12 THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 1G. 1921 KKAL estate. For Sale -lluucs. IN IRVINGTON. $4750 buy A-room modern houw right in Irvipgion, 1 block fo car, street paved and paid; you can't afford to wait. If you want this one. $4200 buys an 8-room house; rents for $J0 a month; 2 blocks to car; won derful buy. $3000 buys a 0-room modern house, 2 blocks to car and school, in a good dis trict; $500 down, terms to suit. $1800 fcuys a 4-ronm house, lot SOx 100, clone to car, 11 fruit trees on place, good terms. $5750 buys an 8-room modern house, completely furnished with fine furni ture, garage, lot 80x100, 1 block to car in one of the best dlstrtcta la Portland; term. A BARGAIN. $8100, almost new 4-rooro bungalow, a very rood buy; you'll have to hurry to get this one; $385 down. TN OVERLOOK ADDITION. 1 1ST 50 huva a beautiful almost new bungalow; 5 rooms and sleeping porch; v i (mi turiiwADd floors, furnace. fine lawn, flower, garage, built-lns, fine attic; must be sold tnis ween. McGKE ft DENNIS, 9ft9 Union Ave. Wdln. 514. WFfST SIDE. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, ex cellent condition; ivory eggshell finish throughout; hardwood floors. large front and rear porches, fireplace and furnace, ce ment tenement, full lot 50 ft.: one block from two car line: twenty-five minutes' walk from business renter. - 70S OVERTON BT.. $8000. Owner. Sunday, Alain 740; week days Main 853. $1!(S0 1334 E. 73TH ST. $200 cah. Here Is the snap of life time Awfully cosy 5-room cottage, bath breakfast nook, electric lights, hot and cold water, level 100x100 lot. 15 fruit trees, berries, graphs; splendid toll: houfce In perfect order, clean as a pin. Mt. Scott car to Flrland station, or drive out Powell Valley to 7th. south to 45th iv.. 1 block west. 1 north. Owner. Marshall 740. forenoon. WHAT EVERY WOMAN WAN A KtAL An exceptionally well built house or rooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors upstairs and down. French doors. 2 fireplaces, all the buiit-ins one could wish for; excellent furnace, full cement basement, wash trays, fine fruit cellar; beautiful lot 30x100; garage to match houxo. About 1 block from Sunnyslde and Mt. Tabor car line in fine neigh borhood. You will like this place. It was built fur' a home. 13il EAST 2iTH ST. IRVINGTON. Just completing beautiful modern co lonial home; hardwood floors throigh out, artistic wall papers, extra fine plumbing, tile hath. gas. lurnace. 2 fire places, many built-in feature; fine lo cation, 440 E. 2tlth N.. between Tilla mook and Thompson: price $ooo: terms. Owner. Robert U. Be a t. East 1S75. BY OWNER. Attractive 6 -room modem bungalow, east side, close In, near car line and store, 5 min. walk to Jefferson high school; ha been newly refinlshed. Price $S700, with amall cash payment and balance monthly; 'will consider a good late-model automobile as first pay ment. Phone Wdln. aol. JW Prescott at. FOR SALK by owner. 8-room modern bungalow, good residence district close In, near car and school, built-in. cement basement, furnace and laundry trays, full lot, lawn, flowers, garden spot; will consider used car as part payment; $4250; $10m cash, and $30 s mnth. in cluding In tereft. Fhone Auto. 810-50. HOSE CITY HOME. $OO0 $SO CASH Modern tt-room bungiilow type home, with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, tapestry paper, Indirect lights, etc., close In, full lot, paved street, garage. A real bargain; easv monthly payments. 403 Stock Exchange bldg., Marshall 3824. FOR HA LE by owner, splendid home In Walnut Park, 2 lots. 8-room house, white enamel finish, hardwood floors, large porches and sleeping porch. 2 fire place, furnace. 2 lavatories, beautiful lawn, full basement and good attic, near Jefferson Hlirh school; small payment down. 204 Sumner Ht. Mrs. Olqeke. HOSK CITY PARK. Beautiful 5-room bungalow, almost new, hardwood floors, tHpestry paper and ivory finish; all built-in. Dutch kitchen with breakfast room, full cement basement and garage; fine lawn and flowers; 2 blocks to carllne. 424 E. 52d st. N. BEAUMONT HOME. 2H block from Sandy blvd.. 1 block to Beaumont car; modern K-room home, dandy breakfast room and sun parlor; payments reasonable to responsible party. Owner, 555 E. 43d N. LAURKLHUnST. " -room bungalow. Just completed; hardwood floors throughout, tile bath, e-legant plumbing, large rooms; double garage: lot ,Vx15S. Com out todny to 1178 E. Ankeny sL. near 8th, near Park. N. O. EKLUXD. Owner and builder. Tahor 6 SO. $500 DOWN WILL HANDLE A 5-room cottage with full basement, wash trays, attic, everything in excel lent condition ; no encumbrances; bal ance like rent. Price $3000. HENRY W. UfiUDARD. 213 Stark Street. ROSE CITY. ALAMBDA CORNER. Beautiful modern bungalow. Ideal In everv respect ; has all modern conven iences Including h. w. floors throughout, tile bath. etc. A real bargain. Tabor 103 ft. ' ALBERT A BUNGALOW. On 20th St., near Alberta. A swell 5-room modern bungalow with floored attic; hardwood floors. Butch kitchen. to. Price $400. Miike me offer on vnur first payment, balnnee $30 monthly. QT'IN. 2'tt Morgan Bldg. Realtor. TBIS WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW Is a wonderful buy; just finished and of fered. ' Five rooms, hath, attic, half ce ment basement; excellent finish through out: open today: look It over; attractive tormi and underpriced. Located 1257 East 21st South. - PENINSULA RESIDENCE. $500 down, beautiful 7-room modern home and pretty lawn, plenty fruit, large lot. Here's good buv. Balance only $3000. easy monthly terms. Con sider 3 or 4-mom house In trad. (.TIN. 200 M oj ft a n HI d . Re sltor. SEE THIS BUNGALOW TODAY. We will make a price that Is below the real worth for quick sale. Five rooms, breakfast nook, tiled bath, attic, full ce ment basement, garage, fireplace, hard wood floors. See It today. 1010 Holla day. 7-ROOM houae In Woodstock, amall pay ment), ft-room house In Piedmont; elaborate home. O. a. TOI'NO, Phone 441. 80d N. W Bank BMg. NORTH PIEDMONT HOME. New 4 -room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, -hwth. hullt-lns, fine lot. 3 blocks to car and school; down payment with balance like rent, at 1470 Camden st. Phone 227-1 I.APn ADDITION HOME $J.V0 Hardwood floors. 2 fire-places rtnd ga"nce; good location and conven ient. Will accept desirable lot in Ladd Addition. Laure'hurst or Trvfngton as ftrt pavmnt Phone cwnT, En ft 027ft. $370V- $3O0 ASH TO PONUS MAN. COOK AV SWELL HOME. ft-RM., CI G. c. G C. ABINGTON FOR A In Hawthorne room modern furnace, etc.. OSE IN. MODERN. GOLD END ERG GOLDEN BERG BLDG. MAIN 4 AOS. RKAL BARGAIN call the owner of this 7 home; hardwood floors, close In. near car Im Id. Owner. Tahor 810. provements pa BEST buy on ch; nlshed. close fruit and nui down, balance Street it side. S-room home, fur In. rood district, lots of 1: large lot : $4000 JiJino easy. Wells. Ml E. Grant LAURELHURST BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Finished In old Ivory, fireplace, fur nace, hardwood floors, attic, garnge, near car; only $ono. easy terms. John M. Payne A Go., realtors. Main 0012. 5-ROOM modern house, (rood f urn nee, hard-surface street: 3 blocks to Miss car; price $200. terms. Geo F. Crow with Albert Havala, ot Mf siippi ave' Wd'.n. 12M or res.. Wdln. 27S." $22.i.t MY EQUITY $1330: 5 rooms ana bath : electrldtv. gat and extra good Plumbing ; paneled dlnlny room ; built in buffet; streets In and .paid; U block to Richmond car. 330 E. 1 Sth gt." South. WEST SIDE " '' ft-room huniralow, semi-modern, near nth and.Caruthers. at $3200; easy month ly terms. OT'IN vng Morgan Fide. Realtor $220. TERMS; cor. lot; brand-new 4-r. l-ga1ow; hath, basement. Dutch kltch T. 4th St.. 70th ave.. Mt. Scott car. Owner, Aut, 627-13. 2 blks. from paved VtNGTON bunirn ow bargain ; owner rj nsfrred to aItfornln. wl!l sacrifice jwsnlQti. 731 H. lfh N Auto 332-13 ""7?,ii $4.".0 c;(h ; .Vri'Mn cottiige on BeN ninnt xv. rear E. Sdtb, Scott 4k Berry, iOob $eImonU REAL ESTATE. NEW IRVINGTON BARGAINS. Handsome, well built and attrac tively arranged o-room bouae on nice corner Jot and near Irvington car. Finished in ivory, fireplace, hardwood floors, fine cement base ment, n:ce electric light fixtures and to include good furnace and garage. Price rjfcht. Term. Also 0-room house and to In clude garage, in one of the most desirable and popular pur La of Irvington; to be finished in ivory and to include fireplace, hardwood floors. French doors, handsome paper, latest electrical fixtures end built-in conveniences, good attio and fine basement. Price $7800. terms. Extra good house and extra good buy. .Aio prepared to build to suit on any of a number of choice lota jn this and other choice districts. Cali at room 1202 Northwestern Bank Bide- Phone Mar. 1546. ROSE CITY PARK. $5250 The latest modern 5-room bun galow, buiit-ins. fireplace, breakfast nook, complete Dutch kitchen, tapestry paper; most attractive interior and ex terior design; north of Sandy. $5500 Beautiful 5-room bungalow with atticr full basement with Idy. trays and furnace; full lot; hdw. floors, fireplace, all buiit-ins. This 1 your chance for a desirable home. $55ou fl-room modern bungalow, N. of Sandy; 3 bedrms. ; all built-lns, fireplace, hdw. floors, garage; exclusive location. Call in and let us show you some of our good buys. JiURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOWS. $33. 0 A 4-room modern bungalow lo cated 1 block from a paved street in Kenton ; combination living and dining room with oak floor. 2 sleeping rooms. Kitchen with breakfast alcove; standard set of plumbing, cement basement and cement porch. $3-00 Another one, almost a duplicate of the above, on an inside lot. Yon can't beat them for style or comfort. We aro the owners and builders. RYAN REALTY & BUILDING CO., 415-6 Ablngton Bldg. Marshall 5B48. $40 7-ROOM HOUSE. 5n Rodney ave., open all day for inspection. $0o S-room bungalow, on Portland Heis-hts, large Bleeping porch, strictly modern. 601 Mountain View blvd. See Agent, METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, I'OO Oak St. Bdwy. .1333. WE SELL RESIDENCE PROPERTY. LET US SELL YOU A HOME. HOSE CITY PARK. 00O E. 4RTH N. $4750. CASH OR TERMS. New 4-room colonial style bungalow, living and dining rooms clear across front. 14 feet by 23 feet; hardwood floors, tapestry paper, cane celling, artistic fireplace, all kinds of built-ina: break fast Tiook. one bedroom, full cement basement, large concrete porch, windows all screened, paved St.. beautiful fir trees. Owner. Automatic 3111-10. AT REDUCED PRICE. Choice home at 504 E. Broadway in excellent district, directly on this prom inent eant-slde street; house has 7 rooms, den, attic, furnace and cement basement and Is In first-class condition. Owner has authorized sale at $5500; a real bargain. A. H. BIRRELL-GTLL CO., 216 N. W. Bank Bldtf. Marshall 4lj4. MOUNT SCOTT. Near library and school, we have a eplendid ft-room bungalow, with large don. -buiit-ins and furnace; A-l plumb ing; possession can be given at once. This in a very pretty home with a neatly kept yard; $300 cash, $.1330 HAWTHORNE REALTY CO, Cor. 36th ind Haw. Realtors. T 74 3 ADJOINING IRVINGTON $3300 AM LEAVING CITY. EASY TERMS. 7 rooms, semi-bungalow, extra large living and dining room . furnace f 1 re place. guraRv, only S1-40O cash, balance 6. no mortgage. Bee it. T. O. Bird, Mar. 1022. M ond a y. AM SACRIFICING LAURELHURST HOME. Going east, must sell new 5-room very attractive bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, all modern built-lns. selling less than cost. $1500 cash, balance to suit. T. O. Bird. Mar. IQl'-J. Monday. IRVINGTON - HOLLADAY. $.'050 terms. 7il Clackamas St., near 22d; un locked todny; Immediate oocupanev; six rooms, ivory finish, beautifully papered; best onk floors; Boy n ton furnace ; a-a-rage. See this and other. R. T. Street irviriRion realtor. ROSE CITY PARK KIRun " Modern, new, complete 3 -room bunga low; tapestry paper; fireplace; complete Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook; a dandy Terms. HARRY BKCKWITH, REALTOR 3 64 3th St. Main OSflO. "PRETTY AS A PICTURE." $"00 rash. $23 monthly, fts It. 5 room modern cottage, chicken house, 3 blocks school. 4 blks. Mt. Tabor car. basement. $22.10. McFarland, Realtor, Falling bldg. SUBURBAN bungalow, near Powell Vallev road and Buckley ave.. for $1 sr.0; not finished but can he occupied and com pleted In spare time. One acre. Bull Run water, gna, $:t."0 cash. Owner, Ta hor 7404. R-P.OOM HOME. ONLY 1Kin. Must sell at once this house, which has full lot. fruit, etc.; 1 blk. to SW car. near car h;i rns. etc. Q U I N. 200 Morgan Bldg. Tl EA LTOR $3400 $750 DOW N. cute X-rm. modern home, newly painted, paved streets. 2 blks. school. 1 block MV car; fruit trees, grapes. See this. McFARLAND. Realtor. Falling Bldg. FOR SALE. 5-room new bungalow, nentlv finished, nice, full corner lot. nil streets paved, in Westmoreland, onlv $2630 J A. HEXKLE. 512 Gerlln ger Bldg. FOR SALE Corner R2d and Tillamook, at entrance of Highway Butte site. 4-room house, garage, fruit trees. U block to school: will sen cheip. Mrs. Bntterfleld, 1553 E. Tavlor. Phone 227-23 REAL HOMES THROUGHOUT IRVING TON EXCLUSIVELY At This IRVTXCTON HEADQUARTERS. By Appointment. R. T. STREET. Irvington Realtor. WELL-BUILT 3-room modern bungalow, full cement basement, furniture, furnace, chickens, fruit trees; lot 40x120. 4 block to car: very reasonable. Owner. 5721 Woodstock ave. FOR SALE rt-room modern bungalow on a 30x100 lot; all hnllt-Inn and plpeless furnace; payment down, equity paid in See owner. 1111 E. 10th st. N. FOR SALE By owner. modern house; sacrifice price: 6 large room, garage, good location, all improvements In and paM. n 144. OregYtnlan. W E ST MO R EL A N D 3 rooms, h a rd wood floors, fireplace, only $4000. some terms; will sell furniture. T. 0. Bird, Mar. 1022. Mondav. PIKDMOXT. 5 ROOMS. $4700. Hard wood floors, flreptncn. very cosv, near car. excellent buv, $1000 cash; must be sold. T. O. Bird. Mar. 1022. Monday. THREE-ROOM bungalow, unfinished, 40 123 lot, fruit tress and berries. $30, easv terms, or trade for Ford, B 134. Ore gonlnn. $5730. $r.oo DOWN, less if large monthly pavment: 7 rms.. thoroughly modern, like new throughout; near school. R. T. Street, better homes. FOR RALE 0-room house. 50x100. 7 fruit trees. Cleveland ave.: no nrents. T1GARD Will noli or trade new house, S acres fcr city: n.3oo Fist nnoo $2"f JUST completed: flrcplaca, butlt Ins. Ivory finish. Tahor RB.y MO DP UN S-room hotie. beat part of Todd's add!. Ea!t 2007. Suburban Home. COZY bungalow, modern, all city conveni ences, g.i's, heat, garnge. chicken house, on a very prettv acre tract, fine soli, nice young family orchard, berries, etc. Furnished If desired. West side ex clusive district, near Klvcrdale school. On hard -surface road. Ovner 523-72. "$7 -,7m -3Ar? ES, ORF.OOXc 1TY CAR. Modern 7-room house, large poultry hou 2 acres orrhard, 1 acre straw berries, half acre asparngus, etc. Take hiinrtlow to 3ono Ci 'Tin Prop.. 02i Chamber of Com. POME BUY $1500. one acre In fruit ber ries, garden, spring bronk. 4-room houe. fuel, chickens. 11c fare; terms. W. M. Urnhdenstnk 21 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1630. BY NOWNER Beaut I fill modern home on the peninsula. 100x100 with 16 bearing apple, cherrv, pear and Enelfsh wal nit trees: terms. Columbia 796 or Auto. WILL DIVIDE choice Park Rose acreage Into 2, 1 or 1 H acres, all in cultivation and set to fruit; modern home, terms. Tabor 2076. MODERN 7-room bungalow on the high way at Multnomah: 2 lots, fruit, berries, concrete gar e, s'rhtly location. $4750; half cash. Vtin 34. WANTED To rent or leAse suburban place; not over 15 miles from Portland, on or near highway or car line: refer ences furnished. K 100. Oregon Ian. fARKROSE. 130x200. one block from Sandy road : unobstructed view of mountains; $1000. vnur terms : will divide. Tabor B1SS. LOOK! Part down, balance like rent, buvs rood 4-room plastered house, good barn, chicken house. 1 H Jtcre of good land r.-ar car. Call 6QQ6 T7th st 3. E. SUBURBAN home, S. P. red ectr!r, 4 rooms artd bath U acre garden; $2800, term. C 12, Oregonian. HEAL ESTATE. Suburban Home. NEARLY 3 acres. 10 miles from Portland, all under cultivation, good soli: 3 blks. to car. M mile to school; bearing fruit, H acre loganberries; attractive 4-jom houae; Portland gas; barn. chit ken houe. Included with place goes Jersey cow. " tons hay. 4 acre potatoes. 2G chickens, etc. $100o cash, balance easy term. Inspected by Nelson. MODERN PLASTERED HOUSE. acre, just 6utsida citv limits. 8 bike), to city car line; all under cultivation; w oven wire fences : 15 bearing fruit tree and all kinds of berriea. 6-roora, plastered bungalow, cement basement, ' white enamel plumbing. Jarre chicken house, garage, woodshed. Price $3000, terms, or will sell place furnished for $S200. ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 6 acre. 0 miles from center of Port land, near Tlgard; mile from station; 5 acres under cultivation: all can be cultivated ; good loam oiI. Offered at a bargain. $.o cash, balance $3in) per year. Inspected by ( Hunter. AT MUHTNOM AH STATION. Vi acre, with lots of berries: 5 blocks from station; good 8-room piaatered bun galow; best of plumbing, garage, chicken noun, gas. city water, electric iitsui. irice .uu. uu casn. See Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Llsta. YOUR living would cot you nothing on my two-acre country home. Select O. A. C. strain White Leghorn chickens; fam ily orchard ; apple, pear, cherry and plum trees, all in full bearing: logan berries, raspberries and everbearing trawberriaa. Fine soil for vegetables. About one-half acre fine American won der potatoes ready for digging. All city conveniences, electricity, gas, tele phone and Bui! Run water. Modern 5 room house with garage. Hardwood floors in living and dining rooms. Una view of Mount Hood main feature. Pret tiest place in Multnomah county; twenty minutes from Portland by automobile over Terwilllgr boulevard or Taylor Ferrv Road. Three minutes walk to Oregon Electric station; 0-cent car fare. Business necessitates moving to Cali fornia is only reason this place is for sale. Price $6000; terms. Call Main 65SS. . MULTNOMAH IS THE CHOICEST RESI DENCE SECTION about the city of Portland. Only 20 minutes from the cen ter of the business district, on the west side, by the best electric train service running out of Portland, and 13 minutes over the Terwilliger boulevard by auto mobile. All modern utilities in the ground. No wonder there are homes springing up on every side. Don't fall to select your home site before all the choice places are gone. I have everything to offer, from a lot to an acre, on terms so easy that anyone can buy only 10 per cent down and easy terms there after. BEN RIESLAND, Operator exclusively in Multnomah dis trict. Main office 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st Telephone Main 8S0. Multno mah office In charge of Mrs. Grant. Telephone Main 03. 2-ACRE SACRIFICE. Large modern 6-room bungalow with bath, electricity and gas; two acres practically ail In cultivation: necessary outbuildings; some fruit and berries; near Oregon Electric station and Port land Golf club. Business change makes sacrifice by owner necessary for quick sale. Will sacrifice this JuT.UO place for $5000; $2000 cash. If sold quickly. LISTEN We have about 150 person ally inspected suburban homes for Bale. Among these axe some wonderful snaps. Let us show you some of the best buys around Portland. Any kind of a place -you want from M acre to 20 or 40 acre. G. G. McCORMIC CO., Moved to 207 Falling Building. Main S220 or Main 9318 I10O0 WHY PAY big runt and breathe foul air? Why not buy a good home with the rent money and you be the landlord ? I have to sell my nice home, as T am old and need some money; my suburban hnm contains It '4 acres of excellent loam soil, free from rocks or gravel, nnd crow fine croos land faces onj good road and lies fine and can be divided ; some cleared and cultivated. Good large house, barn and chicken house; never-failing well; wired for tele phone; adjoins li25 fair site; 15 min uses' ride by auto to heart of Portland; $1000, time on rest. For reduced price write or call on K. M. Ellis. 1208 E. . 15th st. N., Portland, or phone Wood lawn 0305. LOOK THESE OVER. 2H acres highly cultivated with good 7-room house; electric lights, gas and bath. TEN ACRES. Fine house of 7 rooms, all modern ; has the best of soli; every variety of fruit. CHICKEN PLACE. 1 acres, plenty good water springs and well: 5-room house. 6 and 8-room house, 1 acre, has garage. In the finest location; near station and school. MRS. F. M. YOUNG, Realtor. Rlsley Station. Oregon City Car Line. MR. RANCHER. JUST LOOK AT THIS One of those fine 80-acre farms, won derfully productive soli. 10 acres In 7-vear-oid apples Spitzen bergs. Yellow Newtowns and Winter Banana 10 acres In clover; foil r- room house, fine barn, sheds and outhouses, with spring water piped to house; with the farm go implement and all growing crops for $5500. I have many other farms, largo and small, from $50 to $1S0 per acre. J. B. HOLBItOOK, Realtor, 214-215 Panama Bldg. HALF-ACRE SNAP. At Garden Home, Oregon Electric. SACRIFICE FOR CASH. S rooms, plastered, besides large sleep ing porch ; a as. electricity and water; chicken house; all Well fenced ; all cul tivated; some young fruit trees and ber ries: close to station; 46 trains daily; 9c commutation fare. Owier la non-resident; miut have money: ha been ask ing $25m on term. Will sacrihee for cash. MAKE AN OFFER. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. Moved to 207 Faliing Building. Main S220. or Main 031 ONE-ACRE TRACTS. JOINING CITY LTM ITS ON EAST. $000 AND UP. Highly Improved farm. Just been sub divided; lies level, productive soil; faces good macadamised road: Bull Run wa ter and beautiful view of the mountains and city: some tracts with bearing cherry, pear and apple trees, and others with raspberries. loganberries, straw berries, currants, grape and aaparuKUs; $100 down and $50 every three months. SAYLER E. SMITH V 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. JUST LOOK AT THIS! One of those pretLy 10-aere country homes, 3 acres of pnlnes, apples, cher ries and pears. Nice new 4-ronm house, barn, chicken houses; 3 cows. 100 chickens. ,V tons of har and tools and Implements. All for $:t000. This place Is one-fourth mile from station, town, school and post office. I have many other from $2500 to $0000 each, on which I can quote a homeseeker desir able prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK, Realtor, 214-215 Panama B!dg. TWO EQUIPPED PARKROSB ACRES! All In cultivation, all kind of berries: 4-room house with gas and running water; new barn, 50 chickens. 2 hogs and 1 good cow ro with the rlace nt the price of -J?200. JUST 5 BLOCKS OFF THE SANDY ROAD and blocks from school: CiOOn TERMS OR WILL ACCEPT SOLDIER LOAN. Ask for F C. Mnrsha!!. with FRANK L. McGUIRPS, 20H Ahlngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Washington and Stark. DURHAM STATION. Two acres, ell in cu'tivwtlon: in oats, fruit, etc. : beautiful dahlia beds and other flower.-; dainty 4-room bungalow, can be thrown Into one room: large pantry and closet ; garage, woodshed, 2 chicken houses. Price $250, with easy terms. GLEN ECHO STATION. Nearly 3 acres, all In cultivation ; 14 mile from station; modern 7-rcpm bun galow: garage. Price $5250. '.Till con alder Portland residence In exchange. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 2-13 Stark St. Main 881. $3000 ,Vi ACRES on macadamized road, unsurpassed view. Selected family or chard, fruit anil young nuts: straw berries, herrle. grapes: new barn and 4 room modern house; pressure water sys tem, gas engine, power washing ma chine; 8 tons clover hay in barn, win ter's wood: 8-mo. elec. free. Come be fore Wednesday. Linneman Junction. V mile south. Llovd D. Smith. AN ACRE ON EASY TERMS. A beautiful acre just outside city In high state of culti-ation, lies Ideal, fac ing macadamtzed road, with Bull Run water; panoramic view of city and sur rounding country: $"0. R H. CON PREY, Realtor, ' RTTTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 5-ROOM HOME FOR $1100! S-room cottage with electricity, gas and city water; 8c carfare; GOOD TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with PRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Washington and Stark, SIX-ROOM house and sleeping porch, ce ment basement, gas. electric light, water. 14 to 5 acres; chicken house, fruit, nuts, flowers, hard surfaced road a BUYERS ONLY Inojire first house west Rupert station. Oregon city e'.ecirlc, NEW 3-ROOM, acre, on carllne; south of 72d at : water, gas. lights; $1575, $250 do wo, 557 ilorg&a bide RKAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. FOSTER ROAD. 8 fine acres with 10O tree of assorted fruit. In bearing, all kinds of berries, close to electric station; four-room house, good spring, fine Jersey cow ; price $4200. BASS LINE HIGHWAY. 2 acres, facinir on the high way; new four-room plastered bungalow, consisting of large liv ing Yoom, kitchen and two bed rooms, bath, all built-lns. gas heat, lights, wonderful view, all in cul tivation, fruit and berriea. This place is nicely kept and an ex ceptionally good buy. $1500 will handle. Price $4600. NEWBERG HIGHWAY. 4H acres, all in cultivation with 2 acres of fine bottom land. H acre in strawberries, fine prune or chard, lots of apple, plum, pear and cherry trees all in bearing; good house located among large shade trees, lots of roses: no rock or gravel, located close to station, only IS miles over the highway. A fine place for home or highway business location; pr,lce on terms, $3000. f OREGON CITY HIGHWAY. 8 acres, right on the highway. 12 miles out. fine large home with city water, barn, garage, chicken house, orchard of 75 trees in bearing. 1 acre in strawberries and quantities of other berries; horse and farm tools. The price and terms are so low that you cannot afford to pas this buy, $2000 will handle. Price $6300. . JOHN B. HOWARD (Realtor), $18 Cham ber of Commerce. 9 ACRES, XEAR CITT. IN INTENSIVE- CULTIVATION. Here Is one of the finest and most complete small farms In the county and barely outside city limits: all land level and w.re fenced, all In cultivation, including strawbetries, logan. black and " raspberries, apples, pears, cherrle and English walnuta Fine chick en bldgs. and yard, good barn, ga rage and fieeze-proof storage bldg., well-built 8-room house In fine condition, all city conven iences and good roads, unimproved land adjacent priced at $1400 to $2000 an acre. This complete high ly improved acreage can he bought for $15,000; might consider city property to $4000. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ; Main 20o. $200 CASH PRICE $1200. 4- room ceiled cottage, hi acre ground, H block from macadam street; Mghts, gaj and water; lots of fruit and berries; 1 mile from station ; balance on easy terms. $700 CASH PRICE $3750. 5- room modern bungalow. acre of ' ground on good macadam street, 2 blks. from Multnomah station; lights, gas and water; good plumbing; garage, cement driveway and walk; bullt-ln in kitchen; houea all artistically papered. Will con sider smaller amount cash and soldier loan. C. L. Newman. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. -Gerlinger "Bldg. Phone House Dept., Main 8528. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HO MB. In one of Portland's mot popular subure-an district, house consist .of 8 rooms, bungalow type. Immense living room with huge stone fireplace, beautiful dining room, oak floor, combination den and breakfast room with fireplace, livory finish and tapestry paper through- out; gas heat, modern d-room oungaiow for caretaker: double garage, barn and other buildings, beautiful grounds and quantities of choice fruit: this lovely place is priced absolutely right and owner may consider some city prop erty In exchange. For appointment call MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, with V acre, modern, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, dandy kttchvn built-lns. ga rage, lots of shrubbery, bearing fruit trees; $1000 down, balance terms. Also 7-room house. 2 blocks from depot, on paved highway, modern, full bisement, furnace. 8 bedrooms apl sew ing room: selling at sacrifice. Call Main 7115. 204 Henry bldg. Small tracts for sale, U acre up. $100 downfall ci'y convenience with these tracts Call Bdwy. 2448. 204 Henry bldg MILWAUKEE ACHE. All In cultivation ; largo house, 4 rooms finished downstairs, unfinished attic: city water, gas and electricity available; close to school and about 8 block from car. on hard surface road; small barn and small house. ONLY f.'.uo DOWN! Price 1 $3800. Ask for F C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Washington and Stark. WELL-CONSTRUCTED 3-room modern bungalow, situated In a beautiful grove of trees, facing a paved highway; only 2 miles from city limits; '4 acre of .- land. Don't phnne, but call and see photos. Price $4250. R H. CONKREY. Realtor, RTTTER, LOWE CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. ONLY $2250. New 4-roemt bungalow, double con structed, plumbing, water, lights, acre home site; fine spring brook ; on rock road; rfce only $2250; $200 will handle, balance like rent. See owner. 500 Con cord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Will finance ex-service men. OSWEGO BARGAIN. ONLY $1000. New 4-room, close to station at Os wego, facing on 100-f t. boulevard; Wg homeslte, water, lights, gas ; 0c com mutation fare. Why pay rent T Will finance home for ex-service, men. See owner, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. MAPLEWOOD $2250. Nearly an acre with 5-room house, gas and city water, near school, good barn, chicken house; 7c fare; no Incum brances; fruit and berries. Very easy terms. HENRY W. GODOARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark St, Main 831 BY OWNER Will accept some exchange of auto or small good home with bal ance cash for one acre, family orchard, splendid seven-room house, just com pleted, furnace, fireplace. hardwood floors, sunroom. tile drain board, double garage: shown by appointment; buyers only; no agents. Phone 217-76. 2 ACRES S12O0 SUBURBAN. $300 DOWN. Nw 5-room house, choice location, near electric car; paved highway; fine garden sol!, all under cultivation. T. O. Bird, Realtor, 526 Chamber of Com- meree. $4500. Modern 6-room house and one . acre, all In fruit ; has double garage, new 16x24 chicken house, city water; on Powell valley road, just outside city limits, near Hawthorne avenue car. Ownr, Automatic 027-fifi. OH. HUBBY! BUY ME THIS " 1 acre. 3-room new bung-alow. 35 minutes to city, on rocked county road, near elec. stores, srhool. postofflce; a barrain at $1450. $350 cash. McFARLAND. Realtor. Failing bldg. ACRE AND BUNGALOW. ONLY $1500. New 3-room double constructd. tights. f(ne oil, nice grov of trees, close to S. P. electric. See owner. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Will finance ex service men. FOR YOUR CHICKENS. acre, cleared. 1 block to citv ear. water, lights, sras available : $40O; on small payments. Let us show you.' W. M Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. 5 ACRES. HOUSE FRUIT. BERRIES. $2250. If you want a real place to raise chickens, here tt is. easy terms. McFARL A N D. Realtor. Failing B Idg. FOR SALE By owner, 1 acre. Tamlly or chard, aplendid 7-room house, just com pleted ; furnace, hardwood floors, sun room, ttle dralnboard, double garage; at sacrifice. Phnne 217-76. FULTON HILL BUY. $1350 $500 cash. 6-room house, acre, fruit tree, gas, city water: owner must go east: will show you. McFARLAND. Realtor. Falling Bldg. GOING to California, my 2 acres, fine soli, mostly cultivated? at station, and 4-room house, for $1500. on terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co... 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. moB, GOING to California, my 2 acres, fine soli, mostly cultivated, at station, and 4-room house, for $1500, on terms. W. M Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. DT)SCH STATION 5-room modern bunga low, full lot. gas. water, electricity and fruit; $4500, $2000 cash; will sell fur rilshed tf wintcd. Main 7816. APPLY that rent money on your own home for your wife and baby. Move in. pay rent. The house and one acre of level ground Is yours. Phone Mar. 796. WILL sell or trade my 4-room completely modern houseboat, furnished or unfur aiabed. Houseboat 4, Sellwood moorage. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. FOR PARTY WANTING SOMETHING VERY CHOICE IN A SUBURBAN HOME. Much care wa taken in selecting this home site. The plat of ground lies with just the right oval to insure per fect drainage and prominence. It is located lo mile west of Portland, on good road, near highway and station; large nut trees, splendid orchard, shade and shrubbery; excellent, new 7-room house, a credit to the community would be a credit to any community plastered. Interior all done in white enamel, city water, bath and gas: large barn, new modern chickan house for 700 hens, large brooder house: will put in a cow, some nice hens, hay and implements. Price $S000; cost present owner much more than this, but Wis business in the city requires practically all hi time and he cannot care for the place; very desirous to sell. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 12 N. 6th St.. near Glisan. Bdwy. 43SL EX-SOLDIERS, ATTENTION. HERE IS A 5-ROOM BUNGALOW WITH Vi ACRE OF GROUND, LOCAT ED ONE MILE EAST OF LENTS ON FOSTER ROAD; HAS FIREPLACE. HALL GAS FLOOR HEATER. HOT AND COLD WATER, FULL SET OF PLUMB ING. SLEEPING PORCH; TRULY A COSY HOME WITH NEAR ACCESSI BLE CAR SERVICE TO PORTLAND. PRICE $4500; LITTLE OR NOTHING DOWN. CALL TODAY. R. L. McGREW, 1089 HAWTHORN E AVE.. TABOR 8302. MULTNOMAH STATION. $2300 buys a fine little double-constructed bungalow with bath, fireplace, sleeping porch, garage, fruit and lawn, small payment down, Nice 5-room bungalow, bath, with 2 lots; garage, bearing fruits; $3800; terms. New 5-room bungalow, bath, fireplace, garage, 2 lots, only $3H06i H acre and swell 4-room bungalow with sleeping porch, only $3650. NED BURKE. Multnomah Station. Main IPOS. ONE-HALF ACRE AND BUNGALOW View home, 80 commutation fare, Oregon fihone, bullt-ln kitchen, new Inlaid llno eum, steel combination range, cement basement, attic, bathroom, toilet, lava tory,12 bearing fruit trees, berries; cor ner hard surfaced; shingled chicken house, garage; $3300; mortgage $1100, 6 per cent: save commission. Marshall 1365. Owner. . MULTNOMAH STATION. $3900 $1000 CASH. Nifty little 4 rooms and sleeping; porch, garage; gas, water, electricity, fireplace, built-in kitchen. Everything except city taxes. Two large corner lot on Capitol highway. Bungalow is new. A. E. Shurr, owner, opposite chool house. Multnomah station. For Sale Iluslneaa Property. BUSINESS, APARTMENT, OARAGK SITES. $12.500 50x100 on Fourth street, near Flanders; fine garage site, $7500 60x100, on Ella, near Wash. lngton; fine garage or shop location. ' $5500 50x100, fine business lot. S. E. corner 21st and North rup sts. This location is ripe for store building. $8000 100x85, dandy corner for flats or apartments. This Is a beautiful west side cor ner; snap price. $2500 50x100. on Thurman street, between 21st and 22d sts. This Is a good location for store, shop or light manu facturing. $25,000 100x100 on 8. E. corner B. Buraslde and 3d sts. Will give long-term ground, .ease or sell on easy terms. $12.500 50x100, on trackage, near river front on East Yam hill, corner of 1st st. Good location for warehouse or wholesale house. $26,500 50x100 corner, th and Flanders. This corner has good speculation features. $7500 Sandv blvd. business lot. N. E. corner 87th and Sandy. Thi location is exception ally good on account of be ing surrounded by Laurel hurst. Rose City Park, Rosemere and other re stricted additions. $ 27v500 75x 1 00, S. E. corn er 4th and Flanders, or will build to suit tenant or give ground lease. This is a fine location for garage, shop or warehouse. Has R. R. trackage. $10,000 50x100, fl. W. corner Gli san and Second sts. This Is a dandy location for shop or factory. We have many other buslnasa lots at attractive prices. RITTER. LOWE A CO ., Realtor!, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 12-HOOM APARTMENT. Good furnishings, neat and clean, hot and cold water, large closets, good ar rangement of rooms, large wash room, furnace heat, good wect side location; no car fare to pav; long lease, $1000 handles, price $1800. CHEAP. 42 rooms, 8-room apts. (3 single), west side brick, private haths, splendid fur nishings, no vacancies, good lease; $5000 handles, balance $100 per month; $8000. Save car fare. 81 all outside rooms, corner, close in, west side splendid furnishings, money maker, 3 to 5-year lease; price $5500, terms, or discount for cash. O. B. RIPPEY, Realtor, 610-11 McKav Bldg.. Third and Stark. Main 6220. STORE BUILDING. $5500. RESIDENTIAL LOCATION. This is a good 2-story building with 6-roorn flat above and llvasg rooms on first floor, also small 1-story building suitable for shop, also garage room; lot 66x100, fine location for school supplies and family groceries and butcher shop. RITTER. LOWE & CO., Realtors, JO 1 -J-d-o- 1 JJOara or traaq duih, INDUSTRIAL site for sale. 200 ft., facing on main thoroughfare, 100 ft. deep with trackage. This tract 1 Just across the street from the big new American Can company and within a block of the Montgomery Ward plant. A fine place for an industrial department, warehouse or manufacturing plant. Phone Broad way 1658, ask for Mr. Neal, or call at HI Oregon mag SCHOOL district No. 1 offers for sale various parcels of land no longed used for school purposes, adapted, however, for business or factory needs. Full description may be obtained from the school clerk and business manager, room 401 Courthouse. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk and Business Manager. rated ucioper la, 3-FAMILY CORNER FLAT. Very close In, walking distance, only 1 block from East nroaaway ana onus mnnwnanh There are 5 rooms in each flat. This t a good Investment or for home ana income. RITTER, LOWE A CO., Realtor, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. orottE BUILDING. $11750. Modern, well-built corner building, store on ground floor and flats above; sit v 1 00 lor on north east side. In (food. thickly settled residence district. This is not a enacK, in wcii-uum, mouem building. RITTER, LOWE A CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GARAGE BUILDING. $5M)0. 100x100 1-story concrete building with cement floor and wash rack, located on the west side on North 5th street. The building Is on R4 years' ground lease. RITTER LOWE A CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TO LEASE. 75x100 OR 100x125. LONG TERM GROUND LEASE. OR WILLjjBUILD TO SLIT. On- Fourth and Flanders. This Is good for garage or warehouse. Can get ood deal for responsible concern. RITTER. LOWS & CO.. Realtors. 201-2-3-a- aoarq ot uaue rmis. APARTMENT and business property, in come over 12 per cent on price asked; owner leaving city and will take resi dence suburban up to $7000, balance of $10 500 on terms. Woodlawn 1184 morn- HAVE beautiful choice Laurel hurst horn. Could not be duplicated for $15,000. De sire to exchange whole or part pay ment TOT income uroprnj. tugnf Bravfleld. P. O. Box Jity. NEARLY QUARTER BLOCK, East aiae tiusinesa corner. Income $100 per Month. Must Sell; $T6r0. Fhone Auto. 623-17. FACTORY BUILDING, 2-story brick, 60x 100, cement floor and basement, also suitable for garage, central east Port land. Phone E. 464, Rein hard t, after 5 P. M, AP RTMENT house. Income $500 monthly- price $35,000; will accept $15,0u0 In good farm or city property. Leonard. 24 H Stark street. Main 5421). FOR SALE Business or apartment site, close, east aide, 100x100. C 116. Orego nian. FOR SALE 11-room apartment house, lot 5Oxl00-ft. and furniture lor JoOOO; terms. Call 633 Market. REAL ESTATE. For Uuhinesa Property. WEST SIDE BUSINESS BUILDING. Suitable for retail or wholesale, good tenanta paying 14 per cent on asking price, which is less than assessed val uation: $15,u0u will handle. No phones. Call on F. O. Northrup, agent. 626 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Tor Sal -Acreage, NO FROST YET1 10 acre fine soil, all in cultiva tion, on gravel road, land practic ally levei; good haif-acre orchard, berries, small house, barn, chicken house, good horse. 70 chicken, wagon, plow. plmplemnts and tools. li mile from Gladstone. This la a dandy buy at $320O, term. Let us show you!' AT GLADSTONE. S acres at Gladstone, 2 blocks to station; electricity, city water and ga in street. Beautiful building sue, rich soli, small building. This i a real bargain, $2000, terms. OREGON CITt CAR LINE. 10 acres on Oatfleld road. Con cord sta.; 8 4 acres in high state of cultivation, 2 fine springs, orchard, fine for grapes, fruit, berries ana chickens. Price $5000, $3500 cash, balance to suit. j We have a big list of acreage and suburban home. Come out and let us show you some place which are priced right and well located. FREYT AO-MEEDS CO., GLADSTONE. OR. OREGON CITY CARLTNE. Phone Oregon City 2G8J. 10 ACRES. All level land on the Molalla And Coltorf road, in a good location, a tnriving community, leas than ini.e to Milk creek and a good tun ing stream and 1 mile to another good stream to fish in; thia land Is line soil, has been cut over some, not so hard to clear; only 44 miles ' of Molalla and 2 ralroada and 2 miles of Coiton store and high school; all graveled roada from Oregon City to the place, also graveled to Molalla from the land; price $40i. $joo down, bal, at 6. JL " Kmc-tt & Son. 7th and Main is., Oregon City. Or. 80 ACRES $6500 80 ACRES. Good S0-acre farm, well improved: 55 acre in cultivation; fair hoiuse, 2 barns, 9$ outbuildings. 6 acres of good or chard. 1 acre of prunes In full bearing, good team of horses, harness, wagon, buggv and all farm implements. 4 cows. J heifene, some hoga. about 100 chickefis, plenty of feed and aeed fori the coming year; $3500 cash, balance easy terms, or will conaider clear Portland home or close-in acreage to $4000: ranch situated in the Clarke neighborhood, 14 mile S. E. of Oregon City. 7 miles from Beaver Creek station. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. klVKH.vwnvT uTdii to t,. $.aVe Just Platted a large tract In River Mila, near Courtney station, Ore gon City line, into home sltea of approxi mately of an acre up. with prices run ning from $450 per tract up; terms $25 down and $7.5o monthly; some of these are on paved river road; a tract of sev eral acres of river-front In connection with this property has been set aside for the joint use of purchasers of this tract for bathing, fishing, picnicking and moor ing of boats; river-front right are scarce and we advise early inspection. Fred W. Gorman Co.. realtors. 7o2 Cham, of Com. ONE ACRE. WATER AND GAS. $45 DOWN. BALANCE $0 PER MONTH. Finest garden soil, all cleared; beauti ful building site; close to car and paved highway. 2Vi mllea out of city; only $D00. W-A interest. - BOONE-CLEARWATER. Main 5201. 506 Couch Bldg. BUV APPLE ORCHARD NOW. trices or good producing apple or chard; will never be o low again. Many orcnarns now ior sale "A-iii pay lor tnem selves In two yearsi I have such a one In Rogue Kver valley, near Mcdford. 1 cannot farm ths place satisfactorily from x-ortiana ana win sen at a sacrifice ana ton terms that will surprise you. There are ho out u acre or Ttewiown ana sdui, 14-year-old trees, and about 40 acre in general cultivation. X 142, Oregonlan. S acrea, ail under cultivation; fruit and berries, chicken hwuse, email barn and garage: a 4-room modern bungalow, FURNISHED complete: lights, hot and cold water, bath, lavatory and toilet, rug that cost $100; all furniture is good; 1 -mile Stanley station, on Esta cada line. PRICE FOR IMMEDIATE sale $2050. with $750 down. It 1 .M .vl tj I j Ij & Kl M.MKLL, -.4 Starg ?I KR ON TAG E ON CLACKAMAS Ri V ER. 15 acres, best of soil, part beaverdam good 7-room houre b.irn lots of out buildings; 2 acres good orchard; paved roads; 4 mile to R. R. station, 45-m In ula tlrlve to Portland; price $tkK0. $240 casn, balance to suit, u. LET US SHOW YOU THIS. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EX. ATI E N S II U N SOLDIERS. HERE'S opportunity ; 5 acres choice loam soil, all cultivation; berries, fruit, near paved highway; new buildings; 1000 S. C. W. L.'s. all tool and household furnish inge; little earn, equity I'ortlatid nouie ana your p i a i k joa:h. i u. Dlrti, realtor. 526 Chum. Com. HO 1 L W A YI-: K LUC A T I ON. Twenty acres, nne soil, running water, near Btatlon. In sinht of Portland; price rucnt: m eiit divide. Also similar proposition with modern house, abundance or fruit, berriea, etc. will divide; terms. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $18,000 Buys 00 acres. 2 miles from city of Vancouver ; 70 acres under cultiva tion; 30 acres are beaverdam land; ft room house on the place; also barn. All fenced and cross-fenced. Good well and creek on place. Will trade for In come property. MoGEE A DENNIS. 060 Union ave. Wdln. 564. CHOICE TEN A CUES. . Fine soil, all In cultivation; poor build, ings; over one-half In bearing fruit and berries: this is a real commercial or chard, showing good Income; on good road, fine district, about 30 minutes out from Portland, rnca rigni, terms. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 1100 DOWN. S20 MONTHLY. Splendid level 5-acre tract, unflnllshed nouse, garage iuxio; none in cultivation; 4 of a mile from railroad station, about 5 miles east of Portland city limits; price $1025, Here is your chance to get a start. Fred W. German Co., realtors, 7 "2 Ch am. of Com. 5 ACRES. All cleared: very best of soil, close to Glllls station and new Mt. Hood kop -highway; Bull Run electric; snap for $15K). easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 16;. 3, u. ACRES to acres. Alberta car: city water, cltv school; why buy ordinary lots farther out and pav blg-axea and aeseflsments7 $10 down. mi nioiatn. it, v. Cary. 121I N. W. Bank bldg. FOR YOUR CHICKENS. 4 acre cleared. 1 block to city car, water, lights, gas available; $400, on small payments. Let us show you. W. M Umbdenstock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway lb-i. K ACRES. ONLY $1000. Nine milf from courthouse; level; fine for chickens, berries; jno gives pos session. See owner. 500 Concord bids'., 2d and Stark. Will build for ex-service men. HALE and acre tracts, just on market, $700 to $1500. 10 per cent down, 2 per cent month; 8 blocks to car. 3 to hard street, right In Rose City. If you want close-In acreage, ee this before it is all gone. 504 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE- 10 acres l' mil'1 out; lots of fruit treea, good water, 3-room house, et ; will take soldier s bonus and some cash. Also 45 acres near Sherwood; good house and builJlngs; $275 per acre. Call Main 711. or 204 Henry bldg. 2 BEAUTIFUL elghtly acres and 24 lots 50x100 each, at station; line sol!, all cuU tivated. for $1500; small payments. Call MeCiure, Bdwy. lfi.-.K. W. M. Umbdcn- stock A Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. 5 ACRES near Cherry Li rove, on pavea highway, house, barn, garage; price $15o0 $300 down, or trade for house and lot in Portland. BARRAND REALTY Co.. 341 Salmon st, $50 DOWN 2 acres for $000, fronting on ear line: excellent soil, under cultiva tion. W. M. Umbdenstork & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway lft-.S. 10 ACRE, near Beaverton. $1800. Will take light car. no scrap, not too old and little cash as first payment. Main 251K). 01 W. Park. 2 CULTIVATED acres for $600; right at station: $15 monthly payment. W. M Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. B roadwav BV8. TILLAMOOK county cranberry land. For 8 articular write Sam Bauer. Ore town, regoB- GOOD business corner lot, 6th, E. Burnalde; -"also corner lot on 17th. E. Davis sts., on terms. Co '.1 owner. East 27t4. 20 ACRES with creek, 24 mllrs south of Gresham. Owner, Tabor 8648. Tabor MV FOR SALE 6H acres, 1 mile west of Mc Mlnnvllle, easy terma Inquire W. K Webb. McMinnviiie. or. JVi AjCRES, level, cultivated, near electric, t minute out. $875. terms. McFarland. Realtor, 208 Failing bldg. REAL ESTATE Fur Sale Acreage. NEAR CANBY. Or. 10 acres, 1 mile from Canhy, on grav eled road; 1 acre strawberries, some lo ganberries, small orchard; 5 acre under cultivation, all can be cultivated when cleared: 6-room house, good barn with concrete floor. 4 chicken house. In cluded with place, lots of garden tools, sprayer, truck, etc. Price $4"0u $1500 cash, balance eaay terma at 6 per cent. VERY SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. ACRE TRACTS NEAR MULTNOMAH. On macadamised road; best of loam oil; no rock nor gravel: close to elec tric line: bo commutation fare; good car service ; city wau-r, gas. electric lights; nice, sightly ground. Offered far . below value, very eaay terms, or will ell la V9 -acre tracts. 5 acres, 8 mllea from center of Port land; ail under cultivation; H mile to electric station and school; 70 bearing fruit trees; 4-room plastered housi with cement foundation, barn. HixlIH -garage, chicken house. Price $3it00. clear; large cash payment. Consider house In sub urbs cf Portland for same amount. Will not assume. Acre tracts near Mtlwaukle road, one mile from electric station; good rock road; city conveniences can be had: all under cultivation and best of soil. Price $i00 per acre, very small payment down. Also one acre with small house for $1000, small payment down. ACRE TRACTS. ALBERTA DISTRICT, On paved street with paving and walks in and paid ; all under cultiva tion; over s in varletv of bearing fruit tree In best of condition ; fine loam soil. $100 cash, very easy terms on balance, 6 per cent. John Ferguson, Realtor. Gerlinger Bide. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified List,' $50 CASH. $550 PER ACRE. Two or four acres, and lumber to build a 4-room house included. This is located close In on the east side, about 10 blocks from the street car; ha city water and electric light and gas near land; land like this was selling 12 years ago for $1200 per acre and no Improvement; now $550 Including lum ber to build a little house. You should Investigate this if you are In the market for a small ranch; will make terms that you can afford to meet. Call on owner, G. H. Dammeler, 40S McKay bldg.. Third and Stark at. 12-ACRE SACRIFICE. Price Only $3000; Worth $6000. LOCATED ON THE RIVER. Wonderful buy, 12 acres. 8 in culti vation; over an acre of bearing family orchard ; about 2 blocks from paved highway on Tualatin river; buildings don't amount to much; fronts on county road ; river forms back line. A REAL SNAP FOR A QUICK SALE. LISTEN We have dozen of modern suburban homes for you to choose from. Large lit of chicken ranches and small farms. Why not come to headquarters for this class of property 7 G. G. McCORMIC CO.. Moved to 207 Falling Bldg. Main 8220 or Main H31S. 5, 10 AND 20-ACRH TRACTS. $25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a 5-acre tract In this addition of 800 acres; down the Columbia river on the Oregon ide, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto staKO and truck: beautifully lying land, free from rock and grave.1; some tracts have beautiful view or river; mere are also some with streams; fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DELFEL, 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. RICH RIVER BOTTOM LANDS In Sunderland Acres at E. 20th st. N. and Columbia blvd. Fruits and vege tables arown In abundance: or 3 ex cellent opportunities for small dairy, 5 to 20-acre tracts from $400 to $600 per acre. 10 per cent down, balance a nually. Also few chuico acre homesltes along Columbia blvd. Representative on ground bunday afternoon. EL ROD & DRYER, 281 Stark SL Bdwy. 1188. IN THE GRESHAM DISTRICT. 40 Acres $2400. Will Sell Any Part. Small Cash Payment Easy Terma Will Take a Lot for First Payment. Place to work while out of employ ment; only 4oc fare; 20 miles from Port land. mile from electric car, with frequent service; fertile soil ; free from rock and gravel, small creek, now open pasture; easily cleared ; surrounded by highly Improved farms. Fred F. Huntress. 120 O rand ave. East 040. CHEAP LAND. ONLY $11.25 PER ACRE. 80 acres in Clarke county. Wash., not far from Vancouver, close to Crawford. THIS IS A SNAP. Owner must have money at once and Is offering this en tire fcO acres for $!i00 cash. DON'T DE LAY. DEKUM JORDAN, Realtors. 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark Sts. Main 2233.. OPPORTUNITY IS KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR. Are you going to respond? A choU level acre In hiph state of cultivation, facing macadamized road ; Bull Hun water; Jut outside "ity limits, for only $Hm, good terms. See It today. Tubor 7364. R H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE it CO.. 201 2-3-5-7 Board cf Trade Bldg. 75 DOW N and 15 per mouth will buy a beautiful country hotneylte on Clear creek, 45 minutes ride from city. Beau tiful trees; creek; good roads; 5 acres. Price $750. A Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. ALMOST 5 ACRES OF LAND FACING Barker road, Just north of Section Line road ; very easy to clear, has a gentle slope to the south; within good grade and high school district. The price is only $1750 on very easy term R. If. CONFREY, Realtor, HITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trnde Bldg 11 ACRES WITH SHACK. $7.vT Located 30 miles from Portland, near R. R. station and postofflee, about 1 acre cleared; good 2-room shack, spring at back door, good soil. This is a good place for a little money; $7,"0 take it. LUKDDBMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. ABSOLUTELY AS REPRESENTED. 5 acres, U mile Oregon-Electric, extra fine sou. all clear, level, no rock, under wire fence, on graveled road, fine neigh borhood, I mile school, fine for berrus and vegetable; will take $050, some terms. See J. H. Richard. 808 McKay bldg., Third nnd Stark sts. ONE BIG ACKU, $400 Out Powell Valley road, about 3 miles east of city limits; only $50 cash, bal ance $10 per month. R. If. CONFREY, Realtor RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trad- Bldg TEN ACRES in cultivation; good house; good water, some fruit; half acre In loganberries. Small barn. Near high way, between Reed vf lie and Aloha; 30 minutes' drive from Portland; no agent. Main 3471. STOKES TRACTS Just outside city at 4 2d and Slmpwon. City water. No gravel, city tnxes or assessments. $10 payments. R. W. Cary, 1211) N, V. Bank DUi;ning. A C It K J V W llili-u 1.' " A little gem of 4-roomn, facing the Barr road; rich, deep, red shot soil, half cleared; price $2500, $5uo cash and $25 per month. Strong & Co., 606 Chamber of Commerce. BARNES ROAD ACREAGE. 10 acres. 2i mllt-s courthouse ; 0 acres in cultivation; excellent site for hot house and floral gardens. Skyline bou levard. Bull Run water. E. It. S., 513 Couch bldg. SIGHTLY 10 ACRES! " 72d and Division. All in cultivation; very desirable for subdivision and cheap to close estate. WILLIAM P. MERRY. 301-2 Title and Trust Bldg. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices anil easy terms offered to settlers. WEYEKH A USER TIMBER CO.. 2 ACRES, 4-room house, furniture, sua ments, horse, cow, chickenu; 5 minutes from Huber station; $4ooo, terma John M Itzel. H uber. Or. Henri eggy ave, i-ACRE, NATURAL TREES, si 200. It's a dandy. Alberta car. City water; no assessments; $.'0 down; $10 monrh. R. W. Cary. 1210 N. AV. Bank bldg. Resldenre Main 1377. ) LENTS Bargain, acre on car Un-;, boulevard. 7-room house, hath, toilet, $27."0 $500 cash, $25 month. Mn rshall 8y45. 1.80 ACRES; RUBY JUNCTION. A dandy piece, considerable timber, Ato $25 down and $10 per month. Strong- St Co.. 60 Cham, of Urn. MOST beautiful building alte on Willam ette 'river. 20 minutes' drive from Port land on ml en did road: lovel v rrnvn ml shrubs. For sale by owner. Write C Tavlor. 676 Hancock St.. Portland. Or r ESTATE. 'or Sale Acreage. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONT AGIO, H acrws with wide frontaga ( on the river, on the Oregon J-ity car line; a acres In all "Hula of bearing fruit, larae spring. ce men ted. Insuring ample water supply: accesst b. at all time or the year; eitchtty location for a how and property surrounded bv tn0 bust of home. Price $6MuO TIGARD ACREAGE. V are opening a tract f 1$ arres in thl hfgh-claa dis trict which we will soli in S-acre traru This aere- a- is iocntfd i fin road, ""-high ana iKiitly. with a wonderful view the moun tain and surrounding coun try; ha the iinost of soil, for which this district la noted; no rock 01 gravel; elecirlo lights to the property ; sur rounded by (rood home, el. to school, store an4 hard surraced highway. Price is low and terma ui Vr ....$500 AT MULTNOMAH, 2 ne-half-aer tract, eloa to school, station and hard eurfHced huhwav; has city water, ele.-tric IlKht and rus. Lie high nd sightly and BurrouialtHl by Kod homes. -Jn be purchased on very tSJi .....?...$5a"5 Over one-half acre with a flna sandy beam, shade tree and some fruk; In district of nigh-clas homes. This beau tiful property will be sold at the low pric uf $1500 CONCORD PTATTOV. On Rlvr Highway.) 2t acrcw, lying between the hard-surtaced highway nd the Willamette river. Thi In one of the Mnest piece of froperty alonr the rl-er-ront. Fine spring and aom fruit In hearing. To see Is to buy. This property can be purchased on easy terms and the price 1m oii.y $4Ji0 TERWILLIGER BOUEVARD. 10 acres at the head of this beautiful boulevard. with wide frontage on the high way. Thi property ha a number of large, graceful ma ple, nr. cedar and dogwood trees, several springs, city water, light and gas obtain able; only 10 minute from Sth and Morrison street. Thl 1 a fine, sightly location for country home; might subdi vide. Adjacent property well ing for $."00 per lot. This property will be sold for less than half its value, call at office. Do not phone. BEAVERTON HIGHWAY. 10 acres with frontage, on the highway, only 10 nile from Portland : a wonderful snot for a home. Ground adapta ble for tavern or camp park. Can be bought on easy terms. I'rice .$4750 JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR). 318 Chamber of Commerce. 42 ACHES, all In cultivation: good 6 room house, fine large barn, tile silo, ga rage. 2 acrea clover; 10 acres plowed for fall seeding, 1 acre orchard. I acre prunes. This Is very fine piece of land, well drained, on main county road. 1 miles from Portland. Price $8000, $3000 cah. 40 acres, 30 acres In cultivation; fam ily orchard, 4-room house, hsri chicken house, lot of English walnuts, berriea, all kinds of equipment. With the plane go team of horses two cow, heifer, brood sow, 10 plga. everything In the way of farm machinery. This Is a very fine piece of land. Sickness has com pelled the owner to sacrifice for $7000, $2500 cash. 80 acres, all under cultivation. 7-room plastered good house, famtlv orchard, berries, good barn. In reaen of Hlllsboro grade and high school. $t300, $.U0O cash. H1LLSBORO LAND ft REALTY CO.. England A Miliar, Managers, Hlllsboro, Or. HALF-ACRE TRACTS. COUNCIL CREST CAR LINB. ONLY $SO0. One of the most sightly places on tha hills on the west aide, on an almost level bench. Just enoutch slope for good drainage, all cleared, rich soil; magnifi cent unobstructed view ; gas and city water to e:tch tract; frontage on Doiich road, highly Improved by ths county; only a lew blocks to car. Remember, this la only 20 minutes 00 rnr from 6th and Washington; 8c fare, all night service; outgrowth of Portland Heights, with advantages of A Ins worth schoul; easy terma. J. G. RAINEY, M7-1ft AWngton hlrlg. Main 12W. GF.T Ol'T OF THE Rl'T. Are you camping on the other fellow's land and paying for the, privilege? You enn change thut camp to u home; here' the acre In high slate of cultivation, with Bull Run water, faring on niaead ntuizeit road, just outside city I i mils, for only $sil0, on verv easv terms. R H. CONFRWY, Realtor. RITTKIt. I.OWH CO., 201-2 3-5-7 IPir.rd of Tmdo Bldg ST CK Kl A N D K'Jl'I I'I'Kh ' H'n-s; JO acres In cu ! 1 1 v;i t Ion. fam ily orchard, berrlr s and grapt-e ; 5-room house, jrood barn, ' K"od ut-lls. 1 homo, 2 cows, ono ow, 7,-, hens, fl tons hav, i acre spuds, all tool, cream ne para tor; electric sta. it t place; mile to hn 10 miles out nn main Iilnlivnv ; $:timi easy terms. L. O. Gerber, 714 Shetland hlnV, IN THE BIG OPTlMiOHS. An acre in w. ll -sett led t hn vtng com munity, deep rich soil, roadv for seed ing, facing niicHlaml7.ed road; Bull Run water; price $wiiO. good term. S.-e un shout upends 1 offer on large assortment Of fruit trees frv R. H. CUNFRF1Y, Realtor RITTER. LMWfi K- CO., 2Q1-2-?t-r.-7 n.mrrl ofTrn.lo Bldg 25 MINI' T E S f U T. New 5-room plastiTod house, hsth. toilet, etc., hot unit cold water, elecirlo pump, cement basement, woodshed, two chicken houses for 250 chicken, fjtnitlv orchard bearing. K-10th acre; on Capital hlrhway, i ml In east of Tlgard; $.'t7oo is.-,rt cash. F. L. Spencer, It. 2, Hills dale. FACING POWKI.L VALLEY ROAD About 1 S acrt-s. just east of city limits, covered with a beautiful grove, of native trees; $lO00 per acre, on very easy terms. This in a rare bargain and should Hot be overlooked It 1 f CON Fit I J V. Ren 1 tor RITTER, LOWM A Co., ' 201-2-H-5-7 Hoard .f Trade Bldg irtT.I 1 A CT I? Will buy one of the finest 20-aore tracts on the Barr road and west of Buckley avenue.; 4 water shares nre In cluded in 'price, wator and electricity available, and land easily cleared. Will subdivide. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR 213 Stark St. M-.ln N.Vt TEN ACRES lir.OU Part In cultivation; on good gravel road from Hherwond; new barn; 4-room house; good 30-ft. well, good TERMS. Ak for K. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. ilcG HIRE. 205 Abington Rid. Main 10ft. 1 rurrt St.. B"t. Washington nnd Stark. S L'Ui; R BAN Ac H ifi AG K SMALL PYMKNT. 2 to 4 acre, near 824 st., 25-mlnirte drive 4th and Wah,; good car eervloe. light clearing, but of soli, no graveii price belnw market. Terms J. C. COItBIN CO., :i0fi-ft-T Lewi Bid;, WEST SIDE ACRE. $1410 Improved street, no Hens, about all level, Ronrt view, convenient to C. C car. $3000" cash, $25 per month. Ad dress owner, I 13S. Oregonlan. WONDERFUL ACREAGE BARGAIN. Beautiful IS acres Joining city limits; all cleared, with paved road on two sides; will divide In 5-aor tracts; $750 per acre, 'i down. STEWART A JOHNSON 315 Northwestern Bank BMg. BASH LINE Road. 2.3ft lesa than 3 miles from city limits, for $1075. on very ensy terma. R. U. CONFREY, Realtor RlTTslK, LOWE A CO., go---5-7 Board of Trnde BMg. 0 ACRES. BEAVERTON DISTRICT ' All In cultivation; no buiidlnga ; on irood road and near wlectrio station: price $lhK). term, with $;.U0 cash H Mr. Prlc. with Spencer ft Co.. 517 Cham- h'-r of Commerce. 3; AC R ICS, 2 acre clear. 3-room house and well. mile from Bonlta station, Oregon Electric railroad. Ideal homeslte good soil and fine view; term If desired. Inquire Sunday of E. J, Ericson, 34 mil 15 ACRES, 8 acre In cultivation, good soil; extra good buy at $750, $i00 down balance small yearly payments. DRAPER. 40S Board of Trade. ID.fc ACRES; BARR ROAD. Can't be beat for soil and price; $1230' $.it down and $15 per month. Strong .t- Co.. 000 Cha m of Com. j 3 s 000 5oxl45. WITH new brick building; best business corner on Coo hay. the coming seaport; Ideal for theater or de parunont aior, Fhoue owner. East $SJtf. A