TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTL'AXD, OCTOBER 0, 1021 11 RKAL K ST ATE. Fur Niilt 1Iuuk-. K. SU.MKKV1L.1-K. EXCEPTIONALLY looI BUT 3. KOSK CITY 11KALTY. j.-jHUO TKKilS. ' VERY ATTKACT1 V'K NRW, 4-ROOM TUNOALOW. CALIFORNIA STYLK, CASK M K N T W 1 N DO W S. P KROOLA 9. LAROK LIVING H M. KI K K FLACK, OAK FLOORS, 2 KINK BKDKOOMS, C-ON.VKcTINfi. RATH ROOM. H A N I Y I'l'Tt.'H K1TCIIKN ANL 1IR KA Kt'AST NOK, IlUl'I WATKR HKATKR, CK M K N T U A S K M K N T, 1 A S V V R N ACK, i'RKXCH DOuKS; OARAGE. AiifciAUTlf AM A BAKU A IN. HAWTHORNE! $:.int cash $ .oo. $4200 VERY AUTISTIC. CORNER Pt'MJALOW; 5 ROOMS, DANDY K1RK I'LACE. KULL CK.M.KNT ItASKMKNT. JTRNAC K. LAI N I R Y ROOM . F 1 N K LOCATION ON ULAL'TIFUL CORNER LOT; BEAUTIFUL LAWN AND FLOW R3. ROSR CITT. $r,200 6VT K. 4HTH ST. N. ONE OF TH K liKST ULISl.N KOSK 1,11 I. ATTRACTIVK 3-ROOM RL'NOALOW, LAROK I'LATK-OLASS WINDOWS IN KINK HIO LIVING ROOM, FIREPLACE. MIRROR DOOR: BEAUTIFUL DINING ROOM WITH LAKOti PLATE GLASS WINDOWS; BUFFET. DUTCH K ITU 11 EN. BREAKFAST NOOK. REFRIGER ATOR ROOM; 2 FINE AIRY BED ROOMS, LABOR ATTIC. FURNACE. BUILT BY OWNER FOR HIS HOME. SERVICE MEN. WE HAVE SOME ATTRACTIVE BUYS THAT YOU CAN APPLY YOUR LOAN ON. HAVE PLACED SEVERAL IN THEIR OWN HOMES FOR A3 LOW AS $00 DOWN. SEE OUR LISTS. It. SOMERVILLK. BROADWAY 2473. REALTOR. t 320 TT. S. NAT. BANK PIDO. LAURELHI'RST SPECIAL. BEAUTIFUL STUCCO BUNGALOW. PRICE it,lo0 TODAY. FORMERLY PRICED AT $11,500. FEERLES3 AND HASSALO. Last Sunday I offered for sale and sold the beautiful bunealow at 4 -itl and E. Courh at a baricaln price. Today I am offering this beautiful home at a blgKer barKaln. This bungalow home ban six larKu rooms, all on the one floor; den. living" rooms 15xL'S, dining room across the. front, tile bath, delightful kitchen Uh tile drain boards; hardw'd through out: furnace Initialled; trurane. A won derful Krcut bl double corner lot; lawn all In and landscaped. Don't miss peeing this hlKh-class home Sunday. The pretty white stucco bungalow at rEERLKSS AND HASSALO. One Block South of 3:td and Sandy. A. C. JEWELL, Selling Agent. Tabor 2411. Tabor 8720. Ilniisp open Sunflrty for ln?p"ctlon. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLU SIVE HOME 7 rooms and Bleep Ipk pore h. extra large living room Bcro.' south side, lota of sunshine, with unobstructed view. This is a up lend id home, complete in very detail, not offered be fore. Owner now leaving flty ; Immediate possession. Price ftfoOO, Terms. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO. S5 4th St. Broadway 2980. IRVINGTON. Wilt build bungalow on choice east facing lot oa 'JUh at. N.. off Brazee. Have claasy 5-room bungalow In Rose City, just completed. Will show you thi and prove we do first-class work; can refer to several customers; will build to suit and give you a price on easy terms that is hard to beat. This la worth investigating. J. GORDH, PHONE EAST 7900. AX ORE OF THOSE NEW BUNGALOWS AT $225 DOWN. For right down value, for convenience, for attractive situation, you can't beat our new $-600 bungalows; has nearly everything which yon get with a 5Ul)0 home, only more compact. Several clone to Sandy. R. C. district. You will be through "shopping" when you see (hese. Also some higher priced homes under construction. O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., REALTORS. 40H-11 Couch Bldg. 4th St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. Open Sunday after - P. M. iOSE CITY PARK, 441 E. 63d N., Just completed, for sale by owner, beautiful home of 5 rooms and large attic, full cement banement, furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, large living room and dining room, papered, all bullt-lns. strict ly modern, French doors with beveled plate glass; concrete porch with large column, tight fixtures and blinds In. open after li P. M. Sunday, owner, 51st and . Sandy. Call Tabor 6 1 ST. HA WTHoRNE. $6UU CASH .".-room bun galow, all large rooms, most complete home listed for the money; has hard wood floors, all built-lns, fireplace, fur nace, also finished at tic and full ce ment basement; nuxlOO; 1 block to pav ing, lVa blocks to car. Don't miss this If you are in the market for a re home at the right price, $3800. Call East IlSfC tod;iy V E HAVE one of those new BUNGA LOWS you are looking for, five rooms, bsmt. attic all convenience; will add a garage if wanted; price $4500, terms. Workmanship and material the bst. Bee house, 1LT7 E. 21st st. So., West moreland, then call and see us. Auto. M 4 -.'('.. 610 McKay bldg., owner and builder. KEW R-ROOM bungalow, complete In every way, hardwood floors and all con veniences; the beat workmanship and material; will sell at the right price and terms; look at this hou.se located at BM0 Boliaday ave., near 33d, In Laurelhurta, and then call us up or come in house, open Sunday. Auto. 514-311. Builder and owner, 61, McKay bldg. BY OWNER. 5-room newly ref inished modern bun galow, close in, near two car lines; price $3700. not less than $500 down, reason able terms on balance, low rate of In terest ; would consider light automobile as part payment and also consider sol dier's bonus. Phone Wdin. 3tt!U, or call '''tO Present t St., ner Williams ave. ROSE CITY PARK. SAVE $300. Buy of owneB new 5-room bungalow, large rooms; gn make 2 more upstairs; all modern conveniences ; large garage ; everything the best material, oak floors, tapeatry paper, fireplace, furnace ; built for a home; terms. Auto. 3J3-07. &-ltt OM Jtnso City bungalow, living room J3x-4, pretty fireplace, bookcases, pol ished oak floors, pl.ite-glasN windows, very fine built-lns, pretty and conven ient Dutch kitchen, complete in every way; garage; below the hill, near Sandy; price reduced to $5."00. Broadway 4S35, SeMwond 1115. Bit! LOT. fruit, berries, grapes, charming little fl-room plastered home, clean as a pin, electric lights, bath, basement. This is a very great bargain fr 1.)0. very easy terms, vacant; drive out Powell valley to 76th st. (paved), south to 45th ave., 1 block west. 1 block north, 4334 75th st. Owner, Mar. 746 forenoons. IRVINGTON DISTRICT 1000 CASH. Full lot : beautiful home. 12 rooms. modern: paved st. Will sell at $ti(MMl: $ lOuO cash. Income from rentals will pay for this home. This is both a dandy home and an income. Call Main 1573 Sunday after - 1. M. or Monday. No ng-'nts. FURNISHED HOUSE. $11060. ONLY $150 CASH. For 3 months' rent, or $150, we will give you possession of a dandy 4-room furnished houe in Woodstock; full lot. Step into a complete home. Best snap today. Call Mam !. alter Z i M. today and all d;iy Monday. FOR SALE BY OWNER, HOSE CITY PARK. (WO EAST 47TU ST. NORTH Modern 4-room colonial bungalow. lepeing porch, garage; all street im provements in and paiu; on terms; take $35on to handle. See i to o r. M. YOU CAN'T DO BETTER FOR $350, A wonderfully attractive nearly new 6-rm. house, dose in on east side, with full lot. fruits and every convenience. This certainly has them all beat at $3700. $350 cash. Easy terms. Call Main 1575 today or Monday. No agents. i'JKI'MONT home; ideal arm ngemenls for large family ; built by M ichigan con tractor for self; double constructed, duu ble plastered, white oak floors, corner lot, 4 block of Jefferson high. Owner, 11!15 H:iu:ht ave. Wdln. 5535 HERE Is a bargain fur you; '7-room mud ern, large corner lot. 100x00. all im provemrnts in iml p;td. on Schuyler and 8d sts. ; price $ii-0. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bids'. fcJVVEN-RooM house, near Westover; fire place, hardwood floors, pipeless furnace, enamel wood ork, a u torn a tic water heater, electric range; fine view and ex cellent neighborhood; terms. lOUS Ra leigh st.. Main SUS4. 2s E W WALNUT PARK bungalow of 7 rooms, noncsi construction, gooa loca tion ; must be Keen to be appreciated ; garage; oniy to.iuu; cash $1000. f. IS. Grant. Wdln. 5.'35. NEW PIEDMONT, 7 rooms, large living room, music room, tapestry paper, latest finish, best or material and construction, onlv $71i5o; cash $1500. R. It, Grant, Wdln. 553'.. 15 ROOMS $750 CASH. Good west side location, rent $45: elec trlcitv and gas. A real value. For uulck sale. $1050; $750 cash. Call Main 1075 today after a f. Al or Monday. , REAL ESTATK. For bale iloasea. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. CHARMING NEW HOME. Located on one of Irving ton's finest streets and in a very select district is this mot beautiful 7-room square colonial home; very large, cheerful rooms, with 4 bed rooms up; tile bath floor, floor tub; finished In the be?t Ivory and tapestry paper, and high grade oak poiiahed floors up and down ; large plate-glass windows, lovely fireplace and furnace; garage. This home Is In the $10.ooo class but can be purchased at a figure that makes it a real Investment. Lo not delay In seeing this. D. W. ALTON. AUTO, SEE THESE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES. These are just a few of our GOOD BUYS. We have many others and will be glad to show them to you at any time. EX-SERVICE MEN, WE HAVE A NUMBER OF BUYS THAT REQUIRE VERY SMALL CASH PAYMENTS. SEE US BEFORE BUYING $4000 HAWTHORNE SE-SERVICE MEN ONLY; NOTHING DOWN and $40 per month buys this six room home on 66 2-3x100 lot; Dutch kitchen, cement basement; Improvements In and paid; a real opportunity. $4700 HAWTHORNE 5-room bunga low with oak floors, fireplace, cement basement, furnace and garage; nicely finished through out and located In the best of Hawthorne; easy terms. Call today. R. U McGREW. Hawthorne Ave. Tabor RR92. HAVE you a good cash payment? If so, here is a sacrifice; 6 rooms and sleep ing porch ; the popular story-and-half bungalow, with one bedroom and lava tory on first floor; 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bath on second floor; very nicely arranged; fireplace and all bullt lns; lovely corner lot, paved street, close In; only $4400. A decided bargain. . See It today, 830 E. 1 1th St., corner Boise. Do not disturb occupants. O. A. PEAKCJ5 CO., 201 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 4S35. HOME paying for itself. Reed college students are asking for rooms and tins large home Is very close to the campus. There are 8 sleeping rooms, so quite an income Is possible. House Is compara tively new. well built and beautifully finished ; has large lot and garage. Owner leaving city. Can be bought with small cash payment and menthi In stallments. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. Realtors. 24tl Stark St. Marshall 5454. PORTLAND HTS. VIEW PROPERTY. 12850 $2H50. GO SEE THIS. 4-room bungalow, bath room and breakfast nook; lot 54x105: has view of the entire Tualatin valley. House not quite finished Inside. Owner will sell at less than cost to date. Take C. C. car to Mt. Zion station, go 400 feet S. on Falrmount blvd. to 795. FINE home, near city limits. 6 rms., bath, garage, wood and cold stor age house; 1 acre land cultivated. SO fruit trees bearing, all kinds berries, chicken house, etc., or will exchange for small home, close In. OWNER, AUTO. oil-4ti. NEW IRVINGTON COLONIAL. 708 E. llth st. North; large rooms and breakfast room, strictly modern and up to the minute; beat surroundings, beautifully papered; guaranteed heating plant; $SS50. F. B. Turner, owner and builder, titil Fremont. $2500 BUYS a tl-room house on paved su. right in Alberta. 5-room modern bungalow, brand new, close mto car and tchool; lot 50x100; garage; $30O0; good terms. McGEE & DENNIS. Ofifl Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 5tlS4. DO YOU WANT 1 R V I N G T ON HOME? bbci TH IS B ROOM-$5000 $1000 CASH NO MORTGAGE. OWNER is leaving city; must sell QUICKLY ; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch, garage, pay ments like rent; per cent interest. IMMEDIATE possession. Phone Marshall IQ'J'J. Sellwood 27'jt evenings. NEW 5-ROOM bungalow, modern in every respect, wim naruwood floors, Dutch kitohen. French windows and doors, tap estry paper, finished in old ivory: full basement, street and sewer assessments paid. Contract price of building. $3500; price $4L'00; terms; discount for cash. 2015 E. Burnside st. Wdln. 02. BEAUTIFUL 5-room bungalow, lot 200x 10O; garage, sanitary cow barn, large hen house, lots of hearing fruits and ber ries; 200 feet from car; nr. high school. $(1000. or will sell moxloo with house for $30O0. $1000 down, balance 6 per cent. This Is a beautiful home. S. BORLAVD, 313 Stock Exrh. Bldg. Automatic 520-04. ROSE CITY bungalow, below the hill; five lovely rooms, large living, 13x10. across front; pretty fireplace, lovely built-lns In living and dining rooms, nice Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; ROxlOO lot. This is the best S5OO0 house you will find, only $750 cash or bonus considered. Broadway 4K35 or Sell. 1115. STRICTLY modern Holladay-Irvington 6-room bungalow; high-grade workman whip ; sleeping porch ; furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. built-in refrigerator, large floored attic, garage, etc. ; owner leaving city; only $5750; terms. Phone East ME31. Hi KSE CITY PARK $3HOO TERMS. Here is a strictly modern, good-looking bungalow, including gas. hot-water heater and gas register; also garage; corner lot on tJ5th st; the numler is 7HS; go loo k at it or' c a 1 1 Tabor 21 U). WHY NOT BUILD and get a home according to your IdeasT I build and ilnance better class homes. N. O. KKLUND. 611 E. 61st. N cor. of Sandy blvd. Tabor 60. LEAVING city, forced to eacrllice one of OH. Tabor's most beautiful homes. 8 rooms, strictly up to date; large corner lot: with or without furniture. Call owner. Aulo. 22H-US. 4-ROOM HOUSE. $1250. A dandy little place, all rooms plaat tered. Dutch kitchen, 50x118 lot. 2 blks. from Mt. Scott car. Terms. A. H. AKKRSON, 4J0 Henry Bids. ROSE CITY PARK. $4550 will buy a nearly new. modern. 5-room bungalow; near Sandy. blvd. $750 cash, balance small monthly payments. Call Auto. 311-13. NEAT 7-room house, bungalow-style, mod ern improvements, newly decorated; full lot In Woodlawn district ; bargain price $2000, terms if desired. J. W. Kenna, owner. 110 North Ninth st. FOB SALE BY OWNER. 5-room house and lot close to high and grammar schools; excellent car ervlce, two blocks from car line. Price reasonable. Main M2.. NKAK Hose City Park, 5 rooms and bath, 100x100 ground, fruit and roses. Some terms, $-250, Jf sold tins week. See owner during working hours. 282 E. r.-sth st. N. HAVE new tt-room bungalow, will sell reasonable and take some trade; reason able terms on deferred payments. Sell wood 2SIMJ. $J5 CASH. $25 monthly, buys a 4-room plastered house at 702 Tacoma ave. ; price $1200; purchaser can work out most payments as owner Is building. NEW, MODERN 5-room and breakfast room; 3 lots; $4300: with I lot $3400. Firland station. Tabor 5470. Call Mon HAVE TO SACRIFICE Brand new, modern bungalow ; paid $3250: take $2150: very easy terms. U ner. O 111. Oregon lan. 6-ROOM house, 60x110. modern: Penin- siiia Park; plenty irult; 4 blocks to car: real home; $2750. Main 742V. Bdwy. 4704. $250 CASH New 4-room bungalow In good district; owner leaving and must be sold this week; $2000. Call Main 7t36 today. " " $1000. For sale by owner, 2-room house, lot 65x125, corner; 14 fruit trees; $25 down, $20 month. Main 0M1. 4-ROOM new modern bungalow, south Mt. Tabor; take liberty iionds or light car as part. East 32!. 9 $3350 BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, fireplace, garage, full cement drive, $750 cash, balance like rent. Tabor 312S. Fl V E-liOoM house, good location. 2 blks. from car line, 13 minutes ride. Price onlv $7oo0. part terms. Woodlawn 2559. REAL KSTATE. For Sale Houses. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW HOME BEAUTIFUL. It Is difficult Indeed to pic ture to the reader this most wonderful California mission bungalow of 7 rooms. There are so , many charming fea tures that one must step In side In order, to realize the unique design and harmonious appointments. The rooms are large yet cheerful and coxy, heavy pastern oak polished floors down, and birdseye maple up; Ivory and tapestry paper; fireplace; two beauti ful bedrooms down and two up: Gasco gas furnace; ga rage; lovely corner lot. right In the cream of Laurelhurst. one block from. car. This beautiful home is In the $20,000 class, but owner la moving to California and of fers at a real bargain. D. W. ALTON. AUTO. 820-19. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $8000 8-room house, hardwood floors, hot water heat, fine view; garage; 50x100 lot. $10,000 6 rooms, 100x100 corner. In best section of Portland Heights. Old but very livable house and good buy. WEST SIDE. $16,000 Splendid buy in Nob hill sec tion, first-class condition with, al mod ern conveniences. Corner lot. ' $17.500 On 20th st.. near Washington; fine home, close in; 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, modern in every respect. COE A. Mc KENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Suburban Home. AT BEAVERTON, OREGON. Nearly 4 acres on good macadamized road, south of Beaverton, S acres under cultivation, balance In pasture. A few fruit trees; 5-room house with electric lights, good chicken house, garage, small barn. Included with place IOO thoroughbred Rhode Island Red chick ens and some equipment, also house hold furniture. Price $3500, large cash payment. Personally Inspected. 5 acres Vi mile from electric station and school. Near Oregon City. AH un der cultivation and good soil. Large bearing orchard of over 140 trees In best of condition ; berries and grapes; 4 room plastered house, with basement. Good chicken house 25x00, barn 24x30. Buildings in good shape. Price $3t00, $1400 cash. The place ts well worth $45O0. VERY SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. ACRE TRACTS NEAR MULTNOMAH, On macadamized road; best of loam soil; no rock or gravel; close to electric line; 0c commutation fare, good car service; city water, gas, electric lights, nice sightly ground. Offered far below value on very easy terms, or will sell In Va-acre tracts. ONLY $200 CASH. 5 acres 2 miles east of Portland limits. Near Base Line road; under culti vation. New 3-room bungalow, good garage. No waste . land. Offered at bargain, easy terms. AT HILLSBORO. OREGON. Nearly 7 acres adjoining limits of Hlllsboro. All under cultivation; a few young fruit trees; 3-room house, celled and papered, woodshed, etc. $500 cash, balance terms. John Ferguson, Realtor, Gerllnger Bids. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. ACREAGE. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Five acres, high and sightly, all cleared and excellent soil, beautiful building site; fine big spring; great for fruit and grapes, proven thicken district; no build ings; good graveled road, few minutes walk to electric line; land In t his vicinity is held at $100 per acre, but this can be had for $500 per acre ; terms. Ten acres of the choicest kind of land for grapes, berries or fruit of any kind; adjoining land shows what crops are produced ; fine spring that can be used to Ir rigate land ; all tillable and K 4 acres under high state of cultiva tion; small house and other buildings; price $5000, $3500 cash, balance your terms. This place ts located on the Oat field (macadam) road. Concord station. 24 acres, all in native trees with wonderful big spring; this place is ' high and sightly and would make a wonderful country home; there is a small house; this is lo cated on the Oat field (macadam) road. Concord station; one of the fw sightly loca ttons wit h native trees left in this section. Few minutes walk to station. Price $.non, $3000 cash, balance your terms. If you are looking for a subur ban home on the Oregon City car line, let us help you make your selection from our big list. We are right on the ground. FREYT AG-MEEDS CO. GLADSTONE. OR. OREGON CITY CAR LINK. PHONE OREGON CITY 2tjOJ. JUST the place for a suburban home. 10 acres all cleared: only 14 mile from city limits of Van couver; house, barn and outbuild ings, electric lights and running water. Only $4t0, $S0rt cash. See Merrifield at 810 Washington at., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 323. MA PE LWOOD A desirable view home, Oregon Electric. Kc fare; up-to-date ar rangements, bathroom, toliet. lavatory, but It -in kitchen, cement basement, elec tricity, gas. Bull Una water, telephone, south front corner. 4 Iota, graveled county road, garage. Fine assortment of bearing fruit; $3300. which includes shades, ' steel combination range, new Inlaid linoleum. Call Main 32J0. Sun day; weekdays. Marshall 1305. owner. MULTNOMAH station. elegant 5-room bungalow on Capital highway, strictly modern with garage: $3500, easy terms. $2300 buys a nice little 4-room, double constructed bungalow with barh and sleeping porch, garage and fine view lot. 2 fine view lots, only $550, terms. NED BURKE. M u Itnomah. Or. Mnln COZY bungalow, modern, all city conveni ences, gas, heat, garage, chicken house, on a very pretty acre tract, fine soil, nice young family orchard, berries, etc. Furnished If desired. West side ex clusive district, near Rlverdale school. On hard-surface road. Owner 523-72. ONE ACRE, river frontage, high-class residential property, with all city con veniences, close In, on west side; sell reasonable or exchange for cheap Port land property in need of repairs. V 11. Ore gontan. 1 ACRE, river frontage, high -class resi dential property, with all city conven iences; close in on west side; sell rea sonable or exchange for cheap Port land property in need of repairs. V 1L Oregon la n. N i'-'K lot. all kinds of fruit, small house, $750. Some terms. Forced to sell. Phone 60-W MUwaukio. PHONE Mar. 7i6 for suburban homes and acrea. One log cabin. 5 acres, level ; 3- rm. house. 1 acre. .o; -rm. house, west fiide; all bargains: part rash or trade, balance easy terms. Corbet tst. ACRE AND BUNGALOW, ONLY $1500. New 3-room double constructed, lights, fine soil, nice grove of trees, close to S. P. eleclricS See owner, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. $1350 A REAL SNAP. House and Vi acre, fruit trees, base ment, gas. city water, flowers, extra low price. Owner must go east. McFarland, Failing bldg. Mar. 3672. 10 ACRES SUBURBAN. Part cleared, good land; only 6 miles out, west side, at $100 per acre. A snap, terms. F. W. TORGLER, 106 Sherlock Bldg. NICE modern 5-room home In Gladstone, on Oregon City carline; M a., good soil, barn, chicken runs, new wood house ; $1700. Discount for cash. Address F. M. Tozler. Gladstone. Or. CUTE 3-ROOM BUNGALOW $1450. $300 cash, balance easy terms, wooded acre, near electric station and Portland; electric lights, piped water. "Let's go!" McFarland. Realtor. Falling bldg. 4-ROOM cottage, mostly furnished, city water, gas. nicely located, Capitol hill, $140O. terms. Mar. 1874. $2250 SMALL house, 5 acres, fruit, ber ries, garden land, all cultivated. Mc Farland. Realtor, Failing bldg. BARGAIN In Park Rose acreage, modern borne; garage; terms. Tabor 267, REAL ESTATE. Hub urban Humes. $1700 HUBER STATION. almost two acres -of good soil, a 4-room bun galow, semi-Dutch kitchen, small pantry and washroom, gas heat, brick well with plenty of clear water, large screened chicken house, family orchard; cash $000, balance $25 monthly. $3300 HUBER STATION, near BEAV ERTON, 2 acres, attractive 5 room ceiled and papered house, almost new, Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement, gas heat, fine water system, large red barn, ga rage, chicken house, woodshed, , family orchard, full bearing; free wood can be obtained close by for the cutting of It; also 3 acres of good pasture adjoins. All wire fenced. Cash $MH, balance $25 per month. $3500 ALOHA STATION $3500. Fruit and poultry ranch, almost 4 acres, 6-room house, ceiled and papered, gas, garage, barn, chicken house, two wells, COMMERCIAL ORCHARD, full bearing; also a fine vineyard which Is now heavily laden with a splendid crop. This is an attractive place on a good stone road and only about 6 minutes walk to station; cash $looo, balance $25 per month. See this one. $3600 ALOHA STATION $3600. LITTLE HOME RANCH of more than 5 acres, all under cultivation, . one acre In fruit, full bearing; 6-room house, al- most new; Dutch kitchen, with many bullt-lns; good water system, large new barn, hoghouse, chicken house; a most convenient little ranch,' Located on a good macadam road, close to state high way and school, only about 25 minutes' drive to Portland, 6 minutes' walk to S. P. station. Widow selling at a sac rifice. Cash $700, balance $20 per month. Investigate this one. The above are only a few of our sub urban homes. We have a well-chosen list some excellent values. Call for in formation. Office open Sunday 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. M. E. DE JOICE COMPANY. 221 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1631. ONE-ACRE TRACTS JOINING CITY LIMITS ON EAST. $900 AND UP. Highly Improved farm: Juat been subdivided; lies level, produc tive soil; faces good macadamized road. Bull Run water and beauti ful view of mountains and city. Some tracts with bearing cherry, pea- and apple trees and others with raspberries, loganberries, etra wherries, currants, grapea and asparagus. Terms $100 down and $50 every three months. SAYLER E. SMITH. 81S Railway Exchange Bldg. 12-ACRE SACRIFICE. Price Only $3600; Worth $6000. LOCATED ON THE RIVER. Wonderful buy, 72 acres. 8 in culti vation; over an acre of bearing family orchard ; about 2 blocks from paved highway on Tualatin river; buildings don't amount to much; fronts on county road; river forms back line. A REAL SNAP FOR A QUICK SALE. LISTEN We have dozens of modern suburban homes for you to choose from. Large list of chicken ranches and small farms. Why not come to headquarters for this class of property? G. G. McCORMIC CO.. Moved to 207 Failing Bldg. Main R220. or Main fl.HS. FOR SALE How would you like a home in the country with all city conven iences, electricity, gas, telephone. Bull Run water? Five-room house, modern In every respect, with garage. Hardwood floors In living and dining rooms. Beau tiful view Mt. Hood dominating feature. Apple, pear, plum and cherry trees, all full bearing; loganberries, raspberries and everbearing strawberries. Chicken houses and runs. Only 20 minutes from center of Portland over scenic Terw li nger boulevard. Oregon Electric station 3 minutes' walk. Obliged by business to move to California is reason for sell ing. Sell for $6000, terms. Main 653. -ACRE SUBURBAN HOME. Beautiful, graceful outlines and excel lent proportions; a cheerful fireplace.: its butlt-tn features and light, airy rooms are the characteristics of this delightful bungalow, and its setting among the beautiful fir trees adds very consider ably to Its charm. Facing the Powell Valley road, 2 miles east of city limits, where you can have city conveniences. $4250. $1000 cash: for appointment to day call Tabor 7364. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. HALF-ACRE SNAP. At Garden Home, Oregon Electric. SACRIFICE FOR CASH. 3 rooms, plastered, besides large sleep ing porch ; gas, electricity and water; chicken house; all well fenced: all cul tivated; some young fruit trees and ber ries; close to station; 46 trains daily; 0c commutation fare. Owner is non-rest -dent; must have money; has been ask ing $2500 on terms. Will sacrifice for cash. MAKE AN OFFER. G. O. MrCORMIC CO., Moved to 207 Failing Building. Alain R220. or Main 031 S. BEAUTIFUL home on Peninsula and finest opportunity for small dairy in vicinity of Portland: almost three fourths acre (4 50x100 lots), with 33 choice bearing fruit trees: modern 5 room house, with basement, reception hall. etc. ; new, modern dairy barn, chicken house, garage, berries, electric lights, gas. city water. 100 feet from tar. street improvements all paid, good car servlee: will sell all or part ; no agents. Owner. Columbia 76 or Auto. h3i-77. $ 2000 F I N K SUB U R B A N H O M F: $ 2000 ' acres, one acre (n garden, orchard and berries; good 7-room house, with bath and pantry, hot and cold water ; tlmher for family use. double garage, good barn, equipped with stanchions, etc.; brooder house, woodshed, chicken house and runs; a few yards to store and graded school, mile to electric station on fine road, near a good town: price $2O0O. S. E. Wooster. Estacada. "r. $100O FOR QUICK ACTION. Beautiful country home, just fin ished: artistic rustic hungalow. 4 rooms and sleeping porch; in beautiful cedar grove, 14 miles west from city, on good rroad; 2 acres, nearly all In cultiva tion. This Is a real buy. 0-wner must sacrifice. W. M. Umhdnstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 165$. HUBER STATION BUY. Nearly 1 4 acres. 1 block from high way, near school; new 4-room house with bat h. pantry, sink with water, brick hfmney, large living room, front porch with trellis, back porch enclosed; only $'fi.0 p nd easy trm s HENRY W GOpDARP, REALTOR. 243 Stark Street Main R31. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE, ONLY $2250. New 4-room hungalow, double con structed, plumbing, water, lights, acre home site; fine spring brook: on rock road; price only $250; $L'00 will handle, balance like rent. See owner, 500 Con cord bldg., 2d and Stark. DURHAM STATION $2700. Full acre, near sta tion : very pretty R-room bunffalow with lights and close tc- schocl : very best soil ; adjoin fner acreage can be bought; $500 cash will handle. HEXRV W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark Street. Main 831. $2500 2V ACRES. 5-room house, small barn and other outbldgs.; good well, bearing orchard and all kinds of berries: 80 chickens; H mile east of Parkplaee sta.. close to school and stores; y cah ard terms. E. M. Ladd. R.,6, Box 165, Oregon City. CHEAP CHICKEN RANCH $1650. Two acres, all In cultivation, near Ramapo station, fruit. 4-room hon'f. pood wel ; price only $1650 and $500 ensh will handle. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark Street. Main SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL St'BURBAN homes ranging in price from $t000 to $25,O00. For particulars call MRS. SNOW. Broadwav 4664. 320 Lumbermen! Bldg. POWELL VALLEY. $1650 We have a choic 2-acre tract, with good temporary buildings, front ing on the highway; just a convenient and delightful drive from business cen ter. Ideal spot for your suburban home. See A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermen bldg. MODERN hungalow. with two sightly lots, on Buckingham Heights, for $2650. easy terms; close to Multnomah Station. For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st.. or hi agent, Mrs. Grant, at the Multnomah office. GOING to California, my 2 acres, fine soil, mostly cultivated, at stution. and 4-room house, for $1500 on terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 3 65S. 5 ACRES ONLY, $1000. Nine miles from courthouse; level ; fine for chickens, berries; $50 gives pos session. See owner, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. SOME BUY for $1500! One acre In fruit, berries, garden, spring brook, 4-room house, fuel, chickens; 11c fare; terms. W. M. Umbdenstock A, Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. A NICE little 2-room home; lot 50x100. for $3J5: terms reasonable; 4 blocks from depot. Inquire at Orenco store. Orenco, Or ACRES bottom land, fine creek, orch ard and berries; on paved road and car line: close in. $6000, $3000 cash. Owner. H 112. Oregonlan. REAL EtfTATu. Suburban Homes FOSTER ROAD 3 fine acres with 100 trees of assorted fruit in bearing, all kinds of berries. Close to electric sta tion. Creek on place. 4-room house, good spring, fine Jersey cow. Price only $4200 BASE LINE HIGHWAY 2 acres facing on the highway; new tour-room plastered bunga low; large living room, fireplace, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, all built-ins, gas heat, lights; a won derful view; ail in cultivation, fruit and berries. This place is nicely kept, and an exceptional good buy. 1 $1500 will hand le. Price $4000 NEWBERG HIGHWAY 1 acre right on the highway. 18 miies out, close to electric sta tion ; has a fine little bungalow with large living room, kitchen and bedroom; garage, hi acre In strawberries, lots of logan, black and red raspberries. A fine loca tion for store and auto camp. More land obtainable if desired. Price on terms ..$2000 NEW BERG HIGHWAY 4 'i acres all in cultivation, with 2 acres of fine bottom land; acre in strawberries, fine prune orchard, lota of apple, pear, plum and cherry trees ail In bearing; good house located among large shade trees, lots of ross; no rock or gravel; located close to station; only 18 miles over tho highway. A fine place for home or highway business location. Price on terms $3000 OREGON CITY HIGHWAY 8 acres right on the highway. 12 miles out; fine large home with city water, barn. garage and chicken house ; orchard ot 75 trees in bearing; 1 acre In straw berries and quantities of other berries ; horse and farm tools. The price and terms are so low you cannot anora m 1 JJ S.UUU Will lltuuic. $0300 KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Business Pro prty HOUSE. SHOP AND TOOLS $6350. 50x125, with good 5-room residence and auto repair shop, fully equipped with new machinery and tools, includ ing electric motor. Union avenue. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark Street. .Main fcSl. DOWNTOWN CORNER BRICK Investment or mercantile use; old rents paying 10 per cent net on price, which Is leM than assessed value: give terms. F. O. North rup. agent, 620 Chamber of Commerce bidg. REAI. ESTATE. For hale GARAGE, brick building 48x70. 1-story, shed 20x43 on one end used as black smith shop, on main line S. p.. about 40 milts from Portland. $4000, $1000 cash, balance 5 years 6 per cent. Address F. M-. Mt. Angel, Or.. Box 509. FOR SALE or Trade Concrete block building 25x60; renttd for postoftice pur poses; will sell for cash or trade for small business. Price $J10O, with $500 encumbrance. Address Box 28, Cres- well. Or. FACTORY site close In, Southern Pacific right of way; switch from main track to property. A op, wrcgonian. GOOD business corner. Sixth. E. Burnslde, on terms. East uwner. For Sale Acrra g e. by; at JOHN E. HOWARD. Realtor. 318 Chamber of Confmerce. No. 454. BUSINESS MAN'S ACREAGE HOME. 10 acres; all in cultivation; rich sandy loam soil: naturally adapted to truit and berries; 1 acre straw berries, one acre family orchard; good 5-room farm house; extra good barn; cement basement; road on two sides. including hay. J chiokena, 1 hog and some lmpie- ments; 2 acres potatoes; very thickly settled community; gro ceries and feed delivered to the door; mile to school; m miles from smail town and car line; has all rural advantages; 15 minutes' drive from Interstate bridge; paved within short distance of place; an exceptional buy at $4250; $500 cash; balance to suit. THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE, REALTORS. 3d and Main. Vancouver, Wash. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! SOME OF OUR SUBURBAN SPECIALS! EVERY ONE A GOOD BUY! $1300 About V acre; 3-room cottage with city conveniences available; Just off main paved highway and close to school; 6 cords of wood go with the place; EASY TERMS. $1700 1 FULL ACRE! Just outside city limits and tt blks from R. C car; small cottage and chicken house; city water; $300 WILL HANDLE. $1700 Acre in garden and berries; 4-room cottage; garage and chicken house; city water and gas. elec tricity available; good road; 7c car fare. Terms. $1750 RIGHT ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 5 blks. to car and close to school; more than one-third acre and six room plastered house. EASlh.bT OF TERMS. Kendall station. $2200 ONE ACRE: 6-room house; gas and city water; close in; $300 will handle. . 000 COSY BUNGALOW. 3 rooms and sleeping porch, with city water; half acre; just 5 blks. from Mult nomah! Some terms. $3000 RIVER-ROAD SPECIAL! Al most half acre, with 1H bearing fruit trees; 5-room house with electricity and gas; 2 blks. from Oak Grove station; will sell fur niture. GOOD TERMS 3000 Fine 4-room bungalow with all city conveniences and bullt-lns ; 3 blks. to Multnomah station; 4 acre on gravel road. ONLY $00 DOWN ! S400 WILL ACCEPT SOLDIER'S LOAN! Modern 7-room bungalow with all conveniences; over a third acre, about a' 10-mlnute walk from Capitol hill; $300 will give you possession. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, , To Buv Your Suburban Home. 205 Ahington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Wash. nd Stark. ft.-1- ui-Dinv u it F.S.' Two acres choice garden land. In cul tivation; lots of fruit and berries; 4 ronm neat cottage and outbuildings, near station on Oregon City line. $3000, half cash. Five acres, 2 acres in cultivation: new 3-room cottage, furnished: loo chick ens; near school, railway sta.; 10 miles out. $2750; $000 down, bal ance easy. Six acres, extra choice land, running water, also large spring; on the pavement at the railway station; 4 room house, barn, lots of fruit and berries; 10 miles out. $6000; good terms, or will sell half with build ings. This Is nice. Six acres, in cultivation; 6-room house, on pavement. Hlllsboro highway, near Shattuck station. 20 minutes from Broadway by auto. $5500. good terms. . One acre in eulttvatlon; 5-room house, ham. garnee; near ry. sta.. close in. $3500 ; SKOO rash. bal. $25 mo. R M. GATKWOon 'Q- 16.T 4th St. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. One of the most productive and sight lv suburban homes on the west side A good 7-room house in A-1 condition, bath room, laundry, cement basement, fireplace; abundance of fine well water under pressure; garage, brooder house, all kinds of full bearing fruit, walnuts, etc . big asparagus bed. with 6 acres cf fine land all cultivated; located on high level ground, 1 mile west of Oswego. 8 miles from center of Portland, fine paved road to Obwcn. Will se!l place nearly furnished, with tools and family cow price $75O0. liberal terms. Phone owner L. f At water. 171 Oswego. j 000 MY BKAl'tl FUL suburban home must be sold at a sacrifice, as I need some money: stop paying rent and buy mv pla'-e. where you can breathe Put"? air You'll save roin mission. A good large 2-storv residence, barn, chit-ken house and never-failing well, best loam soli, free from rocks and gravel and lies' nlcelv; fronts on fine road, only 15 min. ride' to heart of Portland by auto; contains 6', acres. T will take down, give time on balance. For greatly reduced prlcn and particulars call at 12PM East 15th t. N.. Portland, Or., or phone me. Woodlawn 0305. . SUBURBAN Oregon City carline, 1H acres, 5-room house, sleeping porch, built-lns. chicken house; fine soil; every thing In good condition; $4000. $2500 BUNGALOW. S lots, 5 rooms, garage, elec. light and gaa, near school and station. $3100 PLACE. 3 acres, 4-room house. 4 tons hay. R cords wood, cow, calf, 50 chickens, geese and ducks. Have other places up to $16,000. MRS. F. M. YOUNGS. Realtor. Rlsley Station, Oregon City carline. Out the magnificent Columbia high way. 10 beautiful acres, all in cultiva tion, with beautiful creek on the place, which would make n ideal trout stream; nice bearing orchard of apples, prunes, plums and cherries: one-half acre of potatoes. 2 fine Jersey cows. 33 chickens, 6 tons of hay and fairly good buildings, all for $4"h1h J. B. HO LB ROOK, Realtor, 214-15 Panama Bldg. FOR SALE Situated at Donald, Or., on Oregon Electric. 5 acres, right In town. 2 blocks to electric station and store; good 1 2-room bungalow hotel, barn, woodshed, roothouse. hot and cold water, bath, toilet, electric lights; 3 acres In loganberries and other fruit. Income property; reasonable terms. OreAthouse, 20S Ivv street. Phone East 52JV FINE S U ft U R B A N H O M E $5500. 6'4 acres near Gresham, all good soil; modern bungalow 6 rooms, well finished, good plumbing, concrete basement, fur nace heat, private water system, fine garage, barn and chirken house; all kinds of fruit: only $5500. KR1DER & ELKINGTON, Phone 2341. Gresham. Or. HOME SITE AND BUNGALOW ONLY $1550. Over quarter-acre with 3-room bun galow, water, gas. electricity; only 4 blocks to Pacific highway; 0-cent com muters fare; small down payment gives possession. See owner, 500 Concord bid g.. 2d and stark. H ACRE ground, adjoining city limits of Mllwaukie; modern A-rooun house, city water and gas in chicken house and barn; all kinds of fruit and berries, woven wire fence all around place. For Information call on owner, second house east of 42d at., on Harrison at., Mii waukie. Or. 5 ACRES, half In cultivation, balance original trees, on Oregon Electric at Rvan station, 5 blocks from car and city school. On It there's a 6-room bun galow, all modern improvements, a 2 room cabin, garage, chicken houses; the whole at $7500. terms to ex-service man. Phone owner. Marsnan a.'.iu, DO VOL' KNOW A BARGAIN? An acre in Mllwaukie, 40 bearing trees, garden, fruit and berries, finest land; 6-room house, concrete cellar, barn, chicken houses. Bull Run, gas and electrlcltv; $3500. $300 down. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. For Sale Business Property. NEW 3-ROOM. acre, even with 7 2d St., Greshsm car: $1750. $250 down; water, Saa. ligbta. Main 4112, WILL BUILD APARTMENT HOUSS to cost up to $100,000 on quarter block to Morrison at. to tenant financially able to lease ; no phone Information. F. O Northrup, agent, 626 Chamber of Com merce bldg. WONDERFUL APARTMENT SITE. WEPT SIDE. PRICE ONLY $S0OO. TERMS. RUMMELL A. RUMMELL. 274 STARK STREET. SPECIAL OFFER West side, close in. walking distance, good 6-room house ; lot 60x100; price $5500, terms. E. J. GEISEK, 4J.7 Cham, of Com. ACREAGE BARGAINS. Three acres, all cultivated, all kinds of fruit; 4-room house, partly furnished: barn, outbuildings, 35 chicken, all farm tools; Va mile from Oregon City; $2000; terms. 20 acres, unimproved, easily cleared, fine spring, 8 miles from Portland, close to car line, $5500; trade far house up to $3000. 61! acres, all cultivated; 5-room bun galow, ail newly papered; barn, outbuild ings, orchard, small fruits, 14 miles from Portland. $2MM); terms. m acres, all cultivation, 7-room house, gas and water; barn, outbuildings; cow, pig; all kinds of fruit; on b2d st high way; $3000 terms. y acre, 4-roum plastered house, base ment, gas, water, barn, chicken house. All kinds of fruit, etc , cow. Close to car line, on 82d st. $00. terms. C .W. MILLERSHIP. 165'i Fourth Street. Main 5275. 1 10 ACRES good level land 16 miles south Portland, on rock road. D miles to school; woven-wire fences; 7 acres un der cultivation; all can be farmed when , cleared ; small bearing orchard ; acre raspberries. M acre strawberries; fl room house and shed kitchen, barn, chicken house 12x50, milk house. In cluded with place 1 horse, 1 cow. Hi chickens, hay. 2 acres potatoes, kale, farming implements, cream separator, buggy. etc. ottered at tremendous bargain, with $lloo cash, easy terms on balance, Including chickens, stock, crop. Consider 2-acre place close to town with livable buildings. Ask for Mr. Berger. CHEAP ACREAGE CLOSE IN. 1 5 acres on good road, cioe to Co lumbia highwav, 6 mites east or Tort land limits. All cultivated and good froducti e river bottom land. Price '5o per acre. $50 each, balance In to equal semi-annual payment, 6. This Is dyked land and the dvking charge is about $150 per acre in addition, with 16 years In which to pay. Close to elec tric and steam transportation, high and grade vchooU. GOOD GARDEN LAND Nearly 10 acres 15 miles from center of Portland, near Grey ham, Oregon ; V mile to electric station, mile to school; macadamized road; bearing or chard ; cheap house, barn 20x28. Price $3tii0, $500 cash. This land Is well worth $500 per acre. Inspected by Kemp. 10 acres 10 miles south of center of Portland, close to electric station ; S S acres under cultivation; all can be farmed when cleared ; macadamized road ; 4-room house, other builulng; soma young fruit trees. Price $ 1500. $800 cash. Inspected by Berger. S acres 1 miles from Portland limits. AH can be cultivated when cleared : near school, good oil, Mt. Scott car line. Price $775 cash. Inspected by Mr. Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classilied lists. COUNCIL CREST ACREAGE. Do you know that I can sell you an acre in this wonderful district as low as $1500, on terms that any reasonable person can meet? Why go out in a wil derness, when such a bargain is within 15 minutes' ride of the center of ttie city? All modern conveniences are ad jacent to this property, including a splendid macadamized road; city gas, water, etc. Now, listen! You will never again get this kind of property at such a price. You know that a lot In this district brings a price almost sa much as we are asking for an acre. There is no finer view of the surrounding country than this affords. J. J. MCCARTHY, Ablngton Bldg. GET THIS! A nice level, cultivated acre, deep rich soil. Bull Run water, out Section line road. Just east of K2d street; you will see the new houses going up; there you will find your acre, $60, good terms, if you build at once you will be given free a nice assortment of fruit trees and berries, R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. ' 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ACRE, WITH CREEK. At city limits convenient to Council Crest car. This creek runs all the year and Is bordered with big a 1 tier sod maple trees, a veritable paradise. Part in cultivation. Bull Run water and gas, frontage on improved road. A great bargain for $1800, terms. Y lo:, Oregonlan. FIVE acres, 5 '.a miles circle from 5th and Washington, all cleared, fenced. 105 fancy assorted fruit t rees, bearing nu merous logan, blackcaps, raspberries, fancy cherry, currants, etc., large double constructed chicken house, holds from S00 to 1-00. good spring, creek, small barn and small outhouses, good soil, no rocks. $4000. Improvements nearly cost thif. D 103. Orenonian. CUT OUT RENT! Buy with it a home in- Westhampton (Wood row station ), 20 minutes by 4th street elect ric. 8 cents com m ut St ion ; Bull Run water; a delightful suburb; a few acres left at $J50, $10 a month, (ret busy, build as others are. Agent on tracts all day. Auto. 527-31. J. D. Haulcy. 700 ;asco bldg. FOR SALE About 1037 arres of land in the Willamet te vallev. bet ween ood burn and New berg, on French Prairie. About 750 acres cleared and (71 cuitia tion. This is the choicest 'land in the allev. suitable for colonization or sub division. Correspondence solicited. C. B. WoodMorth, 214 Spalding bid. Main 7101. GOING east, forced sacrifice, something worth the money; 10 acres very choice land, all in cultivation, with second crop clover on place now; on dandy rock road. Va mile from Oregon Electric station, 14 miles from courthouse. A bargain if sold this week, $2000. easy terms, owner, MfO E. 31th st. V. corner Knott st. CHOICE ACREAGE AT GRESHAM. Five acres, all under cultivation, close to car; IS acres raspberries, 12 fruit trees; very fine for chickens and ber ries: price $U50O, easy terms; will build bungalow to suit buyer. K RIDE U &, ELKINGTON, Phone -341 . (ires ham. Or. PRUN E OKCHAR D. On good road. For sale, A seres Italians In full hearing, good vigorous trees, red shot soil, can be bought rea sonable and on easy terms, by dealing direct with owner. W. J. Bennett. DUNDEE. OR. $25 LOCATES YOU. 10 acres good tillable land, easy clear ing, one mile from railroad station SO miles from Portland ; price $050; terms $-5 down, $10 monthlv. LUEDDEMAN N Ct M PAN Y, l 13 Chamber of Commerce. 5 TO 0 ACRES, good warm shack, well, on Oregon Electric, close to station: some ready to cultivate; at station; Portland 16 miles. Small cash payment; easiest terms. WouJd take auto or lot. A 00, Oregontan. "EXTRA CHOICE LA N D. 20 to 25-acre tracts, level land, two thirds in cultivation, on main road, at railway station, J 3 miles out ; $210 per acre, good terms. This is bu vlng right. R M. GATEWOOD At CO., lii.'.M, 4th St. 7-ACRE HOME IN BEAVERTON. Rich land, under plow vxcvpi acre timber; orchard, all kinds of berries, 6-rooin house with fireplace. chicken houses, 0 miles 4th and Wash. $4so0. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. FOIl SALE mi acres of land, located in the best wheat growing district of Montana; fertile black loam, good build ings, 'spring water, etc. See O'Brien, 413 W i :cox Bldg.. Portland. 10 ACRES, 7 acres in cultivation. 3 acres pasture; 2-room house, near river, 22 miles out; $1200, very easy terms, or lot in Woodlawn for part. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165Vj 4th St. FOR SALE Equity n2J,i acrts, close In, on h. s. road; fenced and In cult-: con sider light car. Adclreaa W. B. Mason, 7o Mohawk street. Portland. Or. $3X50 GOOD 10 acres. 5-room house, barn. 2 henhouses, orchard, near school and paved highway, terms. McFarland, Realtor. Failing bldg. IF INTERESTED In choice acreage tracts, with or without house, see Mcdure Ac Schmauch Co.'s ad under "Houses for Sale." ROLLING 10-acre tract, 3 acres cleared, will take Ford car as part payment; price $St0. See F. Viereck. Clatskanle. Or. Care of Temple's pool hall. 2 CULTIVATED acres for $600; Eight at station: $15 monthly payment. W. M. Umbdenstock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 165S. $2000 ACRES logged-off land. $10 per acre. Ideal stock ranch, well watered. Inquire of owner, W. L. Bui Ham, 2d fioor Portion bldg., Portland. Or. 2 ACRES, just outside city, large house, barn. chicken house, fruit, berries, grapes. Will take city bungalow. Price $5000. Main 3M0. RICH" AGRICULTURAL LAND at 25c per acre. For information about opportuni ties In South America address AV 447, Oregonlan. ONE ACRE, just the thing for chickens; 3-room unfurnished house; a bearing orchard. $1000. term. Tabor 0557. ONE ACRE All cieured. fine soil, close to car, main highway and close in; only $45 nown. .Main o-vi .8 OF AN ACRE near Ryan station on automobile road ; will sell on terms as low as $100 down and $15 a month. Call owner after G P. M. at Tabor 3651. 20 ACRES $S00. All good land when cleared; has been cut off; lies good and the location is good, an the Milk Creek & Mola'.ia road. 2'i miles of the Colton store and high school. 4 Va milts of the town of Molalla; gootl graveled road to Molalla and also to Oregon City from the place; most all small places around this ; it la a nice place to live; will make a dandy chicken ranch; eggs GO a a dozen, and will be still higher in a short time; now Is the time to be in the chicken business: feed cneap and eggs high: daily mail, cream route and phone: want cash. bal. at 6 per cent. We also have several 10-acre tracts for $400 each, all fine land; want 4 cash on them. E. P. Elliott & bun, 7th and Mala.stf.. Oregon City. Or. 0. 10 AND 20-ACRB TRACTS. $25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a 5 -acre tract In this addition of NOO acres; down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and truck; beautifully lying land, free from rock and gravul ; some titacts have beautiful view of river; there are alo some with streams; fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DELFEL, 313 Railway Exchange Bldg. TWO ACRES, more or less, fine soil, well fenced, all in cultivation, neat 4-room house with basement ; water piped Into house from ad joining property amleV-Iectric lights are in nearby house and can be arranged for; located near Ti gardville; in order to make quick sale wilt sell for $1500. Good proposition. Big barguin. Terms. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. PRETTY HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Six rooms, full cement basement and splendid furnace. Attractive Inxide and out. All big rooms. No mortgage, straight contract at 6 per cent, $4200 with $1)00 cash. On 26th st.. one-half block irom Hawthorne car. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. 5 YEARS WITHOUT INTEREST, 4 CROP PAYMENTS. 160 acres, 75 acres plow land, good soli, no waste land. $5000 value of build ings and equipment ; electric Ugh U and water system ; 32 miles south of Port land, 1 - miles east ot paved road. S. I'. electric btation, 1 mile on graveled road. First pa moni one-eighth t m ) of pur chase price, after 5 years 6 per cent mortgage for 5 ears on balance due. J. M. CRAWFORD, Phone 4x7 Davton central. R. F, D. DUNDEE. OREGON. 9 ACRES SANDY LOAM. NEW BUNGALOW. All In cult.; fine soil, 1 mile of Canby, Or., on graveled road, fine berry land, new 4-roum plastered bungalow. ju.t com pic led, cost about $14u. good well. 1 out hou.se. 300 ft. of S. P. track, a dandy home for son one at the light price, only $33oO; $IL'"0 down. bal. at 6 per cent. E. P. Eiilott & Son, 7th and Main sts.. Oregon City. Or. FRUIT TREES FREE to every one who purchases an acre now in Plympton. out Section Line road. Just east of S2d St., and builds a bouse, will be given free a larg assortment of fruit trees and berries. The land is in high state ot cultivation with Bull Run water. Price $S60. $:o cash. R. H. CON FR EY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE 'o., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAKE GROVE ACRE AND HOME. Beautiful wooded acre on highway at Iake Grove, four blocks fiom lake; grounds wonderfully parked and planned for splendid home. Cottage 14x30 feet, price only $1400; good terms. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main S0241 AN ACRE so dintlnct in character with such rich deep soil, its proximity to Portland. Its pa veil roads and Bull Run water, will appeal to the most exacting. The price Is $s5o, $S5 cash; it Is situated Just outside city limits, along Section Line road. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LuWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IN THE tf'.RESHAM DISTRICT. FIVE ACRES.1 $'J."ii. FORTY ACRES. $1600 Small cash payment, small monthly payments; 20 milt from Portland, halt mile from electric railway. 40c fare; fer tile soil, not rocky; near highly tm- iirnveH farms- mow linen naStUI'e. eastl cleared. Fred F. Huntress. 120 Orand ave. East H . ALONG THE BARKER ROAD. Between Base Line and Section Line, we offer a nice tract of 5 acres; the land is level and almost clear, adapted to all kinds of garden products and berries; it is near a good school and faces on good road. Priced at $1750. $175 cash. It. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CACKLE BERR1KS. OCTOBER EGGS 53 CENTS. Five-acre poultry farm, buildings pew, 6-room dwelling, fine stable, mod ern poultry house, looo S. C. W. L.s. all equipment, close in, near paved high way. Take j our equity city home, sol diers' loan and very little cash. T. O. Bird, Realtor. 526 Cham of Commerce. RIVER FRONTAGE. BEST BUY ON CLACKAMAS RIVER. 15 acres, 7-room house, good barn and outbuilding. 2 acres fine orchard; best of" beaver dam soil, on fine road, near carline; price only $0000, $2000 cash, balance e;iy terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. ON K ACRE of good la,nd. six-rnoiu house, chicken houses, fruit trees ; all fenced ; 4 blocks to ca : $3500; will trade for house on eat side. 2 acres at Beaverton; will sell or trade for merchandise. McGEE DENNIS. PV. Union Ave. N. Woodlawn 56-S4. 2V ACRES NEW HOUSE. A dandy new 4-room plastered house, facing Barr road; land to be all cleared. This is deep rich soil, within 3 miles of city. Price $2750, $350 cash and $25 per month. STRONG CO., 606 Chamber of Commerce. 4Vi ACRES OUT BASE LINE RD.. $1350. Here is your chance to Ket a nice piece of land cheap; only $135 cash; don't wait, buy now. Only 3 miles from the city limits. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MUST sell next ten days. Buy from owner and ea commission ; no reasonable offer refused: mocked and equipped; has good improvements : 5 a. berries, a. walnuts: $15u Income per month from milk; some cash and good terms at 6 per cent. Located at Hlllsboro. Or. 7th an d Jackson sts. C W. Ben n ett. CHOICE acreage, close in, 3 to 100 acres. Owner, East 745, 2.36 ACRES, over 165 foot frontage on the Base Line road. 3 miles from the city limits, for $1075. on .easy terms; you can't afford to miss this opportunity. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. REAL KST.l'I'K. For &ule Ac reuse. OLD OREGON TRAIL Now known as th Lake road, just 1 mile east of Mllwaukie; on this hard-surfaced highway we have a ft-acre tract, beautifully wooded, with large graceful maple dogwood and fir trees. Rich soil, no rock. Will sell In 1-aere tracts. Price per acre $800 ON THIS SAME ROAD 15 acres running from the htgh wiiy to beautiful Kellogg creek, a stream fed by springs, having a swift current of clear pure water. To see this tract is to buy; city water, gas and electric lights ob tainable. Offered at the low price per ,' acre $750 ON BEAVERTON HIGHWAY 50 acres with wide frontage on the highway and only 8 mllea from Portland.. A wonderful spot for your home. Grounds adapt able for tavern. Tamp park or sub-dlvlslon. Here is your chance to buy right on the highway at a price that you will never be able to duplicate again. Price per acre $440 WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE J 44 acres with wtde frontage on tho river on the Oregon City car line. 2 acres In all kinds of bear ing fruit. Large spring cemented insuring ample water supply. Ac reHNlhle Rt all times of the year. Sightly local ion for a house and surrounded by the best of homes. Trice TIGARD ACREAGE We are opening a tract or IB acres in this high-class district which we will sell In 3S-cre tracts up. This acreage Is located on fine road, lies high and sightly with a wonderful view of tho mountains and surrounding coun try. Has the finest of soil for which this district Is noted No rock or gravel. Electric lights to the property. Surrounded by good homes, close to school, stores and hard-surfaced highway. Price Is low and terms easy. I ''J acre $500 AT MULTNOMAH 2 one-half acre tracts close to school, station and hard -surfaced highway. Has city water, electric, lights and gas. Lt-a high and sightly and surrounded by good homes. tan be purchased on very easy terms. Price Pr tract UoU ON EAST BANK OF WIL-. LAMETTE RIVER . , Over acre with a beautiful sandy beach, shad" trees and some fruit. In a district of high-clans homes. This beautiful property will be sold at th low price of $L00 CONCORD STATION (On River Highway.) 2'i acres lying between the hard -surfaced hlghwHV and the Wlilnmetto river. This is one of the finest pieces of property along the river front. Fine, spring and ome fruit io bearing. To see 1m to buv. This property can be purchased on easy terms price is only TERW1LLIGER ( ,l'I1KVART-.h,. Ill acres at the head of this beautiful boulevard with M fronug.t on the highway. 1 his i.romrtv h;is u number of large graceful maple. cedar. fir and dogwood trees. Several SprltlKS. Cltv water. Hunt ami ""'win abb- onlv 10 minutes from Hfth and" Morrison streets. Thl fine sightly location for country home. Might sub-divide. Adin cent property Ih selling for $.,i.O per lot. Call at office. Do not phone. POWELL VALLEY PvOATV-- 10 acres. 1 nillo east of 2i and just off the h,rM "UUa! acres in bearing walnuts. Ta K about your wonderful yiews Wa k over this land and excluim. Slopes ,0 the south ..nd the .HHt ln,U avoided. All of this lam! ta tn ?u ilvut on except a portion left n grove. Why pay $l"O0 P-r acre when we can sell you this Pjr acre at ol-,-TIO LINE ROAP S 35 acres mostly In cultivation, modern 6-room hnusj l; : full basemen 1. . . enlace, r V WHier. i - fir. fm.' .inly . . .tK ,T-:.T.,r".,R.H'mrrv.n. S-,h M v, ..... ,n.lr.. r,;. for lull K HOWARD. lloHltnr. ';us YhiiMih'T of Lommi-nc. crt. "n ,," . ,i, raiiu v'rU;. rr,c. T.v.o. Ci,.r. Term- MAnTI!f. TOR A MrKKSSA CO.. 8Vrhvmny o,n,r h.rs-in. , jl.hy I Callon; fine H. K""n- 4 rn" , hnuw '"""her ' y Tlia r.l v, no pr.r.- W Hml ran KrrnnK, very rri.-i '"l rlilrki-nK. Norlhwriiiern Hank WdR. 1W1 I'l.A' r.. . it.. dm I n. man. when vow will h:iv- -.is- to regret It. it II CONI-KKY. Il-xltnr. I-.lTTKIt. I..WK " 20 1 - -.1 -VT lio.-ir.l ' Tru.le llMg. tub Acrtrc .i-nooM iiun'Iai.ow. At end of Woodntwk car. Jul out- M- city limit". A fmc prnrmi.it Ion for parHen yBn.l cl.irk.n,. fried rlKht at yi21Q. About lldUO cash. rtAI.ril HAItUIS CO.. 819 Chamber of Commerce. Main 501M. a TI AI.ATIN- VAM.KI-:o A Twenty Kerr, .lust off Ncwhoric nlch mlh out; about 1 acre. In ruMiv.tion. llvin water, f amlly "'chard ami l..-rr..-a. 4-room hou . very f n. barn. Ilvlna- water, an l.leal ranch for ilalry. chicken- or -". ' ru e ''"" Will require about H" t halnlie UllB. Ml! MARTIN'. COE A. M.-KKXXA & CO.. It-altora S ' Fourth st ililLU ' ' ! . "TH V KK IS NO fONi'.KSTION IIKKE." It's a safe place for tho ihll'lren and a pluvitrnund. tor Krownujm: a nice level acre alonn Section Line road. Just east of f'.'.l st., for mii: buy now on uaay term, anil have no rrfreis H II I't IN l-'K.-: Y. Realtor. KTTTKK. I .OWK A i'U.. ni .".H-.V7 Itoar.l of Trade Bid. J7.-. IhiWX and P'-r in. .nth will buy a beautirul counirj creek. 4." minute' ride from city; beau; tlful trees, creek und Koud roads. .1 ncre.' price $7"ll. lNTEKKTATK INVHSTMKNT CO.. Ft KAI.TOKS. nrondway 47M -J" Henry M'.rtg 1 1.3 ACKKS; RUItV JfXOTIoN. On cur line, close tit station: nice drove of trees, fine bulMinu spot; pay ns :0 and move onto the land. Pryce JttOO; can arrange remaining payment to suit purchaser. SlronK A Co.. tiO'l Chamber of Commerce. PANDY TRACT HOx'Jt'-. PKKT. Hotter than lots. .'.Union. llcautlfttl park, natural trees, city water. Alb' 11 ' car; no assessments; $1-U0; pay ' down, 10 month. H. V. Cary. 'j: X. V. Hank bldK. Residence Main JVAHtK WOODifli" Tit ACT Fronting on Hair road, a b:tnnfn at I ltine; J tut) down and 1." p., month, STKOXQ i CO , Ot0 Chm. of Co:.i.