TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, SEPTE3IBER 4, 1921 20 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. $10,000 WANTED. Inventor desires co-operation of cap italist looking for safe, profitable busi ness. One with executive or manufac turing experience preferred- With $10. 0H he should realize the full amount of his investment in profits annually. No agents, principals only. This remark able device especially adaptable to Ore gon., will become one of the state's bis; asuets. Approved by scientific men. AV 1, Qregonian. FOOD MANUFACTURERS. Experienced and successful bueiness man. of means. d'!ires to connect with rep utable and established manufacturers of food products, who are dewirous of expert sa.Jf-9 representation in New York; com- miflqinn nnlv ran also assist in hnancin most any enterprise where nec- tMwary. J nut i an opportunity ior a ii concern to expand bv availing itseif of the services of an efficient sales execu tive and organization. Highest moral and financial references furnished. J. W 110 West 4th street. New York. "WHOLESALE and retail bakery and cafe. S rooms upstairs, large brick building; best location in southern Oreon city of 7000 nonunion: only bakery; a vftLm' ion with nntinn of nurchase an time during the ii-V of lease; total lease 'rent for all is $70 per month; rooms above yield n::.". ner monm. v-aie now rented for 410 Der month. $8000 In vested. Fine pay ins: business. On ac count of domestic affairs will sacrifio this for $5000, worth $10,000 to anyon who is looking- lor a Dusiness oi m kind. AV 1, Qregonian. A SACRIFICE. Pnnfprtinnprv stnre. candies, tobacco, fountain, lunches: fullv eauiDDed candy shop, well stocked. One of the best locations in town; good paying business. On account of health my aocior or drs an immediate change in climate, This must go for $40041, $3500 cash, bal ance in good security. F. S. MARTIN. K Pouth 2f1 St.. Yakima. "Wash. COMPLETE Lalley liglit plant. 1000-watt pen em ior, i lu-ainiwr-iiuui n mi u. ov. age battery, complete tor jtf. i. o. d Butte, Mont. With a Lalley light plan vou can have electric liehts. runnin water and all kinds of electric contriv antes for house and farm. Full instal 1m t inn instructions with each. You ca nut it in yoursHf. Address Electrical poulpment company, 8 E. Broadway, Butte. Montana. LAHdK manufacturing corporation wants capable metf to open orancn onice, man age salesmen; $300 upward necessary hannle your own money; exciusiv rights: pai-flffled article; money-making nnutihillt Ipr unlimited. ill nay penses to Baltimore if you qualify. Ad dress Secretary, 603 N Eutaw Su, Bal ttmore, Mrt. SUCCESS DEPENDS ON ABILITY. We have a wholesale mfff. business and its success depends on the ability of those connected with us. If you have the ability and a small investment, we have the business that will -pay large returns with a good position. AP Orcgonian. GARAGE. TUTTI.n TO SUIT. "Will build to suit good tenant; 100x100 corner, close In. west side ; two-story building; rent about $.; one or tne finest locations In city. DUDBEY INVESTMENT CO.. 1.09-10 PANAMA BLDG. MAIN 3042. WHOLESALE BAKERY. In a rood collece town in Oregon, com pletely equipped, a good going whole sale business. Owner is going to Cali fornia. Will sell equipment; $7000 and Invoice stock. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. N W. Bank bldg. Main 3TK7. WANT CASH BUY EH for live general mttrrhnndlM huaillt-ss. Will invoice Kill. COO. It's a money-maker, doing strictly cash business. Must sell on account of illness of a member of firm. Write or rome and see it. Thos. Cobb, La Center, Wash. BAKERY OUTFIT FOR SALE 1 ROB ERTS OVEN, 1 ELECTRIC OVEN, lfc BBL. MIXER; A BARGAIN: TERMS IF WANTED. P. O. BOA. fUKi- LAND, OR. A WELL-ESTABLISHED garage and auto accessories business carrying electrical supplies, can be oougnt at a very at tractive price. It wiil pay you to in vestigate. The business is the property of an estate and must be sold, av Jio, Qregonian. GARAGE business for sale, doing a good business: fully equipped shop; selling gas; 10-year lease on good location on Pacific highway in town near foruana. A good $175 acct. McCasky system for sale. new. v v-a, urpgnman. WANTED Eevry man or woman looking for nn oooortunitv to better their pres ent position or income, write for "LOOK ING AHEAD." ADDRESS THE PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Park and Yamhill, Portland, or. 1'OR SALE Hotel, restaurant and other income property, all furnished, doing good business. Main street. Will sell at a sacrifice, $12,500, terms or consider good traae. u wner, severe xioiei. O range ville, Idaho. PARTNER WANTED. Opoortunitv for auto repair man to buy half interest in a tine garage and a good business; large storage and repair trade; price -uuu. xtoom on .nan way Kx change. FOR SALE Variety store in eastern Ore gon town of 8000 people, doing good businessnew stock, no dead items, best location, good lease; $17,000 will ban die, AV 153. Qregonian. HALF interest for sale for $10,000 in a go ing business, established 12 years. Money secured by over $40,000 assets. Apply in person. No agenta 8'20 SPALDING BLDG. HAVE a great many bargains in groceries, soft drinks and confectioneries, from $5."0 up to $20,000. RE VERM AN INVESTMENT CO., 210 Lewis Bldg., Broadway 214. RESTAURANT BARGAIN. Very low rent, with 1, 2 or 3-year lease; smaJI amount cash will handle; doing good business; other business com pe I s us to sell. 100 N. 6th at. BLACKSMITH shop and garage for sale. live town, good trade, about d0uu taKes it. No competition. Price includes .building, lots and tools. AV 607, Ore- gonlan. - i'OR SALE Good 75-barreI flour mill, water power, located in good wheat country. Might consider some trade if good. Too old for the work. Address Box gflfl. Goldendale. Wash. CAUTION, BLl'KKti Bo: ore closing a deal of so-called Interest in establishd real estate business gat advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Pnons Broadway 1902. FOR SALE Old established small tailor ing and cleaning and pressing business; this is a bargain, $300; 30 miles from Portland. See McBride, 12 10th street, Central bldg. LAL'NDRY Must have practical laundry- man and win sen an interest in good paying, well located plant In Portland, on terms if desired; meet owner at 20 ti Morgan bldg. $500 TO $750 WILL put you in a good business of your own; no cneap sitaiea considered ; results guaranteed and money secured; investigate. AF 002, Qregonian. BAKER'S NOTICE. I HAVE ONE OF THE BEST LOCA TIONS fVOR A BAKERY ON THE EAST SIDE. P. O. BOX 3524. PORT- L A N D. THIS restaurant must be sold account of sickness; worth $3000, cheap rent, doing $125 per day ; no reasonable offer re fused. Braham & Wells, 307-8 Couch bldg. Main 0023. . FOK SALE COMPLETE BAKERY OUT FIT Of ilACni.NtKI A.NLI JiHEUTKKJ OVENS. HAS BEEN USED ABOUT SO DAYS. TERMS IF DESIRED. P. O. BOX 3205. PORTLAND, OR. I'OR SALE Lease or exchange, oniy hotel, partly furnished; town of 1000; with 40 rooms and 3 business rooms. Address owner, AV 176. Qregonian. FOR SALE Confectionery anc barber shop combined. Good paying busineea Long time lease. Living rooms in con nect ion1JJ;Preo1ScoUsM ill. Or. WANT a man with 14 or 16-pass. buss to run with my 16-pass. buss on good run. Call in person, room 035, Oregon hotel. Sunday at 10 A. M. SELL or trade. Jewelry stock, tools, ma terials, no fixtures; trade for 100 acres pastern Oregon iand or what 7 AV 501, Qregonian. A FINE little suburban grocery with good living room : all cash trade only: $14."0 requireo ; sales Ao day; rent $25. Oil Railway Kxcnange. OLD-ESTABLISHED cigar and confec tionery store; doing good business; must sell to settle an estate. N. E. corner lOtn ann asnington sts. GROCERIES in all parts of the city; $oo0, $K. $soo up to $20,000. REVER MAN INVESTMENT CO., 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2054. yoH SALE Established tailoring busi- nessr very reasonable. The Continental Tailor, 519 N. Tower ave., CentraUa, Wash. WE HAVE for sale grocery stores from $800 up. Business Sales Co., 210 Stock Exchange bldg. NEED Dartner for (rood business: afnnri closest investigation; $20o and references required, investigate. s t4i'. Qregonian. yOR SALE Tire and vulcanizing hop In town of 2000. on Pacific highway. Ad tirvH AV 31. Qregonian. BAKERY, doing good business, good loca tion, $1500 cash. Edward T. Orr., real tor, 113 Grand ave. hlliCS can be permanently cured without operation. Call or writs Dr. Dean, Seo- ond and Morrison. FOR SALE Cardroom and nlace. 4S N. Second street. soft-drink yOR SALE Complete restaurant good location. &2 Third street. BUSINESS OPPORTrNITIES. SURETY INVESTMENT CO SH Panama Bldg., Portland, Or. Cor. -d and Alder St. SURETY PARTNERSHIP Offered in the best equipped auto top and painting company in city of Portland; employing number cf expert mechanics; business will warrant $."0 week to each partner and equal share of monthly profits, experience not necessary as I need man to take charge of office end of business. Books open to in spection. Price $2000. SURETY CLASS. A GARAGE. Located on the best traveled 1 st. in Portland ; storage for 60 cars, .0 steady; battery service station in connection, complete line of tools and machinery;, ac cessories, oils, gas. -office and office furniture, show cases, etc. The best and most com plete garage in city, established nine years; profits $.".00 month. A real bargain. $3000 handles. SURETY PARTNER WANTED In old established, fully equipped, good paying auto re pair shop; catering to good class of trade. Have plenty of work and making better than $150 month each. This Is an exceptional proposition for a steady man. willing to work and learn the business. Very good location. Price $073. SURETY TIRE AND VULCANIZING. Excellent location, right In downtown auto sectlofa; busi ness is paying $) week above ail expenses; fully equipped shop, good stock in trade, em ploying one expert vulcanizer; i xnerience not necesFary as you will only have to take care of office end of business. Price $550. SURETY EQUAL HALF INTEREST Can be bought in old estab lished garage and auto repair shop; equipped with lathe, bat tery charging, welding and blow torch outfit; complete line of every kind of hand tools; carrying accessories, oils and gas. Business paying $300 montn aoove all expenses; em ploying one man. ThU is open to a mechanic only. Price $So0. SURETY CASH-AND-CARRY Grocery, located in residential downtown disirlct; good stock and fine fixtures, living rooms, doing $20 to y.io day business. An exceptional buy for man and wife. Vou can't beat this for $to0. SURETY CONFECTIONERY. One of the largest and best in Portland; fine corner location, catering to high class trade; fully equipped with every con venience, handling soft drinks, light -lunches, candy, cigars, to baccos, etc.; paying $400 month net. $2000 handles. SURETY INVESTMENT CO., 311 Panama Bldg., Portland, Or. Cor. 3d and Alder Sts. CANDY SHOP REAL SNAP. Owner most sacrifice; fully equipped for candy-making, spda fountain and light bakery. ONLY $1700 for quick sale. Soft drinks, candies, cigars and card room, with small restaurant, good loca tion, fine business, $22.0. We have several west side groceries. good locations for sale at invoice from $000 to $0000. SEE US. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors, 322-3-4 Failing Bidg. Marshall 3ti3. FOR SALE BY OWNER. One of the largest, best-located con fectionery stores on the east side; my loes la your gain; will invoice stuff less man iney can ne placed drck mere ior. .1 cannot handle, so will have to aell; a responsible party can make terras. East CAT 'N FIDDLE Full and complete con fectionery and restaurant equipment; highest grade furniture and fixtures, all in excellent condition; estimated value $21,000. Will sell (complete outfit only) for $8000. which includes everything ex cept U. S. copyright trade name, avail able for delivery after Saturday, Sept. 24, 1021. If interested call for an in spection. Cat 'S Fiddle, 145 Broadway, Portland. FINE opportunity for one wishing auto mobile business and 4-room bungalow home; both are on main paved road in Odell, 7 miles out of Hood River; the shop has work enough for 2 men; home has garage, woodshed and half acre best land, -with fruit trees and berries; creek runs through both places; at a bargain if taken at once. Write Grace Lovell. Box G1S, The Dalles, Or. FOR SALE by owner, first-class confec tionery, bakery, lunch and grocery; white Opc, glass fountain and back bar alone worth $3500; two-oven Majestic range; all new stock; In good brick bldg. I must go and take charge of my large stock ranch at once. Address P. O. box 22. Athena, Or. FOR SALE Good cash grocery, no deliv ery, riling station, on good Inter urban line, au minutes ride to Portland, suit able for man and wife with good 4usi- ness ability, living rooms; will lease or sell equity of ?ame; terms, cash for stock and fixtures, or whole. No agents. Call Milwaukie 67X. WANTED Party to puc in from $1000 to iu.ww casn in a manufacturing plant to manuiaccure an article of great merit unlimited demand and enormous profits. A position with company follows invest- ment. av 500, Qregonian. a garage svap 2-story building: low rent; owner show you it making SiOO month: will Inven tory near price asked, $0500. Call 511 Kanway fjxcnar.ge. FOR SALE Bakery, grocery, candy and juncn proposition for man and .wife in nearby town; lst-ciass proposition; small amount money requires.. u v ure gonian. VULCANIZING SHOP CHEAP. Must sell on account of health; a good going business. Machinery in first-class shape. Located in auto row. AN 073, Qregonian. HAVE an opportunity for a man who can command $5000 or more cash; earn ings 20 per cent and safe as the bank, investment can be liquidated at short notice. AC 047, Qregonian. HARDWARE, IMPLEMENTS AND FURNITURE. If you want to get into the hardware. Implement and furniture business reply at once. AV 533, Qregonian. FOR SALE. Two box alleys, full set of balls "with alleys, cheap for quick sale. Address Mr. Croyle. P. O- box H07, Hood River. Or. EXPERIENCED business ouporinnitiea salesman would like to worktvith estab lished real estate company. AH U12, Qregonian. FOR SALE Monday, soft drink parlor, card room, fully equipped; no agents. Owner not leaving town or slCk. See owner, opp. new pos toff ice. 34S Glisan. SMALL sawmill, also 2-ton Federal truck; everything in good working order; plenty good timber; price $2000; terms. T. H. Pack. Hoff. Or. AUTOMOBILE BUSINESS. Owner obliged to retire will sell hie profitable business for $;t,"0; can increase same. Room 511 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE Well equipped vilcanlzing shop in one of the best towns In south western Oregon. For particulars ad drcss AV 407, Oregon Ian. FOR SALE Interest in business paying arverage of $60 per week. ' Have other interests ana must sacrifice. Price $400. $1000 STARTS YOU IX SMALL FACTORY MAKING CEMENT BLOCKS: NEW rUintU f I'.UfifiSH; GOOD PROFITS. 713 CORBETT BLDG. WITH $200 investment you can make dou ble that amount monthly. You should Investigate this. Man or woman. BF via, uregoninn. RESTAURANTS for sale with living room in Jefferson at. depot: eaay terms. 233 .front st. GOOD business with living room, common scnooi education and some capital re quired. Address. Meme, Oak Grove. Or. 14-APARTMENT rooming house, rent $S0; nw casn, uaitiii ce terms. o-U Z(X St. No phone calls answered. CONFECTIONERY and soft drink Store, 37 N. 2d at.: corner store; reason leav ing for old country. BUSINESS paying $."0 to $75 per week; price $450 for quick sale. 311 Panama building. DRESSMAKING shop and small stock of notions, with living rooms; about $175; rent $10. Wdln. 5550. BARBER chairs on sale at big reduc tion. Portland Cutlery Co., 83 6th st. SECOND-HAND business, a good place for a repair man. 845 Williams ave. BEAUTY parlor equipments special prices for cash. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 6th sx. $75 BUYS cleaning and pressing shop; good location. Inquire at 115 Grand ave. SMALL grocery, good location, reasonable price. V 015. Qregonian. -CHAIR barber shop; good Park Rose. Sandy blvd. location. PARTNER wanted tor dance hall and academy. BF OOP, Qregonian. FOR SALE Barber shop. 629 1st. Take NS car. FOR SALE Restaurant on good corner, reason fur selling. Call East 406. CONFECTIONERY and soft-drink store fof sale 38 N. 2d st.. corner. FOR SALE A new Odell safety raaor blade sharpener. Call East 8403. BrSIN'KSS OPPORTUNITIES. DANDY GOOD GROCERY and confectionery, located on a good cor ner. This is one of the most substantia! small stores we've had in a long time. Doing about $G0 day,- nearly all cash. No delivery, no competition. Good living rooms. Invoice about $2500. Will aell building, too. or lease at $35. SIMMS. 010 Henry Bldg.,, .. WANT man of real ability who has from HI 3. 000 to $25,000 as partner for some thing different in the way of a dairy and milk business. Party must have experience in elt-er dairying or market ing. This is- a meritorious proposition , and will stand a conservative investiga tion. Reason for selling half Interest: I have a two-man proposition. A big. quick future return. AV 281, Qregonian. KKi.r.ivd n' account SICKNESS. At invoice, my one-half interest in good paying feed store, groceries and building materials, located in good town 30 ml. from Portland In good farming district; warehouses, fixtures and stock will invoice about $"00t); good terms. For full particulars see L. O. Gerber, 714 Hwetiana mug. Jiain tan. CONFECTIONERY SACRIFICE. At one of the busiest east side trans fer corners; elegant fountain and fix tures, big stock. Price $42"0. which is $1500 under value. A live one can make a bushel of money here. The location can't ba. beat. Terms, too. v SIMMS. 6H Henry Bldg. : FIRST-CLASS POOL HALL. Right down town; beautiful place; 4 small pool tables, one large Snooker ta ble, safe, 2 cash registers, with com plete equipment of 2-chalr barber shop. $30"0 will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 4Q.VG-7 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. $13,000 MERCHANDISE STOCK. In town on Columbia River highway, established location, doing about $100, ooo business a year, with small expense; will sell at present .wholesale price; might consider house as part pay. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 13 Chamber of Commerce. CONFECTIONERY AND LUNCH. No other place like this in Portland. You can go there and work a week be fore you buy If you don't believe us when we say it Is doing $75 a day or better. The price is $3000, $2300 down. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 4Q.vr.-7 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. WITH $2000 OR MORE. Wanted, partner in carlot shipping business: eood profits and quick returns. Handle your own money in your own office IT you wish. QUICK SALES REALTY CO., 525 Railway Exchange. SERVICES with investment. We want number of red-blooded Americans to join us In a mining contract in S. E Alaska. $150 per month and expenses for three years. Good climate and best of conditions. $1000 gets you in. Call 531 Railway Exchange. . $2000 HANDLES DOWNTOWN LUNCH BUSINESS THAT CLEARED S5800 in last 12 months and will do as well or better in next year. w SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. OUT-OF-TOWN POOL ROOM. Town of 1200; brick bldg.; clearing $300 a month ; 4 pool tables, J-toot front and back bar; card table, lunch counter. Room 25x125. Price $4000. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 40.-.-G-7 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. OUT-OF-TOWN GARAGE. Building 40x05; large repair shop, fully equipped in fact, pit is large enough for 3 cars. Price $1000, $S0 down. See Frantz with ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-C-7 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. BUSINESS men, promoters, organizers and associations, do you want money? create a trust estate; issue bonds, stocks, trust certs., debent. notes; legal in all states, saves taxes, fees, blueeky rpts. ; live sales force. Inf. free. Nat'l Org. Co., 163 W. Washington St., Chicago. CASH AND CARRY GROCERY. Good neighborhood, corner, doing $40 to $50; nice corner, attractive place and a good one. Rent $25; 2 living rooms. Price $1650, lump or Invoice. SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. r 4-TABLE POOL HALL. Will aell half Interest in one of tha oldest pool rooms In Portland for $1000. A rare opportunity. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-0-7 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. A REAL BUSINESS. On a $10,000 investment I can show you how you can more than double your investment in one year; you handle ali ney and are secured at ail times, con trnctor, C Hi7, Qregonian. SERVICE STATION. Old-established business: accessories, vulcanlzimz. batterv recharcrlnx. on sood corner; about $2M)0' to handle: consider trade for about 20 acres. AP 40. Ore- gonian. OUT-OF-TOWN POOL HALL. Dandy town, down the valley, 3 pool tables, 5 card tables, big bar, safe, cash register. Price $2000. Terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 405-0-7 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. PLUMBING SHOP. Has been there 7 years; takes In $1100 a month; rent $18; lease for 2tt years. J1500. See Frantz with ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, , 405-0-7 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. MUST sell half interest in one of the toest paying business propositions in the northwest. If you are a good business man and have $1000 cash it will pay to Investigate. Call 510 Pittock block, 10 to 12 A. M. Monday only CLEANING AND PRESSING. Close to Portland; town of 6000; takes In $3o0 a month; rent $40; 2-year lease. xrino will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 4 0 -0-7 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. COFFEE AND ! Downtown lunch room ; a good, busy one, no heavy cooking; $330 to $300 a month clear. uiw casn to handle. SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE A' good stumpage proposition with drag saw and other woodcutting tools; 1 am offering this bargain on ac count of sickness. See parties at 231 Main t.. Sunday, between and 12. RESTAURANT for sale, on good terms on Washington St.: business all ready e tabllshed; owner forced to sell. Inquiry of owner, r45 Washington st. Phone Broadway .V2t2. FOR SALE Coffee Cup restaurant. Sheri dan, Or., on main highway, midway Portland and Tillamook; dandy place for two persons; rent $10, including liv ing-rooms. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for small line . of dry goods, notions, gents xurnishlngs in fine neighborhood location: store room , and living rooms. Call 1124 E. 30th st N.. or phone Wdln. 821!). or Main 8220. "DONT WORRY" because you are out of employment; can start you in good clean, profitable business: small cash outlay; no peddling. See owners. 416 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. WEST SIDE LUNCH COUNTER, PRICE $l)0 ONLY. CLEARS $200 A MONTH. SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. AUTO SUPPLY and tire shop for sale. Best location In Portland. Owner hai made money and wishes to retire. Price $15,000; can arrange part to responsi- ble party. Air, wood. 210 Oregon bldg. SMALL job printing plant and apartment house, all togetner. both doing a good business, $3000; $2400 will handle it and the rest on time. AF U26V Ore gonian. A SMALL CASH STORE. Price only $525; sell confectionery, lunches, etc.: owner claims $100 month profit, besides a good living at present ti me. can uoom -ui peKum bldg. RESTAURANT, doing good business, good location, long lease; owner must sell on account of sickness. Make me an offer or will take small bungalow. AN 074, Qregonian. CONFECTIONERY. Also light lunch; down town on west Bide; beautiful place. Price $3,100. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 405-0-7 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. $1250 CASH GROCERY $1250. A nice little store where you can make some money. SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. SHOE SHOP. Modern machinery, good business, good location, best buy in city. See owner 68 '4 Broadway. Easy terms. MEAT MARKET for sale with slaughter house, retail and wholesale, by owner, In county seat town with good payroll. N 942. Oregonlan BRIGHT man and woman with $700 to $1000, good position, promotion rapid; investment secured; references. AN 0S7, Qregonian. WILL sell for $350 (or less), 5-passenger Reo, new top, new rubber. Phone at once Auto. 516-11. Will answer phone u n til so 1 d GROCERY FOR SALE. Cash and carry, excellent location,' do ing some $00 to $100 per day; will sell at invoice. 301 E. Burnside. FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop and bath; only shop In town. $500 cash. E. L. Morley. Phone 158 W. Houlton, Or. FINE east side grocery, fixtures and fur nished living rooms; a bargain for $1400, snm terms. A 027. Qregonian. PARTNER to take half interest in accessory store, vulcanizing shop. Sandy blvd. r tire 702 RESTAURANT, fully equipped. 203 Mad . ison St., immediate sale by owner; bar gain. Inquire Hotel Wabash. BARBER shop. 3 chairs. $250 If taken at once, .-wain ae-i. SHOE SHINS stand fur sale; $50. 235 BrSIXKSS OPPORTUNITIES. INTERSTATE LAND COMPANY, 248 Stark st. POOL HALL, J 2300 Pool room, conf , soft drmtca. heart business center, $300 paid on long lease, some terms. See Harper. BOARDING HOUSE. $1000, nine furnished rooms, table board, fine location, nets- $150 per month. See Harper. GROCERY BUY. $1000, will Invoice, 2 living rooms with furniture, 2 large schools, average $30 cash per day. See Harper. Confectionery, hi heart of city, aver age $35 per day; rent $37.50 month; long lease. $00. Dandy restaurant. Just the thing for man and wife, averaging $25 per day; rent $15 per month; $400 will handle this; act quick. 44-room hotel, brick building. In very good location, steam heat, hot and cold water, rent $325 per .month; good lease; this place clears ?D00 per month; $12,500, terms. INTERSTATE LAND COMPANY. 248 Stark St. COMPLETELY equipped, up-to-the-minute barber shop in downtown ottice oiug.; street entrance; $2.O0 cash. Also another completely equipped bar ber shop. 4 chairs; just off Washington; $2300, terms. Both places have long leases. GROCERY. Averages better than $50 per day; well located, west side, cheap rent: stock Is new and clean, worth every dollar asked. Price $2300 cash. Mr. Pommy. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. 620 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4SS0. SILVER mining in Arizona is being re vived on a very big scale; a mine which has produced millions will start its mill on Oct. 1. I have just returned from this district with complete maps, photos and ore samples; there is going to be a big rush in there this winter; we are now forming a small syndicate to se cure additional ground; you can become interested for as little as $100. This is worth Investigating. C 980, Ore gonian. ATTBNTTONGROCERYBUYERS. LOOK THESE OVER: West side, casrh and carry $4250 Oash store, 6 living rooms 1800 Delicatessen and grocery 1150 West side grocery, fixtures, $500; invoice the stock, about 1500 Hast side brick building, business about $00 per day; fixtures, $750; and invoice, about 2200 PATTISON & THOROUGHM AN, 314 STOCK EXCHANGE."" HAVE just returned from the scene of the greatest silver mining activity n Arizona where I secured some very valu able options and leases on some abso lutely proven ground;, am now organiz ing a -small syndicate to finance same and will personally put up the first $5000; a very liberal Interest; you can secure a beneficial interest for $100 if you act quickly. R 01)3, Qregonian. GARAGES. GARAGES. GARAGES. Will build to suit or can sell you a business already established and doing good business. Can locate you In most any part of the city. Ask for Mr. Row land. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. MEN WHO can sell goods and, who are willing to make investment wanted steady . employment with good pay chance for rapid advancement to de partment managers. A Portland indus try: state oast experience and amount prepared, to invest; arrangements will he made for interview. Give address and telephone number. V 930, Qregonian. RETURN TO CITY TUESDAY. Ready for business Wednesday. Mrs. Emma Thomson. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. 620- Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4880. RETURN TO CITY TUESDAY. Ready for business "Wednesday. Mrs. Emma Thomson. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. 620 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4880. . RETURN TO CITY TUESDAY. Ready for business Wednesday. Mrs. Emma Thomson. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. 620 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 480. WANTED Inactive, non-dividend paying stocks; give name of company, par value and number of snares you own. con solidated Trust Syndicate, 16 Harrison Evertoa bldg.. Box 1676, Wichita Falia, Tex. RESTAURANT. CLOSE IN. WEST SIDE. Dandy little restaurant in ideal loca tion. Modern brick bui ding. Kent IS-months lease. Doing about $50 per day. Price only $1200. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. Third and Alder. FOR SALE: Repair shop and garage out fit Including good Wayne pump and 280 gallon tank; some accessories and oils and good oumt or toois; rent per month, on the road to the beaches. Beaver garage, Beaver, Or. Will Invoice to sen. CONFECTIONERY. PRICE ONLY $600. Fine east side location; 2 living rooms. Price for furniture, fixtures and stock only $600. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-1 0 Panama Bldg. Third and Alder. MR. VULCANIZER and battery rnn, I can beyond an aouots snow you one 01 tne best locations with new outfits for both vulcanizing and battery repair, this will bear close Inspection as I have other business interests; $1254) will handle all. See owner. J. W. Mahaffey, Rainier. Or. CORNER CIGAR STAND. PRICE ONLY $1400. Located riifht down town. Open front. Good fixtures and stock, all for $1400. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., RO0-1O Panama Bldg. Third and Alder. ACTIVE business man with executive abil ity and accustemed to meeting the pub lic can form desirable connection with established -.company. $2000 investment required. Good salary. Replies confi dential. R 0K3. Qregonian. $1200 BUYS this neat corner cash and carry grocery; rent 11:7.00; clean stocl. and good location. BUSHUE GROCERY SPECIALIST, 518 Cham. Commerce. GARAGE. Good east side garage, storage for 20 cars, 7 cars storage now; low rent; long lease; $1200 will handle. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE $1400 BUYS dandy corner grocery and confectionery ; rent 10; near school aod-4 uorary. BUSHUE GROCERY SPECIALIST, 518 Cham. Commerce. FOOD products manufacturing business for sale; no competition; chance of a lifetime, good reason for selling; may consider good salesman as partner; per manent position to hustler. 727 First st. STATE and county rights for new roller windshield protector, ouick seller, at a small price. Room 00b, Couch bldg, city. CAPITAL desires substantial investments outside Europe. Address North Europe Trust Co., 110 victoria st., London, Eng land. HAY WARD model H vulcanizing outfit. complete, suu, or will trade toward house and lot. 17 tseaver bldg. Phone 150, Oregon City, or. HAVE exclusive right in state of Wash ington to sell and handle big money maker, neea congenial partner with $1000. c Ht.-t, Qregonian. WANTED Partner with means to invest In established and paying busineea. Call Main 7110. . WANTED Successful business man. un employed, who can prove 11; good open- ins. Address av uresoman. AUTOMOBILE- OWNERSI Tea dollars realized on every dollar invested. AN 923. Qregonian. 204)0 STOCK of best sellers with territory of 3 states contract, win sell or trade; what have you? Marshall 2404. VULCANIZING shop, best location, clear ing $50 a week; best reason lor selling; $K25. $600 cash. 03 6th st. FOR SALE A fine butcher shop on busy street at reasonable price. " v 9h4. Ore- srnnian. CONFECTIONERY store, soft drinks, mag- azines, living rooms; reasonable; good location. 185 Columbia st. CIGARS, candy, news; low rent, with lease; business win pay ror place in six months. See Ransom, 408-11 Couch bldg. CONFECTIONERY, lunch, both good, $500 to $2500. see Kan so m, 408-11 Couch bldg. OR SALE Good paying confectionery fountain, cigars and tobacco. Call Main S3 77. n STORE with living rooms. 1000 Williams ave. Phtne woodiawn 331 FOR SALE Cigars, confectionery store. fruit and sort drinxs. 254 3d at Madison. WILL SELL my grocery store, $1500 cash: 1 agents. -J rtonaoay ave. FOR SALE Hat fchop, complete, good lo cation. 44a Washington st. POOL room and barber shop, fine loca.-f uob, fivuv. m. dux street BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. West side, corner location, with nicely furnished living room, rent $30, doing $30 to $50 day, cash and carry, price $2100. GROCERY AND BUILDING. East side, corner location, doing about $60 day, cash and carry, building 114 stories, on paved streets, on 78xlo8 lot, in Al residence locality, price $7000. $4000 will handle. GROCERY, EAST SIDE. Apt. house district, average $60 day. with nice living room large clean store, in brick-bldg., rent $40, price $3000. or invoice. KEIPPER & STEWART, 814 Railway Exchange Bldg. $1250 GROCERY and confectionery, brick bldg., living rooms, apt. house district, nice clean place, good business. $1150 Grocery, no fixtures to buy, rent $20. living rooms, no competition, doing $30 to $00 day. $1100 Grocery, 4 living rooms, corner location, good business. $1500 or invoice, grocery and confec tions. 5 nice living rooms, bath, low rent. $S00 Grocery or invoice, wonderful opportunity to build up. Grocery, doing $140 day cash and carry, good lease, low rent, will invoice about $2500. Z. EAKINS, 315 Couch bldg.. 10 4th st. $1550 GROCERY, good fixtures, living rooms. $30 rent; $400 cash will handle: restaurant doing $50 day; -2-year lease; rent $50. Restaurant, 2-year lease, rent $30. price $750. Restaurant: good location; must be sold; see this quickly; a grocery at $147-5; this Is a money maker; rent $15. $2500 buys a restaurant; $'J0 day busi ness f rent $5; 2-year lease. See us about them. Linton & Royer. 418 Railway Exchange. Main 2995. WANTED Partner lo assist in conducting selling campaign, one who has had real estate experience preferred, but not es sential. Will demonstrate to entire sat isfaction that this will net handsome profits from the beginning. Will stand any investigation you care to make. i.l require a cash investment of $7500, money secured. Don't take your time or mine unless you mean business. Call Bdwy. 4702. Ask for Mr. Trabu. AK 094, Qregonian. GROCERIES. To accommodate our customers we re main open Monday. $1100 buys grocery, 4 living rooms. A dandy cash and carry grocery with living room, will sacrifice. west side cash grocery, $800. Others from $500 to $4(MH). BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum Bldg. A GARAGE SPECIAL. N A mod-em concrete 00x100 garage: fine location; good storage and repair busi ness; sell gas, oils, tires, etc.; owner, for good reasons, will sacrifice; $1400 will handle it; our office will be closed Monday, but first caller Tuesday will get a bargain. Call Room 401 Dekum bldg. . . RETURN TO CITY TUESDAY. Ready for business Wednesday. Mrs. Emma Thomson. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. G20 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 48M). $100,000 CORPORATION wants capable man, open office, manage sates ior nisn class new device; every home a prospect; big money-making possibilities for the right man; opening in every city. Cost $2, retails $5; $500 to $2000 necessary to finance exclusive agency. Mii Hogar, 82 W. Washington. Chicago. . BATTERY SHOP. Hnnd town in vallev: rent $35. lease completely equipped with rectifter, lead burn n a outfit. Deaning press, motor. service batteries; two partners eac draw $150 salary. See Frants with ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-0-7 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. A PARTNER WANTED. A service station in a live town, near Portland: sell as. oils, tires, vulcaniz ing, etc.; plenty business offered; $750 buys equal interest witn a mecnanic wno will teach buyer the business. Room 401 Dekum bldg MOVING PICTURE HOUSES. From $3500 to $25,000, with all th latest news about shows in three states. "We have a very attractive house in country town; takes $5000 cash. Weston Co., 1206 N. W. Bank Plug- HftTRt, OTNTNG ROOM. Industrial district. 200 beds In hotel, free heat, light and water. Price $400. $150 down. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-0-7 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. RESTAURANT. WASHINGTON ST. This place has been making good money all summer while others have been idle. The price is ana 11 worth it. Weston & Co., 1206 N. W. Bank bldg DOING $100 DAY. CASH AND CARRY GROCERY, RENT $25. INVOICE PRICE ABOUT $3000. SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. HAND LAUNDRY. Wrklnp- 7 nMn!! 102O Dodce tour- ir.cr tnck nnd machinery Invoice I3.T4M), Sale prioe $4000; only $1000 down. Will net $3"0 per montn. 4U Stock Exchange Bldg. P.RnPKRS NOTICE. Will trade 5-room house in Sellwood for small grocery store with living rooms. See McAtee with ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. gash-AND-CARRY grocery store for sale erwid location on west siae rent oniy $20 per month; sale price $50 to $00 a day: from owner. Address AP vw, Oi egonian. PARTNER in wholesale and retail wood business: I have the goods ana equip ment; $1200 required; have operated 4 years; none but nustier neea appiy. OWNER. AC fill, Qregonian. ACCOUNT of sickness will sacrifice V interest in auto repair snop; sianaa in vestigatlon. BUSINESS SERVICE. 718 Dekum Bldg, A CLOSE-IN GARAGE. Shop full of work and $500 month flear profit; will sell invoice price; no bonus asKea; can arrange easy terms. Room 401 Dekum bldg. LADY PARTNER. . Gentleman desires lady with $400 to take half interest, donui factory; whole ale and retail trade. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE. A NO. 1 SUB. grocery and building, no competition; doing over ou a aay; corner location; place to make money; $2704 will handle. BUSHUE, 518 Cham. Com. Bldg. $1000 GETS you in one of the best busi nesses in this city, witn your assistance vou can easily make $75 per week, and your money is secured. Wdln, 5086; no dealer. RESTAURANT. Pine little restaurant, east side, close In; low rent, clean, good equipment; $000, some terms. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE. ARE YOU in the market for a legitimate business tnat win maxe gooa returns 1 Small investment. Deal with owners direct. It will cost you nothing to in vestigate. BF 913, Qregonian. A BARGAIN. Confectionery, soft drinks and cigars, good location, on Broadway. See J. W. Greene, No. 2 North 2d st. RESTAURANT. $050 Downtown Location. Doing a good business; lease; low rent. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. CIGAR AND SOFT DRINK. $:iO to $45 per day. 3-vear lease: $1700; terms, 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. ij7,-, GROCERY and confectionery; Hvlng roome; rent $17.50; close in; roomimr house in connection, if wanted, for $100 month. 74 Grand ave. N. WANTED A party to run dining room in connection with hotel. Write L. U. Moore, Grants Pass, Or., care of West ern hotel. BUSINESS JS WAITING FOR YOU. Come in and tell us your wants. We have business from $000 up. 401 Stock Exchange b-lrig. FOR SALE A good cash grocery at 45 East Burnside. near Grand ave. Call be tween 8 and 10 A. M. Sunday or Tues day any time. CLOTHING manufacturer has opening for experienced man with $15,000 to $25,000, to assume office of secretary and treaa urer. Replies confidential. P. O. box 654. 200 PERSONS to Join capital and help open a great coal vein ; will make us all independent; give address; will call and explain. AM 999. Qregonian. BARBERS. ATTENTION. $500 will give you a 3-chair shop; nets $54 per week, and will give some terms. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. ESTABLISHED merchandise business In good trade location, $13,000 stock for $13,000; act quickly. R 987, Qregonian. A SUBURBAN GARAGE. On highway; big sale gas. oils, etc.; 5-year lease; $75 month rent: will sell at Invoice. Room 401 Dekum bldg. SNAP If taken at once, corner store, four rooms, bath, gas ana electricity, on car line; good business; 215 Fessenden st, corner of Oswego. St. Johns carllne. SHOE SHOP for sale at once on account of heaitn. a. tx. jonnson. tr. u. oox 44, Etacada, Or GROCERY STORE AND LIVING ROOMS. $1SOO; receipts $35 to $50 per day. 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. FOR SALE Cash grocery, $700. See own er, 3.4 f irst street. , BARBER SHOP location, good west side 1 ocation. rent f3a. am. vuo. uregonian. $1500 FINEST little store downtown, low arenu owner, juw iiuv. BUSINESS OrPORTUmK8. CONFECTIONERY. block from picturs show, on main street, s living rooms. an attractive place, rent $15. price $1100. Confectionery and school supplies across street from large school; present owner here 6 years: have o-year lease closed Sundays; beautiful living rooms and fixtures; takes $4000. Grocery; cash and carry; Sunny side district; 3 living rooms; reasonable rent good corner and business; $lduu. Grocery and meats; good east side lo cation: hich-class fixtures: doing Di . business; not a cut-price place; good enough for two live mn; takes $4000 casn. BORLOND. PARSONS & MOORE. 3trj Stock Exchange. GARAGE and repair business; one of the best paying propositions in East Portland; fine white brick building, under reasonable lease; big business in Chevrolet and Ford parts and all accessories; our only reason for selling is we are going out of general garage and repair business and into the ex elusive x automobile sales business. Do not reply unless you have $3000 cash. No agents need reply. If you have the cash and want a strictly Al business, apply at ,once. our price will be strictly inventory. Address reply AL 034, Qregonian. ROSE CITY PARK. BUSINESS LOT. Idea! site for a delicatessen and con fectionery store, cloe to school and li a very good neighborhood: this Is th triangle on Sanuv blvd., between 57th and u.Nth streets; this location should also receive some of the highway traae price only $1250. All street assessments included in price. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 204. FOR SALE A good, exclusive tailoring, pressing and dry-cleaning establishment tne only place of Its kind in this to This man has all the town trade as well as the country back of it. He has good reasons for selling out, and will state same to Intending purchaser. The build ing is a new one; has good living ac commodations in .the rear; i fully equipped for business; price $11M0, cash 91000. This includes all the furniture, etc. Apply to Fred Herbert, Ridgefelld, Wash. MANUFACTURING BUSINESS. Successful local factory, with estab lished trade, making women s apparel will sell half interest to a good busi nesst man, who understands goods and capable of handling the inside business -end; highest references given and re quired. It's a big money maker. $10,000 reqnired; half cash. A UM, Qregonian. I HAVE a first-class and safe investmen proposition for the right party, who wil take .an active part in a going retal business. Have good location, doing nice business, and have good future nave in mind expanding. Would consider party with from $10,000 to . $25.0O0. In an swering state nature of former business and experience. Answers win ds treated strictly confidential, jso agents, a ikm, Qregonian. TWO EXCEPTIONAL business chances One, big money-making gas service and accessory station; the other, Dest-iocateo, big money-making cigar, pool, billiard establishment. Both best of their kind in city. Big money for right persona. Write Brisbin, Smith & Liveaey, eii- Ingham, Wash- LIGHT GROCERY AND CONFECTION ERY SNAP JE1500. OR WILL INVOICE. Splendid place; money-maker; store and 6-room house in connection, $20 month rent on a lease. This place Is ood for $2O0 month profit and provides good home; one or .roruana s oesi luvauum. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Bldg. READ THIS AD. The best buy In eastern Oregon and in the big wheat center of the etate- restaurant and 10 rooms in connection; ali In good condition and doing a nice business. For particulars write to box 2Hi, Condon, Or. THE COLUMBIAN, 11th and Columbia, NO PAYMENT DOWN REQUIRED. I can sell you all or half Interest In one of the best downtown large restau rants In Portland; all you have to do is to conduct it for yourseii. it s a u n t erf ill nnnnrlunlt V. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Bldg. roFKCTlO'ERY and liirht groceries, across street from large school, which opens Tuesday; doing big business; 3 beautiful living rooms and fixtures: closed Sundays: present owners here years; price $4000. BURLOND, PARSONS & MOORE. 31)3 Stock Exchange CIGAR STAND IN OFFICE BUILDING $13O0. CaW 401 Stock Exchange bldg. BuhinesH Opportunities Wanted . WANTED To buy 2 to 4 chair barber shop; must be in good location, out of town shop preferred; give particulars in first letter. K 903, Qregonian I HAVE some money and want to buy half interest in- a garage or auto repair snop and learn the business; am handy with tools; no agents. Address me, Y 977, Qregonian. PARTY having $1000 to invest in a neat and well-established business; no quicK rich scheme considered; only a fair re turn expected; no agents; give refer ences, s 9o5. Qregonian WANTED Someone to build siore with living rooms, on gooa street, or to tease ground with privilege of buying later. Aut. 212-03, for appointment. GENTLEMAN of good address; well ex perienced in tne Dusiness investment line, wishes to connect .with a reliable firm; good reference. S 937, Qregonian. I WILL pay cash up to $1500 for small grocery wun living roonw; give lutuuoii and price first letter: owner only con sidered. AG 680, Oregonlun; MECHANIC wants work in repair shop with chance to buy hair interest later, not afraid of work, have good reference. AL 088, Qregonian WANTED To purchase picture show, lo cated in Willamette vaney; piease give complete description and price in first letter. AV 518. Qregonian. WHAT kind of a partnership can you offer a man witn iuuu casn and wno la willing to work hard 7 1 mean busi ness. M 068. Qregonian. WANTED Moving picture house, without competition, In town not less man w; give all necessary information.. Box 71. R. 3, Salem, or. SMALL country grocery or general store, with house and live to ten acres or tana. Will pay cash. .Chai. 11. JiaKer. carl ton, Or. ' . WANT small grocery, bakery or dellcates sen; good d-paasenger touring car as pari payment; value uuu. uowjr. vuu. u. a Peach. WANT a good-paying hotel, about $4000 cash, balance terms. 1 mean ousiness; would like to deal with owner. V Qregonian. HAVE 110.000 to J15.0O0 to Invest in apart ment house, west siae, 4 to o-year lease. C 9 00, Qregonian. HAVE $i!00 to invest In business, with or without partner. v nat nave you t la bor 703. " HAVE party with 110,000 for good hotel; must be modern. Braham & Wells, 307-8 Couch bldg. Main WJ3. WANT garage or light manufacturing business; give run particulars, udi, Qregonian LIST your grocery stores and restaurants witn us ior quick saie. aiain -jo. Linton & Royer. 418 Railway exchange. WANT a grocery store or confectionery that $1000 or Sldoo win handle; no agents. J 7. Qregonian. HAVE several buyers for a small bust ness. What have you? Main 3009. li. W. Garland. l!Pl 3d st. WANTED From owner, hotel, rooming house, grocery store or otner good busi- ness. tiive particulars, u ir.rj, uregonian. WANT a confectionery and light lunch store that 9100U will nanuie; owners only. S 033. Qregonian. A noDGE sedan to trade on grocery stock cash values oniy considered. woou- lawn 1184. OARAGE wanted, one heavy In storage and accessories, city or gooa town location; Owner, please. X 974. Qregonian. WANT SMALL GROCERY OR CONFEC TIONER! BivKia r nu.u uw.m iJtiia WEEK. A 1000. QREGONIAN. M IN THE MARKET FOR FURNITURE OR 2D-HANO STOHIS. A U1. UKEUO N I AN. WANT POOL HALL OR CIGAR STORE NOT OVER 2000. OWNERS. A 91)0. O R EGONIAN. HAVE $:2G0 to Invest In a truck as pay ment it I could get contract tor hauling or steady work. Tabor 7U3. IH AVE J250O. wilt assume, confectionery, light lunch or grocery. A D90. Orego nian I WANT to buy half interest in auto re pair shop; pay cash. B 967. Qregonian. WANTED Store for a ranch on Puget snuncl AV Ml. Qregonian. GENTLEMAN has 20IM) to Invest in good garage. Box N. 47, Qregonian. LADY will pay 11500 cash for good cigar stand. B 1W0. Qregonian. WILL PAY cash for grocery or delicates- sen. N mo. uregonian. WANTED To buy 8 or 10-ft. soda foun tain; must b a buy. can wain. yui. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES., HuMnesi Opportunities V anted. BUYERS WAITING FOR All kind business opportunities. Garage, Grocery Store, Restaurants, Con feet loneriea. Pool Halls, Drug Stores, Butcher Shops, We specialize in this line, and can make quiV-k sale, if gnod. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 5011-IO Panama Bldg. Main 3Q42. CASH BUYERS WAITING FOR Furniture and lease of good apartment house, about $12,iK0; hotel about $7nm and two others for hotels about $15,000 to $25.no0. Hurry. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. BOO-10 Panama Bldg. Main 304?. BAKERY. Have purchaser with cash for bakery up to $5000. If you have good location and good business, get in touch with us at once for quick sale. W. M- Un denstork & Ca, 210 Oregon bldg. Broad way 105S. ROOMING HOUSE. Want to buy from owner, 13 to 20 clean housekeeping rooms, south of Washington street, west side; prefer place with lease; must be priced right to shII for cash. tPhona Main 0115, apt. No. 4. WE HAVE CASH BUYERS for hotels, apartment houtes, grocery and confectionery stores. Our repre sentative will call on you If you prerer. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., B33 N. AV. Bank Bldg, Main 37S7. BUSINESS MEN. We are procuring capital and services for others; we can do o for you; the larger the better proposition if can stand lni-sillirMrlnn V., 'irot - Hfh - OUil K schemes wanted. Western Land Co., 511 Railway Exchange EXPERIENCED hotel man would like to lease (rood modern hotel for about 5 yrs I mean strictly business and have cawh to do it with; prefer to deal with owner. When answering Kive full particulars. AL noi. Oregoninn . 11 AVE $10,000 to Invent; would prefer buy ing- retail furnishing or doming- irj t or buying an interest in some estab lished business; best of references. O 08-, t ire iron Ian. . A CASH BUYER. To sell your business quickly, quietly and without publicity, see or write PIONEER BUSINESS AGENCY, INC., 401-402 Dtikum BldR. GROCER YM EN. ATTENTION. We have a bona fide buyer for your jTRrage if you want to sell at inventory price; the bigger proportion the better; no junk. Room Ml Railway Exchange. $J..000 CASH. Will pay spot cash for all kinds of merchandise, specialize In buying Job lots; answers treated confidentially. AM Oreffonian GROCERY or cigar and confectionery that win invoice aooui nwu mi Give full details in first letter as to rent, stock and location. AM 014, Ore K! nia.ru DO YOU WANT A PARTNER OR DO YOU REQUIRE ADDITIONAL t'Ai'irAi, IN YOUR BUSINESS? IK SO, SKK W. M. UMBDENSTQC1C A CO., 1!10 ORE GON ntJG. WANTED A fuel business or a grocery or any good legitimate huwiness. woum consider a partnership. Will pay cash. No agents. Address me. N UAL, Ore- gonian. WE HAVE party with $:0OO cash for good rooming or apnrtment nouse, j room or more; must -b- clean and good loca tion. Braham & Weill. iiOT-e Couch b I d g. Main Q23. . I WISH to locate in Portland and will in- vest $5000 with my services in a goou, reliable business, where attention to business will be appreciated. 1- 880, Oregon ian WE HAVE several cash buyers for good grocery stores from $2000 to $30OO; give us your place for quick sale. BORLOND, PARSONS & MOORE. 303 Stock Exchange. Auto. .Mi'J-o. NEWSPAPER WANTED. Republican weekly, county seat pre ferred; modernly equipped, Oregon, Washington. California; give particulars lind mall copies. Pox 71, R. 3. Sa lem. Or MECHANIC has service car as first pay ment for half interest In repair snop; will have few hundred dollars later for balance, have good reference. AL 1S0, Qregonian. I HAVE $.'tio to $1000 to invest with rny services- in auto top and painting or a tire vulcanizing business. Prefer a part nership with a congenial partner. Ad' dress me, X 073, Oregonia n. SMALL LUNCH COUNTER, eandwich bar or soda fountain wanted to rent or buy, or location for same where an experienced man could work up a good business. S 0"1, Qregonian. AM IN the market for a garage or repair shop; will pay cash; no agenti neeil answer. Address me. N U54, Ore gonian. Storks anil Ilonn. IIOSNER & IIOSNER, Inv. Dealers, Offer 80 Arthur L. Smith Motors. Inc., snap at S10 ner share. 300 Beaver Slate Motors stock at 53c ner share. 14 Pacific States Fire Ins. stock at $10.73 Der share. 2 Pre-I-Com. American Sureties corp. at SL'OO cash. 3 Pre-8-Cnm. Stradlvara Fhonogragh Co. 7 with accumulated dividend from Jan.. for 9J& cash. We Buy, Sett and Exchange any stocks or bonds of menu Main 4.NJ3. 608 McKay bldg. FOR SALE Six shares Consolidated Se' curitles Co. stock, par value $100; will sell for $oOO cash. Write or wire Boise Overland Co.. Boise. Idaho. FOR SALE 50 share American Lifeo- graph company s stock; make cash offer. A V, H21 Qregonian. iuCKb and bonds. ny marKet. Harring ton Co Mn. B317 Title A Trust bidg. PUBLIC utility stock at price netting 11 per cent, v vv. Oregon la n Holeln and Rooming Houwe. THESE CAN'T BE BEAT. Strictly modern little west side apart ment house, ail private baths; $U100, terms. A beauty. 40-room, beautifully clean and entirely modern hotel of the transient and steady room kind; all brass beds, steel springs and first-class furnishings; if you have about $04HHi, you can purchase this; the best of its size in Portland without ex- cemion. US-room modern apartment house of the highest type, cleared aoove every expense in tbo last l'i months; price, is siK.uim, siu.oou win nanuie 11. Rent Is Tt ner room on lease. 10 rooms, right down- town, $2350; a dandy; terms. 12 rooms. White Temple district, $1650; clears suo montn. rooms, Lincoln high: $1150. 10 rooms. Nob Hill; $1300. terms. The above are exclusively for sale through this office and are right. B RU : E C.OPPARD. Sol -3 Couch Bldg HEADQUARTERS FOR HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES. (Sl-room hotel; 00(0 win handle. 7S-room hotel; fsoiMt will handle. SL'-room hotel; IKiHM) will handle. 8-room hotel; H'0 will handle. 4'J-room hotel; I-.000 will handle. JO-room rooming house; J.'lOO will handle. 10 2 lc n. h. k. house: $1000 will handle. 10 rooms h. k. house; S00 will handle. These are all close in. wt side. If In the market call 1)13 W. Park st. Talk It over with me. O. F. Anderson. IIO.OUO WILL HANDLE RK AL ESTATE OF 5-STORY, STRICTLY MODERN APARTMENT HOUSE. Choicest west side location. Thin Is the best buy ever put on the market. The house Is selling for less than it cost to construct 7 years ago. Owner lc ' Germany. AJ fljH. Qregonian. CONFECTIONERY, complete candy-making 'outfit, old-established business. In good location, east side; will teach candy making, by owner. 12300. cash. A V2. Qregonian. FOR bALE, exchange or rent to respon sible tenant, Dallas hotel, Dallas, Or; present tenant leaving on account of health: hotel furnished and has estab. lished trade. E. K. Pla.ieckl. Dallas. Or DANDY HOME for retired farmer; 0-rooin house, modern, hen house, 10x30; barn, 10x10; garage, fruit, 3 cows, loo chick ens Lot 120x200. $0000; terms. BARRAND REALTY CO., 349 Salmon st HIGH-CLASS apartment house: rent $4.1; good net Income; all furnishings first class; $2100; 11300 cash handles. BORLOND. PARSONS & MOORE. 303 Stock Exchange. HOUSE-HUNTERS see me for good buys. I have a large list oc tne better places. J. EUGENE HEDGES, REALTOR. 201 W. I'ark. Call Main 2300. $1100 CHATTEL mortgage; big monthly payment, IVi. will iraue ior rooming house, assume, pay difference. Owner 201 W. Park.' Main 2300. ROOMING HOUSE 7 rooms and sleeping porch; rent $ao. -nce aou. uos Wil liams ave. Main 4243. EDUCATED and capsble business man will Invest $3000 to $10.0041 and services in going business. V 043, Qregonian. BY OWNER 11 H. K. and sleeping rooms, furnace i heat, walking distance, good furniture: gsrage. Phone Bdwy. 1H0.1. CLEAN, modern flat for rent; close in. xirst-ciass; lurniiure ior saie at a bar gain. 3 18 Columbia St. $150 12 ROOMS. 4 sinks, electric lights, walking distance; separate apts.; in come $100; rent $10. 74 Grand N. GOING out of town, will sell a cozy little cafeteria cheap, call st Ht.a Sandy blvd ROOMS, house furnished, rent reason able, by owner. 204 2d. near Madison. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale; small ayment down. Alaranau zsm. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hnfclw and Rimming IIdhmh. 34 APARTMENTS, modern west sMe brick corner; very close tn; 8-yar lease. This Is one of the choicest places evr offer d In town. Will stand evtry Investigation. $1H,00 required. 2 3 and 8-ronm apartments; long lease; low rent ; line close-in brick cot -nr; best rental district: clears $15ti0 per month; entire price $35,uoo, terms. 80 2, S and 4-room apartments; R year lae; rent $500; modern brick cor ner, west side; eg nipped with aulomatlc elevation, nrlvsti hutim n.( all mouei n conveniences; $?.VsJ will handle. 29 2 and S-ronm apartments; nw 4 yar lease; rent $400; alt outside room; completely furnished nnd In best of con dition; fiiirly sparkles with cleanliness; price $10,oiH), eauy terms. SO-ronm hotel; modern brick In best west side district; beautiful ground floor lobby; K private Lsihs; womlcr- I'; 'Vy 'urn,n,Ml; rent $-00; lease; price $14,000, terms. 12 h. k. rooms: rent $12 50; very close in west side corner; el.-nric lights, fur nace, waler in many rooms; a fine home l'r particular people; extra well fur nished and absolutely clen. Look it 0VV' J. WHI KeelliK. Price $l:0. 1ATES RKAI1V fit.. Realtor. - Knurt h St. 1 K SPKXCKU TT lintel Hnd Apartment lion; Brokers. h i-up 1 nHllihrr of I'miltlM rn Itlfitr 4- room, hrtrk hold, jcn.se st t7M price Iio.n., half canh. c "l 3.1 rooms, some Imusekecpf ng: $iao, nets vrU.r $M ,JVM uU h(inill(. ifl rooms, part housekeeping; rent 7H, ninnKsnCe r'WW' l"HW0 t'"ni KOwd fur" iln room, hmisrk.ping. leane st $; ?d plce ' Wnl' ,lM l'"Hh: tvnm h,,Mt- moms, sleeping-; rent f:(.T including garage; nets f.M um J fonm f(,r ...,r. hi'tne on Hro;t. ;ly. 1 o T 11 Kti h I ilT"lT K 1 ; K . t 1 i-Jassily furnished rooms, nurd wood fU.ors furnsc. i(,rxe sir, p,g porch for two hedp; rich furniture. .,v,-v vni rent only $:,; ner h,,,,,, UlIlt fim.nt inayer-pMiui. All .m;.o. Sum some home. 1 rooms and sleeping porch, also nesr ??-". . n,'t h"'lf,M. M'len.l.,1 furniture. Im. including $1000 . layer piano. OlsU to show thM.. W. Park Auto r 11 d y . Oil!. WEST-SIDE ROOMING HOUSE. 14 H. K. nnd sUeping mums, all sun n? ",trMrtlvo ronnis, nruMicNlIv fur nished. Immaculately re,in; miming wh t"r In moat rooms; lovclv HpHrim-iit for onner, very convenient houe. furnace; walking distance, deidrHhle location: in come $$ll'ii net; rent $m. MRS. .uV, UROAUWAT 4001. SPLKMUL) OPPORTUNITY1! No-room a part ment house, fine cor nor brick building; 2 0-room apartments, o .Vroom h pun men ts, H 4-room a m rt -rnents; apartments not all furnished, first Unit- on tmirket ; fine cliMm e ror smnonne to finish fiirnNhlng; mt profit over $300; price only $l4.rml. re .Mrs. Keller. CEO. T. M m lt K CO., n07 Venn Ptdg. POK TLA N'lJ'S H ES f . 93-room hotel, fireproof tomer build ing; fin private hat lis. Northwestern heat, elevutor. beautiful ground floor bhy, clearing big profits; price $10.mhi; ir Interested, tali at our office for full information. Se Mrs. Keller. CEO. T. MotiRE CO., pto7 Venn TtMr. DON'T All KM THfi It-room corner bouse, with lenpe, ele gantly furnlnhed oveiMufred mahogimv iM Ivory furniture, beautiful rugn; ail In --room apartments; net proiu $to month; let us show you Oils; only on in city like It. Sen Mr. Keller. CEO. T. MOt 1KB CO.. 1IM7 Veon Pldg. RIGHT DOWNTOWN. " " Splendid apartment house, wonderful corner location: 12 4-room apiirlin.nts. '1 3-room apartments. It 2-nmm spun menta, a 1-rm.m apartments, 4 sleeping rooms: fine littlo money-maker; prlie only $13, .Mill. . See Sirs. Keller. OY.O. T. MOOII V. i O . I'lil7 Veon Tlldg. M. E. LENT -c).-,ll'ANl 82S-4-.l NORTH WESTERN HANK Til. DO. leading hotel and apartment hoisk agency, if you wish to iii v or sell, come in and talk it over. 14 years l.v the hi s1nkss in port. Land enables ls to locate you RIGHT LOOK AT THIS. 27 rooms, elegantly furnished, hot end cold water In nil rooms, steam heat, lovely corner building: rlf.se In; no other like It; net profit over $300 mouth. For further purticulitrs, Seo Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MllQHK fO. 10O7 Veon Pldg. HOUSKK KEPI Xl ; A PA HTM KNTS. 83 rooms, completely furnished, good corner building: 0 1-room apartments. 8 S-room apartments. H 8-room apart ments; full price ..1M)0; liberal terms; net profit about 1230. Sen Mrs. Keller. GFO. T. MOoUK CO.. 1007 Teon HMg, HEAD THIS. 18 rooms, on Washington st., all on one floor; very good furniture; fine transient plai'e; rent $.V with lease; showing a net of over $200 per month: $2.M!0 will handle; small balance. See McCauley. 21H Railway Exchange bldg. Main Hi o2. FINE I'.UY.. 7R-room hotel, w hite pressed brick cor ner building; steam hfttt, hot and cold water In every room: good 4-year lease, clearing net profit $800 monthly; price $l,1,ouo; easy terms. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOOUK CO., HHI7 Yeon Pldg. 23 ROOMS, all on one floor, mostly 2-rooin apts., with gss, electricity and running water in rooms, exceptionally well fur nished, rent fori; w-ill ell reasonable, with some terms: always full: with good Income. Phone E. 2725 or call at 303 4 Grand ave. ROOMING HOUSE. 20 rooms, houeekeeping rooms snd fRlltes; woinlerlul l-initlon. line furniture, aiwas full: nets 1223; sacrifice for $J700. Soe Mrs. Mvers. PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS. Phone Main fits. "It Couch Bldg. Open Monday. 11 ROOMS, well furnished; gas ranges, stove heat, full basement with laundry travs, running water In part; nebs $12."i; IIHO0 hanflles. 10 room gas. electric ity, furnace, etc.; rent K'O; nets about $100: $lloo handles See Mrs. Albaugh. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerllnger lildg. 12-ROOM TRANSIENT. Right downtown on Morrison st.: rent only $30. Including lights nnd water; Isrge, airy rooms: net profit $130; price $1300; easy, payments. Kco Mrs. Keller. GFo T. MOORE CO.. IOQ7 Venn Pldg. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 20 rooms, housekeeping, hot wster and Inks, furnace, furniture extra good end clean: rent $00 and a 4-yer lease: $23410 cash to handle. See Mr. Magoon, 317 Cham, of Com, hldg CLASSY PLACE. 81-room hotel, private bath to every room: rent only 2oO; wonderful loca tion, fine brick building; net profit 3u0; no other like it. . See Mrs. Keller. CF.n T. MOORE CO.. IOQ7 Yeon Pldg. NEAR LINCOLN HIGH. If) rooms, mostly sleeping, modern, house, law-n, a wonderful home and good' Income, great demand for room and board, select. Mr. Magoon. 517 Cham, of Com. Hldg. Main 1?T, WHITE TEMPLE. 10 housekeeping rooms, nioe and clean: rent $33; good furniture and two tone of briquets; all goes for $3i; $ono rash. See McCauIev. 2LS Railway Exchange bidg Main 11102. LEAVING CITY. Must He Sold This Week. 17 rooms, beautifully furnished; makes lovely home; net profit $l.so. See Mrs. Keller. CEO. T. MOOR E CO.. 10Q7 Yeon Bldg. 14 M.M,lil luniiinru rooms, inii.ii. ... ... dandy looking house; $2.".oo; will sell for $.10M before Christmas; I17O0 handles now. Best location. J. EUGENE HEDGES, Reeltor, 201 W. Park See me for burs. $l2.30 NET INCOME. MONTHLY. 33 rooms, brick bldg.. 2-yr. lease. downtown location, always full, $22.M). rent $30. G. Y. Edwards, 010 Henry bldg. HFSIIiKS'TI AL HOTEL. 80 rooms, steam heat, hot and cold waler; well furnished, nigs like new; a very select place; rent $133. Mr. Magoon. 317-111 Cham, of Com. Hlrig LoVKLY 10-room hiuse, elegantly fur nished: rent only 1 10; et profit about $03; $1000 will handle. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 10Q7 Yeon Bldg. WANT GOOD ROOMING HOUSE. Must have leae, be well furnished and making money; buyer will pav part cash and good property. Apply limber Lund Bureau, BoardofTrado bldg WANTEIi A "rooming house from 4& re) 60 rooms or apt. houw from 20 to ?4 apts., from owner. Phone Hdwy. R0!H. Call Monday from B'.IO A. M to II P. M. I WANT TO BUY lease and furniture of a 23 or more room apartment house; must be modern. L. P40. Qregonian. 14 ROOMS, housekeeping: 4 blocks to Meier & Frank's; price $1500; handle fog $1000 cash; rent only I IS. Ualn 0121, f