The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 09, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 42

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A LADY, past middle axe. desirfcs to a
ociate herself with two or three elderly
gentlemen with mrani or Income, for
purpose of establishing and maintaining
a Hiii)ii at cost. ij mi, Oregonian.
WANTKD Position as houMket-per, by
young woman who has boy 7 yara old
she wlhes to keep wltb her. State
time convenient for lntvtew or give
U'H-pnone numoer. o ih:j, Jrcgonisn,
YUL'Nti woman would like to have work.
cannot sneak Knicllsh. apeaka Swiss
would do la housekeeping. Address Miss
Hronenberg, 041 E. .Madison St., Tort
land. or.
CAl'AHLK. r lined. middlc-ased lady,
American. w.ahea houat-keeulnsr In wid
ower' a ill oder n home ; references. Wd !n.
5:i02 Sunday. 120 W. Webster st. Mrs.
K. c.
HOUSEKKKIM N i wanted by widow, mid
die aged, with boy 3 years (is very
good), for man with daughter or son. or
for old lady and son; someone who likes
children. AV 4Qu. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted as housekeeper with 3
sons, 2 able to work, '17 and 18 years
old, on a ranch nearby or together. Mrs,
P. Stephen. 533 Morrison at. Phone
Broadway 26i5.
AMERICAN' lady, past middle age, best of
health, desires housekeeping in widow
er's or bachelor's home, city or coun
try, good permunent home more import
ant than wages. X 1Q0, Oregonian.
KKSI'KCTA RLE lady desires position as
house keeper in management of light
housekeeping apartments In respectable
neighbor hood, k Jin, oregonian.
WA NTKD Position as housekeeper for
act house; experienced. Call Sunday
morning or Monday, 401 E. Morrison St..
ait. 3-'.
WOMAN wants housework by hour. No
w a k h 1 n g. oon 1 a w n .tM'.t.
CA It K children and assist housework.
Marshall 4883.
LAUV wishes sewing, mornings only. Phone
Ma'n IdOO. fall mornings before l-'
EL.DKIILV woman wants light housework
or care of old couple. Phone Kant 4720.
"WANTED Position to cook for it or 8
men on ranch by respectable middle-aged
woman; good wages. Address L. E., box
67, Monmouth, Or., or phone Sunday
Dromlway 3-sos.
ilAKKIKO woman with small chlid wishes
position In small family. A good home
more desired than wag;es. Phone East
I 7. -
WANTKI) By capaule girl attending busi
ness college, place in good home to work
for room, board, wages. W 104, Orego
nlan. .
GOOD dressmaker would like 2 days each
wk. In nice family; besides sewing might
do light housework. Aut. 621-06.
RKI.IAHLK young lady In good home, ex
change room and board lor services.
Tabor 1MQ3.
REFINED nursemaid wishes position for
Nov. 1 to take euro of one child under
four, Call Wdln. 0437. .
MoTH Kit and daughter desire positions
together, preferably work as cook, and
wconfl maid. Marshall 302S.
WANT a position in a good home; good
plain cook, clean, reliable, city or out.
K 110. Oregonlan.
BUSINESS girl desires room In a refined
home; prefers Irvingten. E. 7051. Call
LA KG E room or small hall, suitable for
t aching d ancing. O 10 4. Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
LADY exchange' her company and some
cash with respectable lonesome lady for
strictly clean, aunny. partly furnished
room. In private, modern home, piano,
near east side car, north from Belmont;
references R Oregonian.
MOTHER, with 2-yr.-old baby boy, wants
room or room and board, with private
family, where baby could be taken care
of weekdays, while mother works. K
1l7, Oregonian.
QUIET, "refined young man seeks room and
board in cheerful, private residence;
home of refinement, Jewish preferred;
references exchanged. Address BI 90,
Fumifihrd Rooms.
Some with private bath, clean, wel!
furnished. light. warm; all outside
rooms. They're right.
The Misies Khyne and Peterson. Props.
CLEAN, pleasant room, with beat of
meals, a'eo single room. In congenial
home; other boarders; furnace heat, hot
w ater; reasonable for 2 men ; Qjone in.
604 Lovejoy.
In furnished Rooms.
FOUR unfurnished rooms; gas sieve, elec
tricity; $10 month. Lower Albina. Tabor
CLEAN, comfortable room In refined home
suitable for two; reasonable. Call Ta
bor 5060. a
WANTED By high school teacher, room
and board in refined home. Irving ton or
Portland Heights, preferred. Main 4403
Sunday or evenings.
BUSINESS gentleman wants room, 2
meais; quiet, private home, no other
roomers preferred; please write par
tlcul ars. X 1' 3. Oregonian.
WANTED Young lady wishes room and
board in private home, west side. Phone
Main !M4H.
WANTED Hoard in small boarding house
or home serving few paying guests. G
00. O regonian.
WANTED Board and room with private
family; C S. preferred. H 70, Orego
TKACH EH desires room and board, near
Hawthorne-rtackman school. Call Tabor
2 1 ni, Sundays or evenings.
STUDENT wants board with middle-aged
people, o o, Oregonian.
Housekeeping Rooms.
QUIET, refined woman wants housekeep
ing room, turmsneu or uniurnucnea
walking distance; reasonable, homelike
not rooming houc. S 02, Oregon la s.
Business Places.
WA NT ED .Store builtflng, suitable for
bakery, Ilaht lunch or bakery, conf,
light grocery. 7ol Savler st.
WANTED By young couple, small fur
nished by Oct. li:th; east side pre
ferred. R 88, Oregon Ian.
M 1 fcce I la neons.
WANTED Factory space, about 00x1 00,
with basement, or. 2 floors, suitable
manufacturing food products; trackage
preferred. S 76, Oregonian.
A WELL-HEATED, light and airy room
ana Dam; aim a suite; rent to rennea
bachelor or lady employed; reference re
quired, ltttt St. Clair at., corner of W ash-Ington.
Furnished Room,
$1.25 PER DAT, $tf PER WK. AND UP.
SWEDISH girl wants cooking and house
work. 227 S. 0th st.
GENERAL housework or day work by ex-
pcrlenced maid. E. 4 202.
HOUSECLKAMNO Expert white and
ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxsd, fur
niture polijhed. carpets cleaned, win
dows washed
crrr housecleanino service.
IBs Chapman St. Phone Main 1157.
Information and
Rental Bureau,
Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable
furnished and unfurnished houses, apart
ments and flats with definite Informa
tion pertaining to each. Sleeping room ft.
Newcomers to Portland will find this
1 ureau of great value in helping them
get properly and quickly located.
Eighth Fc-or.
tt-ROOM modern house, not more than
3 blocks to cur; must be clean and In
good neighborhood; 3 adults and 2 chil
dren. 2 and 0 years; good care of
premises assured ; best references; rent
must be reasonable; permanent tenant.
Woodiiiwn 1M3.
Large residence building, preferably
ne ar is; will take long leas1; building
would have to be changed Inside to suit
mv purposes, which 1 would do; renpop
sibfe party. Address, riving full parduu
lara. ItD 01. Ureaonlan.
1,1st your houses, flats or apartments
with us; quick results and good tenants.
S3 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel.
Phone Broadway 3715.
TWO ADULTS with reference, permanent,
desire a six-room unfurnished bungalow
in choice district before Nov. 1 ; bent
care will be taken of premises. Phone
Mr. Young. Broadway 5000 alter 0 A. M.
Monday. Oct. 10.
LV OCT. 20, 4, 0-room turn, house or flaL
Httve davenport, sewing machine, dishes,
utensils, silver, lint n, want piano, but
not necessarily. About $30. M 107, Ore
gnnlan. .
4 OR 0-ROOM bungalow, lurniished or un
furnished, on H. A., S. H. or B. D. car
line. Will pay $20 or $30 per month,
('all Marshall J074, apt. 31. Mrs. Stew
art, between U and 1 Sunday.
LIST your houses and Hats with us for
rent. We have many daiiy calls for tnsra
tn alt part of the city.
2.12 "tark St. Alain 1644 '
ten or 0-room unfurnished rooming
house; will leaae for one or more years;
can furnlah best of references. G. A.
Sar 1 f s . loJ Nort h western Bank b 1 d g .
WANTED November 1. five or six-room
modern, welt-furnished house or flat In
good district; best of care given; ref
erences. Wil! rent or lease six months.
K 80 Oregonian.
YOUNG couple, husband employed, wife
at school, desire to rent furnished small
house, apartment or share house with
congenial parties. Phone Sat., East H22.
Sun. Sell. 3717.
WANTED H to 10 rooms in a respectable
neighborhood, clone in, which can be
. arranged for light housekeeping rooms
or apartments K 102. Oregonian.
WANTED lu to llf-roorn modern house,
either furnished or unfurnished, close to
transportation; east elUe preferred. Main
8 ttO 7
KE-SPONS1 BLE business man wishes to
rent 4 to 0-room comfortable furnished
house with garage. Good locality. Moore,
East 1134.
WANTED Tj rent any lime aunng next
GO days, bouse in good condition, on west
side; references furnished. BP 060, Oie
gu.ilan. W A N TED 0 or 0-room bungalow, lur
nlshed or un f urn ish ed, in It. C or Beau
wimnntM district. U 14, Orrgonlan.
IM? L KN1SHW 8 or U-room modern
houpe in or near Brooklyn district. Call
evenings. East 71 '22
WANT an unfurnished house of b to 12
room str St. Mnr cathedral. Phone
M is. Joftnson. Main OiiOQ.
WANTED To rent 0-room houe With
acreage, suitable for chicken ranch. R
1 in;, Oregon!. n.
HOLdL wanted, by October 10. 4 rooms
or more with bath; not less than 1 year,
not over $-0. Addres 4oS Clinton nt.
vl'SK vvanttd, by November 1, 8 or 12
rooms, west side, downtown district.
I test of reference. Main ltt!3.
Wl.L lease fox year or more, seven (7) to
nine (it)-rooin furnished home on east
side; want something fine. East 2794.
& OH tt room uniurn. house or bungalow,
v-mt or wef-r side ; adults; permanent.
Wood la wn 2aS.
WANTED Furnished 5 rooms, with or
without garage; no small children. Call
Seliwood 4U2.
WANTED To rent 2 or 4-room cottage.
AJ M. Oregonian.
WANTED, to rent. 0 or 0-room house in
good condltl'-n, A F S-t. ( Teitonian
a oit 0-HoOM f.-rnUi.i d house or house
boat. reasonable. J S'J. Oregonian.
WANT to rent small unfurnished house.
.u.tnMf for elderly couple. East 2." 4s.
MODERN .-ruim bungalow, garage;
only. Auto. H44 -3S. Monday.
REFINED couple, alout to locate In Port
land, desire to rent for one month nice
completely furnished apartment within
walking distance of Fourth nnf Morri
son. Prefer cne with two beds. Ad
dress M 7S, Oregonian.
LAWYER wnnts quivt room, good bed, hot
water, toliet. etc.. private." ciose in, west
side; private family without children
preferred, near park or where can keep
dor,; give details and price. C til). Ore
gonUn. ,
U . V N I E D M other and daU ghter woul ij
lk one ox- two rumslied rooms witt.
hou" prlvllegn. near 41st st.
t d Qiirh avi W lo.'i. Orfgonlan.
i' 4'JA Al-il EATED room, pi lvate entrance
preferred, by mitldle-ged man. O lo.S,
i r -goniftn. .
WANTED K.'oirt lih tel.: lit'Je h. k.;
nea- Church of Holy Trinity; 12.30 week.
Main 7904, room 19.
CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free liz of
moderate priced rooms for young roan in
all parts of the city, including rooms at
the central Y. M. C. A., with telephone
in each room, shower baths an- club
.126 13th St.. at Washington.
New Management Newly Renovated.
Fireproof, attractive, h pot lean rooms,
with or "without bath. $4 week up. $1
d:iy; clore tj business center.
3 LA RGE unfurnished rooms, gas. phone
and light included; $20. 2CT Chapman,
corner Madison.
2 UNFURNISHED rooms with sleeping
porch, bath, light, water and telephone.
Phone Woodlawn Q "I'M.
THREE room in building at Fifth and
Stark. Apply Dr. S. Loeb. Stevens bldg.
Furnished Rooms In Private Family.
rnrnKhed Kwnii In I'riTma Fa-mily.
WEST SIDE Clean, front room, well
heated : reasonable; for 1 or 2 gentl
'men; close In. near library, no carfare.
i'hona Main Oioa,
Three rooms and sleeping porch;
llaht. hot and cold water, bath, phone,
furnace heat. 10 minutes out Sell wood
carline; private family, modern con
veniences. Phone Sell wood 22U4; week
days Main 4rt2.
2 WELL-FURNISHED rooms In small Pri
vate family; no roomers; 1 double and
twin bed; good heat, plenty of hot
w Hipr, auu nut uiifirisv., kcihioimcii,
nreakfast II desirea; reierences. Mar.
WELL-FURBISHED rooms with excellent
home cooaing ; good home atmosphfrt,
good- car service, lake Hawthorne or
Sunny side car, 12 East Taylor, or call
ATTRACTIVE front room in private resi
dence, next to bath, furnace -neat, suit
ahle for one or two gentlemen; walking
nistance. hw. Flanders street, near -isl.
nro.i n wh v 4 '..(.
NICELY furnished front room; use of
piano; west side, between Columbia and
Jefrerson. Fifteen -minute walk irom
postoffice: $15. Main flOO. 21s2 lftth st.
CLOSE-IN very attractive furnished room
with or without sleeping porch: furnace
heat; use of phone and living room. 381
Couch st.. corner Montgomery.
LARGE furniahed room for rent, all con
venitrncea: suitable for one or two gen
tlemon: very reasonable. Rierson, &30
E. Couch st.. nar 1 2t h
Fl'RNISHED steam-heated room for 1 or
2. all modern conveniences; board If
tit 1 red. 5t Washington st, flat B. 2d
SLEEPING room with home and house
keeping privileges, to refined woman.
4 (it .ast Irving st.. corner ast -3 a
' Rose City Park car.
NICELY furnished room, suitable for one
or two; furnace heat; eight blocks from
i-Tankiin high ; meaLs If desired. call
Aut. W3-S4 before f, P. M.
LARGE front room, suitable for one or
two; meais if desired; close to car line
or walking distance. East 04 Mi. b44
Fast Stark.
FURNISHED sleeping porch,. $12 per
month; also one basement room, fur
nished. $10 per month; walking distance.
;;oi West Park st.
NICE, lis? ht, airy room, walking dlMance,
gentlemen only. 554 Everett st., corner
17th street.
174 Weet Park St. Main 2"2.
Clean, modern rooms at reasonable
prices; telephone service Included; tran-
sient and permanent guests ocsireq.
LARGE furnished rooms, some wood fire
places, all heated, laundry privileges,
free phone and piano, homelike; 1 block
to car; rates reasonable. 615 E. Alder.
Phone East 43ti4.
124 14th st. at Washington. Rates S4
per week up, $1 day; fireproof, large,
attractive, spotless rooms. close to
amusements and shopping center.
STEAM-HEATED, neatly furnished room,
in private home In an apartment, near
23d and Washington, at reasonable price
to gentleman of refinement. Marshall
1 HOU.
ANGELA HOTEL. f20 Waanington street.
Large lobby, automatic elevator, phone
and runnii g water in each room, ro;ms
with or without bath, $0.50 per week up;
excellent home-cooked meals next door.
VIRGINIA, 170 guest rooms, 207-211Vi
4th at. Rates 70c, $1 per day With
oath. $1.50 da: up.
Attractive rooms and suites at reason
sbie rate -y week or month.
THE ST. PAUL, 130 4th, corner Alder A
Rates 70c up. Private bain $2. Special
rates by wrek or month
One large room, close in. walking dis
tance; rent $20. Call Main 20M, or
Bdwy. 4:70.
HOTEL CONRAD1NE. 22 North 10th lu,
2 blocks north of Washington su; tire
proof; pleasant rooms and suites at Vary
reasonable rates by day or week.
LARRABEE HOTEL, nice, modern, steam
heated rooms, reasonable rates; walking
distance. Corner Larrabeu st. and
Holladuy ave.
b21 1 1TH ST. at Salmon, new manage
ment, newly renovated; sleeping rooms,
suitable for 2 or ii girls in room, or
NEAT and well-kept room at Ellsworth
apts.. ItiB Lownsdale at., near Morrison ;
walking distance; $4 to tH week. Main
573 Washington, at 18th.
Large, clean, airy rooms, private hatha
Rates t permanent guests. Bdwy. 2tfs2.
$2 WEEK.
Clean furnished rooms; steam heat, hot
water, bath, etc. 4u3 Park L, corner
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms in apt.
house; convenient residential district;
gentleman preferred; $10 per mo. Arca
dia apt.. 7Uti Everett.
NICELY furnished rooms, close In, reason
able, also one good room on third flour,
cheap; neat, clean home; modern. 5tU
Johnson street.
NICELY furnished room. flrt lloor; em
ployed people preferred; rent reasonable.
Apply 8 to 10 A. M. and after 4 P. M.,
62 N. 21et st.
COMFORTABLE basement room, cheap
rent to a man who will build fire morn
ing and evening. 57 Trinity Place.
Broadway 171M1.
FURNISHED room for rent In private
family, including phone and bath. $10
per month. 632 Union avenue North,
corner Ivy street. Phone East 3777.
SUITE or single rooms at moderate prices.
special weeaiy rates. modern con
veniences. Empress hotel. Bth and Stark.
RECTOR HOTEL N. Broadway, new and
modern, Yale locks on doors, $1 a day
and up, $0 per week up; private baths.
Washington and Fifth Street
S pedal permanent ra tea
FURNISHED room with or without board,
half block from car; reasonable. 40 E.
12th N.
LARGE or single room in beautiful newly
furnished flat; 10 minutes' walk, desir
able locution; board if desired. 016-07.
CORNER room with bath in fireproof
apartment on King st., for lady; refer-
ences. E 00. Oregonian.
LA HGE. sunny, front bedroom in Irving
ton, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 442
East th st. North.
ARTHUR HOTEL, 176 Eleventh St., near
.Morrison; clean ana modern rooms by
day, week or month at reasonable rates.
NICELY-FURNISHED room for gentle
man, large closet, close In, east side.
East 40S7.
LARGE room in rear; 2 big windows, big
clothes closet, electric light and gas in
room. $10 a month. 223 Pine.
NICE sleeping room, private bath, steam
neat. Katnerine apts, 14 N. 23d st.
Mar. 2ffd.
Large, attractive, modern rooms by day.
week or m onth. rat es reduced.
$0 COZY room ; running water. jhawer ;
beautiful home, dene In ; gentleman. 0'j
Trinity place. Call mornings. Bdwy. 3S";.
Hi1'fc.L OCivi-El', Morrison st., at 10th.
$1 day, weekl. 0 and up. Fres pnone
and baihs. Light ai.d airy.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, also
single h. k. rooms; modern conveniences;
walking distance. i'id- 12th st.
GENTLE.MANN can find a pleasant west
side home with couple by addressing
E 10.. Oregonian.
112 North Sixth, two blocks of depot.
$1 per day. $0 per week and up.
BUCKINGHAM hotel. 652 Wash, street.
Mod, rooms, fre. phone, bath, reasonable.
50c DA V. $2U WEEK up; clean, baths
f.-ee. Hotel, 3d. near Jefferson.
N ICELY furnished sleeping rooms, steam
heat, hot and cold water. 2HIVft Mh st.
FURNISHED room $3 week. 326 E. 1st
st. North. East 20113.
SMALL sleeping room, $2 per week, work
ing girl preferred. Aut. 514-41.
AN ATTRACTIVE front room for 1 man.
3H0 42d st. Phone Tahor 232?.
1'KSLRAHl.E sleeping room adjacent to
bathroom 12s .V. lth.
N ICE LY furnished room.
Main 3203. apt. L
7 00 Irving st.
PLEASANT front room, quiet, close in.
.au xorenoons, Marsnaii avoi. an w.
RENT 5 rooms. 3 block from car, 10c
fare. Corner River road and Center at..
Oak Grove. P. O. box 1(3.
WELL furnished front rooms, hardwood
floors, modern in eery respect. On
D-M car. Call Mar. 4.147.
NICELY furnished sleeping rooms for rent.
suitable for one or two people. 39 ortn
21 st gt. Broadway 1213.
FURNISHED room in modern home and
garage. $12 per mo. 4S47 62d st. S. E..
2 blks. from Foster Road.
ROOM for gentleman; desirable location;
easy walking distance, west side. Phone
Main 3427.
UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms,
kitchenette, pantry. bath, gas and elec
tric lights. Nob Hill. Phone Main 20S6.
LA RGE light, airy tront room, suitable
for 2 rtiined adults. Call evening. 0314
Coucn st.. cor. BUh.; $20 per month.
3 UNFURNISHED, 2d floor rooms, private
bath, closet, hall, gas. electric light,
furnace heat, adults only. Northwest
corner of 3:id. 970 Clinton at. Richmond
car. Sell. 3031.
BEAUTIFUL room in private home; twin
beds. Darlor. piano, home conveniences,
close in; congenial young man wishes
roommate, $3.50 per week. 01 n. istn
st. Broadway 2721.
NK'ELY furnished front room. Plenty
of air. lots of sun. big spacious room,
In home of re-fined family in Irvinaton
district. Room can be seen at .w r..
lth N. by 2 P. M. Phone E. H402.
FOR RENT Will rent a suite of three
sunny rooms together, or singly, with
bath, fireplace in one; furnace heat,
electricity, phone service. b21 Kearney
st Phone Main 3023.
PLEASANT room In modern Portland
Heights home; near car, furnace heated
and convenient to bain; nreakiasi u
desired. Marshall 20H-L
LARGE airy front room, beautifully fur
nished in a lovely private home, suitable
for 2 young men, close in. 71 Trinity
WANTED Room-mate b refined young
man in private family; troard ; west siae,
walking distance; a real home to the
right you: g man. Y 1S2. Oregonian.
COZY room in first-class apartment to
nice young lady, nurse preferred; walk
ing distance. References. Phone Broad
way 3130. .
2 LOVELY rooms in private home In West
moreland, near golf links and Reed col
lege. Phone, bath; gentlemen preierred.
se : i wood i3 1 .
NICELY furnished frT7nt room, walking
distance, west side, suitable for two ;
electric lights, furnished, beat. 533
Flanders. Bdwy. 4200.
1RV1NGTON 2 large, light corner rooms,
. nicely furnished, private family; to
gether or separale; breakfast if desired;
reasonable; references given. East 3101.
NICELY furnished bedroom with hot and
coid running water, modern nome. warn
ing distance; references required. East
BEAUTIFULLY furnished large sunny
front room, lovely kitchen; next to bath;
gas range, het, light, phone, reasonable.
23 North 24th st.
FAMILY of 2 have room to let; oae or
two business ladles; home ' privileges
optional ; west side; walking distance.
M 04, Oregonian.
ROSE CITY, near Sandy blvd.. pleasant
mom, home privileges, lor 1 or i gentle
men preferred ; very reasonable. Auto.
;t 2 s -1 2 .
$4 COZY room, all modern conveniences;
shower, etc.; walking distance. -Bdwy.
COZY front room for man accustomed to
nice things; quiet, modern place. Mar.
17S0. :ili'4 Park st.
Ft'KN ISH ED modern front room, suitable
for 1 -or 2 gentlemen; very reasonable.
East V.H.3
RUuM in private home for one occupied
during the day; breakfast If desired.
East 3430.
LA RGE. light front room ; all conven
iences; close In; far 2 gentlemen. 35 N.
isth st. Main 2361.
FURNISH ED front room with alcove and
porch suitable for two or three; gentle
men preferred. Call Main 1 43(.
LOVELY large front room, strictly mod
ern ; west side ; private home; walking
distance. Broadway 3408.
LARGE, light, airy front room, large
closet, hardwood floor, use of phone
ann Da in. sm wnofi ws.
CLEAN, well-furnished room, next to bath:
steam heat, plenty hot water. 2 2d and
Johnnon. Main UniO.
ROOM, suitable for one or two young men,
reasonable. East TOfts".
Rooms With Board.
IN 1 R VINGTON Beautiful peeping room,
with or without garage; references. East
$12--BRIGHT, cheery room, modern, walk
ing distance, west side, residential dis
trict. Main 01S0. "
LOV ELY front sleeping room in private
lamuy, close in. east side. 624 East
Main St.. near Ifit h.
SLhtPIMi porch, electric lights, bath.
print-man preierrea; ciose in. cull c.ast
WALKING distance, west side, weil-fur-nlshed
room; no other roomers; reason
able. Aut. 026-21.
IR VI NGTON home ; nice;y furnished room
with every modern convenience; near
to car line. Phone East .MOO.
304 MONTGOMERY Steam-heated sleep
ing room, phone, light, hot and cold
water In rooms.
NICELY furnished front bedroom. Rose
City Park; block from car, breakfast If
desired. Auto 331-20.
ROOM with dressing room, having running
water in. steam-heated apartment.
Broadway car. East OP 03,
NICELY furnished, clean, sunny rooms,
walking distance; home privileges;
breakfast If desired. Main 70S 1 .
TWO W ELL f urnihed bedrooms In mod
ern home; walking distance. 129 E. 15th
Phone East 6M27.
YOUNG lady In own home will share home
with congenial working girl; home priv-
lieges; rent reasonable. Call Tabor 5000.
LARGE, clean room with congenial people
for young man; $10 per mo. 607 Gllsan.
Broadway 2ostV
NICELY furnished sleeping room for gen
tlemen, very close in. west side. Main
FINELY furnished sleeping room, modern;
nurse or business lady preferred. Bdwy.
2H4S. Sunday or evenings.
FOR gentleman, comfortably furnished
room, ail modern conveniences; walking
distance. 307 E. 7th, N.
LARGE sunny front room; steam heat,
fireplace; references required. Phone
Marshall 4301.
WILL rent 3-or 4 furnished rooms down
stairs to reliable couple; modern home.
Phone E. ."oo.
$12.00 MONTH each. Sunny, bright
sleeping room. Suitable for 1 or 2 All
conveniences. Central. 415 Broadway.
2-ROOM and sleeping porch, everything
furnished and modern except heat. 302
Pan Rafael street, near Union avenue.
A FRONT room, use of phone and bath,
walking distance. $2.00 per week. Tele
phone East 6218.
PLEASANT front bedroom, suitable for
1 or 2. people; can get excellent board
next door. 776 Eaat Yamhill. E 4301
LIGHT, airy room, well furnished. Every
modern conveniences. Went side, close in.
Marshall 306.
NEWLY furnished bedroom. Irving ton,
near dental college. East 2199.
$2.0u WEEK, corner room, private flat,
gentleman, close In. 420H Jeffer o n.
LARGE, Immaculately clean rooms.
College st., near Broadway.
PAR LOR. dressing Tom and sleeping
porrh. gents: west side. Bdwy. 4320.
COZY room, private family, very modern.
reasonable. Tahor 2117. 521 E. 30th N.
SUNNY suite, first floor, every conven
ience. 1S2 17th. corner Yamhill.
CLEAN, cozy rooms, walking distance. 344
College, near Broadway.
TWO LARGE, comfortable rooms. Portland
Heights. Main 7000.
1 FRONT and back room reasonable. Ta
bor 2423.
CLEAN furnished room for gentleman. $10
a month. OOP Jefferson st.. near 14th.
BEAUTIFUL front bedroom, includes all
prlvlle g es; ten-minute walk. Mar. 5 00 6.
FURNISHED front room for
Paik St.. near Montgomery.
ROOMS for rent : close In. walking dis
tance. 301 y Clackamas st. East 8008.
1 SMALL furnished room in private family
ROOMS for rent; board if desired.
Tabor 0103.
NICE rom for 1 or 2 gentlemen; walking
distance, modern conveniences. East 0743.
DESIRABLE sleeping room with alcove.
suitaoie tor a gentlemen, cast zi4U.
CLEAN, tront sleeping room with piano.
111 K. 6th st.. bet. Aliler and Wa s h .
ROOM In private family;
Call Sell wood 1870.
man preferied.
ROOM for rent, near Rose City carline.
Auto. 324-28.
ROOM and garage; price $157 1038 E. 11th
CLEAN, warm, comfortable room.
Union ave. N. Close In.
FURNISHED lower sleeping room, bath,
phone. Nob Hill. Phone Main 2086.
PLEASANT front room, suitable for two.
East 8S85.
PLEASANT, well-furnished room in Irv
Ington; moderate price. East 2107.
C C. C. C, "close, clean, cozy, cheap.
Everett: fine location. Bdwy. 3001.
COMFORTABLE room for gentleman. 7S4
Two of the best known residential ho
tels on .the Pad tie coast.
American plan, with or without bath,
$2.00 a day up. rates by day 01 month.
Meals served to transients.
Portland's downtown family hotel ;
rooms, en uite or single, with or with
out board, for t9iminesd men and women
and families. Come and make your home
with us; reasonabl e rates.
ONE OF THE finest homes in the city,
now converted into an exclusive family
hotel, catring to families, business men
and women ; home conveniences, home
cooking, large ground porches, sleep
ing porches, garages, etc. ttaies rea
sonahle. Phone East 7:'.S4. 223 E. 2'Uh
Rooms With Board in Private tamlly.
Men, you can have a good home with
2 meals at my house in Holladay addi
tion, at reasonable price ; large rooms
with, hot water heat and everything
clean;, good residence section. l!4o a.
th N.
WILL BOARD and room two men or two
girls In my steam-heated apartment
bedroom la very private and comfortable.
Call between ? and 8 o'clock Saturday
mailt or between 2 and 4 Sunday after
noon; west side. Apt. 16, 220 X. 17th
st. Walking distance.
ONE OF 1RV1NGTONS finest, large
homes converted into hlglv-class family
hr.tfl - flnvHt furnUhliiii-k hssl hnmO
cooking : reasonable rates ; accommoda
tions limited; references required. B 00,
WANTED One or two children to board,
by kind, careful woman. Will give s
true mother's care. Two blocks from
school, close in; $2o to 3a per month,
M 70. Oregonian.
WELL f uV nished rooms, home cooking,
good home atmosphere and car service.
Take Hawthorne or Sunnyslde car. 712
East Taylor, corner 21st, or call Auto-
matlc 212-37.
LARGE front room, house newly furnished,
suitable for two gentlemen or couple em
ployed: every convenience, home orivil-
.eges; convenient to Woodstock car and
Reed college. 1200 30th S. E.
EXCEPTIONALLY hue room and board
can be obtained In modern residential
nome arter Nov. l; room Is suitable lor
married couple, two men or two women
reasonable charge. Bdwy. 4023.
ROOM with board in modern steam-heated
apartment; home privileges; lady only;
buine&fj or professional woman preferred;
reierences excoangea. King rim apart
ment. Phone Mai n 0770.
IN IRVINGTON Choicest locality, one or
two couples can be accommodated in
beautiful home, one block (fom Broad
way; perpetual hot water, garage, small
iamny 01 auuite. Kast iut.
PLEASANT corner room, modern home
suitable for 2, also room and board for
young man willing to share room with
congenial young man. Jr'hone Marshal
EXTRA large front room, furnished or
unfurnished, with board,' suitable for
two; walking distance or one block t
car; fine location; private family. Phone
NICELY furnished room with board: bean
tif ul home. Nob Hill distt ict ; furnace
heat, home privileges; 'yj block carline;
$3 month.
730 Kearney. Ma rshall 3952.
CLEAN, newly papered rooms, with or
without board; furnace heat, walking
distance, hot and cold water in rooms;
adults. Phone Main 1100.
WE HAVE a warm, cheerful room for two;
gentlemen pre t erred : will serve break-
last ; charming locality; renned home
A 21S-71.
NICELY furnished rooms and board In
private family; have 2 double rooms with
beds, all new, furnace heat, all home
privileges: walking di s t ance. E ast 13 IS.
WELL-FURNISHED- rooms, euitable for
two; excellent home cooking and home
atmosphere; on Union ave. car line. East
DESIRABLE single room with board for
gentleman ; also large cheerful room
with board for two; furnace heat, phone,
private bath. Bdwy. 1PM1. 504 Hoyt.
NICELY furnished room and 2 meals for
gentleman or married couple, with all
home privileges; H block from Union
and Killingsworth. Call Wdln. 2701
A NICE home for girls from tt to 10 years
with Christian people, 1 block from
Terwllliger school. Call after Sunday.
1428 Macadam st.
LARGE outside room in modern flat; all
conveniences; suitable for one or two
gentlemen; good board if desired; walk
ing distance. 002 Market. Main 40QS.
TWO LARGE furnished front rooms in
modern home, with refined family; fur
nace heat, hot water. Home cooking.
Tabor 4sNp.
TWO LARGE furnished front rooms in
modern home, with refined family; fur
nace heat, hot water, home cooking.
Tabor 4fS.s9.
ROOM AND BOARD for busuies people
or students, living room and peeping
porch, two beds, home privileges. 200
West Park.
NICELY furnished room in new modern
home of young couple for a refined
gentleman. Breakfast and laundry ; $0
per week. Tabor 44.S9.
LA RGE. nicely furnished room with good
home cooking, .suitable for two. three or
four men; price reasonable. 060 Union
ave. N. Eaat :,C.s3.
NORTON1A HOTEL. Portland's downtown
high-class family hotel: room en suite
or single, with or without joard. for
families and business men and women.
We give you ai. the cuoi!otti of a hem
Reasonable ratea.
JEANNE D' ARC - Furnished rooms with
or without board for business girls and
lady tourists permanent or transient.
Special features within the limitation
of the minim 'im wage earner; $2 per
week and up. 200 14th st. Main 349.
LARGE sunnv front room with board, suit
able for 1 or 2 people. Furnace heated,
close in on west side. Home privileges.
V e ry reasonable. Au t. 510-30.
12th and Morrison ; tamily hotel ; rooms
en suite or single, witn or witnout boar a,
rea sonable raU-s.
UNDER new management; Parkview resi
dential hotel; modern and up to date
In every respect; walking distance; mod
erate rates. 330 Montgomery st.
LA lit; E front room, suitable for married
couple. 2 ladles or 2 gentlemen; home
cooking ; conveniently located. Tabor
2 2 2 S .
ROOM and board for business girls; el',
modern conveniences: wa iking distance;
$5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th at
HEREFORD HOTEL A few choice rooms
left: excellent board; a real home. 730
Hoyt st. Main 3300.
ROOM and boaxd in lrvington; large
rooms, steam heat; 2 meals; reasonable
rent. East 8051.
NICELY furnished rooms with good table
board In a real home. 800 Savier St.,
block to car. Marshall 3858.
DINNERS 50c at the Soule. cooked like
mother cooked. iQl litest
BOARD and room for gentleman ; home
cooking. 140 Lownsdale. Bdwy. 3243.
C L E A N room s, with or without board.
Broadway 32-13. 1 4: Lownsdale.
KttoniH With Board in Private Family.
YOUNG lady employed In bank destree
roommate; charming Willamette Heights
modern home ; $37, 2 mea Is.
BOARD and room In widow's home; men
preferred. Phone Main 8162. 432
2d st.
WILL care for children in
Christian Science children.
11 Ml.
my home.
Call Wdln.
CHILDREN will be well cared for in sub
urban home by responsible woman.
Auto. 630-20.
SMALL front sleeping room for working
girl near Y. W. C. A., $10 per month.
M u rsh all 1070.
FOR TWO young ladies, piano, walking
distance; home privileges and very rea
sonable. 408 Market. Main 5923.
LARGE, nicely furnished room, with board
in private family; beautiful location.
Wdln. 470.
GOOD rooms, 2 meals, $38 per month.
House and home. 209 E. 42d St. Auto.
ROOM in home with mother and daughter;
breakfast If desired. Automatic 227-47.
LA RGE. weli-f urnlshed room, with board.
7 1 Irving st.
GOOD room, nice home, near Multnomah
club: 2 meals ; gentlemen. Mam 2210.
LARGE front room, suitaoie for 2; modern
tinme 770 Irving. Mar. 4410.
NICELY furnished rooms with board, near
Broadway bridge. 40S Benton.
PRIVATE home for children ; 20 j ears
experience. 14 Everett at. Mar. 2102.
BABIES to board at ,0242 62d ave. S. E.,
Woodstock carline.
ROOM and board reasonable: suitable for
2 gentlemen. 4020 7uth st. S. E.
LA RGE front room, with board, modern;
w a Ik i n g distance. East 0710.
CHOICE room and board for business man.
000 E. Ash st. Phone East 3040.
EXCELLENT room and board for 2 eiw
ployed; home privileges. East 1.j6.
BOARD and room.
8 E. 10th N. Private
1 OR 2 gentlemen to room and board In
widow's home. Woodlawn 544S.
COUPLE without children will keep
small child in country home. Tab. 8407.
TWO GRAMMAR school boys to board,
good home. Auto. 643-08.
WELL-FURNISHED rooms with board,
re asonable. walking distance. 703 Hoy t.
ROOM with board, suitable for tw-o, west
side, walking distance. Bdwy. 3780.
ROOM and board in nice home.
8th N. East '.M'7.
IRVINGTON rooms, fine board in nearby
home East 3447.
LA RGE front room for one or two peo
ple, board if desired. Mar. 416.
LARGE front room with private family.
good location. East 385.
Ul BURNISHED room and board with sleep-
I Ing porch for 2. 407 Clay st. Main 3S34:
WANTED Lady boarder, room, board. $10
month. Ella Finney. R. 2. Gervais, Or.
3 MODERN furnished rooms, $22 month;
close In 227 Mill.
PRIVATE home will board young woman
err ployed reasonable, raoor ..K.i,
WOULD share good home to girl employed,
references. If interested call 220-12.
NICE front bedroom, 1 or 2 ladies em
ployed; rent reasonable, fiftf E. Salmon.
THREE gentlemen, room and board; 13
minutes out. Sell wood carline; modern
conveniences. Phone Sellwood 2214.
2 NICELY furnished rooms in private home;
excellent meals and home privileges.
Hawthorne district. Tabor 0667.
LA R IE room, breakfast and dinner, in
modern home; home privileges; garage
nea r. Ta bor 11 2t.
DESIRABLE room suitable for two young
men. $40 single. $70 for 2. Hawthorne
district. Tabor 4337.
SI AN WANTED to room and board; rea
sonable rates. 4030 52d st. S. E. Phone
CHILDREN to board at
country home; good care.
City O F 12.
good modern
Phone Oregon
ROOM and board In Rose City Para. 1
block from carline. home privileges, for
man employed. Tabor S301.
LA DY, alone, wishes to board small girl ;
nice home; chicken; $10 a month. 2004
East Yamhill. S4t a st M t. Ta bor car.
EXCLUSIVE home offers rooms; home
made bread and pies ; close In. Bdwy.
4314. 104 N. 10th st.
LARGE front room, suitable for two;
good board and home privileges. Auto.
510-46. 170 22d North.
NEATLY furnished front room, suitable
lor two, in private family, with home
conveniences. Call Auto. 026-08.
PLEASANT room for 1 or 2; home privif,
leges, ue of piano. 300 E. 30th, near
Hawthorne. Tahor 3:128.
ROOM anil board, modern conveniences,
good home cooking; reasonable; walking
distance. Phone East 2060. 373 Ross st.
PLEASANT room, good board for one or
two girls : att ractlve rates; home privi
1 e gee. Sell. 923.
WANTED To board. 1 o
children, private home.
SS No. 22d.
1 2 motherless
Phone 010-74.
WIDOW having attractive home will board
business man, home privileges; refer
ences. H 78. Oregonian.
WEST SIDE -Room suitable for two em
ployed, or studenut; home cooking.
:isu Fourth st.
WILL .keep child 1 to 12 ytars; tender
care, good home; $20 a month- Tele
phone S56-.T, Vancouver
A REAL home for young men, home cook
ing, home privileges; come and se. 285
14th st.? cor Jefferson. Main 2033.
FuraUhed Apartments.
Elegantly furnished apartments, 1 to
S rooms, with sleeping porch, in resi
dential district. We have the very hand
somest furnished apartments in the city;
white T!ameled woodwork. Ivorv willow
furniture, Chinese rugs, pongee hangings.
exceptionally clean and modern; una
OF HEAT; also for refined gentlemen
or ladies, bachelor suites and rooms,
with and without bath ; permanent and
transient; references required. 106 SU
Clair, corner of Washington.
Owner wants to sublet his beautifully
furnished 4-room apt.; hardwood floors;
$75. Call in person
BDWY. 4975.
$45 WEST SIDE APT. $40
Three large, light roomj, besides "en
trance halt, pass pantry, bath and large
closet ; steam heat ; hot and coid water
furnished; main and private entrance;
steady tenants, two adults, ground floor.
Fifth and Columbia Sis.
Five minutes' wa.k to Meier A Frank's
store, good surroundings, strictly mod
ern 2 and 3 -room furnished apts., out
side wth French doors and balcony.
Permanent and transient.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS, attractive, clean,
like new. suitable for 2 or 3 people, all
hardwood floors, 3 sets French doors;
old ivory finish; unusually lighted; sleep
ing porch ; sun room, furnished in ma
hogany, wicker and oak; piano; new gas
range. Main 8042.
51 Union ave. North.
Three-room apts.. $32.50 to $37.50; pri
vate bath, steam heat, hot and cold wa
ter, phone service; 10 min. walk to 5tb
and Alder. Rose City car. East 2846.
near 23d and Washington sts.; 1 very
desirable three-room apartment, newly
decorated, tapestry paper, artistically
furnished, outside balcony ; high-class
apartment house.
To lease, handsomely furnished 4-room
suite. $100; bent west aide location;
adults oniy. References required. For
appointment. Marnhail 2332.
4 -ROOM apt., bath. heat, telephone, gas,
electricity. modern, never occupied,
clean, quiet, no children, garage if de
sired; private home. 105 Maryland
ave. Woodlawn 0857.
New management, high-class outride
room, steam heat, private baths and
phone ; prices reasonable. Tabor 540.
1027 Va Belmont.
winter quarters 7 See our 2 and 3
room apts. Clean and comfortable, $12
to $25; also single h. k. rooms. 412
10th st. North.
NICE large sleeping room suitable for 2.
Perfectly clean and in good condition.
Easy walking distance. $10 per month.
DeJmonte. 167 Stout st. 1 block south
of 20th and Washington sts.
CLEAN, cozy furnished 2 and 3-room apts.,
bath, electric lights, phone, gas ranges;
reasonable; near school. 04 Harvard
st., near Fiske. St. Johns car. Colum
bia 104.
GET SETTLED for the winter in modero
apartment; complete furnishings, four
rooms, almost given away; see this at
once; leaving city. Call at 617 Wash
ington st., ask for Hawking.
IRVINGTON On car line; 3 large rooms
on ground fioor; fireplace, player piano;
$00. includee heat, water, phone, lights;
no children; suitable for man and wife.
East 43S4.
WANTED To share furnished apartment,
working lady, over 20, must give refer
ences; cozy place for rightj person, walk
ing distance. Phone Marshall 0612.
3-room. furnished, very nice place, con
veniently arranged, first-class service;
adults. References. Mar. 2102.
2 and 3-room furnished, strictly mod
ern, tile bath, elevalor, Hth and Mont
gomery. Main 300.
WHY NOT reduce your rent? You can live
In a beautiful apartment In one of the
most beautiful residential districts on
the west Mde by Investing $ OOP. Mar. BQ7.
FOR RENT Beautifully furnished four
room apartment : glassed-in sleeping
porch, mahogany furniture, orelntal rugs;
adults only. East 4276.
Kurn tubed Apaxtment.
large, light, warm, modern front apt.,
has disappearing bed and a davenport,
bath, built-in refrigerator, garbage lift,
etc. La rice convenient kitchen, immac
ulately clean; frlft-claas janitor service
guaranteed. Reasonable rent; two to
four adults.
THE COLUMBIAN. 11th A Columbia.
$37.00. Including heat, light, phone,
etc. ; art ist it-ally furnished 3-room apt.,
newly painted and decorated; outside
window's on 3 sides; fine residential sec
tion; pernvanent tenant only. Main 3S16.
KlrM-clajis J and :t-room apts.. com
pletely f urn. ; permanent and transient.
410 loth t.
Main loop or Main 60OO.
A real home to the right party; 2 well
Auto. 03
NEWLY renovated three-room front apt.
In quiet residential district; $00 mo;
no children. The Arcadia Apt., 700 Ever
ett street.
I nmrn'sueU Auanmmu.
3 LARGE rooms and bath, steam heat,
hot and cold water, stove, and bed fur
nished; good location; good car service,
rent reasonable; no children 1400 Union
avenue N. Wdin. 5500.
MERLIN, Broadway and Grant, fine large
3-room corner apt., 2 dressing rooms
and bath, strictly modern, $40 p r
month; also small --room furnished apt.,
$20 month.
LAltuE front 2-room upartnunt, nicely
furnished, first floor, free light, water,
bath, laundry room, phone anu good hot-
. water heat. $S0 ; also $20 apartment ;
adults. 562 C.lisan.
Six-room modern, hardwood floors,
front and sleeping porch ; fine view ;
steam heat, J a n 1 tor s ej" v ice. E ast 1 300.
Corner apt. 3 rooms, bath, dressing
room and sleeping porch. Modern, in
Irvington. 514 H uncock.
Four rooms, garage, Gasco furnace,
fireplace, hardwood floors; rent. Auto
matlc 227-40.
UNFURNISHED apartment. iarKe yard: he
objection to children. 00 E. bth S. East
CHOICE corner apt.. 17th and Tillamook;
rent $10o per mo. F. E. Bowman 4ie Co.,
210 C. of C. bids. M u in 302fl.
CHOICE corner apt., 17th and Tillamook;
rent $100 per mo. F. E. Bowman Ac Co.,
210 C. of C bldg. Main 3026.
TWO-ROOM apartment, on ground floor,
lights, water and bath; private entrance.
IO E. 10th st. N. Phone East 2604.
MO R DAUNT, &e.0 Everett Large 4-room
modern furnished or unfurnished re
tinted, home-like. Come anil inspect.
FOR RENT 0-room apartment, high
grade house, centrally located, excel
lent service. Bdwy. 2201.
MODERN 3-room apt. for rent, close in;
2 disappearing beds, furniture for sale.
$300; most be cas h. Ma r. 075.
Beautiful 5-room apt., 2 bedrooms. $S0.
GARFIELD 3-room. steeping porch.
sonable. 361 Falling st. W. Union.
THE AMERICAN, modern ft-room apart
ment. Bdwy. 3360.
FIVE rooma, modern,
stove. 501 Gllsan.
steam heat, gas
FOR RENT A four-room apt.
Sandy blvd.
40th and
TB REE rooms in building at Fifth and
Stark. Apply Dr. S. Ioeb. Stevens bl d g.
4-R KM steam hea ted, unfurnished apart
ment ; modern $30. Main 7 ':'.
4 ROOMS. Portland Heights; modern:
adults only. AM 112, tregonlatv
Furnished or L 11 furnished A pa rt men! a.
JAEGER APTS., 701 Washington st., 8 and
4-room furnished and unfurnished apts.
Furnished and unfurnished, modern ;
white enamel, d ; nicely arranged. Close
In. Four and five rooms. Main 2'8rt.
208 Kith, near Taylor. Mar. 128.
5-room furnished and unfurnished apts.
Feu r-room furnished and five-room
unfurnished. Marshall 3181.
SUBLET well furnished 0-room apartment
10 mln. walk from postoffice. To adult s !
only. References required. Phone .Main
5 s 01) between h o u o of 0 and 0 P. M
3-ltooM apt. with drcsaing room and bath.
East 37s 2.
2 and 3-room apartments furnished for
housekeeping. Adults. 760 E. Broadway.
ELEGANT furniture of a modern 4-room
apartment sacrificed for quick sain;
leaving city; must see to appreciate;
west side, close in. Phone M ain -1 1 2S.
Fl'RNISHED 4-room apartments, ncwiy
decorated, all large, light, outside rooms;
free heat, light and water; large lawn;
adults onlv. 10 East 16th st.
Corner 10th and Salmon. J. 3 and 4-
room apts. ; permanent or transient
also single rooms. Main 6641.
3 ROOMS; steam heat, fireproof building;
re n t $ :io per nmnth. Hotel Harrison.
FL'RNISHED apt., rlo.-e in. walking dis
tance. H)0 E. 11th ft.
VERY desirable lower flat, west side,
rent $37.00; modern ; some furniture for
snle. See F. C. Marshall, Sunday be
tween 10 and 1- A. M., Sunday or week
200 Abington Bldg. Main 1068.
Third St.. Between Wash, and Stark.
4-room modern furnished apartment
with 3 disappearing beds; newly tinted;
suitaoie fyr 4 people. J.l utn.
WILL sublet exclusive apartment. Knob
Hill district, suitable mr 2. or .1 auuiis
furnished including silver and piano
P h o n e Monday. Bdwy 34 1 7.
-R( m )M and kitchenette, every thins In
the best of shape, very clean, price
ner month. 321 6th St. Marshall 402.
$4 3 rooms. 2 closets. bath. newly
tinted, lurnisnea complete, warning uib
tance. 610 East Couch, corner 16th st.
CLEAN housekeeping rooms, walking
distance. 440 E. Yamhill. Phone East
8 1 1 0.
ci.osK in. three larare rooms, furnace heat
electric light, gas ana oatn. isu i. i2in
st. $! per month
BERKELEY APTS.. 30 Trinity place. 3
room front opt., also 4-room basement
npt. Mar 1.0.
ALICE COURT East Sth, Burnside; newly
decorated, a rooms, rirepiace, pnone.
Ivory woodwork; 2 bods. East 3-iQo.
WILL share west side apartment with
congenial Protestant lady. W 82, Ore
gonian. j
Two-room furnished apt, with private
bath. Marshall 30t.
pi.kav sunnv. w ell-f urnlshfd housekecp
ing apartments; very reasonaoie. on
4th st. '
2-ROOM turn. apt., one bane ment room
suitable for working man; rent very
reasonable. 312 Clay st.
EAST SIDE Five blocks from Broadway,
home cooking, gentlemen only; can take
two or three; $8 and $10. 430 Flint st.
ROOM, breakfast and dinner, $40 per mo.,
before 10 A. M. or after 0 P. M. 403,
Bdwy. Marshall 1QQP. .
WOMAN, alone, wants working girl or
teacher to room and board; near 2
schools. D 70, Oregonian.
LARGE, alrV room, modern home, suitable
for two; good home-cooked meals; Nob
Hill district. Main 2561.
EXCELLENT board and room in good
home for one or two in room, reasonable.
East 50 in.
jjO CHILD to board, good home, wiUi
play ground; mother's care, near good
school. Phone Tabor 0077.
BOARD and room. $37.50. at 407 14th st
All modern conveniences; close to Eunny
side car. Marshall 1702.
FIRST-CLASS room and board, outside
room. 304 Columbia, corner of 10th st.
Main 2864.
WILL GIVE mother's care to children;
reasonable. Phone Wdln. 2825.
F u rnlshetr Apartments.
3-room furnished apt., absolutely lst
clnss ; adults only; walking distance.
HADDON HALL, 11th and Hall Beauti
ful corner 4-room apt., 'private bath and
balcony, hardwood floors. $60. Adults
FURNISHED three-room apartment, gas
stove, nut wmer, jjti aio oat 11. jurgo
rooms; $20 a month. Auto. 630-87.
WILL share apt. with refined young lady,
west side; references exchanged. Bdwy.
3-4liOO M furnished apts.. steam heat,
free phone. 27 th and Sandy blvd.. 1
block from 2 car lines. 813 Nelson st.
3 rooms, also 2 rooms, suitable for
bachelor. 331 3d.
2-H- APT., sunny, clean, elec, gas, bath,
phone free; adults; $30 mo. 410 Broad-way.
NICELY furnished, spotlessly clean, front
apt., 2 rooms, 1st floor, private entrance,
close in. 474 Clay. Mar. 4104. -
ATTRACTIVE front, 2 rooms, running
water, good gas range, large porch, $30.
Call Main 5223. 60 N. 21st st.
UPPER apt. in private home: bath, gas
and electricity; no children; $22. 4S7 33d
st. Richmond car.
2 2-ROOM apts.; private entrance, bath,
electric lights Call Auto. 018-02 or
12QH I-th st.
2-ROoM furnished apt., close in. Broad-
way 3243. 1 40 Lownsdale.
-3-ROOM finished apts. close in. facing
Park st. Call and see them. 404 Pnrk st.
3-ROOM apt., outside. 648 Thurman.
near 20th. Marshall 4761.
NICELY furnished 2-room apt.; everything
furnished 323 South Broadway
3-ROOM apartment for rent. 331 Larra
bee. near Broadway bridge.
2 ROOMS aud kitchenette. $40. iiyo day.
? iikkUVf ave.. 2-room apt., furnished
and gas, heater ana aomestic ue. oou-
I.twn car, woooiawn n..
3 rooms, all outside, newly tinted, pri
vate baths: $40. Broadway 2(7l
BOARD and room for couple or 2 gentle
men in modern bungalow, home privi
lege s.seiKo.
3-4-ROOM furnished apts., steam heat,
free phone. 27th and Sandy blvd., 1
block from 2 carlines. 843 Nelson st.
Nice 3-room furnished apt., for rent.
Call Bdwy. 1179.
BUSH MARK. Wash., cor. 17tn.. modern,
eeambcated 1 and 2-room apts S.eep
Ing rooms $4 wk. up.
THE EVERETT 044 Everett st.. furnished
3-room apt., all outsid rooms, with bal
cony .walking(nstanc
Nicely furnished 2-room apt., private
bath. $45.
412 E. 0TH ST. N.
Two-room basement apt., $25.
4070. 300 Clsy st.
CINCINNATI Court, 2 rooms and sleeping
porch, furnished, $30; walking distance.
401 10th st. Main 2480.
LEONCE APTS.. 186 N. 22d ST.
Furnished 3-room apt.. $40. Marshall
AND 3-ROOM furn. apts.; rent $3S und
$2S per mo.; electric and furnace heat.
1 room at $16 per mo 0:P Everett st.
NICELY furnished rooms; bath and phone,
close In; $2.50 and $3 weekly. 301 14th
st. Aut. 021-64. '
2-ROOM front apt., walking distance. 383
Williams sve. E. 5104.
3-ROOM apartment, partly furnished, $20.
K 3308.
3-ROOM apartment, clean, modern ; 1 7th
and Lovejoy. Arllne apts. Bdwy I si 2.
IF LOOKING - for clean
kltrhonette call 207-12.
NICELY furnished apt. and sleeping room
for rent at 5S6 Hoyt st.
4 ROOMS, 1 blk. school, $12
st. N.. 1 blk. so. MV car.
THREE rooms, furn ished. modern.
E. Alder. Auto. 226-45.
FOUR rooms, modern, steam heat, 2 bed
rotmis. 501 Gllsan.
M pvlng for leas. Phone Bdwy. 2443.
ATTRACTl V E duplex flat, walking ins
tance to business center ; hrepiace. gas
range. Ruud heater, furnace, few plccta
of turniture; desirable permanent luiiant.
A I. : . . i n i goiuan.
Furnbitied Pint
BUNGALOW flat, with Income, east side,
close in: rent only $30; will sacrifice
good furniture. See F. C. Marshall Sun
day between 10 and 12 A. M. or week
205 Abington Bldg. Main 1"6K.
Third St., Between Wash, and Stars.
MODERN lowrr flat, aui t . ile for iw
adults. 243 E. 17th nt.. n-ar Hawthorne.
Nicely furnished front room near hjs
pltwl; private fa mI y. Ma lnJJ
Fl'RNISHED upper Tat, lumJern conven
iences, sleeping porch, kitt ht nnette, liv
ing and diuin room. 766 E. Main, be
tween ra.i Hiid 2 Ith ; adults only. ( all
O A M . t 5 P. M Ha w I horne J.trJ
FOR RENT Ku r n l s h e f' 5 -ro tin flat, sleep
ing porch, fine neighborhood, walking
d 1st a rice, linen, silverware, pin no, all
modern conveniences. 022 Main, near
K In g.$H0. M ain 14'0. t
1RV1NOTON On car line. 2 larne room,
small kitchenette; on ground f.oor: 4o,
Includes heat, ater. phone, Uk hut; no
children: suitable for man and wile.
F.a st 4 1 1 8 4
NK'K home with income of a 6-room
steam - heated flat for rent ; complete
furntfliliiK for ale. 066 Couch st., flat
4. Call niter Sunday.
C!an. modern flat for rent; beautiful
new furniture for sale, at a bargain;
rush or terms. 318 Columbia street
WILL rent 5 rooms rt my 6-room well
furnished flat for $0n pr month; mod
ern conveniences, west ide; wnlking dts-
t a h ee :rr f e 1 cn cos cx- h. C 03. Orrgonlnn.
4-ROO.M furnifhedf la t strict Iyclean and
modern, ado its only. Garage; phone
Automatlc 220-:i!V
3-Room furnished lower (UiT, cTose-iu,
$2 per month; lease 6 months or longer.
M E. 7 Mi M ., between t 11 k a n d Pine.
$00 4 ROMS of mv c.-a n t iur niched
'1 1 lull y placo.
tla t for pen t . ud u 1 is.
before 2, after 0.
FIVE rooms, f inly fur n ij-Ih d. sleeping
porch, piano ; adults; references. 781
Overlook blvd.
$7: BKAUTI FULLV turn ished 0-r. lower
Hat for rent. 00 Trinity place, before 2,
a f ' er 0
5-ROOM bungalow flat, sit oping pot eh,
1 ir place, bard wood floors, tiled bat h,
furnace. 3i( Olenn ave.
flat, beautifully fur-
adult only. o:;2 Mar-
nished, rent $0
4-Room flat, nicely furnished, bath,
electricity, furnacs heat, $.;0. 06,1
Ervimr st.
5-RoOM. furnace, tireplaco, porch, $10.
80 85H Hn ;ont. E ast 7 0 h f t e rJ 0 A . M.
5 Rooms, first floor, 400 Montgomery "at.
Mar. SirjH.
4-Rou.M furnished, with bath; adults
only Ka;:t 3170.
Housekeeping Rooms.
$22.00 Best H. K. rooms in
working people. Very warm
FoR RENT 0-routn lower flat, furnace
bath, fireplace, gus, electricity, sleeping
porch, completely modern. 4 40 E. 3t h
st., $40 per mo. See J. L. Wells Co., OOl
Gasco bldg. Sellwood URL
UPPER flat, 7 rooms and fine large sleep
in it iiorch: excellent condition. line view
walking distance; rent $00. This Is 303
tilth st., Just south of Montgomery,
Strong Ait Co., 606 Chamber of Commerce.
10'RTI.AND HEIGH TS M od e r n flat.
rooms, hardwood floors, sleeping porch
unobstructed view, garage, $00. East
FOR RENT 4 rooms, unfurnished flats,
new and modern, central location, de
sirable neighborhood. Call, see owner. 747
E. Burnside st.
4-RooM fiat, near Laurel hurst park, gas
mnce. linoleum. aisaDDearins ned. s.i
Main 802. Geo. T. Moore Co., luo7 Yeon
MODE RN, newly decorated 6 rooms and
norches. 2d story. 4o; nice neighbor
hood, cloe in. owner, 300 14th St., near
Clay. Main r.:i"Jtk
4-ROOM flat for rent ; gas and electric;
lower flat; $18.50 a month. Call East
83 15.
ROOMS, unfurnished, upper flat, elec
tricity and gas, walking distance; adult
only, o.t.i E. star
0-ROOM, modern, unfurnished fiat, gas
range and water bill furnished, adults,
$:t:. Inquire 5 411 (lantenbeln ave.
4-ROOM flat, Laurelhurst, garage, heat.
water and phone lurnl.hed. lot Ml Holla
day, corner of 33d. $00. Auto. 231-31.
4 ROOMS.' bath: n'ar Jefferson high
school; $35 mouth. Phone 314-48. 1035
Rodney ave.
6-ROOM flat, walking distance, nice view;
W. S. ; fireplace, furnace, 380 J6th
yX south of Montgomery; $37.5Q. Vlnnev.
CORNER, modern, conveniently located,
cheap taken at once. 480 B. Couch. 3277.
A VERY nice flat, 4 rooms and Inclosed
sleeping porch. $45 per month; Includes
heat and water. Call at 21 st.
LOWER fiat, four rooms and bath. $27
P-- month. Is modern. No children.
Utort "amnhell "st.
SMALL flat at r.ght rent to right couple.
27 K. 12th st. N.
jjo 3-ROOM flat. 621 Overton, west side.
Water, gas for bat h free. East 1 0 04.
5 ROOMS with 'sleeping porch. 433 Mont'
gome ry, near I2t h. Mar. 3400.
4-ROOM unfurnished flat, beautifully lo
cated; adults. s:i.. Call Woodlawn 6170.
LOWER flat, 4 rnis. and bath, all mod'
ern; no children. 1360 Denver st.
CLEAN, modem lower flat at Willbridge
Phone East v14.
LOWER flat with or without garage. C61
East Salmon st.. cnr. 18th.
$J3 MODERN 0-room flat, east end of
Hroadway bridge. ai3 1 herry street.
MODERN 0-room flat, near Rennon and
Washington high. Tnbor 5038.
6 ROOMS, west side; adults, $21.00.
lerllnuer liPlg,
$.;o UN FURNISH ED steam-heated, four-
room ruit. Alain
-Itt OM modern
$30 per month.
flat. On Sandy
Call East 661.
Furn ! bed Plot.
NORTH IRVINGTON Lower flat to rent,
full basement and rurnace. 5tti Prescolt
st. Phone Woodlawn 15SS.
CLEAN, medern. well-furnished 4-room
lower flat, close in u;u r.ast Morrison
st SS car. East 7264 or East 5034.
FIVE rooms, modern, porches, furnace,
fireplHce. garaiee, rurnisneri or untur-
nlshed. 30:t 3Mh. Tahor 5700.
0-ROOM, lower flat. nicely furnished.
clean, near Hawthorne ave. and 46th st.
Call 1046 Hawthorne ave.
0-ROOM, upper, outside flat. sleeping
porch, fireplace, gas range. 700 U Hoyt
st. E 31176.
4-ROOM. attractively furnished flat, adults
only. Sunday or evenings after 8. 630-j
Marshall st.
UNION AVE., and Killingsworth; fur. apt.
$21.00; all complete; concrete buildings.
TH E PENROSE. Grand ave. at Belmont.
K ast 4548. Cholc e 2 and g-room apts.
BUEN A V 1ST A 434 Harrison First -clau
2 and 3-room apts. Main 1052.
AND 3-ROOM furnished apis Juilana
apts.. 40 Trtnliy place. Mar. Pa3.
ALTAMONT apts.. 304 College St.-
nicely furnished.
THE CHELTENHAM, very desirable apt.,
10th and Northrup. Bdwy. 3608.
NEATLY furnlahed apartment, four rooms
and bath. 860 Sandy blvd.
A BEAUTIFUL furnished 4-room apart
ment. Southampton, 414 10th su
MODERN -4-room nicely furnished
616 Commercial st. Phone 310-01.
NICELY fur. 4-room flat, permanent
sponsible, adult. 4V E. 0th st. N.
3-ROOM lower, plann. west side. Call after
2 P. M. Main 3164.
MODERN 0-room flat for rent. furn. for
Dale After 11, A. M.. 20R 14th.
4-ROOM .furnished flat, beautifully dec
orated: adults. $35. Woodlawn 6170.
LOWER 6-room flat. 328 Park street.
Open 0 A. M to 5 P. M. Bdwy. 4401.
2 LARGE unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
steam hent. !M 7 H Union ave. N.
TWO FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms.
20 0 Clay. Alain 58(12.
FOR SALE Furniture, dose in, five-room
fiat. Call Main 2fift.
$24) AND
citv tn
nnd comfortable- for the winter. Per
fvtly clean and good rondli Ion. Elec
tric lights, heat, hot and cold water,
free phone, latwidry privileges. No linen
furnished. Ea.ty wnlking dim ance. De!
Tnonte. 1 07 StouJ St.. 1 block south of
V'H h and Wash In gf on sts.
RIG HT downtown, small, airy h. k. room
to boy employed, $2.50 weekly ; lari;e(
clean room wit h kit c hen ft te ; prefer 2
girls or boys employed, $0 weekly; large
two-room front sunny bay window suite,
very well furnished, instantaneous hot
water, gas rane, etc. Large elioug h.
A 'rrgonian.
23 ROOMS, all on our floor, with lots of
good furniture; running water and sinks,
electricity and gas, with ns mimes;
always full, with good net income; will
sell reasonably, with terms. Call Mon
day at 300 Grand ave, or phono E.
RIGHT down twn. lit'ht, el. an sirtglu h. k.
room, connectlnc bath. $4 weekly, (mall,
airy h. k. rooms. $2.00 week!; large 2
room front sunny hav window suite, very
well furnished; Instantaneous hot water,
gas range, etc : largo enough lor 4 ; $S
wee k 1 y. 17 1 1 lOth s
$3 PER W EEK and Up for housekeeping
rooms and suite, every convenience, hot
water, linen, bath and phone free; suit
able for single men. The Abbott hotel,
22-stfr Wwwhingto n.
A NICELY furnished two-room H. K.
apartment in nice homelike p!a'e;
every convenience, hot anil cold water,
a 1o one largo front room. 5(17 Clay st.
Mar. 3002
FU UN ISH ED H. K rooms. 1 room w 1th
kitchenette, hot and cold water, private
phone, electric lights, steam heat, five
minutes' walk to town. 201 Col urnbia,
near Fifth.
CLEAN, itewlv decorated h. k. room with
large chwt. all modern. Including
steam h"at. $10 mo. A !.. 2 con net ting
rooms at $20. 2 blocks from J4th and
Mont iron. cry. Mil Harrison.
TWO BASEMENT rooms for housekeeping.
1 housekeeping room on serond floor m1
one sleeping room on ground floor, 524
Morrison. Main nn:tt.
WANT .ouceiiiHl k'lrl, employed, to share
3-rm. modern flat. Call Main H6s be
tween 10-12 Sunday or Monday. Ask for
M ixs Rlcha rdnon.
ONE FURNISHED housekeeping room on
the main floor, suit 11 hie for 1 or 2 pen
sions, walking distance. 168 North lsth
st reet.
EXTRA large, sinKle, outride rooms,
kitchenette, ground floor, close In, clean
an wax, $4 70; m-cond floor $3.7." ; a real
home place. 4:t 2d st. Main 50"7.
O N E O ft 2-roorn apartment, 11 1 ee 1 y f 1 1 r
nlrhed, hath, phone, walking distant s,
reasonable. 26 I .let ferson.
SINGLE housekeeping room, hent and Kas
furnished; $16 month. Goodnout-h bldg.,
corner Oth and Yamhill sts.. room 4o',t
BEST H. KTrooms for the money, st ea in
heat hot and cold whIt. The Ma pie,
30 N. 17th st.. near Wathington.
H. K. ROOMS, suite or single, by week,
$2.00 up. Special rate by month. 12 '?
Grand Jive.
NICE, clean suite H, K. rooms, also one
sleeping room, new management. OMJ
('ouch st.
ONE 2-room furnished H. K. suite, tilt
aide for 3 or 4 workinir iiin; slso one
single If. K. ronnv .''.to Salmon.
THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshal Fur
nished H. K. rooms, $10 up. Including
hot wn ter. electric lights, laundry room.
CLEAN furnished housekocptng rooms for
rent. 340 Jefferson st., between Park
and Broadway.
FURNISHED housekeeping room, albo pri
vate sleeping mom ; reasonable; q lint
neighborhood. 2-tO 10th st.. near Salmon.
NOB hYlL location deMra'ble. turn Is tied
h. k. rooms, also sleeping rooms. 6;3 Vi
Glisan st.
1-2-3 rooms, h. k.. steam heat; $2 15
w ejk ; children w el c o me. 2 1 1 3 Sta n t o n.
LARGE h. k. room, nicely furnished, elec
tricity and gas; walking distance, 307
12th st.
MANOR BoTEL, 271 Morrison st., 3Ur
shall 20Q8. Two-room apart mnts.
NEAT single h. k. rooms, $8 and $10 per
month. 201-13.
LA Rt; E steam -heated h. k, room, $5 per
ween. im oiumma.
TWO LARGE front rooms, light and clean.
good location. 932.50. 307 12th st.
FURNISHED h. k. rooms, electric lights.
11.75 per week and up. 326 '4 1st Ft.
FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, steam
heat. 004 Flanders. Hroadway 1 1 36.
Sl.;i,E rooms. $12 to $18;,
w .1 yg. 6 . . r 1.1 n n e r s.
hot water al-
N ICE housekeeping mom for bachelor.
iin a montn iw.i intn t snin hm-..
2 FI'ItNJSHED hounekeepirig rooms, clean.
light, ntry; running water. :h 1-Jth sr.
ONE 2-ROOM furnished apt.; 1 3-room
furn is h ed a pt. 208 Montgomery st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clean and cios-s
In; m eet you with a smile. I To 13th st ,
2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in. 471
Alder st.
2 ROOMS and kitchenette, furnished, light
and heat : $:tt. fall Marshall 2700
FOUR nice clean furnished housekeeping
rooms. 263 Hooker st, Main os;;o.
5 ROOMS, first floor, 405 Montgomery st.
Mar. 3U2S.
Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family.
LARGE h. k. room. Orst Door; running
w h ter: also basement rooms, reasonable.
2'.'l .IefTerson.
2 OR 4 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished.
s.i. fan today or arter. hm:i a t.
FRONT 2-room apt. 300j Jefferson St.,
corner of oth st.
NICE h. k. rooms with light,
phon and hat h. East 3?S3.
TWO LARt'E front H. K. rooms. $2
adults only; near . w. o. a. Mae. 167"
LAUV, employed, to share cojv honin of
mlddip-gd wtdow. oodla wn Hinl.
TWO FRONT rooms, heat, light and phone
furnlfhed. 4t r.. ?un cor, t ouch.
ONE ROOM and kitchen, stove heat, elec
tricity, gas, sin montn. pom Oavts.
3 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, ground
floor, gas, oath, reasonahie. rmnt.
Tabor 822.
k. rooms. 100 E. "30th.
CLEAN, f urn ished rooms, free lights.
bath, pho ne : adults. Phone wiy n. 38 , 3.
ROOMS, single or en suite. Phone, bath.
at pre-war prices. Hawthorne ave.
NICELY furnished housekeeping roums.
walk Ing d istance. 461 Rodney a ve.
FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, heat.
1 1 g ht. oatn. pnone. ss 14th.
FURNISH ED. 1 room, with kitchenette;
1 sleep in k room .Mar. IMltn.
FUR N D5 B ED hous- keep! nit rooms.
c o nvenlences. i ts 1 iiurma tv
room, jiii
room $12 mo.; also sleeping
Main 3H22.
EU R N ISH EI housekeeping rooms.
PHniont. E-ist 6175.
TWO CLEAN, airy H K. rooms, $18 psr
man la. lift . ii-st.