered bungalow cottage; z with bath, plumbing, elec tricity and gas: EASIER THAN RENTING! $300 DOWN! $30ft DOWN! $1950 A REAL SNAPPY BAR GAIN ! 5-room. attractive, cozy home in MT. SCOTT, has bath, toilet, electricity, 2 light, airy bedrooms and btg back porch. which could be converted into sleeping porch; 60th sL SEE THIS! $350 DOWN! $350 DOWN! $1075 KENTON'S cheeriest 4 room bungalow, plastered, built-in conveniences; com bination living and dining; room, aleeping porch; chicken house and garage; 2 blks. to car; $350 down. Near - Lombard st. $380 DOWN! $380 DOWN! $3530 4-room shingled Penin sula bungalow, with built in buffet and cozy Dutch kitchen; white enamel bath, etc; Peninsula ave. $450 DOWN! $450 DOWN! $2400 BROOKLYN, neat 5-roora cottage on Halg st.. white enamel plumbing; electri city, gas; 2 airy bedrooms, garage ; paved St.. paid! . $500 DOWN! $500 DOWN! 2000 A BEAUTI iHJL N E W ! VACANT bungalow in MT. SCOTT, on hard-surfaced St.. shining and white, cen tral hall, with built-in linen closets; white enamel bath between 2 clean, light bed rooms; large floored attic, with stairway. MOVE IN TODAY! 05th ave. $500 DOWN! $500 DOWN! $1900 SNAPPY ALBERTA SNAP. Look at this cozy little bungalow cottage, all plas tered; 4 well arranged rms., every modern convenience; nice corner lot with fruit, etc. E. 25th sL $500 DOWN! $500 DOWN. $1690 ADJOINING OVERLOOK DISTRICT! A GENUINE BARGAIN! Come and ee for yourself. 5-room at tractive, very substantial bungalow type cottage, best white enamel bath and plumbing. lectriclty, gas, an abundance of fruit and berries. SEE THIS DANDY HOME VALUE! W. Peninsula ave. $300 DOWN! $00 DOWN! $2150 SEVEN-ROOM home for a big family! Substantial and comfortable ; on cor ner, everv modern conven ience. RIGHT IN" ST. JOHNS on N. Seneca st. $500 DOWN! TCINK-ROOM BUNGALOW. $4750 HERE'S YOUR OPPOR TUNITY! Man with a large famllv ! Own your home. STOP PAYING RENT! A verv attractive bungalow in ROSE CITY PARK, that must he Mid right away ! Hardwood floors. massive built-in buffet In extra large din ing room, big living room with fireplace; large Dutch kitchen. white enamel bath room and bath, fur nace, etc., 100x100 grounds with beautiful shrubbery, trees. E. 34th st. LOOK AT IT NOW! HOME SEEKERS! Come In today! Inspect the hun dreds of wonderful HOME BAR GAINS we have listed with us for sale. No home is offered for your consideration, unless it Is worth the money asked! See FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg.. Main 1063. 3d St., bet. Wash and Stark. AN OPPORTUNITY. Owner leaving the city, offers for sale fine five-room bungalow in Ro?e City Park, corner location, one block to Alameda drive; targe liv'ng room with fireplace, enam eled interior, furnace, garage, ce ment driveway; $5500, terms. See STRONG & CO.. Realtors, 606 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New house, combination living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, bath and breakfast room, large basement, ce ment floor and stairs. Fine porches, double construction. Good plumbing, all kinds of bullt-ins. Open for inspec tion Saturday and Sunda v. 2S03 50th st. S. E. Phone Tabor 1381. WILL YOU BUILD? We have drawings of over 200 houses of all descriptions; or, If you intend to build, and have your own ideas, it will cost you nothing to have them embod ied in architectural drawing. We build and finance apt. house and homes. 0. W. TAwR. Main 6203. 407 McKay Bldg. 7-ROOM bungalow In Irvington, just com pleted: finished In old ivory and white enamel, hardwood floors, fireplace, pipe less furnace, full cement basement: dra peries included, also kitchen furnished. 701 East 16th North, near Klickitat. Price $7000, part cash, balance easy terms. East MM. 7-ROOM house, electric lights, gas, etc. : lot 50x100. large bearing trees, graded streets, 100 feet to paved street; a com fortable, good home, $2650; small down pavment. balance like rent. See Benedict INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS. 410 Henrv Bldg. Broadway 47M. HOUSE 10 rooms, bath large veranda, attractive residence, or suitable for room ers. Modern conveniences; garage ; ideal location, improvements In and paid for. One blk. from St. Johns carline, few blks. from school. Price reasonable. Po.toff!ce box 0.1. ArTeta station. IRVIX G T O N CORNER B U N OA LO W . New 5-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, large at tic, cement basement, garage ; sightly corner. 17th and Skidmore sts.. 2 blocks from Irvington car: open daily from 2 to 5. Phone owner. Main 27. $;i750 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3750. Has hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases and buffet. Dutch kitchen, floored attfc, cement basement. 50x100 lot; $1000 cash, balance to suit. SMITH -WAGONER CO.. STCK EXCH. FOR SALE AT ONCE BY OWNER. Upper and lower fiat building, thor oughly modern, hardwood floors, sleep ing porches, double garage, east side, close in; price $7000: net 12 per cent on Investment. Broadway 4732. FOR SALE or exchange for automobile or what have you? Seven-room house and 2 lots on Eighty-fourth street, $240O value, $700 equity. Balance paid at $30 per month. Owner. Blackstone, ' 605 Haight St. rnong aeu, oinj, ATTRACTIVE Irvington 6-room modern home; one block to car; easy terms, small cash payment, clear. Priced right. R L. Yoke, 1135 Northwestern Bank bldg WESTMORELAND, sacrifice; nifty little home ; combination living and dining room, with hardwood floor, bedroom, bath, kitchen, breakfast nook, $S00 to handle, lans k. nrn sr. Colonial LAURELHURST Bunsalow. Beautiful, artistic in design, some thing different. Built for home, but owner must sacrifice. Two blocks to car. Tabor 723. IRVINGTON horn for rent or sale. Mar shall sou. REAL ESTATE. lor Sate House. IRVINGTON. A TRULY BEAUTIFUL HOME TO BE SOLD BY NOV. 1. 1U2L 1, PRICE FAR BELOW ACTUAL COST. 2. CORNER LOT, HEART OP DIS TRICT. . SEVEN LOVELY ROOMS TWO FIREPLACES. t 4. STRICTLY MODERN. CONDITION EXCELLENT. . HARDWOOD AND TAPESTRY PAPER EVERY ROOM. . BEAUTIFUL FIXTURES, GA RAGE. OF COURSE. T. FIRST-CLASS HEATING PLANT. $ NEAR CAR, SCHOOLS, CLUBS. CHURCHES, OWNER LEAVING CITY. AGREEABLE TERMS. FOR APPOINTMENT' CALI EAST 630L IRVINGTON. $5500 On 15th. Near Thompson. Double flat, good investment; $5500; fine home of eight rooms, full basement, furnace and two fireplacea; 14th, near Thompson. $6300 Six large roomi. hard wood floors, ivory woodwork, Gasco furnace, full lot and garage; per fect condition. $8500 On 17th and Knott; seven large rooms, hardwood floors, piate-glaas windows, full lot. beau tiful foliage, double garage, 19500 This ts one of Irving ton's best corner homes, near 16th and Brazee; hardwood floors throughout and beat oak wood work. This has all of the require ments to make a real home for particular people. McDONELL, REALTOR. EAST 411), OH. WHAT A LOVELY HOMt-I Why, Grace! I never knew you hao money enough to buy a home like this. Well, dear, I must confess that I never thought I could manage to get the place I wanted with the down payment I had until I went to the Interatate In vestment Co.; and say. I found that they really help you make the down payment. You had better go down and see them about getting a home. Be sure you go to the INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 410 Henry Bldg. a rtwy 41ki' $300 CASH $300 CASH. If necessary, we will help you with the down payment. This is a dandy 4 room mill-cut home, on a 50x100 lot, d blks. from the car. Yea it has a ga rage. The price $2000, the bal. $30 per month Inc. int. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 410 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4i5l. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. YOU WILL LOVE THIS. This Is a most complete and charming 6-room bungalow, extra nice larse rooms, piate glass win dows, French doors, finish ivory white and tapestry paper, hard wood polished floors, pleasant Dutch kitchen with a clever and unique breakfast nook, tiled floor In bath, floor tub pedestal lava torv, fireplace, all steel furnace; garage. A new home Ideally lo cated close to park, surrounded by lovely homes: $7l50. D. W. ALTON, AUto. 321) -19. STAR BARGAINS. $ 30AO LAURELHURST $5000. Splendid modern 5-room bungalow, ldrv travs. furnace, hdwd. floora, all modern built-lns. on paved atreet. near car. All liens paid. Terms. $4500 ROSE CITY $4500. Beautiful 5-room modrn bungalow with all modern built-ins. well Construct ed. cement basement, Idry trays, furnace, hdwd. floors, beautiful finish, on paved street. All Hens paid. Close in, near car. Terms. - For appointment call Main 5604; Sun. and eve. 52ft-1 2. ROSE CITY PARK. BEAUTIFUL LARGE CORNER. This is Just a cheerful and most cosv 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, old ivory and tapestry pa per, 2 lovely large bedrooms, French doors which open out onto exclusive porch, firoplace. furnace; located on one of Roj-e City Park's most beautiful corners, below hill; 2H blocks north of R. C. P. car; $5800, on reasonable terms. D. W. ALTON, Auto. 3211-10. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Magnificent home of six rooms and sleeping porch on beautiful landscaped level lot. Full cement basement, Gasco furnace, large living room with elegant fixtures and fireplace. Wonderful din ing room, sun porch. All modern fea tures and best of appointments through out. 5uxl00 lot, cement garage. ONLY $8500. MARSH A McCABE CO., Exclusive Realtors, " 322-3-4 Falling R!dg. Marshall 3Pt3. OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY. 2 TO 5 P. M. 1430 Mississippi Ave. . Between Dekum and Bryant 1 block from Mis, car. Brand new ti-room mod ern bungalow, sleeping porch, hdwd. floors, enamel finish, beautiful location. Weil constructed and beautifully fur nished. Only $5250. Small cah pay ment, balance like rent. Main 5004. Sun. and eve. Wdln. flrtO. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. ONLY $4.-.) EASY TERMS. Stop that rent and investigate this fine home of 5 rooms completely fur nished including piano, Gasco furnace, fireplace, all butlt-in features, hardwood floors. i block to car. MARSH A McCABE CO., Realtors.. 322-3-4 Failing BJdg. Marshall 391)3. Evenings Tahor 430. IRVINGTON NEW BUNGALOW. ONLY $5500 ATTRACTIVE TERMS. Beautiful 5-room bungalow with large floored attic, all built-in features, full basement, furnace, elegantly arranged throughout with many extra features. MARSH & McCABE CO., Exclusive Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3093. OPPORTUNITY. VERY RARELY ARE YOU OFFERED A BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN HOME, CHOICE IRVINGTON CORNER AT A BUNGALOW PRICE. GET THE PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP THRILL. OWNER LEAVING CITY. QUICK ACTION. TERMS TO SUIT. EAST 301 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, large living and dining room across front, fireplace and other modern conveniences; excellent condition, $4tito. terms. W. D. RODABAUGH,, Realtor, 104ft Hawthorne ave. Tahnr 4299. n5m1. Rose City bargain. 10-r. modern house on-4; h st.. south Sandy. Hdwd., fireplace, buffet, 2 baths, garage. Oh yes. it is a dandv. Some trade con sidered. Tabor 5319. Mam 7931. J. Rohbins. ROSE CITY PARK. Elegant new 4-r. bungalow. Pee this before buying: you'll fall in iove with It. Too curmlng for words. Ju.st the thing for newly-weds. Reasonable terms. Owner. Auto. 310-10. HoLLA DA An exceptionally nice colo nial In beat part of district ; lavatories in be-3rooma. Owner wants offer. Price JOOOO. J R. Haight, 327 Bd. Trade. Wdln. 2firt. AN IRVINGTON HOME. CHOICE CORNER. 7 ROOMS. EVERY CONVENIENCE. PRICE WAY BELOW POST DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE PHONE SUNDAY. EAST 63"1. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOUSES. See Mrs. Brooke. She has most of th desirable homes for sale and all the har-a-airs. Phone mornings. Ma r.-ha II 42?. COMPLETE BUILDING PLAN'S, speci fications. materiHl cost estimate. Cali fornia. Seattle, Portland bungalows. $5 up. Bungalow Book Co. McKav h!dir. 1K IXGToN 9-room oid hou'-. modern ized, close to school and car, $5750; easy terma J- R. Haight, 327 Bd. Trade Bdwy. 2ft4V LAU KELHU KST 5-room bungalow, mod em, with garage; a bargain at $HOk); $K.OO cash J. R. Haight, 327 Br. Trade. Bdwv. 24 COLON I A L. LaureihurM ; a chance to make money; rooms, den, sun porch and sleeping porch. $OOoo. $15oo cajh. J R Haight. Bl xraoe. iwwy BY OWNER 6-roora house, close in, at aacrmce &m( ww. KE.VL ESTATE For sal-iiuuMi.. $200 CASH PRICO $1000. Three-room portable bungalow, ROxlOO lot, S block from St. Johns car; lights, gaa and water, good plumbing but no bath; balance $10 per mouth plus 0 per cent Interest. $200 CASH PRICE $1200. Four-room celled cottage, v acre of ground, bock from good street: lights, gas and water; lota of fruit and hemes; 1 mile from Lents; balance on eaay payments. $400 CASH PRICB $1000. Five-room plastered cottage, 25x100 lot, on Mississippi ave.. near Fremont street; lights, gas and water; plenty room for garage In rear. This is a bargain. $300 CASH PRICB $100. Completely furnished 5-room plastered cottage on 50x122 lot. located 4 blocks from the ML Scott car; lights, gas and water; good garage; lota of fruit and berries; full cvtntnt basement, sink in kitchen, no other plumbing. This is a bargain. $300 CASH PRICE $2100. Five-room plastered cottage, 69x100 lot, paved street, 4 blocks to Mt. Scott car; improvements In and paid; lights, gaa and water, good plumbing; lots ot fruit and berries. Balance very easy. $400 CASH PRICB $2300. Nearly completed 4-room modern bungalow, UOxlOO lot. 2 blocks from Woodlawn cur; full cement basement, good plumbing; close to schools; bal ance on very easy terms. C. L. Newman. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerllnger Bldg. Phone House Dept., Main 8523. "HOUSE BARGAINS." Seven -room modern house; sleeping porch; like new inside and out; nice bullt-ins; paved street; near car; good surroundings; 85th sl; $4750; terms.- Five-room modern bungalow; full ce ment basement; In fine condition; near ML Tabor car; $2750; terma Five-room modern bungalow; full ce ment basement; light and airy; nice built-ins; garage, cement runways; near car; $3000; terms. Four-room modern bungalow in good condition; garage; $2000; $500 down. $25 month. Five-room modern bunralow: sleeping porch, cement basement; $3300; $S00 down. $35 month, including interest. Seven-room modern bungalow, like new; full cement basement, furnace; two lots; near car, in Sell wood, $4500; terma Blx-room house; lot 50x100 feet; paved street and paid for; near car; East 24th St.; $2100; $00ft cash; bargain. Four-room neat cottage; 2 bedrooms, full cement basement: $2200; $700 cash, $20 month, 6; Mt. Tabor car. R. M. OATEWQOn A CO., 1 05 H 4th St. NHW IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Very attractive, well-built and beautifully arranged 6-room mod ern house in one of the best and most popular parts of Irvington. When finished will include hard wood floors throughout, large liv ing room with fireplace, music room, attractive dining room, two large, lieht. airy bedrooms, nice bathroom wth base tub and tile floor. good kitchen, breakfast nook, large attic, cement base ment, good furnace, many built in conveniences, beautifully pa pered. Ivory finish, latest electrical fixtures, French doors and good garage. Price $7750. Terms. Here is something both good and at tractive and is priced right. Phone East 2432. LAURELHURST. $5500, complete, with furnace and ga rage; an unusually pretty bungalow of 5 rooms, with large attic, living room across the front of house, hardwood floors in every room, fireplace, beauti ful buffet, a complete Dutch kitchen, breaklast nook with extra windows, all Improvements in and paid; reasonable terms. HILLER BROS.. Realtora, 211 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main . Branch Of.. 5oth and Sandy. Tabor 8485. Open Sunda y . ROSE CITY PARK. THE ALAMEDA DRIVE. 5SS E. 50th N. Tabor 64!t. Six-room bungalow, living room 2ftx 14 Vi. sunroom, offset fireplace, all rooms large, solid oak floors, beamed ceilings, every built-in convenience. large garage, cement driveway, all Improvements In and paid; no better built, better located or more conveniently arranged strictly modern bungalow anywhere. Price $(lii.'o. Call Sunday or evenings. No agents. COZY bungalow near Peninsula Park 5 rooms, white enamel and old ivory finish. $3250, $10u0 cash, balance easy. JOHNSON-DOOSON UU., 4-3 v.- i tJnlr UWIi fuln 4 Main S7RT. 7-ROOM bungalow, front and back porch, bath, toilet, wood and poultry house, lota of fruit, 2 blocks from school, 1 block depot, 4 acre ground, also store bldg. 24x.".0, all cost $30tm. will sacri fice for little over half. Make your own terms. Would take late 5-passenger Ford on trade. 624 Liberty st. W. L. powers, o w n e r. $1075 EASY TERMS. Restricted district. Not a mere house, but a real home, new thoroughbred bungalow with low ram bling, broken lines; rt rooms, no up stairs; now under construction ; .lust north of Pen. park, 1 block to Kenton car. If you have $H00 come early. This won't last. N. W. corner Scafford and Kerhy sts. ROSE CITY PAR K. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A lovely home of 5 rooms and break fast nook : also large attic, hardwood floora. tapestry paper, fine fixtures, gen uine old Ivory finish. Furnace, fire place, garage. Owner on premises 10 to sunnny. 4i r.ast usi .-s, 11' t.-.-t L'lliL- t) t I it,- Vl -V1 CIUUIM 50x100 lot in good future business dis trict, with good modern house, easily con verted Into flats, giving income over and above upkeep until your lot has nearly doubled 1" value. HENRY" W. GODDARD, Realtor. 213 Stark Street Main 831. LOOK A SNAP. NEAR ALAMEDA. Just being finished, a rosy 4-room home with breakfast nook, fireplace and other Imllt-lns: lot 50jrl0. for quick ntue $:t:;50, from owner; $lO00 down. On 2:td. nar Preacott. Inquire at 1034 Grand Ave. N. $1000 DOWN puts you In a double-constructed house of 6 rooms, completely furnished with all bullt-ins, 2 fireplaces. Fox furnace, hardwood floors and double sleeping porch. Alt improvements in and paid. By owner. Price $5350. Call Kftfd 121. SACRIFICE for cash. $2800 equity In mod ern close-in 6-room bungalow. Has everything. Al condition; assume $300(). 7 mortgage. 2 years. $700 to be paid at $25 and 69i month. ' Phone owner, Tahnr 731. ALBERTA 330. $MfO 'ASU. Cosy 5-room bungalow, full plumbing, gas and e!ec, on hard-surfaced street, which la included in price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 033 N. W. Bank Blrig. Main 377 $Y,00 CLEAN fl-room house, 8(101, corner "Foster road and Kflth st.. 2 blocks Mt. Scott car; lawn, cherry trees, berrlea gas, electric, phone, shed for wood, chicken house or garage. Aut. 618-40. LOT WANTED. Will accept building lot as part pay on new modern bungalow. W. H. ROSS. 1 100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MODERN house, 4 rooms and bath, 2 bed rooms, living room, kitchen, built-in cupboards, wash trays, etc. 2 blocks to Mt. T. car and Base Line road. Easy terms: ?2ton. 2100 E. Alder sr WALNUT PARK. HOME. Seven rooms, sleeping porch, basement, travs furnace, paved street : garage. Price $7i ; want smaller home frr $350fi eoiittv. 545 N. Union ave. FOR SA LE B' ow nor, 7 -room strictly modern Laurelhurst bungalow, near park ; garage; $150 will handle. K4 E. Ankertv, near K2d. 7-ROOM house, double garatre, fruit trees, chicken house, lot loiix 1 'hi. to exchange for apartment or rooming house. For information call Aut. 520-27. TWO-R ' M cot tane. corner lot xloo ; 2 b'k. from car and school ; luwt InsMe cltv Ilmit. iaa and water. $1000. $.io0 cash, rail Mar. ITti.-.O ROSE CITY PARK $4050. 5-room and sleeping porch, atrlctly morlern bungalow, owner, part cash and terms. Phone Tahor 4700. By OWNER, beautiful new up-to-date bungalow in Piedmont, all built-in fea tures; garage; easy terms. Phone Wood lawn1533. IF A HOME Is worth buying the title Is worth Insuring. No abstract required. Title A Trust company. I'l Fourth at. CLOSE your real estate deal quickly through title insurance. Title A Trust company 01 Fourth street. COTTAG E for snle in Rose City Park. $000 ca.h payment, remainder in month v payments Call Tabor 133. NEW 5 -ROOM bungalow, 472 E. 5t h at. X , $5o cash. ral. $35 monthly, includ ing 'nterest. Tabor 7072. $2500 WILL BUY NEW MODERN 7-room "bungalow. JJHiO cash- Rents for $34. G 1 7. Oregonlan. WILL build ou a ntw home and take good car as part payment. S. E. Fran- CIS, MI VIt REAL JEHTATK. Kwr Sale lliurit. LAURET.HT-RST JUST COMPLETED. iEAUTIFUL COLONIAL BUNGALOW. GARAGE. PRTVK OUT AND SFE THE MOT ARTISTIC AND WONDERFUL HOME. DIS1 I X CT I V E IN 1 KS 1 0 X A X D F I N -ISM ED IX ROCRt NI STtLNK-TON W STUCCO AND G-ltAXlTR OX THE EX TEHK'R. A FINISH THAT IS RICH AND DURABLE, (VME TO 10M MULT NOMAH ST.. JUST SOUTH OP T1IM SAN OV BLVD.. TWO HUOOKS. NEAR IMPERIAL AVE. Ct:.T!l ST.). YOU WILL FIND A GENUINE HO Mid WITH LARGE, SPACIOUS LIVIN'J ROOC WITH LARGE PLATE-4"LASS WIN DOWS. SWELL TtEVELED-PLATE AUT GLASS BUFFET: EON FUKXAO.E. BU1T-TV BATH TTT1 WITH SHOWUlt AND TILE FLOOR: TILE SANITARY DKATN: BOARDS FINEST 13-16 Vk. FLOORS. FRENCH DOORS, FLVtftH KI 1 X OLD T V K Y. T A FESTRT PAPK K, ETC THIS HOME BUILT FOR OCOU IPAN'OY BY OWN'Klt, HUT CntOTM STAXCES COMPE L A R AX E. Y O IT WILL LOOK A LONG TTM H TO FIND) FUCH CILARMIXG A-NJ W.ELL BUILT HOM13 AS THIS, OPEN FOR rErrTrN TOTVAY. PHONE OWNER, ALTO. &i0-T3, $300 REDUCTION $300. $300 DOWN $50 TER MO. This distinctly modem -rtxm. 3-ertorr home has been very moderately jricet at $0000 and now the owner says, cut It for quick sale. Here la a genuine bargain. Has reoeptton hall. living room, dining room, den. kitchen and toilet downstairs. Upstairs Is 3 large, airy bedrooms, bath and toilet. Full cement basement, laundry trays and furnace. Fine garage with cement driveway. Ground Is O.-.xino feet and Is on paved street, only block from Sun ays Ids car. New price is $5500. JT. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 6 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, Main 20(4. A. LAURELHURST GEM. One of the "show places" of that beautiful homeland, located on sightly 75xloo corner, one Mock from park; very bes home envi rortment; hardwood floors through out, three bedrooms and sleeping porch, garnne- in basement, (two cars). A homo In a ciaba bv it self, unique and beautiful. Price $0500, half cash. This Is $2000 under vaiue. J. W. CROFSXTCY. Better Tvpes of Homes' 81 Fourth Street, corner Oak. Phono Broadway 5044. (Suncay Call Main 607&J BEAUTIFUL LAURELHUR5T TTOM33 FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE!. Ftrtctlv modern: first-story fanrr brick; "plate glass windows, artlstloj built-lns, 7 larRo rooms, enclosed sleep Ing porch, bath and laro attic, flrwplac automatic Gasco furnace, garage, abun dance of shrubberv and flowers; a beau tiful home in a refined district; must cast; make me an offer. 1103 East Couch SL Tabor M0$. NTTW IRVINGTON. 0 Siskiyou atreet, open today; 8 rooms. 2 fireplaces, double, ga rage corner lot, best surroundings: beautifully papered; guaranteed heating plant; $11,000. $1500 cash, $125 monthly. Including every thing;. Mauts Building Co. BROADWAY 5323 OR EAST 8118. SACRIFICE SALE OF LAURELHLRST BUNOALOW. NEW BOOM BUNGALOW, HARD WOOD THROUGH OH T LA? EST BUILT-INS, ATTRACTIVE JXTlHiLS. LARGE BEVELED PLATE GLASS WINDOWS AND FRONT I FRENCH DOORS BETWEEN IJ INO AND DINING ROOMS. HEAVY TAP ESTRY PAPER. ABUNDANT CLOSET ROOM. GARAGE. COBNKR J 5 JX 100. OWNER MtTST SELL , in g V EMBER 3 ON ACCOVNT O LJ?AV INO TOWN. A BARGAIN LA-HY TERMS PHONE TAHOR 02!. AD DRESS 1003 OR EGO N ST., COR. flrtD. WEST BIPH. rooms and sleeping noreh. ...... ii. onnattioii! ivory eir shell finish throughout: hardwood floors. i mil rear HOOTS. iv..v - " porches, fireplace and furnaca. ce. ment naaemeni, iii y "--J ons block from two carPnes; J minutes' walk from business center. 705 OViiKTUi" m., Sunday. Main 740; week days Main 853. UNFINISHED bungalow style horn, ready to move into; living room, dining room, kitchen. 1 bod room, space for bath downat1r for 3 rooms upstairs. $1500, $500 Cf,BhJOHNSON-nODSON CO., C." N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S78T. FOR 'BETTER TYPES OF HOMES" Homes that have been personally appraised and fully worth pries asked by owners e J. W. CROSSLKY. Realtor, SI 4th St.. cor. Osk. I'hone Broadway 5044, BRAND NEW STRICTLY MODERN BUN, GALOW IN ROSSMERE JUST OFF . SANDY BOULEVARD. This la under th0 hill a way from t"n wind. Has 2 bedrooms on first iioor with largo living and dining room, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook and modern bath, lots of built-in features. 2 large bedrooms above. Price is- $7000 nd worth everv dollar asked. STEWART A J OHX'SON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. a LAURELHURST. 6-room bungalow, modem In every detail. This la near in proud to own; open for your in spection. 1171 E. Ankeny st. Own er and builder on premises. " LAURELHU R ST. Big sacrifice necessary on my new J r.iom strictly modern bungalow; hard wood floors, largo living room flrePlaco. 8 larie bedrooms, tile bath, garage. SreaKflst nook. recn. hot water heat er etc.; small down payment. Owner. io'irt k pine, one block from park, near Jlst Mav be seen any tlr.ie between 8 A. M. and S P. M. IRVINGTON corner home. 22d and Btn-ton- lovely rooms; living room 33x22. full basement, plate-glass window all drsp-rlea. A. B g "lovs nd water heater, solid concrete gara.ee: $L'00 cash, balance terms. Immediate pos session. East 41 'J. , " PORTLAND B lULHVAKD. 8-rnom house, excellent condition, newly painted, kalsomined and shingled, full basement; lot 2O0M32. paved street; fruit trees chicken houses. This is. without exception, the hst buy in Port land at $f.oou; etsy trms. MALL A VON BORSTEL. 104 Second St Main 14M. " FKK-ROOM BUNGALOW. PUK E i.i-.nf located in the, Sunnyside district. b tween Hawthorne and Sunnyslde car llnea Has fireplace and furnace. Full basement. $1H0 cash and monthly pay ment on balance. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., BO: !? 0VaVa VaBMv;M A 1 X 3042. , FOR SALE LAURELHURST. Home entrance from perjrola. sun porch French doors to living and dining, a bedrooms, hardwood floors, part furnished- leaving city: $1000. $1500 cash, bal $32 month, including 6 Interest. East 1317. NO H1 i1 KSKMK Elt SHOULD OVERLOOK; ' these, two beautiful llttlo homes. 1010 Itoltadfly; all modern conveniences nnd highest nualttv finish; garage. 1257 Eaat 'Met South is honor built home for small family. Auto. 514-30. MODERN-W. SIDE RESIDENCE. $0300. ' splendidly built 7-ronni residence in excellent condilton; pretty Interior, alt modern conveniences. Rood loi. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. U3 Stark Street. Main S3!. WE HAVE already einnuned the title to your property nd can issue tit 1 In surance policy without delay. No ab stract required. Title A Trust company, 111 Fourth street. gT'OOM house, modern, II ol la day Addi tion? walking distance citv. schools, churches; cement garage; $000; terma PhoD0325-13after10 A. 5L LAND cl nred 1-y contract : have full qulpmcnL sC 175, Oregunlan.