1.1 THE SUNDAY ORECOXIAX, TORTLAXD, SEPTEMBER 11, 1921 FOR SALE. Miscellaneous, BAVB MONET! READ FOLLOW-. ING ! SHOES. ladles and children's fine condition (1 lot choice), pair $2.00 Other shoes, serviceable at a fraction of value. LADIES' SUITS, respectable looking, good quality, up from 400 LAW BOOKS, like new, calf skin binding, choice 50 H. NOBAUS for ladies, some nice leather lined, decent looklrg, at give-away prices. ZITHEK (musical instrument) at 12 and 2.50 NECKTIES, men's. 10c, 15c, .23 COLLARS, men's, laundered, 3 .Zj COLLARS, men's, unlaund ered, two for OS dllCET MUSIC rhnlra COOV. 2 .03 and OS FUBNITTJRE, STOVES, HEAT ERS, VICTOR FURNACE, No. 6; WEN'S. LADIES' AND CHIL DREN.S FURNISHINGS, HOUSE HOLD GOODS, etc., sold on same basis as above articles, namely: NOT FOR PROFIT. BUT TO HELP THE NEEDY OF PORT LAND. PUBLIC WELFARE STORE. (In business not for profits.) 212 3d St.. near Salmon. Main 463. TEXTS ART" HIGHER. Cotton has advanced 30 per cent. We can fill orders now for a limited num ber of tents for HOP GROWERS AND APPLE ORCHARD MEN. CONWAY ARMY STORE. Third and Taylor St. WHBN we purchased Holmes Business col lege recently we decided to put in new equipment. We therefore have yet lor sale: 20 Underwood typewriters, 4 Remington typewriters. 10 L C. Smith typewriters, 1 Royal typewriter. 1 13 dr. 3x.1 Y. A B. card file. 2 8-dr Globe letter files. We are standardising oar equipment By replacing these typewriters with new machines. Your choice, while they last I at irom sau to S7U each. CRUMLEY BUSINESS COLLEGE. "The Gold Med.i1 School." Fliedner BIdg., Cor. 10th and Wash. . . Bdwy. 20(16. A FINE-TONED victrola. oak case cabi net, filled with records that alone cost .42; total original cost 197: will close Out for S.i5: Dav rash nr hv the mnnfh! have also a larger size victrola. but only 14 worth of records in case; total orig inal cost. J117. iU: 164. rash or terms. IS per month, takes it. See phonograph oept., Sd lioor, Eilers Music bldg.. 2o7Vs vtasnington St.. Just nelow otn at. A 60NORA. Just like new: the kind that costs new I215: will take $110 cash: also a somewhat smaller size Snnora. the Nocturne model, in choice mahogany. just line new, lor $10 less, or $8 more. on payments only $U per month. Phono graph headquarters, 3d floor. Eilers Music bldg. : 7 floors devoted to muelo and musicians: entrance and elevator on wasnington st between 4th and 5th. REMOVAL SALE. All feathers, Including new tall goods, reduced zo to 00 per cent. WE MOVE OCT. 1 TO UPPER FLOOR NEW KLL'MPP BLDG., TENTH AND 1AJ1H1LL, Onp. LIBRARY, HARTNESS PLUME SHOP, ' PARK AND YAMHILL. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN By nerve blocking, zone therapy, or con ductive anesthesia. We can do all dental operations without pain. Come In and -let ua prove it to you. DR. A. W. KEENE. ABOVE MAJESTIC THEATER. 331 j WASHINGTON ST. LADY'S navy blue French serge tailor made suit, size 40; coat 1150 new, and win sacrnice it ior -'o. as 1 need tne money. Evening gown, black lace, size I 36, for $10; satin orchid slippers, size I naa, sj.oo; school girls navy blue trlco- tlne suit, size 86, $8. Call 111 3 Union ave. N. ANTIOLE SHIRAZ. A genuine antique Shiraz rug, size 8 '4 by 3 feet, in perfect condition, at the I remarkably low price of $500 If taken at once. Such a rug is to be found only in antique collections. A U37, urego- ii ian. SIBLICO plpeless furnace, 879.60. $135; It has proven our claims: stronger de mand than anticipated; to avoid delay in delivery investigate at once and se- S.mIv'.L. orwr-,i'T oT,odru"' 1291 Mallory ave. Woodlawn 2103. SAVE HOURS DRESS FITTING. Your own figure reproduced TO Cr ock Dyagtiadame vonna method dress rorms, i: so; children half price. For appointment. iaDor 20111. FOR SALE Fine Hudson seal muff, never used; large Persian iamb collar; In per fect condition. Also beaver collar and cuff set for youngster's coat. Sellwood a i -'4. FOR RENT. Shotguns and rifles. Also buy. sell or trade. NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. 128 1st. Main 4493, Aut. 627-46, 623-82. BUY. SELL, RENT OR TRADE. Phonographs and records. Music rolls and musical Instruments. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE. 128 1st., Main 4493, Aut. 627-46, 623-82. FOR PLUMES and pumps and dresses gay. Coats warm and uu to date. I nav. You are asked to call at East Broadway. jumper Z44, East i?2. HIGHEST grade 9x12 Axminster rug; also small size cniid s beaver hat, black. Tabor 9243. ALMOST new linoleum square, 8x12, kitch en table, invalid chair, gas stove. 371 sixth st. LARGE reed baby carriage, French gray, A-l condition, (30. 000 Hawtnoroe ave. mast t i ? i . LATEST style Singer sewing machine. like new, $40; Minnesota sewing ma- cnine, sio. its i.. 23d, apt. 81. COLUMBIA Grafonoia (out of my stock) to trade for groceries or wood. Tabor I e.2. IVoKY wicker baby carriage, used four months, $25. Call East 35. 826ft E. Pine street. REAL ESTATE coal or wood range, good condition. S44 Brazee. Phone East ON ACCOUNT of having water and light will sell electric plant very reasonable; also winamui and tank. Aut. 617-42. DROP-HEAD Singer sewing machine, like new, u. m.j Macrum st., near Lorn- oard. &t. Johns car. IViRSON'S eczema and poison oak cure relieves all skin infection at nnr. PaII Woodlawn 1043. Address 1131 E. 2Qth N. WILLARD battery, 3-cell, 6-volt, for sale or iraue tor sewing machine or tools. f none xaoor li.it). IiS SHALER vulcanizer. complete. IL'S. 309 Washington st., Vancouver. Phone a-o. A BARGAIN An Acorn gas range in fine conaiiion; win deliver. HID ast Yam hill. Trtbor 4443. INL'IAN relics, antiques and curios of auKinus. wm. raul. 120 llth st. Bdwy. FOR RENT High-class electric sewing machines, reasonable. Electric .Service t.o.. izw imn st. .Main 7370. NEW Prince Albert suit (size 3tt) ; wiTT en or ejcnange lor lull aress tslze 401, - or wiiwt nave 1BUI J4 l.lackamas St. NEW electric heaters at our cost. Kle. trie Service Co., 121,4 10th St. Main 7370. H.K dres suit, size 33. very reasonable. sell. :iiZ4. SINGER sewing machine, like new. Sunday. Sso E. 45th at. N. Call PRUNES for sale. Call Autd. 222-50. FOB nALE A f TOMOBILr. ASK FOR A RIDE IN A USED VELIE. 1921 DODGE roadster, run about 15U0 miles, over $175 worth of extras. Would consider trade on laie model ord coupe. ah aiorrison at. xtroauway zmo. b-PASS. car. Continental motor; would mak-e fine bug or light truck, I20O; trade for motor boat or flrat payment on house boat. E. jirhfi. LATE ll21 Bulck 0. run 3300 mliea, epot- Ilgnt and Dumpers. uioki like new; forced to sell. Call Tabor SOQ3. 1921 FORD tour., run about 2000 miles. some extras, $450. Better see this. Tabor 61114. 1919 FORD roadster, $273. A-l condition: terms. 132 North Broadway, opposite postornce. 1916 FORD touring. $150, very easy terms. wm. L. Hughson Co.. no N. Broadway. 1915 FORD roadster, $05. terms. 132 N. Broadway, opposite postofflce. 1920 FORD coupe, $475. terms. 132 N. Broadway, opposite postomce. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FACTORY GUARANTEED REBUILT MAXWELLS ' A SPECIAL DISPLAY BEGINNING SATURDAY. SEPT. 10. 8 ONLY 3 1 '18 Maxwell 8-pass. roadster. 1 '19 Maxwell 3-pass. roadster. 2 'IS Maxwell 5-pass. touring. 2 '19 Maxwell 5-paas. touring. 2 '20 Maxwell 5-pasa tout-lug. Thane earn have each been rebuilt our own shops, have been repainled and each will be sold under our STANDARD FACTORY WARRANTY. SPECIAL PRICES AND TERMS. We will consider your old car as part payment on one of these rebuilt Max wells. MAXWELL CHALMERS MOTOR CO.. Factory Branch. East 631. Oregon at E. 3d St. OVERLAND FOUR. 1920 TOURING, in splendid con dition; lust overhauled; $300 cash. Can be seen at S14 East Chicago St.. SU Johns district. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE, WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., 207 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. AUTOMOBILE BARGAIN. For sale Handsome seven-passenger car, mechanically perfect, newly paint ed; new California plate glass top, new rubber. Phone East 4242. Ask for Mrs. Merry. I FORD BUG, all in fine mechanical condi tion, lot of extras, nice top. disc wheels, new paint, built with Hudson radiator and straight lines; very low price and terms. Call owner, Automatic 816-32. See car at 1370 Alameda Drive today or Sunday. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A VELIE! SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR CO.. 342 BURNSIDE ST. BDWY. 3648. ROSE CITY AUTO 1 0P CO. AUTO TOPS, SEAT COVERS, CUSHIONS. UPHOLSTERING. 842 SANDY BOULEVARD, COR. EAST 27TH SV, PHONE EAST 20113, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A VELIE SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR CO.. 842 BURNSIDE ST. BDWY. 3048. WINDSHIELDS. We build and reconstruct windshields for all niakes of cars. AUTO REBUILDING CO., 334 East Burnside St. Phone East 7249. NOW IS TOUR CHANCE TO OWN A VELIE ! SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR CO.. 342 BURNSIDE ST. BDWY. 3048. STORAGE at low rates In our BONDED WAREHOUSE. Money loaned on automobiles. OREGON BROKERAGE CO., 1333 N. W. Bank Building. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A VELIE! SALE NOW OX. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR. CO.. 342 BURNSIDE ST. BDWY. 3648. 1920 FORD ROVDSTER Electric starter. l.iM) Terms. 1920 FORD TOURING, elec. starter, 4uu lerms. BC 971, OR EG ON I AN. FOR ONLY 1316 you can buy a dandy lit tle cnevroiet tnai looks just like new and runs fine; hew paint, new upholster ing, new top, thoroughly overhauled. 334 E. Broadway. Auto. 3:0-16. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories. tubes. ora parts, light globes, etc. Also do towing. Open day and night. Ok SJLVA. Phone East 6S40. . 462 Hawthorne 1920 SPECIAL built sport model Essex roadster, with class, speed and power five wire wheels with cord tiree in splen did condition; extra equipment; new paint, etc. Main 51U8. SIOOO, terms. THREE FORD bargains priced to sell quickly; 17 touring, new tires; '17 tour ing. A-l conaiiion ann extras: ill tour in, like new. guaranteed. 227 KaI- mon, bet. 1st and lid streets. 490 CHEVROLET 1921. run only a few months; will sell reasonably for cah or terms. Consider trade of 'IS or '19 Chev rolet or lord. woodlawn 3002. Sua- day call Broadway 240. DODGE ROADSTER. Late 1919 Dodge, in exceptionally fine condition, well equipped, xor sale by owner. win give terms; no dealers. Phone Main 4i2i. '19 LIGHT six Studebaker. spotlight, Weed chains, oumper, ilil license, windshield wiper: lor sale Dy owner at price tha sens. r or tnis line car DDODeAMr. VealA at Rrnnrinrnv HI A W 1100 LIGHT delivery, panel top. closed. old model, 4-cynnder continental motor; strong and- running order; 2 new tires. extras. 930 East Tenth street North, near Prescott. BUICK SEDAN. Refinished and in excellent condition: only ilou. A. C STEVENS. Bdwy. 1614. 329 Washington st MOON SIX Victory model; 3 good Miller cord tires, good snape. lot of extras; a car you would be proud of. Cash, terms or traue rot- nynt car, call Tabor 8639. SACRIFICE Must sell at once: 3-d"s. car; good condition; must be seen to be appreciated, ttoom d. 492 union avenue Nortn. fc,ast tuaj. FOR SALE My equity in late 1U20 Max- welt car, Sljo, balance to be Daid on car 13. iu, in mommy payments. Phone Ka-'t ttt4i. 7-PASSENGER Moon. Spanish leather up- noisiermg. coru ure?. run out a tew miles; SSU0' cash. Broadway 293. 414 Glisan. , CADILLAC for $350, fine condition, new paint, ,new top, seat covers, 5 tires. A most comiortaDte iamtly tourina car. Owner. 73S Sherwood drive. WILL make loans in small amounts on cars stored in our BONDED WARE HOUSE. Oregon Brokerage Co., 1333 N. W. Bank bldg. 1919 MAXWELL,. 5 good tires, new paint. peneci conumon; eiou down will drive this car home. Easy terms on balance. Call Hozell. Broadway 3006. MAXWELL touring, fine shape, Just over hauled ; need money. 1272 union tvenue. FORD SEDAN DEMONSTRATOR. S525. CALL MR. FROHMAN. BDWY. 321 OVERLAND 3-passenger; trade for small farm or city lots. 1. A. sturgeon, 020 r roni street. OVERLAND, model 90-T, good condition. cheap; owner leaving city. 0229 45th street S. E. FORD BUG, good tires, demountable rims, 1123. Broadway aaa. 414 Glisan.' 1920 FORD truck, new cord tires, $350. Broadway 293. 414 Glisan. 8-PASeJENOER Overland. 33-4 model, 1918 win iraue mr rora. Alain 04ZU. FCRD chassis, $125. 531 Alder st. Phone Bdwy. jji4. LATE '18 Cleveland. Al condition; Presto light. Auto. 641-L'T. FOR SALE Dudge touring car la good condition. Tabor i9. FOR SALE Overland B-passenger tour ing, in good conaiiion. b East 14th St. rOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. THE GREATEST SALE USED FORDS EVER HELD ON THE PACIFIC COAST NOW AT ITS HEIGHT. BIG REDUCTIONS MEAN QUICK SELECT YOUR FORD AT ONCE. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, Grand Ave. and East Yamhill. We handle all the used Fords taken in trade by the authorized Ford dealers of the city. . " ' OPEN EVENINGS AND ALL DAY SUNDAY COOK & GILL CO.. AMAZING REDUCTIONS ON USED CARS. Greater reductions than ever before In the history of this firm. Greater reductions than ever made by any firm In the west. Lower prices than you will find at any so-called "special sale." Lower prices than you would have to pay at an AUCTION SALE. These reductions, together with the splendid mechanical condition and ex ternal appearance of our line -of renewed csrs, combine to make them the greatest value ever offered ANYWHERE IN THE COUNTRY AT ANY TIME. LET US SHOW YOU. Was. Is. 1920 Paige, B-pass. IlimO $1000 1920 Paige, 4-pass. Sport.. 2000 1500 1920 Paige. 4-pasa. Sport.. 2250 1750 1918 Paige. 7-pass. liioo 11 23 1918 Paige. 4-pass. Chummy 1100 900 1917 Paine. T-pass 850 090 1921 Hupmobile, like new.. 1300 1250 Marmon 4-pas. Chummy 2300 1700 1919 Mitchell roadster 1100 973 1918 Olilsmoblle touring.... 1000 700 1918 Mitchell touring 800 700 1918 Overlnnd 90 373 275 1920 Chevrolet 4-90. ., S30 400 1921 Oldsmobile 'sedan 22.10 1800 1319 Oldmobile coupe . . .' . 16U0 1230 TERMS OX ANY OF THESE CARS. These cars have been thoroughly over hauled mechanically ana renewed ex ternally and will give excellent service. tOOtt E U11.L. t.O.. Paige Distributors. OPEN SUNDAY. ELEVENTH AND BURNSIDE. FORD touring car, 1919, looks like new; good tires, spotlight, shock absorbers, font accelerator, external brakes, moto- meter. cutout, speedometer, demountable rims, extra tire and tuoe. license, .viusi sell at once; phone owner. East 4973 Call before 12 A. M. 1917 5 -PASSENGER car for sale; good running order; license plates, new top with plate glass, fair rubber; r.-lll sell for cash of take part In cordwood. Call at 421 Burnside between 8 and 5. Phone Broadway i5. YOIT NEVER SAW SUCH VALUES 342. WONDERFUL buy In 1920 Bulck; pri vately owned: my only reason for selling is I must have the money; this car is in perfect condition. u v. ovinia, xsroaa way a-oi. CHANDLER. 1920. A real car. in perfect condition, and at a price you will like. See this at 60 North Broadway. Phone Parsons, Broad way 321. HAYNES LIGHT SIX. S-pass. ; refinished in dark maroon; new tires: a wonderful Dargain; xtooo. A. C. STEVENS, Bdwy. 1614. 529 Washington St. HAYNES COUPE. 1920 model, reiinlshed. bumpers front and rear; one extra tire; practically new. A. C. STEVENS, Bdwy. 1814. 529 Washington st. 1918 DORT touring. In first-class condi tion; $100 down drives this car home. Balance on eay terms. Call Bozell, Broadway :iono. FORD TOURING 1920. In good com'ltion, with many extras and at low price. See Parsons at 00 North Broadway. FORD CHASSIS Body removed, cup seats, thoroughly overhauled, undcrslung front and rear; must sell; make offer. Wood In w n 3189. CADILLAC bug. good running order, bat tery, spotlight. Bosch magneto; price $300; Vz cash, balance monthly. Phone East 6373. 1S2 Grand ave. N. BIG USED CARS PRICES STOCK. RIGHT. No Misrepresentations. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 1917 BUICK 5-pass. touring. Brand new pantasote top, cord tires, extras. Just overhauled and in excellent condition. This is a bargain. East 5676. 1920 CHEVROLET, looks and runs like new; $150 down, balance on easy terms. This is a snap at the price offered, Call Bozell. Broadway 3006. $730. Hupmobile. first-class condition, easy terms. Phone Mr. Bryon, Main 7191. Tabor 3:i! FORD SEDAN. Am forced to sell. $450, lots of extras, will guarantee. Don't pass this tip for it's dirt cheap. Sellwood 3415. . bTj'ICK-1919 touring, all overhauled, newly painted, fenders re-enameled, good tires and extras. $1030, terms. No trade. Phone Tnbnr 4439. . 5-PASSBNGER Nash 6 1921 model, run 5000 miles; five new cord tires. Cash $1000. By owner. 429 Market. Phone Main 5K49. 1C1S CHEVROLET touring, new Wlllard OHttery, new iires, new upnoistering, fine running- condition; eins. included. $293. 15S E. lid N.. 1 block N. of Glisan. BUICK 1919 5-paas., only driven about 5000 miles, iires goou. wiin spare fine shape, snap buy. See It evenings at 349 N. 25th St. COUPE, best buy In city, perfect mechan ical condition, oeauLiiui car, casn or terms. 3:10 East 21st St.. bet, 10th and 12th. Sunday. BUTCK light six, in perfect condition: Just like a new car. .-no uown. long time on balance, can woin. oi. 1919 PAIGE, 5 cord tires and so cheap; runs good; win iraae ror sm&II car. Call Propst. Broadway 3600. 1920 DODGE roadster. Just like new. $350 down, easy terms on oaiance. call wdin. 6975. ESSEX touring car. cannot be told from a new car. .-.u; wm give long time. Call Wdln. B975. 1918 LIBERTY six. newly painted and mechanically peneci; a bargain. Terma East 4930 WHITE truck, model 20-43. new. foi sale or trade; price is ngnc .Martin. 147 13th st. Broadway 330i. 11)20 OVERLAND roadster, perfct condi tion, new pami. line iires, must selL $eOO. term?, rnone aioore, cast oH7S. 1919 GRANT six, $475. all new tires, one extra; a-i annuo, aim west bombard. Phone Wdln. 1050. 1920 DODGE ROADSTER, $730. CALL MR. FROHMAN. BDWY.J121. FORD coupe. 1921. condition excellent; will iraae tor touring or sen reason able. Robinson, Main 1100. MUST be sold. Dodge touring. 219 Washing ton et FORD touring, Al condition, for sale cheap. 7i2 efitn ave. a. ta. FOR SALE Good bug, $90. Call 20 Union ave.; ONE 1917 little six Oakland;- first class condition. $375. 2HI 12th st. PARTS Oregon Auto Wrecking Co 423 .Heimont, near sutio. FOR SALE AfTOMOBBLka. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A VELIB SIX. For next week we are offering six re built Veile cars at prices , that will astound 'you. These cars are'alt in the finest mechanical condition, repainted -end guaranteed to be as represented. We can arrange terms to meet with your convenience. Come to our salesrooms early and ask for a demonstration of any of tne ioi lowing cars; . tolT VaIIa CI TaiipIiiv. anlendid running car $600 10.17 VeliA Sic Tnurlne-. looks muctl younger 700 lam V-IIa fit TnnHnr fins fiha.De throughout 850 11)18 VaUa Six Tourina: vou'll like this one 830 mill VeliA Rlx Taurine: ask for a ride 875 1Q.XI Velle Si-. TmiHntr' AVACtlV like new 7. 1500 Here are some others taken in on new Velie cars: 1920 Dort Touring, used but Httle..075 1920 Dodre Delivery; here's a snap.. 900 1U'II filatih.nl Taurine- in fine shape 1300 1920 Dixie Flyer Touring, a new car 900 1918 Chandler Touring; looks and runs good 873 mia n.uitini1 Tonrlne-: wood running condition TOO And many others. Just phone and we'll call for you. t Open all day Sunday. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR COMPANY, INC., Distributors Velle and Peerless. USED CAR BRANCH, 842 Burnside St., Near Broadway. Phone Broadway 3048. . AUTOMOBILE owners, garagemen. me chanics, repairmen, send for free copy of this month's issue. It contains helpful, instructive information oa overhauling, ignition troubles, wiring, carburetors, storage batteries, etc. Over 120 pages, Illustrated. Send for free copy today. Automobile Digest. 217 Butler bldg., Cin cinnati. O. ' 1919 ' FORD coupe; lady's car! driven 17O0O milAAT ham cord tires. Shock ab- so'f'b-N-a, electric horn, starter, speed- UlIltSLtSl, PtlUUIUCIS V .1 I ..I. ...... . , c , spare tire, extra cowl lamps, motor meter, cut-out; $300, terms given. Main 1341 today. 1921 LIBERTY TOURING, rirlvan about 3000 miles, fully guar anteed, shows but little use. Here Is a fine car at the price of a cheap one. Let me show you this car; I must sell and you can save money. Broadway 41S4. Mr. F.lla. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A VELIE! SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR CO., 342 BURNSIDE ST. BDWY. 8643. FOR SALE Franklin touring. 1910. series o: fine mechanical condition; cord tires, spotlight, curtains open with doors; front seat' cut down. Price 1630; part cash, balance terms. 991 E. 23th St. N., after 12:30 P. M. Sunday. 20 BUICK ROADSTER. Refinished and new tires and will pass for new. Come and try It; all first class and low price of 11023, with some down, bad easy. - Take-Bulck touring In trade. Open Sundays. 514 Alder st BRAND-NEW HUPMOBILE. Deposit on new Hupmobile for sale. For confidential price, O 916, Oregonian. CADILLAC, late model 7-pass., just over hauled and almost new tires; I must sell this car at once at a great sacri fice, $800; would consider some terms. Marshall 3148 between 6 and 7 evenings or before noon Sunday. NEW GARDNER TOURING CAR. I can save you $100 off purchase prlee of new Gardaer automobile: will sell-my deposit, leaving town at once. For de tails see Mr. Clemons, Broadway 4184, at 10O N. Broadway. LIBERTY SIX, late model, and in ex cellent condition, cheap for cash, or would consider some high-grade furni ture sa first payment. Terms on bal- '. ance. Phone Woodlawn 8991, or address F 921, Oregonian. ; m LEAVE IMMEDIATELY FOR EAST. Owner will sacrifice big six Reo road ster, mechanically perfect, all cord tires; not good business to pay freight east; - act quick if you want benefit. Tel. 024-95. 1018 FORD TOURING. $3"0. TERMS BEST SHAPE. TABOR 6740. MONDAY. ROSE CITY AUTO TOP CO. AUTO TOPS, SEAT COVERS, CUSHIONS, UPHOLSTERING. 842 SANDY BOULEVARD. PHONE EAST 2933. HAVE YOU SEEN THE USED VELIES? CHEVROLET roadster, some snap at $250. See It at weuer Motor company, mm and Washington. . 1920 OAKLAND touring car, motor over hauled, new pistons, two new cord tires, good paint; by owner, easy terms; $800. Automatic 817-19. CHALMERS SLX Sister to this $330. See It at weller Motor company, jotn ana Washington. NEW KING 8 roadster. Never run a mile. Owner leaving town and must sell: will take SOc on $1. 489 E. 39th. Tabor S914. FOR SALE Ford touring, extra large steering wheel, Stromberg carburetor, ex tra oiling system, speedometer, new tires, $200. E. 7145. $225 CASH Chevrolet, privately owned; perfect condition, good tires, new bat tery; snap for someone; am leaving town. 330 East Stark 1920 490 CHEVROLET touring at a big sacrifice; will sell at $2U0 cash and give easy terms. This car is like new. Call Mr. Biggerstaff, Broadway 241. FOR SALE CHEAP. 1919 Chevrolet, good condition, brand new battery. Call Sunday until 2 P. M. at 1034 Cleveland ave. 1920 CHALMERS, practically new, 5 cord tires; take small car in trade. Terms. Billingsley Motor. Co., Broadway at 8th. East 7. 1920 FORD touring, starter, speedometer, lots of extras; terms. Billingsley Motor Co.. Hawthorne ave. and Eighth. East 7. 1920 OAKLAND 6, like new. and in fine condition, $7o0; terms. Billingsley Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. at 8th. East 7. 1918 FORD touring, shock absorBcrs. looka and runs fine, good tires; $275. Call E. 7544. DODGE touring, nearly new, battery, spot light, o good tires; win demonstrate; sacrifice for $375. Tabor 3919. 1918 WILLYS-KNIGHT 7-passenger, first- class condition; cord tires, $1200. Phone Wdln. 2134. 1917 BUICK touring. 8-cyllnder, new top, repainted; wonderrul condition. This is a bargain. 851 Burnside. Bdwy. 2470. 1917 CHEVROLET roadster, good mechan ical condition, slid. dol Burnside st. Broadway 2470 D45 BUICK, fine mechanical condition, 6 good tlrea and axiras, io casn. Auto matic 627-15. SNAP Buy Liberty six, first-class con dition, wire wheels, good tires. Tabor hob. GOOD 1915 Ford touting car. engine out pulls any new one, $130, terms. Tabor 0621. LATE 1918 Maxwell touring car, private ly owned and for sale by original pur chaser. 300. Bdwy. J349. 1917 FORD Fine running condition, new tires, poor paint: $200. 1178 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 1807 Monday. ' BUICK ii Good paint, cord tirea, motor A-l. Sell or trade. Esst 8109. 1918 8-CYL1NDER Oldsmobile for sale or trade for Ford sedan. 1058 East 3uth N. BUICK 0; snap, new tires and paint. Sell wood 75. 1912 CADILLAC, make good bug or truck, $125 cash or trade. -Tabor 1918. i $105 FORD, in perfect condition; looks Tine; runa tine; good tires. xapor 211'3. 1920 FORD, like new. $l!50. Main 1157. 1S8 Chapman. $350 EQUITY in classy little car. Trade on good furniture. Call Grace, Mar. 600. OAKLAND, splendid condition, cash trade s-ornethlng useful. Tabor 801S. 1920 DODGE tourlnsr. a real buy; very fine -liape; $QO: part cash. TaboT 7817. SNAPPY 1918 Studebaker roadster, $400. Look it over. 228 Hall, flat B. DODGE I'sed car cheap at 1013 E. lrv Ing st. Tabor 2903. $6U WILL take my equity In Ford touring, car In A-l condition. Enst 8109. MODEL 73 Overland; good condition. Call Main S202. 1921 NASH, run 1230 miles; here is a real bargain. Call Tabor 6478. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. OUR used car department exists only a a service to the Portland public. v serve our new car purchasers by sellin their old cars. By salvaging, rebulldin and refintshing these cars, we convert them into desirable merchandise, thereby serving those who wish to purchase the highest quality used car. Investigate our used car service with your mecnanic ONE WEEK'S TRIAL AND 100 PER CENT SATISFACTION. 1920 Studebaker bis: six. repainted. like new $1750 1920 Studebaker special six 1500 1919 Studebaker light six 1000 1918 Studebaker light six 475 1917 Studebaker 375 Studebaker 6-cyl.. 5-pass ' 200 1919 Cole Aero 8. 8-Dass.. sport model, refinished 1300 1918 Buick coupe, like new 1300 1920 Buick fourlnr 112 1916 Buick touring 650 1913 Btrtck four 430 1917 Bulck four 42 1920 Chandler Dispatch, repainted with S Brood tires, bumper and spotlight 1400 1918 Chandler, reoalnted. new top.. 750 .1920 Oakland, special paint and top 793 1918 Oakland, renainted and new top BS0 1918 8-pass. roadster, cord tires.. 52 1918 Overland Country Club 42 1910 Franklin, repainted 730 1919 Westcott, S-pass., light 6 850 1919 Chalmers 6 -pass., fine shape 895 1920 Scrlpps-Booth, a fine car 800 1917 Saxon six, as is 130 1919 Maxwell touring, like new... 473 Old ears taken in trade. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. W. C. GARBE, INC., , Burnside at Broadway. Phone Broadway 610. USED CAR SALE ON OUR VACANT LOT conveniently located to our salesroom. BUICKS, OLDSMOBILE Sixes, FORDS, OVERLANDS, CHEVROLET tourings, STUDEBAKERS, HUDSON. REO, PRICES ,75 to $950. Most all makes and models at excep tlonally low prices. Terms cash or trade. we noia open evenings and bunaays. OLDSMOBILE CO.. .BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. COLE EIGHT SNAP. I DESIRE TO DISPOSE OF MY COLE EIGHT ROADSTER AND COULD USE A GOOD PIANO A3 PART OR FULL PAYMENT, AND GIVE EASY TERMS. CALL N. E. BURKITT, MAIN 1800, OR 207 SELLING BLDG. 19 OLDS o TOURING. This fine nearly new car will do all the things any of the heavy sixea will do, and this one Is light on tires, gas and upkeep. Looks like new one, has some extras and we will service It. Low price of $S25, with some down, balance easy. Open Sundays. Come and try it. 014 Alder st. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. NEW PREMIER. LATEST MODEL.. 7-PAS9., FUL.L . EQUIPMENT. NEVER DRIVEN. OWNER. TABOR 78M). FORD BL'G, all iu fine mechanical con dition, lot of extras, nice top. disc wneeis, new paint, built with Hudson radiator and straight lines; very low price and terms. Call owner. Automatic H16-dJ See car at 1370 Alameda Drive today or Sunday. OAKLAND TOURING CAR, ONLY $650. 34B model. 1919. good paint, tires, leather, top and motor guaranteed: will allow fair terms or accept iiDeny Donus. Here Is a good dollar-for-dollar value. See it and you will agree. 100 North Broadway. Broadway 4184. LATE MODEL TOURING. This Is popular make and this one Is 20 model and we will show you some bargain. It has factory finish and good tires and one extra. Come and try it. Low price of $3H5. with $150 down. bal. easy, open auntiays. 014 Aider sc. OLDSMOBILE TOURING CAR, 6-CYL. Motor like new. car is wonderful value Will sell at reasonable figure. Leaving state; here is your chance to save some money on a standard car. Call Mr. Clemons, Broadway 4184, or see car .t 100 North Broadway. ONE 1918 OAKLAND six $530 . One Overland, S-passenger 200 One bug 300 Several other bargains; one motor boat very cheap. Armature & Electric works, 54 Alder street. Phone Broadway 224X1. FRANKLIN. ' FOUR-PASSENGER. This car is guaranteed to be in per fect condition: runs and iooks nae new car. Private owner. Main 6998 or Marshall 5611. SCRIPPS-BOOTH TOURING CAR. In eood condition throughout, at price that will beat anything you have ever priced. For a genuine bargain see this car at lou isorin uroaaway. air. Holllster. Broadway 41H4 BUICK COUPE, late model, in very fine condition, looks like new. at an excep tional bargain price, $1100. Don't fall to see this car. WM give terms. Mar shall 3148 bet. 5 and 7 evenings or be fore noon Sunday. 1920 CHANDLER Dispatch. This oar has just been overhauled; only driven 10,000 miles; tires are like new, new paint, ex tras; a bargain at $1000; terms If de sired. East 62o9. . 1918 CHANDLER touring for sale, me chanically In good shape, new paint, good tires: If sold at once will sell cheap. Easy terms or small car in trade. Call Tabor 8306. IF YOU are looking for a real automobile. Investigate my 1917 Hupmobile. Car In excellent condition and looks like new. New tires and Alemlte greasing system. East 1328. I WILL sell my beautiful Chandler Dis patch car to the highest bidder Sunday. Come and make an offer. Run less than 5000 miles and looka like new. Terms or cash. Phone Tabor 76S1. BIG CHANCE TO OWN A USED VELIE. A GIFT $400. On account of death of owner, must sell 1920 Overland touring, first-class shape; looks like new; 3 new tires. 251 14th St.. apt. 35. I 1018 MAXWELL touring car. good me chanical condition, good paint: no rea sonable cash offer refused. 1015 E. 30th Norths STUDEBAKER FOUR Some buy at $330. See it at Weller Motor company. 13th and Washington. 1920 CHANDLER Dispatch; must be sold at once; six good tires; mechanically In first-class shape. Easy terms or small car in trade. Call Bdwy. 404. 1917 DODGE touring car, first-class con dition; $333 casn. call at 708 Broad way. Vancouver. Wash. REO FOUR, only $200. See It at Weller Motor company. 13th and Washington St. 1918 BUICK 6 roadster. In good condition; $775, terms. Res. 4710 52d street S. E. Auto. 014-94. $130 BUYS Chevrolet touring in good run ning snape; new tires. f-uuue owner, Enst 17ft 1918 STUDEBAKER 5-passenger 4-cyIln-der, cord tires; worth $S00; sell for $300 cash, or $350 terms. Tabor 1018. KING RDST. $150. See it at Weller Motor company. 15th and Washington. PRACTICALLY new Oldsmobile 4, in per fect condition; at a big sacrifice. Wdln. 4991. AUTO for ner 13th, laie. Cail at 434 Taylor, cor after 10 A. M. A 926, Ore- gonlan. $223 CASH, Chevrolet; perfect condition; runs fine; looks fine; good tires; new battery. 330 E. Stark. CHEVROLET touring, new paint, good rubber, runs fine; $200, terma 131 E. 32d st. 1920 OVERLAND 4; RUN 6000 MILES; MUST SELL; $330. 203 MAIN ST.. VAN COLTER, WASH. PHONE 627-Y. 1917 BUICK light 6 touring; fine shape; $485. Room 7, Salvation Army hut, Van couver. Wash. Phone 4.16. FORD touring, good shape, plenty extras, cRmning outfit, reasonable. Col. 794. 7-PASSENGER Winton Six, $000, 270 6th L Main 7223. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. REPUTATION. Reputation Is a tally of our dally seeds. Nothing is harder to gain or easier to lose. A good one requires many years of constant upbuilding and Its ex istence must be dally demonstrated. A poor one can easily be obtained from a single sellish thought or act. The Covey Motor Car company's rep utation for rebuilding and refinlshing the used cars it offers for sale, so that they may present the highest possible value for the lowest price, is only a detailed Interpretation of Its general reputation for fair dealing In every transaction. A used, rebuilt, refinished and guaranteed motor car purchased through this house can only produce one net result entire satisfaction. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. 1915 Dodge Brother touring $ 4i5 1910 Dodge Brothers touring i5 1917 Dodge Brothers touring 4io0 1918 Dodge Brothers roadster and touring 7. 1918 Dodge Brothers sedan 1130 1919 Dodge Brothers touring and roadster "0 1920 Dodge Brothers touring and roadster "00 1919 Liberty, sport model U"0 1910 Twin six Packard landaulet.. 2ioU 1919 Hudson 'limousine, fine con dition, a wonderrul taxlcab..i 1920 Overland "4" sedan TOO 1918 Overland' "90" touring 3i 1919 Peerless 8 touring, only 14 1 J 1918 Scrlpps-Booth coupe l-'-'O 1920 Oldsmobile "8" touring 12u0 1019 Oldsmobile "8" touring 9.i0 191S Oldsmobile "8" touring 0..0 1S20 Oldsmobile "6" touring lO-'o 1919 Oldsmobile J'" touring 0 1918 Oldsmobile "6" roadster 000 1920 Chandler, good condition, a snap 1400 1917 Chandler coupe Jl' 1918 Chandler touring, new tires.. 1M lolll Haynes touring, only loiio 1920 Haynes touring 1900 1913 Studebaker touring, to be sold as is l-.O 1917 Studebaker 4 touring 295 1918 Studebaker coupe, a real buy - at ooo 1919 Studebaker big six, 7-pass.... IJij 1919 Studebaker "" -u 1919 Maxwell roadster !'0 1917 Maxwell touring 3uu 1920 Maxwell sedan, an excellent car for J'n9 1920 Kina- "8" W 1920 Chevrolet 490 sedan ......... 1920 Chevrolet roadster, fine shape 1920 Chevrolet touring 1019 Chevrolet touring 1018 Chevrolet touring 1--1 Vttrii ritiin. 700 4 500 3 3 6i 10 1920 Ford touring i f V i ' i"t 1920 Ford roadster, wiin uei. iwuj 1929 Ford coupe 1917 Ford coupe 1914 Ford touring 1917 Oakland touring, a good buy as U. at 1914 Oakland touring a Si - 100 gno 400 "9-A," an excellent car for.. 115i 1920 Franklin touring 1919 Buick roadster 1920 Bulck,- 7-passenger 1920 Buick, B-passenger D.,1.1, -.lun 1700 1100 1250 1185 JS .,'.7.1 m .. out wonderful car 16- Model 'N" Hupmobile touring 700 DELIVERY CARS. 1919 Dodge Brothers, screen, an excellent car ....'.... 191S Dodge Brothers, panel, good shape 1919 Chevrolet, panel, delivery 1918 Buick delivery (2: 7 400 SOU CADILLACS. nih.,i,ii wa ilo not list our used, re built and refinished Cadillac motor cars In this advertisement, you J. 11 ' find a well representeu nue ui ,..i.u mt .- KAleAronm. All cars guaranteed and sold on easy terms. ci-x niT. W t AOB v' ' 'J -' . . I - anil 91ml .1 Washington. Main B-44. Also a big display at the new Broad way salesroom downtown tall at thi salesroom most convenient for you. Ou automobile transportation makes J quickly poaslble for you to look over ou enure siut.. nHn.nnr.v- TToipn niR TtRAVOH oo -in vrlh ProadWaV. Main 644. WE BUY CARS FOR WRECKING. We wreck and sell the parts. Parts Farts For almost every make of cars and trucks at one-half. To Insure q'ulek service bring or send In your worn parts for duplication. AUTO WRECKING CO. 823 Alder St., at 10th. Look for the Orange Colored bldg. n I'UKImH.ET TOURING. This fine light 4 Is like a brand new one. We will give you sorvlce and the low price of $413, wiin nnu oown. Dai. easy. Will make you want to ride home In It. Needs nothing and factory tinisn, Open Sundays. 014 Alder at. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. T CBKiT SACRIFICE. Ttooutifni a.evlfnder S-passenger 8 .nor rhummv roadster, like new, late iu-hi mnri.i e.ost S2450. many extras, beauty for a lady or a fine family car. Must raise money, ana ii-i wbm terms. Private party. East 6228. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Vf. R. PR LAY MOTOR CO.. 842 BURNSIDE ST. BDWY. 3B48. REO 4-CYL., 5-pass.: Is In fine shape and T. . . ,,, .r .. v, .. tit-. Will sacrnice. i huub nwvt .CHANDLER SEDAN. 1920. Here Is your chance to get an Inclosed car at a sacrnice; i2w. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 10th and Burnside. Phone lldv. i21 NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A VELIE! SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. R. DE LAY MOTOR CO., 842 BURNSIDE ST. BDWY. 3049. LOOK FOR THE BIG 842 ON BURNSIDE SEE OUR USED CAR advertisement in the automoone section oi . mis paper NORTH WEST AUTU lOMi-iiai. 18th and Alder Sts. MUST sell 1920 Ford, in perfect shape B-ndn starter, llou wortn oi extras: wi. sacrifice on easy terms to responsible party, can tiroanway ;w 1S20 CHEVROLET, excellent mechanlca condition, oy ownor: ciieap ior uuu 1236 E. llth st. N.. or 310 Board of Trade Building MODEL N 1917 Hupmobile, good Condi Hon new rubber: win sen very cneap will call at your home and demonstrate. F 9R:t. Oregonian. 921 FORD COUPE. WITH EVERY EX TRA FOSS1 run wiva oal.c. PHONE MAIN 7310. MUST sell today.' 1920 Ford, demountable rims, 5 good tires, can aunoay torenoon 317 Hancock. i.itk model Grant Six In excellent condi tion; 1 em in urgent neea oi )i.j at once. Main 123 REO TOURING. In A-l condition, tires almost new. All-ieatner upnoistering. A 'bargain. Woodlawn 277 WL1L exchange new phonograph for new 87x5 lire. Hyatt 'laiKing macmne to, 30 Aldet OLE 8 roadster, best buy in town, fine shane ail over. somj. laae diamond or bonds first payment. Owner, Bdwy. 15S6. 1918 BUICK six roadster, excellent condi tion, new special top. pcooa urea, private owner: $R23. East 1630. FOR SALE Chalmers bug. Al condition. $123 terms, $100 rash. Main 5780, Sun day A M. or evenings. 1921 BUICK. u-passenger touring, fully equipped, for quick sale, $1450. Phone Marshall 39S between 9:110 and 2 r. M. FORD delivery in good condition; easy terms. 734 Sandy blvd. East 2O20. 5-PASSENGER auto, good condition, $500, terms. Marshall 4701. Ti20 CHEVROLET touring; will sacrifice for $435. Call Hollopeter, East 7482. FOR SALE Dodge touring car. In perfect mechanical condition, 1375. 450 Market. 1019 7-PASS. Buick, excellent shape. Own. er leaving city, lan cast qui. FORD touring, good condition, $183 cash. Automntlo 221-42. - . WILL sell my 1920 Ford roadster cheap. Woodlawn 29y 1917 MAXWELL 4-passenger, only $225, some terms. Bdwy. 13S6. liO HUDSON super, six 7-passenger, new cord tires. $1800. Vranson's, E. 4376. NEW FORD sedan. $200 worth of extras; will guarantee; $850. Vranson's, E. 4370. 1916 FORD, seat cut for bed. In fine con dltion. extras: $200. E. 3279. 1920 CHEVROLET, new tires: will sac rifice. -$435 STUDEBAKER Special, all new cord tires; low price. )t.iftj. owner, cast o-.o. 1918 BUICK 4 touring. In good shape. Call Auto. 221-48 109 E. 34th st. FOR SALE Late 1920 Ford. Blarter and all extrns. S440: terms. Call W. 657.1. BUICK ROADSTER, In good running con dition. Price $330. 8Q8 Cleveland ave 1921 NASH, run 12U6 miles. Here real bargain. Call Tabor 8178. FOR SALE AITOMOBILFS. USED CAR BARGAINS. Al Auto Wks. A Warehouse Co. We have another big lot genuine bar gains In good dependable rebuilt and reiinlshed cars to oiler on very easy term, Hupmobile, model N, In good shape. wiin seat covers and well equippeo $450, with $100 down, long time on tit balance. 1918 Maxwell touring In fine share ana almost new tires, only sjjo, down. bal. monthly. Ford sedan In good condition snd re finished. like new. S430. S1O0 down. Studebaker six touring in good shape, only luo down and very easy terms on the balance. Ford bug, good looking and runs fine, low price and $50 down. 1920 Ford coupe, very low price and easy terms. Bulck roadster, bus- tvne. with flv almost new tlrea This Is a fine buy a ei2o. fid down. Overland Country Club, wire wheel This car Is In first-class shape and snaD at $350. easv terma 1919 Chevrolet roadster, like new, only $475, $100 down, long time on the ba ance. 1910 Ford touring, fin shape, $321 $100 down. This la the best Ford the cltv for the monev. 1918 Dodee roadster, like new. In th best of condition, only $075, small pay ment down, long time on the balance. 1920 Essex in the best of shape. $97 Easy terms, or will taks your car In trade. 1920 Chevrolet touring with 5 new General cord tires. Here Is a map, $075. terms. This car cost new a year ago over $1300. Franklin, scries 9-B. In the very best of condition in every respect; a real bargain for someone, $1150, terms cou venlent for you. 1918 Oakland light A In good condl tlon, only $575. Easy terms. 1917 Case car In good condition, guar anteed, only $373; $73 down, long, easy terms on the buiance. 1919 Hupmobile. This Is the sma model Hup. In the very best of conil tion and refinished like new, $973. Easy terms. 1920 Stutz roadster. 1918 Stutl tou ing. 1920 Case 6 7-passenger. Skelton brand new demonstrator, $1000, easy terms, or will take your car in trade. We have a very large stock of good dependable used cars and all are firs class buys. Call in and look them over. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. Al Auto' Works A Warehouse C. 622 Alder tL, Corner 10th. 8ALEI SALE! 8ALEI Prices That Will Make Tou Buy. 60 Light Cars to Pick From. S motorcycles at your own price. Was. Is $ 225 $ 1(13 , 323 173 , 273 173 173 133 , 230 193 SIM) 250 350 300 323 223 323 230 850 273 273 2.15 875 273 I 423 3o.O 450 830 350 2511 473 4U0 1000 o.iU 500 375 1575 450 400 330 375 4511 0O0 5O0 330 403 493 373 851) 700 looo 6113 1500 1300 1915 Velle touring, starter.. 1914 Apperson tour., start.. 1913 Taige bug 1917 Ford touring 1918 Ford touring 1919 Ford touring 1915 Briscoe roadster 1918 Chevrolet touring 1913 Cadillac touring, starter 850 1910 f ord express .... 1914 Bulck H-ton 1918 Maxwell touring, extras lOlttJackson 6 7-paenger. 1915 Bulck 4, touring 1917 lliilt-lc 4, touring 1918 Buick 4 roadster special 1910 Oakland 6 rdstr., over hauled 1918 Oakland 6, tour., over hauled 1920 Ford touring 1919 Overland 90, new tires. 1920 Overland 4, roadster... 1920 Chevrolet touring 1913 Packard 30. 7-pass.... 1919 Mitchell A. touring .... 1917 Hup 4 sed-in You are buying from Vranson. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCH.. Union Ave. and Belmont St., Upstnlra Open night and Sunday. E. 4376. USED AUTOMOBILES AT PR H 'EN THAT WILL PLEASE YOU. Jordan sport marine $170 Mitchell, 5-passenger 030 Great Western, ft-psnaenger. . 100 Overland, 6-passengcr 2O0 Maxwell, 6-pnssenger 8O0 Overland. 7-passenger 430 White 30. 5-passenger 41)0 Briscoe, 5-pnssenger 500 Mitchell romister 450 Mitchell, 5-piissongor, thor oughly rebuilt 850 Oakland, 1920 model 850 Oldamobile 8, thoroughly re built 1000 Liberty chummy roadster.... 850 Packard twin six 1050 Nash sedan. 7-pass.. thor oughly rebuilt 19.10 1019 Buick, &-pasaenger .... 1200 Many others at prices that will Interest you. Come In and kick them over. We give ternu). MITCHELL. LEWIS ft STAVER COMPANY. Broadway and Everett. Phone Broadway 4073. HE BOUGHT A LEXINGTON. We have taken In trade his 191 Franklin touring. 4 cord tires, new paint; the motor in the usual fine condition; you will always find our used cars In; mlfiht consider a lute model standard make car In trade. Price $1500. HE BOUGHT A LEXINGTON". We have taken In trade his 191T Overland touring.: this car has good tires and Is in fine mechanical con dition; has Continental motor: this) car has year of service. Price $350. ,We also have a 1910 Lexington. lit'O Lexington. Pierce Arrow 3d chummy and a Winton 7-pass.. an Ideal car for stage. Trades Considered. Reasonable Terma OREGON LEXINGTON CO.. 632 Morrison st., cor 21st street Main 5o78. NKW DORT TOURING. Has been driven 800 miles and has Goodvear nnn-sKId tires an around; runs and iooks Just as It did the day it lelt the showroom one month ago. Low price of $930. with $300 down, bal. one year. Take roadster In trade, late mod el. Open Sundays. r14 Alder st. M UK PHY MOTOR CAR CO. pniVk'I.IX. Series 9-B. 4-nas. roadster, in evee ent snaoe. i nis car is niien-u hi a genuine bargain for cash or terms. If you Use a rransnn it aim imj jiim call and see this car Its sure a r.argalu. A-l AUTO WORKS WARE HOUSE! CO. 522 Aider St. HERE'S A OOOD ONE. MAXWELL. LATEST MODEL. 8OO0 miles, $625; extras. Come see it today. 1227 Halsey, 2 blocks south of 42d and Sandy. Tabor 1211. A WONDERFUL BUY. FORD TOURING. Late model and refinished and has non-skid tires all around and shock ab sorbers, t.'ome and try this one, as e have a low price of $285. with $loo down, bal. easy. Open Sundays. 514 Alder st. A SACRIFICE. Late model Stephens, 4-passenger sport, perfect order, like new, from own er. Cash or trade. Tabor 2513, East 83. East 4Sth N. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A VELIE' SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION ' GUARANTEED. W R. DE LAY MOTOR CO.. 842 BURNSIDE ST. BDWY. 8648. WE PAY cash for cars, condition no ob ject. We sell parta for almost every make of car and truck at one-half. AUTO WRECKING CO. 523 Alder St., at 10th St. Look for the Ornnge Colored Bldg. $225 FOR '17 FORD touring in fine con dition, shocks and speedometer; good rubber; must be sold by Monday. Call Automatic H3-S. FORD SEDAN, cheap; fine running order. Miller cord on front, Lancaster wire grips, oversize, on back. Berry, before 12 Sunday, 1S7 74th at. N. ONLY $325 for a 1918 Maxwell touring new paint, top Snd seat covers, $UC cash. Cochrun. Aut. 81O-10. 5-PASSENGER auto, in fine condition all around. Take part trade. ast 0328. FOR BALE ArTOMOniLES. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY PRICES HAVE DROPPED. Due to the big price reduction on Overland and Wlllya-Knlght cars. we have accumulated a large number of good used light cars at remarkably low prices: FORDS. 1918 Touring $1T3 1010 Touring 1K3 1918 Touring 2-3 1919 Touring 273 1021 Bug 823 CHEVROLET3. 1918 Tonrlng 4-90 $278 101S Hsl.y Grand 400 19IH liithy Grand 8-passenger Roadster 400 1920 Touring 4-90 4t3 OVERLANDS. 1918 Model 90 Touring $87.1 1918 Model 90 Touring 47J 1018 Model 90 Touring 323 101H Model 83-4 Touring 423 101S Model K3-4 Roadster ... 523 1918 Model 83-6 Touring 550 1018 Model 85-6 Touring A50 1920 Model 4 Sdan 830 1920 Model 4 Sedan 873 Model 83 Delivery 430 1918 Dort $271 1917 Rxxnn 8 Roadster 423 Hupmobile Bug 100 NEW Tni'CK. 1-Ton Truxlons Truck, pneumatlo cord tire equipment, at less than oust $1130 Special Easy Terms Open Evenings and gundayg WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY. Broadway 8383. Broadway and Davis. HYDRAULIC SHOCK ABSORBERS FOR FORD. Thev protect the ear against asstrue tlve bumps, greater speed can be en Joyed over rough roads with added com fort to the occupants, also minimizes spring brenksge and ssves one-third of tire and general upkeep; $12 30, Port land. DeiaUunt, factory agent. East 1347. MANLEY AUTO CO. 11TH AND BURNSIDE. OPEN TODAT. Many bargains In used cars. 1020 Hup touring $1800 1920 Hup roadster 1250 191 S Hup touring 9no 117 Hup touring " 19 Maxwell, $300; 19 Grant , $000 Manv others. Easy terma Call Broudway 217. WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH IT" is what vou'll say when you read thtsj about the car I am offering ou Tor IliKV). I'al&e S-paseenger touring, Lln wood model, new pu nt, motor Just over, hauled, bumper and spotllnht. Never taken a hard trip. Driven by owner for pejisure only Look It over, take a ride- In it and jnu'll find It O. K. la every partlculsr Owner, Tabor 8104 STUPE 71AKER. $100 tnkes It. new tires sni In good running slispe, electric lights anil starter. Co'ne and get It. Phone Jensen, Bdwy. tl, eve nings Mar. s3. 21 ESSEX TOURING. This car has run less thsn 3000 mile snd has cord tires and one extra, spot light and mirror and Isrtory finish snd will do any trial you ask. We will give service on same; low price of $1023, with $350 down, bal. essy. Open Sun days. 314 Alder st. MURI'MY MOTOR PAR CO. CADILLAC SEDAN. Beautiful 3-pnsfenger Cadillac B-cyl lnder sedan: being overhauled now; price only $1130. and purchaser assume over hauling charges. $300 down, 130 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 830 AJder; . NOW IS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A VKI.1EI SALE NOW ON. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. W. R. Ill-; LAY MOTOR CO., 842 BURNSIDE ST. . UDWY. 018. BUH'k $-rs. lute 1918, finest mechan ical condition, 0 tiros, corns on rear. Tire cover, extra tube, spotlight, bump er, etc. The finest 18 Bulrk In Port land; $730 cssh or terma Mr. Phillips, Bro-idway 3133. - . COI.UMHIA six demonstrator III the plnlc of mechanical condition ana win ne re painted to suit If d sired. Sport model with wire wheels, $1173. terms. Russell H. I.nwson Auto Co., 354 East Broad wny at K.-ist T bird. 20 ESSEX TOURING. Factory finish and rord tires, 1 extra! runs perfect, looks same way: low price, ensv terms and no brokerage charge. Open Sundays. 514 Alder st. Murphy Motor Co. FOR SALE Dodge louring, 4 cord urea, A wonderrul buy ror .-.!. it nss a new 12-volt battery and engine Is In fins shape, Will demonstrate any day be tween 4 snd 6 Call owner Hssl 7P9, ' CADTLUC. model RT-W. In perfect shape with six cord tires, j-rice f-joo. tele phone Main 60-SO for demonstration. NEW FORD COUPE. $100 OFF LIST. This machine came to us In a trade la how we can sell It at this price. O. W. TARH, Enf 0918 79.1 B. Main St. 342 BURNSIDE ST., NEAR BROADWAY. -'RAN KLIN chummy roadster, like new, newly painted, rine tires, pnrt new; ex cellent uicehnntcal condition; $1250. Phone Tabor 44Mt . 11121 FORD scd'tll, strictly Ilrst-Claas con dition; starter, extras; suiaii iiu'-. and ensv lerms. Or, what have you to trade? Price $000 Al' H3T, orcgnnlan. KWOUR fsKu"t'AII advert, sment in the automobile sermon of ,1111s paper. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, 1 St h end AMr Sis. BUICK 1919 touring, all overhauled, newly painted, fenders re-ennmeiea, ptoou tires and extras. $1050, terma No trsde. phone Ts lior 4439. EE OUR USED CAR advertisement in the allfomoO! le eeennn or mis iaMrr. KOKTH'WK-ST Al'TO COMPANY, 18!h and AUI-r Mts 918 FORI) touring, in good condition. Kelsny body. Usssler snoess, neniouni- I, le rims, good tires; $203 cash. E. MM1 SEE OUR USED CAR advertisement in the automoone section ci tnis paper. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, lSlh and Alder Sis. AD1L1.AC for S.Viil, firm condition, new paint, new top. seal covers, a tires. s. most comrortsble fsmlly touring car. Owner. 73S Sherwood drive. KB Ol'U USED CAR advertisement in the automotive eeetion or tnis paper, NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, Dlth and Alder Sts lST get $175 for an 'H Ford touring, giving you the benefit of this sscrlflcA; car Just overhauled; good condition, good tires. Automatic fl:t:i-8 ING EIGHT, looks like new, cord tlrrs. spot llsiit, wind nencrtors, etc., oniy SI son. terms. East 4292. Ull'K 1910 six touring. 5-passenger; good condition; cord tires, owner, laoor asbtf, $950. 1918 CHEVROLET, $150; $73 down, bal ance in 10 niontns. -vs. .ugene street. Fast 8021. CHEVROLET touring; ani forced to sell, make me an olfer. Mr. Biggerstaff, Broadway 2 to. ISSEL Hundred Point Six. original pslnt, good rubber; sacrifice by owner. $000. Auto aai-ua. 1918 FORD panel delivery, looks and runs like new, new tin-, narguin; terma Wdln. 1:m2 nfter 0 P. M. UH'K coupe, first-class condition, driven 85O0 miles, spotlight, snunoers. com tires, motometer, $1230. Aut. 034-11. UK'K coupe, f.rst-elitse condition, extras. $1250; will take small car as first pa- ment. Aut 4434-11. I TC HELL 6. nearly new, run 11,000 inilea Way lona than naif piu-e; must sacri fice at once Phone Main tt.iso. WNEIl will Karrlfice good 1917 Ford ourlrg car. Phone Tabor 24i6. LD CAR In good condition and vaunylug outfit, cneap. auv ruu 4