TTTE RT7XDAY OITTKIOXTAX, PORTLAXD, OCTOBER 23. 1921 HTM FflTATB. For hale A. &aThnap YOU CAJs'T BEAT, A house with full cement HMmenL Laundry trays. Duiit-ins, sleeping poroh, furnace, fireplace; beau tiful liirnt fixtures, all large airy rooms. Finished In Ivory and tapestry paper. Vacant and In wonderful condition. On Kant Broadway, close in. City Improve ment in ana pal a. i.ii.wri wiu " Price only $ 4160. Easiest kind of terms. aflAOft T.iTTR F.LHTTRST. A new and nifty 6 -room bungalow, Mmnt himnt. wash travs, oak floors. all bullt-ins. cabinet kitchen, breakfast 1 1 k Floored attic; attractive light fixtures, furnaca, fireplace; 60x100 lot. garage and runway. A, dandy little one In a dandy location that can be bought on reasonable terms. a t--. i r-xammv ft-room bungalow with cement basement, wash trays, floored attic, furnace, fireplace; every lmagin ibln butlt-in convenience, breakfast nook, cabinet kitchen. French doors, Aum linen rinMt: larire bathroom equip- ped with up-to-date plumbing; artlstlo light fixtures, f Intshed In ivory and tapestry paper; hardwood floors; BOxlOO lot; Karate ana runway. -iiy v -mnu In and paid. Term to suit. 450 ROSE CITY BUT. A fl-room bungalow, cement basement, wash travs, bullt-lns. cabinet kitchen, larne clothes closets, inlaid hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage; 60x100 lot; corner. Price $4850, with, $750 down, balance terms. IfKlOO OM 44TH ST., NEAR SANDY. A 6-room strictly modern bungalow, furnace, fireplace, all bullt-lns. cabinet kitchen, hardwood floors throughout, full cment basement, wash trays. A dandy little home In a choice part of Hose City. City Improvements in and paid Terms eay. RUMMRLL ft RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. NEW ROSE CTTT BUXGALOW $500 DOVITJ. $4500 buys this thoroughly com plete 5-nn. modern bungalow, ImlHnce $45 per mo.; has hard wood floors, breakfast nook, buf fet, bookcases, fireplace, cement basement tind furnace; here la a rare buy. Don't overlook it. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bid. Alain 208. FOUR 1IIG BARGAINS. $2000 $:WW) cash, South Portland. 6 rooms, modern, corner lot, fruit. $.1150 Tinlf cash; Mt. Tabor. 6 rooms, modern, large lot, fruit. J 3 "00 cash. Irvlngton (Park. 4 rooms and large attic Beauti ful lot. $.1500 $750 cash. Rose City. 4 rooms, nearly new, white finish. Onll Flvfrfon, Mnln 65.V) or Mnln 4ftT. ROSE CITY. A rooms. 3 bedrooms, 2 fireplaces, furnace, nit modern; garage; block to car. $5250, $2000 cash. B rooms? 2 bedrooms, hardwood floors, elegant interior finished la Ivory, ga rage, $0300, $2000 cash. 4 rooms and bath, modern. 2 blocks to car, $20, f.'.'Hl tush. Imlanre like rent. GEORGE E. CROXKOKD, 4.S4 E. 4!th N., Cor. Sandy. Tabor r.x.i. EIIANP NEW STRICTLY MODERN BUN GALOW IX ROSSM Kit B JV4ST OtFF SANDY BOULEVARD. This is under the hill away from the wind. lias 2 bedrooms on f 1 mt floor with large living and dining room, Dutch kKohen. break-fast nook and- -modrn bath, lots of built-in features. 2 large bedrooms above. Price is $7000 aud worth- everv dollar asked. HTBW'AHT A JOHNSON. K 15 N orthwe stern I I a n k H I Ig. N E W V A CA NT MOD K RN. ARE YOU TIRED OF HUNTING? We have two new modern bungalows. 4 rooms and breakfast nook, cement basement, laundry trays, all kinds of bullt-lns; oak flooring, 2 bedrooms, good plumbing, lots 50x.U0 each; prices $3200 and $3:150, on easy terms, sidewalks In and paid. Kenton district: Sunday. Mar. MMt.t. weekdays Main 7!"I7. Marlele A Williams, hJQ Cham, of Corn, bids. NIFTY BUNGALOW WITK QUARTER ACRE. S2N4M) EASY TERMS. On west side, only 1,1 minutes out. near car line. We have a charming little 4 -room modern bungalow (2 bed rooms), with garage; on hard-surfaced road, close to two schools, good neigh borhood; $400 cash, balance rent terms. This will please you. See A. K. Hill, 42" Lumbcrmens bldg. Open Sunday until 2 P. M. LACRELHT'RfiT SURPRISE. Ft rut time offered, beautiful fl-room, right up to the minute, elegantly fin Shed throughout. Including all fixtures. Finn garane, solid cement runway, choice location. You will be surprised at the extremely low price for quick sale, $S5oo, terms. Shown by appoint ment only. Phone or call on O. B. Rlppey. realtor. 010-11 McKay bldg., 3d nnd Stark. Main (1220. 2.1 ACRES AT GRFSHAM. $12,000. A beautiful 7-room house, screened porch on two sides, full basement, pres sure water, bath and toilet, fireplace, finished In natural wood (larjh): small tennnt house, garage, coops for 300 chickens, fine barn, 10 minutes walk to high school, stores and electric. A big barrnln. Will subdivide. . K. WHS. O. W. FARR. Owner. Main B203 WHY HT'Y AN OID BOI'SE AND PAY THE PRICE OF A NEW ONE? We hv a Btrltiv modern 0-room bungalow In good district, clone to car, eiitirt!'Ty arranged In-side, newly made lawn. We would like to compare this with oth-r hotia you have looked at. STEWART JOHNSON, 31.1 Northwestern Bnnk Bldg 4-ROOM house, looxloo-ft. lot. Gas. lights, water, sidewalks, sewers, in one block paved street: 8 Mocks Woodstock car; fruit and berries, chicken yard and shed. MV equity $12.10. balance $7.10. payment $2.1 per month. Including Interest 1fc. Leaving town. Furniture $200. Imme diate possession If taken furnished. The Lawrence Company. $150 DOWN, balance $20 monthly, total price $2500. Modern 6-room house, full lot. Improve ments. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. W tCh a mher of Com. 'Hid g. Main 1370. UFAl'TIFTL five-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, bedroom, bath down, bedroom up. large fireplace, den. garage, full ce ment runway and walks, fruit, berries, shade trees and shrubbery: lot BOxlOO; bark yard fenced. price $31,10; terms $7r.o cash. By owner. 700 02d ave. S. E., near Tremont. OWN YOUR OWN HOME. $15,000, come trade, and balance mort gage, you get a modern home and a net Income around $000 xer month. Mr. Ma goon, I. K. SPENCER ft CO.. Realtors. fT17-1t Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $lS0t REAL VALUE" Woodlawn district, good 5-rm. cottage, sewer, water, electric lights, gas. BOxlOO lot : beautiful lawn, shade nnd fruit trees. A sacrifice at $100: $.100 down Mlance. W. M. T'mndenstock ft Co., ?10 Oregon bldg fldwv. iti.i IRVINGTON CHARMING HOME 042 East Mth North, owner has left. Immediate possepston, 7 attractive rooms, nil oak floors, open today, 2 to (V Neuhausen ft Co., East 304. Main S"07.8. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT New 4-room bungalow, breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage; fine location; $4200: t.-.oo cash. IV. D. ROD A B AUG H. Realtor. 1Q4, Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 4209. SOUTH ST. JOHNS. Bargain for cash. 100x1 Oft lot. R-room bungalow, bath, built-in kitchen, fur rmce, fruit, berries, lawn, shrubbery, ga ruge nnd chicken house. Call Colum bia ?i,4 y 4 no IV I R VT NO TO N $ 4 000. 7-room modern house, full lot and VrHos, flowers, shrubbery. A bargain. Kinoo cnh. balance monthly. Have TTianv other places.. Room 511 Railway Kxchancc. pom paTjD. vew. cojtv. little home. compTetely fur nish" d. one and one-haif 4lks from Ken ton car. $31 oft. terms. 164 Kirkpat- rU-V st f-C' Sundav. IRVIViSTON nr.VO.Al-OlV SNAP rt!Hft. Seven beautiful rooms, fine oak floors, full cement basement, plate frlnss win dow, t tie bath, range. r uhausen ft f,A . t lo y. y. Unnk b!dg. Main ROT At.HEIITV fl-room dandy biingalow. 2 bedrooms, seml-mndern home; nice lot, fruit, etc: pnvments $-'lo month. S::nnn. 9 1 J n"j z nj!M n r 5 T 1 ' 1 g Realt o r. I R V 1 N C, TO N N E W I'd N'l A LO W SlV.vT" Faav term. enst facing, near Brosd wav car. !arg living room, rrop'are, oak f'ors, gHrnre. NeiTbatiwen ft 'o , East M.iinSM79. s:lft N. W. Rank bldg. UKAI-TIfTL EASTMORET-AND 12 p'rns". larw lot. nrar Ree-l college, excellent locution : owner must leave city, can be t ouch' on verv easv terms. T. O. Bird Mr ln-.'-J or Pe11. TWO 7-K. hn:i"". wCking dl . n-ar East pir...4dM-iv t rlt Efi!t 7.104. EQUITY in cozv, m-o bungalow Xor automobile, ilaln 6-01. REAL ESTATE, For hair House. - WESTOVER TERRACE. $11,600. 8 rooms, wonderful vew of city and mountains. This house has large living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor; 4 bedrooms and sewing room on second floor; hardwood floors downstairs; Ivory finish, fireplace and tile bath; $40K cash will handle, balance rent. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $H00O. 8 rooms, hardwood floors up stairs and down, hot water heat, concrete garage, lot BOxlOO. Not a new bouse; a real home. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $K0Q0. Beautiful small house on car line, well-built with hardwood floors upstairs and down. Gas fur nace, fireplace. Suitable for two people. 9 COE A. McKENNA ft CO., 82 Fourth Street. FINE IRVINGTON HOME SEVER A tt THOUSAND DOI4.AR3 BEL.OW ITS REAL VALUE. Pltuated on a very choice 100x100 corner and surrounded by fine homes; hardwood floors upstairs and down; all kinds of built-in conveniences, hot water heat and fireplace ; 5 large bedrooms, child's bedroom, dressing room and bath second floor, maid's room and billiard room 3d floor; line garage with hot water heat in ft. beautiful lawn and shrubbery. Price $1-000, terms. No phone Information. E. M. BROWN, 1322 Northwestern Bank Building. ROSE CITY PARK. NOTHING LI ICS IT IN CITY. Tou who know construction and ap preciate something fine: you who have beer seeking the eluslvely right home come out to 470 E. 44th Ft. North, and I will show you through the most beau tiful five-room bungalow you have ever had the pleasure of tnspcetlng. Open for inspection from 1 to 3 P. M. Sunday. 1100Q will make the initial payment. NEW LAURELH URST BUNGALOW. I am finishing 2 bungalows In Laurel hurst that will be modern in every re spect; garage, furnace, light fixtures. In fact ready to move right Into; hardwood floors throughout. If you are looking for a good bungalow direct from the owner and builder drive out Sunday afternoon and give them a once over; on 43d, between Royal Court and Laur elhurst ave. GEORGE E. WELLER, Owner and Builder. Main B231. Tabor 1950. A WONDERFUL HOME. 8-room bungalow, large living room 1SxL2, large windows, beautiful French gray walls with old Ivory woodwork ; massive shale brick fireplace. Nice large basement ; 5 rooms and bath on first floor, S nice sleeping rooms upstairs; large closets In all rooms; 1 block to car and pavement; close to school; in a good district; sidewalk and sewer in and paid; expensive shrubbery, shade trees, roses and lawn; $4750, with best of terms. 1827 E. Flanders., NEW VACANT BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY CORNER. S rooms first floor, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; plate glass windows; In fact, modern to the minute and a beau tiful location; garage, cement floor. Thli place was built for a home, but circumstances compel the owners to sell at once. Price $3850, terms. Phone Sunday. Mar. .1913, or see MARIELS ft WILLIAMS, 820 Ch. of C. $150 DOWN TOTAL PRICE $1500. Balance easy monthly payments. Dandy for keeping chickens; S rooms. 3 good chicken houses, 14 acre, fruit. Mt. Tabor district, 3 blocks to car, near 70th and Clay. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. Ml Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 1370. EX-SERVICE MEN. We have large listings of desirable home sites and can help you finance building. Our office has full informa tion to your interest regarding appllca tion of bonus loan. W. M. I'MBDEN'STOTK ft CO., Established I'SOO. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. IfSIS. NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, ft room and floored attic can be fin ished. Finish is enamel with mahogany trim. Oak floor In living and dining rooms. Windows screened. Two blocks to car. $10H down, balance Uk-e rent. McClure ft Schmauch Co., 3O0- Railway Exchange bldg. Main l.V3. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $5000. $1000 cash, bal. to suit: K rms., all modern, exceptionally well srranged home. Improvements paid. The best buy In Portland. Today at Main 1575. See Mr. Kichen bach, with O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., REALTORS, 40S-11 Couch Bldg. $3425 NEW. MODERN. VACAXT $3425. $325 FIRST PAYMENT $325. 4-room. modern bungalow, just north of Piedmont, basement, plumbing, elec tric lights, gas. hot-water heat, fire place, built-Ins, double constructed; lot .HixlOO: terms like rent: Sunday Mar. MMI3, week davs Main 7f07. Marieis ft Williams. 820 Cham, of Com. bldg. LAURELHURST. ft-room bungalow, Just completed, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, elegant plumbing, double garage, lot ftOxl.lS; near park and club. Come out today to 1178 East Ankeny, near 30th, or phone owner and builder. N. O. EK LUND. TA BOR 60. H A R WTHORNE 7-ROOM MODERN. The owner of this place must sell. Tt Is a real home, double constructed:- full cement basement : furnace. Hard wood floors, bullt-lns. etc., ose bedroom down stairs, large lot, east front, close-In. near car. Price $4730, terras. Phone owner. Tabor 81 SI). ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $500 down; dandy 4-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, large Dutch kitchen, etc., full lot and fruit; furniture if desired; accept auto or R. C. or Kenton- lot. Main 3800. Q UIN, 200 Morgan Bid g. REALTOR. NEW WHITE cement bungalow, corner Rodney and J arret t: 6 rooms, breakfast room, brankfnst nook, sewing room, up-to-date bullt-ins. finished In Ivory; f. re place, furnace, cement basement, laun dry trays, garage, easy terms. Phone Woodlawn 1533. 6-ROOM bungalow-style; polished floors, bookcase, writing desk, telephone booth and china closets built in; 50x100 lot, ptpeless furnace, paved street, sewer. Account of sickness will sell for Equity paid In. Pee owner, 1111 E. 19th N. Woodlawn 1030. IRVINGTON - HOLLADAY. $50.10. easy terms. 701 Clackamas St., near 22d; un locked today; immediate occupancy; six rooms. Ivory finish, beautifully papered; best oak floors; Boynton furnace; ga rage. See this and others. R. T. Street, Irvlngton realtor. W. IRVINGTON $4000. 8 ronms. H. W. floors, furnace, fire place, bullt-lns, cement basement, corner lot. surrounded by fine homes. A real value. Shown by appointment. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. Oregon bldg. Bdwy. DOCTORS AND NURSES. Ideal convalescent home, 10 rooms, good condition, near hospitals, west side. Dirt chenp. Terms. SECURITY REALTY CO. 930 Chamber of Commerce. DANDY 5-room bungalow, hardwood firs., all bullt-lns, gas furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, garage and concrete driveway. Street Improvements all in and paid. Price $4300. terms. See own er. 2MS E. 40th st. Tabor 4242. 5-ROOM modern cottage, lot 72x120, on 52d st., .lust beyond Laurelhurst; 9 full grown fruit trees; $100 fruit and ber ries a year: garnge. street paved, all liens pntd; $3200. $1000 cash will handle. Tabor 2454. XRVINGTON'S FINEST NEW COLONIAL. Built for home, eastern sryle: artistic, Ivorv fini.-h. all oak floors, tile bath rooms, double garage; choice location, near Knott. Neuhausen ft Co.. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8073. East 304. ALBINA SNAP, ft-room home, good condition. 2 bed rooms, etc. lot 50x12.1. and mnnv kinds of fruit, $.100 down, easv monthlv terms. QU1N. 200 M organ Bldg. Realt or. WESTMORELAND. $4000. ft rooms, hard wood floors, modern bullt-lns: owner leaving city, will sell furnished If de sired, onlv $1200 cash. T. O. Bird, Mar. 1022. or Sell 2700 evenings IRVINGTON Beautiful 7-room home, all very modern, including fireplace, fur nace, garage. Price reduced from $6300 to $5150. Owner very anxious to dispose quickly. Main TOSrt or East S.1P2. ROSE CITY bungalow. R rooms, with hardwood floors throughout; furnace, fireplace; modern; will take automobile as part payment. Woodlawn 44S. FOR SALE BY OWNER. O-room modern house with sleeping porch; full basement, fruit trees, paved street Call Sellwood 2;m. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW CORNER. New. modern, extra well built: E. 8th and Stanton. Open tod-ay 2 to 5. Neu hsusen ft Co. Main 8'7S. East 304. BEAUTIFUL new bungalow with half acre; close-in and strictly modern; buy from owner. Tabor -10S7. FURNISH ED home for sa'e. moderate first payment Accepted, good locality. On I! at -"d Morgnn bldg. It-ROOM plastered house, full lot. $50, bal. like rent. Price $1250. B, 8. Cook. 001 Stock Exch. Bids. REAL ESTATE. for Pale Houses. KENT SAVERS. $ 750 3 -room celled cottage, gas. city water, lot 50x100; $1U0 cash, $13 monthly. $ 800 3-room ceiled cottage, with gas. city water, sink, small garage, lot 00x143. fruit and berries; $150 cash. $20 monthly. v $ 950 Neat small --room cottage, with sleeping porch, on macadam street, lot 40x100, a neat little home; $225. cash, $25 monthly. $1000 3-room shack, with gas. city wa ter and sink, ground lOOxlftO. wonderful soil. In Woodlawn; $100 cash. $25 monthly. $1000 Very neat arsd clean little- 8 room cottage, electric lights, gas. city water and sink, small fruits; $1.10 cash. -'0 monthly. $1055 4-room shack cottage, gas. city water and sink, ground lOOxlftO. 4 apple trees, good garden, chick ' en house; $150 cash. $20 monthly. $1250 Neat little 1-acre home with 5 room cottage, with electric lights, running water, some berries. 2 ' blocks from Estacada car; $300 cash, $15 monthly. $1310 Neat little 3-room cottage, gas, electric lights, city water, hi acre of ground, small barn. 2 chicken houses, 13 bearing fruit trees, some berries; $755 cash, $15 monthly. $1500 Neat 4-room plastered cottage, electric lights, gas. city water, hot water tank, good cesspool, .white enameled' Dutch kitchen, fruit and berries; $200 cash, $25 monthly. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. THOMSON ft THOMSON, REALTORS. $750 down on this 6-room modern S4.ioo bungalow; hardwood floors, bullt-ins, panel dining room, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, furnace, nice lawn, 1 block to car. Full cement basement, laundry trays, food location. $600 DOWN FOR THIS FURNISHED HOME; large 4-room bungalow with bath. Corner lot. garage, good basement. This Is & bar gain at $2100. $5750 GOOD TERMS Large 6-room modern home In Hawthorne, large glassed-in sleeping porch, 3 bedrooms, fireplace, built-Ins, cement basement, furnace, living room, dining room, den and re ception hall. See this to realize the value. 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4880. $300 DOWN PARKROSE. YOU CAN MOVE IN" AT ONCE. ft-rm. cottage and acre tract, on Prescott st., only 2 blks from Sandy blvd. ; house newly papered and painted, old ivory enameled throughout, modern bath and plumbing, gas and electricity. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids'. Main 206. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A HOME FOR ONLY $30OO. $500 cash, balance $20 per month; lot Is 80x100 feet, with good 7-room plas tered house ; 4 large rooms do w nstairs and 3 rooms up; modern bath and good plumbing; built-in kitchen, full cement basement, hot and cold water, gas and electric lights, poultry house and run, 6 fruit trees and berries In bearing, ce ment walks around the house, newly painted and tinted; 2 blocks from street car line: only $3000. STEWART ft JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON STRICTLY MODERN 7- ROOM RESIDENCE WITH. SLEEPING PORCH; AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN; EVERY CONVENIENCE, HARDWOOD FLOORS EVERY ROOM; TILE BATH. LARGE LIVING ROOM : ONE BLOCK TO IRVINGTON CAR AND TWO BLKS. TO IRVINGTON SCHOOL. OWNER LEAVING CITY. CALL SUNDAY BE TWEEN 10 AND 4. 505 EAST 14TH ST. NORTH. PRINCIPALS ONLY. TERMS. REAL HOMES THROUGH IRVING TON, EXCLUSIVELY AT THIS IRVINGTON HEADQUARTERS. BY APPOINTMENT. R. T. STREET. GOOD HOMES REAL TOR. $500 CASH, BAL. $3000 LIKE RENT. 0-rooms, modern home, good east side location; has all bullt-lns. improvements In and paid. Interior finished In ivor. Homey and well arranged. A real snap. See Mr. Rlchanbach Sunday P. M. Main 1,175, or Mondav at office of O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. REALTORS, 408-11 Couch Bldg. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $4050 Easy terms ($200 down to ex service men). Corner lot, one year old, hard-wood floors In all rooms, closets, sleeping porch, fireplace with gas Ra diant fire, breakfast room, good kitchen, good furnace, bullt-ins. buffet, book cases. A real bargain. W. M. Umbden stock ft Co. Bdwy. 105-8. EX-SERVIOE MEN. I am building an absolutely modern ft-room bungalow in Rose City Park at 014 E. 42d st. N.. which I will carry for you until you get your loan; will be ready for occupancy In about 30 days. C. J. JOHNSON", 813 Henry B!dg. A REAL SACRIFICE. $2350. worth $3000. ft-room modern bungalow with full 50x100 lot alJ In lawn and roses, full basement, bullt-lns, close to car and school. Not another real buy like this in Portland. Owner has bought a business. 020 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4880. $1200 WHY DO YOU RENT 7 $1200. 3-room house and 100x100 of. ground with fruit, berries, etc.. and chicken house, located iix Woodlawn district, only $300 down. Sunday Mar. 5n"3, week days Main 7r.7. Marieis & Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. NEAR IRVINGTON. $5500. OWNER LEAVING. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 7 rooms, semi-bungalow, excellent condition; losing money, $1500 cash, bal ance very easy. 6. no mortgage. T. O. Bird. Mar. 1022. or Sell. 2706 evenings. 3 HOUSES, $10,500. 2 six-room and 1 8-room modern houses. These are good Investment; will sell separate, closing estate; good terms on one or all. Let us show you these. All .Improvements In and paid. 514 Rnllway Exchange bldg. ALAMEDA PARK VIEW HOME. English colonial. 6 charming rooms, ail ivory, oak floors, garage; fine level lot. Alameda drive and 24th st. Open todav. Bargain, $SG0O, easy terms. Neu hausen & Co . N. W. Bank bldg. Main SOTS. East 304. ROSE CITY PARK, ft-room bungalow, large rooms, attic; hardwood floors, tile bath and sink; ga rage just being completed. N. O. EKLUND. Owner and Builder. Tabor 680. ROSE CITY PARK $250 CASH. Forced price $2450, $250 cash, bal. like rent; we have two brand new bungalows. 4 rooms each, with modern features. Mr. Reichenbach Sunday P. M. Main 1575. or Monday oil day. 7-ROOM house, cement basement, gas, bath, electric light, garage: lot 60x100, sewer and street improvements all In and paid. $2000. Wallberg and French, 1085 East 13th st. Sellwood Bank bldg. Sellwood 62 tt. IRVINGTON WONDERFUL BARGAIN. $0500 Large living room, French doors, oak floors, fireplace. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage. Neuhausen & Co.. S30 N. W. Bank bldg. Main S078. East 304. ' IRVINGTON CHOICE HOME BUY. East isth near Siskiyou; 7 lovely rms., all oak floors, ivory finish, garage; im mediate occupancy. Main 8078. Neu hausen & Co.. 830 N. W. "Bank bldg. WILL sell new modern 3-room house, just finished, noume garage. & terms. Hy owner, near Peninsula park. 1408 Mon tana ave. BY OWNER, ft-room modern bungalow, 45th and Division, 1 block south ; easy terms. Owner on ground. W 116, Or- egonian. 5-ROOiI bungalow, in S win ton addition, unfinished Interior, 4 blocks from Mis sissippi ave. car. Bargain. Phone East 8430. 435 E. 10th st. S. 6 ROOMS, near Richmond car. on 25th. witn oasement, garage. 9'joo, 1,100 down, balance like rent. JB. S. Cook, 001 Stock Exchange bldg. ONE-HALF acre on Mt Scott car line. 27 bearing rruit trees ana a 3-room house and sleeping porch. Total $1350 quick sa'e. $200 first payment Main 7206. IRVINGTON New bungulow, strictly moaern ; rooms aown. space ror two nice rooms up. This Is a real bargain at $.15QQ, easy terms. East 3502. $3700. 4-room bungalow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, pavement paid: $40 a month, as rent. Call today. 61 East 45th st. N. $750O6 rooms and si. porch, near 20th ana inumij"n, muurrn, naragf, etc. tfy appointment only. R. T. Street, Good Homes Realtor. IRVINGTON PICK-UP, $3504). TERMS 7 lovely rooms, oak floors, garage, lin oleum, gas stove, Radiant grate Included. Neuhausen. S.10 N. W. Bank bldg. WILL trade small home on good corner lot for ft-room bungalow and div dif- ference. Room 511 Railway Exchange. LA DD addition. 2-story. 7-room. modern house; hardwood floors; garage; fruit; p-ved alley; terms. Owner. East 50'2. 8-HOOM modern home, Ladd Addition; hardwood floors, den, reception hall. - eeplna7 porch garage- Alain REAL ESTATE. lor Sale Houses. SERVICE BACKED BY EXPERIENCED. 15 years study of local conditions; thorough knowledge of district; famil iarity with values and a splendid organ isation enables us to give you the max imum SERVICE In Home Buying. See J. A. WICKMAN CO. For Service. Every Listing personally inspected and appraised. If it's worth the money it's photographed and displayed in .our sales room. OPEN TODAY. RESTRICTED IRVINGTON PARK. $0500 Hits been asked for this wonder ful 8-room COLONIAL. Beautiful grounds lOoxlOO; steam heat: S bedrooms and den; hardwood floors; only 4 years old; let us show vou this then MAKE 13 AN OFFER.. You'll like it. List No. H20. CHEERFUL LAURELHURST. $7250 Has been reduced $4H. Near the park. WONDERFUL LOCATION. Extra large lot; garage; 5 cheer ful rooms and breakfast nook: full basement, -hardwood floors, old Ivory finish. French doors be tween living and dining room. See it today. We have another won derful BUNGALOW BUY IN LAURELHURST. List 737. BEULAH HEIGHTS SNAP. $3500 For 6 rooms and bath, 1 bedroom down. 2 up. New furnace, fine basement and wash trays; $500 or maybe less will handle. List No. 71. BEAUMONT SPECIAL. $6000 lH-story 7-room bungalow in a wonderful location; nothing lack ing In this cozy home. Every thing to make it cheerful. Liv ing room 15x24, newly painted and tinted. Terms. List No. 713. 1104 B. 32d St. N. OPEN TODAY $400 DOWN. $3900 Has been asked for this cozy 4 room bungalow for' some time; $3000 will buy if today. Our rep resentative will be there to show you. It has bath, fireplace, laun dry trays, screens, linoleum, etc. A big reduction for a quick sale. List No. 74fl. EX-SERVICE MAN. f5500 ROSE CITY PARK 8-room HOME. You will be proud to move Into this ultra modern home In this popular district. Price has been reduced from $6WMJ and now is your chance. It has paved street, garage, reception hall, large liv ing room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, toilet, bath, 2 bedrooms down, 3 up, sleeping porch; full basement and laundry trays, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place. Fine. condition. See It to day. You be the judge. List No. 5UG. ROSE CITY PARK. SPECIAL FOR EX-SERVICE MEN. $5250 For this 7-room home In Rose City. A great reduction has been made in the down payment to give ex-service men a chance to buy. It has reception hall, liv ing, dining room, Dutch kitchen, toilet, bath, 2 bedrooms down. 2 bedrooms up, furnace, fireplace, laundry trays, hardwood floors, butlt-ina galore. Get In touch , with us on this. List No. 549. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN. 12800 Newly painted and redecorated throughout. New electric fix tures: polished floors, corner lot: improvements In and paid; 1 block Xo car. This Is a fractional lot, but can be had on very easy terras. See this today. List No. 748. . VACANT. $2300 Almost a duplicate of the above but on an inside lot. Very easy terms. Both have 5 rooms and bath. List No. 740. A DOWNRIGHT BARGAIN. $3000 Reduced from $3500 this week. 7-room home in Montavilla on a B9xll2-foot lot. Sewer in; ga rage; 4 cheerful, airy bedrooms, sunroom: full basement; 11 fruit trees. This can be handled on very easy terms. List No. 16. "Open today for your convenience." J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. "Shortest Way Home." 204 Stark St. Main 583 and 1004. , $2150 $2150 $2130 BRAND NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. BRAND NEW 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. 4408 52D STREET. Classy, artistic apartment bungalow. Has full set porcelain plumbing, choice electric fixtures. Dutch kitchen, break fast room, ironing board, medicine chest. Finished In Ivory; 50-foot lot, hard sur face street ; Improvements paid. J ust 4 blocks south of Anabel. 4408 52D STREET. Take Mt Scott car to B2d st. Then 4 blocks south to 44th ave. OWNER. TABOR 8104. LAURELHURST. New 6-room bungalow, modern In every detail. This Is near the park and a home that you will be proud to own ; open for your Inspection. 1171 E. Ankeny st. Owner and builder on premises. THINK OF IT! HOME IN ROSE CITY DISTRICT, $2500. 7 rooms, reception hall, large living room, built-in kitchen, front and back porches, cement foundation and base ment, lot all planted Jn fruit, $1200 cash required, balance terms. Priced for a quick sale. See ROYAL, 72d and Sandy blvd. Tabor 155. BY OWNER, a most attractive bungalow of the Alameda. Six rooms and bath. All larger than the ordinary. Large at tic; Ideal location, 50x110. furnished or unfurnished. 1481 The Alameda. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $5000 A beautiful ft-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, tapestry paper, cove ceiling, artistic fireplace, all kinds of built-ins; 2 bedrooms, full cement basement, furnace, garage; $1000 cash. A. MARIE HAUG, ...826 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1904. ROSE CITY. Modern 5-room bungalow, large liv ing room with massive fireplace, heavy oak fiuors, two good bedrooms, a real kitchen, full cement basement, the In terior is beautifully finished and it's a real home. $4500. $500 down, balance monthly. See ROYAL. 72d and Sandy blvd. Tabor 155. $2250 5-ROOM bungalow for sale by owner; newly papered, painted and reno vated throughout ; on paved street. 2 blocks from Misslsslppl-ave. car, short distance from Broadway bridge; no In cumbrances: substantial discount for cash or large down payment. 574 Borthwick, near Graham ave. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautfful new colonial bungalow and garag-e, choice location, fine view; ultra modern Interior, large (IKV-ft.) living room, windows on 3 sides, old English floors, many new features; $7000. about $2300 cash. Phone owner. Main 5729. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. Little bungalow, 4 rooms, good-size living room, built-in kitchen, nice bath, full-size lot. close to car. A clever look ing little home. $2375. balance terms. See ROYAL, 72d and Sandy blvd. Tabor ROOMS $3500. Very desirable locality; modern and In splendid repair: the most desirable purchase on our books ; some terms. A. W. LAMBERT ft SON. 120 Grand Ave.. Cor. E. Alder. East 640. MUST be sold, attractive home on East 54th st.. pleasant surroundings, nice yard and basement, B rooms and sleep ing porch, close to Franklin high. $750 handles If -taken at once. See owner at 3010 East "4th st. AT A SACRIFICE, strictly modern 6 room bungalow, close In. 2 lots, on a corner, fine garage, fireplace, furnace. Dutch kitchen, cement basement; st. paved and paid. Corner lot Is splendid business property. Phone Sell. 1484. BUY from owner and save commission; beautiful ft-room bungalow: well built; must be seen to be appreciated: every thing In the way of conveniences; 591 E. 9th at,, Irvlngton, between Knott and Stanton. Tabor 810. BUNGALOW. 100x100 LOT. FTVE ROOM. MODERN, GARAGE, PAVED STREET. FRUIT. BERRIES: $3750, ON TERMS: 832 E. R1ST ST. & CALL MAIN 103S OR MAR. 5599. FOR SALE. R-room new bungalow, nicely fur nished, good plumbing, full comer lot. streets paved. In Westmoreland ; only $2650. J. A. HENKLE. 512 Gerllnger Bldg. MODERN bungalow. $30O will handle. Price $2050. All the bullt-lns; ft rooms. Corner lot, BOxlOO. Quick Sales Realty, 525 Railway Exchange bldg. 3-ROOM bungalow, fine district, close In, garage, combination fixtures, furnace. All up te date, $.?soo. Terms; $10OO will handle. Sell. 2i46. ROSE CITY IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 7 ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH; $0000; TERMS. EAST 0431. $350 CASH 7-r. -bung, on Killingsworth ave.; 2-r. attic; garage. $2850. Main " 703(1. UNFINISHED house for sale, 936 Rodney, open from 10 to 4 today; no agents. 4 ROOMS. E. 80th, paved, large lot. ga rage; $2760. y terms. T&bor So79. REAL ESTATE For Sale Houses, LAURELHURST. $5500 New R-room bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, garage; it it 1 bargain. $7950 tf-roora bungalow, very complete, large rooms, many attractive built-lns. tile bath; you are sure to like the location and the ar rangement. $6500 6-room bungalow, all on one floor, large floored attic; this is a real bungalow ; sheuld sell quickly. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $3500 3-room bungalow, very complete except garage; like new; good location; $.MHt cash. $5500 Here la a charming R-room bun galow with double French doors, oak floors, fireplace, breakfast room, garage; one block to HA car. WOODLAWN. $1200 Beat the landlord: 3-room ready cut temporary home, 5Oxl00 lot; new; move right In. Let's go. W have some real buys In good homes, LAURELHURST AND IRVINGTON. DERR ft POWNPER. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. ROSE CITY SPECIALS! $300 CASH $500. $4.100 New. attractive, 5-room bun galow close to Sandv; hardwood floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, large attic. 2 nice bedrooms; finished in old ivory and tapestry paper. Paved streets. $50 CASH. $4000 New, vVry artistic. 4-room bun galow; Calif, style with casement win dows' and pergolas; garage; fireplace In large living room, hardwood floors. 2 fine bedrooms connecting bath; Dutch kitchen, large artistic breakfast nook, cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, Ruud heater. $500 CASH. $3900 New, attractive. 4-room bunga low with all the modern built-ins; hard . wood floors. Dutch kitchen with, break fast nook. Close to fiandy. $500 cash as first - payment and bal ance like rent will handle any of these, HEADQUARTERS FOR ROSE CITY HOMES. R. SOMERVILLE. BDTVY. 2478. 320 U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. RUdE CITY BARGAIN. EASY TERMS. $4650 ATTRACTIVE, NEW. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH LARGE SLEEPING PORCH. FULL CEM ENT BASEMENT WITH FURNACE. LAUNDRY TRAYS; LARGE LIVING ROOM. FIREPLACE. FINE DINING ROOM. HANDY DUTCH KITCHEN. BREAKFAST NOOK. 2 FINE B ED ROOMS ; FI N IP H ED I N OLD IVORY AND BEAUTIFUL TAPESTRY PAPER. THE THREE ESSENTIALS ARE FOUND HERE BUILDING. PRICE AND LOCATION. SEE THIS AT ONCE! R SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. 320 U. S. NAT. BANK BLDG. BEAUTIFUL. EXCLUSIVE PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Very artistic grounds and wonderful view, Mt. Hood a perfect picture. The house has' 8 rooms, large drawing room with fireplace, bookcases, etc.; a lovely dining room, library, complete kitchen; upstairs has large extra bed chamber . with view fireplace and separate ward robes; 2 other bed chambers and view porch; maid's quarters and garage; Ideal home, east face, close to Portland I.eights car. HARRY BECK, WITH, REALTOR. 104 5th St. Main SHOO. IRVINGTON BUNGALOWS. Brand new, 5-room , full basement, attic, finished In old Ivory and mahog any, oak floors, papered and decorated throughout, tile bath and sink, built-in buffet and bookcases, furnace. If you are in the market for a home, see these today; price $5850, terms; located at 739 E. 18th street North, LOOK! LOOK! CAPITOL HILL. We have under construction dandy 4 room bungalow. Fine appearance, nice interior arrangement and all .modern eonveniencea. Small payment down, balance like rent. Lot 100x100. close to two schools and car line; fine view ; price $2800. It will pay you to see this. Call us for appointment. PORTLAND HOME BUILDERS. Bdwy. 4155. 210 Ablngton Bldg. $0000 WALNUT PARK. Six fine rooms and music room. French doors, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; In perfect condi tion; near Halght ave. and Kill ingsworth. EAST 419. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS. Neat 4-room cottage, paved street, sewer, cement walk; $1500; easy terms or trade for equity 5-room bungalow. Rndabaugh. Tabor 4209. Suburban Homes. PORTLAND'S BEST SUBURB. $4TJ.0U0. 1 'acre has fine 8-room house, with S bedrooms, hot water heat, both elec. light and gas, near school and station. $5,100. 1 acre, with every variety of fruit; 6 rooms, all modern. Bull Run water. $4000. 1A acres, fine soil, good location, fruit, chicken house, well and spring, water; neat 5-room house. Have other places from $'J5uO up to $15,000; also 2 acres, good 7-room house. MRS. F. M. YOUNGS. REALTOR. Rlsley Station. Oregon City carllne. MI'l.TNOMAH 2 view acres, fine bung, with bath, hwd. floors, fireplace, gas. elec, wash trays, fine basement; garage. All kinds bearing fruit. For quick, sale, only $u000, terms. 8-room furnished bung., everything new; owner going east; cheap for quick sale. Dandy new bung, with acre, on fine auto road; cost $3000 to build. Terms. See us before ,you buy. We have any thing you may want. NED BURKS, Multnomah Sta. Main 1003. HERE'S YOUR HOME. On west side, only 20 minutes from our office we have for you a nest 4-room bungalow with modern conveniences. Beautiful quarter acre fronting on main road, cheerful view. Sacrificing for only $1600. Including furniture It desired. Act quickly if you want this. Office open Sunday until 2 P. M. A. K. H ILL, 42(1 Lumbermens Bldg. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. ONLY $22.10. New 4-room bungalow, double con structed, plumbing, water, lights, acre home site; fine spring brook on rock road; price only $'12.10; $200 will handle, balance like rent. See owner. 500 Con cord blrig., ad and Stark. HOME SITE AND BUNGALOW ONLY $1550. Over quarter-acre with 3-room bun- galow, water, gas, electricity; only 4 locks to Pacific highway; 9-cent com muters' fare; small down payment gives possession. See owner, 500 Concord hidg . 2d and Stark. . SUBURBAN HOMES. Have several nice little homes of from less than acre and up. some have nice 6-room modern bungalows. See these before you buy. See Elsasser, with QUICK SALE REALTY CO., 52.1 Railway Exchange. $3800 BUYS a thoroughly modern new bungalow, close to Multnomah station, on sightly tract of ground, just the place for your permanent home. Full particulars at office of Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg., or at Multnomah office, Mrs, Grant In charge. WANT close-in. strictly modern 7 or 8 rm. bungalow for my strictly modern acre home, overlooking Portland golf links; wonderful view. Will give or take cash difference on cash value. G. G. Mc CORMIC CO., 207 Failing bldg. Main S22Q. or Main 93 1 8. $20 CASH, $10 per month buys a homesite. 2 to 4 blocks from Shahapta sta., O. E. railway; 9c commutation fare. Bull Run water, gas, electricity; come out, build a shack and let your rent pay for your home. William Borsch, Maplewood, Or. Phone Main 2182. FIVE ACRES Two miles from city limits, one-fourth mile off Base Line; 8-room house, garage ; 2 -4 acres plowed, bal ance ready for plow; ideal for chickens or berries; $200 down, balance, $2900, easy payments: owner. Marshall 2775. WANT modern 2-acre suburban home for strictly modern 6-rm. Rose City Park bungalow ; 70x100 lot. double garage. Dea4 on cash basis. See my agents. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 2fT Failing bldg. Main S220 or Main 9.118. 2 ACRES, extra fine house, lots of fruit and berries, on good road, close In; must be sold and will sacrifice. Might con sider house In city. Owners, 169 16th at. Main 9860. 5 ACRES, ONLY $1000. Nine miles from courthouse : level ; fine for chickens, berries; $.10 gives pos session. See owner, COO Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. BEAUTIFUL LOT ON OSWEGO LAKE. $200 rash. bal. terms, near station; also some choice acre tracts at $10 down. McFARLAND. REALTOR. Falling Bldg. WILL sacrifice now $1000 equity In ft room strictly modern home at Mult nomah for $250 cash, balance terms. Main 162. $U(rft.50 1 acre, small 5-roora house, near OFwego lake, at Bryant station, Alain fttd7 after 6 80 P. M. t REAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. $3300 HUBER STATION, near BEAV ER TON. 24 acres, attractive 5 room ceiled and papered house, almost new, Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, gas heat, fine water system, large red barn, ga rage, chicken house, woodshed, family orchard, lull bearing; fret wood can be obtained close by for the cutting of It; also 3 acres of good pasture adjoins. All wire fenced. Cash $800, balance $25 per month. r f35O0 ALOHA STATION $3500. ? rult and poultry ranch, almost 4 acres. 6-room hou.e, celled and papered; gas, garage, barn, chicken hou'e, vro wells. COMMERCIAL ORCHARD, full bearing: also a fine vineyard which is now heavily laden with a splendid crop. This is an attractive place on a good stone road and only about 6 minutes' walk to station; cash $1000, balance $23 per month. Bee this one. $3600 ALOHA STATION $3600. LITTLE HOME RANCH of more than 5 acres, all under cultivation, one acre In fruit, full hearing: 6-room house, al most new; Dutch kitchen, with many bullt-lns; good water system, large new barn, hoghouse, chicken house; a most convenient little ranch. Located on a good macadam road, close to state high way and school, only about 25 minutes' drive to Portland. 6 minutes walk to S. P. station. Widow selling at a sac rifice. Cash tiOO, balance $20 per month. Investigate this one. The above are only a few of our sub urban homes. We have a well-chosen list some excellent values. Call for in formation. Office open Sunday 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. M.' E. DE JOICE COMPANY. 221 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1631. 10 ACRES son Oatfield (Macadam) road, few minutes' walk to Cvn cord station, Oregon City car line. 8tt acres In high tate of cultiva tion. Fine soil and sightly loca tion; especially adapted to grapes, fruit, berries and chickens. Sev eral -old buildings and orchard. 2 big springs, concreted and large enough to irrigate land If desired. Owner must sell and has author ized us to price the piece at $.1000. $3500 cash, balance mortgage. 6 per cent. This is a wonderful loca tion for country home. Surround ing land held at $800 to $1000 per acre. Come out aud 1st us show you. ' FREYT AG-MEEDS CO.. GLADSTONE. OREGON. OREGON CITY CARLLNE. PHONE OREGON CITY 2C0-J. SUBURBAN HOMES. Two acres choice garden land, Jn cul tivation, lots of fruit and berries; four room neat cottage and outbid gs., near station on Oregon City line, $3000. half cash. Five acres, 2 acres In cultivation, new 8-room cottage, furnished; 100 chick ens, near grhool, railway station. 10 miles out, $2750, $000 down, balance eay. Six acrea, extra choice -land, running water; also large spring: on the pave ment at the railway station; four-room house, barn, lots of fruit and berries; 10 miles out. $0000; good terms, or will sell half with buildings: this Is nice. Six acre in cultivation. 6-room house; on pavement, Hillsboro highway, near Shattuck sta., 20 minutes from Broad way by auto, $5500; good terms. R. M. OATEWQOD & CO.. 10.1 4th st. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. One of the most productive and sdght ly homes on the west side, with a beau tiful view of the mountains and valley; 6 acres of fine land, all cultivated, on high, level ground, 8 miles from center of Portland, near Oswego and the new paved highway. A good 7-room houe. In A-l condition, bathroom, laundry, ce ment basement, fireplace, abundance of water under pressure, garage, brooder house and all kinds of full-bearing fruit and big asparagus bed. A genuine home In every senre and only 2,1 min. drive to your business in Portland. Will sell place nearly furnished, with tools and family cow, for $7500, liberal terms. Phone owner, H. C. At water. 171 Os- wego. PORTLAND'S BEST SUBURB. $6,30OO. 1 acre, has fine 8-room house with S bedrooms, hot-water heat, bath, eleclric light, gas and near school and station. $5500. 1 acre with every variety of fruit; 6 rooms, all modern; Bull Run water. $4000. 1 acres, fine soli, good location ; fruit, chicken house, well and spring water, neat 5-room house. Have other places from $2500 up to $15,000; also 2 acres, good 7-room house. MRS. F. M. YOUNGS. REALTOR. RISLEY STATION. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. SOMETHING exceedingly beautiful In a classy suburban home, and If you have $5500 cash we will make you owner. Ten minutes' electric car ride. 10-cent fare. Just outside of the city limits: 20 minutes downtown In auto; a beautiful 8-room, finest construction, modern house, city water, gas and electricity, beautiful large spacious grounds, flow ers, shrubbery, fruit, berries, large 2 story chicken house; very extensive, un obstructed view; a most sightly and at. - tractive property; nothing to compare with this offer around the city. A rare opportunity for someone. C. L. Becker, 13:W First St. ONE-ACRE TRACTS. JOINING CITY LIMITS ON EAST. $000 AND UP. Highly Improved farm. Just been sub divided; lies level, productive soil, faces good macadamized road; Bull Run water and beautiful view of the mountains and city; some tracts with bearing cherry, pear and apple trees, and others with raspberries. loganberries, stra wherries, currants, grnpes and asparngus; $100 down and $50 everv three months. SAYLER E. SMITH. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. MOST everyone has wished for a tract of land, a place to build a summer home, perhaps, where the family could live in the open, a place to go for week-ends and Sundays to rest, where the chtldren can enjoy the great out of doors. Ritlow acres out the Base Line road offers this and more. It Is divided into small tracts and sold on easy terms; send for plat and description: it's free. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR, RITTER-LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SUBURBAN. Out the magnificent Columbia high way, 10 beautiful acres, all In cultiva tion, with beautiful creek on the place, which would make an Ideal trout stream; nice bearing orchard of apples, prunes, plums and cherries; V acre potatoes, 2 fine Jersey cows, 33 chickens, 6 tons of hay and fairly good buildings, all for $4000. J. B. HOLBROOK, Realtor, 214-1,1 Panama Bldg. THREE-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME! 3 acres, all In cultivation, some fruit and berries; 0 blocks from Tigard on the O. E. line. Close to highway and 3 blocks from school; 5-room house and good barn: $3500 with GOOD TERMS. ASK for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 203 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third Ft. bet. Wash, and Stark. A FEW years hence you will be sorry you didn't buy one of those tracts facing Base Line load, containing about 4 14 acres, for $2150; there is only two left now at that price; sold on easy terms. Who first? R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER-LOWE CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HERE IS A DANDY PLACE FOR $2650. 14 acres, only 2 blocks from Beaver ton highway, all fenced : new 4-room bungalow with bath, pantry, sink with water. Inrge living room, inclosed front and back porches. Easy terms. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark St. Main 831. . MULTNOMAH. ON CAPITAL HIGHWAY. One-half acre, all In cultivation1; good house, woodshed, fruit and berries; city water, gas and electricity; price $2400; one-half cash. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. .100 -10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. FOR SALE B-room modern house, city water, electricity, built-in buffet, book cases, 2 window seats, basement, ga rage. 5 lots in cultivation, lawn and flowers, some berries. Good schools, paved roads, 23 miles to Portland. Price $3000. Indebtedness $1300. Address box 136. Kalama. Wash. METZGER SACRIFICE. Forced to sell; one acre, 4-room house, garden, berries, fruit, chickens; 11c fare; best train service; easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. OREGON CITY carllne. Concord Btation. First house east of Concord school on Concord road. Elegant new bungalow with every cltr convenience, furnished or unfurnished. Ray Bentley. owner. See it today. CULTIVATED acres for $000; right at station; $15 monthly payment. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 16.s. 1100 DOWN. 4 acres, excellent soil; all cultivated. Fronting car line. For quick sale $1200. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co. IO tregon niny, pnwv, jo.o. SUBURBAN home cheap, 8 rooms, mod ern, every convenience, double garage; Included fine Jersey cow. turkeys and chickens. Owner. B 128. Oregnnlan. $.".ti CASH 3-room house. new, water, lights, near elec. school. P. O.. store and Portland. $1450. McFarland, . Falllna' bldg HALF ACRE, 2 blocks from city car line. $8O0; easy terms; good soil. W. M. Umb denstock 4k Co 10 Oregon fcldg. Bdwy. 165a. RF. L ESTATK Suburban Homes. FOSTER ROAD 3 fine acres with 100 tree of assorted frutt In bearing, all kinds of berries, close to electric station. Four-room house; good spring; fine Jer sey cow. Pries $4200 pASE LINE HIGHWAY 2 acres, facing on the high way; new four-room plas tered bungalow, consisting of large living room, kitchen and two bedrooms, bath, all bullt-lns. gas heat. lights, wonderful view, all In culti vation, fruit and berries This place is nicely kept and an exceptionally good buy $1500 will handle. Price $4M0 NEWBERG HIGHWAY 4 4 acres, all in cultivation with 2 acres fine bottom land, H acre In strawberries, fine prune orchard. Lots or apple, plum, pear and cherry trees all In bearing. t-.ood . house, located among large Shade trees, lots of roses. No rock or gravel, located close to station, only 1 miles over the highway. A fine place for home or highway business lo cation. Price on terms. $.1000. OREGON CITY HIGHWAY 8 acres, right on the high way 12 miles out. fine large home with city water, barn, garage, chicken house, or chard of 75 trees In bearing 1 acre In strawberries and quantities of other berries: horse and farm tools. The price and terms are so low that you cannot f"rd .? pass this buy. $20OO will handle. Price $500 JOHN E. HOWARD. Realtor. 818 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Ideally located and chicken dinner inn or road house on highway In Portland's most popular suburban district. Beautiful new mod ern home to please the most fystM living room 25x28. huge stone r'n1"' 2 -baths, beautiful and artistic dining room, combination den nd kf"B room, with fireplace, oak oors gas heat double garage, complete -ndry in building by itself; 3-room modern buna-alow for caretaker, chicken house and runs for 1000 chickens, barn four "res of choicest fruit, grapes and ber ?1es and beautiful landscape gardens This Is wonderful place and can be Sought right. Will sell either 2 or 4 Cre MRS.NOW. Bdwy. 4664. 320 Lumbermens Bldg. CHOTCH 5-ACRK SUBURBAN nOMJ. pr frHm;pii I bTocks to station. 15-eent straight fare ?o the city; all in ltlvtttlonr11no1r,oc1k(; w of .0 I We know you will find no Ktte? orcLrd around Portland very Sest commercial varieties, young, thrifty, perfectly developed and in full "ing. There are 8 acres of It. An "hundane of berries, grapes, shrubbery and flowers Good 6-room plastered bungalow, f ull basement, bath. Bull Run water, barn, chicken house snd outbuildings. Price $5500 Present owners cleared the stumps and developed this place with Kreat care. You can step in and reap the harvest. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. Raltor"-0i l"a IK Oth St,, near Glisan. Bdwy. 4381. HERE'S A TTP-TOP OPPORTUNITY. -2 miles east of city. 2 acres with 2 orchards. 2 houses (one 6 rooms, one 8 rooms.) Iarge barn, well and cistern, city water If wanted. 4-year-old cow. heifer, chickens. Some implements and tools, too. -Total price $4500. Possession Nov. 1. t Bonus loan accepted when avail able. -Phone Tabor 6575 or write Box 155, Rt. 2., Troutdale, Or. 2-ACRE SACRIFICE. Large modern 6-room bungalow with bath, electricity and gna : two acres practlenlly all in cultivation; necessary outbuildings; some fruit and berries; e.r Oreirnn Elect rlc station and Port land Golf club. Business changes makes sacrifice by owner necessary mr qmrn sale. VIII sacrifice this $0500 place for $5000; $2000 cash. If sold quickly. LISTEN We have about 150 person ally inspected suburban homes for sale. Among these are soma wonderful snaps. Let us show you some of the best buys around Portliind. Any kind of a place you want from b arre to 20 or 40 acres. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. . Moved to 207 Failing Bldg. Main 8220. or Main M18. PRETTY 8-ACRE HOME AT A BARGAIN. Near Clackamas river, paved road all the way but Inst 80 rods, which Is a good hard road tand will be paved In the spring, 30 minutes by suto, near station and small town with bank, cannery, etc.; 8 acres, all in cultivation, perfect lying land, no rock. 2 acres of prunes, 2 acres apples. Practically new and splendid 8 room plastered house, full basement, wash trays, flreplaee, lots bullt-ins, large deep front porch, screened-ln back porch, hot and cold water, bath, etc. Price $.1500. Would not be out of the way at $MO0. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. Realtors. 122 N. 6th St.. r ear Gl tfan. Bdwy. 4381. WOODED TRACT. A beautiful, lvel tract, facing direct ly on the Powell Valley road. Just out side the city limits, covered with stately grove of native trees; an Ideal spot for suburban home; sold on easy terms, $1000 per acre, in tracts to suit pur chaser. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR, RITTER-LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg RENTER, PUT YOUR MONEY IN A HOME! $50 DOWN WILL GIVE YOU POS SESSION I 2 rooms with city water, f0x 100 lot on paved street with all im . provements in and paid for. THIS WILL NOT LAST FOR $1000. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St. bet. Wash, and Stark. A- MODERN HOME. Beautiful little country home, only four blocks off the highway near Lents Junc tion, with an acre of improved ground and lots of outbuildings for chickens: I will sell this to a responsible people for $3,100: about $70O cash. This Is the best suburban buy that I have seen In this district. J. J. MCCARTHY, Abing- ton bldg. THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY. Almost 3 acres of fine land. lies ideal, faring on Barker road, between Base Line and Section Line roads, very easy to clear, about 10 miles out. for $1750, on easy terras; others are buying, why not you? - R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER-LOWE ft CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board, of Trade Bldg. ACRE ON PAVED ROAD! Full acre on 3ith and Powell valley road. 6-room house, electricity, iras and city water; THIS IS AN EXCEPTION AL BUY FOR $4000. REASONABLE TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bldg Main 3008. Third St. bet. Wash, nnd Stark. ONE-ACRE HOME. Neat and attractive, new 4-room bun galow, and one acre on hard surface road. 25 minutes from heart of city, for $3750 on very easy terms; will accept as part payment city lots or good piano. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR, RITTER-LOWE & CO.. gfll-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 ACRE ot ground and modern 5-room cottage, double garage and large chicken house, cement driveway to garage and cement walks all around house, $12.10; electric water system, fruit, lawn and roses; on Buckley ave.. 1 block south of Powell Valley rd. Price $4500. Terms $1000 cash. Inquire at store on corner. Aut. fl3ft-05. 1 ACRE, sacrifice; this Is 2 blocks from end of Montavilla car line; good soil, Ideal for poultry and berries; city water, g-as snd electricity. Easv terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwv. tfllR CLOSE-IN 4rt-ACRE TRACT. West side, suitable for subdivision end could be sold at a profit. Good paved and rock road: best of soil, half culti vated; verv low price. Will sell or trade. ( wner. P. O. hnx f24, city. $2000 HIIYS a modern 4-room bungalow In Buckingham Heights, a delightful little home, near Multnomah station. For par ticulars see Ben Riesland at 404 Piatt bldg.. or his agent, Mra. Grant, at Mult nomah office. FOR SALE OR RENT 7-room house, 20 minutes from town, two blocks to deoot. on Oregon Electric railway; thoroughly m odern. Main 7115. or 204 Henry bid g. FIVE acres fr $750. Fine soil; uncleared; ten minutes' walk to station; $50 down. W. M. Umbdenstock A Co. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. ld.lS I OWN an acre of Ideal river frontage with all city conveniences, which I will exchange for lots in Punnyslde, Laurel hurst. D 115. Oregon-Inn. NEAR Vancouver. 5 acres, house, fruit, berries, $500 cash; ideal for chickens, $2254. KcFaxland, Realtor, Failing bldg. RI AL FSTATK. Suburban Home WHY PAY lor a dt-ad animal? Buy A good home with the rent moni-y and you be the landlord. I must "V good home at a sacrifice, as 1 need money, so my choice auhurban l'tin muiit go. Contains tt acres of excel lent loam soil, free from roks or giael and grows good crops; good, larse 2 story house with garret and baenie nt ; never-failing well. Iiat u and hlken house ; houe w ired fur telephone ; t on a fine road; is oulsMu f 1'ortland l'.mt.!. Pure air : nice vitw ; excellent lat!iti ; will itive pt-rfect title ami Immediate pouFCssnui ; 15 minutes by unto to heart of Port land, and Joins 10-5 fa ir lte. Onlv 5bOO; 11000 cash and l tins oa balance. Write or call on K. M. Llli. 12.1'S Hat 15th st. North (Portland or.) or phone Woodlawn tuort. UON T-Twtl to inv.stlKat Multnomah be fore bulng your suburban hm. Kvery modern con veil ten re of the -ity, and In addition the beautiful roltlnK country. You can buy tracts ranging in slxe from a lot to an acre, on term of 10 per rent down and very ensy monl hly payments thereafter, net away from (he rnl If you have f50 in real money, let me nhi.w you how to get a start. I shall he gUd to take you out over the boulevard at your convenience; or yow may call on my agent, Mrs. Gram, at the Multnomah otflce. Telephone Main ttn.lft. HKN IWKSLANIi. City office, 404 plait Hhig.. 127 Park St. , Telephone Main M. HALF-ACRE SNAP At Gnrd'-n Homo, Oregon Electric. SACRIFICE FOR CASH. S rooms, plu.iterod. besides large uleep Inr porch ; g;t. e lee trie It y and water; chicken house ; alt well fenred; all cul tivated; some young Irult tre and ber ries; close to Million; 46 train! du ly; 0c commutation fare. Owner is nnn-real-dent; must have money; has been ask ing $2.1uo on terms. Will nacrltice tor cah. Make an offer. ti. G. McCoRMTO CO., Moved to 20T Falling T!dg. Main H220, or Mnln 01. schuhha.v spwci al. 84 acres, bvautiful butiKniow, artis tically arranged ground with rluW-e flowers and shrubbery, living stream, boautiful grove, fruit and herrlea. Fine for chickens and small dairy or easily converted Into beautiful pleasure grounds. 1 mile east of cii y limit n. i'O minutes drive from courthouse. l'rlc very low at $3750. discount for all cawh O. H. RIl'PHY, Realtor. 610-11 McKay UMg. Mnln 6??TV $500 CASH U-rowni Iiuiikh, i4 acre, fi uit, water, eas y mo 11 1 h : y payment s, 1,t..O Mel- aria nil. Rwjtor. Falling bldg. For Sule It u 111 cm I'rope rty. CORVALLIS OPPORTUNITY. There exists in Corvallls a wonderful opportunity for a live planing mill and warehouse man. I have avaihible an Ideal File for the abo purposes, front ing 150 feet on main street, fully paved, with trackage at the rear. Corvallts 1 easily the best field of opportunity in the entire state of Oregon. Write m at once stating your desires and 1 will be glad to co-operate. Address M. U Granning, Cor vail la, Oregon, WOULD an Industrial site across the street from the new American Can Co. and within a block of the Montgomery Ward plant Interest you? The it has IMH) fe ; facing on main thoroughfare and 100 feet deep, with trackage. This im a splendid place for a manufacturing . plant or a warehouse; very reasonable if sold before the first of December. Call Alain "070, ask for Douglas Powell. SCHOOL district No. 1 olfera for sale various parce-ls of land no longer usod for school purposes, adapted, however for business) or factory needs. Full description may be obtained from the school clerk and bus'neas ananagor, room 401 courthouse. R. If. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. Dated OctoKr 15, 3021. RUSSKLL ST., NEAR WILLIAMS AVW. 50x145 lot, occupied by tl-room house and smal store building; $45oo. If ln turested in a snap It will pay you to In vestigate this property. K. M. HROWN, 1122 N. W. Dank Hidg. Main 2422. FOR SALE VERY H KASONA Itl.K HY OWNER, FINK CORNER loOxlUO. SUIT ABLE! FOR APARTMENT Oil BUSI NESS HLOCK. CALL EAST 22711 UR E AST 20!2. WILL sell at bargain, out-of-town more, stock, fixtures. 1 Reo truck, 1 Stude baker combination truck, 1 Ford truck. Will sell any part or all, Sellwood 2sa4. 474 Lexington ave. FOR SALE Good place for garage, on four corners, market road, or will con sider partnership if Al mechanic. A V 80H, Oregonlan. fCKJL HALL and soft drink !BtatlLhment. good location, good bunlnei. First and larut ners. .Main 1 4-n. STORY brick bid'.'. In good town; income C'UtO mnnllill' I'rly.A C 1 '1 llOll- 'II Mr FA R LAN L. Realtor. Falling "hid g. ' s-tl)ki nricK Ding., in gooa town; in come $2i0 monthly. Price Ji:i.i0O. 21 rooms. McFarlnnd. Itenltor. F.iillng hidg. FOR SALE BuHlness place lncnted 48 North Third st. Apply a North ad st CORVALLIS property for sale or exchange. X Hi. OrPKonlnn. Honirwieudw. Kclinuulsnmenis. HBRE'S A VALUABLE HOMESTEAD. IT 8 A DANDY 1 OO rres, on county road, 2 mile to paved I'acific highway; 4 miles from railroad town. 14 miles from Howe burg. 25 acres Is rich level creek bottom, sev eral of which Is cleared and ploweri. Land like this on highway close by Is selling for $toO per acre. 00 acres I" sloping rlfh upland, Ideul for gropes and pi'unes; Ttalance will make good hill pasture. Fine second growth oak on bot tom easy cleared and fir on upland Jut right for tie mill. Fine market fur cord wond. This Is soldier's preference right claim and $:too takes this relinquishment. This is a really great chance to get a first-clans place by homesteadlng. I cruised this nd guarantee descrip tion. Come to Yoncalla and take Kdea & Rogers Jitney to my ranch or write me and I'll meet you with car, or any one can direct you (0 miles east), good road. Many desirable claim Write for free list. (But the above one wins the prise). (Come get it quick). O. 8. EHLE. Yoncalla, Or. WANT a farm close to Portland, up t? $7000 or $S000; must bo pretty well undei cultivation: have dandy up-to-date gro cery in exchange for same, worth $5500, doing around $100 a day. This store i on a good business street. S. BORLAND. 80 S Stock E xc h. Auto. B2T-04. FARM of 80 acres, only 25 miles front Portland, three miles to Columbia high way; worth Is close to $10,000; yours for $1100. It is a homestead relinquish ment. Have also some very good home stead locutions. See M. J. Anderson 302-4 Railway Exchange bldg. i GOOD farm of 40 acres near Molalla; house and barn built. Hest buy In north west; party must go to Arizona; home stead relinquishment for sule, only $1200. First party that sees It will buy. M. J. Anderson. 302 Railway Exch. Hidg. 100-ACRE RELINQUISHMENT. 87 miles from Portland, fome fine timber, Al soil. Price J150. Ola Cham ber of Commerce bldg. OPEN SUNDAY FROM 12 TO 2. RELINQUISHMENT. 100 acres, loo fertile tillable land. lots bottom land, valuable timber, near mill and R. D. ; no Improvements: within 12 miles of Oregon City. 2wj Morgaubldg. WILL sil cheap or trade for cattle Ilib acres, homestead relinquishment. In Mon tana; every fuut plowable. AP 147, ore gonlan. FOR A good homestead or relinquishment see E. W. Helm, 422 Chamber ot Com merce Jldg; A. GOOD HOMESTEAD. 12-0 acres ready for plow, balance timber, house almost com p 1 e ted. Broadway 2310. J-ruit Lands for Sale or Itent. GKUW FKUIT. 14 acres. 12 acres prunes, BO walnut trees, bearing; 60 cherry trees, 75 apple trees, good varieties, full-bearing; peurs. peaches, 8-room houe. choice Phrubb"ry, !io mile Portland. 4 miles highway. Will accept Portland residence and give terms. E. R. S.. 5i:t Coiichbldg. REAL successful walnut orchards that bear a full crop everv year are hard to buy in California at from $3000 to $5000 per acre. Can sell Just as good and per haps better In Oregon at a fraction of that price. Address T. Wlthycombe, 432 12th st.. Portland. Or. ft ACRES beurlng wainu-t. cherries, near Amity; $1100 ca h. K. 120. Oregon'.an. l or Sa le Acreage. 5 acres! Beautiful tract, all cleared and In cle ver; rich soil; close In on west side, on Rod Electric line. Only $2000, on terms. City conveniences available. See A. K. H 1 1 ,L. 42fl I.umhe r m enj sbl d g . 10 ACRES WEST SIDE. 12 miles out. best of soli, (J cleared, pig tight fence, 2 a-res orchard, level, main road; shack; $10no, easy terms. J. C. CORRIN CO , .T'Vfl-7 Lewis Blflg. 375 PER ACRE. Twenty-sere tract on Barr road, W. of Buckley ave., with 4 water shares; B. R, water and elec. available; will subdivide, HENRY W. OOIlAKl, 'J 4 3 Stark St. T AC'RKfl. part in cultivation; email hnuns, barn, fruit, facing right on paved high way. Price $12.MI. $150 down. DRAPER. 4H Board ofTrade. SIOOO DOWN -d ac res near Nowborg ; 15 acres cultivation ; house, burn : orchard ; fine soil; $.1.'oO quick sale; use soldier's loan. "01 AlcKsy hiug. FOOTHILL Ml, run down; som. liuprova -men is; $175v. Owner, 141 . O'JUi 2,