TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, ' PORTLAND, OCTOBER 23, 1921 Of I OR BENT. Bookkeeping Hwomw In rrWat Family. liK A L'Ti F 1. LLY iurnisdcd corner front room, kitchen privileges or gas plate, heal, hot water, parlor, piano, 2 girls, $23. Two room newly, comfortably furnished ; gas ran, $30. Walking distance. 23 N. 24th. TWO HOUSEK EEP1 NG rooms, second story, furnished, suitable for 4 persons; room with kitchenette, also front keep ing room, newly tinted; walking distance. 40 union av. .Norm. 5 Cliill'I.KTKI.V $11. Tabor 2: fur. housekeeping rooms; Houses. IRVINGTON Stately colonial, 6 or 7 rooms, 10th and Thompson; hot-water -tf-i't ; mahogany dining room, three fire piva, billiard room complete, garage; below $HH. two jr. 27th North. 624 E. 1 2tU North, and others. R. T. STRKKT, Irvington Headquarter. Vr CAPITOL HILL, new bungalow, Uving dltilng room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and hath ; full basement Including garage; uicken house and cow barn; y acre of excellent garden ; city gas and water; $30 per month, will lease. W. U. Fp?ter. :ardwell avs.,J minutes northwest from Tapitol Hiil wtatlon. Oregon Electric. $OUR-ROOM bungalow on three large lots, in west Portland, not far from Multno mah station, on the Oregon Klectrlc; f 15 a month to responsible tenant. For par Oculars see owner, 44)4 Piatt bids;., or Mra Grant, In the real estate office of Ben Rieniand, at Multnomah, telephone Main final. fclANOS moved, S3; stairs extra, $1 eacn flight; 30 days free storage on all house hold goods; furniture moving; one-ton truck, $2 per hour; large truck, $2.75 per hour, we are experienced and have good ? ticking. Call Hroadway 127. Atlas ransfer ft Storage Co., 101 N. Mb. sc. open hunaays ana evenings. IIODEKN ll-room house, haif block from iS or Mt. Tabor carline, strictly mod ern; some furniture for sale or will rent without ; $t a month to responsible party. Call at 145 E. 12th St.. near East Morrison, Sunday afternoon, from 1 to 4:30 o'clock. f-KOOM house with furnace and full ce ment basement, walking distance; some f the furniture for sale for cash, party leaving town. Call at 84 N. 17th St.. jy appointment, on Monday. Phone unwy. 4i:t. JJEAUTIFULLY furnished home of 8 rooms, modfn In every respect, cloe In aft side; fine view, $100 per month; tease. BUMMEM & BUMMELL. z j otarKBireei. ROSE I" I TV PAUk Modarn 4-room bungalow, nice yard, frvlt, pear car line, stores. $ilo. Adults nly. Morning, Aut. it 15-80; Afternoon, Tabor 4501!. OPEN SUNDAY AITER 10 A. M. U14 TIBBETTS ST. Modern 6-room, 2-story BUNGALOW; furnace, fin-place, bullt-tns, gas range G. U. ROH RER, RENTAL UEALTOH, 204 PANAMA BLDO. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Hot and cold water, electricity, gas, Bull Run water; lawn; garage; at Mult nomah station, on Oregon Electric; 20 minutes by auto; $35 per month If taken for 0 months or more. Phone Main 57 5S. " OPEN SUNDAY AFTER 10 A. M. 744 E. 17TH ST. Modern home, 5 rooms, furnace, fire place, good basement; laundry trays. G. G. ROHRER. RENTAL REALTOR, 200 PANAMA BUILDING. "-ROOM modem house in every respect; garage; at Multnomah station; no cnit dren. Price $35 a month If taken for 6 months or longer. Call owner, eve nings. Main 575S. BEAUTIFUL home near Reed college; 2 sleeping porches, library. In old Ivory, strictly modern, fine condition, garage, $7r; unother $35; also furnished houses. John M. Payne & Co.. Main 1)012. $33 A MONTH, new 4-room house, strictly modern, 2 blocks from Alberta car. 1030 IS. 82 d N. s $25 5-KOOM modern bungalow, sleeping porch, cement basement, 2 lots, plenty of berries, no email children, 7 blocks from Woodiuere school. 6U24 8Gta at. Southeast. FOR KENT. Very classy modern it-room house, bil liard room, fine conservatory, double garage; on Hawthorne, close in. Two or three years' lease. Main 8iH)5. S-ROOM modern house, large grounds, near Jefferson High and Thomson schools. Leaving city, must rent Imme diately. Call 761 Commercial st., ,cor- ner oi iseacn, FOR KENT 0 rooms, 100x100, hard sur face street, half block to Mt. Scott car; reasonable rent to responsible tenant. A. H. Dlrrell-GIll Co., 210 N. W. Bank bldg. Man-hall 4114. 1137 EAST FLANDERS. 8 ROOMS. $S0. You must see this house to appreciate It, 4 sleeping rooms with bulit-lns. dress ing rooms, hard wood floors, sun room, all newl y decora ted. Auto. 223-11). fUH KENT 0 rooms, 1 00x100, hard-surface street, half block to Mt. Scott car; reasonable rent to responsible tenant. A. II. Blrrell-GlU Co., 210 N. W. Bank hldg. Marshall 4114. 25 PER MONTH, 6-room cottage In uppe Alblna, toward St. Johns, modern. G. H. Dammeur, 40i) McKay bldg., 3d and stark streets. STroom house In good condition, lovely home; large lawn. Apply to owner in perHon. 073 Olackar.iaa street, any time Sunday or M nnd a y. Rent $05. CALL HROADWAY 50 FOR NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. HOUSE TO RENT. Fix rooms, good neighborhood, walking distance to business, one block to fre quent car llnp. ('nil Hast 1427. 1-RooM nuutfrn house; garage; close In; one-year lettwe; $05 rent to right parties. THOMSON fit THOMSON. REALTORS, 020 HENRY 1M.UH. HDWY, 4S80. fi.LV En rooms, lrvingum, "unfurnished or partly furnished; strictly modern; fire P 1 re; garage; 1 year or longer. East Still 7. FOR RENT OR SALE. 7-rnum lioui!, near Irvington school, 4T.4 t 12th street N. 85 Third street. Broadway 5s4l. BEAUTIFUL 8-room bungalow in Wav erly Heights, beautiful view, clean large rooms, nicely furnished. 000 E. 81st it., near Kpiiy. frQH RENT Cottage, 4 rooms and bath, elect rlo tights and gas, full lot, paved street. 875 Rodney. Key at 830 Kod ncy. Rent $ 25 per month. 4-ROOM cottuge, E. 13th st., near Bel mont; gas and electricity, no bath; adults preferred ; references required; llrt. Inquire 102 E. 13th st. FOR R KNT 7-room strictly modern, fine locality. 541 E, flltth. 1 block car line. Sfe owner at plate. 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. Sunday ; ha rg a 1 n . PIEDMONT. New 5-room hunt: alow and garage, everything modern; rent or sale. 1212 irfleld ave. tUvner. f -ROOM house and sleeping porch, 4 bed rooms, screened kitchen porch, furnace, bulit-lns. U50 Hancock, corner E. 31st st. Open Sunday, 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. FOR RENT Near Standard Oil company's plant on Linn ton rod, 2 4-room cot tutfi's with balh. Call 235 Stark st. Phone Mm In 2:W3. t-ltoi M house with garden apace, near Oregon Electric. Can give occasloimt employment to both man and wife. $7 p.-r month. I 11M, Or-gnnia n. $2.". SM A LL cottage, very desirable, gar den and berries. Upshur street. Main f-HOOM house, newly painted insldo and out. with acre lot. $40 ill Portland hlvd. W. Wood lawn 1023. AFTER Oct. 2fi, 8-room house, gas. elec tricity, furnnce, 2 toilets, fine basement, g jtra gf. adults. In q u Ire 000 Kerby. MOVING.; Pianos, furniture ami !nng-dU-tatice hauling a specUlty. O. Ac W. Trucit Scrvl ce Co.. 4' 2d st. Ph one Hilwy 5 121 ft- ttoo 1 cottage, fine condition ; Adults. 340 Victoria, near Wllhams and liroad- w a y. ELK TRANSFER & STORAGE Co. l." days storage free; furniture mov- tng for les. Hro.tdw.iy 2445. foil K ENT Modern ii-room house, near Washington high school and near two strtM't far Unfa; rfnt ?.'0. Call East 2704 lit'l Si: for rent. Dl't2 Peninsula ave. Modern-built, it-rottm cottage. Wdln. ik5. ( ' i iii'ui mnn mi V'HKN moving, city or country, get the beet At lowest price. Green Transter Co, XlHin T'lU Alder 1.A R G E h o u s e h o a t . fully lurnisited.'to re" ip.'nMlb:e party: references required e Uwtiod Ctk !i. 27 nc 7 ROOMS K ny St., west si eie, guou condition, sell. 1H40 4-KOOM hou, bath- 620 Woodward ave, $14. East 1142. Sunday. East 4132, Monday. O-KOOM house, furnace, etc., $20. "M Ke.ly st.. near porter, psy rent Mon diy ; ZH Hoard of Trade bldg. MODERN 8-roum houw with sleeping porcn. rarity iurniina. line location. lIfl K.F.anders st. Automatic 233-01. I-IU'OM partly furnished house. gtgd loca tion. Mt. Scott car. Call Sunciiy. 7107 43d avenue S. K. 11UDKKN bur.fca !o w . lUrnaov. fi replace, c ose in; rererence. v-- ancouvcr 1 .,. T ootiiu n l"n 6-jUOW nouse, t inurman st., near 27th, rent $13. Wakefield, Fries A Co. H Fourth st. BEAUT J FULLY situated tt-ronm residence n.it; neat rurnmnru; wesi sine. lm car; T-ROOM Hanthorne ave., newly reflnished; full cement basement, etc.; $00 per mo. fee U wood. FOB RENT. FOR RENT. 7-room modern residence In Woodstock, blocks from car. Full sise basement. lUUxlOU oorner. Nice garden spot. Lawn, shrubs, berries. $30 per month. FOR RENT. 2-room furnished apartment with bath. New furnishings. Electric range; with garage; 4 blocks from Y. M. C. A. Rent $40. PETERSON & YORK, 437 A. W. Bank Hldg. Main ttOUo. $4u.yo, WEST SIDE, close In. modern. 7 rail, and bath. Donaid G. Woodward, 104 24 bt. ioO.KN bungalow, 4 rooms and bath, $23 month ;. aduits only. Near Portland Blvd.. 13U3 Campbell. 3-KOOM modern house, walking distance, near grammar and high schools. 7 E. Taylor. Inquire, next door. 6-ROOM HOUSB wth sleeping porch, g-a-rage, fireplace and furnace. Rent $34). Call Eaet 7014. DANDY 5-room bungalow; four lots. 434 East 76 th st., near Division. Owner. 340 Va Sixth st. Auto. 527-50 8-ROOM house Tap or 27 NO. at 38 North 24th st. 8-KOOM house, bath, gas and electricity, 7.'ixlQQ. rent $25. 2120 Holladay ave. $30 u-ROOil modm house, 7U-i Union ave. North. Hardwood Iloors. SIX-Roo.M house, fine condition, furnace, good location. 7Q3 Dekum bldg. $3 7-ROOM HOUSE, E. Hroadway. Main 47M. Monday. FOlt KENT 7-room Call Mar. 3348. house, 781 2d at. 6-KOOM house for rent, $44. Inquire 673 Rodney tv cor. Fargo st. MODERN 6-room house, furniture for sal. U.Q Taylor st. FOK KENT 6-room house and family orchard, an acre ground. Tabor 16S3. 6-KOOM bungulow, lurnace, garage. Olid ave., cor. 05th st. Woodstock car. 7-KoOM modern house. East Couch, llth and 12th. Rent $55. Til It EE houses. Phone Aut. 614-32. Pan ama groc. o:i23 82d at. S. E. . F1V E-KUOM houne, 103 Vancouver ave. $25. Main 6-KOOM HOUSE 10 E. 63d st., corner Ah; $20 month. SEVEN-ROOM house, weft side. Ca.ll Au- tomatic -o.. Rent UNFURNISHED 10-room house, mont street. Marshall 4004. 167 Ver- ZvEW 4-KOOM house, $20 per month. Tabor 1041. 7-ROOM house. u05 Front St., $25. quire 3Qi Railway Exchange bldg. 6-KOOM house $-3. Some fuel for sale. References. ir0 East AnKeny st. FUR KJ3NT 8-room unfurnished house. 712 Flanders; open from 11 to 3 Sunday. Furniwiied lluuws. FOR RENT for the winter, fi-room bun galow in Laurelhurst, completely fur nihed, piano, victrola, garage, $80. O 110. Oregonlan. FOlt KENT 3-room modern furnished house in Parkrose, fireplace ; $3o per month. One-half mile outside city, on Columbia river highway. Tabor 7318. FIVE rooms. Bleeping porch. Portland Heights; modern, like new. Upper drive. Fern ave. open noon today or see Parish- "Watklns. MODERN stone burtgalow on Willamette river on Oregon 'Jity carline; with ga rage if desired; paved road. Call Main 478. . 8-ROOM house In good condition, and ga- ruse. $73 per month. Apply to owner, 673 Clackamas street, cor. East lWth, any time Sunday or Monday. FURNISHED tl-room house, fireplaces, furnace, sleeping porch; near 14th. and Mill sts. ; $75; references required. Call East 2709. 5-KOOM furnished bungalow and winter fuel for sale. wiu consider to give lease to mall family, $30 per month. 6824 40th ave. S. E. Auto. 639-69. COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house, price $75 per st. Henry W. large grounds, garage; month. 426 East 24th Ooddard, 243 Stark st. ATTRACTIVE stone bungalow with ga rage, accessible to river, road and Ore gon City car line. Call Oak Grove 12A-X. FURNISHED house, 6-room cottage, close n. :itii vv neeier. tsy appointment, sea. FURNISHED 4-room cottage, modem. new and clean. Free heat, light, and water; adults only. 1Q E. 10th st. LEA VINO city, 6-room elegantly furnished bungalow tor rent. Beaumont, respons 1 ble par ties only. Auto. 327-75. 3-ROOM bungalow and garage, across from Columbia Beach, Vancouver car. Brldgeton station. East 1330. 0 ROOMS; good place to room or board carmen. 3U5 E. 23d st.; $37 a month; o pe n 2 to 3. Tabor 4701. . NICELY furnished 6-roorn house, no chil dren, $.10. 1140 E. Madison. Hawthorne car. Call 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. K. C. I. FURNISHED bungalow to sponsible adults. Call after 1 P. M3 E. B7th. near Sandy. SEVEN-ROOM completely furnished house. piano, modern conveniences, garage. 157 East Ankony. East 5S01. CLEAN, comfortable, well furnished, mod ern 4 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, good car line; adults. 36H Knott st. FURNISHED house and grounds in Park rose. Phone Mr. Stewart, Hroadway 2424J MODERN furnished 6-room cottage. sleep Ins; porch, large yard. 1030 E. Buroeide. Tabor 1871. 3-HOOM and bath, partly furnished, $10. SO per montn. f bone uawy. 4Z11. Cau evenings, WILL rent my nice clean 6-room modern house reasonable. 4t07 49th st. a. E. Woodstock car. MODERN, clean 4-room house, comfort ably furnished; west side. 2-49 Ban croft ave. WILL shart bungalow with rettned young couple; $30. everything Included; refer e n cej req uired. Sell wood 1273. 5-ROOM, plain furnished house with ga rage, $23. OO; close in. 407 E. Ash, near 8th. Open 2 to 8 Sunday. MODERN 5-room bungalow, pTano, fur nace, wash trnys, etc.; adults only. In quire IftlM K. Harriaon St.. corner of B7th. 7-ROOM. completely furnished, thorough ly modern house, with garage. Marsh. 241 or Bdwy. 4023. 0-KOOM furnished bungalow. 0310 2d st., , 8 blocks from end of Woodstock car line. 2d house south 6.1th ave. . 5-HOUM furnished house for rent. No ob jection to children; $40. 11 Hawthorne ave.. near 4'lth st. 6-ROOM furnished bung., Irvington car; adults; owner reserves 1 room; refcr encrs. East 003. BEAUTIFUL furnished home for rent; drive out Foster road to Buckley ave., turn south to bridge. Hob Lowe. NICELY, completely furnished ti-room hous In Rose City Park. Call Auto. 331-17 after 10 A. M. Sunday. LA R JE rooms, fullv moaern; complete ly furnished. 77J 3Sth ave. S. $43 with g.ir.tge. Tabor 4000. evenings. FURNISHED modern 7 rooms and ing porch to responsible adults. Tabor TitltlO, lleep Call 3 AND 3-KUOM. walking distance Broad way bridge. Nelson. 283 Russell. East CLEAN 6-room bungalow, cloee In, fur ntshed or unfurnished, $40 a month; 370 Monroe, near Union ave. East 1237. NICELY f urnlened 8-room house witli ga rage for rent tor six months to parties i who can furnish references. East FlVE-RoOM completely furnished bouse. Wdln. 3030. Will lc;ise. $;it t'OsY 6-room bungalow, suburban, nfttr elec. Mnln 8672. 208 Falling bldg. $33 MODERN 4-room cottage, furnished; fruit trees, near car. S1 11 wood 1717. MODERN 0-room cottage, overlooking ths ocean. St-aside, $13 a month. Main 5404. COM Kt'li'l A BL Y furnished, clean, modern 4-ronni home, west sliie 240 Bancroft ave. $43; FUR. 3-room bungalow; vacant Nov. 7. near Franklin high. Sell. 1717. FURNISHED house of 3 rooms and sleep ing porch, modern. Call Sell. 2004. COMPLETELY leJroonie At rnlshed 7-room house; 3 00 Hawthorne ave. FURNISHED 6-room house in Irvington. Phone 321-43. FURNISHED 3-room house, clean. Automatic 04 1-51. modern. CoU8e ( PARTLY '.furnished 4-room sid. Broadway 5330; $43 6-ROOM furnished house. 343 East Glissn. Walking distance. SMALL hoUie, furnned, suitable for twx Call W oo d ; ii w n : 1 1 k 3 . " TO RENT Furnished 3-room house. $35. r-1' -1 "i 1 on nv - r . : '-rr-. : .. .... . ttz. I .-ROOM niceiy iurnisneu new nome . wun ; FURMSH tvl house ; fireplace, furnace, if a n n. Sell wood 11004. 5-KOOM furnished bungalow, street North. ' 1220 E. 14th 3-ROOM modern bungalow, furnished. 253 East 04th North, near MV car. 130. 4-ROOM house. Sell wood 43. East 13th st. Phone FOK RENT- Furnished cottage. Alder, cnr. 6'h. -RoOM nicely furnished house, month. Woodlawn 3030. $30 -5-ROOM ; Union ave., irth. Auto. Saft-66. near Killlngs- 8-ROOM house; will sell furniture or lease. 862 . 1st N FOR RENT. I'nrnixtied Houses. AM LEA VI NO city, will lease my fine new suburban home, fully furnished, for term of years. Six-room modern house, fine garage, O. A. C. chicken houee, nice lawn and shrubs, acre, in Park rose district, all paved roads, 2 blocks off Columbia river highway. Call be fore noon Sunday or Monday. C. S. Goodaie. Craig road, S blocks south of Sandy blvd. SCENIC LODGE COTTAGE3. B24 Heights Terrace; three rm. : large glassed-in porch; f'nest view mountains in city; 20 minutes' walk to heart of city, or Hall street car on Morrison to 13th, 2 -locks west. See to appreci ate. Reduced rent for winter. COMPLETELY furniuhed modern home. 9 roonu. suitable for two families; two baths, two Dutch kitchens, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage, every thing in good condition; 1 block to car. For lease, 1 or 2 years; $75 per month. Tabor 322. 12-KOoM house, east side, 'walking dis tance; convenient both Broadway and Irvington cars; bathroom on both floors; full basement and furnace; $30 per mo. My board and 2 rooms reserved. I 10, Orpgonian. . HAVE NICELY FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOME, WELL LOCATED; WALKING DIST. ; COMPLETE: NEAR CAB. AND VERY REASONABLE. G. G. ROHKER, RENTAL REALTOR, 201 PANAMA BUILDING. EIGHT -ROO.M ABSOLUTELY MODERN HOUSE. COMPLETELY FURNISHED IN BEST OF TASTE. REFERENCES REQUIRED. 104 21ST; $123 PER MONTH. INQUIRE WAKEFIELD, FRIES St CO.. BROADWAY 21HQ. S-ROOM eungalou beautiful furniture ; predated; piano, gaxage; $75; -will lease. Call bet. 12 and 3 or evenlnga. 433 Pres- cotL Woodlawn 3307 FOUR well-furnished rooms; furnace and fireplace; strictly modern; exclusive dis trict; no objections to young baby; rent $."(. 407 E. 34th. Take Hawthorne car. Tabor 4073. MODERN ti-room house, fine condition, close In; near Wash, high and Haw thorne schools; for rent to party buying furniture; $430 cash; must be sold this week; a bargain. 070 East Stark. $40 PER MONTH. Clean B-room furnished bungalow will be vacant 'November 1: will lease; aduits preferred; call today. 4507 70th, corner 45th ave.; ML Scott car. ATTRACTIVE MODERN HOME. HAND SOMELY FURNISHED, DESIRABLE LOCATION. LEASE FOR C MONTHS. OR LONGER. REFERENCES. MAIN 4711. IRVINGTON fine modern furnished home; all conveniences. Reasonab:e rent for a year or more. 483 East 26th N. Phone East 2707. FOUR ROOMS, completely furnished. 32d near Francis, garage. 100x100 lot, fruit berries, $30. Call Main 1038 or Mar. 65i'9. . VERY comfortable, modern, 7-room house with good basement and attic. 4410 44th st. 8. E. Almost completely fur. nlshed. Call Auto. 638-39 or Wdln. W04. WANTED Congenial couple to share modern 6-room furnished house; home privileges; $30 a month; cail Sunday. Tabor 3n8. . . COMPLETELY furnished 7-room house, large grounds, garage; price $75 per month. 420 E. 24th st. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. Houses for Rent Furniture for Sale FOR SALE Furnishings of lovely 8-room house, west side, 4 bedrooms, well ar ranged, strictly modern, rent $40; some terms if desired ; Monday only. 020 Kelly St., cor. Abernathy; M. 8. or Ful ton car. Main 5814. . MODERN 8-room hooee. Ladd addition, one block from Hawthorne car; walk ing distance; low rent; one year's lease; all new furniture and rugs for sale at moderate price; no dealers, E 124, Qre- gonian IN MODERN brick apt. house. 5 rooms, apt. for rtnt, will sell furniture Tor $500. Sublet two rooms and pay your rent. SEE MRS. TYLER. M. E. LENT CO. 524 N. W. Bank bldg. FURNITURE of a 5-room house at very rcasonablo terms; house has bee a thor oughly renovated; ML Scott car. 6542 81st st. S. EJ Rent reasonable. A REAL BARGAIN. Furniture of a 5-room flat for sale for $300. Nice and clean flat, rent for $20. J. A. Coff. Main 4604. NEW 3-ROOM house, modern, chickens', winter's wood, large ground, good furni ture; everything $225 cash; rent $13. 2004 E. Yamhill. Mt. Tabor car, 84th st. ROOM houe. complete, furniture for aale. house for rent. Call at No, 2ofl Panama Building. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale: reas onable terms. 772 Quimby. Phone 629-50. Mrs. L. A. Yost. ELEGANT furniture for 9 rooms; French gray piano. Bargain for alL 4614 K. 41st S. E. NICE 5-room house and garage, on paved street; $30. All the furniture for sale. 52 East TQth street Noryn FLAT for rent, furniture tor aie or will rent furnisnea. Aauits omy. rnone East 215 1 . FURNITURE 5-room bungalow, snap at $ 170 ; house for rent. East 13G8. 707 E. Ya mhill st. ( 5-ROOM cottage for rent, furniture for sale cheap. Call 306 Holladay ave. 5-ROOM rlat for rent, $333. Phone East S furniture foj sale, -.08. 8-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. Call at Irving. FURNITURE of B-room flat for sale, flat for rent ; fine location. Mars-hall 2515. $1 BUYS furniture 6-room cottage; rent .ro. 424 E. Couch at. si: HOUSE for rent ture for sale. with furniture, or furni 470 East Ash st. Reworts. AT GEARHART, completely furnished comfortable cottage, for the winter; con venient to site of Gearhart hotel. Mrs. McTrftcken. Mar. 6170 . 8.000 SQUARE FEET FLOOR SPACE ON SPUR TRACK. FIREPROOF BLDG. 19TH AND UPSHUR. BDWY. 4062. AUTO SHOP FOR RENT. First-class auto shop for good man, has pit. lights and wash rack, on good corner on Alder st.. has been estab lished 15 years, rent $05 per month; nothing to buy. Call 614 Alder st. Open Sundays. . , RmtXD storv (5000 square feet). In new building now under construction at northwest corner of Park and Yamhill sts . opposite new auto stase terminal. Apply William P. Merry, 801-2 Title A Trust dios. lu tu h KNT Stores, on Washington st r 15th: will cut up any size to suit tenants; reasonable rent; will gdve lease. Goldsmith A Co., 285 Stark st. Tele phono Marshall ISO. FINE downtown location; 5 rooms good furniture for sale; wonderful buy; suit able for business or trice and living rooms, on grouna noor. aui, ojj-oi. TO KENT Space 45x100; good for ware house or automobile shop. Simons. Front and Grant. FOK DESlRAHLfci -pace in fireproof ware house phone Broadway 8713. FINE light lloor. 50x100; long lease; cheap rent. wax. 24 .ortn rucn STOREROOM to lease, downtown loca- tlon. Mr. Hunter. 300 Alder st. BUSINESS space for rent on Wash st. Call B: oad w ay 42:, Office ELEGANT suite of 2 rooms, suitable for insurance office or commercial pur poses. ' Very best location In central, up-to-date office building. AP 106, Ore- gonian. PART of ground-floor office with window space, desk, chair and typewriter; ex cellent business location. Bdwy. 5044. DESK, space for rent, with or without deek: use of phone. 212 Railway Ex chang bir'g. DESK. SPACE for rent with or without desk; use of phone. 212 Railway Ex change bldg. TO SL' BLE'I Nice private wfiice with re ception room. Call 1317 N. W. Bauk WILL share nice large furnished office. Will furnish roll -top dek. typewriter and telephone. 006 Cham, of Com. DESK room w:ta teiepnor.e and jiteno araDhlc service. Phone Bdwy. 3713T OFFICES for rent, FUedner bldg.. 10th and FRONT otf ice. modern, in Railway Ex- change bldg. Apa:y room 312. OFFICE room for rent; furnished. Phone service. 320 Henry bldg. KOO.M and use of main line phone. 818 Cham her Commerce bldg. for RENT -A well furn!hed office, good j , h Ca Mana:i 4l. PRIVATE office. Including desk and chair, $15. 2" Stock Exch. bidg. Mlscellaneoan. FOR RENT Good lodge hall : hardwood floor tor dancing and small hall for meetings: rent reasonable. Inquire G. E. WIs. lTf Second st. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, one week, Monday to Monday. $1.23. includes de livery. E. L. Knight Co. Bdwy. 14$ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A BARGAIN cheap. Ea- -Buv 877! shoe repair shop. BARBER shop. 2 chairs. O. . at. depot. 264) Front st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE. ROOMIVO AND APARTMENT HOUSE. Centrally located. 85 rooms, fully furnished and equipped; good business, steady income, reason able rent, $lJ0O, JOHN H. ELWELL, B13H Main st. Vancouver, Wash. Phone 102. PATTISON. TKOROUGHMAN & FITZ WATER. West side rest a uran-t, good location ; lease; low rent. $m)0. Washington-street restaurant, dandy business, $1250. East side restaurant, doing $40 per day; brick bldg; $S50. Washtngton-atreet restaurant, good lo cation; $4K will handle. 314 STOCK EXCH ANGE BLDG. PATTISOJC. THOROUGHMAN & FITZ WATER. Half .interest in light manufacturing business, good profits, $400. Half interest n good real estate office. If you are hustler, can make $200 per month, $300. We have opportunities for men with services with from $300 up. See Us be fore investing. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDQ. GROCERIES GROCERIES GROCERIES. $7000 buys you a No. 1 grocery. This will bear your closest investigation. $100 buys store and fixtures. $M)o gets you into a real bargain. These are only a few of our good buys. Come in and see our Mr. Ritz. who has years of experience In handling gro ceries, and will give you a square deal. L E. SPENCER & CO.. Realtors. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CHEVROLET AGENCY. OWNER GOING EAST. Large new ara- fully equipped, good lease, in best location, open to Multno mah county and city of Portland ; just sailing at invoice; investigate this at once. L. O. Gerber, 714 SweLand bldg., Main 777fl. ' YAMHILL MARKET. Light lunch, $11500 will handle. Pea nut and apple stand, Al buy. Bakery, -wholesale and retail; see this at once. Mr. Prather, with t f. spencer & CO.. Realtors. M7-10 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MULTIGRAPH and printing business, with or without residence, for sale; located in best town of 8000 in eastern Oregon; doing good business, bright prospects; $2200 will handle both; $00 will handle multlgraph outfit. AN 830, Oregonlan CKOCERY FOR SALE. Excellent location, doing from $J0 to $100 a day, cash and carry. Will sell at invoice and reasonable price for fix tures; alao neat living rooms. 391 E. Burnslde. . . PARTNER WANTED. $75" PER WEEK CLEAR FOR EACH. DANDY CORD AND SLABWOOD DEAL. HAVE OWN BOAT, BARGES, STSAM SAW, LOADING EQUIPMENT. 607 COUCH BLDG. SEE THIS betore you buy. 21 rooms. 1, 2 and 8-room apartments; corner brick building, rent $30; lease; good furniture and clean; the best location in city; $2750, terms, by owner. 402V4 Main st.. Vancouver. Wash, $850 BUYS this dandy close-in grocery; rent only $5. with living room; owner must sell on account illness; place will make comfortable living for winter. Bus hue Grocery Specialists, 013 Cham of Com, OPPORTUNITYfor a man with some abil ity to handle salesman to get into busi ness for himself that will net him over $2o a day .from the start; an investment of about $173 needed. For interview write AJ 1S3, Oregonlan. A BARGAIN. Tire shop, well worth $1800; will sell for $1000 or consider trade on house and lot. Other business requires own er's attention. See owner at 2UoO Easl Alder Monday or Tuedf.y. CIGAR STANDS? We have them from $soo up; best locations in city. Mr. Prather, with I E. SPENCER A CO., Realtors. 517-10 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $3000. WITH SERVICES. Business established over 7 years, can show net income over $300 per month. You can investigate thoroughly. See Michael Monday. Ii iewis oma 8 ROOMS close in east side, ad good furniture, part new. Sickness compels rale at once. Call and look this over. Great bargain; save agent's profit. East 533. $850 CA6H gets dandy, clean store, nice fixtures, candies, cigars, groceries, with light lunches, living room and furni ture, low rent; shown by appointment only. McFarland, Realtor. Failing bldg. PARTNER WANTED. Clears 850 each per week for man or woman; $1250 required. Investment se cured; established business. 607 Couch bldg. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. 5-yar lease. $3500; best buy. See Mr. Nelson, with I. E. SPENCER & CO., Realtors. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. in-irii"DV UTAH V HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. A good business and stock for $2350 cash. For furthe? information call Tabor GOOD, going, long-established business open to honest man with services as manager, haif interest to right party at a sacrifice; may take some exchange. lau ana see o net, w mn. W'AJSTED Alining man with about $3000. gold prcvpertv, near Sumpter. Or., assays $17 to $03; 600 fL tunnel. Box 45. Scap- poose. or. WHY work for others? We have an op portunity for a man who has $200 and wants to work for himself; will stand closest investigation. AF 141!. Ore gqnia n. CIGAR and confectionery, next to large theater downtown; rent $75; clears $u00 month; ?2MtO handles. Do you want a vou can t lose, ouo v. ui FOR SALE by owner, well equipped pool and billiard hall, cigars, tobacco and lunch; good location and cheap renL H . A. Purceil, jicuinnv uic, MODERN photograph studio, good loca tion, 3 large rooms, light, heat, water. gftB, $25 month; established 10 years. R i a t p v x.-it r a vtvh Downtown garage, clears $300 each per month: long lease; investment se- curea. o" toucn mug. If you are looking for a good clean business where you can clear $50 a week, see us. 806 C. of C. Restaurant, card room, soft drlnw ana confectionery combined. Owner must have city. 69 N. 3d. Bdwy. 400j DAPTTR V A NTED. Old-established" east side garage, clears $230 per month; lease to 1830; terms. n"i ioucu ums. FOR SALE OR TRADE, my interest In a small sawmill, lumber contract, l.t 00000 feet to be loaded and planed. N 156, Oregonlan. . im i PRO v 1NUE representatives for Canadian patent required. Small investment and large returns for. right persons. Room LUNCH and doughnut machine; Yamhill; your chance. See Mr. Prather. with IE. SPENCER & CO., Realtors. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bidg. AUTO PARKING SITE. Best parking site located in heart of business district; big money-maker. (107 Couch bldg. CHOP AND WAFFLE HOUSE DOW N town. $050; low rent. See Prather, fii7-i chamber of Commerce bldg. $1000 CASH AND CARRY grocery doing $40 to $50 a day; rent $20; will invoice. SO. QUO per day; terms. 007 Couch bldg. CItiAR STORE on Washington st. ; rent $35; $165U takes it; a snap for someone, xu c. of C. $1450 GOOD sub. grocery. 4 nice living rooms; rent $13. with lease. Bush.ue, IS 1 S Cham, of Com flAWMILIA We have several good buys In Oregon. 607 Couch bidg. LUNCH RO03I Close in. west side; rent $30; $35 a day. Have you got -ou.- 3 C. of C. NEED live partner, good business, $2V0 per montn eacn; equal mierew.. ow. V 110. Oregonian. hkai'TY oarlor. central location, doing eooii business. Mr. Prather, 517-10 C" h amber of Commerce bldg. -vAXfuii.i. at meat market: cood lease: doing cash business, $200 dally. Broad- wny 4.i. FOR SALE Printing and pressing shp. best location in town; will take partner or sell right out. Call 3tu Aniceny. RESTAURANT, well equipped, doing pay ing business, busy street; price soou, terms. Owner. 230 First st. NEED partner, real estate office; too much work for me ; small Investment. V 111. Oregonlan. CLEANING and pressing, downtown; clear ing $30O montn ; rent u; two living rooms of furniture; $750. 306 C. of C. A REAL Job truck, at work now. $30 to $40 per day. Investigate this. 353 Surn- s;ae. BARBER OUTFIT, two heater and pole; cheap, ton street chairs, basin, 246 Washing- PATENTED Christmas novelties. good seller. Make offer. Phone 643-00. GROCERY Apartment district, $33-$40; rent $30; $1100. 306 C. of C. LUNCH WAGON. Dandy at $500. 6o7 Couch bldg $150 BUYS a rood little business where you can't loose. SQ6 C. of C. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE; two chairs. 206 Morgan bldg. , BrsrvE'ss orroRTryinKs. 450 "SCENIC LUNCH." only $250 cash. $1875 Grocery, candy and cigars, es tablished business, cheap rent, garage in connection bringing $4 month In rent: included in this price Is 1 heater. 1 gas range and some other furniture; also 8 large 1 1 vlng rooms ; nice home with Income. $1250 Grocery and confectionery, etc., brick bldg.. living room, rent only $25; income day, $30. $ TOO For fixtures; established business, grocery, cash and carry; will in voice. $1600 Grocery, candy, soft drinks; busy place; rent $30; 3 living rooms; income $30 day. $3000 Confectionery, light lunch, cigars, rent $30. $2000 Cash and carry, rent $18.7, in come $30 day. $6000 Grocerymen. be your own land lord, buy this building consisting of 1 store, 4 fine living rooms, modern bath; nice neighborhood, good future. 50x100 lot; will In voice stock and fixtures: income per day $55. $2800 Grocery, lively trade, rent $35; income per day $75. $2500 Butcher shop, rent $35; Income per day $U0. RTEVERMAN INVESTMENT CO., 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2054. GROCERY AND TOURIST HOTEL On Pacific highway, store room and house of 14 rooms with two lots; plumbing, electricity, city water. Stock of groceries, fixtures and furnishings of rooms Included. Owner wants quick sale and re educes price to $3060 for real es tate and everything as It stands. Terms. This is a big snap for someone. Good location in a good town. FREYT AG-MEEDS CO., GLADSTONE. OREGON. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. PHONE OREGON CITY 260J. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. White Temple district, heart of the apt. house district, new bldg.. with 5 year lease, ii stories and basement, 6 living rooms, est. income from rooms $00 a month; large store, fine stock of groceries, candies, fruits, ice cream parlor, soda fountain : everything new and of the best; average business per day, $50? this is a fine lit tit business for a man and wife and can be made to pay much more than at present; price and terms at this office. See Mr. Kolmaa. PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS. 714 Couch Bldg. . WILL INVEST MONEY WITH SERVICES IN LEUITI-MATE COMMERCIAL L.N DERIVING THAT CAN BE EXPAND ED BY ADDITIONAL CAPITAL AND PUSH; MY RECORD AS A MAN AND BUSINESS MANAGER WILL STAND STRICTEST INVESTIGATION AND PROPOSITION SUBMITTED MUST BE LIKEWISE CREDITABLE. SALES OR MERCHANDISING PROPOSITION, EITHER IN OR OUT OF PORTLAND. PREFERRED. J 123. OREGONIAN. AUTO REPAIR SHOP, fully equipped, ln- ciuaing snaiting. motor, eiecinc unit, acetylene cutting and welding outfit and all kinds of reamers, wrenches, etc. Iarge enough for six cars, located close In on east side. 8 blocks from Broad way or Union ave. Also 5-room modern house, in first-class condition, fireplace, excellent lighting fixtures, etc., lot 50x 125, thop and house on same lot; $0000 complete with tools, or $5000 without. Big sacrifice, ss lot alone Is valued at $0000; hulf cash will handle. Leaving city and mi.st sell immediately. 420 Union avenue N. Automatic 331-23. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capa ble men to open branch office and manage salesmen ; $300 upward neces sary ; handle own money. Exclusive rights; patented article; money-making possibilities unlimited. Will pay ex penses to Baltimore if you qualify. Sec retary, 343 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, Maryland. GOOD OPPORTUNITY. An opportunity occurs for a good congenial gentleman to become asso ciated with a downtown office business; previous experience not necessary ; too much business for present owner; live man should net $500 per month; $1000 will give party enual half interest. For further information, see McCauley, 218 Railway Exchange building. BAKERS. NOTICE! 1 AM GOING TO SELL THE FOL LOWING MACHINERY: 1 ROTARY ELECTRIC OVEN, USED 00 DAYS; 1 DOUGH MIXER. 1 GAS SHELF OVEN. 1 CAKE MACHINE. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 3324, PORTLAND. TO BUY OR PELL A BUSINESS RIGHT SIMMS SELLS STORES. 010 HENRY BLDQ. CLOSE in, east side, cash grocery, all new - stock, good fixtures, living room fur nished; clears $250 per month; cheap rent, all for $2500. 61S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. O pen Sund ay from 1 2 to 2. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called interest in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1!)02 BASEMENT pool room, small town near Portland, cigars and soft drinks, enough space for bowling alley, none in town; steady payroll; lease 3 years to run. Av 5to. oregonian. CLEANING, pressing and hat blocking outfit with Ford car, doing good busi ness, for $350. Write or call Wardrobe Cleaners and Hatters, Salem, Oregon. Phone 325. MEAT market for sale. Ice machine, slaughter house and alt necessary fix tures, in good payroll town, good paying business; price $2500. AV 5'JG, Orego- GENKRAL merchandise store In best smaU town in northwe.it : good business and light expenses; $30,000 reuired to handle. Address T. F. Kendall. Walla Walla. Washington. HOi: RANCH FOR RENT. 14 acres on Columbia boulevard at north end nf .42d st. Improved and equipped for feeding hogs. Woodlawn, 3374. C. A. Cochran. . ACT QUICK. On account of sickness will sell our small grocery; new and clean living rooms; lease; no agents. AP 182, Orego nlan. CONCESSIONS FOR RENT, fl-year lease in new central state ter minal at Eugene, Or., to be opened Dec 1. For information address P. O. box 07. Salem. Or. $10O WILL make you a part owner of a large mfg. industry that will play an Important part in the road and irriga tion work for which millions are being spent. Investigate. 602 Cor b ett bldg. GARAGE HEADQUARTERS. We have them from $1500 up; some partnerships ; all will stand Investiga tion. Prices are right. Room 511 Kail way Exchange. PARTNER wanted. If mechanic, In a woodworking business, making money now, business increasing rapidly, need interested help. Room 511 Railway Ex change. ST A RT a pressing, cleaning and dyeing shop, big profits, little capital. We tell vou how. Write for booklet. Ben Vonde System. Dept. 134. Charlotte. X. C. FOR ENT or sale, full vulcanizing equip ment; stock tires, repairing materia'.; easy terma 812 Mississippi ave. East 0o,r3. 1 ON ACCOUNT of sickness, grocery for sate, including stock, delivery car and post office; $15oo cash. Desl with owner. For FOR SALE Soft drink and linch place on east side; living room in rear; good lo cation for man and wife. AP 142, Ore- gor.ian. CASH GROCERY. $2350. At a great bargain at invoice; has 5 living rooms. $50 day trade, rent for all $25. Room 511 Railway Exchange. FOR BILLIARD and pool tables see Quig ley & Clancy. 300 Hawthorne ave.; tiio store fixtures: repair work a specialty. Phone East OTSti. FOK SALE A firs-t-class dental office equipment in a good location In esstern Oregon. Address E. A. Bennet, admin- itrntor. Snlem. Oregon. LUNCH, confectionery, fountain; man and wife or two glria can handle; good loca tion; long lease; $slH will handle. 251 Broadway PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. CONFECTIONERY and restaurant for sal in good university town; $1500 cash, balance terms. AV 415, Oregonian. FOR SALE Complete restaurant. 375 East Burnslde. Doing $40 a day. Reason for selling. HALF interest in good bakery and res taurant: good location: doing good busi ness: $6.'. AJ 172. Oregonian. FOR SALE Vulcanizing shop at invoice. Call at 15SS Division at 40th between 7 a. w mm FOR SALE or VlU trade for a good auto mobtle mv interest in A going business. J 129, Oregonian. M and P. 1 FOR SALE Shoe shop, good location, ma chinery and stock; price $2000. 118 N. Broadway. 7t0 Grocery doing cash business; would consider good Ford or Dodge touring trade. Call 1991 E. Stark St.. evenings. LOCKSMITH AND GENERAL REPAIR for sale; good chance for ex-soldier; steady cUenta. X 96. Oregonlan, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SIMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. ' WANT A GOOD BUSINESS? Here Is a list of successful places. If you don't see It here, come In and tell us your wants. We have a large list of high -class business places of all kinds. WEST FTDR GROCFRY AND CONFECTIONERY. In a high-class, busy district, doing a tandy business, and a beautiful piece. Rent $35, lease; steam heat- Price $2100, some terms. CIGARS. COKFECT. AND GROCERIES. On west side, adjoining good ptcture theater, $1000, $600 cash will handle. CASH GROCERY. Doing $100 dally, all oAsh and carry, 2 living rooms; Invoice about $3000. GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET. Doing $4500 cash and carry monthly, rent $55, 5-year lease; invoice stock and fixtures, about $5500. NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY. On a quiet street, thickly settled dis trict; no competition; 3 nice large liv ing rooms, nice clean stock and a dandy tore; rent only $22. Price $1350. GARAGJC. West side brick, 0O-car storage, clear Ins; $600 a month; high-class apt. house district Price $6300, terms H cash. OUT-OF-TOWN GARAGE. Doing $250,000 business yearly, has agency for Chevrolet. Buick Master truck, Cleveland tractor, etc. Here's a wonderful opportunity to secure a big business right. Sell at Invoice, all or part Interest with management. At least $5000 cash required. DOWNTOWN GARAGE. 850 -car storage, clearing about $1000 a month; brick bldg.; lease till after fair. Price $17,000. YAMHILL MARKET. Coffee and dairy store, doing a fine business, good lease, rent $123, large apace; Invoice stock and fixtures, no bonus; about $3000. RESTAURANTS. LUNCH ROOMS. CAFETERIAS. $4000 downtown cafeteria, doing $100 day, rent $110. $1550, lunch counter and restaurant, guarantee $300 clear monthly; good brick bldg; must leave town this week. This place cost owner nearly $3000. Classy west side cafeteria, seats 00, . beautiful equipment, doing $100 dally, good location, long lease. Price $4000, easy terms, or will take good auto or lot. , East side lunch room, a busy place In wholesale district, making $200 a month. Price $1000, some terms. SIMMS. 610 HENRY BLDG. LEARN of the Vale of Paradise, where dreams come true. This wonder city Is having a magic growth, and & million dollars In municipal improvements are authorised for this year. Every kind of business opening here. We have 17 miles of protected water front, with gorgeously beautiful home sites; wonder ful homes; wonderful velvety lawns; wonderful flowers in semi-tropical pro fusion ; fishing supreme ; every day you can catch the big fellows until your back aches and your bands bllstr; para dise for motorboats. with hundreds of miles of protected waterways with won der spots to visit. Finest motoring roads in the south ; bathing tn bay and gull wonderful; healthiest city in America, with no busicsss tor doctors; greatest golf course is America under construc tion; coolest place In America in sum mer, delightful In winter.' You may own a beautiful home here, with a perpetual Income, at practically no investment. Grap the opportunity of a lifetime. Ad dress THB M AYOR. Valparaiso. Fla. BILLIARDS. SICKNESS compels me to sell flrst class billiard parlor, 0 up-to-date pool and billiard tables, fine bar, cigar and candy caaes. etc. Located In live town of about lo.OOO, near Seattle, with good pay roll; have best business, look and decide for yourself; good Jase, deal di rect with owner, no agents; particulars upon request. Four thousand will handle, balance to suit responsible party, busi ness large enough for two. AV 506, Ore gonian. FLORIDA LANDS 23.300 acres, Madison county, $8 acre; 11, 000 acres, Hamilton county, $10 acre. Both especially de sirable for hunting preserve; portion ex cellent farming lands; large acreage heavily covered with second-growth pine. Celebrated Suwanee river forms part of eastern boundary of lands. American Trust Co., Executor, Jack sonville. Fla. WE HAVE A- WAITING LIST OF BUYERS. For apartment houses, hotels, rooming houses and restaurants. 'We can get vou action. QUICK SALES REALTY. 823 Railway Exchange. Main 2090. RESTAURANT. Restaurant and lunch counter in city of 2000 people ; electric bake oven, re frigerating plant, ice cream plant ; best restaurant In town; flrst-clas building, long lease; paid income on $4500 in 1020. This place is doing a fine business and is in nrst-claas condition. Price- 1h very rea sonable and terms will be given to re sponsible buyer. P. O. Box 026. Tillamook. Or. PATENTS Write for free guide book and evidence of conception blank; send mod el or sketch and description of Invention for our free opinion of its patentable na ture; highest references; prompt atten tion; reasonable terms. Victor J. Evans & Co., Hobart bldg., San Francisco. Cal. Main offices, 642 Ninth st.. Washington. D. C. COMMISSION salesmen, one now travel ing states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho, to handle our specialty lines of toys, dolls and sportirfg goods In these states; applicant niuat be high grade and thoroughly experienced; excellent opportunity for right man. AV 510, Ore gonian. IF INTERESTED and financially nble to buy such a property; write for descrip tion of a 1,350.000-acre tract of land lo cated In northern port of the state of Coahulla, Mexico. Price $2.50 an acre American money, one-third cash, balance on time at 6. No trading. W. H. Graham, Cuero, Texas. A SERVICE GARAGE. Extra goTVd location for large sale of gas, oils, auto parts, tires, etc., fftorace and auto repairing; doing a good busi ness; for private reasons must sell. Will give clear bill of sale for only $1000. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. WANTED Immediately, associate with moderate capital for growing city re tail lumber business. August "files 140. 000 ft.; September sales. 25s. 158 ft. Must have more capital to cover terrific ruh of business. A. H. Tasker, 204 Co lumhla bidg. - nm. QUICK PROFITS, limited risk. $20 stock options often pay hundreds In 10 to 30 cays; present nmrnei iuirr mrm. est opportunity in years; send for free details. Guaranteed Investments Co.. 323 Fair Bldg., San Francisco. WANTED Eevry man or woman looking for an opportunity to better their pres ent position or income, write for "LOOK ING AHEAD." ADDRESS THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Park and Yamhill, Portland, Or. . BUSINESS FOR SALE, Automobile battery and electrical re pair business must go; will sacrifice equipment and stock for $2000; located in one oi tne largest towns in vwuamene valley. w l-'.'. oregonian LIVE MFG. business, must seil my In terest, good profits and safe Investment; will teach you all you mu:tt know; close Investigation Invited; $2500 for y, Inter est; will consider bonds and terms. M 141. Oregonian. BILLIARDS AND POOL. Have 5-year lease, swell location; low rent; best valley town; want partner at once with fixtures for same on 50-5$ basis. AP 016. Oiegonlan FIRST-CLASS DRUGGIST. Wonderful west side local Ion, 5 years lease, reasonable; $5000, $3500 to handle. No agents. 440 W. Park st. for Infor mation. FOR SALE Grocery and hardware tore in excellent business point in valley. a wnnA srock and will be o!d rirht Will Invoice about $U000. Address AV Oregonian. BAKEllT and cafe, wholesale and retail. ene of the best money matters in soutn ern Oregon; worth $8000, to be sold for $5000. Domestic trouble demands sale. AV 430, Oregonian. SPLENDI D opportunity, popcorn crispette and home-made candv outfit for ale or trade. Value, $450; will trade for a lot or caah. Phone sen. iuo. GOOD north end restaurant for sale; this place does a good business and Is a good buy: well established and outfitted. O w ner. 717 Board of Trade bldg. BAKERY FOR SALE Well equipped, clearing $500 a month; 53ooo will han dle Write to Weady Spychalski. 112 E. Augusta, f'ponane. w asu. ""77". 0 a n 1.- i vn nirpiiR silflP Busy street; sell gas. oils, etc.. have service car; profits larfTe; $1000 handles It. Room 401 Dekum bidg. FOR SALE Newspaper and job office. Real bargain. No leaps. Terms If nec essary. Full particulars given. Address AV oregonn WOOD AND COAL. An established yard, 2 trucks, wood saw, etc.; profits large; $1800 bandies it. Room 401 Dekum bldg. FINE country town garage, doing excel lent business. Call 419 Lumber mens bldg. BUSINESS OrPORTUNlTIFS. J O H NSO N - DO D SO N CO.. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $1500 Grocery and confectionery, with living rooms; rent $25; this place is making money and we recom mend it as a good buy. $lthM Grocery and confectionery In resi dential district, near large school; has living rooms and rent only $16.73. $1850 Grocery, esst side corner loca tion, good ciear stock, doing $70 a day; will invoice. We sell all kinds of business oppor tunities. List your bualnvss with um and be assured of a quick and satisfactory sale. All information treated confiden tially. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 33 n. W. liank Bldg. Main 87R7. HOTEL Bualnea men's house. always full; modern. 71 rooms; ground floor lobby, soft drink parlor, card room; 5 year !e -; $?0oo handles. This la listed for 10 days only. Let doughnuts pav your overhead ; restaurant and doughnut foundry In best downtown hotel location; will sell for less than Inventory on account of part ners can't agree; $050 will handle. Cafeteria, best location on went side; rent right and business good; sickness compels sale; the price is $1000 less than Was offered; let ue show you If you want a good buy for cash; $2000. Automobile agency for one of the best selling standard make cars; this carries no second-hand cars; can be bought for inventory, which consists of 4 new cars at factory price; other business takes his time. O. G. TOCNO. Mnln 4416. 60R N. W. Bank Bldg. $530 CONFECTIONERY, grocery, light lunch. 2 nice living rooms. $830 Grocery, wonderful opportunity to build up; living (uom. $400 for fixtures and Invoice, grocery and oonfectionery, nice living rooms, about $1000 for all. $500 for fixtures and Invoice, cash and enrrv grocery, doing $150 day, about $2000. Yamhill grocery, doing big business, good lease; will invoice about $3500. Sellwood grocery. $100 day, get long prices for everything; will invoice about $2000. Z. E A KINS. 815 Couch Bldg., 109 4th St, CORVALLIS OPPORTUNITY. There exists In Corvallls a wonderful opportunity for a live planing mill and warehouse man. I have available an ideal site for the above purpose, front ing 150 feet on main street, fully paved, with trackage at the rear. Cor vallls Is easily the best field of oppor tunity In the entire state of Oregon. Write me at once stating your desires and I will be glad to co-operate. Ad dress M. I Granning, Corvallls, Oregon. BIG PROFITS MADE ON SMALL INVESTMENT. Secure a lease now, $10 per month and up. no rent to start till spring. The Tu alatin River Park, 40 minutes' drive from Broadway, we believe will be a big suc cess ; wonderful locations for boating, dmx'fng, bathing, garage, and stands of all kinds; thousands of autos pass this location ; a small Investment properly managed tn one of these money-making enterprises will yield large re turn a See a. uuKOUN Ross, 4iu Henry mug. Olt SAI.K nt liivoii'i liv nwner manufaC turlng and job-bin j. doing a large and prontaDie nuMness; mammary ana eaulnment $33iM). stock SSUOO: can be reduced to $4ooo; this Is one of the best propositions ever offered for sale at In voice; owner has other business where he should devote all of his time; fullest investigation Invited; do not answer un less you can show resources sufficient to handle 1 1. Y 1 O regonlan. I NEED a business partner who under stands efficiency auditing in large mer cantile establishments and also general line of secret work; prefer lady of re finement who has met the business) pub lic; must be able to furnish some capital, but not great amount; all tetters will be carefully considered from either sex. however, and strictly confidential; abso lute honesty required and insisted upon. X 131, Oregonlan. MODERN CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY. 3-year lease; rent $30; 2 living room, Including furniture; doing $Srt a day business; books open for investigation. $3o down, balance easy terma Price $45410. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 4U4-5-0 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. $100,000 CORPORATION, high financial rating, desires capable man to open and manage office for wonderful new inven tion needed Jn every home. Unusual op- riortunitv. Everybody who sees It wants t Large profits, prompt deliveries. Strictly high clans. $500 to $2000 finances exclusive agency. Mr. Hogane, 82 West Washington, Chicago. PART INTEREST FOR SALE. 7"his business has been established sev eral yearn; volume of business too large for one man to handle; this is a retail business doing $soo,000 annually; will give hanking references and show books; you mut be able to invest from $10,000 to 25.M): man that has handled stales men preferred. Y 103. Oregonlan. COMBINATION' REPAIR SHOP. Clearing $200 a month; gas pumps, air compressor, oil tank, grease guns; bat twy chargers, hand tools, auto parts, bicvcies, Indian motor. Complete plact, $ 2 I 50. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 40 4 -5-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Mp- RESTAURANT. a real place, doing fine business; let us show you. CAFETERIA, fine. large place, doing $80 to $100 per day; good lease; $3300 will handle this. GROCERY STORES, one for $2800, one for $4500. one for $1750. BAR RA ND REALTY CO., 840 SALMON. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY, WEST SIDE. Xt Income $300 a month; rent $100; learn; first-claps location; open for In vestigation. $400. Snap. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 44-rV-tj Panama Itldjf., 3d nnd AMr. HUSIN ESS OPPORTUNITY. Would you be willing to Invest $2000 to make $s(KH per year? Thift Is a straight, legitimate business of proven qualification; only a personal Interview will receive attention. AK 110, Orego nian. WANTED Manager Oregon Wholesale dis tributing branch with limited Investment covering local warehouse stock; contract signed with capable executive. Address Piatt Wonder Pump Mfg. Co., 804 1st ave. South. Seattle . GROCERY Fine east-side residence loca tion and doing from $40 to $50 a day. mostly cash and carry; nice clean stock and fixtures; $1H00 cash, some terms may be considered with good security. X 173. Draconian. . WANT partner with $2500 cah to go into food solid business with me; 1 have 2500; want to go on 50-50 basis; handy man. mechanic or business man. See me at once. Jack Campbell, 20 Front St., cor. JpfTnrson. PARTNER WANTED. Office man would be considered ; es tablished concern, carrying stock of eoulpment which will stand rigid Inves tigation; $4000-45000 necessary. X 164. Oregon In n. LONG -ESTABLISH ED grorery in good payroll town les than 10 miles from heart of Portland, on Pacific highway; annual business has averaged about $40, 000; three living rooms; price $3.S00 cash. No agent. S 173. Oregonlan. WANTED Partner who can Invest $2000 and services In a clean, legitimate busi ness which will provide a yearly Income equal to amount Invested. There Is no competition in the field. Information by appointme nt. u 1 a rifonia n , -i.:wsiAPKR FOR SALE. One of the bet paying small weekly papers In the state can be purchased at a reasonable price for cash; splendid opportunity for a live wire. Address AV 311. Orcgonl.m. HAVE a guoil buy in a nice little grocery, good location, doing a good business, liv ing rooms in rear, stock and fixtures run around $1300. Tallmadge Realty Co., tll't Hnry bldg. ON ACCOUNT of health will sell half In terest or all; good corner tire sttore. accessories, vulcanizing, good gasoline and oil location; easy terms or rent to right party. 7"-' nanny nivo. MEAT market for sale, one of the bst equlpped markets In the city, doing a good cash business; owner has business In the east. Call Monday A. M.. 15H4 E. Stark St.. Mt. Tabnr car. A WELL ewtahiishrd dahlia tuber business for sale in the state of Washington; big stock of newest varietlea H. J. Blodgett, Burton, Wash. AN INVESTMENT that pays 20 divi dend on 4 shares preferred. 2 common Oregon State Finance, valued $550, sell $!". AK 151. Oregonlan EXTRA 34 lots, part of an lnMo addi tion; clear; no grafllng; near street cars; a surpise; terms. John M. Payne & Co. Mntn '.wu-J. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing shop, must sell before Oct. 80. 51o Williams avenue. IF YOU are looking for a paying business Investigate this; small capital will buy; owner leaving city. 431 Stark. FOR SALE Good business. Will take some cah and trade for house and lot In Po rtland. Box 41. Timber, Or. BAKERY for sale in suburbs, small bak ery, good place tor man and wife; low rent. Owner, am a, wrrgnman. GROCERY, east side; invoice ; deal with owners only. G. L. Rees. 587 East 57th t. North. SHOE REPAIR SHOP. Fine location and plenty of business. Innuire owner, l-it inn si RESTAURANT with living rooms. Just right for man and wife. 22 North 10th L business orroKTrrrirw. PANAMA G E .NTS' FURNISHINGS STORE Out of town, doing about $55,000 business per year. Will in voice about $sot.K Must be ensh. PANAMA BAKERY, OONF. AND GRO CERY On east sulw, rent $50 pr mo. with living rooms. $3700, long term leae. PANAMA COMMERCIAL STUDIO Well established In heart of city; one-third int. $1750 PANAMA CON F.. AN D SOFT PRINKS. Out of town, rent $12. $Hih cash, PANAMA TAILOR SHOP With house, lot and furniture in town of t"0; $2000. haif cash PANAMA VARIETY AND DRY OOortS STORK In town of UNvO; rent $23. Stock and fixtures $.tmio. PANAMA BATTERY STATION In good east side garage; very good one-man place. Price $12iW, PANAMA Partnership PROPOSITIONS and other business ch ances. Come and look them over. We may have what you want. PANAMA BROKERAGE CO., 401 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder St.. Portland, Oregon. $250 BUYS a dandy grocery on east sld. all freh stock, beautiful fixtures some furniture: doing between $3 and $00 a day, practicably cah. This won't last. $650 dsmdy barber fchop on good bnwi nes street. This ! an awfully good buy. 6e me at once. Want a partner with $10,000' or $1.W In a business that has been established 13 years; am all town, outside Portland. This) has to be een to be appreciated; only one of Ha kind In town. 81600 grocery srtore src s4da, S living: room, nica bulne $3250, in west side apartment hour district; 8 nloe iivlag rooms, one of best buy In PorUand. 4 B. BORLAND, 8f8 Stock ETxchanrft Did. yundwy phone: Tabor 3122; Auto. 6?tt-PI. ELECTRIC shoe-shining machine, dotrs the work on thre men and shines better than hand work; shines any color shoe in U0 seconds against five minutes by hand. Nothing like it in existence; its novelty draws large crowds wherever In operation; easily moved from one place to another; suitable for barber shops, drug stores, hotels, retail shoe stores, chain shoe -shining parlors; wilt polish, and clean finest furs, hats and clothes. Want man financially able purchase ev. eral machines outright ind handle ex clusive territory. Inquiries now on hand will be referred to him. Quick sales, b!f profits, great demand; retails for $130. Better wire stating territory desired and amount you are prepared to invest lu. machines U we assign exclusive territory. Air Felt Polishing Machine Corporation, 105 West 40th St., New York city. t SMALL HOTEL. BEST BUY IN THE CITY. Over 80 rooms on Broadway, ! th heart of the city. If you understand the hotel business and are looking for a location, see us at onco. This U ex clusive and cannot be bought from any, other renlty firm. RYAN REALTY ft BUILDING) CO., 415-0 Ablngton HI d g. WEST SIDE GROCERY JkSO CONFECTIONERY. Established. 3 years; brick bid.! Tft. marble back bar, mirrors, a olotx1 bake. tables, chairs, stooU, gaa range, cash register; all modern fixture up to date. Price $27K. Some term. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 44H-5- Pnna-ma Bldg., 3d and Alder. BATTERY, AUTO 'pop OR MiLCH-ANlCS. ATTENTION. a . Have a good west WI garage to leasa for o years; rent $250 month; taking In $350. giving work shop and office free, full and see me if you want to cue down your overhead. O. U. YOUNG. Phone Main 4410. 800 N. W. Pank bid g. BUSINESS MEN, promoters, organiser and associations, do you want money? Create a trust estate, issue bonds, stocks, truwt certs., debent. nctes; legal In all states, saves taxes, fer-s, bluesky rpta. ; live sales force; Inf. free. Nat'l. Org. Co., 103 W. Washington st., Chicago. DRUG STORES. Have one on downtown corner that stock alone will invoice about $nsoo; good fixtures. Price $t000; good lease, rent $130 per month. Wo havo other good buys. DUDRET INVESTMENT CO.. POO-10 PANAMA BLDG. MAIN 302. " GARAGE tt INTEREST. Price $a5O0; part cash; will trade for house and lot; modern gn.rage through out; working 5 people. Best of reasons for selling. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 4 5-0 Panama Bldg.. 3d a n d , Aidrr. "$$$ WHERE YOU COIN REAL $"$ $ Cleared about $500 lost year. One of the beet paying garages In city. You can nuv rtxlurea, stock and equipment for $:ooo, balance of $S0(M for building can he paid like rent. See ROCK. 403 Couch Rldff. Mar. 33.2. FIRST-CLASS CLEANING AND PRESS ING SHOP. Working 2 people, Hoffman pre.sv Singer sewing machine; good outfit. A real buy, swell location, $500. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 414.. .VP Panama Bid, gd -.nd Aide" SERVICE STATION. Has up-to-date equipment on corner on one of the main eat streets; p Iso has vulcanizing outfit; filling station; price $1H00. $1200 cah and frmA DUDKEY INVESTMENT CO.. 50p-j!O PAN A M A BLDG. M A IN 304 2. t " WEST SIDE BARKER SHOP. On Washington rt., $:Wk down, balance $25 a month; good I-ease. Prlco $S30. Owner has other business. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtor, 4-04-5-0 Panama Bldg., 3d nnd Aldr. PARTNER WANTED for real estate and business chances; cannot handle business alone; want a man with selling experience and must have car; $500 required. A 170, Orego nlan. FINE EAST SIDE GROCERY STORb.. Rent $15; long le: tronh stock ; 2 large living rooms; net Income $2oO n month. Price $22iM. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Rwltora, Pnnama Hldg., fld and Alder GROCERY STORKS. SER US BEFORE BUYING. We have them In most any part of the City. Prices ARE RIGHT DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. noft-10 Panama Bldg. Main 8042. "SWELL EAST HIDE RESTAURANT. Transfer corner; good leae; rent $50; a real bargain ; a f lrt-elas business. Owners cannot agree. $130M. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-0 Panama Hldg., 3-d and Alder. ' WEST SIDE DRUG STORK. Brick hldg. Net Income $350; leae; modern stork and fixtures; right down town. $1500; terms ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., R-enltora, 4O4-.V0 Panama Bldg . 3d nnd Aldcr. CONKECTIoNE R Y R.( )SH TO D E 1 OT. Brick bldg.; rstnhllshert 11 years; fully equipped, swell fixtures; rent $15. Pricw 817i0; me terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO, R-enltors, A0-4-.V0 rnnnma BUIr.. 3d and Ald-r AUTOMOIHLE AGENCY. Will sell at Inventory or will spII one half Interest; standard make car and businef established. O. G. YOUNG. Phone Mnl n441rt. Q0 N. W. B a n k bj d g. ADVERTISERS Save money, get rrwults; 50-pge rate book tells how; greatest booklet of Its kind published; miltMt free. Standard Advertising Agency, 200, St. Loul". Mo. , . mi:ii c 1 1 1 1 Modern 4-chnir phop. excellent locu tion; positively the mrt attractive iPase in the city. Pri--.. $2501 Might consider iomp lermM Mnin3201. GROCERY -CONFECTIONERY, east s I d . doing $40 to $50 per day; rnnt $35. with three living rooms; only $10uo, but you mint act at once. 4Q7 M c Kay hi d g. A CANDY 'factory at a barK-iln. manufac turing high-grade line of confection with good established business. For particulars address A F lliH, Oregonlan. ' DARHER SHOP. Wanted, barber shop, running two or more chairs, for cash. K 137. Ore U nnian. . , lT75-GR OC E R Y -C O N F K CT I O E 1 1 Y . Rent $15 Living rooms. Sell Invoice. Good location, busy street, near K It. nhop. Can enlarge stock. Owner. 3-n.t W IMinma. TAILOR sliop for t-ale. In good lumtx-r town In Wnsh.; will show a net profit of $250 to $300 per month. Call 20 Rua-H ft. . ... $0OO a MONTH is good Interest on $IOOO investment, Isn't it? Especially 011 a lunch room; we will show books If you mean hufdnes. 7 McKay bldg. HAVE opportunity for man in confection ery business, long lease; will sell out right or take partner. Address AP 13. Oregonlan. WANT party with $10tK) or more to Join me In coat and timber prospect of 40 acres- very conveniently located; cl AKe nta. Addre eab t HI, Srsppooae. t-r. MUST sell my complete stock of general merchandise and fixtures at Invoice. . R. Schaefer. Lafayette, or. gD CONFECTION Mil, from jen emou high; portable house. Rent only $5 for ground. Owner 151 Ruell. FOR SALE Barber shop, poolroom and confectionery, eaby terms. AV 312, Ore go niam CICAR atund, in a prominent locution, do ing good business; reirnon.-ible rent; op- portuntty for lady. 407 M cKay bl d g. FOR SALE at a bargain, ladles' specialty shop at Castle Rock, Wash. AV 517, Oregonian. 2-CHAIR SHOP FOR SALE AT 320 Vs DAVIS ST.