11 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 11, 1931 REAL ESTATE. Fruit Land lor Sale or Rent. OUR WALNUT orchards rs now la bear Ins: tons of nuts now on the trees never damaged by frosts: soil and other conditions unexcelled. Walnut Industry never more promising; 2 cents per 10. advance over the California opening price has been offered this year for Oregon Walnuts. We offer the follow lng real bargains: 2o acres, $T.V)0. SO acres. U750. 17 acres. $.110O. 12 acres. 13300. Don't let these prices deceive you. They are away below actual valuea Smaller tracts and terms to suit any one that wants a walnut orchard, which means an annuity xor me. can or ar ares. MATTHEWS PLANTING CO., 616 Lumbe rm ens Bldg.. Portland. Or. WALN UTS YV A LN UTS. Uw Red riri? 83 acres of very rich orchard soil; 800 14-year-old walnut trees, u 12-year, old commercial apples. 90 cherries. 1. years old; 250 prune trees. 4 years old 9 tons of cherries were harvested ihlj season. The crop of walnuts now on trees are estimated at least at 5 tons: apples estimated at 3000 boxes, pack, besides ciders and dryers; crop will run swuu: good barn and home. 2 wells, on hard surface road, 5 miles S. W. of New berg. This Is a wonderful productive property and a real country nome, l"3 (iftO. Including cron. tractor, horaes tools, implements, etc. D. W. Alton, 1174 HaiRht ave. Automatic 329-19. I7u Af-RKH of ideal filbert land, ready to plant; also 12 acres of fine berry land, all tiled; near Hillsboro; 1 neavy bearing walnut orchard; all near Pacifia highway; also line sneep rancn. au dress T. Wlthyeombe, 432 12th St.. city. & irRKS hearing walnuts and cherries, near Amity, worth $2500. Sell for $1100 cash. AM - Oregonian. Irrigated Lands. &11L.L.ER & LUX own the richest land In California. Ask ua if It will raise alfalfa; 10 acres sown in April cut lhi tons her acre in June: fruit grows pro- liflcally; bearing fruit ranches in same county soli for $1500 per acre; our price level Irrigated land, $185 per acre, and special easy terms to nomeseeKcra. Kramer. Lake & Co.. 1037't Belmont at. IRRIGATED TRACT Suitable for coloniz ing; excellent locality; good value; will exchange lor otner propens ; owner. What have you? Phone Main 9325. For Sal. Farms. LOOK AT THIS. 5 acres, sale or trade, all cleared, 2 miles from Vancouver, on good roads; 2 acres in prunes yielding 7 to 9 tons; 40 apple trees, some cherries, balance in crops. House, barn, chicken house, good water. Owner, I. L. Beers, 704 Washington st.( Van couver, Wash. 40 ACRES. 24 acres cleared, fair farm buildlnis. good loam soil, lies fine. 1 mile Pacific hlg-hway, near school; 3 head good horses, 1 colt, 4 good milch cows, 3 brood sows. 13 shoats. 14 tons hay. about SO bushels oats. 3hi acres pota toes. 2 plows. 2 wagons, harrow, aU kinds of farm tools, plenty of wood, good stump pasture. All goes at $5000, half cash. 3S ACRES 18 acres cleared, some excellent timber, good woods' pasture with running water. The very best deep loam soil, no rock or gravel, on good road, less than a mile from Pacific highway. In excellent community. This place is less than half price. It must be sold now. Adjoining 40s hav sold for $10,000 and up. Price (2500, $1000 will handle. ATKINSON PORTER. 705 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. CLOSE TN WASHINGTON' CO. FARM STOCK E, AND EQUIPPED. ALL THIS YEAR'S CROP. Price of this farm has been reduced to $10,500. Consists of 50 acres, from 35 to 40 acres in cultivation, the very , best of soil, no better crops can be found anywhere, about 10 acres of good timber, .good live spring through the side of the place, well at -Une house. 6-rbom house, barn and outbuildings. 7 good cows, 4 heifers, brood sow and 4 pigs, full line of machinery and tools, over 100 bushels of wheat and several hundred bushels of oats. 17 Ions of hay in the barn; everything complete for $10,500. On good gravel road with mail and milk route. This place is worth the money, so don't hesitate. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. " CLARKE CO.. WASHINGTON. FARM STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Consists of 100 acres, mostly level, 40 acres in high state of cultivation, all fenced and cross fenced, county .road through place with rural delivery and cream route, good rt-room house painted, large barn and outbuildings In good re pair; spring water piped to house and barn; 40 tons of hay now in barn, some grain. 10 head of cattle, 3 good horses, lots of chickens and some hogs; full line of machinery all In good repair, in cluding a new manure spreader, hay tedder, cream separator; in fact there Is nothing needed; buyer can have an Income from the beginning. Price is $11,000; half cash. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HOOD RIVER FARM. Upper Hood River valley ranch of 150 acres, with 120 in cultivation.- Finest soil In the valley for potatoes, clover, grain, etc. Exceptionally good house, bunk house, tool sheds, ample in every way ani in excellent condition. Three miles from postofflce, store and railroad; half mile from the new loop road. Ad jacent to large acreage of outrange; fine for grazing. Under Middle Fork ditch, with plenty of water. A most attractive location and a good concern. Price $30,000. J. W. CRITES. Agent. Hood River. Oregon. 12 FINE ACRES OF LAND WELL IMPROVED. A short way from Mathe9on station on the Red Electric line and paved road, good gravel road by the place, most of the place is In berries and garden, 1 acre in strawberries, 1 acre in logan berries, some Cuthbert raspberries; you will find no healthier vines in Washing ton Co.. lots of carrots, beets, corn and potatoes; new 4-room house, barn and outbuildings. Price is $4200. $;;o0l cash. STEWART & JOHNSON. S15 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LARGE FARM FOR RENT. We have one of the finest dairy farms In Oregon with room for 100 head of stock; 600 acres with 400 acres in culti vation now in the pink of condition and ready for occupancy. REASONABLE RENT or will give lease. One mile from nignway and 18 miles from Portland. Bee jr. c. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068, Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Park. 37 hi -ACRE COUNTRY HOME. All good land: 30 acres in cultivation, balance fine pasture; good 7-room house, very large barn and all necessary out buildings; family orohard and small rrult; located on all-year auto road. r'lice 4.iiu. WILLAMETTE VAXiLEY LAND CO., 101 First National Bank Bldg.. Albany. Oregon. 64 ACRES. 22 acres cultivation, bat. pas ture and timber; 8-room plastered house, furnished; family orchard, barn, out buildings, blacksmith shop, fully equipped; team horses, 3 cows, 3 hogs, chickens; farm implements, 18 miles irom Portland. Bargain. B. H. Stew art, 165 hi 4th St. aOSE-IN FARMS. 75 acres, extra choice fancy fat rand, 14 miles Portland, at ry. sta.; paved roads; being run as dairy; $10,000; terms, or will sell 20. 25 or 30 acres; $200 per acre, and make terms. If in terested call and see us. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 18514 4th St REAL SACRIFICE. 250 ACRES 230 IN CULT. 17 MILES WEST OF PORTLAND. Modern house, barn 48x128 feet, $10,000 uuwu, sin. oil years OSCAR ALDERTON, 104 Eist 80th Street. 25 ACRES CANYON ROAD. 6 miles west of city, 1 mile east of Beaverton. Paved highway front of place. House and barn, spring water. 8 acres clear. $10,000. Terms. Oregon Inv. & Mort Co., 210 Lumber Exchange bldg.. Second and Stark sts. 40-ACRE farm, mostly In cultivation, all stocked with machinery. 27 miles to Portland, price $6500, terms: $2000 cash, or exchange for city property. H. W Garland. 2111 3d st. FOR SALE 20 acres of land near Gresh am. will sell cheap. R. 11. chicken house and all outbuildings. Foj- sale by the owner. mile from high school and Gresham. Alex Butz. Gresham. Or. CONDITIONS this year emphasize the fact that no farm, can beat a wheat ranch. For prices nd particulars write M. Fitzmaurice. Condon. Or. 4li ACRES, $4500; (worth $6000); house, barn, spring, timber, 20 acres cult., extra soil, no rocks, near school, store. R. F. D. McFarland. Realtor. Falling bldg. EX-SERVICE men Am dividing . choice irrigated tract. Want 4 others to Join my send in development G. C. Howard, HK2 E. 42d .it. N. 40 ACHES Near station, on R. R. ; aome cleared; house, barn, spring; work near by: price $750: $250 down. DRAPER. 48 Board of Trade Bldg. luO-ACRE farm for sale or trade, 4WI. .87 ut iilh X. Tabor REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. BIO FARM BARGAIN. 104 acres. 5 miles from Silverton, Or., on good road: 40 acres under cultivation; 1(H) acres can be farmed when cleared; water piped to buildings; good bearing orchard; 7 -room house with basement; barn 45x55. large chicken house, capac ity 300 chickens, other buildings: 25 acres in fir timber; all rural conven iences; one mile to school. Included with place: 5 cows. IB sheep. 3 brood sows and a very complete line of machinery; crops Included. Price for everything $9000. $3000 cash. Consider small acre age within 25 miles of Portland up to $4000 or $5000, easy terms on balance. LARGE CHICKEN RANCH. 1200 chickens included; 30 acres. 8 miles from good town, mile to school. 25 miles from center of Portland, 13 acres under cultivation, 29 acres can be cultivated, 2 springs, 10 acres timber, good bearing orchard, 2 acres berries; macadamized highway by place that will be paved; 5-room house finished with plaster board; barn. 2 large chick en bouses, 1 brooder house, fruit cel lar. Included with place: 1200 chickens, 1 team, 2 cows, cream separator, har ness, wagon, plow, harrow, cultivator, mower, crops, etc Price for everything, $7000 clear; one-half cash. Consider small piece of acreage near good town or residence la town for part. GOOD MODERN BUILDINGS. 24 acres, 10 miles south of Portland. 1 mile from good town with electric lines rocked roads, good soil. All can be cultivated. 17 acres under cultiva tion. New 8-room plastered bungalow with water system, garage, barn 40x50. chicken house. One mile to high and grade school. Included with place 1 team, z cows, one neiier, av cnicaens, cream separator, brooder. Incubator, complete line of machinery, 300 sacks potatoes, crops and all household fur niture, including piano. This is a fine home, well located. Buildings are rea sonably worth $7000. Consider Port land house for part value. FARM FOR SMALL BUSINESS OR HOME. 40 acres, 3 miles from Mosier, on ma cadamized road. 14 miles to school; 30 acres can be cultivated, 0 acres under cultivation and in corn, potatoes and grain. Water piped from spring, fam ily orchard and berries, black loam soil. 5-room hou :e, barn, chicken house, fruit house, woodshed, etc. Included with place: Cow, mare and colt, chickens, machinery and crops on 22 acres of rented land. Price $2SD0, $1B00 cash. Consider small business, light car or small house In Portland or any good town. See Mrs. Albaugh. 30 acres, 25 miles from center of Portland. Road paved all the way ex cept one-half mile, which is macadam ized; good wire fences, bearing orchard; 21 acres under cultivation. 9 acres in pasture, all can be farmed when cleared. Good new 5-room plastered house, barn 60x80, garage, chicken house, wood shed, etc. Included with place: One team, 2 cows, wagon, buggy, cultivator, plow, mower, rake, etc. An exceptionally pro dlctive piece of land, only A mile from highway. Price $500. $2500 oash. bal ance easy terms, 6 per cent. Might con sider small place near Warren and Swedish school. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. IMPROVED FARM. $35 AN ACRE. This extra-good prairie wheat and stork farm lies close to elevators, is all tractor land and raises the finest quality number one northern hard wheat that commands a premium in all the markets of the world; the land is all a black loam soil with clay subsoil, partly In cultivation and the balance ready for the plow; Improvements are good; six room modern house with bath and wa ter, large red barn, bunk house, gran aries, fine chicken house, corrals, sheds, two wells and windmill, eight miles of good wire fencing; this farm is at least $20 an acre under the market and is a great bargain. It is located in the famous High river district of Alberta, one of the most prosperous and best proven dis tricts. I have Just come from a personal Inspection of this property and can give you complete details. It must be sold to satisfy the demands of the bank. Call or write 601 Stock Exchange bldg. Phone Main 953. LISTEN TO THIS. 1200 acres 1 hi miles from Clatskanie on good road. 20 acres farmed, about 15 acres more largely cleared, balance stump land. Some rough, but about 400 acres estimated can be plowed when cleared. 10-room house, large barn, large, silo practically new, other build ings. Two streams, lots of blackberries, some other fruit. If this Interests you we can make the price so you will buy, and will give terms on part or might accept clear property as part payment. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO. 605 Yeon Bldg. 40 ACRES NEAR SANDY. This 40 acres is all level, 14 hi acres under plow; 3U acres raspberries, 6- room nouse, large Darn, Z cows, 1 calf, horse, all farm tools and crop included at only $6000. $1500 cash. Would consider small car as part pay ment. F. L. EDDY, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE fc CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 41 ACRES on bank of Willamette river. Beautiful location, springs, beaver-dam and rolling. Crops and hay In barn. 6 cows, chickens, team. All farm im plements, cream separator. Post road through place. Milk route. Large house( good outbuildings. Nice family orchard. $8500. terms, or trade for home in city to $3000 and some cash. Mr. Hare with A. J. DK FOREST & CO.. Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. CLOSE-IN FARM. 109 acres. 45 acres In cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture, creek and many springs, 20 miles Portland, rail way station on land; 4-room house. 2 barns stocked and equipped, land lies good, orchard, berries, grapes, price $11,500: good terms can be made, would take small farm or suburban tract for part. R. M. OATEWOOD & CO., 165 4 4th St BUY FROM OWNER. 85 acres good soli, springs, 3 horses, 6 cows, 3 calves, 100 hens, good buildings, hay, grain, standing crops, fruit, imple ments, separator, incubators, brooder, many small tools; school at gate, near highway, mall route, phone line; 66 a. leased with prune orchard. $G000, $2100 6 yr. terms on balance,, or discount for cash. Write for particulars. E. B. Har vey. route 1. Sheridan, Or. FARM SACRIFICE. 60 acres, 20 acres In cultivation, wa ter system, 4-room house, small barn; crop goes, 1 team and colt, 2 cows, 40 sheep, chickens, farm Implements; 4 mi. Irom Boring; $2800 good terms. L. O. GERBER, 714 Swetland Bldg. Main 7776. FOR SALE 520-acre wheat ranch. 380 a. in cultivation, remainder . pasture, with running water; $6000 modern house with light and water system, 2 drilled wells; will sell with or without stock and im . ptements. For price and terms write or see owner. Gus Rasmussen. Sundale, Washington. I MUST sell or trade 100-acre farm, 15 miles from Portland in Beaverton dis trict; eight acres orchard, million feet timber, house, barn, wells, school, good roads; $60 per acre; liberal terms; will take unincumbered city property - in trade. George Cropo. 195 E. 84th South Tabor 655. i.A-st.KVlflt AlE.N Want four or six men who want land, to write owner irngaiea aiiaua stocs: farm, central Oregon. Can sell you 40 or 80 acres all In alfalfa, close to town, for less than half appraised valuation. Am cutting up my larm. bargain. Owner, AV 541, Oregonian. FREYTAG-MEEDS CO., Realtors. Specialize in Clackamas conntv FARMS, ACREAGE, SUBURBAN HOMES. 2 years in uiacKamas county. Expert agricultural advice free. GLADSTONE, OR. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. CASH OR TERMS 143 acres, orchard ana au&iia, an lueai piace lor . stock raising, dairying, fruit-raising and gar dening; wood and water in abundance: gravity flow ditches for irrigating. If interested write ior particulars to Doutnit .-vew. urannviey, uregon. FOR SALE Bearing apple and pear or chard, alfalfa, dairy, grain and stock rancnes, some wun irrigation; long time easy payments, or owner would rent with option to buy. Address AV 174. Ore gonian. FOR SALE, rent or trade, 20 acres, all level. 15-h. motor, 6 acres alfalfa, prunes, grapes, 4 horses, tools and machinery, 15 tons hay, 60 sacks oats; house and barn; near school. Act quick. Must go. C. B. Steward. Orland, California. 200 ACRES. . 6 miles from Medford. 33 acres pears' and peaches; will consider trade for Portland property for down payment Priced right Owner 302 Rail- way Exchange building. 93 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon; 65 In cultivation, well fenced; a good buy, or will trade. Owner. Tabor 6308. NINE acres, under cultivation, for sale ot traae; close in on pavement Phone Tabor 861, or call 2087 E. Madison. Owner. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre; easy terms, best soil, farms for sale, all sizea flier ariana. realtor. 2u s-alllng bigg. FOR SALE 10 acres with buildings; 14 cows, rniia route s.tuu montniy; vears feed; $3000 necessary, w. F. Brock. Auto. 625-42. 6304 92d St. S. E. 16"- ACRES, level, timbered land with creek, near electric and highway; can divide. Jess R, Sharp, Sift 3d it REAL ESTATE. For ;iale -farms. T-ROOM modern house: concrete wa'ks. good barn, woodshed and water tower, built of same material as house, Cali fornia, marie This property about 6 years old, one mile from electric station ana gooa town with high school: board walk, to th station. A Ham a fn-tra Q l)f finA SOll. acres cultivated, balance pasture and timber. The buildings alone cannot be duDlicated for this price. $4500. with reasonable terms. 40 acres. 35 acres In cultivation. fenced and cross-fenced: running water on place: nice 0-room house, wooasnea, cellar, chicken house, barn 40 by 50. full f h.tt anA feed hlnrbAmlth shoo, wagon shed, cow barn and other buildings nice family orchard, grapes and berries, - u-oll. nlenrv of running water. 4 COWS, chickens, hogs, team mares, 2 'a wagons, plows, harrows, mower, rake and all farm machinery; 10 acres ran crop price $0000; might accept aome iraai 40 acres, 16 cultivated, balance slashed except 3 acres timber; 5-room nouse. uu flnlshed; barn 18 by 36, shed for cows, spring near house, running cret;. llsh walnut trees. 2 acres family or- in ni-res. all under cultivation, 1 -i... uiiiehnrn. 1 Acrs loganber ries 1 acre raspberries. 1 acre family orchard, lot of nice shade trees J-room , a i,. ln ent condition. good barn 40 by 40. stanchions for 10 . , c-.,,n l)VtO pa.h cows; vriv oow, 24 acres. S acres cultivated: 4-room house, barn and shed, some fruit, all fenced; good spring; on rock road, one mile to two electric roade: very fine lo cation, near Re.anuy, V lnn session: will sacrifice for few days $4800, $1"00 cash, balance your -terms, "-a-K HILLSBORO LAND & REALTY CO. Em-land & Mellar. Managers. f""fi Main St.. Hillsboro. Oregon. ON WILLAMETTE RIVER. i This 411-acre farm located on the Willamette river, 3H miles from Newberg. Road paved within thi miles of place. 320 acres under cultivation, 80 acres fine bottom land pasture, balance In fir and oak timber. All lies almost level with good drainage. Excellent soil. Place partly fenced with woven wire, balance with barbed wire with good oak posts. Large barn, new granary, fair house, spring water piped to buildings. Tnls is an ideal farm and a money maker Will sell for $50,000. Will take $10,000 cash, balance to suit, or will exchange for good Port land Income property. ELROD & DRTER. 2R3 Starkt St. Broadway 1188. Second Floor Gordon Bldg. 54 ACRES. $2000 CASH WILL HANDLE THIS. 85 acres In cultivation, 8 acres In open pasture. 13 acres in first growth timber, family orchard, 2 wells, spring, small creek, house, barn 4lixrili, new chicken house 16x24, close to school, 3 miles from Oregon City, $8500. $2000 cash, balance payable $500 per year at 6 per cent. A. C. HOW LAND. 620 Main St., Oregon City. Or. . or 601 Ewetland Bldg.. Portland, Or. " A l.RFRT A WHEAT FARMS." I have several of the choicest improved wheat farms in Alberta to offer at greatly reduced prices: forced sales to satisrv tne aemanas ot tne Dana. i noj are nil located close to towns, school and elevators, are all improved or par tially Improved, with several acres on each ready for crop next spring. One of 160 acres, one of 320 acres and two of 640 acres each; two ot tnese tarms nave flowing wells. The price is only $30 an acre. I have made a personal inspection of all these farms ana can give you ae lalled information. Call r write 601 Stock Exchange building. Phone Main 953 61 ACRES DAMASCUS. Here la a fine farm consisting of 61 acres, of which 42 acres are under plow, 10 acres in strawberries, good 5-room plastered house, barn, chicken house and garage. This is finest red shot soil, located on main road, only 1 hi miles east of Damascus. r ine farming dis trict. Price only $10,500. $2500 cash. FLOYD L. EDDY, Realtor. RITTER. LOWS & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE LITTLE FARM HOME. 10 acres, good house, dandy new barn, fine large chicken houses, storehouse, woodshed,- all buildings In excellent con dition, 9 acres In cultivation, 1 acre for pasture, fruit trees and small fruit, all tools, 1 horse, some chickens, furniture, house neat as pin; clover hay In barn; only mile to electric station and store; ready to step right In. A snap at $4500. Terms. See PARRISH & PARRISH, 209 Falling Bldg. STOCK RANCH. Here Is one of the best stock ranches -In the country located In Benton Co., and so situated that it controls thou sands of acres of range and all main watering places. With the place go about 130 head cattle, 10 head horsee, 140 tons hay and about 2500 bushels oats. Price $70,000, good terms. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid?. 160 ACRES of bottom land. 8 miles be low Prineville on Crooked river and rail road: 70 acres in alfaifa and Irrigated, rest is ready for irrigation: 70 acres in grain; rest partly cleared: 3-room house, barn, garage and other outbuildings, $S000, with stock and all kinds of ma chinery. $10,000. Seven horses, 8 milk cows, 5 pigs, GO chickens. AV 227, Ore gonian. 56 - ACRES 28 acres cultivation, 7 acres clover, 20 acres nearly cleared, bal. pas ture: some timber, spring creek; 5-room house, new barn, outbuildings, garage, gas engine, water system; family or chard, team horses, fresh cow, calf and heifer, 30 chickens. 14 tons bay. 50 bu. wheat, 100 bu. oats, farm machinery; 18 miles from Portland; $7000; good terms. B. H. Stewart. 165 4th st. BY OWNER 560 acres. 320 under the plow; stable room for 100 head cattle; drive bam and horse stable -for 10 head of horses, pig pen, potato house, bunk house, blacksmith shop, large dwelling house, living w-ater on the place; about 30 minutes from courthouse, Portland, lying between Powell Valley road and Est&cada carllne. Can be divided. Tabor 2240; residence. 1033 Oregon st. EQUIPPED INCOME DAIRY RANCH. 55 acres, 25 acres in cultivation, good soil, 7-room house, new barn 54x60. 9 milch cows, 7 heifers, fresh In spring, 2 brood sows and pigs, 1 hull, team horses, 50 hens, all farm machinery and small tools, new cream separator; hi mile to electric station, on main high way, 18 miles from Portland; $4500, terms. L, O. Gerber, 714 Swetland bldg. MR. RANCHER. JUST LOOK AT THIS. 80 acres rich shot loam with 7-room house, barns and outbuildings. 5 miles from town and railroad, in Wash, county. With this place goes some stock, imp. and crops; all for $3000. I have many otner tarms irom sau to siau an acre. J. B. HOLBROOK. Realtor. 214-215 Panama Bldg. 273-ACRE farm, 6 miles northwest of Mc- Minnvllle; loo acres under cultivation, balance pasture; 8-room house, . 2 barns, 2 milk houses and other outhouses; spring water piped to house; good fam ily orchard, wire fences, r. f. d. and milk route, telephone: lots of salable oak and fir wood. Price $20,000; easy terms. Call or write Mrs. M. J. McCall, 368 Pine St., - McMinnville, Or. SACRIFICE SALE Alfalfa farm. c. Ore gon. Will trade equity worth $15,000 for house in Portland worth $4000 or con sider automobiles -to that amount. This is all cultivated, nearly half alfalfa. A bargain for man who can handle. Owner, AV 542, Oregonian. 80-ACRE farm to rent; IK miles from Estacada; 40 acres in cultivation; 2 creeks running through the place; 200 apple trees, which have borne for the sec ond year; 70 walnut trees, which have commenced bearing this year: can be rented for $250 a year, half down, half in 10 months; house and blx barn 40x30. Wm. Stubbe, Estacada. Or. CLOSE-IN FARM. 75 acres extra choice fancy fat land, 14 miles Portland, at railway station; paved roads: being run as dairy; $16,000, terms, or will sell 20, 23 or 30 acres, $200 per acre, and mal-e terms. It interested call and see us. R. M. OATEWOOD & CO., 165 M 4th St FARM. Near Oregon City. 3G0 acres. 165 un der cultivation, 100 acres pasture, bal ance timber. Good house and barns. $100 per acre, which includes farm ma chinery. $10,000 rash, balance , easy. 511 Railway Exchange. TODAY'S PRICE, $11,500. 400-acre stock ranch, 110 acres cultiva tion, open range; 4 good springs and fair buildings; $2000 cash will handle; will take some trade or wood on road. Reduced $100 per day till sold. C. RHOADES, 6 miles N. Sheridan. Or. SOME very attractive farm bargains this week. If you are Interested in farm lauds, write us for information stating what you are most interested In. We can please you. Kelso Realty Co., Kelso, Wash. 60 ACRES Washington county; partly cleared; house, barn, well, creek, or chard; $2000; $500 cash, baL 6. Owner, . 645 XV. Central. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. EUGENE, LAKE COUNTY, OR. i THE GREAT FARM CENTER OF - THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. A REAL BARGAIN IS SMALL HOME. 15 acres, located 8 miles from Eugene; ail in cultivation; has 3 acre family orchard in full bear- lng: lots of berries, fine big shade trees, large barn, hen house, gran ary, old 7-room house, land lies finely and is a real bargain at $2500, $1000 cash. 20 ACRES. IMPROVED. $3000. Located in the famous Pleasant Hill section of Lane county, 12 miles from Eugene. This is all in cultivation: has very rich soil, has' family orchard, good 0-room farm house, very fine small barn and other outbuildings; this Is a real home at only $3000, half cash, balance long time. 160-ACRE STOCK RANCH, $10 PER ACRE. Located 37 miles from Eugene, just half mile from the McKenzie highway; 4-room log house, barn, hen house, family orchard, ber ries, etc. Some has been bulti vated, fine creek and Irrigation system; lots of out range; daily stage and mall. . A real bargain, $10 per acre. Might accept auto as part pay. 10 ACRES RIVER BOTTOM. $2000 3 miles from Creswell, 7 acres cultivated, 0 of which are in full bearing, logan. black and raspber ries, 5 of which are loganberries; 3-room box house, small barn, family orchard. With the place go horse, harness, wagon, hay, plow, cultivator, berry crates, etc. . Price $2000. half cash; balance 3 years at 6 per cent interest. 226 ACRES, STOCKED AND -EQUIPPED. Located 18 miles from Eugene, 3hi miles to station; 60 acres bot tom land, cultivated; balance oak and ash pasture: 8-room house, nearly new; water piped to kitch - en: fireplace, etc. Barn, silo and other outbuildings for dairy farm. 19 cattle. 3 horses. 50 hens, 30 hogs, 7 goats, binder, mower, rake and farm tools. 35 tons of hay, feed, etc. All goes for $50 per acre. Reasonable terms. 14 -ACRE HOME IN EUGENE. Located 7 blocks from the uni versity, near grade and high school; very fine soil, lots of fruit anil berries; 6-room modern buni galow; city water and lights. Barn, garage, hen houses, etc. Price only $0000. Terms. 60 ACRES FOR $30nO. Located in Pleasant Hill sec tion, 12 miles from Eugene: 25 acres cultivated, nice rolling land, 5 acres timber, 30 acres stump pasture, family orchard, grapes, berries, etc. 6-room farm house, barn and usual outbuildings. This Is marked down from $4500 to $3000. halt cash. 40 ACRES. $5000. Located 1 mile from station. 8 miles from Eugene. All cultivated, family orchard. 6-room house, with bath and hot and cold water, large barn, lots of outbuildings, good condition. This is a real bargain, $2000 cash. 93 ACRES. WELL IMPROVED. $5,100. Located Ihi miles from station, mostly open land, some- orchard. 7-room bungalow, large hip-roof barn. Ideal for chickens. Buildings alone worth the money. Easy terms. SAY, MR. FARMER, you owe It to yourself to look over our farms before you buy your home. We have some dandy farms on the Willamette and McKenzie river bottom lands. They range in size from 1 to several thousand acres. We have hill ranches, fruit , ranches, dairy ranches, in fact we believe we can offer ranches to suit almost anyone at prices to meet your pocketbook. In many cases we can trade what vou have for what you want to have. Write us for full information re garding Lane county and watch our ads everv Sunday In the For Sale Farm and Exchange columns of this paper. KINNEY & HYDE, REALTORS. Eugene, Or. I $10,000 FEDERAL FARM LOAN HAS BEEN APPROVED ON THIS RANCH. WILL SELL FOR $5.50 AN ACRE. , 2200 acres of tillable land. Some has been in crop this season. 400 acres pasture, 1000 acres of this ranch can be plowed with heavy tractor, light clearing of sage brush on balance, cost not over $2.00 an acre, good soil, mostly levjl, fenced, never failing spring. East of Portland 160 miles, 8 miles from R. R. and Co lumbia river. 2 miles to school; adjoining land $20 an acre. See y.H.E.,XKY at J- L' HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Cham, of Com. bldg. FINE TWENTY ACRES. Best soil, all in cultivation, nice 6-room house with hot and cold water, bath and toilet and elec tric lights available; good barn that can accommodate about 15 cows and team of horses and lots of feed; silo, garage and other buildings. Nice bearing family or chard, well fenced, stocked and equipped. About 10 miles from Portland, on good road and fine district. Make price right and terms easy and might consider some trade. This Is one of the very best, sightly and attractive places close to Portland. Might divide. SAMUEL DOAK.' 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 60-ACRE .BARGAIN, 8 MILES CITT LIMITS. Offer for few days absolute bargain In close-inr 60 acres, 45 In cultivation, balance timber and pasture, with living stream, 6-ronm house, good red barn, lots outbuildings, splendid orchard,' a acres berries, team, 2 cows, 4 sows, boar, 50 chickens, mower, rake, wagon, 2 plows, harrow, drag, disc, cult., harness, hay. etc.; price only $8500. Remember. It is in one of the best farming sections near the city; good hard road all the way and Just 8 miles from city limits, right at stores, schools and churches. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. REALTORS, 122 N. 6th at., near Glisan. Bdwr. 4381. 10 ACRES. NEW HOUSE. $1800. This 10 acres Is located only 1 mile from electric line, 4 acres under plow, balance in timber and brush, fine creek through place, new 4-room log house, good well and timber for barn; R. F. D. and phone pass the door; the land Ilea level and is fine soil. Price $1800, for quick sale. $1200 cash. F. L. EDDY, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. REAL FARM BARGAIN. 110 acres 5 miles from Oregon City. 60 acres cultivated. Large family or- cnaru, a-roum nuuse, new large earn with driveway, granary and other small buildings. Mail and milk route by place. School few hundred feet from house. Practically all of cultivated land In one field. A bargain at $14,000. $4000 cash and balance in ten years at 6 per cent. OTTO HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6398. EX-SERVICE MEN, You will find our office ready to ad vise and assist In regard to applying the bonus loan to the best advantage. We have a large listing of small farms. Our building department is prepared to submit plans and prices. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK CO.. Established 1S96. 210 Oregon Bldg., Portland, Or. Owners of farms and houses who wish to dispose of their property without de lay wi'l do well to list them with us. GORDON RIDGE WHEAT FARM. 1400 acres in finest section of Sherman county. This land produces 35 to 45 bushels per acre average yield. Fine modern buildings. Every kind needed. Over 500 acres ready for fall seeding. Owner wishes .to retire and will take $100 per acre. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. DANDY HOME PLACE. 2hi acres, 1 mile from the street car line, 13 miles from Portland, on good road, large 3-room plastered house, barn and poultry houses for several hun dred chickens, lots of berries, all In cultivation; all for only $2000. $1200 cash, balance $100 a year at 6 per cent STEWART ft JOHNSON. - 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 15 ACRES (more If required), good, build ings, two houses, one new bungalow, hot . and cold water, bath, laundry tubs: fine . water system; family orchard. Phone owner, Automatic 630-48. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. ttioniiv t m RTnrKEn farm. acre.q 30 acres under fine culti vation, 10 acres more tillable when cleared and very easy to clear; balance pasture, finest of spring water piped to house, .creek across place, 2 good barns, 4-room house, cement cellar, chicken house, wood shed, 7 acres fine young prune orcnara, guoa ii!jr -.. .i , milt 15 tons of hay. 200 bushels of oats, hi interest in 8 acres of spuds, 7 good cows, x uener, 2 calves, 2 brood sows, cream separator. 4-horse gas engine with wood saw and feed grinder attachment, all farm ma chinery: place In good district, finest of sandy loam soli, on gravel county road. R. F. D. daily, phone. Ihi miles from store and railway station. 5 miles from Washougal, Wash. Price $6600, terms. $1400 cash, balance long time. GUUU Ml J y-r. a , - , , , i AAa ,,., q nlnv. ho acres; aooui -v ,.,.-. .. 40 acres more tillable when cleared ana easy to ciear na v ' " ; now. Good family orchard, finest of land; fine stream ot waier good spring, 5-room house, good barn, on main gravel county road. R. r. u. j:t.. i r nn district, close .fhnoi Price $3750. Can ar range some terms. GEO. Y. MOODY CO. Washougal, Wash. SEVERAL FARMS IN ONE. 82 acre's, best soil, all In culti vation; 2 sets of buildings includ ing 1 large dairy barn: 2 nice fam ily orchards, lots of berries, f ne water svstem supplying all build ings; electric lights available and stock and equipment extra good and very complete: on good roao within few rods of paved high way, not far from station and only about 30 minutes" ride from Port land; lies high and sightly and one of the show places of that district; price low and terms easy. Might divide or consider some trade. Touched by road on .deV and can be divided nicely Into 2 or 4 or 8 very fine and at tractive places. SAMUEL DOAK, Northwestern Bank REAL FARMS. CHOICE ACREAGE. 1202 Bldg. BEAUTIFUL RIVER FRONT HOME. LINCOLN COUNTY, AT a ninr.AIN. Fronts on Ynuina river. Joins town and railroad. 120 acres. 40 acre, in cultl- 1""' Vnrtback "porches. large Windows, built-in buffet, cream en " Dutch kitchen pantry, bathroom built-in bookcases, barn snd all out buildings. 2 orchards, all kinds berries. ore, 5 cows, brood sow. chickens cream separator, blaCKsmun - "r hay fork and carrier. 2 harrows, plow. S cultivators, all small tools, ful set splendid household goods, everyth'ng goes for only $6500. $3000 cash. 6 per CeDt' HARGROVE REALTY CO REALTORS, 122 North 8th St.. near Glisan. Broadway 4381. 215 ACRES CROP PAYMENTS. Here Is the opportunity hay been waiting for! 215 acre, of fin. t soil over 100 acre, under plow, balance very easv to tut under cultivation, plenty of berdes for horn, use; 30 "ere. In peaches, which are fine 1 .cr. .PP' fonm "nd" very rich: ,h." buildings are good, consisting of 6-room house, barn 40x60. silo 12x32. hen house, etc ga, engine and pump putting water In house a i nn,r knows what this Will produce, therefore says sell on crop payments. $2000 cash then hi of crops for 5 years, after which he will take . JC, for balance at 6 per BirK.s". in,., '-- - - cent. Price n-o per : F L. EDDY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & fO. . 01-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. . "FINE FARM GREAT SNA I . New York importer J"" "'.;,i nuicklv In his business ana win "-""' his fine 250-acre farm for near y One half its value. 100 acres in cultivation Irrigated: about 30 acres more can be rrigated. Plenty of water and good lrrA ... Aht mo. acres good fir timber 2.000,000 ft. by official cruise Family orchard. Buildings alone worth $10 000. Good, well-built. l -m k. newlv painted white, Is plastered and waTlsV tinted: cement 'basement, furnace . ia n,rrhr. front ana oacK. 1 large, new horse barn, large cow and hav barn milk separator house and good ,hepyaratror InstalleS with olln ln. for running same and other machinery. Shone: 22 mile, to high school, etc. No Incumbrance Price only ;-" L E STEINMETZ. 4O0 uernnger uius ' ' Main 6001 or Tabor 3224 , 8 ACRES UP THE rOlWIUl HIGH- . i nnnr 1-rnnm house, barn WAY, fAvr.Li s i--'' enufrd '- cow. poultry and hog fm v orchard, some, berries. abundance of water piped u''n1"" under 70 lbs. pressure: 1- acres i" - Mvatfon 2.1 ao?es river bottom. aln; highland, half acre late potatoes, half sere in corn, big family garden, five tcJ-A evtri good young horse. brood sow 'and 11 pigs: 50 cr1'"-er-m separator, other personal pn- Thls-faces the paved highway: a beautl- This races iiieiia hi.hnv and I ful view or tne .u.unii,. .o riVer' PTEWART & JOITN-SOV S1S Northwestern Bank Hlrtg. : n . Divpa PROXTARK. ' OXK "Al 'tie.! v level land. first-class soli, thousands of acres of ont rge adio.nlng S-room P'red " iow with complete modern P'mb'nf' - huge fireplace, another large hous two large burn, and all kinds of outbulld splendid orchard. 40 acres In culti vation i 15 cows. 1 brood sow, chickens. TurkeyV implements and tools. lout B0 miles from Portland, on the beautiful E-wls river. This is positively one of bf-rt stock propositions we have ever had listed Photos at office. Seven keen ialeVmen to take care of yon In con T with the aale of your Place ea w oerman Co.. Realtors, u Cham, of Com zi . e.ttip. viT.T.RT FARM. ;r.c'res stock and crops. 5500. All W. Jr. oVerTo. I. C. Jeed boar." sow- and ten nigs 5 1J Ten acres of conv 2. tons hav farm ' tools and other crops. hi n .. : A' TCletrlc station. Good plastered bungalow, silo, barn and out hul.d". County road. Everything for KTJACKTi,Tt R27 Corbeft Bldg. t rvnir t T .00 Tv ' 100 acres very finest land. It miljs from business .center of Portland, 7 acres cultivated. 10 acres pasture 15 acres heavy timber, no waste land house, barn, water system, Paving road in front of property, all neighborhood conveniences, beautiful view and ettlnj for gentleman's country home. Cash price $300 per acre, terms, and cn..u" 525 Henrv Mng. nrownway '320 ACRES CROOK CO. $ 1 S50. 2H0 acres level plow land. Has one rood horse, names", wngmi farm tools. Spring 100 feet from house . . j it Vnima n H ham. One mile .ohoo and church. Located on auto road in the Warm Springs dist. rrice $1830. 7M anwn. . RALPH ACKLBY, !S27 Cnrbett Bldg. BEAVERDAM. ..a- within u mile of 2 stations. IS miles to Portland. SO seres In culti vation. 20 acres beaverdam. balance timber and pasture. Tou know Tualatin I.-. Tnn,4. nr! the value: to close an estate will be sold for $5000 cash; yon cannot buy raw iana ior wu mj .. E. Howard, sin inamper oi uiii.ii.i a TJKAT. FARM. New 7-room house, two barns, two .i.. .-.ir hum. chicken houses. rood orchard, complete Implements, two running springs. 25 mlies from rortiano e nrlee tiso ner acre. Would con slder 40-acre farm or Portland home as ,u ' . . n n n V. .111 Ara.nn I part payment, .ur. .duc..., v . bldg. riowv. io... t,ivn n, rtf 3.1 acres. Beautiful home. fine barn. 22 acres planted In clover and alfalfa. Wonderful Irrigation and spring in Trout Lake valley. Wash., near White Salmon river, rrice jti.iuu. aooui th. value of house and bam. Fine summer home in view of mountains. AN 1000. Oregonian. 40 ACRES 14 miles from Portland. House i , BnPinv voter nineri to hllild- ine One mile from main highway. Port hpovprfiam. Home or mis iana hat better than 1150 pr acre rent for the last tnree years. nuw. vwuwi, i W. E. Brldwell. 120 K. 14th st. BY OWNER. 60 acres, well improved. close to school, church, store, fine soil and water: 15 acres bearing prunes. dryer, no waste iana. moaern ounaings. plumbing, storage tank, e Priced reasonable, terms. W. D. Mc- 1 t li i Z ff.rflfflHa hr Rt l I t- irprj in hoa-n of the Newberg fruit I WANTED Lot in fine district, hard sur 1,?RJa'L t?niy!l 111 faced street. AL f)27. Oregonian. ter,' fully stocked and equlpnd. wnKh or woon on oiace. aacrmce si ft.-,00. terms. Pee Merrifleld, 210 Oregon oin. ju. io-a I 40 ACRES for sale or radfl. fair build- j Ings. with or without Address 1 box S. B ' nn T rrnA .nil and aanTTntlt fill mile, from railroad station. $3200, k 1 cash. Tabor 1237. 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED FARM. 40 acres In cultivation. S acres In first-growth, timber, balance in slash and in pasture; fenced and cross-fenced. Watered by two good wells, good deep loam soil. Good family orchard, berries for home use and all crops go with place. New 4-room plastered house, barn 35x40 and all neces sary outbuildings. Located 11 miles north of Vancouver and ad Joining well Improved farms. There goes with the place 5 first class dairy cows, 2 heifers, good large team, 2 wagons, 2 sets of harness, 2 buggies, mower, rake, tedder, cultivator, 2 harrows, stump puller, cream separator and "a complete set of small tools: about 50 chickens. This is a real snap at $8500, $5000 cash, bal ance to suit purchaser. 88 acres, all tillable, about 8 acres in cultivation, balance Is slashed; plenty timber for home use; fenced and cross-fenced; 2 good wells and creek; 4-room house, barn 84x44, 6 cows, 1 heifer, good young team, 2 yearling colls, about 3 dozen chickens, hack, harrow, harness, cream separator and all crops go with place. Lo cated 6 miles from good small town on Pacific highway. This is a real buy at $4000, $2300 cash, balance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent interest 80 acres, all tillable, about 8 acres cleared. 9 acres In seeded pasture and tho balance in timber. Watered by one good well, spring and creek. Good 8-room bunga low, good low-end barn 30x40 and all crops go with place; and all necessary outbuildings. Large family assorted orchard. 8 miles from good small town on Pacific highway. The buildings are well worth the price as per the place. Price $2500, $1500 cash, balance to suit purchaser4at 6To interest PBRCIVAL & WATTS. Realtors. 6th and Washington Sts. Vancouver, Wash. NO. 479. BEAUTIFUL FARM HOME. STOCKED. ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 40 acres, all tillable, timber for domestic use, almost level, 32 a. In crop, well fenced, spring stream through place, family orchard, 1 acre of strawberries, other small fruits and shrubbery, good 8-room house. In good repair; dairy barn, fully equipped with modern con veniences; large silo, creamery, up-ground cellar, woodshed, chick en house and park, hoghouse and lot. buildings all painted, concrete walks; together with ten excellent dairy cows, 4 year-old heifers, registered Guernsey bull calf, heavy farm team, harness, wagon, mower, rake," plow, disc, double and single cultivator, harrow, cream separator, stump puller, 25 ton. hay In barn, corn for en silage, 300 bushel, threshed oats, chickens, all small tools. Auto stage and trunk line, 1 mile from good railroad town. An Ideal home. $2000 under market value. Price $10,500, terms. Thompson. Swan Lee. Realtors. Third and Main Streets. Vancouver, Wash. SPT,ENPIT ISO-ACRE STOCKED AND EQUTPPKD TUALATIN VAI.tEY RANCH, 17 MILKS SOUTHWEST OF ' PORTLAND. 1 20 acres rich bottom land in cultivation. Over 8000 feet of tlle inf, well drained into Tualatin river, which in the north line of ranch, balance pasture. 2 big: barns, 6-ronm houe, other neces sary outbuildings, 3 acres bearing orchard, 4 acres planted to logan berries, good water, 13 cows, bull, 10 heifers and calves, 7 horses, 1:0 hogs, chickens, geese, ducks, new Fordson tractor, all necessary farm Implements, barn full of hay, big lot of grain. Trice $30,000. You pay for personal property. Terms to suit on balance, J per cent. See SAM ITEWBY at J. U HARTMAN COjMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BARGATV. -160-ACRE DAIRY FARM. 160 acres, 4 hi miles Battle Ground, 25 cultivated, B-room house, barn 00x100, 17 tons oat hay, 2 acres potatoes, fine young team horses, weight 2flOO; harness, plow, drag, small tools, 2 hogs ready for market, 75 chickens and lot household goods, all for $6oU0, $3000 cash, bal. 6 years at 6. W. B. McCARTT. Battle Ground, Wash. 430 ACRES ONE-HALF 1I1LE FROM TV R til V fiRWHOM WREN. OR MOON, Ten miles from Corvallle, on good irravel road, 0u acres under cultiva tlon. All cleared but about 17 acres of timber. 70 acres of bottom land along Slarvs river. which forms southern boundary of land. Good eight-room house, larce fine barn, hay burn and other buildings. Family orchard, spring water piped to house and barn. Place all fenced. A good stock or dairy ranch, Offered for sale at SU.VOOO. Will take t'tOOO cash and balance to suit at 6 per cent. OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main fi398. 06 ACRES, IS In cultivation, on good roao, close hlfrft and grade actio), close Sandy, Or.; close Mt. Hood loop; lies good, free irom rock; will raise p acnes, prunea, onJons, anything you plant; good barn, orohard, small house. Price S400O: Si: (MX) down: assume SiKX) mort gaga, running liO years, 5 per cent: alo can have free rent on 10 acres, with SO acres In cultivation; lots pasture and fruit and fl-ne proposition for hoits. with pens and hog houses, by buying this 56 acres, rnis is a proposition lor some one. Write Geo. Beera, Sandy, Or. Phone ft.V 15-ACItE FRUIT FARM SA.NTIAM RIVER BOTTOM. Soil all In cultivation: 9 acres Munger blackcaps. J acre prunes, l acre straw berries, balance Al gard?n ground; 6 room house, bam and all necessary out buildings. Located on splendid gravel road, trice j,t(: terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 401 First National Bank tfldg., Albany. Oregon. "CLOSE-IN FARM." 100 acres. 45 acres In cultivation, bal snce timber and pasture, creek and many springs, '20 miles Portland, ry. sta tion on land. 4-room house, 2 barns, stocked and equipped; land lies good; orch a rd , berr ie. grapea. P ri c e $ 1 1. TA K. Good term a can be made: would take small farm or suburban tract for part. R. M. GATEWOOD ft CO.. 4th St. 17-ACRB FARM. 2. MILES OUT OF ALBA.VT. Chicken, fruit or dairy ranch, 5-room house, good barn, ohicKen house, brood er house, etc.: one acre strawberries and email fruit for family use: about 00 prune trees and family orchard. Price ViiMMi. l our own terms. WILLAMETTE VALLET LAND CO.. 401 First National Bank Bldg. WATEI REAL ESTATE. WANTED To lease for 2 or 3 year 12 or 24-room house in good residence dis trict, close in: must be modern and first-class. BJ AM. Oregonian. if YOTJ have a lot and offer at a bar rain for cash, situated west of Grand ave. and between Broadway and Oregon ste.. write an in, oregonian : WANT lot facing east between od ana 42d, Rose City Park: must be cholc, lot: am wllllii to pay the price. Tabor h:i.u. LOTS WANTED. Will exehanee Hudson super six for lot In Rose City, Laurelburst or Jrvlng ton. Broadway 2045. WANTED Modern bungalow to lease for 6 months with option or buying: give full particulars. AM 932. Oregonian. VANTEI Modern bungalow in Peninsula uisi.rii.-i mi -. u..i.i3. w 1 a nie In anv sooa aisincc, can pay $500 or more cash and good monthly payments. ia r. a:m ion ay. j WANT a home In Hawthorne or Sunny- side not too far out; about $4500. Call Main 7036 today, WANTED Lot In Ladd's addition, must .-k av oh? r u Pe oarga.in iur wi su. vn no., urcgonnn. WILL TRADE 1913 Olds 8 for lot on or near n nmnirue uivu. num. .hm-.-. NEW FORD to trade for lot, good district. h HOT. Oregonian WANX a Chtp house; can pay aoO down bal. monthly. J fWii. Oreyonian. WANTED - Lot In exchange for a Dodge car, cash difference. Tabor POfl. 1919 HUP MOBILE In A-1 condition as flxat vn j WANTED REAL F9TATE. TRADE YOVR PROPERTY FOR SECURITIES. Now la the time to get action on your property. We have a client who has guaranteed real entate mortgage and other high-class securities up to $l.Voo, to apply as first payment on city prop erty houses, flats, store building or other Income. Will pay balance either In cash or wilt assume. Expect to d-al on cash basis. List your property with us. O. H. SKOTHEIM, REALTORS. 40S-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1375. HAVE a cash buver for a house or flat. South Portland, up to $o000. See Mr. Richanbach. METZQER-PARKER COMPANY, UftiiV Oak St. Alain 6355. 6-ROOM bung., one floor or .1 down and 1 second; garage; not over $45t); can pav $100 per month flri't 4 mo., balance $:J0 month, with 6 per cent. 1 menn bualnesn at once: not a dealer; give size lot, loca tion, phone. V Ui7. Oregouian. WANT SMALL CHEAP ACREAGE TRACTS. Impossible for us to supply the demand for small, cheap acreage tracts; want some kind of buildings on them. Har grove Realty Co., 122 N. fith sL Bdwy. 43S1. . I WANT to buy a complete small nnme In good location, worth from $4000 to $5000: must be modern In every particu lar. Will use soldier's bonus for final payment and either pay cafh or give good security for balance. Phone East 8535. HAVE buver for R. C. bungalow up to $5O()0; $050 down. Also, for H or 7-room houso in irvintfton up to $0OU0 cash or terms. J. R. HATOHT. 327 Board of Trade Bdwy. 2015. Wdln. n20. WANTED FOR CASH. Not less than Vi-acro witl unobstruct ed view, not over 5 blocks to car. Street and jviriewttlks, fruit trees bfarmg. good neighborhood. If house modern. 5 or 6 rooms, give location and price; no agents. D 021. Ornnlan. HAVE buyers for 5-rooin bungalows, wiih small payment down and large iimn'My payments; also have party with im proved acreage nar Portland for 5 or H room houne on the east side. Ask for Mr. Newman, with John Ferguson, tier linger bldg. I AM ANXIOUS to buy a 4 or 5-room bun galow, semt-modern. for which I would trade my Nash six chummy roadster as part payment; car In splendid condition. T. E. W. 6110 Sflth Ave. S. K., Portland. Phone A uto. 2M-1 H evenincs. IF YOU WISH TO"iS !:L f7Y 6 U r'h orsR, flat or vacant lot, see us and gt results See A. Richenbtich, In chargo of houe sales department. MKTZCKR-PARKER COMPANY. Ifi!lf)n k Street. Broadway N"55. WANTED 4 or 5-room hunixalow direr! from owner In Hawthorne, Kot-e City or Irving ton district, clot"' to cur line. Must be reasonable. Will pay d.twn $1 750. Positively no agents. A $M, Oreconlan. ' VHLIK. T.nte model, a pretty car, mechanically perfect; a!ue $H1; (or lot or lots of equal value, on or near Willamette boulevard preferred. Phone Wood la wn Ts:i today. , A STRICTLY modern corner home In Noh Hill. $10,000- $12,000. No agent a D 9ol Oregonian. G. C. GOLPKNBEK'i CAN PK1,L IT. 424 APIMiTON; lnfii THIKD. MAIN 43. TABOR s;u4. "35 YRS. IN PORTLAND" "RKALTnit." IF YOU WANT TO SE LI CK TRADE YOl'R H 1 T S K AND LOT OR VACANT LOT, SKK ME AHOl'T IT. B. F. Kelly, Swetland bldg Main WANT 5-rooni bungalow, convenient M sissippl car line, .any where irom Ainfi street to Lombard. Priced $2u J.WMJO. See A. K. Hill, 4-ti Lumbermen building. HA VE Oldsmohile chummy, good condi tlon : will apply as first payment on or fi-room bungalow, balance $50 per mo, Prefer Alberta. Hawthorne or Sunnyslde district, hc !7, Oregonian. WAXTIN'ii a good income property In cit from $25,000 up to 150.000 7 I wan the lowest cash price. Name snd locatio In letter. Fro til owners only. AK 724, Oregnnlan. WANTED To buv from owner, bet wee Sunnyside and west slope of Mt. Tabor, modern fi-room nun gt low, an on floor; give exact location, price an terms. AddressAK 07S, Oregonian . WANT 5 or 0-room modern house. Hav $2500 equity In semi-buxlness proper t close in on East Morrison t. as f In payment. Might consider vacant lots. Kast ::!!. TO BUY or sell acreage east of b2d st see us. v get results. R. H. Confrev. Resltor, RITTER. LOWE CO., nl-2 3-5-7 Hoard of Trade FMg BE A LIT I FUL. almost new ti-cyl, chummv roadster, cost $2450; also corner lot, 10 mtn. walk to Hrosdway bridge. (live both for modern bungalow and assume, Owner. East 022R. WANT corner with hou.se, south of Col lege, west to 14th. Cash price. Want modern bungalow for client. Want Irvington lot. Cash price. CH AH. RINOLER & CO., 225 Henry bldg. WANT a 5 or 6-room hous. Albert a of Rose City Park district preferred; price must be reasonable. $500 cash, balance monthly; owners only. AM UUl, Ore go nlan. WANTED To buy 6 or 7-room bungalow with garage, in good residential din trict. Will pay $2o down and balance of payment like rent. B U32, Orego nian. 5 OR B ROOM IinrSES WANTED. PROSPECTS WAITING TO INSPECT. Make the price and trtns right and we can sell your houne for you. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCTT WANT immediately, modern $4000 housfi give city tots or cnoica -o acres near Oreeon Cltv: stream, some Improve ments; unincumbered. Owner, box 6S, Aatoria. OAKLAND car to trade for building lot in city. line condition, valued at by owner. Car at Sable & Armstrong Garage, 43d and Hawthorne ave. W. 8. Roberts. 1310 E. Clay st. WANT lot in Walnut Park or Piedmont or close-In acreage. Have Pulck 4 in good condition, and cash. Blake Adams, MiSi) K. l!th N. HOl'SES WANTED In any good district if your price and terms are right. ve can sell them. D. E. Dean Realty Co., 41 Chamber of Com. bldg. WANTED 5 or -room bungalow, terms no object If priced right. Our client must have a real buy in Iaurelhur!, Rose City or Irvfngton Marsh nil 32'. WANTED A small place not too far out Must have fair Improvements: o to 1U acres cleared, and on good road. Owners onlv. X 1.03, Oregonian. WANTED IU to SO-acre farm. From own er. Not too far from Portland. Prefer equipped place. Give price, terms, etc K fls5. Oregonian WANT 5-room Roue City bungalow belo hill, not over .mhhi. Have some casn. Will apply $3000 state loan, bal. month ly payments. A 013. Oregonian. $500 CASH and 20 acres unimproved, 5 miles tJstacao:a station, value iouu. first payment on modern home In good residential district, nroanway 3.m-j. WILL trade my high-clans touring car for cheap, unimproved acreage, even up. Hero Is your chance to get a real car. A d d re!s A M 1. re gonln n. WANT equity in Improved property for clear, unimproved acreage in Portland city limits; value $14,000. Owner, H 933, Oregoplan. WILL give Hupmoblle as first payment on 6-room Dunguiow. rnone Air. iiryon, Main 7101. Tabor 3300. WANT modern and well-located bungalow or house; must be easy terms. Deal with owner only. AF 15, Oregonian. WANT modern house In Improved district. New bun alow prererred. aiubi d easy term s. N 975. Oregonian. WANTED Lot In Laurelhurst; give lot and block number and your best price. AM 003. Oregoninn. WANTED From owner, 1 -story house, large lot. with fruit; good payment down. Tabor 2720. mornings only. ANT Hawthorne 5 or 0-room home, not over $3500. Down payment no object; no agents. AC !5fl. Oregonian. FEW ACRES next to river, no tile land: no more tnan 40 mues irom Jfortiand. J 002. Oregonian. WANTED Nice building lot between 17th and 25th streets, irvington; must be rea sonable. Address BC 020, Oregonfan. WILL TRADE my new Ford sedan for lot near feninsuia. inquire .ju Morrison, Room 203. WILL trade 1018 Maxwell, like new. as part payment on house. Prefer Rose City. East 4S31. LOT ROSE CITY, block from Sandy, from 30ift to outn, spot casn. am im, Ore gon fan. ANT equity in modern bungalow for clear apartment site, value $ tooo, east side. Owner. BC 10, Oregonian. WANT lot 1 block of Randy, between 50th and 0Lh; spot cash; Rose City. AM 901. Oregonian. WANTED at once, good 6-room bungalow with 1 acre of land, improved. 411 Cham. of Com, bldg. BUNGALOW, close in; must be bargain lor $iUUU. AN 8. Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT to buy for cash, modern Irvfngton home of about 7 rooms; mu it t be good houne and good buy. and prefer new house; no agents. H 1,32, Oregonian, WANTED Small bungalow for lot. Have choice corner lot on Sandy blvd., which I will trade on small bungalow. What have you to offer? MRS. SNOW, BDWY. 4004. hEAL MONKY-MAKER OPPOKTLN1T Y Retail dairy produce business in only public market, thriving city of 40,ouo; monthly counter sales $10,H0; each, business only; make own ice cream, milk, butter, cheese; owner making big money; books open for inspection. Will be sold very reasonably. Address P. O. box 2'H2. Portland. WANTED. Have buyer that must decide on home by the hist of this week; WHnts A or t! room house in good district not over S50O0. See us at onie. 1EK I'M & JORDAN, S23-4 Chttmber of Coiiituerro Bldg. 4i h and Stark Sts. Main 22X1. WANTED 0 or 7-room fairly modern house In tho Hawthorne dinirkt suitable for lure family; don't want to go over $ 2500 if posst Me, but do not en pec t a very modern place if it has actual value; have $5no cafh snd rcntonahle monthly pit y me n t s. i t F 03 5,C n- g o n I a n TILLABLE land In Harney county; prefer within a rudius of 5 mtie from Crune, Or., and on main highway to Iturn; mut be level snd suitable for irrigation. None oth?r than thoso finding It neces sary to facriflee for cr.h need apply. Alt f.7. Orrgonian. WANTED To buy a pleco of bUHlneet property on upper Washington stret with Home buildings that may ba used for ntor'; price nd terms must be right; please give, full data snd 1 wll get In touch with you Immediately. AN U13, Oregonian. WANTED, for a client, a duple or a large ho use that can be converted Into a dou ble house; close In, cast sidu. bee me Monday, C. M. 1'KRR. 1215 ?f. W. Ytank Bldg. Mar. ??V W E W A N T C I A S 1 : -1 N FA RM 3 AND ACRE AUK. If you munt to sell it costs nothing to let us know. Personal Inspection and In dividual attention. J. C. 'QR BIN Co . Resltors. L-wla Bldg. KlioM owneV modern, up-to-date, brick, apartment house. 12 to 15 apts . no In flation, west or east of river; also. 5 to ti-room house, or bungalow, vnny terms. low price. Full description and prices. AK 0':i. oregonian. WANTED From owner, ft-room modern houae, full )t, wil hui 1 A m I nut a car rule; will pay up to $25on; .VM cash, balance 35 per month. Phone Sundxy, 0 A. M to 12, or .Monday, 8 to l. Ta- b,r!:!i,-i: BEST home 1 can get f.r $.foo0 cs.th (xtai bonus loan, and $20tto clear property in Fort Collins, Colo., as:e.sMid $ 1 liHI. 1 o nM answer unless your property will a ppra for maximum service loan. V 015, Or-g-nnlan. WANT H'rSK Kgl'ITV; have late model nix-cylinder sutomobtle In excellent con dition, good tires and extras, si no good farm contract, drawing good rate of In terest and payable yearly. Phone Wdln, 3!",'1 or addnM K ft2. Oregon (an 1 AM havtniz a big demand for lot this week Make your price right and 1 can sell them. HARRY RKK WITH, Main HSr.H Itealmr. I'M 5th Ft. Bo. I S money, w jt fi moot hlv pa v nicntn now. ; homo wsnicd: good localit) ; give description, kind of houe, etc.. and prl'-e; must show north lit" money. How nir sfJiool ? a 2I, Oregonian. I WANT to get in (ouch wild partv who res 1 1 y want: to .e 1 1 quick and has 5-room bungalow In KunnvnJde, Nofe City or similar diMrict. A. K. Hill. 42H Lumbermen. bldg. DlIUl STORE We have several good buys. One especially for $7im0 thit is running better than $'( a dav. W cut on & Co., 12MH N. W. B.ink bldg, I A NT a ranch near the coast, either Clatsop. Tillamook or Linenln counties; would WUn some equipment; will give a good trade for hm h a place. What have, you? BC ItO. Oregonian. HA E hovers for huuea nr f la is on the et side, I can sell your property if your price Is right. JOHN SINGER. 4?0 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. KRoM OWN ER The best ft or A-room bungalow on paved ft. that can b bought for less than lumo cash. Prefwf Rose City. Hawthorne or Mount Tabor disti let. W m4. oregonian. WE-.lAA'E a clie'nt7wit h '"$1500, wants a, it-room house tn good district. Nut over $50on. L'NB'N SAFE DEPOSIT TRtTPT CO., Bdwy. net 2M Oak st HAVE a client wailing for a hou In wnjf good district close to car for about $20110, Write me at once, giving full Informa tion; buver waiting. .. .1. .1. MoCA RT 1 iy ,A htngton Bldg. 1 1 E S T A I ' R A N T . A good one fop Jisou. all newly deo orated, doing fair business. Now Is the time to get tn. Weaton & Co., 120d N. W. Brink bldg. FI V E iota. A Idei brook, Astoria; 4 20 -acre tractK. Mich. ; exchange for Port land lots. Portland bungalow, $3jo0. Sell on lease terms or tr.nle for grocery or other good business. 1 twner. Sell wood 21 i. MOVING PICTURE Hol'SKS A dandy c-hanee for f:i5du cash and others up to $25.MHi. Weston & Co 12mt N. XV. Bank h Id g. MoliKKN 0-room hotiao, fine repair, to trade for duplex flat or large houne that ran be changed Into a flat, near Irving ton sehool. S OKI, Oregoninn. BUNGALOW or cottage. Alberta, Roao City or Hawthorne districts; niunt be a bar gain snd sold on easy terms. H DHS, oregonian. WANTED A 6 or 7-room modern house In Irvington; must be in 1 block of car line and itiUNt be worth the money. Wood lawn 4Ht. I HAVE buyer for well-located east -aide homes; slve me a chance to sell yours. C. M. 1'KKR, 1215 V. W. B.-.nk Bldg. Mar. S23. APT. HOUSE, gross Income $1500 per month; nets $w; west side; ssuOU will handle. Consider some trade. 314 STOCK" EXCHANGE. WANT fi-room home luar M ikslsaippl car line, anywhere from A 1 her la St. to Lombard; $2 loo to $3000 value. A. K HiM. Lumbermen bldg. WANT good cheap lot In Rote City, Haw thorno or Richmond. HARRY BECK WITH, Mnln flM'.u. Realtor 10 Mh Pt WANT bargains In houao and mel iorated vaeant lots, be A. k. ..mi. 4 Lumbermen hidg LONG ESTAB LISHED. R ELI ABLE SERVICE. 1 OR 2 ACRtfS. oreKon City line, as part payment on 45m, modern nome, want ing distance, east ftidu. 8 U22, Orego man. BOOTBLACK STAND. Doing a good business and In a gnod locution, lease; $-"o eash for quick aa,le. West on Co.. 12"H N. W. Bs nk hid g. WANTED From owner, brick holrl of apartment house. Price iju.iiou to is.1., (mm). Will pay mostly rash; stats full de tail In reply. AF 017. oregonian. WANTED West side, il or b-room house walking distance. Trice not to exceed; fiiooo; only bargains considered. E. J. Qei.ter. 417 Cham, o f Com merce. STUDEHAKER car, BUS sale or trade for one or more lots. Al condition. Call Tahor 807. WANT house equity: have snappy, late model car. value $MoO, to exchange Tor same. See owner. 420 Lumbermen bldg. GOOD Dudge machine and cafh for 4 or o-room modern bungalow in good dis trict. Bdwy. 435. MODERN 5-room bungalow desired by ex- service man. Can pay some caah god a p p Iv state bonus. C 0-'7. Oregonian . WANTED Home In Portland up to $3000; have first mortgage on Tarm to trad f or. Ow ner. A R 014, Ore g o n i a n. I WANT the best 3-room bungalow that I can get fur $5000. Phone evenings; Kaat 75SS. WANTED 5 acres of land, close to Port- laud, state price and location. AK IKHS, Oregoninn. WILL trade Ford touring bought last De cember and rafh for good improved lot. AK !. Oregonian. WANTED FOR CASH. Kent bungalow about $3ooo. .T. A. Henkle, M2 Gerlinger Bldg. WANTED 4 to 5-room bungalow or cot tage. Give price, terms ana location,. K H7ff. Oregonian. WILL pny caah for lot on Lombard st. near Denver ave, price must be right, E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Com. TWO-APT. house in 3. H. -Hawthorne dis trict; must be in good condition ana bar gain. N IMtn. Oregonlun. WANT roMdvnce lot for sc en-panciizc touring car In Al condition. Uuti h Ruth N. WANTED 2 good valley farms; wanted. good acreage, nose in. write J. ji Musirrave, 01 1 Going st.. Portland. WANTED Immediately, a rooming house, 10 to Bi rooms, unfurnished, west side preferred. Phone Main Q:t':.t. Mrs. Lee. WANT 10 rooms, west side; $1250. bo me terms, 14 STOCK EXCHANGE. WANTED FEW LOTS north Alberta st.J will pay cash. IL W. Cary, K. W, Bank bldg. CASH for lots or close-In acreage. R. W. Cary. 1210 N. W. Hun K hidg WANTED Model n home, bee ad. "ReaU iuu te Exchange." a. cnien ave.