The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 18, 1921, SECTION FIVE, Page 6, Image 72

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Resolution Is Adopted to Appropriate $500 Towards Expense of Entertaining the Visitors Ballot Is Unanimous.
TWENTY-SEVEN b lib ops and
clergy and laymert from all over
the eighth (Pacific) province
have Just concluded their synod at
bait Lake City. Bishop Walter Taylor
Sumner presented the special attrac
tions offered by Portland to the
bouse of bishops and to tb synod
generally. By unanimous and hearty
consent the holding; of the general
convention of the Episcopal church
tn this city during September, 1922.
traa approved. A special issue of
the Oregon Churchman, with fine pic
tores and descriptive notes, was dis
tributed to all the delegates. These
men and women will serve as mis
sionaries In their communities both
for the convention and for the ex
position of 1)23.
Kesolutlons of Interest and sup
port were adopted and the sum of
$000 was appropriated to the diocese
of Oregon to assist in mee'mg the
expenses of entertainment.
. Following Is the resolution wmcn
M adopted:
Whereas, the finer! convention of the
church at Its meeting In Detroit In 1018
cnos and appointed the City of Portland.
In the diocese of Oregon, as toe meeting
place of the general convention In 1WJ,
and t
whareaa. wa have heard with much In
teract that the plan and preparations for
the holding of said convention are now
well under way and ahow promise of being
adequate In every rsspect.
Therefore thla aynod of the province of
the Pacific desire to eipreaa Ita confidence
In the ability of the churchmen of the
diocese of Oregon to fulfill every promise
made at the time the Invitation wee given.
We believe that the meeting of the con
vention In Portland will contribute great
ly to the life and work of the church In
this province and we pledge to our fellow
churchmen in Oregon our united support
la this greet undertaking.
Stop, at Facatello Made.
For two days delegates from Ore
gon stopped off at Poc&tello to as
sist Bishop Touret In his new wprk.
Mrs. Wilson Johnston addressed meet
lngs on "The Convention of 1922," and
worked among young people. Rev.
Thomas Jenkins gave a thrilling ac
count of his trip In Alaska and
John W. Lethaby described the splen
did programme mapped out for the
extension of the church, both here
and jn all the distant countries. Spe
cial descriptive literature waa placed
with newspapers, chambers of com
merce) and schools. In order to pre
sent tile features of acenlo Oregon.
The following programme of relig
ious activity and special events during
the coming year was announced last
Monday afternoon at a special confer
ence of the Portland Federation of
September 18 to 80 Organisation and
completion of parish surveys. Supplies are
available at the federation office, free of
charge to all churchea.
September 2S Rally day In the Sunday
October 3 Rally day In the Sunday
October a Organisation of church evan
gellatio committees to follow up the parish
October I to 11 Shop and factory meet
ings begin. Last winter 1LM) meetings ware
attended br (MMff, the churches and Young
alen'a Chrlatlan association co-oparatlng.
October 10 The Portland training
school for church workers opens. ofCerlna
course In Bunds school, religious and
missionary leadership. The churches,
Multnomah County Sunday School associa
tion, Toung Men's Christian association
and Toung Women's Christian association
October 1 On-to-church Sunday.
Octobar 17 Church schools of missions
October 2s October communion, rally
and reception. Emphasis on the world
missionary programme.
October so World's tampersnce Sun
day. "Not-Over Sunday."
November 5 to 11 Father and eon ban
quata The city held 17 such celebration
last year with in attendance of 638 boy
-and f32 roan. There ought to be 40 this
November 6 Sermons on "Peso on
November 8 Resolutions calling upon
America's representatives In the disarma
ment conference to use every honest ef
fort to obtain disarmament, adopted la
all cburchss and wired to Washington.
November 11- Prayer group to ask
'God's blessing on Ihs disarmament con
ference. November 24 Union Thanksgiving serv
ices. November 27 Universal Bible Sunday.
" The progressive coming of the spirit of
'Jesus Into the lite of the world. Inter
.racial brotherhood; the negro, the Japan
ese, tha Chlneae.
December V Church federation Sunday
' Sermon on Chrlstlsn co-operation.
December 25 Christmas celebration
This season may be used as a time of de
, elsion.
December 81 Watch night celebration.
( emphasising the personal devotional life.
January 1 to 8 Week of prayer. Fol
- lowing the themes suggested by the fed
eral council of churches.
January 8 Organisation of "Work That
'Wins" clubs In all churches. These clubs
will prepare our people for Intensive per
sonal evangelism.
January 1 Church schools of missions,
fcecond eemesMr beams.
February 12 Lincoln's birthday.
' February 211 Washington's birthday.
These holidays may be used to promote
stewardship or personality and possession
March Churrh member getting the
religlou massage of tbetr church to Us
wn constituency.
March 1 Lent begin, closing on Easter
Sunday. Intensive use of the season', la)
Personal devoticn to the church. b Draw
ing men to Ihs public worship of Ood.
c) Helping the community to realise
March 8 Organisation of communicant
elaseea for the enlistment of the children
of our church schools.
April 4 to 14 The Easter noon-day thea
ter meettnss. The winter's work should
retch Its climax In stirring, simultaneous
evangelistic meetings In ail churches.
April 11 Gojd Friday. Three-hour ser
vice April 1ft Easter Sunday.
May 1 Vocation day, a day of enlist
ment fur service. Conferences for older
buys and older girls, held under the sus
plces Multnomah County. Sunday School
May 14. Mothers' day.
May 18 to 20 Mother and daughter ban
quets. June 4 Pentecost.
June 12 to 14 Training Institute tor
daily vscatlon Bible school workera Four
teen schools were held In Portland in 1821.
with sn enrc'.iment of 1621 children and
I2C officers, teachers snd helpers. Total
average attendance, 114a.
July and August Uospel presetting In
the city parks and st other available out
door places. During 1921 18 service Wire
held, sltended by HW persona
e e e
Portlsnd ministers In their confer
ences Monday afternoon on the relig
ious conditions of the city adopted a
programme which promises to co-ordinate
the churches In providing re
ligious servlcps and privileges to all
the people of Portland.
A report showed that 100.348 per
sons In Portland have no affiliation
with any church. The federation of
fice has obtained tha following data
in the form of official figures from
Protestant Evangelical authorities.
Official estimates from Catholic and
Jewish authorities, and official fig
ures and detailed estimates of miscel
laneous groups:
One hundred and sixty-nine separ
ate church organizations belonging to,
is ecclesiastical dooics in Portland re
port 38.785 full members, repre
senting 102.942 Protestant Evangeli
cal strength. 25,000 Roman Catholic
strength, 15.000 Jewish strength, 15.
C00 miscellaneous strength: 157,94!
total church strength; 258.288 Port
land's population (1920 census); 100.
848 Portland persons unclaimed by
any church of any name.
The fall work of the Portland union
Bible classes opened last week with
large attendance and the promise of
iarger audiences as the weeks go by.
l The Interest In the popular study of
the Bible has deepened and there is
'spirit of Inquiry on the part of the
' people which augurs well for the de
I sire to know what the Bible teaches.
I Dr. Sutcllffe Is again teaching the
Classes, which win be held this week
on Tuesday at 7:15 and 8:16 at the
First Baptist church, and on Wednes
day at 2 P. M. at the Westminster
Presbyterian church. The attentloa
of those Interested Is called to the
fact that there Is no meeting on Fri
day or Tuesday nights. Dr. Sutcllffe
goes to the city of McMinnville each
Monday night for a union class there.
Other classes are being organized so
that next week will find his time fully
A departmental conference of all
ihe Tlrst vice-presidents of the Ep
worth leagues in the Portland district
will be he.d In the gray room of the
Y. M. C. A., tomorrow at 8 P. M.
Lawrence Snyder, district 'first vlce
Fresldent. will preside. Plana for or
ganizing Epworth league study classes
in evangelism will be discussed.
e e
In the absence of Byron J. Clark,
pastor, the Rev. Ralph C. McAfee,
secretary of the city federation ot
churches, will speak at 11 A. M. and
at 8 P. M. at First United Brethren
All the United Brethren pastors ot
the city this week are attending the
snnual conference at Philomath, with
Bishop Washlnger of this city presld i
!ng. All the members and friends of
the church should avail themselves ot
the opportunity of hearing Mr. Mc
Afee, as he has a message that all
ihould hear, setting forth co-operative
Christianity as none but he can do.
e e
"Constitution" Sunday will be ob
served In Mount Tabor Presbyterian
church this morning when the pastor.
Ward W. MacHenry, will preach on
"The Constitution of the United
States In Relation to Religious Lib
erty and the Progress of Christian
Christian Endeavor meets at 8:30 P.
M., led by Mobray Tate pf Whitman
college and featuring a farewell ser
vice to the group of Endeavorera who
go to college thla fall.
The hour of evening service Is 7:10
and the subject Is "If I Were Going
to College "
Mobray Tate of this church will
appear before the presbytery of Port
land next Monday, asking to be re
ceived under their care as a candi
date for the ministry.
White Temple to Observe
Homecoming' Today.
Dr. 11. H. Hnltea to Preach at
Both Services la Church.
AT the First Baptist church (White
Temple) home-coming Sunday
and rally day for church and Sunday
achool will be observed today. Dr. H.
H. Bulten will preach at both serv
ices 10:30 A. M. and 8 P. M. It is
hoped that all members and friends
of the church will make an effort
to be present.
Sunday school will be 9:45 A. M.
and Baptist Young People's union
services at 6:45 P. M. Prayer and
pralae service will be held Thursday
night at I o'clock, led by Dr. Hulten.
e e e
Revival meetings commenced at the
Gresbam Baptist church Thursday
night, conducted by Rev. Earle D.
Sims of Chicago, and will continue
every night for the coming two
weeks, with services dally at 7:30
o'clock. Rev. Mr. Sims will speak to
day at 11 A. M. on 'The Church" and
at 7:30 P. M. on "The Well of Eternal
Happiness." The subject Monday
night will be "My Travels Through
Japan. Corea, Manchuria and Sibe
ria and the Japaneae-Russian War."
e a
Rev. Earle D. Sims will conduct
services at the Seventh-Day Advent
church building at Gillis this after
noon from 2 to 3 o'clock.
see '
Revival meetings at the Pleasant
Home Baptist church closed Wednes
day night, resulting In 17 additions to
the church and a religious awakening
along all lines.
Rev. A. J. Ware of Oregon City, Or.,
wag called as permanent pastor of the
church and will taVe up his work the
first Sunday In October.
Rev. E. O. Leonard will preach to
day at 10 A. M. and baptise a number
of candidates. Rev. Earle D. Sims
will conduct service at 3 P. M and
Rev. Leonard will preach at 8 P. M.
The Baptist Sunday school workers
of Portland and vicinity will meet in
the Second German church Tuesday
at 7:30 P. M.
Supper will be served at 8:30. Dr.
G. H. Young, religious educational di
rector for Oregon, will give a short
address on "How to Conduct a Suc
cessful Fall Rally In the Bible
Schools." There will be other speakers
and a general discussion on the same
The committee for the Pacific coast
Baptist Sunday school conteat will
report at that meeting.
a a a
Rev. R. E. Close, pastor of the
Third Baptist church, will preach this
morning from the theme, "The Quiet
Heart and the Efficient Life." The
subject of the night discourse will be
"The Bible and Missions." This ad
dress will be Illustrated by stereoptl
con slides and pictures of scenes
taken In various lands will be thrown
upon the screen as the address Is
Following a sermon showing the
need of defending the gospel when
misrepresented and perverted by false
teachers and the duty of ministers
and members to do so. Rev. J. E.
Thomas of Calvary Baptist church.
East Eighth and Grout streets, will
speak this morning on "How Every
Christian Can and Ought to Defend
the Gospel." At night his subject
will be "The Most Unpopular Text in
the Bible."
e e
Rev. William Lewis Brandon. Bap
tist minister, lecturer and editor of
Kansas City. Mo., will preach tonight
at Clencoe Baptlat church on "God's
Agencies In Reconciling the World."
e e
Dr. W. B. Hlnson, pastor of the
East Side Baptist church, will preach
this morning at 11 o'clock from the
subject "The Bible Only God Could
Write." At tonight's service,, the
time of which has been changed from
7:45 to 7:30, Dr. Hlnson -will take for
his theme "The Pharisee and the
One of Dr. Hlnson's sermons Is
printed In pamphlet form each week
and Is being subscribed for and
mailed to all parts of the world. Over
13.000.000 copies have already been
printed and the reports from good
received thereby are constantly being
reported to the church, which extends
Dr. Hinson's ministry to all parts of
the world.
The Young. People's meeting will
be held at'8:30 P. M. with Miss Em
ellne Bank as leader. Subject, "The
Sons of the Tongue."
Today closes the Sunday school
contest which has created r great deal
of Interest In the school for the last
two months, and the winning- class
wUl be announced next Sunday,
f7t. u , f I Jl mi "'Wimjr -T f " ,W','"SWT J t' T)VS-V
m vOj ' ' . V-" v Spy
f 'nV'ii I'll
Methodist leadens -rho are marshaling- their forces far the Important aaanal aeasloa ef the Oregon conference of the Methodist Episcopal church, which
will est at Forest Urove October Si Left to right Rev. S. A. Daaford, superintendent of the southern district I Ur, K. K. Gilbert, superintendent of the
Salem district) Bishop 1. O. Shepard and Dr. William Wallace Youngson, superintendent of the Portland district.
First Presbyterian Church
Pastor Returns.
Varied Prorrimmri Offered
day Weraalppera ef Portland.
MAN, D. D., has returned from a
vacation period- and will occupy the
pulpit of the First Presbyterian
church, corner of Twelfth and Alder
streets, at both services today. At
th&mornlng service, which begins at
10:30, hla theme will be "Through
Troubled Waters." and In the evening
"The Study of Backgrounds." In the
morning Miss Mary Wylie. the new
contralto, who is a recent arrival
from the east, will sing "But the Lord
Is Mindful of HJs Own," from "St.
Paul" (Mendelssohn), and the anthem
"Hast Thou Not Known" (Pflueggerj
will be given by the choir. The -musical
numbers in the evening will in
clude an organ recital by E. E.
Coursen from 7:30 to 7:45, and the
following anthems: "Thou Wilt
Keep Him In Perfect Peace" (Buck)
and "O .Sing Unto the Lord a New
Song" (Lansing).
The San Grael Christian Endeavor
meetings have been resumed and will
be held In the chapel at 6:30 P. M.
The young people of the church are
invited to affiliate themselves with
this organization, where they will
find a cordial welcome and a help
ful spirit.
Westminster Presbyterian church Is
getting back to its normal programme
for the fall.
Dr. E. H. Pence has chosen for his
sermons today the following themes:
In the morning (one of a aeries on
the United States constitution), "The
Preamble of the Constitution a Re
ligious Ideal." Thl! sermon will be
preceded by a sermonette to the chil
dren on "Hunger and Thirst, Joy or
Pain." In the evening his topic will
be "A Comfortable Kind of Rellgion."
The special music for the day will be:
Morning. 10:80 Anthem. "The Lord
Said" (Berthold Tours), tenor solo. J. Mul
der; offterory, "Cantilena" (Gabriel
Plerne) ; "Glory to God" (Bum Peccl).
baritone solo.
Bvenlnr. 7:48 Anthem. "Shadows Fall
ing" (J. Rhelnberger) : offertory. "Slumber
felong" (Horatio Parker); baritone solo and
quartet, "Tarry With Me, O My Saviour"
(3. A. Baldwin).
Monday at 1 P, M. the Woman's
association has Us first fall birthday
luncheon, which will be in charge of
Mrs. Andrew Porter and Mrs. Ben
Morrow. These were popular events
last year. The luncheon will be fol
lowed by Ihe regular monthly meet
ing of the association, with its presi
dent, Mrs. C. T. Chamberlain, pre
siding. Outlines for intensive fall
work will be given. This Is a rally
day programme. Mrs. Palmer L.
Fates will sing.
A class for mothers who have chil
dren In the Bible school will be
formed today under the leadership of
Mrs. R. G. E. Cornish. Problems of
the Christian upbringing of the child,
as well as Bible study, will be con
sidered. There bss long been a real
need for such a class.
A week from today the Whitney
boys' chorus will have entire charge
charge of the evening programme.
Dr. Walter Henry Nugent of the
Central Presbyterian church will oc
cupy his pulpit both morning and
evening today. His morning subject
i "Premature Judgment" and his
evening topic, "God's Dead Letter Of
fice." The chorus, under the direction
of Mr. J. William Belcher, will sing
at both services for the first time
since vacation.
One of the special Interesting fea
tures in connection with the Sunday
school Is fun nltht, which is ob
served monthly in the social rooms.
The first of these s'nee vacation will
be held on Friday evening. The Sun
day school Is making special plana
for rally day, which will be observed
September 25.
Rev. Henry White wILl preach Sun
day morning In the MUlard-avenue
Presbyterian church on the subject,
"The Necessity of the New Birth." At
the evening service at 7:30 the sub
ject will be "Choosing the One Thing
Needful." Mr. White is giving a
course of studies In the life of Christ
at the Wednesday evening prayer
service. The Christian Endeavor so
ciety holds Its meeting at 6:30 Sunday
Rev. N. K. Tully, associate pastor
of First Presbyterian church, will be
the speaker at the Men's Resort serv
ice today at 4 P. M. Halfred Young,
tenor, will be the soloist. Miss Alice
Johnson, who plays for all the men's
singing' will have a special number
in which the men will all sing. A
song service will open the meeting.
The first fall meeting of the Port
land Prestoyterlal will be held Tues
day at the Vernon church, corner
East Nineteenth and Wygant streets.
Mrs. Charles Williams, the new dis
trict secretary for the northern Pa
cific district, will speak at the after
noon session. Mrs. J. R. McCormtck
will give a reading. The musical
numbers will Include a solo by Mrs.
Fletcher Linn, and Mendelssohn's
"Lift Thine Eye s," by Mesdames
Beard, Campbell and TaoHaaf.
Not so much "big things" as "steady
progress" Is the plan of Piedmont
Presbyterian church for the coming
year and this spirit of push Is being
felt tn all lines of the church's ac
tivity. At the teachers' meeting Monday
evening much was accomplished. The
linoleum of a fine grade, which was
laid during the vacation in the old
gymnasium, was ordered paid for Im
mediately. This refiniehlng of the
gymnasium Is a decided advance tn
the progreas of the Sunday school be
cause the room Is now to be used for
a Junior department which Mr. P. O
Bonebrake, main superintendent, is
planning on organizing. There are
at present 100 members la thla de
partment and they have very badly
needed, a room of their own in which
to meet. As aoon as a competent su
perintendent is found for this depart
ment it will be moved to this well
lighted, well heated, refinished large
A special offering is to be taken on
rally day. October 2. to pay for the
painting and other improvements of
thin room during the summer. All
parents of Sunday school scholars are
to be notified of this arrangement In
order that they may subscribe.
Mra. C. F. Schimelfenig has been
elected to take the place of Mrs. R
H. Mort. assistant superintendent of
the primary department. Her natural
ability and willing nature will soon
make her a valuable addition to the
Wednesday" afternoon the Women's
auxiliary will hold its first fall meet
ing in the church parlors.
Thursday evening service will be
held at 8 o'ciock and will be built
around the subject "Christian Giv
ing." "An Authoritative Church" will be
the aubject of Rev. J. Frances' ser
mon this morning and this evening
bis topic will be "Divine Apprecia
tion." Sunday, October 2, has been set
aside for communion service.
The pulpit of the Mizpah Presby
terian church, corner East Nineteenth
and Division streets will be occupied
by the pastor. Rev. D. A. Thompson,
at both morning and evening service
At the morning service at 11 o'cloclf
his topic will be "The Golden Rule
for Today." His theme at the eve
ning service at 7:45 o'clock will be
"God's Way In the Sea."
The Toung People's society of
Christian Endeavor will meet at 8:45
o'clock. The topic is: "Sins of the
Tongue." The leader is Mr. Alex
ander Hiland. Thla society la com
posed of high school students and a
most cordial Invitation Is g-iven to all
young people of that age who are not
regularly attending any other society
to visit this meeting.
The chorus composed of high school
students under the leadership of Miss
Nina Walker will sing at the evening
The regular weekly prtyer meeting
will be held on Thursday evening at
8 o'clock.
Mrs. Thompson's Bible class met at
her home for the first business meet
ing and social Tuesday evening. There
was a large attendance and a pleasant
evening was enjoyed. Among the
members were several about to leave
for another year at university and
"Matter" I the Subject of
Scientist Sermons.
Testimonies of Healing: Given at
Wednesday Mght Services.
.jit It ATTER" Is the subject rt lesson
1VJL sermons in Churches of Christ,
Scientist, today. Christian Science
churches hold services Sunday morn
lag at 11 o'clock and Sunday evening
at 8. Fifth and Seventh churches dis
pense with the evening service.
Wednesday evening meetings are held
at 8 o'clock. Testimonies of Chris
tian Science healings are given at
these meetings..
Sunday school for pupils up to the
age of 20 Is held at all churches. The
sessions are at 9:45 and 11 at all with
the exceptions of the Third and Fifth,
which hold their sessions at 9:30 and
11. Reading rooms are maintained tn
the downtown districta at 1133 North
western Bank building and 33 North
Third street, where the Bible and all
authorled Christian Science literature
may be read or purchased. The pub
lic Is invited to attend the church
services and use the reading rooms.
The churches are located as foUows:
First Nineteenth and Everett streets.
Seond Cast Sixth street and Holladay
Third East Twelfth and Salmon street.
Fourtlk Vancouver avenue and Emerson
Ftrth Sixty-second street and Forty
second avenue Southeast.
Sixth Pythian temple. '
Seventh tus Smith avenue.
a a
The society for spreading the
knowledge of True Prayer, as organ
led by Mr. Rawson, meets Monday
evening at 8 o'clock In room 406 Filed
ner building. Tenth and Washington
streets: The public Is Invited.
The Love of the Angel World Mani
fest" will be the lecture subject for
tonight at 8 o'clock at the Independ
ent Bible Spiritualistic society and
church at 441 East Twelfth street,
corner Sherman.
Next Tuesday night at 8 o'clock the
Mystic Success club meets, and on
Thursday night of each week a reg
ular test and demonstration meeting
is held onder Rev. Mrs. Ida M. Schorl,
pastor, and co-workers from the east.
At the Mystic Church of Betheftda,
409 Alder street near Eleventh, serv
ices will be held tonight at 8 o'clock
by Dr. W. W. Aber, who will give a
discourse upon the subject of "Pro
gression." followed by messages. A
special musical selection will also be
tendered during the evening. A mes
sagV circle will be formed between 6
and 7:30 P. M.. prior to service,
a a
Services of the Personal .Message
church will be held In the assembly
hall. 'Hotel Portland, tonight at 7:45
o'clock, under C W. Shaw, pastor,
a a a
After a vacation of two months the
First Spiritual Science church will re
sume meetings today at i P. M. and
P. M. tn Allsky hall. Third and Mor
rison streets. Lecture sermons will be
delivered by Mrs. L. E. Philips, assist
ed by Mrs. Anna Lister. The evening
subject will be "The Signs of the
Tlmerr" The publio is invited to at
tend. a
The First Spiritualist church. East
Seventh and Hassalo streets, holds
services every Sunday at 3 .and 8 P
M. Conference meeting will be held
at 3 P. M. and regular services at 3
p. M., with an address by Mr. Taylor
Messages by Mrs. Downes.
Sing Will Be Held at First
- Methodist Church.
Dr. Stansfleld to Preach Thla Morn
ing ea "Light and Life."
AT THE First Methodist church
beginning today, the evening
strvlce will be at 7:30 o'clock Instead
of 7:45. Dr. Joshua Stansfield will
preach at both services, morning at
10:30 o'clock, evening at 7:30 o clock.
The morning sermon will be on
"Light and Life" and the evening
"God the Authority Christ the Stand
ard." The big chorus choir and the
quartet will sing, and in the eve
ning Walter Jenkins, Portland s com
munity singing leader, will conduct
a 15-minute congregational sing ot
popular gospel hymns and eongs.
The Woman's association will have
ita opening meeting for the fall work
on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o clock
ir the parlor of the Sunday school
The Thursday night prayer meet
ing at 7:45 o'clock Is. now fully under
way again and the special feature on
next Thursday will be "Interroga
tories." The Epworth and Interme
diate league devotional services will
begin at 8:15 P. M. Instead of 8:30
P. M.
Dr. Frank L-Wemett. who has been
pastor of Centenary-Wilbur Metho
dist church, will open his pastorate
at St. Paul's Methodist church. Spo
kane, today. Accompanied by his
family, he left for his new home last
Wednesday. Dur'ng the time inter
vening until the session of the Ore
gon conference. October 5. the pulpit
will be supplied by Dr. R. N. Avison.
Dr. Avison was for a number of yean
pastor of the First Methodist church
nf Kniom and la well known to the
people of Oregon. At the morning
service he will preach irom ine suo
Ject "Jesus at Church," and in the
evening he will give a special mes
sage to young people on "Endowment
and Development." The mixed quar
tet and chorus choir, under the direc
tion of. J. MacMillan Muir, will ren-.
der special musical numbers at both
services. Maldwyn E. Evans will
sng at the morning service and In
the evening Mrs. J. MacMillan Mulr
will render a solo.
After the line re-opening service!
of last Sunday with addresses by Dr.
William Wallace Youngson and Dr.
Joshua Stansfield, Woodlawn Metho
dist church starts out anew for larger
and better service for the uplift of
Portland. The women of the church
sre planning a great harvest home
get-together for next Friday and the
Epworth league has many plans for
fall and winter. The subject of the
morning is, "An Undiscovered Source
of Blessedness," and in the evening
at 7:30 "Jehovah. Jireh" is the theme,
a a
New members will be received Into
Central Methodist Episcopal churcn
by the pastor. Rev. Alexander R. Mac
lean, at the morning service at li
lt e newly reorganized choir under
the direction of James A. C. Oakes.
will render special music. At the
evening service at 8 o'clock, the pas
tor will preach the third In the "Ad
dition series," entitled "Temperance."
At the Sunday school board meet
ing the following officers were elect
ed for the ensuing year: General su
perintendent, W. L. Mallory; assist
ant superintendent. Mrs. George Bau
mez; director of religious education.
Miss Martha Buck; superintendent of
primary department, Mra. F. Janke;
superintendent of beginners' depart
ment. Mrs. Wilbur. Lucas; superin
tendent of cradle roll, Mra. J. A. Mar
tin; librarian, George Baumez; super
intendent of home department, Mrs.
M. Steinbrook; treasurer, W'lllam
Gardner; secretary, William H.
Sprague; superintendent of mission
ary education, Mrs. Alexander R.
Services at the Lincoln Methodist
church. East Lincoln and Fifty-second
streets, will be: Morning wor
ship at 11 o'clock. "Jesus, the Only
Savior." and at 7:30 P. M., "The Un
stability of the Divided House," The
pastor, the Rev. W. N. Byars, will
speak at both services.
The choir of the Rose City Park
Methodist Episcopal church after the
summer vacation will be back in
place this morning under the super
vision of P. T. Anderson. . Mrs. S. C
Worrell, an exceptionally fine organ
ist, has been secured for the pipe or
gan and every member of the chorus
choir will be expected In place today.
In the morning the pastor. Dr. C.
W. Huett, will apeak on the theme.
"Alive Forevermore." All peoples so
far known to civilized men cherish
the thought of life beyond the grave.
The grounds for this hope both ra
tionally and scrlpturally will be ex
amined In this discourse and the real
hope of the Christian church ex
pounded. In the evening he will speak on
"The Man of Destiny."
At the Carson Heights Methodist
Episcopal church. Eighth and Hume
streets, the minister. Rev. George
Smith Brown, will conduct the morn
lrg worship at 11:15. The lately re
organized Sunday school with Horace
Mann Probst as superintendent will
meet at 10 o'clock. The building
which was recently acquired from the
Evangelical denomination Is under
going extensive alterations. When
completed It will be one of the best
equipped suburban churches.
At Epworth Methodist church.
Twenty-sixth and Savler streets. Rev.
Frank L. Moore, pastor, will preach
at 11 A. M. on "The Church Its Help
fulness, and an Opportunity for Serv
ice," and at 7:30 P. M. on "The Screen
ot the Movies and the Screen of Life."
a a a
Rev. W. S. Gordon will speak at the
Sellwood Methodist church at 11
o'clock on "The Physical Redemption
o the World." In the evening at 7:30
o clock Rev. W. B. Hollingshead. D. D.,
will deliver his address on his ob
servations la the orient, Jde has re
cently returned from eeveral months
of travel there. ,
Professor F. C. Streyffeler will con
duct the music. Miss Sylvia Rickson
has been elected organist to take the
place or Miss Helen uoraon. wnu na
entered the New England conserva
tory of music in Boston.
The Sunday school meets at 9:45
A. M.. the Junior league at 3 P. M.
and the Epworth league at 6:30 P. M.
The dedication of the new addition to
the church will be held October 3.
This church Is on Tacoma avenue at
East Fifteenth street. .
a a a
"Blind Eyes Opened, or a Down and
Out Who Was Helped to Be a Man."
will be the sermon subject by Rev
E Sutton Mace, pastor of the CUnto
Kelly Memorial Methodist Episcopal
church, on Powell and East Fortieth
streets, who will continue the expo
sition of the ninth chapter of St
John's gospel on Sunday morning at
11 o'clock. '
The Bible school will convene at
9:45 A. M.
Miss Merlon Thomson will lead the
meeting of the Epworth, league at
7 P. M.
The music by the Clinton Kelly
soloists Is a helpful part of the serv
ices. Thee Rev. E. Sutton Mace will
preach In the Westmoreland chapel
on Milwaukie and South avenue at
7:30 P M. today.
a a a
At First Norwegian Danish Metho
dist Episcopal church. Eighteenth and
Hcyt streets. Rev. C. August Peter
son, the pastor, will preach at 11 A. M.
on the subject. "Launch Out Into the
Deep." and at 8 P. M.'on "The Plead
ing Call of God." This will be the
last Sunday before the annual con
ference and the pastor will leave for
Seattle, where the conference will be
held under the leadership of Bishop
Report on Winona Meeting
to Be Given.
Pastor to Talk on Convention ot
Disciples of Christ.
occupy his pulpit at the First
Chrlrstian church today at both
morning and evening services. For
the past three weeks Rev. Mr Grlffis
has been In Indiana, where be at
tended the international convention
or the Disciples of Christ teld at
Winona lake, and also visited with
bis parenta who live in Mlddietown.
In his sermon at 11 A. M. Mr. Griffla
will make a report of the Winona
convention, which had an attendance
of 40(0 and Included in Its programme
addressee by F. B. Meyer of London,
Charles Reynolds Brown, dtan of
Yale divinity school, and W. J. Bryan,
popular lecturer on religious ortho
doxy and political heresy.
The chief agency recognized In the
disciples' annual assembly was the
United Christian Missionary society,
which has Its headquarters at St
Louis and which Is probably one of
the most thoroughly representative
and most comprehensive religious or
ganizations In Christendom, This
society affords equal representation
to both men and women and embraces i
in the scope of Its activities home ,
and foreign missions, church erection
ministerial relief, benevolences and (
religious education. '
In the evening worship st 7:45
o'clock the church quartet, directed
by Mra Mary Adele Vann, will give
a special musical offering. Including
the quartet number, "Savior Again
to Thy Dear Name" (Llewellyn), also
the trio. "Father, Lead Me by Thy
Hand" (Butterfleld), by Mrs. Vann,
Mrs. Elolse Hall Cook and Theodore
Carlson. The pastor's evening ser
mon will be for the special benefit of
the young people, the specific theme
being; "A Companion of Fooln."
a a
Under the direction of Maude
Springer Bower the choir of the
Church of Christ, Rodney avenue and
Knott street, will give a programme
of special music preceding the ser
mon Sunday evening. The pr):ramme
follows: Anthem. "Appear Thou
Light Divine" (Gounod); anthem,
"The Lord Thy God" (Nebin); anthem,
"The Day Is Ended" (Bartlett). with
violin obllgato. The male quartet
will sing "Nearer My Home," and a
solo will be given by Miss May
At the new Christian church
(Swedenborglan) today Rev. William
R: Reece will speak on "The Ideal
Citizen." In the assembly room of the
Portland hotel at 11 o'clock. A ser
monette to young folks win also be
given, the subject being "Ships With
Rudders and Ships Without." follow
ing this the Inner circle will meet for I
a study of the inner meaniny of the !
plagues of Egypt,
World Church Council Is
Open in Pittsburg.
Delegates Hope to Solve Number
sf Serious Problems.
PITTSBURG, Sept. 17. Analysis of
problems confronting churches '
throughout the world will be under
taken at the 11th general council of !
the Alliance of Reformed Churchea
holding the Presbyterian : aystem.
which opened here Friday. Sessions .
will continue until September 25.
Seventy different church bodies, ;
numbering nearly 35.000,000 members
and adherents, are Included in the
alliance, according to Dr. John Mc-
Naugher, president of the Plttsourg
Theological seminary and chairman
of the local committee.
"This meeting la one of utmost Im
portance, because of the baffling
problems confronting not any one na- I
tlon or group of nations, or one
church or group of churches, but all
nations and all churches." Dr. Mc
Naugber said.
"They are world church problems
and only a world gathering vetth the
leader In religious work and thought
from all corners of the earth in
attendance can properly diagnose
those problems and work out the
remedies for those ills.
"The general council of the alliance
Is expected to solve many of the
problems of the Reformed Presbyte
rian churchea. Ministers and others
Interested in these churches are anx
ious to gel the results of the delibera
tions of thr council, because thla Is
the first meeting since before the
war and the war has been responsible
for many of the church's problems."
Since the first convention In Edin
burgh. Scotland. In 1S77. It has been
the custom to hold meetings of the
general council of the alliance every
three or four years. The last was in
AberdeenScotland, In 1913.
Communion Service Planned
at St. Stephen's Church.
Dean Hicks Will Preach Seran
at 11 o'clock.
SERVICES at St, Stephen's, pro
cathedral. Episcopal, w'.'i com
mence today with holy communion at
7:45 A. M. Church school will be at
9:45 A. M. There will be second cele
bration of holy communion with ser
mon at 11 A. M. and evensong and
address at 7:45 P. M. All services
will be in charge of Dean Hicks.
The Young People's society will
hold their regular meeting In the
rarlbb house at 6:30 P. M. May
belle McLay will lead, and will also
give the principal talk of the affair;
-Reminiscences of My Trip to Alaska,"
Illustrated with original pictures.
The Brotherhood of St, Andrew
will hold its usual meeting in the
dean's study next Friday at 8 P. M.
All members are urged to attend,
a a a
"Man's Greatest Enemy" Is the aub
ject of Dr. A. A. Morrlson'a sermon
thi morning tu Trinity Episcopal
Sunday school re-opened last week
wtth the largest enrollment n many
years. Quite a number of new chil
dren appeared. The night service will
be resumed the first Sunday night In
Lutherans Will Hold Two
Services Today. '
Rev. A. Krause to Be Preacher at
St. Paul's Church.
Two services, confession and holy
communion, will be held at St. Paul's
Lutheran church. East Twelfth and
Clinton streets, by the pastor. Rev. A.
Krause. The confessional service be
gins at 10 A. M. and Is held In Ger
man, also the morning service at 10:30.
"Jesus at the Table of a Pharisee" will
be the subject of the sermon. The
tcpic for the English service at 7:30
P. M. will be "The Christian at Pub
lic Worship." Bible study and young
people's meeting takes place at 9:30
A. M.: and the choir rehearses Friday
at 8 P. M.
Services will be conducted at Trin
ity Lutheran church. Rodney avenue
and Ivy street, as follows: Preaching
in the morning at 10:15 In German
and at 7:30 P. M. in English. At 2
o clock a regular business meeting
w 111 take place.
a a a
The Sunday school of the Clay
street Evangelical church will com
mence at 9:45 A, M. with Superintend
ent Keller presiding. At 10:45 the
pastor. Rev. Jacob Stocker, will
preach on "Jesus, the Light of the
World." Irt the afternoon the pas
tor will preach at the Altenhelm. on
Division street." The Young People's
Alliance will meet at 7 o'clock, fol
lowed by the night sermon. "Is Your
Belief Strong Enough to Control Your
The Greek Orthodox church. East
Seventeenth and Clinton streets, will
liold services at 10 A. M. today under
the leadership of Rev. B. A. Karahales,
pastor. Sunday school will meet at
9 A. M.
The pastor's residence is at 406 M,
Park street and his office at room 326,
Washington building.
Dr. McElveen to Preach in
First Church Today.
Pastor to Give Fourth of Series of
Pulpit Lectures.
HTJT OW TO Regulate and Make Our
Xl Moods Contribute to Health
and Happiness" Is the topic of Dr.
W. T. McEIveen's fourth sermon-lecture
tn the popular series he Is giv
ing Sunday mornings at the First
Congregational church. These sermon-lectures
give both tne teaching
of science and the teachings of the
scriptures In a practical ar.d personal
way. Thursday night Dr McElveen
answers all questions suggested by
the Sunday morning topic.
Tonight the Congregational minis
ter will answer the following ques
tions: 1 Why are not all who work paid
the same wages?
3 Why don't you believe in the
Immaculate conception?
3 Just where ties the league of na
tions failed?
4 How can our friends know us In
heaven If we live there In spiritual
At the morning service Mrs. Mans
field, the organist, will play selec
tions by Rogers. Faulkes and Ba
tiste. At the night service she will
give the following programme:
"Revene" (Rlckman); "Orand Choeur"
(Lamare); "Moderato" (Holier).
Tuesday night the employes of the
Pacific Telephone company will give
a concert in the auditorium of the
church. The telephone orchestra of
eight pieces, the telephone men's
quartet, the telephone mixed quartet,
Hyman Breslow, the boy soprano;
Ray Wilkinson and L. Guam, Instru
mentalists, will take part in the pro
gramme. Moving pictures will be
shown and some new telephone appli
ances will be demonstrated. Every
body Is Invited.
The church school has a curric
ulum of study that is not excelled
anywhere. It has added to Us paid
staff of workers Mrs. Carrie B. Ad
ams, whose task will be to direct the
musical activities. Mrs. Adams wa-j
for many years a choir director in
Indiana. She is a well-known com
poser. . She Is an expert in the coach
ing of opera companies. She will
conduct some weekly classes as well
as direct the music of the tchool Sun
days. The Senior Endeavorera en
Joyed a party Wednesday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Woolery, on Jessup
street. Miss Dorothy Rice will lead
the Settlor Christian Endeavor meet
ing Sunday. William Klein will lead
the Intermediate aoclety. Mrs. Man
gold has resumed the leadership of
the Junior Christian Endeavor aocl
ety that meets at 11 o'clock Sunday
moraine;. Mrs. George Crawford will
teach Mra Roberts' business young
women's class during the absence of
Mrs. Roberts at the missionary con
ference In San Francisco. Miss Gladys
Alexander and a group of young
women are preparing a playlet en
titled "Hanging Out One's Shingle,"
which will be presented at the church
pchool rally Sunday morning. Mrs.
D. L. Brace, ex-presldent of the Wom
en's missionary society, reports that
that organization doubled Its mis
sionary gifts this past year. The
women's association holds its first
regular all-day meeting October 6.
a a
Highland Congregational church
win inaugurate tonight a series of
popular services for the fall and win
ter. The service will begin at 7:30
P. M. The pastor. Rev. EUward Con
stant, will give a short talk on
"Visions of Life on Highways of the
World." which will be Illustrated by
a set of, moving pictures operated
by Mr. Desmond. Therewlll also be
special musical contributions by the
Portland women's quartet. The sub
ject of the morning's sermon will bo
"Are We Drifting From God?" The
Ladles' Aid society will ho. a Its birth
I day party in the church rooms
I There will be a programme and
I afternoon tea will be served,
i a a a
Atkinson Memorial Congregational
church will have its today
Rev. Elbert E. Flint, the paetor. an
nouncca two preaching rervloes at
the regular hourg of 11 A. M. and
7:45 P. M. This morning he will
preach on "The Request, to See
Jesus." Tonight the pastor will preach
upon the topic, "Must Sin Continue?"
The Sunday school will reconvene
today at 9:45 A, M. after a vacation
of two Sundays.
The church has undergone some Im
portant changes In the Interior. The
old pews have been rebuilt and made
comfortable and walls and carpets
were renovated.
Thursday at 7:45 P. M. the Bible
study and devotional meecing will be
conducted by the pastor.
The women of the church will hold
a party in the church parlor Wednes
day afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock.
This will be a birthday party for all
those having birthdays in July, Au
gust and September. Those having
birthdays tn theso three months are
to be the honor guests snd are asked
to bring an offering totaLlng their
ages, or more. Refresbmenta win be
The Waverly Heights Congrega
tional church. Rev. Oliver Perry
Avery, minister, has begun Its au
tumn activities with an early increase
in the Sunday school attendance and
enrollment, which promts a record
season for the coming year. The
senior and intermediate Christian En
deavor aoe'eties are to hold meetings
At 11 o'clock this morning the pas
tor will preach on "The Human
Christ." The evening service at 8
o'clock will center about the thought
of "Blessings Limited by Valuation."
a a
Dr. J. J. Staub, pastor of Sunnyslde
Congregational church, will take for
hla subject this morning "An Ideal
Service and Its Results." The full
chorus choir la In operation and ex
cellent selections are being offered at
all services.
The Junior Endeavor services at 3
o'clock will be led by Evelyn Gaiter.
The topic will be "Lessons From
Bible Children." William Uemmell
will lead the Intermediates on the
subject "Sins of the Tongue " A rally
of the Senior Endeavorera at 6:30 P. M.
will be led by the president. Ward
W. Robinson, who will outline the
plana of the fall and winter campaign.
Mrs. Llnnle Carl, national W. C. T.
U. lecturer, will address a mass meet
ing at the regular evening service at
7:45 P. M.
The usual Weduenday evening Bible
study class has been transferred to
Thursday evening, at which time it
will meet hereafter. The 20th chapter
r.f Revelation will be studied. Dr.
Staub leading.
One week from this morning the
Sunday school will hold Its annual
Rally-day exercises.
Answers by Pupils Called "Darling
Literary Curiosity."
NEW YORK. A darling literary
curiosity" was Mark Twain's estimate
of a collection of genuine nnswers to
examination questions published a
quarter of a century ago by a teacher.
Caroline Be Le Row. under the title
bngllsh as She Is Taught"- suggest
ed, of course, by the famous Portu
guese manual, "English as She Is
Spoke." Here are a few gems from
tue little volume Mark Twain en
Joyed: Ammonia The food of the gods.
Demagogue A vessel containing
beer and other liquids.
Beneficence A state of insanity.
Assiduity State of being an acid.
Culinary Cunning or cute.
Eplcac A man who likes a good
Sometimes It Is easy to trace the
mental operation by which the an
swer waa evolved, but sometimes it is
more obscure. What Is most amaz
ing about the choicest specimens, like
the definition of "demagogue," ts thel
accidental flavor of consummate sat
Ire. Here are a few mlscellaneo'
Erudition State of being erude.
Eucharist One who plays euchre.
Idolator A very Idol person.
Ignition The art of not noticing.
Implacable Not able to be placed.
Ingratlatlng-ratlng up the ear.
When you have been assured that
matins are "something to wear on the
feet," It will be no shock to hear that
mediocrity Is "the science of the
Medea" or that mendacious means
"what can be mended." The pupil who
dfflned parasite as "one who speaks
well" came nearer the mark than
those who considered it "a kind of
umbrella" or "the murder of an In
fant." Friends of the present national
administration will be dubious over
this one:
Republican A sinner mentioned la
the Bible.
And here are some examples framed
gy etudlous young Scholars:
She is related to himy by animosity.
He had a chronic disease some
thing the matter with the chronic.
The coreclbn of some thing is re
markable, n bread and molasses.
Richard Brlnsley Sheridan might
have turned to this volume for mor-'
sels to put In the mouth of Mrs. Mala
prop. For Instance. "He preached
to an egregious congregation." He
gave a correct elimination of the
word." "He stood on a high emls
of water In the vessel." "The mar
riage waa illegible."
Priest's Garb firings Fine.
GUADALAJARA. Mexico. Arch -bishop
Francisco Orozocoy Jlminex,
one of the high Catholic prelates In
Mexico, has been fined 3100 by mu
nicipal authorities here for appearing
on the streets In clerical garb. Chief
of Police Rivera recently ordered
the arrest of all priests appearing
on the thoroughfares tn cassocks and
several disagreeable Incidents are
said to have resulted.
TaTt to Address Unitarians.
DETROIT. Sept. 17. Chief Justice
William Howard Taft Is scheduled to
give the presidential address at the
2'Jth biennial meeting of the general
Unitarian conference here on Octo
ber 6.