TITI, STJTAT OlTEGOXTAXe rORTLAXD, SEPTEMBER lN, 20 MTATTONS WA TEI MAI-K. AN AtiTi-AROUND mschlnlst. S3 year Id. married, dealres work in this line. Thoroughly experienced in machine. bench and floor work. Quick and capable, steady and reliable. Ha been employed luK three year on re- IKir to donkey engines, locomotive cranes and shop repairs. "Would ao cept log ging camp or mine machinery repairs; 14 yeara' experience. A V $22, Oregonlan. ' KEf'KNT arrival rorn Scotland desires business opening, either clerical or other wise. Experienced In tailoring and out fittlnir, but wants any kind of suitable employment: can jtlve strut-class refer ences and make Investment it desired. S 1 1.1. OrKonlan. Itookkre per,nte nograpPers, Of fire. ii-X I'. R 0 K K E BPKR AND CKN ERA L OFFICE WOKK MAN DESIRES A PO HITION IN ACCofNTINd DEPART JIKNT, CAI'ATM(K OK HANTH.lNrt ANY OFFICW POSITION AT OKKICK. WDI.N. 54H3. ROUTE 4, BOX fyHTLA.NU, SiOTEL CLERK, man with long experience and train ina In office work and as sales nun, wants employment at clerical work In hotel. Phone Marshall 1H70, or ad dress V ftOl, Oregonlan. WANTED By married man. anything In account tng. col lect Ions, expert book keeping; banking experience. K 22, Ore ironliin. AN EXPERIENCED accountant desires nAll set of books to keep. Systems In stalled. Books kept by contract. Tabor IrUSl.VESS financial man with executive ability is open for engagement; can pro duce r'ulii. AK 23. Oregonlan. EV EXPERIENCED arcountant. books audited ; small sets kept; systems In stalled; Income tax-. Main M. WANTED ft of books to keep, or other liffht work for room, board and laun- ory. r at, urfgiinun, lol'MI man. 32, J" years' general office experience; also drlvsauto. Wdln 17H4. YOUNG man desire clerical position; ref- m erences. 1' 10 Lll-Mcr hotel. . bJENo-TYPlST Stencils, etc.; time or piece work. Mai n 233. w.'Q Morgan bldg. A-t SAI.KKMAN. Thoroughly experienced, knows northwest trad, at present em ployed, will make change where ability will be recognized; gilt edge references. BL) 22, Oregonlan. SPECIALTY SALESMEN. Two high-grade specialty salesmen making Oregon, Wahrnton and Cali fornia, owning their own cars and able to finance themselves, will consider taking on in extra line of quaMty mer chandise and will guarantee results, A.I IK. Oregon ian. it ETA 1 L salesman luggage and specialty leather goods; 15 yearn' experience, 8 years In Seattle; open for Portland po sition; familiar with principal lines; married man. 37 years, capable, of good character, energetic. M tght ronsider other sales lines. Address R 017, Ore gunlan. SALESMAN WITH CAR. Experienced salesman wishes connec tion; acquainted Portland and surround ing territory; staple or specialty lines. References. Main 6170. SALESMAN desires position; Ten years' experience In various lines; have record for auccess as a producer; salary and commission only. C P17, Oregonlan. tXl'KKlL.NCEU ralesman that produces results wlhes to interview any firm needing an experienced man; com mer rla I lines preferred. liC 7, Oregonla n. 6ALlvH.Nl AN wishes position, 2 years with last employer; no house-to-house work considered. What have you to offer? AH 1. OregonlafK 8 A LES promoter. covering largest cities In the States, would like to handle some product dljrevt for manufacturer. N WO a, Oregonlan. BooKK EEPER wants set of books to keep nights; audits and financial state ments made. A. I 1ft. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED salesman, bout. State particulars. niiin. Have runa K U. Orego- BY AMRITIoUS energetic suleMnan. Sev eral years' experience In city and on the road. Tabor 6714. SITUATIONS WAXTKI) FEMAI.K. EXPERIENCED colored woman chambermaid work; references. Call East 1537 SITUATION wanted as governess to young children to assume full charge ; expert enced; references. Main 452U. EXPERIENCED laundnss, city references, wishes work Mon., Thurs. or Frl. 40c per hour. Call Broadway ?!4. LADY pianist wants work playing at iIh nces. Have hud lots of experience. Phnne Aut. 310-1O WANTED F'lace where woman can work In exchange for self and husband's room snd board. AJ i'3. Oregonlan 0.CICK snd accurate bookkeeper can give few days each week to care for set of book w; excellent references. Wdln. 1428. i.lNCOLN high school student wants posi tion doing housework, tending furnace, etc Mar. .V..M. CHOOL girl wants to work for room and board and some waves. Call Muln 3714. room 22. Call from 2 to B P. M. WANTED Position stenographer, book keeper, competent, experienced ; res son a b le salary. Broad may 14 f 3. room 224. VOl'NG lady, refined, in school mornings, wish pin re in home, governess, family sewing. BP T, Oregon tan. .XPKRIENCED telephone operator wants position on private exchange. Wdln. Iii32 I.E LIABLE lady wishes day work on Wednesday. Phone E. 3SG2. Mrs. Thnmpmn. OI'NO man wishes any kfeid of labor w here I can make $3.'U per day, steady. Inside work. Marshall 4332. LX PERI ENCED women capable of taking charge of apartment house for own apt. snd small salary. P. O. box 40l3. city. EXPERIENCED woman wants days work or chambermaid work. Call all week, Ildwy. 13D3. K X P K R I E N C E D stenog ra pher M organ bUlg . will taks extra work In office. A 34. Oregonlan. AMERICAN wants invalid or other work; quiet and efficient. Advertiser, cars Y. W. C. A. LA DY wants work, 4c hour; cle-aning and Sll housework. East OUJX room 1L 4d 'ancouver av . . ( A PA RLE married lady will take care of spurt men t bouse for apartment J 32. Oregoninn. 1.XPER1E.NCED laundrens wishes to take work home; called for and delivered. Pellwood 1MM, Tabor BIMIQ. ELDERLY lady wants housework, reason- able wages. Call E ast 44. NIEN'8 laundry dune. Clothes repaired cheap; s;ood work. 402 4th st. Mar. 059. MTCATloN wanted as companion by re fined, e dura ted woman. Main 4'fl. ' C'lM! woman wlahea work on ranch; ex perienced. good cook. Main 57U8. rm. B. VA5HINO and Ironing by hour. Woodlawn 2.'. h 5or E a st 477 J. Rr f ere ncea :.ADY with two boys wants any kind of work lnj town or out. Call East 0373. WANTED Care for children evenings; best of references. Marshall 20U0, WANTED Work Wdln. 137. by day or hour. Call KOK, THE care of invalids or of children evenings, phone Automatic 323-61. '.ANTED Sweeping, cleaning by day; washing. Main 5"77. WOMAN wants work by hour. 4U17. Woodlawn 1.ELIABLE midsRo-aged lady will care for children, day or evening. Tabor 3o70 Ol'NU marrlov woman wants day work. Aut. 42-2ll. A p. vnainbermaid 777. Wlahea work. Eaat YOUNti ilrM woman, day worg. -ut 2 -OS. chambermaid or COLORED girl wants chambermaid work, experienced. bJwy. 310. WANT laundry or housecleaning by day. Ildwy. 2023. GRADUATE pianist will teach at your home. lessons 1 per hour. Main 4300. l.ADY would like to take charge of room ing house on salary. K 13. Oregonlan. lady vlshe day work. East H.VK4. lOI.OHED lady wishes dsy work, morn 1 " work or c hnm bermald. Wd In. 34 3ft. fTENOwRAPHER with two months' expe rience wlehes position. Call Wdln. 2473. .I1GH school girl wants to work for board, room and w.i ges. East rl."2. ..ADY having met with reverses must have employment (S 17, Oregonlan. WANTED By widow with dependant dty work. Marshall 2o-0. lyRDERS taken for the (real) Thousand Island dressing. Auto. 213-U3 I.ADT wants steady work by day or hour. Main 1N34. iOOD indress wlnhes work Monday and Wednesday. Woodlawn 304. '.ADY with two children wishes place In cou iitr y. A L 12j Ore g on lan. : . A E C L RTA'l N S H a"n D LA L'VPERE D. 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE. EAST SUM. GX PER1EACED woman ws-nta day work, 4V houi Phone Main f4Vl. A RL wants work as maid. Broadway COLORED woman work. 311-82. wants any kind of WOM AN with baby work. Main 8470. wants light house- WOMAN wan. lb work by dar. Wdia. 700. 8ITT7AT10N9 WANTED-rEM ALE. WANTED Position as manager of beauty parlor or department in same; familiar with all llnea of work; trained nure and masseuse; own shop with successful business, but for personal reasons must leave same. Telephone Tabor 4vlM. Fort land. BOOKK EEPERS, stenographers and all descriptions of office help; ring us up or get In touch with us. We can supply you with Just the proper office help that you want or need. Williams Pen eonnel Service, ot4 Spalding bids. Mar shall 813.4. WANTED Position by young lady drug clerk, 1 year in school of pharmacy and $ years' practical experience; also grad uate in stenography and bookkeeping. Lillle Allen, care of Reed 4t Foster. Norman, Ok la. CAPABLE young woman with executive ability, wants position as manager of first-class apartment house; experienced. Can furnish best of references. AK 10 Oregonlan. AM AN OLD woman, want a quiet place as h. k. or companion, or any light work; will take day work, or care of children. BF tt. Oregonlan. YOu.nO lady, experienced, wishes poait ou as camp waitress and dishwasher, aecond cook or housework In country or smalt town. Bg 63. Amity. Or. MAR HI ED WOMAN with experience would like the care of apartment or rooming house for rent of apartment; no furnace work. D !t7. Oregonlan. WOMAN of refinement wants housekeeping In gentleman's modern home where there are one or two smttll children of school a gfi ; references. Wood I a wn 524 1. WANTED ii young woman, cooking and housework during forenoons in re turn for room, board and small salary, AJ M. Oregonlan. LADY wants position of trust or house keeper lr hotel or have charge of linen dept. References; address AN 6, Ore gon I a n. WIDOW with baby girl would like to as sist with housework on farm for room and board and small wages. AM 6, Ore gonlan. MIDDLE-AGED lady will care for chil- ilrm afternoons and evenings whi mother Is absent; best references. Ta bor K3". PA pa ltl.E woman. 8 years' experience grocery, desires position; couid take charge small general store; city pre ferred. AL 1. Oregonlan. SITUATION wanted as governess to young children to assume full charge; experi enced ; refeprncea. Main 4.-J. LADT wants position of trust collecting soliciting or will care for children eve nlngs. Aut 212-00, LACE AND blLK SCRIM. AND MAR WCISETTK CURTAINS done up like new Will call. EartMlB. , at son" S widow wishes to manage apartment house; reierences given. Sell- wood i-'i. A MASON'S widow would like to be com panion for a lady, to travel or at home. Sdiwooa 10. i vi .I'KTHK U S a-lrl wishes to do house work mornings for room and board Call Woodlawq 4HS In the mornings. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants housecleaning, washing. other work. Good work guaranteed, wdln. 30a. CAPABLE woman cook and husband helper; hotel or crew; go anywaere. O 1, Oregon Ian. KXPKR1ENCED Swiss girl wants second work or upstairs work; references. Main M3tt. liookkeepera, guriiograpiiers, v) If ice. BrSTNESS WOM A N. over 30. long, useful experience, desires ftoaition of trust with advertfa ng or commercial bouse. J V14, Oregonlan. CAPABLE stenographer desires position temoorarv or permanenu i oiiuon abolished where had been over three years. Rapid and accurate. Best ref erences, city. Reasonable salary. Three yeurs' billing experience. Apt. 2. Mar shall 44.y CAPABLE young lady wants position as bookkeeper or assistant anu i jmi. shorthand. Kxperiencea in lire insur ance, wholsaate and other lines. Tabor 'lotl. DO YOU need a good stenographer? One year s experience general oana anu in surance work; am competent, reliable mnA trmtwnrthv: arood referencea; mod rii uiftrv to start. Marshall 1748 Sunday V - u l: t'.ni'l'H.iiY'i il NT A NT. Wide experience In wholesale and manufacturrng ; will manage department or office or take responsibility; a years experience. Phone East 1270. t STENOGRAPHER and office woman. thoroughly experiencea in ionwi in lunncM and lomiSs-rcial lines, desires position, temporary or permanent. T i.or -'..iB. STENOGRAPHER, asalstant bookkeper, tHi.rmittitiv cKnerienced and capable, de sires Dtrrmanent position of trust. Aut. 213-42. STENOG HA PHER, twelve yeans' expe rience law, difficult secretarial work office management; permanent or tern porury. Marshall ;7:i5. LADY wishes position as private secretary, Ten years" experience as stenographer, assistant bookkeeper and office execu tive. AM ft. oregonlan. YOUNG lady with three years' experience in stenography, bookkeeping, and gen eral office work desires position. Taoor 17:il. EFFICIENT bookkeeper, able to handle a udii. would like some extra work. Call evenings or Sunday. Broadway 3.W. COMPETENT stenographer and book keeper wlshea a part-time position: 6 yrars experience; excellent references. F 3 2, Ore gonian iiiiiikk'KFKK 3 v ars' eXDerience cash Iftrina-. bookkeeping and genera1 oft ice work, wholesale and retail business; ref erences. U i u, oresoman. IN EXPERIENCED stenographer and dic taphone operator wishes chance for training In some office; salary no ob ject. B 07, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER with good education and experience in teacning, wine umuv experience, desires position; reference Auto. 613-00. . GOOD dressmaker would like a few cus tomers at her home. Prices reasonable. Address M. E., 41U3 53d ave. 8. E.. Port land. YOLNQ lady, experienced bookkeeper and typist, wants work. Permanent pre ferred. Best refertnees. Sellwood 3i21. BOOKKEEPER wishes work for one or two hours each evening. Call Eaat 1233 Sunday BOOKKEEPER, expert accountant, wishes work one or two hours daily. Broadway 2732 afternoons. STENOGRAPH ER Competent and experi enced, wishes position; permanent or tempore ry. References. Auto. 320-71. CAPADLE bookkeeper and stenographer, 10 years' experience, desires permanent position. AL 22, Oregoman. COMPETENT stenographer, familiar all lines office work, desires position ; mornln ga only. K 31. Oregonla n REFINED educated young woman with bank experience, desires stenographic position. Phone Mar. 5030. WANTED Position as bookkeeper in small office ; experienced ; also operate typewriter. H Oregonlan YOL'NG lady desires stenographic and general office work; several years' ex perience; A-l reference. Col. i JO. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER; com petent, experienced, references. Alain 33 h 4. EX-PERT stenographer wishes night work; best of references furnished. AK 7, Oregonlan. LADY with several years' office experi ence wants clerical position; no stenog raphy. Tabor 3il. WANTED Position by stenographer; SiX years' experience; prefer legal work, D li4. Oregonlan. WANT ate no., typing or cashier work ; will prove satisiactory and give reier ences. Call Woodlawn 4553. TOT NO woman with t ping and general office experience wishes position. Broad way 237. LNS-C RANGE stenographer, thoroughly ex perienced, desires position. AN 13, Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER desires half day position. Marshall 4400, apart- ment &Q4. FIRST-CLASS stenographer desires good position. East TWi. TYPEWRITING TO DO AT MY HOME; RATES REASONABLE. Mar. 831. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires re- gponjIL; position. K D'.'S. Orrguntan. LAW stenographer wishes position. Marshall 4779 Monday. 9 to 12. fc Call THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer, bookkeeper. Tabor 1150. BRIGHT girl, high school graduate, wants position in doctor's office. Tabor 747tt. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, can take soma dictation. Wdln. dU3. BEGINNER wishes stenographic position. Sellwood 3173. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING, reasonable, home or day. 1130 Mai! St. Sellwood 303. DRESSMAKING by the day, satisfaction guarantf ed. Tabor 1324. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes work by day. Tabor B4ft0. WILL design or make any type of wear ing apparel. Call Broadway 9. EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloreas; rers. Mrs, iionycnurcn. Bdwy. 23 1 5. SEWING 8143. at horns or by ths day. East KJLP. dressmaker Md lailorsaa. Jaal SnTATIOXfl WANTED- FEMALE. Presaroavkera. FASHIONABLE gowns made out of old suits, artistically embroldored in your home. Call Tabor 302 all week evenings, references. DRESSMAKER, designer; your Ideas and mine will meet witn your aatisiacrion ; perfect fit guaranteed. Broadway 64 L Madame Rosen. 304 Globs bldg WII.I. make winter dresses and coat a. also remodel and reltne coals and dresses, sll sewing done reasonably. Phone Uroaa way 4'Jifi. DRESSMAKING at reduced prices during Sept. and Oct. Party dresses a specialty. Also remodeling and hemstitching. MME. HCRNISON. M7 Morgan blrig. Main 7o4rt, DRESSMAKING, suits, evening gowns remodel! nr. first-clans work at reaaon able prees. Bust 4Q58, 470 Hancock St. DRESSMAKING In exchange for large size black velvet suit or dress and furs, mink or lilack. 8 oi. Oregonlan. I WILL do dresmaKlna: and ladles' tailor Ing at my old address, SN10 6d St., S. E. Auto. H3K-27. Mrs. Li. E. Myers E. PER I ENCED dreasmaker from east wants sewing at home. 20-5 12th St. W rnnne Alain eo. ENGAGEMENTS by day, thoroughly ex perienced aressmaKee- aeaign, remoaei guarantee work. East 7Md. THE GLAD SHOP Dressmaking, re mod ellng; new fail styles; moderate prices. Al.iin fl.4. !"i moaaway Didg. H IG H -CLASS dressmaking, hemstitching;. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and altera tion reasonable. 422 Morrison, rm. 2. DRESSMAKING, coats, furs rellned. Ask for Dressmaker. Main 1-2.1. HEMSTITCHING on brar.d new machine. Wdrk guaranteed. 7 Eaat 12th South. BILK drese a specialty; prices reason a be. H y Morrison, room 6. upstairs. LELAH HUTCH INS on gowns. W02 Broad, way bldg Phone Main 178. HEMSTITCHING bo yara. iuOd Broadway bldg. Main 6473. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sew ing by day. Auto. 22J-.S. EMBROIDER V, linens hemmed, wear. Automatic 040-14 EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing to do at home. Tabor Hi7H. WANTED Plain sewing, children's dresses. BH2S 03d St.. S. E. DRESSMAKING dons ttoodnough bldg. reasonably. 50 antes. WANTED Trained nurse and masseuse would like position with invalid going soutn. Address Koom n. xoungs oiug. Astoria. Or. Bertha Olson. R E FI X'E D, practical nurse deelres position to travel with patient, as companion or nurse; highest references. J 2, Oregon lan. MALE NURSE WISHES POSITION CAR- I NO FO R E LD fcKLT UK.MLK M A REFERENCES. O 9M, OR EGO Nl AN GRADUATE nurse would like position In small hospital, capable taking entire charge; references. BC 23, Oregonlan, MISS CLRETON returned to the city, is open for engagements, Nursery, gover 1 e or mother's helper. Main 7740. PRACTICAL nurse. 34. wants position, competent housekeeper, good with chil dren. H 011, Oregonlan. PRACTICAL nurse with experience would like a few cases, maternity preierrea. Woodlawn l&stt. PRACTICAL nurse will take confinement case In own home; experienced, reason able. East 63S3. PRACTICAL nurse, ref. given; will care for children, elderly or semi-Invalids tn my own home. Tabor ion. PRACTICAL nurse. much experience. wants position. Excellent references. Wdln. 1241. . TRAINED nurse, take all kinds of cases; reasonable terms. Mar. 34U. PRACTICAL nurse Is ready lor any kind of nursing. Auto. 021-21. PRACTICAL nursing, day or week; prices reasonable, wain. ltUi. UNDER-GR ADUATK nurse wants cases. Phone Tabor 4!2 1. NCJtSE will take maleruity cases or con valesce r t. ti. 1 1 hz. NURSE takes maternity cases In her home. Best care. Reasonable. E. SGS. UNDERGRADUATE nurse wishes hospital or private work. Main 1021. Apt. 1. Housekeeper. RELIABLE, neat widow, with girl aged 4. desires position as managing house keeping apartments or cooking for small crew of men. Call or write 3S2 Haw thorne ave.. apt. 3. Phone East 7021 after 9 A. M. fc LADY with 2 boys would like place keep lng house for man with not more than one child, close to school. I mean busi ness, no others need apply. Call Sunday, bet. 10 and 2. Ella Altig. 34 E. Uth at. N. MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes position houaekeenins- for respectable gentleman; no objection to one or two children of school sge. Answer ny lcuer oniy. Airs. J. c. Young, gen, oei.. city. ELDERLY American woman wishes house keeping for elderly man or woman; no Incumbrance; good home more than big w n d es. City or country, rt wi, oregunian. A COMPETENT, refined young woman with daughter 0 yrs.. desires a position as housekeeper. Can give the beat of rfer-nca. Aut. EHl-8li. Km. 4"S. k. COMPETENT, refined young woman with daughter 9 yra. desires a position as House Keeper. un give oei ox ret. Aut. 501 -Ml, R. 40. WANT Eli ily refined American lady the management of apts., or nice pri vate house, city preferred. Call Sunday Main Ki!4 or Sl7 Yamhill. REFINED middle-aged woman wishes to keep house lor a couple of respectable men or a man with one or two children. Wdln. loOU. SCHOOL girl with some experience will assist with housework lor room, snu board and small wages. Call Col. 701. Mls Minch. SITUATION wanted by a lady as manag lng housekeeper, experienced with ser vants and children; references. Main 4329. WELL EDUCATED lady, good cook, wishes position as housekeeper In small refined family, lit 11. oregoman &LDERLY woman wants housekeeping for elderly widower; would take lull c barge. G 1H, Oregonlan. SITUATION wanted by a lady as manag ing housekeeper, experiencea witn, serv ants and children; references. Alain 4.'20. YOL'NG widow wants position as house keeper for widower or bachelor. Address ll3tf East24tn Nortn, COMPETENT housekeeper, 35, wants position; good with children and good character. Auto. 330-48, Monday. POSITION by experienced housekeeper In modern home; preferably wnere mere are 1 or 2 children. Marshall 2QG1). MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes H. K. posi tion for respectable gentleman witn chiid school age E 911, Oregonlan. POSITION ss housekeeper for widower or bachelor by widow with glrL AN l, Dra goman. YOUNG woman with 2-year-old child wishes position as oouseaeeper in smau family. H H. Oregonlan. MIDDLES-AGED housekeeper for respect T able widower. In or out of city. E. XJiM. LADY wants housekeeping, city or coun try, any distance. O a. uregonian. WIDOW wants housekeeping, country pre fer re d; any distance. L 3 Oregoman. Housecleaning. B O US ECLE AN ING Expert white and Ivory enamel cleaning; f.oors waxea. xur niture polished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSECLEANING 8ERV1CK. 188 Chapman St. Phcne Main 1137.' Domest ics. FULL CHARGE, good cook, clean house keeper; no laundry; any place. 1 wjo. Oregonlan. GIRL Wishes housework in Science fam ily. No objection to children. Call lore c oons. M ai n 1348, EXPERIENCED, reliable young lady wishes cooking where second girl is kept. Automatic 219-74. BY ELDERLY party, good plain home; liarht work, some wastes. Main ox. WANTFP TO RFNT. Houses. WANT to rent five - or six-room modern bungalow; must be wen turnisneo; pre fer Rose City, Hawthorne. For October 1. Best of references. H 920. Oregonlan. WANTED Six-room furnished house or flat, with bath and piano; within walk ing distance, weal side; references. O 0ti4. Oregonaln. 4-0-RM. BUNGALOW UNFUR. OR PART LY FUR.; HA.. R. C. OR M. T. DIS1S. ADULTS. WILL L.EASE. BD 23. ORE (eONI AX. SUBURBAN house or bungalow, 4 bed rooms, not over zo minutes Dy auto, some grounds and trees. AM 937, Ore- gonian. WANTED Modern house, by 3 adults; must be 2 bedrooms and completely fur nished. Auto. 324-65. MODERN 7 or 8-room west side Nob Hll. ulstrict or Irvlngton. Professional man permanently located. O OOl. Oregonlan. -ROOM modern, good district, furnished or unfurnished, about Oct. L Will lease. Woodlawn 5737. HOUSE of 8 rooms or more, suitable for apts. ; would trade Ford touring for some furniture. S 1. Oregonlan. SEVEN or eight-room modern house : small family; references IX desired. F 904. Oregoman. WANT to rent old house, big rooms. lower floor, not too fax out. AN 6, Oregonlan. WANTED To rent small furnished bunga- iow. wnwooq JM3. WANTED, Immediately, bungalow, bo use or liai; daiu oniy. East 1490. WANTED TO BENT. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-da re lists of desirable furnished and unfurnished houses, apart ments and flats with definite informa tion pertaining to each. Sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value In helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth F.cor. WE HAVE opened up a rental department in our office that will save you time, money and also get you a desirable ten ant at once for either your furnished or unfurnishtsi house. Call or bring in your listing at once and let us show you quick sction. Mr. Pomroy. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS, 620 HENRY BLDG. B DWY. 4SMJ. WILL PAY 3 MONTHS RENT IN AD VANCE FOR FURNISHED 5 OR 0 ROOM HOUSE ; M UST BE MODERN AND HAVE SLEEPING PORCH. O 900, OREGON IAN. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments With us; quick results snd good tenants. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS SECURITY STORAGE ex TRANSFER CO. 63 Fourth at., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Droadway 8715. WANTED To rent by middle-aged man and wife, a small bungalow. 2 to 4 rooms with bath and In good order, before Oct. 1. Or a fiat of same dimensions. East side, not too far out. AL 14, ore gonlan. t WANTED to rent four-room modern house in Kenton, Piedmont or Alberta district. Rent not over $25 per month. Will sign lease. Phone Wdln. &09 after 5 30 P. M. Can furnish best of references. No children. WANTED To lease, by couple with small child, modern 5-room house with sleep ing porch, or six rooms. Must have fur nace, laundry trays, garage; be clean and in desirable neighborhood. inone WANTED By business man wibh small family, adults, furnianeo. aouae. o 10 o rooms, by October 1; wst aide or near car on eaat aide; refereTa-ces given. Tabor Koto1 evenings WOULD lUe to rent up-to-date furnished 5 or A-room modern bungaiOw. with op tion of purchasing, either Laurelhurst or Rose City; no agents need answer. AK 11, Oregonlan. LIST your houses and flats with us for rent We have many daiiy calls for them In all parts of the city. PARRISH, WATKiNS CO., 252 Stark St. Ma In 1844. WANTED Modern unfurnished four room fiat or apsrtment In IRVINCION about October 1st. Rent or long term lease, bv man and wife. Phone Mar shall 130. A CAREFUL, conscientious family of 2 want to rent unfurnished 6-room houe by October 15; Irvingtou district pre ferred. East 3S.V-. BY COUPLE with little girl IS month old. small bungulow or flat, furnished or unfurnished: want garage; reierences Want lease. East 0" 1. WANTED October 1, 4 or 5-room mod ern house with attic and basement, near good car line; rent must be reasonable; not over $2.V AF 18. Oregonlan. 6-ROOM bungalow, between 57th st. and 72d st.. Rose City, not over one biuck from car line; w LI pav $2oou cash down. 720 E. GMh st. N. Tabor .S.'.74. ADULTS, permanent, reliable, desire mod ern house close in, under 9-ftU. liesi 01 care, 6 months' rent In advance; might buy. V 022. Uregonian WANTED By Oct. 1. furnished 5-room house or fiat by 8 adults; references ex changed. Write to 271 S. Broadway. R. N. Halstead. WANTED To rent a furnished house large enough for 4 adults; must oe reasonable. Call Muln 4'.h1'J before 2 P. M. today. Mr. Cranda!!. WANTED To rent any time auring next 0 days, house In good condition, on west side; references furnished. BF 9ttu. Ore g o n I a n. ABOUT Oct. 5. 5-room modern buncalow; Rose City Pui'k preferred. H 10, Orego- man. WANT to rent house of 4 rooms; must be very cheap. Mr. Snyder. Marshall 294 1. Apartments. TWO OR three-room furnished apartment and one sleeping room In same house ; have no children : rent must ne reason able: prefer south of Morrison and west or 4 in si a. tail .airs. Anarewi, uuwy S1K15. . WANTED To rent bv man and wit about October 1. completely furnished, heated apartment for housekeeping, from two to four rooms; eaMt siue preierreu. N 022. Oregon ian. YOUNG married couple want a two or three) roomed furnished apartment or flat, east side preierrea, cioe in. ei erences furnished. Marshall 3 be tween 12 M. and tt P. M., Sunday. BY OCT. 1, 3 or 4 -room unfurnished heated a DC or flat by employed couple, east or west side, not over $45. E 927. oregonlan. 2-ROOM unfurnished apartment for mid die-aged lady, 23d or i. M. car line. Phone mornings. Main 2338 BUSINESS girl would like to share apart ment with another girl. i oim. ore- gonian. THREE or four-room apt. or flat, heated. fur. or unf ur. or several rooms in pri vate family. Call iiain 3 OR 4-ROOM lower furnished apartment or flat by Oct. 1. Marshall ittuj. Koo II1H. TELEPHONE E;ist 2471 if you have a rm or apt. for rent within walking distance or North i'acuic college. uiv price, 10 cation, etc REFINED young lady, employed, wishe an unfurnished room in modern, private home. Irvlngton or west side; ref. ex- c h a n ged. BD 24. Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN wishes to rent reasonable. warm, furnished room for the winter. Piedmont or Walnut Park preferred. Phone Main 4183 Monday. CoUPLE wish to rent furnished or unfur nished housekeeping rooms or apart me-ni within 5 blocks of The Oregonlan build ing. P. O. Box 322. GENTLEMAN wants S3 room, west side. p r i v a t e family, rets. A K. 3. Orego nlan.- WANTED A room in private home near E. 4-sth and Lincoln. G 6t oregonlan FURNISHED room, not more than 2 blks. from -fa. l"th st. r. I'hone haat 320. Rooms With Ituiird. Yol'NG married woman With hoy of 4 wishes room and board In respectable private family where child can be left s tfely during dny. BF 1. Oregoman. BUSI N ESS girl wishes refined plac to room a ltd ooara ; tate particulars in letter. References exchanged.' AF 20. Oregonlan. ROOM and board in private family, good references ; in Kose city district. AK looo, Oregonian. Housekeeping Rooms. ELDERLY business man wants sleeping room, kitchenette and bath In quiet, well-heated house with or near garage. Would prefer west side suburbs. Refer ences exchanged, a vis. oregonlan. BY TWO adults, permanent h. k. rooms. In private family; inu be reasonable; Bus i n chs Ploc es W ax ici oiore oiug., suuaoie ior oak ery, conf., grocery; state location, reiu, lease. Albert, 7H Savior st. FOR RENT. SLEEPING room, one and 2 605 Washington s. No children. r uruiahed Rooms, HOTEL. DARK. 113 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day. 15 per week and up. BENTON HOTEL, corner of Broadway. entrance on Aiuer. 1.1 eau rooms at popular pneea. MARLYN HOTEL. 17TH AND COUCH. Juarge. attractive, modern rooms by week or month; rates reasonable. ONE LARGE pleasant front room, suit able lor two. n t-iajr su 1'hone Main 0130. sue DAY. I2.&0 WEEK up; ciean. baths f ree. notei taamac. aa. nemr j en eraon. BUCKINGHAM hotel. 052 Wash. st. Mod, rooms, iree pnone, pain, reasonable. FRONT sleeping room, $2 50 wk. i jjurnmne, oetween mm ana inn. LIGHT, airy sleeping roorni, close in. west s i de; quiet piace. .ua inn, aiain ti.a. A PLEASANT ROOM, board If desired. 371 Sixth st. NICELY furnished room, all conveniences; C: S. preierrea. rnone juain outo. 2 FURNISHED houaekeeping rooms, close to car shops, r. otnq r. NEWLY renovated rooms reasonable. 95 hk 13th at. is. rnone crotawiy 3385. STRICTLY modern sleeping room; walk- ing distance, hone iidwy. 4434. FURNISHED rooms, gentlemen. 54 North ltith. near wasn. st. 327 SIXTH Large modern front room, fireplace, furnace neat. Kitchenette. GOOD room for gentleman, on 2 car lines. Bd w y. 3Qt. 7 s r. ta st. NICELY furni&hed room for rent. 381 2th street. 2-ROOM h. k. apts., at 247 6th. close In. near Main, sia montn. NICE. CLEAN ROOMJi FOR RENT. 385 H FU L KT ri 1. ROOM and garage on the west aide, 16 Xuontn. Call Aiain 47 FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. CLASST, MODERN. BTEA M-HEATKD. LARGR, LIGHT. BEAUTIFULLY FUR NISHED ROOMS, S5 WEEK AND UP; TRANSIENTS f 1 AND UP. ROOMS WITH PRIVATE BATH. SPECIAL RATES TO TWO IN ROOM. NICE ENOUGH FOR ANYBODY. THE BAKER HOTEL. 2fl.H STH ST. MRS. RHYNE A PETERSON, PROPRIETRESSES. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST TFT. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT OARAGES CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the central Y. M. C. A.., with telephone in each room shower bat Us and club facilities. FURNISHED rooms, newly furnished, modern convenience, suitable for two working girls or two men ; privilege of washing and cooking; rent reasonable. Phone Marshall 1009. 423 23d sL N., near Vaughn. NETHERLANDS HOTEL. 128 13th St.. at Washington. New Management Newly Renovated. Fireproof, attractive, spotless rooms with or without bath, $4 week Up, fl day; close to business center ANSON1A HOTEL. 124 14th st. at Washington. Rates $4 per week up, 41 day; li reproof. la.rg. attractive. potles rooms, close to amuyements and shopping center. A . u j ia HOI EL, iib Washington street. Large lobby, automatic eletor, phone and running water In each room, rooms with or without bath. $5.50 per week up: excellent home-cooked mealj next door. HOTELS. ROWLAND, ANNEX. MARYLAND, VIRGINIA. 17 guest rooms, 207-211 4th st. Rates 75c, $1 per day. With bth. S1.5U day up. 1AIT HUTtlL. All outside rooms,, best $ day hotel in ci: rooms $4 to 17. and wiih bath fS to $10 pr week; pleasant lobby. Automatic elevator. 12th and Stark. NICELY furnished front room, fireplace and stove heat, hot and cold water. Lady mav have privilege of doing light house keeping. References required. 243 11th street. HOTEL HARDING, 88 W Grand ave. steam hest. hot and cold water In rooms, clean and respectable plaoa, $3.50 ana up. SINGLE or double rooms at moderate price. Special weekly rate; modern con veniencea. Empress hotel, tith and Stark. 2 ROOMS and sleeping porch, furnished, steam heal, hot w ater and lights; rent .2..o; nice location, ea?y walking dis tance. 401 loth St., phone Main 2480. WASHINGTON HOTiSL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON ST9. Attractive rooms and suites at reason ably rate by week or month. THE ST. PAUL. 130 4th. cor. Alder. A RESPECTABLE1 down-town HOTEL. Rates 1 5c up. Private bath $2. special rates Dy week or month. HOTEL CON RADIX'S. 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington st. : fire proof; pleasant rooms snd suites at very rtaaonapie rates py oay or week. EUCLID HOTEL. 573 Washington, at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths Rates to permanent guests. Bdwy. 2s2, LOVELY furnished room with and with out bath, also furnished housekeeping room lor ladies employed. School teach ers uesirea. Mar. ijo. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and 6th St a. Special permanent rates. 1 LARGE housekeeping room, 1 large sleeping room; iree neat, phone, light close in. Main 7401. ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 Eleventn at. near Morrison ; clean and modern rooms by pay, wee ji hiuiuu at, reasonapie ratea 1, 2 AX U 3 rooms, suitable for family ennuren ok eugoi age taken. -'-22. w 11 uTfaL OCK LEY. Morrison il. at 1 or k $1 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phons Aiiu mnm uigm uiiu Miry. 2 SLEEPING rooms with private family, close to Montgomery Ward and Amerit-.tn Can Co., $12 a month. 420' 24th st. N. i RoXT room, with breakfast for two lauies employed; bath and telephone pnvngea; ciose in. rhone Tabor 197. Unfurnished Rooms. FURNISHED or unfurnished room, with or without garage, in Irvington, on car line; private home. Telephone East 5932. TWO ROOMS, light, heat, close in; mod ern. 0S9 E. Ankeny. 2 OR 3 unfurnished front rooms, including gap range. xiail il r'urnlshed Rooms in Private Family. NEW LI furnished room, plenty of hot water, furnuce heat, 5 blocks to Reed col.'ee; 20 minutes to west side; 2 blocks to car. 120 E. 3Uth st. S. h'hone Auto. tJ3-7i. UHbb, clean, well-furnished room. Hot ana cold water in room. Heat, llaht, phone furnished. Suitable for people e-npioyea. jii rorin -''d. .Marshall 22SS. CLEAN, well-furnished outside rooms, all conveniences, beautiful district, modern home. 2tni N. 21st st. Broadway 10V.3 NICELY furnished room in private family- suitable for two refined gentlemen. aiKing distance, east side. Kast 3.t9, NICELY furnished room for ifntlpmin' private home, free telephone ; $3.50 per ww. ; garage. tvm iseimont. K. 1202. SUNNY front room for 2, with or without board; furnace heat, home privileges; no other roomers, walking distance. t L KX ISHED outside room in private family, all home comforts; very nice home; all modern; reasonable. WIS East a.tim on. i a u or .'no. 415 BROADWAY Desirable room, furnace neat, eiec., pnone. Dam; no carfare reasonable; re 1 erences exchanged. FRONT sunny room, suitable for two, nr ties employed or for one single room. $10 a montn. Jiain n. il jrving st. $12 A MONTH, small front sleeolr.r rnnm for working girl, near Y, W. C. A. Mar shall lti.. ROOMS for 2 or 4 gentlemen In desirable no me ana location. auv Ji. 2d st. S. Reference. K;ist 1223. FURNISHED room for rent. C!0 Glisaa street, near zisi, ior one or two gentle men; reference required. Main 102.S. HoME-LIKE front room In quiet, modern place, for a man accustomed to nice things. 302H Park st. Marshall 17S0. PLEASANT room, near bath, $3.00 per w ra. i vy . rarK. LARGE, newly furnished bedroom, near ueniai coiiege. ti. iwr.t. STEAM-HEATED sleeping room; call Monday. 3.r4 Montgomery, corner Park. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms; hot and cold water. 2tUH Fifth street. TWO FRONT sleeping rooms, close in, rea sonable. 413 Montgomery st. I-ROXT clean room for clean man In col lege. 3.50 week. 160 17th st. BEAUTIFUL large room In attractive Ir vlngton home. East A3 3 6. BOARD and room for 2; ferred: widow's home. gentlemen pre 432 2d st. GARAGE with hlue-whtte furnished front room ; employed Sellwood 114 2. COSY front room, furnace heat, bath; $10 month. East 700. FRONT room, nicely furnished, strictly modern home, reasonable. or3 Kearn e y . NICELY furnished room In modern home In Irvlngton. Phone East M 1 3. NICE sleeping room, lights, bath, phone. $2 .V per week. Main 3Q22. ROOM In Laurelhurst home man. Will serve breakfast. to gentle Tab. 0573. FURNISHED room, $15; gentlemen pre ferred. Will serve breakfast. E. 8192. ROOM for rent in refined home, san st. STEAM heated, comfortable room. Kear ney near 23d. .Mar. VW. CLEAN, pleabant room In comfortable home, references. .Marshall 4423. NICE, comfortable room, good location; responsible party oniy. .Mar. 4701. FURNISH ED rooms for rent; references 430 S Broadway. CLEAN, pieasant, sunny room, $10 per m o nr n. upor a-in. FIN E furnished room for two ladles or couple. 02 2 E. Burnaide. WARM room in modern home, 3 windows and flrepJace, &S9 12th st. Mar. 2024. 124 16TH ST., NORTH, two nice front rooms ror rent. ,ten preferred. GuN T LiFJM A N accustomed to refined home. Near Mult, cluto. Call Mam 6552. 2 NICELY fur. rms., priv. bath. In beau- tiful home. S4 X. Sijrt st.. corEverett. N'EWLY furnished front room, can be arranged for h. k. k.&m B4Q. NICELY furnished room In modern, priv ate home, furnace heat. Tabor 984. COMFORTABLE) room for rent near Jefferson hig-h. Woodlawn llHffl. NICE lght room, all conveniences, walking distance. 2 Market. Main 4 rt.- ROOM for gentleman, bath, telephone, fur- nace heat, reasonable. 2w uth. NICE room with good board for two; reasonable; Nob Hill district. Main 4121. DELIGHTFUL front room, splendid loca tion, ior two gm i Allien. -.ii. nnu m ROOM with sleeping porch; one $20, two $25. Marshall 1716. Portland Heights. SLEEPING room for school girl or lady employed. Wo h.. Morrison. CLEAN, small single room; close in; $2.00 week. 4:4 Tftyior. . ONE FURNISHED bedroom for rent. 575 Third street. ONE H. K. room clean. $3 Po a week; also basement room, cheap. 3S7 Taylor. PLEASANT front room use of bath and phone; walking distance. .. oi. 01 i&rs aieepihg room, GU3 . Ladison. TOR RENT. FurniMhed Kuomi in Private Family. FURNISHED rooms, clean and whole some, centrally located, west side, facing Park blocks; gentlemen preferred; free use of phone, bath, etc. Rooms from $3.50 to $5 per week for single occu pant, $1.25 additional for second occu pant. Corner Park and Jefferson, Just 7 blocks from Broadway and Washing ton; references desired. 274 Ss Park St.. phone Main 8216. FOR RENT Sept. 15. Very attractive sleeping room, suitabls for one or two persons; furnishing new and clean; re cently decorated, best furnacO heat two large closets, electric lights, telephone, every convenience; walking distance, wt side. 781 Glisan st. Main fM. , WANTED Tounc lady roomer as com panion to wife; husband out of town wee-k days: finely furnished nerw bung alow in Rose City district; all latest modern conveniences; board If desired; price very reasonable. 721 E. 50th N. IN IRVINGTON. Large, very pleasant front corner room either for one or two; warm and com fortable; every convenience; near ca. line; rent reasonable. Phone East Colo mornings. . NICE, large front room; everything new and clean; twin beds; reasonable: for 1 or 2 gentlemen: close In; no carfare: 2 blocks to library. 228 10th sL Phone Main 5753. NICELY furnished outside room, steam heat, private family of two; for lady who will appreciate every comfort and home privileges; no other roomers, rent reasonable. Marshall 1505. LADY, living alone, wishes to share her home with 2 ladieg who are employed; a good home for right party. Take Wdln., Union or Alberta cars, get off on Beach, 305. 1 5 PLEASANT sleeping room In lovely home; close in, running water, shower, kitchen privilege If wanted. 50 Trinity Place. LARGE, pleasant room on first floor with bath, dounle bed. ail convenience, suit able for two persons if desired; very r e a so n a b 1 e. C. S. p ref erre d. Wdln. 30 07. BEAUTIFUL room In private home: twin beds, parlor, piano, home conveniences, close in ; congenial young man wishes roo mm ate. 61 N. 16 1 h st, Broadway 272L NICB rooms In private home, reasonable; all home comforts; preferably young la dies who can share same room. Phone being Installed. 05M E. Davis st i TWO NICELY furnished rooms in private home on west side, walking distance; may have breakfast; reasonable. Main 4345. NICE outside sleeping room ; lights, bath and telephone, $5 per week; walking distance. 550 4th st. Call between 11 and 4 PM. Friday and Sunday. NOB HILL district, in refined home, beau tiful furnished corner room, fireplace, furnace heat, large closet. C S. pre ferred. Marshall 1019. FURNISHED front room suitable for two; three large windows, large closet, heat, light and phone furnuthed; breakfast If desired. Tabor 8S46. DESIRABLE room with home privileges in exchange for teaching a child to sing. Protestant; references exchanged. East 6031. LARGE, comfortable rooms, nicely fur nished, suitable for two: home con veniences, walking distance; breakfast if desired. Automatic 518-7C . FOR RENT Two beautiful furnished front rooms with birdseye maple bed room suite. 730 Kearney St., or call Mart-hall 8052. TWO BEAUTIFULLY furnUhed adjoining rooms, ldea for friends; men preierred. home privileges. 12th and BurnsiUe, East 8;ioo. FURNISHED room with private entrance, open fireplace, real homelike; walking distance; also asleeping porch, auita Me for a gentleman only. 351 W. Park. TWO NICELY furnished rooms, heat, bath, phone, close In, new furniture, quid, for men only ; price reasonable. 640 E. Ash. Phone Auto 232-45. LARGE, airy room with hardwood floors. 1MX30 ft., well furnished, bath, lights and furnace heat; two blocks from NS car line. $15 per mo. 741 Hood st. MODERN newly furnished front room; also, small room on third floor; kitchen privileges if desired. 70 Lucretla St., n e ar W ashington. Mar. 2035. CLOSE In, for 2 men. attractive and de sirable room with twin beds and private bath; also serve breakfast. 40U Clay sL Main 2228. IF YOU are looking for a dandy room, walking distance and away Iroro noise, come to 344 College, near Broadway. Main h;m;. IRVINGTON Nicely furnished room, with or without adjoining sleeping porch; suitable for two. Near two car llnea Phone East 5150. . ONE LARGE front room for one or two, gentlemen preferred, break last If de sired ; also garage. 871 E. Ittiuhlll. Ta bor 7013. NEW AND clean, connecting bath, phone, piano, furnace heat ; no other roomers or children; person employed ; $4.50. 3!3 Clifton, near West Park. NICELY furnished front room tn Irving ton, close in. suitable for one or two gentlemen. I'll one East 6001 morning or evening. DESIRABLE room for young man in pri vate family; reasonable; every conven ience; west side. Marshall 81131. ATTRACTIVE furnished room for lady exclusive residential district, walking d stance. Mar. J2Q4. THREE first floor front rooms, well fur nished for housekeeping. Clay sU near 14th. west side. IRVINGTON Beautiful room and break fast, $35; one block from car and Braaee st., near club, r.ast 4i COMFORTABLE steam-heated room for gentleman. Very convenient. &04 Couch st., apt. 1 NEWLY furnished rooms, hot and cold water In every room; all modern con veniences. Call Main 3436. LARGE front room, private ent.. use of bath, suitable for two; $3.50 wk. 552 Morrison. 2 NICE, large sleeping rooms, beautifully furnished, with telephone and baiu. 135 13th st. FURNISHED living room, congenial work lng couple; home privileged. 420 11th st. ; walking distance. FURN. sleeping rooms cheap, private family. 535 E. Stark st., cor. 12th, up per fiat; near high school. LARGE sunny ouLrflde room, private ba.1 h, light, furnace hat; gentleman ouly. 374 Park sL Mar. 2IW. NICELY furnished single room in private family, one or two meals if desired; v ery reasonable. Call East 55 64. PLEASANT room in new home, two blocks from Laurelhurst park; E. Couch St.. west of 80th St. Aut. 2IW-U3 GOOD comfortable room, suitable for two; -.a ua.iu Ilia, rutu- kldlkin 1 inlll n C KHlfc'V- 4351. ' REASONABLE well-heated cozy and quiet. Meals next door; walking distance, oo N. 21st st. Main 1770. PARLOR, dressing room, sleeping porch snd garage; gents; ref.; west side. Broadway 4329. NICELY furnished rooms, ten minute to business center; gentlemen preferred. Till 0 P. M. Bdwy. 1204. FULLY furnished corner room, select neighborhood, gentleman oniy; no chil dren. Wdln. 3351. ROOM in private family for young lady. $15, or room ana break :ac, so. aiain 7032. NICELY furnished room, breakfast; ga rage, furnace neat, pnone; nice nome ; $20 month; MV car. 00 E. 71st N. NICE clean outside room, light, bath and phone; steam heated; close in. 4i W a ?h 1 n gton. bet. 16th and 17th. FURNISHED sleeping room, bath. Walnut Park, between two car lines; coupie em ploye d or twp gentle men. Wdl n. 6US4. LARtiE. well-furnushed sleeping room. private apartment : large closet, steam h ea t. phone; west side; $20. Main lQtW. WEST SIDE Beautifully furnished room. Ivory finish, every convenience, modern home. Marshall i:u. NICELY furnished room ad.lolntrg bath, suitable for one or two reiinea ousinets men; walking distance. zt'Jl uusan, .NICELY furnished room, hot and cold water, furnace heat, teiepnone, warning distance. 4u r eiay ON E SlEEPING room in private he gentlemen preferred. Sot) Park St., ai home, uto- matte ft2-8i. FURNISHED, modem with Wr without board; goo car service. worth. 3-90 Killings' M)B HILL. large front room, fireplace. 1 Vb olocas irom vj. a, uwvu , kucuch i . 1 1 vi. ( r e aa DESIRABLE room for gentleman, with or without sleeping porco; west si as. isi Pettygrove. FURNISHED rom in private family. breakfast II aeairea. ouu t. oaimon st. East 83C3. NICE room attractive home, refined fam ily. 181 Greene ave., near -aa ana vvasn. Marshall 5'."i9. WAUN1TA rooms, 385 Yamhill. By day or week ; steam neat; unaer new man agement. Mar. 1322. FOR LADY, nice sleeping room, modern bungalow ; every convenience, reason able. Tabor 1417. NEWLY furnished room. 1 block off Union ave.; OreaKiasi n oesirea.. tvo tnurcn st. 269 14TH ST. Choice room, moaern con venlences; walking distance. Main 3 so 3. CLEAN, pleasant, sunny room, $10 per month. Tabor 8846. IRVINGTON Two fine rooms, one with fl replace; ladies only. Phone East 3447. SLEEPING room for two. $6.50 per mo. 824 Corbett- Walking distance. TWO furnished rooms. with sleeping porch and bath. Win. 13i. 2 ROOMS and sleeping porch.; also auitfla room. Alain ' FOR RENT. l urn in hed Room s In Private Family. TWO WKLL furnished front corner rooms, 1 with twin beds; large closets, good heat, plenty hot water, strictly private family ; no other roomers. Nob Hill district; gentlemen: references. Mar. 3H!1. Room With Board. CAMPRELL HOTEL, 23D AND HOYT 8T CAMPBELL-HILL HOT EI 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two or the best known residential bo tele on ths Pacific, coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up, rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. . WHITEHALL HOTEL, SIXTH AND MADISON. TJnder new management, thoroughly renovated, h!gh-clas family hotel rooms, u suite or single, with or with out board, for fain U let and business men and women at reasonable rates. Come and make your home with us. ROOM and board In fine home, nicely fiM-)iishd, steam heated, outside rooms, g-ood meals, home aonvenlern-es, garage, etc. ; especially suitable for married couplea. families, or two girls or men wlhlng to share room; reasonable rates. 223 H. 2'Uh st. Phone E.ist 7:iM. NORTOXIA HOTEL, Portland downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for fa ml I lea and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a hum Reasonable rates. JEANNE D' ARC Furnished rooms with or without board for business girls and lady-tourists, ptrmanent or transient. Special features within the limitation of the minimum w age earner; t'l pur week and up. 2tift 14th sL Muln B420. Rt OM with or without board ; fine loca tion, walking distance; gentleman pre ferred ; try us. 40 Ella st. Broadway ftn70. ROOM and board for two ladies or ma a snd wife employed. 1283 E. 23d sL N. Wdln. 5iH2. ROOM and boaid for business gins; all modern conveniences; walking distanos; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74 12 B. 7tb st llARTHA WASHINGTON HOTEL for busi ness girls at moderate rates, astf lOto st Marshall 1251. ROOM and board with young couple; Irv rngton and Broadway car; private bath. Call East 1231. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th. Choice rooms and board; modern conveniences; walk ing distance. DINNERS 5oc at the Soule. cooked like mother cooked. ll lith st. Koonn Wilh Itnartl in Private Family. HAVE a good front room, clean, light and peasant ; good board with home privi leges, for young lady or gentleman em ployed. Price reasonable. Phone Sell wood 2203. FIRST floor of my home. 3 large rooms, pantry, well furnlsti-ed and cNan ; quiet neighborhood ; khm. tights, water; $25. l i rooklyn car. 014 K. tith st. s. ATTRACTIVE room in private family, real home for one or two refined young men. Nob Hill district. BD 21, Orego man ROOMS and board for 2 In cultured home, Mt. labor district; laities preferred. Call between 1 and & o'clock Sunday. 45 E. 62d North. LARGE, airy front room In modern home, suitable for two; good home-cooked meals; Nob Hill district. Main 2501, 10U N. 22il st., neur Irving. NICELY furnished large corner front room in strictly modern home, suitable for two; home cooking, reasonable ratea. Phone Marshall 27M. RE FIX ED couple in modern nicely fur-nii-hed home will take men and little girl to board, home comforts and privi leges; use of piano, etc. Auto. 214-06. LARGE, pleasant front room lor two la dies. Home conveniences. Board If de sired; half block from DM car. Call Marshall 416. SEND your children to the country. I live close to school and will give them mother's care. Charges reasonable. Ad- d rrss M rs. Paul Borg, Rainier, Or. FOR YOUNG MEN A real home; home cooking, home privileges; close in. walk ing distance; come and see, 25 14th St., corner of Jefferson. Main 2533. TWO YoUNG men to room and bo a r d ; trmnll. congenial family of young people; modern: piano; close In; $7 a week. Muln flit. CLOSE in. for 2 men. attractive snd de sirable room with twin beds snd private bath; also serve breakfast. 4utf Clay st. Main 2228. CH R 1ST! AN woman will board two small children on farm near White Salmon; references exchanged. AV 504, Orego nlan. TWO GI RL8 living alone In a large, comfortable home in nice location would like to have more girls share it. Wood lawn 1701. RooM or room and board, all home con veniences. Phone 100 M. Address box '1 1 .1 . Gladstone , Or. GOOD home, opposite or lady employed. AK 6, Oregonlan. school, 1 or 2 girls Marshall 2017 or ROOM and board for man and wife or two gentlemen in nicely furnished bungalo private family. Sell. 2270. PLEASANT home for two children. 2 o'clork. and a mother to care Call Tabor 5577 altc; l.ADY livln alonA havlnsr a larae tractive home would like one or two peop 1 e to room and ooarn. w oin.a' J NICELY furnished room with board suit able for two, $35 per mouth. 8U5 Hal- sey st., near Union ave. PLEASANT rooms. lurnace heat, light, bath, phone, home comforts. Be like one of the family. East M45. CLE A N, ventilated room to congenial people; breakfast and evening dinner If desired. 414 Market st.. corner 11th, LIGHT. p!esant, we 11 -furnished room with board for one or two girls: cl In. WMt side. Phone Auto. 510-16. ROOM and good board, home privileges; prefer one or two young men. Phone .ast Ji'1'3. r-ast lain, corner .tiain, 2 LIGHT front rooms; room and board for $30 per month; bath and phone. 85 Huh st. Broadway 3072. ROOM and board for neat and clean man or woman; reierences exchanged. Tabor 410U. N ii'Ki.Y furnished room for 2 employed good table; home privileges; also garage. Ladd s add. East 156 ROOMS with good home cooking ; splen did home atmosphere and good car serv ice. 712 E. Taylor st., or call 212-37. FRONT room, for gentleman only ; across from Multnomah club. iso salmon st. Main 3732. NICE furnished room for 1 or 2 adults with 2 meals, in private iamiiy: redou ble ratea. 732 fc.. Uavls. 4234. BOARD and room for 1 or 2 business women; well-heated apartment. Weal euie. n. urn-i i cu, ' biik -o..t, GOOD room and board in Westmoreland, near car, for 2 employed. References. 11 A I .......I.H LAHGK, nlceiy furnished rooms, with board In private family: beautiful loca- WILL board children at a good modern country home with good care. A V 318, l 1VDY at her own home would like to take care of .an elderly invalid; lady or gentleman. Main 343. WANTED Boarders and roomers; good home cooking and reasonable prices; men only. 3T3 R o ss st. East 2560. LARGE front room with board, suitable for 2 persons; close in, on west side. Aut. 5P.I.8H WANTED Washington high school stu dents for room and board at 875 E. Couch st. BEAUTIFUL room with board, man snd wife preferred; price $75 per mo. Phone Tabor 4513; H block from car. BACHELORS home, meal Main 40 1 3. 434 Mill st. if desired ; BOA RD in private family, reasonable walking distance. Call East 7U20 LA RG E room, suitable for two; excellent board : garage. Tabor 123it. PR1 V ATE nome for childrvo ; 20 years' experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 216 LARGE front room, suitaole for 3; modern borne. 770 Irvln g. M ar. 4 410. BOARD and room, children, responsible. M rm. Baldence. McMjnnvl He, Or. ROOM and board in private family; gen tleman preferred CallTabot 4887. R06M"wrltri "board for 2 gentlemen. 553 East Couch. East HOltfl. ROOM and board, reasonable ete; gentle man only. 325 13tb st. Main 7 S3 5. CHILDREN boarded for $2.50 per week. Phone Bdwy. 4211. ROOM AND BOARD. 9 EAST 7TU ST. PHONE EAST 878, NEAR M ultnomah club, nice room, good t a b 1 e; gentlemen; reasonable. Main 221. Wl L board one or two small children in private home reasonable. Call Sell. 2473. NICE rooms and board In a private (am- lly. East 13 IS. WANTED To care for one or two chil dren. Call 3(17 Glenn ave. st 10 A. M. NIOICLY furnished room with board, horns privilege: reasonable. Sellwood 37H2. NICE room and board for two; also single room, cloeie in. west side. Main 34S, BOARD and room, private home, close in on car line; guna nimru. f,hm o.n WANTED Child to care for at my home Bryant station, Waluga, Or., box 78. NICELY furnished room with board, near uroaaway pnag-. iub enton. CLEAN young man to room and board, close 1n. 2fl W. Park. NICELY furnished room with good board, walking distance. 73 Hoyt t WILL give mother's care to two children rromr j to t. vvooniawn 'ja, ROOM and board for two. 6u0 Hawthorne FOR RENT. Rooms With Bmrd In Private 1 amlly. Yol'NG couple desire two or ihreo renpon- ihle gentleimn to board and room, bed. brenklast and supper 4-2 pt-r month, in cluding lunch $:K ; home prlvileues in private family; two blocks south Itrook lyn car and four blocks east Sellwood car. ml Pershing st., cor. 15th. TWO ROOMS ar.d two nn-als a day in north Laurelhurst home for employed couples, girls or men, willing to share rooms, $50 each per month; one ap preciating clean line us, quiet and whole some food will he pleased with home at mtmphcre. 23 - 2 1 . IN BEAUTIFUL Irvington homo, largo front rnnm, two exposures; mahogany furnishings throughout, perpetual hH water, garage ; one block from Rroath way; small adult family; choicest loca tion. Kant 12' Hi M and board for two lalte who will share room : home privilege; piano; home cooking, lunches if desired: on car line; per month. Call Sunday be fore 10 or after 1. Mar. 2flll. TWO M KA l.S, nice larg.s modern room, homo privileges; wanted by professional man and son In high school; preieraidr no other boarders. Write full pa rue u- lars C 01 N, i Trgnnlsn. IiEAUTIFt;rLYurnlsi.'vl. steam-heat r d room, with Vhono and buth. nuitabl for two young ladies, good meals: laundry privileges; close in; moderate ratea n t i 7Vt 1 1 1 fan s t. Brtwy.2l3K. 1 R V IN l : TON K LK I AN T I H U III. E ROOM , SINGLE ROOMS. FIREPLACE. G A -RAG !:. LAUNDRY P R 1 V 1 1 K ; a , K X -CK1.UENT HOME COOKING. EAST Oo45. LADY living alone will share nice modern home with nico young couple find will furnish heat, light, water and phone for $...- per month. References exchanged. 7" 1 7 Wooiin t oc k ave. 1 NICK room, suitable for 1 or 2 men, good heat, hot water, shower bath; first- rlass table honrd. 0M Gl'san. FurnUhrd A part mm ts. FOR SIX months or Inn err will lease to ' adults only) my beautiiul close-In apart ment, completely anil elaborately fur nished in mahognny and antique furnish ings, tnrluding grand piano and Vlrtrols; one of the most cxcluxlve apartments in Portland, with a ben ut i fnl low. I'hone for appoint im-nt. Marshall 2332, apart ment 4ti. Hose rrjrnd apurinx TlATHitlt A Y'A It TM KNTS Lovely outside 3 -room modern fur nished apart meat with 2 disn ppearing neos ann private oa icon y. '. l l n st . CUMBERLAND APTS Two-room f urn Is tied apt., outside rooms, newly tinted and enameled: walk lng distance. West Park nd Columbia,. WICKERSHAM APTS. Six rooms, three bedrooms completely furnished; walk ing distance. Rent $110. BD 8, Orcgo n inn. THE ALTAMONT. One beautifully arranged 3 and 4 -room apartments, with brnsa beds, at reason ahle rent: adults only. SjH College 2 AND 3-ROO.M clean furnished a part - ments ; 2" minutes and Washington. K. 293 0. walk to Broadway 71 Grand ave. N. 3 AND A-ROOM apts.. Piedmont; nicely furnished ; hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, enameled kitchen, private batli, t n 1 1 e t . s j.;o, On-conlan. APARTMENT In private cation; lights, gas, i phone free; man and month. Phone Tabor home, good lo rater, heat and if only; $30 per 5(4. Til H EE rooms and private bat h ; rent $ 27. at). Including phone, w ater snd gar bage. Phone EaM 7737 mornings and W oodlnwn fl 111 a ft e rn oon BENSON apartments. 2o5 N. 20th; 8-room furnished apartment, including all linen anil s.lver; price $50 per month. Bdwy. 44 4J. NICELY furnished 2 or 3 -room apt. and kitchenette, private bath, eay walking dintance. 24 East 8th St. N. Phons East M72. LOVELY JV El. V 3-room apt., all ou tc hie rooms, private phunp and oath, cheup. Tabor pr1 cod, CHEAP rent, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments In University Park, corner of Harvard snd F'ske. CO! Harvard. Phone t.T!l-70. 8-ROOM furnished a pts., stes rn heat, free phone. 27th and Sandy blvd., 1 block from 2 cnrllne M3 Nelson st. ATTRACT I V K room in apt. to lady em ployed; school teacher preferred. Phone Mar. 2?sn for appointment. THE CHELTENHAM 4-room apt., un usually well furniwhed. at) outside rooms. JUth and Northrup. Bdwy. 3tt.'S. 2-ROOM apt., water, light, phone, adults. 427 Salmon st. Phone Main 8078. One Mock Ccntrnl Mhrnry. FI N ELY f urn Ished front 2 -room apart ment; sitting room and bedroom: steam heat: Nob Hill district. Muln 305, COMPLETE apt. in high-claw residence, Near Jefferson high. 1034 Williams ave. 2-ROOM furnlfhed apt., bet. two car lines. Call after 5:30 P M , or on Sunday. 33 K Idth st. North KINGS H ILL APTS. Nice four-rm. furnished apt. B744. Main FOR RENT to two adults, furnlahed apartment, light, water snd heat In ciiidri. ir.r.i k. irtt h s t.. SHTw ood. 5-RiOM f urn ished aparirnent ; all airy, outside rooms; 1 block eat end Broad- w-a ybr I 1 ge . 34 HJ lento n st. Knst 8 7J 0 . THREE-ROOM front apt. with privnte bath, light, water and phone, $30. 8 S3 K Ash. Bl'SH.MARK. Wash., cor. 17lh.. mnderD, steam heated 1 and 2-room apts. Sleep Ing roo ma $ 4 w k. up KING ALIU:RT APARTMENTS Two and three-room, strictly modern; elevator, tile bnth. Main S'tft. HOUSMAN APTS. Larg 3 or 4-rm., sll outsldi. close t, sleeping porrh; extra well f u r n Is hed. Main 15 730 H o y t . THE JEKFKRHOMAN, H'.th and Jffe7-on ts. 3 -room suites, large rooms, nicely furn f e d j usual conven.. ni od. rates. 3 OUTSIDE rooms, kitchen and bath, eTecl trie range, well furnished, close In, west nlde, cheap ren t. M n In 2S7g. KATHKRINK A PTcT 8-room newly decorated, rlea and homelike Phone Marshall gOtifl. DRICKSTON 44s 11th sL One 8-room modern fur nls h ed a p t. ALICE COURT East 8th Burnaide; newly decorated, 3 rooms, fireplace, phone. It o rv woo d w ork. 2 h e d S; E ast 8 5 0 A. 8 AND 5-ROOM apts.. steam heat, private bath, phone. 850 East tith North. Wood- lawn4l7L TH REE-ROOM fur apt ; bath, closets, two beds, private balcony, $55, Hanover apts. Main r712. WILL share 8-room home with 2 or 8 nice people, ait separate. 24th and E. Burn- slde. K. 31 51 . 1 DA RGE. clean, furnished apartment. 2 rnomi. near to Benson and Washington schools. 20 E. 15th. cor. Ash st. MARSHALL APARTMENTS Attractive 3-room front apartment. 624 Marshall st Broadwny as5l. CLEAN 2 and 8-room apt. for working people, bachelors or couples, $12 to $25. 414 10th st. N. FI'RNISHED 4-room s part ment, 'leeplnr porch and private bath. Rent $30. Hi2 K. D a v is st. 2-R. APT., fur. heat, eiec, gas, bath, phone, sink, private ent ran ce. etc. C. S. pre- rerrea. iter, exrn. m nroan way, IIADDON HALL, 11th and Hall. 8 and 4 rooms. $45 to $00, including phone; alee itnai; basemtnt apt. ONE ROOM and kitchenette; walking dls- lunce. 32H .Mill St.. near -iroaqway. THREE rooms, Sheffield apt., first-class furniture forsale. MoRToN APT. 3-rm. furnished apL 891 Washington st. Main loss. 6-ROOM spnrtment, furnished with piauo ' I'hone Main 22fi7. MARLBOROUGH. 2-ROOM. rlean. furnished apartment In- qulre 3 xortn in; n st. NICK furnished Hpt. for rent. 1001 Kerby, near Jefferson htg.i. AUDITORIUM COURT Three rooms, two d is app e a r in g o e n s ,t e le p h o ne. 33 1 3 l it. FOUR FURNISHED ROOM S. EAS T fl2 4 S. MORTON APT. 3-rm. furnished apt., 617 Washington st. Main H'S2. SAN MARCO. FAST 8TH AND COUCH 3 - R OO M MOO f.KX A rTS, EAST 1 W0. TOURNEY BLDG. 2o7 Second. Ons or two -room apt., J2 au up. 15-DAY STORAGE FREE. Movlng t or lews. Ph one Bdwy . 2 4 45. 'KW YORK apsrtment, furnished Tt a n d II clrnont . E.is t 238 . ROSANNA APTS. Nicely furnished 4 room apt. North 23d. Marwhall 2545. BUENA VISTA 434 Harrison First-class 2 and 3-rm. apts Main 1052. COZY 3-room ipartment. private bath, orner E. 12;h and Stark. Todd Apt., UNION AVE. snd K iliingswortn ; fur apu, $21 50: ail romplete; ronerete hulldlnga 4-ROOM front i ,)t., apt . cli an, modern, 21st Main f)23:. jrving. Irving BANNER APTS.. 4n Clay, near 13th. Mod. ern 2-room furnished apt. FOUR furnished rooms, gas, electricity, pla no. 120 K. 2fit h st. East 2111. $ A 5. 8-ROOM apartment: modern; private bath. 531 Rhone st. yen, inv. 8-ROOM furn. H. K. apt. Clean, walking distance. I'hone Main t iw. THE PENROSE. Grand ave. at hnflmont Choice 2-room apt. Knst 4.4. F tUR fnrnlched room. M7 K. Broadway. 2 RtJOMS, heat, licht, bath, gas snd phone; rinse in; nose i.iiy car. k. 17K7. FURNISHED 2-room apartment. 273S4 34 road way. 2 BEDROOMS, bath. kitchen and front room, rifll Gliwon. FOR RENT 2-room furnished apaitment. Apt. 1'iH. King A:nert apts. LARGE living room, kitchen and bath; outside apartment. 355 Hall. Main 7375. &U1TE 2 rn ., large, airy, pleasant, newly flt IT Cil Aoo or altar b. k4 Lojtioi