THE SUNDAY' OREGONIAN, PORTLAND,' .SEPTEMBER 11, 1921 20 business opportcnities. IF TOTJ JLKE7 A BUSINESS MAN AND A HUSTLER WITH $500 TO $2000 TO INVEST. Large manufacturing corporation wants ales manager to open office and handle sates force for an entirely new, indispen sable article that will be in universal use ' within the year. The right party should ' ciesn ud from $5000 to 110.000 annually. IT n less you mean business don't waste our tune nor lose yours. Call or write MANN A CRAIG,. Genl Sales Mgrs. room 411 Imperial hotel. GROCERY BARGAINS. $1500 Good business, first-class east side location. 3 living: rooms; rent ao. $3500 Cash business, doing $90 dally. tio delivery; east side; rent $-0. Let us show you this. West side grocery, finest location and priced right; $4750; all fixtures Included. Wood saw, dandy outfit, working every day, interest with good partner $300, or would sell alL S. M. BORLAND. Auto. 529-0-4. 303 Stock Exch. MEAT PACKING BUSINESS. Established for 12 years and has made a rapid growth each year. Is now. and has been for last three years paying SO per cent on the investment; doing over $200,000 a year. These state ments can be established by the re ports of chartered accountants, who audit the books every three months. It is verv seldom that a business of this Kind is offered for sale ana oniy extra ordinary circumstance makes it pos sible now. This is a wonderful business and can be increased to several times its present size. It will require about $40,000 cash to handle this deal. For full particulars inquire- at 601 Stock Exchange bldg. $10,000 WANTED. Inventor desires co-operation of cap italist looking for safe, profitable busi ness. One with executive or manufac turing experience preferred. With $10. 000 be should realize the full amount of his investment in profits annually. No agents, principals only. This remark able device esDeciallv adaptable to Ore gon. Will become one of the state's big assets. Approved by scientific men. AV 221, OregoniaiL WHOLESALE and retail bakery and cafe, 8 rooms upstairs, large brick building, best location in southern Oregon city of 7000 population; only bakery; 3V4 years' lease, with option of purchase any time during the life of lease; total lease rent for all is $70 per month; rooms above yield $125 per month. Cafe is now rented for $J0 per month. $8000 in vested. Fin a paving business. On ac count of domestic affairs will sacrifice this for $5000, worth $10,000 ta anyone who Is looking for a business of this King, jlv ijz, oregonian. WE ARE organizing a small stock com pany to manufacture new inventions, one of which is a metal clothes pin combina tion (the only one on the market) for either wire or rope lines: will not stain the clothes and will hold any size gar ment and will not freeze to the line. Can meet competition with a terrific , profit. This pin is past the experi mental stage and is protected by sev eral patents. It is a proven article, a winner, a safe investment. Manager - wanted. For further particulars ad dress AP 976, Oregonian. DIRECT FROM OWNER. A dandy west side location, confec tionery and cigar store doing a nice busi ness, but have more than I can handle. Come look the place over and make me a proposition! BROADWAY 5445. COMPLETE Lailey light plant. 1000-watt generator, llo-ampere-hour Willard stor age battery, complete for $350, f. o. b. Butte, Mont. With a Lailey light plant . you can have electric lights, running water and all kinds of electric contriv ances for house and farm. Full instal lation instructions with each. You can put it in yourself. Address Electrical equipment company. 2b E. Broadway, Butte, Montana. FOR SALE Soft drink business, 7 card tables and chairs, light lunch outfit, ir. an excellent location, same being 837 . Union avenue North; owner going out of business, will sell above business for $300, will take all cash or half cash, balance terms; rent of bldg. $25 per month; business worth $1200. Call Wdln. 262i. G. Reiger, owner. C. K. . Magegke, agent. 20 ACRES. Twin Falls. Idaho, city limits border on west line; now is the time to subdivide this tract into lot and V -acre tracts. This town is largest in this exceptionally prosperous agricultural com munity. It will take a live wire with some cash to handle. Will consider good ..Portland income property, part pay menL Owner 302 R a ilway Exchange. MINING. I have a mining and milling propo sition that will stand the closest Jnves- . ' tigation, I need the assistance of a real "live wire" who can furnish good ref- -- erences; for the right party this is a splendid opportunity. BF 838. Orego nian. WANTED Eevry man or woman looking for an opportunity to better their pres ent position or income, write for "LOOK ING AHEAD." ADDRESS THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Park and Yamhill. Portland. Or. ARE PLACING new invention on market, new device for automobile headlight Only thing of kind in th world. Great demand. No competition. Big money Exclusive rights. Room 331 Venable hotel. 228 3d St. CITY hauling with three-year contract with large Portland firm; this position is permanent, winter and summer; re quires purchase of 2fc-ton truck on long, easy terms. Apply at once; no trades, 4oQ West Burnside. WOOD YARD for sale with good slab and cordwood contracts. This is one of the best locations on the west side with trackage and a money-maker, with proper management. $500 will handle. K DIM), Oregonian. GROCERY BARGAIN. Very good location. Rent $45 a month; $3000 month business, near schools. Owner been there 4 years; account of other business, will sell at invoice. Room 511 Railway Exchange. EXCLUSIVE business for business woman with capita!. Call, phone or leave ad dress with Mrs. McRae, factory repre sentative, Portland hotel, Saturday or Sunday. SOR SALE Variety store in eastern Ore gon town of 8000 people, doing good - business; new stock, no dead items, best location, good lease; $17,000 will handle. A V 33 3. Oregonian. CLEANING and blocking hat shop, cheap rent, fine location, no competition, big returns on small investment. Address Furget's Hat Shop, 608 Tower ave,, Cen tralia. Wash. Price $250. CAUTioN. BLTEKS Bel ore Closing a deal of so-called interest in establishd real t estate business get advice of Portland . Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. Paoas Broadway 1902. BLACKSMITH shop and garage for sale, live town, good trade, about $5000 takes - It No competition. Price includes - building, lots and tools. AV 507, Ore gonian. SALE Lease or exchange, oniy hotel partly furnished; town of 1000; with 40 rooms and 3 business room a Address owner, a v ho, uregonian. CU.M'bt'iiUAtHi complete outfit for nome-ninue canay; ota estSDllsned bus! ness; 2 living rooms In connection; $2500 t.tiMi.uir wwiiri. j uregonian. $550 CASH buys confectionery with root vkwv uarrei anu vmau restaurant; rent $17.50; 8-year lease. Edward T. Orr realtor, 115 Grand ave. PARTNER Road shooting, gailery and truck; all new, $450. 29ft North 9th at. Room 5. , ' jLECTKIC bakery, only bakery 4a a good lively town; good investment Write AV 534. Oregonian. , PARTNER wanted for cafe and bakery -good location; 5-year lease; equal half Interest $050. Address H U7, Oregonian WILL sell to right party a good bakery mute and Ford. Call at 9Ti East 24th St. N.. evenings. Wdln. 5813 LOOKING for a partner for wooden toy patent; a business man with money Mr. S. Wojcik, Orenco. Or. ' FO R . SALE 2-chair barber shop. Call after 10 o'clock Sunday. 553ft Wash - Ington street. PARTNER wanted for one-half Interest in wnnH sa w : lota of wnrlr 1 1 7S u-ill die. Cal454 East Belmont or East 73S9fl WANTED Partner in auto top works; ex perience necessary. B 935. Oregonian. liEAUTV parlor equipments special prices for cash. Portland Cutlery Co., 86 6th st 1 BARBER chairs on sale at big reduc- tion. Portland Cutlery Co., 86 6th st. . J1ALF interest Harris' candy store. Harris PeanutBrittle.120ft Mh. BARBER shop for sale. 629 1st Take NS car. 'OR SALE SHOE REPAl RING SHOP. 113 XOKTH BROADWAY. businkss opportunities. NEW Opportunities and business possibilities. Portland Is now preparing for th great world's fair In 1925. This will mean reatlv increased copulation an the most urgent necessity for structural operations this city Has ever known. DISCOVERT f . A new form of concrete construction, estimated much more efficient, cheaper to erect, providing for the elimination of half the labor attending ordinary concrete work. No forms to remov lighter in weight, less material neede and better results are possible . when using tms process 01 construction. IN All the structural work attending th 1925 fair suggests large percentages o: profit ana someone is going to reap th benefit from the best' process of con struction during tnia time. . BUILDING Operations are increasing. Why not 30m otner business men and, get som benefits from this industry, especially auring me great epoch of the tatr. aid CONSTRUCTION Is one of the leading industries of vital interest to business men. If you want to Invest in a sane enterprise which has exceptional possibilities for growth and profit this should oiler you a spien did opportunity. STRICTLY BUSINESS. Write for ap nointment. P, O. BOX 943.' PORTLAND, OR. GOOD BUSSINESS AND A-l INVEST MENT, . Comer bldg.. 78x103. paved streets gro, well stocked; good fixtures; doing fine business; can be doubled; family trouoie reason for selling. Price $7000 $4000 cash will handle; balance. on easy terms. CORNER GRO.. WEST SIDE. Good location: rent $30: monev maker. because owner has bought large store and made -the money hre. Price $20O0 Must be sola ttis week. See. this. Eust side, with furnished' living room; neat and clean; weli worth the price asKea. KEIPPER A STEWART., . 514 Railway Exch, Bldg. Main TO FOR SALE Garage and machine shop. 1 lathe. 1 drill press. 1 power hack saw. 1 power sewing machine. 1 post drill. 1 service car. Part cash and terms. For appointment Aut. 840-S4 Aut. IlJr-M. 1 A REAL BARGAIN $2000 $SO A DAY INCOME. WEST SIDE GROCERY. Fixtures, stock and furniture; large living room in rear. Splendid location clean stock. It's a big bargain for $2MK. II you can pay $2000 cash, don't overlook a good buy. Call us today (Sunday). Comte & Kohl man, M. 6550, chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED jr, REPRESENTATIVES. Male or female, not over 30. years. wtto can or will learn bow. to sell through other people: an ' Instruction course given whiirfi will enable you to reaoh everyone In the United States this is a great opportunity if you make connections at once;-$25 Is required as security. Address W. Postoffice Box 4ititi. rortiand. Or. . AN ESTABLISHED PAYING BUSINESS F.REE TO THE RIGHT MAN. We are manufacturers. To industrious man we will turn over our Portland service branch, established five years, now paying $300 to $500 a month; $1500 to $2000 investment for materials to carry on business, fully protected; le gitimate opportunity; principals only; act quickly. W 8H'., Ore go n I an. SELLING ON ACCOUNT SJCK.N.ESS. At invoice, my onevhaJf Interest In good payrng feed store, grocery and building materials, located in ?ood town 30 ml. from Portland in good farming district: warehouses, fixtures and stock will invoice about $5000; irood terms. For run particulars see L. O. Gerber. 714 Swetland bld-gs Main 7776. LA HUE manufacturing corporation wants capame men' to open craned oince and manage salesmen; $300 upward neces sary; handle your own money. Exclu sive rights; patented article; money making possibilities unlimited. Will pay expenses to Baltimore if you qualify. Address Secretary, 603, N. Eutaw sL. Baltimore, Md. A PARTNER WANTED. Auto pointing business; a nicely equipped shop; $750 -buys equal Interest with experienced partner; should clear $200 month for each; want a partner to meet customers and assist tn the busi ness. Room 4tH Dekum bldg. IF YOU have in cash or bank credit $3000 or up, 1 can -show you how you can make it earn 20. for you with perfect safety. This is a quick turn proposi tion, where you have your money out practically on demand. AF 13, Orego nian. ' WANTED Man with $500 to-buy out man ufacturer too busy in diferent line. Prod uct is staple article of superior quality, well introduced in- Portland. Re-ordera steady, profits large, business permanent An opportunity like this is seldom of fered. O 07. Oregonian. CITY and county agents wanted for new ly patented automobile, accessory. Ex cellent opportunity for vnen able to or ganize sales forces. Install it on Ford and the money is yours. No talking or argument. Ackswell Mfg. A Sales Co.. Inc.. Northport, N. Y. ' ACTIVE business man with executive ability and accustomed to meeting the public can form desirable connection with established financial house. $2500 investment required; good salary. Ke plies confidential. V 013. Oregonian. CANDYMAKER. Half Interest, well equipped whole sale candy factory at a sacrifice on acct. of death of owner. This will bear your closest investigation. Well established business. BC 1H4. Oregonian. GROCER l doing $125 day, cash-and-carry; corner location; gool lease. If you want a place to do business, see this. Invoice about $2500. Z. Eakins, 315 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st. I DESIRE active, capable man, with some capital, to join me in real estate; well known, established office; can make good- money; best of references, W IH4, Oregonian. AUTO REPAIRING. Partner wanted in- fine repair shop; owner will guarantee $75 week and up; $200 cash will handle It ,Hoom 511 Railway Exr hmge. GROCERY STORE. Dandy location, cash and carry busi ness; rooming house district, west side; cheap rent, clean as a pin, alt for $7u5. Peters. 15 North 5th st. YOUR correspondence, telephone calls and business interests will be looked after at monthly rates proportionate to work by public stenographer. State business. W Oregonian. WELL-ESTABLISHED transfer, fuel and general contracting business; good in come; will consider good auto or house in exchange. $55O0; terms. Call Wdln 3S77; even i n gs. WOOD AND COAL Partner wanted for equal interest In finely located wood and coal yard ; want Interested help; profits good. $1150 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. CASH BUSINESS FOR SALE. Grocery stock, fixtures and furniture for sale; good location. Price $1600. See A. B. Ohrlstenson, 410 Henry Bidg. Bdwv. 4751, A COMBINED grocery store and meat mar ket, wonderful location and fine busi ness, that will stand strict investiga tion; sell stock at invoice. BD 830, Ore gonian OLD-ESTABLISHED grocery and confec tionery, doing good business; must sell at once, account sickness. Deal with owner, Mrs. Clifford, 719 Powell. FOR SAiLE Good going confectionery, ice cream and cigar stand, fine location, near school; no agents. 1431 Union ave. X. FOR RENT Corner store, location a good business opportunity. One large living room in rear; four rooms above, $30 per month. Main 6597. Corner 24h and Vaughn. GROCERY Concrete bldg., nice apt, hot and cold water, bath, good business; invoice about $2200. Z. Eakins, 315 Couch bldg., 109 4th st. WANTED r A man with some capital to invest in a well-established and good paying business; money used to enlarge. For further Information call Tabor 738. $750 CONFECTIONERY and candy, west side, brick bldg.; nice, clean place, do ing good business. Must sell this week. V.. Kaktns. 315 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st I HAVE $1000 and services; would like to get position where these could be used to advantage. Manufacturing or other wise. J 979, Oregonian. $500 DOWN at $30 a mo. You can buy business bldg. on Union ave., living - room in connection. Wdln. 5 0S4 SMALL sets of books' written up, trial balance monthly; system conforming to tax laws. Call Main 6:174. GOING out of town, will sell cozy little cafeteria at a bargain. Call at 865 Sandy blvd. WANT partner with some capital to take parr la mining deal. AN U, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. investigate: thts hkal SNAP. Lisrht HTocsrv and restaurant, fine location, suit Ah In for man and wife. Rent $10 month, 3-year lease. Reasons ior selling, trice sioou. SUBURBAN GROCERY. On carline, furnished living rooms. Good stock and fixtures, only store for blocks. Rent $25. Price $1350. WASHINGTON ST. RESTAURANT. Old establishment, 3-y lease. Only $3400. half cash. Good terras. DELICATESSEN, LUNCH -B&OM. 2000. Center of city, doing" good business, y. MANY OTHERS. SEE US. : MARSH A McCABE CO'.,' Realtors. I 322-3-4 Falling bldg.. Marshall 3M3. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE. A complete mattress factory in operation for the past five -years doing a fine business and earn ing about !00 per month is for sale at $7000. Complete machinery equipment and large stock on hand. See J. P. Parker.; METZGErf-PARKER COMPANY. 24W Oak Street. City. VERY SUCCESSFUL FACTORY. A local company making women's ap parel with a well-established business, making big prof-its with a big field and assured business, can be sold on account of extraordinary circumstances. Price including stock, equipment, onTy $25,000; an exceedingly rare opportunity; no phone information. J. G. Rainey, 617 Ablngton bldg. READ $1350 A BARGAIN. MT. SCOTT GROCERY. Grocery stock and furniture of 2 liv ing rooms in rear; all for $13501 This includes grocery stock, fixtures, furni ture everything for $135U This gro cery averages $40 daily the year around. If you can pay $1100 down you'll get a big bargain. Cell us today (Sunday.) COMTE & KOHLMAX, M. eST.a 208 Chamber of Com. Bldg. TWO ENERGETIC men, preferably able to drive truck, to invest $2000 cash eacn for one-third interest each in an estab lished fuel- business. Have everything r-e-ressary to make this one of the best yards in the city. . Yard office, office equipment, two trucks, wood saw. One third of purchase price will be put Into stock Call Aut. 235-21. S to 10 A.. M. East 7020. evenings, 7 to ..ft. SWELL ROTARY BAKERY. AND LUNCH ROOM IN LIVE TOWN. 8000 POP.. EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DATE; BUSINESS ABOUT 125 PER DAY; MUST BE SOLD MONDAY OR DISMANTLED: LONG LEASE IF DE SIRED. PARTICULARS AT RAKE RITE FOOD PRODUCTS CO., 613 TITLE & TRUST BILDG. BDWY. 325S. SUN DAY CALL EAST SSOO. IS THERE A MAN IN THIS CITY WHO ...111 ,n1.n In crn 1 r? placer of exceptional merit? Values ex ceeding $1 per yard proven by 3 years' testing. No stock . proposition. Want money for equipment only. Can reach ground in 15 hours from Portland. Phone Main 2711, between 1 and '5 P. M. First time advertised. J S0. Oregonian. (JOfNTRY STORE TO TRADE. Stock and fixtures, $240O.1 and $3500 for 4-acre .ground, buildings and all improvements will seU "on easy terms or trade for improved acreage or Port land property. f -t A. J. DerVKKbTrft iU.. Keaitory 320 Henry B'd-g. Broadway 55 A FINE grocery, close in on east side is apartment district, ( doing a line ousi ness, low rent, one' living room; only $3000. Will exchange for about 40 acres, wish it well stocked, not too far from Portland and not over $5000. F. L. BLANCHARD, REALTOR, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 829. FOR SALE Motor car repair shop in Port land. Good tools and equipment, witn machine and blacksmith shop. Good location. Terms. : B 831, Oregonian. :G50 GROCERY and 'confectionery ; you have looked over the enttrecity for that grocery; doing good business.. In first class residential district, with 4 modern liviTig rooms with bath, beautifully fur nished'; good lease, low rent. This week only. 2. EAKIN-S, 3U" Couch Bldg. TOO 4fh st. WO EXCEPTIONAL business chances One big money-mkmg gas service and accessory station, the other best located, big money-making cigar, pool, billiard est ab 1 if h-m en t ; b ofch beat of their kind In city ; big money for rwht persons, Write BrUbin. Smith & Livesey. 'Bell-inc-ham. Wah. " WANT GROCERY STOCK. Will give in exchange a late model 6-cylinder automobile, and make up the difference in cash on a small stock, can put in a seller's contract, on real estate on a larger proposition; submit your of fers. Phone Wdln. 3iHl, or address F 927, Oregonian. WANTED Partner, wood business. See here, this is no agent bagpipe music, nor a beehive, nor a get-rich-quick. It is a good-paying wood business. Wood con tract on the river. Barges, boats, all equipment, no hard work. 'Big returna $inno. A 9S0. Oregonian.- $350 CASH Columbia river highway res taurant, county seat, local and river trade, splendid outfit, including range wortn ? owner must sell at sacri fice, only $800. terms. Will show by auto. Main 3672. McFarland, Realtor! Falling bldg. G R OOER Y D o! ng cash bun n ews. corn er brick building, lease, including heat; rent only $25; stock and fixtures will invoice about $2H)0. A. J. De FOR EST & CO.. Realtors. 320 Henry Bldff. Broadway 531KJ. UP-TO-DATE GROCERY. Doing excellent business; best fixtures in city. In eight story residenta'. hotel bldg., near large automobile school ; 11-story apartment being erected near; free heat 212 Board of Trade bldg. ' 1 J35O0 BUYS the best money-making confectionery, soda fountain, lipht kin eh in city: good lease, takes in $1-00' a day, clears better than $50 a month. A. J. De FORE ST & CO.. Realtors. 32 Henry Bldg. Broadway 55O0. SUNN YSIDE DELICATESSEN and restaurant, doing a fine business, fine location, living rooms In connection, rent $30. A bargain at $1150. F. L BLANCHARD, REALTOR, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. 1 Marshall 829. GARAGE HEADQUARTERS. -We have three in good -locations at $2S50 up to $7500. One in nearby city, a big money-maker. Room Oil Railway Exchange. AUTO BUSINESS. Close in on west side; big repair busi ness; $500 nsBnth clear proflt;( will in voice; no bonus asked; will make terms. Call room 01 Dekum bldg. BUTCHER SHOP. $2750 for a corner on east side, fine business, rent only $25. Investigate. F. L. BLANCHARD. REALTOR. 401-2 Swetland. Bldg. IF YOU are a hustler and have ordinary sales ability, wilt accept part cash for ; good business, balance to be paid out of youok returns; we are pwners. X 994, Oregonian. - PARTNER wanted for bakery, conf., grocery. I have fixtures, equipment and some grocery stock. Have no location at present. If you know of some, write or call. Alberor. 701 Savier st LBT'ER BUCK Am going to make big feature film; party who can invest $750 can get half Interest Chance to make .. some big money. See me Monday, 511 Merchants Trust bldg. FOR SALE Good going bakery at Spo kane, Wash., money-maker; buyer don't have to be experienced baker; will stand investigation; not less than $5000 will ha-ndle. AV 557. Oregonian. SHOE .SHOP. Modern, doing big business; easy terms; owner must go east. 68 ft Broadway. MAN WITH $1000 to $2000. knowledge of railroad freight tariffs, opportunity to make big money; half Interest in pres ent business having $10,000 on books in overcharge claims A 912, Oregonian. $1500 CONFECTIONERY, -lig-ht lumoh; 2 living rooms: rent reasonable. It's a bu'; some terms. A. J. DeFORiEST ft CO.. Realtors. 320 Henrv Bldg. Broadway 5590. 1230 GROCERY and confectionery, brick bldg., apt house dist; nice clean place, living rooms, furniture included. Z. Eakins. 315 Couch bldg., 109 4th st CASH-AND-CARRY GROCERY. Suburban store, good living rooms, $25 day business; no delivery; $1200 will handle.- Room 511 Railway Exchange. A PARTNER WANTED. f Handy man, with $450, can buy equal Interest in auto repair business on busy street Room 401 Dekum bldg. $11X GROCERY and confectionery; good business, rent $20; 4 nice living rooms; very Uttle competition; must sell this weeK: no agents. Auto, oju-19. BARBERS TAKE NOTICE. Three-chair shop for sale, -good loca tion; other business reasons for selling. Call 270 Russell st. GOOD proposition for right party, if un incumbered, with $800 or $1000, to go to Los Angeles at once. AP 12, Orego nian. t . B UTTER K 1ST popcorn maohfne. good as new. $21M). easy terms. Come and get H today at the Co 1 umb la Beach. VULCANIZING shop and equipment, own er. 39th and Belmont sts. Tabor 2700. CONFECTIONERY complete for sale"; best location in Astoria. 535. Commercial st BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. REAL GROCERY STORES. $1250 Good location on busy street, do ing $.10 to $35 caeh-and-carry, one good large living room. VERY CLEAN. Rent $23. Will invoice. $1400 Good comer, 2 living rooms, nice clean stock, doing $35 to $40, rent $25. Cash-and-carry busi ness. $1700 Nice clean stock, plenty of good fixtures go with building. 2 liv ing rooms, rent $25. This is a dandy. $1830 A fine location and will invoice more money, good stock fixtures, account very low; 5 living rooms can be had upstairs. $2500 Good east side neighborhood store, doing $00, mostly cash and all carry; comfortable living rooms. Rent $35. $3000 Cash-and-carry grocery, doing $100 a day; rent 25. Invoice. We have a "number of very substantial stores at from 13500 to $0000. If you are going into business, come and see us. We won't list . alburn store. SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. Broadway 2S72 RESTAURANT AND BUILDING. $650 Bargain; doing $30 per day; two people can handle. v roXFRCTfONERY AND LUNCH. $1700 Traffic location, 3-year lease, rent S4U per montn; average a aay. GROCERY Invoice, doing $60 per day: no competition; rent $35 month fof two stores. Including delivery car, $2500. POOL HALL CONFECTIONERY. Mn Dndv location, ud to date; aver age $45 per day ; low rent, 2-yftar lease. CAFETERIA 500, downtown, good proposition for man' and wife; aver ages $25 a day. See Harper. GROCERY BUY. $750 West side corner location, doing good business; living room. See Harper. INTERSTATE LAND COMPANY, - : 248 Stark St . fttfO CASH-AND-CARRY grocery. 5 liv ing rooms. A real snap. Rent $30. $1250 Cash-and-carry grocery, living rooms, rent $25. $ 1 400 Cash-and-carry grocery, near school, rent $27. $1900 Cash-and-carry grocery, near school, rent $20. $2800 Cash-and-carry grocery, will trade for ranch, good business. Others from $850 to $7500. BUSHUE GROCERY SPECIALIST, 518 Chamber of Commerce. GARAGE. BUILD TO SUIT TENANT. lOOxliH) corner, very close in on west side. Will build to suit, giving lO-year lease. Rent about $475l Don't wait, but "get busy if you want It. We also have several old-established garages, doing good business, in differ ent parts of city, at reasonable price DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama B!dg., 3d and Alder. CAFETERIA. Seats 80 people, nets $50 per day, rent $250, lease, N. W. beat, good location; $2000 will handle. A SNAP BUY IN A GROCERY. New, clean stock; cash business, good west side location; $2300 cash. Mr. Pomroy, THOMSON THOMSON, REALTORS. 620 Henry Bldg. Broadway 480. LUNCH ROOM. $2000 will handle this wonderful buy, located In heart the downtown dis trict; doing a big business. $1350 in cash included in this place on lease; rent paid up till Oct. 1. If you are looking for a future, don't pass this up. See Harper at once with INTERSTATE LAND CO., 24S Stark St. CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCHES. , FINE DOWN-TOWN LOCATION. One of the best-eouinned confection eries on thewest side; modern brick building; sell for about two-thirds of actual value. Consider selling inter est to good candymaker. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER A bi sacrifice, downtown district; year lease; must be sold. To the party who has some cash and means business I can show the .best equipped place in city. This is hiph-class with the choicest location. See Harper, wun INTERSTATE LAND CO., 248 Stark St. CORNER GROCERY. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS. Steady cash-and-carry business that averages about $65 per day all year arouau. $U0 for fixtures and Invoice stock. About $3500 for all. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., ftOfl-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. CONFECTIONERY. FINE OUTSIDE TOWN LOCATION. Old-established, well-equipped confec tionery, outside town; next to picture rtiow that runs all year. Sell at invoice, about $:t2.r0. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. BAKERY FOR SALE Good oven, all shop tools, good large shop, large store, soda fountain counters. large Dreaa case, showcases. $125 cash register, $240 scales. well stocked ; two years lease, four months' rent paid: all for $1800 cash. Address 393 E. 39th st N. Liberty Bakery. RESTAURANT. WORTH $4MM PRICE $2300. Located In fine down-town location and nicely fitted up. and doing & good business; 4-year lease. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. TWO ACTIVE, young men for Yakima and Walla Walla as distributors for eastern manufacturer. Good credit rat Ine or $500 cash necessary for stock. See Mr. Henry immediately, room 532 Imperial hotel. A SUBURBAN GARAGE. On main traveled highway; big sale gaa oils, tires, etc; good local trade 5-year lease; rent only $75 month; will sell at Invoice; no bonus asked. Room 40l Dekum bldg. MR. BUYER, SEE THIS BARGAIN. A real money-maker rrocery store only $2800: price includes fixtures; will consider trade. Call Main 6127. Ask for Mr. RttS, With 1. SPUKClbK 4fc to., 517-19 Chamber of Commerce bldg. A COUNTRY GARAGE, On paved highway, big travel; also good local trane; win sen wsiw tot wun garage; best location In town; no rent to pay; $1200 will handle it. Call room 4-01 Dekum bldg A GARAGE SPECIAL A modern garage; storage for 40 cars; plenty repair work. Sell gas. oils, tires. etc; good reasons for selling; t $1400 handles it. Koom 4i ieicum Diag. $G00 STOCK in going manufacturing company, position ana selling contracts with it: this will Dear investigation: let me explain this; will take home equal or car; requires about $1500 for all. G 98, Oreg o n lan. THE FINEST place on the Columbl highway for amusement park, catering and dancing; 18 acres, with fine large building; this will earn big money if handled right; will lease for term of years. Tabor 4303. FOR SALE! Flue confectionery, cafeteria and fountain; first-class equipment; cen trally located, doing fine business; some terms to right party. See J. W. Love, 812 Main st, Vancouver. Wash. GROCER Cor. location In high-class residence dist; no close competition; do ing $100 per day. , Cheap rent Not many fixtures to buy. Invoice of stock. Tabor 3919. GOOD OFFICE BUSINESS. Including copyrights, trade-mark, ex clusive territory and stock on hand (re tail price $5000) and office equipment; H1800. P. O. Box 914. GREAT opportunity for a man willing to work. Owner show you can make $6 and up per day; only $350 required. Room 511 Railway Exchange. POOL and billiard equipment, ten tables; first-class tables; price $2250. cash; a snap. 702 Washington st.,. Vancouver, Wash. A PARTNER WANTED. Auto express and hauling; fins loca tion and steady trade; good profits; $7O0 handles it. Room 401 Dekum bldg. DOWNTOWN LUNCH. Clearing $300 to $500 a month: no heavy cooking. Mmms. 10 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE Meat market on account of having other business. Address Hough land & Bllby. . Station A, Vancouver, Wash. - FOR SALE Confectionery store at Jet'ft r son Station depot; reasonable. Inquire Jefferson street depot. CAPITAL desires substantial Investments outside Europe. Address Nortti Europe Trust Co.. 116 Victoria si.. London. Eng. $1000 GETS you tn Portland mfg. concern, investment secured, must take active part; no agents. East 1733 mornings. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing shop, a good place for 2 live wires. Hoffman Press, 516 Williams. PARTNER WANTED. $200 will handle well established, good paying business. 307 Panama bldg. FOR SALE Half Interest in the second largest cardroom and lunchroom in the north end. Apply 53 Third street. SEE Edward S. Orr for best buys in stores and rooming houses. 115 Grand ave. WILL take building lot or good Ford on dandy rooming house. Aut, tai-Zti, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. THESE ADS ARE $$$$ TO YOU. Candles and cigars, st. location, doing about $35 per day. $1800, terms; long lease Barber shop, three chairs, will clear $50 per week, for $500. Terms, long lease, low rent. Hand laundry, west side location; one Dodge delivery; modern place; will net $330 month; $1000 will handle. Restaurant, doing $33 to $50 per day. lease, low rent, $1."00; terms. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. GAJtAGE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP. 50x100 concrete building. 50x50 full of atornar enu toned with steam trip hammer, emerv wheels, tire ahrinker. tire bender, gas tire heater, hub-boring machine, 5-H. P. motor, r. motor, nower blower, anvils, chain blocks, vises, fnrrea tnnla 500 stock, rent $50. 4- year lease. Have contract to build about 85 trucks. Price f2000. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. HROCKRY STORE BARGAIN. $1800 for a fine store on east side, doing about $50 per day, rent $40, with two living rooms. $650 for a fine little store, fine fixtures but small stock, very, good location, rem 20. $200 for a grocery In a fine district, doing about $60 per day, rent, including fixtures. $35 per montn. investigate. F. L. BLANCHARD, REALTOR. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 82!V - mVPRPTinXKRY LIGHT LUNCH. Splendidly equipped store, catering to good class of trade, model soda foun tains, candy-making outfit, large stock merchandise, residential district, few blocks from school, serving noonday lunch to school children, making $40 per day and up. Owner will teach pur chaser how to make candy; absolutely the beet buy In town for the money: $700 handles. Surety investment to., oiu-xx Panama bldg., 3d and Airier. FOR SALE Splendid west side grocery and delicatessen. Owner is willing to sacrifice owing to sickness in family. Thin in an established, successful busi ness and will stand closest inspection. Owner at present location seven years. Price $8000. S. M. BORLAND. Aut 529-04. Stock Exchange. OUT-OF-TOWN POOL ROOM. Town of 1200; brick building, clearing $300 a month, 4 pool tables, j-root nacK and front bar, card tables, lunch counter, room 25x125. Can be bought on terms to suit. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. CLEANING AND PRESSING. PRICE ONLY $050. Old established business on Wash. t TTnffmnn nress. and other Rood equip ment Doing a fine business. Hurry if you want it. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. MAIN 3042. LARGE CONCRETE GARAGE. On busy corner, takes in $2400 a month, 4 employes, rent $137.50, good lease, building 80x100, shop rented out for $75 a month. $550 paid up on lease; price $5000; $3000 down. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, . 405-6-7 Panama B!dg.. 3d and Alder. DRESSMAKING. VERY HIGH-CLASS PLACE. Old established business. Very hlph class trade. Owner leaving the city at once and must sell quick. Price ONLY $700. See Mrs. Penrose. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. 500-10 PANAMA BLDG. MAIN 3042. FINE FOR MAN AND WIFE. First-class dining room in large hotel, workingman's district, 200 beds, small amount of money will handle, free heat, light and water. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. POOL ROOM. One of the oldest places in town, 4 pool tables, safe, large back and front bar; root beer barrel, plate-glass show case, fully equipped, cheap on terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. INSURANCE BUSINESS. EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR OREGON. Well established insurance business. Good steady income on an investment of only $S00. Hurry if you want it. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. MAIN 3042. JEWELRY and phonograph business es tablished 24 years: within 25 miles of Po r 1 1 a n d ; 3 ra i 1 road s ; a good pay roll . fit P. time inspector Phone 725 .1, Ore gon City or writer Box 97, Jennings lodge. MODERN GARAGE FOR LEASE. East side, cloe In. long lease, $250 per month, modern. 100x100, 50 cars now in steadv storage, which pays rent ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. GOOD opportunity for gentleman inter ested in Import and export business, to share my completely furnished office and library; no investment required except $20 per month or office expenses. Call Sundav. Auto. 610-24. TAILORS. ATTENTION. In fast-jrrowing town near Portland, fully equipped shop for $700. No place there now to even buy a suit. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, . 405--7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. PRESSING SHOP at give-away price, good business, dandy location. Must sell ac count si c k n ess. Has Hoffman pn- ss. This Is going cheap: look it over. Price is cut way down. &0 Washington. M. 475. HOUSE TO TRADE. Will trade 5-room hunpalow and ga rage in Sollwood for small grocery with living rooms. See Mr A tee, with ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-8-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. FOR SALE A paying, prosperous news- papr-r and job printing business in one of the leading towns of the Willamette valley. Terms will be on part of the purchase price to suit purchaser. Ad dress AV 567. Oregonian. POOL HALL. 4 pool tables, 2-year lease, plate-glass showcase, cash register, rent $75, good stock; price $1500 ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. TAILOR SHOP. West side, takes in $400 a month, rent $20. Hoffman press, power sewing ma chine; li;oo; aown. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. BEAUTIFUL CONFECTIONERY. Also light lunch, downtown on west side. You must see this place to appre ciate it. Price 93300. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Aider. CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCH. No other place like this in Portland. Doing better than $75 a day. Price $3000; $2300 down. Trial given. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-6-7 Panama nirtg.. aa ana Aiaer. GROCERY STORES. Country rrocerv. 15 miles out: $1400. Good east side store, $50 daily, $3100. Another. $00 daily. J7.0 and invoice. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE y, INTEREST in good restaurant. No neea to wora nisni ana any a ere. uuw ren-t. Good profits. Lady jr gentle man. Small investment. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE. OIL. Well producing over $3000 net per montn, witn zu-acre lease, m .empire field. Address Smith, Box 728, Duncan, Oklahoma. IF YOU are looking to get in business on a small amount of capital, I have it. iZ-u wfll put you In business where you can make from $10 to $20 per day. Let me show you. AK P1B. Oregonian. A PARTNER WITH $1500. Good chance for a live young man, who knows stock and dairying; good money for a 'live man. I am in the city limits. Mr. Moffatt, 700 Flanders. CONTRACTING corp. has opening for business man who can qualify to fill position of secretary and invest $10,000 to $20.000 (secured). P. O. Box 654. DO YOU want an investment that is as safe as city bonds that will pay you twics as much in return? Address Y 020, Oregonian. FOR SALE Poolhall and lunch counter in a good lively town or 3000 in Wil lamette valley. Must sell; $2S00. AV TitHV. Oregonian. HALF interest at $1(10, partner needed at once in established real estate office, centrally located; big returns for am bttious person. Mar. 037. BARBER SHOP, good concrete building. rooms in rear, rent $10; price ww, hju down. Barrand Realty Co., 340 Salmon. GOOD lineman, with $000 cash, can buy interest in gooa- paying du si ness. - Must be hustler. G 010. Oregonian. Business Opportunities Wanted. NEWSPAPER or printing business wanted. Give full particulars; mwt be bargain for cas-h. Address AV 5.fl. Oregonian. I WANT rooming house, 10 to 30 rooms. Must be cheap. Give price and location first letter. O 002, Oregonian. WANTED At once, grocery store up to $2500. John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HAVE $1000 to $2000 to Invest In good paying business with services. BC 18, Oregon lam EDUCATED and capable business man will invest S5000 to $10,000 and services In going business. V b43, Oregonian. LATE 1918 Cole 8, 7-passenger touring car for rooming house or what have you? V 908, Oregonian. RIGHT location, good price, for soft drinks and cigars. Y 91. Oregonian. $1000 AND SERVICES to invest in good reliable" business. X 014. Oregonian. WANTED Store for a ranch on Puget so-i nd AV "ill. Oregonian. WANT grocery or confectionery; have Ala- ciuaa lot to traae. Aiarsaau BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Business Opportunities Wanted. A QUICK SALE. BUSINESS AND PROPERTY OWNERS. Surety Investment Co. will sell your business for you. PARTNERSHIPS FORMED. SPECIAL DEPARTMENT for Hotel and Real Estate. HEADQUARTERS FOR BUYER AND SELLER, ALL BUSINESS dealings ABSOLUTELY confidential. Phone, write or call SURETY INVESTMENT CO., 310-311 Panama Bldg., Portland, Or. Phone Main 2990. WILL PAY $2500 CASH AND AS SUME AS MUCH AS $5000 FOR SMALL TRANSIENT HOTEL, WELL LOCATED. DON'T WANT ANY JUNK. WRITE. GIVING LO CATION OF SAME. M. E. SMITH. PORTLAND, OR., GEN. DEL. WILL Invest money with services In legit imate commercial undertaking that can be expanded by additional capital and push. My record as a man and busi ness manager will stand the strictest investigation and proposition submitted must be likewise creditable. A iuu, ore gonian. A PARTM ENTS FLATS. Ws have several cash buyers for first class apartment and flat properties. Send us complete description snowing inco: and location. We can handle your prop eriy. , COS A. McKE.VNA & CO., 82 Fourth St IF YOU have a rooming house, hotel, rei taurant, garage, store or any other busl ness to sell 1 will dispose of it for you wun in ten aays tr your price is right. -an me toaay. Air. Terry. COMTE & KOHL MAN. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BUSINESS PROPERTY. We have client wanting first-class income property up to $100,000. with tJ..uw casn and some trade. Will as sume. COE A. McKENNA A CO., 82 Fourth St. HAVE $2500 cash, $3000 equity in fine Portland nomo lor nome good business, Portland or Pacific highway town pre ferred; might assume some indebted ness; give location and particulars; con rwentiai. A r . Orego n i a HOUSE AND FARM. Have b-rooin house, close In. eas side, also 20o-acre farm near Medford Or., to trade for hardware. Im piemen or lumber business. T. I. Robinson, 520 E. 12th N. Phone E. 7070. I WANT a stock of furniture and hard ware to the value of $3000 In exchange for a tiO-acre ranch in the valley, 30 miles south of Portland. AV 508, Ore gonian. WANTED -Good small grocery with living rooms in connection. Kent mut not dm over $25; leae. No agents. Want to deal at once with owner. Marshall 3il8. 1333 N. W. Bank bldg. WILL invest, with services, In going con cern ; financial or manufacturing pre ferred; will consider only such proposals as will bear a mot?t thorough lnvesti- gatlon. AJ '.. Oregonian. . WOULD pay about $254M) cash a '.id a4um as much as .mhi for apartment house can make good montbJy payments: nr.iM be well located; no junk. AP IJ. ire gonian. A CASH BUYER. To sell your business quickly, quietly and without publicity, see or write PIONEER BUSINESS AGENCY, INC., 4KH-402 Dekum Bldg. WANTED An auto top and painting business or a small tire vulcanizing shop; will pay cash; no agents. Address me. X U0, Oregonian. I WANT to buy a grocery store. Must nave gooa living rooms, owners only Give location and phone number. G WW, Oregunlnn. I HAVE $5M) to invest with my services In a business that can be made larger with honest work ; no agents. Address me. l i uregonlan. WOMAN desires investment in some busi ness line, with or without survica (rive details replying; business onJy J 910. Oregon tan. SMALL restaurant or lunch room : c trally located, west side. Want nice place. Must be a bargain. No agents BC S4, Oregonian. . 1 vA.M to buy half Interest in a garsge or a repair shuf. Can give references and will pay cash. N t. :t . Oregonian. WILL pay cash for a small grocery, with living rooms; no a genu. Address me, Y H7, Oregon ian. GROCERY WANTED. Prefer one with living rooms above. Must be in good section. BD U02, Ore gonian WANTED Country hotels, buyers wait ing; give particulars. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY, MH Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANT half to whole interest in milk plant or creamery In Oregon or Wash ington city; particulars in first letter. A H UfiO. O re g onia n j MAN WITH general business experience has one to five thousand dollars to invest In or buy some going business where his services are required. C Pltf, Oregonian. WANT to get In with good man in ga rage or other business. Can Invest $1500. Give full description first letter. AG HN3. Oregonian. Mocks and Bond. FOR SALE 2000 shares capital stock of the Washington Oil & Refining company. 40c a share. Phone Marshall 4377. 413 Main st.. room $4. Portland. bi uc'KS and bonds, any maraet. Harrlng ton Co.. Sin. BS1? Title Trust blag. Hotels and Rooming Houses. RYAN REALTY A BLDG. CO.. REALTOR. $ 7,000 "Hotel, 27 rooms and 4 2-room suites; steam heat, good lease, dandy rugs and furniture; good net income; Sooo will handle. S 9,500 Hotel. 47 rooms; steam heat, , extra good furniture; 5-year lease that puts you over the world's fair: S4500 will handle. $12,000 Apartment, 9 2-room suites, 8 3-room suites and 8 4-room suites; hot water heat, excel lent rugs and furniture; good net Income and only $5000 to get in. $17.000 Apartment of 18 8-room suites this is a crackerjack buy ; the pest rugs ana lurniture in the city: steam neat, brick bids. . You must see this. $10,000 to nandie. $11,500 H o t e 1, located on Broadway, near Wasnington. 32 rooms. good rugs and furniture; this is one of tne best buys in the city. win nandie. $14,000 Apartment of 72 rooms, excel lent rugs and furniture, steam neated oricK ouiniine on cor ner; $500 net income; $8000 will handle. $13,600 Apt. of 65 rooms, excellent rugs and furniture, steam neat, verv best location on west side. Good net Income. $5000 will handle. RYAN REALTY & BLDG. CO.. 415-16 Ablngton Bldg. Mar. 5848. SACRIFICE DOWNTOWN HOTEL. Over 40 Rftom Lease to U2o, ONLY $fH00 $5K CASH. Brick building on Washington street, corner; over 4i rooms, all with hot and cold water and st-eam heat; good for $0M) to $700 net NOW. Will net $200 daily during the fair: ali rooms full and a waiting list besides. Gross income over $1000 monthly; rent only $32.; lease for over 4 years. Worth easily $12,00; on account of ill health owner will sacrifice for $!K00. Don't bother unless you have $MMJ0 cash. No phone information. Make appointment for in spection. O. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St., n-ear Second. Main 8220 or Main 0318. HERE IT IS The bost apartment hou?e . lease In Portland, never before offered; $.MM cash, $.-(00 terms, 3 to 6 years. Deal direct with owner of building; no a Se n ts. K 9tf", Oregon I an. BUY FROM OWNER. IS housekeeping apts., 1 and 2-room. Clean; well furnished. Good Income, Some terms. Call Monday. Mar. 8.170. 17 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ideal location, west side, rent $00. Price $1000. uasy terms 11 som mis week, 1VH 12th street. Main Q0:t2. 27-ROOM BRICK HOTEL, west aide, cheap rent. Price $2000, terms liW) 12th streeL Main io;i2. WANTED Hotel and apartment houses, 40 to 75 rooma Main 3600. H. W. Garland. 201 3d. IF YOU want a good thing In the rooming house line, drop us a line. Give phone. O 006. Oregonian 15 ROOMS, part h. k. and sleeping; close rn on 10th. Phone Bdwy. o446. HEADQUARTERS for rooming H. W. Garland, 201 3d. houses. I WANT to buy 10 to 20 h. k. 028. Oregonian. 60 ROOMS or 30 apt.. Nob Hill, $7500. JLW 12 Ui street, slain BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hotels and Rooming House. CITY HtiTKI.S 91 rooms, corner brick, elevator, lots oi Dams, fine furniture, ground floor lobby, long lease and the best lease in the city; nets $140tfO a year; $20,000 cash to handle. Lit-89. 70 rooms, comer brick, right In heart of city, all steel beds and springs, nice lobby, 5-year lease, nets $1000 a month. Price $2MMk; half cash. List-67. 42 rooms on Washington St.. corner, 5-ear lease; nets $500. Price $9000; half cash, Llst-59. 32 rooms, on Fourth st. central loca tion, fine transient houe. 5-year lease; a hoiwe that you can "doll up" and sell and make a piece of money. Price $45oO; half CHsh. List-73 APARTMENT AND ROOMING HOUSES 90 rooms. 3 and 4 rooms, modem with bath, fine location and well furnished; long leaae nt $330; nets $000. Price to handle. $5000; balance easy terms. Llst- 58 rooms, modern, corner brick, all 2-room a part men ts. good eae : nets $400; $4Mjt cash will handle. List 210 21 rooms, housekeeping and single; this is a modern place; steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms. cle In; nets $2oO. Price $4500, $3500 cash. List- 20 rooms, 3 minutes' walk to Meier ft Frank's; good furniture; nets $200. Price $3500. 42 rooms, suites and singles, corner brick, good furniture, new 5-year lease; nets $2tMK Price $400; $;;oK cash. Ltot 30S. 31 rooms; nice, clean little house, mod. rn. close In; net $275; cash to handle $5500. Llst-200. For further Information on thesa or other properties, see the PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS, 714 Couch H!dg. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. 020 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4SS0. Modern fireproof hotel, N. W. heat, good lease, right rent; everything In excellent condition, automatic elevator; ww win handle. Two-story modern brick hotel, best transient location. X. W. heat, well fur nished, lota of good linen: Income unusu ally good; full particulars at this office. Modern brick hotel, good lease, rent less than $5 per room, always full, good income; about $10,000 will handle. Small transient hotel, lease, stenrn heat, a wonderful money maker; cash bargain at $0000. M rooms. 2-room suites, good lease, rent $410, well furnished, nice and clean; $i500 down. Small west side Mpartment house. 31 rooms, in splendid condition. 3 -years I fase, right rnt; lovely hoim with about $200 net : well located ; always f ull ; around $3500 will handle. 15 rooms. H. K., rent $00. White Temple district, in excellent condition, good ' home and income; $1800 will handle. 21 rooms, H. K.. all 2-room suites, hot and cold water In each, well fur nished, all outside rooms, rent $70. nets $135 and apt.; $1150 cueh required. Just .1 few of our listings. MRS. THOMSON. NOB TflLT, ROOMTNO HOUSK LOVELY HOMfcl WITH 1NCO.MK. Modern home, beautifully kept lawn and flowers; 10 Urxe sun shiny rooms and large enclosed sleeping porch ; beautifully and artistically furnLshed ; hardwood floors; fireplace, furnace; $lso Income, besides lovely apartment for the owner. Rent only $."0. The beat we have ever had for the money. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4(64. ROOMS, furnace, 1 bath, two toilets: nets $00; good buy. Price $lO."Ht. 20-room hotel, some houwkeeplng suites, right down town, good net In come, good lease; $1,00 handles. 10 rooms, housekeeping. unusually good furniture, clean and attractive; rent $70; $2500 handles. MRS ALBAUGH. John Ferguson, Uerllngvr Hldg. 14 ROOMS. 2-3-4-roum apts., brick build ing, $100; rent nuts $12u. 20 rooms, good location, west sidn. clean and very cheap. West side apartment house, splendid riirnitur, ft years' lease, brick building. Thts Is a good buy. We have manv pood buvr PORTLAND Hit. A LTV Co., f34 Uham of I'om. Hdwy. 2!rfl. I. U. SI'KNi'KK A CO. HOTEL AND ROOMING HOUSE BROKER.. 517-10 CHAM. OK COM. BLDG. 24 rooms, housekeeping; rent $3."; nets lUMl; price I'JL'IHI. 18 rooms, housekeeping; rent $."0; nets xi 00; price s i sou. 10 rooms, housekeeping; rent $.V; price sinoo; one-nait casn. We have a line of good hotels. Com and see us before buying. Cull Main BI27. ROOMING HOUSE FOR PALE. Best location In city; 20 well furniHhed rooms. 14 ad joining rooms: hot and cold water: pay ing $00 per month net. Colum bia Investment Co., 407 Mum at., Vancouver. Wash. WKST WOODBURN. OH. N E E D S a bank, hotel, lumber yard, hardware and Implement store, garage and black smith shop; Junction of electric rail roads and paved highway; center of fast-growing community; fine openlnR for progressive business man to get In on ground f'oor. Come In and see me FRED K. PARRISH, 2VH Falling Bldg ROOMING HOUSES. $3000 for a house on west side, netting about $12-5 per month; rent $75 per month. This is a good buy, with terms. $2100 for a dandy on Taylor St.. close in on west side. Investigate. $3300, 20 moms, all in' housekeeping, net profit $150; some terms. F. L. BLANCHARD, REALTOR, 401-3 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 82. 70-ROOM hotel, steady and transient trade; thim 1 a moderately priced, popu lar downtown hotel with Northwestern heat : fi-year lease, furnish I ns in k ood condition; clears from 7t' to $1000 a mont'h net; price $18,004), easy terms to reliable parties. A. J. DeFOKEST A CO.. Realtors. 320 Henrv Bid. 81 HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. Come In Tuesday wl'.h $2450 caah and I will give you the key to one of the best furnished, close-In corners; nets over $300 per month arid the owner says you can nave a tnree-year lease at $175; full price $3500. Mr. Sallger, with I. E. Spencer A Co., 617-10 Cham per of Commerce bldg. H. K. APARTMENTS. 22 rooma. hot water heat, running wator in most rooms; best Nob Hill lo cation; lease at $113 per month; clears $225 over expenses.. Price $3S00, $2500 handles. C. E. BO WORN CO., 13 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WEST SIDE APARTMENT. This is one of the best paying houfes In the city, netting about 30 per cent, ail In the pink of condition; lease of five years, and only $hhio to handle. If In terested call at 4il-2 Swetland bldg. F. L. BLANCHARD, REALTOR. 11 ROOMS and sleeping porch, completely furnlnhed, 2 extra rooma unfurnished; furnace, full cement basement, rent $.W nets $70; furniture above averare; cor ner location, weat side: price $101)0 cash, owner leaving town; no agenta Phone Ma rsh a II 50". PICK-UP. T rooms, rent $40. furnace, electricity, good furniture; near White Temple church: nice apartment and Income over expenses. Only $S7. $00 handles. C. B. BOW DEN CO., Main BttSS. HlSCham. of Com. Bldg. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 30 rooma; steam heat, hot snd cold water, furnlahings complete, rugs Ilka new; moderate rent; location central: may handle for $4M)0. Mr. 11 a goon, fil7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HOTEL A MONEY-MAKER. Best Interior city In Oregon, clearing over $700 a month, cheap rent; $ooo will handle. 403 Stock Exchange bldg. Marshnll 3S24. 10 ROOMS. Nob Hi:i district: fine furni ture; beautiful hms and income: $1000 cash reuulred. A. J. DEFOREST A CO.. Realtors. 3 Henry Bldg. 15 ROOMS, nice appearing house, nicely furnished ; nets $!0 and fine apt. ; fur nace, electricity, all h. k. ; right down town. Price 28M), terms. C. E. Bow den Co-.jlS Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' O A. "BOON, REALTOR. APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS IF LISTED WITH US AND PRICED RIGHT WILL BE QUICKLY SOLD. U3$ N. AV. BANK BLDG. MAIN 701. 14 ROOMS, all sleeping, for $2100; wl side, nesr school; newly painted and a splendid home place. TRY-US REALTY CO., Realtors, 1W West Pork St. 16 HOUSEKEEPING, never on the msr ket. extra well furnished, extra clean, $1700. 151 Lwndala, , BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Motrin and Rooming Hoiiwe. STOP. LOOK. LISTKN. THESE CAN'T RK UK AT. $1050, on terms, nice, clesn, well-fur-nUhrd little residential apt. house of the housekeeping order. In Lincoln high district. II.h.v) for a very pretty place In White Temple district, clearing $luO month. IMl.-.O for one tn White Tf tuple dis trict, rlesrlng $i0 month, terms. $1350 for a Uttle beauty In Nob BUI dist net terms; clean and new. $3loo for modern apartment hou n west side, si) private bst he and evry thins; new nd lovely; ths only strictly modern small apartment house on went Sid A dsndv. $3504) on easy terms buvs 1 beautl fully furnlnhrd rooms In Whits Temple district; clears $ 175 month; splendid furniture. $0000 handles (h best strictly modern brick. 40-room transient and steady room hotel in Portland, all brass bd. bf-autiful russ, ntfI springs, hesvy fur niture; clears $400 month abovs every expns. $10,000 will handle l?-rnom. strlctlv modern apt. Iioum, clearing $To0 month, whole pries $ IN 000; n. w. elegant fur niture This la Portland's bt. $22,500 is whole price, half cash fr 30-roiim modern hntrl wit h one of tne largest lobbies In town, clesrin $loo to $ 1500 month, best lease In clt v. ,Nn bunk about this It's doing the business and always will. Thn above are all exclusively for sale through this office and I'm In a position to back up every represent at Ion made. If you want to buy. I'll ttiv you ths benefit of lrt ears' sucrennful esperlenre In this city and suuranteo you square deal. Ion't wait. Take my tip. buy now or you'll pay more. Get readv for the blR fair. BItUCB iOTlMR!. 501-2 touch bldg. Oregon's Leadlns Uroker. KICAL. SI'KriAL Ws nave for sale the proportv and furniture Df nne of Portland's beautiful Nob 11 111 corner residency. 12 Urire rooms. ,t sleeping porches, gsraee, lot 50x100; furniture very hlifh class, con sis tine of m lio- - n" w ul 1111 1 and I vorv. fine msttnes and beddlne Wilton velvet rug, al! winter fuel: netting .".oo month. Kor further particulars ,S.-e rs. Kel'er. fiKO. T. MniMlK i'O. .hit Yeop Hid g. wrst sinn nnoMivo norsn. riose-ln, d-ptruMe renting district; 14 rooms, sleeping and II. K ; cozy apt. for owner; cit-an ami rttnlUnlly fur nlwhcd : convenient house, favorahls rent. $0: income $120 net PRN'K :-''. soMK TKRMS. MRS. NMHV, IIHWY. 4UH. 320 Lumbermen Bldg. IIOTKlT 120 rooms, fin-proof corner holldlne. ground floor ohlv, elevator; rent on' $.".."." a room, gned 4-year lease: North western hvn. not nnd eoM water In all rooms. Th in Is the bet ter clnss work I Herman's hotel ; net profit $ 7; $ IOjmio will handle. See Mrs. Keller. fiFO. T. MQ R K I""" Von RMg inVNKUS, TAKK N'lH'If'K! When you are tired of bavins other trving to sell you nut and ou want real results. give it tn J RRVt'F Of ODAIU) and he'll do It. and do ll right, so there'll h no a ft er trouble to It. ftla name hw stood for a square deal and real service for more than 1. ye.ira in Port I.i nd Call Main 4 "", or rill at .Kit-'j Couch bM BEAUTIFUL HOME. 1 1 -room corner hnui-e, nil In spsrtmrnts. elersnt Iv furnlnhed, over stuffed mahe.jranv and ivory furniture, fine rues; partv leaving cltv. muM. sell; clears !0 moiMh. Let us hnw oii this, onlv one in cltv like It; good lease. Se Mrs. Keller. f!KO TMOnRE CO, 1ft07Teon BMg noRCiO.M VAMKUV APT iVfSt'SK KJve-vear ene st reasonable rent : n? wel'-fumlhe snarlmis aixirtmeni In eisv walking distance; irice snd terms are ahtolufelv rlirit . bmia fM hu er wl't b el n every opportunll y of full itiveeMtrntlmi. A. J. DeFMItKT CO.. Realtors, T.-'ft Henrv BMc. . LOOK L O O K L O O K. $l?nn cash give vou prtsncsRlnn of a real downtown transient hotel ; this la a regular place and ret a the monev hIwnvi full lease at IIO, less than a room: owner has other butnesa and must sell; their lra yniir sain. H Mr Sattirer. with L K Hpencer A Co., M7 Chamber of Commerce hldg. VANCOUVER" BOTKL- APARTMF.NT 33 rooms, all on one f'oor Mont all tn apartment: clearina over $:'" per mo Vice appearing buildlnu. corner. .lu-t the p, ice for man and wife. Pries $;Mm, $1hoo rnh c. k pownKV rn, SIS chnmoer nf Commerce TV dr. S c R IV" fCK" J A L K A beautiful b'm fine yard, lovely ma bnirany and overstuffed furniture, silk mattree hardwood floors; etee r $100 a month: all rooms rented. If you want a first place cheap, sre thta Price only 1 rt.'.n ; nod term Ore Kxchnne, n7 Tnvlor PKAl'TIKI'l. KURMTURK Itnus'-Vefptng rooms, furnished In such s wav and so clow to center of town that moms nr never vacant Havs leaee. rent $:.0. Price $1H00. Hont overlook thl AVflfOR tNVKSTM PT CO , Realtors, 40Vfl 7 Panama Bldic . 3d and Ald-r N'KAU LINCOLN HIGH. 20 housckeeplnr rooms; slnla, bt snd rold iitcr, furnace heat; rent $!': Income 27rt; handle for I2VH1; no monef to spend on this; It l In mnnlnr order Kee Mr Mtiroon. with T K Spencer 4 rn.. SIT chamber of Commerce bldg. Main T27. vi t t rr. t v pl k t t s r t'u -t. Wonderful corner hnune, 12 larse, slrv rooTim, new Iv n. eteg'tnCv fur nished, all rented; thl ts Mail -class; make someone a beautiful home. Be sure to Inve-Mnafe. Pen M rs Keller. nr.rt. t mqqrk co iqot vq wmc SMALL hotel, corner brick bids, steam brat, hot and eold water In all room. everv room outside, clesn as wa , welt fnrrlhed, net profit $K0 month; pries $51 M. See Mrs Kel'er. CEO. T MOOR K CO. 1007 Teen TVflr. Tl. K. AND PLKTTPTNG ROOM 12 two-ronm apartment a. X sleeping rooms, all on one floor, furniture In rood condition, rent $75, n-yrar lease; $4000 will handle AVPMOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 4n.S-7 PanamaBW!r.. 3d and Alder. " FOR PALE OR EXCH A NOR $12.10 eo'Htr In a 22-room apartment house, nicely furnished and well located and a money-miker. T want to drive tn California and will teVs 5-nssa car to t.vw snd building lot or cash for balance. East 2 WKST H1PE. CLOSE TN. 44 two and three-room apartments, steam heat, takes In $1W a month. to run 0 years, rent $.V0; $S.1O0 will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO, Realtors. 40.1 - fl - 7 Pan a ma B Idi? . d n d Aid sr. ANH S-ROOM apartments. swsTt looklnr hrlck corner, doe In wet side; all outside lirht. airy rooms; completely furnished. Cleanet place In town. New 4-veae lease at $400 per month. Price fW ftoo. terms Tates. 2-tfl 4th st WHITE TEMPLE 12 rooms. H K. and eteoplnr, furnished In strictly hlgh-clasa furnishing, a beautiful home with a good Income, moderate rent: about $2."W( to handle. Call apt. 8, 414 Mill at. MON PA V. MUST aell on account of sickness, big In come on smnll Investment Lovely home, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, large e'eeptnr porch. Inclosed for winter. Beautiful yard, walklnr distance, cheap rent. T'hone owner. Main 7Wft IF YOU nre In the market fur a hotel see us before Investigating We handle all the first-class propositions In ths city. Information cheerfully given. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1QQT Ten n TVn. FOR SALE 21-room hotel, brick building, steam beat, rent $3!t month. 5-year lease; price $18.V1, some terma. A monev-maker for a woman who understands the buai ness. No asrenta M f10. Oregonian. PHONE me your listings pee me- for good buys. Let me writ your insur ance. J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR. 2Q1 W. Park. Main ?.VV BEFORE buvlng consult our llt of first class apartment houses from H.VMJ to $:,o ono We can place you right. See Mrs. Keller. OEO. T. MOORE CO., 1A0T Teen Bldg. HAVE party with $.VKv wants hntI or h. k. rooms up to $Sivw; must have lesae and priced right. 314 Couch bldg. Main 700. 20 ROOMS, west sid: rent V with Jeaas; aH on one f'oor: t1Too handles. A. J. De For est co.. Realtors. 3 2 A Henrv B!1c. U K. K. and Bleeping rooms: rood fur niture, furnace, garage: walking dis tance; net Income I1"); $900 will handle; n,v nrr. AOS Gl I sajri st. SACRIFICE 7 hT k. rooms, pantrv! I kitchenettes nd bath, fine W R. loca tion. Incoms $SS net. Pries 16.10. 210 Park a. TRANSIENT HOTE1. ' Modern: 7 rooma, ft-year lee, rent $275: three months' rent in advance. Mr. Maroon. 517 Chamber of Commerce hldg. WE WANT to huv 10 to I.Vroom h. k. place. White Temple or Nob Hill pra-f.-rred. Muat be well furnlfhed. Main 4Q'V I HAVE buyers fnr rooming houses. 12 to 20 rooms. Thon res., Ts bnr 820. Office Main 8M0. II. d at. W. Garland, 201 WANT H to 17 rooma. furnished or partly, with lease, and modern. 13 085, Orsgo ntnn. HAVE customers waiting for rooming and apartment houses. fllft Chamber of Cam sum fcldj, Haia $oii