12 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTE3IBER 11, 1921 ' WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Several 5 and 6-room modern, well-kept bouses m a food district that 1 can be purchased on small payments j down; we have buyers waiting. Phene I your listings. Pee Heltschmldt. George u. Englehart Co.. tWl-io Henry oiug. Broadway 5173. WILL exchange furniture repair and aecomMiand store hi fine location for equity in small home, or will sell; Rive I address and particulars, v y- ore gonian. liX-SliRVICE man wants small improved farm: payment $:ioo0 cash. Portland home eauitv Sl'OOO. W. M. Lmbden- stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broad- I way i bos. TO SELL TOTTR GOOD MOMS. Tn Trvlngton. Laurelhurst, Alameda. Rose I City Park. Pbone R. X. street, good homes realtor. VB HAVE a buyer with $3000 to tMUO I for modern residence. see us lor quica i action. W. M. L'mbdenstock & Co.. 211) I n Oregon bldg. Broadway lboa. .EW-COAIER in market for modern resi dence. 5 or 6 rooms; not over $5000; have $1000 casta and $50 month.- P. U Box 234. WAVT c.hMn tviiiuilnar lot for cash, neigh borhood Rodney ave. south of Russell. I S Jl. Oregonian. WILL exchange IMS Dodge roadster for lot In Rose City, Laurelhurst or Irving- too, ijroadway zb-ia. Farms Wanted. UiXTEl) from owner, about 13 acres im proved with small house, within 20 miles I or city. -H Vi l, uregonian. Wanted to Kent Karros. Wanted to rent, small places. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy fh n htm after leasing far year or more. We make lots of sales this way. W'iU I buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. FA P. MS WANTED TO RENT. As we specialize In leasing farms. If yours is for lease be sure and get is touch with Hi. Clients waiting. F. L. EDDY, Realtor, RITTKR, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT to rent farm on shares with about 16 or 20 head cattle. Apply H. Chris- I tiansen. Bair Creek Log Co.. Kerry, ur. WOULD like to rent small equipped ranch on shares; good care of same. BC 1)03, I Oregonian. TIMBER r.AXT9. WHEN THE (GOVERNMENT of the United States laid out the different forest re- j serves in this state they took from the state of Oregon a great many tnousana acres of land ana in lieu or mis ianu the state has a right to select any va cant government land outside of tua for est reserve. The state of Oregon will sell these ee- , leotlons In 40-acre tracts or up to as I many acres as you want at tne price ox i $16 per acre and will select for you any I land tnat is vacant mil yuu uimy uhhb. You will have a deposit to make to the state when you make your applica tion, and when the government patents the land you select to the state, you can I pay up in casn anu get your uu ui the land that you select at the rate of I $15 an acre; or if you desire you can pay xor mis lana flu muuu vtxau auu mv i Xuucn per year ior a ierm ui yea a. rniesa tne wouid-be purchaser had ex amined a large quantltyof these vacant government lands he could not pick out lands that would pay him to take for he would not be in a position to know what land to select. No one man has this desired information unless he be someone who had a large amount of land cruised and among these lands were i vacant government lanas, a smau pur alnn of which it would nay to take. If you have the money to invest and desire to know more about this kind of ' a proposition, I would be pleased to have you cut mis notice um ot luq iiiiei uu bring it to my office and I wiil explain to you in detail exactly the situation and method the state requires. You under atand that the state of Oregon is back of your purchase and that if, lor some un known reason the government will not allow the state to have the lands you may select, the state of Oregon pays you back the money that you nave paid. nma is a xirat-ciass, ctian-cin jiivmi- tnent for anyone who has a large or smal amount of money to7 Invest. MATT CLARK. 217 Railway Exchange Bldg.. Portland. Oregon. tlilBER LANDS All or part interest in a going saw mill on R. R. and river; have storage room in river for 2,000.000 xeet of logs; mill cutting 2 M per day, with 50.000.000 feet of timber available. Address room 415, Hotel Ramapo, 14tb and Washington. SAWMILL WANTED. Will buy outright if price and terms are satisfactory, or will turn in prop erty on a larger proposition. V. S. MORTGAGE A INVESTMENT CO., 005 Yeon Bldg. WANTED Buy fir piling timber and cedar post timber, clear cedar; must be good grade ana locatea easy to transportation. H. Y. Katoo, 50 N. 4th St.. Portland. HAVE complete sawmill and logging out fit; will join parties with good tract of timber to develop sawmill business. AV 562. Oregonian. CORDWOOD timber, level land. 3-mile haul to station, freight rate $1.26 a cord; sell looo to 4000 cords, terms cm part. Wood-lawn 11H4. loo ACRES S. W. , Sec. 4, T. 10, R. 7. Polk Co., Or.; all standing fir piling, near SUets Valley R. R. Sea 8. A. Pructt, 334 Grand sve. COMMERCIAL milling in transit lumber handled on consignment, buyers of side cut, miscellaneous stock. McConron-Hey-wood Co.. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 100 acres timber land. 4,000, 000 feet, Josephine county, cheap. 559 E. 45th St. N. Tel. 327-75. WANTED Sawyer and partner to saw by M. In 13-11. mill. Address A V 543. Orego nian. 270 ACRES Improved bottom farm, run- bu nl"8 .wte.r- e9?'9 5W tln)b"i $2000 will nanflie. '43U. uregonian. FOR SALE About 77,000,000 feet timber. Owner, 1421 E. 21st st. Sellwood 2021, FOB BENT FARMS. DAIRY RANCHES FOR RENT AND PERSONAL FOR SALE. NO. 509. 800 acres, practically all under cultivation or open pasture; 13 acres in fine stand of alfalfa, 11 acres In corn, 6 acres In potatoes, acre in kale, about 3 acres in Bart lett pears; 4-year lease, fine farm bouse with modern plumbing, large dairy barn with siio. Per sonal property for sale: 48 head of cows and heifers. 6 head of regis ' tered Holstein; 6 head of horses, 23 head hogs, 60 chickens, 75 tons alfalfa hay, new Fordsc-n tractor with plows and disk, ensilage cut ter and blower, manure spreader, 2 cultivators, plows, harrows, hay rake, hay tedder, gasoline en gine and all email tools and dairy equipment. Including separator, milk cooler, cans; price $10,500, $5000 cash, balance easy terms. NO. 848. 420 acres, 4-year lease, $150 met All in cultivation or in meadow. Tnls is located on the Columbia river bottom, fair farm buildings, 120 head of cattle, new tractor, Sharpless milking machine, mower, rake, plows, manure spreader, grain drill, 6 head horses, all nec essary machinery and tools to op erate an up-to-date farm. Price $19,000. Can arrange any reason able terms. NO. 812. 236 acres, about 75 acres under . cultivation, rent $500 year; fair house, large dairy barn. Personal for sale: 10 cows, 5 heifers, 1 calf, 8 head horses, 2 wagons, mower, rake, about 10 tons hay. some grain and all small tools and dairy equipment. Price $3000. There is a mortgage of $1200 that can be assumed. Will accept equity of $1700 in trade. This is a good deal for somebody who wants to get started in the dairy business. NO. 305. 160 acres, 75 under cultivation, old house, good dairy barn with silo, running stream all the year, 2-year lease, $500 year, no rent . due until March 19, 1022. Personal property for sale: 22 head cows, 1 bull, 2 heifers, 8 head horses, 2 colts, 65 tons hay, some straw, oats, 2 wagons, buggy, manure spreader, plows, harrows, cultiva tors and ail small tools. Price $3250. Income on this place at present Is about $300 per month, NO. BIS. 9T acres, ail good level land, good farm buildings, family or chard; 50 acres under cultivation, of which 7 are in clover; 4-year lease at $450 per year. Personal property for sale: 6 head of cows, 14 hogs, team horses, 2 brood sows, about 30 tons hay, binder, mower, rake, grain drill, wagon, 2. cultivators, harrow plow, set double work harness, 7 acres pota toes, aore In kale, acre in turnips, 1 buggy, cream separator, about 800 bushels eats and vetch; price $2500 6ee Mr. Blair, with THOMPSON, SWAN A LEH, REALTORS. Third and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. WE 3, FOR REST FARMS. GENERAL FARMS FOR RENT. 40 ACRES SCAPPOOSE. 40 acres with 28 acres tinder plow, 2 acres apples, besides other fruit, full line of farm tools, stock, etc.; new 6-room house, barn 50x30; price 11050 ; 3-year lease at $200 a year. 84 ACRES FOREST GROVE. 84 acres, with 42 acres under plow; 2 acres orchard, fine soil, some hay and crop to buy at $500. rent $250 per year. . 85 ACRES, NEARREEDVILLE. 95 acres, with about 30 acre under cultivation. berries snd fruit for family use. 6-room house, barn, full set- of farm tools, S horses, a cows, several head young stock, chickens, etc., all crop in cluded at only $2000; 8-year lease at $200 per year. 161 ACRES LA CENTER. 161. acres, with 35 acres under plow, about 3 acres prunes, also assorted orchard, 7-room house, 3 barns, full set of farm machinery, team, 4 cows, 10 sheep, bogs and chickens. Price $1500. Rent $400 per year. 60 ACRESW-VANCOUVER. 60 acres, with 20 nnder plow, barn for 20 cows, full line of dairy equipment, such as bottles, crates, etc., delivery, auto with route. 21 head cows, 5 heifers, horse and tools, price for all $3600, $2000 cash. 6S5 ACRES ON HIGHWAY. ESS acres, with 200 aores nnder plow, 8-room house, 2 barns. 100 ton silo; all farm and dairy equip ment, 88 cows, 8 of which are reg istered; several head young stock; 6 horses, 75 tons hay, 12 acres corn. 5 acres spuds. Price only $10,000. $7000 cash. 900 ACRES LINNTON. 900 acres, with 120 acres nnder plow, 5 acres fruit, 4-room house, 3 barns, 225-ton silo, 33 cows, 23 head of young stock. 6 horses, 100 hens, 100 tons hay. 10 acres kale. . 20 acres clover, 20 acres sunflow ers. besides other crop. This is a, money-maker, be sure you see it. Price $0000, $3000 cash. 880 ACRES ENTERPRISE. This 880 acres has 500 acres under plow, 2G0 of which was sum mer fallow this year, a full set of grain equipment, combine harves ter, etc., 4 horses, 8 mules, 2- cows; price for personal property which belongs to tenant who has been here 12 years, $4500, rent share basis. 92o' ACRES PRINEVILLE. 920 acre, with 100 acres nnder plow, 75 acres Irrigated, 5-room - house, barn, garage, place excep tionally well watered, part in al falfa, Just put up 200 tons hay, rent $1000 per year, some stock at market price. 1000 ACRES CLARKE COTJNTT. Ranch of 1000 acres, with 100 acres under plow, balance burnt over land, mostly seeded, for pas ture, 11-room modern new house, 2 barns, about 150 tons of hay in barn, full set of farm personal for sale if wanted. Rent $1500 per year. We have over 50 farms for rent, surely we have one to suit you. F. U EDDY. Realtor, RITTEF., LOWE Sc CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ,..-,. . WANTED to rent my farm to No. 1 good farmer, 44(4 acres, 28 in cult.. i acre I strawberries, 5 acres peach and apple I orcnara, raspoerries, loganDerrles and other fruit, with a state water right for irrigation; In the village of Viola, school next door, church and store, R. F. D., 22 miles from Portland, 5 from Esta cada, 12 from Oregon City; rent $300 in advance, r ersonar property with crop $1100 cash. For particulars write I a. j. ciark, owner, K. 3, Kstarada, Or. 30 ACRES, 10 acres cleared, house, barn, chicken house at Beaverton, 5 minutes' walk to high and grade school: $100 per year; aiso 4u acres, some cleared. 3 much cows. 2 heifers, 10 tons hay. cream sep arator, good house and barn. North Bank nignway. rent farm, sell stock: $100 per year. Inquire 87 Church st. Phone woodlawn 5031. FOR RENT or sale, 168 acres, 50 In culti vation, su tons of hay. 10 acres corn Will sell 20 head fine Guernsey cattle. 8 years old and under; bargain for quick tiiiuui Jo miira irum litoanoQ on rock road, 5 miles from sweet Home. A. B. CLEMENT, Route No. 1, Waterloo. Or. 10 acres raspberries, 2 acres assorted bearing fruits and nuts: four-room house. barn, chicken houses, tools; water forced to buildings. Must know the berry game ana oe auie to unance fertilising, pick- ing. etc n pal, urggonian. FOR RENT With option to buy, bearing appie aim pear vrciiara, aitaira, aalry, grain ana block rancnes, some with ir- rigation. av lio, oregonian. SPECIAL reduction for quick action: 40 I near Oregon City until Nov.. 1023. 1.175; also 500 cords seasoned wood on place, I ACRES, 40 under cultivation. 10 beaverdam. on Willamette river acres I beaverdam. on Willamette river, be tween Wilsonvllle and Butteville. Phone ("OlumDla 1433. FOR SALE 4-year lease, 70-acre straw berry, apple and hay ranch in Hood River. Exceptional opportunity to one naving some capital, av P44, oregonian. FOR RENT 18 acres, one-third cleared, buildings, orchard, running water: near carline; cash or shares. Tabor 8087, or boh in. a. eotn st. 250 ACRES for rent, adjoining O. A. C. snares or casn; nothing lurnished. 661 onsan. MY FARM to lease 6 months or longer; one mne irom ocappoose. on goon roaa: cheap ta right party. Call Auto. 639-6L FOR RENT or sale. ISO-acre farm, about 60 clear; io miles from courthouse, tiem- ler bftoe store, 131 becond. - FOR LEASE 3 acres rich loam soil, with or without new 2-room shack. 75th and Division, rnone P43-U2. 100 ACRES, all cultivated, good land, 14 mnes irom rortianq. riqwy. ltiui. STOCK and machinery to sell: 80 acres to I rent, ciarkc county, oiu McKay bldg. 100-ACRE farm for sale or rent. 12 miles from Portland, an 910, oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. GOOD FARM EXCHANGES. 535 acres in Willamette valley, all , good soil and nearly level. 400 acres Id cultivation, good modern buildings, few minutes from station, price $40,000. trade ior rortiana property. 450 acres between Newberg and Carl ton, all fine land, 350 in cultivation. farm buildings, water piped from fine spring: cash value $100 per acre; will make terms or take some trade. 103 acres, 30 miles from Portland: 130 In cultivation, 18 acres prunes; good buildings, stock and equipment; price $u,ouo: owner wants Portland property. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. $17,000 NET INCOME. Produced by St. Paul, Minn., apart ment, priced only $200,000: owner Is western man and will accept western property in part; picture of building and Itemized statement of receipts and ex penses can be seen at this office. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO.. 605 Yeon Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE, -stock ranch of about 2000 acres, eastern Oregon, good local lty. near railroad, land fenced and im proved, living water, excellent property, at low valuation: will exchange for resi dence or other property. What have you? Phone Main 8323 for appointment. Owner. HOOD RIVER. 20 acres, partly improved and Irri gated, fine country bungalow with wonderful Hvlnir room and massive fire place; owner wants residence in Port land. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 622 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 878T. MONTANA RANCHES. - We have some very tine large ranches In Montana and certain of them can be exchanged for property anywhere west ot Chicago. Write us what you have and what you want U." S. MORTGAGE INV, CO., 605 Yeon Bldg. 9-ROOM house.'lncome $70; arrange for 2 families; want improved small rarm, close In on good road, value up to $8000. JOHNSON. 740 Minnesota Ave. SEND ME FULL DESCRIPTION OF YOUR FARM TO TRADE -FOR CITY PROPERTY. B. F. KELLY. Swetland Bldg. Main 7776. 30 HAVE a 6-r. house m Albllla diet.. would exchange for 7 or 8-room house in same dlst. 814 Couch bldg. Main 7086. - TO.V REPUBLIC truck, good condition, for house equity, grocery store, lot. or wHfttt 1046 Cerseu L Mvsb.aU 1443. TO EXCHANGE REAT. ESTATE. WANT ACREAGE BETWEEN H ILLS BO RO AND PORTLAND. 6-room plastered house on 60x100 lot, on 32d St., Portland. 14 bearing fruit trees, rose bushes, right on car line. Price $2625, $400 cash, balance $20 per month. Consider acreage, Improved or unimproved, near Red Eectric line at Uuber, Aloha. Reedvllle, etc a WANT HOUSE ON SMALL LOT. 8-acrss, mile from city limits of Portland. On macadamized road. 4 mile from car line; 8c fare; all city con veniences there: land all under cultiva tion. Good garden soil: small house. Price $2700; will consider house in Portland up to $4000. If value la right. WELL-EQUIPPED FARM. 41 acres, on macadamized road. 80 miles southeast (of center of Portland, mile to school; 20 acres under culti vation; 85 acres can be farmed when cleared; lots of pasture,- spring and creek, telephone R. F. D.. cream route. etc.; 6-room house, barn oox&o: otn buildings; Included with place, 8 cows. 2 high-grade heifers. 2 steers. 1 hog. team. 80 chickens. 2 wagons, buggy, harrow, 2 plows. 2 cultivators, harness. saddle crons. etc.: once for everytnin $4500; terms; or consider Portlan house, clear, up ta $3000; easy terms on balance. WANT EQUIPPED COAST RANCH. 28 acres, near Albany, Or. on good macadamized road: 7 acres under cum vation. balance in oak timber and pas ture; no waste land; all can be farmed when cleared; bearing orchard; grapes. loganberries, strawberries, etc.; tele phone, rural delivery, cream rout 6-room cottage, good barn, garage. chicken house; included with place, good team of mares, harness, wagon, two Jersey cows. 2 hogs. 700 chickens. thoroughbreds: ' tools, crops, etc.; price $7500: $2000 Incumbrance, due In years, which is included in price: con aider going ranch on coast, favorably located, up to $10,000, JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger Bidg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Co art. Over 800 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. SPLENDID T0-ACRE IRRIGATED RANCH. SOUTHERN IDAHO FOR PORTLAND HOME. All in cultivation and under Irri gation, free water right, abund ance of water, house, barn, root cellar, other outbldgs., 2 good wells, 2 miles from shipping sta tion, splendid soil. Price $10,500, no mortgage. Exchange for house or houses, same value. Owner here at present, ranch near Welser, Idaho. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WILL sell or exchange fine 120-acre ranch, near coast: sickness cause or aisposai. Good fi-room house, inside unfinished but material on ground; new barn, hen house end sheds; over zoo rods new wire fence up. more to put up; 5 acres plowed land, more can be with little work; some saw timber, mill near; young orchard and berries; near school and small town, with cheese factory; good place for dairy or sheep; creetc and spring on place; some stock and furniture go with place; price 86000; $2000 long-time mort. gage; take some cash and other prop- erty. owner, u woo, oregonian. EXCHANGE THIS 640-ACRB WHEAT RANCH, $15 AN ACRE, FOR PORTLAND HOUSE OR HOUSES. 420 acres tillable. 250 acres In cultivation, balance pasture, house, barn, 3 wells. Located on Shutler Flat, Gilliam county, Oregon. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. FARM AND ORCHARD. 85 miles from Portland on auto road and near street car line; all In cultiva tion; 23 acres bearing apples (fine, well developed trees) 32 years old. Large nearly new barn and annie house com blned; good house and outbuildings. SDlendid community. 12,i0 feet elevation. Horse, cows, piss, 250 bu. - wheat, hay for winter and complete farm equip ment goes with nlace. A snaD at 814.000. Will take Portland improved property. w. n. rtu&M. 1100 Northwestern Banlt Bldg. EXCHANGES. 6-room house on west side, 100x100: price $1500; will take auto or lot up to SdOU. balance $12 per month. 129 acres, 90 cultivated, fi-room bun galow. 2 good barns, other outbulldrngs, 2 wells, 1 spring; price $16,000: want about Z 'lt-acrp ranch up to s:0.000. MARSH & McCABE CO, 322 Falling Bldg. FOR TRADE. My 150-acre farm adjoining one of the largest Willamette valley towns, well fenced; three good barns; good 8-room house with water and electric light; facing macadam road; this place will make an Ideal dairy farm: will take improved property in Portland as part payment. See my representative. Mr. Udell. 105 3d st. FOR SALE OR TRADE 640 acres wheat land, an in cultivation but about 40 acres: comes under the proposed Klicki tat irrigation pioject; will be worth $100 an acre s soon as project Is assured: price $20 an acre. What have you tu trade? It is worth $20 an acre to some rancher who now understands dry land farming. Owner, C. Rowland, Suunyslde Wash. WANTS CITY PROPERTY. 120 acre9. 22 miles from Portland, on good road, 7-room plastered house, big barn, outbuildings; 11 cows, team, hogs, chickens, all machinery, crops included Price $18,000. trade for Income property. LUEUDEilAK.N COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. CLIENT has sere near Lents to trade for Montavilla property: six-room house. many young fruit -trees, berries, various garaen items, line son, aiso garage and large chicken house, $3500. HUnHGTI' 6c MCULUSB, Marshall 3282. 802 Couch Bldg. EQUITY in 6-room modern .bungalow, with rireplace, naif cement basement, laun dry trays, shrubbery and berries, oi paved street, for light auto and cash or acre or lots in Southwest Portland and cash. 540 E. 37th st. Owner. WHAT have you that la clear to trade for 40-acre rancn close to Portland? we will consider lots or houses In Portland, Seattle or Tacoma. REVERMAN INV. CO. 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2954. WILL TRADE 10 acres good timber nea Forest Grove, estimated at 800 to 1000 cords, value $1,100, for good auto; pre fer Dodge, Bulck or light Studebaker. AM B81, oregonian . m FOR SALE or trade, 60 acres facing on Yaquina bay. bouse, barn, orchard, gar den, outside range, salmon fishing, clams oysters. Address w si. F., Ya quina. or. DENVER FOR PORTLAND. 6-room house. 24 acres fruit, berries six miles from capitol building. 3 blocks car; all improvements; worth $6000 want rortianu nome. rjast 4UT. ARIZONA. the land of health and eternal sunshine, the slck's paradise. A small, splendid, Irrigated farm. 2 Vs miles from Tucson. o. a. 5A.-s r;a, 4ian op rrt pt. s. e. i ACRES with shack, close to Beaverton, for a & or 6-room nouse on caved at . good district: value about $3500; will assume. a rxa, oregonian. SIX ACRES, south of Gresham. one mile from station; exchange for lots, house equity or auto. Akerson, 420 Henry bldg. rsqwy. ooig. FOR SALE or trade, five-room modern house, full plumbing and basement newly tinted; some fruit. 260 E. 77th st. North. 160 ACRES Tillamook hill land, valued $2500. for sale or trade equal value eltv property. Tabor 8033. 1802 Base Line roaa. . , . CAR In fine condition, trade for equity on income i-oriiana property or win pay cash difference on clear property. Mor ns, tiroaaway ianu. 80 ACRES in Umatilla county irrigation district; want something in western Oregon. Address aaa H. 20th at. saicm, ur. WOULD like to trade good lot, value gtsoo, as part payment on lot or would like 5-room modern bunealnw Rn city prererrea. av o-k. oregonian. 160 ACRES. N. Dakota, close to town and railroad; HI. 00 per acre; trade for Port land property, small farm or something on tne peacn. J in, oregonian. TRADE 5 acres close in for smaller tract or bungalow, inquire sirs. is. H. Jack- son. -Jennings i.ooge. WILL trade my Bulck 6 for Rose City rara lot on paiemoBi, uiva lull de- scriptlon and price. F 968, Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade, 44 Mi -acre fruit and dairy ranch, 2 miles from Sheridan. tiartiim imc, unci man, yr. I HAVE a good listing of trades: bring yours 1U anu set results. VYm. Schafer. Bdwy. 4751. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. New and modern: take good lot as part payment, iv troy, uregonian. WILL trade good Inclosed i-passenger light car as first payment on bouse. East 48.11. $750 EQUITY 5-room bungalow, R. 01 Park, take good lot or small machine first payment. Aut. 829-11. ACRES Spokane Valley land and cash for a residence, Portland. Address gen del. J. S. Laughlan, Vancouver. Wash. WILL trade $500 equity in new Hudson car for lot or down payment on small house. AF 908, Oregonian. WILL trade 80 acres California oil land for automobile, vacant lot ox email farm, call uwy, 8S. TOEXCH ANG F REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR TRADE. (HARGROVE REALTY CO.) REALTORS. NICE 10 ACRES. 12 MILES OUT. Trade this Aven 11 n for home In Port land. Might pay little difference. 10 A., splendid soil, Vt In cult., .balance easy. Good 3 -room plastered house, basement, cement wall, good barn, nennouse, nog house, orchard, lots berries, 12 mites out, mile Pacific highway. Price $4500. Want home in Portland. RPI.PWnm 9K.AI7RH HOME. We think this the best opportunity that will be offered you to trade your home for a real nice country place, close In; 23 A., lies fine, not a foot of waste land, all In high state cultivation. u rock or gravel, very best mellow loam, all fenced woven wire, good road all the way, on nice corner. Just miles from the city limits; neat, well-painted 8-rm. plastered house, surrounded by 32 very best large Bing. Royal Anne and Lam ' bert cherries; new barn, numerous out buildings, garage, fine spring water piped to premises; good young team, harness, wagon, barn full of hay, 4"0 bu. oats, mower, rake, plow, "o. Price (uw. 'X'aae good nouse 10 ejvw, ance 4 years, 6 per cent, 89 ACRES VTTV. 0ICUIM11 RTRRAM. This Is a good farm. Vt mile electric station. 22 miles soutn ot r-ornuu, jaw ing fine fishing stream; 88 acres, 30 cleared, 15 A. fine bottom land: nice I bearing peach orchard; e-room uuu, barn, numerous outbuildings. Personal Work team, harness, wagon, 1. hH. heifer. 100 chickens. imni.m.ntt lot hay and grain. Price $0500. Take house to 13500, 6 perl cent on balance. FINE 50 ACRES NEAR FOREST GROVE FOR JUST THE PRICE r-B TUB? RTTIf.DTN'GS. Best Tualatin river bottom, not sub ject to overflow, 50 acres, 47 cleared. 8 acres grove; owner spent money un sparingly in erecting modern, up-to-date buildings, none are over " 11, A-rnnm hnno-Rlow. cement basement. wash trays, hot and cold ttr;.. best of plumbing, fireplace, all bullt-lns handsome, up-to-date barn; tenant house; 4 chicken houses; located 4U rods to electric station, . '".r,X.: side highway. In Forest Grove district: don't think you are paying for these costly Improvements: owner doesn I ex pect to get back half the money ex pended on them: he Is offering to lose $5000. but he is going to sen or "-"-J and tnat ricnt away. . Take city property to $8000. Above Just a few selections. We hays 100 farms, where we can use your city property same as casn. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St Near Glisan. Broadway 4381. 43 ACRES, 40 acres in cultivation, near I Helvetia station, wen improves , o ... house, running water and bath; barn 36x56, all necessary outbuildings, land all tiled and fenced, 3 springs, with this place goes a complete equipment. i tn. a horses. 3 pigs, chickens, all . t . ,av in hum seed for an other year. Will accept good residence in Portland, balance your time 6 per cent If you want something good you can t beat tma. r-nce tii- , 165 acres, located 12 miles from Port-harri-aurface road: 70 acres un der cultivation, balance very best "t""1.0 land pasture, and running is A No. 1 land. You cannot step over the fence in any direction and buy land it less than BP -j",,,1' U?i&. ". 'nlblet m. d'own""5 the H1LLSBORO LAND AND REALTY COMPANY. Eng-Vand & Meller. Managers, Hlllsboro. Oregon. ATTRACTIVE EXCHANGE Nearly 6 acres; fine soil: all In cultivation: nice bearing income orchard; neat new house, with modern convenience. including electric lights and private water system; barn, fruit house, etc.; on good road, short distance from Portland and fine neighborhood; price $7500, and will take Port land house up to about loOOO. good proposition. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. wTTT.ivarPTH VALLEY. We offer for exchange a good 818-scre stock and grain farm in J"; Improvements consist of a good 8-room dwelling with hot snd cold water tank: 2 barns, machine shed and large nop house. The place formerly had 60 c"e in hops but now In grain. All the bal ance of the place in grain but 100 acres f upland pasture with scattering oaks, good roads: school near by; cash selling price, $90 per acre. Will trade for in come nrooertv or will fake small im proved farm up to $17,000; balance runs lor 20 years. Rural credit loan. BEAM LAND COMPANY. 133 Lyon St.. Albany, Or. i.nnir! T.OOK! Wanted, a well-stocked, Improved farm or city property for one of the finest hotel buildings and grounds In the city, for sale or trade; furnished throughout: five stores, all three stories solid brick building, 52 rooms rented; large pool room, with fruit ana cigar 1 stand; everything goes as it fctind?; I price SS5.000; alto 7 lots close in on car I line; my heaitn is tne reason; give iuu nnrticnlars In answer. Owner. Hotel I Newton. 23d and Ballard, Seattle. Wash. CANADIAN farm exchange, Oregon or Washington property, eua acres, 1 vt mils lrrlcana, 30 N. E. Calgary, Alta. Good, new plastered seven-room house: fenced; 40 acres irrigation, zoo culti vated, balance prairie. Excellent land; vnnA rliatrirt: fine water: good location; 100 acres Summer fallow. Price $55 per acre, worth the money. Equity about $14,000, balance 14 grain crop pay ments. Write for full particulars. Sub mit vnur nronositlon. Address J. c. 1. Johnson. Box 30, lrrlcana. Alta. DEAL WITH OWNER. SS-aera farm two miles from Cornelius, 4Vi miles from Forest Grove, one mile from siding on railway; n muo irom school; 50 acres under plow; team young mules one horse, six cows, two pigs and all farm machinery and feed goes with land: good house, good barn. A splendid location; will take resident property In Portland for part pay.. Federal loan ot $4100. Will entertain offer. L. M. GRAHAM. Forest Grove. Or. EXCHANGE "OFFICE. YOTJ MUST DEAL AND SPECULATE TO ACCUMULATE. Many excellent propositions now for trade, such as income property xor va cant lots. Your proposition cast be matched. A. Gordon Roes. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1182 acres located near coast, about half bottom land, balance bencb and bill. 800 acres in cultivation. 2 houses, fair barn; price $40,000; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER COMPANY. 63 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. GOOD 10 acres. In cultivation; fair build ings; main auto road, man ana mine route: about 8'4 miles N. E. of HUls- boro; $3500. Want good business, gro cery preferred, to full value or will give terms on ba!., or modern o or 7-room residence; might assume honest dlf. up to $2000. Wdin. 1S24 after f. M. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 23 acres Ir rigated Umatilla county. 2 mi. high school town; 6 acres commercial orchard. 15 alfalfa, fair buildings. 2 cons, team, wagon, haying tools, $4500. Take Port land residence or close In acreage to full value or might assume. Phone East 87.13 or write box 27 Warren, Or, FOR SALE, or trade for house and lot in Portland, fine a-room nouse. Darn, iota 100x200. plenty garden, fruit and wal nut trees, all situated on highway, cor ner 7th and Bass Line sts.. at Hillsboro, Or. Bee John Vanderwal, 774 8th st-, I Hlllsboro. 40-ACRE alfalfa ranch In Okanogan val ley, under irrigation; fine fruit land, 40 more pasture, good house, furniture, silo, stock and equipment: $12,000. clear. Will trade for city property or wneat lana. owner, d. j. ueorge, Everett, Wash. . EXCHANGE. Will exohange 8-room house and 100x200 ft, of ground ; abundance of fruit, etc.. In Vancouver: valuation 88OO0. for equal value in Portland bung alow. See A. B. Ch-rlstensc-n, 410 Henry Mlilg. Bdwy. 4751. IDAHO FOR OREGON." 70 acres, near Welser; 25 in alfalfa now; good buildings, frlce $10,500 clear; trade for Income property in jny good Oregon town. . LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commeace. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade xor you. Bring in your proposition ana we will match you on anything of merit: lots, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of mercha ndise. E. R. S.. 513 Couc h bldg. 20 ACRES near Orenco, only 14 ml. from Portland, all in cultivation, o minutes' walk from aohool and stores; 2 wells, 2 barns and good 6-room house. Want hardware or general store. Investigate. F. L. BLANCH ARD, Realtor. 10 ACRES near Newberg high, new four- room bungalow, few fruit trees; equity 80 $2500 for sale on easy terms, or trade for $2300 house in Portland or might gu trade for a live business and pay dif- ference in casn. v 007. oregonian. SPOKANE, attention'. Have 8 lots near cor. Alblna and wmchell sts., Portland, to exchange for 5 to 7-room residence SDOkane: will Day . cash difference val. ue. Address P. O. Box 1702, Bvoaiuie, I .vvaso, t TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FARMS ' FOR EXCHANGE. NO. 200. One of the best 40-acre tracts In Clarke county; 84 acres under cultivation, balance in pasture and timber for' domestto use; 4 acres in corn, 2 acres in potatoes, good family orchard and family garden, windmill water system, piped to all buildings, hot and cold water in house, bath, five-room house, good barn, silo, garage, work shop, chicken house anel yard and other outbuildings; price includes follow . lng personal property: cow, goosL . team, wagon, new harness, mow er, rake, binder, plow, harrow, cul tivator, about 9 hogs, 100 chlck ns and lots of small tools too nu merous to mention. Hay In bara to run all jflnter. Price $3500. This place Is worth considerably more. Will take small piece of acreage or house up to $3500 and give S years oa the balance, per cent. NO. 141. 20 acres, located 2 miles from good Pacific highway town, on paved road; practically all under cultivation, good barn, house and other buildings, all fenced and cross-fenced, berries, family or chard. Price $5500. Will exchange up to $2500, good time on balance. See Mr. Stlger, with THOMPSON, SWAN LEE, REALTORS. Third and Main Sts,, Vancouver, Wash, RTorTrirr farm to trade. BO ipreL 47 acres under Dlow. land all level and best ot soil. 7 acres of finest bearing prune orchard, good family orchard, good prune dryer, live room plastered house, good barn, good water, 2 horses, 4 cows, 2 hogs. 2 dozen chickens, all farm macninery ana crop 2 miles from Washougsl. main road. price $12,500; will take city property to $4lH)U, or win exenange xor piacv a" dry climate; owner has asthma. . DAIRY AND GENERAL FARM. 134 acres, 75 acres under plow, plenty of land, easy to clear, plenty of range 2 acres ot prunes, also family orchard, good house and barn, garage, granary, etc.. spring water piped to house and barn, most of land nearly level, close to good school; 16 cows, 7 head young stock good team, all farm machinery and crop; place 4tt miles from Washougal, on rravitl cnuntv road: owner will ex- chance for home in city or good small farm near Portland, frlce Jio.uuu. in eluding equipment. GEO. Y. MOODY CO., Washougal. Washington. A REAL HOME RANCH. 140 acres. 120 acres In cultivation. 13 acres prunes, 18 acres Royal Anne ana Lambert cherries. 12 acres loganberries, 11-room bungalow, plastered, cobblestone fireplace, hardwood floors. modern plumbing.' large barn and other buildings, stock and implements, f mura irom oa lem. 2U, miles from R. R. Price 135.000 owner Is old and wishes to retire and will take cash, income property, hotel or paying business or unimproved acre age in vicinity of rortiana up to liu.iwu, long time on the balance. ee air. Stephens, with Fred W. German Co, - FOTTTPPFrTir 13 I?.1" Wait cultivated tand. wit realtors, 732 mam, or com. FARM FOR INCOME. ihougal. v, ash., mostly th fine improvements large prune orchard, rich soil, ideal lo cation, close to Portland; fully equipped with livestock and macninery; cost ju. 000; will trade for Income or apartment house and assume up to $40,000. we spe cialize in trades. O. H. Skotheim Co.. realtors, 408-11 Couch bldg. Main 1575. GOING DAIRY FARM- ISO acres, 50 In cultivation, 75 almost clear, sood new barn. 7-room house, to mile school, free transportation high school, crushed rock road, running wa ter, 11 cows, equipment, everything goes for $15,000; will exenange xor .rortiana property up to $0000. E. R. S., 613 Couch bldg. 82 ACRES. NEAR NEWBERG. 53 acres cultivated; 6 acres prunes; 6 acres potatoes, balance timber and pasture: good set buildings, a neaa cat tie. team and some eauiDment. Price $12,000; will take Portland residence or small improved acreage up to auwv. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. I HAVE six acres in city limits of Sher wood, nearly all In full bearing berries. small two-room house, all within two blocks of cannery; also 160 acres of timber land in Wheeler county, wash, lncton. which I will exchange for good, modern dwelling in Portland: cash value $6000. No Incumbrance. Address box 135. Sherwood. Oregon. BRICK APARTMENT. Client will exchange three-story and basement apartment and store building for income property In or near Portland and substantial cash payment. F. B. Taylor Co., 1201 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 8!)2. CLOSE-IN CHICKEN RANCH. 19 a., located near Tigard, 4 blks. ta station; fine, modern, 7-room home, oak floors, furnace, new silo, ample outbldgs.. It has been equipped with brooder and houses for 5000 chickens: will take home in cl;y with cash, bal. mortgage. Price $10,000. J. B. Rock. 408 Couch bldg. SUBMIT YOI'R OFFER. CONCRETE BUILDING TO TRADE. I own a two-story concrete bid. In Washington deep-water town, best bulld inar in the town; price $40,000. Incum brance $11,600: will trade and assume. What have you ? Forget the price and let's trade. AM 578. Orwonlan. ARE YOU A BUILDER? 1 Own a building damaged by fire; will cost about $1500 to repair; will then bring $150 per month; mortgage $8000, some must be paid; property is worth SPOOO when repaired. 1 want a trade. What have you? J 951. Oregonian. EXCHANGE. 4-flat bldg.. cor., val. $15,000, Income $150 mo.. Nob Hill, on the furnishings of good hotel witn lease, to $3U.ovu, on. cash. - FRED G. LAWSON CO., 601 McKay Bldg. 6-ROOM house, on Ivon St.. full basement wash trays, furnace, $4500, trade for 2$ to 40 acres In Wash, county, about same price. BOCKHOLD BROS., Realtors. 601 Swetland Bldg. Main 6769. I OWN 320 acres of fine land near Bend, fair bldgs., 75 acres cleared, balance in sagebrush: It's worth $20 per acre, but will trade; Incumbrance $1100; will trade for anything. What have you? BF 534. Oregonian. WILL exchange my 55x131 ft lot on Base Line road, free and clear of all In cumbraoce. for a good diamond: must be perrect and not smaller tnan aarat price $4110. Call Main 5201. WE HAVE a client who will exchange house and several lots near Columbia park for Improved 5 or 10 acres. REVERMAN INV. CO. 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2934 MODERN HOME IN SEATTLE. $12.000 CLEAR OF DEBT. To exchange for Portland property, or close-in acreage, will give or take dif ference. E. R. S.. 613 Couch bldg. 160-ACRE dairy farm. stocked and equipped; 8 miles from city limits; for sale or trade for good prune orchard; good location. L. J. Lownds. route No. 2, box No. 92. LInnton. Or. 80 ACRES, 8 miles northeast of Washou gal, Wash.. 22 acres cultivated: small bldgs.. fine streams; price $4500: will consider exchange Improved Portland property. Owner, 3U Piatt bldg. TRACT of 20 good building lots, 48 d and Division, value $12,000; want income property. J. H. McMahon, 2606 E. 43d st. Tabor 536U FIRST-CLASS five-passenger car. Will trade for good lot or equity of house. Call at 301 E. Morrison. Phone East 1610. EXCHANGE $2000 equity in 2V4-ton truck. run 4 mo., Al condition: take late model touring or roadster, small house. A 914. Oregonian. IDAHO Irrigated, must have cash. Bee me if you want a snap;, will trade If can get cash on yours C P. Scott, 171 13th. or Main 9451. 20 ACRES, near Gresham. halt cultivated, small house, fruit, $3500; exchange equity $2500 for other -property, about equal value. AN 11. Oregonian. I HAVE 15 good building lots 5oxU0. bonded liens 8W0 per lot; lots valued $400 above liens; will trade and assume; prefer land. J '). oregonian. WILL take Improved suburban to $6000, on city Income paying over 12 per cent on $17.500. Wdln. 11S4. 7 ACRES on Columbia river highway, at Rowena. Trade for car or rooming house. 219 Washington st. Main 3397. 160 ACRES timber land, trade for house, lot equity, assume mortgages. Realtor, 003 McKay piag ACRE, near city; will trade for car or rooming house. Main 3307. 218 Washing ton st .- STUDEBAKER 6 for sale or trade for fur niture or small truck; wnat nave you 7 Columbia 1285. 801 N. Jersey st. MY LOT In Los Angeles for sale or trade: clear $600. What have you? O 991, Ore gonian - ACRE ranch in Washington, for a store, city or country. AV 512, Oregonian. ACRES nine timber. Klamath Co, for auto or building lot. East 4S32. $2000 EQ.. FINE home, for mach. shop eq. or snop. An o. yjregoiiiaii. 1921 OLDSMOBILE 4. good as new. for Irvington property. 9ui SKiomore. AUTO to trade tor lot er waat bavs you? a? sou, vrcaufcwui. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR EXCHANGE. 40-ACRE FARM. 40 aores, paved road, 1 mils from good town, fine creek on cor ner of place, 31 acres under cul tivation, dandy farm house, ce ment sidewalks, large modern dairy barn, good silo, chicken house, hog house, fruit house, sep arator house and other outbuild ings; erops all harvested and in barn, good corn and sunflower crop for silo: small family orchard and the following personal prop erty: io good cows, 1 registered bull, good large team, harness, plows, harrows, cultivators, mower, rake, disk, cream separator and milk cans. This is a beautiful place and must be seen to be appreci ated. Will exchange for good house In Portland up to $7500, some cash, and long Ume on bal ance. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., 407 Main Street, Vancouver, Wash. SEE US FOR EXCHANGES. 119 ecree. 90 cultivated. 8-r. bungalow. 2 good barns and outbuildings, will take I valley ranch to $30,000. 18-acre prune ranch, fine shape, for I Portland Dome, value ziu.vuu. 14 acres, 8-r. house, water and all modern conveniences, good Income: near I city limits on Foster road: want busi ness or income property. We have large and small ranches MARSH MrCABB CO.. Realtors. 822-3-4 Falling bldg. Marshall 3188. FORCED to sell on account of sickness. one of the best, well stocked and equipped diked tideland dairy ranches in Oregon. bar none when it comes to being aj money-maker; It's paying 20 per cent on $43,000, price asked; will take a small well Improved place In the valley and some cash as first payment; your own terms on the balance. C. J. CULLISON REAL ESTATE CO., Realtors. 205 H Morrison St. STOCKED FARM. 120 acres, mile from Fhelburn, 18 miles southeast ot Salem: 110 acres In cultivation, balance pasture; woven wire fence and cross-fenced, on main county road: 5-room painted house, good barn, garage, other buildings. 3 horses. 4 milch cost, bull. 4.8 chickens, cream aepsrator. wagon, buggy, complete line of farm machinery: only $U 000: no In cumbrance; will exchange for 30-acre farm with some timber and running water: close to transportation or hotel to vslue In Willamette volley town. John E. Howard (realtor), 318 Chamber of Commerce. AN ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE. 80 seres In the famous Hood river val ley. 15 acres In strawberries, can Irri gate when necessary, there being a per netual wafer right from good creek. Small set of buildings, owner is non-resident and will take $3200 or will trade for Portland property to full value. Will turn In 1 acre under cult, near Lent, and balance In cash for 3 or 6-room house in Richmond or Hawthorne dis trict up to 84000. See Mr. Stephens with ' FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS. 732 Cham, of Com. WANTS CITY PROPERTY. One of finest stork farms In the wt: 2240 seres. Irrigated and all producing hay. with worlds of free outrange en joining; good buildings and all necessary equipment for operating; price $40 an acre, and practically clear: owner will exchange for city property and assume. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 918 Chamber of Commerce. 8 GOOD houses, close in, to exchange for good valley farm: fine tt-room oungaiow. 2 lotB. fruit and berries, close to f rank lin high, to exchange for smaller house close In; 8-family flat and clear acre age to exenange for goon vaney tarm. Write .T. E. Musgrave, 611 Going St., Portland. GOOD SMALL FARM. 20 acres about 13 miles from Port land, lies fine: 15 acres cultivated: good 6-room plastered bungalow, outbuild ings. Price $6500: trade for city prop erty and assume. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND REALTY inn acres on rjaved Paolltc nignway. all clear, new B-room house, barn, three I acres In logaberrles. 8 acres potatoes, one acre In brocoll; price $5,100: I will trade this for residence In Portland. What have you to offer? See J. H. Richards, 808 McKay biag. WANTS PORTLAND PROPERTY. We have one of finest big farms In Willamette vallev. over 2000 acres, fine Improvements: worth $112,300. to ex-I rnsnge for roruann income property. Will assume reasonable amount. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. RF.ATTTIFUL 40-ACRE FARM In Multnomah county. 23 miles from Portland: fine soil; rolllnc la7id. about half in cultivation: fair nuiwinars. pres sure water, excellent orchard-: near I school: price $5500: Incumbrance $2oO: want city property ana win assume. BD 868. Oregonian. . INCOME CITY PROPERTY. PRICE $33.000 PRICE. A 3-atorv concrete bldg.. corner lot. anartments above and stores beneath: I building In first -class condition: will tske a small farm up to si.iuuu. casn sna mortgage on balance. 403 Couch bldg. M a r. .t . z WANT PORTLAND HOME. Tlrv farm. 200 acres, full equipment of implements, stock, an crops, exceneni hnlMlnaa. e-nod roads, one hour from Portland: will tske good Portland resi dence, some cash; very best terms bal ance. T. O. Bird, realtor. 826 Cham, of Commerce bldg. t 8-ROOM modern bungalow In best resi dence district. Poeatello, Idaho; furnace, electric water heater. Ivory enamel, built in features in kitchen, aleenlng Dorrh. large double basement, rents for $50 per month: will trade for Portland res idence or Improved acreage. Phone Tabor 2329. RIDE IN A PIERCE. T own a 1(111 Pierce. In first-class con dition, good cord tires, new top, good paint. A real car at the price of tin make-believe; will trade. What have yon T BJ 5H!, Oregnnlan. WILL accept vacant lot up to 8700 aa first payment on modern 7-room house on the Peninsula. Fine location. Valued 830OO. No mortgage to assume. Wilgus D. Smith, 600 Williams ave. East 1298 or Wdln. 5861. 6-ROOM bungalow; lot 60x100; paved St.; full plumbing; sewer In; sll Improve ments paid; will take late model Ford as part first payment, balance terms. Price only $3000. 801 N. Jersey sU Phone Columbia 12K.V WE HAVE several clients with Improved city property thst they will exchange for Improved farms, uive us a trial; we 1 can trade your property. REVERMAN INV. CO. 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 254. TWO-FAMILY FLAT, 6 rooms and bath I each; a fine ouiimng; nunnysioe car; near T.aurelhurst Dark: a sacrifice sale. or take six-room bungalow, Sunnyalde or I Hawthorne, Tabor 4299. Eve. Tabor I TOOK. WANTED Modern home to $0000 for equity in Ideal Income property, priced low at $12,000. Will close deal now pending if I cannot get more suitable home at once. Phone East 5309 today or see owner 559 Union ave. N. FOR TRADE 80-acre Irrigated farm near county seat town, eoutnern laano. nam hardware or lumber business or new or I second-hand furniture. j. wneeier, Gooding. Idaho. well IMPROVED 17 acres between Carl ton and Larayette. want aoouc 100 acres In good district. Go as high as 110.000. See vail, uuv vvilcox oiag. Main 4441. RIVER BOTTOM. A river bottom ranch near Eugene. Or , at $100 per acre, some cash, essy terms. Write for particulars. L. P. Hubb. $2000 EQUITY 5-room modern bungalow. rent 'u, xor aiTiaii uiwb uo vie,, 11 Electric or S. P., close In. State full particulars, location and price. B 929, Oregonian. 60 ACRES, all cultivation, woven wire fenced, nouse. Darn, norses, cows, nay, oats, farm Implements, 1 mile town on highway; $6500; for 6 or 10 acres close in. 601 McKay bldg. 60 ACRE8, Mont, farm, under Sun river irrigation: will sell or exchange for im proved acreage near Portland. For par ticulars write L. J. Gynka. 8. 911 Hatch st Spokane. Wash. TO TRADE 160 aores, 8.900.000 ft. fir timber. In Skamania Co.. on Columbia river; clear, ior farm or acreage; mignx assume. W. E. Smith, 723 F at., Cen tralis. Washj NOW IS the time to trade that city prop erty or business xor acreage or a ranon, We will trade It for you. BOCKHOLD BROS.. Realtors. 601 Swetland Bldg. Main B76!. WILL take good light car to $800 value for my equity In neat cottage and acre, . close in, balance $1400, easy terms. No agents. Route 1. Box 52. Mllwaukie. 8-ROOM modern home with one acre bear ing orchard, close In; prloe 19000; equity $3000; trade In on smaller bungalow. 403 Couch bldg. Marshall 8332. OFFICE building for sale or trade; good corner location in good business district; land rent Is nominal. X 910, Orcgoplan, OSWEGO lake acre, with garage; equity for light touring; beautiful site: excel lent transportation, V 919. Oregonian. to exchange: real estate. WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 300 acres, mostly river bottom, hlrh state of cultivation; good house, barn the best and a large one: 14 mile to railroad town. 60 miles paved hlifhway from Portland: price $50,000. which Is (10.0UO less than the actual cash value: owner must sell, will taks exchange tor half of prloe. bal ance at 6 par cent, 12 years to say. ITS A SNAP AND MUST BE T0 APPRECIATE IT S VAX.UE. PETERSON TORE. 437 ii. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8005. MT. TABOR. Seven rooms, sleeping porch, bIHIsrd room snd blillard table, hardwood floors, wmdow seat with leather cushions, two bath rooms, modern Dutch kitchen, base ment plastered and made Into rooms, fine furnace, one new kitchen range, one gas hot water heater Inlaid llno . leum on kitchen and bathroom floors. na,l and stair carpels, one electrla I vacuum Cleaner: a nice garage with cement xioor: street Improved, sewer In. all paid; price $(1600. win take smaller place or suburban to $36iM). balance on terms easier than the place ill rent for: might consider a good car. Do mt answer unless what you have Is worth me money. Bring your banker to ap- praise mrne. AH Oregonian. POULTRY RANCH FOR PORTLAND. TACOMA OR SEATTLE. 40 acres. 114 miles from R. R. station. , practically all good farm land except 10 acres et timber; fine 6-room house with bath, good barn, colony houses for 10O0 hens, ample brooder houses, etc.: buildings are all new and In excel lent condition; flowing well which gives running water to all the henhouses and home; one of the best commercial poul try houses In Benton county; price $10,000: will consider Portland. Tarnma or Seattle property, but must be priced I ngnt. KINNEY A CO.. lorvains. ur. CALIFORNIA LAND. 91 acres, located on main smooth nignway between Chlco and Orland. Cel.; soil alluvial of great depth, all In cultivation, no buildings, title clear. In epienaid neighborhood, surrounded by prosperous termers, nroducins oiansea lemons, olives, alfalfa and every fruit tnat grows In Vvillamette valley: own ers business keeps him in Portland: lie will sell this land on easy terms or. take property in Portland as part or lull luciu. JOHN SON-DO D80N CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 8787. WANT HOUSES OR INCOME PROl'ERTY IN EXCHANGE FOR CHOICE LAND $300 PER ACRE. 42 acres, unequalled In quality of soil. within 8 miles of Broadway ana Washington St., for pota toes, vegetubles. grain and clover; half cultivated, balance timber with hszelbrush under growth: hundreds of cords of fir and 'some hardwood; land lies smooth, except gt-ntle slope for drainage; lees than JO minutes by uuto downtown. UEO. E. ENULEHAKT CO.. 624 Henry Bldg. BrrH!wav 5173. WILL TAKE GOOD HOUSfS AS FIRST I PAYMENT AND GIVE LONG TERM OF ibARb ON THE BALANCE. 123 acres ot bottom land on good gravel road 3 miles from county seat. about 70 miles from Portland, large round-roof barn, will hold 100 tons of I hay, 00 tons now In the barn, u-rooin house with modern plumbing, full line of macninery and tools; this is an op portunity ota lifetime for a man to get a fine dairy farm. Choice of 2 cream routes by the door. STEWART A JOHNSON, 813 Northwestern Bank Hlil. 173 ACRES, 100 a. cult.. 27 miles south of Portland In Clackamas Co., on high way now being prepared for hard-surface; store and electric station on place; steam station hi mile, schoul and church near; high school 3 miles. Will di vide 63 a.; 35a., 100 a. or 73 a. Will accept some good property In Portland, bal. cash and terms. On account of other business must leave the farm. Don't overlook this, as it la a good one M. C Gregory, owner. Aurura. Or. Rt. 1. OWNER WANTS HOUSE. MOVING IN FROM COUNTRY FOR SCHOOL IN EXCHANGE FOR 20 acres of good land. 2-3 cultivated, balance- scattering stumps; good 5-room bungalow, garaace, chicken house, well, all fenced; near rock road. 2 Vt miles from a fine town. H mile to station, 10 miles to Portluvid. Wants a quick deal and will be reasons ble. GEO. E. ENOLEHART CO.. 624 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5173. IDAHO IRRIGATED FARMS. Fine ranch between Welser and Tay ette; price $45,000; prefers Income prop erty In some good Oregon town or might consider good farm in Willamette or Rogue reiver valley: another fine farm near Gooding; price $20,000; wants property ki or near Willamette valley college town, preferably Corvaliis. U. S. MORTGAGE 4 1NV. CO., 0(1,1 Yeon Bldg. SELL OR TRADE. PRUNES AND WALNUTS. IS acres, all bearlngi good house with plumbing in; other buildings, fine spring water, fine auto road to tuwn; IN miles out frum Portland; can adjust any rea sonable trade, as owner wants to come to Portland; can uae a good business of property. J. A. HENKI.E, 612 Oerllnger Bldg. BRING IN YOUR TRADES. We have farms for houses, houses for farms, restaurants for houses, lands, etc.; stores, rooming houses, automobiles, apartment houses, hotels, trucks: many and diversified trades. What have you tu exchange? Will match you. 111C, TKAULKH ..Vi:tlAIVUL, 51)1-2 Couch Bldg. 6-ROOM modern house and two lots, also 1110 acres of timber, cruise 8.300.0(10 feet of fir, 3 miles of railroad and on wagon road: a good sawmill proposition; can i value of both properties. Ilil.oiiu. clear; want farm between Salem and Portland-. I would assume smau ainownt. r.rncst a, i Alien, 416 Chamber of Commerce. INCOME PROPERTY. Located In good valley town, on good downtown corner; brick building, good tenants; consider city er country prop erty to $10,000. U. S. MORTGAGE A INV. CO., 605 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE or trade. IO acres cranberry land. 5 acres in vines, good buildings, large packing house, fully equipped, fine snrav Dlant: located 8 miles Long Beach, Wash., on good auto road: value 8000; will consider good unimproved I farm or city lots of equal value. M 933, I Prehuman. EASTERN OREGON I wheat and stock ranch. 100 acres, some I irrigated, fully equipped with stock and machinery, all for $00,000; trade for other property, preferably several pieces. so owners can segregate tlielr Interests. U. 8. MORTGAGE INV. CO., 6Q5 Yeon Bldg. WANT LATE MODEL AUTOMOBILE. PREFER DODGE. IN EXCHANGE FOR small homey cottage, nest lawn, $1500 Incumbrance i-h, payaoie iu ana u fer cent monthly: tenant ws-nts year ease. George E. Englehart, 624 Henry bldg. Hroanw-ay nii.i. 250 ACRES 230 IN CULT., 17 MILES WEST OF PORTLAND. Modern house, large dairy barn; $10, 000 equity to trade for houses or lots, stock merchandise; bal. $40,000 pavabl In 33 years. Oscar Aioerton, lilt i.. 80th st. NEAR GASTON. On highway, 85 acres. 80 tn cultlva. tlon, house, barn, orchard, all crop and stock; want Portland property. Phone owner. Main 8380. 732 Patlou road. Portland. 320-ACRE STOCK RANCH- $4000. Smail nouse, barn and outbuildings. fenced and cross-fenced; will exchange for Portland or near-Portland property. Owner. 615 Chamber of Commerce It Id g;. 80 ACRES, 40 cleared, lies fine oh good road, good barn, fair house, orchard; will take house up to $3il0; give good time on balance. Phone 65. Write Geo. Beers, Sandy. Or. FOR SALE or trade, 8 lota, neariy one acre, at Bell atation, on the Estacada line; $300 equity for vacant lota near Oregon City, or small car. Jack Stum. Oregon City, Or. WANT 4 or 6-room house In Portland as -art pavment on my 4 acres fine land with fruit and small house In Salem. Phone Aut. 827-0H or Aut. 516-11. J HAVE A. LARGE AND UP-TO-DATH LIST OF THE BEST TRADES IN OREGON. B F KELLY, 715 Swetland Bldg. DENVER FOR PORTLAND. Have little cash and lot in Denver to put In on payment on small house. 5. A. HENKI.E, 512 Gerlinger Bldg. MODERN B-room- house, fins repair, to trade for duplex flat or large house that can be changed Into a flat, near Irvington school. S 904, Oregonian. $1000 CLEA U '"l.'ll-1'". t''8"n. "t gonlaii business. payment on X duo. urn PRACTICALLY new double-barreled shot gun for small roll-top desk, typewriter or anything I can use. Call Tabor 4104. " SELL OR TRADE " Corner tot, 25th and Savier sts. J. A. HENKLE, 612 Gerlinger Bldg. WILL give you 1 or 2 1GO acres, partly Improved, in Alberta, Canada, for your property in any good location. 133 Vs First St., Itoota 1. Kelson, owner. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, TE.NVER. COLO.. INCOME. - Two-story brick bldg. tn the) ttuwtness district of Denver; store) first floor: & living rooms shove; ail In excellent condition: rented to good tenants; pries $eeO0; pic ture at office; exchange lor Port land property. HOME AND ACREAGE NEAR MEPFORD. In this delightful home plae there are 11 acres, all In cultUa t on; lies well; fine soli, with or chard, berries, grapes and aifaUa; Under irrigation. The house hss 8 rooms, with city water, barn and other farm buildings; Included are a cow, horse, buggy, all farming tools and Implements, all for $4000; re Incumbrance. See the pictures; want house, acreage or apartment. NEAR ROSEBURO. 100 acres, all In cultivation: vary fine soil; lies well, with, cr'ek and springs; only 1V4 miles on rock road to It. R. raclfio highway, high school and store. Al! well fenced and oross fenced: 4-room bouse, good barn, other buildings- the price Is only 17.1 per acre; if you know values, this Is a find; easy terms and will take trade tn 14500; a farm borne in a delightful climate. US ACRES NEAR SPOKANE Part ot the celebrated Otis Ir rigated orchard; 10 acres in 10-year-old apples. In finest shape (set crop now); 4 acres for gen eral farming; this orchard Joins a large apple packing plant and on a R. R. aiding; the logical lnration for a by-producte piant: price Is $rt50o; pictures In office; want something ot like value near Portland. MACINNES" EXCHANGE DEPT.. RITTER. l.OWB V CO. 201-2-8-3-7 Hoard of Trade Bidg. Exchanges ot Merit only. IRRIGATED IDAHO FARM. 160 acres. 40 aores In clover, balance of land ready for the, plow; good 4-room house, fruit, pump, all fenced with good wire; IK miles from railroad but rail road survey passes farm and road (low extending; adjoining land sold for $l.iO per acre, but ewnir cannot farm: now here and will sell or exchange at a valustlnit of $40 per acre, water right worth more; farm Is free of Incum brance; owner might assume it suited, or pay cash difference. ' PETERSON A YORK- 437 N. W. UA.vK BLDa. iUAl.N eoui. INCOME PROPERTY TO TRAMIC. Fine apartment house In ene of best districts of Portland, paying over IS per cent net on price. $5.000; will take some trade, sums cash and balance morns pe. Apartment house In good town; price) $25.uiMJ; pavs good Income: owner will trade for Willamette valley farm, same value. Hrlck apartment house: 8 furnlihed apartments; good Income on price. $-.V-000; consider about hall trade, balance mortgage. Solid concrete building, west side, corner, leased, price $:I7.5IHI; owner will consiuer trade tu $20.uvo. balance mort gage. We have other attractive city prop erties for exenange. I.l El I)E. MANN COMPANY. 1113 Chamber of I'lmimcrce. CANADA LANDS. 1120 acres or part at 23 per acre; 821) acres, irrigated, al find per acre; line atule of Irrigation and cultivation; immense crop, modern resilience: all goesfor cash or property that can be handled conveniently from Portland, Or.; some land; would consider Cali fornia land. JoHNSON-DOI'SON CO.. 6.13 N. W. leank Bldg. Mjn 877. TO EXCII AXGC Misrr.l t.ANEOI B. WHAT ha ou to ejkcliatike lor 5-pdkS. Case cir. has new top, good paint, 8 new tlr-, electric lights and starter, Al mechanical condition; this Is an o.d model, but looks snd runs good? I will consider real estate, inoiorc) cle, light car or what have you? E Will, Oregonian. WILL TRADE one Hi -horsepower Eclipse gas enitlne with pump. Jack and one milk wagon In exchange for White Leg horn chickens, phone Aut omatlc 0 13-37. KoR sale o7 trade fur anything 1 can use, a $1 due bill to apply on any course given by International Corre s p t , n 1c nee H ehool. Ca II tfe i I wood 8702. DIAMOND RING, value $H"0, to trade for light cur of eiual value. 22 Eat Mfth M. Nor'h. Howe riunilay. TOL RING CAR, overland, to trade for good houeehuld lurnliure. Give descrlp tiun. K 1)31. Oregonian. TINTING, paliMIng and paprrnanging in exchange lor email Job of plumbing. fall Talior 2ll or mn cast cimi. FOR sale or exchange. 130 head of goats. ill exenange xor norses or nuiit tvw. 8,'i4 Clinton St., I'ortiann, t'r, LATIi model light lx louring car ill firat. class condition: will trade tor some good f urnlture. Main 1 23. VICTOR oak, piano In excellent condition, will sell for cash or trade for small aulo. V 1'.'. Oregonian, WILL exchange 0-cyiimler. seven-pass, au tomobile, all or part for diamonds, value I"""- Bog A ll'iii, Oregonian. A CHICKKKING piano lor a lute Ford de livery or pleasure car. Mr. Tailor, a,. 4:i-'7. SELL cheap or trade lot on corner of 6lh and Tlllnmook; want car. lurnliure of what have you? Tabor 1IIIH. tiEI.L or trade. H. T. mngnelo carhure. tor. used rura parts anu i a. ua"t- T.ibor llili. t-v int.KT rv outfit for man's suit. 40 or tailoring bargain. Y 9'.I5, Oregonian. COLL' J.1 UTX Uiafonnla tout of my stock! to trad for groceries or wood. Tabor 87112. . a-UVI-IMltllt Cadillac lo trade for mtif. bonds or securities, etc. C R. F., 2uQ Oak si, SELL cheap or trade, motor canoe; want cur: vulcanising outfit. Arbor press 01 Inlhe. Tubor FURNITURE, 8-room cash: balance tinde. bona., for soma llinadway '.'H-17. NEARLY new 10-hoisenuwir gas for lumber or anything. j.. ? engine. 115. WILL give vocal lessons In enchange for carpentor work. K. l'-'6. - j - hihj guitar for camera. Give descrlp- tlon. J 1,s". oregonian. J3..0 EQUITY claesy IHlie car, uaue oa goou luriiiiyia. ui-,..,, -.,. --.- FOR SALE. liorr, Vehicles. I.lveslm k. 2 DAIRY cows, beat producers, both freshen In latter part oi winter; owner hon'St. Aino, ti:l7-7l. FOR SALE lliiod Jersey t:ow; has calf $ days old. Write or phone T. E. Bleusue, lleavertnn. Or. WILL PAY top price for joung Jc-rxry of Guernsey. 8-ssllon cow. o. A. xiowen, Svcamore station jToR- SALE rtreedlng slock. 500 alar black scentless skunk. Grant Harper, lurague. Wash. 1 MIlA-'ll got for sale cheap, pura-bred Toggelibeig: 3-qt. mliker, flesh. 6rtH Front H. A bargain. TWO FINE bTooded heifers, two blocks west of I'el'lU'l Hill school, Oregon Eire trie car. Mrs. Slralian, Dement all eet. FOIlALW Fresh Jersey row. with helf.-r calf. (Henwood Farm, Hillsdale. Phone Main .!"" lull lVa-TON truck, sell cheap or take touring car part payment. Route 1, lm Hi;,, orchard, Wash., near Qclir station. FUR SALE iilx horsej; reasonable prices. Holman Fuel Co., barn E. ka and Jvoa streets. , FOR KALE Several fresh family cows; prices from 50 lo 87 II. Tanor B0i)4 VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TA ROB 6''66 FOR SALE Registered Shropshire swea and rams. Holman Fuel Co., H4 5th at. DKAII horses and rattle taken quickly. Phone Mllwaukie tVJ-J for beat service. DEAD horses and cattle tniten qulukly. Call day or night. Auto, n-i-ne WANTED To buv first-class salted saddie horse. F. E. lio w ma n J I aln 3u 11 rt, TWO good cows; one freah In October; 17i)8 Midway, K. St Johns. HIDES boughtor tanned. West Coast Tan nlngCo.1tti2 Ttinno ave. Sell. 2.11)8 GOOD horae and buggy, reasonable. Clark Jones, Liberty restaurant. LInnton. WANTKD to rent a team and wagon with out d river. Tabor 34711. TWO GOOD young cows heavy milkers; sell cheap. vv ooiij arn, e.i rront. e70 BUYS 13H0. lb. mare' In good ToTS na,,,, inquire 81 Wster at . west side. fjmUt'K you n if rt Rlrttnred Hamptiir ram. fl.V K. K. Itifhunl... MHwauk.. Or, Ut;NJ fHiiialy cow, Jor'y nd Dui ht.ru, with or without calf. Main HH'2 SHETLAND ponv. A years old, broke to Call 'oluu.h1n 4M. unci 'iip una curt, BliOW.V Hwisit cuw, ft yrari old, sell cheap. Woody r 1 , .;jt rmn. MLLES, .isOlMt). (earn; nwnt(. mint!, n?n