V 19, TOE SUNDAY OREGON7AN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 2, 1921 STOCKS STRONG AT CLOSE SHOUTS UNABLE TO CHECK AD VANCE IN ritlCES. ' Dealings In Bonds Moderate With Mixed Gains and Losses at End of Session. NEW YORK. Oct. L Tradlnf durinc today's brief stock session was mads up largely of metals, domestic oils, steels, equipments and several conspicuous coal issues. Coppers rose 1 to 2 points In recognition of the higher price quoted for future deliveries, oils seemed to derive their Im petus mainly from pools and Lehigh Val ley's further gain was associated with the company's proapectivs. segregation plan. Khorts opposed the advance In the first hour, but retired when buyinr became to insistent, a firm to strong tone marking ths close. Sales amounted to 273.000 hares. Ioa!lngs In bonds were moderate, lib erty and victory Issues showing gains and losses at ths end. Foreign issues were tower, especially French government 74s and Cuba Cane is. Total sales, par value. aa-ffreicalea is.aw.ww. An increase sf $33,000,000 In actual loans and discounts by the clearing house re flected the heavy transfer of funds Inci dental to the turn Into the final quarter of the year. Reserves of members at the federal reserve bank dcreased t37.0O0.OOO and a contraction of $4.1,537,000 In cash holdings resulted in a. deficit In reserves of prsctically $10,000,000. Business In foreign exchange was nom inal, but trash pressure was directed against the Italian rate and German marks, the latter again declining to .78, their law record. Polish marks manifested Increased weakness with other central Eu ropean rates. Far eastern exchanges were steady, the Shanghai rate recovering Us loss of the previous day. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. (Furnished by Overbed! A Cooke com pany. Portland.) Sales. High. Adams Exp... 600 60 Agr Chem Ajax Rubber.. 300 24 Alfka Gold.. Alanka Juneau Allied Chem. .. llls-Chal ... Am Beet Sug. Am Bosch . . . Am Can Co, . . do pfd Am Car F RflO 40 BIH 400 46 'i 27 Low. 40 '23'i ' " 27 600 27 K 27fe Bid. 4 33 23 K 43 33 27 87 V4 27 ' xVi 60O 129 128 do pfd 1UH Am Cot Oil do pfd Am Drug Syn, Am Hide tc L. do pfd Am Ire Am Intl Corp. Am Linseed... Am Lnco 200 600 84 1 83 200 00 iV4 43 Vs 10 30 1, (10 34 14 2114 do pfd 1U4 Am Sjif Rasnr Am Hhtp & C. Am Hmiflter ., lo fd Am Snuff . . .. Am Slei'l Fdy. Am Sugar . . .. do pl'l Am Sumatra.. Am T fc T Am Tolj ilo H A m Wool ilo pfd Am W F pfd.. Am Zinc Annri '.iln . . ., Anail Oil AtWllfton do pfd All U & W I. liald 1aco . . . ilo pfd Balto & Ohio. do pftl Hi til Steel U. n R t Butte C & Z.. Butte A Sup.. Hum Bros . .. Caildii Oil ill Packing.. Cal 1'ct do pfd Can Pac On Leather... Cerro de P. . .. Chand Motor.. Chi A N W Chi Ut West.. do pfd Chill Cop .... Chino C M St P do pfd Coco Cola -. . t. C & O Colo F ft I Colo Q & E... Col Graph ... Con (las Con Clears . . . do pfd Contl Can Contl Candy.. Corn Prod . . . do pfd Coaden Oil ... C R 1 ft P do A pfd... do B pfd... Crucible do pfd Cuba I'Hitfl do pfd Cub Am Sug, . Del ft Hudson. Iiitme Mfties. .. D ft It U do pfd Emil Johnson.. Krle do lnt .pfd. ., do 2.1 pfd. . . Fam Players.. Fed M ft Km.. do pfd . ... . Fik Tire ?... (anton Wms.. tien Cigars . . Jen Klec ien Motors .. len Allien ... Oen Asphalt.. (Wiodrlch Goodyear .... Uranby lit Nor Ore... do pfd Oreene Can .. !iilf 8 Steel. . Hank Barker. Houston Oil.. Hup Motor . . . HI Central ... Inspiration ... Int Agr Corp.. do pfd Intcrboro .... do pfd Intr Callahan. Int Harv lnt Mar Mar. . do pfd Int Nickel ... lnt Paper .... do pfd Invln Oil .... Inland Oil ... Jewel Tea . . . K C Southern, do pfd Kelly-Spgfld . Kennecott .... Keystone Tlrs . I.aek Steel ... Lee Tire LehlKh Val .. Lorlllard Lowe Theaters L ft N Mex Pet Miami Mid States Oil Midv Steel ... M K A T . . . , do pfd Mont Power... Mont Ward ... Mo Pac do pld M St P ft SSM M ft St L. .... Nat Biscuit. . . N'atKnamcl. . . Nat Lead .... Nev Cnn New Haven... Nur ft West. .. Nnr I'ac Nov Sco Steel. N Y Air Brk.. N Y Central. . Olfca Prod ref. Ont Silver ... Ont ft West... Otis Steel Psc O ft E. . ,. Punta Allegre. Pacific Oil . .. Pan Am Pet. . do B Penna Peo (las Pere Marq ... Phiia to Pnre Oil Pierce Arrow.. Pierce Oil . ... Pitts Coal ... Pitts A W Va. do pfd Pr Steel Car.. Pullman Hnv Cnn 200 ' 2300 2"0 tK) l,7l 200 7(10 700 'so'hi 23 "4 4114 108 4 'six ioaii 23 3014 S3 Mi 40 107 T4 1,100 7314 7314 400 7,400 Villi 11 ID tK) 3.000 10, '! Hi 2S14 S3 40 'soii 81 2R4 SB 600 88 14 38 V4 401) l.KoO 3110 4.IIUO l.oinl luil 66 IK 131, HIS 111 7 H 1414 107 1074 fi'iU 31)14 3814 400 1110 2.1100 4IM) 100 3.300 6.200 KIWI 4110 S'MI 4UO Yo'ii 1,800 113 211 3014 43-4 70 12 211 211 411 86 66 100 44 1)00 1110 B.ROO 8110 " 100 1.000 i.Vo'fi Dull l.ooo 7!) 107 27 34 7 U4 '7 17 13 100 10 loo 1ui 800 4 l.T, 1 3,600 63 100 3,700 400 3.600 i.'n'oo 3U0 '206 8,700 DUO 200 1110 1,6110 100 2.114 13 121 10 i 40 r.3 32 '20 '73 4 21 311 38 67 113 211 42 70 11 21 2.1 14 40 83 66 -60" 4V4 44 '78' 107 27 33 7' 63 "e 18 12 64 13 1!) '53 '23 12 123 1 40 32 32 io" 31) 3X 65 11 8,600 38 35 10O 4UO 4H0 100 SOO 41)1) 2'0 2,1100 300 'i.Voo 2.100 80 2 8 76 10 4 "io 2 8.000 3,800 Yn'ii 2M0 18,600 11.600 l.ooo 1,400 22' 26 50 '13 12 80 2 6 4 76 10 'i.i 4 "9' 25 '42 20 '41'' 26 57 'l3' 'ri 21 11 18 18 400 100 200 1.500 8K0 1IM1 800 "700 1,700 lOl) 200 '"'206 ' s. no n 1.1100 8110 600 6IHI 800 llll) Hill) l.lilO 100 40 68 75 12 H 78 72 2 22 40 68 73 4 12'-, 1 ' . 4 811 76 103 21 30 84 41 107 123 122 73 H 21 10 4 111 8il 80 2S 87 lift 8S 31 3 7 414 13 107 II) 6 311 7'1 113 2!) 30 43 70 .71 16 12 26 25 4l S3 "4 36 24 CO 4 811 27 6S 43 78 106 27 33 711 1,7 (13 82 6 16 12 102 18 1 61 13 HI 13 53 6 23 12 58 124 10 40 r.3 32 10 20 28 73 23 Rl) 68 37 11 06 3H 7 8!) 1 5 4 73 10 47 14 411 00 10 2 10 23 50 43 10 41 2H 38 148 1.1 30!) 100 21 11 23 . '2 8 4!) 18 20 40 68 814 112 37 73 12 14 06 7S 23 56 72 400 5.7O0 li.'soO 311O 6.400 aoo 100 Reading 2.300 Remington ... Replo Steel ... Rep I A 8. ... 800 do pfd Rep Motors Ryl Dutch Oil 1,000 Ry Steel Spg.. 1U0 Saxon Motors Sears Roebuck 400 Shattuck Aria. oX) Shell TAT.. 200 Sinclair 8,100 Stand Oil Cal. 100 Kloss Shef So Pac 1.6O0 So Ry 200 do pfd ..... stLtsr.,,, 1,000 Strom Carb... Studebaker ... 2,100 Swift ft Co Tenn C ft C. Texas Oil Texas Pac ... Tex P C A O.. Tob Prod . Tr Contl Oil.. Union Oil Del. Union Pac ... United Alloy.. United Lrug.. Ltd Fd Prod.. United Fruit.. Lnld Rds N J. do pfd ... . Utd Rtl Stores U S Ind Al.... V 8 Rubber... do 1st pfd. .. U S Smelting. U 8 Steel do pfd Utah Cop .... Va Chem .... do pfd ..... Van Steel ... Vlvandou .... Wabash do A pfd.... do B pfd. ... Wells Fargo.. West Pac .... do pfd ..... West Union... Weath A B. .. Westh E A M. West Md White Motors. Wlllys-Ovld .. do pfd ..... Wilson Pack.. Wis Cen Woolworth ... Worth Pump.. W A L E 72 52 62 46 84 45 84 6S 7 84 20 76 68 6 33 1 76 80 21 74 7 21 23 '73' 8 87 23 65 8 17 122 8 86 '26 65 8 17 122 72 23 23 52 80 11 40 84 3 68 7 83 2o 7j 87 20 46 23 2D 74 4 8 88 22 23 65 8 17 122 26 56 13 108 8H 18 62 46 50 88 84 80 110 62 30 73 31 45 2P 14 60 22 61 82 86 44 88 t 5 3 28 84 a 114 40 8 BONDS. V 8 2s. reg...100N T C deb 6s.. 5 do coupon. . 100 Nor Pacific 4s. 77 do 4s reg..104 do 3s 57 do cv 4n. cp,104Pao TAT 6s. ."87 Pan 3, reg.. 76Penn con 4s.8l) do coupon... 711 So Paclf cv 5s(.!)5 A T ft T cv 6s 102 So Railwy 6..85 Atchen gen 4s 78 Union Paclf 4s. 82 D ft H con 4s 7IU a Steel 6s... 84 100. 2.000 100 "l 00 600 400 4,300 HIO 400 2. 5 10 200 4,000 200 2U0 56 13 100 'is' 62 47 60 88 84 80 110 32 '73' 81 56 13 100 'l8 51 46 40 8S 33 711 110 61 '73 31 200 30 20 200 22 22 800 100 800 200 82 6 82 86 6 26 100 100 114 40 113 30 Bid. Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond quotations furnished by Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland: Liberty. 3s do, 1st 4s . ' do, 2il 4s . . do, 1st 4s do, 2d 4 '4 s . do, 3d 414 s , do. 4 in 4s Victory. 4 s , do. 3s Cloning High. Low. Bid. SS0.40 188.34 8S8.36 00.70 . 00.52 IMH26 00.26 . IIO.HS 1MI.80 1)0.80 00.56 0H.46 IHI.52 03.1)6 11.1.84 ll.t.04 00.04 IH1.72 WO.UO . 00 43 00.44 O'.i. 44 U0.4II 00.44 00.44 BOSTON. Allouez ... Arts Com.. Cat A Ariz. Cal A Hecia Centennial .... Cop Rife Con.. ri. Butte Cop.. r ranKlin Isle Roy Cop.. Luke Copper.. Mining Stocks. Oct. 1. Closing quotations: .. iv 1. Mohawk 53 .. 8North Butte... 11 . . 60Old Dominion.. 24 ..240 lOsceola 28 Biuuincy 41 86 Superior 2 ISpr A Bos Mln 174 2 lUtah Con 8 20 Winona 2 14 I Wolverine 40 11 Swift A Co. Storks. Closing prices for S-alft A Co. storks at Chlcsgo were reported by the Overbeck A LooKe company of Portland as follows: Swift A Co t)3 Libby, McNeil A Llbby 7 National Leather 634 owiu international 22 Money, RUver, Etc. NEW YORK. Oct. L Foreign bar silver, 7034. Mexican dollars. 64. LONDON. Oct 1. Bar silver. 42d per uu.iuv. money o per cent. discount rates, short bills, 4 ', per cent; three months bills, 44 V-16 per cent New York Bonds. .New York bond quotations furnished by nerrin a njinnfi, inc., of Portland: Am Tob 7s. 11)22 Am Tob 7s. 1023 Anaconda 7s B. 1020 Anaconda 6s A, 11120 Armour cv 7s, 1030 Armour 4 a. 19311 Argentine CI 6s, 1043 Am Ag Chm 7. 1941 Beth steel 7s. 1022 Beth iSleel 7s. 102:1 Beth Steel Eq 7s, 11135 Belgium Ext 7s, 1043 Belgium 6s, 1923 Heiglum 8s. 1040 Bergen 8s, City of. 1045 Brne 8, City of, 1040 Braxil , 1041 Canadian 5s, 11131 Csn Nat Eq 7s. 10S5 Chicago N.-W. 7s. 111.10 C M ft St P gnftrf 4sA, 2014.. Can Nor 7s. 1040 Chile 8s. 11)41 Christiana 8s. City of, 1043 i upper r.xp s, 11) .4 22 68 57 ik" 'S7 46 46 43 42 87 37 61 61 20 20 80 31) 23 25 11 11 84 6 '62 'r2 14 1 a 14 22 0 BS 27 87 46 43 87 1 20 20 23 11 U 26 75 67 02 13 ARK TOT? LOOKIXO FOR DE PENDABLE PRODUCE DEALER? Veal Hotter Pork fliers Pi.ultrr Eggs Honey Any Product Get our prices. RUBY A CO.. ' 16 Front ajt, Portland1. Or. Sixteen Years' Reliability. .100 ..101 . . 05 .. 91 . .100 2; " i5 ..100 .. 05 .. 06 ..102 .. .-. ..101 ..100 ..11)1 . . 00 .. 92 ..102 ..104 . . 38 . .103 .. 08 . .101 iruis-. Copper F.xp 8s, 1023 101 . .. .101 102 . ... US 102 104 103 102 011 00 . . . . 04 103 ....104 . . . . OO . . . . 56 .... 82 9.1 101 103 1 181 104 04 . . . . 92 2 .... 10 97 9S .... 81) ....105 ....104 . . . . 02 107 98 97 ,...100 ,...1IM 102 101 .... 83 102 102 ....101 Copper Kxii Ks. 11124.... Copper Kxp 8s, 1H20 " Cuban Atner Sugar 8s. 1931.. Con tins cv 7s, 1512." Ilia Match 7s. 1035 '. . Denmark 8s. 1945 Danish Mun 8st 1945 Dupont 7s. lfj.il French ext 8s. 1045 French 7 s, 1941 Grand Trunk 7. 1910 fioodyesr 8s. 1941 Oulf Oil 7s, 1933 lnt Rap Tt ref 5. 1066 lnt Mar CT Os. 1041 Kennecott 7s. 1030 Morris A Co 7s. 103O N Y C call 7s. 1(130 Norway 8s. 1040 Northwent Tel 7. 1041 Ohio O O 7s. 1025 Ohio Power 7s, 1931 Pan Amer 7s. 1930 Penna 6s. 19:111 San Paulo 8s. 1036 Southwt Tel 7s. 192.V . . .'. Swedish Govt 6s, 1939 Standard Oil, N Y 7s, 1031.... Stand Oil of Cal- 7s. 1031 Steel A Tube 7s, 1951 Swiss Rs. 1940 Sears Roe 7s. J022 Sears Roe 7m, 1923 Solvay Sa. 1927 Swift A Co 7s. 1925 In Tank 7s. 1030 V S Rubber 7s. 1030 Wilson 1st 6s, 1928 West Eire 7s, 1925 Westlnghouse 7s, 1931 Zurich 8s, 1943 Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond quotations furnished by the 1.00110 company or Portland Overbeck Belgian rest 6s Bolgian prem 5s Belgian 7s, 1B45 Belgian 8a. 1941 Belgian 6s, 1925 Brazil 8s (new) British 6s. 11122 .... British 5a, 1927 British 5s, 1929 British vky 4s British reg 4s Bordeaux 6s, 1934 ... Canadian 5s, 1926 .... Canadian 6s. 1920 .. Canadian Ss, 1931 .... Canadian 5s. 1921 .. Canadian 5s, 1027 .... Chilean 8s, 1941C .... Currency Denmark 8s. 1945 .... Dan Muni 8s. 1943 .... French 4s. 1917 French 5s, 1931 French 7s. 1941 .... French 8s, 1943 ...... Paris 6s German W L 6a Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s Hamburg 4 Lelpslg 4s Letpsig 6s Munich 4s .......... Munich 4s Munich 6s Frshkfort 4s ltaliun 6s, 1918 Jap 4s, 1031 Jap 1st 4s, 1923 .... Jap 2d 4s, 1925 Norway 8a. 1940 Russian 6s, 1921 .... Russian 5s, 1026.... Russian 8a, 1U10 .... Swiss 6s, 1929 Swiss 8s. 1940 U K 3s. 1021 U K 5s. 1922 U K 8s. 11129 U K s, 1037 Hid. Ask. ....65 63 17 70 ....102 102 101 102 . ... 95 93 99 1(10 874 384 ....311.1 375 3113 378 . . . . 20 290 ....270 281) .... 83 84 ....94 4 ....93 04 .... 90 90 .. . . 99 100 - 88 88 08 08 8 111 ....103 103 ....102 102 45 46 ....53 36 .... 95 95 ....106 100 .... 99 100 .... 6 7 .... 7 8 .... 7 9 .... 8 e .... 7 8 .... 8 B .... 7 8 .... 7 8 .... 8 10 7 8 ....81 32 .... 70 71 .... 85 86 85 86 ....106 106 14 16 8 5 .... 14 16 .... 90 01 ....107 107 .... 99 100 98 98 .... 91 91 .... 88 90 Holland, guilders 3200 Hungary, kronen .0019 Italy, lire 04is Jugo-Siavia. kronen .0050 Norway, kroner .1240 Portugal, escudoa .1140 Roumania. lei OliHJ Sertla. dlnara 0107 Spain, pesetaa .1314 Sweden, kroner .2240 Switzerland, franca 1741 China Hongkong, local currency.. .56.10 Shanghai, taeis &4' Japan, yen,... 430V NEW YORK. Oct 1. Foreign exchange, irregular. Great Britain, demand $3.72: cableo, $3.7o. France, demand, 7.07: cables, 7.08; ItaJy, demand, 3. 93; cables, 8.03; Belgium, demand, 6.00; cables, 7.00: Germany, cables. 80 V4 : Holland, de mand, 31.90; cables, 81.9; Norway, de mand, 12. 2o; Sweden, demand, 22.23; Den mark, demand 17. 0O; Switzerland, demand, 17.32; Spain, demand, 13.03; Greece, de mand, 4.81; Argentina, demand, 32.87; Braxil, demand, 13.12; Montreal, 91. Demand bills on Germany fell to .78 and cables to .78 In the late dealings. LIBERTY BOND TRANSACTIONS LARGE Evidence of Ending of Country-Wlds Liquidation. NEW YORK, Oct. 1. The strength of federal war issues and the acute depres sion of exchange on Germany and most of the new central European countries con stituted the noteworthy developments of the week in the financial markets. On enormous transactlona and almost without exception, liberty bonds and vic tory notes registered gains of 2 to 5 per cent, the latter rising to within a frac tion of par. While the demand for these Issues was primarily ascribed to ths recent lowering of re-dlscount rates by federal reserve banks. It was also accepted as evi dence that the country-wide liquidation of the last 18 months had run Its course. On the other hand, the slump in marks to a f gure under 8-10 of a cent, with cor responding or greater demoralization in the quoted valuea of Austrian. Polish and Czecho-Slovakla remittances, heightened apprehension regarding Germany's ability to meet further obligations to the allies. In the stock market rails were the only stable issues, increased traffic and small operating costs being seen In additional statements of August earnings. The plan of the Interstate commerce commission to merge the railroads into 19 distinct groups met with little indorsement among rail way executives. Industrial and special stocks traversed the lines of least resistance, their irregu lar movements most often reflecting the mixed views of professional interests. Traders again confined their operations chief v to oils, steels and equipments. Gsneral business conditions showed fur ther signs of Improvement, ascrlbable for the most part to seasonal requirements Activity was especially marked In the cot ton, woolen and leather industries, there being no material increase of production in manufactured steel and Iron. The higher ratio of reserves reported by the federal reserve board Is regarded by bankers as a strong indication of easier money in the fourth quarter of the year. Interior banks at present are drawing on local reserves for crop-moving purposes, but predictions are made that 60 and 90 day commercial loans soon will be made on a 0 per cent basis. DEFICIT SHOWN IN LEGAL RESERVES Large Decrease Reported by New York Clearing-lions) Banks. NEW YORK. Oct. 1. The actual con dltlon of clearing houso banks and trust companies for the week shows a deficit of $10,808,230 In legal reserves. This Is a decrease of $ from last week. The statement follows: Actual condition Loans, discounts, eTc, 14,466,834,000; in crease, $35,081,000. Cash In own vaults members federal re serve bank, $66,626,000; decrease, $3, 876.000. Reserve in federal reserve bank of mem ber banks, $450,793,000; decrease, $37,- 146. ouo. Reserve in own vaults, state banks and t-ust companies, - $8,849,000; Increase, $23.0OO. Reserve In depositaries, state bank and trust companies, $8,437,000; decrease. 9227.000. Net demand deposits, $3,664,644,000; in crease s-t4.nui.uoo. Time deposits. $217,804,000; Increase, $652,000. Circulation, $32,431,000: Increase. $42,000. United States deposits deducted, $216,- 1P1.000. Aggregate reserve. $474,079,000. Deficit In reserve, $10.81)8.230; decrease. fll.UJ I.1UU, Summary of state banks and trust com ranles In Greater New York not Included .n clearing-house statement: Loans, discounts, etc., $632,501,500; In crease, $3,629,100. Gold, $6,679,400: Increase. $10,400. Currency anC bank notes, $16,572,600; increase, $426, 1 00. Deposits with federal reserve bank. New York. $51,206,700; decrease. $230,400. Total deposits, $660,187,700; Incre $7,428,700. Ditto eliminating amounts due from reserve depositaries and other banks and trust companies in New York city and United States deposits, $604,431,000; in crease, $8,869,900. Banks, caah In vault. $24,103,500. Trust companies, cash in vault, $50, 443.200. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bar City. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1. Vegetables Squash, 40-lb. lug, 506.1c; potatoes, $23.70; onions, new yellow, S3 6' 3.25; broWn. $3. 2.108. 50; tomatoes, $1.2341175; bell neDDers. 34c: beans. 4iftfU" lima. 7S7c; carrots, $11.25; egg plant, 34yoc corn, per sack, $243.25; lettuce, pur crate, $1.25; celery, per crate, $3fcM; peas, per ID., BWllc; sprouts, per pound, Ui8c. Poultry Hens. 254?33c; young roosters. 2020c; old roosters. 16&18c; young chickens, 3245c; ducks, 2,1c; dressed turkeys, 43c; live turkeys. 354t50c: Bel gian hares, 15c; squabs, per dozen, $3.50. Fruit oranges, Valencia. 14 w 6.25: lem- Ona. $4.504fi6.25; grapefruit, $405.50; ap ples, a ana 4-tier, st.jura2.3u: straw berries, per crate. $ 1.25 0 1.50; raspberries, per drawer, 63v8c; blackberries, per drawer, 4U4).10c: peaches, per small box. 85c 47 $1.75; cantaloupes, standards, crate, $23; ponies, $11.25: flats, 60075c; tigs, single layer, noatnuc plums, per crate. $12.50: caa&baa, per dosen. 65c u$l; watermelons. per dozen, $2z'3; grapes, per crate, seedlesa, $1.6001.75; others $1.2501.75; pears, per box, $2.50 3.75; prunes, per crate. $1.2502.25; cran berries, per box. $5. Receipts Flour. 1647 quarter sacks: wheat, 1600 centals; barley, 4246 centals; potatoes, 8851 sacks; onions, lt71 sacks; hay. 80 tons; oranges and .lemons, 621 boxes; livestock. 525 head. QUOTATIONS ON DAIRY PRODUCE Better Prices Ruling on Butter, Cheese and Eggs. SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 1. Butter Extra, 48c. Eggs Extras. 61c; extra firsts. 5914c: extra pullets. 47c; extra pullets, firsts. 42c: undersizea pullets. No. 1, 80 c. Cheese (jalltorma riat fancy. 23c: Cali fornia flat firsts, 20c; California Young Americas, fancy, zuc NEW YORK, Oct. .1. Butter Firm: creamery higher than extras, 43045c; creamery extras, 44c; firsts, 860 4Sc. Eggs Weak, unchanged. Cheese Unchanged. CHICAGO, Oct. 1. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Higher; receipts, 9800 cases: firsts. 38040c; ordinary firsts, 34036c; miscellaneous, 37036c WHEAT BREAKS I'l EAST MARKET LACKS SUPPORT AXD PRICES EASILiY GIVE WAY. Foreign Exchange. Foreign exctntnge rates at the close of business yesterday, furnished by North western National -bank of Portland. The amount quoted Is the equivalent of the forelgu unit in United States fundey Austria, kronen $0.0010 1 Belgium franca Bulgaria, leva Czecho-Slovakla. kronen Denmark, kroner England, pound sterling Finland, finmark France, francs ......... Germany, marks Greece, drachmas .0710 .0030 .0110 .1300 S.74.H) .0155 .0720 .00SI1 .0437 SEATTLE, Waah., Oct. 1. Eggs Se lect local ranch, white shells, 58c; do mixed colors, 60c; pullets, 38040c. xtutter city creamery cubes, 4Uc: bricks or prints, 48c. Reactions In Coffee Market. ' NEW YORK, Oct. 1. There were fur ther reactions in the market for coffee futures here today. The opening was un changed to 2 points higher and active monthe sold up another point or two right after the call. Hedging sales sent Decem ber off to 7.80 or 20 points below the high level of the week. Closing prices were the lowest, showing a net loss of 4 to 9 points. Sales were estimated at approximately 24.000 baga. Closing quotations: October 7.65c, December- 7.80c. January 7.81c March 7.83c, May 7.88c, July 7.95c, Sep tember 7.95c Spot coffee steady; Rio 7s, 8e to 8c; Santos 4s, UHc to yc. Large Delivery of Lard. CHICAGO, Oct. 1. Deliveries on October provision contracts today Included 7,700, 000 pounds of lard and 750,000 pounds of ribs. New York Sugar Market. x NEW YORK. Oct. 1. Raw sugar, cen trifugal, 4.23c; refined, fine granulated, 5.50c Dried Fmlt at New York. NEW YORK. Oct 1. Evaporated apples, nominal. Prunes and peaches firm. Losses of 3 to 3 Cents at Close , in Chicago Minneapolis Down 5 Cents. CHTOAGO. Oct L With liquidation on rn wheat and corn, the entire list sagged on one Chicago board of trade today. Ths close saw net losses of 3c to oc in wheat o to 0o in corn and c In osta. Provisions ranged unchanged to 27 c higher. Wheat opened weak with bearish sen timent strengthened by the few news fac tors and encouraged by the absence of outside support Jverg bulge brought out Increased pressure anil numerous etop-loss orders were uncovered Breaks at Winni peg caused by hedsjing, decline of around 6c in cash wheat at Minneapolis and slow export demand, coupled with a report that a New York interest bougnt 20.000 barrels of Canadian flour this week, combined to break the resistance of some of the most stubborn longs. May wheat made a new low record on the crop. Hedgring sales, scattered liquidation and the state of the wheat mirkt caused the break in corn, and oats were lower in sympathy with other grains. In provisions nearby options were under pressure, but deferred deliveries held fairly strong la the face of general market conditions. The CMcago grain letter, received yes terday by the Overbed! & Cooke company of Portland, follows: "Wheat It wae a broad market featured by heavy liquidation which continued right up to the close. The receipt of bullish news from the east caused a small rally early In the day, bat failed to stimulate sufficient buying power to absorb the per sistent eellrng. The newe in question was in the form The news In question was in the form of a recommendation by one of Hoover's staff that congress be aaked to send 1.000,000,000 tons of grain and seed to Russia as the only means of saving that country. The decline in northwestern cash prices, which induced considerable selling here, waa said to be in anticipation of larger receipts next week. The seaboard failed to confirm any export business for the day, although some of the buying of future was credited to export interests. The market, in our opinion, is due for s recovery and It is not impossible that the revival of the Russian problem may fur nish the necessary motive. "Corn There was considerable hedging pressure in evidence early in the day, but the market toward the. close showed signs of Independent strength, due no doubt to Increasingly persistent advices of crop deterioration and the announcement that Idiaa might be quarantined on account of discovery of the European corn worm. The caah demand, however, was again indif ferent and the spot basis was reduced an additional half cent 6hort covering and a rally would seem in order after the decline Just registered. "Oat General commission house selling and lack of lmiportant buying- gave this market a weak appearance. Receipts were small and demand fair at firm basis. We would avoid the short for the time being "Rye Trade was small and without fea ture aside from a small volume of buying credited to export interesta Cash waa nominally 3 cents under September for No. 2 on track. ' Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. $1.19 31.20 1.25 CORN. .40 .54 OATS. .36 .40 PORK. I 'I I Db l . jg "5 1 B I B I I 'WLS - ts t mil I V I I Dec. May Dec May Dec. May 1.25 .40 .54 ,3R .40 Low. Close. $1.17 $1.17 1.22 1.22 .49 .40 .54 .54 .85 . .40 .40 15.00 9.50 9 02 9.02 9.10 Jan LARD. Oct v.KO 9 05 Jan 9.00 9.10 SHORT RIBS. Oct "5 Jan T.92 Cnh price were as follows: Wheat No. 3 red. $1.12; No. 2 hard, $1.18. Corn No. 2 yellow, ' 47 48c; No. 2 white. 47 c Oats: No. 2 white, Si35c; No. 8 white. 3383c. Rye No. 3. 596e. Barley 60 f 2c. Timothy $4.214.75. Clover 12o)lS. Pork Nominal. Lard $9.92. Short ribs $7 08. GOOD WHEAT CROP IX MANCHURIA Grain Is of Moderate Quality Surplus for Export. ftcnMv..pia T.ntA lntormntlon confirms our early forecasts for a good 1921 har vest Samples of new wheat are of mod erate quality. It la probable this country win .vnnrt fair Quantities of wheat this season and st competitive prices. 1 Bulgaria. The government ims now - qulsitloned all grain over aim ai.i.o in ducers' needs for sowing purposes, etc. Italy Minister ot rinance einniHiru im port requirements or wneai ni bushels. This amount of wheat has al ready been purohased. Our agent esti mated an Importation of 64,000.000 bush els for this season. Minneapolis Grain Market. utVKEAPnua. Oct. 1. Cash wheat No. 1 dark northern. $i.4U' en.sow ; ino. $1.37 01.42 ; NO. . 0 i.ouis ; No. 1 northern, $1.39 0 ) ; o. z, $1.84 01.88; No. 3. $1.24 1.27; No. 1 dark hard Montana, $1.26 1.28; No. 1 hard Montana, $1.02 1.05: No. 2 durum, 99C0$1.O2; No. 3, 95 7'!0 c. Corn. No. 2 yellow. 42c; No. 3. 41c Barley. 89055c Flax No. 1. $1.8701.39. Futures Wheat, December $1.30; May $1.30. Winnipeg Grain Market. WINNIPEG. Oct. 1. Cash wheat No. 1 northern. $1.28: No. 2. $1.27; No. 8. $1.23: No. 4. $1.17: No. 6. $1.05; No. 6, 95c Futures October $1.27; No vember $1.27; December $1.22. 4iraln at San Franciseo. RAN FRANCISCO. Oct 1. Grain Wheat, milling, $22.27; feed. $1.97 2.07. Barley, feed $I.li01.2U; ship ping. $ Oats, red feed, $1.60 0 1.60. Corn, white Egyptian. $1,700 1.80: red mi in. $1.7001.75. Hay Wheat. No. 1, $15018; fair. I13e 15; tame oats. 812015; wild oats, $100 alfalfa, $12014; stock, $8010; straw nominal. RAILROAD AND SAWMILL Located on the V OLYMPIC PENINSULA STATE OF WASHINGTON by the United States Spruce Production Corporation A GoTerament Agency Onranlzed tinder Art of Cn-"1 fretw, eDtitlrd "An Art mAkinc apprttprintiuQ for the I t up port of the Arm," tc Approved Jul 9. 1918. J ia. a 'S SZSCCHI y . .. o 9 fl 7 ' lis s lj kjSWCSTM""""' el Q If M J T1LLAMO0, coftpiereo ffAjtwAr coriPLttTO ffj CKAoe ittOJecrto t tries The United States Spruce Production Corporation reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Subject to prior sale, sealed bids will be received at the office of the United States Spruce Production Corporation, Couch Building-, Portland, Oregon, up to 12:00 noon, November 1, 1921; and then publicly opened, FOR PURCHASE OF SPRUCE PRODUCTION CORPORATION RAILROAD NO. 1, CLALLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON, AND THE SPRUCE PRODUCTION MILL, PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON, JOINTLY OR SEPARATELY. UNITED STATES SPRUCE PRODUCTION RAILROAD No. 1 Tvocatlon Connects with the Milwaukee S ye tern at Dlsque, 17 miles west of Fort Angeles. Main line completed 36 miles te Lake Pleasant. RewonTTes Independent connection with Pugret Sound possible by con struction 'of 64 miles from Dlsque to Port Crescent. Spurs aggregating TO miles graded for opening and developing of timber immediately tributary, estimated, prior to the storm of last January, at 6 Si billion feet, consisting of 2,393,000,000 feet of Fir, 987.000,000 feet Spruce, 543.000,000 feet Cedar, 2,813.000,000 feet Hemlock. Timber through which logging branch spurs are graded is privately held without In cumbrance by large owners. Productive logging operations physically possible within 60 days for marketing logs to Port Angeles or other Puget Sound mills. Topography lends itself to economical logging and is fully mapped. Main line may be extended 60 miles through virgin timber, also affected to some extent by storm of January last. Numerous water power sites adjacent for large pulp or milling devel opments. Construction Seasoned, substantial roadbed; standard gauge 0-lb. rail; gravel and rock ballast; wide clearances; E-50 structures; maxi mum 14 deg. curvature; gradients 1.25 vs. loads, 2 vs. empties; 1 summit. 8.6 miles siding installed; 8.5 rulles additional sidings graded. Mam line construction involved 1.250,000 yds. grading, 660 lln. ft, tun nels, 30,000 lln. ft. piles, 800,000 F. B. .Y. Umber la place, 66.000 yds. ballast. UNITED STATES SPRUCE PRODUCTION MILL PORT ANGELES, WASH. Shipping Facilities Alongside deep water Puget Sound; Chicago, Mil waukee & vt. Paul Transcontinental Kail way System, Paclflo coast terminal rates. Mill 'Building Heaviest timber construction, conforming te accepted commercial practice, 90 completed. Machinery Individual oinlts electrically driven; on 10 and one 11 -foot band head saw; 60-inch gang; 84-Inch resaws; eargo and rail overhead loading cranes; entire layout and individual machines of accepted commercial type. All unused and In storage at Vancouver,- Wash. Capacity 400.000 P. B. M. per 8-hour day. Power Plant Fireproof brick building on solid concrete foundation; Custodls stack; refuse burner; 2400-H. P.. water tube boilers; present provision for inoo K. W. turbo generator; piping and room provided for additional 2000 K. W. Ample Water Rnpply, Engineering Highest quality skill and design in entire tntrtallatlea by recognized experts of wide technical and operating experience. Site Ample for all purposes. Lo Pond 15 million F. B. M. storms;' capacity. Housing Karl litiee Cam p buildings, modern cottages and three-story 60-room brick hotel, completely furnished; also) considerable housing room in city. TFRMS of No bid for less than 31.600.0OO will be accepted for both properties; no bid for less than $1,000,000 will be accepted for the Dfrwivrr railroad property; no bid for less than $500,000 will be accepted for the mill. DlDEIlNC As the above minimum amounts are considerably below the commercial and reproduction value of these properties, the Corpora j c A I F tlon reserves the right to accept any offer In excess of the above minimum amounts for either one or both of these properties. Ana OJlE n or before October 17, 192L, In the event of such offer or offers being, accepted notices will be promptly mailed to all those who have applied for further Information or submitted bids. Purchaser of Railroad must agree to operate same as common carrier. Deferred payments (at 2 interest) over period of 10 years will be allowed. All bids must be accompanied by certified check for $25,000, made payable to the United States Spruce Production Corporation, cam to be re- tained as liquidated damages upon failure of bidder to complete purchase on award; but to be returned In event of rejection of bid. All bids must be made on forms and under conditions contained In the prospectus which will be supplied upon request by the United States Spruce Production Corporation. Titles to real property, timber, maps, layout plata of mill and master Index of machinery may be examined at the offices of the United States Spruce Production Corporation Couch Building - - Portland, Oregon, U. S. A. terday by Sheriff Fred G. S-tlckels from th Southern Pacific company a payment of the second half of the company's ta on property In Lane county for 1920. The nheriff reports that taxes are coming In mora ylowly than usual. He said he expected a rush before October 6, when taxes become delinquent. Phone your want ad to The Orego nJan. Ma-in 7070 Automatic 660-95. Seattle Grain Market. PKATTLJ2, Oct. 1. Wheat Hard white. hard red winter, $1.08; soft white, whit, club. 1.07; soft red winter, tl.OH: north ern spring, $1.10: eastern red-Walla, 11.04; UIk liend bluestem, 11.14. City delivery: Corn Whole yellow. $37: cracked, 130: feed meal, 139. Barley wnoie reed. 134: rolled. 36: sround. 136: clipped, (41. Oats Whole feed, ' 3; rolled, 3M; ground, 138; sprouting, 141. w neat necteanea leea. 4&: all eratn chop, (38: chick feed. $37; chick mash, $4; growing feed, $53; growing mash. $52: err mash No. 11. M., (47; scratch feed, $46; wheat mixed feed, $23: cocoa nut meal. $2T: linseed oil meal, $50; soy bean meal, $58. Hay Alfalfa No. 1. (20: mixed No. 1. $22; timothy No. 1. $27; straw, (18. Duluth Unseed Market. DULDTH. Oct. 1. T.lnH nn n,v arrive. (1.91. Naval Store. SAVANJJAH. Ga.. Oct. 1. Turpentine. quiet; 61 "4c; sales, nous: receipt. 613 barrels: shipments, 14 barrels; stock, 9579 barrels. Rosin, firm; sales, 978 barrels: receipts. 1674 barrels: shipments. 295 barrels: stock. 77.803 barrels. Quote: B, (3.80; D, $3.85; fc 3.9u; 4.oo: o. (4.05: H. $4.10: L (4.25; K, (4 50; M, (4.80; N. (4.90; WO, (5.30; WW, (3.40. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Oct. 1. Cotton Spot quiet; middling, 21.10c. $67,17 7 Tax Payment Made. ETTGEN-E, Or.. Oct. 1. (Special.) A check for (67.177.78 was received yes- Will Sell Cheap, for Cash, a Small Amount of Waverly Golf Club 6 Bonds Dated April 1, 1912. Due April 1, 1932. Have always received inter est promptly. T 69, Oregonian. We Own and Offer ARGENTINE REPUBLIC Ifo Gold Notes, due tj October 1. 1923; to yield .'. PROV. OF ALBERTA 4 Bonds.'due January 1, FT HKjOL 1924; to yield t I O 0 6.00 PORTLAND GAS & COKE C0 Bonds, due Jan- f7 HftO uary 1, 1940; to yield 1 -"WO Phone or wire order3 collect. g l Devereaux 5i(5mpany INVESTMENT BONDS 87 SIXTH STREET PORTLAND. OREGON BROADWAY 1042 GROUND FLOOR YVELLS-FARGO BUILDING PROV. OF SASKATCHEWAN 1 Bonds, due July ri IJXCL X", iuUj v J.V.u. .... ...... ... PORT OF PORTLAND 6 Bonds, due July 1, 1926; g j IU J iciu WASCO COUNTY, OREGON 5 Bonds, due Jan. 1, 1922; to yield GRAND TRUNK RY. CO. OF CANADA 6 Bonds, ( K(Cf j... c 1 101C v TnVU JmtJJ L UU3 UCpit W vv j - (Guaranteed by Dominion of Canada) ".i 4 jin"-ivU .11 mi flTi CITY OF ML ANGEL, ORE. 2-year 7 GOLD NOTES at 99.625 of epublic of Argentine 7.2 wUI yield DON'T WAIT until yon have the money. Our plan of BAST PAYMENTS possibly more Freeman tyJ SMITH CAMP HOUND VOC will start yon with email UnyU CO. 6 Water Honda to Yield Dai4 An r. 1. 121. line A he. 1. 2H. Denomination S5O0. Income Tax Exempt Ass. Val t 34n.372.0A Kt. lira Val. 1,000,000.00 Gen. bonded debt ( Inc. water and treet Imp. bonds) 45,730.60 l.ea water bond rer. . . 32,300.00 ' Net Bonded debt 13,230.60 The city of Mt. Angrel la 42 miles south of Portland in rich agricultural sec tion. Good transporta tion by steam and elec tric lines. These bonds are for addition to water plant and extension of distributing; system. I CLARK-KENDALL & CO.. INC. Fifth and Stark Streets i Wk BONDS , , , M OVERBECK & COOKE CO. Broker. Otork. Bonds, full. Oram, fete. tl-tl7 BOARD OF TRADS BUM. Malta Walla. Waa. 1'ortland. Or. faadlston. Or. MEMBERS CHICAGO BOABBt 1KAU1S, Correspondents of Loraa A Bryas C lili so and tw Vxk. MEMBER. Net. Tork fctck iEirhura Tblraso Block Kscbans. - Boston Stock Exclianaa. hlcazo Hoard of Trade. New York Cotton Kxchn-e. New Orlcan Cotton tazcliaoas. Mew York Produce KscbaJDCas Winnipeg Grain Kxchanso. liver pool Cotloa it ssoriaU.a. ORGANIZING A COMPANY? Save the usual Incorporatm-p penses, avoid personal liability i excess profits taxes. Org-anlz on the common law plaa under a D FXJLAILATI O X OB TRUST Demaree Standard Forma (ap proved by attorneys) furnish com plete equipment with which sjiy one In any state can organize a company, issue shares and beg-In doing- business the same day. Aak for circular containing full descriptions. C S. Demaree. I-cral Blank: Ir1tw S13 Walnut. Kansas City, Mo. How to Figure Margin Fully explains marginal trading, equities, short sales, odd lots, etc Write for B-S or call Whitehall 76S Edwin E. Kohn & Co. I Members Consolidated Stock Exchange of New Tork. 55 Broadway, N. Y. Our Partial Payment Method Is a . unique way of purcbaaina; Securlties for Investment or Specu lation. It offers exceptional advantatrca at this stag's of the market. Onr Special Booklets D-T2S "The l'artial Payment Plan" explains fully how your losses Are Minimised. Through Its Use. BECK & COMPANY . STOCKS AND BONDS. One Wall St. New Tork Phone Rector 2826. IDAHO HONEY Choice alfalfa clover blend. Five pounds $1-25. ten pounds - 12.25. postpaid. Sixty pound 18. freight paid. J. A. GOODAJ.U Mountalnh ome. ltsJMw HERRIN & RHODES, Inc. Established 1896. BROKERS K.w Tork Pforks, Bonds, Grain. Cotton. Private Wire. Member. Chicago Board of Trade. Hl-S Railway ETcbanr. Bldat. T.lephon Mala 2S3-2SA.