The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 21, 1921, SECTION TWO, Image 37

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row RENT.
fiirninlird Koomm in" Private Family.
OJCK OR TW large. w.U furnished room.
Ingle or twin beds. bath, use of lar?e
Uvuic room with fireplace, piano in
braulifui close-in east -aide home; no
other roomers; reasonable rent; one block
to three carlines or public carase. 411 I
Cook avenue.
Aut. 323-10.
WANTED Refined, congenial business girl
Around 3Q yeacs to sharl apt. in modern
beautiful apt. house; piano, view of
mountains; very reasona-ble; who will be
permanent and would, onjoy keeping
house, .etc; references. P .70, Orego-
A. t-KW DKS1HABLK furnished rooms fori
twiifinesa erlrls; nice furnace heated home; '
no board, but kitchen privileges for liKht i
meals; also laundry privileges; thia Is a
small cost. 214 g. S3d BL. Tabor t8"j'
Large airy trout room, suitable for
two men; all hrrme comforts: light, heat.
, bath, eta, within three blocks from two
car lines and close In; breakfast served
if requ lred. Call Tabor 2176.
WELL-FURNISHED room in modern home
of private family on Sunnyside line,
loss to city, suitable for school teach
ers, as It is -wit hre walking distance of
Sunnyside or tilencoa schools..- phone
Tahor B05L
LARGE Inclosed sleeping porch with dress
ing; room adjoining: furnace heat; i-ult-s,ble
for couple; walking distance; 1
block from car line; splendid neighbor
hood Ja furnished room. Anto. 216-37.
W1SST SIDE Two single tront rooms for
rent, attractively furnished, are all white
and old rose; veloor curtains, modern
conveniences, fine view, ill and $12.50.
V 4 Market st drive. '
ALULTb Nice large sitting room, bed
room and Jcove kitchenette. Ilg'hts,
water and -phone, bath; strictly private
family; references; south of city hall.
Maln 470!),
BEAUTIKL large room in private home;
twin bfeds, parlor, piano, home conven
ances, close in: congenial young man
wianea roommate. 61 N. 18th St. Broad-
wajr 272L
bM. ALL, neatly furnished sleeping room;
ail home comforts; wonderful -location,
close In and three blocks from two car
lines; breakfast served if desired. Tabor
VERY pleasant furnished room in private
family for young man; reasonable; walk
ing distance, east end of Broadway
bridge, apt) Croaby. Call after 4 P. M.
WANTEI Two gentlemen to share room
vvith board; home privilrges. Ciose to
lienson school. 611 E. Couch, between
l.'nh and Kith.
1KVINGTUN. beautifully furnished room
with private lavatory. All modem con
veniences. Near two car lines; gentle-
man preferred. Call East 5150.
A GENTLEMAN can get accommodations
with adults In a quiet, modern suburban
home where comiort and privacy is a
. recognized factor. H is'.. Oregonlan.
LARGE, sunny front room with hot and
cold water, all modern, ail conveniences;
also nice single rooms very reasonable.
Main K471. 777 Irving.
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, sitting
room and bedroom. One or two gentie
men ; strictly private family ; references
Tcq u i red . Phone East 5Ch J 3 .
. FKRRED, MAIN 3203.
EAST SIDE Walking distance; nice, clean
room; electric lights, large clothes
closet, furnace heat, close to bath. 1 or
2 people. Kant S 3 3 3 .
AiOR large room, suitable for one or two.
preferably business people; board It de
sired; waJkl iir- distance. 617 Marshall.
Uroadwa y 33 1 5.
ROuAi MATE wanted ; lovely room, kitch
enette, near Washington high and Ben
sn Polytechnic. W Hl. Oregonlan.
SINOKE furnished room and 2 rooma near
Jefferson hiqh and grade school; rent
cheap. Woodlawn 1 1S4.
DKS1RABLB sleeping rooms in private
home; steam heat; every conveni-ervce ;
'wa.i-kfn.g diytonce: reasonable. Mar. 'tU.t.
LARGE, CHEERFUL, front room, run
nln?r water, suitable for two, 21t near
Washington. Referrences. Mar. 373."..
Rooms With Rofkru.
Two of the best known residential ho
tels on the Pacific coast.
American plan, wrth or without bath,
2.5") a day up, rates by day or month.
Meals perved to transients.
ONE OF the finest homes In the city, now
converted into exclusive family hotel,
caterlnjr to families, business men and
women ; home convenleucew, home cook
ing-, large grounds, porches. sleeping
pnrcQoa, fenraxe. etc.: transient meals
Rates reasonable. Phone East 73S4. 223
E. 20th.
WANTED Good home for girl 12 years
old, with family where can go to school
and assist in care of one or two children
for board; clothing and extras will be
furnished ; woman preferred who would
take personal interest. AV 106. Ore
gonlan. OA KU, witn room, in nice
catering to young business people, rooms
nicely furnished, good table board, large
living room, piano, etc. ; prices reason
able. 600 Hawthorne are. Phone East
J1SANXE D'ARC Furnished rooms with
or without board for easiness girls and
lady tourtwts. permanent or transient.
Special features within the limitation
of the tuinimum w age earner ; $ 2 per
week and up. 265 14th at. Main 84 2D
NORTON 1 A HOTEL. Portland downtown
high-class family hotel; rooms en suite
or single, with or without board, for
families and business men and women.
We give you all the comforts of a home.
Reasonable rates.
A N ICE little 3-room apartment for rent,
$14 per month; lights and water includ
ed; on St. Johns car line. Call Taylor,
Col. 1)78. 1302 Fessenden st.
ATTRACTIVELY furnished steam-heated
front room, mi i table for 1 or 2 joung
ladles, excellent me ale, all conveniences.
567 H Chaan St.. Bdwy. 2433.
ROOM and board for business girls; all
modern conveniences: walking distance ;
$5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st.
TWO FURNISHED rooms with board,
cloe in; terms reasonable; near two car
lines. Phone Bdwy. 3320. 567 Flanders St.
WILL board and room one or two chil
dren in my own home, near good school
for lis a mo n th. 546 Going. Alberta car.
ness girls at moderate ratea 380 10th
st. Marshall 1251.
BOARD and room for a girl 9 years and
over and piano teoeons; good home, near
PLEASANT home for invalids at the Rose
.ty LonvueaceQioome; graduate nurse a
PINNERS 50c at the Soule, cooked like
motner cooKea. ivi llth at.
ROOM with board.
653 K. Couch. East
BOARD and room and rooms with private
bath at 253 6th st.
S FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; 2
beda; no objection child. 413 Main st.
r Rooms With Board In Private Family
CHILDREN will be well cared for In
suburban residence, of responsible party
Automatic 030-25.
WILL care for children from 2 years to 8
In private home two blocks from school.
Tabor 912.
WILL board girl 5 yra or over in Rose
City Park home. Tabor 6709. 1760
Stanton sL
WILL board girl 6 years or over in Rose
City Park home. Tabor 6709. 1760 Stan
ton street.
LARGE front room, suitable for two, two I
meals served, close in, west side. Call I
Main 3048.
WILL iw room and good board to child
u-ndwr school affe in private home. Tabor
7476. .
IESIRABLE large front room for 2 peo
ple employed ; ute of phone, bath and
laundry; board If desired. Mar. 416.
T1CE room and sleeping porch- for man
and wife or 3 young men; modern; on 2
carltnes. Phone. Main 4417.
FURNISHED rooms with wed-i -cooked
meals: good home atmosphere. 712 E.
Taylor or call Aut. 212-37.
LARGE front room, with sleeping porch;
home cooking. Phone Mar. 3858,
WILL board small girl, 2 blocks to Vernon
school. WTdln. 2134.
MOTHER'S care for Infants and small
children, Columbia 3SO.
NICELY furnished room, wttth board.
Broadway hrldige. 4rf3 Ben ton .
WIDOW desires working man for board
and room. Q 892, Oregonlan,
PLEASANT front room, light closet. 2
beds, bath, furnace, close in. East 8445.
PRIVATE home for children; 20 years'
experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2162.
LA RGB front room, suitable for 2. in rnod
rn nome. 770 Irving st. Marshall 4410.
WILL care for children, good home,
blocks from school. Auto. 643-00.
I BOARD and room children and adults.
802 Union ave.. N.. or Wdln. 2585.
COMFORTABLE room and good boad,
reasonable. Phone Marphall 950.
SLEEPING room, reasonable; 15-minute
want. 4 '.'a aiarKPt at 14th.
GOOD room and
Tabor 5251.
board, private family
FURNISHED rooms with board; walking
distance. 365 Halsey st.. near Union ave.
WILL board little girl school age. Wood
law n 4434.
NOW HILL district: $60: references ex
chance d. B J 130, Oregonlan.
ROOM and board, close In.
K:at SO tit. "
553 E. Couch.
WELL-FURNISHED cool room with board,
waikinsr distance. 7 OA Hoyt
Kooms With Board in Private Family.
BOARD, room and music lessons for hiKh
school ft-irl or irirl in advanced grades,
near Jefferson high school and two Krade
arhools; home refined, quiet, near car
line. BD 932. Oreeonian.
IRVINGTON home, handsomely furnished;
rnnm lariw Biinnv nlDimr DOrch. al
conveniences, excellent table board;
home of refinement; Karaije; 0 minute
to city, Broadway
Phone Emi 8i2i.
car. - to. tn t. -
O.N'G OR two children to board, any age
to 12. Pres. minister's home, near church
and school; mother's loving care; refer
ences exchanged; $J5 per month. Mrs.
Emet Reed. Troutlake. Wwh.
XICB large rooi
watw; hot wa
for two. Hot and cold
tier heat. ExcelH-nt board.
Very reasonable; a. so one single room.
111! 11th st.
I HAVE well furnished room in modern
home where I will board and room 2
men or iadJes. Convenient for nurses.
Main 2.101.
MODERN room, suitable for 2; Hawthorne
district; meals If desired or cooking
privileges; oe of piano, sewing machine
and Brunswick; garage; cheap. Tabor
WILL give mother's care in private homj
to children any age on dairy farm. 25
miles from Portland. For particulars
write AV 173, Oregonlan.
KOOMS and board In private family, near
Washington high and not far from Ben
son Polytechnic school, one blk. to car.
Call at 15 E. 15th St. N. Mrs. M. i..
wit i. triv hoard and room to child
of -hool age. Very reasonable. Close
to grammar and high school. Auto
matic 828 -U9. s
II T 1 n ... Ko rA al TT1V COUntTy hOIIlft,
tv of fresh eggs ana mim, woi.
care, reference given.
Phone automatic
WIDOW will care for elderly ladies: $33
a month: large porch, plenty of sun
shine 227V. Halsey. near Larrabee. East
20S' Call before 2 P. M
t.DA vt . ... B.iirahlfi for man and
-" ,.:' lota of hot water, shower
bath, home comforts, first-class
board. BM Gllsan.
COME and see a real home lor
close in. walking distance home
home prii;eKe. M.-vln 2j33. -iSo 14th St.,
cor. Jenerson
ELDBRLY lady would like baby under 1
year to care for. will give .ferences.
reasonable charges. 352 E. 50th st. ..
Mrs. C. .smitn.
. . rr.i .itrart va nome,
h'KU'lV" -i.ndTd meals, would
like 2 people to room and board. Wood
1 a wn suai.
. a u . tv -,.nt roam iwione. Dd.ui
board, horn cookinK. meals "'e ,m
ily style, $H per week. 8., 10th St.. be
tweWonk and Stark. Bdwy 30.2.
v-trKLY furnished room with good nome-
cooked meals; reanonable ; wesi sme,
wnlklncr distance. Main 4 1.1.
. s... rnnma. Willi rireDiaCCS,
rnipncM 2 meals. $40. 615 East
MOTHER'S CARS will be given one or
two small cnimren in nn- v""
Address Box M. McMinnvllie, Or.
t. d n. a yt i)l for 2 woTklnmen
,, nA wife, or will rent rooms to
nit Plpnw nhone Auto. ft3S-M.
mty, hot water' heat, shower
Kh o w All -rooked meals. East 32ft.
PRIVATE home, one block to car. ouera
excellent accommodation for 2 PPe
willing to share room. 406 E. 16th st.
WANT a child to board for companion
for little girl 7; ae ranging from 6
to lo vears. Tahor 6260.
PLEASANT room and good oosra, rewou
able. 2 miles from city limits, good car
service. Automatic 646-CO.
ROOM and board reasonable,
privilege. Ladies or gentlemen.
DESIRABLE large front room with board,
suitable for 2; very modern: walking
distance: fine location. East 5715.
ROOM for ing4e man with breaKiast
and laundry, new. near Hawthorne car,
references. 2G6 K. 24th st.
LADY, owning attractive home, would like
to room ana ooara iwu smoi.,
ROOM and boord for man awl wife, care
for child; 6 blocks from Woodlawn car,
roa so nab le t erm s . W d; n. R14.".
YOUNG married couple would like one or
two small children to care for; good ref-
erences. i aoor ipm.
ROOM and board with home PrUU!?.e
for two. $35 a month each. East 41-U,
535 E. Couch st.
decorated room; good
style ; a real home fur
170 N. 22d st.
conklne. fam
two gentlemen
ONE SINGLE and one aouoie irum
one-half block from Multnoma-h club.
Main OT.Rft. . 2:15 N. Taylor. .
ROOM with board for 2 'teachers near
Irvington and Holladay schools. Phone
' East 7631. ;
BOARD and room for 1 or 2 gentlemen
pleasant, refined home; ciose in
T 1 in .
large room with board ; bath,
room twin beds, suitable for
3tVi HaUev St.. near Union ave.
WILL gie children mothers care on my
iiiBfai-m. 5.-. miles out of Portland.
For particulars. F.nst 4.43. Monday.
ONE or two pleasant rooms In good loca-
tion, witn ooa ru. & "VJi. ,Z -
"Fnrnifshed Apartment.
"r..u-n a -v i . .iKttiiiTS 3 rooms and natn.
clean, suitable for two; Universal disap
pearing bed, fine range oak and old
Wory finish, hardwood floors. 8 win
dows one large plate giass); French
doors open on large porch, overlooking
!uwn and trees. Main 8542 .
4-ROOM furnished apt., modern, all out
side moms, xumisnea, sieepm i.-
and basement: walking distance; newly
tinted; $40 per month; adulta only.
East 8646.
2 and 3-rooms. all outside, nicely fur
nished. liRh and Northrup. Broad
way 36TtS.
WELL-FURNISHED front apt., one room,
large closet, kitchenette; newly decorat
ed; lights and phone free; ciose
west side. 474 Clay st. Mar. 41i4.
FOUR large, light rooms, apfl-rtment, in
cluding light, heat, phone and linn, 0
. month. 346 College St., near Broad
way. Mam
1 2 OR 3 LARGE furnished nouseKeeping
apartments, new nirniuire .u
close to Benson and Washington hlg-h
gehools. 20 E. 15th St.. corner of Ash.
Nice large corner room with kltcnen
erte. Including everything: rent $32-i0.
79 E. Broadway. East 4852.
n-RviTURR of 5-room apartment for
sale, apartment xor n-ni .
sleeping , porch, very desirable.
nhone fciast moo,
HALSEY APTS.. 23 rooms, private Dath,
nwlv renovatea. moaern uuvcUichvco.
S00 Williams ave.; .w.
CLARK APTS. 2-room furnished orlcK
apartment. $3-0 month; light, heat and
phone. 6io petty-grove.
5-room ant. This is a nice one. Main
o x rr-ur sn.rtmnt irvington home: bath
and "all conveniences. East 1520. 443
E. 13th N.
WOIXD like refined middle-aged lady.
busy, to share my apt. Mar. 19. roorn-
2 and 3 rooms. Phone 331 Third t.
CLARINE APT.. 2 and 3 rooms, also single
nnrr i bl. corner inisan.
1 riRICKSTON APTS.. 448 llth Two-room
mod ern rornisnea apartments.
3-ROOM furnished apartment; will lease.
Cecelia Apartments, 22d and Glisan.
Moving tor less Phone Bdwy 2443.
FOUR-ROOM apartment. $40; Ujrht, phone
425 E. Couth. East 1706.
SEPT. 1 Completely furnished 5-room
MADISON PARK APTS. 2. 3 and 4-room
lurnisnea aunicina. o rarx st.
THRc,b-kww ajjuninnii, a i so one
alee pi n g porch. Marshall 4 1 74.
r,-tVT a 7 V s nf k'illinv.irn.. . . .
s - at it it r rr-i nlPt e r-nr. r i , . 1 .
'-" o una inn-..
j BFFEBSON I AN. 16th and Jefferson 2
aim . --aouiia Die.
TOU RNE V BLIXJ., 2d and Taylor an(i
BUENA VISTA 134 Harrison. Firstcla
n H ..m r nt m Main 1 k - - w
FURNISHED apartment, close In
ing distance, yard. 165 E. llth.
TH R EE-ROOM front apt.,
kitchenette. 323 Mill.
a iso 1 room and
FOR RENT 6-room apt.
Phone Main 1148.
567 Everett st.
4-ROOM furnished apt., all outside rooms.
m a i n j'o
CLEAN, cheap apt. 410 South 4th st. Main
COMFORTABLE 3-room apt. 240 E. 16th
st. Phone East 472.
2-ROOM apt., hot and cold water, elec
tric lights, phone. J$28 mo. 428 Yamhill.
apts.. 6"6 Flanders.
.ml 6 - room unfur -
Broadway 3873.
CLEAN, nicely furnished h. k. suites, $4
per wee a. ti tin st,
MUNCEY APTS., 30o Clay. 2-room apart
ment ana Krrcnenene.
2 ROOMS, large, i
at noon or after
iiry, newly fitted.
5 534 Morrison.
257 12TH ST. Large front room, kltchen-
ette; warning aisiance.
2 LARUE, airy rooms, lower noor; furnace
heat, quiet home; adults. 815 22d st. N.
3-ROOM apt., furnished; 4-room basement
apt., furnished. 38ft flth st. Main 9529.
NICE room, good meals; near Multnomah
oiub; fttotlemaa. Main 2219.
Furnished Apartments.
Eleirantlv furnished apt-, t to
with sleeplnr porch; In residential dis
trict. We have the very handsomest
furnished apartments In the city: white
enamel woodwork. Ivory furniture. -ni
nese ruirs. exceptionally clean and moi
ern; alo for refined rentleman a lew
bachelor auitea and rooms with ano
without bath. Reference "quired, lou
St. Clair et.. cor. Wash. Mar 2S30.
Fifth and Columbia Stm. v.
Five minutes' walk to Meier & FranK s
store. erood surroundings, strictly mou
rn 2 and 3 -room furnished apts
side, wit'a French doors
Permanent and transient.
bawment apartment, three rooms.
and dry and well lighted with gas and
electricity: heat, water and telephone
free. Close to Alberta Bd Union. Wdln.
51 Union Ave. North.
Three-room spts.. $30 and $40; P""
batii. steem heat, hot and co d wat;
Phone service; 15 minuted walk to a
and Adr. Rose City car. Fast 2B43.
$75 West side, walking distance, all
outside rooms, front porch, sleeping
porch. 3 bedrooms, plenty of heat and
hot water; steady tenant; adulta.
In Inrington, beautiful corner apart
ment, 3 rooms, sleeping porch, ma
hogany and wicker furniture, piano and
books; rent $65; adults. 514 Hancock.
208 16th. near Taylor. Mar. 12ft.
Nicely furnished 5-room apts., for resi
dent or transient and tourist; no ob
jection to children ; walking distance
Furniture nt a 4-room ant. for enl
every thing In first-class condition; ruga.
oraperieji and flisnes; going ay. iruui
apt, for rent. Apt. 24. Morton apts.
si ic v.i . v fnrniho(! P-ro.-m anartment
walking distance; steam beat, no extra
charge for Hunts and private phone;
ad aitM onlv. he Lincoln. 4t.b and
Lincoln. Msln 1377.
Modern outside 2-room aota Light,
Tieat. ohone. laundry facilitiea 20 and
$22 50 Main 73!2.
PnpP i Of K mnt SilmnA' 2 It and 4'
room ants.: oermanent or transient; also
single roomg. Main 664? .
GIRL wanted to share apt.
after 6 P. M.
Call Mar. 2477
2 AND 3 ROOMS, light, sunnv apartments,
clean, moderate walking distance; rea
sonable rent. Arline Apta 17th and
Lovejoy. Broa 3 way 11 2.
NirvETr furn!fh?d C-room art. w4th ga
rage. In Irvington. Wl lease from 6
months to year: rent $lf. Phone East
JHI for anTioHrtTner.
2-3 rooms, furnished, steam heat, hot-!
and coM water; $18 per month np
406i 26 th at. N.
D-KSTR ABIjE 5-room apt., lovely -neigh-oorhood.
all omtlde rooms. rood hrtt.
water. 2 porones, low rerrt to party buy
ing th-e furniture: references. Mar. 17fiS.
One room with kitchenette, ground
floor: fine for lady employed or bache
lor. Mar. 8181.
TWO 2 -ROOM apts.. nlcley furnished: gas
range, heat. lights and phone: nice loca
tion: In private home; close In. Phone
ffel wood inn
LARGE, light front 2-room apt., on Ken
ton car, 20 minutes to town: adults;
S22.I.O. AIMna ave. at Lombard st.
"Wondlftwn 2642 or Automatic 511-75.
siTvvvsinR APTS. Fine, furnished 2
room ant. Vacant tomorrow, outside
rooms, hieh-ciass house. See this to
day. Tahor S000.
nTRTTT"R'R nf modem 4-room ant. tac'
rlflr.ri mi ink ale: leaving cltv: m"
see to annreclate. 24 Morton apts.. 607
AI-TB COURT ATS. Enst Stb and Burn-
firenla','e walking distance East S5R6.
vrw7.YWF.DS attention: Mart house
keeping at a ttarenin: complete, rumiiure
for 4 rooms sacrificed. Main 412S,
a. ROOM furnished apartment, bath, phone
light. Itnen ineiuaea : u . int.
corner Northrup. Auto. 531 -OS.
W'lLL sublet 6-room steam -heated apt
for montns: an u its oniy; west, sine;
walking distance; references. Bdwy. 5131
PORTNOMAH 3 and 4 rooms: hardwood
floors, sieeoing porcnes. wanting dis
tance, well furnished: adults. 200 E. 18th
H.ROOM hew enartment-flat. closet In.
white enamel na'nwooa noors. manm?-
anv furniture: adults: J 125. Mar. 60 10.
KING ALBERT APT?. 2 and 3-room fur
Yi shed, atr ctlv modern, tile Datn. eie
vator. llth and Montgomery. Main 859.
203 12TH ST.
FOR RENT 3-room clean apartment, near
Jefferson high school, between 4 car
lines. 1051 Kerhy.
5-ROOM furnished apartments, with
without private nam. to .io. war
rentnn Apts. 4024 Third st.
3-ROOM apt., private bath with or with
out garage, nar snops. mi
waiikle st. well. 1 i m.
MARSHALL APTS. 3-room front apart
ments; also semi-nasement apartment.
624 M a rshali. Bdwy. aftt.
riET settled for the winter, complete fur
niture for rour-room apt. at hair price
Hawkins. fl!'7 wasmngton.
NICEI-Y furnished modern 3-room apart
mpnt. adults, on iv batnan mag.
corner of Mississippi ave. and Skldmore.
I.A RfiR comer room with alcove, west
lde: mooern conveniences: Dusiness
women. Phone Main 5110. Mrs. Rice
Ron wi. ANDERS 3-room basement furn
apt.. 2n and ngnt janitor wora; no nre.
Call before noon.
5 ROOMS, housekeeping, with place
yard for ear; nrsi noor; otner rooms.
171 13th st.
m A BRLI.E ants.. 414 Jefferson at llth
2 and 3-room rumisnea apts.. modern.
pent reasona oTe.
WKSTONT A APT., 666 Gllsan St. Two
rooms, front, rurnisnea ana nnxurntsned
apt., modern.
$25 4-ROOM cottage home, E. 21st. near
I n a H vr. wain, ui ij mi, vy .
Bank bldg
BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity place; nice
2 and a-room apis. war. jot. Call
Apt. . .
410V. Hawthorne ave.: strictly modem
3-room fnrn'shed apartment. East 882.
4-room furnished apt., alt outside
rooms. Main 5582.
ONE LARGE, light, clean housekeeping
apt., new rurnianings. cast 13th, cor
ner olApn.
Furnished 3-room apt. Mar. 2250.
Nort h 22d st.
8-ROOM furnished apartment with bath.
llgnt, waiur a in uune iree, SdU. 882
East A.m.
ONE EXTRA-WELL furnished 2-rm. apt..
with running water, rent reasonable,
22 8 Vt Wash, at.
$.V LORENZO apt., 427 Salmon st. Main
Stf i n. z-ruum f , ngni, pnone
adults. ,
I ONE AND two-room furnished housekeep-
Ing apartments, rent reasonable. 125
14th st.
PLEASANT rooms for housekeeping; clean
and neat; warning distance. i2 Broad
TWO AND three-room furnished apart
ment; iPiepnont-n arm puBto oatn. iiar-
rison Court. 344 5th.
JULIANA APTS.. 45 Trinity place. 2 and
8-room rurnisnen apis. -iarsnaii B83.
Unfurnished Apartments.
IONIAN COURT. 18th and Couch. 4-room
front, comer apt., newly tinted and
painted; close in. Adults. Bdwy. 761
STRICTLY modern 4-room oungalow
apartment; nice lawn and i )we'8, Irv-
jngton district. Broadway 1186.
! UNFURNISHED apt.. 3-room. $12; 4-room.
313; 6-roam, sib. Free water and lights.
Car stops at door. Tabor 3735.
Modern 3 and 4-room apts.; reasonable
rent. 3Q4 College st.
SPOKANE bid., Seilwood, modern 2-
room unfurnished apartment. Phone
Auto. 210-66.
NEW 4-ROOM unfurnished apt.; heat.
lights. 74 E. tturnsiae. East 4675.
and 4 rooms,
200 E. 18th.
distance ; adult: .
4-ROOM unfurnished apt., Chrlstensen's
hall. 16i llth at.. Main 6017.
5 ROOMS, modern, steam beat, second
floor. 561 Glisan.
MORDAUNT. 58 EveretT Large, modern
4-room. Come and inepect.
GARFIELID 3-room, sleeping porch, reas
o nable. 361 Failing blk.. W . Union.
3 ROOMS and bath, lower floor, 129 E.
2uh. near Morrison st.
THE AMERICAN, modern 6-room apart
ment. Bdwy. &36U.
Lpfurnifched Apsrtmesti.
Portland's newest apartment house la
now finished and ready for occupancy;
2 and 8-room unfurnished apartments;
all outside rooms, facing large lawns;
e'ectric ranjres and all modern conven
lences. Apply at building.
HA UR I MAN Annex Apts., 7S5 Irving- st.,
3d floor, large, light 5-room apt. with
two larjje sleeping porches, with three
ree.1 bedrooms and two disappearing
beds. Adults only. $30. Come and see it.
Some furniture if desired ; possibly -room
GORDON COURT apt. 530 Montgomery ;
new 5 and 6-room bungalow apt., en
tirely different from anything in city.
French doors and white enamel finish,
2 real bedrooms. Will be opened for
reservation Sunday; $85 and up; 2 blocks
west of St. Helens Hall. ,
6-PIECE bedroom suite, cream enamel.
air mattress. springs; curtains and
draperies; also mahogany davenport-
tao e. win sell seoarateiv: sDienaia
condition; 4-room apartment for rent If
desired. Phone inroad way 27t3 morn
in gs.
$70 Ail large, outsfde rooms with
best of surroundings and walking dis
tance of 5th and wash.; adults.
4 and 5-room, unfurnished, white en
ameled throughout: all outside rooms,
nicely arranged ; first-class house; none
better in the city. Main 20S6.
GRACE APTS.. 24th and Northrup; mod.
. 5 outside rooms; newly decorated; front
and sleeping porchee; Janitor services.
STEVENS apta. 71 Northrup. near 24th
6 large sunny outside room a front, back
ana sleeping porcnes; heat, water, yard
Phone Main 13 3 SI
MODERN three-room apartment In private 1
nome, witn sleeping porch and private
entrance and bath; adults, reference. 541
Montgomery st.
4-ROOM unfurnished apt., for janitor
service small apt. house. Inquire 849
Nelson st. M. Klataer.
208 lth st., near Taylor; Marshall
128 Vroom unfurnished apart ment.
Fnrnlshed or I nfumlshed Apartment.
"Merlin." Broadway and Grant. Very
large, fine, strictly modern corner
apfl tment only $42.50 per month. Mar
shall 426. Partly furnished. Also a
mall 2 -room furnished apartment at $25
per month.
UNFURNISHED 4 -room apt., large out
side rooms; also 3-room furnished apt
Guild Apts., 3l4 Guild st., near 23d and
Thurman - Main 3705.
Jaeger apts.. ?oi wash, st.. s and
4-room apartments.
Very attractive large 5-room apt
King at. Main 5744.
FURNISHED or unfurnished apartment at
reasonaoie prices, near Couch school.
Call Broadway 2064. Lawn Apts.
Pour and five-room furnished and un
furnished apartments. Marshall 31 SI.
HARTFORD apts.. 21st and Flanden; 3-
room rumisnea ana unfurnished, modern
janitor .service.
ONE 3-ROOM ; has dressing room and
oatn. is exceptional. y nice. East 3782.
REXFORD APTS One apt., this la a nict
one. Main dds.
MODERN 5-room flat In good condition
beautiful location, 204 Margin St.. 10
minutes' walk from new Postofflce.
.132.SU. East 3H32.
ROOM lower flat, strictly modern, fur
nished or unfurnished. Call between 10
ana 3, 67 Hllsan st. Main 4168.
$12.50 TWO LARGE rooms, ground floor,
new, clean. oio poweu street. Toilet,
sink, electricity, gas.
FLAT 3 rooms and bath. Dutch kitchen;
beautifully furnished; also garage, heat
and light. s2, Haight.
FLAT of 7 rooms and bath over store at
710 Mllwaukie st., $20 pur month. Main
3579. Mr. Miller.
5 ROOMS and sleeping porch; modern and
an new; ideal for 9 or 4 adults. Apply
koss st. corner uupont.
LARGE, modern 5-room upper, corner: bal
cony, n rep luce, xurnace. ount-ins ; nicely
located; adults; ref.; $40. East 2S71.
5-ROOSt upper flat, west
side, close In;
aauits. .Marsnau sina.
MODERN 5-room flat, sleeping porch; ga
rage; $3o. Fargo ?t.. near union ave.
Inquire 307 Railway Exch. bldg. '
MODERN 5-room lower fiat. 488 E. 12th
st. ; $32.50 per month. Wakefleld-Fries
A Co.. R Fourth st.
5-ROOM flat, clean, light and airy, reno
vated throughout. 13 E. 2Sth st. N.
Main 0307.
$2000 FOR A 4-room flat on Frances ave..
wttn Data, water ana ugnts. Aiarsnaii
820. -
HVti-ROOM modern flat; newly tinted.
painted; Sunnyside car; adults. Tabor
STRICTLY modern, clean 6-room upper
fint, 361 Ronton st. Phone Bast 4032.
4-room flat. 101 bk East
33d street.
SAVE carfare by taking nice 6-room flat
ciose in; - a montn. 448 ueimont
2-room upper flat,
61) k East 22d.
newly tinted.
6-ROOM mad. flat, walking dls. ; furnace.
elec. gas, west elde. Marshall 1281.
IRVINGTON. 5 room, modern lower flat,
$50 OO, CIO Hancock Street.
ELEGANT lower flat; large rooms, porches;
real homey; Nob Hill. Main 3740.
4-ROOM modern, E. 12th between Burn-
side and couch; mu.
6-ROOM. modern
North 19th st.
lower flat; adults. 311
2 1 54.
lower flat. 175 E. 15th.
14th s
unfurnished flat for rent. 870
6-ROOM flat at t8 Hoyt St. East 33.76.
FurniMhed J- la.i
WELL furnished 3-room flat in beautiful
. modern home, 2 biku. from car. 1113
E. 15th N. .
BEAUTIFULLY clean partly furnished
downstairs flat, close In. 412 E. Har
rison St. East 6786.
$65 6-ROOM well-furnished modern flat
to lease for winter or longer. Call aft
ernoorm only. 187 16th. near Yamhill.
MODERN 7-room flat. Nob Hill; good In
come. Must buy all or part furniture.
Reasonable. Main 4848.
MODERN, nicely furnished
close In; nice neighborhood.
-room flat,
660 Market
st. Drive.
FIVE large rooms and bath, beautifully
furnished, close to car line; good loca
tion, wain. wtiT.
FURNISHED 3-room upper flat, walking
distance. 36.1 Vancouver ave., near
5 ROOM modern furnished lower flat rea
sonable. Kent to right party. 426 Va
Koaney Ave., n-ast nm.
5-ROOM lower flat strictly modern, fur-
nisnea or uniurnisnea. uau Detween iO
and 3. B07 uiisan st. Main 4168.
FOR SALE Furniture of 7-room
Will vacate flat to buyer. CalL
4074 or 4:t0 MdH st.
FIVE-ROOM furnished upper flat, modern,
garage; aauits oniy. can at 1672 E
ICth st. N.
-Six-room furnished flat ; goovl
rent cneap. Broadway
IN IRVINGTON About Sept, l. a very
desirable furnished flat, 5 rooms and
sleeping porch. AC 003. Oregonlan.
HOUSEKEEPING suite, separate entrance
very nice, sleeping room; running hot
and cold water. 431 West Park.
THREE modern, well-furnished h. k. rms.
all conveniences. 968 E. Alder. Auto.
3-ROOM furnished flat for rent. Call
745 hk Roosevelt. Phone Mar. 8719.
WELL furnished upper flat, close In on
east side: references. Call East TO8.
23 E. 13TH ST., near Ash. very deairable
4 and 5 rooms; adults. East 287L
LOWER flat, 3-room furnished, on Russell
near LTnion ave. Call Woodlawn 4213.
FU R N IS H ED 5-room
gas. Place for car.
corner flat.
626 6th.
FURNISHED lower flat,
567 Prescott st. Wdln.
north Irvington.
5-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale.
303-B Montgomery. Aut. 513-15.
4 rooms. 663 Weldler
4-ROOM flat, partly furnished.
273 Broadway.
4 ROOMS and bath, neat, clean, walking
distance. $38; adults. East 7722.
YOUNG woman to share flat, who wishes
to study music. Main3"78.
UPPER flat. 4 rooms and bath,
side. 4'.H Market.
NICELY fu-rnlshed
Broadway bn-id-se.
H. K. rooms.
Ensrt 5014.
piano, nice grounds. Portland
561 Davenport st. ?3Q.
FLAT for rent; must buy furniture. Call
10 A. M. Q 6 P, M.. 844) E. 3Qt.h St. 3
CLEAN 5-room flat. 680 Haight St.; de
ery street.
downstairs. 495 Montgom-
TWO LOWER front rooms;
bath, furnished reasonable.
light, gas,
850 Clinton.
FINE flat, sleeping porch, fireplaces, piano,
garage, references. 568 East Main.
MODERN 5-room furnished flat for .rem
at 1314 Corbett at. Mar. 19SL
J-urnUhed Huts,
Strictly clean, modern flat. 5-mlnute
walk to numneas center. All outside
rooms. Rent $35. Beautiful new
furniture for sale at a bargain. New
mahogany piano, floor lamp, beautiful
rugs and drapes. Ivory and oak bed
room sets. AH very complete. Get lo
cated before the fall rush. Marshall
10H or 848 Columbia st.
FOR RENT West side, 6-room flat, fur
niture for sale; 10 minutes' ' walk to
Meier A Frank's. Very light and sunny,
with nice yard. No objection to chil
dren. One room now rented. Can rent
two. Call Aut. 525-20 lor appointment.
552 Everett near lGth.
CLEAN, modern. 4 rooms, sleeping porch,
bath, front balcony, fine view, large
basement, private furnace, also 4 rooms
and bath, west side, walking distance;
adults: references. 464 Hall, near 13th.
NOB HILL., modern 7-room flat for rent;
furniture for sale; with sleeping porch,
consisting of first-class furniture and
fine rugs and new oak piano; e-very-thinggoes
for quick saie. Main4843.
FOR LEASE, one year or more. Steam
heat, hot and cold water furnished, 7
rooms, nloely furnished, $ .-5. Easy
walking dUtance. East 8472. Call 24
E. 8th st. North. -
NICE modern flat, nicely furnished; full
cement basement, wash traya, lovely
lawn; Irving ton district; will lease to
responsible party. Call Main 4SG1 .after
9 A. M. .
TO RESPONSIBLE congenial couple fum
iahed lower five-room flat, close In at
unfurnished price. Father and adult
son want board. Aut. 214-Oo evenings.
4M East Couch corner Ninth
A FURNISHED modern 5-room upper flat;
hae a fireplace, a porch, furnace heat
and walking distance; rent $47.50 month.
Call 441 11th at.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-room lower
flat; garage; hardwood floors, 2 Deauti
f ul davenports, walnut dining set, pri
vate bath. East 8563. "
FURNISHED upper 6-room flat, flrepuaw.
xurnace, finished lloora, aicepinjjf poron.
sirht-:y; garage. Haw-thome diWict.
adulta only; $55 7il E. Main st.
ONLY $30 6-room clean, well furnished
lower flat; bath, electricity, gas, stove
wood range; Sunnyside. 14 iS EL 83d.
East 5260.
HouHkee ping Kooms.
LIGHT, airy, comfortably furnished house-
Keeping rooms, single and --room suites,
very reasonable in nrire : close In. west
side location. 141 15th at-, corner of
Alder. Phone Broadway 2937.
NEAT MlPflTi-hfR Bin fir I a h. k. room
3.o0 per, week. Another large 2-room
suite and kitchenette $10 per week. 445
Columbia st. Single h. k. rooms cheap.
515 Morrison.
F V RN 1 Sll ED H. K. rooms. 1 room with
kitchenette, hot arid cold water, private
nnone. electric lfthts. steam neat. 11
minutes walk to town. 2U1 Columbia,
near Fifth.
FOR RENT Kir-tire upstair of modern
home, consLaUfur of 3 rooms and bath
arranged for light housekeeping; Irvine -ton
dimrlct, near Lrvinrt on achool. Call
East 17S.i.
2 H. K. ROOMS (20 per month; single
room $3 per week. Steam heat, electri
city, gas and water in room. Two
blocks from 14th and Montgomery. 510
LARGE, clean 2-room apartment, with 2
closets and use of porch ; everything
furnished, very suitable for 2 business
men ; also 1 sleeping room, very reason
able. 161 North 22d.
TWO LARUE, bright, cheerful furn. h. k.
and sleeping porch, 3d floor, fine view.
all conveniences. 228 E. 20th, 2 blk
north Hawthorne. East 7267.
VERY clean and Ijht, 2 and 3-room H. K.
suites ; running water, electric lights ;
easy walking distance, west aide. Call
Bdwy. af.35 or 0.'S Gllsan.
TWO cheerful furnished housekeeping rooms
torrent; gas range, electric lights, hot and
cold water, free phone, garage, very
reasonable. 312 Cherry st.
1, 2 OR 3 LARGE furnished housekeeping
rooms, new furniture and rugs, close to
Benson and Washington high schools.
20 East 15th st., corner of Ash.
TWO ROOMS and kitchenette, furnished
heat, cooking gas, light and telephone
iurnisneo free. Bath. 133 mo st. 2
west side.
CLEAN housekeeping partments for aln-
Ele persona or families, reasonable. 194
.onsdaie St., cor. -Taylor. Phone Main
FOR RENT Two-room housekeeping
apartments. ana .-hi per weeK. (jity
Hall apartments. 247 v4 5th, between
Main and Madison.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms with kitchenette;
S4 per week and up; sleeping room.
$2.50; eleepiag porch ; free electricity
and bath. 2i5 17th st.
3 LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms
on first floor; walking distance; rent
reasonable; children taken. Call 266
Ha H st. Auto. 626-22.
2 SINGLE housekeeping rooms; gas, light
and phone free ; hot and cold water;
close in. 3S5 Yamhill. Marshall 1322.
THE BEAVER, 12th and Mai snail Fur
nished H. K. rooms. $15 up, Including
hot water, electric lights, laundry room.
THREE furnished H. iv. rooms, reason
able rent, including light. Watty and
gas. 206 Cook ave.
FIVE-ROOM flat, fireplace, .sleeping porch,
tiled bath, hardwood floors, furnace. 288
Ulenn ave. ,
2-ROOM apartment with private bath
also 2 housekeeping rooms, running wa
ter. 314 12th st.
THREE largn well-f urnlshed h. k. rooms
ior rent, -'; per montn. jus uoiumoia
street. Phone Marshall 1274.
ONE, TWO rooms, also three large rooms.
suite, suitable for 4 people, z:.i t-rosoy
corner 01 Hlladay.
AND 3- H.
K. APTS. for rent verv rea
3l2Vi E. Burnalde and Grand
TO BE vacated Aug. 28, 2 front rooms, 2d
floor, completely I urnlshed, 1 15. 118
Kerhy st. 314-16.
CLEAN, lovely rooms with kitchenette
parlor, oiano. one a aen with nrepiace
built-ins. 703 Northrup. Auto. 524-35.
SINGLE rooms, equipped for light house
keeping; - well rurnisnea. modern, slain
8103. ,
TH REE furnished H. K. rooms
1 sleep
Oall 742
ing room, hot and cold water.
Vau ghn.
a LA RGE. airy front rooms with kltch
enette. 3 blocks from Morrison St., lacing
park: adults only. 2a west pars.
2 NiElWLY-PAPEiRED, spotloss clean H. K.
room; close In, centrally located. lor
schools. 447 StJi.
3 . L.ARGB furndshed ho-usekepl nsj rooms.
-rajyting distance. Dot. i-Ui ana lvrt-n, a
SOI 51 lH St .
NICE furnished H. K. room, near sohooK
415 4t-h st. Main Hirti.
2 IOjOCKS Da-ls school. 2-room eulbe.
a'.l conveiilynoes. $4. 652H Thurman
LARGE room and kitchenette, singl
rooms; very reasonable. 655 Flanders a
WEEK UP. completely furnisned n. k.
tuites. The CadUiac, 3d n-ar Jefferson.
CLEAN h. k. rooms, hot water always. $12
per montn op. 147 lain st.
LA RGE. light housekeeping rooms, new
furnishings. 20 East 15th. corner of Ash
2 AND 3-ROOM h. k. apts., clean; 2 blk
from Couch school. 100 N. ISth st.
ery street.
downstairs. 495 Moatfom
SINGLE and double, modern h. k. apts.
i n k. elec. bath. 36 12th. Main lbifl.
LIGHT, nicely furnished 2-roora apt.; two
single h. k. rooms. i35 Everett.
CLEAN light housekeeping rooms, rates
reasonable. 264 12th st,
FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished
or 4-room suite. Main 5297.
NICE front room with 2 beds,
kt street drive.
366 Mar
NICELY furnished apartment.
J o y. Marshall 2854.
2 FURNISHED front housekeeping
sleeping porch. 281 Larrabee.
NEWLY furnished h. k. rooms and aingl
r o o ma. 9 E. 7tn.g,ast
clean h. k. rooms.
moat centrally
located. 291 6 Morrison.
2 ROOMS and kitchenette.
323 Main si
bet. nth and Hroaoway.
NEAT H. K. ROOMS, $8 UP. 206 13TH
2 COMPLETELY furnished H.
K. rooms
light, phone, water
Tabor 2
UP. 23 3 V AMI. Pi.
8 LARGE furnished h.
rooms, free
phone, batn. eiec. ni
331 WEST PARK, 2 and 3 well furnished
housekeeping suite.
CLEAN, furniahed single double h. k.
a 1 go sleepin g room.48H Washington.
Yl. K. ROOMS, single rooms, newly fur
nished. 9 E. 7th st. East 3708.
THE; MAPLU, 30 N. 17th St.
h. k. rorms: h. and c. water.
2-ROOM suite, telephone, bath, hot,
water. 67 North 20th. Bdwy. 4123.
CLEAN 2-room suMte. first
yard and trees. 261 14th, n
floor.; large
r Jefferson.
3 ROOMS, h. k..
elec. 165 Iowa
furn., ground floor; ?,
H K. ROOM, htt and cold water.
Week. 428 Yamhill.
IN IRVINGTON, four rooms,
665 Weldler
ONE FRONT h. k. room, 268 4th $3.25
week. Opp. city nan; lawn.
141 11TH.
COR. Alder. $32 mo.; h. k. suite.
phone and oatn;
for 3 boys or couple.
THREE furnished h. k. rooms, 205 E. 49th
st. Taoor ats. ,
2-ROOM apt., sleeping rooms and use of
kitchen and parlor. am Davis at.
Housekeeping Koonu In Private Family.
k. rooms with kitchenette. 130
cor. Yamhill.
I F U RN1! li-iiiD housekeoptns room. 321 6th,
House k -cping Room !n Private Family.
FOR RENT Rose City Park, by Sept. 1,
to employed couple, unfurnished house
keeping rooms ; large living rooms with
two large closets, sioeping porch glassed
and screened; furnished kitchenette and
private bath and toilet. $30 a month,
. including light, water, phone, garbage.
Laundry privileges and hen t if desired.
650 E. 51st st. N. Tabor 7133.
FOR" RENT With private family, two
large front rooms, niceiv furnished for
light housekeeping; suitable fr four
adulte. 4H4 Third at., corner Hall st
Phone Main SS30.
TWO very desirable housekeeping rooms
in nice private home. Phone, heat, light
furnished, west side. 15 min. from busi
ness center, rent reasonable. 204 16th
st., corner Columbia. Marshall 33H5.
TfVO-ROOM h. k. apt.; gas range, sink.
electric lights, bath, toilet, phone, large
closet: outride rooms; $24. 451 E. Everett,
m near 8th.
2 NICELT furnished housekeeping rooms
In walking distance at $15 a month.
hls Includes linens, fuel, cooking gas,
. lights, bath and phone. Auto. 514-lo.
3 WELL-FURNISHED H. K. rooms, suit
able for two adults, permanent tenants.
rent reasonable. Phone East 8388 fore
noon. IN OWNER'S modern home, cheerful
rooms. 21o llth St.. cor. Salmon. 1 block
Central library. Main S67S. Adults.
BEAUTIFUL steam-ht-ated room, 2 meals
and home privileges, $S per week. 569
Commercial. Auto. 312-16.
2 LOVELY front rooms, clean and airy;
also single H. K. rooms; reasonable rent.
3S7 Taylor, near 10th.
2 LARGE H. K. rooms suitable for 3 peo
ple, furnace heat, walking distance, pre-
fer employed. 632 Flanders.
DEiSI R ABLE room, housekeeping privi
leges, walking distance. 300 Park.
Main 3fi S.
1 FRONT h. k. with kitchenette, ground
floor; $17; near Y. M. C. A. Marshall
2 FURNISHED housekeeping roome. elec
tric lights, gas, bath and phone. 464
East Pine.
PLEASANT room and kitchenette in quiet,
modern home furnace heat. 257 East
32d st. Tabor 984.
LARGE corner housekeeping room and
kitchenette In Irvington home; every
thlng furnished. East 4S52.
NICE iaxge room with kitchenette, gn
rane; clean home for nice working
couple; reasonable. 71 N. 22d st.
2 NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, near
Jefferson high school; no small chll-
dren; references. Phone Woodlawn 2425.
FOR SALE Boarding house,
wick ; price reasonable and
R 805, Oregonlan.
41)4 Borth
cheap rent.
4 SMALL rooms, kitchen and bath room,
close in. $3; well furnished. 30S Col
lege street, beteen 5th and 6h.
THREE partly furnished nouseaeeping
rooms, with garage. 847 Missouri ave..
corner of Shaver.
WELL-FURNISHED housekeeping and
sleeping rooms for rent in private home.
i i j. -w. are nau st.
1 FRONT H. K. with kitchenette, ground
floor; $17; nea-r Y. M. C A. Marsha.ll
DESIRABLE h. k. rooms, newly furnish
ed; also sleeping rooms; gas, electricity.
pnone and bath. 548 Yamhill.
HOUSEKEEPING room, pink of condition.
in exclusive locality. 700 Park ave.
Mam 42TS. C. C. car.
or 4 housekeeping rooms.
Seilwood 3325
on ljinn ave., seiiwooa.
OR 3 FURNLS'H ED rooms for house
keeping. Call mornings, Seilwood 215:
NE LARGE- h. k. room close in. nice yard.
wt.i uj. .Madison.
FURNISH EiD housekeeping and sleeping
room for rem. 486 Rodney ave. E. 2784.
LARGE front H. K. rooms, $2-5 ; aduitts
oniy; near i. M. u. a. Marshall ltSio.
PLEASANT rooms, two beds,
Couch school. 656 Gllsan.
across st.
SINGLE H. K. room, modern, $4 per week.
n Loiumoia. Aiain ojs.
FRONT rooms, equipped for housekeep-
ing, reasoname. Nortn 2-J s t.
URN IS H ED housekeeping and sleeping
rooms for rent, close in. 407 Columbia.
LA RGE front h. k. rooms, $25 ; adults
only: near Y. M. C. A. Marshall 167,1
H. K. ROOMS, walking distance. 275 Wil
liams ave. East o7H7. Mrs. Wilcox.
UITE clean, modern H. K. rooms.
tral West side. Broadway ol.7.
LARGE, furnished and unfurnished mod-
ern walking distance. 3S2 E. 1st st. N.
FURNISHED 2-room apartment; running
water. no jsortQ. l-ju. .iain 5iu.
NICE, clean h. k. room, reasonable; girls
preterred. ous otn. Main 012.
NICE clean housekeeping rooms, private
entrance, ciose in. iast t x .
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, select
neighborhood. 613 Johnson.
ROOMS, suitable for 2 or 3 men. Phone
Bdwy. 2O0. l4 N. 17th st. 320 a mo.
ROOMS and kitchenette, no children.
25a Ea-t 23d St.
LARGE first floor room with kitchenette.
154 N. 18th at.
8-ROOM suite with sleeping porch.
in. itn st.
FURNISH ED 11-ght houi
walking distance. 502
ekeeplng rooms.
E. Pine sc.
Brand-new four-room bungalow for
rent, splendid location, $25 a month. Call
Tabor 3859.
IRV ING TON 633 East Broadway, corner
.East lith st. p. Modern 7-room house;
rent $65 per month starting Sept. 1.
Phone East 768 tf.
69 E. 18TH ST.. NEAR STARK Small 7-
room house, gas, electric lights, retinted,
$32.50. Call at house, or East 1142,
before 1 P. M. today.
WILL rent to reliable couple my furnished
cottage for my board and room. 1 am
working and my husband in the country
eiu union ave. n.
FOR RENT Five-room semi-modern
house, two blocks from Brooklyn car
line, at Beacon st. ; tla a month.
6-ROOM modern house. 1"25 E. 2Sth st.
cor. Gllsan. 340 with furnace. w i th
orn., la b or
FOR Ri&NT Cottasre, 5 rooms and. bath.
$35. 624 Clinton St.. cor. -tw lothv Call
Surnlay from o-i2 A. M.
FIVE rooms modern, garage. 74 E. 6 2d
street, corner Stark. Sept. first. Ref
BEAUTIFUL Arlington Hts. lot for sale;
will buifd to suit; $1000 down, 5U mo.
Owner, Seilwood 401.
FOR RENT iNew 4-room bungalow; 391
62d North. 3-3 montn. Fred Law son.
Broadway 47H4. Main 867.
SEPT. lt 7-room semi-modern house; ga
rage; ran? yard, near Glenco aohood.
On ilTa bor42rx
IRVINX3 YON, choioo 4ocation, modern,
room, hot water heat; prefer adUiltax
B. 16th st. North.
MODERN bungalow, fireplace, furnace.
close Jefferson high school; adults; ref.;
5 Vancouver ave. ; 345. Wdln. 196.
WEST SIDE cottage 6 rooms. No. 812
20th. Reasonable. Walking distance to
center of town.
best 1
moving, city or country, get the
it lowest price, ureea urausier jo..
1261. 2U2H Alder street.
NICELTi furnished
4 rooms with modern I
conveniences. $.f not lurnKrhed; garage
' not furnished ; gar
405 E. Pine St., corner 10th.
6 ROOMS, semi-modern, garage. 2 lots
fruit and shrubbery; near car. $40. Key
at 540 Tacoma ave.
PIANOS, furniture and long-distance haul
ing, get my prices before moving. Call
Broadway 5106.
5-ROOM HOUSE. Eugene St.; $25. Call
321 Ch. of Com, oldg., Monday, or phone
Main l3.w.
NEW. MODERN 5-room bungalow. Laurel-
hurst; will lease; $100 monthly. Main
M(v IN Pianos, furniture and long-dis
tance hauling a specialty. C. A W. Truck
Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121.
15 days' storage free; furniture mov-
lng for less Broadway 24 5.
MODERN 5-room burwralow w4th garage.
$35; adults only. 449 Beech st- Phone
East GiSO.
9-ROOM house, modern,
high, $50. 70 East
Stark. .
near Washington I
llth st., corner
W EST SIDE, semi-modern house at
Corbett st.. to responsible party.
and 5-room house, west
1 3i0.
FOR RENT 5-room house. 451 East llth
st- Inquire 334 Hall st.
5-ROOM house for re-nt with furnituTe In
th Peninsula on strict. am. si.
rwi! RNlriH ED 3-room house, gas. elec
tricity. 401 Russell St., near Union ave.
$35.00 SIX-room house,
sell. Phone E. 1144'.
Some wood to
8-ROOM house, large enough
families. Phone E. 7076.
new house, $S5.
136 East 4d stree
COTT AGE, 4 rooms and bath, close In. 2
blocks from car, $20. E. 2lst st. S. Adults.
MODERN 7-room house, 3 bedrooms; $C5;
vacant September 1. Tabor 8125.
5-ROOM house. 118 Highway st. $2:
Call Main 5310 or first door east.
5-ROOM house at 460 Everett st. Inquire
at 471 Everett or 705 Powell st.
MOVING, packing, storage, shipping, long-
d ietance moving. Broadway 4222.
6 AND 7-ROOM houses, modern, sanitary;
walking distance. 707 1st st.
6-ROOM modern
rent East side.
house and garage
979 Vancouver ave.
5-ROOM house reasonable.
Wdln. 5.SS,
19 Morris st.
NICE, clean cottage. No. 46 Mason st.
IF YOU are contemplating establishing a .
home In or near Portland, be sure to In
vestigate MULTNOMAH on the Oregon
Electric, only 20 minutes from the city
of Portland. The extension or lerawn
ger Blvd. runs thru the heart of Mult
nomah. MULTNOMAH has all the modern
utilities in the ground and paid for.
Here you enjoy the freedom of the coun-f
try with all the advantages of the city.
Building rites as mell as homes can be
uurchased on e.-tsv terms. If you are
tired of paying rent, come In and talk
this matter over with me. Or If you are j
Multnomah, call at my office on the
Blvd. and Mrs. Grant, my local agent, j
will show you about.
MULTNOMAH is the coming West J
Ci .1 a unhi.rh -f Print and 1 -
t tr vrUif Nn dftrlet about
the city Is enjoying such a healthy
growth. There Is a reason and the peo
ple who live there will tell you. Office
open all day Sunday and week days.
You can make arrangements to see the
property after business hours.
"Operator Exclusively In Multnomah
404 Piatt F.lde 127 Park St.
PIANOS moved, 3 : stairs extra, 1 each
flight; 80 days' free storage on all house
hold goods; furniture moving, one-ton
tiuck. $2 per hour; large truck. $2.75 per
hour; we are experienced and have good
packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas
Transfer A "Storage Co., 104 N. 5th IU
Open Sundays and evenings.
CHEAP 1-room houseboat with sleeping
porch and woodshed, toilet and bath,
electric lights and pipes for gas. May
be seen at the Seilwood moorage, foot
of Harney ave. Inquire for Mrs. Wolf.
A real buy for $400 cash. $500. terms.
Call Automatic 511-12.
SIX-ROOM modem house In South Port
land at 'I6it Meade at.; rent $25.60, in
cluding water.
Six-room houje. newly papered, 181 ; rent $27.-50.
Main 8150, 23o Stark St.
-ROOM modern house, completely fur
nished, on west side: 4 bedrooms up
stairs, furnace and fireplace ; fine place
for 2 or 3 roomer: cloo to stores, newly
tinted and varnished, on car line; $7i pet
mo; will give lease. K.iflt S04C.
OWNER of fine Irvington home, who is
away all day, would rent part of house
unfurnished. Call evenings or Sunday.
6ltl Hancock st. Take Broadway car
to 19th iL, go two blocks north, then
I R V I NGTON Modern ft-room. unfur
nished house, one or two-year lease, at
$UH) pr mooth. A -1 location, garage,
corner, 75xlM grounds; Immediate pos
session. See Mr. Jonee at F. E. Bow
man & Co.
DESIRABLE 1 1-room residence In Wood
lawn district for rent, partly furnished;
close to car line, school, church, etc.;
rent JjO.
252 Stark St.
8 rooms and attic. Large rooms, two
fireplaces, double garage; walking dis
tance East side, on Hawthorne, Will
make a two years lease to responsible
party. Main 8M5.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room house. JH
ff of eround. Iruit trees, gas ransrc
connections; adults preferred. For $So
month. On MU Bcott car una. rnon
":on n modern 7-room house, lust vacated.
4012 E. 47 th St., S. near puouc anu
Pnthnlie schools. Dutch kitcnen, purrei,
full basement, wash trays, etc laoor
3224 or Main 6091.
fl-ROOM houfre. new Inside and out;
grained, varnished I'.oora. I'Twicn aoors.
.lee. and gaa Nigntiy ana qumr yru.
No childTen; $30 to the right people
791 Corbett st,
-ROOM semi-modern house at 591 Borth
wicit mrt for rent to resoonsiDie lam
lly; easy walking distance, rent $30 per
montn; ror one year, eu -v"i"8'
ton building,
GENTLEMAN'S home, beautiful bungalow
8 rooms flrst floor; 2 nrepiaces. lurnace
20 minutes from Hotel portiana; iu acres
goes with this; $100 per month. E 8o7,
FOR RENT On Base Line road. 4-room
house and 1 acre of land, if-ft Pr montn.
about 7 miles east of Portland. Apply
Doolv Co.. Marshall TO .Board oi
Trade bldff.
7-ROOM house, west side. 39 N. 23d,; In
tine order: new eiectric natures; open
for Inspection today Sunday) from 2
until 5. Eaet 7071.
FOR RENT Excellent 5-room modern
house, 35th & O St., bee tan u. .Mil
ler at Atkinson & Porter, 705 Main St.,
Vancouver, Wash. Phone 338.
NICE, clean single housekeeping room, $10.
1 63 16th st. Phone Main 4a.
Furnished Houses.
RESPONSIBLE business man wants to
rnt hv Stntember l. moaern wen iurn
Ished five room bungalow An Rose City
Park, vicinity or o4tn ana anay. Jaaj
lease. Phone Marshall 505.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Small, attractive
1 -mnm hiinra oW : lO minutes irom car'
line; fully furnished, electricity, city
water; view of mountains and valley; no
children. Phone evenings, .-wain omi
MODERN furnished 5-room house ana
bath: rarae: 7 mue irorn i-on.ra.Twi ,
I . I nrwt on rowi : 350 p-er mo nth; adi 1 ts
references required. Call Col. 22
s dooms and sleenlng porch; well fur
nisnea : aesirau:e imuu . yl"-
references required. Rent $i5. Tele
phone Columbia 1010.
OR 6-ROOM house for rent: bathroom
and ivantry. electric llprhts rTrroofrhou't ;
gas for cooking. lo3 Ec
Sth st.
Montavllla IerKt ear.
Pi-HMSHEl) HOUSE Modern, clean 4
room home, fruit, flowers, lawn, oeaun-
ful view, walking distance west side.
adults; $35. 249 Bancroft.
SEPTEMBER 1 Well-furnished 7-room
house with garage, in gooa lotauon; iur
nace. nrepiace. sleeping porch, electric
w as her, piano. S0. East 42S.
tt-t r vr. r room... furnished. lot sux Jsu
chicken houae, garaen. ngni ana waior
naid : $20 per mo.: can lease or Duy,
Mnrsnaii am.
7-ROOM house, rent 345. to party ouying
nearly new rurniture. win mci nice
make easy terms. Main 6127 or call
apt. 3, 414 Mill at.
$25 5-ROOM cotatge. close in, nearly new
furniture. 4 run peas, paonogrsyu, iui
$550. Marshall 3401.
B-ROOM furnished cottage to couple, no
children: references: owner retaining
one room. Call at 1078 East Washington
AT 966 HAWTHORNE, cmopieteiy iur
nlshed, clean, mooern, 7-roora nouse,
bedrooms, lease to adults, $00.
2 T. A RGE rooms, store front, one room
house, nice for bachelor, also b oasemeni
room a EastSW or xhpi.
FURNISHED rooms and
rirat or will
rent five-room nouse.
furnished. 1024
Holgate st. Phone Sell.
vTvn put VP Furnished bungalow. 2 block:
W oodntocic car; .. i-aii duo. or mou.
51.04 5Sth ave. S. E
ran r,k vn Bwoom furnished house, on
Lee-piiug poron. 3 oea rooms arm gTH,
to desirable tenants. A.T tH0. Oreiron!a,n
FIVE rooms, wt-th baAh. furnished; gas,
Via T-H-iTvrp- ranti. winter inei in
blocks from Wdln. car: 30. Wdln. 6145.
4-ROOM modern furnlsnea upper aupiex
house, 417 Mi KUS?eii, DPiwoen uniuu
7th; $30. East 5235: close In.
FOR RENT 5-room, furnished cottage;
two 3-room rurnisnea usis. inquire ui-s
E. 21st st. S. .
LARGE bungalow, partly furnished, with
garage. .oiiaaay aauitiuu. oui o.-x.
Mrs. L. K. Moore.
FURNISHED modern 5-room cottage. Call
Woodlawn BU1. ..ear jenwaun nign
1 NICELY furnished home in splendid neigh
borhood will ne rfnrea o iotiiuubiuw
prtls Tel. Tabor 25 SB.
5 ROOMS, strictly modern. Rose City car.
1,4 block fro-m srreei car; no winu'mi,
refererveps. f.64 EX 57th st, N.
B-ROOM house, completely Imlshed,
blor R from cn.r ; r e son "w; r-i -T- ibs9
rtM(Td. iTn K. ?t:td at. s.
C-ROOM furnished house, iioiiauay; two
adults; owner wouia iikb 10 rwrvc -room.
East 03.
7-ROOM, nicely furnished choice west side
location: will lease for 6 months or
year. Marshall 2225.
LADY employed willing to share her home
with working woman ; reasona dig terms.
East 7061
6-ROOM residence,
nicely furnished
rnished, nice
ed. 405 llth
references require
Phone Main wn
NEATLY furnished 5-room house, good car
service, adults only; $40 per month.
Woodlawn 50.35.
5-ROOM house, nicely furnished. $25.
Kelly st. ,
5-ROOM house, mern. 362 E. 2d N., cor.
of Broadw ay. inquire av nancoctL
FIVE-ROOM modern house by owner.
220 Morris St. Woodlawn 4S00.
FOR RENT 6-room furnished house.
quire 314 marguerite avrnuo.
-ROOM cottage, sleeping porch, close
E. utn. East
y ROOMS, sleeping porch; garage: wou
tur n.jjh-ed: facing Ladd. 461 E. 12th.
FOR RENT 4-room house,
nished. Woodlawn 5802.
partly fur-
furnUhed house.
36 Market st.
walking dls-
7-ROOM house, furnished, 3 bedrooms, $60.
966 Ha wtnorne ave.
FOR RENT Five room furnished house
S26 Qnntenbein ave.
3-ROOM furn. cottaga. Inq. at 1021 N.
Kellogg. Columbia 525. .
4-ROOM furnished house for rent. Cal'
Broadway UV1. between 3 and ft P, sL
FumUhed H onsen.
WILL lease for one vear. modern -rooa
house nicely furnished, fireplace, fur
nace, gas range; large garage, tools, lots
of fruit, berries and garden; nice lawn,
shade trees and flowers; over half "-ere
of land ; beautiful view of river and
mountains; 15 minutes drive from Port
land on Pacific highway at Wilsoni
station (Oswego); rent $75 per month;
adults onlv. inquire on place, Mrs. J. N.
Webster, Front st. and C. ave.
SPLENDID private home, nicely furnished,
for rrnt to resnonsihl nartles. no ob
jection to children if you control them:
this houxe is in' exceptionally fine con
dition as it was completely repapered ana
re-enameled upstairs and down this
spring; house modern in every respect
and in nice residential section. AR 9b7.
'Ll. rent my
new six-room bungalow
partly furnished to responsible couple
for two months, owner to occupy one
room. On Hawthorne car. Lincoln and
E. 54fc. Furnace and fireplace, new
brass bed, dishes, table and bed linen,
gas plate. Ironing board and new elec
tric iron, kitchen utensils, wash tubs. $40
Including fuel. Phone Seilwood 14:H.
WILL laase tor one year modern ten-room
house, fireplace, built-in buffet, book,
shelves." all white kitchen, two baths,
sleeping porch; has just been complete
ly varnished and painted inside; 6 rooms
downstairs, completely furnished, up
stairs partly: ideal, quiet surroundings;
references will be required. 767 iveiiy,
near Grover. $55.
7-ROOM residence on Portland Heights;
hardwood floors, piano, Victrola. glass
inclosed sun parlor, furnace and fire
place; houjie all finished in white enam
el, with over-stuffed velour furniture.
Wonderful view of city and mountains.
$HK. Main 3iM5.
FOR RENT Suburban bungalow, new
modern and furnished, in quiet neigh
borhood among the tall firs, located on
Boardman ave., close to the highway
and river; 2d house west of Ashdale sta..
on the Oregon City car line; house sult-
able for small family. Inquire Thompson.
524 Heights terrace, 2 and 3-room and
porch fine view; mountains, city 20
mln. walk from M A F.. Hall st. car to
13th ert-two blocks west; see to appre
ciate; don't miss It; reasonable rent ;
fine place to live-
FURNISHED house, six rooms, all new
furniture, with piano and sewing ma
chine, one block from school; will rent
for six months or longer; rent $45 per
montu; reference required. 22 a. Tata
st. South, corner of Ash.
BEAUTIFUL home on west sid-e, 12 min
utes ride; two adults and. baby grrl
years old in home. Want reliable couple
to take over home and board owner.
Wou Id pa y di ffren-ee, Ref erencea ro
quired. Marshall 1876.
FOR RENT Furnished two-room cottage
and sleeping porch. Light and water
furnished. Garage. $20 a month.
One block wet of river road Oak Grove
Mrs. E. O. Ostrom.
CONVENIENTLY located, one block frora
Sunnyside car line, six-room house, clean,
completely furnished. In eluding piano,
full basement and large yard. 1156 Kast
Yamhill, near 39th street.
6-room moonrn home; good condition?
larsre gara?e, near LausjpJhurst; will rent
or lecLse, $75 per mo, Cali Simxiay. 939
Kost F'eirett st.
Houses for Kent Furniture lor Sale.
LARGE 7-room strictly modern, all school
conveniences, grades, high school, col
lege; paved street. In suburbs; blga
light, clean; furnace, fireplace, hard
wood floors, lovely built-ins; references
First 6 months' rent in advance, or will
sell furniture to tenant. Call forenoons,
MirshaH 1506.
NICELY furnished house for rent or will
sell furniture and rent or sell house ;
this is a strictly modern home In fine
section ; house Is In perfect condition
throughout and modern in every respect.
AR 98, Oregonlan.
5-ROOM lower flat with garage for rent.
$25 ; 2 blocks from Hawthorne car. on
SVth st. ; A-l furniture for sale. CaH
between TO and1 12 Sunday. Tabor 956L
or Tahor 2280.
ROOMS furniture for sale, piano, fire
place, Hawthorne district; walking dis
tance; 3 rooms fixed for housekeeping.
makes rent. A"M 040. Oregonian.
EXCELLENT location, furnishings of a
6-room house for sale, 2 rooms rented
pays for rent. 710 E. Burnside.
6-ROOM flat for rent and furniture for
sale cheap for quick sale, 448 vi 6th st.
all day Sunday.
ELEGANT furnished house for sale, 9
rooms; reasonable rent: walking dis
tance. Phone Marshall 3741.
FURNITURE of 10-room house. Nob Hill
district, quick sale; some terms. 208 23d
sU North.
FURNITURE for sale, house for rent.
k. mtn st. N.
ATTRACTIVE S-room house for rent: fur-
TMffh4nrs for pale. ll E. 2th t. South
HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. Call
5h"I1 Montgomery st.
bummer Resorts.
Nehalem, Oregon.
Make vacation time a pleasure. Classic
Ridge house, cottages, tents, camps are
reached by Tillamook train or machine.
For printed folder, reservation or Infor
mation address J. H.. L H. Edwards.
Nehalem, Oregon. "Service or self
Service." AN IDEAL stopping place at Seaside.
"The Pine Lodge." Large, commodious
summer home, one block from ocean, 2
blocks from Broadway; large lobby, 3
fireplaces, bath, shower bath and tennis
court, large grounds; rates $2 per day
up, with kitchen privllegea Mrs, Flora
Ferguson, manager. .
at closest ocean beach to Portland, In
expensive trip by auto, rail or boat.
Tents completely equipped for house
keeping, $10 per week Including lights,
water, fuel and service. Main &42W,
24 Stark street .
7-ROOM furnished house, fronting ocean,
fireplace, running water, grassy yard,
at Seaview, for September or longer if
wanted, half price. Main 4996. Also
cottHgette end of same yard.
HALF rates for September; new Rockaway
beach cottage, close to beach and stores,
furnished for eight people; $25 per
month. Communicate Immediately, R. C.
Barnard. 406 E. 3Sth st. S. Tabor 122.
FOR RENT At Rockaway beach, during
autumn, 3-room furnished cottage. 6
short blocks from beach; $1 per day.
Mra J. A. Bennett, Rockaway, Or.. Box
VKRY desirable, cosy. clean cottages.
apta and rooms; reduced rents during
Sept. Address Rock View Villa, Twin
Rocks, Or.. Tillamook county.
TENT CITY In Ocean Grove, Columbia
Beach, completely equipped for house
keeping. $10 per week. 243 Stark, su
Main 5420.
WANTED A small cottage at Cannon
Beach- for the first two weeks In Sep-
tirnber. 4Q Royal ave. Phone Tabor 80.
'TtJi.oitANA PARK." Cannon fiuach:
tenthousea; reduced rates for Septem
ber. Write C. L. wingard, Kcoia, or.
MANHATTAN" BEACH 1-room furnished
cottage with fireplace. JiO a week.
Wdln. 2 ft5T evenings or Sunday.
N BW 2-ROoM cottage for rent. $15 wk.,
month $40; larger house, shower bath.
325 week. 321 6th ave. seasid-e.
GEA RH ART Furnished 6-room cottage.
September, finest montn at tne beach;
rent or sale. Marshall 55QO, window 6.
SEA VIEW 5-room cottage. Ocean boule
vard front, mountain water. Call E.
AT GEARHART Comfortable cottage for
rent at $12.50 a week or $50 from Aug
ust 28 until October Phone Last 61 m.
Near Rockaway; furnished: elc. lights.
running water. Phone tvast t:'4.
ska side lt week August and Septem
ber, modern 6-room cottage, block from
Hotel Seaside. Main a4i;.
W a XTED To rent furn. cottage at Sea
side after Sept. 1 for one or two months.
Addreiw O S..3. Oregonlan.
NEWPORT, small furnished housekeeping
ultes, $4 up: cnoice location, aliss ti&r.
rlson, box 126. Newport Or.
SEASIDH 3-room furnished cottaEe; wl l
afoommodste 5 peo-p-lo. Calil Wdln. lti.k
NICE little cottage at Gearhart for rest
of season. gu. raoor if.m
SEAVIEW Furnished cottages for Sep-
tember. Phone Monday Man y.'S.
SEASIDE cottage for rent by week or
month. Automatic 225-68.
SEASIDE 5-room furnished cottage; good
location. Bdwy. hoj
St ores and isuwuiesn Pi-es.
STORE with houkeepln-g rooms; rent $20
mo. Inquire bakery, cor. E. 3th and
Bi"rt:REs wanted for small meat market.
second hand or new; register, scales, etc.
Auto. 224-25.
ri o Tit-NTT storeroom suitable for iur-
nJturs business; good location, chea
rent. Write Sam H. Webb, Astoria. O.
NEW GARAGE, size 50x130. 28th and Ait
kenv sts. Owner, 841 Division st. Call
LWVVER. experienced, wants small office
"in tood building; law suite preferred, K
VIS, ore guiiian.
FOR RENT Vacant lot. Jefferson, near
2d. suitable for autoa or other storage.
Tabor 1114.
2 STORE rooms on W,
nnw b!dr. ; lirht and
e-a'h. Phone Mar. 15
Park St., l&x0:
cle; ren $100 room snace on ground lioor, suit
able for accessory agency. Broadway
FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware
house, phone uro?.away at 10.
DANDY corner store, 1st
1st street. Main 3397.
and Wash. 144
FINE light floor. 50x100: ions lease; chap
-nr i -V- K.V.
read m