KOSB CITY PARK L A V R E I, HTJRST IRVINllTON ALAMEDA PARK FTC-PERVICB ANT PROflPEC- TIVS HOAIK BUXBRa. ATTENTION! W specialise in the sal of rood home In the best district a In addition to our downtown office, wa maintain an east side office at 4lth and Sandy (Open Sunday). You'll be surprised to learn how many real good buy are offered now. Get In touch with thia office Drive out to 40tt and Bandy today. A. O. TEBPB CO, 270 Stark St.. near 4th. Main S0S2. Bast Side Office, aoUl and Sandy. Tabor Bis. Opea Sunday. . . R. M. GRAY'S rme Irvlngton home for sal at bit; sac rifice; B rooms on first floor; Siberian oak finish; 5 bedrooms second floor; white enamel finish; 2 bathrooms and toilets, tiled floors; full finished base ment; best heating plant you ever saw in a residence; billiard room, sleeping porch, maids' room, bath and store rooms on third floor; (rood garage; HOx Hi) feet of ground; 6-' Wasco, corner l'itn: finest surroundings; In perfect condition; coat me over $27,000; you can buy It for $17,500. terms on part; will show a real home at your conven ience. R. M. GRAY, phone Main 1209 wovn. r.itt ,.i)j evenings. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN. 550 TKRM8. A very neat, nearly new 6-raom bun galow, all on one floor; hardwood all over, tile bath, tapestry -paper, lots of buut-lns: enamel finish, furnace, fire place and garage. Owner has Interests 1n California and als.CUt Pri: ron. IT500 for quick Open from 2 to Sunday.. ... - J- R- HAIGHT, 327 Pd. of Trade- Woodlawn 2fl. LACRELHCRaT COI.ONIAI. CL-OSiS TO PARK. $7500. T,-W?,ND?rRFUi'LY COMPLRTB d-RM fr5o' vTF COULDN'T DUPLICATES IT FOR .NEAR THIS PRICED PHONE ABOUT ITWE WIL1' TOU ALt VijVl.V JOHNSON. Realtor. 1'04 BOARD Of TRADR -PVVTY 37. KAST HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. "- muu CASH, r- Jrr ELL-BUILT 4-ROOM BTJTN-?-Ai'J?...HAS FI-RKPLACE. DUTCH x.LTC"'. BREAKFAST NOOK. CE J.'T BASElIENn'. FURNACE AND GARAGE. DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED 1 HROlKiiTOUT AND CLOSE TO HAW HH.RNE CAR- 1'ET us SHOW YOU THIS REMARKABLE BARGAIN. R. L. McGREW 1039 HAWTHORNE. R. Tabor 880S. ' EXCLUSIVE 5-ROOM BUNG A LOW. In exclusive district, up-to-the-minute In every detail. Lovely breakfat nooR. immense living room, fireplace, lovely Dutch kitchen, ivory finish and riardwood floors throughout, furnac and fine parage. PRICE REDUCED FOR QflCK SALE FKOM 7500 TO tl'S50. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4t64. A Pr.KPECr BEAUTY. Here, folks, le your ortance; 8 srmc loirs rooms, we.! le artistically decorated with Imported ta.pestry paper; a real fire Plsoe; finest bulR-livs; east facing; 50x j4i,i0lot- See this today; tl00 oash; HAWTHORNE! REALTY CO.. Realtnra. t-Or 3rtih and Hawthorne. Tabor 74M. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. PRICE I4.S00. Consisting of 5 rooms, sleeping porch ana breakfast nook, fine oak floors, modern bullt-ins, furnace, lovely lot The most complete bungalow I have aver had for the price. MRS. SNOW. BDWY, 4664. 3iKMl NEW MODERN BUNG. $3900. $500 FIRST PAYMENT $500. 5 rooms, one floor, stairs to attic, ep-.ent basement, all bullt-lns, everything Just as cozy as could be; 45x100 lot. near car in Hawthorne district, all liens raid. Sea this today. Sunday, Marshall 0!3; weekdays. Main 70(17, Mariels or Vftilllams. S-JQ Chamber of Com, bldg. $3J0O NEW HAWTHORNE BUNG. $a25o $30(1 IS ALL YOU NEED $300. 4 rooms and breakfast nook, cement basement, bullt-lns. nice fixtures, garage, near car, lot 0x100. stop renting: see this today. Sunday. Mar. 5063; week days. Main 7067, Mariels & Williams, S-'O Chamber of Commerce bldg. I3."0 FlKS'f PAYMENT $3."i0. Cute little 5-room bungalow, good base ment, plumbing, etc.. gas range, gss heater and supply of briquettes; ground 100x125; some fruit; all goes at $25S0. See it NOW. Sunday. Mar. 58tW: week days. Main 7rw7. MARIELS WILLIAMS, , 8-0 Cham, of Com. Bldg. HAVE A BUYER for a 6-room strictly modern bungalow; must be on one floor; also complete with furnace and garage; street Improve ments; Irvington. Laurelhurt or Rose City; will pay $5500 to $6000; $1000 cash. If worth the money. E. Stringer, Realtor, Automatic 530-05. NO EXCUSE TO RENT. I have 3 modern bungalows, well lo cated, prices $4750, M00 and $3250, all new and modern; win take, $300 down on any of them. Call Sunday, Mar. 61)63; weekdays. Main 7U67, B20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IHV'INUTUN bungalow, $Hih)0, terms; six rooms, all on one floor; strictly modern; hardwood floor, built-ins, furnace, fire place, full cement basement, garage; close to Irvington school; Improvements all in and paid. Owner, East 84(13. 533 Kant Eighth Kt. North. A CLEAR LOT FIRST PAYMENT. 1 have two new modern bungalow In Hawthorne district, now vacant; will take a good clear lot as first payment on either; prices $4200 and $3400. H 1H3, Oregonlan. "" i OR QUICK SALE. 2 houses, modern; 1 5-rm., 1 4-rm partly finished, all for $2250; terms fob down and $20 a month and interest. Call Sunday only, as owners will be there to show them. 183 Wood gt. $750 CASH- $4300 Consider light car; 8-room house, large lot, on East 11th, walking distance; ce ment basement, furnace, gas range, paved street. Do not overlook thia pick: up. Scott & Berry, 103S Belmont. LAURKLHURST 8-room home, modern, first-class condition; lower floor fur nished, solid mahogany; garage; for sale) or lease. DAN KELLAHER. 4S0 Belmont St. East 8438. 4-RCXJM house. 50x100 rot. fruit trees, garden; block to St. Johns car: short distance ta school; $500 down, part cash, and will take furniture to $300. iCaW FOR SALE, by owner, In Hawthorne dis trict, new modern 5-room bungalow on corner East 87th, street improvements all paid; no mortgage; terms. Call Ta- 33 ARTISTIC, strictly modern 8-room bungaiow, cor. lot. garage, only 1 block from park: must be seen to realize what a wonderful house this la, and only t fU I .1 r W n L I III.. - . .... .. ? ...... .., rem. AIIIQ. iO-O.?. BLY FROM owner. 1 8-10 and house, close to town: s.-o buys this or will reduce for cash offer. Call Tdwy. 2448 Or sea me at 2"4 Henry Bids. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Eight-room modern house, close In level quarter block, fine city view' Brooke. Mar. 4S27. BY OWNER E. 45th. one block south of Division; strictly modern 8-room bunga lows; must be sold; easy terms; owner on grounds; $4500, $4800 ea c h . $050 CASH $ 215o! 5-room cottage. 1. trays, breakfast nook, garage; heart of Sunnyside. Ta bor 9561. 6-ROOM houe in nice condition, good lo cation, 1 block to 6X JoruLa car' e&sv tetrmsi: only (l'.fMX J. A. hknkle, 512 Gerllnger Bids. FOR SALL By owner. 7-room house, lo. cated on Captlal highway, modern- 11 minutes from town; will make bin lao. riflie for cash. Call Bdwy. 244S $1000 IRVINGTON PARK. 3-room cottage, large rooms bath electric light, etc.; pavement: 3 blocks to car. flrti), only $450 caah. MODERN bungalow; five rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, break fast nook. Fox furnaoa, garage. Owner Tabor 5901. LAURELHURST. ' Five-room modern, no commission; sacrifice $5500. $3500 cash, balance 3 years. Call Broadway 8ti73. FOR SALE 0-room house, eO-ft lot gar den, fruit trees; will take lot in or near Kenton as part payment. Inquire 38 Schofipld st.. Kenton. "H"re o &-ROOM modern ROOM modern house, good location light and bath; $2700. Sea owt.r, 3"i itgnt ana E. 0th at STAR REAL ESTATE & 1NV CO Realtors. 331 stark"' Broadwny 5358. Bun. A eve., 319-97 &-KOOM bumsralow. East Salmon, neat .m iiiruittiieu or um urmsnecL Tabor 413. TOR SALE 4-room modern bungalow i blocks from St. Johns car line $1800 term... 1415 Mi-ars st Phone Col. 594,' ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. ' lly owner. 6 rooms, strictly modern garage. furn:ice, view lot. Tabor 7711 l75o, HALF cash, buys almost new 6 room bungalow; large lot, block to SMALL house and lot. east Mn nlnu ir. for sale or trade for small ' plaoa iu ft ROeP) CITT PARK! $4500 Splendid 5 room bungalow; extra large living room; oak floors, fireplaoa, furnace; below hill; psving paid. LAURELHURST $5400 New bunga low with garage; oak floors throughout; rich old Ivory finish; tapestry paper; ex pensive plumbing; complete with shades and linoleum. IRV1NOTON 6XT Prlea reduced from $7700; a wonderfirl bungalow home; owner leaving Portland: oak floors thrpughout; Gas'co furnace; garage. ALAMSDjA PARK $5100-NEW bun galow; a decided bargain; Oak floors; garage; Ivory finish; tapestry paper. A. G. TSfiPS CO.. 270 Stark St., near 4th. Main 3092. Bast Side Office, 40th and Sandy. Tabor 8588. Open Sunday. READ CAREFULLY, SAVE $7.-0 ON THIS BUNGALOW. LOCATED IS BEST OF HAW THORNE: THIS S-RM. BUNGALOW HAS LIVING AND DINING ROOM BEAUTIFULLY FINISHED IN SOLID QUARTER SAWED EASTERN OAK. SOLID OAK BUFFET TO MATCH; OAK FLOORS; BEAUTIFUL LIGHT FIX TURES. FIREPLACE, DUTCH KITCH EN. BREAKFAST NOOK, CEMENT BASEMB.NT AND FURNACE; PRICE $5260; $850 CASH. CALL THIS IN STANT. R. L. McGREW, . 1089 HAW. AVE. TABOR . 8802. HERB 13 TOUR CHANCE! Very olassy 5-room bung-aVow, double constructed, hardwood floors throughout, high-class plumbing. G-asco furnace, breakfast nook, attic room, on Sandy boulevard; any reasonable down pay ment, balance monthly. PETERSON & YORK. 437 K. W. Bank Building. MAIN 8005. IRVINGTON SACRIFICES. SIX ROOMS. TERMS $8500 TERMS. LARGE BUNGALOW, HARDWOOD FLOORS E-NTlRiE HOUSE; TILE BATH, ETC. BEST PART OF DIS TRICT. THIS WAS BUILT BEFORE THE HIGH PRICES AND HAS BEEN NEWLY DECORATED. ALVIN JOHNSON, Realtor. 204 BOARD OF TRADE. BPWY. 37. EAST 2981. BRAND NKW BUNGALOW. Combination living and dining room, eak floors, buffet, bookcases, window seat, two airy bedrooms, large closets, swell bathroom, complete Dutch kitchen, Ideal breakfast nook, enameled through out; full cement basement, wash trays, full lot. paved street and car line. Owner compelled to leave city at once;. , will sell for less than actual cost. See this today and make offer. 883 Mllwaukie st. BEST BARGAIN IN HAWTHORNE. I AM OWNER; MUST SELL; VACANT. 6-room bungalow-type house; good basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas. dandy lot 40x100, hard-surface sts.. as sessments mostly paid. I have been asking $33O0, but circumstances force me to sell and I want an offer. Easy terms. See It today. Sunday, liar. BH3. Week days. Main 79U7. $4425 SOME SNAP $4425. I OWN A NEW. MODERN. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. NOW VACANT; 8 rooms, one floor, fireplace, hardwood floors, cement base ment, all bullt-lns. breakfast nook, tapestry paper, garage, all city liens paid, near car, easy terms. See me at once. Sunday. Marshall 5983. Week days. Main 79I1T. $3150 MODERN R. C. BUNGALOW. BIGGEST SNAP IN DISTRICT. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, good basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood t.oors. all bullt-ins. corner lot. $180 bonued liens. This Is a gift at the price, but owner is leaving and says sell. See it today. Immediate possession. Terms. Sunday. Mr. 5963. Week days. Main 767. 820 C. of C. bldg. ATTRACTIVE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. PRICE $3250 CASH $750. In very desirable district of lovely homes, in fine condition; fireplace, large living room. French doors. Dutch kitchen and full basement; garage and full-aizea lot. MRS. SNOW. BDWY. 4084. DIRECT FROM OWNER. 7-room house, modern, block from school. 3 blocks to car. $1500. Terms reasonable. 5520 94th street S. E. ; red bungalow east of school house. Call today. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. New 5-room bungalow, garage, hard wood floors, e.11 modern conveniences; Just about finished. Only $5100. Terms. Will paint and finish Inside to suit. STAR REAL ESTATE at l.N'V. CO., Realtors. 331 Stark. Broadway B353... Bun, ft eve., 8 1 !) -9f. FOR SALE By owner, nice, new bunga low rn Irvington Park: double con structed; 6 extra large rooms with breakfast nook; all modern buHt-ins, corner lot. improvements in and 'paid. 935 KiHingsworth ave, V blook fro-m Alberta car. On easy terms; 4S1O0O will naTKtie. Open Sunday. SEE THIS UKAT. HOXiR $19O0 DOWN $50 PER MO. ' 6-room modern bungalow, 50x100 lot. Enclosed sleeping porch, coved ceilings, hardwood floors. Beautiful bulit-ins. Fur nace. Fruit room, briquet bin. Garage and Other Htodem conveniences. 550 East Cist street North. No agents. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 7 ROOMS AND DOUBLE GARAGE. One of the finest bungalows in Lau relhurst. Very best construction and new Modern to the minute. Price 48500. In office Sunday. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042 BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON HOME. $500 FIRST PAYMENT-41500. HOUSE NOW VACANT: 7 rooms, strictly modern, furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, fine condition: see it at once. Sunday. Marshall 5863. Week days, frlain 7907. $2050 MODERN BUNGALOW $950. VERY EASY TERMS. T rooms, good basement, -fireplace, Dutch kitchen; lot 50x100; assessments paid. This is a real old-time bargain. See it. Sunday, Mar. 6983. Week days, .Main 7907. 820 Cham, of Com, bldg. $1950 YOUR OWN TERMS $1950. I own a 6-room cottage, one floor; plumbing, electric lights, gas; all liens paid; a comfortable home that will save rent money. See it today. Sunday. jtar. irnw. neK aays. Main 797. ROSE CITY $4250 o-r. bungalow, hdw. bullt-lns. breakfast nook: aJJ nice, airy, clean Tocuns and a cheerful, coxy home, with garage and damly lawn; 2 blocks to oar; $1200 to handle. J. Bobbins, Tahor 5319, Main 7!31. $1730- 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $1750. Modern and rooms nicely arranged, good light fixtures gas, full basement; 1H blocks to car; $101) cash, bal. to suit at 8 per cent. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exch. A WONDERFUL HOME, UUUU bWl.AliU.l. Cement basement, full lot. Imp. paid; excellent condition; grape arbor, abun dance of .flowers and fruit. Only $4000. Sell. 1250. HOMESEEKERS, why not build what you want, where you Want and the price you want. gave yourselves the other fellow's long profit and a seller's com mission. We can buy and build right Box R 00S, prtronlan. ' BEAUTIFUL home in Sit. Tabor: plate glass windows, sun porch, sleeping porch, 8 lovely bedrooms, fruit. 2 full lots, garage, every convenience: must be seen to be appreciated. Tabor 5901 AM IN temporary financial distress; will sacrifice my home In a good district near a high school. $4000 will handle, bal ance time 7 per cent. Must be confi dential. Clear title and abstract. N 872 Oregonian ' FOR 8ALEJ. Modern T to 8-room house with double garage, on corner lot. . At 285 E. 15th. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOWT- Almost new, 4 rooms, larae living . room, fireplace, hardwood. Ivory finish beautiful valley view. $3500. $500 down! $25 monthly, Brooke. Mar. 4827. 350 FIRST PAYMENT $350. ' Good substantial 7-room house 10OX 100 of ground, for only $2900 and "oo bonded Hens. Sunday. Mar. 8093. Week days. Main "987. 820 C. of C. bldg. " LAURELHURSf. -. By owner, going away, modern 5-room bungalow, almost new, $4750, half cash will sell furniture cheap. 985 Wasco st 1 block north of Sandy blvd. and 33d st IRVINGTON NEW ENGLAND Ci.ONIAl" A charming horns, artistic finish. 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, large living room; oak floors, garage. Neuhausen, 830 N W. Bank bldg. Main 8078, East 394. 8-ROOM furnished houss for sale, N. . .'01 gi... wtyt piue. Suburban Hornet. MUST sell bungalow, 2 blocks west 1 Durh"m 2 seres In crop. 42.rO, on terms. J. R, Dobson. Sher .wood. R. 1. A BARGAIN and on very easy terms; ,, k r" nouse ana 1 acre of good soil. Owner. Auto. 620-47. i-"0" 0-ew 4-room bungalow with ba-ement. view lot. Water. lirh. gi 1S0L Owner. O 75-4. OreouaaT VERT MODERN" SUBURB A rf HOME. 5 acres. V4 mils from city limits. All under cultivation. Good macadamised road. 60 bearing fruit trees of every variety. 7-room plastered house, cement basement, viry modern: gsrsge. chick en house. This Is an exceptional home, with pleasant mirroundlntm and close , to carltne. Will consider Portland honse In Irvington. Lnurelhnrst or Rose City to tc00. easy terms on balance. Ask for Mr. Kamp. 1 sere, B blocks from Metxger station. 2- 8 acre under cultivation, balance in pasture. 38 bearing berry bunhes. a few fruit trees; 4-room honse. garage, chick en house: exceptionally fine soil. Price, 82350. 50n cne-h. Also 1 acre 2 miles Jnst of Portland, at electric station; fruit trees, plastered nous. 4 rooms, chicken house, macadamized rond. one block from pavement. Price $1900, $000 cash. WF.7,1, FtrRNTSHED, CAPTTOL TTII.T,. w acre. H mile from station. 6 blocks IP school, 8 besrinv fruit trees, some berries, roses snd shrubbery, attractive 3- room house with gas snd oitv water, electric lights across street. Included with plsce gas range, heater, ohslrs. table, rug. bed springs an- mattress, couch, tools, etc. Price $1400. one-half cash, balance three years at 6. ACRB TRACTS. NEAR MULTNOMAH. On mAcsdomised road; best of soil; no rock nor grael: very close to elec tric line; 9c commutation fare: city water, gag and electric llffhts. Nice, sightly ground. Price 8700 per acre snd up, very easy terms. Or will sell half acre tracts. Mr. Kemp. ON THE PAVEMSJNT. 5 acres, 1IU miles northeast of Port land, one block from electric station and school: all undpr cultivation; good car service. Price S1750. Incumbrance $400 , which is Included In price. Will turn in this enulty on house of 4 rooms snd fall lot In ft Johns. Alblna or Woodlawn, up to $2800. One sere, on macadamised rosa. 5 miles from city limits of Portland; tinder cultivation: close to pnved high way; sttractlve 8-room plastered bunga low. fuM cement bosement. fireplace, white enamel plumhlnT. garsge. water system, etc. Price $3200. easy terms. JOHN FTrTtrrrrsriv, REALTOR. OERMtfOSR BLDG Over BOO small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. SUBURBAN HOMES. One acre nice level land. 5-room nearly new bungalow, fireplace, electric llshM. well wate-. close to school, nt Durham station, O. B. RV. : price $2700 $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent. One acre cleared. -room house. In good condition, close to rv. station 30 minutes from 1st and Alder sts.; $1950: 55 cash, balance $15 month. per cent. Manlewond. on O. E. ry.. near Mult nomah. IHSxtOO ft. 8-room cottage, city water, . electric llirht. 24 blocVs sohooi. $1850, tttoo cash, balance easy. 2 acres of choice garden land In crop 23 bearing fruit trees, granes. berries 4-room nest cottage, barn, chicken noose, near station. Oregon Cltv line. $3ono. half cash, balance mortgage. 5 acres. 2 acres In cultivation, balance brush and timber, 8-rnom new cottage furnished: 100 White Leghorn chickens. 10 miles nut. close to school; $2750; $750 cash, balance easy. 5 acres nice level land. 2 acres In cron. balance light timber, on the pave ment at railway station. 10 miles out. 4-room neat cottage, furnished, $3700 eond terms. This Is choice. R. M. QATBWOOn CO.. 185H 4th St FINK SUBURBAN HOMB FOR PAT. 15 BY OWNER. MOTiHRV HOT-op; OF 8 ROOM1 4 VT" 2 SLEEPING PDSPHHS. IN SFWT OF REPAIR: PARTIALLY FURNISHED IF DESIRRO LARGE VIEW LOT (10OT23O) BEAUTIFUT, GROUNDS OA RAGE AND SMALL HOUSE TN REAR P.VJ.,XKRW,T'I'Ir,ER BOULEVARD. 13 MINUTES FROM CF.VTPIR OF CTTY CASH OR TERMS. TELEPHONE MAR SHALL 8723. 5-ROOM bungalow, basement, bnth and toilet, city water snd lights, fireplace, IVj acres of land. 27 fruit trees. 1 acre In raspberries, garden, house for 200 chickens, garage. R blocks from school snd car, Close to city limits. A snap for $4800 terms most attractive: chickens and furniture for sale. 6-room seml-burrgalnw. basement, fruit, garden, Berries, outbuildings ; acre. 2 blocks to school and oar, $4000, $500 cash. 8-room house. In fine shape, basement all city conveniences In. 100x150. two blocks from Car and Catholic snd public sr-hool. on west side. $4500. half cash. Mr. Hare with .A-,iT- DEFOREST & CO.. Realtors. .. 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwv. 5590 5. 10 AND 10-ACRE TRACTS. 25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month nuvs a 5-acre tract in this addition of 800 acres down the Columbia river, on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and truck; beautiful lying land, free from rock and gravel: some tracts have beautiful view of river- there are also some with streams: fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables CHARLES DELFEL 818 Railway Exchange Bldg T acres, all in cultivation, good 7-room house, hot and cold water, elec trlo lights, bath and toilet. 50 bearing fruit trees, berries, 8-gallon cow; 150 thoroughbred W. L. chickens, hog. in cubator. 2 brooders. 2 chicken houses, barn, wired: also on same place 4 room house, double constructed, ready t?T Jttth,ns' Rlht at Trece station. 9' m:9i miles out. For terms ad- ... -""vftic, iinx 1 igarn. ur THE HSITKBMPER PLACE. Beautiful country home of 7 aores, fine grounds, all kinds of nut and fruit trees; acre in grapes, -ornamental shrubbery and hedges. Part beaver dam. Has never-falling spring and ram. On hard-surface road and Oregon City car line at Courtney station. Might di vide. Inquire' across .the road at Uly Owner says had net Income of" ever 45 this year. 7 acres, highly Im proved; 3V4 acres loganberries, 2 acres strawberrlea: near ear; city water, elec tric lights, gas. etc.: good house and barn. Price only $8500; $2500 cash, bal ance to suit. JOHXfOX-DODSON CO 83.1 N. w. Br-.rk Plflg. Main 3787 FOR SA..E Small 5-acre suburban home. 80 minutes' ride to Portland on Capital highway, 14 miles south of Tigard ; new buildings, 4-room bungalow, electricity, water, bathroom. 14 acres in potatoes. Price $3750. $1500 cash. Would sell 1 acre if desired. Address Karl Broeder. Sherwood, Or. "SUBURBAN HOME." 8 acres in cultivation; 100 bearing fruit trees; 4-room house, barn, out buildings; Johnson creek rune through place; large spring: on the pavement, at ry. station; 50 miles courthouse; price . J00IK); terms, or will sell half. R. M. GATEWOOD CO.. 1K5A 4tB St. SIGHTLY SUBURBAN HOMESITE" o acres, ail in cultivation: 3 acres fruit and berries; house, barn, outbuild ings; $150O water system; on macadam st. near car. etc. Owner non-resident. Price only (4800. Terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 833 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. EXCELLENT SUBURBAN HOME. Beautifully located, 5 acres, good 7 room house, gas. electricity, telephone, city water, large chicken house, broodet house, barn, garage, 2 acres assorted fruit, 20 minutes from downtown good road, near station. $3000 cash, terms on balance. Owner, Main 7750. TWO ACRES desirable river front prop erty, east side of Willamette river, near Oak Grove; paved road, gasoline engine and pump, young orchard, two smalt one-room shacks; price $4500; terms If desired; 00 agenta Owner. Marshall , 2338. OUT-OF-TOWN OWNERS will seU 12.35 acres on Base Line, about Vz mile from city limits, for only (lLOOO. Commercial orchard, house, barn, all in vuiv.ivai.iuo, yvea St., gas, etc JOHNSON-DODSON CO., . 833 N. W, Bank Bldg. Main S7S7 SAVE YOUR RENT. ONLY $700. Ailmost acre a-rvd half with 2-room houoe. All eu-kloated. On fine county road close to Oregon electric. (50 down will handle. Balance easy. Oall 5O0 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark, 8-ROOM modern house with city water gas and electricity, 100x100 ground with fruit trees and berries on hard-surfaced road near Capitol Hill station, $3700; $500 cash. Main 7618. ARTISTIC 5-room and bath bungalow with over H acre of ground, 5 minutes from Base Line: 2 miles from Montavilln- will sell for $4500, $1500 down, this includes furniture; ready to occupy. Tabor 4170. $1750 BUYS nearly one acre cultivated land, house, garage, on gravel road, near 42d and Alnsworth. No assessments or gravel. 1100 cash. $15 month R. W Cary. 1219 N W. Bank bldg. ACRE with 4-room house, good well, half wooa, balance clear; on main road: $800. $500 cash, balance payments Call 361 E. 11th at. 3. FOR RENT New 3-room nartlr furnished cottage and two acrea of land at Rrv.nt I sisuou, seu vswego laaa. n.ast BI45, $1700 ST. MARYS STATION, near Beaver ton, 4 acres, 2 to in a high state of cultivation, a cozy, large 3 room rustic cottage, with modern Dutch kitchen, screened-tn porch, gas. city water, piped into house, small barn; H cre In straw berries; H of acre In black berries, many varieties of other berries, familg orchard. This Is a very artistic' place, located close to a macadam road nnd seldom offered for such a price. Cash $000, balanoe $20 per month. (2400 RYAN STATION, (-room cottage. combination living room . and dining room, city water, city carfare, garage; 4? acre choice orchard: 13 full bearing cherry trees, berries, flowers, splendid yard, which is sheltered in the cool shade of beautiful trees. Cash (700. balanoe (20 per month. (4O00 BEAVERTON DISTRICT $4000. Five choice acres, 6-room California mission bungalow, both -with best white enamel plumbing brick fireplace, plas tered semi-Dutch kitchen, gas, city water; wired for elec, modern chick en house, located on good road, close to station. Cash (looO. balance (25 per month. If you want a choice 5-acre tract that la selling below cost, be sure to see thia TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. $4S00 AT BEAVERTON BANK $4800. A rooming house, with 18 rooms most ly all occupied, big rental Income. 100 feet on paved st across from ths bank of Beaverton. This is a fine future , investment, with 100x200 In the busi ness center of Beaverton.- Heirs desire a settlement. Selling st a sacrtfloe. Cash (2000, balance (100 quarterly. Do you wsnt a suburban hornet We nave some of the best to select from: $1200 tip to (10,000. See us before you buy. M. B. e .TOICE OO MP A NT. 221 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 1881. 4 LOTS H acre), on Oregon City onr line: good soil snd streets front and rear; 4 blocks to paved highway; good well and gas on -property: electricity and telephone In street: foundation and frame work of bungalow constructed: price $1850; $000 cash, balance easy; 2 adjoining lots available at $730 If desired: Bull Run water In street If preferred to tha good well on the property. Let us show you this right awav. FREYT AG-MEEDS CO.. Gladstone. Oregon. Oregon City Car Line. Phone Oregon City 200 -J. S ACRES. CLOSE! IN. Located 3 blocks from city lim its; level, all cultivated. large orchard, about 4 acres straw berries. 2 acres loganbefrlea and raspberries: fine house, good barn, garage: all city conveniences: this place is In the best possible condition; offered on very easy terms; you can cast appreciate the value of this property by see ing it. OTTO A HARKSON. 413 Cham, of Com. Main (398, NIFTY SUBURBAN HOME. $.VO0 .EASY TERMS PER CENT. Modern 8-room bungalow, fireplace, Dutch fcitohen. a bed-rooms, sleeping porch, cement base-menu wood shed, pump house, gas enerlne. water tank, chicken house, bam. garage. 3 i seres of fine deep rich loam soil. al4 kinds of berrlee, 1 ton of grapes now on the vines. Drive out Beaverton high-way, first road to right beyond Aloha sta tion. Go .W) feet to bun-alow with green roof known as Fltr.sreraM home. Owner might consider modern bungalow in town ax part payment. HENDFRRON'-BA.NKUS CO.. 62,8 Henry BI1. Bdwy. 4754 TtTBURBAN HOMBSITCT. Teirab1e small tracts from 1 to IO acres. Close to Mt. Hood eloctrlo line ami hard-surface roads. 11 cleared. We w-111 srtl thone for V, value. Will help finance buildings. Our autoa at your service. No obligation to show. W. M. tMTENSTO7K CO. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1058. GOOD ACRE BUT! One sere of sTrtendid land inst off 82d st. All cleared and under cultivation, some fruit. A classy ivew 4-room bun galow w4th Frenoh doors and windows. City Water, gas snd ele-otrioltv avail able. This is a real buy at 2!s cm terms) or will exchange for house) In city. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK U McGUIRE. 20S Ablngton Bids-. Main 108. Third St. bet, Washington and Stark. BEAUTIFUL home on the Peninsula and finest opportunity for small dairy in vicinity of Portland: almost 4 acre (4 50x100 ft. lots), with 33 choice bear ing fruit trees: modern 5-room house with basement, reception hall, etc.; new. modern dairy barn, chicken house, ga rage, berries, electrlo lights, gas. city , water. 100 ft. from car: street Improve ments all paid; win sell all or part. Owner. Colum-hia 788. THE FOLLOWING suburban homes on easy terms, located either In city or nearhy: have fruit, berries, garden and buildings. 1 acre, $800: acre. $1400. 1 acre., $1500: 2 acres. $3150. 2 '4 acres, $55O0; 5 acres, $7000. 8H acres garden land. 44500. It will pay you to gee us If you want a suburban home. A. K. Hill. 428 Lum bermens bldg. . MY FIVE-ACRE home for sa)ex ATI Im proved with half acre strawberries, quarter acre loeanberriest smalt bear ing orchard, other srrraM fruits, seven room house, electrlo llg-hts. good water, large barn .and out-bulldflners. place all fonoed with hoar-tight fence, on hard surfaced road one mile and quarter southwest of Beaverton. nine miles from center of Port lend. Price $6500. Terms, Anna Fitzpatrlok. Boaverton. Or. FIRST one with $1800 cash gets this beau tiful bungalow and quarter acre at Mult nomah station; big bearing garden of vegetables and berries, lawn and flow ers; 4 rooms, ooncrete basement, sleep ing porch, fireplace; you assume $850 mortgage: must be sold thia week: If .you have earn phone Automatio 553-94 "quick and get a real place; If you haven't,, don't waste your time or mine. ONE ACRB ONLY $4K DOWN' Fruit and berries, ari m esiiuvatlon. 6-room bumgailow with bath. Dutch kitchen and basement: chicken house and garage; dose In! (3678. Will sell snother sere adjoining. Ask for F. C. Marshall with FRANK L. McQUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. bet. Washington atvd Stark. BEAUTIFUL country home. Just finished! Artistic rustic bunsreJow. 4 rooms rni sleeping porch- In beautiful cedar grove. 14 miles (west) from city on good road. 2i acres, nearly all culti vated. Thiis Is a real buy. Owner must sacrifice for $1o) for quick action. Terma. Pee Merrifle'.d. 210 Oregon bldg. HERB'S YOUR CHANCE, New 4-room buneralow. double con structed', plnmhlng. water, lights, with 145x230 bomeslte on rock rosd: price only 21O0. $200 will handle, balance Hke rent. See owner. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. FOR BALE One aore. $900. house, chick en house, fruit, also adjoining improved acrea at reasonable prices; these are worth looking at. Courtney Station. Ore gon City electrlo east to Oatfleld road, south one block, east en Pinehurst road. Fellows. Mllwaukie, route, 1 box 195. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME-SITE. 5 acnes on paved road SO minutes drive from heart of city: lies level, half cultivated, fenced, homes ad Join -rg; cheap at $30"O: terms. LUEDDBMANN COM PA NT. . 18 Cnen-vhe-r of Commerce. Main 8087. ACRE AND EPRINXi. Fin view acre in Lake View Villas Owto Lake, with springs, rine soil. Rocked' rosd. lMrh-ta; only &&O0 with -$50 down, $10 per month. Call GOO Concord hlr.. 2d and Stark. SNAP. $2200, $300 cash.- half acre. 4 room house, plastered, lots fruit, gar den, bullt-lns, large porch, water, gas. chicken house, shed. See owner. 6521 65th .St., or write box N 920. Oregon lan. 5 ACRES, Improved. orchard, 4-room house, outbuildings, gas, good well, city water available. 8 miles out. 10 minutes' Walk Oregon Electrlo station; terms. trtUiCiS SUBURBAN HOMES. and acreage, well located, near carllne. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of (500 CASH 6-room house, oOx.100 lot, Oswego auto road, near electric station. Gas. water, electricity. (375. Mci'ar- tord. Fallln.g bldg. . OSWiBGO LAKE BARGAIN. Full acre at atation frontiner car ftne. Vie-w of lake and Mt- Hood. (1000, SOME) choloe ecre tracts, olose to Port land sncl electrlo Una. Get one. $20 down does It. MoFafiand. realtor, fail IneT bldiz. FINK SUBURBAN HOME. Right at the gateway to city of Portland. A rare opportunity to aoquire a very choice property for half it'a value. DESCRIPTION. One acre, highly cultivated, at Silver Springs station on Oregon City car line, 7 miles from Port land; asphalt pavement all tha way. Large 1 H -story bungalow type house of massive construc tion and i thoroughly modern: elec tric lights, gas, Bull Run water, full cement basement, furnace, massive fireplace, in fact, all city comforts four bedrooms and bath, also a 8-room "caretaker's" house, large garage, all kinds of bearing fruit trees, berries, fins garden, poultry house, wonderful shrub bery, etc, This beautiful subur ban home Is right at the station One can auto into Portland In 80 mihutea Here one caa have all modern comforts of the city and cut down living costs. It's a great bargain for eomebodv. Price only $8500, half cash. For appointment to inspect property, see J. W. Crossley, with ELROD A DRYER. "Better Types of Homea" 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 1188. - MULTNOMAH STATION. (3650 buys new modern bungalow with hi acre. blocks to station. On fine auto road. AJi city conveniences. Terms. , On acre of as kinds of fruit Id full bearing, spring, located on good auto mobile road, for only $2000. (500 down. Blesfant new bungalow of 6 rooms. Thoroughly modern. 2 fine lota with garage. Only (4500. Terms. Many uhes-a. cays. 00 us Sunday or week KBD BURKB. Multnomah St a. Mala 1903. CITY PROPERTY. Sacrifice, In Vancouver' Wash., 40 minutes' car ride from court house in Portland. 3.12 acres all' In cultivation; good 6-room house, garage, chicken houses, city water, electrlo lights, paved street, con crete sidewalks, 2 blocks car line. (3500; (3250' cash, bal.- monthly. This is a fins chicken farm, close, to market. ATKINSON & PORTER, 703 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. LOVELY HOME 5 ACRES. 2 BLOCKS TO CAR. BEST 1NTERURBAN SERVICE!. 25 MINUTES' OUT. 1 10.0OO. Situated In midst of ideal homea. occu pied by a number of Portland's best busi ness men. House contains 4 large spac ious rooms and porches on first floor. and3 bedrooms and closeta above; bath, electrlo lights, gas, private water sys tem, abundance of fruit for family ant commercial use. We do not consider that it can be equalled for the price around Portland. (Jan be seen by ap pointment. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., 624 Henry Bldg. 20 ACRES GRESHAM. Three-fourths mile from Bull Run sta tion; 10 acres, with all buildings; sev eral acrea In cultivation, for $4000. Other 10 acres, 3 acres In cultivation, for (2500; $500 cash, or the whole 20 acres for $(l(il0; very best soil. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR, 248 Stark St. Main 831. 4 ACREii Just outside of Portland; new 8-room - house with a fine buiit-ln pan try, new chicken house and wood alied. half acre of potatoes, balance of land easily cleared, and riffht at the station. Will seU on terms of $50 cash and (20 per month. Price $2300. Peterson & York. 437 N. W. Bank bldg. Main WXV5. CAPITOL HILL. Three-room house, garage, 150x1.10 lot, gas, water, electricity. Bo fare; (1700, terms like rent. M ALL 41 VAN BORSTEL. . 104 Second st. Main 1436. Sla ACRfci on pavejn-ent- Eiectrio line on creek. Large orchard and berries. 4-room house and outbullitng. C.ose In. (4200, $2000 cash. Owner. V So5. ureEanian. HAVE" very choice suburban homea at very low price snd terms. See me be fore you buy. T. O. Bird. 526 Cham. of Com, bldg. (200 CASH Naw buneralow. Goodin sta tion, woodad acre. (21oo. Kleetrloity, piped water, close to eiootric Uue. Mc- J ar:anq. rea-ltor, f ailing QKig. FOR RJiNT Attractive stone furnished bungalow on river. Easy distance to roruaiw. i'none Unit lirovo 120-X. (2j DOWN. (10. monthly 1 y acres. $5O0. Level, good soli at station. 40 minute ride. Owner. 15 75:1, Oregon tan. FOR SALill Houseboat. moorage. ixj Willamette lor bale Business Property. MANUFACTURERS AND GARAGE MEN. For sale, corner, 60x100, two-story . brick, with powerful elevator, present income per month (150, suitable for manufacturing or garage, a..ractlve price and terms, say cash $5000, balance monthly payments. Union ave. near Burnside etreet. Fred W. NewelL 407 Henry building. Broadway 5030. 11 ROOMS (1000. Fine location, east side, easy walking distance; well furnlahd, few single h. k. rooms; epic and span; nets (75 per mo. No beuer small place in city for price Terms on part. O. B. RIPPEY, Realtor. 810-11 McKay Bldg. 3d and Stark. KJSS'fAURANT. East side, fine location, fast growing business; other business requires time of owner; must sell quickly. Price (SOU. Terms. O. B. RIPPEY. Realtor. 810-11 McKay Bldg. 3d and Stark. FOR SALE A good business corner, 6th and E. Burnside. on easy terma Call East 2704. Owner. For Sale Acreage. (2100 5 ACRES EAST OF CITT. Half cult-, bal. grove; fruit trees, gar den, berries; all kinds of bldga. ; ma cadam road, easy terms. Cleveland, 308 Bd. of Trade. Bdwy. 1150. 10 ACRES On Buckley av., near Base Line road. Bull run water. Price $8760. Will sell, essy terms, or consider ex change for modern home not over $7500 in value. Call owner. Main 276. or Wood lawn 4997. $1500 CASH, $5500, 10 acres. 3 in orchard, 12-room house, quarter-acre vineyard; creek on place: barns and other build ings; on pavement, close In. 1038 Bel mont. FOR SALE 25 acres. S miles from court house; best of garden land, 4 acres strawberries, fruit, berries and grapes; house, barn and chicken houses. Inquire National Umbrella Mfg. Co.. 430 Alder st- FOR SALE 10? acres in city of Beaver ton; lots 7, 8, 15 and 16 Clements sub division; will sell separately or alto gether. Addresa J. U. Bates, Gaston. 20 ACRES, $15 per acre, easy terms; 5 acres timber. 15 acres burned over, very easy cleared, fine soil, all tillable, good sprtng; on -county road. 5 miles from Carrol Is, Wash. A. W. Kates, 905 Oliam. of Com. 160 ACRES on Elk river. Curry county, Port Orford cedar, oak and fir, for sals or trade; placer and quartz mine on property. Dan Kell&her, 480 Belmont st. East 8433. ONE ACRE, free and clear, Mt. Scott dlst., will exchange on modern 6-room house In Hawthorne or Richmond dlst.; will pay cash difference. .418 Railway Ex- change. $12 PER ACRE. 80 acres about half ourned over and easy cleared, excellent .oil, baL timber; nice trout stream, on county road near Carrolls. Waan. A. w. Kstes, imi' t r,ani. or t;om. WHITE for map of western Wasntngton. showing location, low price ana easy terms offered to settlers. WxtYEHHAUBER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wash. ONE ACRE, 70 fruit trees. 150 berries, 8-room house, 2 miles east of city 4 blocks to car: $1200. $175 cash, balance $15 month, interest 6. 418 Railway Exchange. FOR SALE or trade for small house and lot, five acres under cultivation on Fos ter road 2 miles from city limits gas and water, 1 V, acres In strawberries, by . owner. H 951. Oregonlan. THIS is your last cbance to buy half acres adjoining the Darlington plat on fid st- S. E. at $50 down and $15 per manth, no Interest. Let us show you these at once. Call Auto. 633-20. A BARGAIN Five acres on Oregon City carllne at atation. 85 minutes from town; bouse, barn, electric lights, etc; $3000. terms. R 974. Oregonlan. ett ACRES on Base Line road, about y cleared, close to station and stores small payment down, balance at 6 per cent. K 652, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 21 acres. 18 acres In cultiva tion, buildings. 18 miles from Portland. r or iuii particulars call l abor 1379. CHOICE clobe-in acreage. 10 to 40 acres' snap, terms. Owner. East 745. ' WILL trade fine prop. email Phone apple orchard with e.-4-sa. FOR SALE 7 acre, eloae in. Xlua Alien. 6131 2d S. . 10 ACRES, 8 miles southwest of Beaver ton, , mile to school. y mile of dirt road, good black loam soil. 13 young fruit trees, good 4-room house, shed, barn, chicken house; 2 acres under cul tivation, balanee In pasture, all can be cultivated when cleared. Included with piece: una norse, one good Holsteln cow. one heifer, 50 chickens, harness, tools, etc Price $2000 for everything, (1123 cash. Or will consider more land farther out. of 40 acres or more, with not less than 23 acres under cultivation. Property Inspected by Brooks. Photo at office. TWO ACRES OF BERRIES. I 8 acres. In town with good payroll. 7 blocks from station and school; all un der cultivation, 1 acres strawberries acre loganberries. Currants, rhubarb, 88 bearing fruit trees, b-room house, barn, garage, store house, chicken house exceptionally fine toll; 70 miles from Portland; price (2200 $1000 cash. Con sider property in Portland of same value. Photo at office, Mr. Hunter. Over 12 acres. 15 miles from center of Portland, rear Oregon City, one mile to school, good road, good bearing or chard. 7-room log bungalow on rock foundation, 2 barns, chicken house, ga rage, etc. 5 acres under cultivation, all can be farmed when cleared; land not cultivated In timber. Price $2700, (100 cash. Property inspected by Nelson, B acres. 10 miles south Portland by auto, 'a mile from Oregon Electrlo sta tion; .1 acre under cultivation, all can be cultivated, balance in wood; good well, young bearing fruit trees, 5-room celled house, large barn, chicken house, wood house; price $1600. $600 cash, balance (11 per month. Inspected by Brooks. WANT HOUSE ON SMALL LOT. 3 acres, V mile from city limits of Portland, on macadamized road, m,ile from car line, 8c fare; all citv conven iences there, land all under cultivation, good garden soli, small house; price -(". win consiaer nouse la .Portland up to $40OU If value la right, ONLT (100 DOWN. Acre tracts. Alberta district, on paved street, with walks and paving paid; all In fruit and berries, very best of land, fruit in fine condition; $100 down, easy terma,. 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor,' Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lisXa.' ft-ACKE tract, all under cultivation, at Mc Mlnnvills. Or., Joining city limits: good -room, plastered home with bath and city water, chicken house and barn: 1 acre in berries, consisting of strawber ries, gooseberries. curran.s. logan. red and black raspberrlea, ' blackberries. 14 bearing fruit tree; four blocks from high school, with two mall deliveries per day Price (4500. (2000 caah, balance to - suit at 7 per cent Interest, or will con sider Portland residence property in trade. Owner. K 921. Oregonlan. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 5 sores, lust outside city limits of Lebanon; 5-roorm plastered bungalow, barn and hen house: 5 blocks from de pot and cannery; a cow and plenty of nay to winter cow go witn place; price (3000, half cash, balance long time. ALSO S acrea with 5-room house, short dis tance from high school and paper mill, $1200, half casn, balance long time. Address M. Knauf. Lebanon. Or 2-3 ACRE, 5-room house, small barn, chlrken house, fruit and berries. Only $2250. (300 cash, (25 per mo.. Inc. Int. 6. A acre. 4-room house, abundance of fruit and berries. city water, gas. chicken house, hard-surface road past place. Price (2250, $500 cash. (23 per month. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Plntt bldg.. Realtors Main 7027. MR. GARDENER. I have for sale at a sacrifice 30 acres of (irrigated by gravity, free water) highly Improved garden land, especially good for asparagus; good buildings: 8 miles, mostly by highway, from center of Portland, 6 blocks from trol'ey sta tion; "easy terms; no agents. For de tails, phone East 7331 or call at 562 Stanton St. 2 ACRES, Inside city, very convenient 5 room house. chicken houses, rabbit hutches. - all kinds fruit, full-bearing; sold over $400 berries alona; your living right here; owner a woman, can't do the work. A gift at the price. $5000; (1000 cash handles. The place will pay the balance. BORLAND. PARSONS MOORS. ' 303 Stock Exchange. FINE SUBURBAN HOME. 8V4 acres close to Gresham, all fine land, with modern bungalow; 6 rooma and basement- furnace heat, good plumb ing, garage, barn, chicken house and runs, all kinds of fruit. Owner will ing to sacrifice. Price $5300. KRIDER-ELKTNOTON. GRESHAM. PHONE 2341. 10 ACRES. Ten great big. Juicy, wooded acres, facing Barr road. Just east of Buckley avenue, for (4000. on good terms. See it today; watch for sign on left. R. H. CONFRKY. Realtor, BITTER. LOWE CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ACREAGE BARGAIN. 40 acres, acre In clover, some fruit, bal. fine timber; 2500 cords wood; 10.000 cedar posts. Small bungalow, barn, spring and creeks. Land lies level. Close to Oregon City; $2,300. Good terma No trade. B. H. Stewart. 1(15 4th st Main 8273. 20 AND 40-ACRE TRACTS. 18 miles from Portland, near Clacka mas river, 2-miles from electric line. fine soil, suitable for dairy, chickens, fruit and vegetables. $40 an acre: easy terms or trade. S. E. Smith. Sellwood 2287. MONEY MAKING PROPOSITION. 2a) acres, heavily timbered, cordwood or milling timber; 1,000.000 ft. first growth fir; land lies level; 4-room house, good water. Close to Oregon City on fine road: (2300. Terma No trade. B. H. Stewart. laSVj 4th sL Main 5275. 5 ACRES. All cleared. Very best of soil. Close to Gillis station and new Mount Hood loop highway. Bull Run electrlo. Snap for $1500. Terms. W. M. Umbden stopk s: Co., 210 Oregon b 1 d e FOR SALE BY OWNER. ( acres, half cleared, good deep soil. suitable ror oerries or cnicxen ranch, near Sherwood and paved highway. Only (150 per acre. 758 . 21st sU. end of tjrooHiyn car. ONE OR more acres right .at station on Troutdale electric; 9 miles from Port land. Just off hard-surfaced Base Line road. All cleared.' Only $500 per acre. Terma W. M. Umbdenstoclc sV Co.. 210 Oregon pldg. Bdwy. 1058. Al FIVE-ACRE tract for sale by owner. 20 miles east of Portland: good house. barn and other' outbuildings; small or- cnara; pisce in crop: zor run aescrip tion. price, terms and reason for sell Ing. write Wm. Dawson. Boring. Or. 40 ACRES 16 acrea cultivation. 14 acres easily cleared, bal. timber; 2 dwelling houses, barn, outbuildings, large famliv orchard, Bprlng and creek, 1 cow. farm tools; $2800. Terms. C W. Mlllershlp, 1C5H 4th St. Main 5273. $1(UM 1 ACRE, fenced, all cultivated Young family orchard, 4-room house, wood house, chicken house and new. fine orell. Only 25 minutes out. Easy terms. See McClure, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. 2W.-ACRB WOODED TRACT. On Barr road, 8 miles from city. Price $1000. sou aown ana sio per month. STRONG A CO.. Realtors. fiop Ch-im. of Com. Bldg. CHOICE ACREAGE 30 miles down Co lumbia highway. Any aize tract. Low prlcea Easy terms Can handle some trade, interstate Lan a Co.. 248 Stark st. Main 6429. . STOKES TRACTS, , fractional half acres ana acres, city water, no city assess ments; $10 payments; Alberta car; Ken nedy school. R. W. Cary, 1218 N. W tianK DlOg. 40 ACRES, (523. S7 miles from Portland, cabin, acre In cult., oounty road. Al soil m 7l route, lies fine; $150 cah. Buady, 618 LKI moer 01 v. 0111 nierce pig g. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. to 5-acre tracts on East 2d st (main Oregon City rond), near Kendall station' paved road, gas, city water, etc.; (750 acre, nnay tgruin. unner, oinf t-latt bldg. 3 ACRES land. 2V4 miles from Portlsnd city limits, near Oregon City carllne. Partly cleared, shade tries, large creek Will make beautiful home site. Phone A GOOD BUY 1 ACRE SHACK. CITY WA1SR. 6 BLOCKS NORTH ROSE CITY CAR. $1600 TERMS. J. LIEDER. E, 73D Avn PRE8COTT STS. " FOR SALE 7Vi acrea i in apple trees -4 miles from Lebanon: very reasonable. Owner, I. E. Hale, 1637 Sacramento hl San Francisco, Cal. ' FOR SALE 160 acre good agricultural land In Tillamook county. Or. Price (12O0 oash. A. D. Becker. 2J2J-A McNair ave St. Louis, Mo. 16. ACRE farm, good buildings, near high way. Must be seen to grasp the bar-, gain value; $3850. Terms. M. 3(179. McFARLAND. REALTOR. Failing bldg DIKED LAND 5 and 10-acre tracts, near 42d and Columbia blvd., terms. R. vv Cary. 1219 N. W. Bankbldg. ' FINE8Thalfacre, Woodrow" station; bar galn for cash. Owner, 403 Slock Ex change bldg. UNDER foreclosure, 10 acres Irrigated worth $1000; this week for (350; pati water right. Tabor 7SS4. FOR SALE 11 acres. 5 nii.es out. good spring; all In cultivation; $v0 an acre. 2i. 1 Jv'orlh 3d at. CHEAP ACREAGE. IMPROVED. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 10 A., T-ROOM HOUSE. (12V1. Smooth land, t mile railroad town. 80 miles Portland. 10 a., 4 cleared, bal ance pasture and some timber, 7-room house, chicken house 14x80 and 12x24. Price (1250, some terma Discount for caah. 8 A., BLOCKS STATION. (800. 20 miles S. E. Portland. 2 blocks elec tric station, 3 acres, all cleared, level lnnd. some fruit, shack 2Kx26, 2 blocks electric station. Pries $000. l- A, MODERN BUNGALOW. (300 DOW N. t blocks city oar line, 100x125, choice berries, grapes, garden. 5-room bunga low, basement, gas furnace, porcelain bsth, basement, built-in features; deci dedly a nice home. Price (25o0, (300 down. (30 monthly. t A.. 1 MILE OREGON CITT, FURNISHED. A neat little home on good road, tine mile Oregon City. 2 a , all cleared. 2500 strawberries, other variety berries. 3 room bouse, chicken house, garage, store house, well with pump. 50 chickens. 3 pigs, small tools, household goods. Prioe (2000, (sOO down, $25 per ma., i. S A.. CLATSKAN1E. $1100. One mile Clatskanie. 5 a . 4 cleared, new 2-room house. 2 poultry houses. Cow barn, hay barn, root house, some fruit. Price (1100, (500 down. 6. S A., ON PAVEMENT. (1800. S miles east city limits, on pavement, city phone. lights and gas. 4-room house, small barn, garage, 3 walnut trees. Price (1800. We have any sis and Any price yon want. HARGROVE REALTT CO., (REALTORS.) 122 North 8lh St., near Glisan. Broadway 43S1. IMPROVED ACREAGE HOMES. 7 acres, good level land, with 6 acres In cultivation, a'.l fenced with wire, good creek and well, 3 - room house, bam, chicken - house, etc.. good cow, horse, and some implements; prlet $230v, $100O cash.' 10 acres, with 8 scree In cultivation. 3W bearing fruit trees, nice enruDoery, gooa team, oow chickens. 2 wagons and other implements; paved and graveled road, cloae to town; l4(XMk. IlUkxl cash. 194 cres, 3 miles east of Park Place. 2 4 acres in cultivation, spring water piped to house. assorted family orchard and berries, cow and heifer, and small tools; $25O0. $S0O cash, good terms on the balance 13Vi acres, on the paved highway. M mile to raiiToad and H mile to e'ectrlc station, 11 acres In cultivation; full set of buildings. A dandy buy for lixn), 2O0O cash. FRED W. GERMAN CO. REALTORS. 732 Chamber o f Commerce B:dg. MEYER ME AD ! MF.YERMEADl NEW ADDITION. ACRE TRACTS ACRE TRACTS. (475 AND UP. Fronting on 3 roads Base Line, Barker and Villa road electric line station on property: beautiful suburban sites racing on paved and graveled road pay (10 or more monthly; don't you realize that acreage on paved roads leading out or Portland Is being rapidly taken up? Don't you realize that you'll pay perhaps (1500 an acre for these acres before the -big fair? Don't you realize that there is no safer Invest ment than suburban acreage? This Is your big opportunity; get In on the grousid floor; free auto trips to the property every hour. Phone snd we'll send an suto ror you. open Sunday. COMTB KOHLMAN. 20S Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 8550 1 OWN mora land than I can farm and will sell to the people who want to make a home, from five to 40 acres on very easy terms and at a price they will be able to pay. This land Is located In the best prune belt of Clarke county, on paved road, electric light line, R. F. D., telephone; plenty of fine water at depth of 30 feet. If you" want good soil and good location, very low prioe and easy terma, sea me. 3. B. ATKINSON. 705 Main St-, Vancouver. R1VERDALE DISTRICT. Owing to poor health owner will sell beaultufl home on Palatine hill, almost 2 acres, artistically landscaped, beautl ful trees, shrubbery and flowers, all kinds of fruit and berries: modern borne w'th large rooms, 2 bathrooms, wide poichea, hot-water heat, large garage, modern greenhouse 10x40; all city con veniences. Will accept a modern home up to (lo.noo as part payment. Mr. H Ink la, with John K. Howard (REAL TOR), 318 Chamber of Commerce bldg CLACKAMAS RIVER FRONTAGE. Fine little country home of 16 acres, fronting on the Clackamas river, on main Oregon City road, near Carver. Or.. 12 milee from Portland, road all paved but one mile; good 7-room house, good barn and lots or outbuildings: good or chard, fine soil, plenty of timber for wood, i-rice oniy sooiio, iumi win nan die, bal. terms to suit at 6. If you want a fine country home, be sure to see tnia SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. TERWILLIC.ER HEIGHTS. Do not buy before looking over Ter- - wllllger Heights. It is the most beau tlful tract in the city. The views are clear and unobstructed. You may have wooded tracta or cleared. Building re- strlctiona No such values were ever ffered. You may have any size from one-half acre up. Hard-surfaced drive way, city water and lights Included In low price and easy terma R. F. Bryan. 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main l!tt3. NEAR COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 8VL acres. 25 minutes drive from city. very sightly, 1 acre in orchard, good 8 room house, fireplace, electric lights, also 4-room house, beautiful trout stream, beautiful driveway, on or the most sightly snots in Oregon, bargain at $5750, easy terma 8. P. Osburn, C10 McKay Mdg.. 3d ana stark. 827U0 27 ACRES. 12 milts Portland. Sky line boulevard, small house, barn. creek, springs. (4200 S acres, house, barn, fruit, creek, Powell Valley road, or 8 acrea if desired. $8000 8 acres. Buckley ave.. 4-r. honse. $300 acre 27 acres, Huber, garden land. CHAS R1NOLER 8; CO.. 235 Henry Bldg. 10 ACRES, Improved, 18 miles north of Vancouver, Wash., IVj miles from pave ment and depot; 84 acres cultivated, balance pasture; level, good soil, fine for chicken ranch; fair buildings: stock, crop, implements, furniture goes with Filace; $2000; terms. Will sell or trade or house in Portland. AV 65, Oregonlan- ON ACCOUNT of accident owner is unable to improve his place so is compelled to sacrifice 40 acres; land la near store, postoffice, sohooi, etc., creek through place. Price only $1100 on very easy terms. For particulars see JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldir. Main 8787. FOR SALJS Beaverton-Reed v-llle acreage, Johnson estate add., lot 837 at edge of Beaverton village, 1 blk. from So. Pa cifio electric line; same as cleared with initial plowing and contains about 114 acrea Give me a cflEh offer. Mrs. J. M. Keefe, owner. 3927 Stevens ave, Minneapolis, Minn. $75 DOWN and $1." per month will buy a beautiful country homestte on Clear creek; 45-mlnute ride from citv beau tiful trees, creek and good roads; S acres; price $750. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. 18 ACRES FOR ONLY $558. KAST TKKMS, RICH PRODUCTIVE SOIL. On good road, stream across place; not far to store and postoffice. near river transportation: land slightly roiling, JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 833 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. 5 OR 10 ACRES on easy terma, miles from Portland, near Tigard. close to paved road, nearly ell cleared, balance pasture and wood, fine fruit and gar den ground, $100 per acre. Address owner, C. H. Pfaffle, Hillsdale, R, 2, box 120. POWELL VALLEY AND 82D ST. H acre on pavement, all city conven iences with no city taxes, near school, Hawthorne car, easy terma Will be on tract Sunday afternoon. McClure A Sehmauch Co.. 306 Railway Exch. bldg. CLOSE-IN acreage for sale or trade: some of the best locations, on East 82d and 82d sts.. fine garden and fruit land; priced right with terma Come and see us. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. CHOICE acreage close to Columbia high way, only 30 milea to Portland; (50 per acre. Easy terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO , 248 Stark. (i ACRES on pavement and car line and creek. $3000. (1500 cash. Ow ner, V 876, Oregonlan. MOST beautiful. OS k acrea Improved, at Tigard. for sale, by owner, part trade. Call mornings. Wdln. 43-49. 2 ACRES near city limits, cleared, fenced and cultivated, also 10-acre Woodburn orchard traot. Unimproved, liar 70a, JTEAR OREGON CTTY CAR LINE. LESS THAN 10 MILES TO PORTLAND. ONLY $0 PER ACKU. Can yon beat It? 16 48 acres on Oatiield road: land slightly roll ing, wonderful view; covered with, native shrubbery, easily cleared, suited to berries or fruit, but es pecially adapted for ehiuken ranch and beea Buzz sround an-1 we will show you. la tested poa try die. trnjt. Terms. ITS THE SOU. 10 acres rich, sandy loam soil, an In cultivation, nearly level, easy to work and very productive; ail fenced, fsmily fruit and berries; fc-room house, small basement, barn, chicken house, wood shed full of wood, good driven well, 1 cow, 75 chk-kena wagon, plow, cultivator and other farm Imple ments. On good graveled road, -8 mile from paved Pacific high way, town and school. The owner Is too old to handle the place and has authorized us to price it at (4500, o0O0 cash, balanoe mort gage. 20 acres of river bottom land. 17 acres under plow. ( in pasture, all fine land; family fruit and ber ries, 5-room house, barn and 15 ton silo; cow, horse, 75 chickens, farm implements, telephone. Price (4750. You can get thia place on easy paymenta LOOK AT THIS. 20 acres frontlnjr on river, part clear. 2 miles from Aurora: land nearly all tillable and enclosed with w oven-wire fence- Price (1250. (300 first payment, bal ance easy. 10 acres, all clear, little grove, 4-room. house, bsrn, hen house, or chard, berries, good well and force pump, fine horse, 40 chickens. Im plements. Price (3500, (150o cash, balance on good terma Come out and let as show you these and other fine places on . our extensive lists. FRE Y" TAG-ME EDS CO.. Gladstone, Oregon. Oregon City Car Line. Phone Oregon City 26D-J. WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY. 11 acres at the head of Terwilllger blvd. with wide frontage on the high way. This property has a number of large, graceful maple, cedar, fir and dog wood trees, wild berries; many fin springs which would supply enough wa ter lor lakes. Illy ponds or swimming pool; city water piped on the grounds, gas and electric lights obtainable: only 15 minutes from Morrison and Fifth sta This is a fine and sightly location for country home, hospital or amusement park. The price (think of It) Is only $10,000, terms; might subdivide; this will make a fin platting subdivision, adjoining property selling at $400 a lot. Call at once, don't phone. See Mr. Hinkle, with John a!. Howard (REALTOR). 318 Chamber of Commerce. vV ONDKRFUL BARGAIN, 19 miles Port-' land, near Camas, Wash., 820 acres fin est land, deep soli, all open land, very old burn. Ilea nice, mostly tillable, some brush 2 years old, lot of old snags, good wood; 6 streams on the land; great place for prunes, fruit, peaches, any thing, stock, too; short distance land (3(10 to $400 per acre; mile to 2 fin roads, and Just look st the price, $10 per acre, one-fourth cash. We have some great land bargains. C L. Becker, 133 h 1st st. BEAVERTON HIGHWAT ACREAGE. 50 acres this side of Beaverton, with wide frontage on the highway, only 8 miles from Portland; land lies level and a wonderful platting proposition or high way homesite: price only $22,000, terma; might subdivide. Mr. Hinkle. with John E. Howard (REALTOR), 31S Chamber of Commerce, ONE! MILS TO OAK GROVE. $3700 2 acre, right at paved high way to Portland; comfortable house of 5 rooms, barn, poultry l-ou and yards; lets of fruit. $)200 cash, bal. easy terms, Grant liohurp GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO.. 824 Henry Bldg. . Frill ( Lands for Sale or Rent. PRUNE orchard, 12 acres bearing, 3 la pasture and timber; good road. 1 mil from paved highway. 80 miles from Portland: good house, bsrn. garage prune dryer, stock and equipment; good crop of prunes goes with place; run ning water, electric light, telephone and R. F. I).; a bargain by dealing direct with owner. Write R. F. D. No. L box 43. Dundee, Or LARGE sums have oeea lost on walnut properties In Oregon; expert advice could have reversed It. T. Withycombe' clients made 400 to 8O0 per cent on their walnut investments. Write 482 12th st Portland. Or., for Ideal walnut acreage! 10 ACKEs in Hood River valley; 7 In beat commercial apples and pears; 3 In tlm-l- ?i mllB rrom town. Vi mils from cnoolnousa. Many material advantages. Jul! description. Writ Robert North. Hood River. Or. - lIonnfttxii.Rellnimwhtn.nl. 160-ACRB RELINQUISHMENT. (7 miles from Portland. 2-room house, barn. 1 acre alashed, fine spring, lies good; some fine timber. A-l soil; two stoves, furniture and all tools Price $625. Bundy. 618 Chamber of Com- merce bldg. tli. u.n.IJs FOR EX-SERVICE MEN r ot.'.-rs: original entry or relinquish ments; win locate you oa timber or farm lands, taking you out In my owe ncm. oio jaoara or Trad a RELINQUISHMENT. ICO-acre. good lan lots valuable bottom lands and timber: no Imps.; Portland about 34 milea Ia qulre 208 Morgan bldg. 5 ACRES walnuta and cherries. 13 year old. near Amity; worth $2500. Sell for $11Q0 cash. AL 032. Oregonlan. California Real Kstate. MILLER & LUX LAND. $300 land for $183; perfectly leva). Irrigated, richest soil and best deal for California homeseeksra; send for mapj and folder If Interested. Kramer, lake at Co.. I027V, Belmont St. Tabor Btitt. Irrigated Lands. IRRIGATED LAND In th fameo Three Rivers eountry Kennewick. Pasco. Prosser. Burbank and At taila. Highly Improved or par tially improved; from (125 per acre sp; raw . land (48 an acre up, tens, twenties, forties, any size place you want. Paid-up water rights; best of market condition. Early season insures best price. This year strawberries averaged $4 to $6 per orate, asparagus 13 to 15 cents a pound. This land ta In the lower Yakima valley, which produced over $40,000,000 prod ucta last year, the highest pro ducing land in Washington. If at all Interested tn irrigate land It will pay you to see ua W are specialists on Irrigated land. We have several Irrigated farm to trad for coast property. See Farle C. MTTler. with ATKINSON Ar PORTER. 70S Mala Si-. Vancouver. Wash. FAMOUS COLTTrVTBIA BASLX IRRIGATED Ai-FAJ-JTA J-ANDci. Bev-eral hundred acrtt of fnv f roved and unimproved Uf-tir and from flOO to $175 per acr with fully paid-up watr righ-t, river and rJl transportation. tn accept improved farm land or city property on a limited amount. &e ua for further information. THOMP60X. AS WAS ft IEJB Realtor. Sd aud Main ta, Vaaceovti; Wajlu PGR SAUK OR EXCHAXGE 10O Lcre9 under Irrltcation; dUc&es art fax Water rights al. paid for. Hi$jhwty through the pla.ee. 5 miles from thrifty city. 1 mile from river. Etlma.t of IWX-O cords of wood sold to reliable concern, at $1.&0 per cord goem with plice Lt $7X per -acre; free and clear. Owner, lKn Denver ave. Woodlawn 2740. For Sale- 1 arum. FOR SALE OR TFtADK Dandy little dairy ranch, buildings all prt.cttca.ny new, stock and, equipment, with all farm machinery; will take house In Portland lu trade. East 4574. Call 274 Marpin gt. No agents. CAPiTOt HIUHWAV. 10-ACRB farm, coy cottafre, Tijrardl district, plenty fruit, spring, well; level; barn, hennery. SO minutes of PorUaoid, $tiiU0, terms. ?.ic FRIiAND, Realtor, Falling; R1 A Z- TmPROVED FARM3 FOR TRADE. We have some dandies, some stocked and ready to to on to. to exchange for Portland homes and some for busineas chances. What have yo'i T MR. GRKKXE, 501-2 COUCH BT.DO FOR SALK OR TRADE 16U-ACRE farm., improved, buildings. berries, orchard, running water, school. 15 cultivated; might consider Portland home or acre-ays- For particulars write owner . H. .sicGe. Caspo Horn. Wfto A A