TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, TORTLAXD, SEPTEMBER IS, 1921 10 JtE.lL EHT.Tr tor Hale llous. cakh. mice fiico. It-room plastered cottase on GOlloo, rl street. 4 block! to .Ml Hcott eari mprovements In and paid; water, ga and llshis; balance 2i lier month. In cluding Interest, ln0 CAnH, PHICB llftofli 6-rm plastered cottage, locates! on the Mississippi car Una near rrsmnnl at.; liKhtj. gas, water an1 good plumb ing; a-laluo lot with room for garag lu tha rear; balance on easy terms. 30 CASH. ID AND HAMILTON AVK. 4-room cottage on the went aide, with good view, lights, gaa and water, also good basement. Place la all frea and clrar eiti-pt a Si0 ratg., 4l2ln Insur ance poiay all paid. This la a real bargain. f.-.OO CASH. PRICE I315A TCtw A-rooni modern bungalow on SOx 1011 lot, with built-in conveniences In dining room and kitchen, U sppie trees, currant and rose buehr; block to Hawthorne or Mt. Rcotl car Una on (With at.; assume $17iK mtg. and tb balance on easy monthly payments. Bee Air. .Newman, 12 Oerllnger Bids.. inVI.NOTO.V 0 JC. 18TH N. inmio. Beautiful H-room bungalow. Absolutely modern In every resprct. Furnace, flre tp!c hardwood Iloora throughout, til bath,' (in garage with aolld concrel drive; Irs than two yeara old. built by owrifr fur hi own home; houae alone could not b duplicated for lea than Iikmm): lot la worth IISOO according to estimate of beet Irvlngton bulldera; this la the beet hone In Irving tun fur the mono; open for lnspcetiua 1 10 I fcunrtay. 3. R. HAIOTTT. 27 Board of Trad. Blwy. 3043, Item. Woodlawn Bw. - opus ron inspection today. .kl and Hawthorn. I ID. I An exceptional buniralow horn, mod ' arrn to th laat detail. Incomparable con. snrurtlon and Interior finish. Finished In rlvb old Ivory and white, hardwood floors throughout. complete iMiteh kitchen with breakfast nook, fireplace, urnaca and garage. New bungalow va.ce.nt: move right In. Very reasonable T-aymenta Ex-service men, you ran awcuro thla with practically no Initial payment. See It today. 2:0 East at. Open from 3 to ft P. M- C ROOMS and aleeplng porch. story-and-half bungalow; living room with nice fireplace, bullt-lna, dining room, Dutch kitchen and on bedroom with lavatory I on flrwt floor: on th excoivd floor ar 2 bedroom and bath, also aleeplng porch; f ood cement baeement with winter fuel noluded; located In a nice district, close In; corner lot; Improvement In and paid. (iNLf (4400; soma tarmi If desired. Uf- lie open today; see picture. I O. A. PRARCB COMPANY, ' tOl Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 4S3S. " NOTHING BHTTKkJ I If It'g a real nice, new, modern horn you want. It' thli one; ft big room , and sleeping porch, breakfast nook, full garret, big garage. This la on 10 lot , of excellent ground; $5SU0 for quick ale, or you may have It on 4 lota If you wish; good terms. Thle horn Is . brand new, double constructed and very pretty. Located on hard surfaced street, close to school and car. Was built by owner for his own home, but now hi business compels sacrifice. CAULK RKAl.TT CO., Actual Hervloe Every Day. lt?( 72d St, B. K. Automatic 81S-SS. Kl $750 CASH. BAT TO SUIT. And yon can move tight Into) a 8-room, modern bungalow; garage. Close In Kaat Hide. Price I4JU0. alee Air. Hichanbachr. VBTZaKR-PARKEn CO MP A NT. 2tl Oak Street. Broadway 6301. I.AVKKI.IirilftT BUN1AI.OW. DK LIGHT FULLY LOCATED. Really a charming new bungalow of B Just cheerful larg rooma, with large finished attlo. Suitable for billiard room or dancing parlor; all oalc floor down, finish Ivory and tapestry paper; French floor. Completely modern, with ga rage; H block from, car In a most beau tlful home section offered for quick sale, tHlui). P. W. ALTON. Anta. Slft-IA. 1 HUOM3 AND SLKEPINll POUCH. On Commercial street. In Piedmont, close to Jefferson high, library and S car line; lot asxlOO and double garage; tlouse ! exceptionally well constructed: haa splendid basement and fine furnace; all city Improvement) In and paid; prlra .Ml 00; liberal terms; It would cost more than the price of the property to Tbulld Hie house and garage now. VS. M. SROWS. 1122 N. W. Bank Hldg. Wain 2422. NEAR LAI'RBLHtTRST. WITH FISH VIEW ONLT 14200. 6 -room bungalow with hardwood firs., elegant fireplace and fixtures, II mod ern bul It-Ins, French door, newl tint ed and painted; better than new; pipe, les furnace. Mix 100 view lot. You can't build Its duplicate for 1SII00. MAKSII 4 W.'CADK, Realtors. 822 -4 Falling Hldg. Marshall IID93. 11100118 and sleeping porch, colonial bun galow In Koe City; large living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, ail built-lna; . fully modern In every way; newly painted and decorated. Ivory enamel and tapes try paper; cement basement, good fur nace; beautiful corner lot; garage. ONLY IHuiHI; 110O cash, bee phulo; office yen today. O. A. PICARCB COMPAVY, SOI Oregon llldg Bdwy. 4XSH. KX-SKRV1CB MEN. We have large listings of desirable farm and home altea. and can help you finance building. Our office ha full Information to your Intercut regarding application of bonus loan. W will help you arrange all details. Our experience and large listings at your service. .W. M. I'MUKBNSTOCK CO., Established loliO. 211 Oregon Hltlg. HdwT. 1 ,-., H fKiW CITf PARK. I'hl wonderful fl-room bungalow with f)ardaood floora and all bullt-lna. fur nace, fireplace, garage; this home face east and only one b:nck from the cat line. You must see this home to appre ciate It; '""". li'K'U rasn. Dai. term. ROHNETT JtfcCH'KK. M n rsh a 1 1 3JI2. a"2 Couch Rldg A LAMBDA. Mnst sell my new bungalow. This new and distinctive home Is Just completed. fcihown by appointment. Phone If you want the latest In modern arcnitec ture. price e.Vir.rt. Take bonus loan from ex-servlcw man with small down payment. w. M. t'mndenstock 4k Co. 21(1 Oregon blrtg. Hdwy. Itir.W. ON THIS IIOL'I.EVAHI). near Multnomah, jno-fc frontage, modern o-room bunga low, sightly property, choice gardvn land. In fruit and flowers: ttMHt. on terms. For particular see BBS R1ES I.A.NI), 4M Piatt hldg., 127 i'ark St.. or bis agent, aire, Grant, at tha Mult nomah office. XtiKTII PIHDMO.VT, S.1O0 cash, balance easy term, bur gnienrild bargain In a o-room horn beautiful district; price tt2M. l.NTEKSTATB I N V KFT MEN T CO.. R K ALTO HS. 410 TTenrv Tthltr Hroart war4TM, lit VINUTu.V SWKLL HUMS Hancock St.; owner moving to country, will sell; cen ter hall, elegant lurge living room, sun room, llbrnry, 3 fireplacea, 2 bedrooms. A RBAL HUMS.' Neuhauaen. b3l N. W. Hunk bldg. Main m7)t - SNAl' NBW PITNdALOW. Built to order, everything new: built' tns; prettiest home In city. Call at S2r T4tn at. n. m. ana loon it over; ror quick aeai win aisoount o per cent under cost Owner. Phone (lia-MJ. KOSB CITr PARK BUNQALOW. t42M. 5 rooms, breakfsst nook, finished In Ivory, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors garage; strictly modern; easy term. 770 K. 71t N., 1 block north of Hsnoy Plvd i0U CASH On Kat 4:th St. S., Haw. thorn district, o-room modern bungalow, 1 bedroom In attic, all bullt-ins, hard- wood floora, fireplace, cement basement, on paved sU ItiiO. Call Main I0J6 today. Mrs. rnung. LAlD'S ADDITION. New Dutch colonial with all modern features, also a modern a -room and sleeping porch and one 11-room house; not modern. By owner; terms. tllj K HoW ave. 1HVINJTON FINE CORNER HOMK. Near "H" car line. Don't make any emstak. This Is a bargain. Neuhauaen. gm N W. Bank bldg. Mala 8UIs and rs3 i. ii Y OWN Kit Must sell good 7-ro.nn houee, lot AOxiOO. corner lot; Improvements pd. Two blocks frrm school and carilnea. Price 3I D. Z4tn at rrankiin. Wood stock car. icii CAHII New ft -room bungalow In Hawthorne district, hardwood floors, fireplace. A Mocks to car. all tmDrove- ments In and paid; $4U00. Call Main -osn today. ALAMEDA PARK HCNOALOW SNAP. Ulenn ave., lovely Urge rooms. Ivory finish, oak floors; something extra choice. HARUAI.V. Neuhausen, ) N. W. Bank bios. Main sot". Est "4. -:( i 1M new, nioIrn bungalow, llaw- thorne car line; reaaonable price; terms. Kset n.l.'n. BL'NXYSIDE -rnnm houssi gome bullt- lna loon k. m:mnfi. M;w 5-RH)M bungalow, paved cornel. UuoU, in. iuti su a. REA L MT.UE. for Hule Houses. ARB TOIT LOOKINO Foil A REAL HUMS) Come to our office and let ns know lust what you want, and If we haven't got what you want on eur iut wa will build it for you. SAMPLES. 4- rm., new, modern bungalow, breakfaat nook, hardwood floora, on paved street, good district, IKIOO with terms llxe rent. 5- rm. ultra modern bungalow In Alameda. The owner muel sacri fice her home. All bullt-lna, beau ful garage; a place that must be s-n to be appreciated. Price I.Mi.V); J loot) cash, balance easy terms. We have listed -hundreds of homes, old and new. In all parts of Portland, and have a force of efficient salesmen who can show these homes any time you call or by appointment. Ex-service men we have deHlrable, up-to-date home where yon can move In at once by paying down a small pay ment and apply the bonus later. ALWAYS HEADY TO SHOW. W. M. L'MHDEMSTOCK CO 210 Oregon Bid. Bdwy. 11158. IACREt.Hf RST T-R003I BUNGALOW. Beantlful bungalow, 5 rooms and bath room; sleeping porch breakfast room down stairs; '2 rooms upstairs; hard wood floora; tile In bath room; double garage; cement porch. Must be sold. Price 1000. 12300 down, balance monthly to suit. See Mr. Blchan bach. MBTZOBR-PARKER COMPANY. 2ttw Oak bir.et. . Broadway biii. $100 DOWN. Here Is a chance of a lifetime. A reat bungalow of five room on th first flour and three bedroom finished In the attic; located on a large piece of ground. ISO feet by 100. making three 50-ft. lots: has the very best of (oil. This bungalow la located east of Union ave. In the Woodlawn dlstrtct. The price 1 $4750. mortgage $3000 at and th balance can be handled Just to suit you. Now If you want a real home on easy term be euro to eee this. Iin.LEH liKOS.. Realtor. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Main 89. Branch Office &0th and Sandy. Tabor 84S5. Open Sunday. NEW! NEW! TBS. IT'S ALL NEW. 4 room and sleeping porch, a new divan, a new kind of a bungalow, differ erft from anything In town. Odd. but at tractive, neat and handy; Just what you have been looking for, something dif ferent from th other fellow, don't say you don't want It for seeing It is want ing It; coats nothing to ses It; only $3H to buy it. $.1ou iuh, balance easy. E. Biith St. N. HOME PEEKKRS. Tf ron are looking for a reasonably priced small home It will pay yon to see us before finally locating, a we specialise in such places. BOTTRN-WHITE CO, Realty Broker. S12 Conch Bldg. Main 1773. LALUELHrKST SNAP. $3W"J. Rrtraordlnary bargain In a beautiful 8-room well-constructed modern bunga low, right In Laurelhurst; lovely hvird wood floors, fireplace, garage: large lot. all paving paid for; ll-'uo cash h-aSKUes. IN.-EKSTATR INVESTMENT CO., iv AAklvn a. 410 Henry Bldg. Broadway 47M. lHVINliTON BUNGALOW. A LOVELY HOME. Seldom do you have the opportunity of stepping Into such a complete, well arranged a-room bungalow a thl. All the rooma are large and well propor tioned; oak floor throughout; Ivory and tapestry finish, tile bath, eompo. glass drain boards; a wonderful kitchen with breakfaat nook; thoroughly modern with garage, $oOO; in a high-class, home district D. W. Alton. Auto. 320-1U. ALAMEDA PARK HOME, $H3oO. Thia la a real bargain for the buyer wanting good value In a splendid horns In one of the best east aide residence districts; 8 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, all bullt-lns. fireplace with radiant fire, cement basement and good furnace, buxluo lot and garage; terms, easy. E. M. FROWN 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. BUY FROM OWNER, fteral-modern 4-room house with base ment. Including gas range and cook stove; lot covered with fruit and berry trees; large shed and god chicken coop. House newly renovated Inside. Price $13r0. Small payment down, bal. like rent. 12L3 S. Kellogg St.. St. Johns car to Lombard and Ida sts, walk one block south. J-KOOM FURNISHED HOUSE. lot 50x100, woodshed, chicken house. 7 assorted bearing fruit trees.. some berries, completely furnished and ready to move Into. Total price $42,1, $ir cash, $10 monthly. What do you think of thl a agalnat paying rentr Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. MT. SCOTT HOME. Go out &-th ave. 8. E., turn north H block on 70tb. see house. No. f44 701 r street S. K.; 5 rooms, garage. Drive bi and see this or phone for appointment; $3000. $1000 rash, terma I'.OHNETT A McCLfRE. Marshall 3 Couch Bldg. MODERN S-ROOM BUNGALOW, break fast nook, floored attic. lurnlsned or unfurnished. Improvements in and paid for. no Incumbrances, FOR SALE BY OWNER. Call after 10:30 Sunday and tba rest of the week. 70 EAST 2d NORTH. ROSE CITY. FOR SALE New cozy 6-room bungalow 4.ith. near Division. r irepiace. built. Ins, wash trays.' H. W. floors, cement walks aud basement; pavement In and paid for, $4200; $.v)0 down and $30 per montn. will accent ouyers , equity in late Dodge, F. B. Chevrolet or Bulik 4. Owner, 741 Ralolgh St. Bdwy. 21K. WE HAVE IT. The price la 14000. Just finished. 6-room bungalow In Alberta, near Ala-' meda; 2 additional rooms can be added upstairs- Purchaser csn have own se lection of electrio fixtures, furnace and wall paper. Phone Broadway looS or ran sin Oregon Ding. ; $Jrt3 6-ROOM bungalow, fireplace, ce ment basement, g:irage. improvements paid: Alberta district. $400: term. $2730 6-room modern; Al condition: plenty fruit: lot ntixllO; 4 block city park; Mississippi car. Real home. Main 7420 Bdwy.' 4704. $.00 WILL HANDLE. 5 large rooms, floored attio and base ment, corner lot. close In, walking dis tance: price $3000, $300 cash, balance like rent. HBNRY W. OODDARD, REAI.TOTt. 243 Sta rk St. M aln 831. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New atrlctly modem Duplex bunga low near Jefferson high and Thompson school; full cement basement and fire place; ally In rear. For a nice home and Income thia can't be beau Call Wrtln. SQ.to. ROSE CITY PARK. $5000. 8-room modern bungalow, large room: all tha built-in; hardwood floors, fire place: cement basement and furnace; corner lot 50xl0o; good term. Ileal, direct wllh owner. 517 E. sih st. N. SMALL bungalow, completely furnished or unfurnished; winter's wood In: lot of canned fruit and Jelly; wonderful yard and view; high-class neighborhood. 2 4 blocks to Sellwood Park: Improvements In. By owner; home Sundays. 404 Bex ave. 8cllwood car. BEAUTIFUL SELLWOOD HOMB. rooms, excellent condition. City View sdd., near car. paved street, finished In Ivory, tapestry paper, extrs large rooma. fireplace, garage, losing money, must ell. Terms. Phone Sell. 2701 evening. 1RVINGTON. 8-rm. modern home. Lot 50x100. Oa rage, furnace: paved St. Snap for $3500. See Mr. lloehm, W. M. T'mbdenstock at Co , 210 Oregon Mdg, Bdwy. 16S. $2oo CASH 4-room cottage In good con dition. 4.1x05 lot. chicken house. 2 blks. to paved at., 6 block to car. near school, on 62d av. B R. $1500, lis monthly, fall Mln 7Q1II today. A LA M KDA PARK SACRIFICE. Colonial style, center hall. large living room, sunroom, all oak floors. Ivory fin ish: garsge; consider bungalow In part trade. Neuhausen. East 3!4. Main B07H. ON PHNINSULA. 1 blk. from St. Johns car. Five-room bungs low, modern except furnace, fine light fixtures. 50x100 Int. Fruit tree and berrlea. Price $3450, $700 cash. Owner HH3 Berkeley st. IKVINOTON SMALL BUNGALOW $530. ' 5 rooms, attic, breakfast nook, garage. oak floors, fireplace. Ivory finish. Neu- hausen. 83i N. W Bank bldg. Main 8(178. MUST sacrifice my Mt. Tabor residence. Leaving city. 224 E. 53d sL South. Automatic 220-nH FOR 8AI.H Modern 5-room bungalow, Just completed, oonner Hth and Fre mont sts. Phone East IUH. $4100. BY OWNER Four-room moocrn bunga low In Westmoreland. 1307 K. Ikth. Sellwonl 2JRV. MODERN 6-room house, paved streets all In. rlose to school and car. Terma Sell wood 1n. ALAMEDA PARK. Classy bungalow; Just completed. For appointment ph one A ut. 8 1 -1 0. $200 CASH In Woodlawn dlst rict, 4-room bungalow, full lot, near car; $21uu. Call Atala 7U3 today. REAL ESTATE. or hale Houses. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. I2&JO. isia IflOO CASH. New 4-room bungalow an bath room; has fireplace snd breakfast nook: large lot Stxliio; command wonderful view of the entire Tualatin valley; winter wood goee with thl place; house Is not quite finished Inside, but man handy with tools can finish It for small amount of money; go out and see It thl Sunday; C. C. car to Mount Zlon. 4X feet outh on Falrvlew boulevard to No. 700. Thi 1 without doubt th cheapen buy on the height today and Is a (ample of the bargains w Intend to offer discern lot buyer. BOURN-WHITS! CO, Kealty Brokers. 313 Couch Bldg. Main 1775. ROSK CITY PARK. If yon want the best In Rose City w have It. rooma and aleeplng porch, a beautiful bungalow located under the hill, one block from Sandy: built two years. The owner la leaving for Cali fornia and la offering a real bargain. Now all we ask Is for you to look at It and compare it. You will find that It la $1000 less than anything you have seen which Is Its equal. It Is strictly modern: there Is nothing that can be added Price $0500. HII.LER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Main 89. Branch Office ioth and Sandy. Tabor gS5. Open Sunday. ROSS CITY PARK T-ROOM, BUNGALOW. Colonial style, 8 rooms and bath room downstair: one room and sleeping porch upstairs; garage; corner lot 50x10(1. Must he sold quickly. Price $6300. $1800 cash, balance to suit, tie Mr. Ktcban bacher. METZOER-PARKER COMPANY. 2UU Oak Street. Broadway iSoi. ATTRACTIVE Rose City bungalow; lovely living and dining room serosa xront; large plate-glass windows, cheery fire place, hardwood floors, white ivory bullt lns; two good-size llftht bedrooms, con venient Dutch kitchen; full cement base ment, trays, furnace; pretty lawn and flower. Price red-uced to $4750: I10o cash, monthly payment only $30, In cluding Interest. B sure to see this; office open today. O. A. I'KAKCB COMPANY, 201 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 4 S3 5. $ 3 SO L A TT R E LH f R 9T $ 5 00. BRAND NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW; OLA.1SED-IN BREAKFAST ALCOVE: HARDWOOD FIXIOUS THROUGHOUT: FLOORED ATTIC: LIVING. DINING AND BED ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY PAPERED; PERFECTLY EQUIPPED KITCHEN; FIREPLACE: BOOKCASES; BUFFET, ETC.; CEMENT BASBMENT: GARAGE. SEB IT, YOU W LLL LIKE IT. $1000 WIIA, HANDLE. 120 HAZEL. FEKN PLACE, NEAR 41iT. ROSS CITY PARK. Out-of-town owner says: "Sell my bungalow and do it quick." $4H.'0 for a beautiful little o-room bungalow with fireplace and furnace, full baaement, paved street, under the bill In Rose City. Will take $050 cash and $10 per month. HILLER BROS., Realtors; 211 Railway Exchange Bldg., Main 88. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Tabor 84S5. Open Sunday, HOHIT. C1TT PARK. lion rij,h buvs lovelv etrlctlv modern bungalow on paved street, ready for occupancy; complete with furnace, fire, plnce, hardwood floora and every con ceivable modern bullt-ln convenience: lovely tapestry finishings; place must be sold; price f.n.iO. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. 410 Henry Bldg. . Broadway 4751 LARGE, modern 11-room viouse on choice corner, close In on the east side; prop erty in beat of condition: hardwood floors; modern, convenient; suitable for large family, sanitarium or clubbouse: only one block from ML Tabor car; owner leaving city and will sell at JflOoO. on easy terms; all street Improvements In and paid for. For particulars call on BEN KIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 I'ark st. GO LOOK TODAY 680 E. Pine st. Brand new, 4 rooma and bath, big cement basement with laundry, fine plumbing, white enameled bath and kitchen with diner, fireplace, tinted walls, finish old Ivory. $000 cash will handle. SIDNEY O. I.ATHROP, 411 Ablngton Bldg. HOWS THIS ONE? Business and flat bldg.. all finished, on 50x100 prominent Mississippi av. corner, with a big future; all improve ment In nd paid; now paying 16 net. and can be raised to 20 without spend ing a cent; price only $7ooo for a few dav only. George F. Crow, with Albert Havala. 801 Mississippi ave. WESTMORELAND BUNGALOW, SIX NICE. LARGE ROOMS. All on one floor, fireplace, hardwood floors, full cement basement, wash traya. hard surface ail In and paid: total price $4200. cash $.100. balance terms. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK BXCII. iDVivilTfix Reauttful 0-room bungalow htiill a vears. haa all bullt-lns. hardwood floors, plate-glass windows, furnace and fireplace, full basement, garage, all Im - provenients in and paid; 50x100; price .'nou, $liu0 cash. Call Mam iujo to nay. FOUR rooms and aleeplng porch, a fine new bungalow, full lot on corner, bard atreeL fireplace, oak floore. ready to move into in three days. It's a beauty, all b'-Ut-ln effects. Price $3000. $.V0 caah.Tnilance like rent. B. & Cook, 001 Stock Exchange Wng. FOR SALE By owner, 5-room bungalow with fireplace, furnace, full basement, with arationarv tubs, garage, fruit trees, 2 nut trees, all bearing; near Jefferson hleh on 2 ear lints, on paved street: $3(H)0 down. At 114 Minnesota ave, or telephone ais-ol .i.H.uiM kunsalow. Rose City Park, near Sandy, large living room In ivory and tapestry paper, hardwood floor, large at tic, full basement, double constructed: a comfortable home: easy payments, gee it. Owner. Jsnor i.a. titJITlTY in 5-room modem bungalow with fireplace, half cement basement, laun dry traya, shrubbery and berries, on paved st.. fur light auto and cash or acre or lots In southeast Portland and cash. 540 E. STin st. owner. dv'ERLOOK Furnished 5-room bungalow. modern, cosy and nomeime; garage; large cement basement, all built-in, white cabinet kitchen, good condition; owner only. Take soldier's bonus. WUln. 4412. KCHl'YLER. NEAR UNION AVENUE, Modern tf-room semi-bungalow in splen did condition and newly painted: fur nace and fireplace; garage; price $35oO. HENHY W. UUUUA1U1. rt c. A L1UK, 243 Sturk St. Main 83t "STRICTLY MODERN 5-ROOM BUN GALOW. Paved street, ewer, idewalk, ra mire etc Price IttT.IO. ll.'rflO cash. S A. B. Chrlstrnson, 410 Henry building. Broadway 4.i. WEST SIDE CLOSE IN. 5-room cottage, about half block from Multnomah ekib; $750 rash, balance to ult; buy It and save rent ana car tare. 1122 N. W. Hank Bldg. Main 2422. BY OWNER. 5-room cottage, 50x100 eorner, eaet front, newly papered and varnished in side; one of the best locstlons. 1001 Grand ave. N. Phone E. 1167 or Inquire at 747 Union ave. . ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage, corner lot, oak noors, quite cnarming $.ii.-t, terms, Neuhausen, 830 N. W Bank bldg. Main B078. i ROOMS, new, modern buogalow. cement basement, traya, furnace, garage, sleep ing porch, everything complete. E. 7th N. ; price $.Wo0, terms. Inquire at 747 Union ave. ;v IRv'INGToN On 2nd, modern 8 rooms, elp. porch, hardwood floora throughout; garage, ftrst-claas condition; terma. Own er. Bist lifJ. NnV'V 7-ROOM house, large, airy rooms, breakfaat nook, cement basement, walk ing distance to Jefferson high. Call at Hit inters-are sve. FOR SALE One of the most attractive houseboats on river, fully or partially furnished; terms. 1111 Bosrd of Trade bltlg. Bdwy, 434H or Sellwood ia4 ROSE CITY PARK 5-room modern bunga low: need money; best all cash offer takes my XJMMJ equity. 8ee owner to- dsy. GUI East 51st St. N. BEAUTIFUL 4-room bungalow, Kenton district, ready for Inside finish; choose your own color and woodwork. Ill E. Russet. woortlawn W-'tl. ALBERTA For quirk tale, $2300, by own er; 5 rooma, eiec, gaa, natn. lawn, shrubbery and fruit, 5oxl00, sewer and pavement. ui nast lain N. 5-ROOM bungalow on 40th at., near Sandy blvd., up to date and can be had on easy terma. See owner at 146 40th N. Tsnor is... IRV'INGTON PARK WINDFALL. $3100 buys $4000 5-room bungalow, everything paid. 50x100 lot. fruit: anan J. D. Kennedy, 82 Salmon. Main 479. IitVINGTON HOMF.8 OUR SPECIALTY. BKFORB MUTING SEE T. B. NEUHAUSEN CO.. REALTORS S30 V. W. BANK. MAIN 8078. EAST 8!4. IRVINGTON. 5-room bungalow, 11 up-to-date, built this eummer, a fine bargain at $5730, easy torus, AltDunell, Ucaltor. - K. iltt. RF.AL ESTATE I or Sale Houses. BRAND NEW. BRAND NEW. Competition DeHed In Value. Double Constructed; Wonderful Value. Wil Flrepl., hdw. floors, slpg. porch, attic, tapestry dec; mis., paved St., Haw. dlst.; f. c bast I.. $lo0 fix., eleg. buffet, enam. plumbing. $5000 Kurn., flrepl.. hdw. firs., attic, ga rage, buffet, brkfat. room: bk. car. paved L. lull lot; restricted dlst. 84000 Furnace, flrepl.. hdw. firs., garag. attic, brkfsc nook. numerous conv. ; view; Irvington HI., blocks car. TERMS ARRANGED TO SUIT. high-grade homes in hlgh-grada localities. ARTISTIC BUNGALOWS; EVERY ONE OF THEM FINISHED TO THE LETTER, NO DISAPPOINTMENTS O. C. GOLDENBERO (REALTOR) O. C. OOLDENBEKG (REALTOR) ABINGTON BLDG.. 108 Vs 3D. Main 4803. Tabor H4. -33 Years In Portland.' HERE IS A BARGAIN. 8-room modern bungalow, near Laurel hurst, all on one floor, with large attic, fine view; Vi blk. to car; full cement basement, pi pel ess furnace, hdw. floors, beautiful fireplace, bookesse, large llv lng room, music room, French doors, 2 large, airy bedrooms, good plumbing, practically new. SEE THI8 NOW. ONLY 84200 YOU R OWN TERMS. , MARSH A McCABE CO.. KEALXOK3, 822-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall awl. ROSE CITY PARK. $4.00 Nice 5-room. modern, bullt-ln conveniences, hard surface street. In and paid; H block from car; a nice borne at a low price. $.1300 li-room bungalow. 14 block to car: ail bullt-lns, furnace. 2 fireplaces; close to' stores; hard surface street; this Is also priced very low. 6e Crawford, with A. N. M1KKB1.SEN CO., 52d anil Sandy Blvd. ROSE CITY PARK. B-ROoM BUNGALOW. By owner, white and gray enamel throughout, hardwood floors in all rooma, large floored attic, cement base ment, furnace, large garage, fine lawn, view lot, much shrubbery. Very easy terms. Tabor 7713. AN HONEST-TO-GOODNESS BARGAIN. 4-room plastered house. acre, cnica en house, fruit trees, the -whole cheese' for klUO. It Is situated Just outside city, must have l.'.OO caan. aout 2 years on balance. 104th sL and 4 inn. ave. It is open. R. H. CONFREY. REALTOR. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK. $8750 Fine mortem home at SoS Olenn ave. North; hardwood floors, furnace, nreolace 4 bedrooma. sleeping porch. garage; house alone would cost $Suu0 to bul.a ; term. PORTLAND TRUST COM.PANT. 6ih nd Morrison St. MOUNT TABOR. COZT LITTLE BROWN BUNGALOW, fiN't.Y I200O TERMS. 4 large, airy rooms, with good attic; "Sxioo lot; beautiiui location. MAK.SU A McCAUE CO.. REALTORS. S22-3-4 Fulling Bldg. Marshall 31.3. TERWILLIGER BOULEVARD. Modern 7-room house. In good condl Hon, nearlv 6 lots, right on the boule vard, with beautiful and extensive view; plenty of fruit and fine shad trees; an Ideal place; price t.uu. HENRY W. GODDAKD, REALTOR. !i43 Stark St. Main bill. IRVINGTON CORNER. $0000. RKii 1 -Hi 7n ( 1 A unr. One feature of houae. srand living room and dining room, real plate glass windows, three htrge bedrooma with dressing room, closets, terms $1500 Cash and . a montn; garage, jiam NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. If von are locking for a sightly home, see my new 5-room bungaluw, corner 17th and Bkldmore eta, two block east of lrvington car line; price $60tH), $1500 cash, balance to suit. Open daily from 2 to n. pnone r.ast .".'tin, evenings. $12.500 IN HEART of lrvington. 8-room modern nouse. naiawooa noors inrouia out. two fireplaces, two bathrooma. gg' rag, lot 73x100; must be seen to be ap preciated, owner.' 533 l&ast 10th North. leiepnone r.ast poo. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, screened sleep ing porch, garage, 2 Iota, mouern cnicaen house nice lawn, trees, small fruit and gardeh; $i;."00 furnished. $320q unfur nished, lake Woodstock car. Terms. Owner. 014 woodstocK av BEAUTIFUL 6-room modern bungalow, large attic, concrete basement, furnace fireplace; improved streets; 2 lota, beau tiful shrubbery, fruit; 2 blocks frort. N A S or Fulton cars; near good achoo. Phone A 11 to. 522-4:1. $5i50 ROSE CITY $5s50. $10oo cah. balance like rent: new. modern bungalow, 5 room, hardwood throughout, fireplace, breakfast nook, bullt-lns; lawn In; 2 blocks to RC car- hne. See owner, um Aiameaa urive 5-ROOM bungalow, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen; large lot. HOxlOO. fruit, berries, garden; $3000, $S0O cash, bal ance terms. JOHNSON-PODS0N CO.. 833 X. W. Bank Btdg Main S7S7. BETTER sea this Alberta bungalow be fore you decide to buy. Five pleasant rooms, elegant bath, Dutch kitchen, full basement, double garage. Drive out and see this today. Wdln. 2375 or Main til 02. WILL TAKE CAR AS PART PAYMENT. $3250. Alberta bungalow of 6 rooms. In first-class condition; close to Car. This is no. Junk. Good terms. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 Rv. Exch. Bldg. Main 8101 WAVERLY BARGAIN ON 33TH ST. tilx-room house in good condition: large rooms, large pantry, full cement basement, furnace; half block from car line: for quick sale. $4830. terms. TAOOART BROS. 11Q2 Spalding Bldg. $37ot TERMS. Excellent house in good district; 3 splendid bedrooms and sleep ing porch, built-in effects; full concrete basement; garage. - No lien to aasume. Wm. A. Hughes Co., 218 Railway Exch bldg. Main 8102. FOR SALE or exchange, modern four-room bungalow near car and school; free of Incumbrance; want modern six or seven room house on improved street. Pbone owner. Woodlawn 5304 A REAL home. 6 rooms, living room 15x 81. good fireplace; 6 fruit trees. 5 kinds of berries. Must be seen to be appre ciated. 1312 E. 2 lh at. N. Pbone Wdln. 4104k 8IX-ROOM BUNGALOW; GARAGE. Block from car; near Franklin high school; surrounded by fir snd fruit trees; screened porch. $3300; easy terma O wner. 218 Pltt bldg. 8-ROoM HOUSE; LOT 50x0.5 FEET. NO. 2114 CAHL'IHERS, CORNER 6X14 ST. PRICE JI0IM1- TERMS. PARRISrI. WATKINS CO., NO. 232 HTAHK ST. BY OWNER 5-room modern bungalow, fine condition, attractive eorner lot, Hawthorne, paved street, furnace, fire place, bullt-lns. Terms, 1106 E. Lincoln. $4lMio. Tabor 8351. FOR SALE HAWTHORNE. New 5-room bungalow, modern corner lot. Eaat 37th street, on terms. No mortgage. Street Improvements paid. Owner. Tabor 6M. ti-KOOM pUstered house and two lots on 84th St.. good S200O value: will take a gojd automobile part payment. Call Woodlawn 3373. Address 623 V Vancou ver ave. SACRIFICE SALE. Alberta district. 5-ruom bungalow, lot 50x100: fruit trees and berrle. Price $2200, SHOO cash, balance $15 per mo. J. R. Huaglin, East 85!5. $5250 4J.5O0 DOWN. Stnftly modern Rose City, paved atreet. close to car. This place is hard to beat at thia price. Buy your home from Wm. A. Hughe Co., 218 Railway Kxchang bldg Main 6102. IN A PARK. Fine modern home, built last rer fu-nlture. winter fuel, all for $5000. or $.i20u witnout furniture; casn or terma. Woodlawn H13. Owner. SUNNYSIDB snap. 2J50. $10io down, verv good 5-room cottage, furniture In cluded; paved streete. 1 block from Belmont st. il. 11. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Tabor 'Jin. $2300 $5H DOWN. Furnished 5-room bungalow. air" large pleasant rooms, bath, full basement; vacant. Move right In. Wm. A. Hughes Co.. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 8102. $5000 PIEDMONT $5000. By owner 7-room bouoe. tile bath, laundry trays, furnace, cement cellar, nice lawn and fruit treea; corner lot. 3 33 Portland blvd. East. BY OWNER Furnished or unfurnished house, 3 rooms, bath and sleeping porch; on Mt. ScoLt carline; good value, lira De Manbey. 733 Everett st. Main 3509. CLOSE-IN, cast side, modern V-room resi dence, newly finished, ready to move in: terms; will take $2000 In liberty bonds or other good p.tper: 1.1.00. East -18. 3-ROOM modern bungalow, full cement basement, furnace, furniture, fruit trees. chickens; lot euxtu; oiock to car; re a sonable. Owner 3721 Woodcock ave. I AM in a position to build and finance seversl private resiocnces or store oulid Ings on my own property or yours. N 07. Oregoniam BY OWNER 8-room house, fruit trees, berrlee and ahruhbery; Mt Tabor. 63 E. 87th St.. nr. Stark. ONE 5-ROOM house and one 2-room house and iota: reasonable; ay owner 4707 4!th t. S. E. NEW MODERN 4-room bungalow; river view. wain inio. COTTAGE for sale. Inquire of owner at USD W.-sco at. Phone East 2720. IK YOU are looking for a bargain In a j -room Suzinide borne. caU Tauur 831U. 1 REAL ESTATE. For Hale House. ritter, lowe a co.. city Homes department. hollad ay-irvington. Strictly modern residence of T large rooma hardwood floors throughout, fireplace and every built-in feature. Dutch kitchen, full concrete basement, Quaker furnace, laundry trays; situated on beautifully parked 130x1(0 cor ner. Thia property 1 clear of all Indebtedness and is beauti fully kept. Price $So00: any reasonable terms will be arranged, WE6T OF LACRELHURST. $2500. Seven-room home, 1 bedroom and bath downstairs, 3 bedrooms upstairs: 50xUa lot with ample room for garage; located on hard surfaced street, all clear of en cumbrance, and will sell for $500 to $Mo0 cash, balance very easy terms. ATTRACTIVE 7-ROOM HOME. 33S00. Located at 771 East Salmon at.: large living and dining room, buf fet, fireplace, white enamel kitch en, 4 bedroomg, bath and doubia , sleeping porch; full concrete base ment, Boynton furnace, laundry trays, fruit room, etc.; all newly painted and tinted throughout; large attic: Including carpets In reception room and living room; bOxliK) lot. See this and sub mit an offer, as this property must be A;d at once and all reasonable offers will be con sidered. Also soldiers loan. NEAT 5-ROOM BUNOALOW. $.1S30. Strictly modern with hardwood floors, fireplace, bullt-ln buffet, bookcases, etc.; white enamel kitchen, concrete basement, only block from car. paved street; beautiful view; terms. CORNER BUNGALOW. $2050. SOxlOO eorner bungalow of 5 large, attractive rooms, basement; newly plastered and tinted; 1 block from paved street. 3 from car; can take light auto Ford or Chevrolet as part of first pay ment. WEST PIFTDMONT. $37oo. Eight rooms and sleeping porch, lOOxlOO Int. 2 blocks from Killings worth; living s.nd dining room, kitchen, pantry, etc., and 1 bed room downstairs; 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs; baaement; easy terms. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW, VIEW LOCATION. Strictly modern 5-room bunga low, hardwood floora. every built in convenience, white enamel Dutch kitchen, breakfaat nook, large view porch, large attractive living and dining room. Includ ing all linoleum, electric range nd water heater, etc.; full con crete baaement, Gaeco furnace; located on paved street on 5xl23 lot. commanding an excellent view. Owner la forced to sell and will glva any reasonable terms. Can use soldiers' loan. IRVINGTON. $00. Do you need a well-constructed 8-room homey residence? W have a aplendld location near Knott at.; 4 bedroom, bath and sleeping porch upstairs, large re ception room, living room, dining room, kitchen. 2 pantries on . first floor; coal and gaa range in kitchen, piano and mahogany par lor get in living room; home has full concrete basement. Fox fur nace, laundry trays and toilet; tux 100 level lot; term. A BARGAIN IN ROSE CITY. The most sightly 8-room bunga low on Wisteria av. ; attractive view, porches, oak floor on en ure flrit floor, fireplace, every built-in convenience, coxy bedroom or den downstairs, Dutch kitchen; 3 bedrooma. one a combination bedroom and eleeplng porch up stairs, commodious bath, full con crete basement, laundry and (ruit rooms. American radiator heating yatem. full concrete garage open ing Into bafement; beautifully haded grounds 50x103; your own terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOW E A CO.. 201-2-4-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR LARGE FAMILY. . This home Is one of the best buys that we have had listed with us for some time. It Is located in Mount Scott on s hard surface street two blocks from the car. It has eight large rooms all in the best of shape, 2 lavatories, garage. 100x100 lot. A very well built home. All fenced In. Think of It, only $i!SOO and no assess ments sgalnst th property. $1000 cash and term. OTTO HARKSON. 413 Cham, of Com. Ma.n 6308. $7000 HOME FOR $3750. LiOOK iJi.rtl. 1 e , If you have $3000 cash thl bargain is yours; Witt give inimeoiaiw wonderful location, right In heart ol Koee i lly rurK; airicny ,i.w. ., . beautiful rooms, a lovely bungalow; will INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTOl'.S. 410 Henry Bldg. Broadway T51 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. virlT A splendid borne of seven room and sleeping porch, modern In every degree, finished in Ivory enamel and In abso lutely perfect condition; beautiful view, select neighborhood; to close estate will make attractive price ami leiiui. iiiutlRl. R NORTON. 811 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 232l. Main 4009. univn NEW 1500. Modern, complete, t rooms and bath. Hi floored attic, cement basement. tinted walls, fireplace, bookcases, white enameled kitchen and bath, paved st. This Is In Jefferson high district, two blocks from car. naiance oi price. 84000. very easy paymenTs. SIDNEY G. LATH ROP, 411 Ablngton Bldg. IRVINGTON. 7-room strlctiy modern, brand new residence. Inside finish Italian etching In gray and old Ivory: lot tSxlOo, with garage, restricted district; 1 block to car; g.uw nanuies. See House Dept.. GEO. T. MOORE CO- 100T Yeon bldg. I.I'KKI.HCRST BUNGALOW. Large floor space snd closets without Jetting away from distinctively bunga ow type. Interior arrangement are perfect. lonsirucuon open iu nc closest Inspection. Gsrage, full ceroen basement, roomy attic,- everything you need. This 1 th home you will b? tirottd to bring your frlenils to. On ilolladay. near Peerless. Open today IRVINGTON Dutch colonial, 6 rooma. ar tlstic design; won prize In house beauti ful contest; large living room, hardwood fioora throughout, two fireplace, full concrete basement. basement garage. Mauta Bid. Co.. builder. Easy terma 621 E. Huh North. Phone owner. Main 143. or Aut. 318-27. for appointment lioiHi RY OWNER Arttstfr new bungalow. 2 bedroom . and sleeping porch, large living room Wltn fireplace. Iinruwuvu huuiim. L'uii-ii kltehen and hreakfast nook, cement base. ment with laundry trays; attic; ivory woodwork; garage: all Improvements paid. 7'3 E. tn st. s. peimonai-'i WHY NOT BUILD nd e-e a home according to your Ideas? I build and finance better class of homes. Skelche and plans furnished. N- O. EKLUND. 811 E. 61st St. N., Cor. of Sandy Blvd. Taoor oso. Established 11 Years In Portland. 83500 BY OWNER. Will sell my 6-room house In Pled mont Park, now vacant. In good condi tion, 2 block from scnooi ana car line, near Catholic church: all kinds of frui' and roses, good neighborhood; $300 cash' and terma. Call Woodlawn 8553, or write to C. Krueger, 861 E. Emerson at. MOUNT TABOR $2000. Coxy little brown bungalow of 4 nice airy rooms and large attic: 88x100 lot. VERY GOOD VAL.UK. NICE VIE-W. MAIiSH A McCABE. Realtors, 822-8-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall SPSS, LEAVING city, will fell my nerw 4-room modern bungalow, garage, good location, lust finished; email payment down; easy terma; don't fall to look thia up. Call ancouver k I to M O W N E R E AS Y TERMS. New double-conetructed 5-room bunga low, etrictly modern; between Broadway and Alberta can; key at 9S8 E. 28ih at. N. Auto. SJJ-M TRVIVOTOV. OUR 5-ROOM NEW BUNOALOW FOR $S7.0. CAUL SUNDAY AT 621 EAST 8TH UT. JN; ROSE CITY PA RK bunrak)w, new and exceptionally well built 5 room, fur nace fireplace, hardwood floor, garage; lawn graded, owner, iL.at ni. ON AOCOUNT of 111 health miwt ael my 4-room bungalow with furniture; lct " 1(M; 20 min, car rldo to court houe. 514A)0; 4000 caAh bal term, aln 210. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $3504) VALUE FOR $6300 IN MOUNT SCOTT. A beautiful seven-room fully modern, double constructed home located on a very scenic lot loox 2oo. having three walnut trees. 11 prune tree. 4 cherry trees and all sorts of berries and fir trees. This horns contain a new Gasco fur nncs and ha a lavatory on each floor. Only two blocks from the car line. Owner forced to leave the city and I sacrificing for quick aaie. $1300 caah and terms. OTTO ft HARKSON. 413 Cham, of Com. Main 639S. EX-SERVICE MEN. READ. ROSE CITY PARK. $300 CASH DOWN. This lovely bungalow 1 practically new and for $5U0C is a posltlv nap: 8 beautiful rooma. Including a wonderful glassed-in sleeping porch. fireplace, hardwood floors. bullt-ln wardrobes, every other built-in Imaginable: tun concrete basement, furnace, garage. large lot. a no s " ; --t ly beautiful, a regular little park. The location Is fine, only 1 block to car. The owner has cut the price cf lovely bungalow from $0300 to $3o0. Pay $3oo down and apply your bonus. Don't overlook a good buy. COMTK A KOHLMAN. Main B.iSO. 21)8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. A WOMltKril, nci. Two dandy bungalows on Halleck at.. Juat one block east from Peninsula ave. There are in each one a combination living and dining room with hardwood floor, two sleeping rooms, kitchen wltn breakfast alcove and lots of bullt-lns. bookcases, buffet, linen closet, full act of excellent plumbing snd they are beautifully finished In old Ivory and French gray. Each has cement base ment and cement porch. The price on the corner is only $3330 and on the In ld lot, $3200, with easy terma We are the builders and owner. RYAN REALTY A BUILDING CO REALTORS. ' , ., 415-6 Arlington Bldg. Marshall 5848. BARGAIN HUNTERS. BEAUTIFUL BROADWAY DISTRICT. j.-.Oiin EIGHT IUKXMS $50O0. THERE ARE NOT MANY BARGAINS TO BK HAD. BUT THIS IS ON E. IT HAS PERFECT HARDWOOD FLOORS. A DEN WITH BUILT-IN DESK. BOOK CASES AND SEATS. FURNACE. FIRE PLACE AND EVERYTHING COM PLETE. AS AN INVESTMENT OR A HOME. IT CAVT BE BEAT. AI.V1N JOHNSON. REALTOR. BDWY. ST. 6U.NDAY. EAST 2981. $100 CASH and $15 per month Including In terest buys a new three-room cot tage In Lent only three block to the car line. 50x100 lot. I-our mall fruit tree on th property. All fenced. (050. OTTO A HARKSON. 41J Cham, of Com. Main 633S. ROSE CITY PA R K. BUNGALOW CORNER. A Blendld and well-arranged 8-room bungalow with floored attlo; oak floor, Ivory and tapestry paper; far "'d rooms. exr'ustve porch off dining room through French door, large corner, lovely fir shad tree, fully modern snd really a very fine home below hi. I; JVt blocks north of Sandy. $30"; U. VI . Allium, iu'. HEADQUARTERS Foil LAUUELHURST LAURFLHURST TRACT OFFICE, KAST SttTH AND GI.ISAN. e DRIVE OUT TODAY. Big bargain. 6-room Colonial house, close to the park. Four brand-new bungalows; price range from 8. vino up to $73oo pbone Tabor 8438; evenings. East 7i38. ROSE CITY PARK. By Owner For sale or rent. Come out today. .".! Eaat 5!th at. N. ; "icily modern 5-room bungalow, built by day labor; all the bullt-ln; improvement paid: hardwood floor. Dutch kitchgn. fireplace, attic. 12 window. men' baaement, furnace, laundry tray. Open all day ci ixu TO I . A I ' K EL HURST PARK. Nice 7-room houi-e. modern except hardwood floors: corner lot. 03x100; ga rage. A anap; $5300; terma Alberta district. 7 rooms, sleeping porch: lot 100x100: garage; fruit trees. See thl, Monday; $". Ttnon 1S11. W. It. SAWTELL. IRVINfiTON BUNGALOW. ..... , . T1J I J you wii.ij i.w.n. ....... Thl charming 5-room bungalow will surely meet your every desire In a horne The rooms are all nice and large, with hardwood floor. Ivory and tapestry pa per: all the clever built-in. and fully modern. Close to car, $t300. D. W . Alton. Auto. 32fl-19. ROSE CITY PARK. 5 rooms, hardwood floor. flrepUce, cement baeement, furnace, laundry tray, listed yesterday: price only $3000; terms. See House Dept., GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. ROSE CITY 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3250. Beautiful bungalow, near car and school; furnace, two fireplaces, garage, all bullt-lns, paved streeL A real bar gain; good terms J. R. HAIGHT. Broadway 2043. S27 Hoard of Trade. Res. Wdln. 0280 HERE IS ONE OF' MANY: HOLLA DA Y ADD. ON WASCO $3800. 8 large rooms snd sewing room. hdw. floors, fireplace, furnace, very modern: 50xlo0 lot with large garage. SEE THIS. MARSH & McCABil. Realtors, 822-3-4 Falllng lUdg. Marshall 3993. GO LOOK 8300 CASH. Brand new. 4 rooma and bath, tinted wails, best plumbing, laundry tray be side sink, lot) feet to pavement. Sell wood car to Ellis ave, go east to 702. Ker next door. f SIDNEY O. LATHR0P, 411 Abinrion ukii. ATTRACTIVE KOSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 beautiful roomo riKht up to the minute; old ivory finish, hardwood floor, art tll fireplace, bookras, buffet, cor ner lt with frnrage and paved street. This i beautiful home, but the owner Dint PCU- 1'rygnnia.n 4-ROOM bunnalow, 1 block Ulame.tt boulevard, it blooks Jaing John hlffh, beautiful river view, newly calcimined and re-palnted innide, good range and linoleum In kitchen. Iook at JUKI .V fMion and make me offer. Marshall P4ii(TI.AU HEIGHTS. Only f HTdO and on Portland Helghta. too. Five coiy rooma, hardwood floora, fireplace and bookcaa. old Ivory fin Hh beautiful view. Pon't miwi thia. Main HOG or Aut- 527-28. BF 24, Ore- gonlan l.AI.'KKLlirRST. Beautiful 6-room bungalow. 5 large rooma, tile bath, every modern crm velence. corner lot, beautiful lawn; fluOO for a quirk eale. Inquire of SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. HAWTUORXE DISTRICT. room modern home with garage: eloee in; can be handled under ex-aol-dier'e bonua. Trice $rt:.0. 1. A. MATHlSHsN CO.. m Mkv Ride. Main 721. TIr-iiPl.HrRKT BL'NGALOW. By owner, modern, hardwood floora throughout, bent plumbing fixture-; ga-rmg- tot 5xl47. 117 Multnomah al., net.r Sftih. Hroadway 5-room furnished or unf ui niahed homelike bungalow, fine location; terma; welcome to iimpect at 1304 K. Salmon. Owner, Tabor 4.3. RVINGTON COLONIAL .V0 rooma. extra large living room ivory finish. 8 bedrooma. garage. Neuhausen, MO iV W Hank b!rtg Main 87K. Ivawt 3l4. ijGOO f'KN INSULA FA RK; email payment down vacant; 6-room bungalow, ple.n dtd condition, double conatructed. Fhone o wner. Woodlawn 410. -vn hyOWNER, modern 8-room houee with eleeplng porch, hot-water heat hardwood floors, garage, in Koae City FarK. t an xaoor n-n. IF YOU are looking for th beKt home for m for the money in the cl-ty, wr my " English colonial home with 4 bedroom. Striot.y modern. Going aU, corner 24t h. Auto, .-i t. .ai:relhl'rsT. ft-room atrirtty modern, large colonial bungalow: lot 7.-.X11S; $1MH down. Owner, 122 E. Pine. Tabor 2U. PENINSULA diatrlcU fr ' bv owner, 5-room bungalow, berrlea. fruit and grapee; thia place mint be seen to Je appreciated. Terma Bell. 840.. LRVIVjTOS 7-room dwelling In splendid condition, centrally located on car line. Security Having Truet Co., Firet . Nation n I nann pmg. rsi ROSK CITY PARK. 5-roora bungalow, furnfuhed; bath, fireplace, bullt-ina and furnace, on cor "er Int. off Sandy. 675 E. ffUh N. MODERN, 8 rooma, bath, full cement baaement. laundry traya. fine location, bevt car service, tteaaitiful lot. near S. P. nonlvt 400. Bellwond 12M). BY OW.VE R J-room house, reaaonable; may take auto or lot aa part payment. Terrrig. lauor BY OWN ER Six-room house, reasonable; may take auto or lot; as part payment; term?. Taoor n-n. fTepmONT district, 100x100. three-room house, terma, Broadway 6157. KKAL ESTATE. For tSule IloUHea. $500 DOWN 50 MONTH. FINK HOME UNDERPRICED. Lnrge U-rm. home of square type ititUH ted on corner between Hawthorne and Belmont, cloye in, has reception hall, living room, dining room, den and kltcnen down-stair, hanl wood on main floor, 3 large airy bedrooms and bath upstairs, full cement bae-nit-nt and fine f urnuce, splendid garage with hot and cold water, on pavement and all Improvements paid. This truly beautiful resi dence la underpriced to SVCO and could not be duplicated today tur itKJ0. Call Mr. Che man w ith J. U HARTMAV COMPANY, 8 Chajuber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2u3. WILL TAKE flOOD LOT on this beautiful 8unnaide residence; It Is a banker's home, has sevn lata rooms, sleeping porch and floored attic, fine basement, three firenluct- and fur nace tuat; every convenience Imaginable is built In; the home Is double con structed throughout; it Is hand v and only a few minutes from the center of the city and on ot the schools, street cars and high school. Tho beat home values in the city fr I7.U0; will take good lot In good dutrlct. some cash and fine easy terms on balance; also can take roldier bonus loan if de sired. If you ant a good homo, see this one; It is a snap. E. V. HL'GHKA, BAT JOURNAL BUILDING. MAIN 2:.& ALAMEDA TARK. New bungalow, tf rooms, 2 sleep ing porches, breakfast room, most modern and up-lu-date ot lis kind. Firai floor ail hardwood floors, tile bath and shower. Bath room fixtures of lutfst design; bent grade uf tapestry paper; hoi water heating, fuil ceiiieni-d porch, gai age, 8 blocks wet of Broad way car at M8 Uunckley ave. Terms. Low Interest on mort gage. Call owuer. Wdln. Open Sunday. BRAND NEW, laiT&O. $700 down, $3.) month; 5 -mom bunga low, beautiful f irep.ac. built-in buffet, bookcases, cupbos rds, etc. ; a fine, new home for the uual price of an old house. Price Includes all atwcr anil paving as aKAitient paid; located ttast 4;id st., three blocks south Division street, one block south of Clinton, Richmond car; t. S. corner lot. e owner and builder on premises, 1 to 4 P. il. today. No con tractor's profits or saent s commission figured In prlee ; straight contract, no mortgage to aau:ne. J moot O.Jul. OLD ENGLISH COTTAGE. JUST COMPLE1 ED. S rooms, bullt-ln bath, linen clrtsef, hardwood floors, shades and fixtures. Ivory woodwork. tipetry paper, fire place. Ia'jte attic, cement basement, lur hace. Dutch kitchen and a Very pr-'tl breakfast nook. This houwe Is o!d Eng lish design w 1th beautiful brick walk In and the lawn graded. A plaee like tills is hard to tlltd for this price $i.".oo, f i.'ron cash. All Imps. In and paid. O ner oa premises. 21st and By bee. CITY PAKK. 7 -K GUM B L" NG A LO W. Her Is a real home a 1th many dis tinctive features; something out of toe ordinary : has alt modern feature sut h aa hardwood floor. Hreplaee; 3 rooms and glaaSjfed-ln breskfast room down stairs, 2 beo rooms and sun room up stairs; excellent plum bing. furnace end full cement baj-ment. Prlco IGiJUt), il00 cainh. Let us pIiow you. R. L. McGltKW. lOSfl HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR SS'.)2 OPEN SUNDAYS AM) KVKMNGtS. VACANT. MOVE TOMORROW. SIM h NEW, MOD E It N 1U I N G . $.l00 S.0 Kl R-ST PA Y M KN T l.'itm. fi rooms, one floor, stairs to attic, ce ment bail ment, all built-lna; everything Just as coxy ss con. d be . 4ox iuu lot near car. In Hawthorne district; all liens paid. (See this todny (Sunday). Marshall oi'&k; week days. Main 71H17 . M. trie is or Williams. "JO una in her or torn. B'og FOR SALE BY OWNER. Will sacrifice modern H-room house In splendid condition; hardwood Toots, fireplace, furnaie, bullt-ins. full cement basement, corner lot. &oxI0O, 1 block from school and churches, near dental college. Convenient to it car tine. 2 ga rages. I am off ring this property at reduction of $10i" for quick aule. Fee owner, "A'Mt Enst ilth North, cor Weldler INCOME PROPERTY PROPOSITION. Two tt-room. il-Mory homes In excel lent condition, close in location. Owner lives In one and rents the other; price $tHHJ0 with l-iUvM) dowu; exclusive to this office. THOMSOV A THOMSON. REALTORS, C-'ii Henry b 1 d g B dwy. 40. LAURELHURST. AT T.FAST l:t;00 CASH DOWN. The niftiest 7-room bungalow in thl dimrirt. Absolutely modern to the minute. Double garage; line lawn and rosea DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 500 10 1'anama HldgSd andAlder. IRVINGTON NEW COLONIAL SNAP. East facing. "31 East 1T h North. Seen by appointment; well built, finished in old Ivorv and art paper: eak floors, cen ter hall, large living room, breakfast room, charming oeurooms, , iirepiurea, garage. Neuhausen. H30 N. W. Bank bldg. Main M,M. East ai'U $ litfcM- N EW, MODE H N , V A C A N T 3 -' ( lO. g:t.MI I K W N W OODLA W N D 1 S T K I CT. 5-room, one floor,. Just finished, good basement, piumning, e.ectric iignis, khi corner lot, sidewalks In and paid. Sun riv Mar GlHl: week davs. Main ?IH7, Marie :s A Williams. fe-U Chamber of Commerce building. sUoDEK.N 1 It V I NO TO N HUNG ALOW I .7.M1 TERMS. 6 rooms, all on one Loot; hardwood floors, built-in feature. French doors: t it m !! f irriiar wahtrav-. full ce ment baaement, garage; K. front; closi to lrvington school und car. Improve ments all in and pald East .Ttl. NEW! IIHUO. NEW! 8 rooms and breakfast nook, living room with T-ry Urge windows, oearoom, clothes closet, bath, kitchen, back porch. fireplace. Beautiful trees on me lot. HAHRY BECK WIT H. Main WSttfi Realtor. 1"4 Fifth St rnvivfjrnv hnme. 0 rooms, alt Ivory, tap estsTV paper, hardwood floors. seping porch, GuS4 o furnace, full lot, garage $Ik1Qo; terma EAST 413. il.i0 YOUR OWN TERMS 1 1 Kv. NEAR AXKENY CAR BARNS. ... m rs.nxtm rnriatra. one floor nlumblng. electric lights, gas; all liens i.uiH- a comfortable home that wl.I save rent money. See It today. Sunday M n r. n.wn. Week rl n VM nj n T!H7. -1 , .urn i"vn i i vTi : i i is KVCLUS1VELY. Deaairable homes for sa-ls. Pleased to show you at sny time. No houss listed unless) I esn recom , I. rnmrtlv KVEHY CUSTO MER IS A KEFEUENCE. BROOKE, Marshall 4'Ji fvr " i i Vl n . i N.' II WORTH l.'iOUO. k " tw,ii. lt h ataraire. full ce- ment basement, beautiful place. $2700 iV(-nnn tw EST MENT CO.. Realtors, 405-6-7 Pa nimajl dg.. Sd and Alder. FOUND AT LAST. A four-room modern hnusn In Alberta ga rs ge. f ru 1 1 t rees ; munt b sol d thi week. tlKJ: $71M down, balance 1 per month. Woodlawn ,iH4 aT- i K,.ih mil nuntrv. near Arleta ir-s. ' Mt- rs electricity, cement walks, garden. $:i00 cash takes It Ha! a nee. $ 1 .Vto. like ren I. McFarland, realtor. Failing lng. t jon now V Hose Ctt'y bungalow, brand new. two ... mn i.inN- four moma: better this before It goea Mr. Rich. Tabor B5. . . in r.rrci Inaldt and out rrounds rtsxllO; llMo cash. $U per mo and tKfc Int. on balance nanuies mis ana ' ro ell. Eat 4l!. -T: . m.,E.ts in-vf! A i AiV FIARCAI M Five rooms, fireplace, white enamel vi.h.n attic, etc. Onlv $:wir.0. Easy terms. John M. Payne & Co.. Real tors Ms In ff1L'. Five -room, floored attic, fireplace m . nrlainAil flnnn ma rs re SA1 00 lurnaee-. (i.-. - m i, Onlv $RO0 down. John M. Payne at Co. Main PORTLAND H EIGHTS desirable 7-room hOUSe. ttarnwooa unnra, vry w.mmiwui level lot, close to car $HMM. S1.M10 Csh and f per month. shsH 4'7. BROOKE, Mar T. rrt a n v mniam fl.rr,,Ti, bnme furnlaheii close In: several large fruit treea and several kinds or mmii ttuu. large 101 price i.'VOoO. terms, nil K. Grant. 1K INO TO N LARGE HO M E 1 0T H ST. 8 rooms, sleeping porcn. iinifnea inira floor. 17H00: terms Buv b-fnre lOlS. Neuhsuiwn Main Rn7. Rast SW4. ui v- I- TU) w a-. Til Villi TW Va.- 'attractive snd strlctlv mortem Including garage; SttSoO and 400; $H)k) cn-ih. bal terms. Owner. $3.0(1 EQUITY In 6-room houne. paved atreet cement hs semen t, laundry trays , balsnce due $14o0. easy terms. Call Auto. mg-74 WEVT FIDE BARGAIN LUCRETIA ST., !.. WMnhlns-ton .WxlOO lot. 8-ronm bouse, $!UM). Neuhausen, b'AO N. W. Bank hid r Main R7 . FRUIT VALE acreage, ln-acre tract a, un cleared, on county road. 3 miles from Vancouver: owner. 680 Ravensvlsw drive, Portland, Or. R K A LEST T K. l or hale Jtouhea. LAUKELHCKST. LAURBLIIURST. 1 1 H A N L - N K W COLONIAL 1 1 ME. JLliX AHT16T10 W1TU UAUAGtt 10S4 MULTNOMAH ST.. NEAR S3TU. A most wonderful home, very dis tinctive In design and well arranged, ex terior beaut It ul st tine-tone si Uico and granite. i beautiful, spacious rooms; .4 larce plate giaits windows, swell beveled plate buifet, buiU-in bath tub with hfiwer, pf dental waah bit'ln. tlie bath floor, tile sa it it ary drain hoard a, oak fioora, red cement porch with colonial columns, French doors, old ivory wood work, tapestry pi pur. 1'hone Owner. Auto. 510-73. NEW. AND ATTRACTIVE. Handsome 5-room bunitalow and garage. Including attractive and latent features in the small mode in homes; located In one of the mont desirabls iiris of lrvington and can be bought at a low figure and very easy terms: here is tha rare combinations of the small modern house, in hih elans dis trict at modest pries and attrac tive terms. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Nor iu western Bank bid.. H KliK is an investment for you to think about; a rar proposition, most beautiful corner property, 2otixlM ground dimen sion, vt-iy f incut productive soil, Au or more of the rineft fruit trees, all mi ferent kinds. lots of fruit yet to gather, also garden stuff to use, a good 7 -room house, full cement base men t. fireplace, lo.eiy property Joining, tin homes ther, one bloek car line, stores etc. clot"; clear title, everything paid, offer this rstre property for $.;.im). i:.u0 (ath i.l hnd. u. L. Becker, UCd, Klistft. LAURELHURST. IHelHI. New 5-room bunas low, large att lo hardwood floors throughout, base tui pedestal bowl, built-in dreiser in bath, pspered Ihioughout, beautifully decor at d ; Dutch kiu lion. breukfast rooni. full CDinetit banenient; located at ll.tl Vfco between H7th and 3tHh; terms; 9i:ioO cash and Ku month. In eluding Interc.-t. HA V TMi lt. E D1ST1I IUT. $:,7r,o ;.room Hi' Nt; a l n :17B0. Here la an lm macula t a hungaiow, fin ished In beautiful tapestry paper aud located on aVoxluo lot in the b -t of tma rcMidentla) iliMirUt. Hils exteiUnt tur ns e. bubatnUal cash payment re quired. R. McG R nw, 10n HAWT1TORNW AVE. TABOR gSOJ. OPEN SUN1MYS AND K'KMNGS FOR RALE by owner. ti block In Trout- dale, or., o ni'tcks from I oiumhia high way on a graveled road; surd en apot snd - "i bearing fruit treei; garage Iir two machines and work shop; four-room house : city water snd lights in houoe and garage; pore $I."0. Phone GrrnltHia 41), o.r' writo J. It, JCnarr, Trouidale, Or. HOSE CITY PARK LOOK1 Now If you really aant a REAL GOOD HOME with good value for your num. v, then this Is the one. It Is MOMCItV In every re pert; lots of room. FIRST CLANS; condition, AOxiOO lot. Nlii lawn. In fact you can t best it aud I want you to see It. HARRY HECK WITH. Main rtMii-i Realtor. 14 Fifth St. IRVIXOTOX PITCH COLONIAL. f'.SIIHI. it beautiful room.; living room full length of house: in heart of lrvington; In iH-rfect condition In "ids and out: grounds isOkI.'io. etu fuclns- See thW i iu tb market fnr cotv home. EAST 41U. laJ.'i NEW, MODERN. V A 'A N T (.11 Jo, f:f-'.i FI RS I 1'A Y M EN 1 laJTi. 4-roorn modern bungalow, ,1unt north of I'ledmoiit, cement basement, good piumblna. electric lights, gas, hot w s ler lieu t. fi rep's re, bull-lnt, doube constructed: lot ."HixltiO; term like rent, Sunday, Mar. ."IMi.t ; w eek da)). Main . 7m.;. M.inris 4 Williams, SJU Chamber of I'onunert-e lllg. i;i!t;,,i h'e'r'E'S Vnl'lt 1IO.M E i'.'"'0. BRAND NEW r-l((H)M lll'NGA LtW. Hits flrep.ace, buftet. oak floors. Dutch kitchen and cement basement; paved st and sewer in and pi id. $1nio cah to. hand If,- t-ea tl.ls and end your house hunting'. R. T McOREW. lO.ofl HAWTMOIINE AVE. T A HR OPEN SUNDWS AND KVKMM!. MODERN Rose City bung-slow on Tillamook itn-et, 5 rooms and attic-; paved street, n'r car. Pri e Its.Mi. $T.V) down. LvA btringer. Automatic By-o. MT. TABOR HI NG A LOW. TEAU ri FULLY LOCATED. Owtu r 1cm ing town must dispose of his (17'M) equity, discount f cwli : hsrd flornl floors in 11 Ing aud ulmng rooms; Is rge flrepi m e, built-tns, furnace ; u Iso hull gas n-Kit em. gara ite ; a rooms and room llninhwd In attic; $..u. Tabor BUNGALOW almost completed; lUing room 1."ix2a, large fireplace, kitchen, J bedrooms, larite breakfast room, vleeplng porch it, la'Ko attic, hardwood floors, tile bath; i rv best comtruction and material, originallv Intended for owner. East ;t:th st.. bet w een Broad way aud Haiicoi k. 1 OWN A N E W MOD K R N HAWTHORNE PUNGALOW. NOW ACA.T; rooms, one floor; fireplace, hardwood f!onin, cement base ment, ail bul; t -Ins, breakfast nook, tnp est ry paper, gars ge ; city lleni paid ; near c.ir ; easy terms. See me Sunday, Marshall .V'rt.i, week d a y s. M aln 7:t7. READ CARhsFULLY. Fnve $7 .id on this beautiful home of 7 ro'trjifi. Price reduced to ."i.vmi; grounds DHix-ino with creek 4'xH running through center of property; trout ponds and three, beautiful artistic flower beds In cn-ek; fruit, berrlea. etc.: must be se-cn to be appreciated; easy terms. Prime So 1 1 wood .t , HA WTHoKNE DISTRI-'T. New o-ruoin bungalow, IdoU, $HXH) cash. New five-room bungalow, also thre portly finished rooms upstairs. ib00. Iwriy terms. We hav many other good buys. W. D. RODABAUGH, Realtor. Ifipl Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 4?W. ROSE CITY PARK. 410U. New Dutch Colonial, snappy and up to tlate in every detail ; hut it-In book cases and buffet, breakfast room. 1 bed room downstairs, It up; Ivory enamel, tapestry paper. Near school and car. HARRY HKCKW1TM. M sin s Hi R ea 1 1 or. 1 1 1 4 F 1ft h St. 1 1 7;,nV K R Y E A SY TE K.vTa $ 1 TT.O. ARE YOU SATISFIED To RENT? 4-room comfortable liti la home in Woodlawn. fireplace, small basement, and It heats rent; about 'n down. Sunday, Mar. .VMl'l; week days. Main 7!Mi7. Marie! & Williams. SJU Chambsr of Commerce BMjr. W K&T SI bB-ONLY 72;0. -room, story-and-hslf bunga low: t bedroom downsta Irs ; up; nice large dressing room, fireplace, buffet, hsrd wood floors; near car line. A real good homo. Call HARRY BECK WITH, Main ntftii, Realtor. 104 Fifth Pt. 1 1 t.-.O HAVE Y"oU A HOME? $l;U,(). FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE. WHY RENT? It-room, romfortii ide house, ner Col umbia park, Tttixloit Int. ell kinds of fruit. Your rent will pay for thin, a hoot $.;oo down. S und a v. M.ir. Mot:; ; utile days. In 7l07. M.irle'.s & W lltia.iis. K'.'O Ch .i it her of Commerce B!ilg, FOR SALE RY OWNER. IN IRVINGTON. Ksst ftth ft . b'-i. Knntt snd Stanton; 5 rooms, about finished ; nothing luik Ing In the wnv of con v eiitwrice ; will sell st riaht price; terms. Don t min this. Will be st h on se Sunday f -om 1 to . YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS. SOU. (tOxlOO lot. with house snd A fruit treen j block from car: $300 down. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., ReMltora, 40a -tl-7 Panama bldg.. d snd A Id t. Fv'oWXEH. Rone City 5-rooin bungalow, large rooms, Frenrh donra, white enam eled Dutch kitchen, furnace, full base ment, garaee. shade lre s and shrub bery. - S blocks Rose CM y Park car. 74( K. A'.d t. N. jwime terms rvInotonT fTleg ANT HOME. I9SMV Near 23d and Thompson; owner mov ing; oak floors, plate glass. Ivory finlwh, git raft t (new tOd a v . Ne w hnusen. "HO N. W. Bank bldg Main SOTS. East 3R4. MODERN A-rooin bungalow; will consider good lot as part payment of equity; re mainder cnh; mortgage per cent bal ance. . 1314 Divlslou. Owner. Prica y:ooo. i , I' 'It TLA N I) HEK.HTS. Convcnienl, well huilt 8-room house, btM part of height. Fine view of city, beautiful level HmxloO corner, close to carl BROOKE, YLar yhall 4S-J7. . $1200 FOR NEW four-room bungalow and two unfinished rooms upstairs; Dutch kitchen, cement bam ment; In College Ple. Ma'n ,""'1. $mm( CASH fl-room modern house. Sunny side. White ennmeled plumbing, j blocks to car. $:;u0. McFarland. realtor. Fainngbldg. . A "DANDY BUY IN WOODLAWN. A nice four-room modern house and bath lot Mix inn. fruit tree: a good buy, f 2 3 o ii. 4 00 dow n. Wdln. hC, s 4 VERY attractive ft-room home, stylish de sign, music hall and dining room, etc. Pa c r 1 f ice. Cn 1. 7f4 COLONl VI. homo, re.-trlcted district ; prb a very attractive Phoua after ttuuuay, TaVbor 1-1 J-