The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 23, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 40

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J tonicities.
2EA T French and German-speaking young
woman desires houuewnrk for 3 to 3
days a week. Box 219, route 1, Os-
wego. Or.
iLbhHLV party wants good home and
light work; no washing; small wages.
Marshn!l 3672
2-XPEKJ K.SX'KU second maid wants posi
tion ;' has city references. 8 121, Ore
gonian. VaNTKU Housework 2 or 3 hrs. In morn
trigs; no washing or cooking. 233 5th St..
EXI'KRIENCKD colored high school girl
wishes to assist with housework. Aut.
EXPERIENCED cook wishes position in
private family, town preferred. Good
r-f rrnrn BD 129, Oregonian. '
EXPERIENCED cook (German) wants
prwi'jtTi. kitchen only. Mar. 4409.
II outre leaning.
J 1 6 1 " S E f ' L E A N I N G Export white and
ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, fur
niture polifhed, carpels cleaned, wln
do'H washed
1SS Chapman St. Phone Main 1157.
. ili'LIAULK woman wants work. flay, hout
Good ttatlaf action. 11 road way 1 OS t .
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliahle, up-to-date lifts of desirable
furnished and unfurnished houses, apart
ments and Hats, with definite informa
tion pertaining to each. Sleeping rooms.
Newcomers to Portland will find this
bureau of great value in helping thein
get properly and quickly located.
' Eighth Floor.
Lint your houses, flats or apartments
With us; quirk results and good tenants.
3 Fburlh St.. Opp. Multnomah Hotel.
Phone Broadway 3710.
IF YOU It house needs repairing I will
rent it for one year or more and do
th repairing in exchange for rent or
part of the rent. C. R. Gillson, 203
Hoi I art n y avc.
WANTED at once, to rent a furnished
bungalow; will consider from 2 to 5
rooms; good location ; modern ; might
buy later; muBt move. Call me. Tabor
THl, Sat, eve, and Sunday.
WANTED by permanent tenant. 4-room
furnished house or lower flat; on east
side- must be reasonable. Call Auto.
216-86, b-t. 7:30 A, M.. and o P. M.,
except Sunday
WANTED to rent. 5 or 0-roam cottage In
. one uf following localitleH; Bet. Taylor
and Washington or near Hawthorne
ave., from 39th down. Reply with terms,
A Jl 4 o regonlun. .
LST your houses and flats with us for
rent. We have many daily caila for them
in all parts of the city.
2.12 Stark St. Main 1844.
FURNISHED HOUSE, about seven rooms,
wanted by responsible Japanese family.
Can furnish any reference. Apply 1014
Hoard of Trade Hullcimg
WANT 7 or ii-rooin faoue, unfurnished, or
would buv all or part of furniture if
price reasonable; west side. Tabor Si.
4 OR 5-ROOM bungalow at once with base
ment, garage, or not. east side; 2 adulU.
Call T; bor 5' 0S or 153 E. 70th St.
W ANTED H-room bungalow, trade late
model Dodge car, ft-pass., first payment.
Stnner. t0 .N. uroauway
modern house. State price. No chil
dren. HD 1.''. oregonian.
WANT an unfurnished house near St.
Mary's cathedral. Phone Main IkkiO. ask
fur Mrs. Johnson.
WANTED -Modern house 8 or more rma. I
prefer furnished wlll buy furniture If
SMALL, modern furnished house, by mar
ried couple, no children. Y 107, Ore-
go nian
V ANTED Small house by wltlow and
two school boys; reasonable. Mrs, Woods,
l.'iit E. 320 st. ,
WNT to rent furnished 0 or 7-room
h o u a e. Jrvlngton d t r let. East 4550.
COUPLE without children desire steam
heated, unfurnished three-room apart
im nt close in; rent must bo reasonable.
Phone Auto ...:'J-4i
ONE ROOM apt. with private bath and
kitchenette, on west aide; north of
Washington; reliable prof essional couple,
nn children. 117. Oregmiinn.
5iu V 1 Coupie wants basement apart
nient. willing to help with janitor work
for part of rent. W 172. Oregonian.
KLDERLY business man wants sleeping
room, kitchenette and bath : must be
well heated and quiet; would like garage
space; relerenees; give full particulars.
It II-. 'l i ni'iimu,
GEN TEEM AN desires warm sleeping room,
west side; stale terms. AP 105, Ore
gon I a n .
BUSINESS man desires comfortable room
In private h ome. A V 503. Oregonian.
Itooiii With Hoard.
V'OMAX wants room and board where
fl- -car-old ulrl would bo cared for and
given mother's love ; mother employed.
Write S 1-5. Oregonian, giving full par-
ELDEl.l.Y couple desire room and board
in pleasHnt. refined home, somewhere on
heights preferred; give street and tele
phone number; references given. V 103,
YOUNG man wishes room and board in
private homo in Kenton district, pref
erably family with tuition: please state
full purtieu! ars.. B 1 li :t, Oregonian.
GENTI.EM A N desires room and board
with strictly private faintly living in
modem borne; central west side pre
f i-t tiI. HI) 1S4. Ore k on Inn.
W ( M A N with boy of four wants room and
part hoard in good modern home, who
wl.l cure for boy during day. Not too
f ;1 r out. AJ V..'., Oregonian.
ROD M and hoard wanted by young woman
in office; home privileges appreciated;
please state particular!. BD 144, Ore
nor i. in. :
LI NCOLN high school bov wants room
and board: would work for part or all
payment. IC Til. Oregonhm.
MAX with son. S years, wants room and
hoard In k'oort borne, not too far out.
A P 1M. Qreonian.
O ( " N G man want room and board in
private faintly: Irvington preferred, with
K E 1-7. "'renonlan.
j7 vTl By te teller, room nnd bonrd In
privato bortiiltng house, east or west
side, reasonable., o Oregonian.
oi N-t iad.v employr-d w ith girl t would
like eonu.-tilal home, must be close in.
S 1 i1 rego td;i-ii.
IN t'HKlSi'lAN home by a young business
woman, room with dinners; walking dis
tance. F l.Vt, OreemiUn.
VOI'NCi lady rinpb.yfti wants room In re
tined home iih home privileges; refer
cn.'t'i J J 2 Oregon! a ii,
ET. I i' n f.Y lady desires room, board and
rar' east A F l'.5, t regonlan.
HoiiseUernlng K(Hnii.
W ANTED Furnislictl houst keping rooms
for two busint'w women In the neigh
borhood of Hawth.rne ave. am! 37th st.;
re re re net s exchanged. Address 1170
1 Li wt ho; Tie ave.
2 Oil :t Mt'DERN u-afuriilshed nlrv H. K.
rooms or apts. priate bath, garnge pre
ferred bV iimiiiV. ")Ii Sell. I21M. Sun
dav before t :id P. M.
IIOI'SKK i'K'I'I.Ntl rooms with private (am
ilv ; near scl ool where r lrt tl years lit
have irod caro until evening. Phone
I 'm r- 1.". A I'll rt in ef t '
It V SI" I' I KT a n.i w ife. tn or three
ritom. modern, neat !y furnished house,
of dnple house. K .1 s t Su.M.
W A N T!-"D- Tj rent, close In, permanent
1. warm 2 or ;t-r"om housekeeping
apartme'it, garage an-1 room for print
it: c pre ' 1 -"' ' T-'gotii-in.
Itil-llO .
Spsie to lease in shopping district,
ra in-us waiting
M"i N w. Kink HMg.
WIl.:. t.iUe ; ni le.tse on corner store or
i :mrt AUdTia and Kill.;
Tii :r: ) T Miy. K I. 1 T ' on 1 : n .
WaTntT:! Kacttrv space of ahout lif.oo
smiii -e feet, trackage preferred. E 123.
i 1 1 ironi.n.
WANT pariv to taild and Je.ise to me
.oj." one-story concrete bldg. BD 174,
I rej:onian.
CALL AT Y. M C A. to see free list of
moderately priced rooms for young men
in all parts of the city, including rooms
r the central Y. M. C. A, w:ti tele
phone In each room, shower baths and
club fariM t i s .
r" rill bed Kmim
vleeping rooiuti. water in rooms; . bath
and phone-. '
yn;Msiil-:i) sleeping room. 71 East 0th
n lit h. Ka st B "
8NIALL room for rent, light and wood fur-
ni.shed. per month 777 Jefferson it.
yvT, N i s iTe d room fur janitor aervlca, &01
Furnished Room.
Clean furnished rooms; steam heat, hot
waier, bath, etc 403 Front St.. corner
Some with private bath, clear., well
furnished, light, warm; all outside rms.
They're right.
The Miss;.- Rhyne and Peterson, Props.
$1.2.1 PER DAY, $0 PER WK AND UP.
CALL AT Y. il. C. A. to see free list of
moderate-priced rooms for young men In
ail parts of the city. Including rooms at
the central Y. M. C. A., with telephone
In each room, shower baths and club
fact lit lea. .
174 West Parte at. Main 203.
Clean, modern room at reasona
prices; telephone service included, tran
elent and permanent guests desired
IF YOU appreciate nice clean rooms, new
ly furnished, where you get heat, you
will find them at 2."5 North 21t, corner
Northrup, near hospital, on D M car
line. Just opened under new manage
ment. Auto, Ti.tb-23.
V U R N 1 Sli tl L room in high-class apart
ment house; 1 lovely outside room and
bath, also 1 large room and bath, suit
able for 2 gentlemen or ladies employed;
references required. 104 St. Ciair su,
corner Washington.
VIRGINIA.. 170 guest rooms, 207i-211S
4th at. Rates Toe, $1 per day. With
bath II. SO day up
ONE ROOM and bath, large enough for
$40; also suite for refined gentleman,
lots of heat; references required, ilar-
shall 2S30.
Rates $1 day ; week. $5 up; private
bath, $9 up; fireproof and clean; close
to business center.
Furnished suite with private bath,
sleeping rooms, rates reasonable; walk-
i ng di s tance.
PLEASANT connecting rooms, sleeping or
light housekeeping for 4 or 5 young men:
homelike, use of piano and vlctrola. Own
er onlv occupant; clo&e in. east side.
Main G76tt.
124 14th at., at Washington. Rates $4
per week up, $1 day; fireproof, large,
attractive, spotless rooms, closa to
amusements and shopping center.
623 Washington St. Marshall 1950.
Large, attractive lobby with fire
place, ispecial rates to permanent guests.
Ro oms w i t h or without bath.
Attractive rooms and suites at reaaon-
able rate by week or month.
THE ST PAUL, 130 4th St., corner Alder. A
Rates 75c up. Private bath, $2. Special
rates by week or month.
Washington. Cor. 11th St.
Bleeping rooms and housekeeping,
very reasonable. Free bath.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, steam
heat, hot aiKi cold water, reasonable.
2 tin 5th at., across street from city
Hotel conradine, 22 North 10th st.,
2 blocks north of Washington at.; fire
proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very
reasonable rates by day or week.
FURNISHED room with sleeping porch,
running water In room; walking dis
tance; suitable for one or two gentle
men. 301 West Park st.
673 Washington, at 18th.
Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths.
Rates to permanent guests. Bdwy. 2082.
14th and Washington.
New management, newly furnished, at
tractive weekly and monthly rates.
RECTOR HOTEL, tf N.Uroaaway New and
modern; Yale locks on doors; $1 a day
and up. B per week up; private baths.
Washington and Fifth Streets,
Special permanent rates.
WANTED Congenial gentleman to share
bungalow with couple. Rose City Park.
Tabor 3120.
NICELY fur. front room, steam heated, for
1 or 2 gentlemen or couple employed;
will give breakfast. Wdln. 3."3S.
ONE FRONT room, well furnished, steam
heat, center of city. $20 per month. Ap
ply ."02 Goodnough bldg.
FURNISHED rooms. $4.00 per week; hot
nnd cold water, steam heat. The Maple,
.iu . ii t n. near v asningmn
LOVELY, light, airy room suitable for
1 or 2;'strictly modern; very close In on
west side. Marshall l.".f8.
ALRINA hotel, 24 Albina avenue, phone
EaM 8150. Sleeping rooms and house-
keeping rooms.
LARGE outside room; private entrance;
heat nnd hot water at all times; va
cant 10-24-21. I'ho-ne Mar. 131.
NICELY furnished or unfurnished rooms:
heat and light; very reasonable. o4ti
ELEGANT furnished room, fireplace. Will
rent with h. k. privileges. Nob Hill dis
trict. 54ft Kearney.
ARTHUR HOTEL 176 Eleventh St.. near
Morrison; clean and modern rooms by
d a y. we ek or month at reasonable rates.
EAST SIDE; young1 man or woman: cheer
ful, light front room, with good break
fast. Phone Tabor 2320.
PUS IT 1 VELY clean sleeping rooms, $1.75
per week and upward. Bath, lobby; also
hojir.i. 414 Pith N.
SINGLE sieepiug room or an apartment.
Modern and newly furnished. 444
Ii rk
NICELY furnished room for 1 or 2. walk
ing distance. '6HI 12th st., corner Mont
gomery. ROOM suitable for a gentleman in apt.
house, IS per month. Cumberland
Aptw.. 301 W. Park st.
COZ1', clean, single room, phone, bath.
etc.; waiKing uisiance, i- per monin.
1 II KIT V r. m Kill
HOTEL TA1T. 12th and Stara; changed
hands; rate $1 per day, wk. $5 up; pri
vate bath. $9 up; nil outside rooms.
Large, attractive, modern rooms by day,
week or month; rates reduced.
HOTEL OCKLKY. Morrison st. at 10th 1
day. weekly $5 and up. Free phone and
baths; light and airy.
112 North Sixth, two blocks of depot.
$1 per day. $5 per week and up.
FURNISHED rooms. 13 to J3u; heat,
light, telephone and hot water free.
Broadway 2iilj Near Couch school.
WELL-FURNISHED front room in Irving
ton home, near ISih and Knott. East
2 s :.
LAHUAHKK HOTEL Sieam heated, mod
ern rooms, walking distance ; reasonable
rates. '.'nr. l.;i ralf and Holladay sta.
NICE, large, quiet front room, ilrst floor,
back otf the street. 201 14th, near Jef-
feron stj
$3.."u PER WEEK Corner Tront room,
modern conveniences, 4 blocks off Wash
ing! on. M N. 14th st.
0 U e DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; c e a n . baths
free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson.
SLEEPING room ip modern flat, with a.l
home privileges. 54ti Kearney.
I nriiriilsued Room.
LARGE unfurnished 3-room apartment
with sleeping porch. Lois Apartment,
7o Hoyt t.
3 ROOMS AND RATH, large porch; cheap
rent. Call Sunday. 62 ij 21t st. N.,
near Washington.
UN Fl' RN is II ED rooms, cheap, gas, base
ment, close in : children taken. Will
furnlfch ."'r Williams.
TWO UNFL'liAioiiED irant rooms. Main
1412. '
AN OLD house, or unfurnished rooms for
v;;t. Tabor 32rt.
2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED rms. Tabor 27!5.
urmsUetl Room In Private Family.
$S PER MONTH, dean room; closet, splen
did bed, electric Ight. bath; quiet place;
perfect home for you. 703 Norihrup.
Main rtrtftS
HEAl'TlFl'LLY furntwhed parlor; piano;
steam heated; home privileges; young
lady 3.M Montgomery, cor. Park.
ATTRACTIVE front room. l;ith. fireplace,
furnace, hot and cold water in room;
St 20 lor one. $30 for two. K.JWO.
NICELY furY-.ihed front room, use of
piano. $l.t, w-ft side. 292 10th st.. near
Jefferson. Main ti.VY
NEWLY furnished sleeping room sultahla
lor 2 people, twin beds, walking dis
tance, reasonable. Ea-st r3S3.
FURN ISH ED room, private family, suit
able for young lady employed; west side,
walking distance. $12. 5o: Columbia.
TWO V E R Y large mod era h. k. rooms,
24i lath st.
PLEASANT room, for lady, with home
pr t v 1 1 e g es. tali fc.ast 1 1
LARGE front rxm. suitable for private
family. 4".0 E. Nth st. N. E. 3S.V
Main 1oo;t.
713 Johnson.
NICE. CLEAN sleeping room at $3 per
week. 6l 3 E. Madison.
NICELY furnished room, west side; private
rauiiigr. 0-T7 Lovejoy. Bdwy. 44.
FnrnUhed Rooms in Private Family.
BEAUTIFUL room in private home; twin
beds; parlor, piano, home conveniences;
close In ; congenial young man wishes
roommate: $3.00 per week. 61 N. 18th
st. Broaaway 2i2?.
LARGE, llg-ht. airy front room in modern
six-room flat; two large porches, piano,
disappearing bed and large closet, hot
water and heat; single or double, with
or without board; reasonable. 7 Si Irving
npt. 10. '
NICELY furnished room with connecting
bath to refined young lady, in lovely
apartment, west side, walking distance.
Would give light breakfast if necessary.
R efere n c e Phone Bdwy. 3130.
FUR. ROOMS with houseKeeping privi
leges or breakfast If desired, for couple
employed or 2 young ladies. In a mod
ern, refined home; no other roomers;
garage. Tabor 1041
CHOICE sleeping room, furnace heat,
Vth, phone ; breakfast If desired ; re
fined borne; walking distance. 9 E.
12 th, near Ankeny. Very reasonable
ON E of Irvington' finest large homes;
orfer elegantly furnished, large front
room for two with breakfast and dinner;
real home cooking; moderate prices;
, reterences required. East 2552.
PRIVATE family, 8 upstairs clean unfur
nished rooms, close in, ei. usai
nished. See owner after 7 P. M. 43
E. Everett st. $lft a month.
ONE NICELY furn. front room; steam
heat, all modern conveniences. 1 Ha N.
2lst st. Phone Broadway 3063. ReL ex
changed. ; .
PLEASANT room In modern PledmonJ
home, close to car; furnace heat and
convenient to bath; breakfast If desired.
1160 Moore st. W. A. car.
FURNACE-HEATED pleasant rm.. connect
ing sleeping porch, suitable for 2 gentle
men; adjoins bath; quiet home, walking
distance, on car line. East 2iV.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping and sleep
ing room, 2 b.ocks from Multnomah club,
walking distance. 200 Nartilla st. Mar.
DESIRABLE H. K. room, furnished; good
location; gentlemen preferred. 70S Park
eve., close City park and Council Crest
car. Alain
BEAUTIFUL, well-furnished, warm room
in refined home. Nob Hill district. For
one or two Protestant gentlemen. Mar.
SMALL room in private residence. Nob
Hill district, to gentleman with refer
ences. Main 1UO0 Monday. Rent reason
2 DESIRABLE front rooms, heat, hot
water, use of piano, in quiet, modern
home: breakfast If desired. Close in.
2 blocks to S3 carj tastwji.
DELIGHTFUL front room, adjoining
bath; also smaller room ior gentleman,
best location, west . side; furnace heat;
re as o n aoie rent, rnona
1 HAVE a cosy, sunny sleeping room.
wnn or wunoui uutw u , -"--
within block of 3 car lines; walking
distance. cast
Nicelv furnished front bedroom; heat,
bath, tel., in a small family of adults.
reaso name. ii.ast iMt.,
LARGE beautiful room elegantly fur-
making. Kitchen privileges. 63 N.
mn st.
ROOM in private family; nice clean, well
neatea room in nn; Z
within walking distance; near 12th and
Hawtnorne ave. rnuna
NICELY furnished sleeping room in prl-
ii.. i . v. n Irltrhan fnr
vaie iamwy wiiii ..fc..w.. .
breaKiast oniy. tan o-o r- i"
SLEFJPING room, nicely furnished, suit
able Tor li DUSiness gins or
450 Kast 12th street is. j-noTio r..,
NICE, warm front room: suitable for 1
or 2 gentlemen; close in; very reason
able. 228 HHh st. Phone Main S7i8.
IN OWNER'S home, sleeping room: plenty
heat: one block central library; 215 11th
street. Main SC78.
NICEXY furnished bedroom ; hot and
cold running water; modern home: con
genlai surroundings. East 2143.
FURNISHED room for rent in private
family; hot and cold water. 299 East
83d st. S. TaKB aawtnorne car.
LARGE, light, airy front room in modern
six-room nai; steam iie.i, biwshj ,
Die. in iuii. si-, ""i o. 1
NICELY furnished room in lovely home.
NICELY" furnished rooms with sleeping
t- v. o!.i. r-i
norcnes. ier him. iuui
East 31st. H block from Hawthorne
LARGE, sunny front room, very modern.
west Blue, yionio i'u"'"-i
tance. unwy. o-t.t.
FURNISHED room for 1 or 2 persons,
board If desired, modern conveniences.
O'jS E. Lincoln st.. Aut.
ROOM and boarfl for gentlemen. One
large room suitable for 2; also one small
room. 22M 13th st.. or call Main 9170.
2 jO WEEK Nice rooms in modern home;
men preferred. 100 E. 20th N. Rose City
NICE steam-heated front room In brick
apartment on Wash, street. Walking
instance, aee ami e. im .
TWO-ItM. apt., well furnished and clean.
light, heat, pnone a-na water. nni a.
Close in. seiiiiMt-
VERY attractive room in private family,
steam het. telephone, all convenience
ref. requirea. rnone .Mar. i.i;i.
NICELY furnished rooms, quiet, refined
family; home privileges and breakfast
It qesireo : reaaoiiaoiw. i .um
LARGE, clean room for young man; con
gnlal people. $10 month. Broadway
FRONT room In newly furnished
walking distance. Broadway 3B11.
Ella street.
NICELY furnished room with sleeping
porch, walking distance, west side.
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, three
phones, heat and light, in modern home.
303 E. 12th st. Phone E. S4H7.
FINELY furnished rom, dressing room,
running water, steam-heated apt., close.
East E00S. . .
LIGHT, airy room, close to business cen
ter; all conveniences. 214 11th st. Mar
shall S04.
DEZENDORF APTS Fur. rms., one suita
ble for man and wife, one for one or two
gentlemen. IGtn ana layior. mar, -tui.
WELL-FURNISHED room, all conven
iences; business man or woman. Sun-
day or evenings, j.- "2 mm su
NICELY furnished bedroom, next to bath;
steam heat; near Good Samaritan hos
pital: references exchanged. Main 3440.
NEATLY furnished room, 'a block from
two car lines. 395 Guild St., near 23d
and " h urman
LARGE room and kitchenette, newly fur
nished, $15; ladies preferred. 40 East
31st. Enst S52S.
COMFORTABLY heated, attractive sleep
ing room: hot and cold water; close in.
Main n.'.i. n't .M.trsnau,
PLEASANT room in modern home, furnace
heat; bath and telephone; $10 a. month.
nor -1 1
FURNACE heat, electric lirht: close to
dental college; $3.."'t per week. 3w2 E.
2d st. N.. corner Clackamas.
PLEASANT furnished room : steam heat;
walking distance; 4tt0 V Jefferson, apart
ment 201. Main 7127.
LARGE sunny front bedroom In Irvington.
suitable for one or two gentlemen; 442
K. 0th st. N. Phone East 0013. i
200 14TH ST. Choice room, modern con
veniences; walking distance.
ROOM in modern bungalow. Rosa City
Fa rk: private nome. taoor 111
' SINGLE rooms in a fine home, plenty
of heat. Main 4254. Home privileges.
ROOM for gentlemen: home privjleges; $0
week : 104 .x. nin. aui, . 1 1 -.
Lo KIA room, closet, rnnmg hot and coid
water, furnace heat. 431 W. Park.
STHAM-H EAT ED room. Xearney, near
3d; references. 1 ei. ,iar.
ONE FURNISHED sleeping room, girl pre
ferred. 4os S. Hroadway.
J12 50 NEAT room. modern, private
home. 70S East Taylor.
ROOMS or housekeeping room in exchange
for help: references. East 2570.
FURNISHED rooms, modern home, .547
F Tavlor. corner 12th. East 37 4 H.
WARM, comfortable room, walking dis
tance. :t44 ( n;jege. i" per numm
f. V. 1 I Ul O ISlilVH mi-Ill - .V t" " ,
running water, imiMit ue.v.
FURNISH ED sleeping room, reasonable ;
walking mstance. wwy. i-toi.
CLEAN, furnished sleeping room, walking
distance; reas 1 n able . East 533.
4fl NORTH 21ST Sleeping room for
gentleman; modern, running water.
R( w MS $2.50 per week. 590 First St.
Pit o r e Auto. 513-3S.
GENTLEMAN accustomed to quiet, ref.ned
home, call Main 552. near Mult, club.
LA liGE front room, bath, furnace heat,
v-t side. Mar filOO.
IK 1M1TON $!2.mi. sunny front room;
Hrdwv car. East S2.".t.
ROOM in home with mother and daughter,
breakfast if desired. Auto. 227-47.
PLEASANT room with garage, close in.
East 502:
CLEAN, well-furnished rooms. 3o E. 10th
st. No rt h . P hone East 475S.
COM PORTABLE sleeping room. 10 min
utes' walk. 3i Park st. Main 813.
:an room. $10 per mo.
Main fti5i.
32S 13th
ATTRACTIVELY furnished room, walking
distance, for Information call Mar. 3i42.
WELL-FUR NICHED private room; $16
month. 2-'to l4th street.
S FRONT rooms for rent. 44S Hall st
FRONT alcove room, 2 bud. iaO Koss at.
Furnished Rooms in Inrivste Family.
YOU MUST see this to appreciate, front
room, single or twin beds for 1 or 2"
people; home conveniences. In small con
genial family, use of living room, with
fireplace, piano; breakfast If desired;
fine location. Auto. 323-10.
LARGE furnished room, light, heat, bath
and phone, walking distance west side.
Apt 203, The Dezendorf, 10th and Tay
lor. TO RENT to refined young man, attractive
room in private home, Laurelhurst dis
trict; one block from Rose City car.
1024 Clackamas st.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, close to
car, comfy, reasonable. C. S. home; any
time after 12:30 P. M. Sunday. 47 E.
12th North.
LISTEN A room for someone who will
enjoy a good, clean, well-heated room,
bath, gas, phone, very convenient. Tabor
2-ROOM apt., well furnished and clean;
light, heat, phone and water. Rent $2S;
close In. Se.l. 163.
Rooms Witn Hoard.
Two of the best-known residential ho
tels on the Pacific coast.
American plan, with or without bath.
12.50 a day up; rates by day or month.
Meals served to transients.
Portland's downtown family hotel;
rooms, en sjlte or single, with or with
out board, for business men and women
and families. Come and make your home
with us; reasonable rates
JEAMNE D'ARC Furnwned rooms with
01- without board for business girls and
lady tourists, permanent or transient.
Special fea tures within the limitation
of the minimum was earner; $2 per
week and up. 2i'5 14th st. Main 3429.
NOR TON I A HOTEL, Portland's downtown
high-class family hotel; rooms en suite
or single, with or without board, for
families and bustr.ess men and women.
We give you all the cornfurts of a home.
Reasonable rates.
GOOD, clean house. first-class board,
home privileges; furnace heat; room on
first floor or sleeping porch on second
floor; close in. 95 W. Park. Main
ATTRACTIVELY furnished steam heated
rooms, with excellent m;als, for young
business womep exclusively; a refined
and homelike place, all conveniences,
close in. Sfi-'fe Gli?an st. Bdwy. 243H.
GOOD home cooking, 3 meals a day,
lovely rooms, modern conveniences,
walking distance; price $30 to $35 per
- month. Phone East 2560. 373 Ross St.
UNDER new management. Parkview
Residential Hotel; single or double
rooms; all the comforts of home, 3b0
Montgomery St.. corner W. Park.
LARGE, light, steam-heated room with
good home-cooked meals, $3 per wk;
2 in room. $7. 90 Savier sL, near 20th,
Phone Main 70G1.
BOARD, room and nurse old people; best
of care and trained nurses; reasonable.
Carolina home, 472 Sellwood blvd. Sell
wood 3094.
ROOM and board for business girls; all
modern conveniences; walking distance;
5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st.
FIRST-CLASS room and board; home in
every reupect; $1.50 per day and up. 73tJ
Johnson. Main 3796.
SLEEPING rooms, single or double, with
good home cooking, reasonable rates.
Phone East 4961.
DINNERS 50c at the So ule: cooked like
mother cooked. 101 11th st.
Rooms With Board in Private Family.
N'iOELY furnished suTiny rooms with
board; furnace heat. 1 block from car;
walking distance; private family. East
WANTED To room and board a little girl
4 years old: private family, no other
children; will give mother's care. 201
First st. N.
DESIRABLE room, modern home, walk
ing distance to business center; good
board If desired. Last 3u3
THIS is home, board and room $1 per day.
Ail uuiuc ti it urgc.i, 1 i(S"l 'l lun u.
Bdwy. 3072 or 85 10th st.
WELL furnished rooms in modern home,
hot water heat. A real home, not a
boarding house. Wdln. 4796.
I WOULD LIKE to have 1 or 2 small chil
dren to board;' price reasonable. 2U70
E. Washington st.
LARGE, sunny room In refined home for
1 or 2; all home privileges. 255 E. 30th,
near Hawthorne. Phone Tabor 332S.
RooM and board, laundry, for young lady;
C. S. preferred; $25 per mo. 340 Mor
ris st.
LARGE front room for one or two people;
board if desired, or kitchen privileges.
Phone Marshall 416.
NICE, large room suitable for 2 men, with
or without board; garage. Call Wood
lawn 7M4.
1 OR 2 working men to board and room
in widow's home. 673 Bortbwlck sL
W o o d i a w n 5 4 4 S .
NICELY furnished room with board for
1 or 2 girls; piano and home privileges;
km for one, yio for 2. Wdln. 1719.
IRVINGTON Large room nuitable for
two. with board; home privileges. East
ROOM and board for working men, Jo a
week; c'.ose in; home privileges; a widow.
Take Mississippi car 100 Morris st.
WILL give free room and noard for one
month to refined young lady employed,
for company evenings. II 130. Oregonian.
LARGE, sunny rooms in refined home;
will serve breakfast; working girls pre
ferred ; splendid car service. Tabor 599.
A LARGE room suitable Tor two working
men with board; family style. 417 Lar
rabep st East S'l 7 0.
WANTED- To board girl 13 or 14 years
old. labor 2.Ju. lieierencee required. AK
1 tt3. Uresonun.
THY 414 MARKET ST. for home cooking
and pleasant, clean rooms, reasonable,
lip;ird and room in private family.
NICE, pleasant room with board for 1 or 2
refined ladies employed; home privi
leges. walking distance. Marshall 2707.
BOARD AND ROOM with jolly family,
nice home, home privileges, piano and
vlctrola. Sellwood IKON.
VERY desirable home and good care for
convalescents; ideal surroundings, -phone
Auto. Oo.-77.
FOR RENT Large front room, nicely fur
nished, with or without breakfast; close
in. east side. Call 626 E. Main
YOUNG couple would like fare of child in
widower's home, close in, for rent of
h;i in e. C 127. Oregonian.
LARGE room in modern home, excellent
cooking, furnace, hot water, borne priv
ileges. Tabor 4SS9.
ONE NICELY luruished room with board
in private home, suitable for one or two
people; Hawthorne district. Tabor 5667.
LARGE tront room wim ooard, suitable
lor two; modern, walking distance, fine
location. East 5715.
ELEGANTLY furnished room for two gen
tleman or man and wife; home priv-
lleges. Union ave. car line. xu. bO'Jtt.
LARGE front room, with board, suitable
for 2. modern, walking distance, fine
location. East 5715.
EXCELLENT room and board for two em
ployed; also sleeping porch; home privi
Icpea; walking distance. East 156.
LA It lover wishes baby to board, re
liable, reasonable. 6403 89th st. S. E.
Auto 614-2L .
NICE ROOM with one or two meals, for
business man ; private family, clo&e in,
near garage. M a m 29QQ.
WELL FURNISHED room with board. In
reiined home, for 1 or 2 people. Phone
Auto. HoO-Oi.
NICE, comfortable room for gentleman
only; opposite Multnomah Athletic club,
5so Salmon st. Main 3732.
1 on 2 YOUNG business men may have
room and board in comfortable east side
home. Call Est m-w.
BOARD and room for 1 or 3 congenial peo
ple, beautifully furnished home. Irving
ton dunrUt. S 11". Oregonian.
ROOM and board for two gentlemen in
nice borne; walking distance. East 6042.
ROoM AND BOARD for young lady; pri
vate lam;iy. Hdwy. d.Mi
FRoNT room, with board ; suitable for
- two young men. 206 Clay st.
PR VATE home for children; 20 years
e x pe nence. il4 Everett g. Mar, ioj.
BOARD and room In private home, very
reasonable. Wood lawn 4 737.
KouM and board. 1 or 2 gentlemen. 574
ldd ave., near E. 12th. East 5145.
ROOM and board : bath, home cooking;
$7 per ween. v.oiumnia -ta-i.
HtLl A BLE woman wishes care of small
child: good home. Woodlawn 3909.
CH I LDREN to beard, good modern home.
I hone Oregon City OF 12.
XH IS is home; room and board $1 a day.
Bdwy. 3072.
BABIES to board at
C2d ave. S. E.
TA BLE buam for on young lady. 40S
Market Main 5923.
NICE room good board for gentle
man. Phor.e Marshall 30 59.
BOARD ami room in private family, room
suitable fnr 2 young Indies. Sell. 2076,
LARGE room, w ith board, in modern
home: garage. Tabor 1129.
K00M and board for one employed man.
Phone 626-'.'3. Address 4036 52d st, S. E.
FIRST-CLASS room and board. 394 Co-
umbia st. Main t4.
LARGE room for two ladies employed. $3
a week Tabor 201.
FcR ONE or more, in nice home, good.
location. East om
COUPLE without children will keep small
chi.d m sunuroan nome. laoor o-to
REFINED family offer well furnished
room with board. 703 Hoyt.
Room With Board In Private Family.
LOVELY front room In modern home;
light and airy, with hot water heat; 1
block to car. close in on east side; board,
excellent home cooking: bath and phone,
home privileges; suitable for married
couple employed or gentlemen. Phone
East SS55.
IN BEAUTIFUL Irvington home; large,
front room, two exposures; mahogany
furnishings throughout; garage; perpet
ual hot water; 1 block from Broadway;
choicest location ; small adult family.
East 1200.
LOVELY room in . private home, with
home cooking, for 1 or 2 gentlemen or
couple employed. Well heated, close In.
excellent car service. vtrv reannnAhln.
References exchanged. Call Sellwood 2490,
NICE rooms and meals in private' place;
reasonable; furnace heat ; also garage
for rent; Piedmont; nice location, close
to 4 car lines and public garage. 299
oiii.-wui 1.11 m v. x none v ooq lawn 0 1 IS
WEST SIDE 20th and Loveiov. ncwlv fur-
nished room, light and pleasant; hot
water, furnace heat ; best of meals;
reasonable to two men. 654 Lovejoy, or
WOULD you like a real home? If so come
and meet us and see the pleasant rooms
we have for 1 or 2. The price is right.
"u347HaWth0rn llve nar 34th AuU
NICE clean basement room Tor two nice
young men that want to save expense.
Best of board. Board and room for
price of board. 741 Glisan.
MCE front room with breakfast, suitable
for 2; home cooking; also a single room,
$12 per mo, kitchen privileges If de-
ROOM and board, modern home, for
.ruling man wining to snare room with
congenial young man; reasonable rates.
Phone Marshall 2781.
W Ol LD you appreciate a nice room in
modern brick apartment. " suitable for 1
or 2T For particulars phone Broadway
NICE, large,, pleasant room with board
for two refined gentlemen; home privi
leges; west side, walking distance. 426
Harrison st. Phone Main 5!S3.
PLEASANT front room with good home
cooked meals In exclusive home;
Broadway district; fireplace; all con-, cast -UU-l
NICELY furnished room and board for 2
gentlemen; home privileges; walking
distance; garage; very reasonable. East
CLEAN, pleasant room, three windows,
large closet, good home cooking, with
home privileges; price reasonable. Phone
BEAUTIFUL room In steam-heated apart
ment; all privileges of home for two
wP ' mPlo'ed. Good home cooking.
FOR lOUNG men, a real home, piano,
fireplace, home privileges, walking dls-
?n,ce-ome and e lni- -S3 Hth t.
Main 2533.
YOUNG man to board and share large
front room; small congenial family of
698 people; Jian; -30 week. Main
Famished Apartmenttt.
One 3-room for $50 month. One cor
ner 4-room for $65 month. Strictly
modern. Immaculately clean, classy,
warm, light, all outside rooms. Equipped
for 2 to 4 persons. First-class Janitor
services guaranteed. Others ask 20 per
cent more for no better apts than these
No raise In rent this winter.
'THE COLUMBIAN," Hth & Columbia.
very elegantly furnished, outside apt.
Five rooms and sleeping porch, electric
fireplace; very modern and lots of
neat; will be available October 27- can
be seen afternoons only. Mar. 2S30, 106
THREE and 4-room apartment In fine
duplex home; hardwood floors disap
pearing bed; furnace, fireplace, enameled
kitchen. private bath, toilet; corner
100x100; fine yard and neighborhood;
garage; near Jefferson high achool. Wdln.
44 .".5.
2-ROOM furnished apt., near Jefferson
high: modern in every way; best of
everything; never occupied; all outside
rooms; best heat; quiet, in private home,
fine car service; to. refined adults only;
$2 1. SO. 1037 Maryland ave. Wdln. 5S5T.
ATTRACTIVE furnished apartment of
three rooms for adult couple who will
furnish meals to owner in adjoining
apartment; modern conveniences and in
TAalnut Park. Call Sunday P. M., 1050
Beautiful view of city and mountain.
A one-room and kitchenette apt., large
windows on two sides; good heat. Finest
residential district; walking distance.
":TTT RCni.ivn a r tq
West Park and Columbia Sts.
3-room furnished apt., newly tinted
and enameled, two beds, all outside
rms,; walking dist ance; adu Its only.
Will lease elegantly furnished 4-rm.
suite; every modern convenience; un
equaled; heat furnished: best west side
location; adults only. Marshal! 232
Ul:liTiL'r r- !-.
Four rooms with veranda, beautiful
oak furniture; within 7 blocks of the
buslnes center: will rent to responsible
k1"1-'- - ousian, Jinwy. 404 .
WHY NOT save your rent money and put
It intff a houseboat? Comfortable, con
venient, satisfactory, suitable for 2 or 3
persons; furnished. No. 16, Oregon
Clean, light, newly carpeted 4-room
front apartment; hot-water heat; adults;
$05. Marshal! 23S1.
FOR RENT 3-room fur. apt. Lights heat
hot and cold water furnished ; no chil
dren. $:iG. Call at 1092 Hawthorne,
Apt. A.
AN ATTRACTIVE 3-room fur. apt., gas.
lights, bath, phone, close in on east
side. Williams ave. car. 306H Eugene
st. Auto. 329-67.
NICELY furnished 2-room apt., $25. includ
ing ngni, water, phone, 472 Union
ave. N.
-ROOM furnished apartment, absolutely
ciean; price per month; walking
distance. 351 West Park st.
LPSHI. R APTS. 2-room furnished apts..
steam heat, hot and cold water: $18 to
X2Q per month. 4 HQ N". 2rt h st
2-room nicely furnished front apartment
very modern. $50,
SINGLE h. k. apt. room, light, ga. phone,
furnace beat; $15. 554 E. Madison.
cor. 13th.
DESIRABLE 2-room apts for housekeep
ing, close in, reasonable rates. 372
Two and there-room, furnish iom.
pletelv for housekeeping; adults. E 4S52.
CLEAN, completely furnished 2-rnnm b nt
$23. 680 H Lombard sL Columbia 617.
Est. jonns car.
TWO SMALL semi-basement rooms, fur
nished for h. k. ; light, heat, gas. $16 a
FURNISHED Apt. 3 rooms, kitchenette
and sleeping porch in modern Rose City
nit hit-. i iuuir U.3
4-ROOM furnished. Apt. on main floor
Westminster Apts., Cth and Maddison
Main 55s2.
FOR RENT Two rooms, $14 each; will
give board. Phone Columbia 522.
2-ROOM apt., also one room and kltchen
ette. 32S Mill st., near B roa d way.
4-ROOM furnished apartment,
hampton apts., 414 10th st.
APT. KENT to ladv or couple In exchange
1 or ngnt nouaeworK, m mo. Oregonian
3 LARGE, light roomed apartment. Irving
Apts., 21t and Irving Main 1)239.
57 12TH iF looking for clean apt., kitch
en ettecaTLVaIkingdi s t a n ce.
NICE clean apartment, bet. 4 car lines.
lose in. ju.i Kerby,
Furnished 2. 3 and 4-room apts.
l'OUR room, modern, with steam heat, 2
bedrooms, private bath. 561 Glisan.
Moving formless. Phone Bdwy. 2445.
UNION AVE. and Killingsworth ; fur. apt!
$21.50; all complete; concrete building.
BUENA VISTA 134 Harrison. First-ciass
2 ana 3-room apts aiatn 1032.
MODERN apt., neatly furnished. 390 Rus
sell, near Union.
$32 MONTH for 2-room front steam-heated
furnished apartment. 402 Third st.
CLEAN, sunny 2-room apt., well furnished,
g-. ranee. 614 4th st.
WILL, share apartment with Protestant
lndy. employed, fhone East 5104.
3-ROOM suite, private bath. $25. Call
East .iVI
3-ROOM apartments, newly furnished. $35
and ?45. 412 E. th st. N.
THE CHELTENHAM Attractive 3 and 4
rooms. 19th and Northrup. Bdwy. 3658.
5 ROOMS, bath, sleeping porch. Adults.
Woodlawn 4'.'5.
2-RoOM apt.. 1 block from car; close-in,
$15. 50. Aut. 533-Hi.
1 ROOM, kitchenette and bath; walking
aisrance; reasons nie. 414 4tn St.
FOR RENT 3-room lurnished apt. close
in. 3s 11th Ft.
HERMEN1 A, 400 Hall st., cor. 10th,
room, modern apartment, $40.
ML'NCEY APTS. Two rooms and kitch
enette. $45. 390 Clay. Main 470.
2 ROOilS, newly fitted. Call at noon or
aftr 5. 534 Morrison St.
LOVELY 2-room apL, vacant today. 735
BARR ER apts., Nov. 1; one 4-room fur
nish ed or unrurnisneo.
3-RoOM. suite with sleeping porch. $30.
154 NT. lth st
ONE 2-ROOM, newly furnished aiU, $47.00.
The Rexiord. Main i'L
FurniNhed Apartments.
Elegantly furnished apartments. 1 to
5 rooms, with sleeping porch, in resi
dential district. We have the very hand
somest furnished apartments in the city;
white enameled woodwork, ivory willow
furniture, Chinese rugs, pongee hangings,
exceptionally clean and modern: LOTS
OF HEAT; also for refined gentlemen
or ladies, bachelor suites and rooms,
with and without bmth; permanent and
transient ; references required. 166 SU
v iair. comer or ashington.
Three large, light rooms, besides en
trance hall, pass pantry, bath and large
closet: steam heat, hot and cold water
furnished; main and private entrance;
steady tenants; 2 adults: ground floor.
Residential hotel, newiv furnished and
renovated, all outside rooms, with steam
heat and hot water Rooms with or
without board. Meals under new man
agement. Prices reasonable. 885 3d,
corner Montgomery. Man 7094.
Fifth and Columbia Sts.
Five minutes walk to Meier ft Frmnlfe
store; good surroundings, strictly, mod
ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out
aide and French doors and balcony; per-
...... ..-in transient.
TO half of cost: will sell complete
rurnishines, dishe. drapes. Wilton rugs,
graphonoia, overstuffed and mahogany
and walnut period furniture. Party buy
ing furniture may have privilege of run
nlng apartment; rent $05. Marsh. bP7.
NICELY furnished 3-room apartment,
private bath, telephone and use of elec
tric washer and laundrv. Sleeping
porch and garage. $35. Phone 610-54.
4928 ,ist st. S. E. Tak Mt. Scott car
to 70th st.
near 23d and Washington sts. ; one
very desirable three-room apartment,
newly decorated, tapestry paper, artistic
ally furnished, outside balcony; high
class apartment house. Cal Main 3SS3.
ONE ROOM and kitchenette, bath, etc.;
also 2-room apt., very clean, modern and
lots of heat; references required. 166
- "i. v-utir at., corner v asnington
Strictly, first-class completely furn. 2
and 3-room apts., new period furniture,
Wilton rugs, etc.: adults; $50 up. 415
10th. Main 6000.
NICELY furnished 2-room bssement apart
ment, J30, including private phone,
steam heat; adults only. The Lincoln,
4th and Lincoln.
ALICE Court Apts. Available Nov. 1, 3
room apt., large bay window, Dutch
kitchen; outside rooms; 2 beds, private
phones Cor. East bin and Burnslde.
East 356o.
FOR RENT 2 rooms in a. first-class.
steam-heated apartment, close to hospi
tal, sunea ror nurses; turnisnea or un
furnlyhed; west side. Marshall 1611.
WILL rent my modern furnished bunga
low apartment, five rooms, to adults
only, with reference; east side, walking
distance. N 124. Oregonian.
BEAUTIFUL steam-heated apartment for
rent. Will sell furnishings very reason
able; short walk from business center.
Call Main 1632.
Corner 10th and Salmon. 2, 3 and 4
room apts. ; permanent or transient;
also single rooms. Main 664L
3-room, clean apartment; rent $30, In
cluding phone. -light and garbage. Adults.
After 10 A. M.
sleeping porch, furnished. $30; two rooms
unfurnished, $25, including heat- and
lights. 401 10th st. Main 2480.
Clean, attractive, low rates; near
x. W. & Co.. Willamette Steel and Am.
fen. 414 19th St. N. A lso single rooms.
448 11th st. One 2-room modern apt.,
all rooms light and airy ; also one 3-room
basement opt.
LADY will share apt. with young woman;
no private room; phone; bath and dress
ing room; companionship more than
profit. References. AP 128. Oregonian.
Two and 3-room furnished, strictly
modern; tile bath, elevator. 11th and
Montgomery. Main 359.
HADDON HALL, 11th and Hail. 4-room
corner apt., bath, phone, hardwood
floors, outside French doors and bal
cony. $57.50. Also 4-room apt. $45.
3 rooms with private bath and tele
phone; ail outside rooms; cheap. Tabor
-ROOM APT., hardwood floors, with use
of kitchen, 2 upstairs rooms, single ;
walking distance. 657 Flanders St., bet.
20th and 21nl sts.
Cozy 4-room apartment, completely
furnished. $35.
Four-room furnished apartment on
fourth floor, and also 3-room furnished
on . ground floor. Marshall JIM.
TWO OR three-room apartment, fur
nished, 370 Weidler; ao room and
3-rm. 'urnished apt. 097 Washington
st. Main ln2.
2-ROOM homey housekeeping apartment,
warm, sunny, central; also sleeping room,
$12.5Q month and iy. 415 Broadway.
WILL sublet well furnished 5-room apart
ment; adults only ; references required.
BRAINTREE, 12th and Columbia.
304 College; 3 rooms in basement;
light and airy, private bath; $40.
EAST 1990
ONE 3 ROOMS, $25; one 3 rooms, $15.
4628 67th st. S. E., Vi block north
Kern 1'arK station.
BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity place;
beautifully furnished 3-rm. ouisldo apt.;
w Hiking distance. Mar. 1950.
SHEFFIELD apts.. Broadway and Jeffer
son, 3 and 4-room upta., warm basement
room $ 10. t
LARGE front room and kitchenette; nice
oinoU rooms! rtusonable: hot wa-
K -" .
I ter alw ays. Oaa f landers.
3-ROOM furnished apartment. $30 per rno
Everything turnisnea oul gas. wow v-
crett st. ,
APARTMENT for rent Walking distance,
electricity, heat; very reasonable. 347
U II at
erett st
APARTMENT for rent, first floor, private
family; suitable for two. 390 Vancouver
ave., near itroauway.
BEDROOM, with use of kitchen for
rent in west side apartment to lady.
D 162. Oregonian.
WANTED To share 5-room apt. with two
business girls. Call Sunday only. 2o3
1 2th st.. apt. 2.
LARGE room and kitchenette, lirst tloor;
gas nnd electric lights; warm siug.e
rooms. o...t r lununw,
TWO ROOMS and sleeping porch, furnished
apt. rnone r.asi
TH K DENN1SON. $45. 3 rooms, private
bath, steam heat, free phone. Tabor 546.
lpfu rnifrlicd A part men t h.
530 Montgomery St.
These are new apartments with view
overlooking mountain- and city. 5 rooms.
2 bedrooms, living room, dining room,
kitchen and bath, whito enamel wood
work, hardwood floors, French doors.
Frlce r
ounri'V, A PA RTM ENTS
Merlin. Broadway and Grant.
Fine large 3-room corner apt., two
dressing rooms and bath; strictly mod-
em: H-.JO a luunm,
4-ROOM unfurnished apartments. Steam
heat, hot and cold water, $3 and $30
per month. Caruthers apartments. 212
Caruthers st. Main 5330.
4 rooms with veranda, hardwood floors
throughout; $00. S. B. Gustaff, Bdwy.
CCA.. 1 IB II l, y.ij
kitchenette, running water L0 N.22d
7j U1GHT, view rooms, very sightly, 2d
floor, heat furnished, west side, D M
..1 a ra l'Hl S.TvitT St.
C-ROOM unfurnished apartment : hardwood
4 ROOMS. modern. Portland Heights;
adults only. K 13i, Oregonian.
Fu rniwhed or I ntumiwhed Apartments.
JAEGER APT?.. 701 Washington St., 3 and
4-1 00m furnished and unfurnished apts.
4 and 5 rooms, beautifully furnished or
unfurnished apts Alain 2US0.
SEVEN-ROOM FLAT, west side, $42 50 jk r
month. Herman Moeller, Realtor, 420
Lumlrmens bldg. Broadway 421.
MODERN 3 rooms and sleeping porch.
440 Rcss. East 5396.
6-ROOM flat. walking distance. west
side: adults. $21.60. 512 Gerllnger bldg.
MODERN 5-room upper flat Nov. 1. East
5 LARGE room hat. 231 Hooker at. Adults
THREE or four rooms, close to Ladd
school, anytiay. --.- aiain jut
CLEAN, modern lower flat at WiJlbridge.
$ 1 K month. East ann.
MODERN, large 5-room flat. 228 Alberta
St.. near jerrerson nign ecnooi.
a-jiOOM . Hat. upstairs, 52V E. Lincoln st,
5-ROOM lower Hat in excellent condi
tion, furnace, modern bullt-ins. concrete
garage: rent $45. 6S6 E. Everett, be
tween 19th and 20th. one block south of
6-KOOM Hat, located on west sid-, 10 min
utes' walk from heart of city; jut newly
tinted and varnished; rent $40 per
month. The Lawrence Co., realtors, 12
Corbett bldg. .Main '.!
FOR RENT 3-room unner flat and bath.
Including hot and cod water, heat and.
electric lights; nice ror wortting cou
pie. 466 E. 11th st. S. Call Sunday.
6-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view;
W. S.; fireplace, furnace. SSttVi lth at.
south of Montgomery : $37.50. Yin my.
UNFURNISHED 8-room flat with bath
and basement; $14 per month. 1031
Corbett st. . .
5 L.VRGE, beautiful rooms and bath ;
Dutch kitchen; good lo-tlon; adults.
Hm;2 E. isth st. N.
AN UPPER flat for rent, 4 rooms and
kitchenette, modern. very reasonable
re nt. 915 E. Kelly st. 8ej Iwood 1073.
MODERN 5-room upper f lt with sleep
ing porch; fine neighborhood; 309 E.
1st. N.. near Halsey; rent $40; garage $6,
4-ROOM modern flat, 774 Ofage ave.. near
23d and Washington, west aide. Main
89 US. ,
MODERN 6-room upper flat; fine neigh
borhood; central. 3S7 Vi 12th St. Rent
$52. 5.
5- ROOM flat. No. 4I11H 6th st., $32.50 per
month. Including water. Donald Wood
ward. Main 1436. 104 2d st.
6- ROOM flat for rent and furniture for
fs 1 . 231 Hooker St.. near 2d.
MODERN 6-room unfurnished flat, new
ly decorated. $40, close in. Main 5990.
FIVE-ROOM fiat. bath, eiectric light, ga!
$13. Call at HS Fifth street S.
UNFURNISHED 5-room Lat. 30J Jack
son street. Key next door.
Fu rn lhed Flat .
East side, close in. well arranged, well
furnished flat, malleeble range, dining
set complete, leather davenport, leather
chairs, brass bed. Ivory dresser and
dressing table, rugs, pictures, linen,
everything complete. Sew F. C. Marshall,
between 11 and 1 P. M-, Sunday or
2. Abtngton Bldg. Main 10tfl.
Third St.. Bet. Washington ana mrn.
FURN ISH EiD 4-room upper flat and bath
modern, new. neer u-upir .
comionauie; unn o w ( ? ...... , -
heat; private home: to refined
only; s-K. ia aiaryiiwiu o. . .
v nr- A-T-nnm flat Lower and
upper. Biove vr nrtuii. " 1
be seen to be appreciated. 490 Market
St. call any uay anei iw
Su mi a y.
JlUlT'll, l ICttHi awui r--
porch, bath, front balcony, private fur
nace, basement; west side, walking dis
tance; special price to permanent
adults; references. D 114. oregonian.
4-room, well furnished flat; clean,
with private bath; rent $40 including
phone, light and garbage; adults. After
10 a. si
NICE light room with couple In 4-room
flat lady or gentleman, close In. on east
side; give breakfast If desired: rent
reasonable. Phone Wdln. 671 or call at
395 Fremont St.. near union ve
r LU.M.IlCl' runt -
tractive, 4 rooms, bath and sleeping
porch: white enamel kitchen, gas range.
electric lights, near cars, fine location.
Hi East 2itn si. .nn.n.
Clean, mod. flat for rent, beautiful new
furniture for sale; cash or terms. 34S
roiumliu st.
UPSTAIRS furnished flnt, electric light,
water and garbage, $22 per month. 1094
E. Harrison St.. cor, oun
NEWLY furnished 3 and 4-room flat, with
varaire: one with Radiant fire. 549 E.
tri ; K. .M. car
.i-i udof n,A.irr not. nrwlv furnished
modern, between two car lines.
27th t. No small children. Last 6132.
WIDOW WlSlies to snaie nci iui. -room
flat with congenial people. $-0 mo
lnrraoee m
PRACTICALLY new 3-room flat, private
v. . . 1- 1 1 hinlta from Colum
bia, park, loiurr.oia m-t.
LOWER flat. 5 rooms and bath, for
adults only; rent w. w-o
1'. ast 494
WELL furnished, clean. 3-room flat; close
in walking distance; $27 a month. 3US
Columbia st. Mar. 1274.
NICELY furnished, clean 3-rom upper
flat: Holladay addition; lights, water
nnrt nhone: adults. 395 EasT 2d St.
Ing distance of east side. Woodlawn S.
LOWER flat to rent. 567 Prescott St. Call
afternoon. ooniaw n
4ROOM fiat, walking distance.
243 East litn. near iiRwumrn
4-ROOM modern, nicely furnished flat.
i HI l. Ommere. JHl CI. mini.
5-ROOM Lat for nnt, furniture for sale.
iarnain. ii.-i 1
$05 ti-ROOM well-furnished modern Ihti
mano. in . 01.. ...r. -
MODERN nicely furnished flat, cheap to
rig h tp art y47'A E. 9th st . N. E. 2209.
FURNISHED flat and 2 upstairs rooms.
19 r..
5-R-OOM furnished fiat. $30. 423 "Harney
ave. Oregon City car. ,
LOWER furnished Hat. 245 Shaver U.
;i... J a nor
5-ROOM lower flat, well-furnished; clean
1 a nor i jnmuu j
3-RooM lower flat t S20 Vaughn st;
adults only; $25. Phone Marshall 3. 19.
Housekeeping RooniK.
2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, $12:
Bath. Phone Automatic 635-87. 6135
37th ave. S. E. -
SINGLE h. k. rooms, men or women. puM
tlvelv clean: low rates. Our lobby is
c-n:.t 414 19th St. N.
3 FURNISHED rooms on upper floor and
one large room and kitchenette, b.tth
-..-I tniiot nn first floor. 331 !a kn mas.
WARM rooms for two people. $12 to $1S;
hot water always, baths, laundry. 655
$D ONE ROOM shack or house furnished
for housekeeping for one man : near
-(iit.,n, and Russell.. E. 5571.
$4 WEEK for 1 steam-heated furnished
housekeeping room with hot . and cold
water. ' j 1 nirn ft.
FU kNIMIED houst-keeping rooms, lui -nace
heat, close in, nice and clean. 10
1-lih M.
LARGE cheerful front room, with kitch
enette, water, range, every convenience.
4iT XV. uroanwHj
SLEEPING and light housekeeping roomB,
newly furnished. walking distance,
noway 4 . n
NICE clean housekeeping room for bach
elor. $3 per week. 103 16th st. Phuiie
Main 4933
ROOMS 5 up; single room, $3; linen,
bath, running water. 208 Washington
SARGENT HOTEL. Hawthorne and Grand,
h.k and sleeping eooms. hot and cola
w :i ter. steam heat. E. 291
W LK ING distunce. clean, warm, nice -y
furnished h. k. and sleeping rooms; very
reasonable. 603 Glisan st.
FURNISHED h. k. rooms, single or suite,
$2.50 week up: special rate by month.
02 i (Irani ave.
2 LA ROE. nicrtly lurnU hed h. K. rooms
TOT O or irunv . ..lh.w.
03 .ortn -otn st.
ONE single housekeeping room, with elec
tricity, furnace heat and bath. Main
1 ifjjl. .
TWO largo housekeeping rooms ; furnace
heat, electricity and hath. JlHln Bi20.
FURNiSH ED housekeeping rooms for
rent. 417 Main st. ,
TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for
r.-nt. 5527 7 2d st. S. E.
Iioou with kitchenette, private veranda.
Call today. 735 Everett.
: hoiei, 271V? Moitihuu; housekcep
inc rooms. Marshall 25 its.
TWO H. K. rooms.
h;it. 5 25 P'T mo.
light, gas and furnace
531 Mill st.
LARGE furnished front housekeeping room;
rof nhone. 2sl"-e.
CI KAN front rooms. 49o Montgomery.
Marshall 3028
CI KAN fu in ned room and k f ten en ; aiso
sloping room. 42'j W:ishington st.
1 AM' 2 H.
K. rooms, right downtown ;
255 5 th.
2 H. K. ROOMS, $5 per week. 704 Powell
ch ap rem. Yi vim .
CLEAN steam -heated single housekeep
ing rooms- $16 per month 147 13th.
2 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, eiectric
tt. water, phone. 149 13lh t.
TWO FRONT ROOMS for light h. k., one
sleeping roon. 7u3 Irving st.
rhean rent. 253 Wash., cor. 3d.
2 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, 38 Clay
St., rent reasonable. Main 3459.
2 LARGE h. k. rooms for rent, $4 week.
Hiii loth st.
SINGLE housekeeping. $2.50; two-room
suite, n. i '-.. w ru
SLEEPING" and double furn. housekeeping
rooms. 2MS Grant st.
FURNISHED H. K. rooms, clean and
comfort ji nle. .i on 1 v"iner j
FURNISHED h. k. rooms. -l-ctrln lights.
$L7f per week and up. 320' 1st.
COSY front rooms. $5; 2 rooms, $4, single
$3; electric. 052 JThurman.
CORNER ROOMS, range, electric
light, couple; $20. 304 Fourth st
3 ROOMS furnished for housekeeping. iKS
Last Alder. Auto. 26-4A.
Housekeeping Rooms.
KICK, newlr painted housekeeping
rooms, with kitchenettes, well fur
nished, close In. $5 to $0 50 per
week. Call Bdw y. 3340, 655 Wash
ington, corner Ella,
Beautiful view of city ana mountain.
A one-room and kitchenette pt., Ifirjre
windows oa two sides; good heat. Fineat
residential district; walking distance.
COZY, homelike, one room with kitcnen-
ette, $17 per month; a. so one room lur
nished for light housekeeping, $12 per
month; all modern conveniences, walk-
Ing distance. 492 Market.
y V R X ISH k D l kT room s, 1 roo m with
kitchenette, hot and cold water, private
phone, electric lights, steam best, five
minutes' walk to town. 291 Columbia,
near Fifth. ,
SINGLE housekeeping rooms on 4:h floor,
free use uf phone : fuel, gas, elect rio
light, and bath. Only $3 0O per week.
Walking distance. Hen (It icks apts, cor
ner 15; h and Flan d e ras t reels.
TWO AND three-room housekeeping apart
ments; newly decorated; gas stoves,
electrio lights, bath, everything clean;
I5 per month; children welcome. Co-
lui nbialO 4.
Three housekeeping rooms, well fur
nished, suitable lor man and wife or
two ladles.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms for rent ; one
and two ap.irtmeiits; gas range, water,
walking distance. 00o Couch. Phone
B r 1 1 adwnv 1935.
LOWER floor 4 rooms and bath complete
ly furnished, fruit tret s and large yard.
Owner alone lives upstairs, east side,
close in. Main 0706.
2-ROOM housekeeping mi He, newly fur
nished, walking Oistaneo; heal; 272 Park
St. Marshall 1504; call 12 to 5 Monday
nnd all day Tuesday.
ONb-FURNISHED housekeeping room, oil
ground floor, within waiking diManre.
Suitable for one or two people. Rent rea
sonable, 16S N. ISth st.
$ NICELY furnihhed housekeeping rooms,
front and back entrance; lovely back
yard : Ideal place for cbi.dren; walking
distance 49 2 5 1 arket. m
LIGHT housekeeping room and sleeping
room, suitable fur 2; hot nnd cold water
In rooms, furnace heat. 67 Trinity place.
lidwv. 179 6.
FURNISHED apt. of 2 rooms, phone, elec
tric light, bath and heat, also 1 "Ingle
h. k. room. 695 Davis st. Take L3d,
street car to 21st. wa 1 k 1 block n nrt h .
$4 TO $3 per week, completely furnished
housekeeping suite, every vonvenlence,
hot water nt all hours; savi car fare.
Hot el Cn rt lilac. Third ncnrJeffe rson .
NICE" front housekeeping room, with bent,
lights and phone, $4.50 a week. li N.
VII E CLARENDON changed management.
Clean h. k. rooms, cheap, walking dls
tance. 71 E. 11th st. N. m
THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur
nished h, k. looms, $13 up. including
.e.ctlto llghta- lllUnnry room.
NICELY" furnished single h. k. room; also
one rlngie sleeping room; $10 per mo.
47.'Maln st. .
BEST h. k. rooms for the money; steam
heat. h. and c. water. The Maple. &0
N. 17th st.. nenr Wafh.
131W 10T1I ST. Neat, clean n. k. rooms
with kitchenettes; also sleeping rooms;
rloso In; steam bent.
2 FURNISHED front H. K. rooms, newly
kalsomined. new furniture, now man
age ment. 63 5 Everett, ltd w yJJjS
NICELY furnished btcani heated h. k.
rooms, across from dental college. 4-3
Pacific st. East S404.
3 NICELY fur. h. k. rooms. 312 3d st-,
center of city, elect. 1.. hot water; $30
per mo.. 1 st floor.
HOUSEKEEl'lNG rooms. (3 and up. East
56 7.
3S4 Park st.
apts. for housekeeping.
MoUHfket'uing ltomsnriyjtaniUy.
PLEASANT room, furnished for hous
keeping or sleeping, near bath; for one
gentleman who wishes a quiet home.
451 10th st. South. .
AGREEABLE woman -would like working
woman or school girl, share nice h. k.
rooms, close In. splendid location. OoO
E. Alder, cor. ISth. E ast 3020. t
TWO large, lijiht housekeeping rooms ; lire
place, furnace heat, gas and electricity,
use or phone, bath, laundry tubs; 11. so
sleeping ruoim. Main 320. Mi N. 23d.
t t 2D ILUoR. 3 bice large, sunny, fully
furn. h. k. suite; gas. wood -('v'l- !'
eC. lights ana Waier liee; numm
134 Potter.
BEAUT I FULLY furnished front room,
lovelv kitchen, gas range, well heated,
laundrv, modern home; rent very rea-
sonahle. Ma in 1 3 1 L 2S3 N. 24th st.
Private entranve. no other roomers; to
adults only; $25 monthly; walking dls-
4 MI H. Oak.
LARGE front room with Kitchenette,
second floor, stove hent; everything new
nnd clean; lurnish wood; $2. per mo.
200 Sixth Ft. .
LARGE, newly furnished fiont room and
kitchenette, single housekeeping room,
bath, electric light, turnnuo heat. . 511
y . in! com- ry st. M n I n r.'lQ2
fTT (Kii furnished ll'uht and clean house
keeping looms, heat, electric, gas, water.
I. ,t Vlen couple. 1221 K. Yamhill. Phone
Tab. 4 ! 1 4 .
Fl'KMSHKD or unf urnisin-H, 2 nl e front
rooms. koo.I n'iK h hot hood, adults. Eat
119i;3. MiiO Fargci st.
TVO O'MI'oKTAHl.E rooms. Unlit and
rlenn. walking distance. $13 a month.
507 .Iississippiavenuc
KG K, clean room for h. 1.; heal. UcM
sud furnished. 519 Wash. St.. Ilat
II. 2-1 ihr.
N H'El.Y f ui nished bousok eping rooms
wi-h furnace heat, bath, light, gas and
ten P h o 1 ie. S 1 1 0 2 .
4 LARGE rooms. 2 1 -ooimt . iui m 1. n-
lnir room, ne;i t ly
f-.irniHif.l for house
Auto. IHI-33
-KooM ap..i tni'iu, nicely (mulshed, with
heat light and phone; 5MI Hoyt si.
Hrnadway ;in65. -
2 Oil 3-ROOM sll-;e Hons, keeping. .o-
cr iloor. Woodstock and Hrook.J tl
c.r.- l . -,M.
2 lUH'SEKEEI'IN'G rooms. -
nenr I'iedmont car bard.
a, II fui ni :h d.
Phone Wdln.
2 NICE SlIlKie liolisek
pil.K room.--, w Ith
1. 5"5 E. Main.
Ip.Ige closets, ciohO 111.
P ho n : a t6 11 3 .
CLEAN, tasty room. upp
flat. walkUig
1. 10H L IMh
distance, lor young on.
St I
, ii t,-i,..n .(. 'Pint: porh;
home oT reiined private family. -Dav.s
I-It"oi'iM h. k. apt., on :!il floor; furn
ihe.l suitable for working couple. 4U
Park. .
N EW LY tinted largo room and klidu n
! te desirable lor two adu 1 is; upstalia
ft (it 5 "5 292 ' 'lay St., near 5 th.
1.. ... ,.i O, '.!
foor. rnng.-. eieciric lights, sink;
a, hilts. 201 W. Park :'t . ,
K OUR Part '.y furnished liou,eke-ping
rooms, privato bath. 497 Columbia st.
Majn 2392.
ONE LA RGK housekeeping room, every
thing furnished, close in; employed
couple prel-Tiel.17 Vancouvera v. .
TWO- FUKNi.MlED lioiisek- - ping rooms
elect rie liglit. gas. b.ith and phone. -iM
East Pin -.
TWO FURNISHED light lnms.-keoplng
rooms for rent; couple without children.
LA l!GK single houekeedim f'om. .
Nob Hill; tree light, water, phone. O'.O
Hovt. .
2 ROOMS and sleeping porch; everything
furnished arid modem except heat. 3-i-Sa
n Rafael, iipii r f 11 i on. .
FOUR nicely furnished, c leu n house ke. p
Ing rooms. 105 Monroe st. I'limir Wood
I11 wn 022.
TWO '-KoOM iipts. tor li. k.. pai Hy fur
nished. 451 Vancouver ave.. 5 blocks
from Hronrltt nyti ''. .
FOUR eloin. nicely furnished housekeep
ing rooms, f'rst flo.'.r, walking l it niu e.
FOUR furnished rooms, lower floor, mod
ern. M Vancouver ave., between took
nnd Ejiigo.
FOll KENT 'J "WO KlilfeS of hollKi'keep'Ilg
rooms. bnth and ronr.l'iir water. $2.
n rd $-'0 suit". '"'
CLEAN. wii'Kle
L'ilh St.
hou.-i' ki 1 p.1.11 l oom.s. 1
fffu 10th st. N. Cletn front room, lnmse-
3 FI RNlVi ! ED housekeeping ro'iiirt. 55 E
22d . It e aaonahl t j;a t j
FOUR h k. rooms, par; Iv fui nished. in
nrlvnte farrllv: $.0. S0O Graml a e .
I I'GE front r"om nnd K)t n- netio. llilli
1-1J.J ' -' " 1 ' ' h A " " ' -:" ' ' '"' 7 '
1 1 , A R i E le:iti leoin lo- li. U.; heat,
lictit and tru furni-lied. r.t3 E M.iI;mhi.
1 LRGE clean housek. eping room, suit
ah!cfor '2. lf.017thst.N. '
H. K. f i.MS wn (King instance
Williams avc. i-.nst
Mrs. Wllrox.
I'UKN. h k. tuniM, pilvate halii. p: ival-:
famllv. Y.' E- T't:t st. N'.. o.r Davis.
HAVE 1 1 1. K. room 11. ar Kraukllii hlnU
425 E. Tth st. A'L:i:'!,njA'- .
4 FU UN ISH I'-D il iwn.-iairs h. k. room-,
garage, 3 i 5 E. Jill-i St..
SINGLE housekeeping loom; hot water,
furnace heat. 361 10th M.
FRONT room for respectable man; close
In. R3 W. Pnrk.
ENTIRE lower floor uel fui nished; c loce
In: garage. T.ibor 'X'.n m
NRT'- clean housekeeping 1 00 it if suitable)
for 2 or 3 adults. M I-:. 35th st.
CLEAN, lozy 2-ioutn 11. E.. apt., reu-on-t.
173 N. 21-L