21 TIIE- SUNDAY OREGOXIAjf. POItTLAXT), SEPTEMBER 25. 1921 FOR KENT. Furnished 1- late. KINK furnished 3-room flat, 2 bedroums, aleeplng porch, furnace, fireplace, pri vate basement, entrances, tc. ; excellent neighborhood, cluster street lights, lease on year; reasonable rental; located East nmnni near nun wi. n . ,. lr.il, IV 1.' VI' fc'nt-n lah.nl fill. flVe-roO Yamhill near Hltn St. call laoor sleeping porch, fine yard, weal aid walking- distance, -all modern convei lencea; (aa heating system, no furnai to attend, linen and silverware; choli neighborhood. AK an. Ore g n nlan. Mod. lat for rent. $35. with new ant up-to-date furniture for aale. everythlnl complete, aosolutely clean. One of thi beet located fia.ts.n tne city. 848 Co lumnHi OK Rb.N T -i-room IUI1! murn u- - rooms ; built-in cupooarua an vi wmu Private bath and toilet: clean; on car tine, can at ii .. oiisan -BOOM flat, good location and ood far nlture. rent $33: thla la a good hom with a amall Income; price $i50. gooc terms Phone Bdwy. 8387. 821 Chambel o f Comm e rce ping NICELY furnished large front room, bed room, kitchen and bath; modern MO including neat auu v " " ' -" . - lance, adults only. 6-i Taylor near Chapman. CtHIHAULIs, sunny. """",', ture for aale. very reasonable. Can rent two room. DM a.vsreva Jl lilt. -.,-..,. t-HoOM flat, furniture for sale. WOO; '""J $30; weal aid.. Main 77111 Sunday and Auto. 62S-20 ev-r-nlngs iiTuTiiRN d out-rid room-, well f"1;' lower flat. furnr. clofe in, ' J 7tM Karnry treat. W oodlrn6-P4. i . nn main floor. newly Painted and tin" with Piano and garage. as a.. -'" - Woodlawn 4332. . . - MOUKlIN 3-room flat, let floor, nicely fur n.hed fireplace, beautiful lawn front and back, clean and cosy; no children. Close In. genwouo TTTvvER flat "four ruoina and bath, fur nmhed. 146 E. 30th Belmont. K,T H Phone Tabor Sstt. r-venings 3 vi. NL-llTTltflM. l'I.AT. Good location on west d. lovely furnishings tor sale; renl only $3o. can Main B:!.. Va.NTKD Refined la.ly. middle age. as roommate In 3-room f.at. .' . i a IJ.iU weekly. Write my address. ! I'll h St. South, and give your phonejso. FIVE large loomi and bath, beautifully furnished do., to car line, good loca tion. liHin East l!ttnatnor'..i. with balh; ailulta preferred. Bo Pejtl rrove .tl Hroa.iLy ' .JHd f Lii ITiOUM flat, partly furnlahed. fine river view IM4 Margin at., foot of Clackamaa. Kant 2111. FDltNlSHKD upper flat, four roorn. bath and bamment. adultx; ; -l tn t V WoodlBwn SliSO. . i-I.AT for rent, furniture for aale cheap. Kent walking dlatance, et aide. m N. 17lh. llrodwayl)l .1. . BUVb: room., hardwood floor., tile bath i... ,.h rireD ace. furnaca. 1U Olenn avenue. n MuNTIl. partly furnlatied 1 room., bath. Rill. eic. .mu ' Hta 4l-'.' PnwelL 4-KK..M furnlhed flat, ll.hta. pnone and water, walking dl.tance. Call evenlnna. Kant 7IM11. TTl KLAT. rent 15; furniture for aa.1 re'.onl.e; adult, only. HUS E. Eleventh atreet. WilKlW wlnhell to .hnre her 5-room fur nlah.d flat with congenial people; -0 month. H'lS'i l,arrat.3 t. , rUKMTl llli for aale. id floor flat of S room, for r.-nt. lth and Clifton at... portliinil Heiitnta. KUKMTl ltE of -room flat for a.e. flat for renl; will lady who offered IUjU plea.e.li?iii ilx IllHlMS of good practical furniture for iale and modern flat for rent. 2.1V. tlroadway. . . Full HAf-I; The furnlahlng. of a flat. bargain; . ' - ' - Broadway. Be A V TIF I" L furniture of e 8-room .team heated flat for .ale; flet for rent, bhii fouch st. Villi KENT A Tour-room furnished flat. close In 2 IS K. 2Mth st. Tsbor WWW. HouakreliJtBomv LARUE ' H iC ROOM. KITCHENETTE, PORClf FlRNACB HEAT ELECTRIC I.IOHT; CLEAN LINEN FREE. TWO PEOPLB BMPIX)YBD; NO CHILDREN. ' AFTER 2 P. M. 8:30 DAVIS. 3 BLKS. N. WASH. W. fl. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 1 room with kltchenotte. hot and cold water, private phone, electric llghta. ateam heat, five minutes- walk to town. 2ul Columbia. near Fifth. f CLEAN. nicely furnished housekeeping room In best locality: beautiful grounds, h.u ili-hi and telephone; $-0. -i 1 Hoyt. cor. Sillh. Call before 1' o'clock. LARGE, clean", well-furnished room: hot i -n nni,i water in room. heat, light. phone furnished: suitable for people ein ployed I'll North 22d Marshall 2-i; SEE THIS ROOM. . One h. k. room, nice and light, gas, hot nnd cold water, fine for 2 men to batch. Phone Main 5.VIT IN 1KV1NGTON. :l h. k. rooms. 1st floor; 2 h k. rooms. 2d floor, clean, well fur nished; within walking distance dental college. 441 r;. l-itn . &1NGLK h. k. rooms, men or women. to $12: cfean, quiet, homelike. Bath lobby, muic: also sleeping rooma. 41. llllh st. North. V TWO (lit three nice, light furnished house keeping rooms. Party In store not Inter ested. Come direct to S04 .Irving at. Bdwy. HIioJ. SINGLE furnished h. k. rooms, steam heat; $30 per week; with free fuel gas. Hen. d ricks apta, $10 Flanders, corner 13th. TWO-LARGE h. k. rooms, suitable for three people and d floor h. k. room, walking distance. 32 Flander.. SNICELY turn, frint housekeeping rooms, every convenience. 318 Clay at. Main 34.i. NICE, clean furnished houaekeeplng rooma, simile or double room. The Buckeye, 314 M! E. Morrison st. SINGLE H. K. room with heat and hot and cold water; newly tinted. 341 Har rison st. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marsnall Fur nished H. K. rooms. $13 up. Including hot water, eleatriu lights, laundry rootn. THREE clean, quiet, well-furnished house keeping rooms. $23 per month. $08 Co lutnbta. Phone Marshall 1274. ONE AND two furnlnhed h. k. rooma; heat, light, rath: $4 and up; good location, near Morrison. 170 13th at. NOU BILL Exceptionally dis.rable 4" room housekeeping suite nnd sleeping room. ttu3 4 Gllsan at. . HOt'SEKEKI'INO rooms, nice and clean. electric llgnts ana gas, aa anu up. mvo E. Davis st East 3ii.i2. RONT bay window suite of housekeep ing; ressonable to working people. 182 17th. corner of Yamhill. A VERY large front room and kitchen. 1st floor. Large yard, close in. 201 14th street, near Jefferson. ONE ROOM and large kitchenette; atove heat, bath and phone; very pleaaant. .1 N. 2th St. t CLEAN, well-furnished h. k. rooma. $23 per month. $08 Columbia. Phone Mar. 1274. BEST H." K. rooma for the money, steam heat. h. and c. water. The Maple. 30 N. 17th St.. near W aeh. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooma, electric lights, water, very reasonable. 11 ltl 3t h st. LARGE light, clean h. k. rooms; new furnishings and ruga. 20 E. 13th. cor. of Ash. , 2-ROOM houaekeeplng apartments, phone, Itghts. gas, reasonable, close In. 20Sy Weldler st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, water In every room, cloae in. Phone Bdwy, 11)33. 630 Couch st. LARGE room and kitchenette; warm single rooms, reasonable. 33 Flanders. TWO LARGk furnished front rooma for housekee ping. 404 Je fferson St. LARGE front room with kitchenette and closet, 1 20. 3110 4th St. r DELIGHTFUL front apt., nealy furnished"" better than ordinary, fits Yamhill. 2 APARTMENTS, furnished tor house- Keeping. as rant St. CLEAN, sleam-hested housekeeping room. .Ian a w. in lain si. I ARGE furnl-hed d housekeeping rooms; 25Ji, Wash. St.. cor. $.1. very reasonahl SINGLE and double H K. rooms, price si'i inn ii per mo. I i a .l. ,1st. 3 WEEK up. completely furnished h. k. suites. The Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. FURNISHED h. k, rooms. 2 rooms. $i t room. f3: transient, .. 2n Wash, st! LIGHTS rltan housekeeping rooma with heat. 24 12th St. NICKI.Y lurnlihi j-r-.b'e. 2H1 tj 1 h. k. rooms, very rea- Morrtson. FURNISHED II. K. rooms, 202, Russell St. East I .'..'. LARGE diwntown h k rtiom- veev eh.un if -'': Wsiihlngtop. cor. 3d. ' Ji.Jlt RJ-.NT Apts. and housekeeping rms. Mar. 2HIH after 4 P. M. BASEMENT housekeeping rooma for rent . 2'--i llth st. Marshall 30W7. 2 SINGLE, I double; married couple and no children. 3H1 0th. Mar. 11021. THKEE roi.nis. furnished for houmkeeuing $23. .H K. Alder St. Auto. 2.,l-4."i. FURNISHED and unfutnished h. k. rooms. $ I .V S I r lih e n soin tn urt. Hit h s nd Mil 1. UN Hl'ltS Isll l'.l 2 liifht rooms, suitable for H. K. $s per mo. .".lit Front st. TWO 2-HooM HU1TES lor rsuu isS Id at. TOR RENT. Housekeeping Kooms. Nli'EI.T furnt.hed alngie. '1 or 3-room h. k. room, at 4o!i .. into at., corner L'Dehur. Kates bv the month Si and up; free telephone, bath and pool table. Broad ') ljW lloueeUeeuing Room, in Prtvatai Family KUH UliXT Furni.hed houewkeeplna rra.. t room, and kitchenette to young couple or mld'lle-aged people without cnuuren who will look alter little boy year. old whlla mother work., and .tart lire for little alrl after echool hour.. Very low rent: avsrythlnr furnlnhe.1. i'SJ Adam, .treet Jmt north of Holladay. llMill, mil J iuyim, wi... w. kitchen anllaundry. light, ga. and heat fined ladle, employed. Phone Maln31'M inim iu . or ii . viiii.a v . I'nm-h wt.. cor. N. 16th. NICELY furni.hed aleeplng or light home keeping room. ga, light, bath and u.e of phone. Call Monday. Wednesday and Friday, between i and 4 P. M. 630 4th or ilaln 1M43. FOR KKXT, with private family, two larga front room, nicely furniahed, for light houaekeeplng; auitauie lor tour dulti. 4J4 Third at., corner Mull . Main SSno WILL rent In a private home, rea.onable. two-room houaekeeplng apartment; fur nace heated: No. 10 Buchtel ave.. be tween Slat and 3-'d and iCaat Stark and r.aax I'ine TWO LIGHT, pleasant houaekeeplng rooma, neatly furnlahed; bath, light and u.e of phone; two adult, only, $30. 875 Hawthorne eve. cor. of 2Ulh. Phono T- DOf WUIMI. a-Koou modern anartment. newly tinted nictly furnlHhed, light, water, use of phono Included. Adult, ooiy. Tabor M.lH. 2tl.il r.iim tiurnsioe. HOUSEKEEPING rooma In private family. II..; three clean, well-f urnbjhed hou.i keepfng rooma on aecond flQpr; gaa, bath, phone. Main 7:133. 1 FRONT room., window, eaat, .oath. north, clean, desirable, private entrance. fr arage, cement floor. Z- ICasl sin . hone Kast yuiu. TWO COMFORTABLE, completely fur nlahed rooma. Including heat, light, phone, wmt.r and cooking gaa. M liar. 8S70. NICK sunny front houaekeeplng room miltablo one or two, gaa and elect, fur nlahed, It.Sfl per week, walking dla tance. 3ol 17th and Columbia 3 CLEAN furnlahed rooma for adult.. water, light., lelepnone, garoaiie re moval. 3u; 2 block from Broadway car. T.I. E. 1)5. LOVKLY turnUhed one or two front room.. kitchenette, with running water, neai. phone, hath; working couple: reasonable. .'Ml N". J4th. TWO PRIVATE housakeeplng room, for rent, with hot water and link in. close to town on the east aide. Addreaa t'rosbv gt. NOTICE to returning hoppickera. We have room, here that will suit your pocketbook. U'J Loansdale. Phone Bdwy. 2313. THREE Kood furni.hed housekeeping rms., elec. gas, heat. bath, water; for couple. Phone Tabor 4!14. Baat Yamhill. TWO-ROOM h. k. apt.: light, phona and heat, walking dlatance. rea'onuble rent. 4t3 Montgomery .t. Main 3310. BASEMENT housekeeping suite to let. suitable for z men; cosy anu clean, tif Market St., corner 11 th. CLEAN housekeeping rooma, light, phone, heat rurnished; wamnig aiatance. oa E. Main at. East OUS. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms for rent; free lights and heat. 1H i.asl INth, North. No children. Alberta car. lloLShKEEPINO room for young man or couple employed, everything lurni.nea, r-,sonatle rate. 372 Broadway. L'.NKl'ltNISHEU H. K. room., .ultable for ladleei or a couple. 140 E. 3-Hh at.; good location. 1 blk. to car. rvpniviSHKtl hmiKekeenlna rooms. kitchenette, light, weter, heat free, 130. 1 144 Jvan st.. near uivision. "WO LARGE outside housekeeping rooms, main floor, near car lines. Reasonable, mm Everett st. Bdwy. 33'.'2. ttH.l. cure for children In my home. Christian Science children preferred. JVoml lawn lis.-i. SITTING room, bedroom, bath, kitchenette, telephone. 130; south of City Hall, ilaln 4703. Reference.. J CLEAN rurnished h. k. room., good lo cality; $21 Include, everything. Eaat 4lillt. UNFl'RNIKHED 2 large light out.lde h. k. room., very nice, central location. 221 12ih ai. THREE nice housekeeping rooms in pri vate family. 847 Missouri avenue, corner of Shaver st. 1 AND 2-ROOM auttes. $2 a week and up; nice and clean, no objection to children. t;iMl-lln2 Front ft. ONE 1A1UKINO for Close-In rooms, very comfortable and clean, call 140 Lowoi dale. Phone Hdwy. 2313. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. fan. electricity. 53 East 22d. Phone .sst .S.-.TO $33 -PLEASANT three-room suite, heat, bath, phone, alao two rooma $30. b6 N 21st. $18 PLEASANT two-room suite, elec, phone, bath. B8 loth at. 8. K. t. Lr.AN, -At ll-f urnlshed housekeeping rms. t'lose to Montuvilla school. Tabor 132n. 2 ROOMS In clean, modern home for couple. B.H7 Olissn. .Marshall 8011. tia PLEASANT 2-room aulle; all con- venlences. 8.2'i Thurman $23 LARGE Ut-lluor suite, partly fur- nlahed. 30jjlhst. A LARGE, clean. 2-room apartment, 60S E. VI - .1 i.n CLEAN, comfortable h. k. rms., $2.-0 week and up. 872'fr Hawthorne. THREE rooms. 2 furnlnhcd h. k. 271 Col lege. between 3d and 4th. $13 per mo. THREE nicely furnished h. k. rooma ground floor. $0 week. 602 Front. FUR.N. h. k. rooms, 084 Borthwlck St., near Fargo at. THREE h. k. rooms, employed party pre ferred. Address lttl Grand ave. N. TWO NICELY furnished clean houaekeep Ing rooms. IB.". Monroe st. v.'ood lawn 022. LARGE front room, everything furnished, $20 a month. 4"i0 5th at. S! 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 94 K. llth. East 1340. TWO front housekeeping rooma, reaaona- ble. 442 E. Oak. East S342. NEAT alngie h. k.. IS per month. 206 13th street, A NEAT single h. k. room, steam heated, :l.."iO per week. 445 Columbia. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow, on paved street, block from street car, reasonable rent. Sellwood 1063. COZY i-room bunnalow, with sleeping porch, full cement baaement. partly fur nl . h e d: near 2 carllnes. Tabor 8S08. -ROOM bungalow, J.l.v 1209 Eaat Sal mon, near 3"lh. Modern, except furnace and fireplace. 7 ROOMS and den; built-in, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, laundrv tr&ye, garage. 2'J8 E. 36th. Auto. 228-71. WHEN moving, city or country, get the beet at lowe.t price. Green Transfer Co.. Main 1261. 202 V Alder street. $ ROOMS, sleeping porch, semi-modem; no furnace; large grounds, garage; $35. 230 Shaver at. Phone Auto. 227-46. $60 IRVINGTGN. 824 Eaat 12lh North. LIKE NEW. $75 373 East 14th North. Also others. R. T. Street. 8-KOOM houae with aleeplng porch, good condition, suitable for roomers. 403 Hunaell, near Union ave. Adulta only. MODERN bungalow, furnace, fireplace. Close in. Adulta, reference. 034 Van couver ave. $43 Wdln. lort. i. 3, 4, 3, 7 OR 0 ROOMS; two families; no children. 382 E, 6th and Brooklyn. Brooklyn car, 3-RoO.H house, unfurniahed, bath and lighta. $12 per month. Call eveninga. Woodlawn 234 8 ROOMS, acre fine soil, located In Fnlrview, cheap. References. Sellwood 8132. ' EIGHT-ROOM houae. bath, gaa and elec Lot lonxloo, $2730. 2100 Hulladay ave. 6-ROOM house, close In. good condition, clean. Phone East 1308 3-ROOM house, 71 East 10th North, near Everett. Inquire 1110 6th st.. near Alder. G-RooM, 1-story houae. reasonable. Key 540 Tacnma avenue SellwoocL SEVEN-KOoM House, i!0. Ixi3 Front at. Inquire 3n7 Railway Ex. Bldg. FINE home. Irvlngton district. liOl Han cock st. Call Sundays or eveninga 7- ROOM house. Rose City Park, $03. Mar- i shall 1031. UNFURNISHED house. Sunnyside district, with or without garage. Tabor 8071. 8- ROOM house. 0u3 Front aL, $30. Inquire 3Qf K.uiway E.XCU. Plug 1RV1NGTON- homes. $00 to $100. R. T. Street. Irvl ngton a gent. 113 MODERN o-ronm house; 5S7 E. Oak. bet. 14th and 13th. East 24. BEAUTIFUL 6-room home. cloe to car and stori w. References. Sell. 3132. 7-ROOM house, $33 per month. Phone Ta bor 4708. 3-Rl.Mi.M house, $28 30. 113 E. 31th. In qulre 810 East Pine. FOR RENT .'i-room house, near Jeffer son hlKh. Woodlawn 824. FOR RENT 3-room bungalow with ga rage, on paved at. Aut. 620-80. S-ROOM cottage for rent, with garage, furnished or unfurnished. Aut. 233-24. TWO-STORY house; Holladay Park. Phone East ..'.i-S. $23 FULTON PARK dietrlcL Call Auto mstif 33-i8. 7-ROOM HOUSE, 774 Roosevelt. Inquire Ka-t V!7. ItiisC CITY PARK Five-room bungalow $3. Main 1131. FOR RENT. House. NO. 1200 MIXTER ST. A modern bun galow of 5 room, and music room, to gether with good garage, alao a, big rioored. well lighted attic, with win dows, on paved sc. right In Hawthorne duvtrlct; rent. $-0 per month; will give leae: must take place aa la. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Broadway 47.-il. 410 Henry Bldg. IKV1NOTON HOME FOR RENT. 8-room house, fully modern. In first class condition, for rent at once on long leaae if preferred. 4N4 East 27th. North. Open for Inspection from 12 until I P. M. Sunday. This place la good aa new. Particulars. Q. A. Sarlea, 102 North western Hank bldg. 1JU0 MIXTER street, a modern bungalow of 5 rooms and musjc room, together with good garage, also big floored wall- ngnted attic on paved atreet, right in Hawthorne district; rent $".0 per month. Will give lease; must take place aa la. IMbllSTATE INV. CO., HEALIORS, Broadwuy 47.11. 410 Henry Bldg. PIANOS moved. $3: atalra extra. II each flight: 30 day.' free atorage on all house hold goodv: furniture moving; one-ton truck, $2 per hour: large truck, $2. 7 i per hour: we are experienced and nave good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Trans! er at storage Co.. 104 -. atn t- Open Sundays and evening.. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Comfortable, commodious house, ten ' minutes from car line; modern; bath, electricity and city water; large grounda, fruit treea and berries; view of city, mountains and valley: partly furnished; Tecently renovated, phona eveninga. Main mi. MODERN S-room bungalow, with or with out furnishings, living room 12x22, large fireplace. Interior Ivory and enamel fin ish, half cement baaement, laundry traya, ahruhbery and berrlea, best rea sonable offer taken. 640 E. 37th S. Owner. SUBURBAN 7-room houae. all modern con veniences. $40 a month; also 4-room house. $15 t month. Partlea renting same to care for horse and chickens. Apply Mrs. CogMwell, Lakewood atatlon, Oregon City car line. ' AVAILABLE OCTOBER 1. U14 T1BBETTS STREET. Modern 6-room bungalow; furnace, fireplace, bullt-ins. etc., $.10. U. O. ROHRER. Rental Realtor. ' 200 Panama Bldg. I MODERN 0-room bungalow at No. 13'.4 Curtlaa ave., on choice lot. with fruit trees, 'or rent toadultji only, at $33 per month. For particulars call on or telephone to BEN R IESL.A ND. Main 80, 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. 232 E 14TH STREET. NOW AVAILABLE. ' OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY. Modern ft rooms, furnace, near car. G. O. ROHRER. Rental Realtor. 200 Panama Bldr. FOR RENT 3-room tent house with ga rage. 1 mile east of Alberta carllne, cor ner 40th and Alnswnrth, $12 per month. Call Woodlawn 23111) before II A. M. Sunday. ' ROSE CITY PARK. By owner, 039 Eaat ,9th St.. North. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, com plete with furnace, fireplace; all built Ins.. $50; no children. Open 11 to 4. Foit RENT 6-room modern house; every thing up to date; furnace, garage, chicken house; lot 30x100; full cement basement, etc. : adulta only. 1075 Dlvl- slon. between 35th and Marguerite ave. AN 1RV1NOTON modern 6-roora houne, steeping porch, quarter block, corner, doable garage. Al location, rent $lO0. See Mr. Jones, F. E. Bowman & Co., -10 chamber of Commerce. D-ROOM bouse at .Multnomuh sta.. strictly modern, newly puinted, garege; acre of ground with fruit trees; cheap com muters' fare on the Oregon Electric, one block to highway. Main l'8it7 tl-ROO.M house, two blocka from lBth and wash., west side; furnace, shower bata. electricity, stationary wash tubs and gas; extra large, fireplace; $3.1. No children over .1 yrs. Inquire ."4 X. loth. 6-lluOH unfurniahed houae by October 1, wnn lurnace ana garage; your oppor tunity to get excentlonal tenant: refer- encea furnished. Phone, after Sunday, nronnway Z-'n, COZY 3-room house and sleeping porch. All kinds of fruit treea, S lota, chicken house and run. Call at 1104 East lSlh st. N Alberta car. A SNAP House for rent; fruit treea, chicken house; 4 rrinms. modern every way. Call Wdln. 470S. Res. 1078 E. 2llth st. X- bet. M-10 morning. J. H. Garvla. 7-ROOM house, furnished or unf urnlshed, located at 813 Olenn ave., corner E. Mar ket, 1 block south of Hawthorne car line. Parties leaving town. Call Sunday. CALL BrluADWAY ."NO FOR NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. WILL lease 8-ronm house and garage to responsible party, hot-water heat, hard wood floors, modern place, rent $70. Call at 28 Glenn ave., near Hawthorne VACANT October I. a modern 8-room house haa a fireplace, furnace, a large porch and easy walking distance; rent $33 month. Call 441 llth at. u-ROOM tjueen Anne bungalow. Woodlawn: rent 121.30. Call Sunday 1 to 5. Key at 121HI E. lath, near Atneworth. Woodlawn car, or phone Broadway 1734. A MOIERN 11-room nouse and garage, 100x230 lot, furnished or unfurnished; fine restdeoce location. Wakefield, FrU. Co.. 834 4th .t. GET OUR prloe. for movkig piano, and furniture and long distance hauling. Call Main 1037; after 5:30 P. M. Bdwy. 787. Nob Hill Transfer Co. . NEAR WASHINGTON HIGH. Mod.rn 5-room bungalow, furnace, fire place. $40 per month; good leaae. Owner at place. 13 MINUTES' walk to Morrison. $22; 5 room partly furnished or unfurnished house. 742 4th at. Take N. S. ear to Hooker. SEVEN-ROOM house, furnace, large bath room, three bedrooma, nice yard. One Mock to school. $33. reference. Auto) 021-111. 7-ROOM house, unfuriflshed ; walking dls tance of business district, $25 a month. 482 W. Broadway. MOVING 1'lanoa. furniture and long-dia-- tance hauling a specialty. O. W. Truck Se r vice Co., 40 2d t. Phone Bdwy. 6121 . EIGHT-ROOM modern realdence. beautiful grounda, near high and grammar school. . E 14th and Taylor. 504 IE. Taylor. 3-ROOM atrlotly modern ejean house, one block north Peninsula park; rent $45. Phone Wdln. 454. $45 NEW. MODERN 6-room bungalow, near Peninsula park. Call Main 8783 from 9 to 11. K TRANSFER a STORAGE CO. ja aaya aiorage rree; rurniture. mov ng for less. Broadway 2445. A FOR RENT 0-room house, electric lliht, bath, full baaement; gaa, 1683 Exeter t. Be at place all day Sunday. $40 SIX-ROOM corner house, full baae ment. garage. 1 block Ankeny car. near Washington high. Eaat1301 Monday. Furnished House. " 6-ROOM furnlahed bungalow with acre or more, located at Garden Home on the Oregon Electric; no small children; rent $-r0 per month. 7-room bungalow with acre or more at Ryan Station on Oregon Electric; good barn for machine, etock or chick ena; bearing fruit and berries. Rent $40. No small children. Furnished 6 rooma and aleeplng porch, near Franklin high school; unimproved street; rent $50; no small children. No. 8010 E. 64th st. s. E, Take a look; then phone ua. Ml. Scott car. G. O. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St., Near 2d. Main PUIS or Main 822. WILL lease to adulta fine 0-room modern houae, newly finished Inside, on 20th street, one block to Alberta carllne, stores, etc. $35. Phone East 3221. FOUR rooms in a duplex house, neatly fur nished, furnace and fireplace, $42.30. Garage, $4. Call after 11 o'clock. 181 K. 27th.. cor. Yamhill. 5-BuOM furnished lower fiat. E. 39th st., near Hawthorne; (arage; will lease. 1U38 Belmont. FOR RENT 8-room cottage, completely i jrnanei. is cucniei ave., near J. 80tn and Ankeny FUKNISHEQ. 5-room cottage, bath elec tricity, gas, $26; home Sunday only. 3.17 Borthwlck. FOR RENT $25, 5-room house with three lota, barn, chicken park, eto. , 1 block to Fulton car Tabor 1780. 5-KOOMMnoUern furniahed house with ga----- III ..... i. . '. I -. n . . . w-"' . .... . iioi c. i im. COMPLETELY furnished S-room bungalow S-iil Kil 7-1 W All,u,t. -, FOR RENT Furnished S-room house on ear line. Sella-nori Itlrt FURNISHED boathouse on land; $23 a monin. inquire i;u nroaoway. C-ROOM house, furnished. $33; Myrtle Park. Phone 8-'6-.'i3. MODERN 8-room furnished houae. $30. East SSS. G-ROoM. welt furnlahed. cloae In. Call 3Q8 cook ave. 11 to 5-ROOM cottage, partly furnlahed, rag and electric 20 East 15th st. THREE-ROOM furnished house; no objec t on to hahles. $23. 11!M'4 Haw, ave. WOULD like congenial couple to share nice home with adults. Sellwood 401. FURNISHED house and grounda In Park rose. Q 03, Oregonlan. $4o 5-ROOM furnished house on west side. Marshall 4131. 1034 Macadam st. $43 CLEAN, woll-furnished 3-room bouse. toi j r.a si m sin at. upen su naay. NEW 6-ROOM bungalow, furnace, flre place. $40. 862 K. Franklin. WW'car. 4 ROOMS. $3000. modern, school, high school. 5-t.KI Powell valley. $25 UNION AVE, nemr lOlllnss worth. Call 636-. t-OR RENT. Furnished Houses. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. For rent to responsible small family, furnished 5-room modern bungalow with sleeping porch. Thla la one of the pret tiest little homes In the city. If you appreciate an artistic place thia will suit you. Rent $10 per month. Including ga rage. G 64. Oregonlan. COSY furnished cottage on Columbia high way suitable for 2 adults: 40 miles outl Will rent for 13 a month until June 1 More for caretakina than ren: must be reliable and furnish reference. Thia cottage rente for $20 a month during aummer. Addreaa Ruth, Warrendale post- ornre. or. NICELY furnished 7-room house, piano, library. 3 baths, furnace. flreDlace. elec- -trlclty and gaa. garage; will lease for a year or perhaps longer to family of aauita only; no roomera or boardera price $luo per month. 603 Gasco bldg. Slain S230. CLOSE TO BROADWAY BRIDGE. WALKING DISTANCE. 6 rooms of elegant furniture almost new; will sell furniture for $300 and rent house to buyer for $40 a month. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-8-7 Panama Bldg. Sd and Alder. NICELY furnished 2-room basement suite. built-in conveniences, kitchen has range, gas plate and sink; fuel, electric lights, etc., furnished; private entrance; close In. reasonable. 04 N. ISth St., corner Flanders. Call at atore. same address. Open all day and evening. SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES. 524 Heights Terrace. three-rm. larre Iflaasied in porch, finest view mountains in city; I'O minutes walk to heart of city, or Hall street car on Morrison to 13th. 2 blocks west. See to apprecl ate. Reduced rent for winter. RICHMOND DISTRICT. Will sacrifice my 6 rooms of good fur niture at $400 and rent house to buyer at $23 a month; piano included. See my agent. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, eoa-o-l r-anama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. EIGHT-ROOM ABSOLUTELY MODERN HOUKE. COMPLETELY FURNISHED IN BEST OF TASTE. REFERENCES REQUIRED. 104 21ST: $123 PER MONTH. INQUIRE WAKEFIELD FRIES CO.. BROADWAY 20S0. HANDSOME Irvlngton- home, completely furnished In mahogany. large beautiful rooms, garage: perfect water heater. An IdeAl home; choicest location, convenient to itroanway car. K. r,p, tiregonian. NICELY furnished modern house. 7 rooms. close in. east side, uear Washington high school and car. U. G. ROHRER. Rental Realtor. 206 Panama Bldg. FOR RENT 6-room bouse. ' mostly fur nished, Taylor Ferry road. 10 nun. walk from Ryan Place, O. E. Ry.; large gar den, some fruit. Call Mar. 443. Sunday ana evenings. 10-KOOM modern bungalow. 2 blocks from car; 10-mlnute ride; newly painted and varnished: ail bullt-ine, white kltch en; nicely furnished; quiet neighborhood. Call after 11 A. M- Marahall 3342 i-ROOM modern home, handsomely fur- nisnea in antique mahogany and walnut, oriental ruga, for six or eight months. Adults preferred. References. AR 978, Oregonian. FURNISHED 7-room house for rent, west aiue. no cniioren. owner wishes to re serve one room for short time: $80 per month. References required. Call Main 1175. FURNISHED 6 rooms and sleeping porch, best furniture; also piano; modern and very clean: $60; adults: east aide. Thomaon 4b Thomson. Realtora. 620 nenry rung. rjqwy. Sttq. WILL rent my beautiful home overlooking the Willamette river: 7 rooms, modern throughout; completely furnished: piano and vlctrola: garage, 1601 Willamette blvd. Columbia 544. STRICTLY modern 9 -room completely fur- oisiieu nouse; Willamette Heights dis trict; references required. For further Information see WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO., 85 4th st. FOR RENT First floor of my home, very attractive; wouia maae nice home for quiet family; partly furnished, reason able rent to permanent tenants. Sell- wooa own. TO LEASE to reliable party. 7-room mod- fiipniiiheH hnnu- e. a a - , tj -...i...i den and desirable district. Call fter noons and evenlngseef. required. 1028 S'.'rh s. E. $30 A MONTH and furnished houae to re- uaaiie ana Kinuiy parties who will board and care for children while, mother is employed. Mra. A. M. Johnson, Auto. 621 -22. ALAMEDA. 5 rooms and breakfast nook, fur nished modem bungalow. 770 B. 2,".th at. N. Will lease; $75. Call Wdln. 1061. 7-ROOM house, furniahed or unfurnished. lui-mcu ti mo uienn ave., cor. K. Mar ket, 1 block aouth of Hawthorne car- une. i-arues leaving town. Call Sunday. ocrl rooms, furnished, 13 minutes' ride irom town, on Mississippi car. 1 block from car line; rent $35. 857 Michigan avenue. tt-KOOM furnished house, mother and daughter or elderly couple. Owner wishea to occupy part. References. 268 East nth North. . Eaat 903. COMPLETELY furnished rustic tottage. Oak Grove Beach: aale piles leas than 8 months' renL Most attractive place In the grove Ak for Condon. IRVINGTON ON CAR LINE. 8-room modern house for rent; party retaining one room until June; adulta references. 638 East Broadway. IN ROSE CITY PATtK S-room bungalow, furnished, bath flre- filace. built-ina and furnace, on corner ot. off Sandy. 675 Eaat 64th North. 'ROOM houae. well-f urnlshed, fuel eup- fily In basement; located at 807 E. Tay or at. Fine neighborhood; referencea required. Tel. E. 1404. FURNISHED 5-room house; electric lighta bath. Inquire 556 Lake at., end 23d at. car line, 2Vi blocks west, one-half block north. LAURELHURST furnished bungalow $ rooma and breakfast nook, very modern. 04 B. 4ilh at. N. Call after 9 A. M. - Sunday. MODERN 8-room bungalow, well furn lahed, fireplace, furnace, close In, Irvlng ton. Main 734S from 8 to 6, 832 Mo hawk bldg. 6-ROOM modern houae on east side, well furnished, fireplace, wash trays, furnace hest. 8,ir,. Close In. Sell. 106S. 3-ROOM coxy cottage, cheap rent; furni ture for aale. 483 West Park. Call after 10 A. M. FOR RENT or aale. furnished 9-room houae, hardwood floora. 2 fireplaces, ga rsce, corner lot. 431 Weldler st 968 HAWTHORNE ave.. completely mod em furnished 7-room house, 8 bedrooms furnace. Lease to adults. $60. IRVINGTON Attractive furnished S-room nouse. sleeping porcn; immediate poa- seyslon. Eaut 6402 ATTRACTIVELY furnished 8-room house completely furnished, west side near lara. immeqiate possession. East 6402 FURNISHED 6-room modern house, sleep ing porch, garage: winter fuel In base ment: $65. 833 Halsey st. NINE-ROOM furnished house; good loca tlon for roomers. 772 Qulmby. between -hi an'. ..in. jmi. Q-if-u-j, MOTHER and daughter working would nke- someone to share a home. Prefer , couple working. Tabor 237. FURNISHED bungalow For iwo Not walking distance 7c fare. 632-64 Sun da y or eveninga1. NICELY furniahed 4-room flat, furnace heat and garage. 543 East 17th, one block RM car. 6-ROOM furnished house, 893 North 23d st. Phone Tabor 4780 for appointment. 850 per month. FURNISHED suburb home for rent. 4 rooma. bath and gaa. city waters For parm-mars can aiain 804':. 6-ROOM house, 6 rooma furnlahed, bath, electric lighta and gas. Call after 1 o'clock today. -46 E. 26th st. 8-ItOOM furnlahed house; piano garage' Hawthorne, near 84th; references re- qu-ired. Auto. 21S-71 NEATLY furnished 3-room house near Jef ferson h. a. ; electricity, gas, piano. 1038 . iiuama ave. .,. 6-ROOM modern furnished house, 2 blks. to Sunnyside car, to lease for one year. e" tie i mourn. loon . 1-Kn at. 4-ROOM modern furnished cottage, 4 iS RuseelL between Union and 7th sc. $30 Eaat 52.13 Close In. 5-ROOM bungalow, furnlahed. Rose City Park, on carllne, $75 to right party; no children. Tabor Sol". OCT. 15, FURNISHED Irvlngton home. 417 Eaat 15th st. North, to responsible party, adults only. Call afternoons. MODERN 6-room furnished house, piano, Edison electric washer, furnace, fire place. $45 rent. Tabor 3316. FOR RENT 3 rooma and sleeping porch. Close to two schools. Woodlawn 1083. Houses for Rent Furniture for hale. HOUSE for rent, $20, and aome furniture for aale cheap. Owner leaving city. 263 Holladay ave. Call East 4521. FURNITURE of 5-room flat for aale. Flat for renL Eight minutes' walk from town. 3..-'V. Jackson. AUtQ. 528-30. LARGE 8-room house to rent party buying nice oak furniture with or without piano. Slia Bnaa Sut fl'lX.llll FURNITURE or elgbt-room house for sale. house for rent, clean and reasonable. K. 221. 5-KOOM cottage, cheap rent, furniture for sale. 4o3 West Park. Call after in A. M 7-ROOM bouse on West side for rent, fur niture for sale; price $275. 4QQ Market. FOR RENT Six-room houae; good furnl ture for sale cheap. Call Tabor 1033. FUr.N'iTURE of 5-room house for sale cheap by owner. Marshall 2070. FURNITURE OF rooms for sale and Hat fur rent, reasonable. E. 6G4 FOR RENT. It o u are lor Item- Wurnrture far Sale. NOB "HILL DISTRICT. FURNITURE OF 11 ROOMS, MODERN HOUSE, FOR SALE AND HOUSE FOR RENT. HOUSE NEWLY PAINTED THROUGHOUT. ' RENT REASONABLE. FURNISHED IN FOUR HOUSEKEEPING APTS. AND 2 FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL RENTED: INCOME $130. THIS IS NO JUNK ROOMING HOUSE. BUT AN Al HOME. 6U1 LOVEJOY. MARSH. 8613. FURNITURE of 3 rooms for sale: splendid chance to start housekeeping; also house for rent, $23 per month to party buying furniture for $473. No terms; must be cash. No dealers need apply. Call week days after 6 P. M : home all day Sun day. 1080 East Taylor at, 8-ROOM house and aleeplng porch for rent, furniture for sale, three 2 rooms house keeping. 2 single housekeeping; fine yard, tn Nob Hill, walking distance; $'.'o0 cash or $730 cash and balance $23 mo. Owner. Phone Main 7002. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. DOUBLE GA RAGE. RENT OR SALE. VERY FINE FURNITURE INCLUDING PIANO. GAS RANGE. REASONABLE. 4614 41ST ST. WOODSTOCK CAR. CALL ANY TIMS SUNDAY. A SNAP. 8 large rooms, sleeping porch, nice neighborhood, close In. near 16th at. car line. Rent very cheap; get more than rent from three rooms now; fur nltdre for sale. Bdwy. 283.V tt-KOOM modern flat, walking distance, west side, rent only $23; spotlessly clean, light airy rooma, nics carpet., good oak furniture, cozy; a snap, $6oO. See GARLAND, 201 3d St. BARGAIN. Almost new furniture for sale and 5 room modern bungalow for rent on Sttth and Division sts. Call Tabor 8184. CHOICE 6-room flat for rent; elegant fur niture for sale; your own terms. Call before 2. after S. 89 Trinity Place. FURNITURE of 6-room house for sale cheap; house for rent. Call Monday after 10 A. M. 130 16th st. N. FOUR-R003I houae, furniture for sale cheap. Including Cheney phonograpil. 6s Everett at. 7 ROOMS golden oak furniture, houae for rent. Call Aut. 30-ei. ti-RoOM flat for rent, furniture for Call Main 403 on Monday. P. M. ale. Stores and ttuauieee i'lacea. STOREROOM". 268" Morrleon." bet. 3d "and 4th sts., about 18xl(H ft. Will lease Terms and condltlona may be had at our office. PARRISH, ' WATKINS at CO. 232 Stark 8C ' FOR RENT Stores; will cut up to suit tenanta In building, SW. cor 15th and Washington streets, close in. Also 23,000 feet garage space, modern, equipped. Kent $6o0 per month. Or 15,000 ft. space for $330 per month. Goldsmith 4Te Co.. -s.i MarK, aii in same ouiiaing. ENTIRE floors or parts nt floors. Swetland bldg.. Fifth and Washington sts. For lease, lor.g term. Arranged to suit ten ants. Excellent location for upstairs shops. Apply loom 303. SMALL store room next meat market; Ideal location for cobbler or other amall business; Woodstock car. 868 Francis ave. THIRD AND BURNSIDE LOCATION. Two good store, for lease, day and night location. Pbbne Joe Little, Broad way 727. STORE ROOM 25 by 50. 202 Vj Larrabee sL Telephone East 5371. Reasonable rent. FOR DESIRABLE apace In fireproof ware ho'Jae. phone Broadway 3716. STORES, lofta and buildings, all parts of city. J. F. ST AVER. Macleay bldg, FINE light floor, SCxIOO; long lease; cheap rent. Wax. 24 North Flftb FOR RENT Corner store. Phone Tabor 1114. 354 1st st. STOKE ROOM. 23x40. with basement, 60x 50. steam heat 917 Union ave., N. WAREHOUSE space for rent at East Water and Main sts. Phone East 8000. Offices. FOR RENT Store room, 40x30 corner, In heart of auto district; both fronts plate glass; attractive lease If taken at once. Apply 408 Burnsine. GOOD business stand for grocery or other business; living rooms in rear; cheap rent. Monday. T4 urana ave., rvortn. FINE private offfce with telephone, re ception room and best of service, in nice suite. Call 407 U. 8. Natl Bank bldg. PARTLY furnished private office with Joint reception room; broker or lawyer pre ferred: Inquire 403 Henry bldg. HALF INTEREST of furnished office for rent. Including telephone, $12.50. Call at 201 McKay bldg. OFFICE, with furniture for sale, suitable for real estate business. . G 67, Orego nian. OFFICE room, ground floor, with display window and telephone, near Benaon ho tel. 6S14 Broadway. NEWLY renovated offices for renL Filed ner bldg., loth and Wash, ats. OFFICES FOR RENT. GLOBE BLDG., ltTH AND WASH. ST FRONT office, modern. In Railway. Ex- change bldg. Apply room ai. DESK room in fine light office. 440 Wash. bldg.. cor. 4th and Wash. DESK room with telephone and steno graphlc service. Phons Bdwy. 3715. DESK room and telephone service, reason able. 1039 C. of C. Main 457. RENT desk room, ground floor, for broker. 2 1 0 Washington st. Miscellaneous, DESIRABLE desk space with or without desk, use phone. 212 Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 967. CORONA typewriter, like new. Tabor 2474. TBC8INESS orrORTrNITTF,a. THE) CLASSIEST CONFECTIONERY on the west aide: In the heart of apt. home district; beautiful fixturea. good stock, good business now; wonderful lo cation for and plenty of room to add rtvll catessen line: It goes this week for $350. which Is $1300 under value; leaae till 1926; 6 modern living rooma arranged to rent part If desired. S'IMMS. 610 HENRY BLDQ. MAN who can drive delivery ear to take over half-Interest In new ly established, fully equipped bakery located on one of busiest corners on east side. A good hustler can sasily clear from $10 up per day. Price $350. O 28, Oregonlan A GOING RESTAURANT FOR $1100. On easy terms, suitable for man and wife or two partners that can do almost all their own work. A sure money-maker. Cheap rent. See Mr. Langdon with J. BRITB GOPDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg. HARDWARE. IMPLEMENT A.MSD FURNITURE business In good live town. A rood chance to get Into a going proposition. Reply at onx-e if waiting a location. AV 380, OREGONIAN. GOOD LITTLH GROCERY. $1000. Nothing but atock to buy and that at Invoice; good location, cheap rent,- long leaae. STMMS, 610 HENRY BLDG. IF YOU are looking to get in busineaa on a small amount of capital, I have It; $350 will put you In business where you can make from $10 to $20 per day; let me show you. R 40. Oregonian. VULCANIZSJRS. Complete tire shop equipment, $300. Harmon A Co. garage. 87th and Division. Richmond car to 87th st. CONFECTIONERY and light lunch in one of the best suburbs of Portland. For aale on account of sickness. Price $1350. Ask tor Mr. Frather, with I. E. Spencer & Co.. 517 Chamber of Commerce bldg. DRUGGliST. My store, well located, fixtures, stock ery complete, will Invoice, bank atate ment shows net results worth your while. Terms upon request. J 908, Oregonlan. EAST SIDE woodyard, doing $100 day; one three-ton truck. 1 wood aay, 100 cords wood. Pries $3300. See Mr. Pra ttler, with I. E. Spencer & Co., 517 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SMALL hotel with good Income, centrally located; always full; deal with owner; no agenta; would take light car about $300. on part payment. Phone Broadway 3600 and make appointment. LIST your properties with me for results, efficient, courteous salesmen with autoa Anyhfng of value In the business line. J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR. 201 W-. Park "Reliable." Main 2500. LOOK INTO THIS Light lunch, cigar and soft drink business: root beer barrel. Rent $17 50. Positively a snap; 3-yr. lease. 224 BurnsidesC SAL4-JSMAN wanted to sell health and ac cident Inaurance; ws have men earning more than 830 per week. We instruct you. Call at 401 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR KALE. Confectionery, luiufh room; low rent, a good location. Price $1500. $1000 cash, balance terms. A 80. Oregonlan RESTAURANT $950. $20 day, low rent, leaae, terms, west side. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE BT.DQ. DANCEHALL, operaliouse, picture theater, 3 storerooms; payroll town, near Port land. Will trsde for Portland property, loo 12th SC. Main 00:12. A REAL HOME 6-room flat, nicely fur nished ; three rooms can be rented. 4&5 Yamhill st. FOR SALE Soft-drink and light lunch and confectionery. 634 Wash, st. Price $1606 cash. Bdwy. 4023. BUSINESS OPPORTVNlTIF.a. SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. 310-11 Panama Bldg., Portland. Or. Corner 3d and Alder sis. SURETY PARTNERSHIP OFFERED to congenial man in one of the most complete and best paying auto top and auto painting ahops In Portland: employing a number of expert mechanics; doing business with the largest firm, and hotel. In citv: need man to give gen , eral a.si. tance In office and help take charge of outaide work; can draw $40 week and share equally monthly profits. Experience not necessary. The books are open to Inspection; satisfy yourself before maring Investment; references exchanged;- $1500. SURETY CLASS "A" GARAGE, the best garage and machine shop In the city; 63-car oapaclty, steady storage; doing enor mous repair business; valuable lease, low rental, carrying a complete line of every kind of auto accessories', fullest inves tigation invited. The best money-maker in town. $4004 handles. t SURETY MANUFACTURING, this Is a spiendld proposition for man and wife or partners; doing an extensive business with some of the largest retail stores In city; making big profits; fac tory fully equipped: full value for vour money, large etock on hand. Experience not nec- eaaary as owner will remain to teach business. $1400. SURETY EXPOSITION. 1023 An op portunity for a live, energetic man to purchaae the exclusive state right to sell a light auto exposition novelty. Indorsed by the exposition commlsloners. Every auto owner will buy one on sight. See sample at our office. This is a real money-maker. $000 required. SURETY PARTNER WANTED in old a established auto repair shop; fully equipped, good business, t plenty of work on hand; ex- fierience not necessary If wili ng to work and learn the business; each can easily clear $125 month from the start; ' excellent location. Only $400. SURETY CIGAR STORE, SOFT DRINK. downtown corner location, transfer point, marble aoda fountain, beautiful fixtures, big . trade in candy, clgara. tobac coa. etc.; low rent, five-year lease, clearing about $300 mo. Lease alone worth the price asked. $1500 handles. SURETY AUTO REPAIR SHOP. In one of the best located garages In Portland; have exclusive right to do all repair work for ga rages; complete equipment: sickness cause for selling; ex ceptional proposition for two mechanics: books wilt show $450 mnnthlv net profits. Sac rlflce for $850. SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. . 310-11 Panama Bldg., Portland, Or. Corner 3d and Alder Sts. LEARN of ) the Vale of Paradise, where dreams come true. This wonder cltv is having a magio growth, and a million dollars In municipal Improvements are authorised for thia year. Every kind of business opening here. We have 17 miles of protected wster front, with gorgeously beautilul home sites; wonder ful homes; wonderful velvety lawna; wonderful flowers In semi-tropical pro fusion; fishing supreme: every day you can catch the big fellows until your back aches and your hand, blister; para dise for motorboata. wih hundreds of miles of protected waterways with won der spots to visit. Finest motoring roads In the south: bathing In bay and gulf wonderful: healthiest city In America, with no business for doctors; greatest golf course in America under construc tion; coolest place In America in aum mer. delightful In winter. You may own a beautiful home here, with a perpetual Income, at practically no Investment. Grasp the opportunity of a lifetime. Address THE MAYOR, Valparaiso. Fla, WHOLESALE and retail bakery and cafe. 6 rooma upstairs, large brick building, best location in southern Oregon city of 7000 pobulation; only bakery; SVj yeara' lease, with option of purchase any time during the life of lease; total lease rent for atl la $70 per month; rooms above yield $123 per month. Cafe la now rented for $00 per month. $8hio In vested. Fine paying business. On ac count of domestic affair, wilt sacrifice this for $50iHl. worth $10,000 to anyone who is looking for a business of this kind. AV 122. Oregonlan. CIGAR STORE, new up-to-date soda foun tain, back bar air pump, fuuntain pump, 10 card tables and restaurant for sale on main st. of Washington town of 19.000: dally taklnga of cigar store and fountain $100; dally taklnga of restaurant $100: leaae of restaurant ceases at will on day of aale; $5000 cash handles; eaay terms; rent of building $170 per month. Box AV 342. Oregonlan. A PARTNER WANTED. Auto acc?ssory store, tires, vulcanising, etc.; need help of ateady man and will sell equal Interest for $So0, Just one-half of what stock and equipment will in voice. Have been In thia business aome time and proftta are good. Will teach buyer the business; referencea exchanged. call room 44'l uekum b l d g . $.iuo0 STORE BUILDING. ' S-etory building with 6-room flat above and living rooms in back of store, also garage; lot 65x100, on corner. In good realdence district. Fins for butcher shop and grocery and school store. RITTER. LOWK ft CO.. Realtora. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PATENTS Write for free guide book and evidence of conception blank; send mod el or sketch and description of invention for our free opinion of Its patentable na ture; hlgheat references; prompt atten tion; reasonable terms. Victor J. Evans A Co., Hobart bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Main offices, 642 Ninth sc. Washington. D. C." SHOULD you be interested in a business Investment that will bring you big re turns for your money on a Una of good. that's.will sell, with exclusive county right, writ or 'call for Information. Selble Air Springs. M. A. Lojhr, 223 Henry bldg.. Portland, Or. A GARAGE SPECIAL. Choice location on busy street, stor sge, repairing, gas, oils, tires, etc. Clear ing over $3K month. Everything goes, including service car, all for $1400, tHMjo cash balance $50 month. Call room 401 Drkum bldg. A PARTNER WANTED. Auto palating business, $425 will buy equal lntereat with experienced part ner; handy man can Boon pick the work up under his direction; $150 month clear profit for each partner at present time. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. WANTED Eevry man or woman looking for an opportunity to better their prca ent position or income, write for "LOOK ING AHEAD." ADDRESS THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGIA. Park and Yamhill, Portland, Or. GOOD CHANCE FOR INVESTMENT. Practical demonstrations will be given on new steam automobile invention Sun day afternoon at Patient Products Co.. 710 Union ave. For information call Tabor 2034. BUY ANY NEW YORK STOCKS t CASH. 5 monthly.' NO MARGIN CALLS. Take your profits, principal and dividends any time Booklet FREbl R. E. BRANNAN, Exchange Member. 12 Geary St., San Francisco. A LARGE CONCRETE GARAGE. Eight-year leaae, beat residential dla trlct, on main traveled highway, big aale gas, oils, tires, repairing, etc. A 'real garage at a right price. Room 401 Dekum bldg. A 40-CAR GARAGE. Concrete. 5-year lease; choice west side location; a high-class business. bpM of ressons for selling. A wonderful chance for a man with $2000. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. A REAL JOB. 1019 2-ton truck hauling material for construction of Oregon City bridge. Price $2000. on easy terms, aud a long Job. Call 4S4W. Oregon City. PARTNER FOR AUTO BUSINESS. Have opening for steady man bandy with tools and ambitious to learn auto repairing, etc. Good profit.. $700 re- q u I red. Room 401 Dekum bldg. BLACKSMITH shop and garage for aale, live town, good trade, about $5000 take. It. - No competition. Price include, building, lots and tools. AV 507, Ors gonisn. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing a dea, of so-cslled Interest In established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1002. GROCERY BARGAIN. Well establiahed; on busy street corner; 2 living rooms; dandy for man and wife; Il.iOQ. can owner, woouiawn -una. FOR SALE Shoe repairing shop, good lo cation, complete outfit, doea good busi ness; proprietor wanta to go south. In- OARAGE Repair shop and accessories lor e i'u uia, itiii winy .iu iirr iiiunis. Located on Mocks' bottom fair alia. Call at 308 W. Lombard st. STANDARD shoe repairing, doing good .business and well lbcated. Must sell on account of slcknesa C. E. Anderroro, 131 B llth St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. WANTED Partner to take active part In a good going business; reason., too much work for one man to handle. AV 339. Oregoniair VALUABLE hardware patent for aale, com bination calipers, working model; forced to sacrifice; make an ufCer. C 2, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTrMTlES. OAR At) B BUILDING. . $3500. 100x100. 1-story concrete brick build ing, with good skylight., concrete floor.: located ciuae in. northwest side. The building la on leased ground al $230 per month, runs 8Vi years. Owner will pay $2110 per month for 64x100. Get full de tails at KITTER. LOWS & CO.. Realtora 2111-2-3-8-7 Board of Trade Bldg FOR SALE A good restaurant In a good thriving country town. Thla place la fully equipped for vthe above business; besides having rooms in conjunction, and steady boarders, has a flood transient . trade. Fine opportunity for a bakery In connection with this business; rent $33 per month, can be reduced by sub letting aa is being done at present; price complete lldnO; cash $to)0. Apply Rldgefteld l.an d Co., Hi dg e fie I d. Wash GROCERY BARGAINS. Cash grocery, rent $35, living rooms In connection: nrlce S15U0. 133 day. Grocery, west side, rent $4$, 8-year lease; $3000 month business; Invoice $3.nu. Grocery, Washington st., corner: rent $90, lea so I all cash, $80 dav: price $4300. WESTERN LAND COMPANY. Room 511 Railway Exchange. FIRST-CLASS transient hotel. 70 rooms, downstairs lobby, soft drink psrlors: fine furniture and good lease: cheap rent; term, can be arranged on this. Anyone, with $1500 to $2000 cash and a little backbone can get tn on a propo sition that hss an unlimited possibility. No wildcat scheme, but a good propo sition. See us about this. Brahsn Wells. 307-8 Couch bldg. Main 8023. POOL ROOM AND SOFT DRINK. $."hmi0 far a fine one on east aide, doing a fine business, the sub-renting more than pays the rent: a fine proposition. $301)0 for one in a city of 15.000 In habitants, doing from $30 to $40 per day: ir interested call ana win snow you something good. F. L. Bl.ANCHARD, REAIiTOR. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall82fl. $8(10 CONFECTIONERY, card, and lunch, doing $00 a day, rent $100. 8-chalr barber shop. Washlngton-st. location, average $00 week, rent $30. Bargain. 8350. GROCERY at Invoice. No fixtures to buy, large living room, doing $30 day, rent $23. 2-year lease. See George INTERSTATE LAND CO., 218 Stark st. POOL HALL. 9 TABLES PRICE ONLY $5000. 2 snooker tables. 1 billiard table and 6 pool, front and back bar and other equipment necessary; alao tully-equippeu barber shop. All go at the price of $5000. DUl'REY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 PANAMA BLDG., 3D ft ALDER. HALF OR ONE-THIRD INTEREST A REAL OPPORTUNITY. 18,000 horsepowar electric mill, free leaae, free power, on main line near Portland, don key, good timber. on hard-surfaced road; small amount required to handle this. Look It over. See Harper, 248 Stark st UAKAUs SI'HA.1AL. West side location. 73 care ateady storage, 100x100 building, low rent, lease, costs some mcney but a money-maker. WESTERN LAND CO., I Room 511 Railway Exchange. WOOD AND COAL Partner wauter for old-established wood and coal business; wantr Interested help; will sell equal Interest to Industri ous man; profits sre good. $1150 re quired. Room 401 Dekum omg MODERN 8-room house, furnace and fire- st." s'. E. Will trade my equity for ,i i 1 D-t t . (1 1 VI 1 ' Small llll,r), ei nti ease . t v , mortgage $2500. Wood, 702 Washington Bl., Vancouver, w aau liivm oiviiM. We hare a few of the best buys in Portland in drug stores. For full de tails call and see us. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., SOfl-10 PANAMA BLDG., 3 D A ALDER. PARTNER WANTED. Exclusive rights for U. S. snd Canada, big western feature film; we can sell state's rights or exhibit on royalty basis. $3500 for equal halt Interest- V 4. Ore gonian. ONE OF the best confectionery and cigar stores on the west side, transrer corner, at invoice or lump. Will sell on easy terms to right party. Lease runs until after the fair. Owner, Bdwy. 6445. COAL COAL. COAL. Have 80110 acres coal land 11 miles from Southern Paolflo R. R. Gooa wagon road to diggings: 67-Inch vein opened up. I want partner. Proapector, Wendell Hotel, 228 3d it. TO SUBLEASE. Millinery, fur, hosiery, blouse and silk underwear departmenta In large specialty store to open about Jan. 1st. Beat corner location In Portland. Or. Reasonable rentals. BC 44. Oregonlan ' BUTCHER SHOP. Neat cash and carry ahop In fine loca tion. Price only $1500. DUl'REY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 PANAMA BLL)G.. 3D ALDER MOVING PICTURE, $500 for a good ahow In town near Portland; thla la a fins proposition if handled right. F. L. RT.ANCHARn. , 401-2 Swetland Bldg Msrshall 829. HOME BUILDER, Hsve a proposition for a builder who Is in a pcsttlon to build several homes for ex-s4rv!ce men and wait for pay ment until $3)8)0 bonua loan is received. M 003, Oregonlan FOR SALE or trade for suburban store. 5 acres, level, highly improved, 6 - room bungalow, barn, garage, etc.; fruit snd berries; $1300 per year Income. Close In on carllne. Value $0000. AV 835, Ore gonlan. A PARTNER WANTED. A reliable man able to Invest $830 with services can secure half Interest where can make $200 month. Room 511 Railway Exchange. GARAGE BARGAIN. lOOxIrkl, 2 atones, west side, receipts $1ooo month now. rent $300, long lesse, can store 100 cars; $3000 will handle. 611 Railway Exchange. $1400 G HfK'EKY and confectionery av eraging $60 day, cash and carry, 3 nicely furnished living rooma; books open for Inspection. Z. EAKINS, 31S Couch Blrlg. 109 4th St. A PARTNER WANTED. $100 per week clear for each In dandy cord and slab wood deal. sHave my own boat, barges, steam saw and load ing equipment. 607 Courh bldg. WANTED Mar for agency established and nationally advertised specialty. Per manent business. Big opportunity. Must Invest up to $1oo0 In merchandise. Breuer. 6o0 Fulton, Chicago. GROCERY BUSINESS FOR SALE. Good stock, fixtures, furniture, loca tion, etc. Price $1600 for immediate sole. See A. B. Christsnson, 410 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4ini A CASH BUSINESS. Have opening for handy man tn auto radiator and fender shop; good location; pay $200 month, trial given, $000 rs- qulred. Room 401 Dekum Mdg. TIRE vulcanising and accessory atore. lo cated in good district: would consider good light car as part payment. For particulars address. AF 63, Oregonlan. No agenta GROCERY doing $100 day. no fixtures to buy; low rent; stock at invoice, about $2000. Z. E A KINS, SIR Couch Bldg. Inn 4th St. 4-OHAIR barber shop, downtown location on Washington street; doing $160 per week: can be increased by an American. See Walter, at 4)3 Couch bldg. YAMHILL MARKET STORE. Owner claims $300 to $400 month clear profit; will Invoice around $2000. Cal' room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SA1.K Good restaurant, lunch coun ter, bakery and grocery for $2300; terms. Call at 1781 E. llth at. Doing good business. FOR SALE Confectionery, fountain and lunch room, must sell on account of sick ness; this place at a bargain If taken at once. 577 Washington CORNER grocery, on carllne, near school, good fixtures and good business; poor health, muat sell; references exchanged. 134IO Belmont. GROCERY store with living room, about $1500, rent $25. Will Invoice etock. Deal with owner. s.s2 Williams ave. FOR SALE Grocery store and fixtures In good location; cheap: a snap; hurry. 1508 E. GMsaic , AUTO washing place, best locntlon in city; $330 will handle. Have other business. 540 Alder St. FOR SALE Fully equipped 8-chalr bar ber ahop in Astoria, established 30 yeara. Phone Bast Crtll.V - FORCED to sell account of tickneta, small restaurant, less than half price, 210 Co lumbia stj FOR SALE Sign shop, doing good busi ness In live town of 12.0O0. AV 309, Ore gonian. SMALL restaurant and oyster house; part ners disagree; $500 cash. 241 it Wash ington. $500, CONFECTIONERY and restaurant, concrete bldg.; sacrifice for quick sale. EAKI ns. 3i. coucn mag, ion 4t li POOL HALL for sale; five tables, front and cam oar, luncn, cigars, candy; verv central. 124 2d st. GOOD ainall restaurant for sale In one of best towns in v niameiie vaney. lag j St.. McMinnvllls. Or.. J. A. Terry. DRY'iOODS business, renter east side, worthy of the strictest Investigation. Main 111107; BEAUTY parlor equipment pecln! prices for ca-h. Portland Cutlery Co., Ml 0th st. BARBER chairs on sale at big rrduo tlon. Portland Cutlery Co.. 80th th st. SMALL cleaning and pressing; leaving city. Phone Main 224. LATEST model raxor blade grinding ma chine. 8'1 C'.a St., eL Stark and Oak. IHSIVKS8 OPPORTUNITIES, HERE'S A BUSINESS FOR PORTLAND. V GOOD FOR $0000 TO $12,000 YEARLY! Two railroad men put an Elertrlk Mald bake shop equipment In a smalt town In Wisconsin. Today they are making real money without having known a thing about the kakery busi ness. Others are doiug it In other cities. You have the same chance rial tit here. A cash business, no charices; no dellv, erles: your profits In "he till everv night. Everyone who eats is your cumoiik r. We supply ail equipment and full In formation. WRITE OR WIRE TODAY. ' for ftilL particulars on Electrlk - Mal l Bake Shoos. Act now to obtain exclusive territory for Portland. ELECTRIK - MAID BAKE SHOPS, 321 Cedar Street Saint Paul, Minn. CONFECTIONERY and light lunch, doing $73 dally; $3000. Might discount fur cash. $1300 Confectionery. $23 rent, east aide, doing a dandy business. $1900 East side grocery, 4 good living rooms, rent $25. $1250 West side grocery, S living rooms. Combination grocery and meat market, S-year iease, doing a aplcndid business. Price about $6ouo. West aids grocery, close In. a chance for aomeone to Btep Into a floe business. Will Invoice about $0000. S. M. BORLAND, 303 Stock Exchange. Auto. 829-04. SOME REAL BARGAINS. BUSY RK.TAUKANT Splendid loea . tion ; $030 down. SNAPPY CIGAR STAND Not many like tins at $2200. LUNCH ROOM Doing $30 to $73 day; $21041. WEST SIDE GROCERY $900 or In voice. EAST Pinn GROCERY Doing good business; $1630. POOL HALL AND LUNCH ROOM $2700. DELICATESSEN AND CAFETERIA $2000. COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR LISTINGS. WB HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. MARSH at MiCAItK CO.. REALTORS. 32t - 8 -1 Fallln g llldg. Marshall 8W3 bPLEND brick apt. house. 42 roums, private baths; $3000 cash handles. 80 rooms, all h. k.; rent $75. lease, steam heat; net Income $200 mo. Price $2800. $18O0 cash. 7 rooms, h. k.; rent $30; sleeping porch, 8 apt... Price $3 00. 5-room flat, elegant furniture; rent $28 50. Price $350. 10 rooms and sleeping porch: rent $50, 8-year lease, 2 fireplaces, splendid fur niture. $1200 handles. BARRAN1) REALTY CO.. 3111 Salmon St. BAKERY. LUNCHROOM, SODA FOUNTAIN A REAL BUY. Doing a first-class business, located on west Bide, In best district. All Block and fixtures are the best. Receipts $133 per day. Owner forced to sell on ac count of other business. Can get four years' lease. Priced for Immediate sale $0500, or will take out cash register and office furniture and aell for $5500. Ask for Mr. Powmler. DERR A POIVNDER, 121S N. W. Hank Bldg. ..Mar. 2243. GROCERY STORKS. $1500 for one. rent $21.50; net receipts daily $25; on WtlllaniB sve. $2000, on Mississippi ave.. doing from $63 to $70 per day; this Is a live wire. Also have a bargain on Francea ave. with living rooms; rent $35. with lease. $2500, on Washington St., In the apart, ment district, doing an average of $70 per day; rent $33; a snap. If you wish a grocery hsve them from $030 to $Stsio. Call and see me. F. L. ULAN CHARD, REALTOR. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 8KV HERE Is your chance. A small paying garage, located Just outside city limns on Foster rosd at Lenox ave. Doing u good, steady business In repair work and accessories, general shop equipment ,i gallnn pump with 80-gsllon tank, ess. Sontalnera, all tools. Block of accesso ries, etc.. all for $730. See ub In action and be convinced. REPAIR SIKir. A HEAL SACRIFICE. Big sacrifice In one of the best repair shops In the city. Clears over $300 pi r month. Complete first-class shop equip ment. Price ONLY $2230. Hurry If you want It. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 PANAMA BLIXJ., 3D AI.DFR. UNUSUAL circumstances make this oppor tunity possible As little aa $.lll will help you to Independence In a few years. Money absolutely secured. Substantial . immediate return guarantied and oppor tunity to share In further profits. No position attached to this offer, but. a chance to make big money from small Investment. No risk. X 2. Oregonian. MEN WHO can sell goods and who are willing to make Investment wanted; ateady employment with good pay; chance for rapid advancement to de partment managers; a Portland Indus try: state past experience and amount prepared to Invest; arrangements will be made for interview; give addreaa and phone number. AR 8. Oregonian GARAti ICS. OARAl.l'IS. GARAGES. Ws have them in any part of the city snd most any sue or price. Or will build one. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG . ,111 ALDER. 8-CHAIR' BARBER SHOP. In ons of the best east side locations. 8 white Koch chalra No. lino, 7 bevel mlrrora, 2 electrlo clippers, 8 wash stands, lease to run 1 Vj yeara, rent $12 30, clearing $0 a week. Trice $l"0. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. SOFT drinka, ateam table, cigar stand, on one of Portland'a best corners, fine fix turea and good atock; the owner of this place must sell on account of his wife's sickness, the net receipts for this place the last year was $?oou; It can now be bought fur $45u0 with $600 in liberty bonds Included, one year lease at a time at $130 per month. CaJJM aln 6H3S. BARBER SHOP. 4 CHAIRS PRICE $000. ' Close In west side location and doing a good business. 3-year loase at $75 per month. We also have several mors good buys. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO, (109-10 PANAMA BLDG., 3D A ALDER. $1(10, 000 CORPORATION wants capable man; open nffics, msnnge sales for high class new device. Every home a pros pect. Big money-making poaalbllitics for the right man. Opening In every city. Cost (2, retails $5: $500 to t-'Oi'O necessary to finance exclualve agency. Mr. Hoga r, 82 W. Was hi n g ion, Chicago. DOWNTOWN HOTEL. PRICE ONLY $16.0110. Very nicely furnished downtown hotel - with ground floor lobby, elevator, etc. Lease over fair time. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 PANAMA BLDG., 3D & ALDER. GROCERY. 2 LIVING ROOMS. Dandy little store carrying good stork, fixtures $700. rent $15, taking 111 $1500 a month. Price $22(10. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-8-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Aider, PARTNER WANTED. Lady or gentleman in good restau rant doing $45 per day, 3 blocks l'rom depot; new place: partner is first-cla-s chef. Will sell equal half Interest, $7oo; $450 cash, balance on terms. Look it over. 107 N. 6th st. HERE'S A GOOD STAGE RUN. If yon have a little money we rnn show yoj a gocd run out of Portland. Portland. Motor Car Co., 10th and Burn aide Broadway .'.21; RESTAURANT SACRIFICE WORTH $4000 PRICE ONLY $2200. One of tho best-equipped restaurants on the west side. 4-year lease. We also have several other good buys. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO, 609-10 PAN A M A B 1. DO. , 8 D ft AI.DER, $II0 ONCY $6(10. One of the best-paying propositions In the city, w-ell established, centrally located, bright future for this line of business; selling account sickness. Answer, giving phone Dumber, M 1, ( re gonlan. $-'(MMt CASH to Invest in gooa grocery store; may assume ui ig en,u, iimei. i.i AI: buyer experienced. Calls for room ing house, and re.lauranla are also cuiu- QUICK SALES REALTY CO., 523 Ry. Exchange Bldg., Portland. Or. GOOD clean cash-and-carry grocery store and furniture of flats for sale; fists more than pay rent for all: 5 large rooms for owner; at a sncrlfli-e for quick Bute. In quire owner. d7 Hood st. "jdnvfNTf; picture theater for Bale, town 15(Kt. no competition, clearing $i;ooo per year. Caii on George C. Mates, 3.H Burn- slde , DltUO Investment; I have a good propo sition for druggist with few hundred1 dollars to lnvesl; G 21, Oregonla,n. PARTNER TO JOIN 'MB IN BITTING CORDWOOD PLANT ON RIVBR. $1200. A.N 47, OREGONIAN.