TTTE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 9, 1921 1 WrSIXFSS OlTOKTryiTlKg. llutWs and ftoomiiig Hiu.e. HOTELS. IIS. 000 For a modern, well-furnlshsd 75 rooms, on of best location! In city. ilO.uuo cash handle. $0,500 Secures you 42 rooms, excellent location, long leas, retisonsbl, rent. V500 cash, balance easy. 7,600 Modern, Kood furnishings, 33 rooms. Tola Is a lral. iFARTHENTS AND ROOMING HOUSES. (12,000 Cash and easy payment! for a well-finished modern apartment, net Income now over MH) per month. 17.000 Cash and balance on easy pay ments and we will deliver to you a modern apartment showing Income of llioO per month. $4,200 Buys 20 rooms, nettlnf $230 per month. $1,050 For close-In rooming; with 2 yenr lease; good Income. JilM.MKI.I, & JtUMsUCLL,, 274 fitark St. HtSINESS OITORTCN1TIES. Hotels and Koomlns; House. 0 H. K. HOO.MS, close In, west aide, neat and clean, all rented; will clear over 1150 month. This Is some buy at $2f23, some terms. 10 H. K. rooms and sleeping porch, close In, WhKe Temple dint. ; always full; a snap at 11400, good terms. 15 If. K. Toona. close In, west side; good furniture; rent only $00 month; will clear $125 month; full price $2U0O, some terms. YOU SHOCLD BEE THIS PLACE. S7 H. K. rooms, close in on west side, good furniture, water In all apts: rent very reasonable; will clear close to I4.M) month; good leasts; price 7000, good terms. 425 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG.. Bdwy. 1)08. 1, E. Si'EXl'liK & CO.. .117 Cham, of Com. Building. $ 4,500 20-rm. apt. house; rent i00; lease; hot and cold water, steam heat; Inc. about $175. -,, $ 4,600 SU-rm. apt. house, rent $280; lease; hot water heat: very central; Inc. around $tMM). $ 8,600 fo-rm. apt. house; all modern; lease; rent $--5; income is around $100. $15.000 17 all-modern apts.; lease; rent (MU: Inc. about $1000. $45,000. Modern brick bldg. and A-l fur nishings complete, private baths, stenm heat. This Is a modern home with an attractive fixed income. TWO GOOD HOTKLS. HOTEL Mo JIXM $(M0 CASH. This Is a substantial, close-in brick, under lease: very large net. Price tlO.ooO. Hotel. 44 rooms. $4000 cash. W. 8. brick; 5-yar lease. Full price $600. If It's a Portland hotel and for sale. you should find It In our list. O. H. SKOT1IEIM CO.. REALTORS 40S-U Couch Bids;. Main 1875. Open fiuniay Afternoon. ! KM. 1VHTMKXT HOUSE. 24 ROOMS 8 APARTMENTS. Why pay the hlith rents, when you ean buy the property and all furniture of a first-class place like this for $20, 000? Income $230 per month, and owner lives In the best 4-room apartment in the house; $15,000 cash down and terms on balance. - I I" U K K y INVESTMENT CO. K00-10 Panama Hldg.. Mnln :012. MODERN BK1CK HOTEL, LIVE TOWN, NO OPPOSITION, 31 ROOMS AND DININO ROOM, ELEGANT FUR NITURE. FINE I.OTIDY, ON TWO CAR LINES, BUS LINES. PAVED HIGH WAY, GOOD LEASE. CHEAP RENT. FREE FUEL: OWNER HAS OTHER BUSINESS: A REAL BARGAIN; PRICE $.-.',00. SOME TERMS. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 40.--H-7 Panama nldg., 3d and Alder. SOMETHING NEW IN APT. LEASE. Owner decided Inst week to grant a lease on close-in W. 8. apt. bldg. 24 apartments: nearly all furnished. Fur niture reasonable, and a valuable lease for you if you act without delay. P'eee do not hesitate yourself out of this opportunity. . . O. H. 6K0THEIM CO.. REALTORS 40S-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. Onen Sunday Afternoon. 2 P- M. WASHINGTON ST. HOTEL. 70 rooms, new 6-year lease; corner brick building; mahogany and Circassian walnut furniture; splendid carpets; Northwestern heat and hot water; 50 per cent private baths; clears over all expenses about $700 month. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 TeonBldg. n.ElBS 1200 MONTH. 20 rooms, rent $00, 14 housekeeping, 4 sleeping rooms, all well furnished, close In on 8th street; price $3000, $lo00 down. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. AGOOD BUY. In Nob Hill district we hare a good rooming houae of 10 large rooms, ex ceptionally well furnished, including a good player piano, bringing good In come; rent $60. Price $1750. some terms MRS. SNOW, Broadway 4864. HOTEL. FINES "WEST SIDE LOCATION. Has nice lobby and furniture Is above the average, building In first-class con dition throughout; $10,000 cash will handle. 5-year lease. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. riOO-to Panama Ttlflg.. Main 3042. SPLENDID APT. HOUSE. 7 rooms, all in 2 and 3-room apts., well furnished, 5-year lease, rent only ftrtiktl whit nressed brick cor. bldg.. private bath to every apt.: ut profit $(100 month: $SO00 cash wiU handle. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yenn Bldg HOTELS. Over 40 rooms, brick bldg.. steam heat. water in all rooms; rent $12.",. with 4 year' lease. This place is newly ren ovated and shouid sell for more money. Price $iaM. with terms. 24 roomi. brick hotel, centrally lo cated, showing a good net; rent $200, with long lease. Price $1000. terms. over 20 rooms, brick bldg.; N. W. heat, close In: nets over $:t00; reasonable reut and $JOOO will handle. APARTMENTS. "Why worry about lease. Opportunity to buy one of Portland's finest modern brick apartment houses, central west s-Ide location. This place has lovely fur niture and neta over $12,000 per year. Price Is right and can be handled with $4(1 ooo. $(1000 cash buys a lovely small apart ment house and property, located on the west side, and shows a lovely net; a chance to dodge high rent and short leases. This 1 modern and a nice home and priced right at $H1.0O0. bal. easy terms. Over 0-room modern brick apartment house, located on wepf side, with reason able rent; rm to 102(1. showing a very lar:e net: $.jOoO will handle. Fifty-rootn, all sleeping, located close In. with 8-year lease, showing a net ot '$250; $flooo will handle. This is a money-maker and will not last long. Have a lovely residential hotel, lo cated close In; very reasonable rent, with five-year lease, showing a net of $000, and can be handled with $4ooo. We have several small buys, ranging from $1000 to $2500. that can be handled with a small amount of cash. Will D glad to tell you about them. , Phone Broadway 5:tS7. S21 Chamber of Commerce. SEE MR. SALIGER ON THESE. "WITH I. E. SPENCER & CO.. 617-519 CHAM. Oi' COM. BLDG. LEASE AT LESS THAN $7 A ROOM. To carry you over the FAIR. claw downtown hotel. This should net you $100,000 during lease; only $20,000 to get in, small bal. FIRST-CLASS MODERN HOTEL. 5 TRS. LEASE AT reasonable rent, furnished first class; private baths. phones In rooms, and netting $900 per mo. $10,000 handles. LEASE 5 YRS. AT $S A ROOM. $5000 get you In a DOWNTOWN modern transient brick hotel netting .. per month. This Is first class AND YOUR ONE B1U CHANCE. TRANSIENT BARGAIN. S0-r. brick bldg.: a very good lease, right down town; only $2.oo to handle. NETS over $300. Your chance here. ti-rl THESE ARE ONLY FEW OV OTTR ..-..r. i.Ttvu r,l'E? VP.iHS. F EX- P HIEXCi AND MANY SATISFIED CLIENTS IS PROOF SUFt 'icih..i THAT IT MEANS MONEY TO YOU TO SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY. OWNER List your property wit the PORTLAND REALTY CO.. Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 20j6. BUYER Come and see us for real bargains or call us and wo will sea you. A good home and a good Income: 42 rooms In brick building. $j000 will han- (lie. FBI Biua, 1 1 .. m.m oi.artment with reasonable rent and $200 net income; lease; $isou, Ul6l"'ronms. 22 apartments, close in; lease. This Is one of the best buys in OS-room apartment: 5 minutes' walk te eth and wasn. a ohhuj ,u.,o ,,.,..,-. 1 i ...... - i i:t .v:o. terms. 75-room brick hotel; S-year lease, with extension privilege; $20,000 cash. This won t last. . . 32-room downtown apartment; low rent and better than $00 Income net $:l000 and good security will take this. You can't beat It for a money-maker. How la this? 7S-room downtown hotel. rent only $375. Took in $UoO in July. aV good list of hotels and apartment houses and It will pay you to investigate before buying a WOMAN'S FORTRESS AGAINST Toi.-i.-ri We delight in helping deserving self supporting women to find legitimate R H opportunities: these are capable of Increasing values and may be de pended on as safe Investments: 10 rooms., not elaborately furnished. $:100. Half cash. . 13 rooms.. W. S.. low rent. $10o0. About half cash. ,.rM .. 40 rooms, close-in, W. S.. $j500. Easy terms. . ..." . ,-, We have places which $3j0 can attl'sKOTHEIM CO.. REALTORS 408-11 Couch Bldg. Mal" 15'5 rtrven Sunrtnv Afternoon. 2 P. M. iinvr G I I.T-EDGE BUY. 44 h. k. rooms. 15 apts.. . yrs. lease modern bldg. an.1 furnishings; steam heat; NO VACANCIES. $S000 to handle income $37.' net to you; can pay bal. from proceeds in S months. List i--. 34 rooms. 17 apts.; private baths, phone rooms: furnishings modern: $4000 g-ai'e The 'ouyT sSEcKL 'SSit fTK CO.. REALTORS, 517-111 Chamber of Commerce. Bldg. "WE DO THE -SHOPPING" FOR lOL. Among carefully selected bargains this anartment house stands the acid test. SO modern apartments. Income averag ing 20,W) a year. A classy, clean, handsomely furnished building, close-in. Both building and furniture U) nAen,ir, h rnri Net rncome pavs bal- anci In reasonable annual Installments and handsome living income uesiuea. This Is a wise man's bargain. O. H. SKOTHE1M CO.. REALTORS. 408-11 Couch Bldg.. Fourth St. Between Washington and Stark Sts. BUSrXF.SS OPPOBTrMTIKS. Hotels and Koonllng Houses. MARY E. LENT COMPANY. 52S-4-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Phone Main 85U0. HOTELS. APARTMENT HOUSES AND ROOMING HOUSES. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. Fifteen years in this business In Port land enables us to give ou satisfactory ervice. - 40 APARTMENTS. SOME WITH BATHS. Corner brick building; five-year lease; rent almost nothing on this house: clear ing now $600 per month. It you want the best money-maker In the city see this at once; price $12,000. some terms. B0-ROOM HOTEL. All light, airy rooms, white pressed brick, corner building, five-year lease clears $700 monthly; pries $12,500. HOMELIKE PLACE. 40 rooms, best furnished of Its slie: eesv place to manage; mostly all steady roomers. If you have $8000 cash this will suit you. EXCLUSIVE WITH THIS OFFICE. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. FIRST TIME OFFERED. 27 apartments, most exclusive location In the rirv: long lease: best furnished house on the market; clearing $650 per month, exclusive of janitor ana two re served apartments. If you have $10,000 cash, balance can b paid as you make It, 26 APARTMENTS. ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS. You can buy and sell again and make m nrofit: owner has othar business re quiring his time and wishes to sell at a sacrifice for quick sale. You can't make a mistake on this, as it has a long lease over the lair. HO iPiRTVUVTB White pressed brick building, clearing over $1000 per month: long lease at only $:ioO per montn: price -v,vw terms to responsible party. If yoa have $6000 cash J can show you inf nicesi itiLio ii-iwu.i. house in the city, very clean: 5-year lease; omy one iie " nw OWN YOUR OWN PLACE HIGH-CLASS BOARDING HOUSE. Regular and Transient. I j-jeganuv luraancu. i . No Hill district, clearing over $ (0 per montn: Can De increaacu it v. . nlture and equipment Just cost $ 0.O0O. -. . will e 1 hllllliing. -e uwurr inu J. ... iia Corner lot, iurnuure ana uunmcon than cost. Must be seen to b appre ciated. $12,000 cash required, balance like rent. 55 APARTMENTS. Corner brick building: return boiler heating system; rent only $4.0. with a year lease; nicely furnished lnrouKhout, this Is your opportunity: price $13,000. 17 APARTMENTS. Rent only $275; long lease; all aprt meme have private bath ood furni ture; clears $:130 Per month; price $10, 000. about half cash. ROOMING HOUSES. MRS. McfLAIN. $35001$ spts.; absolutely best lofat'"" In city; private baths, beautilully furnished, clean, homelike place; clears $200 up: nice place fot lady alone to make some money, price reduced to $0000. ' $2500 Beautiful home, boarding or ex clusive rooming house; magpln cent rooms, beautiful furnishings throughout. You can make from $150 to $50 clear on this Invest ment. Investigate this. Full price only $3500. $200021 h. k. rooms, leased. $11 S: e'"1: attractive place, well furnished . neta over $lO0. besides lovely Spartment. Price $3600 this week. $150017 h. k. rooms, near 14tJ; rent $75. lease: hot water hell, run ning water every apartment. 2 complete baths; very well fur nished throughout: gross Income now $220. Full price $2200. $120015 rooms, best location, good lease; rent $70 stoves, elec fine carpets, good dressers, piano, etc. A place to make money oh furn. Full price $1600. $1170 12 'rooms: rent $35: nice place, safe Investment; extra lot of good furniture; clears over $100, price $1S00. $1000 11 h. k. rooms, spotlessly clean, lovely light apt. for owner, new rugs, davenport, nice furniture; can be made t. clear $100: pries only $1700. I goo White Temple: lovely small place, immaculately clean; e'ea $ oo, besides home; price only $1-00. $ 500 Small Place fine lfe"0"- "5 o-,. all h k. and in Kooa con . ditlon. Full price $900. SEE MRS. TYLER. HOTEL. In business section, 72 rooms, excep tionally well furnished, 20 prlvnte baths, 4 public baths, long lease, good Income. For further particulars call MRS. SNOW, Broadway 4664. SACRIFICE SALE. 74-ROOM MODERN HOTEL. Rent $7 per room, long lease, fireproof building, lobby elevator, IS private baths, good turnlture and carpets, price $10,000, easy terms. 320 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. f..-."0. HERE'S ONE: 4H apts., 32 2s, 14 8s, completely fur nished, cor. bldg.. steam heat, private bnths. net profit about $H00: price $15 500 $7000 will handle, balance easy. SEB MRS. KELLER. EO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldf. " 17 ROOMS. BEAUTIFUL PLACE. Only $2000. $1200 handles; good fur niture and clean: all housekeeping; no vacancies: hot and cold water; furnace. eelctrlcity and gas: 2 baths: rent only l $40; nice home ana good income. 320 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 5500. WHY NOT LEASE NEW- APT. HOUSE, your plans considered: Lease not under seven years, at least one year advance; rent to draw 6. Address N 10S. Orego-nian. WHITE T EMPLE. 21 rooms In heart of city, good furni ture, corner house, all rooms taken, net ting $200. rent only $00; price $3.i(l0; J2O00 cash or will take car up to XIMM). See McCauley. 218 Railway Exchange hlilg. Main (1102. BEST FURNITURE V ALU L 1E1 OFFERED, with lease ot newly painted 8-room ,.t0. hnii' nice lawn, furnace, ciuse In; rent only $45. and ti rms. rented for $120. (1127. 03 TWO and three-room apartments Fine close-in. west side corner, up-to-date brick building,- automatic elevator pri vate balconies, etc . unusually c ean and extra well furnished. Clears $1200 per month. Price $33,000; terms. oa ' iv,,a nd four-room apart ments: long lease, low rent, modern west side brick, corner, automatic elevator and all modern conveniences, fine money-maker. Price $10,000; terms. 28 two and three-room apartments: fcur-year lease, low rent, best west side corner, modern brick building, one of the cleanest places In town, all light, airy rooms. Price $18,000; terms. 54 -room hotel, In heart of town, long lease low rent, automatic elevator, 1. private baths, modern in every way. Price $16,000; terms. SI rooms, rent $so. right In town. North west heat, fine light rooms, well fur nished and very clean. Price $0300; terms. YATES REALTY CO.. 24H Fourth St. nt onlv $45. and ti rms. rented for Call 517 Cham, of Com. or Main HAVE 10 rooms, ii. k. and $1000; close In. west side to trade for 25 or 30 rooms on east side. List 22S. 8e Mr. Bevln. with I. E. SPENCER & CO., 517-19 Chnmher of Commerce bldg APARTMENT HOUSE. . Best downtown location, 25 apts., clean as wax. Northwest heat, lovely cor. bidg., net profit about $600, al ways full. SEH MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yenn Bldg. 44-ROO.YI hotel, rent $400. cor. Drick bldg., hot and cold water all rooms, 5-year lease, private baths, all new furniture; clears $000 month; price $11,000, $0000 down. - SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. Ve N ROOMS, H. K.. very close In. corner, modern, all overstuffed mahogany fur niture of latest style: this play will make you a home and clear 5100 a month, $1000 chattels. 387 Taylor, near inth 120-ROOM strictly modern apt. house, fln est location In city, netting $730 over all expenses, lease over the fair; $12,000 cash, balance arranged for easy pay ments; here Is your chance to get in right. Kill West Park M. 22 ROOMS, rent $73, with lease: 2 and 1 room apartments, well furnished, clears ; over all expenses $170 month; $1200 will give you possesion. i-;ej .M KS, IVE.LI.E.rv O. ' 10 GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. WANTED 15 to 25 rooms, well furnished. See F. C. Marshall, between 10 and 12 A. M., Sunday or weekdays. FRANK L. McGUIRE. 20", Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. Hetween wasn. and r-tarK. APARTMENT, lease and furniture. 46 apartments, 1, 2 and :is. long lease at low rental, clearing $700 month: price $20,000; will take $1000 cash and clear acreage to $0000. Walter. 403 Couch hlrig, 35-ROOM modern apt. house, netting $200 month: rent only $100; good furnishings, fine location; will accept trade up to $2000, balance of down payment $5650 cash. 100 West Park si. I "IB H. K. R. WEST SIDE. $150(1. $1(100 cash. 13 h. k. r , west side, $1300; some terms. LANE ft CARROLL. 422 Chamber of Commerce. 2 ROOMS, fine furniture, clean house, g'arage for 4 cars, rented for $23; house nets $100; $12oO cash, small balance wits eood lease: easy terms. See McCauley. 21 H Railway Exchange bldg. Main tilo BOARDING AND ROOMING HOUSE. S ROOMS, always full; lease at $50; good bldg. and furniture; lovely home: income $2(10: $150 cash (o handle; no agents. M-s Williams. Main 3:172 FRANCIS HOTEL. t'T. 40 rooms, modern. 8-vear lease, renl $22.,. 3 months rent paid In advance; 4 private baths: $8000, half cash Chehalis. Wash. ;nii hti.i. D1ST A bargain; 8 rooms for $SOO. first-class furniture; income $225. See Mr. McNeill, with I. E. Spencer 4c Co.. 517 Chamber of commerce bulgy nalvnt Ifotel in the heart of for-2500, 4U-!irfll im the city, with lease -over the fair tune for some one; always full; move in. HIP West Park st. 43 H K. ROOMS, A-l furniture, private bathB, LEASE. Full price $4500. List 227. See Bevlns. with I. E. SPENCER & CO. 517-10 Chamber of Commerce bldg. GROCERY with living rooms; easy rent; stock and fixtures cheap if bousht from owner before Monday evening. 763 Hood street. LARGE, airy front room, beautifully fur nished in a lovely private home, suit able for 2 young men, close in. 71 Trin- Ity place. 11-ROOM FLAT. close to Wash. St.. well furnished, cheap rent; all for $345.- You own terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th St. 18 H. K. ROOMS. $1300, easy terms; water in each apt.; White Temple diet.; leaving city. 370 Yamhill st. vtu orit'W Kiile .11(1(10 will buv confec tlonery and light grocery at 311 First st. ; rent $-.0 per montn; living room in oac FOR SALE Grocery; not able to do the work any longer, wl.l sell at invoice, un Main 3Q4- antl deal witn owner. 7-ROOM. well-f ut nlshed housekeeping; 2 private sleeping, walking distance, rea sonable, rent only $40. Owner, Mr. Stein, 230 10th street, near Salmon. Good Income. 30 ROOMS, KENT $40. Can you beat it? In a location that could not be beat; clean and neat; If sold at once $1105 on your own terms. Peter.-. 13 N. 3th st. 12 ROOMS, best furniture, choice west side location; $150 net; rent $00. See F C. Marshall, between 10 and 12 A, M., Sunday or weekdays. FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1008. Third St.. Between Wash, and Stark. FURNITURE AND LEASE. WEST SIDE ROOMING HOL-iE: IVORY WOOD WORK. 31S P1.ATT BUILDING. FOR SALE By o wer. 10-room finely fur nished - modern, vhite Temple district. phone Main 3700.. WANT to secure good rooming house or moderate size hotel, may consider out- of-clty: from owner. Y 2-t. oregonlan 10 ROOMS, very nice place, west side, fini home and Income. $1000 required. 320 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 5500. 10 ROOMS, west side, rent $50. income $l:to. price $12-10, $.,00 handles. 320 HENRY P.LDG. BDWY. B.'.flO. WHEN In the market for apartment house or hotel. Save money oy consulting me. X 1"5. Qregonlan. 12 ROOMS (i auls ) H. K. Stationary wash trays, furnace, hot and cold water, i fine furniture a-nd furnishings. $1750.1 From owner. Phone Main 7010 I X GOOD BUT, 14 n. K. suites, u single rooms. $3000. $1800 cash; a good Income. Call Mrs. Way, 801 ', Maia St., over d. O. (tors, Vancouver. 'n.hOOM apartment house, rent $70. In come $30(1; $1(10(1: $looo handles. First time on market, afo lamnin st. 32 ROOMS, west side A-l location, clear ing $273 month; price $5. no. terms. Open Sundays. Ely & Co.. 128 14th st. fT ROOMS, h. k.; rent $45; good furnish- Ings: price i:mo. irs. g-pencer. .nam in H. K. ROOMS, $2200 cash. Phone East 5143. HOTEL. NEARLY 100 ROOMS. FIRST TIME ON MARKET, fi-vear len.Be $5.50 per room; corner brick building, steam heat, hot and cold running water in all but 12 rooms, 16 baths, electric elevator. 72 outside, no dark rooms. This house is In fair condi tion how, but s general overhauling and vou will he $25,000 ahead by 1025. Price onlv $10 ono- $0000 handles. THE BEST HOTEL PUT 1 IN HMtllM.U iwwrtt- C E. BOWDEN CO.. 813 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. rim-nriM 103 EXPOSITION sn-ronm brick apartment house. 1 monu bet of furniture, close In. west 'side. 6-year lease, rent $350. clears $400 private baths, best of heating plant' $14,000; terms. We have another ai-room apartment house with a 54- year lease, rent $223. clears $273, very good furniture: $6300: terms. We also have a fine resiuenimi in, . .j i i,. S4DO easv: JlO.aOO: terms: good furn-tture. Barney Johnson Co., Realtors, 170 intn St. w e nave auto. T-TBST TIME ON MARKET. 12 rooms. 2 floors, lovely corner, best white temple location: been private home: excellent furnishings: water 6 rooms: will make $00 net and beautiful apt. Rent io Wltn garage, run -iui, term- C. E. BOWDEN. 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TO BUYERS OF ROOMING HOUSES, wo have shout 100 small places rang lng from 7 to 23 rooms In best west side inatin Too numerous to advertise. Call if you are interested in a small place. " C. E. BOWDEN. 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I'-ROOM modern apartment, 2 and 3. fine furniture, electric elevator. 5-year lease, over the fair. This Is one of the Jest. Price $11,000; good terms. See McCau ley. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6102. ::.!iooiI. steam-heated hotel, kitchen dining room, lobby; In good Washington ... , 1 1, nitn nv .'An town, income i,v,v jcai, idM $130; price $6300, cash $2300, balance terms. BOCKHOLD BROS., Realtors. v 001 Shetland Bldg.. Main 57(10. BrPINESS OPPOBTTJNITIB3. Hotels and Rooming Houses. ' THOMSON THOMSON, Realtors, S4 rms.. brick bldg.. lease; rent $275, nets around. $400; good oak furniture; well located, west side; $0000 handles. Over 100 rms.: modern brick bldg.: some apts., some sip., lease over the fair; automatic elevator; clears Dig money; in good shape. $7500 down. 44-rm. hotel. 6 yrs. lease, rent $250; modern brick bldg.. clears better tha $500; clean and in good shape; $40u down. $5000 handles close-in west side apt. house, 68 rms., clearing $450. every thing good and in perfect condition. 70 rms.. large lobby, good lease, right rent, finest transient location, well fur nished, gross income about $2vou, $10,000 will handle ifrlght parties. 14 modern apts. (brick bldg.). $ yrs. lease, rent $175: hot water heat; clears over $300: west side location. Price $0500. good terms. 52 rms.. strictly modern hotel, nice lobby, N. W. heat, long lease, rent $.00, everything In excellent condition. Nets $!K0. One of the best locations. $21,000, part terms. . 43 apts., 2s, 3s and 4s; long lease; rent $350; modern brick bldg.; cl1"' over $S00. Full particulars at our office. 64-rm. strictly modern hotel, good lobby, lease, rent $500: clears over $..00. N. W. heat, elevator, private baths; bow will handle. 12 modern apts. (brick bldg.), lesss, rent about $5 per rm. ; nets about $300 and own apt- $i500 required to handle. 69 rms.. mostly i-rm. apts., few sip.; team het. lease, rent $200: well locat ed. Not a fancy place, but nets over $500. Price $S600. Will give good terms at 6 per cent. 15 rms., all apts.: rent $60; good loca tion, good home, nice income. 27 sip. rms., besides lovely apt. for owner, all beautifully furnished: -lease: rent $200; steam heat; location can t be beat.. $0500, terms. We have several smaller hotels that $250O up to $3000 will nanaie. wesi i", too. and ail good moneymakers. 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 48SO. HOSNER ft HOSNER, Inv. Brokers. We buy. sell end exchange any stocks or bonds of merit. Mam 432 a. uos c Kay buliaing. 40-ROOM modern apartment, private baths new rugs and curtains, very clean, n nt sioo ner month, with good lease. Price $430; terms. See McCauley. 218 Hallway Kxcnange piogr fllaln (ilQ2. 20 ROOMS, H. K., $2650, terms, netting ,$130 above expenses, jarfie Clean rooms, walking distance, west side. Walter, 4113 Conch bldg. j ROOMING house. 23 rooms, well located, rent only $37.50 . 2H years' lease, well furnished: a money-maaer; price S220U. Garland, 2U1 aa HEADQUARTERS for rooming houses: if you want to buy or sell, see me. Oldest established firm in city. H. W. Garland. 201 3d st. 11 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, good furni ture, corner house, lady must sell. Price $1100: $(o0 cash. See McCauley, 218 Railway pirn;. .iam im: small rooming house. $450; housekeep, lng rooms, all full. 516 Albina ave.. near Russell. 40-ROOM brick hotel, west side; rent $200, 5-year lease, $S000, terms. Mr. Holmen, 100 12tn St. -viain ooa WANTED From owner, rooming house, U. preierreo. juaia tui. 47-ROOM rooming IrBuse, close In, west side, with a 5-year lease: steam ui, fine furniture. Price $4500 for all, with terms. A bargain. a-'-mnm floor bouse, fair furni ture wth lease, making money. Price jnnn t.rma 25-i-oom h. k., well located, good fur nishings. Price 42ou. terms; n 15-room h. k.. fine furniture, west side, 1 In AAO will hnnrilA 4--mn'm hriclr. modern, well furnished. good lease, fine location, west side. Pries $12,500. terms. Fine buy. I have others, all sixes. If In the mar ket, call 10:C4 West Park St. O. F. ANDERSON. 6-RM. MODERN lower flat, rent $43. in- nli.Haa u- - , r 11,11 SMI I Utl lUCUUUH extra well furnished: good home and can have Income. $o to handles. 2 t-rm. modern flats, beautiful new 'furniture, rent $80; well arranged to , rent: lovely home with income. Price $2100; $1100 down. 6-rm. modern flat, good furniture, fine location for renting, rent $'0. Home with Income: $400 down. Mrs. Dawson. THOMSON & THOMSON. Realtors 620 Henry .Bldg. Bdwy. 4880. SS-ROO.Vl apt. house, west side; good lease; $10.0(10 will handle. ftO-room apt. house, west 'side; long lease; terms; $10,000 required 75-room hotel, west side location: $11,- nnn ..,h 42-room hotel downtown location; $9000 will handle. . , 50-ronm hotel. Washington at. loca, tlon; $8000 will- handle. W. L HOHRELL. 432 Plttork Block. MnnKRX APARTMENT IS modern apt. and 6 Bingle rooms, extra fine furniture and rugs, the best and most completely furnished place on the market; 5-year lease, rent $300, modern brick building: a good income and a lovely home for $10,000. terms; you will have to act quicmy on una. E. S. KERR. REALTOR. 891 Yamhill. Marshall 5504. ivnTHRH GOOD BUY". 24 apartments, brick building, modern; 6-year lease, fine west side location, rent $450. This place is extra well fur t.h.H nnri nnvini? Brood Income: $14,500. $7500 handles. We have many other fine places. E. 8. KERR, Realtor, Sflt Yamhill St. Marshall 5504. BIG BARG4MN. LONG LEASE LONG LEASE. HOTEL downtown, 45 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water; legal reason for selling: $2500 handles, small balance. Don't phone me about this. J. El'GsiNB HEDGES. REALTOR, 201 3V. Park. I have auto. WE HAVE listed today a nice, modern. br ck ant. house, lease ana rurnisnings long lease, beautiful furniture, every thing nice. You will like this. $8000 down. THOMSON THOMSON. Realtors. 620 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4SS0. T.OT AND FOrND. REWARD for information or return of clothing and articles round in stolen wardrobe trunk taken from garage in rear 407 E. 35th st. weanesaay. ssepu zi. Broadway 2308 REWARD $15 for Information regarding whereabouts of 2-ton U. M. O. trucK chain drive. Or. license JWI310. Last driven by George Swygard. AM S3, Ore- gonlan LOST Orav and black striped cat with collar, disappeared rrom Mis ncnuyier st. Oct. 5; liberal reward for any infor mation or the return of the cat. .East R730. ' LOST AND FOCNP. LOST. BOSTON BULL. PUP. Liberal Reward. ' Broadway 521. Mr. Dougherty. THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland rtauway, .uigm .n Power Co. OeSober 7, 1921: Box tomatoes, 3 lunch boxes, 3 purses, 1 pins 1 hand bag, 2 pairs gloves, 1 book, 9 packages, basket, box tools, can paint, 2 oil cans, shovel, suit box, 4 pieces lumber. Owners may obtain same upon proper identifica tion at First and Alder-street station. STRAYED from home Monday afternoon, female Irish setter dog. Kewara lr re turned to 1173 Vancouver ave. Wdln. 4 2(1,8. LOST In neighborhood of Williams ave.. large cretonne Dag witn tourist sweaters and supplies. Finder please phone Ta bor 5108. Reward LOST Fox terrier puppy. 6 months old; been missing about 8 days; its tail is not clipped. Answers to name of Tricks. Re- wr.rd. Main 3.165. REWARD for the recovery of late model Ford car stolen from 6th and Salmon on Aug. 6. License No. 100708. engine No. 4S00856. A. Rlgert. Beaverton. Or. LOST Liberal reward for return of blue Persian neuter cat: disappeared Sep tember 21 from 10S4 Wilson. Main 2S77. LOST One Firestone :'.4x4 tire and rim with cover. Finder please notify J. N. Jensen, 22S Floral ave., and receive lib eral reward. LOST BUick silk scarf, fringe oil ends, length 2 yards. Corner 7th and Alder at 5 o'clock Thursday, Oct. 6. Phone Tabor 2046. Reward. HAVE license number of Ford car that picked up 3 tires, lost on Milwaukie hill. Friday A. M., please return to 247 Davis st. and avoid further trouble. LOST Lady's open-face gold watch, on Mount Scott car or in town. Reward. 7336 92d st. S. E. LARGE white and black setter dog near Oak Grove Liberal reward. Phone Oak Grove l'l.s-W LOST Friday night, a flat straw sewing case, with sewing, scissors, gold thimble, marked Therese. Bdwy. 8468. LOST Market bag with baby clothes, be tween Myrtle Park and Laurelwood sta tion; reward for return. Auto. 647-13. SPECIAL HOTICES. Misoelh neons. SALE. RAILROAD AND SAWMILL LOCAT ED ON THE OLYMPIC PENINSULA, STATE OF WASHINGTON. Subject to -vrior sale, sealed bids will be received at the office of the United States Spruce Production Corporation, Couch building, Portland, Oregon, up to 12:00 noon, November 1, 1U21. and then publicly opened, for purchase of Spruce Production Corporation Railroad No. 1, Clailam county, Washington, and the Spruce Production mill. Port An geles, Washington. Jointly or separately. TERMS OF BIDDING AND SALE: No bid for ,ess than $1,500,000 will be ccepted for both properties: no bid for less man sj.uou.uuu wilt oe acceptea lor the 'railroad property; no bid for less than $500,000 will be accepted Icr the mill. As the above minimum amounts are considerably below the commercial and leproduction value of these properties, the Corporation reserves the right to accept any cfter in excess of the above minimum amounts for either one or ' both of these properties, on or before October 17. 1921. In the event of such offer or offers "being accepted notices will be promptly mailed to all thosewho bave applied for further Information or submitted blda Purchaser ol railroad must agree to cperate same as common carrier. De ferred payments (at 2 interest) over period of 10 years will be allowed. All bids must be accompanied by certified check for $23,000, made payable to the United State.-; Spruce Production Cor poration, same to be retained as liqui dated damages upon failure of bidder to complete purchase on award: but to be Immediately returned in event of rejec tion of bid. Rigrhts are also retained to reject any and all bids. All bids must be made on forms and under con ditions contained in the prospectus which will be supplied upon request. Titles to real property, timber maps, layout plants of mill and master index of machinery may be examined at the offices Of the UNITED STATES SPRUCE PRODUCTION CORPORA TION A Government Agency organized under Act of Congress, entitled "An Act making Appropriation for the support of the Army," etc. Approved July 9, 1918). COUCH BUILDING, PORTLAND. OREGON. FINANCIAL. Money to I-oan on Real KMtate. TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY. READ THIS! RESIDENCE LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; wilt loan uu- per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with Interest; you may pay more or all on the first of tacti month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS, 6ft PER CENT. Five-year period repaying privilege. BRICE MORTGAGE CO., Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Company of America, 1210 1217 Yeon bldg. Main 8308. "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE"" For residences, apartment bouses and some other Income property is offered by one of our correspondents. Pay here ANY AMOUNT. ANY TIME. No penalties. no renewal charges. Other funds also, as for the past 14 years, especially In LARGE .-MOUNTS. The most complete loan service. EDWARD E. GOUDEY COMPANT. United States Bank Bldg. GEB US TODAY We loan money on city property: lowest rates, no commission on cnoice loans; long uuie aou eaon muv monthly cavmeuu: pay as you can sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 uasco bldg., 5th and Alder ats. CEI.LARS-MURT ON CO. WHEN you want mortgages you uhould go to a responsible mortgage company that keeps a list of high-grade first mortgages on only improved real estate. Every loan we list ta owned by us and made with our own funds. Mortgage Guarantee Company. 91 4th st. MORTGAGE LOAN a in any amount at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and liclpiul service. B. LEF. PAGET, Realtor. 622 Corbett Bidg. Main 6230. VENAKD & KETTERING. "We will not be responsible for anything contracted for Lincoln Meat Market. 397 39th st., after OcL 7, 1921. By W. O. Robinson. NOTICE N. I. Farnsworth is no longer ldentitled with Burkhardt Business Builu. ers and is not entitled to transact any business relating to this concern. (Signed) F. E. BL'RK HARDT. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted aiter Sept. 30, grocery at 763 Hood St., purchased from Lillian Turner. S. Boxer. WANTED Bids to apply on contract for hauling 1000 yards of gravel. Apply to W. H. Woodworth. Newberg, Or. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife. L. . Goodwin. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING ULD.. SECOND FLOOR. K $500., WANTED. First mortgage local mnufacturing In dustry, retiring $1000 annually, with 8 interest, also pro rata share In business. with good dividends. .. AL 895, Orego- nlan. MONEY TO LOAN ON AUTO MOBILES. OREGON BROKERAGE CO.. Room 1333 Northwest Bank bldg. FOR SALE 3 shares of American Securi ties and 3 of Western Finance or will trade 3 shares for good Ford, value $100 per share; dividend payable every six montn 3. t per cent, uu v uin. o-y. DO YOU NEdSD CAPITAL? A local sales organization having ' facilities for the placing of an attrac tive stock or bond Issue offers its serv ice. G 43. Oregonlan. TWKXT Y shares ot J. L. Hartman Co. preferred stock, par value $loo. For quick sale win sen lor 'Ji. xeea tne money. V 75. Oregonlan. LtST In Sellwood. small bar pin, 9 diamonds, 4 pearls. reward. Auto. 233-23 or Sellwood 243. LOST Two-skin stone marten scarf. Re turn 204 Northwestern Bank bidg. Ke-ward. LOST Black velvet handbag containing check book, papers, keys, etc Liberal reward. Call Tabor 8434. LOST Black grip, between Tillamook and Seaside; reward for return. S. W. Blum. no2 Lovejoy. Portland. Or. 2 BLACK and white pups; last seen north of Section Line road, near Buckley ave. Reward. Tabor 4793. LOST Near 46th or 47th and Sandy, a garnet cross. Finder phone Tabor 1395. Reward. LOST 6 months Airdale, black and tan, smooth haired. Called Bobby. Reward. " Marshall 857. LOUT Bet. Y. W. C. A. and Meier st Frank's, string of pearls. Reward. Main 4241. FEMALE fox terrier pup, 7 weeks old, lost on Base Line road. Lau Main 1120 Reward. A PAIR of child's steel-rimmed glasses in black case, call .Marshall LOST Kodak In Majestic bldg. Please reply again. Reward. K 76. Oregonian, LOST Gold knite, name of owner on same. Return 305 Pittock block. Reward, FOUND Bicycle, Marquam gulch. In- qnlre 628 sixtn st. LOST Sack of used clothing, east side. Please call 632-50. FOUND Small purse containing key and some money. Answer C 83, Oregonian. LOST 6-montha-old Collie dog. Phone Tabor 4769. Reward. LOST Brown female Airedale dog. Wood- la wn631X LOST Key ring with three keys on Grand ave. Kast oioa. WE BUY first ana second mortgages and seliers' contracts. F. E. Bowman 6c Co., 210 Chamber of Com, bldg Main 3026. $40 SAVINGS account of Union Savings & Loan Ass n for sale at 20 discount. AF Hi, uregonlam WANTED Pacific States Fire Ins. stock; state number of shares and price wanted. R 102. Oregonian CAMH paid for mortgages ana sellers' con tracts on real estate; vy asningion, ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumbcrmens bldg. SELLERS' CONTRACTS and second mort gages bought and sold. C. DeYoung & Co., 810 Spalding Plug. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. IL -Lewis, 713 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. $2175 CONTRACT fur sale, will discount 10 per cent. Y 91, Oregonian .Money to Loan on Real K-taie. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $500 up on Unproved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 212 Corbett Bldg Main 691$. WE HAV13 funds available Cor good resi lience loans; also insurance money for business property at lowest available rates. . ' MORTGAGE BOND CO., Main 2831. . Wilcoi Bldg, FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette vat ley farms; no comm.ssion. no delays. DEVEKklAUX MORTGAGE CO.. 87 Sixth St., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amounts, low rates, promptlv closed. Attractive repayment prlvliegea A. H. Bi Kit ELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. BinK Blda. Marshall 4114. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. BV, ami 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. $300. $400, $300, $700, $1000. $1200, $1300, $2000 and uu. lowest rates, quick action. Pay off $10 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., U3l Cham ber of Commerce Bldg. Alain litu. UOKTOAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., 809 Piatt Bldg. Main 537L MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city, farm or suburban property. , BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLI A M G. BECK, 215 Failing Bldg $100fJ $1500 $2000 $2300 $3000. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Lohds quickly closed. F. H. FESHON, 015 Cham, of Com. Bldg. AN AMOUNT of $13,000 to loan on city income property for 3 years, i per cent; good location and description ot prop, erty. X 11. Oregonian. PR1VATH money to loan on real estate. low rates, no delays, c ueioung c Lu., MO Spalding bldg. $300, 400. $500. $750. $1000 AND UP Low tales, quick action, jcrea w. oer, man Co.. 7S2 Cham, of Com. Mai-; 6448. PLENTY ot money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent if security Is ample. Edw. P. Mall. 3Q9 Cham, ot oom. MONEY to loan on real estate security a going rates of interest. Otto & Harkson Realty PP.. m cpamper ot i.Qunuercs. LOANS at current rates on well-improve, farms and city property. K. K. Baxter, Spalding Plug. unKTOACB LOAMS. H and 7 per cent Salomon at Co.. 307 Railway Exch. bldg. bEE OREGON INV. Ac MORTGAGE CO., 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. $2000 TO LOAN on real estate. Strong & Co.. 000 cnamDer oi commerce. $50,300 WILL divide $1000, $1800. $2500, $5000, $10,000, $30,000 Call East 7504. HAVE $2500 to loan on city property ac tually worth $(I00U. V 80, Oregonian. $30,000 will divide on good income prop erty. W 77. Oregonian. $500-$3000 on Improved city or suburban property. x,aat oo-v. MOUTGAUhl LOANS on farm or city property, i'rompt 'and helpful service. Lloeral repayment priv ilege, t-oweet rates. WESTERN BOND Sc MORTGAGE CO, 80 Fourth St, Portland. Or. Money to lian Chattels and iSalnrles. 1)11 YOU NEED MONEY? AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICBf 1UU OAiN c r. i ii- iuuai, LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE. PIANOS, ViUifiUl-An, XtBAlJ MlAlJM, BONDS. ETC If your payments are too large on your titnmobile, or furniture contracts we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a specialty of these loans and leave the security in your possession and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried peo ple on their own notes. nates reason, able. Private offices. All business strict, ly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (Licensed). 306-807 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3286. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS, CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY en short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payment. Each tranaactlon strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSEE, ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods. Dlaiios, etc CULUUBl DISCOUNT COMPANY, (Licensed). 218 FAILING BLDG. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. DAN MARX & CO.. 315 Washington St., established over Jo years; only nign rlflfn lewelrv store In city with loan department In connection; private room for ladies; business strictly confidential; uuder state supervision; all articles held one year; do business with an old-estab lished firm. AUTO and other chattel mortgages bougnt, money loaned on caKiiei ur col lateral sceunry. MOTOR LOAN ASSOCIATION, C. W. Pallott. Treas. 314 Commercial Security bldg., 84 6th St. MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry confidential, service; government licenced and bonded brokera xeli Urol. & Co., 283 Wash. St., between 4th and $th; Marshall (2i. MONEY TO LOAN on poods in storage. Bank rate. 6ECUR1T Y STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. Pnone Broadway SilO. MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jewelry, etc.; legal rate: articles held one year. Vines, jeweler, corner aa una vy b sums ton. QUICK money to salaried people on un secured note; confidential investigation. 816 Cham, or com. ( uicenseaj Loans Wanted. $ 1,.00 at 8. Value $ 5.000 00 $ 2,500 at 8. Value $ 7,6oo.oo $30,000 at 7. Value $100,000.00 R. H. BLOSSOM. 610 Chamber Commerce Bldg. spot CASH. I will pay spot cash for your equity In vacant lots located In good district, Price must be right See my agents. HARRY BECKW1TH. Main 6SU9. Realtor, 104 5th st. ll.VOOO LOAN WANTED. Nov. 1st I will reduce the present In cumbrance to $15,000; want this sum for 3 or 5 years; gilt-edge real estate security: worth $ou,ow casn. uwncr. Henry bldg. WANTED From private party. $600 a a n , ..pnrliv nf 3 aorel In cult! vatlon, good house, very best moral and nhvsical proposition; no agents, Oregonian. r r-AV nUce vour money safely In sum of $1000 up on first-class Portland prop erty. Strict appraisals and prompt serv Ice guaranteed. F. E. Raymond, 26 Stark st. Main 883. rit-i-nvcuu.l.: nartv with good security nH income wants loan of $330. Wilt 4--II nr more monthly an $3 a mo. interest until loan is paid; references. E 98. Oregonian. WANT $000 on half-acre and 8-room house. $1330. on acre and 5-room hn,,M S1KHO on new bungalow, uml construction. Write Myers, 430 Lumbe: Exchange bldg. 120O0 AT X'i. 3 YEARS, on 20 million lee -nA Hmh., Trlnltv cOltntV. Cal. 1 Wall loan for to 3 years, security 5 for 1 O 105. Oregonian FOR SALE Two 10 per cent chattel mortgages, $600 and $2500. secured by manufacturing plants. ee us iur ur talis. 409 Yeon blilg, WANTED Farm loan, from Individual ueA- lntrpit 1(1 tier cent net: se. curity 3 to 1. Address box 137. Connoll. Wash. FOR GILT-EDGE and 8 mortgage bonds In local concerns see Oregon in vestment & Mortgage Co., 210 Lumbe Exchange bldg. i n-A"v-r s.-thno on close-in farm: also hav t-min contract 5-room bungalow dlscount $100. payment guaranteed 426 I.umhermens bldg WANTED to loan $1200 or $1500 on well Improved and modern property, valua tion $55)10. clear title. Call or address 1311 E 9th st. N. FOR SALE Second mortgage on im proved real estate, payable $38 a month wall discount. 615 Chamber of Com. merce w a VT 11 .'.no. 3 vears. 7 per cent, new 5 room bungalow: insurance $2000; value $3(iio. Evans. Han neimont st. 1.1 Mill WANTED. $4000 SECURITY, FIRST MORTGAGE, TAItOH aliio. FINANCIAL. Loans VI anted. $3000 WANTED st once for S years, 7 per cent; good value, modern home with garage, corner lot. East Taylor St., southwest corner l,th. See Mr. Hickman, with J. L. HARTMAN CO., a Chamber ot Commerce bldg. B. LEE PAGET. I recommend the following first mort gage loans: , $2000 at 7 on new. modern five-room Walnut Park bungalow, occupied oy owner. $2500 at "iVsK on 7-room residence, modern and well located, value $uooo. $4000 at 7 on 70-acre Washington county farm with good new buildings, value $12,000. . 622 Corbett Building. Main 6230. . JKRSONAl., $5500 WANTED for 5 years at T percent; assessed value of prop erty $17,000; 8-room residence and corner lot near library (11th St.). See Mr. Hickman, with J. L. HARTMAN CO., 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE PARTI $4000 FOR THREE YEARS, 7 INTER EST, ON LAURELHURST HOME. K 85, OREGONIAN. FRANK L. McGUIRE. with his years of experience and expert anowieuse values, is in a position to safeguard your every Interest In locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice of personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager of loan department, Ablngton bldg. Main loos. l.l -A An A.. A r. L ' . Want to borrow the following sums on Improved real estate at 8 per cent; $450 at 8 per cent; $050 at 8 per cent; $700 at 8 per cent. Loans made without ex pense to lender. Let us show you this property. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANT $10O0 on 040 acres of Improved land, well watered; goou wire ici-r. creek and spring; 40 acres can be farmed, ion odea un.ur cultivation: property lo cated southeast of Prineville; good moral risk. W ill pay v per cent, jonn rcrausuu, Gerlinger bldg. Main 8520. PERSONAL. SUFFERERS. READ THIS. T- -iv,,...., 1, l 1, v f-nni'urii: For six years I have suffered with - iPA Imnrnul tlltlliir. The medical doctors said I could not live through an operation. 1 heard oi ir. n-ing. m the Allsky bldg., and consulted him. xi .. m a frnm November 23. 1920. till January 10. 1921. and entirely cured me of my tumor (without an operation). I also want to say that for 25 years I have been, totally blind in my rlnht eye. Dr. King cured me of that, and I can now see as well as anyone. t rhmimiitiHin so bad that my Joints were swollen, and female trouble that bothered me for years. He cured me of those ailments. I am 73 years old and feel better since being treated by Dr. King than 1 have ever felt in my "'Siva him a trial and you will never regret it. MRS. FRED PRIBERNOW. 41t et. S. E.. Portland. Or. Phone 1,13-0;. Dr. G. King. 308-0 AUky Bids.. and Morrison. Main 3277 or Tabor 1144. Ste lr. Kin k b am on page i iniltTI.AMI is KPT 1 111-0. In Jl'7 Professor Peawley curd our sister, after th best doctor, ot Kansas City told us he could not llvt Uu days. She had stomach trouble and lung trouble, had beu confined to her bed for two years. She baa baa no irounie mmv Professor Peasley treated her. When we saw Professor Peasiey's adv. In The Ore-B-nnifin wm came here for treat- ib Wm both had fitomach. bladder, kindney and female trouble. After eight weeks ot treatment we ur vuiajmicij cured not a single pain. Mrs. Ada E. Wagoner, Idaho alls. Idaho; Mr. Anna, E. Palmer. Tacoma, Wash. PROFESSOR PEASL.EY Is- at 4'M) Morrison st. Marshall 2flO. ANY KEADElt of this paper suffering from goitre (big neck) can get positive inmi mminn nn how to cure it it home with out the least trouble or discomfort. There in a pleasant surprise in store for you If vou will write. No charge whatso ever. Tell otheia; It will hlp u an. Ad dress Dr. Kock, box X7a7, Milwaukee, Wis . . . . . . " i - i u ,,rsiii- oi years, with excellent reference on Koiia- . . . . i. v. I . . I. n...mim xo re is.- lahsl ixoyce aim umer hib"--'"" to urive your car iw any ii' nia. I will- pay my own expenses en route ma nu oimj ai. -. ---- J -1 T -1 .. .. PKOSTATE and bladder trouble, piles. constipation qulCKiy, painiesaiy iricu, no knife, manage or dieting; simple, private home treatment: booklet free In plain wrapper. Electro Thermal Co., 63U v. . I Ct.s...KAn111ss Ohio KEKl'S l! me.." r i a . Renewal of life cells dfers old ag and keeps you fit for business; a hew method that is patronized by Portland s beet business men. Vt. Pee, 413 Ar- tjyans m Diag liKAh'. DEAF. DEA r . If you are deaf or hard of hearing, try a-4iear-Ald, the best conversational inu) in line. Call and try one, Hear-Aid Co.. 417 Piatt bldg., 11.7 Park st.. Port Innn. BUSINESS man starts in auto for San Francisco Tuesday or Wednesday; splen did big car, excellent driver, want 3 passentfprs, $15 each; references re quired. See Mr. Holt. 106 6th Ht. Main in... ni.i.iTiiKs Free buoK tWls or im proved method of treating inflammation "of gall bladder and bile ducts. Write today Dr. Paddock, box 0JJ01. Kansas City. Mo, r. i; vkttim ni-:vso. D. P.: Dame's min eral uteam baths.' hot and cold showers, aclentific massage, electrical, violet-ray and vital treatment for both aexea. 711 Swotland bid?. Main KuAfE UU 1 1. DK KS -Complete et working riraxinai for anv home, $10 up; prompt ervice. Write or send sketch to 3a. Monroe st. SUNOS or poems wanted; we publish and pay you royalty; send yours now. Melody Publishing Corp., Dept. A. iu w. v-uiu Dewa st.. iiurraio, i LAI '1 ES motoring to California In high .rr,iA rnr with chauffeur, will take gen 1 1. man Dassenger. references. BD TI, Oregonian DR. CORA YAI-E BEI.D, chiropodist, Irorn Chicago, located in tne. nweuana oiag.. suite :tt.V6-7, corner 5th aud Washington .ts. Main ni. SCALP treatments and manicuring, Port i., t?,.. ft.niitv hnn 305-6-7 Swetland hi.iir eor. 5th and Wash. sts. Phone Mnln H4. EXPERIENCED marinello operator will do your work at your home, expert hair tinier. Aiain o..i unci u.uv . Ant. 3. I DKSIKE to get In touch with a young .,1 an iv ho wnnta to studv law. and can devote to t hrs. per week to the work. Phone Tabor 117. or Main t.h -.mi nv x nnw. strict! v modern bunga "low in Rose City. Value $ZUoi. Marshall "iS4S TOLJACCO or snuff habit cured or no paj SI If curea Kem ay sent on inti. Sunrha Co . W. 314 Haltlmore. Md SJ.-.UU WANTED for 3 years at i per cent on nirp new Alameda park home valued nt JtflOiiO. Main mm Sl.-.lH, WANTED for 3 years at S per cent on 0-room flt bldg. worth $i0UU. Main $1,100 ON NEW 4.",)0 residence in Ridge field, willing to pay 8 per cent; three to five ypars. E 04. Or-gonian. 1 3.") 00 WANTED, secured by Idaho Irrigat ed; need money for business, might give bonus. Main 1451. I WANT $1.K0 at 8 per rent on a 9-room house that sold for $4000 one month ago. BJ 570, Oregonian. WILL pay l.V. for loan of $o0 for 6 mo.; excellent security; flrat mortgage. V 1)3, $4O0 FOR ONE year, on 11000 building; no other incumbrance. O 101. Orego . FOR OILT-EDGE first mtg. loans see A. K HILL. 4Urt Lumbermena bldg. Reliable Service. FOR SALE? First mortgage on c:ty dwell ings. $500. 600. $1000. $1500: 8 per cent Cai at 725 Gasco bldg. Main 112 BEE ME about getting 10 on your money. A-l security. Roy H. Keagy. 712 Lewis JdK. . IJOOij AT 7 BY owner on modern five room bungalow, near Jefferson high school. H :u. urogoman 6EE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 210 I.UMRKK KXt:HA,Mif. r'iwu. WANTED $1.M)0 loan on home, first mortgage given. East 5832. $jtiiM WANTED for 3 years on city prop erty worm c "b" " $--M WANTED for 3 vears on fine home worth Jfi.VMi. V Oregonian. $:;uoo WANTED on fine security worth ON 14 BLOCK, JOj Income, close in. o 1 nt;. uregonian. $800, $2J00. seller's contract discount 20. A 14. Oregonian. WANT 2500 on $8000 home. C 18, Ore gonian. $1250 LOAN ITr, close-in residence, pri vate party. East 1314. $1700. 87. on 6-roorn house upper Albina, paved street. East C3-. fiPii.i vn: Mr Summers' remealea for diseases of women. Positive relief. 246 Lincoln. Main 470. LADY would like to accompany parties go. ing to Los Angeies. auto or iraiu. reier en ces rn'iuiri'n. CO-CLAN D tablets. The new gland treatment. Particulars free. (.land Products Co.. Hux 1-"H. Denver. Co!o. GRADUATE nurse will accompany patien to California for expenses; reference exchanged. J 10. (r-gonian. f a w:f: vctn Ll'MUAdO. ETC. 41.-. Buchanan bldg.. Wash, bet 4th and ."th sts. Al?o Sundays and evenings, t vni'u mt.n I-M P wants to siralzhten "important business before 12th of this nth. .1 l.Trymntn. Ooo DULLNESS cards. 1.50; 500 envelopes, $2 50 All printing l jiie-wnr yi mtb, Acorn Pn'S. 20'. Wash. St. Main 5554, Tivn SISTERS driving to Seattle wan lady companion to help pay expenses. Auto. (12 4-15 YOUNG lady, going to Frisco, would like to hear irom cuugemui iuuj, ffuiii C i l ) .' . t regoni a n .ii-:t wwll FRBB. FREtfl. FREH. , Every dav, from 10 A. M. to 6 P. M.. nd evenings from 6 to 8. and Sundays from 11 to 12. THOUSANDS OF Pl'FFKRERS WHO HAVK FAILED to get relief in any oth-r way are In vlted to investigate Chiropractic meth ods, which are permanently curing hundreds every day. THIS BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIAN' will thoroughly examine you. make? a complete diagnosis of your casa ana direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY" COPT TO YOU WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe. sane, sure and modern science of curing and preventing CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cure ft. per cent of all diseases. 1 CHIROPRACTIC removes the causa heulth returns. The above service ta alt free to yon at the college building and may be had in private If demred. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be had In college building by mmeri of the faculty, by either lady or meo practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROpRACTTC COTJ.lMtt Corner of Pnrk and YamhUL Tel. Main 1014. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will handle ut-of-town patients at a most reason able rate in order to show what Chiro practic can do. DR. O. W. ELLIOTT, President SMOKE ON ME FREE. T want to send free to every chronl pipe smoker in the country a good, big, generous sample of my pure, sun-cured, nature-flavored Old Green River Pipa Tobacco. No money to pay. If you are a tobacco crank, all the better. Try tha pure stuff. No syrup, flavoring or dope. After you try it FKKE 1 11 show you how to cut your smoke bill ope-half and get more pipe Joy. Just send name and ad drevs, and bay whether you want mi id, medium or strong. PETE MuBKKLY, Box bs0, Owensboro. Kentucky. ilAKE your own annas; for supplies. Portland Beverage Supply Co.. 431 Stark. MALT syrups and supplies. Portland Bev erage suppiy vo.. ui PROSTATE trouble cured without opera tion. Dr. R. A. Phillips. Bdwy. bldg. LEARN beauty culturo eveiunga. Curtis, Marshall 1702. Madam fiOTTLES, bar:elh, stoneware, corks, etc Portland Beverage supply Co.. 4:U Stark. JUNICIDE will cure rheumatism or money b a c k. 408 Dekum bldg. PK1MEDA BALM, lormerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33d. Sell. 2213 mornings. IRENE "STOY. formerly of 51 .Selling- H i r sch bldg., now nt 309 Broadway bldg. WANTED To meet any person wk has a cancer. 207 McKay bldg. JOSEPHINE H. Communicate with me at Portiann noiei. room Jt.i. .i. p in. ALL THE line of the beauty works at your own home. Call Auto. 324-20. WILL Chester Murphy please call Mrs. Rasmuscn. 21 4-7H. HAIR combings made up. S. F. Pierce, 24 KHIingsworth. Wdln. 430. FOR adoption, boy up to 2 years, good home. W US, Oregonian. THE FIRST LAW OF HEALTH IS HYGIENE. Auto-intoxication Is the main causa or a dominant factor in nealy every disease of the physical body. My sys tem of body cleansing treatments cor rects this condition through circulation and elimination by the use of light, heat, water, electricity, sweating and massage, scientifically applied. A genu ine benefit to anyone, no matter what the trouble, because they fulfill the lawa of the physical body. Energy and vi tality building. A real pleasure In the t a King. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Women only. Nurse attendant. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday men only. BROWN'3 HYDROPATHIC INSTITUTE, blevens Bldg., Downstairs. Main 8 030. Seven Years Same Location. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocklnr gone therapy or con ductive anesthtsia. Without danger or after effects. We perform all dental op erations without pain. Come In aud let us prove it to you. DR. A. W. KEENE. Above Majestic theater. 3A1 Vt Wash. PSYCHOLOGY. Find out what you were meant to do and start to do it. The most Important thing in the world to you is YOURSELF. Human analysis as given by Mrs. Anna bel Malone at the Multnomah hotel, de terminea the work you are fitted for. You were born to be a success at some thing. Find out what It is. A 15-mlnute Interview free, by appointment only. Phone Broadwsy 40S0. LEARN to paint and metallze cat tails, tfuzels, leases, etc., newest art, quickly and tuily done at home; hend $2.50 for complete out lit, palms, brushes and In structions prepaid. New Art Novelty Co., box 85 h, Portland LADIE. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER la a soothing, cleansing, healing germicide and lntltioruiihg douche; a great aid in female Uiforders ; 5uc and 1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy CHIROPRACTIC. BEST STEAM BATH, chiropractic, vibratory and electric manage. Dr. Margaret Hayniu, silo tiwetland bldg. Reasonable prices. DR. LoClSE NE1V.EL gives treatinenta for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc. Electric b;a:;ket. vibrator massage and bath. Lady a.sii-tant. 540 Columbia si., nuir 17th st. Main 5508. m WE WILL npprccmto meeting you thia week at Peterson's, second floor. Pit tock block, as they are selling the most wondeitui couta aud dresses at less than elsewhere. ANY ONE knowing the whereabouts of W. H. Busklrk. Louis C. Wedel or Ruby Wedel kindly inform Mr. D. A. Young, 413 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. EXPERIENCED nurse give electric cabi net balhi. with shower; scieiitllic mas sage and electric treatments. 300 Broud hv bhltf., cor. Morrisou and Broadway. Mi t ln 5 0 . ; WHY SL'KKER with asthma? After years of sutiering I found a remedy that givea instant relief. If afillcied write me. 1 can tell you what to do. H. W. Miller, Cou, u 1 1 1c. or. FEU VET & HANEIiCT, leading wig an& loupe makers; litiest stock human hair goods; permanent and marcel waving, M-alp treatment?. 3t0 Alder. M am 5-10. liA V E your c cs property uUended to at Goodman's; right Klues at right prices. Prompt service. Thousands ot satiblled put runs. "P A I o rr i non. Mal n ?124. DK. ClsAlKE HENSERLINiS. tlrugless phy ciclan ; steam baths, scieii title massuue ; hour.- 10 to 0- 51 Selling-Hirttch blug., W. Park and Washington. Main ""so. VIT-O-NET sweats for colds, boy mas sage, radiant iiytit and violet ray treat ments for neuritis; 10 A. M. to 7 P. M d a i 1 y 4 50 M .rg an b Mg. M uln 7571). MA DA ilE PA f E NAL'U SYS T EM, Benson hotel, for treatment of the scalp arid skin, marcelling, hairdressing and innal curing ; ex pert ope rat o rsJ Bd w y . 4 1 1 RE J UV'ENAT E your tiled and n e r o ua body by a scientific body nmsnge. Dr. Ovidlu. Laren, 034 .Morgan bldg. Main 1 ;tp; . , M 1 N Kit A I- steam bat lis ami ucieutif to body mass.igu. experienced nurse assist ant. 322 Fliedner bldg., 10th and Wash lngto n. SI OETS bo tu feet fixed up at Dr. Ealon'a, the ClllROPuDlS i' and ARCH SPLT., who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam. fee. Glooe bldH . ,1 1 1 1 a.-h . Bdy., 2S2 . CHILE, SCU T H " A M E RICA. Seldom settlement opportunity. Free booklet W. Kahrenkrug, Los Angeles. Cal.. 2U.13 East 4th tl. W A NT ED lnfnrma lion of any wrt con cerning one Bai,uJlo or daughter, Beity, supposed to have !led here hirtt spring. X otlfy J 1 - v -' 1 1 8 -1 " 1 ' -' T-1 ' 1 J .: , ALL LINES beauty work and hair mak ing. Experts. Bonnie Dee Shop, special izing in arm ami neck massage, bleach fa, hair dyeing- 2c5 I'itUicK. Bdwy 375. Git A 1H 'ATE under medical u per vision ; open evenings und Sunda s Removed from 2"i;. to Its All-sky bid c, Tli 1 rd a n .1 Mnrr.son. ' S I PE 1 F L I ' O L H HAIR permanently removed bv multiple need'e met hod ; consultation ree. 5U4 Swet )nmllldg.. 5 lhjtV.i5 M a 1 n 130. WHY PAY fancy pile for truM-cs when VOU can get W'Ii ut. coniiner.iui pncen at the J. A. Clcmenso Morrison St.? Call and Drug Co., 200 e for ourscif. F LRS Portlanu's upstaii s furrier. The Fur Shop, 014-15-10 EiJers Mumc bldg.. Wash., bet 4th and 5th. Main 0124. SULPHUR steam uauii., mus.ige, violet ray and vibratory treatments Tor ner-vousnet-s, poor circulation; hrs. 10 to 8. 41MI Clay. Main 8351. LADIES. ou can get a corset tailored at the Chandler Corbet Purlor (formerly the Pacific Corset Co. ). OoO-S Eilers Muslo bid g Phone 1 1 d w y . 2 I. fbO NESTLE permanent waving; natural, soft and silkv; also can positively rid scalD of dandruff, best of references. 327 East 4 2d st. Tabor 31 M. " CUT TlilS OUT. Classy a-pass. car. careful driver, $2 ptr hr. Tahor 3057 or Tabor Mt7. WASTED, To adopL baiiy girl under 6 months. No other children. A 62, Ore go n I a nJ- MADAM E EVA L. T EEL Swedish mas seur facial and body mafs.i ; residen tial work. Phone Auto. i;.'l.'-20. PORTLAND Stiuit.i Manicure Parlors. and Pauline C;in". ,ry t niropudy ar.d Dr. Ethel a. Sacr? WIT Raleigh bldg. A ngeles t JCt, TUMNliiD tlUlfe RUiiig io i.o.n .iiKeieH uti, 15-1S. will cure for Invalid or children for part expensed, Te lephmie Tabor IQ5L. UOITRE, emarKeu iua. v. urn -uutwu A. H. Strachan. route 5. ILllsboro. Or. No agents or representatives. MASSAGE. br.ths. rheumatism, constipa tion kidneys. Both M.e. Dr. Eina S ore n se n . 5 o.S Pan a maJld g. Main 5oh fl. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts re moved by lo-necdle met hod ; trial free. Jowc Finiey. 514 Bush & Lane. M un 13i;g MASSAOES FOR LI'MBAOu, .JTC 415 Buchanan bldg , Wa.-h., et. 4t and Mh sts Aeo Sundays and evenings. STEAM B ATI! and masf-age, violet ra y and vibratory treatment. Hours 10 to ii 4 1 7 Swetland bldg FILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond and Morrison. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or harry pay ouT fiee Viereck. collectors. Dekum bldg.