The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 11, 1921, SECTION THREE, Page 5, Image 47

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CBPri """"p-
I Sir'"" TiC ysfrcs ,
I U " HI iVwrwJiwww
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to musid
Convenient terms on any piano
are cordially extended by this store.
Enjoy your piano while paying
for it.
Whether you select a Steinway
Duo-Art grand piano or a cheery,
modest-priced upright, our reputa
tion of fifty years will be found
standing solidly behind it.
Sherman May & Co
Sixth aad Morriioo Strta
. J 1
The date set for the wedding is Octo
ber 6. Mrs. Smith and her daughter
will leave the latter part of, this
month for Washington, D. ' C, the
home of Mr. Harding's parents, where
the wedding will be solemnized in the
Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul.
Mrs. J. W. Willis was hostess Tues
day afternoon at a luncheon and
bridge party given' In honor of Mrs.
Coals' of Seattle. Those enjoying the
afternoon were Mrs. Thomas P. Blair,
Mrs. Will Davis, Mrs. Charles C. Mc
Ginn, Mrs. James Forbes, Mrs. Sam
Long, Mrs. Ned Long, Mrs. Joe Ack
lng. Mrs. Will Hood, Mrs. Chandler.
Mrs. O. C. Johnson, Mrs. Kenneth
Poorman. Mrs. Emile Nelson, Mrs.
Cassius Peck. Mrs. Tidball, Mrs. Will-
lams, Mrs. Jess Will and Mrs. Coale.
Mrs. Hortense .van F. Taylor and
her daughter. Mrs. Clayton Oehler.
have returned to their home. 530
Vista avenue, after a visit at Neah-kah-nie.
Mrs. M. Frank Akers of Lew
iston, Idaho, who was Mrs. Oehler's
guest, has returned to- her home.
. .
litrs. Henry Patjens and her daugh
ter Irene of Grass Valley entertained
at a theater party and luncheon Sat
urday for Miss Katherine Hoben,
bride-elect. Miss Lydia Hefner was
hostess Wednesday at a th-eater party
and luncheon for Miss Hoben. Several
parties will be given this week for
the bride-to-be. The marriage of Miss
Hoben and Horace Joseph Kicker will
be solemnized September 19 at Holy
Rosary church. The hour set is 11:45
o'clock. At 1 o'clock there will be a
reception at the Benson hotel.
llav Dearborn Schwab left Thurs
oa; fur Fresno where she is visiting
her mother, Mrs. Alice T. Derby,-and
her sister. Mrs. Edwin L. Mott. She
will return to Portland to resume her
musical work about October 5. Mrs.
Schwab will stop in San Francisco
where she will be entertained by
Several friends.
3 The Alpha Delta chapter of Alpha
VI Delta gave a luncheon at the Port
land hotel Saturday, week, at 1
o'clock. The guests were girls ex
pecting to enter the Oregon Agri
cultural college this fall.
Miss Lucille Bobb of Chicago has
been the house guest of Miss Florence
Viers of Dallas, Or., formerly of Port-
land, for the past five weeks. Miss
Bobb is a member of the Alpha
Lambda Phi high school sorority and
a recent graduate of the Chicago
Hyde Park high school. Previous to
her arrival she and her mother
toured Yellowstone park. On their
return they will visit San Francisco
and other California cities. They
plan to arrive in Chicago in time for
Miss Bobb to enter an eastern finish
ing school. - -
. .
Dr. and Mrs. Holmes Dysinger an
nounce the marriage of their daugh
ter, Helen Frances, to Samuel Ross
Maffet on Thursday,' September 1, at
Fremont, Neb. The couple will be
at home after November 1 in Port
A no host dinner dance was given
at Highway Lodge recently in honor
of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Coale of Se
attle, formerly of Portland, guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Blair.
Present were:
Mefprs. and Mesdames Harry W. Aid
rich. B. B. Allman, Thomas P Blair, Will
C Davis, E. Emll Force, Charles Gramm,
Will E. Jones, Otto C. Johnaon. .Ned Lone.
Sam Long, Lloyd S. Lawion, Fred Melliah,
Charles A. IcOlnn. J. Emit Nelson. Ken
neth Poorman, Joe Oca-wig-. Cassias R.
Peck. J. C. Stevens, J. L. Will, Jack
Willis, L. E. Tidball, Mrs. E. a. Chandler,
H. F. Vincent and A. B. Smith.
The Portland Heights club was the
scene last Thursday night of a de
lightful dance at which Alpha Delta
chapter of Delta Gamma entertained
in honor of girls who are entering the
university this fall. The attractive
clubrooms were decorated in autumn
foliage and gay flowers and 'these
proved a charming background for
the dainty gowns of the young- srirls.
Organdies and summery gowns pre
dominated. The patrons and pat
ronesses were: Dr. and Mrs. Charles
Loeding, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Quigley,
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kerr and Mr.
and Mrs. W. T. Belcher. About 100
members of the college set attended.
Miss Lurllne Biddy was hostess at
a tea Saturday afternoon at which
the engagement of Miss Marion'
Buckley and Martin B. McGowan Jr.
of Spokane was announced. Those
enjoying Miss Biddy's hospitality
were the Misses Genevieve George,
Minnalena . Cameron, . Mertle - Duff,
Hazel Blynn, Irene Button, Laura
Hall and Marion Buckley. The
wedding will be an event of October.
m m
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Hansen Jr.
entertained Thursday evening, Sep
tember 1, at their home in Laurel-
hurst, celebrating their third anni
versary. Cards were the diversion
of the evening, high honors falling to
Mr. and Mrs. June S. Jones. The
guest list included: Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Hemphill, Mr. and Mrs. George
Hellener, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey
Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. June S. Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. George Vernon White,
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Buhn, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex G. Barry, Mr. and Mrs. I. M.
Bohnson and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Earl
Walter of Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Blauvelt were
hosts to several of their friends at a
formal dinner and dance given at the
Chalet on the Columbia River high
way Thursday evening. ' The tables
were . decorated with flowers and
balloons and caps were the souvenirs.
Among the guests were Messrs and
Mesdamea Jefferson Myers, C. C. Colt,
W. T. Jacobsen, M. L. Kline. William
F. Fieblg. C. O. Richards. E. G. Leihy,
W. M. Kapus, William Umbdenstock,
Ralph H. Mitchell and Fred Glenn
and Mrs. A. W. Jones.
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey G. Parker and
daughter, Marion, motored as far as
Spokane with Jennlson Parker, who
has returned to Culver Military
academy. Miss Brenda Warn of Spo
kane, who was a guest at the Parker
home during the month of August,
accompanied them to her home. .
Miss Penelope Gehr entertained
Thursday evening at a dinner dance
in honor of Miss Dorothy Freenaughty
and George Richardson. Paper cu
pids and tule streamers hanging over
pids and tulle streamers hanging over
the table from the ceiling suggested
the approaching wedding of th
honor Euests. The table was deco
rated with greenery and flowers In
pastel shades, and lktle kewpie place
cards were attached to tulle rice Dags,
which were to be thrown at the
wedding. The guests were Dorothy
Freenaughty, Jeanette White, Honoe
Youngson. Thyea St. Clair, Merie
Carter. George Richardson, Dean
Winslow. Matt Hughes, Gordon Wil
son. El wood Wiles anC Clayton
Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Templeton and
Miss Marguerite Templeton returned
Thursday from a motor trip tnrougn
British Columbia.
Miss Isabelle Petrie entertained
with a party at the Portland hotel
Frldav evenine .for Eiizabetn Anaer
son and Gwendolyn Hedges, who soon
will leave for college.- Miss Anderson
will enter the Oregon - Agricultural
college for the fall term to take up
the secretarial ' course and Miss
Hedges will study journalism at the
University of Oregon.
The room In which the party was
given was decorated with roses and
dahlias. Refreshments were served.
Dancing and games were enjoyed by
the following guests: Elizabeth An
derson, Gwendolyn Hedges, Doralis
AllDhin. Eva Goldberg, Fay Whitely,
Isabelle Petrie, Wilma Petrie, Rose
Schaff. Ruth Arbuckle, Harriet Van
Poucke, Grace O'Neil, Eva Goldstein,
Rose Jacobson, Lois McDonald, Helen
Boyd. Helen Beatty, Kathleen Kirk
ley, Ayleen Hyde. Blanche Hough,
Elizabeth Jenkins, Charlotte Carswell
and Alta Conley; lungsiey Tren
holme. Jack Shea, Burr Canfield, Mel-
vln Gowing. Fred'Brocha, Jack Cos-
griff, Franklyn Bodway, Willis Lin-
gle, Floyd Greeley. Howard uoiDurn
Howard Oberle. Donald Carlson, Ger
ald Lawlor, Klrtley Miller,. Chester
McRobert. Roland Plath. Samuel
Greenberg. Sigurd Rudl, Ben Stark,
John Anderson, Dewalt Bonebreak.
William Miller and Arthur Petrie, Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Petrie, Mr. and Mrs.
T. E. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs.. J. E.
Hedges and J. L. Carswell.
"One of the charming affairs of the
week was a luncheon given by Mrs.
Harry M. Cake at Waverley Golf
club in honor of Miss O'Connor of
San Francisco.
Captain and Mrs, George Pope will
entertain on the afternoon of Septem
ber 23, honoring Mrs. Pope's -80th
birthday. Old time friends will be in
vited. Captain Pope has been In Ore
gon for 65 years.
... I
The First Christian church at Eu
gene, decorated with old-fashioned
marigolds and zinias of many colors,
was the scene of the wedding of Miss
Mary Ellen Bailey and. Harold A.
Moore last Sunday at 12.30 P. M.
Mrs. Thomas A. Larremore sang "At
Dawning" before the bridal party
entered to the strains of Men
delssohn's wedding march played by
Mrs. S. E. Stevens, who also played
"I Love You Truly softly all through
the service. Rev. E. V. Stivers per
formed the ceremony, using the ring
service, and tne bride's father gave
her in marriage. A life-long friend,
Mrs. E. P. Chambers, was matron of
honor, and Miss Helen du Buy, a
sorority sister, was bridesmaid. The
bride's brother, Edward F. Bailey,
was best man, and Luther Jensen and
Lawrence Manerude were ushers,
The bride wore a dark blue taffeta,
appllqued with .gray taffeta, old
fashioned flowers, and a gray velvet
hat with gray ostrich plume. Her
shower bouquet was of old-fashioned
flowers in pastel shades, asters,
zinias, Cecil Brunner roses and sweet
peas. The matron of honor wore dark
blue taffeta, combined with gray, and
a black picture hat. The brides
maid's gown was of blue eyelet em
broldered satin over gray canton
crepe. Her hat was of gray duvetyn
and she carried a bouquet of old-
fashioned flowers.
After congratulations had been re
ceived informally at the church, the
bridal party and relatives returned
to the home of the bride's' parents,
where a wedding dlnnerywas served.
The relatives present were Mrs. H. H.
Moore, mother of the bridegroom;
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bailey, parents
of the bride; Mr. and Mrs.-Edward
F. Bailey, Mrs. Minnie Flint, Miss
Mildred Flint and A. J. Flint, all of
Junction City. Immediate relatives
who were not able to be present were
H. B. Moore of Glendale, Cal.; Mr. and
Mrs. Clifton Watson of Oakland, Cal.';
Mr. and Mrs. J. Benly Stam of Mohler,
Or.; Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Doren and
sons, Thomas and Edward, of Port
land, and Miss Helen Flint of Junc
tion City.
Mrs. Moore is the youngest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bailey
of the pioneer Bailey family who came
west in the 40s and for whom Bailey
hill near Eugene is named. She. has
lived all her life in Eugene, was
popular In the grade schools, the high
school and through her college
course. She Is a member of Beta
Omega of Kappa Kappa Gamma and
of Theta Sigma Phi, national honorary
fraternity for women in Journalism,
and was graduated from the uni
versity last June. Mr. Moore is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Burton
Moore, formerly of Portland but now
living In Glendale, Cal. He was a
student In the university for two
years, and Is at present telegraph
editor of the Eugene uatiy uuara. jmx.
and Mrs. Moore left Sunday after
noon on a motor trip with their
destination unknown. They will be
away for a week and on their return
will make their home at 209 Seventh
avenue -East, and will be at home to
their friends after September is.
Probably 500 guests were present
at the wedding. An Invitation to the
church membership was given, espe
cially to Mrs. Bailey s .class ol junior
women who were responsiDie ior me
decorations in the church, and to
about 200 other friends. .
At a simple but impressive wed-
dinsr reremonv on Thursday at 10
o'clock. Miss Marguerite Freydig be
came the bride of Dr. Homer P. Rush.
The Rev. T. F. Bowen of St. Michaels
and All Angeles officiated. J. C. Frey
dig gave his daughter in marriage.
The bride wore a suit of blue duve
tyn faced with gray squirrel collar.
Her hat was of gray duvetyn faced
with blue and her corsage was of
orchids and Ophelia roses.
Miss Lucile Rush sang "O, Promise
Me" and Mrs. P. E. Freydig played
the wedding march. The rooms were
decorated in autumn foliage and flow
ers. After the ceremony there was a
wedding breakfast. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Frey-
Furs and individual style shops
Broadway at Morrison
" .' jj!
I(IIIIHH" !' .'iliiui,.iu...i,... Willi tu 'JljjlWiinVWM I V '-NJ "V'IU'II,1III',"H,I' "l Hil'l UUIIHN'F" U'"aiH'IF.i"lll
HjiiliiiU'''sii.'i--'j iui,i'i.-a.i,w ,..,s . -- 'yf ti f ,'ll'l'l'''l'''UlIUl'lll,?n''ll'lU!lllH,l''''''''in'1'
with a new sleeve
in a new fabric
' A coat of Normandy cloth, in
Malay, with a beaverette collar, is
richly embroidered a most re
markable value at 59.00.
A coat to be worn with a fur is
one of navy Normandy cloth, is
stitched smartly in silk to match.
A year-round coat 85.00.
Both coats have the bell sleeve.
with a shorter coat
for mademoiselle
A suit with that added bit of
dash, required by the younger set
of navy tricotme, with a smart,
new collar, 49.00.
Other suits in navy tricotine and
smart twill cord, with the blouse
back, the Lanvin belt, with hand
felled linings, 49.00.
Altogether a remarkable group at
are adorned with
barbaric beads
A chic model in black Canton
crepe with a gathered tunic, is
trimmed with fluted braid and
bright, carved wooden beads, at
A smartly simple brown duvetyn
frock is button trimmed, its nar
row girdle, composed of wooden
beads, in new eggplant purple,
Both frocks are excellent values.
1 0;Si. JtSfillT
Even the laces are hand-made
in this lingerie from France!
Pleated into basket-like shapes, tied with delicate silk rib
bons, lingerie on silky batiste is convent-embroidered, though
cut and designed in the American fashion.
Drawers, richly embroidered and lace
edged, priced upward from 10.00.
Chemises of exquisite fineness, hand
somely embroidered, upward from 10.00.
Gowns of delicate richness, also of
French batiste, upward from 18.50.
Harriet Lee makes selections for out-of-town customers
t FtTAHiJSHEn 1B64
vhraaka and is a graduate of the Uni
verslty of Oregon medical school. He
in a. member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon
and of Nu Sigma Nu. He is a mem
ber of the faculty of the university
for the fall semester. The young peo
ple attended grammar school together
in ColumDus, iseo., wnen mey cu
little children. The wedding was the
result of the early romance.
Miss Charlotte Wells and Miss
.Teannntte Carter were hostesses on
Friday at a dance at the Portland
Golf club. Following were tne guests:
The Misses Elizabeth Anaerson. Mar
garet Anderson. Marion Norman. Fern
Mowerv. DeliRht Ingold, Nellie Pllk-
intnn Vlreinia Pearson, Estelle
Modlln, Betty Brink, Jane Carter. Vir
ginia Fenton, Francis ora. neien
Faust, Helena Pittelkau. Grace Wells,
Grace Starr, Ardis Welch, Marlon
Peacock, Louise Hoyt, Maxine Stout,
Margetite Wheeler, Eva Versteeg.
Elizabeth Hicks, Martha Shull, Eloise
Hntrerlns. Mildred Thatcher, Inez
Fairchlld, Peggy . Stansberry. Gladys
Versteeg, Helen Versteeg, Eleanor
Cameron, Louise uameron, jjoris
Lytle, Vivian Jonnson. Kutn xayior,
Francis Milne. Jane O'Reilly. Ann.
O'Reilly, Eunice Cowgill, Frances
dig. She attended Oregon Agricul-1 Murphy, Luelia -neney, jnaaeiuie
tural college and Is a member 01 Baker, trances nw,
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. Dr. I denstock. Maxine Walkup, Gertrude
Rush attended the University of I Grey, Mildred Deufert, Bernice Hunt.
When I can reduce your weight a pound a day, SAFELY, INEXPENSIVELY
and PERMANENTLY, WITHOUT DRUGS; the only natural way. And there will
be no wrinkles or flabby flesh as a result of the reduction. Every woman owes it
to herself to look nice as long as she can; but of what avail Is a pretty face If the
figure is ungainly. So if you are not perfectly satisfied with your figure, come in
and have it PERMANENTLY MARSHALLED. We have no competition as no one
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Write for free Information regarding this method.
807-B Broadway Building, Portland, Oregon.
Suite g31-z Vale Building, Seattle Washington.
Margaret Hyatt, Mildred Gabler,
Lillian Mitchell, Dorothy Dunne
Peggy Densmore, Louise Hatfield,
Marjory Kettenhoffen, Lucille Krae
nick, Philippa Sherman, Dorothy
Ettinger, Norma Carlson, Helen Ball
Marlon Mathisen, Pauline Bondurant,
Willetha Ritter. Marjory layior
Irene Taylor, Marlon Burke. Lenore
Speidel, Helen Mays, Margaret west
gate, Virginia McMullen, Janet Et
May We Prescribe
for Your Old Furs?
Remodeling is an important
phase of the furrier's art.
Out of an old muff, a worn
neckpiece, a tired looking
coat, smart, new modes are
cunningly . wrought at the
hands of our skilled designers.
Bring in your furs and let us
suggest new ways in which to
fashion them.
Eats Candy But
Loses Her Fat
Here's Joyful news for every fleshy
person who loves good things to eat,
especially those who are denying
themselves the things they like most
because of their desire to keep down
their weight or to reduce the fat
with which they are already bur
dened. The famous Marmoia Proscription
has been put up in convenient tablet
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everywhere at only one dollar per
large case. To get rid of fat at the
rate of two to four pounds a week,
simply take one of these little tablets
after each meal and at bedtime until
you have reduced your weight to
where you want It. No wrinkles or
flabbinesa will remain to show where
the fat came off.
Simply use Marmoia 1'rescriptlon
Tablets according to directions; they
are harmless, free from poisonous or
Injurious drugs and can be used with
perfect eafety. Try them for Just a
few weeks and get results without
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some exercise and starvation diet. Get
them at any good drug store or send
price direct to Marmoia Compnny.
4612 Woodward Ave,. Detroit. Mich..
and a full-sise package will be mallei'
to you direct, in plain wrapper, and
postpaid. Adv.
Head The Oregonlan classified ada. i