THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 23, 1921 12 K E. L KSTAT E. tor ArreiMje. CHEAP ACREAGE, CLOSR IX. 1ft ncrf-s, on good road, close to Co lumbia highway. 6 miles east of Port la n d limit. All cultivated and good productive river bottom land; price t'V.O per acre, $1"U cash, balance In 10 equal seml-annuat payments, tf per eent. This Is diked land aad the diking charge is about ISO per acre In addition, with 18 years in which to pay. Close to electric and steam transportation, high and (rude schools. Klve acres, 10 miles south of Portland, by auto; mile from Oregon Electric station; 1 acre under cultivation: all can be cultivated, balance In wood ; good weil. young bearing fruit trees; 5 -room ceiled house, large barn, chicken house, wood ho iiie. Price $10U, ftluO cash, bal ance 15 per month. S ACRES BERRIES. 15 acre, Vi mile from electric station. Bear Woodburn, Oregon; all under cul tivation ; mile to school ; 6 acres loganberries, 2 acres strawberries: 4 room shingled bungalow, (rood barn, woodshed, etc. ; 1000 down, balance easy terms, 6 per cent. Ask for Air. Iavis. 0LT t.'.OO CASH. A acres, L'S miles from Corvallls: all under cultivation; good bearing orchard; Va mils to school; macadamized road: S-roe in house, barn, chicken houss for 600 chickens; price $31:00. J.'.OO cash, balance at $-5 per month, 6 per cent. AT HILLSBORO. OREGON. Nearly 7 acres, adloining limits of ITilii-boro: all under cultivation; a few young fruit trees; 3 -room house, ceiled and papered, woodshed, etc.; 1 500 cash, balance terms. 5 acres, 1H tnlles from Portland limits; all can be cultivated when cleared, near school; good soil; Alt. Scott car line; price f"75 cash. Inspected by Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerltnger Bldg. Over oOO small places near Portland. Oet our extensive claaslfleed lists. ft. 10 AND 20-ACRH TRACT9. 1'5 AN ACRE AND UP. 110 down and 5 per month buys a acre tract In this addition of 800 acres; down tha Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and truck; beautifully land, free from rock and gravel; some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with streams; fine location for c t i ckens, dairy, berries, Irui t and vegetables. CHARLES DELPEL, 018 Hallway Exchange Bldg. 5-3 OK AN ACHE at Maplewood station, with 0-room house, nil celled and pa pered with plaster board; small barn, chicken house, 0 fruit tree and berries. 3UU cash. H ncre with beautiful 5-room bunga low, fireplace, furnace, bullt-ins, 2 bed rooms and sleeping porch; fruit and berries ; small basement. $4500, With only S0O cash payment. HLKKHAKDT BUSINESS BUILDERS, 415 Piatt Bldg. Itealtors. Main 7027. 10 ACRES. 10 ACRES. A REAL BARGAIN. Ten acres, all in cultivation, Just off Newberg highway, IS miles out, best of oil and very sightly, 250 apple trees coming into bearing; 6 -room, good chicken houne, root' cellar; barn and come Implements. A real buy s.L S34MM); (iuoo to handle. See MR. MARTIN. COE A. MoKEXNA & CO., Realtlor. Kourth Ht. Main -,871. OHTOOX CITY. 7 acres extra choice, smooth, rich, nearly level land, adjoining; and over looking Oregon City. View of the falls, city of Portland in the distance. 6tt acres cleur, balance pretty grove and building site. City water; fenced. Take resilience or other property anywhere to I.vmh), Agents protected. 023 Henry m bldg. Broadway jjs.'.s. LOOK AHEAD. If you are wise, buy land near new proposed highway at only $30 an acre. vV hen highway Is completed will be worth much more. Get particulars at once. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. fl33 Northwestern Hank Bldg. FO I J R CITY ACitEfl. " " East 30th and East Harrison, hard surfaced streets and all improvements in and paid for; consider- small resi dence and. Incoma bearing property in a trade. WILLIAM P. MERRY. St'1-2 Title ft Trust Bldg. BASE LINH5 unin With 330 feet frontage, tract con taining over 4 acres for $21ft0; on good terms; only two left at this price, so act quickly. H. H. CONPRET, REALTOR, BITTER-LOWS & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade BMg. 17.1 DOWN and $1.1 per month will buy a beautiful country homeslte on Clear resk, 45 minutes' rid-e from city; beau tit u 1 trees, c reelc and good roads ; 3 acres; price fT.V). INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., J REALTORS, Bdwy. 47M. 410 Henry Bldg. ACI; KAUK II DM K KXOKI.LKNT VIEW. BIx acres highly Improved. 3 acres Tine orchard. line shrubbery. 5-room bungalow; garage; barn, chicken house. r our blks. hard -surf are; same to elec tric station; only 13 mln. to courthouse. r- H. y.. fin Couch Hid g. Main 5Q4. A REAL BARGAIN. " A nice, level acre, near Buckley ave. and Powell Valley road, for $300. good terms; this Is below market value and Will bo picked soon R. 11 CONFHKY, REALTOR, . HITTER-LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. lAJUANJtt HHT I.A.N1J. Land suitable for growing loganberries, $30 an acre. Why not buy a tract, plant It lo loganberries and make It worth $1000 an acre? Where can you do bet ter. See us at once. JOllNSON-HnnSON CO.. i ft 1 North w e st e rr H a n k 1 . I d . KINKS TRACT FO 1 ta CH ICR ENS. 2 acres near Benverton, all cleared, finest soil, fair shark, well; mile from Ht. Mary's school and station and mile from public school; Kood road, price HlOrt. TermM, $jr0 cash. $20 mo. UIKUPEMANW COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WATER POWKH About &(n horM power at low water. miles A". K. Vancouver, Wash., SVfc miles from Moulton station: 86 feet nat ural full In half mile; 2 sites; will sell separate or together: about 17 acre in cluded and nil free of Incumbrance H. Mr Ml' XX. Box ft3. Bend, Or. TKN-AORE SNAP. At Palatine Hill, very sightly and suitable for sub-d (vision; administrator clohing estate, offers this whole tract at uY00; terms. WILLIAM P. M ERR T. ? 01-2 Title ar Trust 1 . 1 d g. A. BUS, juicy acre, 4M. out Powell valley road, about 8 miles east of H2J street, only .1u cash, bal. $10 per month. Here's your chance: good m-'ehborhood. R. H I'ONFKEV, REALTOR. RITTER-LOWE & OO 20j-2-3-5 -7 Board of Tra do Bldg. K I V E - AC Ft E F X XV. " Near Hoffman road and Bertha, very sightly, fine soil. 4 acres pasture, city water, gas, electricity; $000 per acre: good terms. WILLIAM P. MERRY. 301-2 TitleAjrrusjd. AC It K. & blocks Multnomah, garden land, fine view and building site Bull Run water, (fa?, electricity and phone in street. Accept good Ford or small cash payment, balance monthly pay ments, and give first mortgage privilege If vou want to build. Owner. Aut. 1 H -fli. 2'i ACRES NEW HOUSE. A little gem of 4 rooms, faring the Parr road: rich. deep. rd shot soil Priced to sell quickly ut 12300. Jjuu cash Mid S. per month ir ar..n STRnNO Co., (tog CH A M. OF COM. HAWK I.I X r. ROAD. 4 acres. Meal location, close In, facing Base Line road; all clear. If sold by Nov. 1. will tnke ;U.-.0. Terms, $1030 cash, balance 7 per cent. Agent pro tected. 325 IlenibldBdwj-. 3H3S. BARNES HuAl) ACREAGE! 10 acres. 2 'i mll! courthouse. 0 acres In cultivation, excellent site for green house and floral gardens; electric care. Skvllne blv.t. Hull Run water. E. R S 31 a Cui.-h blr!. ' iuri I H HI Al KM, 72d tieiir division, all In cultivation and cheap To close an eetnte; good terms. WILLIAM P. MERRY, tm Tut- a. 111.1- 2, ACRE WOODED TRACf Fronts on Barr road, half-mile west of Barker road, best of soil, no gravel Price Jtl'Ht. :1 cash, $15 per month. Mn-riC & o . bt'tl hamper of Commerce. V HI I K lor mat of western Washington, how ing location, low prices and aaay terms ofTcr.'d to settlers. EVEHHA I'SKH 1 I M HER CO., Tuo-una. 'ash. 2 ACRES BARR ROAD. Can't be bet for soil and price; $1230. t down and $13 per month. yrHoxti co . o cham. of com. TWO ACRES clear, on good county road. half mile from Metiger atation; no ra minable price refused. 312 E. 2Sth st N.. l'ort land. 1 30 ACRES HURT JUNCTION. A dnndy piece, close to station; $W0, I'-VS down and $10 per month. STROM CO.. Wort CHAM. OF COM. FTR SALE 6 acres In city limits, east of Irvington Park add., on 42d st ; well located (or subdivision. Robert Rober ltW. K. St.. San IHegn. t'I. fo A fit KH with creek. 2 mil-s south of r,r.,hia. Owner, Tabor Tabor D2. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. BARGAIN INT "MALL IMPROVED FARMS. 10 ACRES EAGLE CREEK. 10 acres, all level, with 4 acres under cultivation; fine creek; black loam soil; wj!1 fenced; only 1 mile to electric car line; 4 -room new log hous", good well, some too la. Price $1800; fluOO caah. 13 ACRE3 EAGLE CREEK. 13 acres located only H mile from station, fine road ; 2 acres under plow; 200 strawberries, 1(H) mspberrles, J2 gooseberries; spring and well; 5-room house. Price only $18o6; $850 cash. NEARLY ACRES SIFTON. Nearly 6 acres, all level and un der cultivation ; 1 4 acres straw berries, full bearing; 6-room house; barn 20x30; the berries will pay for place In short time. Price only $juu0; $2300 cash. SM ACRES PARK PLACE. A fine tract of 6H acres located only Vi mile from Park Place near Oregon City; 4 acres under cul tivation; 1 fruit treea, 600 rasp berries, 500 strawberries, grapes, gravel road; 4 -room new house; barn Hxiitt; chicken blouse; some tools. Price only $2800; $1000 cash. ft ACRES XEWDERO. INCOME $1000 PER YEAR. S acres located on pared high way at Newberg; 26 bearing fruit trees, 1 acre loganberiea, besides all kinds of other berries; the fruit brings over $1000 per year; 7-room house, 3 other bldg., all kinds of small tools, Swiss Jersey cow, 60 hene. hay and grain, 2 years' sup- ftly of wood In shed; all furniture ncluded at only $7500; will con elder house and lot In Portland part pay. 1 ACRES BEAVERTON. On this 6 acres, which Is all un der plow and only H mile from station, there Is modern house of 7 rooms, plastered ; running city water, cltv gas, bath and toilet: barn 4SxlOO, chicken house for 800 hens, brooder house with stove, several small colony houses, all small tools. 1 cow. 30 chlckena; 8 acres In clover, about 4 tons hay In barn. Price $7100; $3700 cash; will 'consider exchange for Rosa City or Piedmont. P. U EDDY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-8-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 150 FEET FROM PAVEMENT. 6 lots, nearly H acre, about 4 blocks from station, near 82d t., 5-room house with gas and gas lights; 25 bearing fruit trees, lots of berries, workshop, etc. Offered at bargain on very easy terms. The grounds at this place are Fpecially attractive. Inspected by Hunter. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 2 acres on macadamized road, rnlla from electric atation; good level land, free from rock and gravel; city water, gas and electric lights can be had. About 200 cords of ff rit-growth fir wood. Price tlBOO, $300 cash, easy terms on balance. One acre on macadamized road, 2 miles from city limits of Portland; un dr cultivation, close to paved high way; attractive 5-room plastered bun galow, full cement basement, fireplace, white enamel plumbing, garage, water system, etc. Price $3200, easy terms. JOHN FEROTTSON. REALTOR. GERLlNtiER BLDG. OVER 600 SMALL PLACES NEAR PORTLAND. GET OUR EXTENSIVE CLASSIFIED ' LISTS. A REAL HOME AND AN INCOME. Over 7 acres all in cultivation and un der irrigation with water right paid up. S1 acres In strawberries. Will produce 100.000 young plants contracted for $3 per thousand. 400 black caps tipped will produce 1200 plants. 2 acres in potatoes, carrots, parsnips and other root crops. acre bearing fruit trees of all kinds. ' A double constructed bungalow of 6 rooms with large floored attic. Bam full of hay. Wood shed with 5 cords dry wood. Chicken house and other buildings. Included with place are horse, harness and wagon, good Jersey cow, all farm lmplermtntg and tools, 24 hens, all house hold furnlturo. Circumstances compel a quick deal and the whole goes for $3000. Will take a car to $300 and $1000 cash, terms on balance. Pictures at office. Get this quick. Mac INN EM EXCHANGE DEPT. RITTER, LOWE Ik CO. 201-2-8-3-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. Where Trades Are Made, Brtng In Yours. UN KKL'IT 54 CENTS THE DOZEN. "BUY TT1TS fudly eqirlpped poultry plant, furnished home, five cultivated acres, fruits and berries, near paved highway. 1000 S. C. W. L.s; some cash, some t bal. terms. SoUUers loan considered. MR. COLT, with T. O. BIRD. 52fl Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRES, half grubbed. balance good black bottom land, running creeK. on main highway, H mile from town. $1100, your, terms. 4 acres, all cultivated; nice orchard and berry patch; near paved highway; good five -room plastered house, barn, chicken house, woodshed; city gas. city wnter can be had. Forced sale, $3250; $800 cash. Hlll&hoio Land Realty Company, Eng land & Mollnr. Managers, llillsboro. Or. AN OPPORTUNITY. Land auttahle for all kinds of berries, fruit, vegetables, diversified farming, dairying, excellent transportation. 20 acres I M 30 acres 00 40 acres 1200 See us at once. JOHNSON -DOD30N CO.. 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 10 ACRES $1250 DOWN. 10 acres, all cultivated, good 4-room house, good barn, H mile from paved highway, 40 minutes from Portland; will rent 30 acres with this place for one-third crop and furnlah all equipment- Price 1300, $120 cash. LVEDOBMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MULTNOMAH. 2 fine acres of land, bearing fruit of all kind; highly Improved: garage, fine bung., hath, gas. city water, fireplace, h.w. floors; trlctly modern; owner leav ing. $ til tOO for quirk sale. NED BURKE. M.Knnma.h Sta. Main 1?03. IT'S FREE. Send for plat, with descriptions and prices, of Ritlow seres; they face Base Line and Barker roads, sold on easy terms; a postal will get It. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER-LOWE CO., , 201-2-3-r-7 Board of Trade BMg. 1 ACRE with new bungalow, located in beautiful Lyndhurat, just north of Mult nomah Million, on the Oregon Electric, ' only 12400. Owner Is leaving the city and willing to sell. For particulars call on Ben Rlealand. 404 Piatt bidg., 127 Park et.. or sea Mrs. Grant at the Mult nomah office. OWNER NEEDS MONEY, and has advised us to get offen on one acre facing Buckley ave. See us for exact location. , R. H. fONFRKY. REALTOR, 1 RITTER-LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 2H ACHES. S13O0. 23 miles from Portland, 3 -room house, barn and other outbuilding: 4 acres In cult., fruit and berries, creek, close to neighbors and school; ft casn. open Sundav frnra 12 to 2. 61-4 CH A M OF CO MMK RCE BLDG. $23 LOCATES YoV. 10 acres rod tillable land, easy clear ing. 1 mile from R. R. elation. 30 miles from Portland; price $U&0, terms $23 down, fio monthly. LITE DDE MANN COMPANY. H13 Chamber of Commerce. WANT MODERN PORTLAND HOME. A.ND LITTLE CASH for very best storked and equipped dairy farm. Priced rlcht with terms to suit you. For de tail particulars as to soil, stock equip ment and Improvements see Mr. Colt, with T. O. Rird, .V.; Cham. Com. WANT Hunt auto for acreage; 10 acres 6 miles north Vancouver, " mile pave ment. 1 ml!e to electric station; 3 acres In cultivation: all easily cleared, no rock. Price ''"".(H: easy trma. McClure A Schmau'-h Co.. Hun Railway Exchange b'dr. Main 0 U ACRES brow n, sandy loam. 400 feet from city limits of Vancouver, fenced, citv water, no buildings. 2 acres cul tivated, balance bruah. for sale or trade for Portland city property. No incum brances. AK !."?. Oregonian. CHOICE acreae, only 20 miie down the Columbia Men way. good sou, good roaus: anv size tracts: low prices: eay terms. Can handle ome trade. INTERSTATE LAND CO..-24.S Stark et. Main M2Q. 'X AC H ICS cioe to car line. 2 miles out; good community: will take good lot as r irst payment. t'rice i .-no. ia:n u ft ACRES. 4 acres full bearing orchard, houe. gas, water. A miles Portland. Price sroo. u 1 1 u. oreponlan , 1 ACHE bcautifu! building site. Will t tke diamond as uni pavmenu tic tiuuti, KEAL ESTATE. For Suie Acreage. VERY ATTRACTIVE BUYS IN ACREAGE HOMES. We are the oldest farm dealers In Portland and can give you just what you want in an acreage tract. - HIGHLY IMPROVED 10 ACRES. As home-like as you could find. Clean, neat and weil kept, 2 miles from good town, miles out, right on pavement and Jufit few rods good fishing stream. 10 a. all In cult., no rock; 6-ruom bun galow, wide, deep porch, hot and cold water, bath; nice barn, good outbuildings. Splendid chicken houses for 10o0 hens. Nice orchard and berries. ' Personal 250 bens, 5 stands bees. 2 corns, gaso line engine and wood saw, implements. Price $3000. Bus takes children to high school. EQUIPED 10 ACRES FOR $1200. Down the 'Columbia, 2H miles from Coble, on good rocked road. 10 a, all Eood land, no rock, 3 -room bouse, email arn, wood house, chicken house, spring. Put in cow, hog, chickens, lots tools and household goods, pries $1200. PROFITABLE 10 A. AT VADER. WASH. Personal 2o0 White Leghorn pullets, cow, heifer, horse, harness, wagon, mower, rake, cultivators, drag and buzz saw outfit, Buick delivery car In good shape, hay, kale, roots, etc. There are 10 acres, no better soil anywhere. Fair 6-room house, good barn, good poultry house, root house and numerous good outbuildings. 1 acres of filberts, m acres strawberries, bearing orchard ; 2 mi Is from town. Pries $4150. $2000 down, balance per cent. fi ACRES. 2 MILES CITY LIMITS. $2000. Located 2 miles east from city limits, right on electrta line; fi acres splendid soil, small shack. Bull Run water avail able, Pr.ce $2000, easy terms. 8 ACRES NEAR TUALATIN, $000. Faces on splendid road. . near Tualatin and electrio atation; S s, splendid soil, no rock. Soma nice fir and cedar. Price $600. 14 ACRES FOR BEST PRICB OFFERED THIS WEEK. Going to sell this week as must have money to use in my profession. 14 a., V mils electric station at Ea;l Creek; 6 acres in cultivation, lies fine, some nice timber and very, attractive fishing stream, small shack on property. Price $1200. Just half price for what adjoin ing property sold for In tha rough this summer. Make known your demands. We offer you the best assortment possible. We are the oldest farm dealers in Portland and know the country thoroughly. HARGROVE REALTY CO., Realtors 122 N. flth St,, near Gllsan. Bdwy. 4381. ON EAST BANK OF WIL LAMETTE RIVER. Over Vs acre, with a fine, sandy beach, shade trees and some fruit. In a.dibtrlct of high class homes. This -beautiful property will bo sold at the low price of $1300. CONCORD STATION On River Highway. 2 acres, lying between the hard-surfaced highway and the Willamette river. This is one of the finest pieces of property along the river front. Fine spring and some fruit in bearing. To see Is to buy. This property can be pur chased on easy terms and the pric Is only $4300. BEAVERTON HIGHWAY. 10 acres, with frontage on the highway, only 10 miles from Port land. A wonderful spot for a home. Grounds adaptable for tav ern or camp park. Can be bought on easy terras. Pries $4 TOO. JOHN E. HOWARD. REALTOR SIS Chamber of Commerce. 4 ACRES, 4-room plastered house, chick en houe, lots ol fruit. 1 cow; on 82 d st. nignway; $22O0. Terms, 1 H acres, all cultivation, lota of fruit. 8-room house, gas and water. 1 cow. 1 bog; close to car line, on &2d at. high way; $3000. Terms. 6 acres. aU cultivation. lots of fruit: ft-room house, newly painted and pa pered; barn, outbuildings; 14 mile from Portland; $2300. Term. B. H. STEWART. 4th St. CHOICE ACREAGE. NEAR PAVED HIGHWAY. MUST SEtLL, 20 ACRES very best berry or garden soil, on Macadam road, one mile from Portland-Forest Grove highway; take 1 lees than half value; very best terms, with little cash down. MR COLT with T. O. BIRD. 5 36 Chamber of Commerce. 80 ARKS Clark county. Wash.; fair buildings, lamwy orchard, good spring and creek; several tons hay In barn; acre spuds yet to dig; $1KHI worth oiling timber on place; 4 head cattle. 1 horse, eeveratl pigs and lot of chickens; all farm machinery and household furniture: everything goes lor $k50l, $44XM csh handles, balance easy. Owner sacrific ing for quick sale. See Mr. Linn, with Wm. A. Hughes Co.. 218 Railway Ex. bldg. Main filo2. . GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. For a few days only we are offering a nice tract of land facing on Base Line roal, all clear and In cultivation, for an extremely low price, as the owner wants quick action; water and gas available, the property Is close in. Call in person and get exact location and full particu lars. R. H CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER-LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-R-" Board of Trsde Bids. IT ACRES FOR $1250. . Located 30 miles from Portland, handy to R. R. station. 7 acres creek bottom land, balance fine bench land ; living stream crosses place; about 4 acres along creek cleared: rich black loam and silt soli. Price $1250; terms $250 cash, balance reasonable. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. SOMETHING remarkable, study this of fer; 20O acres. c'Tered lor Mww; wonder ful so-H: finest place for stock and dairy business or anything ele; iflnes-t grass, fine bottom land meadows. 40 or more been in cultivation, joins government re serve, unlimited pasture, house, stream. springs, close to town, bank, creamery.. etc. Some terms ir desired, c necK er, 133M; First st. FRUIT TREES FREE. For a limited time home builders who buy an acre or more in Plympton. a beautiful tract of land subdivided into acre tracts, and lying Just outside the city limits, will be given a large assort ment of fruit trees. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR, RITTER-LOWE CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A REAL CHICKEN RANCH. Close to city; fully equipped and pay ing $oH or more a month: all the. winter feed, 700 pullets, new chicken houses, good plastered house, with 3 ax res in cultivation. A SNAP FOR $6000. Terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK U McGUIRE. 203 Ablngton Bldg. Main lWt Thlrd st.. between Wwh. and Stack. 5 ACRES $000 DOWN. AU in cultivation, small howse. good barn, chicken house, well; right at store and station : on fine rock road. 1 mile from highway; 10 miles from Portland; price $2t0ft. Lt'EDDEMANN COMPANY. 813 Chamber of Commerce BMg. 20 A . NEAR Oregon City; $100 an acre. 2 H a., cleared, Oswego Lake; $850. Terms. 3 'a., l'gnt clearing. Scappoose; $500. Terms. 414 a., near Gresham, 4-r. house? $1300. McF ARLAND. Realtor. Falling Bldg. MONEY IN GOAT RAISLNG. 240 acres cutover land. Rear Skamo kaw a. Was.. $10 an acre, terms or trade: 13 acres bottom land for cows, balance Ideal for goat ranch: well wa tered; 325. IKK) feet timber, -plenty cedar for fencing: 4 tons ca.-w.ara bark. Owner, K.10 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 807. $10 DOWN, then $7. SO per month, com mencing Aug. 1. 1U22. g-ives you posses sion of 7S acres of fine land. Will grow anything when cleared, close to good town on Columbia highway. Big mills) going in, lots of work. Box AV M 5, Qregonlan. 3 ACRES $7K, Fine. level soil : open second growth. cloie to Ore-gon electric station.. 10 miles to courthouse; $23 gives possession. Whv pav ren? See owner. COO Concord bldg.. "nd and Stark sts. WM1 finance dwelling for ex-service men. UN-SERVICE MAN. We have some real buys in email and large farms where owners will take bonus loan for first payment W. M. Umbdenetock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1V."3. TILLAMOOK county cranberry land For Si amcuiars wr omm otyr, wivtuwu. reson. FOR SALE Half section of unimproved land in Hood River county. All or part. K E . Wren n. K. t. V. t. Aiun?. wr. CHOICE irrigated acreage suited to al falfa or othi r fruit. G. C. Howard. owner. Main him fi A"RES at Ore n co. Or, all cleared and fenced for $1000. Call Wood law a 6254, REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreuere. DO YOU want a beautiful 4-acre wooded tract just outside city? Alberta car; city water; dogwood, fir, cedar and ma ple trees. If you axe fond of a parklike place with dandy view, better let me show you this. $1200; $50 cash, $10 month, per cent. R. W. CARY. 121 N. W. Bank Bldg. Residence Main 1377. 8 ACRES. 40 acres of rich bottom land clearer!, 18 acres seeded, some timber, house, barn, 4 mile to station on electric line, on good main graveled road to Portland, cream route, mail route, telephone; this is the most beau -J taut, signtiy place oeiween uresumu and Estacada, and the best value for $11,000; $7000 cash, balance S years at 6 per cent. Sea H. F. Gibson, Barton, Oregon IN THE GRESHAM DISTRICT. .SO ACRES, si.vju. SMALL CASH PAYMENT. EASY TERMS. Will take a lot for first payment: 40c fare, 20 miles from Portland: fertlla soil, free from rock; In a nighly un proved farming district. Fred F. Hun tress, 120 Grand avenue, corner of East Alder. Kast mo. $200 CASH, bal. $20 per month, buys a beautfiul trsct of approx. tt acres; lovely view, good road, within 35 minutes drive of west side of Portland; nearly all in cult.; has water; a aplendid building site. Price for Quick sals $3000. N. I. Farna- worth. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bdwy. 4731. 410 Henry Bldg. 65 ACRES. IS acres cleared, balance easily cleared, some timber, T acres seeded, 4-room house, log barn, 200 choice fruit trees, small creek, spring and well. team aad implements. miles from Estaoada. In the Garfield settlement, 4 mile to school; this is a bargain at $2S00, $1500 cash, balance 8 years at 6 per cent. H. F. Gibson. Uarton. or. TVf SPK.f!IAL BARGAINS. 10 acres at Oregon Electric sta.; clear, level; fine vegetable and berry land, for $11,500; terms. Can't beat this; must ba sold by Nov. 1st, Also 7H acres, no better land; 8 acres clear, on good road ; 8-room house, large barn; some fruit, lots of grapes; only 2 ml. from S. P. railroad sta. J. H. RICH ARDS, 3( McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark sta. 1IUAORE RANCH. 6 miles from courthouse, 4-room house, g;ood barn and garage, young orchard, tilled ; spring. Ideal chjeken, btrry or small dairy ranch; well fenced; 6 acres clear some good timber; closing- estate reason for selling; was appraised at $i00. will sell for $0000, terms. 614 Railway Excn. niflg. A beautiful 14-acre tract. 10 acres of which are under cultivation. 2 acres of timber, good well and creek, small 2 room house, good slsed barn, small sheds; almost adjoining new. Masonic home; $liio cash, baTance to suit. Fred W. Herman tu.. neauors. ""- vu. SO ACRES Good soil, lies fine, easily cleared; on paved roaa out 01 Van couver; 80 rods from railway station, IS miles from center of Willamette river and Stark t., air line; price right. See owner, 831 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Marshall 20S2. AT ALOHA, Oregon, on HUlsboro highway. 4 -a ere tract of choice land, all fenced and in cultivation; house, barn, chicken house; small orchard, acre strawber ries, also raspberries, loganberiea and other small fruits. Price $3250; easy terms. Owner. Oeorge M. BeVf, Aloh a. Or. u. ACRES TO ACRES. $10 CASH. $10 month: Alberta car; city water; no gravel. Why buy ordinary lots fur ther out, pay heavy taxes and assess ments? Rl W. CARY, 121U N. W. Bank bldg. For Sale Farms. 30 ACRES $3500. All tillable: about acres In cul tivation, 9 acres in seeded pasture and the balance In timber; wa tered by good well, spring and creek; good 5-room bungalow ; good Lowden type barn 30x40, and all necessary outbuildings: large family assorted orchard; 8 miles from good small town on Pacific highway; the buildings are well worth the price asked for the place; $1500 cash to handle, bal ance to suit purchaser at G(c. 60 ACRES $4300. 30 acres In cultivation, about 15 acres of big second-growth tim ber, balance in pasture; all fenced and cross-fenced; good running water, spring water piped to house ; 5-room house, good large barn 52x30, and all necessary out buildings; 1 acre In assorted fam ily orchard In good condition, berries for family use, and grapes. Located in fertile farming dis trict, 8 miles from good town; half cash, balance to suit pur chaser at 6 per cent. See ALBERT MILLER, With PERCIVAL A WATTS. Realtors, 108 West Sixth St. Phone 236. VANCOUVER, WASH. FOR A CITY MAN. . We have for sale or exchange one of the finest 320-acro dairy ana stoca ranches in Clarke county, Washington. Tha hnilHine-H on this ranch would be a credit to-Portland Heights; 320 acres of good land, a large portion in cultivation, balance in wonderful pasture. The own er of this ranch Is a breeder of high grade Guernsey cattle and his stock has taken highest prizes at all of the stock shows. We are authorized to offer this ranch for exchange for Portland income property or a hotel located in Oregon or Washington. Owner will adjust his price to the property submitted. This ranch located a short auto trip from Portland on paved roads. If you are looking for a money-making ranch and a delightful home do not fall to answer this add. Call st our office and we will show you pictures and lull details, HARRY BECKWITH. REALTOR. 104 5th St. Main 6869. 5 YEARS WITHOUT INTEREST. 98 acres, first-class soil, 75 acres under plow, within 30 miles or r-ortiana on ins wnf side hisrhwav. near electrio station: buildings and equipment worth over SOUtM. Electric Ugni, amr b;ldiii. bii modern conveniences. To a good farmer able to handle this, owner will accept a flmall payment In cash or Portland prop erty and take half the crop for five years Wltnout interest anu si me tuu wi this time accept a mortgage for tha bal anre at 6 per cent. This Is an exceptional place, excep tional terms and the price is right. The first man who sees It will buy it. In ad dition If buyer wants more land we will lease you adjoining 100 acres. HARRY BBCKWITH. REALTOR. 104 5th St. Main 6800. 600-ACRE GOING RANCH In Lincoln county, 1H miles of railroad station ; 150 in grass, 45 under plow, balance timber, grazing and plenty of good water; fine large dwelling and out buildings: fall equipment; cows, horses, sheep, chickens, wagons, implements, and in good running order. For sale only because of physical disability. Price $miuu with $JU(K) cash, balance easy terms. Inquire AF 200, Qregonlan. $T0OO GIVES you possession of a moder ately priced farm of 131 acres, black loam soil, in a beautiful valley below Grants Pass, in Josephine county. Or. A good house, barn and sheds. 10 acres government stock range; near military road, school and railroad. Will trade for Douglas or Lane county improved. SEE J. W. GREENE. 501-2 Couch Bldg. FARM BARGAIN. 40 acres, 34 a. In cultivation. 4 a. S-yr.-old orchard, good soil, live stream, near barn ; 7-room house, barn, (10x70, some machinery, lj ml. to school, church and grange hall. Ideal location, on 2 gravel roads, near good town, 30 miles from Portland: $5000, terms. L. O . G E R BER, 714 S wetland bldg. llW-ACRE farm in Lincoln county, Ore gron; mils from railroad station, general store and school; 15 to 20 acres cleared, ready for cultivation ; balance timber and pasture; 3-room house, barn and family orchard. Price $3200; terms $1500 ca.h. balance 3 yewrs. See Herrell. 4S2 Plttock block. Bdwy. lftlft. WANT MODERN PORTLAND HOME. AND LITTLE OASH for very best stocked and equipped dairy farm. Priced right with terms to suit you. For de tail particulars as to soil, stock equip ment and improvements see Mr. Colt, with T. O. Bird. r20 Cham. Com. 23 ACRES WEST SIDE. VI MILES OUT. 13 cleared, orchard, some timber, rocked road; 5-room house, fireplace, oak floors, barn, good well; best soil; level; $5000. terms. J. C. CORBIN CO., 30S-ft-7 Lewis Bldg. 10 ACRES at TIeardvllIe. 8 a. cleared in fruit, berries, bal. timber, 5-room house, barn; hennery for 500 hens; sisj-htly view, extra soil : $3404. terms. McFsrland. realtor. Failing bldg. FARM FOR SALE: 170 acres in Willam ette valley: SO acres in fall grain, also seeded with clover, large house and barn, good fencing, small payment down, balance easy terms. Call Columbia 34. :;;t0 DO WN, lloO yearly. 43 acres; ood Improvement. lxi, 1154 . baimoa su REAL ESTATE. ForaJe NO. 1. Mr. Homeseeker. here's your chance to get a goo" farm at right price. A iandy 73-acre tract. 58 acres in high state of cultivation. baL brush and tim ber; only 1 mile from town, on 0d graveled road, well fenced, no build ings. This is a beautiful tract and Al soil. Price $100 pr acre or will sea part at same jrice, cash. NO. 2. 60 acres for $3000; 15 acres In cultiva tion, 3 acres more can be cleared for $75; 10 acres fine river bottom land; does not overflow; one of ths best tracts in this vaMey for fruit; 1 mlies " town, on good graveled road, s cash, bal. 5 years, ft per cent. no: 8. A well-Improved 40 acres. acres in cultivation. 4 acres srood timber, running water, all fenced and cross-fenced, good plastered house, barn, sheds and chicken houses, small orchard; located IV miles from town on cream route. This la a money-maker. Pries $6500, $3000 cash, bal. 5 years. 6 per cent- . Let ms know what you want. I have farms from 8 acres to 400 acres. NO. 4. A dandy 18-acre tract, all In cultiva tion, with an 8-room house and small barn; 40 rod from Donald depot; will ell or trade for income property in any good city or town: also 1 acre and 5 room house In Donald for $1000. good terms. NO. a A good 6-acra tract. 23 miles from Pnrtland Aim ft from O E. R. R. Sta tion, 4 acres In cultivation; half acre beaverdam, balance pasture ; 30 large fruit treea. apples, cherries, pears, straw berries, quinces, logan and raspberries for family use; -room nouse, new ru, root house and chicken house; 1 cow. 60 chickens, some wood, tools. There is a deeded wster right to water, from a spring tht goes with tract. This home Is oh a good graveled road, 1 mils from town and only V mile to school. Price $3000 cash, if taken in next 80 days. Let me know what you want. 1 have farms from 8 to 400 acres at right prioes. J. L. GROFF. Donald. Or. Phone Aurora 5412. tkl ACRES, 40 under cultivation, balance easily cleared; Jl acres seeded to clover, 9 seeded to oats; place all fenced and cross-fenced; has two sets good build ings, well watered, small creek runs ' through place; family orchard, some berries, enough timber for fuel; tele phone ; on country road, 7 miles from Estacada, the railroad town. Well stocked, and good implements and tools go with plaoa. Price $7 WW, part cash, balance easy terms at 6 to suit, or will trade for small place In or near Portland, with some- cash. 61 acres, 50 under high state of cul tivation, 10 acres first-clans hops, mod ern 6-room bungalow, fine water sys tem, new $1500 hophousa and dryer, good barn, runnlna water In pasture ; on gravel road, 3 miles to Newberg; no better land In Oregon. Price $14,000. Will take home in Portland to $5000. This placa should pay for itself In 8 er"A. W. LAMBERT A SON. 120 GRAND AVE. EAST R40 . 15 ACRES. 250 CORDS OF WOOD. ONE MILE FROM OREGON CITY. All jrood level land, with H acra In cultivation, about 250 cords of wood, in good location on good road; cultivated land around this place selling for $300 per acre. Fries $22u0, terms. A. C. HOWLAND. 620 Main St., Oregon City, Or. 601 Swetland Bldg., Portland. Or. 43 ACRES BARNES ROAD $2lX PER ACRE. This 43 acres la located only 7 miles from center of Portland, mile from Cedar Mills, on macadamised Barnes road; buildings consisting of 4-room house, barn 20x24 and chicken house are all new; fine drilled well with pump; place well fenced with woven wire; price only $8000. $2000 cash, or will consider house in Portland for part. F. L. EDDY, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FARM BARGAINS. 65 teres, 40 in cult., several springs, near Canby; 4-raom house, barn, near school. Personal; 3 horses, 2 cows, I calf, plow, wagon and other tools; a pickup at $3500. Easy terms arranged. 135 acres. 8 ml. from La Center, Wash., and Pacific highway. In cult., nil good land, 8-room house, barn 52x64, school across county road; good road t place. Price only $S5 per acre; easy terms, or might consider Portland property as first pavment. See N. I. Farnsworth, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS, Bdwv. 4751. 410 Henrv Bldg. BIG BARGAIN IN WHEAT FARM. 1120 acres in Walla Walla county; 1000 in cultivation, 500 summer fallow (not a weed on It); all lies good; yields 20 to 35 bushels to acre every year: good buildings, well and gas engine. Will in clude 18 head work stock, 7 wagons, headers, drills, discs, plows, thresher, combine, tractor, cook wagon equipped, cow and chickens, kitchen range, dishes and furniture, hay and seed, seed wheat; everything for $30 an acre. Wants two thirds cash, but this is greatest snap ws ever offered; no trade. Lt'EDDEMANN (XMPANY, f)13 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HERE IS A BARGAIN, MR. FARMER. Tn Washington county, 80 acres of rich shot loam, good 7-room bungalow, barn and outbuildings, chicken and root house. With the place go 1 cow, 1 horse. 20 chickens, plows, cultivators. wapon, buggy, hay in the barn, all for $3500. I have many other farms from $50 to $150 an acre. J. B. HOLBROOK. REALTOR. 214-215 Panama Bldjr 100 ACRES with beautiful view overlook ing the Clackamas river. 50 In cultiva tion. 15 easily cleared, balance timber, good buildings Including silo and air pressure water system: land lays level, on rocked road, 4W miles east of Clack amas, Or. With or without complete farm equipment, horses, chickens, regis tered Guernsys and Durocs, 2 incubators and brooder; family orchard and small berries, ."000 will handle, balance easy terms. Owner, h.d Chapman, room 10, lobby Cham, of Com, bldg. 40-ACRE farm for only $2000: 32 miles from Portland: large barn 40x40. poul try houss 16x30, 1-room house 16x28. 4 cows, 3 heifers, 8 hogs, 150 pounds each. ISO chickens, 1 horse, wagon, bugfey. 2 sets of harness, IS tons of hay, Vaughn drag saw, 8 acres In cultivation. 1 mile to town and high school, good road, good place for dairy; a good spring and running water; plenty of timber for cord or rick wood; practically level; $1544 cash. Henry Roman, Yacolt. Wash.. Box 21. : 38-ACRE BARGAIN. All cultivated, about 2 acres orchard. 9-room house, hot and cold water, other outbuildings witn water pipea to tnem; ad loins aood town on hie h way. only 7 miles from Portland; close to high and grade schools. This is nne son ana t dandy buy for $16,000. Will include per sonal property at about half what it Is worth. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 'SALE OR TRADE." 40 Acres choice land. 30 acres In cultl vation, 10 acres old stump pasture, 15 acres fall grain; 8-room house, bam and outbuildings: 2 mares. 10 cows, 1 bull, 4 heifers, 40 chickens, tools, machinery of all kinds; near high school and ry. sta., 21 miles Portland; $11,000; will take house $0000, little money, bal. mortgage U. M. GATE WOOD ft CO.. 105 4th St. ivirLL-iMPHOVED jatnek f-irm H00 acres. fully equipped, in central Oregon; stock range. building equipment and, land enough for two families; 440-acre home steads adjoining : will accent Improved acreage near Portland or If you have $;;ox cash will allow you to take a gov ernment loan and take second mtg. for bal. on easy terms. liSoVa Aioina ave, ajt. 2. 1'oruana. ur. FOR SALE 55 acres of land, 22 acres in CUlllauou, uc mm c imiiui iiiuuri , gu acres loganberries and family or- tf mile to school, 1 mile to R. R. sta tion. Price, including stock and hay, tiif Uort Mih term nn hilanfi NT r agents. S. E. La Tourette, owner t a no, i ; FOR SALE or trade, 18 acres, 2 miles from center of Oregon City, all culti vated, on paved road; 7 rooms plastered Tiouse. chicken house, barn and wood shed ; every kind of fruit, good well, cows, calves and chickens: value $8500; ' $1500 cash, or trade for stock ranch or building lots. Owner, E. Martinot, Route , Oregon nty. SHASTA COUNTY, Cal., 80 acres. 9 miles city, farmed. Irrigated, old bides., large figs, olives, etc., wood, gold mining, good Ford. team, cow, plgt, hens, tools, etc.; price $2500. 80 a. on river: big game, fishing: price $8 acre; stock dairy, gar den and fruit ranches; all prices. Pet tay. 1103 Fine street. Redding, Cal. 20-ACRE Hood River orchard borne, 14 acres In bearing fruit, apples, pears and cherries, balance pasture and timber. Good buildings, close to church, school, R R. and postoff ice. Splendid Income. Sell at bargain on account of sickness. Clara Baker, Hood River, Or., R. 4, box aw CLOSE-IN FARMS. 73 acres, extra choice fancy fat land, 14 miles Portland, at ry- sts.; paved roads- being run as dairy; $16,000. terms, or will sell 2 25 or 30 acres; $200 per acre, and make terma If Interested call and see us. R. K. GATE WOOD CO.. 165 4th St K EAL ESTATE; For Sale I'urmi. BIG FARM BARGAIN. 104 acres, 6 miles trotn Silvertnn, Ore gon, on good road: 40 acres under cul tivation, 1O0 acres can be farmed when cleared; water piped to butidlncs: Kood bearing -orchard; 7-room house with basement, barn 40x55: large chicken houss. capacity 800 chickens: other buildings; 25 acres In fir timber: all rural conveniences; one mils to school; Included with place: 5 cows, 16 sheep, 8 brood sows, very complete line of ma chinery and crops; price for everything $9000. $5000 cash; consider small acre age within 25 miles of Portland up to $4000 or $5000, easy terms on balance. " ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 44 acres. SO miles southwest of Port land, right at red electrio station; all under cultivation; good loam soil; fins bottom land, bearing orchard, 6-room house. S chicken houses. 2 barns, etc.; included with place: one team. 2 cows, togs, chickens, harness, wagon, mower, disc, harrow, plow, cultivator, tools. 14 tons hay, 200 bushels oats. 100 bushels wheat, eto. Price for everything, $U.50jl small cash payment. Consider small houss In or near Portland, with 2 or more lots or acre and house up to $2000. This ranch Is offered at real bargain. Over 21 acres. 23 miles southeast of Portland. mile to school and church; 17 acres under cultivation, all can bs farmed; spring; attractive 5-room bun galow, good barn. Karaite, chicken house. bearing orchard. Included with place z cows, a ne iters, 1 bull, l team, s nogs, 100 chickens. 2 wajtons. 2 tilowa har row, mower, rake, cultivator. 2 sets narnesa, (jnevroiet touring car. toois. 15 ricks of wood, 200 bushels cats, 18 tons hay. 5 tons straw, loo sacks of po tatoes, vegetables, furniture, etc. Price for everything. $5000, $2200 cash. Per sonally inspected. BMALiL FARM BARGAIN. CONSIDER HOME. 14 acres, 10 miles from Portland, on macadamised road : 35 feet from Dave ment ; 10 scree under cultivation, bal ance rirst-growtn timber; so young Gear ing fruit trees; best of loam soil; smnll house, barn, chicken house: some toola Price $4500, clear. In Sunny side dis trict. Consider home In Portland. Rich mond, Waverly or Hawthorns district for tun amount. A very tavorabiy lo cated piece of land. JOHN FEROUSON. Oerllnger Bldg. Largest farm dealer on Pacific coast. Over 300 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. PTQET SOUND DAIRY AND BERRY FARM FOR SALE OR EXUnAMiE. Well-Improved dairy and berry farm and summer resort property with one half mils of bathing beach. There are 275 acres, all cleared, ' fenced and cross fenced. In a high state of cultivation with modern, well-constructed build ings. A property with unusual posst bllftlea: also 4250 acres adjoining, well -tutted for oolonlsins: will Sell all or part on proper terms or exchange for eoultv In imnroved city property in Portland, Spokane or Seattle. Address owner, bUO Leary bldg, beaiue. 474 ACRES, good land, about 4 acres cleared, small new box nouse, otner buildings, chicken wire fencing, on good county road, telephone line, plenty tim ber for wood, some rood poles and piling best water, can pipe spring water 150 feet Into house, about 25 fine bearing apple trees, berries, small creek; less than a mile irom facino nignway, i v miles from Columbia river steamer land ing, railway station, churches, stores, schools. There Is now a mortgage of $1000 on this, can run, will accept good automobile for equity in full, good Ford sedan preferred, with all extras and nearly new. Might consider other good lirht sedan or what you may offer. No Junk considered, as this property Is worm arounu ijuuu. writs anu i wm arrange to show you this. Lawrence Perry, Keiao. wain. WILLAMETTE RIVER BOTTOM LAND. 100 ACRES $11,000. This farm of 100 acres Is located only ml es southwest of Newberg; gooo road, finest Willamette river bottom land, about 70 acres under cultivation; fr-roorn house, barn 50x00, old orchard. ranch practically loins the lamous Kai hop yard s. On account of wanting to close estate the price has been cut to only sii.uuu, s..ium casn. F. L. EDDY, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RICH FARMER-BAN K ER NEAR PORT uvn owns several tracts of Improved and unimproved lands near Portland and on highway He will divide to suit and sell not alone under market value of adjacent land, but will accept soldier's bonus loans ana neip unance men wiwi proper references A real opportunity, See us at once. O..H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY, 9 40S-11 Couch Bld,g. P. S. W'e have some choice farms to trade for city property, we are ion on trades. FARM BARGAIN. 130 acres, 75 in cultivation, balance timber and open pasture, fenced and cross-fenced, well watered with springs and creeks, good 6-room bungalow, large barn ana otner outouiininns. wuier (ji' in hmiw nrt barn, located 30 miles out. good auto road all the way, for quick .ute. tlito will be uriced far below value. on easy terms. If in market for a good rarm it wm pay you i ineatiiiio un., might take In some trade., Tallmadge Realty t -o. "11' nrnry diuk. 100 ACRES. Will sell or exchange 100 acres very best, smooth, well-drained land, close to Portland. 75 acres cultivated, 10 acres pasture, 15 acres good timber; no waste land. Beautiful view In every direction. High class district, on main road, now hemsr navea. liimuinKi. koou hhut ay a- tern, spring, fruit. Terms or part tradi In any part V. S. Agents protected. Ad rirf! 525 Henrv bldg. Bdwy. 5S5S. "SALE OR TRADE." 35 seres choice level land; 33 acres In cultivation, 2 acres pasture, family or chard, 4-room house, barn, 65xOS, out buildings, machinery and toola; 3 horses. 7 cows. 6 hogs, 2 doi. chickens: IS miles Portland, good roads: $i500, house $4500, $2000 cash or mortgage. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., InT.tfe 4th St. 20 ACRES RREDVILLE DISTRICT. AH cleared; floe modern house, barn and' other buildings, fine soil; located tiO rods from paved highway. 40 minutes from Portland; can have city water, gas and electricity. A fine buy for $7500; $3000 cash, balance long time. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 22 ACRES Yaqulna river; 6-room house, barn, hay, wood; 2 wells, spring piped to house; 2 acres loganberries, some strawberries, family orchard: 6 miles county seat, mile R. R. station; 50 chickens, 1 horse, 1 cow. 2 heifers, fur niture; Vfc mile school; fall and winter truck crops. $3000 takes it all. W. A. Card well. Elk City. Or. FOR SALE or rent, farm In Lane county. 720 acres, about half In cultivation: 20 minute from Eugene, on the Lorraine highway, good houai and water system. Party must have good references and be responsibl-e. GEORGE PIRIE. Telephone Automatic 227-52 or Main 775. 22-ACRE chicken ranch, 3 miles from Donald station. Oregon Electric; 15 acres cultivated. 5-room house, fine barn. 10 chicken houses, horses, 1 cow, 1 team, 75 chickens. 1 acre potatoes, farm tools. $5150. 'nay terms or part trade. Jones. 24S fe.rk. Main 5420. 16 ACRES berry ranch. Joins city limits of Hubbard on fine road, 2 blocks off Pacific highway; 7-room house, mod ern barn, garage, 5 acres strawberries, 8 acres loganberries, fine mineral spring on place. $6wK; easy terms or part trade. Joneg. 248 Stark st. Main 5420. 1 " uool BARGAIN. 80 acres near Movler; 10 acres In or chard. 35 under cultivation, 3."i timber and pasture; 4-room house and good barn, small outside bulldin, 2H m. from Columbia highway. Price $0500. AP 148, Qregonlan. 80 ACRES deep soil, unimproved, ea?y cleared. 15 acres nearly ready for plow, fin creek. Join ins; ranch been worked for 25 years, tine outrange, west Mc Mlnnvllle: $000 cash in full buys this. 3 1 1 1 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE at a sacrifice If quick sale is made; 10-acre poultry ranch at Grants Pass, Oregon ; fully equipped for 1000 layers. Reasonable terms. For Infor mation address M. P. L'pson, 711 Mult nomah tt.. Portland. 110-ACRE dairy ranch, lower Columbia river district: excellent stock. fuli quipped: splendid bargain: terms. K. L. Yoke. 1136 N. W. Bank bldg., Portland, Oregon. ALFALFA ranch, located in the famous ' Grandvlew valley in southern Idaho. Owner must eell, willing to sacrifice. Place will cut 800 tons. R. J. Cherry, 101 East slst st. N., 1'ertland. Or. CHICKEN. F R L" I T. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre; easy terms: best soil, farms for sale, ail sixes. McFarland. realtor. 28 Falling bldg. FuK SALE 45-acre farm; good buildings, good bottom soil. U mile to paved high way mile to electric depot. 517 Wy- gant st. Wood lawn 7' WILLAM1NA farms, level, cleared, fenced, 6H ac . good 3-rm. house, $1450; 5 sc., fair 3-rm. house. $1200; 5 sc.. no bldgs, $ 1 u00 : terms J R Sharp. $? Uj 3d it. WILL finance right party and sell on easy terms 40 acres rich land, near Portland; good road ; school ; no cash required. Ow n e r. AF i:4. oregontan YAKIMA valley diversified 60-acre farm, close to school and county teat, govern ment paid-up water right. Owner, Au tomatic 638-78. RFL FSTATE 80 ACRES. 20 acres In cultivation. 1500 cords of first arowth timber, spring, creek, loO bearing fruit trees, house, new barn, 2x30; ga rage, team, chickens, plow, har ruw. cultivators, wagon 2 gasoline engines hay In barn; $5000. 81 ACRES. 20 acres In cultivation, 20 acres timber, spring rammed to houss and barn, family orchard, 6-room house, with water system, barn, large douhle hoghouss znachlua abed, garage; $0oo0. 80 ACRES. 83 In cultivation, timber for wood, family orchard, houw, bam, machine sited; $5hX. You can get terms on these farms. ms for Glaok&mas county farms. A. C. HOJVLAND. 620 Main street, Oregon City. 601 wetland bldg.. Portland, Or. 20 ACRES. $8800; only $2HV cash, balance terms to suit purchaser; O acres In cultivation, 1 acre prunes, H acre peaches, 5 acres slashed, V acres slashed and seeded, mak ing gsod pasture; good pring wa ter piped to buildings; tl-ronm plastered house, basement, wood house, barn, chicken houss and hog house; would trade for sub urban place; this Is on a good road, half mils from school. 40 seres, 30 acres In cultivation, good buildings, orchard, fine wa ter, on good road, mile from school; price $5250; only $3000 cash, balanos terms. We have bargains, fore buying. Ses us bs- ATKINSON 705 Main St. t PORTER, Vancouver, Wash. WE ARE authorised to sell this farm at a sacrifice, 718 acres, 600 acres good farm land, al most level, 6H cultivated, ths balance seeded to asture, ex cept about 20 acres timber. Good set farm buildings, 7-room house, large barn and outbuild ings, living water for stock; place all fenced; located between Salem and Dallas, lto miles from new paved road. This Is an estate and must bs sold. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Will take $00 per aero if sold at once. $ 15,000 cash; balance terms. See ELROD A DRYER, 2S3 Stark St. , Broadway 1168. INDEPENDENCE. OREK)N. THE HOP rWNTKk OB THK WORLD. We have 4 fine money-makers In hop yards for sale right; good terras on all: good yards, good trellis, fine stand of hops, good houses and equipment; one vard has 50 acres of hops, another ha 3S acres In hops, another tH acres in Mops and one of 14 acres hops; all but one o fthese have terms contracts, from 8 to 4 years; at a price ranlng from 25 cents to 43 cents per pound ; some yards this vear cleared as high as 47t per acre. We also have some fine stock farms cheap and on good terms. Call on or address the Independence Realty Co. Beaver Hotel building. Independence, Oretrnn 42 ACRES, 8 acres cleared all can bo cul tivated; about 10 acres very fine sph swale bottom, 2-room house, nice barn, all fenced, running water: on main hlirhwav. 4 miles from HUIsboro. Price $35(10; $1500 cash. 42ii acres, all In cultivation; good 6 room house, fine large barn, tile silo, garage, 8 acres clover, 10 acres plowed for fall seeding, one acre orchard, one acre prunes. This Is a very fine piece of land, well drained, on main county road 16 miles from Portland. Price $sooo. $:ino(t cash. HILLSBORO LAND & FEALTY CO., England A Mel Jar. Managers. HUIsboro, Oregon. 40 MEN WANTED. To buy from 10 to 40 acres each. 2 miles off Columbia river highway, 2 hours' ride from Portland. Good hard road to land ; close to school ; oil well watered; best of soil, no rock, no waste; some cleared land and buildings. Adapted to any kind of crop raised In the valley; fruit, berries, potatoes, garden truck, poultry, hogs or stock. Positively the best proposition offered today to men of limited means, who wish a permanent home and to reap the benefits of Im proving lands and the advance In price sure to come. Price $20 to $40 per acre. Small payments down, balance long time. Jnhn A. Meiwner. K22 Gasco bide. COM E to sunny Idaho. In the famous Snake river valley, where the sun shines 3i4 dys in 'the year and crop failures are unknown. Farm of 110 seres. JI5 acres alfalfa and clover. 30 In wheat and sputl, 10 acres In Brtlett pears, also home orchard mixed fruit, balance pasture land; good buildings: well located; soil will produce BO bu. whent, 300 sucks spuds. S tons hay per acre : splendid fruit country ; price $1 50 per acre, one-fourth cash, or will trade for restaurant, apartment house, hotel or suburban home. Owner physically un able to farm. C. G. Hall, route 1. Parma, Idaho. HERE. FOLKS. IS A GOOD LITTLE FARM NEAR THE STREET CAR LINE FOIl $2S."0. Good famllv orchard in bearing. 8 long rows of grapes, lots of strawberries, lo ganberries, red anil black raspberries, gooseberries, currnntu and lots of them; 4-room houee. Karage, poultry houses. 250 chickens; near stores. whuroh, school and hlghwav: about half cash will han dle It. Consists of 4i acres, 16 miles from Portland. STEWART JOHNSON, 31.". North wi'Mern Hunk Ttldff. 32 ACRES, with 22 In cult., more not hard to cleur; 4-room .lust common box house, hut warm and comfortable; good frame barn, woodhouwe, hosr house, henhouse, fruit, fine well and also living wator, Mmb"! for wood; on a Brood road. 1 mile of town of Mullno, store, flour mill, larire saw mill, railroad and shipping point, fl miles rtnocrnn rlrv in n H-nori location: (trav eled roans to town; price $4500. $2iK0 down. bal. at '.: possnion oi om-r. . P. ElMntt & Son, 7th and Main MUt.. Ore- gon City, t'r. YAMHILL COT'NTY FARM, 114 ALtU'.a 4 miles of town: III acre In cultiva tion. 5 acres timber, 2 acres orchard, mil fruits and berries; 5-room house. barn and nuthuIWInirs. spring water piped to house: lncinuing ,i- ions team wagon, hamem. 2 cows. 1 heifer, 1 sow chickens, mower, rnke bucirv. small farm tools: price onlv 1 30Of i!h. balance terms at 6 per cent. . r. Kidder. Cariton. r. 41) cr:EH, rnlMng elevation, 0 miles from Wlllaminn. W from Portland; open ran if e on all sides: 2:: acres in cult.: barn 4ix 60 other outMdns.. fair hous box: -i'. h. cattle. 8 horees, 3 hoiw. Ml chickens, Aimo. all kinds farm tool. good orclmnl on place; will take $40 cash or will consider a trade In part : slcknens rni:p or in is uiiusumi unci, w 174. Oregon is n VI'ST BE SOLD. 212 ncret. l'0 acres, creek bottom land" all In cultivation, bal. open pasture some timber. Lance creek. Several springs, old buildings; 4-acre home stead adjoining enn be tnken : half In terest in farm tools; 0 miles from F'-ln. $4rt per acre. Mr. Mlllershlp, 105 4th M T?l?&r. TTAIiVf nAIiGAIW 73 acres. 70 a. In cultivation. A-l soil, level woven wire fence, 12 a. O-yr.-old prune orchard. 2 live springs, new 11 room hoUHc; new large barn: '4 ml. to good town, on main market ran. 2S ml from Portland; a snap at $12,500, L. O. r.KRBKR. 714 Fweflnnd bldg. fo m'j:ks near s t r e t car and PWrJD ROAD. 14 MILKS OFT. Good 8-room house, barn to accom modate 5 hend of stock, chicken house. B acres In fall grain; prie is $3300; might t han tie for houe In north or northeast pnrt of city. STEWART ft JOHNSON, riir. Vortliwesfern Tnk Hid? ACHES 131 PER ACRE. 3S "miles from Portland; 6-room house, barns, orchard. 50 acres In cultivation; all fenced; water piped tn houe and barn; this la soma snap; $1500 canh, bal ance 10 vears, 4 per cent Interest, ance w TtFNDY. 61 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. " ONLY $7 AN ACRE For 1000 acres In Yamhill county; 150 acres seed d to p:iRture: will miike a fins stock form; has 3 houses, 3 barns, running water; close to school; half cash, balance easy terms. A real bar gain. Callroom401DekuTnbldg. FARM of m acres; 24 acrrs under cultiva tion. Including 7 acres of commercial or chard, mostlv Hartk'tt pears; located on paved highway. 27 miles from Portland, caah rent tW0 per year. H. E. .VOHIK LumbHrmena Bldg. FOR QUU'K ,ale. owner offers lflft arrps .,v.,. anA farmlni land In Younir val ley Klamath county, near Btrahorn rail road, at 12 an acre: will r HW prospective nuyer an,! unm. "I'V " trip If purohsfed; owner, Oja E. 4,th St. V. Tabor 411. quiti, FARM Just nutcMe city on fnlum-hla'blvd!- will sell 5. 10 or 20 acres, with T-room heme, barn for HO rows, wind mill, at low price, on easv tern R. W. Cary. 1210 N. W. 13nk bldg. n EA T. F STAT E Fur Sale Farms. $41 ACRE 43 COWS, $24,600. IT PAY3. Only $0000 cash, bal ance long time at 6 per cent; 235 acres Columbia river bottom, 106 acres upland. 120 acres In culti vation: fenoed and oross-fencedj good 9-room houss, S bams, 2 silos and other buildings; 45 grade. Holatein cows, 83 milking; 1 reg istered Holstsln bull, S 2-year-old heifers, V heifer calves, 6 year ling heifers, 6 horses, 2 sets har ness. 3 wagons, manure spreader, 3 mownrs, 1 rake. Ford son trac tor with disc, plows and drill, 1 horse dlso, 1 spring-tooth harrow, 1 rid In it cultivator, I grain drill, 2 gasoline engines, 28-foot gaso line launch, silage cutter; corn to fill silos, hay and grain and aU small tools everything to oper ate; farm without personal prop erty can bs bought for $1U,0o0, $4000 cash. ATKINSON PORTER. 70ft Main bt. Vancouver, Wash, PORTLAND 105, OREGON SPECIALS. 2 a ores, ll acres, cultivation, baL timber; 4-room house, barn, outbuild ings, creek, spring, water ptid to house, teum horses, 3 cowa yourllug. 2 brood sows. 25 chickens. 20 miles from Fort land; $JC00, terma M ACRES, tn acres cultivated, T acres clover, 20 acres nearly cleared, balance pasturs, some timber, spring, creek; 5 room house, new burn, outbuildings, gn rage, gits engine, water system, family orchard, team horse, fresh cow. owlf and hlfer; 30 chickens, 14 tons hsy. 50 bushels wheat, loo bushels oats, farm machinery; 18 miles from Portland; $7000. Will take I'ftOO in trade, city property, In connection with this. 1n acres, all In cultivation. 8 acres loganberries, good family orchard, all fenced and cross- fenced, good barn and ofher outbuildings ; silo filled, S work horses. 5 cows and all "arm Im plement Price Near Turner. B. H. PTEWART. 16H 4th st. Main 6?7. RrVKR BOTTOM POTT 411 acres; 340 acres under culti vation, now being put Into crop; 100 acres being seeded to clover; 6-room house, large barn and silo, new granary, new garage, spring water system; all fenced and cross fenced ; about CO acres good open pasture; balance In fir and oak tim ber; located on the Willamette river, 26 miles from the heart of Portland, H miles from Newberg, on main road, only 24 miles from paved highway. Pries $125 per aors, easy terms. KLROD ft DRYER. 28S Stark St. Broadway 11M. 40 ACRTT3. Farm, Willamette valley; aU tindor cultivation: all fenced with bog-tight wire fence: 10 acres 9-year-old prunes; had ths best of care; all lays level; good 6-room bungalow with bathroom; no plumbing; water plpd In ths bouse, sink; nice fireplace; mlik house with concrete floor; chicken houses; good barn with concrete foundation; hold 40 tons of hay In the loft; price $12,000; will take food home In Rose City Park, rvlngton or Latirelhurst. PETERSON YORK, 437 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main b005. FINEST DAIRY RANCH ON COLUMBIA RIVER. Farm consisting of 857 seres of ths very best soil; about H of this ranch is In the new diking district, which when, completed will treble the value of this ranch. At present they get 2 and 8 crops a year, the buildings are good; 3 large barns for stock. 2 silos, good house, water system and full farm and dairy equipment; about 100 head of cows, bringing in fine Income each month. This place will lease for at least $5000 per vear. Price, including all stock and equipment, $123,000, $40, 000 cash. F. T(. EDDY, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-3-7 Hoard of Trade BMg: 58 ACRES BARGAIN $2sVK). Practically all fine tlllaMs land, wttti about 14 acres In cult, most of the baL Is slashed out and lots not hard to clear, fine spring water. 4-room frame houss, with outhouses, barn. This place Is T miles from the town of Molalla. within 1 mile of thousands of acres of stock ranire ; here you ore. If you want a bargain. The price has been reduced from 4(V0 to $2500 for a quick sala want $10W down, ths bal. t 6; gov ernment loan on the place, bal. can run long time. Place on main road. Just think of it ft place like this for just a little over $40 per ncre some btrirnln. Call and see us nt once. E. P. Elliott Son. 7th and Main sts., Oregon Pity. SPLENDID LITTLE FARM HOME AT DAYTON. An attractive place In one of the pret. tfest parts of Oreaon, 3 miles from Day ton and on splendid road; -5 acres, per fect land ; no rock ; splendid H-rnom house splendid red burn S'r4.S. chicken houm) 12x4 H. other outbuildings, irood silo; nice fnmllv orchs rt and 2 ai-re loganberries; place hns been well fHcmed and exceptionally well kept; price $rt:ntOi very easv terms; not an ordinary 2fl acres, but one of the very besr. HARG-ROVE REALTY OO fltenltors), 122 North 0th st.. nenr Oilman. Broadway 4:;si. 70 ACRES. FTT.LY PTOPKED AND FQI'IPPKD. 30 acres under cultivation, Li ncrcs of rich river hot torn land ; family orchard, a verv good 6 ronm bouse. Inrge barn and all neresjrv outbuildings; 8 horse. 4 rows. 8 heifers. M boas. 100 chick ens, wagon. 2 plow", it-section 'barrow cultivator and other ftirm tools; hav In barn; 1 nero of kale. Price for everything 7"0. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 401 1st Nutional Bank Bldf., Albany. Oregon. FV)R SALE bv owner. 3 acres, 1V4 miles from town. Muh school; a-rnvel road pine; 17 acres plowed, more !'Vnrl5 readv: half bottom, balance bill ; a sprlnirs. one well, family orchard and berries; flve-rnnm house, basement barn for ten cows, two h nrsws, 25 tons hay; chicken and hog bouses; two horses, harness. two wnrons, plow, nnrrow, mower, rake, cultivator, (wpnrator. sl rows', one heifer, two anws. five nlrs. an chicken, hav and gren feed; for oiilcH sh1a $wino. $2noo cash, eight yearii on balance: also hav- n ncrcs tensed land er.(- with tM Write nr phone John P More-in Wooden nd.Wnsh. MTiHlP! PiPM TV Or7IITItV"'tKtiW. ir 't.'niMi.Pirn isort 1R700. i, mile ,from rMlrond. town stid highway: riK-r-K in cultivation, hnlnnci an be culttvsteo; team, whkimi. ti.rrMi. fl n ow.. hnrrows. mowr. rske, saws, wen " tor, new cook rane. beds, canned fruit, all household goods, birn. hav arid f 'lln. 4 hoes. 5 acre In stiawberrles sm;ill fiim- ?r..n:r TUALATIN VAT.T.KY FAH.M. na nc-cs. n miles from Portland on MAIN" no A TV nil In cultlvMlon. th vrrv b.t of -oil. flood T-room bouse, lara-s barn. s'lo. cowshed, etc. Ith out ssvln. anv mors this Is absolutely the best buy In Orcg-on. All r s l that you look st It. We will cheerfully show It without any eipense to yon. Pries Jin ft,'", terms. Ask for F. C. Mr,hal,pwl.hK t Mr0rinK 205 Ablngton bldg Mnln Third st .. JoKVnhsnd Mnrk. RfTAT-nK FAitM-noiwi rONHini-H t'LEAK PHOPKRTY. Tieal f ;i rm, 0 acres, four miles rrm WMfonvllls; all storked nnd equipped; 0 cows 4 sows. Ohester White; chick ens and other necessities to rnslcs Al farm- sroool farm houfl and nutbulldlns;, barn 30x44. woven wire, fences; thero Is r..". acres under cultivation, a fnmlly or chard, also berries i this placa Is onlv 141 r-illes to Portland, with school 14 mils to houe. Come to 301 lMlwav Kx chsnire bids;., or rnll Mnln 7.131; evenlntts Tnhor Ml" Bobbins. nil ACHKR. CLOHK IN Only ten mts from Portlnnd. close to electric station: all In cultivation, on rood road ; (rood house, fine la rare barn nnd other bulldlnvs.- all In fins shop, or'-hnrd and berries, fine noil, mall and ml'k route; team, cow. loo pullets, farm machinery. Price $in.0'0. This Is a very slirhtlr place. Lt K O PKMANV OOMPAVY. n 1 3 Cli it 1 her of On mm e rce hldg. py OWN V. H " tlO mrrj. r."'i undur the plow ; stable room for H10 h'-ad cat t !e ; drive barn and horse stable for 10 bead of, pitrpen, potato house, hunk hnura. blacUsmlt h shop, lure d wel ;in bouse! llvlnjf ws tcr on the place; hI.oiiI 0 minutes from courthouse. Portland fv'nir between l'fiwli Valley road nnd KMncada car line. Can be divided. Tnboi 2 2 10. r 1 dene e 1 JV 0r,p c f n, "t: ITFfrtic. mil s 'i.ii";-;n no r r.o acre for $12.TiO sn acre, 4 miles from Rood town In Marian Co.; unlimited outranks. Broadway 41D0.