c: TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 11, 1921 ft REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 Railway Exchange Bid.. 3d and Stark Sis, Main 6102. We have many bargains In every part I i me city. 13200 (500 down: Rose City, (-room bungalow, built-tna; cement basement with plpeless furnace; large lot with fruit and berries. $4200 ft-room bungalow In Alberta district; i block to car; a Deorooms; this house Is In excellent condition; terms. 12250 l.vwi dnww. 4-room bungalow. rood plumbing; 50x100 lot with trees and shrubbery. $5000 Easy terms; 9-room house on paved street; full cement basement, fur nace, garage; a dandy place for the money. 14500 A rery pretty bungalow with 4 bedrooms, finished In oia ivory; garage, Am f . Hn.,. anmA hnvr t PT m . $3700 $700 down; 2-story house; 31 pretty bedrooms and sleeping porch; full I cement basement; garage. $4000 Good terms; splendid Alberta bargain; in excellent condition; 5 large rooms finished in old ivory; full cement basement; double garage; 1 blocks from car; must oe seen to do apprcti- m ted $2500 Some terms, 4-room bungalow! in A-1 condition; run cement wuciucui, i $5800 Small down sayment: a Rose City home that is hardS to beat for the I money; on pavea street; oiocs. u See this today. ATTRACTIVE- SUBURBAN HOME splendidly bnllt; H4-story bunga low type house of 8 rooms replete with everything modern; electric lights, gas. Bull Run water, big garage, caretaker's bungalow of 3 rooms, poultry house and run, "beaverdam" garden that's a won der; ONE ACRE OF GROUND; right at station on Oregon City carline, 7 miles from Portland, asphaJt road all the way; one can motor into Portland in 25 minutes; here one can have all the mod ern comforts of a city home; price only $8500; the house could not be built for that money. For in spection phone or see J. W. Crossley, with ELROD A DRYER, "Better Types of Homes." SSS Stark SU Broadway 11SS. BEST BUT IX LAURELHTJRST. $6500. VHW BUNGALOW. Colonial 6 rooms and breakfast room: garage; laundry trays, furnace, hardwood floors, all built-ins and conveniences, a beautiful style bungalow; built to please the most particular person; only $1500 cash, balance like rent. 996 E. HOYT STREET. Open for Inspection Sunday, 10 to 12 and 2 to 4 P. U. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO.. 331 Stark SU Realtors. Bdwy. 5358. Sun. and Eves. 319-0-7. r'PRVirR MEN! Von will find our office ready to ad vise and assist in regard to applying the bonus loan to tne Dest aavaniagij. Wt have a large listing of houses and lots in Portland. Our building depart ment is prepared to submit plans and Owners of farms and houses who wish to dispose of their property wun- out delay will ao wen to usi iauui with us. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO., Established 1SI6. 20S-9-10 Oregon Bldg. Portland, Or. ' HERE IS A FINE 5-ROOM BUNGA-' LOW FOR ONLY 3300. ON TERMS. Rooms all on one floor, extra-larr j Hvins room, fireplace, largre winaowF, isrva arohn-ov in t h Hinlner rOOTTl. kltch' en with built-ins, modern bath room, -fine bedrooms, attic and basement, nice lawn, lots of flowers, street and sewer all in; located on East 8th St. N. ; (1000 cash, balance easy terms. STEWART & JOHNSON, Sir. 'nrthwptprn Bank Bldff. BEAUTIFUL Laurelhurst bungalow of 6 rooms; one of the prettiest California i i V. 1 V aIk.. 4 lot t-irr DUnSiilOW 1U I II IB lllbil-Li-ioo fully modern, pergola porches, flowers ana snruoDery ttaiure, me . uilchu. ivory and mahogany, French doors con nesting living and dining room, also SUn porcn. enown uy aiwiiiiiiifi.. Price reduced from $8300 to $7330; terms O. A. PEARCE COMPANY, 201 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 4835. bach pttv 7 rrwims. sleenine Dorch. bath, lavatory, built-ins, hardwood floors, large front and rear porches, full cement basement, furnace, fruit closet, garage, shrubbery, 10 fruit trees and chicken run, 100x100 extra lot, will bring $1000 any day; block from Sandy blvd. Al condition. See owner, 634 E. 60th st N. Tabor B29. Price $70uu. iT.-RTTRT TYTKTRTmV 4-room new bunealow 13000: 2 bed- AAmt nntch kitchen, breakfast room. I combination living and dining room, $000 cash. Aut. 311-1 J. BEAUTIFUL BEAUMONT HOME. A 6-room house with sleeping porch. furnace, fireplace, all built-ins, hardwood floors, cabiitet kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, etc.; 50x100 lot; garage and cement runway; city improvements all paid; price $7000; will take small bun- . gaiow part payment; vacant. RUMMELL & RUM M ELL, 274 Stark St. LARGE1 MODERN, 11-room house, on choice corner, close in, on the east tide, has always been used for a home, but is suitable for a rooming house. flats, or anartments. Hardwood floors. 2 sets of plumbing, fireplace. Can be handled on very easy terms. Owner leaving city, wants to make a quick sale. For particulars call at 404 PLATT BLDU., 11 ya.rK street. t BRAND-NEW ROOMS. ONLY $2500 EASY TERMS. This little home is ready for you; tinted walls, best of plumbing, wash I tray beside sink, kitchen and bath white! enamel; seiiwooa car to nans ave., walk I cast to 76'-'; key next door. SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 411 Abington Bldg. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. $1030 at $150 down, balance easy terms. 7-room house, more than 4 big lots, chicken house, plenty fruit trees, 1 block Woodlawn car, near 15th street .North. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 137ft i IN ROSE CITY PARK. BY OWNER. Come out today, 639 East 50th st. N., strictly modern 5-room bun galow, built by day labor; all the built ins, improvements paid, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, attic. iz win dows, cement basement; furnace, laundry trays, upen an day. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 6 rooms and sleeping porch; furnace, I rirepiace ; cement Da semen t ; on nard- urface street, close to car and school; I property is on E. 10th ri.t near Alberta. I REVERMAN INV. CO. 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2054. EAST BROADWAY. CLOSE IN. Well built, attractive looking home on this fine street: 8 rooms (4 bedrooms). good plumbing, furnace, house is in good 1 condition and ready for occupance Sept. lo. .price oniy sttiou; can make terms A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. HERE IS A SPLENDID BUY. $3:?50. terms, takes this beautiful modern 6-room home; conveniently c ran zed. furnace, electricity and eai: lots, garage, chicken house, frdlt and I shade trees, lawn. lots of berries: rood I neighborhood, one block from car. Come I and see this. Owner. Phone Aut. fi.37-77 ALBERTA $3850. New one. just being finished; 5 rooms, all on one floor, all modern conveniences: 2 blocks from car. This is a real buy; $700 cash, balance like rent. W. M. Umbdehstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. NEAR UNION AND BROADWAY. DESIRABLE CLOSE-IN LOCATION. 6-room residence, modern, in best condition possible, worth looking into; It'a 375 E. 1st st. N. that dandy home near ocnuyier, or can main dim. QUIN. 206 Morgan bldg. Rea 1 to r. BY OWNER, 7-room house in Holladay aqu. rami y wim ouiii-in unen closet; larsre clothes closets, etc. Two tniit rolled rim bath and sink, wash trays, fas and electricity; all improvements in ' and paid for; a .sacrifice at $3800; terms. LAURELHURST Beautiful 7-roetu resi dence; to advertise description would not do justice. Must be seen to be ap preciated. You can save amount ot commission by buying direct from ow& er. 087 East GMsan. Auto. 224-5$. ALAMEDA VIEW BUNGALOW. " 6-room, hardwood floors, maple floor in kitchen, furnace, fireplace, finished in old ivory: gas range and gas water heat er goes with place. This Is a good buy at $iS00. Phone Woodlawn 4468. SHADY SIDE OF SUNNYSIDE. 6-room cottage, lot 33x100, sewer and city water, 1 blocks from car, 5 1 oiocKs iron, scnooi; .iuu aown. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 403-6-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. L PIEDMONT $4750l My 7-room house must be sacrificed. Phone for appointment. W. M. Umbden , atoclc A Co., sUO Oregon bidg. .Broad - REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. CNEW) ALAMEDA PARK BEAUTY. If you are on the market for a classy little bungalow, let us snow you tni it has 5 rooms, floored attic, cement basement, wash trava all built-ins. wonderful breakfast nook, cabinet kitch en. furnace. fireDlace. oak f loora through. -out. finished in ivory, tapestry paper; 50 xlOO lot; garage; city Improvements paid price oniy ttuu; lerma, easy. $5000 BROADWAY. SNAP. A 6-room house, with furnace, fire. place, built-in features: cement base ment, wash trays, sleeping porch, large living room, finished in Ivory, tapestry paper; vacant and In A-I condition; oui 100 lot; lawn and roses; on E. Broad- way; this is without any exceptions one of the best buys in the city; city im provements all paid at the price of $5000; terms to suit. $3150 ON SELLWOOD CAR LINE. A 7-room house with basement. Dutc! kitchen, etc.; 100x113 ft. lot. fruit and berries; hard-surface st. and sewer in and paid; price only $3150; $650 down oaiance terms, (vacant.! $4850 ROSE CITY PARK. A S-room bungalow. Inlaid hardwood noors, urepiace, bullt-lns. Dutch kitcnen large clothes closets, with windows: ce ment basement, laundry trays; east front; 60x100 lot; garage; $4850, with terms. RUMMELL & RUM M ELL, 274 Stark St 6-ROOM bungalow, unusually attractive, o lots planted to bearing fruit, 3 cows. ni hens, good buildings; price 60UO, uuu aown, oaiance monthly. Suburban home, 100x200, 5 -room house, beautifully finished: eood carafe: sani tary cow barn for 0 cows, chicken house. all kinds bearing fruit and walnut See this and you'll want It, $6000, $1500 casn. $-,000 Two acres, 6-room house, build lngs for chickens and rabbits. You can make your living off this. $1000 cash no ix&aes. 8. M. BORLAND. Auto. B29-04. Sunday Tabor S122. 303 Stock Exchange Bldg. WEST SIDE HOME. Franklin at., Willamette Heights, most beautiful view over city, best home environment; 8-room modern house, great living room with fire place, hardwood floors, large din ing room, breakfast noook, ideal kitchen, 4 bedrooms and bath; level 50x100 lot; price only $7300; must be sold quickly; $2000 cash will handle; see J. W. Crossley, with ELROD ft DRYER, "Better Types of Homei." 283 Stark St. Broadway 1188. $300 DOWN PAYMENT. ROSE CITY DISTRICT BUNGALOW. An unusual snap in cosy, new bunga low home on corner lot; built right basement, gas, electricity, complete bath, Dutch kitchen. 1 block to car: rood- sized home at the remarkable price of sl'suu, cash, bai. 3U a mo.; con structing without speculative profits ac counts for this price. Onr list has other unusual snaps. Call ns before you buy your home. O. H. Skothefm Co., realtors, 408-11 Couch bldg. Main 1575. Builders and financiers to home builders. VERY attractive and well-built Rose City home: extra-Iarce livinjr-dinlng room. hardwood floors, tapestry paper, indi rect ngnts ivory enamel, rirepiace, win dow seat, two bright and spacy bed rooms with closets, white enamel Dutch kitchen with oreakfast nook, floored at tic. cement basement, jcaraee with ce ment runway and floor. A little home you would be proud to own. Price $4iu0 $730 cash. O. A. PEARCE COMPANY, 201 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 4S35. Specializing in Rose City Homes. ROSE CITY PARK BARGAIN. $600 CASH, BALANCE EASY. New bungalow, strictly up to the min ute; garage. Price cut to $4830. Hurry, Mam caul. BOONE-CLEARWATER, 503 Couch Bldg., Realtors. Always Terms to Suit. ROSE CITY PARK. 729 E. 47TH ST. N. A beautiful well-built home. 6 rooms. B bedrooms, sleeping porch, 2 bathrooms, large living room, breakfast room, fire place, furnace, garage; east front; paved sireet; terms, uvvner, Aut. aia-oi. ALAMEDA $5050. I am forced to sell my new bungalow, 5 rooms on first floor, 2 good-sized rooms could be added on second floor; has hardwood floors, plpeless furnace, breakfast nook, artistic wall paper, ga- ra pa in had lnraftnn rsatAnalila tor m si W. M. Umbdenstock ' Co.. 210 Oregon bids. Broadway 1H0S. Key Sundays and evenings 'at 4 Ulenn.ave. N. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL,. Only for a fine 8-room with 2 Datns, toilet ana wasn trays; also nas a fine large furnace, has double or sin gle entrance) as desired. Can be used as two apartments, ana only fiuuu casn. . A bargain. F. Li. blanch ard. realtor. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Mar. 829. IRV1XGTON" HOME. S rooms. 1 blocks from Irvlngton car; near Knott St., first floor, reception hall, dining room, living room and Dutch kitchen and hardwood floors: secord floor, 4 beautiful bedrooms and floored attic; full cement basement and good furnace, beautiful lawn and garage; price ?8jOO. easy terms. Owner, East 5G.6. 7-ROOM home, -story bungalow, 5 rooms on xirst xioor. fireplace. Duiit-ms, Dutch kitchen, cement basement. 2 lots lOOXluO. fruit, good place to keep a cow li you wisn; wooastocK antrlcu Price only 40uO; 1500 cash. O. A. PEARCE COMPANY, 201 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 4S35. TERWILL.IGER BOULEVARD. Modern 7-room house with about 6 lots, facing boulevard, extensive view an ideal combination of city and coun try nome: price u.juo. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor, 243 Stark st. Main 831. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. t.100 down. Your own style home of o rooms, dainay living room, z oearooms. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, etc., full lot, balance only $&!00, monthly, terms reasonable, (jail Main QUIN, 208 Morgan bldg. Realtor. NIFTY Irvlngton bungalow, $37o0. terms; d rooms, strictly moaern. narawooa floors, built-ins, furnace, fireplace, large living room, large porch, full cement basement, garage, east front, gooa view; improvements all in and paid. Owner, East 8403 ARB YOU GOING TO BUILD? We can save you money. Will help you plan ana aesign your nome. Tabor 8196. WEST SIDE WALKING DISTANCE. 5-roem cottage on Nartilla street. about half block from Multnomah Club. Price $3700, T."i0 cash, balance like rent. j. M. BKUWN. 1122 y. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. AM FORCED to sell, by owner, beautiful rustic, modern 4-room bungalow, fur nished or unfurnished, built-ins in kitch en, large old-fashioned fireplace, won derful view. 2142 E. Ullsan, or call la bor 7795 Sunday morning. fSo0 NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Just finished, best buy in Portland; complete In every detail; easy terms; shown by aODointment. W. M. Umbden stock & CO.. 210 Oregon bldg. Broad- way 10.s. MT. SCOTT CARLINE. fHOO. Inslds lot 50x100. city water. 6 fruit trpa. half block from car: S300 down. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 403-6-7 Panama Bldg.. aa ana Aiaer. WAVERLE1GH HEIGHTS 4300, fine new bungalow, incluaing gas range, .rluua heater and radiant fire; some terms. Call Monday, Sell. 1032, 658 E. 28th St., owner. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY PARK, strictlv modern 50x100 lot: a complete home on E. 46th st. and must be sold; $5450, flOOO down, reasonable payments. Phone A. 623-17. 1 WILL sell my 4-room house for $1500; good neighDorhooa. w. ai. umoaen. stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1BJ8. 14730 PRACTICALLY new, R. C. P. 5- room, aen. lurnace, urepiace, outlet, at tic; garage; louxiuu; on sanay. Tabor 804. Main 4803. IVORY finish, 5-room bungalow, furnished or unturnlsnea; between lielmont-Haw-thorne car lines, near 49th, Owner, Tabor 413. 9 ROOMS, all h. w. floors, full lot, con crete garage, first $h7o0 orfer gets this, so come and buy from owner direct. AN 20. Oregonlan. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Six-room house, nicely furnished. 2 blocks to avenue. 13600; $1200 cash. Tabor 4299. Evening. Tabor 7608. . ACRE and 4-room house, 4 blocks to car; price oniy ii.. terms. ,jo casn. nice lime place; otner anaps. uarland, 201 3d St. . 5-ROOM house on paved street; full lot. fruit trees, cntc-Ken nouse; good loca tion near two car lines; would prefer to sell with furniture. 764 Halght ave. IRVINGTON New 8-room house, 25th and Bunion its. mono but U.VL. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ONLY $1800 TERMS. 4-room bungalow; -paved street; sewer 40x100 lot. Waverlelgh Jits. MT. TABOR $2000. Cosy little brown bungalow, 4 xms. nd attic 88x100. SEE THIS. HAWTHORNE ONLY S4000. 6-room bungalow, cement basement. H. w. noors, corner lot. garage; ua GAIN. WUST MT TATtOR ONLY 14500. Your own terms. 5-room modern bungalow, full basement, fine hot. water heating system, H. W. floors, fire, place; in excellent condition throughout DUlltins. mt Tipnn rnr nvl AT. S4S0O. This is a rare' bargain, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, large rooms, tun uase ment, furnace, H. W. floors, fireplace, bookcases. line puiiet, nouoia ium ing; 50x100 lot. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg.. Mar. 3993. AT lUVni BKAT. RIIK11ALOW. $6500 5 elegant rooms; brk. nook and iuu-lioorea attic; uhw ui. It is a Jewel of a bungalow; pos session at once. TRVINGTON. $4750 Bungalow for two; 5 cosy rooms, oak floors, fireplace and furnace, r, vitrhcn rharmlnir bedrooms; Ideal location; fine lawn and shrubs. . - TRVTNGTON HOME. $9500 One of the best homes In all Irv I.e.,.. .nnaktln. nf ft large. Well' arranged rooms with a delightful S. P., more than the usual bullt 1ns; finish and construction best monev will buy: large garage. If you want a real home see this. . MT. TABOR. $2650 6-room, two-story, in best of con dltion; east front, fine view; ga rage; full lot. C. M. DERR, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 224 S. lovivf.Tnv New modern 7-room house: living ii iiri.i lining room 14x16: Dutch kitchen,' entrance hall. 4 French doors hAtween llvlne: ana aining room, stairs, mahogany rail; 4 bedrooms on second floor; tuea Datn; Dest 01 piumu Ing, paper and hardwood floors through .Tr,on.ivA lieht fixtures, windoa shades, fireplace, full cement basement, a-araee. This home is first-class and I. in Inln 623 E. 81th St. N. New 5-room bungalow; living room 13x26, plato glass window; large dining room with Duttei; jjutcn micura K.-nlrfaat nnnll- 9 iftr?A bAdrOOmS! harU- wood floors, oanered and decorated throughout; window shades, light fix tures, furnace and garage, ij.0 E. litn St. N., near Fremont. , . One attractive 6-room California bung alow: select vour own paper, window h.rlA. snri llrrht fvltnres. 637 E. 21st St. N. Open week days from 8 to 4. Phone Woodlawn 4841. Herman Nelson, owner and builder. ROSE CITY HOMES. Make your selection now. $7500 Alameda drive; swell bungalow, view, corner, beauty, near car. $6490 5-room new bungalow; artistic interior finish very best; garage, view., corner, nobby place. $5595 0-room new fully modern bunga low; near school; big value. $5245 6-room; handsome interior ar rangements: near boulevard, priced conservatively. $4990 Corner; new bungalow; very pretty interior; hardwood floors, garage. $3495 5-room new well-built bungalow; a dandy buy: fair terms. Haas & Murphy. 403 Stock Ex. Bldg. Marshall 3:124 or uaoor m.m. BY OWNER BEAUTIFUL NEW ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. This home is complete and awaits your Inspection; you've seen nothing in this district to equal this lovely home; tapestry walls, fireplace, built-in writing desk, bookcases, hardwood floors throughout; built-in buffet; large break fast nook: wonderful Dutch kitchen with new linoleum; convenient bath with lav atory, recess bathtubs, shower bath; 2 large bedrooms with closets: floored at tic; cement basement; good furnace; garage: lot 50x100; street and all paved; easy terms. 049 E. 47th St., or call Broadway 1446. FOR SALE BY OWNER. If you are looking for a snap In first class income property such as flat build ings and houses all furnished, store buildings leased taking in 18 per cent on your Investment. Increasing in value every day and alwavs rented, address H. A. Robinson. 3S1 Ross St., Portland, Or. Phone East 8616. FOR SALE. Beautiful new 8-room bungalow In Laurelhurst close to park: has all up-to-date and modern conveniences: Gasco furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, hot water plant, garage, built-in features: will sell furnished; all new and luxurious furnishings; must be seen to be appre ciated; price reasonable, a Address 1201 East Ankeny. Phone- 224-23. IRVINGTON SNAP. MODERN. Large reception hall, living room with fireplace, dining room, large built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, furnace, 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath, up; only $5500. E. R. S., 513 Couch bldg. Main 5694. MR. AND MRS. HOMES EEKER, JUST LOOK AT THIS. -RAAiitiful modern 7-room Rose City Park bungalow; hard-surfaced streets and all imp. paia. very cnoice iruit, flowers and foliage. For only $5500. J. B. HOLBROOK, Realtor, 214-215 Panama Bldg. LAURELHURST HOME. 6 rooms, modern, large lot, centrally located, 2 fireplaces, shower bath, built ins, fireless cooker, furnace, all modern conveniences. $7750. will take automo bile as first payment. E. R. S., 513 Couch bldg. INVESTIGATE IRVINGTON. Seven rooms and den, fireplace, fur nace, buffet, plate glass windows, large porch, corner lot; 26th and Halsey; $5500; easy terms: see this at once. Main 5456. Sellwood 2.109 Sunday. NEAR COUNCIL CREST. SMALL CASH- PAYMENT. A fine slx-rooms-and-sleeplng-porch home; gas heat, 2 toilets, tapestry paper; 208-ft. frontage; garage. $5500; Immedi ate possession. J. C. CORBIN CO.. Realtors. Lewis Bldg. A BARGAIN. Rlx rooms; acre; paved streets; fruit, berries; very convenient to car and school; close In at 722 B. 39th st. South; a mighty good buy for somebody for $3500; $500 cash and a long time to pay the balance at 5 per cent. Owner. SUBURBAN BUNGALOW, $350 DOWN. Dandy little o-room oungaiow, nearly new, built-in conveniences, gas heat, Ruud water heater; lot 100x125; 2 blks. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. -ROOM bungalow, built for a home and in splendid condition; narawooa noors throughout; large rooms and all the modern bullt-lns. You will want it when you see it, at $9000. See Vail, 909 Wilcox bldg. Main 4441. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME AT PRE-WAR PRICE. Strictly modern 10-room residence: splendid condition: garage, beautiful grounds. It is a pickup. Owner leaving city. Terms. Marshall 24SB. $750 DOWN. ATTRACTIVE ROSE CITY bungalow: all up-to-date features; paved st. close to "R. C." car: choice location: Bth st. Don't miss this one. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. . YOU PAY TO SUIT YOU. WILL BUILD TO SUIT YOU a home on corner East 57th and East Ash streets. leu me wnai you wanu F. H. V. Andrews, 604 Piatt bldg. Mar shall 6025. WEST SIDE RESIDENCE. On 21st near Glisan; modern 7-room house in good condition; lot 50x100. Price $0000 and terms. HENRY w. uouuaku, rteanor, 243 Stark St. KILLINGS WORTH $2850. My home must be sold: 5 rooms; good neighborhood; $500 cash, balance like rent W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. . BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. WALKING DISTANCE. Close In. strictly up-to-date, large lot. restricted district and a wonderful home. Phone evenings. A. 623-17. ALAMEDA PARK SACRIFICE. Colonial style, center hall, large living room, sunroom. all oak floors, ivory fin ish, garage; consider bungalow in part trade Neuhausen. East 394. Main S078. RVINGTON BUNGALOW CORNER LOT. 6 rooms, sunroom, oreaaiast nooa, ga rage; very attractive, well built: modern. Neuhausen. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. $500 down; East 20th near Clinton. 6 rooms and two lots; berries, large chicken houses; paved streets all paid. See A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. CLOSE-IN BARGAIN. Verv easy terms: neat 5-room house; corner: paved streets; bet Union and Williams aves. Total price only $2885. See A. K. Hill. 42B mmoermens piag. 800 WILL sell my 5-room bungalow, modern, full basement, cement walk; 50 xlOO lot; must have $800 cash;- in an swer I n g givephone;H 9690regonian. I3SIH) $600 DOWN, $40 month; 5-room bungalow; unisning in uays; owner on premises Sunday and Monday. 2806 E. 43d st. Richmond car: take small auto. 903 E. 32 D ST. N. See this modern bungalow today. Open for inspection. In Alameda Park. Ready lur occupancy. Owner, REAL ESTATE. For SaleHouses. READ THIS FOR BARGAIN. UNDER PRICED $1000. ' Must sell by September 15, beautiful large 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors on reception hall, living and dining room; complete built-in Dutch kitchen: 2 large, airy - bedrooms with bath be tween; entire lower floor done in white enamel; art brick fireplace and book cases in living room, lovely buffet with mirror in dining room; large attic, floored and plastered, could be made into 8 rooms; full concrete walled base ment and laundry trays; paved street and everything paid; located within 1 block of car, about 5 blocks south of Division, near 21st; priced to sell by the 15th at $4250; terms. Call Mr. Chessman today at E. 5861 or Main 208. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. S Chamber of Commerce Bids. Main 203. SPECIALS. $210(J $100 down, in southeast district New 4 . rooms and bath; cement basement, laundry trays, double constructed 50x100 lot. Easy payments. $2900 $100 down; 5 rooms and bath. Double constructed; cement base ment, laundry trays; on 72d sU S E $3500 $200 down. This one has 3 nice bedrooms m the attic, partitionea orr. besides 4 rooms aown. New never occupied. Well constructed. $2250 $100 down. On 70th St. S. E.: 50x100 lot; 4 rooms and bath. cement basement, laundry trays. For good buys these can't be beat. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALiOUS. Shortest Way Home. 264 Stark St. Main 583 and 1094. Open today. HAWTHORNE. Attractive new 5-room bungalow on full 50x100 corner lot: all street lm provements in and paid; large living rooms, ivory finish, tapestry paper, nara- wood floors throughout, fireplace, buf fet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room. 2 large corner bedrooms, built-in dresser in bathroom; cement basement; tun floored attic. OWNER. I TABOR 8196. CALL MONDAY. ALAMEDA PARK. New bungalow, 6 rooms, 2 sleeping porches, breakfast room, most modern and up-to-date of its kind. First floor all hardwood floors, tile bath and show- er. Bathroom fixtures of latest design; best grade of tapestry, paper; hot water heating; full cemented porch, garage. 8 biks. west of Broadway car at bub Dunckley ave. Terms. Low interest on mortgage. Call owner, Wdln. 2553. Open hunflay. WILL sell mv modern Laurelhurst bunga low: one or the most attractive ana best built houses in the district; a bung alow with plenty of room, music room, large living room, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room. 2 bedrooms and bath on first floor; maid's room on second floor; well selected shrubbery; in fact, an ideal nome. lo arrange for Inspection call owner. Tabor 44CS. Open Today. J. A. WICKMAN CO. WEST SIDE VIEW HOME. Strictly modern 9-room house with double sleeping porch, lot 100x100 feet, east front, excellent view of river and mountains. One block from Westover car. House finished In eastern oak; dining room paneled; 2 baths and toilets. Price $16.000 real bargain. In excel lent condition and can be bought on terms. For examination call owner,. .Main zi3o. KENTON Brand new, strictly modern 5-room bungalow with garage at 38 East Wlnchell St., between Minnesota and Montana. Living and dining rooms have hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in book cases and buffet. One large bedroom and 1 sleeping pch. ; bathroom equipped with white enameled plumbing and shower bath; cherry and walnut trees on lot. Call Automatic 324-58 or see owner on premises today. $5500 $1500 CASH. BALANCE MONTHLY. Five-room bungalow with sleeping porch and sewing room upstairs, break fast nook, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, French doors between living and dining room; furnace. This beautiful home will be completed by October 1. JOHNSON-DOPSOX CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. HEADQUARTERS FOR LAURELHURST HOMES. LAURELHURST TRACT OFFICE, EAST 39TH AND GLISAN. DRIVE OUT TODAY. Big bargain. 6-room Colonial house, close to the park. Four brand-new bungalows; prices range from $5900 up to $7500. Phone Tabor 8433; evenings. East 77:18. HOUSE of ten rooms, four lots, suitable for home, boarding house or sanitarium or maternity hospital; steam-heating plant; everything in good order. Low price; part cash, or trade for income. Owner, A 973, Oregonlan. HOME AND INCOME. HAWTHORNE. Modern R-room home arranged for 2 families; on paved street close to Haw thorne car: choicest part Hawthorne district. Price $4600. Terms. Don't miss this bargain. See A. K. Hill, 46 Lumhermens Bldg. ALAMEDA. - New swell 6-room bungalow, modern In every detail and respect; garage, etc.; won't describe it, for It's worth looking at: people copying the design of the place. Call Main 3806. QUfN. 206 Morgan Bldg., Realtor. ROSE CITY SNAP. Very artistic 5-room bungalow, closj to Sandy; hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, built-in buffet,,Dutch kitchen. $750 down, rest easy monthly payments. For appointment PHONE WOODLAWN 4468. WEST SIDE. 6-room house In fine shape, large lot 100x200 ft; has garage, barn and chick en house; fine lot of fruit and berries; 1 block to street car. 12 minutes' ride to courthouse. Price $3850. $1000 down. Ralph Ackley. 527 Corbett bldg. $3500 KENTON DIST. $750 CASH. Cosy 5-room bungalow with alp. porch, fireplace, complete kitchen, good base ment furnace, garage; 75xl00-foot lot some zruit: beautiful view. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 y. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BY OWNER Beautiful home. 100x100. on the peninsula; modern 5-room house and garage: run basement: reception hall. etc.; 100 ft. from car; 16 bearing fruit trees, walnuts, cnerry, apple, pear and plum. Price $3900, terms. Columbia 786 or Auto. 638-77. WE CAN build - your house at a big saving; artistic, up-to-date plans for your approval; can help you finance; have desirable lots. W. M. Umbden stock ,& Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broad- wav 1B58. IRVINGTON SWELL HOME Near 22d and Thompson; owner moving to coun try. wUI sell. Center hall, elegant large living room, sunroom, library, 3 fire places. 2 bathrooms. A REAL HOME. N'euhausen, 8:10 N. W. Bank bldg. NEW HOUSE, modern, nearing comple tion, for sale by owners; on paved st., 4 blocks west of Woodlawn school; will finish to suit A bargain. 295 Bryant St.. corner Cleveland ave. $3750. No. 945 'Weldler at. cor. East 31st; A snap. House contains 6 rooms, sleeping porch. F. H. V. Andrews, 604 Piatt bldg. Marshall 6025. ALAMEDA PARK SACRIFICE $5950. $750 cash, balance monthly; Immedi ate occupancy; 7-room house, oak floors, center hall, garage. Neuhausen, Main 8078. East 894. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE. Modern 7 to 8-room house with double garage, on corner lot At 265 E. 15th. WILL finance you for a house on youi own plans on one of the finest view lots at Mount Tabor, block from Belmont street car. Owner, 615 Railway Excn. bldg. Phone Marshall 1585. 8-ROOM house on 37th st, near Laurel hurst park. Furnace, hardwo'od floors, garage, corner lot 55x100. Price $4500. $1200 down. See owner at 527 Corbett bldg.. or call Tabor 604 Sunday. SELLWOOD BARGAIN. $1500 for my 6-room cottage, 2 lots, 3 large cherry trees, pears, apples, plums, etc.; 1 block to car; 6-cent fare; 15 min. out. 615 Chamber of Com. bldg. IRVINGTON CHOICE COLONIAL. . COR NER, near both car lines. Vapor heat, tile bathroom, oak floors, plate glass. $12.500. Neuhausen. Main 8078. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. Small payment down, balance like rent. This will not last long. 280 E. 77th st. North. IRVINGTON COLONIAL $0500 6 rooms, extra large living room, ivory finish, 3 bedrooms, garage. Neuhausen. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. East 394. BY OWNER One-half acre. $2600; five room house, large barn, fruit and ber ries: 1526 E. Burnside. Tabor 5537. SUNNYSIDE 8 rooms, corner lot, fine location; taKe auto as part payment $3500. Main 632L U ACRE. 5-room house, fruit, berries, gas electricity. ' $1800; terms. Main 3072. McFarland. Realtor. Failing bldg. 6-ROOM flat, all h. k. rooms; $250 han dles. Easy terms. 143 1, 11th st Phone Bdwy. 3S69, $500 DOWN, rest like rent, for a 4-room Oungaiow wild uiiv i. u tuu .aruen 4.1 1239 E. 24th St. N. BY OWNER Modern 5-room bungalow. Rosa city, no a. uia n, ia.oor loua. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. 893 EAST 48TH ST. NORTH. A modem, finely arranged, at tractive bungalow, breakfast room, attic, hardwood floors, concrete front porch, inclosed rear porch. Rector gas heating system. Radiant heater in fireplace, fine dry base ment, garage, trees, shrubbery, good soil. A chance to get what you really want. See today be tween 12 and 5 P. M. Owner. ROSE CITY PARK. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. Dandy 5-room bungalow and garage; very nicely furnfehed; both the house and furniture as good as new; full lot; fine lawn and slirubbery. $4750 unfurnished. $5300 furnished. $1000 down unfurnished. $1500 furnished. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. MAIN S042. BEAUTIFUL NEW COLONIAL $6S00. There is not a house In the city like it: have Just completed two 795 and 799 East Madison and 23th. One Is sold. Drive by and look at the other. $23,000 homes ail around it. You will get some ideas. O. W. TARR. 793 E. Main. East 6918. I build and finance homes for others, wny not lor you? LAURELHURST RUNG A LOW. PRICE $8500. $3500 CASH DOWN. Beautiful new 7-room bungalow; the niftiest and best constructed horns in Laurelhurst; modern to the minute; double garage; fine lawn. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. MAIN 3042. ROSE CITY PARK Beautiful 5-room house on Wisteria, near 50th. Built for a nome; moaern tnrougnout; narawooa floors, breakfast room, many bullt-lns; attic, full basement and garage with ce ment driveway. $1000 will handle. Mc Clure & Schmauch Co.. 306 Railway Ex change bldg. Main 150:1 HOW'S $300 DOWN? Four-room cottage, modern, garage, chicken house, garden, corner lot; near Richmond district, etc.;. but, get this, balance only $1450; monthly terms Call and see QUIN, 206 Morgan Bldg.. Realtor. IRVINGTON $5500. Compelled to sacrifice my 6-room house, furnace, garage a real oppor tunity. Phono for appointment. Mr. Boehm, 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1S58 FOR SALE BY OWNER. , 5-room bungalow, almost new; location In Rose City Park; has every modern convenience; attic, cement basement, ga rage, finished in old ivory, trimmed with mahogany. Ideal arrangement. Phone Tabor 2969. - . PORTLAND HEIGHTS 6-room new co lonial bungalow, nearly ready for occu pancy; select your own furnace, tapestry paper and light fixtures; inspection of workmanship, design and floor plan In vited. Take auto as part payment Main 6327. 6-ROOM house In St Johns; east front, newly shingled, refiniahed Inside and out: large lot with alley: plenty of fruit Good car as part or full payment for mv equity of $900, balance of $300 pay able by $10 per month at 6 per cent lnt Call at 2040 East Couch st. $3300. HAWTHORNE-AVE. DISTRICT. No. 270 East 2Sth St., Just off of Hawthorne ave. Home contains 8 rooms besides attic. 3 fireolaces: easy terms. F. H. V. Andrews. 604 Piatt bldg. Mar shall 6023. IRVINGTON BARGAIN! SEE THIS BUN GALOW. 620 East 10th st. near Stanton (open today). Would accommodate two families: 6 rooms down. 2 and sleeping porch up. BUILT BY OW.NEB. MUM sell. Neuhausen. 830 N. W. Bank bldg Main S07S. East S94. . 344 WASCO STREET. $5000 Owner will sacrifice modern 7 room house on 50x100 lot; completely redecorated and In splendid condition; $1000 down and balance on easy terms. Phone East 3439 or see L. H. Hoffman, 707 Gasco Bldg. IDEAL 7-room home, 2 large lots; fruits, flowers, sleeping porch, bath, electricity. Choice location, good schools and cars near; early possession: onlv $3500, half down: nee It soon. No. 4431 53d ave nue S. E. ' , ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. $5950. Six large rooms, hardwood floors. Ivory finish. Luxemburg kltchPn with linoleum; leaving city. East 1347. IRVINGTON NEW COLONIAL. EAST racing, on nun street between rmcauai and Fremont. Open today). Best con struction, old Ivory, art paper, oak floors. 2 fireplaces, garage. Neuhausen. S:10 N. W. Bank bldg. Main S07S. East 394. PORTLAND HGTS. home for sale. Fine location for family witn ennaren: aireci ly opposite Ainsworth school; 9-room house. Bleeping porch, garage, large yard; vacant October 10. $13,000. one half cash. Address AR 9S2, Oregonlan. LADD'S ADDITION $6500. Splendid 6-room home In first-clat.s condition. Just redecorated and paint ed: near 20th and Hawthorne. HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor. 243 Stark St. Main 831. WOODLAWN. 6-room house, best buy In the city, now vacant, 5 years old; 1 btk. from paved st; subject to small city liens; terms. See owner, - 621 Henry bldg. Broadway 1734 ON THE edge of Eastmoreland, 3-room house, lot 30x100; 2 cherry trees, grape arbor and shrubs: water, gas. electricity and sewer connections; 1 blocks to S' hool; 4 blocks to car. Phone Sellwood 2026 or Tabor 6137. Price $1750. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $4200. Modern 5-room. has large combination living and dining rooms, built-lns and Dutch kitchen, cement basement and furnace. 50x100 ft. lot. near 13th st. Ralph Ackley. 527 uorbett Ding. NEARLY an acre of ground, all kinds fruit, roses and Bhrubbery; new 5 or 7-room up-to-date bungalow and barn, poultry houses, etc. Well located on corner 53th st and Powell Valley road. Phone own er. Auto. 636-20. IRVINGTON charming 5-ROOM bungalow, extra large sunny rooms, hdw. floors throughout: finest tapestry paper., Gasco furnace, extra well constructed; price stkou; snown oniy py appointment Main 6327. a nnnn tvy New modern five-room bungalow, all Improvements In and paid; Hawthorne district; li diocks car; line neignuui hood. $4650. terms. Owner. Tabor 73IH1. FOR SALE HAWTHORNE. New 5-room bungalow, modern corner lot. East 37th street, on terms. mortgage. Street improvements paid. Owner. Tabor 699. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW SNAP. Original design, lovely, large rooms, ivory finish, oak floors: something extra CnOlCA. IJAnVTAl.. ..CUIIrtUBCII, "JU W. Bank bldg. Main S07-S. East 894, BEAT. SNAP TODAY ONLY! From owner, 6-room modern house, garage, 1622 East Glisan. near 62d; will accept small payment down. bal. --like rent. 5-ROOM charming bungalow. LENNOX ADDITION, Woodstock car line: it's nlftv hai everything except hdw. floors. Will appraise at $4000. Must sell; take $.,000; snoppers. con aiinwci. itm uj-i. "KENTON BUNGALOW. tsn-n rfown: orett- place. Indeed: two bedrooms. Dutch kitchen, etc.: payments $23 monthly, rnone aiain ooun, or van yLI.A, -"n mm sail mfc.. ..num. a nwipr.T.TVfiS. ouarter block, west side, near Multnomah club; paved street, cor- ner $l.-.iniu; oarKitin. neiiia iw mw. Main 3672. . McFarland, Realtor. Fail- Ing bldg. c-tuui c.-.tin CASH. 8-room house on 'paved road and car line; full lot; close tO SCnOOI. 3ir. n.rc, "M A J. De FOREST & CO. (Realtors.) 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. BY OWNER Just finished, 5-room bun galow, floored attio, full cement base ment, firepl., built-lns. artistic through out; reasonable terms. East 43th, 1 blk. south of Division. $4500. $3500 BUYS 5-room moaern nouse. lot 120x100; 16 bearing fruit trees: . $1000 cash, balance terms. Will consider light car. 6113 83d street S. E. KWINTON $1030. 5-room house; $500 down, balance easy, A real buv. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1638. FOR SALE .by owner, new modern five- room oungaiow. nose uir i-ar. cornci of 46th and Klickitat Will be on the ground Sunday. Broadway 1833. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. 1 BEFORE BUYING SEE T B NEUHAUSEN CO.. HKA LTUIto, 830 N. W. BAN K. MAIN 8078. EAST 394. 7 ROOMS and den, hardwood floors, fur nace, fireplace, laundry trays, garage, in Hawthorne district. By owner; also furniture for sale, auio. .-q-ii IRVINGTON SMALL BUNGALOW $5S50. 5 rooms, attic, breakfast nook, garage, oak floors, fireplace. Ivory finish. Neu hausen. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow. $5500. Five rooms and bath; hardwood floors, tap estry paper, fireplace, furnace, garage; all new. E. 4144. . IRVINGTON LARGE- HOME 16TH ST., 8 rooms sleeping porch, finished third floor, $8000; terms. Buy before 1925. Neuhausen, Main S078 BEAUTIFUL 5-room bungalow on 55th st near Powell,' only $3300. Phone owner, Auto. 63-2. FOR SALE l-room house cheap; 40x100 lot 1 blk. from car. Owner. Call Wdln. 1560. Cash and terms. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. MEDIUM PRICED HOME-- H AWT HOP MR. 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors. fireplace, cement basement, concrete driveway, all built-ins, finished attic $4500, $730 cash; easy terms. 8-room. m -story bungalow, hardwood floors, fnrtiap. firenlAce. rarage. paved streets, block to school; $4500, $1000 casn. ROSE CITY. 6-room bungalow, below hill; furnace, x rirepiaces, garage, 1 blocs: xrom car, snap, $5250; terms, ' 7 rooms and slpenlnr -DOrch. close In, -furnace, hardwood floors, garage; only I485U, terms. AT.ivrni PiPir 5-room bungalow, strictly modern, hardwood throughout, attic, garage $5600, $1500 cash. tr 1'ivr.Tnv 5-room strictly modern bungalow, hardwood throughout garage; soiou easy terms. 6-room bungalow, best district, hsrd wood throughout, tlln hath, absolute modern, garage; cut from $7500 to $6300 lor quick sale; terms. Our cars at your service. T I? HilCHT. Office, Bdwy. 2045. Res., Wodln. 6260. 327 Board of Trade. FARKROSE SUBURBAN HOME. OX COLUMBIA HIGHWAY.. Only 1 block from end of car line, modern 6-rm. bungalow and breakfast room, hardwood floors in the main rooms, large fireplace, full cement basement. This Is on a corner tract, ground size lOOx 330 ft. Improved with all kinds of fruit trees and berries. There Is also a large chicken house. If you will Investigate this place you will realise Its true value. Price only $7500, $2000 cash will handle It J. L. HARTMAN COMPAyT. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. Farkrose Branch Office end of Park rose car line. Open every day. LAURELHURST HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER, $16,500. THE BEST HIGH-CLASS 8 ROOM HOUSE IN LAUREL HURST; BUILT FOR A HOME. THIS HOUSE CONTAINS EVERY FEATURE THAT IS DESIRA BLE, INCLUDING TILE BATH, HARDWOOD FLRS. THROUGH OUT, GASCO FURNACE. AUTO MATIC HOT-WATER SYSTEM, CEMENT PORCHES. ETC. : ON A CORNER LOT 00x100. WITH A FINE LOT OF SHRUBBERY. FOR APPOINTMENT, CALL MONDAY, MAIN 4077. FOR QUICK SALE. 5-room bungalow, finish old Ivory, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment; on corner lot, street paved and paid for. Can sell furnished or unfurnished if taken this week; can deliver good bargain In this property. WAKEFIELD FRIES & CO., Realtors. 85 FOURTH STREET. $837.50 equity In new 4-room modern bungalow on car line: wonderful lltt home; will take 1920 Ford touring Al oaianco terms. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Butlt-ins. basement, laundry trays double counstruction. E. 32d it. Take good building lot and $400; balance like rent. We photograph and get you what you want. nroauway zodl. SCHULLER AND CHAPMAN, 424 Board of Brade Bldg. ST. JOHNS. Good 5-room house; lot 80x100. Fruits, berries, etc. A splendid corner. PRICE $2300; $500 CASH. Balance like rent SALOMON & CO., 307 Railway Exchange Bldg. LAURELHURST. The Addition With Character. By owner, distinctive, modern 7-room residence, finished in ivory enamel and heavy oak rioors throughout; highest grade tapestry paper and plate glass, large concrete garage and full lot. A pleasure to show you through, worthy ot investigation. Terms. US7 Last Gli san st. APARTMENT BUNGALOW. $500 DOWN. Balance easy terms. Here Is a new and very attractive little bungalow with combination living and dining room with patent wall bed. Dutch kitchen and one large bedroom; 50x100 lot. Convenient to acnooi ana canine. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, RI1TER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MODERN BUNGALOW $11100. $100 cash, $15 monthly buys brand new o-room plasterea bungalow, elec trie lights, gas, bath and toilet, con crete foundation, on large lot. 40xluO. floored attio. 4 blks. from car, a house of this size cannot be built for less than $2o00. xou will have to hurry. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 73: Cham, of Com. HAWTHORNE AVENUE. CORNER EAST 34TH STREET. Modern home, 7 rooms and sleeping porch, cement basement and furnace. fireplace and built-in features; 50x100 lot ana spienata garage. Price $6uo; gooa terms, inn property has specula tive possibilities by reason of its loca tion. E. M. BROWN. 1122 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. 8 ROOMS $5500. Just the thing for large family or boarders. Take a look Hid E. 16th st: 60x100 lot; the house is old but in Al condition, newly decorated; cement base. ment, gooa. furnace, easy terms, SIDNEY G. LATHROP, 411 Abington Bldg. PIEDMONT. Six-room house for sale, fine condi tion, hardwood floors downstairs, fire place, furnace, lull cement basement, fruit closet, fruit trees and roses; short walk to Jefferson high and three car line,; $1000 down, balance terms. Owner, Woodlawn 4975. CARPENTERS. This 5-room cottage has splendid possibilities; good plumbing, excellent basement 50x1 fui lot: located on E. Harrison St.: $805 cash. $1900. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Realtors. Cor. 3ftth and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463, LAST CHANCE. Purchase this bungalow style duplex house; six rooms each; hardwood floors, plpeless furnaces, gas ranges; Radiant fire, living room, double garage. Not sold by 15th for rent to adults only. Wdln. 2295 Modern BUNGALOW, 4 rooms. BEST IN PORTLAND; $2500, terms. Phone Qulnn, Main 8506. ROSE CITY PARK NEAR SANDY. Come out and see this new modern -bungalow, southern ' style. It 1s ready to move Into. Will sell on terms. Call at 798 East 72d. street. North, See owner. $1770 $325 CASH. Dandy 8-room house, full basement; lots of fruit and berries; near car and school. A good buy with $325 cash, balance monthly. Wdln. 1238. 990 E. 24th Norths 6-ROOM house. $500. To be moved off a lot at bant oist ana nurnsiae bis. mis house, when moved onto a near-by lot will make a good home at a total cost of about $1600. 1580 E. Burnside, or AH 935, Oregonlan. OWNER of a modern well-constructed 7-room house in center, ot irvlngton must dispose of his equity quickly; an excellent buy very little cash required. Full particulars, phone automatic 326-22 Sunday or evening. FOR SALE To settie estate, 5-room house; partly lurniancu, near o.un anu E- Morrison street, $3000; no agents. V 986. Oregonlan. SIX-ROOM Rose City bungalow, hard wood Iloora. urepiace, an moaern con venlcnces. By owner. Auto. 331-05. LAURELHURST, 8 rooms, new colonial: best buy In town- Inquire 136 East 43d St.. N. 6-ROOM bungalow on corner lot Alberta district; L bioca xrom car line, owner, East 4919, goo $550 CASH, neat 4-room .bungalow, fruit trees; paved St., near 2btn and I Sandy. Tabor 864. . Alain 480$. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Mouses. l.AI'Rl.-.t.lIl"RST. $12,000 If you are looking for a home of the highest class, it will be a pleasure lor us to snow yo tnis. This nas never oeen o fered for sale before. ROKK flTV PAR K. $5000 We have a real home In the cnolcest part or mis nisinci. Please let us show you this sn . compare it with others you have seen. HOSE CITT PARK. -We have the largest listing of bargains In this exclusive ais - trict. and we can give you rea service as we know values. Out branch office at 50th and Sandy Is open Sunday for your conven lence. AN' OPPORTUNITY. $3200 $350 down. A neat 4-room bon gaiow and 8 large level lots, ex cellent soil, lota of berries anc young fruit trees, well fenced. This Is a very pretty home, is on paved street with pavement paid The owner is unable to mki Payments and must sacrifice. This would make a wonderful chicken ranch or truck garden. ulve us an orrer. $500 DOWN. $3300 Balance like rent A modern room bungalow on paved street, close In on east side. All im provements in and paid; half diock trom car. H1LLER BROS , Realtors. 211 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 89. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Tnhor 84S5. Open Sunday. ROSE CITT PARK. $4250. I ROOMS MODERN. Very choice location, H block from Sandy blvd. and car line, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, breakfast nook, full cement basement and garage: $1250 down. Mr. Mack, Aut 329-31. THE BEST PART OT IRVINGTON. A beautiful 7-room house and sleeping porch, garage: It must be seen to be appreciated; price $12,000. cash $5000. bal. terms t suit, or will take a lot on west side up to $5000. See Mr. Rlchanbach. METZGER -PARKER COMPANY, 269 Oak St. Main 6355. IRVINGTON. Modern, well-huHt 8-room house. Hardwood floors throughout Full lot. Garage. A fine home, reasonably priced at $7500. SALOMON A CO., 307 Railway Exchange Bldg. WESTMORELAND LOTS. 50 lota to choose from. For prices sn terms see me (I live there). John B no war a realtor), 518 Chamber of Com merce. ROSE CITT PARK. 6-room house East Everett St.. Just i-anoy roaa ; basement, bath, all lm provements In and paid: price only $3200, $350 will handle, easy terms on balnnce, jonn a. Howard (realtor), 818 Chambe or i ommerce. $So0 BUYS 50x87. with very good 3-room nouse; iioeral terms. SI700 buys good 4-rnom house, bsth toilet; lot 03x100, covered with milt; 2 blocks from school, 4H from car: $200 cash. $2000 buys one of the most attractive 4-rnom homes with built-in fea. tunes, rurnace, batn, toilet, gas, elec. ; -niixioo lot, sewerage, side walk; near car: terms. $8000 buys a Rose City up-to-date bun gaiow; yes. Its all there! Charles Houck. Realtor. 932 C. of C. NO. 1 5-KOO.M new bungalow, modern. .?nuir, lerms. No. 2 5-r. cottage on Grand ave.. $3300. No. 8 7-r. mod. home near Jefferson nign. $5500. No. 5 5-r. good home on East 7th st .-orin, S2.VH!. No. 6 acre on 41st and 63d ave., $17111). No. 7 6-r., bungalow style, on East 12th st., $3600 Call at 747 Union Ave. y. MONT A VILLA. triTiio. This Is an attractive 7-room home with newly tinted and painted Interior. Dutch kitchen, living room, dining room, one oearoom ana natn aownstalrs. s bedrnis, upstairs; AOxtno lot with poultry houses Assorted rruu ana perries; very reason- aoie terms. RiriHRDW. MAST, Realtor, R1TTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3.5-7 rtonrd of Trade Bldg PORTLAND HEIGHTS. VACANT. A splendid home of seven rooms and sleeping porch, modern In every de gree, finished In Ivory enamel and In absolutely perfect condition: beautlfu view, select neighborhood: to close estate will make attractive price and terms. SAM L R. NORTON. 611 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 2326. Main 4099. DUPLEX HOUSE OR DOUBLE FLAT BUILDING. 5 rooms and bath on first floor and 3 rooms and bath on second. Isrge bas ment and two laundry trays: sUo floored attic. Price $..2.0: half cabh. balance or, time. This property will net over 10 per cent Trom present rental. E. M. BROWN. 1122 V. W. Bank Bldg. Main 2422. 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH IN PIEDMONT $5900. Ideal location, close to jAfferson high, library. Peninsula park and best car service In the city: oversize lot and good double garage; splendid terms can be srranged with purchssrr who can make good monthly paymAnts. E. M. BROWN, 1122 N W Bank Bldg. Main 2422. GO TODAY $500 CASH. 5 rooms and bath, floored attic, cement basement. fireplace. bullt-lns; paved street; tinting and fixtures; balance nf $4000. $40 monthly. 58 Jessup St., corner concord. SIDNEY O. LATHROP. -411 Abington nidg. 9-ROOM modern house. Hawthorne-Rich mond district: large lot: paved atreAt all Improvements In and paid. Hns hardwood floors, large living room, bullt lns In dining room, den, breakfast room, Dutch kitchen. 4 bedrooms and pias tered attic Built for a home. Sell wood 2207. HOUSE AT MULTNOMAH. $2300. Tretty bungalow, fireplace, ga rage, modern, near school and station, $300 down, balance ensy. CORDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 1370. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Owner must sell: 5 rooms, breakfast nook, tile bath. Ivory finish, tapestry paper, hardwood floors, fireplace, good furnace, laundry trays, garage; save commission. 1104 Laurelhurst ave. SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT. From owner, 4 rooms and bath, east front. 71 East 80th. near Stark. 2 car lines. Call East 611. Key at 888 East Washington st. WEST SIDE Walking distance. 7-room modern nouse. in tirsi-ciass condition; fine corner lot with garage; this Is a real harraln st $"1000; easy terms. E. J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD 5-room house; modern and base ment: almost new; ciose to scnooi sna car. $2801; terms: $300 and $25 per month. See at 6444 44th St., S. E. Phone Auto. 630-00. $3250 ItUYS a six-room house on paved St.. corner lot, (Wixiuu; onuoie garage, full basement; rents for $35 a month; a bargain: $400 down. Wdln. 5684. ALAMEDA PARK. 7-room. new, modern house: owner will sacrifice; no dealers. Automatic 313-80. MUST SELL, by owner, five-room modern house and garage; lot iihiiihi; iruit treo. and shrubbery. Call 1064 Kelly st, end of N. S. cars. VERY attractive 5-room bungalow, fine lawn, shrubbery, imoaerate price, tail at 710 E. Richmond. URSES, attention. Good 10-room house, 23d st near uoon Samaritan no.pitau $6500. Terms. AL 7, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL new 7-room. strictly modern bungalow, tapesiry, narawooa, garage, $0S50. Terms, HAVE good light car as first payment on modern oungaiow or nome. w ui, Oregon la n. EW 4-ROOM bungalow, enamel finish, full basement. $2150; $150 cash. Tabor 4209. BY OWNER 7-room house, newly reno vated, jiiiiXHHt lot wim lois ot iruu, on terms. For information call Wdln. 3644. ,-ROOM house, lot 50x150; 2 blocks from car. A gooa ouy; s-'.ioir; nan casn. 4543 (list S. K. Auto. 615-64. 4-ROOM house and lot. 50x100; $450 cash If taken this week. 9032 6lilh ave., S. E. Mt. Scott car to Lents. EW BUNGALOW open Sunday; modern throughout: paveo street; reaay to occu py. 1260 East Alder IF YOU are looking for a bargain In a 6- room Sunnysiae home, can Tannr o.tio. FOR SALE 5-room houseboat. No. 23, Oregon laciu ciuo, eeuweea -. REAt. F.STATE; For Hale Houses. $320011000 DOWN. HAWTHORNE TWO-STORT. 6 large rooms, cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays, fireplace, fine buf fet, bookcases, 5uxl00 corner lot. with double garage. " HOLLADAY NEAR IRVINGTON, $5MI0 A RARE BARGAIN. 6-room. two-story resilience, H. W. floors, fireplace, full basement, fur nace. 6nxlo0 lot, large garage; NuW VACANT. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. VIEW SITE 50x1011 ONLY $5230. 6 rooms with all bulltin fealures. fire place, full ba.L-ment itn an extra room finished; furnace. LAURELHURST ONLY $5930. $SOO DOWN. 6-room modern bunga low H. W. floors, beautiful fireplace, bookcases, buffet, Dutch kitchen, fu.l basement; furnace. MARSH A McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Hlrtg Mar. 3993. ATTENTION, MR. GROCERY MAN. BUSINESS LOCATION AND HOME COMBINED. HERE IS A FIVE-ROOM BUNGA LOW LOCATED ON M'.x?S CORN E It WITH THE BUNGALOW IV Tlli-1 IN SIDE PORTION: FEATURES SUCH AH FIREPLACE, DUTCH KITCHEN, FUR NACE, FULL CEMENT BASEMENT AND GARAGE ARE ALL THERE; Tllll CORNER IS VACANT AND THERE H NO OTHER GROCERY STORE IN THIS NEAR VICINITY OF THIS WELI. POI'ULATED DISTRICT; $1250 CASH WILL HANDLE THE HOME ANU IV YOU HAVE ENOUGH CASH LEFT T') BUII.D AND HANDLE A SMAI.I. STORE. THE OPPORTUNITY IS EX CELLENT: TOTAL PRICK ONLY $4.."l. ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN ASH PAID. LOCATED ON JIlI.WAVklH ST. R. L. MrGRKW. 109 HAWTHORNE AVE, TAPOR 92. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Attractive 5-room bungalow, large attio. Ideal location; occu pied only a short time and for sale by owner at reduced price. If you want a good houae, don't fail to see this place. 12SS East Pine. Near corner of E. 41st st -. CLOSE TO KENTON BANK. Two up-to-the-minute 4-room bunga lews, located , on the corner of Halleclc and Burrsga its.: these are dandy little homes with combination living and din ing room, hardwood floor., two sleep ing rooms with plenty of ventilation, kltrhert and breakfast alcove, lots of bulltlns. full set of excellent plumbing, book cases, linen closels, beautifully fin ished in enamel and French grsy. They both have cement basements and cement porches. The prices are very reason able and the termj easy. We are the builders and owners. Key at 10S0 Penln. aula Ave. KYAN REALTY BUILD1NO CO. REALTORS. 415-16 AMngton Hldg. Marshall .IMS. . WESTMORELAND. 1234 East Eighteenth Street 75x100. FINE NEW Five large rms. snd bath, BUNGALOW double constructed, enam el finish throughout, ce ment cellar, fine fireplace, oak floors, all bullt-lns, linen closets. linoleum, largo floored attic, shades up; close to Milwaukle ave. car; reasonable price nd terms; will divide lot If desired. Main 51133, or Gill, 332 Railway Exch. ALAMEDA TA UK $50110. This home Is positively priced $1000 below value, a lovely bunsalow with large living room, tile fireplace. French doors, beautiful bufret, wonderful Dutch kitchen with smoke hood, hardwood floors In all rooms, largo floored attic, cement porch, hot-sir heat, garage.. Really, this Is one of the most artlstlcal Iv designed bungalows we've ever seen. You'll like It. Owner will tiike $10110 down. Call US today (Sunday). Comte & Kohlman. Main 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce bldg. "i7i i i:ti i.-1-r. itnsK CITY. A beautiful home on 5rtth st., on the hill. This Is a six-room home and sleeping porch, with a good attic. It has Just been newly pslnled and pa pered and la thoroughly modern, and we consider It one of the best buys In the city. There Is a garage with a con crete driveway. It is a corner, lot and close to the car line; $2000 cash lll RYAN' REALTY BUILDING CO., " REALTORS. A1.1-1B Ahlnston Hldg. Marshall 84! Divk-ii HiiAD SPECIAL. It acres with H bearing fruit trees snd all kind, of herrlc. right on paved highway and 2 blks. from "'" " Oregon City line. Large house w th ,8 bedrooms. gs furnaco and bullt-lns, D-uriine chicken house snd small barn THIS IS A BUY FOR $4900 AM) SHOULD NOT BE OVERLOOKED. Reasons hie terms. Auk lor F. U Mar- ",a"- "frank l. mcquire -nl"'Jr h'.'.'," Va.h sndM S.narr8' TAPESTRY BRICK BUNGALOW. Near I'ark Laurelhurst Nosr Lake. 1203 EAST OAK STREET. SEE IT TODAY. Built to SAVE imi-sEWORh. and UPKEEP. Splendidly satisfies all demands for economy, comfort, convenience, appear ance, durability. For m by builder. J. H. KEATING. ais. Board of Trade. Main 4134 $8500 VALUE FOR $63m lis i l. " " T . . . . f,,l , modern. , A oeauiinu se,-n-, , - . double-constructed home, located on a very scenic lot Iil0x2"0. having 3 walnut trees. 11 prune trees, 4 cherry tree, snd II sorts of berries and fir tree.; thli home contains a new $(150 llasco fur nace and ha a lavatory on each floor, only 2 blocks from the car: owner forced to leave city and Is ... riflilng for quick sale: $1500 rsh and terms OTTO HARKSOS. 413 rh.mherofComtiieri-e Main 3n. FOR LARGE FAMU.Y. This home is one of the b-st bargains th.t we have hud listed with us for some time. It lot atcd on ount Scott on a hard -surface street. 2 blocks from the car. It ha. eight large room all In the best of shape. 2 1-v"",.r""r: arize. 1110x100 lot; a very well-built home. Th'nk of It. only :;on. J" sssessments against the property; $10n0 will handle. OTTO HARKSON. am rh.mher of Commerce. Main 639". EXTRA SPECIAL BARGAIN. Five-room double-constructed bunga low In the Peninsula district only block from Willamette blvd. and 2 block, from the car; fully modern snd up l date even to having a furnace; Mixioo lot and no assessments sgalnst the prop erty only $1730. $inill cash will bundle, OTTO HARKSON. 413 Chamber of 'ommejcMshl 6""-- LXURELIIURST llllSGALOH Plve-room bungalow, block and half from the park, beautiful vie home, fur nace, wood fireplace, garage. Hardwood floors, breakfast nook. l''r'n,,;h..ri"or,",J"'.1 built-in hat: winn I" ",, cloaeta: $H5lO. $1000 cash W.I1I handle. OTTO HARKSON. 413 rli.mh.rnf I'Minirr. e. Main 639. FURNISirEI) BUNGALOW. Seven-room furnished bungalow a blk. off Ainsworth ave.; garage and plenty of bullt-lns; 6 rooms downstairs and too up; a home well worth seeing; only 13500. $inH cash and terms. OTTO A- HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main nn.vrn MAN. New six-room house In Hawthorne. Hardwood floors. French doors, fire Place. ivory flnleh. furnace; pav-4 street $300 down, balance $50 a month until loan I. .VHllabl.. Price 5IW ' today. Main 2112- 600 Ch. of Com. lildg. Main I""-' v i vv nyniv N K n . Five or 7-room bungalow, with hard wood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, bullt-lns, finished In old Ivory: modern In every respect; large lot, street and sewer saessnients p.ild. Contract price of building $3500. Will sell for $4200. TUscnunt for cash. Call Wdln. "'.'6 OVERLOOK 3-room furnished oungaiow. modern. cosy anu iixiiwii... a-.-.---. large cement bsscment. all built-lns. white cabinet kitchen, good condition. Owner only. Take soldier's bonus. W d rn 4412. DANDY 5-room California tungaln; hardwoon tioors anu miukf, a. -..-. down. $35 per month. 411 Chamber of Commerce hidg. A BARGAIN. $2 I'M). MODERN house, 5 rooms, bsth and pantry. $700 will handle; near Brooklyn school. V "71. Orcsonlnn. SACRIFICE FOR CASH. $4imo will buy modern 6-room house In Piedmont dlntrli t. improvements- la and pMld. rnone Monday. Main J.ViJ. LEAVING 0-rooin house, good crisp"; gas. electricity, nam. snap rv in;-. cash discount 10'AV. Owner, 41 ::u J'.ith st. S E. WILL make exceptionally ea.y terms t. responsible party ana build lor you is suit Ab 9, Ciegonian.