TTTR SUNDAY OREGOIAN. POTtTLAND SEPTEMBER 4, 1921 19 TOR REST. Roomi With llgwd In Private Family. HAVE 1 nice Iront bedroom with bath, also privileges ot living room, walking, distance, to Mt Tabor or Monta villa schools; 22 minutes from city: room antl breakfast $25, with dinner $30: teachers or 2 business girls preferred. J?hone Tabor 80.i3. LARGE well-furnished room and board In private family. Furnace heat and use of piano. Near Franklin high school. Two ladies desired, high school teachers or students preferred. 4829 80th ave. S. E. Tabor 633. ' . PLEASANT, nicely furnished front room, with board, strictly modern home; spe cial rates for two: also room for young man willing to share, room with conge nial young man: home privileges close In. Marshall 27S1. i ROOMS with board in a nice modern home; single rooms cheap and 2 or 3 in a large room cheaper; rooms extra clean and board; with references; business people preferred; walking distance. 617 Marshall. Broadway 3355. GOOD board with large pleasant front room facing on the park, suitable for 2 people; dose In to Ladd and Lincoln schools. All conveniences. Home priv ileges. Main 31S1. 'J3 West Park. FOR TWO gentlemen, beautiful large front room, twin beds; In real home, for young folks: Ladd'. Addition: excellent car service: home cooking: reasonable. 455 a. 12th St.. corner Carutners. BOOMS with all modern conveniences; reasonable and eloaa In. for two gentle men. $25 per month. One single room, also nice room for two ladies with use of kitchen. 308 12th St.. near ami. IN BEAUTIFUL Irvlngton home, fine front room, 2 exposures, for 2 gentlemen or couple. Perpetual hot water; garage, one block from Broadway car. Small adult family. East 12O0. BACHELORS' HOME. T will have mv house ready by the 10th of September, located near the dental eolleae: steam heat and every thing new; references. M 11110. Oregonian. FURNISHED room, orivate family. 107 ' East 27th, near Sunnyside car; privilege of getting breakfast; references ex changed; caPl between 12 and 8 P. M. after Monday, 1'hone cast 4mo. LARGE front room, phone, bath and board, home cooukig. meals served fam ily style, 18 per week. 85 loth St., be tween Oak and Stark. Bdwy. 3072. ATTRACTIVE room with board in first class apt., west side, for two business women; pleasant home surroundings; reasonable. Marshall 2629, NICELY furnished parlor with dressing room snd sleeping; porch, $20. Close in. west side. Gentlemen, reference Bdwy. 4329. ' ROOM and board, suitable for two or three gentlemen; home privileges; close to Benson Polytechnic school, between 15th and 18th. WANTED Elderly woman to make home with private family for board and room. 1M Ruasell or East 40S4. NICELY furnished room in modern home, suitable for two; good home cooking; Nob hill district. Main 2581. SCHOOL children to board, near Buck man school: good home care. Pricea rea sonable. East 53S3. ROOM for younK men or couple employed, good table; walking distance; home priv ileges: also garage. East 150. . WILL board girls; 2 blocks to Vernon school. Wdln. 2134. - , WILL room a mother with 1 or 2 children and care for same. Phone East 3802. GENTLEMEN Large room, : home, near Multnomah club. beds, nice Main 2219. PLEASANT rooms with or without board. Nob Hill district. Main 608. NICE large room with board. 1 or 2; rea sonable, walking distance. E. 5505. . NEAT, cosy room, price 112; meals If de sired. Call at 315 E. Both, WILL care for children two blocks from school. Auto. 613-09. NICELY furnished rooms, with board, near Broadway bridge. 408 Benton. TOUNG man. near or near garage. 52d and Sandy, Tabor 258", with LARGE front room, two beds, walking distance: home cooking. East 8445. BOOM, board, 1 or 2 gentlemen. 574 Ladd ave. E. 5145. HOME for children. Best of care. Large play ground. Phone E. 6500. Furnished Apartments. BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED 4-ROOM CORNER APARTMENT. 165 MONTH STRICTLY MODERN. Equipped for 2 to 4 persons, first-class Janitor service guaranteed; there are no better apartments than these in alt Portland; all outside, light, airy, classy rooms. BEAUTIFUL new 5-room apt with glassed in sun parlor, hardwood floors, indirect lights, rent $40 Close-in, west side, new furniture for sale consisting of mahog anv. overstuffed and wicker, floor lamp, Wilton rugs, drapes, etc. Bargain, only $550 or will sell part. Phone Mar. 1788. After Monday. Bdwy. 48:15. TOUNG bachelor wishes gentleman to share pleasant apt. vlth him. Ref. required. Call at 390 Clay, Apt. 11. Sunday, 4 P. M. to 7:30 P. M. ; Tuesday. 7 P. M. to P. M. WICKERSHAM 6-room apt., completely furnished: 3 bedrooms, desirable west- side location; walking distance; rent $120. Bdwy. 3417. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett street. . Furnished S-room apt., all outside rooms. Modern. Walk ing distance. BEAUTIFULLY furnished, spotlessly clean front apt.: 1 room with large closet and kitchenette, $25; close in, west side. 444 Clay St. Marshall 4194. HANOVER APARTMENTS 2 and S-room furnished apartments; newly renovated; private balcony, bath, large closets: Broadway, 8 minutes' walk. Main S712. CLEAN, freshlv tinted. 2-room apt. for 3 adults: ground floor, front: electric lights and gas included: close In. $30, 1 94 13th st. Main 3559. NICELY furnished 3-room apartment, suit able for housekeeping; business women desired; 1 large sleeping room suitable for 2. Mod. 57 Trinity place. Bdwy. 1796. UPSHUR APTS. 2-3 rooms, furnished, steam heat, hot and cold water. $18 per month up. 4064 N. 2th st. ONE WELL-FURNISHED 3-room apt.. close In. walking distance; rent reaaon- ahle. 5SS Couch. Main 1846. IN IRVINGTON 3 and 4 furnished h. k. suites, convenient, clean and pleasant. 441 East 13th street North. LADY to share coxy 8-room apartment, separate beds, walking distance. Call Marshall 3109. $20 LARGE, clean 2-room apt., 2 beds, heat, lights, bath. Separate entrance. Wa-lklng distance. 573 3d t. $30 SECOND floor, 3 rooms, atove heat, private bath, near Sunnyside car. 152 E. 2IHh st. 8.. corner Belmont. Call Tues. KATHERIN'E APTS. 8-room .apt., lovely enameled kitchen; homelike; also one 2-room apt. Mar. 2998. WISH to exchange rental of apartment- for labor; plumbing, calcimining, painting or carpentering. 412 19th st. N. NICELY furnished 2-room basement apt. team heat, lights and phone $30 month. Adults. The Lincoln. 4tn ana Lincoln. $24 AND $32 a month for 2-room steam heated furnished apartments. 40254 Sd sc NICELY furnished 3 or 4-room apartment; lights, water, gas and bath included; rent $45; 533 Flanders. Broadway 4205. CLEAN, light, completely furnished 2 and 3-ronm apta. Couples or bachelors. In- duatrial diet. Low rates. 412 liith st. N. 8-ROOM apt., neatly furnished, attractive home, lovely place for employed people. East 2548. 711 E. Yamhill. CARLOIS APARTMBNTS. 2 and 3-rooin furnished modem front apts. Reasonable. 14tn and Market ELLA ST., near Washington, fine flat; gas neat, wntte enamel, narawood firs., . mahogany furniture: adulta. Mar. 6070. WESTONIA apt., 666 Glisan, 2-room fur nlshed ground apt., modern, walking dis tance. 2-ROOM furnished apt., modern, steam neat, enuoren welcome, -fjjv Market su Main 5849. LARGE, furnished 3-room apt., with bath and large sleeping poroh. Lola Apta., BY OWNER. 8-room apt., good location. Allio. niviia. ini nnrm zaq at. NICE clean furnished 2-room apartment ana sleeping room at 04,1 Washington. NEW YORK apartments, furnished; 7th and Belmont. East 138. CAN MARCO, E. 8TH AND COUCH l-HM. MOD. APTS. E. 2312. JULIANA APTS.. 43 Trinity place, t and s-room rurniaiiru wp. Jiikrsnau BS3. BUE.N'A VISTA 434 Harrison. First-class 2 and 3-rm. apts. Main 1052. 2-ROOM furnished housekeeping apt walking distance. 508 Jefferson. ' 8-ROOM furnished apartment. 821 Thur man st. Phone Marshall 3666. ROOMS, slent, $3. $5 a week; 1 room, $3; tran 208 Washington. UORTON apta,, J-room furnished apt 697 Wash, st. Main 7lS2. CLEAN furnished 3 rooms and kitchenette walking distance, close in. 344 Benton et. BANNER APTS. 189 Clay St., near 14th. ' Modern. 2-room furnished apt.. $22. IN KENTON Strictly modern furnished heated apartment. Adults. Wdln. 4089. THREE-ROOM apartment. Hawthorne district. 240 E. 10th st. East 472. 2 ROOMS newly cleaned, nlshed. 175 17th st. N. Nicely fur- TWO furnished apartments for house keeping. 384 Park st. Main 5372. BEAUTIFUL large 3-room apartment, fur nished. 692 E. Ash st. COZY 3-rm. furnished apt., close In. 276 E. Broadway, cor. Wheeler. East 3517. $25 BEAUTIFUL 4-room apt., heat, bath, HghU. 2 beds. Walking. 573 3d et. 1 ROOMS. FURNISHED. 847 . BDWX. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. 6TELWYX APARTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. Elegantly furnished apt.. 1 to 8 rma, with sleeping norch: In residential dis trict. We have the very handsomest furnished apartments In the city; white enamel woodwork. Ivory furniture, Chi nese rugs, exceptionally clean and mod ern: also for refined gentlemen a lew bachelor suits snd rooms with and without bath. References required. 166 St. Clair St.. cor. Wash. Mar. 2830. FOR KK.VT Very desirable furnished apt. of two rooms with bath and kitchenette Radio fireDlace and hardwood floor ll living room: Hunt and cheerful, with good outlook: walking distance to busi ness center. This Is most suitable for retinea gentleman and wife. Inquire oo N. 19ta si. Depot-Morrison car to Davis, THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier A Frank's store, good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 ana 8-room furnishea apts.. out side with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. 137.40 193 ST CLAIR ST. $37.50 Finest residential section: beautiful view; walking distance; cool, light and airy; newly furnished and decorated. 2 rooms, kitchenette and vestibule; rent includes light, heat, bath phone. Main 3818. KINGSBURY APARTMENT HOUSE. 1nA VIWTA 1VK Nicely furnished 3-room apartment, I Bedroom, also a built-in bed; outside bal cony. Vacant on Sept. 6. Rem 174. Call Main 3S83. THE JACKSON. 51 54 Union Ave. North. Three-room apta., $30 and 140; private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, phone service; 15 minutes' walk to 6th ana Aider, tcese city car, cast joia FURNISHED Strictly modern apartment. Large rooms, wall bed. kitchen, dressing room, bath, hall and porches. Gas heat. on Linnton road. Near fit- jonns terry. Columbia 985. . NICELY furnished 2-room . apartments, walking distance; steam heat, no extra charge for lights and private paone; adults only. The Lincoln, 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. t LAM B ROOK APARTMENTS. 430 EAST YAMHILL ST. For rent, reasonable, 2-room furnishea apartment. CALL EAST 4002. THE STANFIELD. Modern outside 2-room apta Light, heat, phone, laundry facilities, '2g and 22 50. Main 7392. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner loth and Salmon. 2, 3 and 4 room apts. ; permanent or transient; also single rooms. Main 6641. FOR RENT Nicely furnished two-room apartment, electric lights, hot and cold water, gas ranges; rent very reasonable, 699 Everett street. Main 2834. MLNZEY APARTMENTS. 390 CLAY. Two rooms and kitchens!; also 2- room apartii.ent. TWO-ROOM apartment, newly finished, all modern conveniences, rent reason able, . between Broadway and steel bridges. E. 5088. 271 McMillen street. TWO 3-ROOM light sunny apartments, clean, modern, reasonable rent, warn ing distance. Arlinu apartments, 17th and Lovejay. Bdwy. Ibl2- $20 193 ST. CLAIR ST. 20. Front apartment with beautiful view. Large windows on 2 sides; attractively furnished 1 room and kitchenette. Main 3818. J-OWJl lUllllBucu n,..n ......... ' hnme river view, auitable for 1 Or 2 ! home, river view. business women: gas, light. heat and ; phone; $Sti. be.lwood 602. ALICE COURT Easi otn and Burnslde. Newly decorated, 3 rooms, fireplace, phone. Ivory woodwork, 2 beds. East 3508. ; FOR RENT Furnished apts., all outside rooms; Bleeping porch, including steam heat and hot water; walaing distance; $40; adults. 427 Rodney sve. East 7817. LEXAR APARTMENT. 13th and Clay. Two, three and four-room apts.; mod ern. . THE LILLIAN APTS. Close in, west side, 3 rooms, large, light and clean; adults. 381 6th st. Marshall 1378. FOR RENT 2-room apts., if you buy the furniture. Rent $12. 22754 Washington St., room 301, Labbe bldg., or write box 370. city. . LUXOR APARTMENT. 13th and Clay. Two, three and four-room apts. ; ern. mod- WESTMINSTER APTS. SIXTH AND MADISON. Four-room furnished apt., on Main 5582. 1st fir. :l ROOMS and private bath, rent $2i.50, including phone,- water and garbage. I' East 7737. A. M. ; Woodlawn 6111, P. M. FOR RENT Completely furnished 2-room apartment. Including tireless cooker; very centrally located on west side; reason able. H 986. Oregonian. $25 4 CLEAN rooms, recently decorated; ground floor: bath, basement, yard. Rich-mond-Woodstock car. 528 East 21st. THE PALACE apartment, llol East Mar ket; 4 rooms furnished; private bath; adults only. Tabor 2854. - HOUSMAN APTS. Large 4-rm. extra well furnished, all outside rooms; sleeping porch. Main 1552. 730 Hoyt street. NICE, large, modern fumiehed apt., eteam hat and hot water. See Kerrigan, 52 E: 8-th and Davis. NICE 3-room apt. in modern home with couple; light, phone and heat. Tabor 8(136. , IONIAN COURT, ISth and Couch, 4-room front, corner apt., newly tinted and painted; close In. Adults. Bdwy. S761. 3 AND 2-ROOM h. k. apts., well fur nished, strictly clean, first floor. 496 Clav near 14th St. Main 4438. 1 AND 2-room furnished housekeeping apartments,- $12 per month and up. 71 East 11th St. N. - 1 Tp 5-ROOM APT. for rent to business or professional women, modern, reasona ble. Tahor 7228. TWO nice, clean sleeping rooms with tele- ?hone. bath and hot air. Main 1926, 15 Everett. HADDON HALL, 3 and 4-room apart ments, $45 to $60, Including phone. 414 11th st. Phone Mar. 1180. ALICE COURT East Sth Burnside; newly decorated. 3 rooms, fireplace, phone. Ivory woodwork, 2 beds. East 8006. ALTAilONT APT. Modern three or four-room apts.; sonable rent. 304 College. ELLA ST.. near Wash. Fine $100 flat, gas heat, white enamel, hardwood floors, mahogany furniture: adults. Mar. 6070. BOZA.VTA APTS. Nicely furnished 3-room apta. 188 gad st. aiar. zv-at. BERKELEY APTS., 39 Trinity place. Nice- ly furnished 2 and 8-room apta. Mar. can apt. 6-ROOM completely furnished. steam- heated apartment to rent for the win ter; west side; references. Mar. 2034. WIDOW with a good 7-room house, will rent the lower floor to adulta only. 539 East 36th, near Richmond car. IONIAN COURT, ISth and Couch -room front, corner apt., newly tinted and ' painted; close in; adults. Bdwy. 2761. NEATLY furnished 3-room apartment, adulta only, $30 per month. Phone Wood- lawn 2975. AJberta. 1090 K. 15th at. N. KING ALBERT APTS. 2 and 3-room fur nished, strictly modern, tile bath, ele 'vator, 11th and Montgomery. Main 35ft. THE ALTA. 882 EAST ASH. S-room furnished apartment with bath, light, water. 835. THE JEFFERSON I AN, 10th and Jeffer son, 8-room suites, large rooms, nicely furnished, usual conven., mod, rates. LADY will share apartment with lady employed: walking distance; references. C 977, Oregonian. WILL give kind couple free apartment to take care of little girl while mother works, in nun st. in. rJISLOP HALL, 41054 Hawthorne ave. Strictly modern a-room furnished apta. jaa ana up. r.ast na- u. n. crown. TO SUBLET. 3-room furnished aoart ment, six months, possibly longer, Mayo apts. jtMMi union ave. norm. 4-ROOM furnished apartment .6S3 Nortn- rup st. Mar. z--a. I'pfurnlHhed Apartments. i UNFURNISHED rooms, newly tinted. V-O. inquire or janitor waverly court. e:. otn snn Clinton sts. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in private home for rent to young lady; near Rich mond school. Call at 1205 E. Harrison, 6 LARGE, outside, sunny rooms; hard wood floors, porches, heat and yard. Call Main 9358. 791 Northrup. 4-ROOM light, sunny apartment, clean. modern. Irving apartments. 21 Irving Main 9239. . 1 EXCLUSIVE S-room modern unfurnished apartment. uo. waverly court, E. 20th and Clinton sts. GARFIELD 8-room, sleeping porch, reaa- onaoie. aoi railing oik., w. union. THE AMERICAN, modern S-room apart- 4 ROOMS, unfurnished apt, for rent mgnianq court. Mar. 3181. DRICKSTON APTS.. 448 11th Two-room inpucm mrniaiieu apartments. 13-DAY STORAGE FREE Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 2445. UNION AVE., and Ktlllngsworth: fur. apt. .ou. in complete: concrete Dulidinga MODERN 1 and 2-room apartment, walk- niB mwmnug, rrjuwnauie. -1H 4tn St. CLASSIC APTS.. 602 Glisan; 2 rooms. $4 . oo. tsqwy. ni34. FOUR clean rooms, bath, light water 7S0 E. 29th. ws car. FOR RENT. Unfurnished Apartments. THE MAY APARTMENTS WITH ITS IDEAL LOCATION AT 14TH AND TAYLOR WILL BE READY FOR OCCUPATION SEPT. 15. THE IN TERIOR OF THE BUILDING IS NEW THROUGHOUT. IT IS STRICTLY MODERN. ALL- APARTMENTS HAVE HARD-WOOD FLOORS. IVORY WOOD WORK, ETC. SOME CHOICE APART MENTS ARE LEFT FOR RESERVA TION. CALL MAIN 7219. DELIGHTFUL corner view apt., available Sunday; 2 bedrooms, living room, din ing room, kitchen, tiled bath. The only apt. lt-ft at Garden court; 1123 per mo.; lease by the year. 530 Montgomery, 2 blocks west of St. Helen's hall . APARTMENT To RENT. Three rooms and sleeping porch. strictly modern, neat and clean bunga low: want permanent tenant, no enn dren, ISO month. 204 E. 63d St. N. MV car. 7-ROOM unfurnished apartment, hard wood floors, heat and water, large porch . overlooking- citv. west sine, close in, $55, including garage. 620 Hoffman ave., one block west of Broadway drive. BRUCE APTS.. 25th AND NORTHRUP ST. 6-room mod. apt., hardwood floors. front and sleeping porcn-, line view; steam heat. Janitor service. ' Mar. 1423 ELEGANT homelike 6-room duplex apart ment, Alvarado Apta, 730 Bveretl. see Mr. Hale on premises or Wakefield, Fries & Co., 85 4th St. Marshall SMi. 2-ROOM unfurnished apartment In new building; electric range, white wood work, hardwood floor. 800 East Hoyt at., near 24th. WASSELL APTS.. E. 13th and YAMHILL. It will pay you to see these strictly modern 4-room apts.; adults preferred; walking distance. East 3252. LUCRETIA COURT Beautiful, front view; 4-room unfurnished apt. ; narnwood noora; first class in every respect: $70. Mar. shall 1513. HANOVER APARTMENT Nice light 8- room unfurnished apartment: private balcony, bath,, closets; Broadway, eight minutes' walk. Main 5712. fi-KOOM unfurnished ape; hardwood fir., breakfast nook and sleeping porcn; near J eflerson H. 8. Wdln. 3943. WESTON1A apt., 668 Glisan, 2-room un furnished apt., wun private oatn; waist lug distance, ' THREE rooms, toilet and bath. Thurman St.. near 2Utn. Marsnall 4 ROOMS 1 block from school, $12. No. 75 E. 7th St. N. 1 block south MV. car. 1-uroiahcd or I -furnished Apartments. UNFURNISHED 4-room apt., large out trin rooms, a so s-room turnisnea sot. Guild Apia, 394 Guild su. sear 23d and Thurman. Main 8i05. FURNISHED, and unfurnished apta, no objections to cnuaren 11 unaer gooa con trol, near Couch school. Laws, apta 18th and Davis. Bdwy. 2604. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16th St., near Taylor; Marshall 128. 5-room unfurnished apartment.. ON a; 8-KOOM; has dressing room and bath, is exceptional.' rice. cast sias. SHEFFIELD apts., Bdwy. and Jefferson, lovely 4-room apt., turn, or uniurn. JAEGER APTS., 701 WASH. ST.. 4-ROOM ArAKTMKI 1 B- Flats. VERY desirable upper flat, 7 rooms and large sleeping porch, gas range, lino leum on kitchen, fireplace, furnace, in fine condition, magnificent view. This is No. 893 16th st., close to Gordon apartments. Rent 60. Strong & t-o- KilU Chamber of Cummerce. IRVINGTON 4-room flat, sleeping porfl, furnace, fireplane, hardwoou floors, dis appearing bed, white enamel kitchen, large gas range, bathroom, hot water heater. 412 E. 17th St. N.- Tabor 8018. MODERN, clean 6-room lower flat, close in. west side; furnace. fiTepje, nice porches, lawn; leased 7 months or long er; rforences: alultB. For Inspection, ll to 12. 447 11th gt. Marshall 428.1. TO ADULTS o-room upper fiat, absolutely clean; walking distance, west side; porch with fine view; linoleum, gas stove; large attic. Call for key 52554 Montgomery st. or phone 545-89. LOWER 5-room flat, basement, wash trnya, large lawn, fruit, -roses, berries, ' etc. 208 East 45th st. L. S. Steiji metz. 4i6 Gerlingtr bldg. Main 6091 or Tabor .1224. VERY desirable 6-room nat with large sleeping porch and additional room In attic; in fine condition and commands fine view of city; rent $60. Strong Co.. 606 Chamber ot commerce. MODERN 6-room lower flat; finest loca . tion in Nob Hill; furnace heat, fireplace; all conveniences. 775 Johnston St. bet, 23d and 24th. FOR RENT Choice of 3-room flat; base ment, furnace, laundry, alt private; modern; no carfare. Two people only. 441 E. Couch St.. cor. 7th. Tel. East 1316. FLAT for rent and some furniture for sale, 'wood and gaa range, bed, spring mattress, dresses. Call East 5418 Sunday morning. 4 ROOMS, walking distance, $20; adults only; call between 10 and 8. U3 54 E. Cth st. N. LARGE 2-room uoner flat, newly tinted. light and water furnished, $18. 69. East 22d street. UPPER unfurnished 5 and 6 rooma with . hath, walking distance, adulta only. 533 E. Stark. ONE FOUR-ROOM unfurnished flat. Prl , vate bath. Wdln. 5S92. 242 Kllltngs- wortn. MODERN 5-room lower flat, In first-class condition. 488 E. 12tn. Kent $32.50, Wakefleld-Fries & Co., 85 Fourth at. FOR RENT o-room unfurnished flat, on car line. Free light, water and bath. $14 per month. Phone Tahor 3735. UPPER 5-room flat, sleeping porch, ga rage. 897 Fargo St., near Union ave. N., $:15. Inquire 307 Railway Exchange bldg. $30 Modern 5-room flat. 540 Second at. Phone City garage. Broadway 840. LARGE 2-room uppes flat, light and"water furnished. $18. 9 East 22d. 8-ROOM basement flat, cheap. Inquire 273 54 14th. cor. Jefferson. THREE or six-room flat. 414 54 East Har- rison. coiumoia am. UNFL'stNISHED flat. 3 rooms and bath, sleeping porch. 705 Glisan. Main 7521. DESIRABLE 3-room flat; bath; $15. E. Thurman st. 4-RUO.M upper flat. 1181 Hawthorne ave. $18 -4-room flat. Inquire 683 Int. Furnished Flats. NKW FOUR-ROOM furnished flat; fire place, screened porches: west side; quiet neighborhood; references required. W 990, Oregonian. YOU'LL LIKE THIS ONE. C1an. modern flat for rent, close In, beautiful new furniture for sale at a bargain. Marshall 1089. FURNISHED upper 6-room flat, fireplace, -furnace, finished floors, sleeping porch, sightly, garage. Hawthorne district; adults only; $55. 701 East Main st. $25 LIVING rooms, kitchenette, private bath, sleeping porch, walking distance, block to SS car; adulta only. 669 54 Bel mont. East 5.V20. TO ADULTS 3 rooms and porch, fine view; gaa, electricity; absolutely cleans west side, walking distance. Call for key b:m Montgomery st. rnone 04o-S'J. LEAVING city, must sell at once the com plete furnishings of a 8-room . ateam- heated flat. Including new oak piano. can poo uoucn st., riat 4, west side. NOB HILL DISTRICT. Completely furnished 5-room flat with private rront porcn ; wanting distance. Mar. aoj. nat p. ra unsan. CLEAN, oosy 4 rooms, bath, fine view, west siae, wanting aisiance, near Lin coin high; adults, references. 464 Hall street, near jou. FIVE large rooms and bath, beautifully rurnisnea, close to car line, good loca tlon. 1080 East 18th North. $30 3-ROOM well-furnished flat, sleep Ing porch, bath; 12 minutes on R. C car. East 6S09. FURNISHED 6-room modern flat. 85254 . Burnside st, $32.50 per month. Main 9307. 3 OR. 4 NICELY furnished rooms, piano, Nob Hill, close in. 701 54 Hoyt Mar shall 3402, $25 6-ROOM upper flat 4 rooms fur nlshed. 821 Vaughn, near Montgomery- Ward. $30 SECOND floor. 8 rooms, stove heat private bath, near Sunnyside car. 152 E. 20th st. 8., Corner Belmont. Call Tues. ELLA ST., nr. Washington, fine flat, $100; gas heat, white enamel, hardwood firs., mahogany furniture; adults. Mar. 6070. SUNNY, well furnished three-room flat. private oam, aesiraDie location, couple; references. Phone East 4911. FIVE-ROOM furnished flat, west side. walking distance: use of piano. Couple or t v u Bcunciiicn. n pti, regupian. 5-ROOM furnished flat. 552 Third street corner Lincoln, 8 ROOMS and sleeping porch. 1040 Bel mont st. Phone Tabor 8300. FURNISHED five-room upper flat. 601 54 East Morrison, corner 15th. Adults. 4-ROOM upper flat, good location, $45; adults. East 4707. 288 Fargo st SIX-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT, SIDE. $3.1. CALL MAR. 4220. WEST FURNITURE for sale, flat for rent near Lincoln high school. 83154 Mill st 8-ROOM fiat, rent $40. with lease, to one buying the furnlt4je, $500. Main 6127. 4 ROOMS and bath; neat, clean; walking distance; $38; adults. East 7722. FURNISHED live-room Hat White Temple LOWER furnished flat; Montavllla dis- trlct. Tabor 1831. 3-ROOM furnished flat, modern; walking distance. r'tione East 3381. IRVINGTON four-room lower flat 665 weldler St., near corner Nineteenth. $40 4 ROOMS, modern. 568 Market st; walking distance; adult. FOR BENT, Furnished Flats. SINGLE gentleman wants someone to share rent of a well-furnished 6-room flat: modern conveniences, Including use of piano. West side, walking distance. Suitable for couple or two gentlemen. am mi. oregonian. TO rr,Y:r-T 4 r . reannnslhl. married ecu file, furnished hve-room lower Hat. close n. at unfurnished price: father and adult son- want hoard. 481 East Couch corner Ninth. Aut 211-05 Sundays, even ings. ntVLVGTOV Three larre rooms. Com- nl.telv fun nlahMl firanlace. Dlaver nlano, on first floor; so children; on carline; son Include, heat. wa.ter. lights, phone; ' suitable for man and wife, quiet people . only. East 4.184 after a r. at. ONLY $35 5 or 8-room. well-furnished lower flat, near Laureihurst park and Sunnyside school: electricity, bath, gas stove, water heater, Desi car 11158 E. Taylor. East a-oo. FOR RENT West side flat, 6 rooms, fur niture for sale, very reasonable, one room rented, ilght. sunny rooms, with nice yard, no objections to children. Call Aut. 5-5-20. 5oJ Kvereu no. .. VERY fin clean, weil-f urnished 5-room ground floor flat, close In, furnace, gas stove, electricity, hat water neater. " near North Pacific Dental college. 483 E. Couch. East 5534. FOR LEASE One year or more, steam heat, hot and cold water, furnished 7 rooms, nicely furnished, $75; easy walk ing distance. East 8472. Call 24 Kast S1H North, 5 LARGE rooms and bath, very desirable beautifully furnished, good oar service . reasonable rent. Call 100"54 E. 18lh St. K. between 9 and 12 A. M. tf-RnriM flat furniture for sale: can ren 8 rooms If desired; will consider trad ing for Ford car. 427 54 6th st Main 713.. NORTH IRVINGTON lower flat to rent furnished. Full basement ana lumsiti All conveniences. 667 Prescott St. Wdln. 1588. - A FURNISHED modern 5-room upper lit-, h, fireman, a norcn. a uinuu, etc.; rent 147.50 month; walking dis tance. Call 441 litn st. FOR rent il-mum furnished flat. 69254 Love.loy street. $50 month. our-ruom furnished flat. 694 Lovejoy atreet, 4o. Phone Broadway 303, IRVINGTON Attractive 4-room flat. heat. light, gas; couple employed; reierences, $65. 711 Thompson. FOR RENT 5-room furnished flat; adults. Marshall 3451. ' Housekeeping Room. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, 1 room with kitohenette, hot and coiu water, private phone, electric lights, steam heat, five minutes' walk to town. 291 Columbia, near Fifth. $20 PER MONTH, large housekeeping room, comfortably furnished, perfectly clean and In good condition; prefer em ployed couple; no children. Del Monte, 107 Stout, near 20th and Wash LARGE front rooms, first floor. All conveniences for housekeeping. Also one single housekeeping room. 405 West Park. . FOR RENT 2-room housekeeping suite, large, light, clean, newly decorated, elec tric lights, quarter meter, bath and phone. Mar. 3214. Close in. SINGLE b,. k. room, attractive, water In room; $13 per wk.; also large room with kitchenette. 341 Harrison at., ooroer Broadway. HOUSEKEEPING apt., everything con venient, very clean, sunny, warm rooms for winter; rent right, lovely location. 170 12th st. . ONE. TWO-ROOM h. k. apt on second floor; linen, light, tel., heat furnished. 404 Park St. FOR RENT Unfurnished housekeeping rooms, two rooms and kitchenette, heat, phone and water furnished, at 967 E. 13th N. Phone Aut. 320-34. TWO large rooms and hall room suitable for S or 4 adults; clean, walking dis tance, west side. 493 Montgomery. Main 3310. 2 CONVENIENT housekeening rooms. walking distance. 449 E. Yamhill. Phone East 8115. VERY clean H. K. room, furnished, ex clusive locality, park avenue, close city park; CO car. Main 48. OARAGE with turn. h. k. room above, - suitable for two. 84 N. 21st St., cor. Everett. . i ROOMS and sleening norch. unfurnished or partly furnished; heat and lights furnished. .131 vv. far. 8 LARGE airy rooms, private entranoe. sink, electricity, phone, sultanie tor a adults employed; $45 month. 308 12th St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, large and light. $3 and up; linen furnished. 2-i-t Mont gomery THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished H. K. rooms, $15 up, inciuaing hot water, electric lights, laundry room. l PLEASANT H. K. rooms, newly furnished, i walking distance; far above the ordi nary: reasonable. 548 Yamhill. . HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close in, clean, seasonable. 194 Lownsdale, cor. Taylor. Main 183H. SINGLE housekeeping rooms for men or women. Bath and lobby. Hate to $12 per month? 412 10th st. N. A STORE building on corner of Commer cial and Morris sta., reasonable. Call Tabor 678. H. K. ROOMS with kitchenette, bath, elec tricity free, $3.50 and up; newly dec-orated.- Main 7853. . SINGLE housekeeping rooms for men or women; bath and lobby; rate to $12 per month, 412 19th St. N. S HOUSEKEEPING room for rent, $25 per month. 349 Jefferson, between Park and Broadway. CLEAN 2 rms.. i nk. ranee: $4..i0: 2 rail. $2.D0, bath, phone, ljl Lownsdale at,, near 14th, Morrison. H. K. ROOMS and sleeping rooms, $8 and $10. 8d floor. Walking distance. 63 Flanders. IN IRVINGTON 3 clean, well furnished h. k. rooms, 1st floor, very convenient no objection to children. 412 E. 9th N NICELY furnished 1. 2 and 3-room houoe keeping apts. Reasonable; also sleeping room, nn irving. LARGE single h. k. room, $30. with good neat. -34 lutn st. LADIES will find fine accommodations s)t 1 63 First . corner Madison. DON'T search; gas range, electric lights couple. $i. 8ti54 rourtn st. 15 WEEK UP. completely furnished h. k . suites. The Cadillac, 8d near Jefferson. 1 AND 2-ROOM apartments very rea sonable. 173 54 North 21st street HOUSEKEEPING and furnished rooms, (3 week and up. al Jonnson, cor. 16th. FURNISHED h. k. rooma, $1.50 per week and up: electric ugnta. gti 1st. H. K. ROOMS, porch, fine location: children. 54 N. 18th. near Wash. LARGE room and kitchenette, single room. very reasonaoie. e.ia r lanaers. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. E. Washington. Tabor 4507. 1071 FURNISHED h. k. rooms $3.50 per week and up. zaafr vtasnington st. $4 2-ROOM apartments, all conveniences, near acnooi. b.t -inurman. FOR RENT 1 large room for light house keeping In Goodnough bldg. Room 420-a LIGHT, clean, well-furnished 1 and 2 room apts., $25. $30 monthly. 170 10th. STEAM-HEATED h. k. rooms, $12 per mo. up. J.41 lEn HI. SLEEPING porch with small sitting room; light h. k. privileges. 306 12th st TWO H. K. ROOMS. 286 12th St. NICE, large, light and airy h. k. rooms, reasonably priced. 581 Hood at. FOR RENT 8 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, una Aioina ave. TWO NEAT, clean, single housekeeping rooms. Main ju.11. a-o otn at. BEAUTIFUL 2-room front apartment The Manitou. at zui i;itn st. SINGLE H. K. rooms suitable for two. 449 Hi. coucn. 2-ROOM H. K. suites at 247 54 Fifth st. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Famtly, TWO NICELY furnished H. K. rooms; gas, bath, S-O montn. 892 Front PRIVATE family. light housekeeping room. 526 Columbia st. 105 20TH, COR. FLANDERS Neatly fur nlshed housekeeping rooms. 2 H. K. ROOMS at 266 20th st Nice quiet place. per ttioiltlt. TWO LOVELY furnished housekeeping rooms. $18 a mo. 586 Pettlgrove. TWO FURNISHED or unfurnished h. k. rooms, walking distance. Main 3022. a OR 8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. raoor airja. viu cast stain. HOUSEKEEPING room In Irvlngton home, all conveniences, cast 1I!70. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, near Jefferson high. 471 Ktlllngsworth ave. SINGLE H. K. room,, running water, close to library. 4.ju. 4za lamniil. 2 PLEASANT h. k. rooms, kitchenette, eto. 801 Everett; reaaonaDie. TWO FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 34 nan st. HAVE housekeeping room. extra good. 4j E. .pun st. HOUSEKEEPING room for rent 6? N. 21st. ONE furnished h. k. room, use of bath. private ent. $3. 7ft week. ' 602 Morrison. 3-ROOM H. K., suite, close In; 414 Colum bia st. Marsnan 3 tWO NICE clean H. K. rooms, $18. Also 3a ii oor. si 2. tti k. nun st. s. K2-ROOM apartment, first floor: separate entrance: close in; aauita. East 2170. 2 RQOMS, $15 month; gas range, free SUITE, 2 rms., large, airy,. pleasant, newly fitted, call noon or after a. 034 Morrison. TWO clean housekeeping rooms. East 4540 J FOB RENT. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. IRVINGTON Three large rooms, com pletely furnished, fireplace, player piano, on first floor; no children; on carline; $60. includes heat, water, lights, phone: suitable for man and wife, quiet people only. East 4384 after 2 P. M. TWO partly furnished rooms for couple that work; cooking gas, electric light furnished, use of kitchen,- hot and cold water, telephone, walking distance. 49S Columbia. $20 SECOND floor, nice sunshiny suite of 3 furnished h. k. rooms; Includes sleep ing porch, lights, water; beautifully lo cated, lawn, roses; walking distance; adults. 564 E. eth. Phone Sell. 1109. WHOLE lower - floor of home; excellent furniture, rugs, piano, davenport, seven rockers and range, everything furnished. Walking distance. 371 Multnomah st Phone East 8717. Rent $45. NICELY furnished 2-room apartment, suit able for girls, in a widow's home; heat, light, gaa and phone; very reasonable. Sellwooq 8. TWO OR THREE furnished light house-- keeping rooms; heat and bath, $30. 594 East 28th St., North, oorner of Stanton street. Take Broadway car. . TWO unfurnished rooms, sultabie for light housekeeping; private entrance and pri vate balcony; modern; in quiet home. Main 8471. . THOROUGH, clean. 2-roum n. k. apt., sink. running water, free phone; walking uis tnnce. 307 Clay st, near 15th. Marshall 8602. . VERY convenient aad comfortable 2-rm h. k. basement apt.; private outside en trance. 507 Cay St., near 15th. Mar shall 3002. - ' NICELY furnished outside housekeeping or sleeping rooms; one blk. to car; ugnt, heat, phone and use of laundry. 3354 E. 16th st. North. . TWO-ROOM apartment, front view, abso lutely clean, everything furnished, want ing distance. Rent $20. Phone East 8717. THREE nice pleasant housekeeping rooms, hath, light and use of phone. 2051 East Burnside. Tabor 4S36. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, sink ana gas range, witn or witnout sieep ing porch. 115 N. 23d. Main 3810. FURNISHED H. K. rooms for high school students, near Jefferson high; rent rea sonable. 142 Shaver. Wdln. 1184 TWO GOOD, clean furnished H. K. rooms. private family. 3u hi. couch at. feast GD8. . GOOD proposition for young couple. I will snare my homo lor the winter; aiso ga rage. Sell. 2072. . HOUSEKEEPING rooms, walking dis tance. 275 Williama ave. tast atvi. Mrs. Wilcox. TWO NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; 713 Sandy blvd.; no children. East 7666. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, private family. handy to cars or walking distance, rem reasonable. 355 Hancock st. East 840. HOUSEKEEPING rooma with bath, tele phone and hot air. Main liuu. no Everett. ooid water furnished. 7 E.- 14th St., cor. East Ankeny. East 998. THREE rooma furnished for housekeep ing In private family, wis a, inn at. south. THREE large, light, olean housekeeping rooms for 2 adults; gooa neignoornouu. Gto East Main. CLEAN furnished housekeeping and slee ing rooms: gas furnished: adulta. l-o Broadway. Phone E. 2449. Near bridge THREE nice, clean H. K. rooms, a large front and kitchen; reasonable. N. 21st. SINGLE housekeeping rooms, 3d flqor, electricity ana. . gas, warning uiBianwo, 110 and $12 a montn. il.ii l-m si. NICE room, sleeping or h. k.. downtow save carfare; reasonable, wme see Clean. 207 W. Park. PRIVATE home, ciean. ooav housekeepin rooms, walking distance, $o per wees- 365 Williams ave., cor. Broadway. 8 NICELY furnished H. K. rooms; gas" coal range, electricity; no cnuaren. jo- 47th st. Mt. Scott car to division. LARGE H. K. rooms, dressing room pantry, sink, separate entrance; close In. 480 Jefferson. 2 LARGE unfur. rooms, hot-water heat 789 Kearney. Marshall 84o6. LN IRVINGTON Four! rooms, conveniently located. 605 Weldlcr st LIGHT housekeeping room, everythln furnished. 74854 Thurman NICELY fur. room with kitchenette, hot and cold water. 161 N. 1:3a. 8 H. K. RMS., close in, close to school; no objections to children. n. nn AND 3 H. K. rooms, everything fur nished; clean. 347 Hall street. 2 NICE, light furnished H. K. rooma . Irving St. Bdwy. 3952. BIG FRONT ROOM Light housekeeping, 2 girls or woman empioyea. -v oin 01 Houses. van hen't 5-room modern bungalow, clean and close to car; call after 10 A. M. 8810 44th ave. 8. E. UNFURNISHED modern 6-room bungalow, restricted district west siue, sou. mi shall 3870. MOVING Planoa furniture and long-dls tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Servics Co.. 40 2d St. Phone Bdwy. 512L 8-ROOM modern house, fireplace and fur nace. 6211 82d st, 8. E., $35. Auto matic 617-45.' 7-ROOM house, 187 Fifteenth atreet North Will rent to responsible tenant; $30 month. O. W. Bryan, Main 1988. 7-ROOM house. 695 Flanders atreet Call 405 Pittock block relative to same. Tel. Bdwy. 23 44. ELK TRANSFER STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free; furniture mov ing for less. Broaaway m.i. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Transfer 00. Main 1201. 202 54 Alder street $25 0 ROOMS, garage; must buy coal heater, gaa range, gas water neater. 9if Haisey sr. MODERN 6-room bungalow. Call between 4 and 6 P. M. Monday. $2o per month T46 MllwauKie A MODERN 6-room house in restricted dlst. with garage. 834 ovenooK oiva $50. Will be there from 10 to 4 Sunday, o-TtriOM modern house, west side, wsl ing distance, $60 per mo. Call Bdwy. 4468. 6 TO 8 RMS., modern. $75 to $100; several Of Portland s most aesiraoie aomes; im mediate occupancy. H 950, Oregoniaa PARTLY furnished 6-room house near Columbia para., or win rent, uuihihieihv. 1707 Dana St. 101. ill. t dhau hu rapar snodern conven lences: nartljr furnished. $40. 810 E 78th st. S. 971 v aiST 7 rooms: 849 Front. 6 rooms 867 Front 7 rooms; modern conveniences, good neighborhood. Marshall 4440, 7-ROOM house for rent to reliable party, garage. 453 Rodney ave. Phone Wdln. 5928. a ttnriMR linoleum on kitchen and bath, wood and gas range, suitable for two. g.11 Francis ave., near East 2'ith st xrn".t hniin and garage, wanting ais. tance: rent $35. Inquire 174 Porter st corner iv ater. DESIRABLE 5-room cottage, bath; for winter, aio mo. on -'- ...... lamt, box 351. Bea.iae, ur. Hi BEAUMONT Six rooms, sleeping porch, garage, o. " $8ri. uauc. 5-ROOM modern cottage, near Jefferson hivn. sou. wan . ...... . corner Beech. PLASTERED 2-rm. house, sleeping porch, toilet, sma, iignis, 1 --", 810. Phone 633-88. 4714 41st ave. S. E. 5-ROOM cottage, close In. block from Y -. . , ..V. ,- vnnra. nhsolutelV union ave., clean- 4ju orasee. 5-ROOM home. 127 556h. bet-ween Hoyt anrt Glisan. i:p-to-DATE 8-room irvlngton noma, close in. J w"". icb. ...... li-RooM house: 204 E. :.d n. : 4o: aauits only. Appiy om jimnm..,.., MOVING, packing, storage, shipping, long rti.iance moving. Broadway 4222. 5-ROOM house with 3 lots for rent sale. Taoorii a. room house with one acre, j.iiij East 71st St., near ... MODERN nine-room house at 17th and East Washington sis. io. Sy BE-VUTIFUL atrlctly modern home on Pnrt'.nn Hts Mrs. Miller. Mar. 4011 NEARLY new 6-room house for rent $35. East 78119. monuaj, Jia'c"-" -ir,. FOR KENT Clean -room nouse at hm K. r lanaern n 1 . - . FIVE rooms, Willamette rteignts, ou, Mn in R4."i6. FOR RENT i small house witli fruit .115. Hnone Aut. o.j-t.-. L A U R EL H U RST 8 rooms, new house, rnt S5. Owner at 138 E. 43d st. N. FOR RENT New bungalow, East 49th at SOUth. 204 OU. ilea,, jiiauiwm. FOR RENT Modern S-roora cottage. 1106 Arnoia. xaoor 1,11. - & ROOMS at 615 1st st; rent $27.50. John Singer, LOIIinci m mmm-i.B mua. 1 OR 11-ROOM house. Nob Hill, partly furnisneo. i-atiu. 6-ROOM modern house, near station at Canltol Hill. Main 7618. FOR RENT or lease 8-room modern house. Ladd s Sua. rnone a.rsiinu oi.o. S-ROOM plastered house. $20; half acre, near Lenta. Marshall 6079. MODERN 7-room house. Just newly cleaned, 135. 799 MUltnoman. peuwuou auuo. SIX-ROOM house, 129 E. 20th st. "see 4 to 3 afternoon. 5-ROOM house with sleeping porch, close In, adults, $35. 815 E. Davis. 6 ROOMS, modern bouse, walking dis tance. 703 1st FOR BENT. Houses. FOR RENT, THREE HOUSES. - Laureihurst. 7 rooms and sleepln porch, modern every respect; vacant. See it, 1173 East. Couch, too per monin; vear lease. - Hawthorne. I-room house, bath, lights. toilet, gas, hot and cold water. See it. 395 Marguerite ave. $35 per month. Wi University Park. 8 rooms and sleepln porch, toilet, lights, water, gas, etc. See it. 1548 Wabash avenue, half a bloc south of Lombard street. $18 per month wiu lease. DEKUM & JORDAN. 82X.4. Chamber nf Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark Sts. Main 2233. SEPTEMBER OFFERINGS. HAVE 4 GOOD HOUSES, 8 to T rooms. uood localities and condition. $25 to 875. Have 4 modern flats. 4 to 5 rooms. Good localities and condition. $40 and $45. G. Q. ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR, 205 PANAMA BLDG. OPEN MONDAY MORNING. NICE two-atory houne and about two oi three lota, Including several fruit trees ana garden; located near Council (-rest on county road and not far from car. line; rent $25 per mo. Owner will be on place Sunday. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 1-0 to 4k Go to Green HU1 grocery store and. there inquire for C L. Thomas place. FREE RENT. 8-room steam heated ground floor apartment to man and wite for looking after small apartment house; must agree to remain for winter. Call between and 7 P. M. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Main 106S. PIANOS moved, $3; stairs extra, $1 each xngnt; so aayr free storage on an nouse hold goods: furniture moving, one-ton truck, $2 per hour; large truck, $2.75 per nour; we are experienced ana nave gooa packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer ft Storage Co.. 104 N. 5th at. Open Sundays and evenings. " RENT or lease, 5-room house. Bull Run water and gas. near Multnomah place. for auto; . hard-surface road: 2 blocks to Oregon Electric station: 25 minutes to Portland; commuter's car 'are less than V ens. E. c. Thayer, cox w. Office phone. Broadway 3050. FOR RENT IRVINGTON HOME. Fully modern, practically new seven room home; four bedrooms and sleeping porch. 484 East 27th North. Good ga rage and everything up to date; $75 per month; possession at once. G, A. Sarlea, 102 Northwestern Bank. T-ROOM residence, furnace. hardwood floors, etc.. on corner lot near Haw thorne and East 25th St.. $50 per mo. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 k'eun Bldg. FOR RENT Modern 6 furnished rooms, 54 block from car; basement, furnace, fire place, hardwood floors, electric range, piano, sewing machine, near publio ga rage. Tafjor 4221. FIVE rooms with sleeping porch, full base ment, garage, rnolern anu clean: auuu- preterred; children or scnool age; ret. erences given: $30. Owner, 8035 Wood stock ave.. near 82d st. IF YOUR house is for rent let me know tenanta waiting. 1 will take care of your property. .1 K1IGEVE HEnnvs. REALTOR. 201 W. Park. Ask for Main 2590, IRVINGTON Rent or sell six-room mod . era home. Hot water heat garage, rent $55, or will sell. Small payment down and $40 plus Interest. $4300. Phone East 3."i2. 899 East Broadway. FOR RENT iHnj-Utiful 8-room house, all manner of built-lns and then some; fine grounds, garden, berries, fruit; $35 per month. C L. BECKER, 133 54 FIRST ST. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. IRVINGTON HOUSE. Ten rooms, unfurnished, 1 block to car; large lawn; $80. SMITH -WAGONER CO., STOCK EX. UNFURNISHED 8-room house and sleep Ing porch. Good condition. Suitable for roomers. 403 Russell at, near Union ave. Adults only, FOR RENT Fine lartte house, beautiful corner on Hawthorne ave.. close In; sultabie for large family or ideal for few boarders, double garage. Main S00.1 FIVE-ROOM houee. almost new. fireplace 2 sleeping porches: garage: garden, fruit trees: rent $30. E. 93d and Glisan. Take Montavllla-Depot car. 4 LARGE, outside, unfurnished rooms, fine location, garage 11 waniea; near je-ite.-son high and grade schools. 142 Shaver, Wdln. 1184. , MOUNT SCOTT HOUSE. Five rooms, completely furnished, 1 block to car, on 80th. St. $20. SMITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. NICE 7-room house, furnace, good neigh borhood, close to car, rent no: win give lease. Crockett Co., 650 Washing ton bldg. ' FOR RENT Beautiful 8-room house, all manner of bullt-lna, then some. line large grounds, fruit, berries, garden; $35. C. L. Becker. 133'4 1st st. 15 MINUTES' walk to Morrison, $22; five- rooms, partly furnisned or uniurnianeu houses. 746 4th st. Take N. 8. car to HooKer. LOWER floor of my home to middle-aged couple, some lurnisnings, tine wnuw, every convenience, hot water heat, very desirable. Tabor 1269. 5-ROOM HOUSE. On West Side, unfurnished: 2 blocks to car. 1 block to school; $22.50. SMITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. 0-ROOM modern house, garage, near Sandv, R. C p. district; no- pnono cans. 6.-.1 E. 62d St. N. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, 4310 65th S. E. Mt. Scott car. Arieta b-biiimi. FurnUlied House. t-rio n i-a't 1 n Oswego. 3-room partly , ,, ,.,,.. m nra nw. a , : ruu uunu mu, electricity and city water. Phone Oswego 884. Monday call Main 5824, c,-it rr-vt vlcelv furnmhed 4-rm. nouse nice place, cneap to rignt party, ruu,,. only; reference reuuircu. t. v.. to Tremont station, two diocks south. FOR KeiNl o rooms imiincu, furnace ana an mouern lr''"'-"-' ; block west of Laureihurst 927 E. Hoyt st. East 2263. WILL give furnished 6-room house lot- board and room 01 two ooye -unw school, one grade school age, near school and car. an via, oregonian 8-ROOM furnished house. Sunnyside, be tween Aloer ana wasninsion sis., 01, 86th st, $45. Auto. 213-51, or Tuesday Tabor 219, FOR SALE or rent, a modern furnished 10-room nouse, steeping porcn, nun trees, large lot; east side, close In, Call Sunday or Monaay. t-none r.ast i"i. SUBURBAN bungalow, 5 rooms, modern ana wen iui ihbuu .,.. - chicken house; rent $30. Tabor 4170. Near Mt. Hooa car. FOR RENT 7-room house, well furnished. large Bleeping porcn, piano, tun uaon ment; adults only, reference required. 491 East Oak. Phone East 4871. COMPLETELY furnished, clean 5-room cot tage, 1 OIOCK irom car; eov, win icmv tw adults. 569 E. Couch st. AT 906 HAWTHORNE, modern furnished complete i-mum uuu.c, uu.. , .u.. nace: lease xo auuita. tw. -ROOM modern furnished duplex house. 417 54 Russell, between union ana itn. $30. East 5235; close In. URNISHED 6-room house, furnace, close to car; adults; $60 a month. 531 E. 8.1th st. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house; nice vara, reauy to muve in, inn iMMiutuif K'u children, ftfl E. 12th St.. N. $50 MODERN B-rm. bungalow, fur., reno- vatea., near r ranann nisn. pi.-ij. CHEAP rent to family sharing home fixed for two iamines. wooaiawn auos. -R. FURNISHED house. 746 Water st. or 401 -- l.utnoer exchange. ROOM furnished house lor lent, $35; or furniture for sale. 169 West Park, FOR RENT 5-room furnished bungalow. 991 cast aatn rt.. near jvmerta. ROOM furnished cottage, 736 Montgom ery drive. Rent $:).'. Call Marshall 244T. WELL-FURNISHED 5-room bungalow no children. im c. lamnni. LADY will share modern home with bus! ness couple, cast out-. FOR LEASE Modern house with garage; 1125 per month. E. 1265. OR RENT 3-room furnished modern house ; no cnuaren. Tenor bup. -ROOM furnished house, $35 per month. 5 1 1 15 42d sve. 8. E. ROOM furnished house, yard. 600 Clin ton st, Ricnmonq car. ROOM furnished house, Woodstock. Ta bor 0544 ROOM furnished cottage for rent 1200 E. Yamhill. ROOMS, near school and cars; will lease. 144' E. i!Sth St. N. ELL furnished, 9 rooms, sleeping porch, garage. 4ol c. lJtn, SMALL, well-furnished house, large grounds, call evenings only. iMu-.t.t. ROOM house, furnished, in 3 apartments; rent reasonaoie. rnone cast ..tot. MODERN furnished 5-room bungalow. rage. 840. call 8'."' c. a4-tn St. VERY desirable eight-room house. ;ast 4734. FOUR-ROOM cottage, clean, convenient. close in. seiiwooa zoo. OR 5-ROO furnished lower flat, priv ate home. Tabor 5095. ROOM furnished house; rent reasonable. nqulre D-'T MarHet. -ROOM house and garage. labur 4o3t- FOR RENT. Furnished llotin, IRVINGTON HOME FOR 4 MONTHS. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ELEGANT HOME. EIGHT ROOMS COMPLETELY FURNISHED. MAHOG ANY OVERSTUFFED FURNITURE. SPLENDID VICTROLA, BEAUTIFUL RUGS. EVERY ELECTRICAL CON VENIENCE. BEAUTIFUL SHRUOS AND CONCRETE GARAGE. HOUSE NEAR KNOTT ST. IN THE HEART OF BISST HOMES. $100 PER MONTH. EAST 419. SEPTEMBER OFFERINGS. HAVE THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSES. GOOD LOCALITIES AND CLEAN. 840, $60 and 175. G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR, 205 PANAMA BLDG. K OPEM MONDAY MORNING. WILL rent beautifully furnished 6-room Dome, 2 blocks from Laureihurst para to reliable permanent tenants. This Is a lovely place for one who appreciates a ftrst-ciass home in first-class condl tion. You have got to see to appreciate. Adults only. References. Call at prem- ises. 1085 IS. Washington st ELEGANT NEW FURNITURE. 6-room modern house Just across Broudway bridge Rent $40 a montn. Furniture sucrifice at $300. See McAlee with ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., 8d and Alder. MODERN lO-room house, 2 baths, sleeping porch, fireplace, etc.: everything built in. all white kitchen, newly putnted and varnished inside: lower floor nit-eiy fur nished, upper floor partly; Ideal, quiet v mirroundinas: close in. 767 Keiiy. Mi shall $342; reference Call before 5:30 P. M, LOWER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. AN EX C OPTION ALLY WELL FURNISHED 12 ROOM HOUSE, 3 RATHS. 6 BED ROOMS. WHITE ENAMEL THROUGH OUT; STRICTLY MODERN OR WILL SELL UNFURNISHED. H 920. ORE; GOXIAN. CLEAN 5-room house completely fur nished. Gas. electricity, water, owner, employed, to reserve a sleeping room. No otijectton to one small child. Rent $18. Call before 8 P. M. Sunday, 6211 86th st. Mt Scott car to 86th st One block south. FOR RENT $200 MONTH. A beautiful heights home, one of the finest In the city; complete In every re spect; vatued at $30,000 to $10,000. Owner plans to be out of the city. Furnishings can be rented if desired. Address H 925. ORKi IONIAN. TO LEASE for one year t responsible adults the complete furnishings, incuu Ing mahogany. Oriental rugs, china, kltchenware, etc., of a home on Port land Heights, recently sold. For fur ther Inf urination address Mrs. Cor nellus Gardner, Clarcmont, California. WILL lease six to eight months. Adults only. Elegantly furnished rour rooms en suite. Central west side location. Especially attractive for view and salu tary conditions. For appointment call Marshall 2332. WELL-FURNISHED 5-room house, fur nace, combination range, large lot ga rage, close in; will rent, lease or sell. Responsible tenant Three blocks Haw thorne and E. 16th st. East 5504, after 3 Sunday. Rent $"H). BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern 8-room hou9, tapestry vpaper, ivory finished wood work, furnace heat, all con veniences, cement garage, walking dis tance, fruit on trees; will lease fur $80. Phone East 2726. FOR RENT Nearly modern partly fur nished oottage with 2 glasseu-ln sleep ing porches, 3 lots, fruit and berries: right at station on O. E. Ry. Possession at once. $::0. A. D. Reid, owner, Ryan Plsce station. 6-ROOM Piedmont home, with garage. near Jefferson nigh scnooi; win give pobsession the 21st for the school year. $80 per month; first and last month in advance. Call at Sul Klllingsworth, or phone Wdln. 8i63. 8-ROOM furnished house to rent for 2 months; centrally located, near car ana business district; references required. Shown by appointment only. Call Main 7S.-..1. , HANDSOMELY FURNISHED MODERN HUME, ATTRACTIVELY LOCATKH, WEST SIDE. ON CAR LINE. U ROOM LEASED FROM 8 MONTHS TO ON YEAR. G 997, OREGONIAN, FURNISHED 8 -room house to middl aged couple, fond of children, who win board mother and child: will taKe tw rooms for self. 655 Madison, near Chap man st. $50 FOUR rooms, very aesirahle; hard wnnrt floors. mHhnflnv mnn mission lu nlture, heat, water and phone furnkthed adults. Call 10 to li A. M. ii. Ma guerite ave.. corner Grant. Tabor ill FURNISHED house of four rooms ai sleeping porch; not mouern; wun law and chicken run: 13 minute walk of St. Johns. Kenton car; $15 per month. 1904 Chase st. MODERN 5-room house, all furnished, nice large yard and cnicgen nouse, spienaii location. $50 per month; move right In will give lease. ui C uusan st., ai car. WEST SIDE 7-room house, 5 rooms fur n shed, gas and electricity; no smei children: rent reasonsble with first an last month rent in advance. 375 Chap man. vnR RKNT Furnished 6-room house East 9th St. can at i r-aat ubk adults only, reference required. Phon Kast 4671. IRVINGTON district. 5-room modern bun gaiow; mahogany ana 01a ivory turni tore; Radiant heat and furnace: garage. 1004 Lambert Place. Aut. 312-40. ROOM house, furnished, $35 month lTnlveraitv Park. Will lease to stead tenant. Call Main 4557 or call at 601-: Couch bldg. OR RENT 7-room modern house, a block from car line. 2 blocks from rranKin high, nicely furnished; no small clill dren: good references. Tabor 342. three rooms and sleening porch, elec tric lights and water, one block street car. Goodwin station. Oswego lake. Oswego 311. completely furnished 10-room hou two sleeping norches. two baths, clo: in. west aide. $100 a month. AR 930, Oregonian. IN IRVINGTON, 7-room modern house, well rurnisnea; on corner; wun ssrast If desired. Reasonable. Call mornings, East 8357. 8-ROOM modern furnished house, corner u.-ihAm. nirit vard and norches: lease for one year to "responsible adults; $7 a month. call starsnan oi-o. TWO FURNISHED cottages for rent or for sale. Rent $25 and $30; foot of Nevada street. 120 Broadway. Houses for Rent rurnlture for Mate. 777. heT FURNITURE FOR SALE. Suburban bungalow, some acreage; 15 Im, 1... from center of city, west slit good car service; owner of place leav ing and saiust sell the furniture; will take 8IIO11. Rugs cost $100 each; piano, -i-..t-l washer. Havltand china. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO., S84 Oak St. Buwy. Ask for Leonard. BUY THE FURNITURE, rtn Kverett st.. 8 rms.. well furnished, $500. rent 1 10, lease, water and garbage Included. V South of Washington, i rms.. well ISIKI. rent $35. 8 rms., well furnished, rent $38, price $900 terms; 8-rm. apt. rent $40. and 3-rm. apt for self. Magoou. Main 6127 THREE-ROOM flat for rent, walking dls .,.. furniture for sale: complete, $250, 1 block Irvlngton car. Adulls. Manshall pruvirrRM 8 rooms, leaving: good loca tion- bargain If taken at once; houss for rent. East 2102. Mrs. Bangs, 810 Hotladay MODERN 5-room and hath flat to rent, furniture for sale; would consider rent ing furnished to reliable party. 805 54 ' Sandv hlvd., near 2Sth. R. C. car, t-Tt FIVE-ROOM modern bungalow, z ga rages, can rent for $" each, lesvlng rent S.15: new furniture for sale cheap. 684 Harold ave. FURNITURE 6 rcoms, leaving; good loca tion: Dargain It t;iaeu ni wine, iiuu.t- for rent. Phono East 8269. 180 Grand ave.. North. 8 NICE clean rooms and garage, dose Lu, rent $56; will sell furniture for $1250; a little money maker. Strong It Co., 608 Cham oriom. FOR SALE Furniture of beautiful 10 room house, for rent, garage: best buy In city. Terms. 2n3 North 23d st. MODERN 6-rooin house, to party buying furniture, near Irvlngton school. 459 East 12th N. FURNITURE of 7-room house for sale, house for rent; goodTiome with income 62 N. 21st HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale; new furniture of 7-reom house, splendid lit tle Income. Marshall 2018. HOUSE for rent, furniture for aale; no reasonable offer refused. 967 Vancouver sve FURNITURE in a modern 7-room house. No dealers. Marshall 1S63. GOOD grade household furniture for aale. First reasonable offer. 720 Hurnsldc. ELEGANT furniture 7 rooms, piano; bar gain; terms, inn n,. . 1 st st. . c 6 ROOMS and bam, 428; furniture; rea sonable. 311 Montgomery st. 6-ROOM modern house, furniture for sale. of good grnqe, practically new, cast 3-4. Summer Resorts. FIVE-ROOM modern furnished house rest of Septemher. $25. Wdln. 4lHS. GEARHART cottage for rent cheap for September, can woodiawn 834, SEASIDE modern 4-room bungalow, near beach, lor rent, starsoau auuv. . FOR KENT. bummer ttrwiirta. HUNTERS. TAKE NOTICE. In the heart of Rogue river deer hunt ing country at Wesifork. Or., 50 miles below Rueeburg, on main line of 8. P. R- R.. the Clllf Hnuae Hotel is open to accommodate all hunters, hunting parties and fishermen; also pack outfits In con nection with hotel; prires reasonable. Address Cliff Houne. Dothan. Or. CLASSIC RIDGE 11 EACH, Nehalem. Oregon. Make vacation time a pleasure. Classic Ridge house, cottages, tents, camps are reached by Tillamook train or machine. For printed folder, n-servatlon or infor mation address J. H. L. H. Edwards, Nehalem, Oregon. "Service or self Servlce." OKARI1 ART Modern 6-ruum cot tag'-, completely furnished (except linen a 11 A silver). For sale reasonable for cash or t'-rms. Window 6, First National bank. Marshall S5m VERY comfortable, completely furulslird cottage, oceaa view, piunihlng. nr Hotel Lake I.ytle; reasonable rent. Phone Kast 15 1 11. SIX-ROOM flat for rent, furniture tor sale, close in on west side. Phone Urnau way N7K. SEASIDE Una 55t or 203 3I st N7 6-room furnished cnttsge. cosy, clean, 8 beds: Septciub.-r.$20; October. $18. CANNON UKAC1I lint houses. Tutor, n a Park, IT. G. Hendrlckson, Keels, or. SEASIDE house, fins rms. and bath, elec. lights; on nice ave.l-.ast2.H54. Stores and ltiisluriM Places. STORE-ROOM for rent, goog location, rea sonable rent. Phuue Bdtiy. 728. STORE. 20x0. 292 Washington at Store, 15x30, 124 Mirth st. Long-term lease. L. u. Swetland. 3U3 Swetland bldg. WAREHOUSE. 110x90, two stories, cen trally located on two main streets with switch track In rear; only $150 a month. Jar term of four years. J. F. HTAVEIt. Maclesr Bldg. h.N tilth, floors or parts of floors, Swtlaiid piug., otn and Washington sts., for lea, long term. Arranged to suit tenants, r.xcollent location tor upstair shops. pply room 3i3. HEHE:3 TRACKAGE FOR YOU. KiOxloO with basement of East Morri son and third. 5-year lease at $.'.MI. Siexe It now. strong Co., 606 Chain. or t orn, bldg. , FOR RKNT Vacant lot Jefferson, near -a, suitable lor auto or other storage. Tabor 1114. FOR RKNT 3 rooms, 2d and Alder: good mr nianurarturlng. luqulie Mr. Gilbert, Simons store. 1st ami Aider. blOKr, lor rent suitable for most any Dimness, except restaurant side. 130 Burn- FOR DESIRABLE si. sr. In fir. proof ware- nouse. phone Broadway 8715 FOR RENT Store. Washington near Be no. Apply '22 Stsrk. STORE space with wallrasr and counter. ...1 aiorri-on. Maker theater nldr. STORE room fur rout 211 Oak st lu- nujr. N. 9th. STORK for rent or lease, 821 Tburiuaa Sunday all day. FIX EJ light floor, ftoilon: long lease! shea ii 1 ntt. is. otn. STOKE apse with wsllcasea and counter. -. Morrison, linker theater blllg. Office. ELEGANTLY furnished downtown office tor rent or rurnlture for sale on ensy terms; may share reception room and stenographer's scrvlc with attorney. Plion8lll-24 Sunday or Mnndav. ENTIRE floors or parts of flours, Swetland nuig., rirtn and Washington sis. For lease, long term. Arranged to suit ten ants. Excellent location for upstairs shops. Apply room 3o:i. FURNISHED office, modern equipment, ccommodatlon; price right full ofTlce l 521 Oregon QOOD office room for r"nt cheap, rorni-r 6th and Washington. Call Main 7301 or East 4 4 211 DESI It A RLE desk room for rent with of phone and typewriter snd desk. 212 Railway Kxrha nee bldg. Mtiln IMI7. DESK room In fine light office. 440 Wash. bldg . cor 4lh snd Wash. FRONT office, modern. In Railway Ex- cnnngeimg: Apply room aia. DESK room with telephone and ileno- graphic service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. DESK room and telephone, well furnished, light office. Phone Marshall 4262. DESK room ,1 420 Chamber of Commerce building. PRIVATE office with reception romn, sie nographer and phone. 717 Corheit hM-.'. DESK room at 4211 Ch. of Com. Ilhlg. .Miscellaneous. AUTO parking space. 15x110. nice base ment, storage, corner Park and Oak. DRUG STORE. Down-town corner location, few blocks Washington St.; well-established bun ties, good lease. Ralney, 617 Ablngton bldg. , WANTED Hardware man to purchase equal half interest in Incorporated hard ware store In Eugene; stock $25,ono; store established 30 years; will sac rifice: part cash and the balance terms or exchange of property. Write owner, AV 529, Oregonian.' GOOD opporlunty aMalts someone wilte. mall capital to buy my popcorn, cfsar and canity stand on the corner between two theaters; the barracks will be full in a few days: other hualnese romps, a me to sell. Phone 873 or write The Sweet Shop. Vancouver, Wash. OREGON corporation, doing fine business. sharing good profits, has need 01 A I bookkeeper willing to work at same wages as other firm members snd put In same amt. of capital. Itest of refer ences given and asked; $2500 required. AJ 940, Oregonlati. GOOD e-tore building, 3 nice living rooms, furnished; clean stock of groceries; do ing nice ceeh business; garage; nice home with good Income; two lota: all for sale, $37u cash, balance easy temia Call Wood la wn BUS. GROCERY, FOR CITY PROPERTY. Here Is a real business. Stock In voice around $3000. Buildings $2000. Will consider clear property, COBH BROS., 82 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $211. 000 R A R E OPPi TlT UNIT Y I Gen eral merchandise, fine, healthy busi ness In good locality. A money-maker that will bear Investigation. QUICK KALES REALTY CO.. tvM Ry. Exch. ltlilg. Portland, Or. CONFECTIONERY Dandy little place on Mt. Hood loop: doing good business; $W0 stock; good front, back bar. pool table, fountain, beer on tap, $125 .iob goes with it for two years; price $2000. Write Geo. Beers. Sandv. Or. $200 CASH gets beautiful restaurant out fit on Columbia nignway; county seat: man and a lie (good cooks! can build up big trade; a sacrifice at ""(. wnli terms; will show by auto. Main 8A72. McKarlanil, Realtor. Falling M,lg. ONE OP PORTLANDS UK ST. Lunch room In heart of city; fin buslneaa; long lease; reasunab.e rent; nothing better for the money. yUlCK SALES REALTY CO., 505 Ity. Exch. Hlilg. Main ?rM. DRUG SI'liRE. An attractive location and a good steady business: gross prollts running from $600 to 1750; must sell on a, -count Of sickness. Weetun oi Co., 12IIU N. W, Hank Ll.l g FOR SALE I'helo studio. 150 miles from Portland; leading studio in town or anon; also 61100 suburban to draw from: 1:110 ritth; Investigate. See John crlik- son, 444 Washington st. DO VOU want to sell out, or buy in? If so, see or call me, Minn ..iuu. courteous and efficient s it-sintn. J. EUGENE HEDGE. REALTOR. 201 W. Park. Mam 2590 1 lave ajil n. ROOM for 4 stalls In public market f,,r lease; splendid location lor bnaery, dairy products and groceries: a snap If o,i act quick. Call after .Monday, 803 Title A Trust bldg. Bdwy. B.'.'iS WANTED Party to Invest from $.1000 to $5000 and assist in management 01 busi ness; satisfaction guaranteed. O 98.1. Ore gonlsn. FOR SALE Well-equipprd vulcanising shop In a good payroll town; filling sta tion, accessories, storage. 20 cars. AV ftl'S, Oregonian, WILL take good Ford touring or sedan ss part payment on tine restaurant, in good location; no juuk or dealers. Auto, 527-26. WEI.L-EiiUHTKD auto repair shop; best location; a bargain; account ot 111- heajt h, Owner. Tahor 3514. EAUTY parlor for sale, best location and equipment; your own tenna practically. Call 2"6 Molgan bldg. HAT have you to trade for chattel mort gage? $1100, big monthly payments. Owner. Offer yours. C IMI'.i, Oregonlan. EAUTY parlors, well cqulMMl; beat loca tion In city; will sou half price lor cash. AJ 925, Oregonian. AVE auto and cash to trade for 10 to 15 housekeeping rooms, 14 1000, ore gonian. ROCERY sacrificed today; rent $15; owner; 10 to 1 I . L 015 Northrup. SHOE repairing and shoe store for sul: all or pnrt. 714 Thurmnn, corner olt GROCERY stores see Modern Agwilcy, 70S Dekuna lg., Monaay