The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 16, 1921, SECTION FIVE, Page 2, Image 70

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Mayor, Proclaims Day and Newspapers, Streetcars and Other Agencies Contribute to Publicity Efforts to Gain Crowds at Services Special Sermons to Be Preached.
THE churches of the city are an
ticipating a great day today, the
Occasion being- Portland's "Come
to-church" Sunday. . The plan for the
day originated in the department of
evangelism of the federation of
churches under the leadership of Rev.
Edward H. Pence. It was unani
mously approved by the ministers of
the city at a conference on evangel
ism held September 12.
After the ministers had made the
plans Uiey turned over the problem
of promotion to the department of
publicity of the federation, which
consists of David M. Botsford, chair
man; L. R. Wheeler of the Telegram.
Fred Lockley of the Journal and Will
H. Warren of The Oregonian. The
publicity department has recommend
ed to all ministers that special ser
mons be preached, special music given
and greeting committees be on hand
at all services during the day.
The mayor of the city has recog
nized the importance of the church by
a proclamation which states that "the
church is man's greatest asset . .
Every citizen is urged to attend the
church of his choice. . . . October
It is hereby officially designated as
"come-to-church Sunday In Portland."
The Portland Railway. Light &
Power company has carried free 100
car cards announcing the day. The
Foster A Kleiser company has fur
nished free the use of 50 billboards
throughout the city which announce
that October 1 Is "come-to-church"
Sunday In the city of Portland.
Every citizen is assured of a cordial
welcome today in any- church he may
cars to attend.
a a a
The second annual meeting of the
Portland Federation of Churches will
be held next Tuesday at 7:45 P. M.
In the First Presbyterian church
house. Thirteenth and Alder streets.
The executive secretary will present
the annual report, officers will be
elected and plans made for the new
year. Every delegate should go pre
pared to take an active part in the
work of the evening An amendment
to the constitution will be presented
proposing a change in our name to
the Portland Council of Churches.
Each church is asked to send its
full quota of delegates. The constitu
tion provides that "each church shall
be represented in the council by the
pastor and two lay members, and one
additional lay member for each 200
members or major fraction thereof.
Over and above the first 200."
Churches not members of the fed
eration are asked to send representa
tives If they desire.
Mrs Helen Street Banney and Miss
Bertha Allen, two of the speakers at
the state Congregational conference,
will spend today in Portland as the
guests of Portland churches.
Mrs. Ranney is the general secre
tary of the woman's board of mis
sions for the Pacific She was grad
uated from Wellesley and Hart.ord
Theological seminary. She recently
resigned as secretary of the Associ
ated Charities of Minneapolis to ac
cept her present posltlton. Mrs Ran
ney has traveled extensively, visiting
missions in India. China -and Japan,
as well as having traveled extensively
through Italy, Switzerland France,
England and Scotland.
Miss Allen is of the Union Kinder
garten training school at Foo Chow,
China. .. .
Mrs. Ranney speaks at Highland
Congregational Sunday, schooj at 10
A. M. and at Laurelwood Congrega
tional church at 11 A. M
Miss Allen speaks at 10 A. M. at the
Atkinson Memorial Congregational
Sunday school and at Warerley
Heights Congregational church at
7:20 P.M.
The women of the Episcopal
churches of Portland will have three
days of important study classes
Wednesday. Thursday and Friday.
The sessions will be held at St.
David's parish house. East Twelfth
and Belmont streets. Miss Tlllotson,
the national educational secretary of
the women auxiliary, will conduct
the classes. The same general pro
gramme will be followed each day.
Members of the clergy are especially
invited to the general conferences.
At 10:20 o'clock each morning there
will be a celebration of the holy com
munion. From 11 to 12:30 classes
for church leaders will be the rule.
At 12:20-there will be a box lunch,
while from 1:30 to 2 and from 3 to
4:30 topics of special interest will
be thrown open for general discus
sion. The part that women will play
in education, the arrangements for
the general convention in 1922 and
the score of ways In which church
women are building up the "living
church" will be handled by experts. .
This morning at 11 oclock Bishop
Walter Taylor Sumner has been in
vited to preach the special Jubilee
sermon at St. Luke's church. Van
couver, Wash. Tuesday next Bishop
Sumner will be the celebrant at the
choral holy communion. This date.
St. Luke's day. is historical In the
annals of the northwest, for in 1836
the first established services of the
Anglican church were held at Fort
Vancouver by the Rev. Mr. Beaver,
chaplain of the Hudson's Bay com
pany. Among visitors for this spe
cial occasion will be Bishops Keator.
Lemuel H. Wells and Dr. John D.
Succoth, the original Thanksgiving
day of ancient Israel, beter known
as the Feast of Tabernacles, begins
tomorrow and is observed for seven
days, ending on October 24 with the
Feast of Conclusion, or Somlnl At
sereth. Services are held In the
synagogue on the first snd last day.
In the light of its Biblical origin.
Succoth is a characteristic harvest
festival, having its inception and
significance in an agricultural era.
It Is known in scripture as the Feast
of Ingathering (Exodus XXIII: 16).
when the ancient Israelitish farmer
gathered in the frutt of his labors
out of the field.
During this period the synagogues
are decorated with fruits and flowers
and the products of the field. The
service is of a Joyful nature, expres
sive of gratitude for all the bounties
and benefits and helpfulness vouch
safed by Ood. In many religious
schools, harvest 'pageants and cele
brations are enacted. In which the
children are the performers.
Rev. Charles MacCaughey, newly
appointed pastor of Centenary-Wilbur
Methodist church, is hurriedly
closing up his work as district sup
erintendent of Moscow district, and
it is expected that he will be here
to oecupv his pulpit on Sunday.
October 23. Dr. Carl G. Doney will
preach morning and evening today.
Dr. Doney is president of Willamette
university at Salem. This morning
Mrs. Arthur C. Perrin will sing
"Callest -Thou Thus, O Master" and A
special feature of the evening service
will be a flute solo by H. A. Mc
Cutchan. The Woman's organization
of ths church is planning a get-together
social evening for Friday,
October 28.
Our Brother's Keeper." will be
ths subject of the sermon by Rev.
William E. Brlnkman today at 11
o'clock at St. James English Lutheran
church, West Park and Jefferson
streets. 'The Finality of the Ten
Commandments" will be the subject
of the evening sermon at 7:45 o'clock.
The vested choir will sing. The Sun
day school will hold its regular class
sessions at :45 A. M. Classes are
open to all children and adults. The
Young People's Luther League will
meet for devotional service at 6:45
this evening in the chapel.
The Missionary society will hold
an Interesting meeting at the church
Wednesday evening October 2. A
programme will be given. Everyone
Is invited.
The Luther league of ths St.
James English Lutheran church will
hold its regular devotional service
Sunday evening. October 16. at 6:45
P. M. The topic is "What We Know
About God," conducted by William
J. J. Haadsaker, state director of
near east relief, will give an account
of his trip through Armenia, at the
following places Sunday: 10 A. M.,
White Temple: 11 A. M., Third Bap
tist churth; 12:15 P. M., First Metho
dist Sunday school.
White Temple Topic for
"Teach Us o Pray" and "Reconcili
ation." Subjects at Services. ,
THE f-iends and members of Dr.
B. B. Sutcliffe's Bible classes will
want to hear him today at the First
Baptist church (White Temple) at
both services when they learn the
subjects he will discuss. At the morn
ing service at 11 o'clock the subject
will be "Teach Us to Pray." At the
evening service at 7:45 the subject
will be "Reconciliation."
A splendid meeting has been ar
ranged by the senior Baptist Young
Peoples union for 6:30 this evenin
Miss Jennie Bullock will lead and
Miss Myrtle Schuman will sing. Pray
er and praise service will be held
Thursday at 8 P. M. Everybody is
welcome at all services of the church.
At the Third Baptist church even
ing services Rev. R. E. -Close will
preach from the theme, "The Win
ner." During this service will occur
the installation of the officers of the
young people's societies.
Special plans have been made for
the observance of "Come to Churcn
Sunday" at the Sellwood Baptist
church. The double quartet will have
charge of thermusic, rendering special
numbers as well as leading in the
congregational singing, which Is a
feature of the services at this church.
A new constitution has Just been
adopted by the church to replace one
which the church had outgrown. A
nursery department has been or
ganized to take care of the babies
and young children during the time of
the church services, so that mothers
will not have to care for them at that
time but can enjoy the services. Two
members of the church who are them
selves mothers are in charge of the
nursery, taking turns each week. This
Is said to be the second Baptist church
in the city to follow this plan and 10
little tots were cared for last Sunday,
the first day It was tried out.
The pastor. Rev. Chester S. Tunnell,
will preach In the morning on the sub
ject "The Call of God to the Church
of Today," and in the evening his
topic will be "Preparation for a Great
The Baptist Bible School Superin
tendents' and Workers' union of Port
land and vicinity will meet in the
White Temple, Tuesday, October 18,
7:30 P. M. Supper will be served at
6:30. Rev. J. F. Huckleberry, the new
pastor of Grace Baptist church, late
of Colorado, will give a short ad
dress on the "Duties and Responsibili
ties of a Bible School Teacher." Fol
lowing this there will be five-minute
talks and an open forum for general
This morning in the East Side Bap
tist church the pastor. Dr. W. B. Hin
son. will preach from the subject,
"What Is Your Life?" This evening
at 7:30 Dr. Hinson's theme will be,
"Can the Past Be Changed?"
One hundred and twenty-five new
members have been taken into this
church since March and at the an
nual business meeting the member
ship committee reported a church roll
of 825 members.
At the mid-week service Wednes
day evening Dr. Hinson will take for
his topic, "How to Behave in a Storm."
On Thursday the women of the
church will hold the regular all-day
meeting. Industrial and White Cross
work will be done in the morning and
in the afternoon following a buli
ness session a missionary programme
will be given on state work, in charge
of Mi's. Mcintosh.
Science Readers to Deal
With Atonement Today.
.Morning Services Will Be Held
All Churches at 11 o'clock.
HT OCTR1XE of Atonement" will
xJ be the subject of the lesson
sermon in the Churches of Christ,
Scientist, today.
Sunday morning services are held
In all Churches of Christ, Scientist, at
11 o'clock, and Sunday night services
in all churches at 8 o'clock, except
the Fifth and Seventh.
Wednesday night meetings are held
at 8 o'clock. Testimonies of Chris
tian Science healing include a part
of these meetings.
Sunday school for pupils up to the
age of 20 is held in churches at
9:45 and 11. except Third and Fifth,
which hold their sessions at 9:45
and 11.
Reading rooms for the public Are
maintained at 1133 Northwestern
Bank building and 33 North Third
street, where the Bible and all au
thorized Christian Science literature
may be read or purchased. The pub
lic is cordially Invited to attend our
church services and use the reading
The churches are as follows:
Flrt Nineteenth snd Everett streets.
Second Cut Sixth street and Holladay
Third Eist Twelfth and Salmon streeta
Fourth Vancouver avenue and Emerson
Fifth Sixty-second street and Forty
second avenue Southeast.
Sixth Pythian temple.
Seventh 403 Smith avenue.
At the Mystic Church of Bethesda,
located at 409 Alder street near
Eleventh, services will be conducted
tonight at o'clock. Rev. W. W. Aber,
pastor, will have for the topic of his
lecture. "Is There Life After Death?"
After . the lecture demonstrations will
be given. Good music and singing
will be furnished by selected talent.
Circles will be formed between 6 and
7:30 P. M., prior to services, where
mediums will be in attendance. A
healing circle will also be formed at
the residence of Rev. W. W. Aber,
870 Belmont street at Twenty-eighth,
at 11 A. M. and a circle Tuesday
night at 8 o'clock.
Services of the Personal Message
church will be held tonight at 7:45
o'clock in the assembly hall. Hotel
Portland. C. W. Shaw it pastor.
Pastors whs have served Forest Grove
to rlKht Rev. R. K. Dnnlap. Chlcaeos Kev. D. H. Waters, Portland; Rev. John
and Rev. John Ebert. Back row, left to right Mrs. Dnnlap, Mrs. Waters,
Carlos, Rev. Mr. Gould and Mrs. Gould.
First Presbyterian Church
Announces Sermons.
Dr. Bowmnn to Speak on "Neigh
boring; With Jesus nnd His
XTEIGHBORING with Jesus and
IN His Brothers" will be the
theme of Dr. Bowman's sermon this
morning at the First Presbyterian
church, corner of Twelfth and Alder
streets, and in the evening he will
preach on "Burned Bridges."
E. E. Coursen's musical numbers
will include, in the morning: Pre
lude, "Allegretto" (Beethoven) and
postlude, "Fugue In C Minor" (Bach;.
Preceding the evening service he will
give an organ recital from 7:30 to
7:45, and will play the following:
'Evening Harmonies" (Bartlett) and
"Sunshine and Shadow" (BuckV; post
lude, "Fugue in B Minor" (Bach).
There will be a solo by otto wede-
meyer in the morning, "jNature s
Adoration" (Beethoven), and the
quartet will sing "Crossing the Bar."
Two anthems will be given by the
choir at the evening service: "Love
Not the World" (Sullivan) and "Give
Unto the Lord, O Ye Mighty" (Mille
gan). '
Thursday evening at 6:30 a dinner
will be served in cafeteria style in
the dining room of the church house,
to which all the congregation is in
vited. Reservations for the dinner
should be made at the church office
not later than Wednesday night. After
the dinner there will be a forum tor
discussion of different subjects. This
ill be followed by the regular
Thursday evening meeting in the
A class to study tne new social
science under the leadership of Miss
Elnora Thomson will meet Friday at
2 P. M. in Room E. Mibs Thomson is
a member of the faculty of the Lni
verslty of Oregon extension course,
and has made a special study of so
cial conditions. This is a subject in
which all the congregation should be
interested, and a cordial invitation is
extended to every member to attend
this class.
The Woman's association meets in
Room A, on the third floor of the
church house, every Friday at 10
A. M., sewing all day for charities,
and Invite the help of all the women
of the congregation in this home mis
sionary work.
The Warren v.esper class of the
First Presbyterian church is rapidly
increasing an enthusiastic member
ship. Many young persons are being
attracted to this class of wide-awake
activities, and diversity of talents are
being used to advance the work. Miss
Gertrude Hoeber Is presenting each
Sunday a programme of classical
numbers with a full membership of
the orchestra in attendance. The
soloist for today will be Miss Wini
fred Laird. Last Sunday Gordon
Onstad sang two selections. Visitors
are invited to this afternoon service,
which begins promptly at 4:15. The
song service, which precedes the pro
gramme, Is led by T. W. Zimmerman,
and is held in room E, entrance 454
Alder street.
In accordance with the spirit of the
day, "go to church Sunday," every
service will be made as interesting as
possible. Professor Hutchison, or
ganist and choir director, has selected
the following for musical features:
Morning. 10:30
Anthem "How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling-
Place" J Brahms
Offertory Andante' in B flat
R. Schumann
Contral to Aril "Eye Hath Not
Seen" A. R. Gaul
(From the Holy City.)
Evening, 7:30
Tenor solo and quartet "I "Will Wash
Mt Hands in Innocency. O Lord,
and 1 Will Go to Thine Al-
tar" E. J. Hopkins
Offertory "Notturno in C".. Edward Grieg
Hymn Anthem with solo baritone
"Day Is Dying in the West"
M. T. Salter
Wednesday evening from 7 to 8
a chorus for girls and young women
will be organized. Mrs. V. R. Stern
berg (Margaret Porter) has been ob
tained to lead the chorus. It is hoped
to have a cfiorus of 75 girls.
The Women's association will have
its regular session tomorrow at 2:30
in the church auditorium. This or
ganization began its industrial work
last Tuesday. Calls to help clothe
the poor or sew for the various wel
fare homes are many ayid the women
are ready to respend. '
The Young People's society, which
meets at 6:30, will consider the topic,
"How We Got Our Bible." A. F. Bitt
ner will speak.
Scouting Is given full place in this
church's programme. Five troops are
made up of boys of this church and
community. About 85 boys are now
members of these troops. Last year
troop 16 won the efficiency cup in
Methodist church In last 30 -rears and
competition with all troops of the
At the communion service last Sun
day ten new members were received
into the church.
Central Presbyterian church will
hear its minister. Dr. Walter Henry
Nugent, at both services today. In
the evening Dr. Nugent will continue
his character sketches. In the morn
ing his topic is "The World Ripe for
the Highest Blessings." The choir
will sing "Thy Hallowed Presence"
(Carter) and "Savior Like a Shepherd
Lead Us" (Niedllnger.)
The first fall meeting of the Men's
c:ub of the Central Presbyterian
church will be held on Tuesday eve
ning next. The programme will be
largely given by the students of Pa
cific university. Supper will' be
served at . 6:30 P. M. The Fidelia
guild will also meet for supper at
the church at the same time.
The members of Circle No. 1, under
the leadership of Elders D. T. Van
Tine and J. 8. King, Mrs. Van Tine
and Mrs. J. G. Bennett, will hold a
get-together social on Wednesday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Bennett. 575 East Twenty-fourth
street North.
Portland Lutherans Launch
European Relief Drive.
National Fund 'Will Be Raised to
Aid stricken Peoples.
rtE national Lutheran council, com
prising a majority of the Lutheran
conventions in the country, has issued
a call for $1,250,000 for European re
lief. The drive will be on October 15
to 31, when a country-wide campaign
will be carried on for the relief of
destitute churches and families in the
stricken parts of Europe. The con
gregations in Portland, with Rev. Mr.
Brinkman as state chairman, are or
ganizing for the work. At a recent
meeting Our Savior's Lutheran church
elected O. Kyllo and Rev. M. A. Chris
tensen to represent the church and
pledge its quota. .The appeal meets
with general sympathy and it is
freely admitted that the local Luther
ans will give a good account of them
selves. Oregon's quota is' $5237, or
about 80 cents the church member.
"Go-to-Church" Sunday will be ob
served at St. Paul's Lutheran church,
East Twelfth and Clinton streets, to
day, and the. pastor. Rev. A. Krause,
will preach both morning and evening.
At 10:30 A. M.. he will speak in Ger
man on the gospel of the day and his
subject will be "The School of Chris
tian Faith." The evening service at
7:30 is held in English and the sermon
will be" based on the question, "Why
Are You Not a Church Member and a
Christian?" The choir will sing both
morning and evening. Bible study
and the young people's meeting begin
at 5 P. M. and the Sunday school
opens at 9:30 A. M. The choir rehearses
Friday at 8 P. M.
"Go-to-Church" Sunday will be cele
brated today at Our Savior's Lutheran
church, corner East Grant and Tenth
streets. Special music will be offered
and Rev. M. A. Christensen will preach
the sermon. "Going to Church Why?"
will be discussed. The appeal for Eu
ropean relief will be read and new
members announced to the congrega
tion. A dinner in honor of the men of
Bethlehem Lutheran church will be
given November 2.
There will be two services today
at Grace Lutheran church, corner East
Broadway and Twenty-fourth street.
At 11 A. M. the theme will be "Christ's
Estimate of Children." At 7:30 P. M.
the pastor will preach on "The Es
sence of Christianity." The Sunday
school hour ts from 9:45 to 11 o'clock.
Saturday school at 10 o'clock. The
choir meeting will be Thursday night.
Grace Lutheran (Missouri synod).
East Broadway and Twenty-fourth
street. Morning service at 11. theme
"Christ's Estimate of Children." Even
ing service at 7:30, theme "The Es
sence of Christianity." Sunday school
at 9:45. Choir rehearsal Thursday
Services will be held at Trinity Lu
theran church today as follows: 10:15.
German: 7:30. English. Sunday school
conducted In English at 9:15. To reach
the church take any Williams avenue
or Union avenue car and ride to Ivy.
walk one block to Rodney. Everybody
a a a
The First Spiritualist church. East
Seventh and Hassalo Streets, will
hold services today at 3 and 8 P. M.
For the evening meeting, Mrs. Althea
V. Wiesendanger will deliver an ad
dress on the subject of "Dreams and
Their Interpretation." Special solos
will be given by Mrs. Anna Snyder
and Mr. Curtis. Messages wlli be
given by Mrs. Snyder also.
Photo by Peterson Studio, Forest Grove.
their wives attend Methodist conference at Forest Grovet Front row, left
Parsons, Portland! Rev. T. I.. Jones,
Rev. Frank Moore. Mrs. Parsons,
'Why Go to Church?" to
Be Pastor's Topic.
Evangelical Congregation Plans
Special services.
THE Sunday school of the Clay
street Evangelical church, at the
corner of Tenth and Clay streets,
will commence at 9:30 with Superin
tendent Keller In the chair. The
morning service begins a: 10:45. The
pastor, . Rev. Jacob Stocker, , will
preach a sermon in line with the sug
gested "Go-to-Church Sunday" on
"Loyalty to God and to Church."
This church will co-operate with
the federation of churches of Portland
and the ministerial association to in
tensify evangelistic efforts simul
taneously with the other churches of
Portland. v
In the afternoon the pastor will
speak at the Old People's home on
Division street. The Young Peoples'
alliance meets at 6:30 o'clock and
will be in charge of E. J. Keller, the
superintendent of the Sunday school.
The' night sermon will be at 7:30
o'clock, when the pastor. In harmony
with the leading topic " of "Go-to-Church
Sunday," will preach on .the
theme, "Why Go to Church?" '
a a
At the Swedish tabernacle, Seven
teenth and Glisan streets, services
will be at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.
The topic for the forenoon sermon is:
"When God Heareth Prayer." At
night a missionary to South America,
Rev. J. F. Svenson, win speak.
At 3 P, M. Rev. C. J. Ledln will
speak at the Norwegian Free church,
East Thirteenth and Sumner streets.
The topic is "What Doest Thou
Here?" Special music at the meet
ings. a a a
The prominent evangelist and
pastor of the Swedish tabernacle,
Minneapolis, Minn., Rev. Gustaf F.
Johnson, will arrive in Portland Octo
ber 19 to hold a series of evangelical
revival meetings at the. Swedish
tabernacle. Seventeenth and Glisan
streets. Beginning Wednesday night,
October 30, Rev. Mr. Johnson will
speak every day at 2:30 and at 7:45
P. M., except Saturdays; and on Sun
days at 11 A. M. and 3 P. M. and 7:30
P. M. Sunday afternoon meetings
will be in English. Week-day aft
ernoon meetings, when he will speak
on prophetic topics, will be held at
Elim chapel, Skidmore street and
Michigan avenue. If the chapel is
overcrowded these meetings will be
held at the tabernacle.
Come-to-Church Sunday to
Be Observed Today.
Christian Cona-rea-ation to Hear of
"Seven Benefits."
will be observed today at the
First Christian church in both song
and sermon. At the morning worship
at 11 o'clock each attendant will be
presented with a copy of Theodore
Rooseveit:s "Nine Reasons for Church
Attendance At this morning hour
the pastor, the Rev. Harold H. Griffis,
will speak on the theme, "Why Come
to Church? Seven Benefits."
At 6:45 o'clock this evening the
young people of the congregation will
meet in devotional, period for con
sideration of the subject, "Lessons
From the Patriots of the Past and
the Present," of which Miss Hulda
Faust, president of the Young Peo
ple's society, will be the leader.
Following a praise service led by
the church quartet in the evening
preaching period the pastor will dis
cuss the essential elements of true
character as represented by the ca
reer of Jesus Christ, the definite topic
being, "The Manhood of the Master."
At this evening worship W. H. Man
nan will render the baritone selection.
"The Earth Is the Lord's" (Lynes),
and E. A. Morgan will sing a tenor
solo -entitled "Jesus. Our Source of
Joy and Gladness" (Maley).
a a a
Kern Park Christian church, Forty
sixth avenue and Sixty-ninth street,
will observe "Go to Church" Sunday
In sermon and in song. Dr. J. F.
Ghormley will take foT his theme,
"The Convocation." The chorus, un
der the direction of Mrs. May Billings
ley, with Mrs. H. E. Hall, accompanist,
will give the anthem "How Lovely,"
at 11 A. M. At 7:45 P. M. there will
be a popular song service, followed
by a sermon by Dr. Ghormley on "The
Book With Seven Seals."
a a
A "bonus" in the form of a check
for $150 was presented to the pastor
of the Portland society of the New
Christian church. Rev. William R.
Portland) Mrs. Jones, Rev. C. R. Carlos
Rev. Mr. Belknap, Mrs. Belknap, Mrs.
Reece, when the society held its first
quarterly meeting of the year at the
Y. M. C. A. cafeteria Wednesday eve
ning. It was accompanied by a reso
lution commending the recipient for
"efficient service." The report of
the treasurer showed the society to
be in the most promising financial
condition. Steps were taken at this
meeting to undertake and finance an
exhibit of "Swedenborglana" at the
world's fair in 1925. This evening
at 8 o'clock Mr. Reece will speak in
Library hall, Central library, on "The
Religion of Helen Keller." Miss Keller
being an avowed disciple of the great
Swedish seer.
Evangelist Louis K. Dickson will
speak tonight at 7:30 o'clock In
Women of Woodcraft hall, corner
Tenth and Taylor streets, on the sub
ject, "Satan Fact or Fancy, Which?
Is the Devil An Abstraction or a Per
sonality? Is Evil a Principle or a
Reality? Why Did Not God Kill Lu
cifer?" A special musical programme
will be directed by Professor I. C.
Colcord, well known song leader, as
sisted by Frederic Flahaut, violinist,
and Mrs. L. K. Dickson, pianist. Spe
cial singers will be present to take
a leading part. Seats are free and
the public Is invited.
,a a a
The Realization league presents
Robert H. Reed as speaker tonight in
its constructive psychology series.
His subject is, "The Master Builder."
At 11 A. M., H. Edward Mills will
speak on "How to Get Positive Re
sults Through Denial," at 148 Thir
teenth street.
a a a
Rosecrucian Fellowship Study class
meets Sunday at 7:30 P. M. at 927
East Hoyt street. MV car to Thir
tieth street. Subject this Sunday,
"Where Are the Dead?"
Congregationalists to Honor
Go-to-Church Sunday.
Sermon Topics Will Be Based,
Upon Bis; Movement.
AT THE popular question forum
this evening at the First Con
gregational church Dr. McElveen will
answer the following questions:
1 What is the new religion of Baha
ism? 2 Is the China trade act Christian?
R. Should puhllc nchools teach religion?
4 Does the supplement to the steel
strike report say anything new?
Mrs. J. R. Mansfield, the organist,
will prelude the evening service with
the following programme of organ
"Hosanna" (Warns): "Berceuse" (Kin
der); postlude in B-flat (Batiute).
At the morning service the sermon
truth will keep step with the music
of "go-to-church" Sunday. Dr. Mc
Elveen will indicate "The Many Rea
sons Why Portlanders Should Go to
"Arise. Take Up Thy Bed and
Walk" is the study topic at the Thurs
day evening discussion class. These
lectures are well attended.
The young people of the church are
planning to give, in the near future,
a concert for the benefit- of their
missionary fund. The artists who will
entertain at this concert will be the
young people themselves. The first
rehearsal for this concert will be
held next Friday evening in the
church parlors. Mrs. Carrie B. Adams
is 'the coach.
The Christian Endeavor topic for
this evening is "Patriots.. Past snd
Present." The leader of the senior
society is Laurence Riddle, and the
leader for the Intermediate society is
Donald Roberts. These societies meet
at 6:30 P. M. The,Junior society meets
at 11 o'clock Sunday morning under
the direction of Mrs. Frank Mangold.
A marked feature of all three socle
ties Is the preponderance of boys in
.the membership.
a a a
The Woman's association will hold
an all-day meeting with luncheon at
12:30 o'clock next Wednesday. A
trained kindergartner cares for the
small children while their mothers
sew for charity and enjoy the good
fellowship of the society. A special
table is reserved for the young mar
ried women at the luncheon. At the
meeting Wednesday plans will be
perfected for the basket supper which
the Woman's association is to tender
the Men's brotherhood.
a a
Highland Congregational church
has arranged orders of service In
keeping with the idea of "go-to-church"
Sunday. This morning the
pastor. Rev. Edward Constant,
preaches on "Vitalizing Power." In
the evening there will be a song
service w.ith special music, when Rev.
Robert All'.ngham will preach on
"Why I Believe in Jesus." At the
Sunday school hour Mrs. Ranney of
San Francisco will speak on "Our
Missionary Tasks." Wednesday Jhe
women of the Aid society will have
their annual dinner party at the
home of their secretary, Mrs. Specht.
832 Gladstone avenue.
Atkinson Memorial Congregational I
church has its arrangements for "go-to-church"
Sunday. The parish has
been divided Into sections, with "cap
tain" and "lieutenants." E. D. Allen
Is captain of ail west of Twenty
eighth street, Mrs. Eva dim
ming, lieutenant: north of Ever
ett, between Twenty-eighth and
Thirty-second streets. Miss Lewis,
captain, and Ralph R. Reid. lieuten
ant: south of East Everett, from
Twenty-eighth to Thirty-second. Mrs.
Charles Inderbitzen. captain, and F.
W. Beach, lieutenant; Laurelhurst. C.
W. Moore, captain, and Curtis Beach,
lieutenant. These officers will com
pete for the largest delegation.
The pastor, R.v. E. E. Flint, will
preach this morning on "The Glory
of the Church." Tonight his topic
will be "Walking With Jesus."
The midweek Bible study and de
votional -meeting will be held Thurs
day evening.
A large committee is at work pre
paring for a community Halloween
celebration. This will be the October
"fun" night for the Sunday school.
"Do the Unfit Practice Mental
Healing?" is one of the queries Dr.
William T. McElveen will answer In
his Thursday night lecture on "The
Psychology of Healing" at the First
Congregational church. '
Br. J. 1. Staub of the Sunny-side
Congre-gatlonal church will occupy
the pulpit both morning and evening.
Mrs. M. s. Kanney, executive secre
tary of the woman's board of missions
for the Pacific, at San Francisco, and
Miss Bertha Allen, missionary to
China, will both speak at the Senior
Endeavor meeting at 6:30 Sunday.
Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe's Bible class will
meet a usual on Wednesday evening,
and will finish the study nf Galatians.
As Miss Allen and Mrs. Ranney
spoke at the prayer meeting last
Thursday evening. Dr. Staub will
commence the study of the Roman
Epistle on next Thursday evening.
A silver tea was given Saturday
afternoon by Mrs. C. B. Green's Sun
day school class of young ladies at
the home of Miss Elizabeth Raugh,
the proceeds going to the Armenian
relief and to the New York Jewish
United Brethren Churches
Will Hold Services.
Third Congregation Will Observe
-Go-to-Chnrch" Sunday.
COMMUNION services will be held
in the First United Brethren
church. Fifteenth and East Morrison
streets, this morning, and Dr. B. J
Clark, the pastor, will apeak on the
subject, "Communion." His evening
address will be based on the theme,
"Fellowship of the Church."
a a a
The subject of "How Did We Get
the Christian Church?" will be dis
cussed by the pastor. Rev. Ira Hawley,
at the Second United Brethren church,
Twenty-seventh and Sumner streets,
this morning. In the evening he will
speak on the subject, "The People
of Ephesus Wept."
a a a
Father's day and "Go to Church'
Sunday will be observed in the Third
United Brethren church this morn
ing with special musio and a spe
cial sermon by the pastor, Rev. E. O.
Shepherd, on the theme, "The Lord
Sought Maiu" In the evening the
address will be on the subject, "The
Power of a Single Choice." -nis
church is located at Sixty-seventh
street and Thirty - second avenue
a a a
Rev. Leila Luckey, at Fourth United
Brethren church, Tremont station,
will speak this morning on the theme
"What We Owe to the Church," and
in the evening. "The Church's Rela
tion in the World."
a a ' a
Among those who will speak on the
near east relief drive in Portland
churches today are: Vernon Presby
terian, B. Lee Paget; Woodlawn
Methodist, Floyd E. Doris; Glencoe
Baptist, J. F. Faust; Rose City Park
Presbyterian. Miss Margaret Reid;
Montavllla Methodist, C. O. Bey; Sun
nyside Friends. Elton Shaw; Sollwood
Nazarene, Ruth Schmuckli; Sellwood
Christian, A. E. Meserve; Bethany
Baptist, Helen Hallgren; Laurelwood
Methodist, Hattiebelle Ogilbee; Cen
tral Free Methodist, Walter D. Guy;
and Piedmont Presbyterian, Dr. H. L.
a a a
The Lutheran church of America
have organized the National Lutheran
council for a world service campaign
for relief and reconstruction work
among the Russian and in other
countries of central Europe. The
quota to be raised for the alleviation
of the distressed Europeans is $1,250.
000. Rev. William E. Brinkman of
Portland is directing the relief cam
paign among the Lutherans in Ore
gon. The pastors and congregations
are pledging co-operation in the
movement. The campaign for funds
opened yesterday.
Dean Hicks Preaches Today
at St. Stephens.
Episcopal Church Committees Will
Make Reports.
SERVICES for the day at St.
Stephen's pro-cathedral will begin
with holy communion at 7:45 A. M.
Church school will be at 9:15 A. M.
Second ce,ebration of holy communion
will be at 11 A.'M. Night prayer snd
sermon at 7:45 P. M. All the services
will be In charge of Very Rev. R. T.
T. Hicks, dean.
The young people's society will
hold its regular weekly meeting in
the parish house at 6:30 P. M. W. F.
Robertson will lead, his subject will
be '-Spiritual Comparisons in the
Movie and Legitimate Stages." The
committees on 'Christmas cheer,"
"play" and "anniversary" will report
at this meeting.
All members of the Brotherhood of
St. Andrew are requested to meet in
the parish house Immediately after
the close ofthe 11 o'clock service to
learn particulars of the contem
plated visit to St. Luke's church. Van
couver, Wash., Tuesday night.
a a a
"Remove Not the Ancient Land
mark Which Thy Fathers Have Set"
is the text of Dr. Morrison's sermon
in Trinity church. Special music has
been prepared for "go-to-church"
Sunday. The big organ which has
been under repairs will be in use.
A young people's society has been
organized for the purpose of de
veloping the social side of church
life. Entertainments are being ar
ranged for the near future. A meet
ing for young people will be held in
the parish house at 7 o'clock.
a a
This morning in Mount Tabor
Presbyterian church the minister,
Rev. Ward W. McHenry. will preach
on "Good Investments and the Best
Investment." The children's sermon
will be on "The Story of Neesima."
Church School of Missions starts
today with six classes. Two classes
of little folks meet during the hour
of morning worship and the other
four classes meet at the endeavor
hour and all gather in the evening
service for "assembly" when the
rastor speaks on "The Church and
World Friendship." This school will
continue for six weeks.
The Society for Spreading the
Knowledge of True Prayer has moved
into permanent quarters at 301 Til- .
ford building. A meeting will be .
held tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock.
The First Spiritual Science church
will hold service tonight at 6 and
8 o'clock in Alisky hall. Third and
Yamhill streets. Lectures will be de
livered by Mrs. L. E. Philips and Mrs.
Emma Lister. The evening subject
will be "Spiritual Intuition."
The Students of the Universal Mes
sianic Message will meet in room A,
Central library, Sunday at 7 P. M.
Mrs. Alice M. McXaught, chairman. ,
The lecture topic th's afternoon at
3 o'clock at the Independent Bible
Spirltuallstlo society and church, at
441 East Twelfth street, corner Sher
man, will be "Faith With Messages
From the So-called. Dead." Tuesday
at 8 P. M. a public circle meeting will
be held. On Thursday evening at t
a demonstration meeting will be
given by the Rev. Mrs. Ida M. Schorl,
pastor, and co-workers. A luncheon
will follow.
Unitarianism Held Unique
in Religious Circles.
Life Inspired and Joy Is Given,
Dominion, Ssys Minister.
DETROIT, Oct. 15 The Unitarian
church stands unique among the
religious movements of the world.
Rev. William M. Taylor of Chatta
nooga, Tenn., declared on the closing
day of the general conferenca af
Unitarian and other Christian churches
nere. 'not by offering salvation bv
regression in .n uni n.rf.nli A.
the past nor by the prospect of an
apocalyptic paradise of the future,
but by the unification of them both
in an Immediate present experience
in our own world of reality," he said.
"Never in the history of civiliza
tion has humanity sought more
earnestly, diligently and desperately
for a philosophy of life and a religion
sufficiently broad, deep and secure
to Justify men in the loyal commit
ment of all their faculties and
powers than now." said -Mr. Taylor.
"'.Men and women everywhere are
crying for deliverance from the
stress and strain of analytic differ
entiation, specialization and partlcu
larisatlon and the demand for tech
nical efficiency which are resulting
1", 1'r"8n'--n-''iness of thinking,
frigidity of emotion, emasculation of
will, detachment of affections, epHt
in consciousness. Irritation of tem
perament, multiplicity of personality
inward conflict between motives!
strife among peoples, and war be
tween nations; or from the humdrum
and monotony of repetition which
lead on to a sense of inferiority,
0mij.ambulism, illusion, delusion,
hallucination and insanity of body
and mind: else to apthy towards
reality resulting in stagnation and
"Normal persons are no longer
satisiifd with compartmental living
which makis private life one thing,
family life another, religious life an
other and political life still another;
keeps science and philosophy stran
gers to each other and stimulates
antagonisms between education and
religion so that to be both religious
and intelligent is to practice hy
pocrisy." .
Unitarianism comes to this world
of strain and stress, according to Mr
Taylor "not with authoritative dog
ma and academic methods for super
position of extraneous burdens which
add to misery of man. but with the
world of reality applied according to
genetic and biologic methods which
inspire life and add the Joy of do
minion." Dr. Edward Laird Mills to
Preach Today.
KHitor of Pacific Christian Advo
cate to Be at First Church.
A T THE First Methodist church
XX this morning at 10:30 o'clock.
I!ev. T. H. Gallagher, pastor of the
Sunnyslde Methodist church, will
preach and at the 7:30 night service.
Dr. Edward Laird Mills, editor of the
Pacific Christian Advocate, will be
the preacher. There will be special
music by the quartet and chorus choir
at both services.
"Go-to-church'' Sunday will be ob
served at Epworth Methodist church,
Twenty-sixth and Savier streets. Rev.
Frank L. Moore will show some pic
tures of interest with illustrated
songs. Topics for the sermons are:
At 11 A. M "A Personal Programme
Without Christianity"; 7:30 P. M.,
"The Christ and the Nation."
The women of Epworth church will
serve dinner from 6:30 to 8 P. M.
October 26.
a a a
Sunnyslde Methodist church is be
ginning the new conference year with
two great services today. Dr. Ed
ward Laird Mills, editor of the Pacific
Christian Advocate, will be the morn
ing speaker. At night Professor P.
A. Ten Haaf. assisted by .Miss Verle
Butler, organist, will render an in
spiring concert of sacred songs as
Organ anion, ";ran! Offertory." "nr.
vera"; anthem, "The Lord In Kxalt'-'l" ;
anthem. "Hoar Ilia Swpft Volco" ; Ju.t.
"The Lord la My Light." Mr. anil Mro
P. A. Ten Haaf: anthem, "Spirtt of G.Mr';
quartet, "The Mlluw Kvo Is Gilding."
Mlai Katherlne Story, Mr. P. A. Ten llnf
I). O lirnmin, I'. A. Ten Haaf; or.r
"Canzona"; auio, "Great la the Holy on
of Israel," F. A. Ten Haaf; anthem, "l-;x-alted
Him": anthem, Ya That Stand In
the House of the Lurd"; organ, "Trlum
phant Marche."
a a a
At Woodlawn Methodist church '
the morniag service thit pastor, Id v.
J. H. Irvine, will have a heart talk
with his people, on "Starting the Yiiv
Right." At nictit the subject will l.
"The Dark Hour Bifore Dawn."
Marked Improvements are In evi
dence on every hand in this part of the
chy, the church leading the way.
a a a
Services at the Lincoln Methodist
church, corner of East Fifty-second
and East Lincoln streets, will be held
at 11 A. M. 'The Office of the Holy
Spirit" will be the subject for a ser
mon by the pastor, Rev. W. N. Byars.
At night at 7:30 o'clock reports on
the conferences held at Forest Grove
will be given by W. R. Blddle, lay
delegate, and the pastor,
t a a a
Dr. C. W. Huett, who was returned
by Bishop Shepherd to the pastorate
of the Rose City Park Methodist Epis
copal church, will speak this morning
at the 11 o'clock service upon the
theme "The Gospel Applied." Mnn
people are questioning today the pos
sibility of applying the golden rule
in every-day life. Dr. Huett proposes
to discuss some of the methods that
(Concluded on Taga a.)