TITE SUNDAY OIIEG OXTA7T, PORTLAND, SEPTE3IUER 23, 1931 11 STAR IIOMU Ol'IDE. HOME.SKE.KKKf. I N VKSTIO ATE AI.BKKTA. (2400 (.Vio cash; 4-room modern colo nlHl bunKslow, Ivory finish, eon crl founilatlfm. content bass-nt.-nl; km healer and linoleum. Will take. Krd. 531O0 M'HM.sHKLI; T-rom doubls constructed bunsalow, cement baamnt: $!MN ri.h. '1KLMi)NT IMHTKICT. $330 'kki cash for this uplcniHd 4 room ultra-mort.Trt buniralow. all bullt-lns. Ini-ludlna flr.plac. ce ment bHmnt. hot water heat ing at-iit! A splendid buy. M T. SO ITT. $AWXV H-room 11-atory bunitatow, (T -rae, Ifutrh kitchen, acreened pon h: a cosy pla-; plenty Xruli; 1 block in car: U0 cull. KOSK CITY. 94& $hOn cash; modern, nrw 5-room bur.Knlow on paveri street. iSee It! I4.i0l ii-ruom nr-w. modern bunaalow on paved atreet: cement baae mem; r... m: 1JX cash. 1KVINGTON. SftOOO B-room mwlern bunsralow. ara- riuce. Iiarilwofxl floors throuah- I out, cement basement, launary trays, furnace, fireplace, book tanee and other butlt-ma. An artistic, well-built home which owner sacrifices: only K00 caah. l.Alll.KIJILRT. 6j00 T-room brand new bunsralnrw: a spVndld buy; owoer1! sacrifice-; ft 1 . Ml caah. Vl.it our office and be fitted for a bouae. STAR REAJ, ESTATK INV. CO.. Healtom. M'J-AKI Wilcox nirt. Ham Sunday and .. 31J-UT. -NKW IRVI.ViiTON ULNilAI.UW. Jl ST I'KMt'LKTlin. KIKST VIME WVKKTISK1. 7 I.AKOR ItoOMS. I.1V lSi 1 OM 3J KKKT I.IIN'G: 4 IjAlKiE HKDHOOVIS. TII.B HATH WITH HK CK.S Till AND till) W Kit; KXTH.V J.AVATlHtY UI'STAIKS IH Ti H KITCH :.V WITH A KKAL. HHKAKKAST KM. KIHST-fl.ASS HAUDWIIULI i'l.OOKS TiiKoi;nntrT; bbst t.U'K.strv PAI'KK. tl.WJA.NT I.IOHTINO KIX TURKS, IXX'ATKl) IN ON K OF 1KV1NO TO.VS HK8T HliXliAM 'W DISTRICTS. OPEN ALL, DAY TODAY AT .'Vi EAST JHTII ST. XOHTII. NKAR KNOTT. TUB J'KK'K Id RHiHT. A. C. MAl,MqU:sT. OWNKR AND HIIT-DKIl. " HfcAUTlKUL. UAlTKKI.IirKiST HOMB. Woaderful corner. 100x100, with beau tiful lawn, shrubbery, etc., 1 block to park, built of pressed brick. 8 rooms, with hardwood floors throuahout. first floor haa tlandy reception room, beautl- I ful large llvlnic and dlnlnn rooms with French doora. fireplace. mahoany buf fet and bookcaa-'s, very pretty den, breakfast room and lovely kitchen, sec ond floor haa 4 larae bedrooma with fireplace and larire clothea preanes. tile ' bath, pedestal bowl. etc. Owner pack ing to leave. Sacrifice price. Kor ap pointment call ilar. a.l-M or Kast 13fll. am WIXflTON. 6M PlitklyoM atreet. open today;' 8 rooms. 2 fireplaces, double -ra-. corner lot. beit amrToiindlnies: beautifully papered; aunranteed heatlna; plant; 11.1. 1W caah. I'i. monthly, Includtnat every Uilr,. Mauix Bulldlnjt Co. Broadway 6X3 or But 3118. LA.ID'J ADDITION. Bl rooina. reception hall, fireplace, pantry, deeping porch, large closets, finished room In attic, second story ac cessible from front and rear, garage on paved alley, large lot. Ideally located near central park; house repainted and completely renovated; property muet be old Immediately; an unusually rea- ( aonable and sound Investment for a com , gortable and convenient home. In excel- lent environment and close to city; ttlft.V); terms. Oil Klllott ava. tronday, 1-'to4. HAWTHOIluVH 1I STRICT. PRAND MKW 7-HOOM HI'N1A7W. Is'AlTO VlJOm TO HAWTHORNE AVi; HAS OAK "IaXf!M. IllFiKT, VlKKPJiAirK, IHTC3I Kin-HBN. f.B MF.S'T UAJl-JM KNT. 1 U.KDROOJ1 A NJJ HATH ilOW-NSTAIIW AND .1 BHD. JtOOMS VP. 1"RI:K. OXI.V K-V. ttV) 1AHII. TAI.l. lUAiHT FUR AN jLl'POUPIBfUST. Jt. L McORIHJW. IQSn HaVthornn Ave. T abor WE CAN (SAVE YOU .MONEY. WE DRAW 1-I.ANS AND FURNISH HIECI F1CATIONH. WB HEI-P FINANCE. Too can have your home built to stilt your own Ideas as to floor plan and outside appearance. Our deaigner will kelp yon with your building problems. 1'OltTLAM HOME HUll.DERS, illl AWN'tiTON III.HU. HERE'S A KNAP. FRANKLIN HIGH HCIIOOl. $ 1 7 Ml . neat, modern sty le, 4-roora bun italow with attle. full lot, garden, fruit, flowers, etc. Two blocks blgh school : convenient carllne; yours on terms. Don't fail to see this one. even If others have disappointed you. A. K. J111U M Luill bermene bldg. WOODI.AWN HOME. I20OO buya 7-room house, near E. INth and Highlaml, Woodlawn district, newly painted and In firet-claaa condition, bathroom, electric litrhta and gaa, lot boxloo feet, reasonable terma. and can fivs Immedlste possenslon. JAMWS J. FI-.YNN". aM Chamber of 'ommerce. aVROOM modem bungalow, fine district, close In, paving, hardwood floors, comb, fixtures, garage; 1 room finished above; $31120, tonus. Bfllwood ilHU. OW.VKU I.BAVINlJ CITY. moiikhx bi;.voaiw (a.vw. . WEKTM 1H.KI.A N 1 ( lO(K CASH. Beautiful 4.'allfornla bunjraiow, 6 rooma, paved street: must be sold to day; easy terms. Com see It. Mar hall lo1.'. or Hellwood 701. evenlnios. " i.-UUU ROSE CIT Y 17.10 CASH. Hlx -ooms, modern, bungalow-type, lose-in, ou-foot lot, paved street, dandy garage, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, tapestry paper, indirect ilghta; real buy. 40.1 Htm k Exchange bld. M jr. aa-' or East 134. HAICOAIN IN SHLLWOOD HOME. Mix large rooms, very beat oondltloti; fireplace, garaato; near car; nicely painted Inalde ami out. Hlcknes forces emje; coat ."". take (4:K. with some terma; no trade, tra-4 Alaldeii ave. cll von.1 U7od. owner. UPPER AI.HI.VA. Between Williams ave. and Union ave. have attractive buy In modern 6 room house, neat and clean aa a pin; corner, paved atreeta all paid; going for $2UIH, very eaay terma lnvesigale. See a. k . mui. t-j i.umpermena bitig. HAWTHORNE -R. HA11.UA1N. H2M I7i0 Cash. Nice clean bungalow in a good part Of diatrtct. hardwood floors, fireplace and lota of bullt-lna. J. R. Haight. Sunday, Woodlawn UJOO, JiroaUway 045. 37 Hoard ol Trade. iOTII, NEAR CLINTON ST. Cloae-ln bargain, $300 down; rooms, modern, 2 lota berries, chickens, ga rage, paved streets all paid; dandy home, fine Investment., fcice A. K. Hill, 4J6 I.u mberm e ns b Idg. 1HU.M uW.NER Vernon district, H blocks to car, 5 rooms, double con atructed. new bungalow, basement, ce ment floor. Dutch kitchen, buffet; cheap for caeh. some ti-rma For appointment rail Woodlawn 4"S. . 1"I V E large rooms, modern bungalow, less than a year old; hot-water heat, all modern conveniences. It must be seen to be appreciated. Either furnished or unfurnished. l-'HS K. 18th 8., near Yukon St. Sellwood HWMV 1 1 100. WHY PAY RENT? Good IV-room house, full lot, $400 caah and eaay terma. 21B-214 Henry Hlrtg. Bdwy. &03! iY OWNER W houaekeeplng rooms, eleo trie llgrita, clean and In good condition. .Net $7J with lovely 4-room apt. for elf. 11. '.HO with terma. $1400 cash. Mar shall .'.lin. 7J Main st. AI.MKRTA 7-ROOM HlNliALOW. iniRN l.SH.KD :tia BASY TERMS. Owner leaving city, must sell at once; Immediate poeaeealon. (See it alonday, Marshall 1J'J. SEE JOHN W. C1REENE to buy a home In Portland, any kind of terms you want, all parts of the city, with J. IIRITB OOPnARP. Sftl-J Couch Bldg. 'JVK-KOOM house, rull plumbing, piaster, else. aa. basement, chicken house: a-a- riige; corner lot 40x10; 2 blocka to car jine. ):jjo. .tn avenue a. e., cor. Mrh st. Woodstock car. STYLISHLY designed home of rooms, swell music and dining room, fireplace, lurnac. Deauuiui grounos; reasonable. I'.-lumhla 7'.H. $.Vii CASH 1:10 I'tr month, five large rooma. fraction lot; full basement, near Wash. hlgn. East 13111. J oos. ' 'regonian. EW bungalow. Just completed. 4 rooma and bath, modern throughout; loo ft. otf rarltne; bargain If taken at ooce. Inquire eim Alberta St. sTcst sacrifice 6-room modern hou, lot .Mixioti. See owner, 1119 Nehalem. Phone Sellwnod 2.'.-.'. ,'ick tl-room bungalow; a bargain; t.too down, balance easy; close In. near Union ave. East 12!S7. $VROOM bungalow In Piedmont. 1 block from car, 3 blocks from Jefferson high, for sale or trade. Call East H712. ViV E-KOOM cttsge. Including tights and water. Mo. 45 Jaaaoa at, Woodlawn MtWTATt a-'or tHule Housra. M AON'l KTCENT VIEW HOME. Franklin at, W 1 1 ! t m 1 1 Ylelahla. beat home environment. 8-room motlern houae. big; living room with fireplace, apacloua dln Inic room, hardwood floora. break fnst nook, complete kitchen, four bedrooms and bath, finxinn level lot. Trice I7J.00. li.'iOO rash will handle. Jt la a very lovr price for this locality. See J. W. Croaalev with JOHNSON-nODSOV CO. "Better Typea of Homes.1 33 Northwestern Hank iilds. Main Si&i. MOST HF.Al'TlFt'lj DI TCH OOI-O.VIAU IMMKDIATK OCT! PANCT. UIHIK l'.oilMS, KVKHY MODRRN Asr eal:tikuu i.mpkovkmknt; OW.NEK l.EAVIN! 8TATK: INVKHT 1 HOIK TO THRHI'dH THI8 lI.ASST HOMB BY AfPOlNTMK.VT ONLY. PHONE TOP A Y. EAST aiiSO. it. T. STRKKT. RKAI.TOR. P. 8. WK WILL. SHOW YOU OTHEB RKAL. COLONIAL BUYS, $350 DOWN NEW BUNGALiOW. PAVED STREETS, $3950. Brand new bungalow, all oak floors, bullt-lns, fuil cement basement; Imme diate possession; balance I3i per month; fireplace. BOONE CLEARWATER. n. Cou.h Bldg .Main S201. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. READ THIS. 7-room bungalow style home, large living and dining rooms fireplace, fine kitchen, lots of built -in, 4 nice bed rooms with large clothes closet, cement basement, wajh trays, full-aized lot, fruit, berrlea. etc.: t3i:0, $."oO down, bal ance eaxy, or trade for smaller home. See Royal, 7'Jd and Sandy. Tabor 15; evenings. Tabor im. LARUE Al west side home. 100x100 ground; garage, trees, shrubs and one of the best locations; worth $30,000; now $20.OO0. Large. 8-room. well-constructed home, east aide, on one of the main drlvewaya out of the city; fine trees, double ga rage; a bkntaln at $12.MI0. Five fuil lota I. U. DAVIDSON. Realtor. , 81!) Chamber of Commerce. VACANT, MOVE TOMORROW. $3900 NEW. MODERN Bt'N'G. $3900. $31X1 FIRST PAYMENT .V0. S rooms, one floor, stairs to attic, ce ment basement, all bullt-lns; everything just as cozy aa could be; 4.1x100 lot, near car. In Hawthorne district; all liens paid. Bee this today (Sunday). Marshall .'.!)3; week daya. Main TO7. Mariels or Will lams. fi'M Chamber of Commerce bldg. EX-SERVICE MEN"! BONUS AS FIRST PAYMENT. $4f,m HAWTHORNE. STR ICTTjT MODERN e-KOOM HOI" SB WITH FCR NACK. a HU1CKS FROM CAR; IM PROVEMENTS IN AND PAID; ON 87TH ST. CAN HANDLE THIS WITH OUT ANT CASH. R. SO.MERVILI.R BDWT. 5478. R20 IT. . NATIONAL BANK BLPO. ROSB CITY BARGAIN. This delightful 5-room bungalow Is are to please you. Beautiful hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, bullt-lna and all up-to-date featurea; pretty grounda, with lawn, flowera and native treea; choice location; paved street, near Rose City car. Going at $4rt.10. on easy terms. Shown by appointment. See A. K. Hill. 4-fl Lumbermen bldg. UNCOMMON BTNGAI5W. Entirely different, distinctive. Individ ual, tapestry, brick, hollow tile construction, mahogany and new French interior. 1:103 East Oak, near Laurel hurst park. J. H. KEATING, 418 Boaro) of Trade. Main 4US4. YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU SAW THIS I muit sell my home: rt-room modern bungalow, htgh-elaas residence district, near Jefferson high school, library and Penlnaula park. Hardwood floors throughout, fumsTc. fireplace, sleeping porch; 24 floor ready to finish for ileep lng rooms, dunce hall or billiards. Call Woodlawn 732 and we'll make It a bar gain. 2 1RVINGTON HOMES. $.17."0. $1,100 down, maybe less. 5 rms. and !. porch, bath, hardwood floora and Ivory finish throughout, ga rage, east front lot; full basement. $000 down, 7 rma. thoroughly mod ern, like new throughout, near school. It. T. STREET, BETTER HOMES. Eaot S!4: Residence East 4.'Sll. KENTO.V, Just completed, five-room strict ly modern bungalow, fireplace, built-in buffet, hardwood floors, shower bath, white enamel plumbing, sleeping porch, garage, cherry and walnut trees on lot. See owner at premises today. 3H E. Wln rhell st., between Minnesota and Mon tana, or call 3-t-."tS. 1RVINC.TON. $"T."n 7-room modern "house, hard wood floor, fine heating plant, built for a home; A-l location, corner. Improve ments in, two blocka to Broadway car. Terma See Mr. Jones. F. '. BOWMAN CO., 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK $1000. A fine home on a 60x100 lot. comer. 4 bedrooma, fireplace, full cement baae ment. nard-surfare street, all Improve ments in and paid; good value. Some terma HA RUT BECKWTTH. Bealtor 104 Rth street. Main 6W). ROSE CITY. Modern 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch, nice flreptace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash traya, pretty lot, close to car, an attrac tive little home, $.17 .'.11, $M)0 down. See Royal, 72d and Sandy. Tabor lfl. eve nlngs Tabor 7174. REAL VALUE. Woodlawn district, good R-rm. cottage, ewer, water, electric .lights, gas, MIX I0O lot, beautiful lawn, shade and fruit treea; a sacrifice at $1HU0. $."no down, balance enay. W. M. I'mbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. HV.S. $11100 BUILDING. 8-room and breakfast nook, tn Rose City district, fireplace, foil bath equip ment, tapestry paper. $400 DOWN. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor. Main n89. 104 nth Street. $36&0. B-room bungalow. In excellent condi tion, fireplace, gaa atove, large attic, corner lot AOxl24, a bearing fruit trees, lots of small fruits. 127. East Yamhill. Call Automatic 222-73; $800 down, bal ance like rent. BUILDING, ROSE CITT. $4100. Bnappy new Dutch colonial bungalow, 6 rooma, modern In every way, ivory fin ish, fireplace, tapestry paper; breakfast room, $soo down. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor. 104 nth street Main 6S!. NEW MODERN 7-room colonial Oungalow, hardwood floors, colonial mantle deco ration, fine heating plant, living room 6x28, French windows. 1016 The Ala meda Drive, near 33d at. Woodlawn VI 13. NEW IRV1NOTON BUNGALOW. Stylish and distinctive, A rooma, old Ivory, lateet electric fixtures, shades, full basement, garage, large lot; SKIHIO; terma. 710 East 16th at. North. Broad way 3r03. Owner. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, designing, financial assistance; 1.1 years' experience in Portland. 501 McKay bldg. . ALBERTA. $4,100. New 5-rm. bungalow, large attic, easy terms: would trade $2.oo equity for good farm. W. M. Umbdenstock oc Co., 210 Oregon Mrig. Bdwy. 1B."S. 2UOOHOSE CITY PARK. Xlfty new unfinished 5-room bunga low, fireplace, cement foundation, base ment, lot .10x10(1, trees, garage, 2i ieet from Sandy hlvd. Tabor h:mi. $300 DOWN. $2S MONTHLY. 5-room house, newly painted and papered. See me at once for partlculara HARRY BECKWITH. Realt-ir. 104 5th Street Slain f9. 200 BUILDING plans to select from. $10 each. Bungalow Book Co., 001-2 McKay bldg. Call 2 to 5 P. M. ROSB CITY PARK DISTRICT. Modern 5-room bungalow with every convenience. Fireplace. cement front porch. Harry Beckwlth, realtor. 104 Bth st. Main 6il'J. ALBERTA, $2700. On TVygant st.: good C-rm. house. W M. Vmbdenstoclc at Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. m.y. EQUITY It-room bungalow on 40th. near Hawthorne; owner must sell quick; pri.e $5200, equity $1500. Call Tabor 307B, $SI00 I RVI NGTON-HOLLA DAY Hot water heat and wonderfully built, hardwood floora throughout; 2 fireplaces. Perfert condition. R. T. Street, ag.-nt. IKVINGTON FOR ALE OR RENT. 57.1 E. 14TH N; $7.VM. OR $75. IMME DIATE POSSESSION. HOT tNATER H K A T. R. T. ST P. E ET. A a K NT. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. ' 5 rooms, large attic, fully modern, breakfast nonk. furnace, all Improve menia In: $54.iO. terms. Auto. 03-17, FOR SALE New 5-room bungalows. Haw thorns district; ready to kalsomlne and paper; come see them and select your own color. ,'. cuei .nn St. BEST BUY on east side; a-room nearly modern home, furnished, large lot, lots of fruit, nuts, good district: $3000, terms, wens, mi cast , rs nt st. BUY FROM OWNElT Modern 6-room home, street Improve ments all paid, etc.; good district. i'aoaa mutosu so R K A I. ESTATE. "OR "PEOPLE WHO CARE." Latest modern creation in at tractive bomea. In Laurelhurst. near the park. No "classified ad can properly describe this very "classy" home. It .Is a lV-story bungalow type house of 8 rooma Living room full width of house with maaslve fireplace. dining room. French doors between: cen tral hall, two bedrooms, kitchen, breakfast noolr and bath on 1st floor, two bedrooms snd room for billiard room on 2d floor: every room superbly hand decorated; all hardwood floora: Gasco furnace; Ruud automatic hot water heater. This beautiful home la magnifi cently and ne.wly furnlahed. There is nothing better. Price of prop erty Is I'.r.KK). without contents. All furnishings (over l.wno worth can be bought for $:tXH. Inspec tion by appointment only. Sea J. W. Crossley with JOHNSON-DODSON -CO. "Better Types of Homes. 033 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BETTER TYPES OF HOMES. We want prospective buyers of the better types of homes to know that we have a department spe cializing In "claasy" homes. The beat homea for the money that Is poasible to find. Our Mr. J. W. Crossley has had wide experience in selecting the beat available borne propertfea. Every one of tho homes offered in this department is thoroughly inspected by Mr. Crossley and appraised and we re fuse to offer for sale properties which, after Inspection, are not considered worth price asked by owners. Just outline your re quirements to us and let us dem onstrate how well we can serve you. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. "Better Types of Homes. 533 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Mala 2787. IRV1NGTON. One of Portland's most beautiful and pretentious homes in which nothing i left to be desired having a very rich and attractive Interior, best of oak floors, Margurltte staircaae, east cor. break fast room. 2 fine baths with tiled floor, best of porcelain plumbing fixtures, sleeping porch and lovely suite on sec ond floor with fireplace, in fact real home. PRICK $14,000. MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4684. $200 DOWN. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $3500. 100 feet off car line, paved atreet; place been built about 2 years; pay ments on balance like rent. Mr. Ex Servlce man this Is your opportunity; apply loan later. Main 5201. BOONE CLEARWATER, 505 Couch Bldg IRVINGTOX CORNER. 8 lovely rooms and sleeping porch, modern in every particular, very artistic and In perfect condition, large living room, dining room; yes a breakfast room, too; beautiful oak floors and of course a furnace, garage and a 50xl20-ft. lot. PRICK SU. MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4664. ALAMEDA. For sale by owner, beautiful new Queen Anne bungalow, 6 light large airy rooms, modern in every way, hot water heat, finished In Ivory and tapestry pa per; fine yard with trees, also garage; bargain for quick aale. Call Auto. 325-18. Suburban Homes. BEAUTIFUL RIVERV1EW HOMB, A REAL SHOW PLACE. . Locsted In Portland's most beautiful suburban view duetlict. 15 minutes' drive to city, we have a most beautiful home consisting of 8 rooms; many plate glaas wlndowa, hue fireplace, large porch ex tending across front and one side of houae; hot water heat, and which occu pies 2 acres, beautifully kept up, in choice varieties of fruit and flower gar dens, fine garage, hothouse and other buildings. This place' has a wonderful view and la one of the most beautiful in the dis trict and close to very fine school. For appointment call MitS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. 320 Lumbermen Bldg. A MULTNOMAH SPECIAL! New 3-room bungalow with electricity, gaa and running water available, on a quarter acre Just off main highway and 1 bis. from school: 6 cords of wood go with the place at the price of Jl.loo, with GOOD TERMS. DO NOT OVER LOOK THIS O.N EI CNR ACRE GOOD HOME $2800. Dainty 5-room bungalow with fire place. Dutch kitchen, electricity, on good rock road; Juat 10-mlnute walk from station on S. P. electric line; garage, shed and frulthouae: will give terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third st.. bet. Wash, and Stark. HERE IS A GENTLEMAN'S HOMB OF 10 ACRES CLOSE IN. THAT COSTS $28,OoO TO PRODUCE. Owner la going to sacrifice for $12,000. Large 9-room house with porch all the way around, modern plumbing with own water oyatera. about 4 acrea of very fine orchard, all kinds of ornamental shrub bery, small greenhouse, 2 4-room houses now rented, only a few minutes' walk from the street car line, short way to paved road. This property will stsnd Investigation from every angle and ws will be pleased to show it at any time. STEWART & JOHNSON. 813 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SUBURBAN HOMfc. 5 acres In choice varieties of fruit and flowers; good S-room house in good con dition si d exceptionally welt built and which has many modern conveniences. Irus is an attractive view home, close to golf links and Hunt club, near school and car aervlce. Will consider taking city home as part payment. Price $12.noo. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4664. MULTNOMAH STATION-. A beautiful suburban view acre with bearing fruit, tine new 7-room bung., strictly modern, and garage, fur $7500, terms. A cosy 4-rm. douhle constructed bung.; bath. si. p.. only $2300. 1500 down. 1 acre of bearing fruit on auto rd., close to sta.. with 4-rm. bung.; $200, easy terms. Let us how.you some beautiful subur ban homes; our car Is at your service at anv tlm.-. Sun. or week days. Ned Burke. Main 10O3. SUBURBAN HOMES. SACRIFICE PRICES. ONE ACRE, $20 DOWN. $.1.10. NEW BUNGALOW, ONE ACRE. $127.1. NEW BUNGALOW. ONE ACRE. $1350. 2V ACRES. 4-RM. HOUSE. $1,100. ONE ACRE WITH LOG HOUSE. $16.10. ACRE. HOUSE. FRUIT. BROOK. $1S00. 5 ACRES. 7-RM. HOUSE, $3675. MANY OTHERS. EASY TERMS. W. .. UMBDENSTOCK A CO.. 210 OREGON BLDG. BDWY. lrt.18, 4 ACRES, all cleared and fenced; family orchard, good well, 5-room houae. barn. 500 ft. from main road. mile to sta tion at Metxger $3l)oo. some terms. 4 acres, all ift 4 and 5-year-old fruit treea: -too ft. to main road. Thla is some buy $2in0, terms $1000 down. THOMSON -THOMPSON, REALTORS, H'.'O Henry Bldg. Broadway 4S0. HIGH-CLASS country home on paved high wary aid west aide electric line, on the river: atrtctly modem: 7 rooms, gas, elec tricity, water, beautiful wooded srrounds of over an acre, with running water; will ell on reasonable terms or will trade for attractive bungalow or well-located flats In Portland. W A KEFIELD. FRIF.S CO. Bdwy. 2fl0. OREGON CUT CAR LINE. 1-acre tract Vlth good plaatered house, ujtabie for mill family; fruit trees; on high land close .to Silver Spring sta tion; beat proposition in that district; price $2200, terms. Inquire 201 Alljky bldg. Main 7621. BY OWNER An acre, all In cultlvatlo with classy five-room bungalow; city conveniences. Dutch kitchen. cobble stone fireplace, fruit, berries, good barn, on good road. Just outside city limits: easy terma or might trade; $4200. Auu BY OWNER Country home of 6 acres equipped for chicken or dairy, all- In cultivation, orchard, new house finished in old Ivory: near highway and sta tion In Tualatin valley; good buy. A 41, Oregonian TWO CHOICE acres on Oregon City car line: 2 blocks from Jennings Lodge, food 5-room houae. abundance of fruit. Price $5.1to. Good terma Oak Grove 104-M. Broadway 31H. REDUCED TO $1,100. One acre In fruit, berries, garden; fine oil: spring brook; graveled road; 4-rm. house; 1111 minutes out; terms. Ask Mc- Clure. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. DWill. 3 BEAUTIFUL acres of ground and a lovely 11-room house. modern. near Powell Valley: a snap at I4OO0; part rah : easy terms. Tabor 43Q3. 3 ACRES Barsaln: good place for din ners, shade and running stream. AN 30. Oregonlair BARGAIN snd easy terma, 6-room house snd 1 acre or acre of good soil: also adjoining acre Owner, Auto. 520-47. REAL KSTITE. Sn b urban Ho $900 ST. MARY'S STATION acres, a neat 3-room cottage, with aemi Dutch kitchen, gaa heat. city water, family orchard, berrlea. small screened-ln chicken houae and woodshed: located near a good stone road, about 12 min utes' walk to station. Cash $350, balance $10 per month. $1800 HUBER STATION Almost two acres of good soli, a 4-room bun galow. semi-Dutch kitchen, small pantry and wash room. gas. brick well with plenty of water; large screened chicken houae. family orchard. Caah $500, balance $25 monthly. $2400 R Y A N STATION 6-room house. combination living room and din ing room, city water, city car- fare, garage, half acre choice or chard, 13 full bearing cherry treea, berrlea. flowers, splendid yard. Caah $7oo! balance $20 per month. $2600 RYAN STATION $2O0. Almost of an acre. 4-room plas tered bungalow with white enamel bath. French mirror door, gas heat, wired for electricity; basement, city water, city carfare, phone, fireplace, garage, every convenience of city: screened-ln chicken house. choice orchard. full bearing; strawberries, loganberries, SPLENDID VIEW; located on good gravel road, close to. school, only about one block from stftlon: cash $60O. balance $20 per month. It will pay you to see us, aa this is a genuine bargain. ( $VIO0 HUBER STATION $3,100. Near Beaverton. 24 acres, attractive 5-room celled and papered house, almost new, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, fas heat, fine water system, large red am, garage, chicken house, woodshed, family orchard, full bearing; fuel wood can be obtained close bv for the cutting of It; also 3 acres of good pasture ad Joins; all wire fenced; cash $S00, bal ance $25 per month. $3.-,nX ALOHA STATION $3-V)0. Fruit and poultry ranch, almost 4 acres, 6-room house, celled and papered, gas, garage, barn, chicken house, two wells. COMMERCIAL ORCHARD, full bearing, also a fine vineyard which ia now heavily laden with a splendid crop. This is an attractive place on a good stone road and onlv about 6 minutes' walk to station; cash $1000. balance $25 per month. See this one. We have a well chosen list of suburban homes, some excellent values, $900 up to $10,000. Sea us before you buy. M. E. DeJOICE COMPANY. 221 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1831. BUICDINO SITES AT MULTNOMAH are being picked no rapidly. This won derful district, with Its modern, homes clustering alonr the highway and spread ing to the adjacent heights and magnifi cent slopes. Is absolutely without a peer In suburban property. People are buying In this territory for permanent homes There are over fifty houses in coarse of construction near Multnomah and every one Is being built bv the owner. Inves tigate before determining on your per manent location for a home. I can sell you lota, quarter acres, half acres or acres, on terma of 10 per cent down and easy monthly payments thereafter, at o per cent interest. No one needs to suffer under fie high rent lash. If you have a little determination and are not ea tlrely blind to your own Interests, let me how ysu how easy it is to get a home. People come to me with only a few dollars and within a few weeks they are living 'n their own little place, paying on their own property. You can do the aama. Call for particulars on BEN EIESLAND. 44 Pla't Bldg.. 12T Park St.. or ee his agent. Mrs. Grant, at all times at the Multnomah office. Telephone at Portland office. Main 880; Multnomah office. Main U039. WE'LL FVRNTBHED CAPITOL HILL. hit acre, mile from station. 6 blocks to school: 8 bearing fruit trees, some berries, roses and shrubbery: attractlvs 3-room bouse, with gas and city water: electric Ilghta serosa the atreet; Included with place, gas range, heater, chairs, table, rug, bed spring, mattress, tools, etc. Price $1400, Va cash, balance 3 yeans. '. ACRE TRACTS NEAR MULTNOMAH. On macadamized road; best of soil, no rock nor gravel: very close to electric line; 9c commutation fare; city water, gaa, electric lights: nice sightly grounds: Erlce $700 per acre and up or will sell alf-acrs tracts. One acre on macadamized road. 2 miles from city limits of Portland: under cul tivation: close to paved highway; attrac tive 6-room plastered bungalow, full ce ment basement, fireplace, white enamel plumbing, garage, water system, etc.; price $1200. eaay terms. John Ferguson. Realtor, Gerllnger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive clasaiiled Hats. OREGON CITY CARLINE. CONCORD STATION, thence east on Concord road to first houae on fight after passing Concord schoolhouse, near the Oatfieid ,f(fs' high-class bungalow. Bedroom, glassed-in sleeping porch, fine bathroom, living room 16x23 feet with fine fire place, dining room with bullt-ln buffet, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen with cozy breakfast nook, all on first floor. Large attic full concrete basement with garage, room for two cars in same, fruit closet, laundry room, high-class semi-plpeless fucnace with new Majestic register, gas and electricity, electric range installed. Spring water piped in the house under pressure, graveled pri vate driveway, young bearing orchard, vineyard, with from one and one-half to. four acres of rich soil. Will sell at a bargain, furnished or unfurnished. See It today If possible. Ray Bentlry, owner, resides on the premises. After today by . appointment through Main 1!0. NO. 14120 ACRES. SIX MINUTES DRIVE FROM RIDGE FIELD ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 20 acres. 18 acres high stats cultivation, lies almost level; all fenced, excellent water, large fam ily orchard of assorted fruits and berries, good six-room farm house, extra good barn, all necessary out buildings; road on 2 aides; school wagon picks up pupils for public snd high schools: auto stage by door; all rural advantages. Highly Improvxed district. Price $5500, terms. THOMPSON. SWAN t'LEE. REALTORS, 3d and Main Sta.. Vancouver, Wash. 8aj ACRES SNAP BUY. $250 DOWN $25 MONTH. Only 114 miles from Lents and Mt. Scott car, small house and outside city; 4i seres In choice strawberries, bal. un improved: a real bargain at $I8O0 and look at ths terms. See Mr. Chessman with J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 208. CHEAP TO CLOSE ESTATE. THE HEITKEMPER PLACE. Beautiful country home of 7 acres, fine grounds, all kinds of nut and fruit trees. 14 acre in grapes, ornamental shrubbery and hedgea Part beaver dam. Has never failing spring and ram. On hard-surface road and Oregon City car line at Courtney station. Might di vide. Inquire across the road at Lily Pond nursery $3O00 HANDLES THIS. 1 full acre, big m-atorr bungalow, all bullt-lns, Dutch kitchen, all kinds of berries, sppies, pears, cnicaen yaraa ana hnnM for JOO hens: all city conveniences. no city taxes. Just the place for retired farmer, no agents. MRS. STURTEVANT. 1 Blk. East snd 1 Blk. South of 82nd and Division SIGHTLY TRACT. 200x140. on Improved county boulevard, overlooking the Tuala tin vullev and near Multnomah station. with nearly completed bungalow, wh.cb we have been erecting for our perma nent home. Must leave the city within the next three weeks, ana will sacri fice for $2400. on easy terms. For par ticulars, call Main H0. week days only. REMEMBER YOU CAN GET ONE ACRE. Out Section Line road, just east of 82d at . for $K2.V All In cultivation. Bull Run water, jusx one leu at tnis price. Don't delay; buy now. R H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE ft CO., 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $3700 BUYS a beautiful new bungalow, thoroughly modern, close to Multnomah station: has been completed only 30 riava. owner compelled to sell. 011 will like this place it Is up to date In every particular, r or particulars can on nfc:."v RIESLAND, 404 Piatt Bldg., 127 Park st., or his agent, Mrs. Grant, at the Multnomah otricc CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, welt located, near car Una, from $1300 up. Inquire 3d house north of Ji.la.cjr station, on Oregon Cilr car Una. RKAL KSTATK. Suburban Homes. 10 ACRES, good level land. 16 miles south of Portland, on rock road, 1H miles to school; woven-wlre fences; 7 acrea under cultivation, all can be farmed when cleared; small bearing orchard. H acre raspberries, 4 acre strawberries; 3-room bouse and shed kitchen, barn, chicken house 12x50, milk-house. Included with place one horse, one cow, 7 chickens, hay. 2 acres potatoes, kale, farming im plements, cream separator, buggy, etc. Offered at tremendous bargain with $1100 cash, easy terms. Including chick ens, stock, crop. Consider 2-scre piece close to town with liveable buildings. Asit for Mr. Berger. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerllnger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Got our extensive classified lists. K GOOD CHEAP PLACE. , 10 acres. 16. miles west of Portlsnd. near Hllleboro. Vi mile from electric station and school; good black loam soil: 2 acres In potatoes, corn and beans: 2 acres very easy to plow. Place level and seeded to clover and other grass: wire fences; 5-room house. 2 chicken bousea Price $2100, $1400 cash, balance for 2 years. Over 12 acres. 13 miles from center of Portland, near Oregon City, one mile to school; good road, good bearing orchard; 7-room log bungalow on rock founda tion, 2 barns, chlcken-houae, garage, etc.; 5 acres under cultivation, all can be farmed when cleared; land not in cultivation In timber. Price $2700. $1000 cash. Property Inspected by Nelson. 10 seres. 10 miles south of center of Portlsnd. close to electric station; 3H acres under cultlvatloni all can be farmed when cleared; macadamised road; 4-room house, other buildings; some young fruit treea Price $1300, $650 cash. Inspected by Berger. GOOD GARDEN LAND. Nearly 10 acres. 13 miles from center of Portland, near Grefham. Oregon. 4 mile to electric station, 4 mile to school; macadamized road; bearing orchard: cheap house, barn 20x28. Price $3600. sx cash. This land Is well worth $300 per acre. Inspected by Kemp. ONLY $200 CASH. 5 acres, 2 miles east of Portland lim its. Near Baseline road; Vt under cul tivation; new 3-room bungalow; good garage. No waste land. Offered at bar gain, easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtar. Gerllnger Bldg. Over 500 small placea near Portland. Get our extensive classified Hats. SUBURBAN HOMES. One acre choice level land, near Dur ham station. O. E. Ry., 5-room, nearly new bungalow, fireplace, elec trio lights, $2700, $1000 down, bul sncs 6 per cen.t. Two acres. Base Line road, all In cul tivation. 3-room houae, city water, electric lights, gaa lots of berries, no gravel, $2200, $1000 down, bal ance mortgage. On acre, cleared. 5-room cottage, elec tric lights, gas, city water, close to Wichita station. Escatada line. $10.10, $565 down, balance $13 mo., 6 per cent. To acres choice garden land. In cul tivation, lots of fruit and berriea: 4 room neat cottage and outbuildings, near station on Oregon City line, $.1000. half cash. Five acres, 2 acres in cultlvstlon, new 3-room cottage, furnished; 100 chickens, near school, railway sta.; 10 miles out, $2750, $600 down, bal ance easy. Six acres, extra .choice land, running water, also large spring; on the pavement at the railway station; 4 room house, barn, lots of fruit and berries; 10 miles out, $6000; good terms, or will sell half with build ings; this Is nice. Six acres, in cultivation, 6-room house; on pavement, Hillaboro highway, near Shattuck station, 20 minutes from Broadway by auto. $5500; good terms. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 16.H4 4th St. No. 522. BUSINESS MAN'S MODERN SUBURBAN HOME. New 6-room modern bungalow, full concrete basement, furnace, complete electric light and water plant, new barn with modern con veniences, new garage with con crete floors, large concrete cellar, dairy, large modern chicken house and brooder house; 27 acres, all In cult.; sandy silt loam soil, 5 acres set to Italian prunes; 3 acres apples pears, small fruits and berries, 3 excellent cows, large farm team, harness, wagon, buggy, four plows, seeder, disc, feed cut ter, harrow, 2-horse cultivator, mower, rake. Ford truck, lime spreader and all small toola; 2.10 bushels wheat, 100 bushels pota toes, 15 tons hay. 500 chickens, corn, garden. Buildings all paint ed; E. frontage, good surroundings, 1 mile from electric car line and mall town; 15 minutes' delve from Interstate bridge on good auto road, paved most of the way. Price $16,500. half cash. THOMPSON. SWAN A H F.AI.TOHS Lee, 3d and Main Sis., Vancouver, Wash. BARGAIN. 1 acre, a good double constructed house of 8 rooma fireplace, hot-water heat, bath, electric light, gas, near sta tion; price $6300. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 1 acre, with 6-room house, all mod em, except furnace. Including wood and fine Jersey cow; price $5300; will ar range terma. Vi acrea, 4-room house, sleeping porch, chicken house for 300 chickens; all furnished and tools; price $4200. Inquire Mrs. F. Youngs. Kirby Station. Oregon City Car'.lne BEAUTIFUL home on Peninsula, fineat opportunity for small dairy' In vicinity of Portland: almost three-fourths acre (4 30x100 lots), with 35 choice bearing fruit trees; modern 5-room house, with basement, reception hall, etc.: new, mod ern dairy barn, chicken house, garage, berries, electric lights, gas. city water, 1O0 feet from car, street improvements all paid; will sell all or part. Owner, Columbia 7S6 or Aut. W8-77. POWELL VALLEY. $1630. Beautiful 2-acre tract rich, level land. Delightful grove native trees; livabJe temporary buildings; grounds partly developed: chioce location: re fined neighborhood; right on paved high way, short distance east city limits. An ideal apot for your suburban home. Y 36, OREGON I AN. IDEAL SUBURBAN HOME. 20 minutes from down town by auto or electric; good road, near station; a acres with a real city houae of 7 rooms: all conveniences. garaae. barn. chicken house, r.ll kinds of fruit, lots of flowers snd shruDDery; win suoaiviae. uwner. Main 7i.1l - FOR SALE $3,100. 5-room house with furniture and ga rage: Bull Run water; all modern con veniences; 2 lots; berries and fruit; large screened porch; 2 blocks from Oregon City line. Island Station; $700, $30 month, 6 per cent. Phone Milwaukle S3-M. NEW 5-ROOM bungalow, all bullt-lns, has breakfast room, finished in 10 days: H icre, mostly in berries; right at station; has gaa. Bull Run water ar.d electricity; here la a very good place for $2300; would like 1-3 cah. Come to Stanley station. Ask for Milter (uwner).a Esta cada carllne. ' 5 ACRES. $4000. on edge of city limits, 4-room house, barn, chicken and fruit house, on paved road. $15.10 cash. STAR REAL ESTATE INV. CO., Realtors. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. Main 8604. 1 ACRE of land with 4-room house, all modern, furniture, chicken house. 20 chickens, barn, fruit trees and berries: 1920 Ford touring car: mile south of Beaverton.. Just off two highways on rock road: $3300. M. T. Jones. WIDOW will sacrifice highly Improved 2 acre place, all kind of fruit, good house, barn and chicken houses; ideal place for chickens or small dairy. Priced right. Smail payment and low terma. Aut. 640-IW. 4740 32d St. S. E. ' CHICKEN AND BERRY RANCH. 10 acres fine soil. 8 cultivated, family orchard, old houae and barn. 2ft miles of Oregon City, on hard road, free of incumbrance: must sell, terma 1142 East 24th st. North. NEW BERG. Comfortable 7-room home m pleasant suburban ctu'. 2 large lots, close to school snd principal business street; house modern in every way. Owner, 44X' N. School St. FOR SALE Beautiful tract of land 38 acres, 7-room house; 20 minutes from city; on paved road; suitable for sub urban home or ubdlvlton ; price rea sonable; cash or terma. Phone owner. Marshall 2328. FOR RENT House, with garage, partly furnlahed; also 30 chickens on place and some vegetables. Rent $22. 1.10 White leghorns for sale. $1 each. Call Tabor 3112. Richardaon road near Fre mont St.. Park Rose. 2V ACRES. Oswego lake, $635; ik acres or 7 acres on electric, 35 minutes center of cltv; terma McFarland. reaitor, Fail- Ing bklg. HAVE dcairahle half acre at Multnomah: high, excellent view; gas. water and electricity adjoining. BF :i1. Oregonlan. BUY A HOME of owner: new 4-room house: easy terms. 613-95. fl'7." NEW BUNGALOW ; acre trees, $150 cash. McFarland. Falling bldg. BARGAIN ill Parkrose acreage; modern (jame. garage, terms. Tabor 2676. R EA LKSTATEI Suburban Homes. TIIE HARD-SURFACE roads have brought the country homes clo to t.le city, so why pay heavy taxes or rent Buy a suburuun home before the good buys sre all picked up. Here are a few, care fully selected: BASE LINE HIGHWAY. 2 acres facing on ths highway; new 4-room plastered bungalow, large living room, ttreplace, kitchen, 2 bedrooma, bath, all bullt-lns. gas heat and electric light; a wonderful view: all in cultivation. fruit and terries; this place is nice y kept and to see Is to t uy. $150 will handle. - I'rice $4600 NEWBERG HIGHWAY. 1 acre right on tha highway. Is miles out. cluae to electric station; haa a line little bunga low with large living -loom, kitchen and bed room, garage; 14 acre in strawberries, lots of lo Ean, black and red resp berrlea A flue location for atore and auto camp. More land obtainable If desired. Price on terms. 2000 NEWBERG HIGHWAY. 4Vi acres, all in culti vation, with 2 acres of -tine bottom land; aero in strawberries, fine prune orchard, lotjt of . apple, pear, plum and cherry trees, all In bear ing; good house, located among large shade treea; kits of roses; no rock or gravel: located close to station, only 18 miles over -the highway. A fine place for home or high way bualnesa - location. Pries on terms 3000 OREGON CITY HIGHWAY. S acres, right on tha highway. 12 miles out; fine large home with city v. ater. barn, garage and chicken houae, orchard . tf 75 trees in bearing: 1 cere in atrawberriea and , quantities of other ber ries: horse and farm tools. The price and terma are so low you cannot afford to paeal this by. $2000 will han dle. Price 300 JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR), 318 Chamber of Commerce. 2-ACRE SACRIFICE. Large modern 6-room bungalow with bath, gas, electricity; 2 acres, practically all in cultivation: necessary outbuild ings; some fruit and berries; near Ore gon Electric station and Portland Golf club; business change makes sacrifice by owner necessary for quick gale; will sacrifice this $0500 place for $5000, $2000 cash it sold quick. HALF ACRE with 3 rooms snd sleeping porch; gas, electricity and water; chicken house, young fruit trees and berrlea; 3 blocka from Garden Home station on the Oregon Electric, worm anoui a...wv, owner will take $2100 caah or $2250 on good terma : LISTEN Wo have about 150 person ally Inspected suburban homes for sale. imnn. ihM are some wonderful snaps. Let ua show you some of the best buya around Portland. Any kind of a place you want from acre to 20 or 40 acres. G. a. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St.. Near 2d. Main H22Q or Main UUIS. i?3r,n tkrMS. Circumstances necessi tate e..t-H uU of attractive four-room bungalow on beautiful lot of ilr trees and flowers at jiuunoman. unw Chapman, one block aouth of artallon. Main For Sale Business Property. WEST SIDE DOWN TOWN INVESTMENT. ' Small lot. occupied by house renting for $33 per montli. cloee to courthouse and about halt block from city hall; can be bought at a price allghtly above assessed valuation for taxes, on easy terma E. M. BROWN. 122 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 2422. BEST paying apartment house building in town, clears 16 per cent net on price, $MS,ooo; or will show 30 per cent net on the $35,000 cash required to handle. Flrst-clasa proposition In every way. W. G. Cox, 505 Slock Exchange bldg. Main 4368. HOW'S THIS ONE? Bualnesa and flat bldg.. all furnished, on 50x100 prominent Mitifsipiil ave. corner, with a big future; all Improve ments In and paid; now paying 16 net, and can be raised to 20 without spend ing a cent; price only $7000 Tor a few days oniy. George F. Crow, with Albert Haraia. H01 Mi:ysippl ave. FACTORY SITE ON TRACKAGE. 100x300 ft., fronting on paved street and sloping gently to R. R. track; on city car line. A most Ideal location. At a sacrifice price of $3UlJ. $1000 cash, balance $.V0 per year at 7 per cent. a.iHraa af 3.1. Oreironian. FORCED SALE Income property, heart of gorfd business section, good for $100 monthly Income without further im provements and room for 2 more stores; will take trade for part or full equity. Owner. 539 N. Union ave. . " CONCRETE BUILDING. 80x30, with loft, suitable for small manufacturing plant or storage. Price $3oOO caah; liberty bonds at market price, or terma; or for rent at $40 per month. East 3H. business hours. FACTORY SITE FOR SALE. 200 ft. on O.-W. R. N. Ky. 10O ft. deep In the Industrial district St. Johns. Deal with owner and save commission. AK 6.1, Oregonlan. $40.000 50x145. COVERED with new brick, coming aeaport of Oregon; best location for big theater or department store. Phone East 3SU9. Homesteads. Kellnqnlahments. IF YOU haven't used your HOMESTEAD right now is your opportunity, while the roads are good, as this is your last chance to get a desirable claim in Ore gon. 1 also have some god relinquish ments. E. W. Helm. 316 Board of Trade bldg. WlSTKh HOMESEEKERS to locate on ten of the best home steads In southern Oregon; timber values alone worth thousands; good farm land, good .roads, close to town and railroad. This is last opportunity of its kind. Investigate; references given. FRANK NITKST, 832 Morgan bldg. TIMBER homestead on Sluslaw river; railroad cuts corner of claim; station quarter mile away; fine timber cheap for cash. L. E. Joy. 316 Board of Trade. 3 CLAIMS, 100 a. each, $4000 worth tim ber on each; auto road, close town, achool; $00. $400. 3tH): in south. Ore. farm and fruit district. 301 Corbett bldg. lftO-ACRK HOMKSTEAD. H9 milea from Portland; only $16 fll- ft' fpf. Prtva ."0. NUT, 1M Cham, of Com. Bldg. Fruit 1-axidrt for Sale or Itnt. OUU WALNL'T orchards are now In bear ing; tons of nuta now on th trc; never damaged by froitts. -oil and other conditions, unexcelled. Walnut induajry never more proniielng; 2 cents per lb. advance over the California opening price ha been offerea thla year for Oregon Walnuia. We offer the follow ing real bargain.: lio acref, $7a00. 80 acres. S97SO. 17 acres, foioo. 12 acrea, Don't let thew pncea deceive you. They are away below actual values. Smaller tracts and terms to suit any one that wants a walnut orchard, which means an annuity for Ufa. Call or atl- M.TTHKWS PLANTING CO.. 81 Lumbermens Bidg.. Portland, Or. 17H ACKKS of iaai filbert lend, rsdy to plant; also 12 acres of fine berry land, all tiled; near Hillsboro; 1 heavy bearing walnut orchard; all near Paciflo highway; sIho fine sheep ranch. Ad dress T. Withycombe. 42 IL'th st.. city 5 ACRES bfarinic walnuts and cherries, near Amity. Sell for $1100 cash. W It, Oregonlttn. Irrigated ljuids. ..i ACKKS 8 acres alfalfa, - a. mixed fruit. 1 good pasture, sub-irrigated ; fair 6-room houve, shed barn, other buildings; good well wster; 1 cow, 7 head young heifers, splendid team and wason, harness and other tools. This Is on the Yellowstone highway. U nnile hlsh school, IS miles R. K. station. The soil is .the very best volcanic ash and will produce 7 tons of alfalfa tn a sea son. This Is a real bargain and will pay big interest. Price 3inn. only $1,000 caah with paid-up water right. ATKINSON & PORTtR, 705 Main St.. Vancouver. Wash. MILLER A LUX own the richest land In California. Ask us it It will rais al falfa; 10 acres sown In April cut 1 hk aen-ii In I ii n s fruit rav a nrn. ton litic rally; bearing fruit ranches In same unty sell for l"0 per acre; our price el irrigated land. 1S3 per acre and cou Inv special eay terms to homeseekers. Kramer. Lake & Co., 10-'7S Helrnont st. IDAHO IRRIflATKD. Need money, will sell cheap; no better land. Main IM-'.l. or 171 1.1th st. For Pale Acreage. ptK aALE 7 sores, close in. 6131 9d S. B Tbos. A. lea. 1 7-9 ACRES, close la; bargain. AP 62, OregoniaA. RF.AL KSTATK. For hule Acreage. SMALL HOMl3. GRKSHAM DISTRICT. 6 acres on Powell Valiey roan, wen located; Rood soil, all In cultivation; HO fruit irc.-. J-room house, almost new; price SJ&Ou. Bx acres, all In cultivation, right station ; 4-room houae. barn, chicken house, fruit trees and berries; IJtHfO. Three-acre home, nicely improved ; family orchard, i-room hou-e, barn, chit ken house, rood well ; price $J-u0; $tiJ0 cash Is u.V, you need. 6H acres, modern bungalow, well built ; concrete, basement, furnac heat, good plum bin sr. garuge, barn, lots of fruit ; all fine land, clou to station; price $r.'-00. KRIPKK A KLKINt.TQ.X, t.resha rr WE JUST found nomotning exceedingly fine and beautiful; finest we have sen and. if you have $I2."0 cah. ou can possess It clear of encumbrance. Read this carefully: 8 acrea, very finest s-ll, portion termed near beaverdam, fine never-ceasing stream; every portion is tillable, lies beautiful, very essiet clenr ing, lots of lurne open spots cleared and only small ru.rh In clusters, some very old rotten stumps, all easily and quickly cleared; fenced with woven wire; quite a large building, easily converted into small house; on county road and. note this location, one mile and h from Hillsboro postofflce. few rods outside of city limits. 7-10 of a mile Portland Hillsboro beautiful highway, close to Oregon Electric station. A wonderful buv at this price. Will be found as herein. C. L. Pecker, 13:. 'j First at. FIXE 15 ACRKS Cood soil, nearlyl all in culti vation, several nice building sites, running water, good road, fine district, near station and close to Portland. Price 330 per acre and which ia far below much other nearby acreage and very attractive terms if built upon. MiKht divide. Thla ts only one of my many attractive acreage prop ositions and all of which will be found good and priced right. SAMUEL DO AK, 1302 Northwestern Bank Bldg. EAGLE CREEK ACREAGE. 20 acres In 5-arre tracts, a nhort distance from the station, about 2" miles from Portland on the Estacada line; ground level, all cleared; finest of soil; JtiO per acre. You can buy what you want, from 5 to -t) acres. Terms to tuit purchaser. OTTO A HARKSON, 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main o39tt. - 5. 10 AND 20-ACRIC TRACTS. $J5 AN ACRE AND I P. $10 down and o per month buya a 5-acre tract In this addition of H00 acres; down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, rivr. auto stage and truck; beautifully lying land, free from rock and gravel; some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are alo some with streams; fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DELFEL, 818 Hallway Kxchaage iildg. DO YOU OWN THE LAND ON WHICH YOU LIVE? If not. It is only a camp and the other fellow collects the rent; ' will locate you on a beautiful acre that eventually will bo yours. It is situated Just outwtde of the city limits where taxes are low, along Section Line road. "Division St." The balance can be paid like rent; the land la in hiRh statn of cultivation with Bull Run water. Will be pleused to take you out to Inspect It. K. M. CONFKKY. Realtor, HITTER, LOWE A CO, S01-a-3-.-7 How rd of Trade Hid ff . 15 ACRKS. 7-R., JSOnO AT GRKSHAM. A beautiful 7-roem house, screened porch on two sides, full basement, wash trays, pressure water, bath and toilet, fireplace, barn snd coop for .UK) chick ens, family orchard and berries; 10 min utes wark to high school, churches and stores. He-re's a bargain. Ten acres. $4 .".no ; j-room house, fine barn with stanchions for 2D cows, fruit and garden, good water; Joins the above place. Am the owner of both places. O. W. TA HH, East R01. 71:t K. Main St. Main 6203. IK YOU ONLY KNEW. WhHt an advantage it would be to live in the great outdoors where you have room for garden, fruit and chick ens and so close in that u could xtlll pursue your vocation in tho city, you would buy this 4.'& acres at once. It faces liurkcr road, jut north of sec tion line, and will bo sold on easy terms for tlT.MJ. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE &. CO., 201-2-3-.-7 Hoard of Trad" Hldg. CHOICE ACREAGE One to flve-acre tracts near Oswego lake, rapidly grow ing district fe miles from center of city; one-fourth mile to Lake Grove ntallon. on S. P. eleciric; jrood road to city, now being paved, panst s this property ; gar den oil, tine school ; easy terms ; owner on ground Sunday. T. G. Reea, 4Uj Couch bldg. Phone Main IN TILE GRKSHAM DISTRICT. 40 acres, !000, generous terms, 20 miles from Portland, half mile from electric railway, 40c fare; fertile soil, small creek, not rocky, near highly im proved farms, now open pasture, easily cleared ; will divide into small tracts. Fred F. Huntress, Main i.41. 1M2 Spald ing bld HOW MUCH CASH HAVE YOU? We have - XJz acrej of cleared land with a new 4-room plastered house and Bood we) I ; can get more land if de aired. Wil seil this on easy terms or make extra low- price for larger cash payment. Price $J700. This is on good road, close to city. Strong & Co., Gut) Chamber of Commerce. THRUE HKAUT1FUL WOODED ACRES Sl'JOO. Out Powell Valley road, SO minutes from the city; good school, good district and good value; buy now. Very easy terms. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 301-U-A-A-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. IN THE GRKSHAM DISTRICT. Five acres, $200, small cash payment, small monthly payments; 'JAi miles from Portland. -Va m.le from electric railway, 40c fare ; fertile oil. not rocky, near highly improved farms, now open pas ture; easily cleared. Fred F. Huntress, DO 2 Spalding bidg. Main 241. $7. DOWN and $13 per month will buy a beautiful country hontctdte on Clear creek, 45 minutes' ride from city; beau tiful trees, creek and good roads; 5 acres. Price $700. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, Bdwy. 471, 410 Henry Pldtf. 11 ACRES WITH SHACK $7.-.0. Located 30 miles from Portland, mile from station; good 2 -room shack with large garden patch cleared; spring at back door: fine for chickens and fruits. Price $7.V. LIT KOI) E M A N N CO M PANT, 913 Chamber of Com m rce. ONE ACRE $100 CASH. Facing directly on Section Line road, all in cultivation; Bull Run water. Just east of b2l t. Y'ou will see our sign; bl. $1.0 month. it. if. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE CO., 201-2-8-R-7 Hoard of Trade HI rig. BEAUTIFUL ACRE TRACTS One to flv acres, close to new Pacific his; h way; wonderful view of mountains, lake and river. Finest of land, no stone. Very best of terma RALPH HARRIS CO., Rlfl Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. EXCELLENT land, only slightly rolling, near transportation, school, church and po toff ice, only $.'10 per acre, and you may have any amount you want; beau tiful creek through the property. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. ,33 N. W. Hank Itldg Main .".787. SJD STREET $1300. Nearly one acre, all in cultivation, gas. water and lights available; easy pavmenta and no payment down if you will build. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 24t Stark Street Main Ml. rs V I wv'.'a v - v . a a - a V- a . Facing on macadamised road.- all In cultivation. Huil Run water. Only $82o on easy terms. ft. H. CONFREY. ReaTtor, . . v i- i . ii l' 1 1 r t ii r w i iii,' i -1 -r v 201-2-3-.V7 Hoard of Trad- Hldg WRITE for map of western Washington showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER CO., Tscoma. Wash. FOR SALE 100 acres Rood agricultural land In Tillamook county. Or. Price $1200 cash. A. D. Becker, 262A-A MtNalr ave.. St. Louis, Mo. HOUSE, barn, five acrea; on East tyd u Will rent or sell on esasy tarms. W. H. ROSS. MOO North weytern Hanfc Ittdg. ACRES. 4 ACRES, $10 payments. Alberta car. City watr. No assessments or gra vxl. H. W. Cary. 1J1 X. W. Hank bldg. OREGON CITY car line Concord road, two desirable acre tracts with building restrictions, near nise homes. KAY H K N TLEY, owner. M 'Sin VnK S ACRES on Barr roati went of Huckley ave.; water stock; price $27."iO. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 ark &uxcU Main &31- RKAL EMTATK. I-'or Ha le Arreaae. YOU GET THE CROPK. 8.33 acrs i'anby garden land, all In crop, potatoes ready to dig. garden crops to harvest, asparanus and rhubarb roots to tell. arapts. berries and young fruit tre. This is on of the best ar den tracts In this section. You do not pay for high priced improvements; build to suit yourself. Price on t his reduced to $.'70o; $1)0 will handle. Let us show you SERVE CHICKEN" DINNERS. 84 acres of choir- land ripht on the pavrd Pacific hiKhway. near Canny. There Is no belter soil, floe fruit and berries. Large h-rnom piaMered houe, milk house with concrete- floor. Chu-ken houses to accommodate lOOo hens. Splen did place to f rvu t htcken dinners to tourists. Ratine the chickens and serve t hem to tourists ; same wit h berrien. Thre are st raw berries, black cap and potatoes in commercial quantitlep. Price reduced to $4to. some buy. Terms Nil FROST YET. 10 acres fine soil, all level and In cul tivation: nice small grove, at house, half acre family orchard, good well with force pump; 4-room houe, barn, hen houier, plenty ha.y and if ruin. Big horne, loo chicken, farm implements and' tools. Near Gladstone; good graveled road. Owner forced to sell. Priced at $3.UM; $1500 cash, balance 0 per cent. KREYTAG-M EE1 S CO. , Gladstone, Or. Oregon City Car Line. , Phone Oregon City 2HQ J. ACREAGE BARGAINS. 1 acre, fine soil, mostly all la cultivation, orchard, berries, etc.; good small house and outbuild Iiiks; very well located. Just out side city. Price $l.oo. Terms or might consider exchanging aa first payment en residence in city. ft acres, the very best of soil, practically all In cultivation, very fine assorted orchard, k rapes, ber ries, etc.; ft-room bungalow, barn, all outbuildings. Exceptionally well located, close In. Price $3400, $UH0 cash, balance easy terms. 20 acres. 10 acres In cultivation, orchard, very good buildings, all stock and equipment; well located 7 miks out. You can handle this for $700 cash, balance your own terma. The equipment alone ia wort h more than the first pay ment. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO., REALTORS. 410 Wasl.it.Kton Street Vancouver, Wash. HALF-ACRE TRACTS 2. ON WEST SIDE. ONLY $800. Outgrowth of Portland Heights, few blocks Counrl I Crest car ; frontage on improved county road ; gas and Hull Run water to each tract; level, cleared ground, rich soil, wonderful view. Why go way out and pay highep prices and more car fare ? This property Is right In town, 2 mile- of courthouse and bor dering Portland's highest claws residen ts I district. Never has property been offered at such a bargain price In this district. Just a few left. Opportunity beckons to you now. J. G. RAINEY. MT Abinston Bldg. Main ,2i. THREE ACRES WITH AN INCOME. AM In cultivation, AO bearing apple trees. 1 acres in oats and clover, fl roorn house, all wired for electricity, bnrn and chicken houne. ,Iutt half mile from Beaverton. THIS IS A SNAP AT $;.mmj, with terms. Aak for F. C. Marshall. TWO ACRES ON CLACKAMAS1 RIVET. TWO ACKES WITH LARGE RIVER FRONTAGE. All in cultivation with G4 full ben ring peach trees and other kinds of fruit; abundance of berries; 4 room house, burn and chicken housn. This im on a paved road Junt half mile from Gladstone. $'0:m with ONLY $1.50 lOWN. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Suburban Home. 205 Ablngton Bldg Main lOtlR, EAST MTLWACKIE ACREAGE. ON l'AVKD ROAU. $23001 4 acroM. cultivated except sin a II grove. Small houae, in cluding sleeping porch, gas range, wnd heter In use. Bull Run water, garage, barn, chick en house, IS fruit treoH, berrlea, 40 chickens and garden tools; very productive soil. It Is diffi cult to secure a better proposi tion for a complete acreage home at this price. Half cash. OEM. E. ENULE1IART CO.. Bdwy. M7 3 t.lM Hen r y Bid g . V ELL-LOCATEI ACRE, bargain. Only $:0 down. $l.'t per mo. owner. Aut. 020-47. SITE FOR VILLA. 24 acres, south and eat.t slope, quarter mile above Columbia highway; soil fine for vineyard, berries, fruit and garden; within hour's ride to city and welt adapted for three or four cottages heat ed by one f urn n ep ; sand and gravel nearby. Price $3100, terms if wanted. A. Mr- A P 01. Oregonlan. NEAR DAMASCUS. 10 acres. 8 cleared. 0 in old orchard, good soil, on main rock road. 13 miles out near Ismatcu: price $2000; $000 ca.h. bal. interest. Alao 5 acres, all under cultivation: no build ingn, near Aloha sta t ion and S. P. electric. 14 miles out. Price only J12.-.0. ALBERT HARALA, S01 Mississippi Ave. WdltV 1201. EX-SERVICE .MEN! We have large listings of desirable farms and homesltes anil can help you f iua nee building. Our office has full Information to your Intercut regarding applicHlion of bonus loan. We will help you arrange h 11 details. Our experience and large listings at your service. W. M. UM HPENSTOCK, Esttthlished IMMi. 210 Prop on I ltd g. B d w y . in 5 . 28 AND 10-ACRE tracts, adjoining, one or both, located near Oswego lake; fine soil, no rock; 0-room house on one tract. You make no mistake buying these tracts at present price ; I Sac re tract on 82d highway, between Clackamas and Glad stone; Hroom house, bearing fruit trees, fine view of Clackamas valley and Mt. Hood. T 0. DAVIDSON. Realtor. MP Ch aniberof Commerce. A WONDERFUL BUY. 00 acres In Yam hi i I county. 3S miles from Portland ; good Improvements. 30 acres cultivated, 10 acres beaver flam. 30 acres pasture, wooded and chopped stumps; fine, crerk ; 4 mile from ship pine station : $0ooo, eimy terms. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK AV CO., 210 Oregon Bldg, Bdwy. 20-ACRE ranch, cash or trade for house and ground or a crew ge in or close to Portland. Have small house, b.irn and other buildings ; orchard ami ot her im provements; creek and spring: nvi-r acre In strawberries; other berrien; -l tiles to town; price $1300. Mrs. Clii nch, Portia nd. Or. (Sen. Del. UPPER PORTLAND HEL . $775 buys a half sere near this dis trict If sold this week. All cleared, about level, good mad. city convenience-,, no liens. Fair terms. AN 61, nregonlnn. 20 ACRES ORCHARD. 20 acres, IS in on -hard; buildings, personal, crop and household furniture: price M00O; terms. Just 74 miles out. near Vancouver. ALBERT HARALA. SOI MlPfdsflppI Ave. $23 LOCATES YOU. 10 acres good tillable land, easy clear ing. 1 mile trom R. R. station. 30 miles from Portland. l'rieu $t."0; terms $23 down. $ 10 monthly. LI' E DD EM A N N COMPANY, 1M3 Chamber of Com inerce, 40 ACRES, splendid farm. 2H miles Port land; H cow, big team, farm tools. 20 tons hay; potatoes, etc. Good ti-ronm house, barn, girage, creek, auto high way. $7oon; terms. Mc Far. and. realtor. Fail In g hid g. HEAUTiVUL 4 ACRE $1200. $10 payments; Alberta car; city water, few natural treeit. no assessments or gravel. R. W. Cary. 12111 Northwestern Hank bldg. Main 1043. Residence, Miitn 1377 I 40 ACRES $.-.nn. 37 miles from Portland. acre In cultivation ; on count y road : A 1 soil ;. lies fine; mall route. $12."i cash. Bundy, fl IS c h a mber of Commerce bidg. pOR THE finest acreage tracts In the northwest see what we have to offer ou; houses strictly modern, soil cannot be beaten For in form nt ion sddresi K e Iso Realty Co . K -Iso. Wash. DIKED land, just eutside city near Co lumbia blvd. ; 3 and 10-acre tracts: esy terms Yu will make money on this. R. W. Can. 1210 Northwestern Bank hi d 2 ACRES 'with 4-rm. houne. right at tlon on Bull Run electric Snap $1.o0. Call 21u Oregon bldg. M 1 il.vs 3 ACRKS In cultivation, rlot to II 1 1 -boro, on good road ; 4-room hou-e, ne w barn and chicken houxe. $2"on. $jou cash, $'o per month. II wood 3H4. 20 LOTS, 2rxl00 each. In Mlnthorne Addi tion, east of Milwaukle, must be sold to nettle an eHtate; $40 a lot. Owner, 021 Henry bldg. ONE ACRE, well tmprov.-d. with all kind of berries and fruit, good houxe, g.tr.ig. on rock mad near o. E. ntutiun. 12 nil U- M'.'iO; $."i00 rash. N . Prt-goi, :.n. NEW 4-roi'in hou v. it h for b. own r. I niuin- tl a XTnSWOKTH-AY E. .r. cultivated, won deirful buy. -iiaiu 41b'J. 3 2 'J Salu.ua sL