10 IlKAL KT.TE. ""For hair llnusee. ASK ABOUT THE MARSH MeCABK CO. X Y STEAL TELL t'8 WHAT VOU WANT. . SKI-I THESE TODAY. ORoVfaiLAND PA KK 1100. Six rifima, cement bailment, fin place to repair and rv-acll. MT. TABOR 12000. Four-room bungalow with tars attic, very nitty little place; SsxlOO. SOUTH MT. TABOR $3 ISO. Flve-rm. bungalow and lp. porch. Attic; 1'ita of built-lns, nice location, near Franklin high; corner lot. Garage. TUKMS. IRVINGTON PARK 1300. TERMS. IlllANH-NEW bungalow, exceptionally well bult, 8 rooms anil breakfast nook. Beautiful bullt-lns; attic large inouxh for 2 rooms. FINE LOT 75x100. Two blocka tu car and school. HAWTHORNS $4000. Dandy 3-room bungalow on corner lot. Breakfast noek, hdw. floors; cement basement,' Xraya.' UARAGU. UOOl) VALL'Jfi. MARSH Ac MrCABB fTl., Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 30113. "IIOl'KB BARGAINS." LAUREI.Hl UHT o-roorn strictly mod em home; hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, nice bullt-lne, garage, all in flrst-claae condition; price $3.X0, good terma. IMKMIONT 8-room odero bunga low; furnace, fireplace, nice bullt-lne. neat and clean; Alnsworth avs. and 7th et; $4,100, iumid down. MONTAVILLA -rnom modern house: furnace; In good condition; near car. on 71et at.; $MjO, $10ou down, but. easy. A LlitllTA 5-room modern bungs low; large attic, near ear, good district; $3000, $5) caah. $.lt muoth including interest- eLLWOtlI 8-room modern bunga low, .like new; furnace; two lota! sear car: $4.v0. good terma. R. M. OATKWOOD & CO.. 10.H4 4th St. laxiK THIS UP. B17 E. WH ST. V. .-,2nn N E OK THE REST Birrs IN RiK CITY. VERY ATTRACTIVE .1 I;ouM HU.VOAl.oW. LAHliK 1'UTK ;la. windows in visa bio liv- ROOM. FIREPLACE. MIR HO R DooR; HEU'TIFI L IHMXH ROOM WITH LARGE PLATE GLASS WIX lIciWH. Ill KKKT. DUTCH KITCHEN. HRKAKFABT NOOK. R I'.r'R 1 1 5 E K ATI K ROOM. 2 KINK AIRY UKlll!(M)MH, LAUGH ATTIC. KURNACE. BUILT BY (IWNHH FOR HIM IIOMK. H. Si i M Ell V I 1 .1 ,K. BHQV t W AYJ! 478. FoRTl.A N 1 HEIGHTS VIEW I'llOPKIlTY KUK SALU BY PW'KKK. $2850. $2850. GO LOOK. BUNGALOW Four large room, with fcath room and breakfast nook, fire aeacs: lot 51x10.1: haa view of the en tire Tualatin valley; houivn not quite finished up Inside; price asked la less than cost of lot and construction to date. Take C. C. car to Ml. 7.lon elation and an about 40O feet Bouth on alr mount blvit. to No. 7BS For further information, rail Main 1775, wekdaye. I.ArilKI.HITRHT FINKST .IJCTI'H I'lll.OMAI. HOME. You rntor Into thla charming 7-room Colonial home In a nice large hall with Krenrh doore leading Into dining room; elito Frrnch doora Into lovely large nv Ing room lfiilHll. which haa cheerful fire place, off of which there la a eun par lor that la moat coxy; real hreakfaat room with S large and 1 medium bed room; tiled bath up. Furnano, double garage, lot (t.'ixluo. Thle la a very claaajr home. 111.600. TV W. ALTON, Auto. 820-10. NEW T.ArRKt.HHRST COLONIAL. 100 K. Couch Ht. ODen Today. 7 rooms, conaervatory and breakfast toom; double garage; lot 6."ml00; best eurroundlnaa: beautifully paneren: guar- anieed heating plant. 2uo0 caab, tlHi montuiy. MIST J1K Si'l.D AT II.VI'H UV (IWVER. i:)fw with ;uo down or flioo with $400 down; 4-rootn ahlngled cottage and ninnv.r k tchen; the 4 rooms done In beaver bonril; very warm; house haa e.ri trio lights, gns. sink; all klnde vines, flowers and shrubbery and berries; new cesspool half dug; house haa outside toiiot: 40x100 lot on Mth ave., 4 block euat of h-'d st., Mt. Scott car to drays crosamg. block north. a-ttn ave. JMunia Auto w:u-Tl. II A WTHl iHN K HOME for S00 down this fins home le on a paved street. surrounded bv good Fesldenrea: alx roome, three bedrooms, nice hall, large living and dining room, lovely white enamel Kitchen, good painting ana tint Ine. Ilovnton furnace. cement base nient, laundry trays; back end of lot la covered with five fruit trees, making sn rlernnt little) nark: terms .i00 down price 14.100. Mllo. LL'CIUcl. Phone Kant 4!M1. . KtlSli CITY I'AKK. CORNER. tiV'HSi. fltrlctlv modern 7-room reeldenre. everv bulH-ln convenience. fireplace, h. w. floora throughout: il bwlrooma. bfilh and glesed-ln sleeping porch ua stsirs; full concrete basement, laundry trays, fruit r.iwts. etc. KKIIAHIi W. MAST. Ilealtor. itrrricn. invK t).. 201 -.'-:!. .1-7 Heard of Trail e Bldg. 1I.W C.I.ADSTOKK AVE. nrxoAi.ow home. Go out and look this home over, then rail up and make me an oflrr, on terms for s.vm rash. This is a alee nungainw with aeveral bearing fruit trees, berr bushes and grape vinea I am going te sell this home at once. The owner lives out of city. (Jo and look It over and call me. 1). W. ALTON, Auto. 829-10. nnHK CITY PARK DISTRICT. $2.1 MONTH. INCLI DI.Vf INTKRKBT. S40O0 home; SI. lot) down; on Roth et B lilocks north of Sandy blvd. ; 7 rooms and batit; enclosed back porch; fire place. Dutch kitchen, lasge clothespress In each bedroom: fine front porch with vlns; lawns, flowers; notlcs monthly payments less than rent. For appoint ment call owner. Tabor 8212. irAWTHORN-H BEAUTY. IIVO TKRVS. VTCRT ATrilACTIVK 5-ROOrf BI'VO A1W WITH OARAClt: LAkHK I.tV INC, ROOM. F1RKPLACR. FI.VB BCK KKT IV PININO ROOM: KAXPT Iir TOH KITC1IK.V WITH HRRAKFAST ALCOVK. 1 LARUE AIRY BBD ROOMS. V.. 44TK HT. R mi.VKRVn.T.K BROATIWAT 24T. IKVINOTON nARHAIN. A reel buy In Irvlngton bungalow; has very large living room, beautiful dining room, breakfast nook, all bullt-lna, fur nnr.w, fireplace, garage, one beautiful bedroom down and 2 up. li.".0U; S1U00 oash, bal. trtna. KOBNETT4t McCLFRR. Realtors Marshall 8-'n2 802 Conch Bldg. ALA.MKDA PARK, ff-room bungalow, almost new. Double glasa-inclosed sleeping porch, fireplace, bullt-lns, ivory finish and tinted walls: (iarage, cement drive. f.llllOO lot. All improvemente In end paid. For Im mediate sale $4Sn. $S7.1 down, bal ance $41 per month, including Interest. ti07 K. 'th St. .N. tiwner. "HdiWi ON FREMONT ST., NEAR IRVINQTON. A real good bur; 3 rms., bath, linen closet, hardwood floora. fireplace, buffet, Imtch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 2 closets with windows; full cement basement; corner lot 50x5. Price $4h00. W. M. Umbden stock. & Co., 210 Oregon bldg.. ildwy ln.11. WAVF.RLT DISTRICT. A fine ft-room house, cement basement. paved street, one block eln car and school: fruit and grapes; .imtoo lot and Improvements in. $:000; $720 down and balance terms TOO BROOKLYN PTV LACREI.IILRST 5 rooms, large attic, hardwood floors throughout, large plate-glass windows, mirror door, tile fireplace, tile bath and drain board, garage. 8-foot runway. shades, fixtures: lust finished, ready to move Into, at 002 Fast Couch. Tabor l2T. owner and builder MT-. TAIIOR DISTRICT $10.10. Good 6-room house on 30x100 lot on K. V1 and Oak. 1 block from stark: nice ahade trees: easy terms t You'll be sur pri-ed when you see mhls HENRY W. OODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark street. Main 831. ALBERTA. Kfv B-ronm modern bungalow: near eae lino. IK.10: lust being romoleted owner will have selection of fixtures and wall paper; this is worm tne money eiay terms. W. M t'modenstocK at Co 5111 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. lo.l.a. ' vriilt A REAL BAROAIN of g 7-room modern house In the Haw thorns dlst. rail the owner; I must sell house In best of condition: near car and close In Price $47.10; terms. Call Ta hor-lST tctilAMKTTK HEIOIITS Newly com pleted modern fl-room house, double conetrK ten. oo,,ai --. ....n, fimo.ace. Frenvh doors, cement base- ..,. lot .Vxino. Price $0.1'"). Uy owner. F't 14t. FOR SALE l.v owner 7-room house 1 m.Am -!na In. good residence f I fa trlct. $:ioo Rent for $40. Take good Ciir ss p;irt p.tyment. A bargain, be 31 Orerinl.tn. 7T: o'il house, fine conililion. furnace. w.t' sl'le near 2ld. walking distance. tivon A-rocm house, go'id as new. fur race neiir sehool end Reed college on MI'wstlkie slreet.$.V'"0. Malntr.1l. FUR SALE By owner. 3-room cottage $L0, terms. . oJi 4Jd ave. o. aw "for Hale lliues REAL RICHMOND BARGAIN. 14.100 Modern fl-room semi-bungalow, fuil cement basement, furnace, fireplace in large living room, Dutch kitchen, lavatory, porch, three large bed rooms ana sleep ing porch and bath upstalra; Mx UMI lot. shade trees; all Improve menu In and paid; $100 cash. ATTRACTIVE IRVI.NOTON HOME f(1300 Seven large airy rooms, modern except hardwood floors, full ce ment basement, enameled laun dry tras, basement, garage, fire place In large living room, bed room first f.oor, Dutch kitchen and laundry traya. well appointed bath downstairs, three bedrooms Upstair; improvemente all In and p,ld; lleoo cash; easy terma. QROVELAND PARK. $3300 fl-room semi-bungalow, hardwood floors, cement basement, laundry traya, toilet both floors, three tar-e bedrooms: Improvements paid; very easy terms. NEAR ALAMEDA PARK. $2750 7.1200 lot; new house not com peted: fine opportunity: owner will finish the house If required or maks very easy terma to pur chaser; don't pass this up; aae thla now. -OKO. E. ENdLEHART CO.. Broadway 517J. IT-'! Henry BUIg. WORLD'S FAIR ADDITION ON THE I'KN'INSC LA, ADJOINH KEN TON, NF.AR Til K MOCK TRACT. LOTS S.1S0 and up; $10 down and $10 per month. Including- paved street paid for. Bnii.n Torn own houpm. WB FURNISH TH I'l 1. LMiifc.il AT ll'l.t THICES. ONLY $50 CASH. Also see our list of moderately priced homes from $100 to $aoo caali, balance like rent. A. C. McPOKAI.n St SON, VII and -Dtt W. Lombard St. Open Sunday. Wood lawn g278. IRVING TON. $0300. New 5 -room, bungalow, living room 13ViJ',a. beautiful paper and fixtures, hardwood floora. linoleum, bullt-lns la kitchen and bath, shades, garage, lawn; might consider lot and cash as first pay ment: monthly payinenia only $4(1 In cluding Intereat.. ti' Kretnowt, near 18tn. Owner, Main "20.1. Open afternoona. X RRAI. HOM Batter than e-room modern bunga low. You can have it with one lot or S Iota, on herd-surfaced street and ce ment sidewalk. Very excellent neigh borhood and location. This bungalow atands np high on very pretty grounds; haa legpd eement foundation, big base men. t wash trays, laundry chute, flre- filace, wood lift, place for furnace and ots of bullt-lna A good buy for $3500, $2000 down, balance easy. CABLH REALTY CO. R29 T2d Ft. S. K. Phone B13-H3. vim m-ll i.:i Five-room bungalow, full lot. paved street, 220 4Sth st. near Division, nam- woorf floors firenlaee. Dutch kitchen full cement basement with splendid front room. laundry trays. furnace. Uuhfitfanv rurnlttira in dining and front rooms. Wilton rugs, birdaeya maple hrirnom suites. automatlo electric range. Royal electric cleaner. Cryslal -! , -n w,.hin ma.hln. White sew ing machine. Real home. See It and be convinced. Owner. Sunday and eve- nines Tabor 4.101: week days Main nil. WIDoWrf- SACKIFICB. Vnriern T-room house, double con atructed. completely furnlahed: winter's fuel i-n basement; great vaneiv oi co nAH rr.,.lt v.ff.iuhlM- around 120x100 ft. garage, cement fruit cellar, chicken hniuea and runa for JOiiO chickens, brooder and sprouting houses, auto matic drmklng fountains, electric lights. riEHT BUY IN THE CITY, $5000 I m pro veme n la alone worth more. I'ETF.IUSON & YORK. 417 N. W. Hank Blda. Mam fis'i. lRVI.NtiTOS- Ill.NtJALOW. STfriai. Homey, semi-bungalow, modern, every btlilt-ln reature. fireplace, osa mio.im, ri,,,h hiii4i.ii llvlnr dinl-ng room, den, 1 bedroom and bath on firt floor: 3 bedrooms upstairs: full concreU base ment, furnaoe. trays, fruit room, etc.; garatre: eaev terma. mniARP W. MAST. Realtor. HITTER. LOWK CO.. 201-;-S-,1-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. BIT Y FROM OWNER. Beautiful 7-room house In Irvlngtoa Park. Has been decorated inside and out and Is Bootless. White enamei kitchen and bnth. Tapestry living room dan anil dining room. Three bed' rooms, plenty of closets, fireplace in UrM llvlna1 room, furnace and garage r,.. ur.ria stood raih. See thla to day between 1 and B:3il K. 33d St. north. Phone Enst 02o. ' NKW BUNGALOW. Ona of the finest built new bungalows In the city of Portland : a rooms ana breakfast nook, hardwood floors, all bullt-lns. fireplace, garage. concrete driveway; will stand the closest inspec tion. All material and construction are of the beat. Easy terms, come ana in epect this place and make offer, owner. 12112 r;aat itmn st. auh'. R08H3 CITY. MKM ARTISTIC 6-ROOM BIT.VOA i,ui rik-lw THW HIIJ.: (1A.1 R.KC- TOR ' VFRNACK. FINK Bill I.IV1VO ROOM. BKAI TIFL'L OAK IHARQI ET) FlylSloS. I It :TX. H hill nur.r. H-T VOOK tl T.ARUM AIRY HKII ROOMS; CARAOK. RKALFINK HOME, It. SI "M r. M ' I I. I.e.. 1 . 1. on 1 ' i. .1 1 -t,.. O-KOO.M IH NOALOW S3.10 DOW.N. IMMKIIIATK POSSESSION. ROIh St.. 2 blocka ML Bcott car: full nlumlilnv basement. screened porch Ruud water heater; SOxloO. fruit and berrlee; $3300; small semi-annual pay m.nri Soldiers can use bonus. .1. C. COR Hi N CO.. 3O.1-0-7 I-wls Bldg. AT.AMEIIA A ran 1. nn-to-date tmnralow with all the modern bullt-lns. luoO; would take bonus loan and arrange easy terms on balance; thla la In a good location and i. w.,rth ttte monev. Phone for appoint- men.. W. M. Umbdenstoek & Co., 210 Oregon bldg.. Bdwy. .10.18. "" OWNER ML' ST SELL. AT ONCF. New 7-room. m -story bungalow everything In to make a home com ni.t.- tiim.rii fixtures, shades: full lot Improvemente In and paid; garage; close in. OHO East Broadway. Owner. Open for Inspection. vin hai.k bv owner. $2ioii Modern room house, vacant. nvriw 101. t"Mi"i 44th sr and fi.lth ave. 3 blocks from Woodstock car. Sidewalks and sewer In and paid. Close to school. email payment down. Call between 10 and 2 Sunday at place. No ncents. PFVIVKI'I.A DISTRICT. Ttv owner. 3-room modern bungalow A beautiful home near school and car line; fruit and berries. $3000 buys this from owner. $i.vi down. SELL WOOD 340, CITY DAIRY. -room house, large barn. 1 loL S (rood milch cows, bottles, etc.. acres renc ed cheap; $2100 for all, $1400 cash, bal ...... 111 month T n.r cent. R. M (lATBWOOO CO.. Iftl' 4th St. nirilMuN'n BARGAIN. 41 rooms, newly decorated. Just off tmm ee line: thle la indeed a bargain $32.10: K10O rash, bal. terms. 30(1 E. 2Mlh. M''o. r. I I S AtCCiii r.n, wniium Murshall 82H2 3I2 Couch Bldg. $20irS BUYS a dandy little new, four-room T . , , ll.,.l.!..Fham Heiuhta. close 1 Multnomah station nunaaiow, jnuurm. . - v.. .. B ... sightly residence property. Easy terms. For particulars call on BEN R1ESLAND, 4n4 Piatt Hide.. J2r raritst. 1.A1RELHURST. 8-room bungalow just completed np to the minute, tile bath, tile drain board, hardwood floora In all rooma. garage, at tic, good construction. Tabor 027, own er ond builder MT. SCOTT S17IHL A good 3-rm. house; S.'KMr down, bal ance easy; 2 blocka from car. W. M. Umbdenstoek ec Co., 210 Oregon bldg.. Bdwy. HilH; WfcLL-llUlLT. partly furnished. 8 rooms, clear, full cement basement, double set plumbing, furnace, 6.1x100 lot. shrubbery and fruit, garage, winter's fuel In ba-e-ment. $o:.no. terms. Owner. Tabor 4H0S. BY OIVNER Five-room Rose City bun galow, 708 E. 4Hlh sL N., corner of Kllrkltat. $4900; $400 cash, balance like rent: owner on premises Sunday 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. F-riR OL-K-K SALE OWNER will offer a brand new .1-room modern bungalow at a splendid bargain fot $32.10. Pay like rtnL 1021 Woodstock . '' , , BY OWNF.lt Five-room modern bungalow1, double constructed, full attic, fireplace, hardwood floors, full sixe basement: 4.1th and Dlvtalon; one block aoulh; $45oo; ca.'y terms. "$12.10 $130 DOWN buys 4-room bungalow on Mt. Scott car; .'.oil IS , lot ; bal. easy. A. H. AKERSON, 420 Henry Bldg 4-ROOM house, lot 7.1x100. large fruit trees. $1,100. easy terms. Will consider Ford fall Sundsy or evenings. Alberta, 1PS4 K :.4th st. North CLASSY new K-room bungalow. Richmond district. $1000 cash will handle, balanc. terma All modern conveniences. Phone A Ht. WI2-01. ATTENTION If you wish to buy by Oct . 1 at a bsrgaln, phone owner morning. Wdln. 4340. if not anld by then will rent furnished. HOSE CITY bung.ilow. .7 rooms, breakfast nook, furnaoe, fireplace, hardwood floors, . garage, streets paved and paid. Owner, 050 H. Slat N. KrAtjrTATK. For Sale House. QUALITY HOMES. Thla list of homes will be found to contain real quality; In each csae the price la baaed on a very reaaonable val uation. . HOUR WITH OARDFN. On East 31st St., corner 43d ave.. In Lenox: very attractive home, large liv ing room, paneled dining room wlih buf fet, large kitchen: four good bedrooma and eleeplng porch; fireplace, furnace: fine ground lialx HKi' with garden, rutt. berries' derldedlv worth while at $4,100. NEAR JEFFERSON HIOH. A wonderful Piedmont home at a very close price; living room, library, dining room, kitchen, five fine bedrooma. fin ished attic: houae la In excellent condi tion and occupies full corner lOOxluo; both streets improved, aewer connection made; garage. You'll aay It la one of the beat bargains In the city "'"J; -.. .fiiwo THIS HELPS YOU PAY. Not a fist but an attractive bungalow, built duplex; each portion haa cement haeement. living room, dining room, kjjlchrn, bath, bedroom and attic: snakes a good home nd an Inconiaweof 3 monthly beeldes. Wa can sell this on terma If desired ,4J40 ON EAST BROADW4.Y. In attractive Holladay add.; good, sub stantial two-atory house; contains four large bedrooms, attic, good plumbing, furnace, eement basement; a choice loca tion convenient to toVn. schools and church; now ready to occupy and In ex cellent condition. Large valua at the price . We shall be glad to confer about terms on these properties. A. H. BIRR ELL-UILL CO., 21U N. W. B.mk Bldg. Mar. 4114. ATTENTION', MR. GROCERY 'Ai BLSINKfS LOCATION AND HOMB HERE 18 A FIVE-ROOM BI'NOA I.OW LOCATED ON xT1 CORNER WITH THE BUNGALOW IV THE IN SIDE PORTION: FEATURES SUCH AS FIREPLACE. DUTCH KITCHEN FI R V ACE FULL CEMENT BASEMENT AXlVGARAGE-ARE ALL THERE: THB CORNER IS VACANT AND THERE If NO OTHER GROCERY STORE IN THE VFVR VICINITY or THIS WF.LL POPUL A TED DISTR ICT: $1 1 M0 C ASH WILL HANDLE THE HOME AND IP YOU HAVE F.NOUOH CASH LLr T TO BUILD AND HANDLE A SMALL STORE. THE OPPORTUNITY IS KX CELLEVT: TOTAL PRICE ONLY 4-''-AI.L IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID. LOCATED OX MILWAUKIE ST. R L. McGREW. IfiKO HAWTHORNR AVE.. TAHOR aWI $37.10 ANP S40O0 Two modern bungalows luel compieieo; j on" "a ,m-iii ... 2 blocks to school; $1000 will handle. t4r.no Modern bungalow, on ear line. This includes two full lots. rine loca tion on hard surface aireeij a snip $2,100 will handle. $12.10 Nice 4-room house, close to echo.. I and car line; SHOO down and $13 per month at n per cent. Come and see us-or a list ef houses and modern bungilowa at bargains not to be overlooked, from $1000 up. Small payment down. Bulance as rent, C J. CULLISOV RrlAL ESTATE CO.. RKAI.TOR. 20SM MORRISON 8T. -RM4 MODERN BUNGALOW, $500 DOWN-f 50 PER MO. MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT. Besutlful up-to-date modern bungalow In high-clnss district, about 2 yra. old; fireplace, furnace, built-in features, hardwood floors, full cement basement, on good atreet, 2 Vi blocks from best car service In the city. Price $3830, J. I.. HARTMAN COMPAVT. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids. n Mala 208. ROSE CITY PARK. Facing 00 Wisteria ave.. a strictly mod ern seml-bunaalow of 8 rooms; every modern built-in feature: oak floor, fire' Mace, buffet, etc.: large recaption and living roome. with French doora be tween; lnitch kitchen, den. full-length mirror door, etc.; 3 bedrooms, one a combination eleeping porch, and bath on 2d floor; full concrete bas0ment. Ameri can radiator hot-water hcathig system; garage; attractive view porches, etc $7&00: easy terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. HITTER. LOWE A CO.. Sni-2-3-.".-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 2SO0 $5.10 l-ROOM furnished bunga-5-room furnlahed iow. Rose City. $3000 $soo cash; cottage, rlunnvside. $4200 S14O0 cash; Cottace Hawthorne. $4.100 $12.10 cash; cottage. Kunnyslde. 5- room furnished 6- room furnished Theae places are In first-class shape. Furnace, bullt-lna, paved atreeta, beat or turn I lure. BCOTT ft BERRY. 10SS Belmont ONLY $4,100. Would you like a beautifully located subetantlally built attractive bungalow? v oum you like beamed relllnge. hard' wood floors, spacious fireplace with mas. sive mantel and beveled glasa 'bookcases, built-in buffet, eabmet kitchen; furnace, also very convenient gaa registers: in cated In ons of most attractive parts of Mt. Tabor; equity $17O0. discount for cash, owner. Tabor 2230. LAURF.I. HURST BUNGA LOW. IN CREAM OF THIS DISTRICT. Really a delightful and most complete 1 It-room bungalow; nice cheerful large rooms, oak floors. Ivory and tapestry paper, oul:n kitchen with clever break fust nook that is different; all steel furnace and garage; surrounded by most neautirui ana nign-class nomea. fslOO. xw sura sou see inis tonay. I). W. ALTON, Automatic 820-10. $ft00 DOWN. .!0 month. 6 per cent, buva best bargain in brand near' 5-room bungalow; solid oak floors, all on panel ooors, giaas Knons. line fireplace, built In buffet, etc. Price S3710 with nnvim and aewer paid: garage built If desired $100 extra. Owner on premises 1 to 4 P. Sf. 2K09 E. 43d at., 3 blocka south or Division. Blocks Richmond car. IKVINOTON BUNGALOW COZY IIOIIH This la a very flna 3-room btinwalow. completely modern with furnace and garage. Oak floora. Ivory and tapestry paper. All nice built-ins. Finely located. miucks intra car. h,iuu. D. W. ALTON. Automatic 829-10. AlUDhiKN 1RVINGTON HLNUALoW. $i7fl0 TERMS. BIx rooms, ail on one floor, hardwood ouut-in leaiurea. French doors, iiirnace, 1 1 replace, wash traya, full ce merit basement, garage, east front, close . ... .rvuigion acnooi and car. Improve ...T-ui.n mi in aim pain. Kant 3403. Juour.liN bungalow. 0 rooma: hardwood i'""". vulcn kltcnen. lull cement base mem. furnace, hreplace. 50x100 lot, ine la;n. garage; all street Improvements In and pa a tor: high-ciasa restricted dis trict, near achool and car line; easy terms: immediate poaeesslon WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO. Bdwv. 2S0 NEAT POTT A H IT 5 rooms with good basement. 30x100 lot, lots of fruit. A-l neighborhood, suit able for carpenter to remodel and make splendid profit. Terms $1'.00 HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. tor. 2Htn nd Haw. . T. 7401, BUNGALOW. 5 rooms down, one finished upstairs, and the rest all floored; full basement, wash trays, gas heater; with furniture or without; a bargain. See owner, 1027 E. 17tU St. N. Home 8dn- PENINSULA 7-room residence, modern, etc.. double corner lot. about $390 down, consider farm in exchange. Call at 208 Morgan bldg. CENTER OF IlTVINGTON llsTr 20TH N.. 0 LOOMS AND SL. """.n; i.AiiAUB. 1MMEDI- ATE OCCUPANCY. K. BlKEK-r, AG ENT. 4 HOMES In Jefferson high school district anu r-rmnsuia park district, aee The Kii lingsworth ave. Realty Co.. 121 K, !,... worth ave. Phone Wdln. 4123; evenings anH t,,nHe. W ...... ..... tOHCLD to leave city; Just finished new three-room bungalow and sleeping porch; modern, bullt-ln conveniences, garage; - will sell at sacrifice; owner at place, 12 noon to 3 P. M. PS0 E. 3.1th sl S $1771 30 CASH. I large rooms; full basement; fine 10a. iruu. perries; near school and car. Only $30 cash. -balance easy. Wdln, 123t mm E. 24th N. IRVINGTON WONDERFUL BARGAIN. $110.10; terma Seven splendid rooms, fin- isne.i a. tic. oaa iioors. French doors. garage, in fine repair. Neuhausen. 830 v . nana ouig. .Main gui. East 31)4. i2uuo FINE 4-room modern huu J iota chicken house for ftuo chickens, electric iigms. garage. ouj oMtn avenue 8. K.. at end uf Woodstock car line. Terma innuire .10.1 fion-iiorn avenue. 7-ROOM house, modern, double .earao-a sewer, paved street and cement walka; s.i.mf uu v ,1. .oi,v ior cjuick aaia, Mar. a.iii. sui I. e rnnger oiqg. $31100 $030 CASH; 8-room cottage Eaat dmn St., near iimnui; paveo atreeL now rented $30; first-claas condition. Scott llerry. I" ueimont. IKVl.NUTO.N s.wil casn. bal. like rent. buys modern 8-room house, hot-water neat, r-ast do-.'--, owner. MODERN new 5-room bungalow. Well located. A snap at $:u.0. Easy terma Woodiawn 2i4t. MY llODe.Il. bungalow, s rooms, aieeplng porch, attic, fireplace, furnace, lot 43x 142: $4s.m. usi k. Tavlor. 5-RooM East Irvlngton bungalow to leaee; furniture for sale: old Ivory fin lea. Owner. Aauo. ftZ-Oi. TITE SUNDAY OltECONIAX. J01tTLAXD, SEPTEMBER BKAI. KSTATK. For ?ale Houses X DISTINCTIVE HOMES Offered for Your Coneideratlon by FRANK U McliUlRE. Homea of rare charm and nnusual beauty, embodying all the finest In modern architecture. PRICES RA.N1E FROM $5700 to $le.500. OX THE ALAMETA- 10rao TILE INDrTFl.N' ABLE TOL'CH of the msster artisan Is felt In this lovely ENGLISH -type home of 6 rooma: com mandli an unobstructed view of the cltv and purpe mists of mountains: ll.nOO square feet of beauty: apnoint menta of the flnesL PICTL RtsyL b. IN EACH DETAIL! IRVINGTOX. $10.000 HEART OF IKVISflTOK. Is thla stately Dutch colonial, beautiful In Its very simplicity. Inviting hi lis genuine hospltalty! 8 rooma. exquisitely decor ated; hardwood floors throughout, mas sive built-in features, run room etc. THE ATTAINMENT tF ARTISTIC PERFECTION. E. 25th SL 'PICTUREMOXT! COUNTRY HOME. $10.1100 IN AN IDEALLY LOVELY SDOt on the Pacific highway, you'll find the home that was built to be beautiful wlih a sense of domestic comfort and well-being; 7 rooms: great cheery llvmg room 1414x17V,. 2 fireplaces. etc. WONDERFUL VIEW. LAURTTIJ4URST. i;mm) LAURBLHL'RST. the district of har monious homes! A BUNOALOW VI 11 H A DIFFERENCE In beautiful ROYAL COURT; 7 rooms finished in srlld oak; wonderful bullt-lns; every feature com ple.e. A HOME WITH THAT L1V LD l.N LOOK- ' WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $0700 VTEW HOMB O.N WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS, on Vaus-hn St.: 7 alrv rooma with everyrhlng that you.n,'r?.an,'i. home of today! DISTINCTIVE UN DE SIGN"! VOTE: We have ,beaut4ful homea rn all ex clusive residence sections of Portland. Call for an rnolntmenL Courteous salesmen sUavs at your service. See FRANK L. McGUIRfc To Buy Your Distinctive Home Ablngton Bldg. Main IOCS. Open Sundays. ALBERTA $900 DOWN. BUNGALOW TYPE, 7 ROOM3. On 24th St.. near Emerson: fine, well-built home with reception hall, living room, dinlne; room, den and kitchen downstairs, 3 bed rooms up; fine cement basement , and furnace. Priced at $4250 and no mortgage to aasums. Pay $j0 per month only. J. T HARTMAN COMPANY, ft Chamber of Cemmerea iilds. Main 20S. BEAUTIFUL CORNER RESIDENCE ttoxl.10 corner, beauufully parked, with lawn, flowers and hrub4erv: 1 Is-rne. strictly modern roome. hardwood floors throughout. Dutch kitchen, every built in convenience; large living room wltn fireplace; sulemlid dining room, full concrete baaement. Quaker furnace, laundry traya. sOO: terma to SVtlt. lrvington-Holiaday district. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. HITTER. LOWE CO I01-2-3-.1-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK OWNER WILL SACRIFICE. Modern. 7 rooma, and breakfast room, sleeping porch: all built-in features, nice large living room, all finished in Ivory, plate glass windows and rrench doors, fireplace, furnace, cement base ment. Oarage, 50x100 lot: fruit trees, berries. J V. blocks to car. Have put on the low prica for QU Irk sale. 40 E 43d N., between Tillamook and Thompson KEAR FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. UKIHIMIH OUA-Ii.. A BKAUT1FUL li-ROOM HUNOAI.OW WITH ALL MODBRN CON V EN 1 k. NC KS. ARTISTIC LIVING AND DIVING ROOMS WITH HARDWOOD FLOORS, FlRkll'LACH" AND FURNACE. TAP Lt2v p.per DUTCH KITCHEN. WHITFJ ENAMEL FINISH. CtilENT BASEMENT AND WASH THAV. PRICE t.YS-,0. TERMS. CALL OWNER. TAHOR HHP 2. 2.1114 C7TH STREET. HOMES. S1AAAO TO 12A.000. Beautiful colonials and super-cortly homea of the greatest beauty at far below value. If you will ever own real home, phone me NOW to ahow you the choicest buy or an timi. H. T STREET. GOOD HOMES REALTOR. $:;!:,( HERE'S YOUR HOME $.'.!!. 10. nrivn vi:w K-ROOM BUNGALOW. HAS FIREPLACE. BUFFET. OAK FLOORS. DUTCH KITCHEN AND CE MENT BASEMENT; PAVED ST. AND SEWER IN AND PAID. $!0ik CASH TO HANDLE. SEE THIS AND END IOLK HOUSEHUNTING. u I. udRRIV 10S0 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR 8802. - - . .-. e. pifuvivoa OKI. N ri U n 1 - . w ... c. ..... IRVINGTOX STUCCO BUNGALOW. PRICF. $4800. S. rnAina lurirA living TOOm With fire place, many modern bullt-lns, oak floors. Dtitcn aucneii, i Dcuiuuiii is 1.... .... ,i. m , , nnrch room. This la 1 very attractive well built bungalow In perfect condition and has a beautiful lot With cnoice snrunoery. umi i.w.v MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 484. ROSE CITY PARK. 12300. Modern 5-room bungalow with every convenience, complete bullt-lns, Dutch .ltrhn hreakfaat nook, buffet, fire place, cement front porch, hardwood floora, most recent architectural -design. Easv terms. HARRY BECKWITH, Realtor. Main 104 5th St. ROSE CITY PARK. Owner leaving city will sacrifice mod Arn T-room boUSC OSlC flOOTS thTOUgh out: large living room, fireplace and bookcases, buffet and china closets in riininir room. Dutch kitchen and break fast room, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch and bathroom second floor, full cement basement, furnace and laundry trays. coiner lot 5"xl"0. Phone Tabor 3.10 L INT HEART OF IRVINGTON. nr-h. rooms, hardwood floors. 2 fire places. 2 baths, double garage; 80x100 beautiful grounds. You must see this to appreciate It. Yea, It has maid's room on third floor. This has been reduced to $0,100; easy terms. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO., 284 Oak St; Broadway 043. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. YOU WILL LOVE THIS. Large fl-room new bungalow with a most charming large living room, oak floors throughout: furnace, garage, fine location; one block from car. $.100. D W. ALTON. Automatic 320-10. (.-ROOM modern home in good district. close In on east slue; owner muni gen and will make terms satisfactory to any ex-service man eligible foretate loan. Price $00. L. A. MATHISEN CO.. 201 Allsky Bldg. Main 7021. KENTON BUNOALOW. ABOUT $400 DON. Here's good home, modern. 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, floored attic, full lot. trees, etc.. gas range, heater, etc., pay ments: $23 monthly. Main 3808. QU1N 20H Morgan Bldg. Realtor. MODERN 0-room residence, close In on east Bide, refinlsned like new; move ngnt in: will sell on easy terms; will take liberty bonds or other good papers as part payment, balance monthly; price $.1100 Phone 21SK. IRVINGTON NEW COLONIAL, $12.10 cash, balance montniy; cnarming targe rooms. 2 fireplaces, ail oak floors, fine plumbing: beautiful paper. 731 East 10th St. N. (seen oy appointment. ncu hausen. East 304. Main 807. IRVINGTON PICK-UP. $.1,100: TERMS. Seven lovely rooms, gas grate, oak floors, garage: linoleum, stove included. Could make duplex out of thla. Neu hausen. .Main S07S. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. MONTAVILLA BUNGALOW. $873 down, double constructed modern 4-room home, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, 'etc.. easy monthly payments. Main SA06. QUIN 20H Morgan Bldg. Realtor WILL build fur you on your own plans, on a beautiful view lot at Mt. Tabor, block from Belmont cars, select neighborhood, nothing better on east side. Hart. 813 Railway Exchange bldg. Mar. 1583. FOR SALE One of the most attractive houaeboats en the rrver: completely or partially furnished; terma. Sell. 1304 or Bdwy. 4348. $i!it75 LEAVING city, must sacrifice nifty 4.-Fm bungalow, plastered and Dutch kitchen; must be seen to be appreciated; terms. E 4B, oregonian. for SALE! 4-room house, a I so sleeping porch; garage; 2 blocks from carllne; $1300. $lil down, balance $10 per month. Inquire at B1211 wist st. B. E. ROSE CITY 3-room bungalow, $1000 equity for cash or take good lot as part. H 00, uregoman MODF.RN .1-room bungalow. Rose City district; UXH) down, paiance monthly. - Tabor 7s. ATTRACTIVE 8-room residence, breakfast room. den. reception hall, garage; walk ing distance. iast 2uut. $500 CASH New 5-room bungalow on 10th 8t. , cement casement, ooxiou; xour blo$ka to car; $3250. Main 703$. REA LKST A TK. For Sale House. HUSH CITY PARK. Four rooma. floored attic: 4 blocka from car: lot lOOxllO ft.: modern Plumb ing, gas and electricity; baeeroent. This is a bargain at $275t: ooo caah will handle. CLOSE IN EAST 8IDE. t-room house. 1 block from Ladds addition: modern plumbing. Ilirhts and gas. cement basement with wash trays, corner lot. all Improvements In and paid. Price only $235U. $5w down, balance Ilka r1(Vtof)r)gTorK DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, duuble constructed: blocka from ear: breakfast nook, hardwood floora. flreo'.ace. many bullt lns. Price onlv $307.1; easy terms. W K TM O RK.LA N D . New 4-room bungalow, double con structed, large attic; 2 blocks from Sellwnod csr: fireplsce. hardwood floors, breakfast nook, many built-lns. cement basement. .VlxlOO fL lot. all atreet Im provemente in and raid. This is a fine home in a good district. Price only $42O0. Terms to be arranged. IRVLNGTON PARK. Beautiful 7-room semi-bungalow on looxliio ft. lot: only V block to car: garage. . handiest of bullt-lns. while enamel Dutch kitchen. Your oppor tunity to step right hi; 4 bedrooms. Will consider any reasonable offer BURKHARDT BUSI .N ESS HI ILDERS. 413 Piatt Bid. Realtors. Main iQ'-i. . BUILT FOR A HOME, NOT TO SELL. ROSE CITY PARK Five rooms and sleeping porch bungalow, absolutely mod ern; full eement basement, concrete tubs, splendid furnace, hanging fruit shelves, white enamel kitchen with fine bullt-ln cooler; screened breakfast porch, built-in buffet, built-in writing desks, built-in book erases; attractive nook, open fireplace; many bullt-ln convenlencee; casement windows; modern bath room with bullt-ln linen box; attractive light flxturea: exceptionally .large closets, one with outside window, one with three full length beveled mirror doors; built-in -1... 1. 1 ,h..i.' Interior decoration by Portland's best decorator; grounds .10x 100 feet, attractive with large fir and birch trees, grape arbor, loganherneg, currents, raspberries and blackcups: one block from hard-surface atreet: petition foe paving already filed; owner leaving city. Belle at sacrifice. Price $0000. Terms. 1840 Alameda, corner 63d. Phone Tabor 0308. 1BVINGTON BEAUTIFUL DUTCH COLONIAL. ON 17TH NEAR STANTON". Artiatic home. 7 lovely rooms, east front, wide cement porch, central en trance Into elaborate hall which has two mirrors 6xll: three Immenae tap estries, lined stairway walls, pretty leaded door leads to breakfast room. Large living room. Ruckwood fireplace, French doors to porch. Three fine bed rooms, large sleeping porch on second floor. The grounds are beautiful. Per gola driveway and wonderful ahrubbery. See this before building and get some thing in the beat part of Irvlngton. JlepONELU EAST 410. REALTOR. ROBB CITY PARK. 5-rm. bungalow and garage. THIS IS NEW and Is extra well built; fireplace, hardwood floors, tapestry paper, A-l plumbing, fine fixtures, cement basement and fur nace, extra fine drlynway and ga rage, paved street, everything paid. Siso euat front. Prlca only $.1,100, 1000 will handle It. To see this place, call at tur branch office, 45th, and Bandy blvd. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. K ENTON K E.N'TON. $33.10 An up-to-the-minute 4-room bungalow with all of the modern bullt lna. Yes. It la brand new and only one block from a paved street. $3200 Another almost like It In the same location. There are two eleeplng rooms In each, hardwood floors In the living and dining rooma. standard set of plumbing. Including laundry tray, break fast alcove, with disappearing table and Ironing board; cement basement and ce ment perch. Reasonable cash payment and the balanes easy. Wa are th owners and builders. RYAN REALTY A BUILDING CO.. REALTORS. 415-8 Abington Bidg. Marshall 3848. FOR SALE $3K00, $11.10 cash; T rooms, 2 stories, good sunstantiai. weii-ouui home. full eement basement. good plumbing, nice white enamel Dutch kitchen, good home for family or la arranged so you can rent out part; pave ment and sewer In and paid: good ga rage, a nice workshop, equipped with eras and electricity : near Tabor and Sunnvside carllne; only 1.1 minutes to heart of city; nice district between Haw thorne and Lnurelhurst. . Come out and see It. 1204 E. Taylor st., between 40th and 41st sis. Phone Tahor ...too. SACRIFICE BEAI.TI FU HOME. ON WILLAMETTE BOULEVARD FOR SH250. $1300 cash will handle, balance termi or mortgage on modern home; 8 large rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, .bullt-ln bookcases, butfet. white enamel woodwork. Bleeping porch, ! rage, beautiful lawn, with roses, shrub bery, fruit trees and berries; also win ters wood. Cail Columbia 404. IRVINGTON. Most deslrsble part of Irvlngton, lovely home of 8 rooms and sleeping porch, beautiful living room, music room, tiled bath on second floor, maid's room and bath third floor, ivory finish, tapestry paper, double garage. PRICE $10,300. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4884; FIRST TIME ADVERTISED. IRVINGTON. UNLOCKED TODAY. 524 E. 12th N., near Braxee. $.1750. Terma s.100 down, balauce monthly. Sev en rooms, absolutely modern, built In 1012 and redone insine aou out " .new; r.enr Irvlngton achool. R. T. STREET. Irvlngton Headquarters. $il.10.l LAURELH L'RST $0300. STRICTLY MODERN 5-HOOM HUN OA LOW. BRAND NEW. 214 HAZELFERN AVE. Pr.ir,,t nook, floored attic, furnace fireplaoe. garage, hardwood floors, buf fer HI mouern puui-ins. I'HO N E TA B O R 5100. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW .1 rooms and large attic, large living ana aining rooms much kitchen. hardwood tloore. . all built-in feature, furnace, fireplace, lot aoi-.. fn. warden and fruit, garage, all street ' Improvements In and paid; can give Immediate possession. W A K E 1-1 F. I. D, Fit I E S 4k CO. Bdwy. IPSO. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SACRIFICE. Reuu.lfiil. new. 8-room bungalow vreateat bargain in Portland. Can be. hone-lit for leas than It cost to build You get a lot for nothing; buyer can choose colors ror interior necoraiivu. Marshall 427, call thla morning OHKOORY HEIGHTS. Rome neat bungalow of 4 rooma, 2 bed rooma, large Dutch kitchen, etc.: fruit and garden: about $450 down, balance easy monthly terms; 8 blocks to Rose City car. QUIN 108 Morgan Bldg. Realtor. insc CITY BUNGALOW. Beautiful 5-room bungalow atyle home, has all built-ins. breakfast nook, fire i . a rnrnace. interior trim A-l. full lot. near car and school, move In now, about $7.10 down, .vain saon. yUIN 203 Morgan Bldg. Realtor. F.OSE CITY PARK, near Sandy! 8-room bungalow: just u"u .,.i.o,.cm e.a.iv to move into. See thla modern horns before buying. Will sell on easy terms. See owner Sunday up to noon or any day next week at Mia E. 7.10 st. n numTt RUNG A LOW 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors built-ins. screened porch, floored attic, dandy lot and fruit, monthly terms about $30 at 0 per cent. t,m aiain , QUI N 208 Morgan Bldg. Realtor. pnuTl.iK'n HEIGHTS Convenient, well hnlTt K-room nouse. Deal part 01 neianta. Fine view of city, beautiful level liuix I ' . ...... tHJ.TOU'L' 1UU comer; close iu Marshall 4827. call mornings. V I.ADD ADDITION HOME By owner; eight rooms, two fireplaces and garage, rine resiuencc uistnci ami conveniently located. Terms. Phone h,, 8278 rji.tmi IJTIT on Greeley St.. near Portland boulevard: 3-room, garage, basement dug: assessment paid; price $000. Owner. Auto. .127-81. t.-.iHi UNDERPRICKD Five-room modern bungalow, 50x100. on paved street. In Jefferson high district, $3230; some cash. balance terms. atain ivjo. FOR QUICK sale $2300: Alberta 5-room cottage; elec. gaa, bath; paved street. $730 caah. balance $20 month. 001 E. v.tih at. N. MODERN home, 8 rooms and bath, fur nace. $sooo: $300 down. Sacrifice. Owner leaving tows. 110 E. 57th at. N., near Ollsan. M V car line. IRVINGTON HOME SACRIFICED, lttth, near Braxee, 8 rooms, sleeping porch, finished attic. $7000; terma. Neu hausen. Main 8078. East 84. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. BEFORE BUYING SEE T B. NEUHAUSEN CO.. REALTORS. 8.10 N. W. BANK. MAIN 8078. EAST 304. MODERN 7 rooms. 80x100 corneew-bearlng fruit trees: furnace; price $3400, $050 canh. 5735 81th st. 823-33. , 4-ROOM, new. modern bungalow, soith Vt. Tabor accept seller's contract or $500 caaa first payment. - Jfiaai 0329. 25, 1921 KKAL FSTATB. LAURELHUR8T FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. Well constructed, strictly modern, new house, large floored attic: excellent lo cation, beautiful lawn and ahrubherv; will sell very reaaonable; expensive draperies, gas range and Ruud hot-water heater Included in price, $730o; terma. 1233 EAST PINTS STREET. Near Corner of East 41st Street 1 AM BUILDING THIS HOME for an eatate; nothing haa been saved to make it a perfect home: lot la hlgn and sightly; fine garage; all Improve mente in and paid. Located on Laurel hurst; there are five large, handsome, bright rooms, with two attfc rooms avail able. Art fire place; oak floors; fine basement. This home will please the most critical eye It la simply a dream. N.OW, then, we are gouia one a gift almost by lellins this magnifi cent bungalow creation at cost, only to sell lot. and will take $750 down and any terms to please you on balance; prefer to make personal appointment 10 show you thla place. Will be finishsd In a day or two. Write me. H 3.1. Orcgonlan. SPLENDID VALUE8. This six-room bungalow la worth tak ing vour time to see; fireplace, buffet, all built-in features, oak floors, furnace, garage. Terma. $4250. 6-room home completely furnished. Liberal terms. $1500. This aeven-room bungalow has finest of bullt-lna throughout, surrounded by beautiful homes, lot 50xlOO. excellent gari.ee Terms. $5,100. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. 3Kth and Haw. Itesltors. T. i43. LALRELHL'RST BUNGALOW . A B A KG A IN - 4SD-AND EAST COUCH. House new, floor plan unloue, lataat design, finest of finish, fl large rooms all on one floor, hardwood .throughout. This Is a beautiful $IO,0o0 home which ie offered for much less. Come and in spect this place Sunday and make me an offer; double corner lot. A. C. J el WELL, 27 Henry lildg Broadway 3184. Tabor 5720. WKST-SIDB VIEW HOME. Near Westover, one and a half lots; seven rooms, hardwood floora below, Ivory enamel Woodwork, sleeping- porch, fireplace, pipeleaa furnace, two toilets, K...H automatic, water heater, excellent neighborhood. 102H Raleigh t.. between 2lth and 30th. Phono Main b24 Sunday nignianu mnn.). .e.,, m.-.i r. no THIS WEEK. Roomy and complete bungalow with 'out the appearance a.f buikinesa -om i uuu.u ,l.ijT and built like I watch. You have always said that you " ". .j . a.... ih.i was not only good ... 1 t. ho. well constructed. This Is It Five rooms, bath, attic, full basement, fireplace, wonderful finish. Open today 1010 Hoimoa TT-T, VP.U' MODERN. V A C A I lot " J. . . . . , ... u.vlib'VT i:t!S 4-room modern bungalow, juat north of Piedmont, cement basement, good -leetrie liifhtS. gaS. hot WS- !.. he..' fireplace, bullt-lna, double .ir,.....d- lot ,10x100: terms like rent. Sunday, Mar. ami; we "m'"i "7 7f.7 ilarieis 41 Willlama. 820 L'hamber . 1. a. U, n of Commerce bldg. BARGAIN MODERN NEW BUNGALOW Why pay rent I" an old house when you ca nown a brand-new bungalow? -m. .a,l see for .urelf. 'lake bt, Johns car and get off at Oswego. Owner, 400 Oswego at. " 3 ROOMS $.100 DOWN. Brand new, modern bungalow paved street, cement bafemcnt laundry, big floored attic, tinted -...... ...i.. Th balance on with rails. $400 very easy, it Jesaup street, corner Con- ' SIDNEY O. LATHR0P, 4 1 I Ahlngton liiQK iT7.. v-E-w UftlKn At AM 'MJU. -- ...... ,,l 1XV IlI-JTRICT 5-room. one floor, Just finished, good basemenL plumbing, eiecino in"-. . corner loL sidewalks In and paid. Sun- day Marlels & IV! Hams. Bo cnsmwci w. Commerce bldg. tlT.-al VERY EASY TERMS $1710. , . comfortable little home In M- ai.u.a firenlure. small basement, and It beats r-nt; about $uO down. Sun day. Mar. 3HK3; week days. Main 71KI7. Marlels & Williams, 820 Chamber of Com- merce bldgk xi.ku citv helnw hill. 2 blocks norm 01 Handy; B-room mouern V- Just reflnlshed. new hsrdwood floors in living and dining rooms: fireplace, very good Duich kitchen; garage; $1000 hen rile. terms easy. Main 15u3. Mc'Clure ft Sehmnueh Co vi-ii-r IIOMK IS SOLD If you will take fine-bearing 80-acre .,.!. orchard at Hood River; 2 sets of k nn... eln.. to town: price $17,000 even trade or may assume on income nrooer.v We need a home here. Call Slam 1.17 ft. for particulars ii'irv TiT mll RKXTT $1200 3-room nouse anu i'"''"" 'L. . with fruit, berries, etc., and chicken house, located In Woodlawn district, only SQ.U. Sunriav. Mar. 5903 ; week days. Main 7907. Marlels A Willlama. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. i!nR CITY. 6-room bungalow, all on first floor. 3 bedrooms; 50th St., 1 block to car; all up-to-date: will be sold at a bargain- 300 for a quick aale. McDonell, East 4 1. $2O0 DOWN WOODLAWN 200. painted Fine 0-room nouse. newiy Inside and out; now vacant; price $-.00 Ca-ll Sunday from 1 to 3 P. M. Key at 1200 East 18th St. N., near AInsworth. Woodlawn car. Phone Broadway 1734. HOW TO BEAT THE LANDLORD. A nice 3-room bungalow In Hawthorne near achool: owner tired of tenanta is selling on rent terms: price $32.10 with $2.10 cash. Call E. 2371 Sunday Mar. 3.1.12. 40S Couch bldg SNAP Groveland Park beautiful 0-room house ana aun porcn. uu ioi. to Glencoe and Franklin high schooi. hardwood floors, all bullt-lns; built for home by owner. Tabor .V'.Oi. uiiKE! CITY BARGAIN. Will sacrifice my 5-room modern, almost-new bungalow, hardwood floors, all bullt-lns. cement basement and garage; terms. See it toaay. s-i a., o-n n. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Desirable T-room . ' , ,M floora lvorV WOOd- .rii level lot. close to car, $noo; $1500 eaah and $50 per month. BROOK-E. Marshall 4"i-(. -n ALAMEDA PARK bungalow. Glenn ave.. near Bryce; well built, large living room, fireplace, oak floors, art Papery Vr Bargain. Neuhausen. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main SOTS, SI.IO 3-KOOM nouse. rustic, fiaioteo. 1- ii-k,. wAu.ii.slr. fence. lot eieciric nolo.. ; - , - .7 50x100. near car ana paveu sticm, t -j J A. HENKI.E. S12 C.erllnger Bldg. ui hose CITY PAR.K. New modern 4-room bungalow, good plumbing, electric fixtures, gaa. etc.; nice full lot; near Rose City school; rea sonable terms. Tabor 403. tj inMT TV IRVINGTON. -room house, full basement, furnsce, bullt-lns. lot 42x02. 1 block from car, for $4-100: $1000 down and balance to ault. Woodlawn Of4, WEST SIDE Walking distance. 6-room modern house. In fine condition, corner lot with garage: price $0oiHl, terms. K. J. GE18ER. 41T Chamber of Commerce. THIS Is the place! T-room house, full basement, fireplace, furnace, all bnt Ine on carllne. lot t0vloi, lor $200; $ 7 50 cash. Woodlawn BOM. 658 E BROADWAY. 7 rooms, up to dats; terms. Owner, Monday Main 604. in:, 5-ROOM bungalow, fireplace, ga rage full basement. Alberta; 4 blocks car 'sacrifice; $4.10 down, terma Main 7420. Broaoway eiwt. VFKY attractive and strictly modern r- . S.,.nlr 1 in h Irh room Dunaaioa, eai ,--.. school, only $3200. Easy terma. Owner, ut. n:oi--. BEAUTIFUL view, Portland Heights, it room modern home; only $1.1, .ViO. Zim merman. 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. COZY five-room bungalow with or wltli ou, furniture, 1304 E. Salmon St., near 4i)th $1ihui to $1400 cash, balance easy, owner. Tabor 413. N E A RL Y all acre of ground, fruit trees, roses, etc. Splendid new housa. barn and poultry house. Corner 55th St. and Powell Valley rnad. Owner, Aut. 0.13-2Q. nfvlNGTON FINE CORNER HOME. Vear ""B" car line. Don't make any mistake. This Is a BARGAIN. Neuhau Son 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main u7S. ' A VT A NEW BUNGALOW. Which $7000 can handle. Any good district. Call me eveninga at East 4420. No agents. NEAT and clean 3-room cottage; electrlc ltv, gas. plumbing, garage. 50iH0 lot. 2 blocks to car. Bargain. (1100, lerms. Auto. 020-34. REAL rSTATK; tor Hale Houses. SOME BARGAINS. $2100 A neat 4-room bungalow, one block from the car. of course, this is not brand new. hut II la in excellent con dition. Only 50O caah and the 'jalance monthly. $2900 This one has four rooms on the round floor and spaee fo- two more nice rooma upetalra. This is a good buy and the owner U anxious to aell. Make us an offer of the initial payment of $300 and the balance monthly. $3000 A five-room bungalow, partial ly furnished, In the Aiberla district. Thla la sure some bargain. Only $U0 eaah and you move in. RYAN REALTY BUILDING CO REALTORS. 413-4 Ablnffton li.ug. Marshall 3848. P.OSE CITY PARK. $.1000 This la one of those pretty sub stantial bungalows that you have al ways admired and wanted. This bunga low consists of a living room and dining room, kitchen, beautiful brvaklast room. 2 bedrooma and a very large sleeping porch, also an excellent .attic. of course. It has hardwood floors, fire place, all built-in conveniences, la well arranged, and the exterior Is especially pretty, good basement with furnace; this property facea on paved street with pavement and sewer in and paid. You haven't aeen anything like this for the money, Just come and take a look. H1LLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 88. Branch, office 50th and Sandy. Tabor Mfc5. Open Sunday. EX-SERVICE MEN. You will find our office ready to ad vise and assist In .regard to applying the bonus loan to the best advantage. We have a large listing of houses and lots in Portland. Our building depart ment la prepared to aubmit plana and pricea. Owners of farms and bouses who wish to dispose of their property with out delay will do well to list tbeui with us. W. M. UMBDEN STOCK A CO., Established IHllit. 208-9-10 Oregon llldg Broadway 16.18. ROSB'cITY BUNGA LOW $0o0 CASH. Here is a very pretty bungalow only 2 years. 5 rooms, large living room and dining room across front, large plate glass windows, pretty fireplace and built-lns, hardwood floors, 2 nice bed rooms with closets, white enamel Dutch kitchen; full cement basement, pipeleaa furnace, laundry trays: beautiful lot, ce ment driveway, lawn and flowers. LISTEN $4075, only $l0 caah. We are going to sell this today, as price and terms have been greatly reduced. O. A. PEARCK COMPANY. 201 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 433, Mar. 178S. S3IUWI V.A.4T TERMS. Will give you quick possession of brand new 4-room colonial bungalow, tig cement basement, fine plumbing, breakfast nook, old Ivory enamel fin ish, large living room with fireplace, two nice bedrooms with closets. 80x100 cor ner lot: pavement and sewer, everything. Only 15 minutea' ride on . W. car. 750 Ellis ave. SIDNEY O. LATHROP. 411 Ablngton Bldg. $HklU CASH OR I.KtW HANDLES this exceptional 3-room new bungalow In Hawthorne district; elose In; has hardwood floors, buffet, built-lns and, Dutch kllahen; breakfast nook, fine fire place; attractive fixture; near car; nice tieivhhorhood : a vsrv good value at S4U.10: built right. Call Main 1.17.1 for appointment. Call East 4420 evening O. H. BKOTHEI.M OO., REALTORS. 408-11 Couch lildg. Main 1.1.3. Office open today and evenings. LAITREI.HURST. . FOR SALE BY OWNER. New 5-ROOM BUNGALOW . garage, floored attic, sunny breakfast alcove. Ideal kitchen, tapestry psper. old Ivory finish, hardwood floors throughout, fur nace, fireplace, bullt-lna; an honest, well-huilt bouse at a lew price; $.iMH terma $1000 down. 1220 liasellern Place, near 41st SI, PORTLAND HEIGHTS. VACANT. A splendid bme of seven rooms snd sleeping porch, modern in every negree, finished In ivory enamel end In abso lutely neefect condition: beautiful view. select neighborhood; to close estate will make attractive price ana terma SAMUEL R. NORTON. Bit Henry Mile. Bdwy. 2.T-'. Main 4000. "is pfvinsui.a district. B-room new home; living room, din- ..... -....m Ul.etian hediool.l ami bath downstairs, one bedroom upstairs: good basement: fnlx loo lot. 14"4 Delaw are ave. near Portland blvd. Price $2no, $.100 tasli. ee Kllllngsworih-Annue u.,11 i-n. 1-l K lllinesw orth ave. Ot flee phone Woodlawn 4122. fcunuays call Woodlawn 4U4.1. VIVH 5-rnnm hiinvalow In Alberta district, close to car, a beautiful home and the best bargain In the city; terms run be arranged to auit; took at tnis una tuuar. our oflire open all uay nunuay. llnw does thla strike you, Mr. Home- seeker? 8-room Queen Anne bungsluw new and modern: price $3ii.1o, terms to suit. Brsliam Wells, 307-8 Coucn sing Main 8028 TWO NEARLY completed bungalows and garages at pot) and ln4 colonial avenue. (Overlook); one o rooms sun one rooms : first-class material and work msnshlp, full cement basement, best furnaces on the-msrket; fireplace, best plumbing, hardwood floors and all bullt lns: electric light fixtures, etc. Look thla over snd see owner for particulars at ISM N. 0th street. CLOSE-IN HOME $1000 CASH. Here is a splendid 5-room house on paved street, close in on East 14th N. A modern home, but no frilla JUST SOLID VALUE at $3,100; easy terms; Make money -by buying this now. Call evenings. East 4402 or during day. Main 1375. O. H. SKOTHKIM CO.. Realtura. 408-11 Couch bldg. Open today $4423 SOME SNAP $442.1. I OWN A NEW MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. NOW VACANT; 8 rooma, one floor: fireplace, hardwood floors, cement bsse inent, all built-lns. breakfast nook, tap estry paper, garage; city liens paid; neur car; eassr terms. See me Sunday, Mar shsll .1!ill3, week days, Main 71'07. 8 ROOMS and sleeping porch bungalow; fireplace and all built-ins: 1 bedroom and lavatory on first floor; 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch, bath on second floor; corner lot, nice district, close In; svay under value. $440O. some terms. O. A. PEARCB CO., Bdwy. 4883, 201 Oregon bldg. A HEAL BARGAIN. Owner now In California on bu-lnese, will sell 6-room modern house and Ka raite : all Improvements in and paid for; worth $3,100: at sacrifice for $2700; with reasonable terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtora. 40.1-fl-i Panama Bldg.. 3d a nd Aid e r. $13.10 HAVE YOU A HOME? $13.10. FOR HEAVEN'S HAKE. WHY RENT? 8-room. comfortable house, near Co lumbia park, 30x100 lot. all kinds of fruit. Your rent will pay for this, about $300 down. Sunday. Mar. B!3; week days. Main 7037. Marlels & Willlama. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. isnoo.iis $3,100. Houae old but la good condition, splen did location, right on Ankeny car, close In. fractional corner lot. paved both aldea. thre nice bedroqma. good plumb ing, big basement; eesy terms. SIDNEY G. LATHROP. 411 Ablngton Bldg. 110O DOWN $15 MONTHLY. Large 6-room house, with ground SOX 200. facing on ! streets, large bearing fruit trees, house needs the services of a handyman, but offrra an opportunity to do a little rixing at a prom; price .ii.ni, Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 733 Cham. of Com. m ALAMEDA. I am forced to sell my new modern 8-room bungalow: gas furnace. Kuud water heater, bullt-ina. 8 rooms and gunroom, garage, hardwood floors; prica $04(10. P. O. box n. l.-.aoii MX EAST iTII STREET NORTH CORNER WEIDLER: A VALUAUI.E fiiliVKR. FINE FOR 2 FLATS. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. R. T. STREET, AGENT. DESIRABLE 7-room modern residence, close In. Irvlngton district; modern; lot .10x100 feet; price $Ul0O, terms. PARKISH, W ATKINS CO., 2.13 Stark St. SllUlO EQUITY good 0-rooia house, lllOxloO lot. fruit and berries: paved street, W S, double garage. Woodlawn 3705. Oregonian. FOR SALE by owner, house and lot. 442 Enst Sherman; terms reaaonable. Tabor 1 14 5. SUN'NYSIDE. 7-room. modern coltace. finished In old Ivory; garage. $2075, terms. Tabor 010". " CONTRACTOR will build for reliable par tv. easy terms. Your lot or mine. Im proved district. A 00. Oregonian MODKKN i-tjom bungalow; small cash payment, balance like rent. 318 Plait P 1 llg., 11 r.l. BW.-e,. FOR SALE A 3-room house, electric lights, water and gaa Inquire 700 Uma tllla ave.. Sellwood. Terma $1000. SIX dUTSlDE rooms. 3 bedrooms, large kitchen, dining, living, porches. W. . Marshall 27117. FOR SALE, by owner, house and lot. 442 East Sherman. Terms reasonable. Ta bor 1043. MODERN .1-room cottage, close In, terms. Price $2000. By owner; can be seen any time. 372 East Oth street South BY OWNER One-half acre. $2000: 5- room house, large bam. fruit and ber r Irs. 1.1-'0 K. II u rn sUle; Ta bor -1.1 1 2oi) DOWN 6 roomB modern, furniture $S3; 1 block to Brooklyn school, 1 block to ear. Owaar, 1J7$ Hawthorn ave. ItF.AL KST.TK. For bale Houses, -o50 e-r.. ATTIC, plumb, ng. fruit, .10x03 psved st., near lmb. and Dlvlsiun, $500 cash. $2.100 5-rm., 3 loia. bait., plumbing. fruit. outbMga. near Otiltl and Powell. $300 ca.h $2000 Noobv bung;., attic, bap't., mod, plumbing, buffet, fine lot. hard. surtAce st.. 52d at., near Foster. (' cash. $3750 Alliens bung, brand new, ndw. f.rs., firepl . buffet, cement biaL blk car. $0V ca-h. Move in. 1:1700 M-r . Cook ave.. neat place terms. $.;sou n-r., sunnyMd.. garage. $.100 cash, $30.10 Or.. .'ixhs, mod. Lombard st., terms. $l;;00 Mod. bung., hdw. firs , f irepi , tin-. ureal snap. aviiiuii u.-w rah. plumbing, garage, cor. lot. Franklin high. $5"0 rsh. $siJ $1250 :t-r.. near $5000 Haw.. brand new, turn., iirepi., firs. attic, hrkfst. room. buffet. Dutch kit., garage, paved now. sts ; terms. $0000 Irv His., 0-r., attic, tap. dec, h.lw. firs., firepl., furn., garsge. Terms $3075 7-r. den. 4 hedrms., only $473 cash. bal. rent; no nrnrtg., no debt. Paved si., cor. 5tix!iui; ga rage, beautiful lawn, shrubbery. This is s buy. G C GO 1.1 1 EN BERG. ABINGTON MLDG., lwiu :ID ST TAHOR SI H4. MAIN 403 . MONTAVILLA $300 DOWN. SMALL HOUSE $33 MONTH. Living room, dining room, bed room, kitchen anil nice breakfast room, on ai'th street, facing cast; nice basement and laundry triiys. 3 blocks to car. Price $3130 and po mortgage to be assumed. J. T,. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce lildg. Main BOSK CITY PARK. SACRIFICE). $.1000. On account of financial circumstance I am roiced to sacrifice my new modern five-room homo representing an invest-, nient of over $0000; hardwood floors, attractive paper und fixture, full cement biisemtuil. all wiring In conduit; three additional rnom can bo finished st small expense. 17.12 Siskiyou st. Hose Cltv car to East 0fh. one block south. For fur ther information call Main 8205 morn ings and evenings. WANTED. OFFERINGS OF PORTLAND, OR., RY. FIRST and REFUND ING (CLOSED) MORTGAGE 6 BONDS DUE IN 1030. AV $78. OREGONIAN. FOR SALE In the heart of Rose CITV PARK, half a block from Sandv. A Hol.LEYWOOD BUNGALOW. You will always he "In location" In one of (he fue charming rooms, or In the eun room sleeping porch. There la breakfast nook. pon h. formal garden, garage with French door, tile and ter raixo work and all the usual features you expect. Open today from S to 5. 470 E. 4!lh at. N. Prices and terms rlirhl. Or phone Auto. .120-110. 3 11. n MS $4.'I0. GO LOOK. Nee eolonlal. with old Ivory enamel flnlh. tinted walls, kitchen and hath in white, will have oak floors, linoleums.' shadra and lights Installed. Very close In. between leih aud 2iuh. F.aey terms. Also 4 room bungaluw adjoining at $4250. SIDN'EV a. LATHROP. 411 Ahlngton Bldg. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Owner leaving clly. must sell st once full 2-story, modern throughout; 3 rooms snd music loom downstairs. lovely bedrooms, sleeping porch up; dark oak finish downstairs, old Ivory up: all bullt-lns. fireplace, furnace, full cement bnsemelit. close to school; will sell mv $2.1iiu equity In this 1.1.HK) home for $20011 cash, balance terms. I'liuns K.asl 8332. , NEW BUNGAIyOW IIY OUCR. 8 or 7-rooui cottage, with hardwood floors. Dut--h kitchen, bullt-lns. French doors and windows, fireplace, furnished In old Ivory, tapestry panr, modern In every respect; street and aewrr assess ments paid; contract price of building, $J.MKI; will sell for $1200 on lerms: will give rcdiittion for cat.li. 2015 East Burn side. Wdln. .1(123. 4 ROOMS $100 DOWN. Brand new little home with cement basement, good plumbing, wash tray next to sink, two be.lroanis, tinted walls. 60 feet from pavement. Balance of $2IOO very easy. 702 Ellis ave. 15 minutes' ride on Sellwood car. KIDNEY G. LATHROP, 411 Anlngtnn lildg. , EASY TERMS $T,ni0 IRV I NC. TON-HOLLA DA Y ; 7M M K 1 1 ATE OCCUPANCY: ROOMS; IVORY FINISH, BEAUTIFULLY PAPERED. It EST OAK FLOORS. BOYNTON FURNACE: GARAGE. SEU THIS. PHONE TODAY'. EAST 42MJ. R. T. "STREET. , SECRETARY. Established corporation doing profit able brokerage buslnesB has opening for office man f auditor r-referred 1. who ran invest $.101111 to $10. 000 with services. Investment well secured; handle own money: replies confidential. B 20, tlregonlan. ADMINISTRATOR'S sacrifice; 7-rm. mod ern houso, 100x200, all in berries ana frutt; close In, Woodlawn car. Call 404 Vancouver ave., evenings after 6. Price $2000, which Includes set of good living room furniture, 2 good ruts, inlaid lino leum, stoves, etc. ALAMEDA PARK COLONIAL SNAP An ideal location. Haniblet ave.. rooms, sunroom. sleeping porch, garage," well built; owner will sacrifice or take bun. gulow in trade. Neuhausen, 830 N. W. Bank bldg, Main 07Ji: $:,000-ROSE CITY PARK $-10110. New 3-room bungalow and sleeping; Sorch, full cement basement, furnace, reskfast nook, fireplace, buffet, hard ' wood tloor: at 812 East .1.1th St. N. Owner there all da y Sunday. BY OWNER $2210. 3 roum. bath. My equity 413.1U. Electricity, gas and good plumbing- Patieled dining room with built-in buffet. Streets in and paid; a bio, t,i Richmond car. 530 Eaat l-Sth street south FOR SALE IIY OWNER. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. .Large basement, sleeping porch, half brock to Sellwood car, 2 blocks t achool; good neighborhood; $2850, terms. 011 Carlton ave. NEW MODERN Pullman bungalow. Ivory enamel woodwork, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, garage, chicken house and run; $2750. terms: will take in good lot or car. Tabor 311.8. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. By owner, new. modern, hardwood floors throughout, beet plumbing fix tures; garage. 1107 Multnomah Bt. Bro 11 dway 2P 3 4 FIVE-ROOM HOME $700 CASH. One of the best Alberta home valuea you ever aaw. Paved street. Full price $.1:100. Call Main 1575 today P. M., or Monday. 5.RO1IM bungalow, Hawthorne district, 50x100 lot, $3.1110, $.100 cash. W. D. KODABAUGH. Realtor, 1040 N. 4ith. Hawthorne ave. . Tabor 42P'.i. FINE 8-room modern residence, with dou ble eleeplng porch and cement garage, corner lot, fine location on east Bide; owner la Los Angeles, terms.. O 20, Ors- gonlan. 4-ROOM furnished modern home. Dutch kitchen, good furniture: fruit trees, chicken house and cement walk: price $23iMl. $2.',o down, balance terms. By owncr.0.114 I'Hh st, Mt. Scott car. $T27oT"$50ir DOWN, balance monthly Six room modern bungalow, all built-lns, hardwood floors, fireplace, cement base ment; street paved. Main 7U3U. Cail today. : BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW, I.ADD S ADDITION. Close In. 50xl2N lot. large,' roomy ' rooms, strictly modern; a real horn. i priced right: good terms. Auto. 023-17. 1RX 1 NtJTON COLONIAL $0500 8 rooms, extra large living room. Ivory finish, S bedrooms, garage. Neuhausen, e.:lo N. W. Hank JJldgj 3IalnJ-7H. EastU4. VST-MDE BARGAIN LUCRKTIA near Washington. 30x100 lot, 8-rnnm house; $110110: lot alone worth this. Neu hausen. 830 N.W.Hank bldg. Ur.TNT!TON"TA RtiRS III' NG A 1 .6 W S NAP H rooms, finished attic; 020 E loth st. N (VBCanti; shown by appointment. Neuhausen. East 3'.i4, Main 8U7H. UOOD 4-room house, including furniture; near school, 2 blocks car., hard-surface road, 20 minutes to courthouse; $14U0, cash $400, terms. Main2020. TWO-FAMILY flaf. 5 rooms each, sacrifice Bale or take good buntlalnw, Hawthorne or Sunnyside district. Rodabaugh, Tabor 42'UI. IRVINGTON SWELL BUNGALOW $0400. 5 rooms, breakfast nook, garage, oak floora, fireplace. Ivory finish. Neu hausen. 830 N. V Halik bldg. Main 8U7S. $2o0, $400 CASH, balance terms Four "rooin bungalow, close In near Sanity, Call Main 7030 today. t"euiO 4-ROOM. new. modern bungalow, Hawthorn carllne. term. East 6328. L