THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 25, 1021 COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION WILL OPEN ON TUESDAY Leaders in Work From All Sections Are on Programme Which Will Be Held in Auditorium of first Presbyterian Church Banquet Will Be Served. OUTSTANDING Sunday school workers In Portland have been obtained for the. annual conven tion of the Multnomah County Hunday School association, which will be held aU day Tuesday In the Sunday school auditorium of the First Presbyterian church. The entire programme has been ar ranged with the central Idea of bring- In lectures to Sunday school teachers that will help them in their winter work. Potluck luncheon will b served at noon and at night the an-nu-al banquet will be given. No regis tration fee will be charged, every thing at the convention being free ejtcept the banquet. Twenty-five of the best singers In the Whitney boys' chorus will fur nish the special music at the evening session under the direction of Profes sor 11. E. K. Whitney. The convention programme follows Morning- session. 10 Sont and devotional services. In cJiarre of the nresldent. in IV-"With Uod'i Word." br the Rev. S. Karl DuBols, putor ot the Church at the stranrer. 10:45 "The Pnrpon of This Co even fdnn " hv the Breeldrmt. 11 ympolum: "The Teacher"; "The Ufa ot the IweStr." y Vn. M. a. Mmcham ot the First Chrtstl&a ehureh; -The Mission ot the Teacher," by Mr Clan B. uon. superintendent of Sonde school work In Oregon for the Disciple ot Christ chnrches: "The reparation 01 the Teacher." by A. P. Blttner, director of religious ' education at Westminster Presbyterian church; "Metnooe ot eacu Inir," by Mrs. C. O. Stevens of the East Hid Haottitt church. 12.15 Potluck luncheon In the church dining- room. Vlxttors and delnaatee are invited to brine their own lunch and loin In the Informal programme. Coffee will be served by the county association. Dur ing the luncheon hour Miss Bessie Kirk wood will have charge of a programme In which dally vaoatlon Bible school work will be presented. Mini Klrjtwood Is di rector of religious education at the Cen tral Presbyterian church. Afternoon Session. 1:45 ong and favorite verses) from Ood's word. 2 "The Teacher's Responsibility." by Dr. George H. Toung. state director of Baptist Young People's work. 3:iv Open parliament, led by Dr. George H. Toung. "Where I Have Failed How I Can Improve As a Teacher." All present participating. 2:30 Address by Mlas Marguerite Hew eon, social service deaconea at Cenlen nary. Wilbur Methodist Episcopal church. ft flpecial music. 1:10 "What I Haw at Toklo." by Miss Mabel Hinea, delegate from the First Bap tist church to the World's Sunday school convention st Toklo, Japan. - a ;0 "Oregon's Part In the Near East." by J. J. Handeaker. state dlreetor of the near eaat relief work. Special mualo. 4:10 Business session. Annual Banquet. Hjl.t Informal dinner will be served at the church for HI cents per plate, pur lag the dinner hour the following sym posium will be given: "How to Secure" "Home Co-operation." by I'rofeswor Charles A. Rice of the First Methodist church; "Sunday School At tendance." by Ellton tihaw of the Mount Tabor Presbyterian church; "Church At tendance." by Mlas E. J. HeiXka of the Arleta Baptixt church; "SyMematlo Giv ing," bv he Rev. Ralph C. McAfee, execu tive secretary of the Portland Federation of Church: "Lcwnn Study," by Harley ri. Hallgren. county vice-president and teach. 't In the Hwedlrh llaptlnt Hunday school;. bv Mrs. B. Karl Dubois of the United Presbyterian Church of the Stranger. Evening Session. T:4!T (Progrsmme of musle by 25 picked s4ogers from the Whitney Boys chorus. The Rev. H. E. K. Whitney directing Prayer. 5 Announcements and offering foreonn ty and state Hunday school work; music; "Absolute Attention, the Teacher's Right." by Mrs. W. K. Wright of the East Side RaptlM church. For five years Mrs. Wright was a member of "Hilly" Sunday's evan gelistic team; Inilallatlnn of new offi cers: special rnuMtc: "God's Method of Teaching His Bible." by the Rev. Norman Kendall Tully, associate minister of the Flret Prehytetiaa church. Closing prayer and sdjournment. "Where Christian Lives" to Be Pastor's Topic. AT THE Flrat Baptist church (White Temple) Dr. B. B. Sutcllffe of the Moody Bible Insti tute will' have charge of both serv ices. In the morning at 11 o'clock his subject will be "Where the Chris tian Lives," and In the evening at 7:46, "The Story of Herod." Sunday school will meet at 9:45 A. M.. with classes and competent teachers for all ages. A meeting for the young people will bo held at S:30 P. M. Chorus choir rehearsal will be at 1:30 P. M. see Mlig Edna Shoemaker, recently re turned Baptist missionary from China, rave an Interesting address at the misalonery meeting at the Third Baptist church held at the home of Mrs. S. L. Tobey, 846 I'atton avenue. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Bean assisted the hostess. Miss Shoe maker had a number of eurios and explained them. Miss Zclda Waters demonstrated her Chinese mission kindergarten with 16 little Chinese boys and girls. They played games and sang sonifs. and Miss Mabel Leo sang, accom panied by Miss Buelah Tong. Chinese cakea and tea were served e The Union Bible classes being held each week throughout the city are meeting with much encouragement. Dr. B. B. Sutcliffe. the leader, has expressed himself as being greatly pleased with the Interest and the splendid way the work Is opening up. Tuesday evening classes are held In the First Baptist church at -7:15 and 8:15. The earlier hour is for the discussion of the Sunday school lesson for the following Sunday and the last hour la given to a study of the Epistle to the tyalatlans. Wednesday afternoon at i o'clock the class meets In the Westminster Presbyterian church. At i o'clock there Is another class meeting In the Sunnyslde Congregational church. Dr. Sutcllffe has a large class at McMinnvllle Monday evenings. All of these classes are open to the public. e e e Dr. Charles L. Trawln, pastor of the First Baptist church of McMlnn wille, has announced a series of sermon-conferences based on a recent hook by Richard L. Swain on "What and Where Is God?" fcSome of the questions to be dls enssed are: "When the world asks for bread does the church gl? A a stone?" "The tragedy of the soul that has lost God " "Was your mother a monkey?" "Does man have a soul? and If so, what is Its relation to Clod?'' "Does God have a body?" "Did Go become a man?" "Can God die?" "Is the world losing Its sense of Immortality?" "Is materialism mentsl madness?" "Is eternity a graveyard everyone dead hut God?" "What difference does It make what we be lieve about Immortality If we live as we should here?" "What about heaven?" "Is there really a holy eltyr" "Shall we meet our loved ones?" "Shall we see God?" Revival meetings have been con ducted at Gresham every evening of the past week and there have been a number ef add-ltions to the ehureh. The meetings will continue all dur- Story of Herod to Be Dlecoaaeel at Mght Mervleea. Ins; the next week with services con ducted by Rev. Earle D. Sims- at 7:33 o'clock,. Sunday at 11 A. M. Mr. Sims will speak on "Heaven" and a big baptismal service la planned (or Sun day, October 2. e e e Rev. Karle IX Sims wtll preach at Gillis Sunday at t P. M.. and also organize a Sunday school at this point The services are held In the Seventh-Day Advent church building. Rev. Karle D. Sims will preach at the Pleasant Home Baptist church today at 3 P. M., and at the close of the service the 11 new members will receive the hand of fellowship, and the Lord's supper will be adminis tered. e e e In the East Side Baptist church. Dr. W. B. Hlnson. the pastor, will preach at 11 o'clock from the subject "A Sunrise at the Midnight Hour." In the evening at 7:30 o'clock Dr. Hlnson will take as his theme "Paul's Stenographer." The time ot the even ing services of this church hag been changed from 7:45 to T:30 P. M. The young people will meet at 1:36 P. M. Group No. 1 will have charge of the service. South America, will be the subject. There will be special muslo and Mr. Louis Schunke will sing. All young people ef this church and congregation are Invited to the young people's social which will be held oa Tuesday evening at t o'clock under the direction of group No. 1. At the midweek service Wednesday night Dr. HinBon will speak from the question "Has Christ Failed?" see The Rev. R. E. Close, pastor of the Third Baptist church, will preach from the theme, "Lowly Service and Lofty Estimates." The subject of the evening sermon will be "The Pathway to One's True Self." see The Church of Our Father (Unita rian), Broadway and Yamhill, will ob serve "Home-coming Sunday." Rev. Mr. Eliot will preach upon "New Pre destination for Old." The "Hnme comlng Sunday" Is put one week for ward because of Rev. Mr. Eliot's ex pected absence from the city In at tendance upon the general conference to be held in Detroit. Mich., October 4 to 7. He expects to return to the city by October 12. Episcopalians to Celebrate Holy Communion Today. Ysssg People's Society to Hold Song Service at Hospital. FIRST service at St. Stephen's pro cathedral today, which is the 18th Sunday after Trinity, will be hely communion at 7:45 A. M. The Very Rev. R. T. T. Hicks will be the cele brant. Church school will be at :45 A. M. ; morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. Rev. Benjamin Kemerer of St. Louis, Mo, will preach at this service. There will be evensong and address by the dean at 7:45 o'clock. The Young Peoples society will meet at the main entrance of the Good Samaritan hospital on Twenty-third tind Marshall streets at I P. M. sharp, where it will hold Its usuaj song serv ice In the wards of that institution. It will meet again In regular session at 6:30 P. M. In the parish house. Mrs. Kohler will lead. Special speak ers will make short addresses, see "Ministering Angels" is the subject cf Dr.. A. A. Morrison's sermon this morning in Trinity church at 11 o'clock. Plans are under way for the organization of a chapter ot the Daughters of the King, a society of young women who engage In varloua departments of church work. A reunion and reception of all per sons who have been confirmed during the ministration of Dr. Morr'son will be held In the rectory Friday evening, October 28, from 8 to 10 o'clock, see St, David's church. East Twelfth tnd Belmont. Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector, will hold services at 7:30, :30, 1 and 7:30 o'clock. The annual school rally will be held on Sunday at 9:30 o'clock. The new courses of study will be taken up. Some new teachers will be introduced. All old pupils are expected back and httw ones added. Anyone beginning this week will be able to make the attendance requisite for the bishop's cross at the end of the year. St James' chapel will hive Its first anniversary on Monday, the 26th. St. Peter's chapel has been moved from East Stark street to East Eighty-second and Burnslda streets. The rector will preach at ll A. M. and the Rev. B. T. Kemerer at 7:30 P. M. e The Personal Message church will hold regular services in the assembly hall. Hotel Portland, at 7:45 P. M. to day, led by E. W. Shaw, pastor. Children's Mission Festival to Be Observed. Special Programme Arraaged for I. others Church. THE children's mission festival will be observed In St. Paul's, Lutheran church. East Twelfth and Clinton streets. Rev. A. Krause, pastor. The missionary programme will he given. "To the Highways and By-Ways" will be rendered. The service begins at 10:30 A. M. The subject for the evening at 7:30 o'clock will be "How to Enlist and Interest Children and Toung People in the Work of Missions at Home and Abroad." Special muBic has been prepared by the choir. Bible study and young people's meeting takes place at t P. M. The Sunday school meets at :30 A. M., and the choir rehearses Friday at S P. M. see At Trinity Lutheran church, Rod ney avenue and Ivy street, services will be conducted as follows: Ger man at 10:15 A. M, English at T:30 P. M., Sunday school at t:15 A. M. Holy communion will be celebrated In the evening service. "A Harvest Home" service will he held at St. James English Lutheran church today at 11 A. M. Rev. Will iam. E. Brlnkman will speak on the subject. "God's Harvest Bounties." The vested choir will render special music. The Sundsy school will meet in the chapel at :60 A. M. At 7:45 P. M. the pastor will preach a sermon on "The Most Profitable Investment." The Young People's Lutheran league will meet for a devotional service at 6:45 P. M. see At Grace Lutheran church there will be services at 11 o'clock. The pastor's theme Is "Eternal Life, an Inheritance or an Acquirement?" At 7:30 the pastor speaks on "Proving Discipleship." The Sunday school meets at 9:45. An Important feature of church Work has been begun in the form of a Saturday school for chil dren. The class meets at 10 o'clock. At the Y. P. S. Tuesday night Oregon league matters will be considered. Grace church Is located at East Broad way and Twenty-fourth street. ft - "AP Ta'-'4.i i. ' ' t i t .f lrA 1 - ' Klrat MsilsesTlsl KpiJSFopjil caareh e( Fereert Grow, where sessions of the aaanal Oregom comfexeneo of the Meth- etlat Egtlaewpal eksies will be held, atartlmsr October B. Congregationalists to Have Rally Day Programme. Dlscnssloa of Labor and Tipping Will Feature Forum. riDAY is Rally day at the First Congregational church. At the re union church service in the morning Dr. W. T. McElveen will give his fifth sermon-lecture on "The Psychology of Healing." His specific topic is "The Education of the Emotions for Health and Character." The organist and quartet have prepared a special musi cal programme. At the popular "ques tion and answer forum" the Congre gational minister will anewer the fol lowing four timely questions: 1. Where does the American Labor Federation programme fail? 2. What Is your opinion of tipping? 3. What are the possibilities of the disarmament conference November 11? 4. Explain the ldsa of the trinity. Mrs. J. Robert Mansfield, the organ ist, will prelude the evening service with a short organ recital. She will play the following numbers: "Andantlno" (Qullmant), "Festival March" (Brooks). "Postluds" (Ashford). The church sohool will hold au tumnal rplly at 9:45 A. M. Mrs. Car rie Adams, the head ef department, of music of the school, has prepared a special musical programme. Miss Dorothy Rice and Mrs. H. A. Roberts, who were the school's delegates to the Seabeck conference in August, will give two talks upon two aspects of that conference; Dr. McElveen will tell an original story, and a group of young women headed by Miss Gladys Alexander will give a playlet entitled "Hanging Out One' Shingle- W. K. Royal, the new associate superintend ent, will be introduced, and A. E. Larimer, the. superintendent will out line the plans for the coming year's study. The First church school uses the best educational methods and the best text books.' a Josephine Woolery is the leader of the Senior Endeavor aoclety meeting, and Louise Greene Is the leader of the Intermediate Endeavor meeting. Both groups will study ."Mleieions in South America." and meet in different rooms at 6:30 P. M. The Women's association holds its first all-day meeting on Wednesday. October 6, at 12:30 o'clock. That day a special birthday luncheon will be served to all whose birthdays occurred during June, July, August, and September. Mrs. E. C. Nothnagle has this func tion In charge. Judge Rossman. the president of the Men's Brotherhood, announces a series of most excellent dinner meetings for the coming sea son. John J. Hanaaker, wbe has just returned from an extended tour in Asia Minor, wHll be the October speaker, and Colonel A. E. Clark, who served In France and England during the war, will address the November banquet a On last Tuesday morning, at the T. M. C. A. auto school. Dr. McElveen of the First church began a series of ad dresses on "Short Talks on Vital Thlnga." He will speak again next Tuesday morning at 9:45 o'clock.' The Portland ministers' meeting appointed five ef its members on a "Justice to Armenia" committee. The committee la composed of Drs Pence, Stansfield, McElveen, Clark and Grlf fis. The committee meet in the Con gregational udy on Tuesday after noon and elected Dr. McElveen as chairman and Dr. Clark as secretary, see The sermon topic or Rev. Edward Constant this rooming at Hignland Congregational church will be "Mod ern Idolatry." In the evening ht 7:30 there will be a musical service, the Items of which will include prelude and offertolre by Mrs. W. K. Caldwell, violin aelections by Mr. John Oliver, soprano solo by Mrs. Walter Lofquist, contralto solo by Mrs. D. Dotson, baritone solo with violin obligato by J. Gn- Kllpack, and a brief address on "The Blessing of a Singing Heart." The Ladles Aid held its birthday party on Wednesday at the church, when a large company enjoyed a de lightful programme and afternoon tea was served- The men of the church and locality have formed a Good Fel lowship club for the purpose of help ing in Sunday night meetings, pro moting social intercourse and com munity spirit. see The Atkinson Memorial Congrega tional church had an encouraging opening last Sunday. The pews had been rebuilt and everyone pronounced them comfortable and the reflnlshing made them attractive as well. With the walls retinted and the carpet re newed, the auditorium Is one of the prettiest of the younger, smaller churches in the city. Commissioner Pier furnished armfuls of flowers from the greenhouse and Mrs, Charles Inderbitzen supplemented it with wonderful autumnal foliages. This, together with her arrangement of them, made the church very beautiful. The new quartet consists of Miss Leona, Mourton, director and con tralto; Miss Audry Logan, soprano; Curtis Beach, bass; Walter Lund, tenor, and Roan Faith, organist. The pastor. Rev. Elbert E. Flint will preach this morning upon "The New Discovery The Noiseless Pow er." Tonight his theme will be "Fools of the Bible, and Other Fools." Among the activities beginning In the church was a "Birthday Party" for all women having birthdays in the month of July. August and Sep tember, held In the ladies' parlor Wednesday afternoon- Twenty-two "? - - -,,- , , wlw--- ' I jilla. - -ewe - " I were honor guests. The room was crowded o Its capacity. . .The morning service at Sunnyslde Congregational church will be given over to Rally day by the Sunday school. An interesting nrosTamme j will be furnished, including gradua tion of seven classes. John Young will lead the Junior Endeavor at I o'clock. on "Mission ary Stories." Intermediate at 6:30 will discuss the topic, "Missionary Results in South America." Holden LeRoy will be leader. The work of the Pilgrim Legion will be presented at the Senior Chris tian Endeavor society at 6:30. The young people of eight Congregational churchea of the city will participate, as follow: Park Rose. Pilgrim, Waverlelgh Heights. Laurelwood. Highland, Atkinson .Memorial. Ger man Zlon and First German. Superintendent Sullens will speak an "How the Pilgrim Legion Makes Young People Effective In Religious Work." Professor Tuttle of Paciflo university will speak on "What Shall We Do About It?" At the Tegular evening services Rev. J. J. Hansaker will speak on his observations and experiences In Ar menia, on his recent trip. Wednesday evening Dr. Sutcliffe's olass will meet, and Thursday eve ning the Bible class will study Reve lations, 21st chapter, Dr. Staub lead ing. see At Waverly Heights Congregational church. East 13d street and Wood ward avenue. Rev. Oliver Perry Avery, minister, will preach. A practioal sermon of comfort and inspiration will be given at the morn ing service on the subject, "The Mis sion of the Inconspicuous." The most of the world's work is done by people whose names are unknown or are seldom thought of as eminently suc cessful. At the evening service the theme will be, "The Life of Maxi mums." The Waverly-Rlchmond Men's Brotherhood, which was fostered by the men of the church last spring, will resume Its meetings by a social and "salmon bake" in the social rooms of the ohurch. Christian Church Budget Is Up Today. Rev. Harold II. Griffin to Speak at Morula Service. HE Victory of Our. Faith" will be the sermon subject of Rev. Harold H. GrWfia at the First Chris tian church this morning at 11 o'clock. The congregation's bud set for the new fiscal year, beginning October t will be sum-bitted to the menvbershlp at the morning worship. The total budget for current expenses and for missions and benevolences will be ap proximately 10,0M, to provide for which the men of the congregation will begin today their annual every member canvass. Tonight at 7:45 the pastor will dls cusa the teachings of Chist concern ing the duty of personal preparedness and the need of reserve lorce in nu man life, the specifio topic being "In the Midnight of Life's Emergency." The muslo for these Sunday serv ices -will include the quartet "When Morning Dawns" (Botun), also the baritone selection, "Not a Sparrow Falleth" (Gilbert), by W. G. Mannan. The nerw church quartet la made up of the following: Mrs. Eloise Hall Cook, soprano; Mrs Hary Adele Vann. contralto; W. G. Mannan, baritone, and Walter Echart, tenor, with Miss Kvalyn Cheeley in charge of the pipe organ. e At the Kern Park Christian church. Fortv-aixth avenue and Sixty-ninth street Southeast. FWble school will meet at 9:45 A. M-, under direction of Isaac Purvianee, superintendent. At 11 A. M. Dr. J.' F. Ghormley will speak, taklrwr for his theme "Border Lands." Dr. C F. Swander, who has Just re turned from the International conven tion at Winona Lake. Ind., will speak at 7:45 P. M. He will bring an In spirational message from that great gathering. Mrs. May and Vale BIU lngsley will have charge of the music with Mi-av H. E. Hall accompanist. Union of Five Churches at Oakland Is Success. Programme Preseuted by Fede rated Congregation. Appeals to Commas-try. OAKLAND, Or, Sept. 24. (Special.) During the war period when many communities in Oregon and else where considered the possibility of solving the over-churched problem Oakland, Or., was one of the few towns to .make the venture. The Baptist Christian, Episcopal. Metho dist and Presbyterian chnrches have been working and worshiping to gether since. The new institution Is preparing to celebrate Its third -birthday October 7. The question of re turning to the eld competitive sys tem has been presented at each an nual meeting, but always enthusias tically and unanimously negatived. There is no Indication of any of the communions withdrawing from the federated relationship. The programme made possible by the union strongly appeals to the entire community. Plans are now being perfected for the remodeling of the church edifice and the erection of a social center and gymnasium. R. A. Hutchinson will continue to direct the religious and se-sial astlvitles ef the church. Methodist Officials to Make Reports Today. Closing; of Church Year Is to Be Harked by lie-views ef Work. THE closing Sunday services for the church year will be held at the First Methodist church today. The fourth quarterly conference will be on Monday night at 7:45, when full reports from all departments will be read. The Indications are that these reports will be the best by far in the history of the church. Dr. Stansfield will preach on . "The One Chutch" this morning. In the eve ning the sermon subject will be "A Bad Bargain," and will show the danger of foolish exchange in many ef the realms of life. The evening service begins now at 7:30 sharp, and Dr. Roy A. Prudden will lead the congregation in a "congregational sing" of familiar hymns and songs. Epworth and Intermediate league de votional services begin at 6:15 P. M. ' e Dr. W. B. Holllngshead, field secre tary of the committee on conserva tion and advance, of the Methodist Episcopal church, will be the speak er at the Rose City Park Methodist Episcopal church this morning. He is the best posted man in Methodism concerning the great needs of the church, both at home and abroad, and has at his absolute command the best knowledge of her resources and abili ties of any man in the ranks of the Methodist Itinerancy. He has just returned from a trip abroad to the great mission fields of the church in Japan, Korea, China and India, and added to his actual knowledge of what has been, what Is and what ought to be; has a wonderfully vivid picture in mind of the simply unsur passed opportunities of today - in pagan lands and what must be done if humanity is to be saved from an other horrible scourge of war. In the evening the Sunday school will have charge of the service, ex cept the brief sermon by the pastor, Ind a programme of unusual Inter est has been prepared. Those priv ileged to be preeent will hear some thing of real moment having to do with our life of today. Rose City Park MethodlBt Episcopal church has one of the best organised and equipped Sunday schools In the city of Portland. e At the fourth quarterly conference of the Sunnyslde Methodist church, held last week. It wss decided to erect a modern community house on the property adjoining the present church. A committee was appointed to Investigate plans and make recom mendations to the board. That there is great need for such a building was shown by the reports of the vari. ous departments covering the past year. With an attendance of 500 in the Sunday school the present church is Inadequate and cannot house those deelrtng to attend. With an Epworth league of more than 100 Its room Is too small. From the report of the pastor nearly 8M were received into the church the paat year and all de partments are very active. Dr. Thomas H. Gallagher was unanimous ly Invited to return for another year at an advanced salary of 8700 from 82800 to $3500 and parsonage. At the Sellwood Methodist church Rev. W. S. Gordon's subject this morning at 11 o'clock will be "The Ancient Tabernacle and the Temple for the Times." and the topic at 7:30 o'clock will be "The Tragedy of Looking Backward." The music Is under the direction of Prof. F. C. Streyffeler. and special numbers are rendered at each service. The Sunday school meets at 9:45, the Junior league at 2:30, and the Epworth league at 6:30. At 4 P. M. the anniversary service of the Queen Esthers of the Portland district will be held In this church, snd a large number of delegates will be pres ent with an interesting programme on mission work under the American flag. . The work on the new annex to the church is progressing rapidly, and will be ready for the reopening Octo ber S. The church is on Tacoma avenue and East Fifteenth street one block east of the Sellwood car line. "The Millennial Story Interpreted" will be the morning theme of Rev. J. H. Irvine, pastor of Woodlawn Methodist Episcopal church, and In the evening, "How to Read the Bible" will be disoussed. "The Song of the Climber" will be the subject of Mr. Mace's sermon in the morning worship at the Clinton Kelly Memorial Methodist Episcopal church on JJowell and East Fortieth streets. The Bible Study hour begins at 9:45 A. M., and the Epworth league devotional hour at 7 P. M. Mr. Ray mond Thompson will lead the meet ing. The Rev. E. Sutton Mace will preach In the Westmoreland chapel at 7:30 P. M., Mllwaukle and South avenue. e Dr. J. T. Abbett will preach this morning at 11 o'clock at the Tuala tin Methodist Episcopal church. Mu sic will be furnished by the Wilson ville trio, the Tualatin quartette and the combined choirs of the Wilson villa and Tualatin churches. The sac ramental service will also be held in connection with the morning service. At noon a basket lunch will be served and Dr. Abbett will preside at the fourth quarterly conference, follow ing the luncheon. It Is expected that this will be the largest attendance during the con ference year. Dr. R. N. Avlsea who is supplying the pulpit at Centenary-Wilbur Meth odist church until the session of the Oregon conference delivered excellent sermons to Iprge and appreciative congregation's last Sunday. Dr. Avi son's message Is scholarly and thoughtful, combined with an evan gelistic fervor that grips Ms hearers. On Sunday morning at 11 o'clock service he will preach on "Life A Problem or a Faith?" and in the even ing his subject will be "Keep Step or Pay the Price." The chous choir is giving great satisfaction in the numbers it is rendering during She evening services. The director, J. Mac Millan Muir, has plans for an Inter esting series of musical occasions. Mrs. A. C. Perrin will sing a solo at the morning service. The various departments of the church are making plans and entering upon the work of the winter. The boys' club, under the leadership of Floyd M. Reeves, reports rapid prog ress. The boys have the use of the Washington high gymnasium for two evenings each week and will play basket ball, volleyball and other In door gamea. The Wesley league Is about to begin a special course of study, "The Life and Teachings of Jesus," and each department has very definite plans and a definite aim to be reached in its work. A unique missionary service Is planned for Sunday evening at 41:16, when certain mission fields will be represented by the young women and others by the young men and at the close a vote will be taken to determine what field shall receive the contribu tions of these local young people. The Thoburn league Is preparing for a social evening to be given soon for all young people of high school age. This Is rally day at Pilgrim Con gregational church. Professor Harold S. Tuttle of Forest Grove will preach at 11 A. M. and at 7:30 P. M. At 9:45 A. M. the Sunday school will see and enjoy for the first time the new cork floor that has just been put in on the basement floor which will be paid for by the school at a cost of more than 8300. The public Is cordially invited. Young people's meeting at 6:30. The First Spiritualist church, cor ner of East Seventh and Hassalo streets, is holding meetings every Sunday at 3 and 8 P. M. A conference meeting will be held in the afternoon. Ira Taylor, pastor, is giving lectures cn the "Philosophy of Spiritualism" in the evening. The Busy Bee Social club of the church will give a card party in the parlors of the church next Tuesday at 8:30 P. M. Greek Church's Members of Many Nationalities. Buses to Re Sent Out to Gather fa Children for Class Work. ONE of the most cosmopolitan or ganisations which has come to the attention of the Portland federa tion of churches Is the Greek Ortho dox church at Bast Seventeenth and Clinton streets. The minister of, this church speaks five different lan guages in conducting and carrying on services of the. church. The Greek Orthodox church ministers to a torn- plex.and little known clement of Port land's population. It Is the church home of 1000 Greeks. 300 Russians. 200 Bulgarians. 150 Syrians. 60 Ar menians, 60 Egyptians, 100 Rouman ians, 300 Serbians and 100 Arabians. The Greek Orthodox church holds Sunday school on Sunday from 9 to 10 o'clock and" morning worship from 10 to 11. The church recently voted to provide week-day religious instruc tion for Its children, after school hours If necessary, and has provided for automobile buses to gather up those children who are on the out skirts of their community. The minister ot this interesting communion is Rev. Bartholomew A. Karahales. D. D. Dr. Karahales is a graduate of the University of Athens, wheere he took his course in theol ogy. He has recently been appointed as the .representative of the bishop of the Greek Orthodox church In America, who resides in New York city, to represent him as acting bishop In the states of Oregon. Washington, Idaho. Wyoming and Vancouver, B. C. Mr. Karahales Is a firm believer in American Ideals and preaches to his congregations faith In Christ and loy alty to America. Three hundred of the Greeks have recently takan out their first citizenship papers; many others have received their final papers. They are attending night schools and tech nical schools In Portland to become proficient in the American language. Secret of Mental Power to Be Discussed. H. Edward Mills to Tell of Methods of Mind Development. H EDWARD MILLS will speak Sunday evening before the Re alisation league at 148 Thirteenth street on "Constructive Psychology," showing how Edison, Hoover, Lloyd George and Mary Roberts Rinehart have developed their minds to the place of enormous accomplishment. At 11 A. M. at the Ann place Mr Mills speaks on "Realise and Possesa." . Services will be held at the Mystic Church of Bethseda, located at 4n Al der street, near Eleventh, at 8 o'clock tonight when Dr. W. W. Aber will give a discourse upon the subject "A Vision of the Future" and followed by messages. A special musical selection will also be rendered during services and a solo and duet given by request. A message circle will be formed be tween and 7:30 P. M. prior to services. see The Volunteers of America 'at Mis sion hall. 252 Oak street, hold serv ices every evenirfg at 8 o'clock. All are invited. After Sunday night Louis K. Dick son, evangelist will continue'his ser mons in a hall which will be an nounced at the tent Sunday night His subject for tonight Is "The Star tling Elijah Message, Sent to the World Before the Coming of the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord." These services are for the public and the seats are free. Special musical pro grammes have been arranged ty Prof. L C. Colcord. who is directing the music in the Dickson meetings. The Society for Spreading the Knowledge of True Prayer, as organ ized by Mr. Rawson, meets In its new rooms at 333 Chamber of Commerce Monday evening at 8 o'clock. All in terested persons invited. "God's Loving Revelations Through the Angel World" will be the lecture topic at 441 East Twelfth street cor ner Sherman, at the Independent Bi ble Spiritualistic society and church tonight at 8 o'clock. On Tuesday night at 8 o'clock the mystto success class meets for the divine healing aemonstrattons and on Thursday night at 8 o'clock a meeting Is held for messages of comfort through in spirational medlumship by the Rev. Mrs. J. C. Schorl and Mrs. Lena Rey nolds of Beloit Wis. Sarvioes for the deaf will be held this afternoon at 2:30 In Trinity Lu theran church, corner Ivy street and Rodney avenue. Rev. Mr. Beyer will preach on "The Three Characteristics of Faith." All who are deaf are most cordially invited to attend. The First Spiritual Science church, of which Rev. Max Hoffman Is pas tor, will hold services today at 5 and 8 P. M. In Allsky hall, Third and Mor rison streets. Mrs. L. E. Philips and Emma Lister will give lectures. The evening subject will be "The Frulta of the Spirit." e The Sunday school of the Clay Street Evangelical church will com mence at 9:30 with K. J. Keller, su perintendent. In the chair. At 10:45 the pastor, Jacob Stocker, will preach a sermon on "The Purpose of the Atonement" In connection with the services of the day the congregation will commemorate the Lord's supper. The Young People's Alliance meets at 7 o'clock, followed by the evening service, when the pastor will address the congregation on the subject "Is Your Faith the Kind to Control Your Conduct?" 'Marching Orders" Will Be Dr. Bowman's Subject Missionary Snclery Hear Talk on Work In Africa. AT the First Presbyterian church, corner Twelfth and Alder streets, the pastor. Rev. Harold Leonard Cow man, D.D., will preach at both serv ices today. "Marching Orders" will be the theme for his morning sermon and "The Battle of the Stars" of the eve ning. The choir will sing "Come Unto Me" (Chaffin) and "My Mouth Shall Speak the Praise of the Lord" (Demarest) in the morning and "He Leadeth Us On" (Hosmer) In the evening. The solo "Sing Ye a Joyful Song" (Dvorak) will be sung by Otto Wedemeyer at the evening service. Mr. Coursen will give the following musical numbers preceding the eve ning service: "March" rrom "Die Folk, ungen" (Kretschmer) ; "First Andan tlno in D Flat" (Lemare) and "Marche "Marche Nuptlale" (Kerval). The evening auxiliary of the Wo man's Missionary society will meet on Tuesday evening at 7:45 P. M.. in room A of the church house. Miss Sarah Case will give an Illustrated talk on "Our Work In Africa." Miss Agnes Symington will conduct the devotional service. Miss Mary Wylie will sing, accompanied by Miss Alice Johnson. Miss Marie Rockwell will give a talk. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all the women of the congregation. The Woman's association will have an all-day meeting, on Tuesday, Sep tember 27. There will be the usual pot-luck luncheon at noon followed by a business meeting and a program In the afternoon. This Is the first meeting after vacation and it Is hoped that there will be a good attendance. t The Warren vesper class of the First Presbyterian church will assem ble again In room E, October 2, to re organize for the winter's work. This class was called into existence four years ago for the purpose of meeting the requirements of young; men and young women away from the family circle. The method of work Is for physical, social and spiritual advance ment along all llneJl of achieving suc cess in any chosen field of labor. This class will meet at 4 o'clock for a song service, followed by a musical pro gramme rendered by an orchestra of ten members. Visitors will be wel come. Entrance 454 Alder street. The class room is on the second floor. e The Warren Bible class for young women at the First Presbyterian church will meet next Sunday to be gin the class work after a three months' vacation. The members are for the most part engaged in the business and professional activities. Young women away from home will find a committee ready to Introduce them into a "Friendship Circle." Em ployment is secured for those In need of a position and the social life Is a big feature of this work. Visitors will be welcome at the opening day, Oc tober 2. at 12 o'clock In room E of the church house, entrance 454 Alder street. e Dr. Harold L. Bowman, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, will bo the speaker at the men's resort meet ing at 4 P. M. today. John Ininir will lead the singing and there will be spe cial music by the men's resort orches tra. Rally day will be observed today In the Central Presbyterian church Dr. Nugent will occupy his pulpit at both services, preaching In the morn ing on "Such a Time as This" and In thi evening on "Prayers That Compel Answer." a sequel to the sermon of last Sunday evening. At a Joint session of all departments of the Sunday school in the auditor ium at 9:45 A. M. a playlet, "A Rally Day That Came Back." written by Mrs. Nugent, will be enacted by two adults and six children. The orches tra and singing Is under the direction of Mr. Robert Louis Barron. The first social tea of the season of the Woman's society will be held on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. K. D. Rood. 615 East Main street. Mrs. Rood will he assisted In entertaining by Mrs. Elinor Davis. Mrs. J. W. Deifell, Mrs. G. W. Dixon, Mrs. J. J. Doyle. Mrs. E. F. Duffy, Mrs. George P. Edwards. Mrs. A. I Enos, Mrs. E. M. Everard. Mrs. K. !. Forrester. Mrs. J. R. Foster, Mrs. Mary M. Fuller. Mrs. S. P. Garrlgues. Mrs. O. F.' Gulllckson and Mrs. Charles A. Gibson. At the close of the mid-week service on Thursday evening there will be an Important meeting of the session to adopt plans for the fall work. The semi-annual business meeting and election of officers of the senior Christian Endea-vor society will be held at the church on Friday evening. Fun night for the Sunday school was observed on Friday evening, with moving pictures and other numbers that made the occasion very delight ful. These monthly gatherings were very happy occasions last year and will be continued this year also. The Rev. Henry White of the MI1-lard-avenue Presbyterian church preaches on the subject, "Christian Fellowship as Expressed In the Lord's Supper." at 11 o'clock. The sacra ment of the Lord's supper will be ob served at this service. The Chris tian Endeavor society meets at 6:30. The theme of the evening discourse is "Prayer; Its Necessity and Power." Mr. White is giving a course of study In the life of Christ at the Wednesday evening prayer service. Kenllworth Presbyterian church is putting on an intensive "get ac quainted" campaign of visitation and community gatherings. Plans are not yet completed, but a competent leader has begun the organization for the work and the Ladies' league Is planning the meetings. This com munity is showing new Interest in its home church. The puplt of the Mizpah Presby terian church, corner East Nineteenth and Division streets, will be occupied by the pastor. Rev. D. A. Thompson, at both morning and evening servioes. His theme for the morning hour at 11 Is "Enduring Foundations." This Is the closing sermon in a series of 15 sermons Rev. Mr. Thompson has been preaching on the "Sermon on the Mount The Christian's Magna Charta." The themo for the evening service at 7:45 will be "Far or Near." The high school chorus will sing at the evening service. The Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:45 will be led by Miss Jean Graham. The topic is "Missionary Results In South America." The- weekly prayer meeting will be held at 8 o'clock, Thursday eve ning. The Christian Endeavor society met at the homo of II. U. Welch for the election of officers' and the Initial social of the year. The autumn communion service will be observed on next Sabbath, October 2. Members will be received Into the communion ot the church at that time. Westminster rresbyteran church will give over Its evening service ta ttle Whitney Boys' chorus. As they are to sing at the state fair the fol. lowing week they have been making special preparation. The entire serv ice, Including the dovotionals, will be conducted by members of the chorus. Dr. E. II. Pence will preach In the morning on the theme "Just Grati tude." Just preceding the regular ermon will be a talk to the children on "The Ox and Its Yoke." Professor J. Hutchison announces the music for the morning ss follows: Anthem, "Thou, Lord, In the Begin ning Hast Laid the Foundation of the Earth." Psalm ell. Revelation 21 (John Stalner); offertory. "Andante In A" (Henry Smart); quartet, "To Him That Overcometh." from "The Rose of Sharon (A. C. Mackenzie). The Women's association hnd Its first regular meeting or the fall last Monday and many wero present to enjoy the luncheon, which was In charge of Mrs. Andrew Porter. AH the activities of the orgalzallon are now at work, hoping for a good sea son. Already five classes for mission study have been organized by Mrs. George Flohtner. The Bible school in now completely orKaniited anil graded In Its various departments. Sessions open at 12:10. Rev. J. Francis Morgan of ried mont Trenbyterlan church plans for his Sunday morning sermon "Profit and Loss" and for the evening , "Amaslng Faith." Thursday evening prayer service will meet at 8 o'clock and will dls cum the theme "Loyalty to the Church." Tuesday nluht the executive com mittee of tho Christian Endeavor met and planned an aggressive campaign for the wlntor. Among their goals are new hymn books and a piano for the church parlors. The Johanna circle has already pledged J'iti toward tho purchase of this piano and will give an occasional candy sale to raise tho money. One of these sales was held yesterday st the Grocctarla on Killlngsworlh and Alblna avenues. The Gleaners will meet for their first fall meeting Friday evening st the manse. Mrs. A. Gavin and Miss Clara Blanch have been added to tho teach ing corps of tho primary department. Christian Scientists to Dis cuss Reality. Public Invited to Inspect needing Itooms. KALITY" is the subject of lee- t'hrlht. Scientist, today. Morning serv ices an hi-ld In all Christian Science churriica u4 11 o'clock. Sunday eve ning service la held ! all'ehurches at I o'ciocl; except Flh and Seventh churches. Wednesday evening meet Inad will he held at 8 o'clock In all cliurchK. testimonies of Christian Sci ence healings comprising a part of these mcutiiigs. Sunday school for pupils up to the see or 20 will be held at 9:45 and 11 o'clock In all churches exrept Third and Seventh, which hold their sessions at S::iO anil 11 o'clock. Reading rooms are ma-ln'talned In the down-town districts at 1133 North western Hank building Hnd 33 North Third street, where the Bihlo and all authorized Christian Science litera ture may hn read or purchased. The public 's cordially Invited to attend the church services and ne the read ing rooms. The churches are located as follows: Klrat Ninetoentn snd Kvertt streets, second Keal Sixth struct and ltolladar sv,niie. Thiid Kant Twelflh snd Salmon etreetn. Fourth Vancouver avenue and Kninreon street. Fifth Sluy-second street and Forty second avenue SnutheaM. Huth Pythian temple. Seventh 4l3 Smith avenue. United Brethren Pastors to Stay in Portland. Philomath Conference Make No Changes) Tuples Announced. ALL four United Brethren pastors of Portland were returned to their respective chari;-M ly their con ferences which met t Philomath,, Or, last week. Dr. Clark, who Is beginning his fourth year at First church. Fifteenth and East Morrison streets, will speak Sunday morning on the theme "Hin drances In the Work of the Lord." His evening topic will be "The Fruitless Quest." At Second church, Twenty-sovonth and Sumner streets. Rev. Ira llawley. who also begins his fourth year, will speak on "What They Heard Pricked Their Hearts." In the evening lie will speak on "Simon Thought He Could Buy It." Kev. K. O. Shepherd, who Is the eldest in service of a Portland I'nueil Brethren charge, will occupy Iiih pul pit both morning and evening at Third United Brethren church. Sixty seventh street and Thirty-second ave nue Southeast. Rev. Leila Luckey begins her second year at Fourth church, Tremont sta tion, and will preach both morning and evening, Sunday. J CONSCIENCE MONEY S.EIMT Mother Travels Willi Child for Whom She Paid Xo Fare. NEW YORK. A conscience-strick-, en mother who, In 1916, traveled from New York to Chicago with a child beJ tween 5 and 12 years old for whoni) she paid no fare, has Just sent money order for 99.55 to J. F. Shinnf general passenger agent of the Sri4 rauroaa nere. Desiring to clear her mind of "th. wrongful act." the woman told he! pastor, the Ktv. W. S. Hichcock oj Negaunee. Mich.,' and asked him t ascertain the amount due the railroad interest. This was done and th4 amount was forwarded and acknowl edged by W. J. Moody, treasurer 03 the company.