THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, rORTLAXD, AUGUST 21, 1921 REAL ESTATE. tor Sule Houses. J. A. WICK MAN CO., REALTORS, 2U4 Stark &t Ex-service men ex-service men Here la one for you. (4050 Brand new; pay rent; move Tight in and apply the BONUS; all im provements in and paid; 5 nice rooms, large basement, bath, hardwood floors, fireplace, old ivory finish. You need not be ashamed to own thin home. JEFFERSON HIGH. $3600 6-room Queen Anne home on 53x 100-foot lut ; nice garage. ; 4 blks. to car; 8 bedrooms, cement base ment, Ja tin dry trays; all improve ments paid. ALAMEDA PARK COLONIAL. $8000 7-room colonial In beautiful Ala meda Park. Besides the ordi nary modern conveniences, this wonderful home Includes a show er bath, hot-water furnace, extra toilet ; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch ; built-ins to fill every re quirement, including built-in dressers in bedrooms. If you are looking for a real colonial, see this; terms. IiAURELH URST. NEAR PARK. $7000 5 rooms and breakfast nook, less than a block to park on one of LAURKLHURST'S PRETTIEST - STREETS; nothing lacking in this In the way of MODERN IM PROVEMENTS; a fine garage. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $7200 Beautiful fi-room bungalow with breakfast nook, la rge floored at tic for two extra bedrooms tf de sired ; garage ; furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. $HO0O would have been paid for this home a short time ago. See it today and compare with others at a larger price. J. A, VTCKMAN CO.. REALTORS. "Shortest Way Home." Main 683 and 1094. 2t4 Stark St. EXCLUSIVE) RESIDENCES. $7000 An exclusive residence for the most fastidious; ti rooms and garage, complete In every re spect; tasteful finish and deco ration ; must be seen to be ap preciated ; shown by appoint ment, borne terms. IRVING TON. $6500 -New modern 5 -room bungalow, floored attic, garage; an up-to-date modem residence; some terms. $6600 New modern 5 -room bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, ga rage, concrete porch, modera. throughout; terms. $73-50 A beautiful modern 7-room resi dence, complete and modern; tastefully decorated and fin ished ; a good buy at this price, tee It and be convinced; terms. PTAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO.. Realtors. 331 Stark Street. Bdwy. 6358. Sun. and Eve., 319-97. PIEDMONT BEST BUNGALOW. I am farced to sell at once my 6-room bungalow ; best oak floors throughout, .fireplace, furnace,' bui It-ins, flowers, shrubs and fruit. The place Is well worth $7500, but I am compelled to sell and offer for quick sale at $0500. Tou save agent's commission In buying direct. Phone Wood lawn 732 for appointment. Owner home Sunday. Y 66. Oregonlan, ONLY $3250 DANDY 6-ROOM BUNGA LOW with bath, basement, 2 full lots, good fruit, near car; garage. Hurry; $000 cash. ONLY $2000 FURNISHED 4-ROOM NEW BUNG A LO W. Double constructed, bath, Dutch kitch en, splendid lawn and fruit; 1 block to cur; terms STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., Realtors. 331 Stark Street. Broadway 5358. Evenings 319-97. UNDER CONSTRUCTION $5500. NEW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. SEE IT! BUY IT! WATCH IT GROW! Five rooms, breakfast room, full attic, hardwood floors, furnace and all mod ern built-in features. Will finish and paint to suit. Terms. STAR REAL ESTATE A INV. CO., Realtors. 331 Stark Street. BUwy. 5358. Sun, and Eve., 319-07. HAWTHORNE. Strictly modern bungalow by owner, east front, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, French doors, all built-ins, Dutch kitchen, large attic, full cement base ment, liberal terms to responsible party; might consider small car. $5500. 2C5 62d st., between Hawthorne ave. and Madison st. Tabor 2591. JUST FINISHED. READ Y TO MOVE IN. New 6-room modern bungalow, dou ble constructed, on H acre of ground; close to school and high school, Vi block from Hawthorne carllne; the rooms are large and airy; a real fire place and everything built in; Al plumb ing and full cement basement. Call owner, Woodlawn 2i48. MUST sell for best reasonable offer, 8 room modern home, east exposure, Haw thorne addition, southwest corner East 14th st. and Madison. Hardwood floors, two fireplaces, furnace, full cement base ment, garage, paved streets, six blocks to grammar and high schools; now oc cupied by owner who desires to sell direct. 203 E. 14th Bt. East 2374. IRVING TON REAL HOME; CHOICE LOCATION. Large lot, double garage; house has center hall, large living room, sun room, den, artistic dining room; wonder ful bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 3 fireplaces, extra lavatories, plate glass, oak floors. Just about perfect. Neuhausen, 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. PAL ATI N E HILL RESIDENCE. Beautiful home, with every modern feature ; French doors, sleeping porch, tiled and hardwood floors, and garage, etc. ; wonderful view site; lawn, flow ers galore. Price upon application. P. O. box 016, city. BARGAIN FOR FAMILY. If you've got $500 cash you can buy this 6-room cottage at a sacrifice. Good bath. Dandy lot with abundance of berries; 100 feet from pavement. Price only $1600. See us at once about this. RALPH HARRIS CO. 816 Chamber of Co mm erce. Main 562 4. IRVING TON 100x100 corner, choice location, dou ble garage, 9 rooms and an inclosed sleeping porch, 2 baths, 3 fireplaces, mahogany living room, dining room and hall shades and curtain rods, Ruud water heater, large cement basement, best construction. East 6164.- DUPLBX BARGAIN. On paved street, one block to car and park ; good cement basement, laundry trays; each flat has four rooms and bath; you can buy this and have an in come; owner leaving for California. Price $3950, fully furnished; $750 cash. Phone Main 6102. $4250 BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. BY OWNER. Modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, bookcases, - buffet, dandy kitchen, with breakfast nook. Faces east on paved street in a re stricted district. Main 4803. Tabor 804 IRVING TON. -$591)0. New 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, linoleum, artistic lighting fix tures and paper; shades, garage, lawn. Fremont, near 18th. Owner, Main ALAMEDA PARK SACRIFICE. Colonial style; center hall, large living room, sunroom, all oak floors, ivory fin ish, garage; consider bungalow in trade. 830 Hamblet ave. (Seen by appointment.) Neuhausen, East 394. Main 8078 ROSE CITY SAf'RTFTf I 6-room bungalow, built-in buffet, hard wood floors, fireplace,, garage; on full lot. with lots of fruit. This is a gift at $4000, with easy terms. Sue this SUN DAY. Phone Main C102. REAL BARGAIN MUST SACRIFICE. New 5-room modern bungalow, close to A Ins worth blvd., good garage; will sacrifice for $2,S50; $00O cash. See MerrifiHd, 210 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1W8 BUNGALOW FULLY FURNISHED. ' If you have $500 you can step right Into this lovely home; 5 rooms, close to good car line; modern; built-in buffet plenty of fruit. This is a sacrifice. See this Sunday. Phone Main 6102. IRVINGTON NEW ENGLAND COLONIAL A charming small home; large rooms, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, ivory woodwork' oak floors, garage. Neuhausen, 830 N. W Bank bldg. Main 8078. East 394. SK V E N-ROOM HO mUT n Marguerite street; garage; fully mod ern: four bedrooms: has all been rfrtr orated inside and out. $4200 with $700 .rD una iuuy, ii, may DO SOid tomorrow. Main 61 02. ENGLISH colonial in laurel hurst, owner, 6 rooms, sun parlor, library and sleep ing porch extra; garage. Best buy in Laure lhurst : $8500. Tabor 01N4. IRVINGTON SWELL NEW HOMR 75x100 corner; choice location; fine shrubbery, garage: $9500; terms. Neu- naus en, n i n. w. nan k bldg. M ain 807S. MONT A VILLA BUNGALOW $500 down; cosy, pretty 4-room mod ern bungalow, accessible to car and school; win accept t ora car or stand ard-make piano. Call 206 Morgan bldg. tit VI NGTON HOMES OUR FPE CIALT Y . HKPUKW ISUXING, SKIS T. B. NEUHAUSEN CO., REALTORS. 830 N. W. BANK. MAIN 8078. EAST 304. fe AW THORN E 5-room, strictly modern bungalow, very cony ; garage ; large lot; some lexixis; qwiuv leaving city. Jklax. 1022. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. 311 Panama Bilg.. Portland. Or. Phone Main 2990. SURETY Fine country home; all city con ven4 e races with coun try iife. New (J-room house. 2 sorts land with 1O0 fruit trees. 000 berries, barn. chicken house; S miieis south. C&a be hs-ndled for $30O0. SURETY Overlook JUisc ; story and half house, batih, basement, wash trays, electric lig-hts. gas, all street improvements in and paid, N-eair good school. Prioe $3j000. Handled for $500. SURETY -Peninsula Park Brand-new houe jut finishing; 5 rooma, bath, baeeonent. cement porch, street work e,ll in and paid. Fine location ; $325; only $400 down. SURETY INVESTMENT CO 811 Panama. B1., Portland. Or. Phone Main 2byo. WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. ADJOINING MT. TABOR PARK. GROUNDS 100x156. BEARING FRUIT. Modem 7-room bungalow-type home with double sleeping porch overlooking Mt. Tabor park; this house commands an unobstructed view of the city, the Columbia river and the mountain peaks, living room 33 feet long, hardwood floors, fireplace in living room and one la owner's bedroom, hot water heat, maid's room downstairs, S large bed rooms and sleeping porch up; grounds 100 by 156, with variety of shrubbery and bearing fruit, large garage, aU imp. in and paid; price $10,000. terms: for sale by owner;- open for inspection Sun day after 2 P. M. 1750 E. Yamhill st.. near 68th st. Drive out Belmont to 8th st. or drive through Mt. Tabor park to 69th st. entrance. ROSE CITY. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. ' $5200 ON EASY TERMS; ATTRAC TIVE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW; FINE LO CATION; LARGE LIVING ROOM ACROSS THE FRONT; FIREPLACE. BOOKCASES WITH PLATB-GLA&S DOORS; FINE BUFFET WITH PLATE GLASS DOORS AND MIRROR; LARGE PLATEJ-GLAS3 WINDOWS; HARD WOOD FLOORS; DUTCH KITCHEN WITH BREAKFAST NOOK; COMPOSI TION DRAINING BOARD; 2 FINE BEDROOMS; CEMENT BASEMENT, LAUNDRY TRAYS, FURNACE ; BUILT BY OWNER FOR HIS HOME. R. SOMBRVILLE. BDWY. 478. COLONIAL HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. The last one of my 17 bungalows built this year, is Just about finished. 1 would ask you if you are looking for a bungalow that is up to the minute, to drive out and look this over and you will be buying direct from owner and builder; just south of Market on East 21st st. GEORGE E. WELLER. 226 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 6231. Tabor 15)50. IRVINGTON-HOLLADAY. 8-room modern homo, hardwood floors, large living, dining room, den and break fast room, modern kitchen on 1st floor, 2 fireplaces, 4 bedrooms, bath and sleep ing porch on 2d floor; full concrete base ment, Boyton furnace; garage; 75x100 corner. This property will be sold at a low figure for quick sale. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO. S01-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON BEAUTY! 579 E. 25TH ST. N. MOST ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM BUN GALOW IN IRVINGTON; COVERED DRIVE WAY; ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS; LONG LIVING ROOM WITH BEAUTIFUL FIREPLACE; DUTCH KITCHEN WITH BREAKFAST NOOK; TILE BATHROOM; RECESS TUB; FUR NACE AND GARAGE. OPEN SUNDAY FOR INSPECTION. R. SOMBRVILLE, BDWY. 2478. A REAL FAMILY HOME. $4850 TERMS. Lot 100x100; all sorts of fruit trees, berries and flowers; wonderful lawn, fine garage. The house was built by the own er; has reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen and one large bedroom 1st floor : 3 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor. Full cement basement. The owner leaving for the east and has to sell. ALV1N JOHNSON. Realtor. Bdwy. 37. 204 Board of Trade Bldg. VIEW HOME $6800. This is a homey residence of 8 rooms occupying one of the most sightly cor ners in Portland; large, attractive liv ing rooms, 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs, 1 bedroom and toilet downstairs; beau tifully parked ground, 120x100; good terms. RICHARD W. MAST. RealtQr. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON. TERMS $5250? TERMS. JUST COMPLETED; FIVE ROOMS. FULL BASEMENT, SOLID OAK FLRS., ENTIRE HOUSE, ETC. IRVINGTON PROPERTY IS GOING -FAST AND THERE IS NOT MUCH LEFT AT THIS PRICE. ALVTN JOHNSON, REALTOR, 204 BD. OF TRADE. BDWY. 37. SUNDAY WDLN. 6260. MTLWAUKIE. MINTHORNE ADDITION. $150 CASH. LOW PAYMENTS. BUY NEW HOUSE ON CORNER. $1250 Includes five 25x100 lots, 100 feet from paved highway under con struction; Bull Run water; lots of good neighbors. Owner non resident. GEO. E. ENGLEHART, Bdwy. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. $330 FIRST PAYMENT $i50. Cute little 5-room bungalow, good base ment, plumbing, etc.. gas range, gas heater and supply of -briquets; ground 100x125; some fruit: all goes at $2550. See it NOW. Sunday, Mar. &063; week days. Main 79GT. MARIE LS & WILLIAMS 820 Cham, of Com. Bldg. WALKING DISTANCE JEFFERSON HIGH. $4200 for a fine double residence of 8 rooms with two full lots of plumb ing, full concrete basement, furnace, fine lot fruit and roses. This is a bargain, only $10t0 cash. F. L. B LAN CHARD, REALTOR. 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 827. 13850 ROSE CITY PARK. Nice new furniture and attractive 4 room bungalow, double constructed, good condition, fireplace, built-ins, large porchea, fine plumbing, wash trays, large Dutch kitchen; splendid location; 1 block to Sandy boulevard; street paved; owner leaving city; terms. Tabor 65P9. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD 7 WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. Wo Draw Plana and. Help Finance. ' Come to our office and let our de sdgner heirp you plan your home. PORTLAND HOME BUILDERS, 216 AbLngtoTi BUig. $2700 BARGAIN. 5-room, neat house and 100x100 (2 lots), garden, fruit, chicken house, fine for chickens ; $1000 cash, or will ex change for small grocery store up to $ looo, at act ual cash basis. Geo. E Englehart, 024 Henry bldg. MODERN 5-room bungalow, living room 12x22, large fireplace, interior ivory and enameled finish, half cement basement, laundry trays, shrubbery and berries; best reasonable offer takes it. 640 E. 37th st. Owner. $2250. $250 cash and $25 per month will buy from owner a dandy five-room cottage with reception hall and bathroom ; near car; 80xl00-foot lot; gas and electricity. 590 E. 84th st. S. E. FRANKLIN HIGH DISTRICT. Corner lot 100xH5; paved street; ga rage, chicken house; cement basement and walks, furnace, fireplace, fruit trees, garden and fence all around; price $0000. Owner, 4928 34th ave., corner SOth. ALBERTA 6-ROOM HOME. $15 monthly terms; dandy cottage; 2 bedrooms, screened porch, bath, - etc.; big lot, fruit; near car and school. Price $2150; need about $GO0 down. Quia. 200 Morgan bldg.. Realtor. - HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. New four-room and breakfast nook; a nifty bungalow. Let us show you: $3300. Only $500 cash. Rodabaugh, Ta bor 4299. IRVINGTON SMALL COLONIAL. $6500; 6 rooms, extra large living room, ivory finish, 3 bedrooms, cement porch, ga rage. Neuhausen, 830 N. W. Bank. Mn in 8078. $4MM), TERMS ROSE CITY PARK. Nifty new modern 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, gas, floor fur nace, built-ins; full cement basement, wash trays; full lot; vacant. Tabor 4803. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, bath and toilet, cement base ment; some fruit. Full price $2300; $500 cash. Main 012. Phone early; Sunday is our busiest day. ROSE CITY. $200 down; cosy 4-room bungalow style home; 2 bedrooms, bath 'n' every- ininK; o nioi-Ks to car, 10 BcnooL , Wuln, Realtor. 206 Morgan bldg. NORTH PIEDMONT home; new 4-roora house; fine lot; all improvements in are paid; attractive price and terms. Phone $2800 PORTLAND HEIGHTS $2800. All ready to occupy, my 7-room house on a beautiful lot 45x110. This is a pick -ii p. Main am. 3-ROOM house with sleeninsr Dorch. nut. hou;e suitable for garage ; $1000. $ 150 aown, balance $iu a month. Call at 6320 uist st. e. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A beautiful home in Irvington. The Dest ouy m tne city it taken at once Bdwy. 2056. FOR SALE Two bungalows In St. Johns; no reasonable offer refused ; also 11 acres in Washington county. Phono Mrs Clark. Main 3411. ROSE CITY bungalow. fi lartr. r- breakfast nook and attic. Strictly modern. $ft50O. terms. Auto. 321-HS. BUY HOUSE from owner. $200 down $2.4 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. We pride ourselves In having one of the finest districts of moderately-priced homes In Portland; walking distance of excellent grammar and high schools; Al car service; splendid business center. A man living In a rented house, sing ing "Home, Sweet Home," ts merely kid ding himself and serenading his landlord. Get busy and end your house hunting; settle in a good neighborhood near a good school. You owe it to your chll-x you will not be obligated. An ideal home of six rooms, oak floors, -finest built-in features; terms. $4450. Five rooms and sleeping porch In Al condition; Oxluo lot; 200 feet of avenue, east facing. Terms, $3750. Six-room horns and den ; all built-in features; furnace; neatly-cut yard; your own terms. $3500. Five-room house; now vacant; splen did lot; good location; owner has moved to California, demands quick action on this property. Term. $3250. Four-room bungalow; fireplace and furnace; large breakfast nook; good neighborhood; excellent terms. $3250. Six-room home, ideally located on 30th between S. S. and Haw. cars; fruit auii berries. $500 cash; $3000. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. 36th and Haw., Realtors. T. 7463. Call Monday. A BARGAIN IN ROSE CITY. 57500. The most sightly eight-room bungalow on Wisteria ave.; attractive and conven ient view porches ; oak floors on entire first floor; fireplace ; every built-in con venience; cosy bedroom or den down stairs; Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms, one a combination bedroom and sleeping porch upstairs, commodious bath; full concrete basement, landry and fruit rooms; Amer ican Radiator heating system; full con crete garage, opening into basement; beautifully shaded grounds, 50x105. Your own terms. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $150 DOWN. $2450 SUNNY SIDE. 6 rooms and bath, 2 blocks to S. S car. Place needs painting; lot 33x110. Bal. $20 month. Main 520L Open Sun day. BOONE-CLEARWATER, 605 Couch Building. Realtors. Always terms to suit. FURNISHED IRVINGTON RESIDENCE, $0000. Modern 8-room home, large attractive living room, dining room, fireplace, roomy kitchen, etc.; gas, coal and wood range; 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch upstairs; completely furnished throughout. See this and save the rent for yourself. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE & CO. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Sacrifice buy. Think of this! 140x 295 with all paved streets, cement sidewalk and sewers In and paid for. Lota of grapes, berries of all kinds, fine garden soil and a good attractive, modern, substantial 7-room home, built to be lived in. Owner will be on prem ises today. On carllne. Price Is vers reasonable at $5190. Address 125 East 87th st. N. Call Tabor 4706. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Sacrifice buy! Think of thia. 140x285 with all paved streets, cement side walkfl and sewers in and paid for. Lots of grapes, berries of all kinds, fine gar den soil and a good attractive modern substantial 7-room roomy home that was built to be lived in. Owner will be on premises today to show it. On carllne. Price is (very reasonable at $5100. 125 E. S7tb st. N.. cor. Glisan. Call Tabor 4766. THE unique log house on Porter st. bum by one of Portland's wealthiest men for a real home is being1 offered for $5000; terms, Li vitvg -room, dining-room and reception hall; hardwood floors, with finfepJaoe; diarge Dutch kitchen, also pantry and 3 large bedrooms; fuH ce ment basement; 3 lots. Call Mara hail 09 Monday. For Sale- Rnsiness Property. MANUFACTURERS AND GARAGE MEN. For sale, corner, 50x100, two-story brick, with powerful elevator, present Income per month $150. suitable for manufacturing or garage, attractive price and terms; say cash $5000. balance monthly payments; Union ave.. near Burnside. Fred W. Newell. 407 Henry bldg Broadway 5030. OVER $7000 PER YEAR NET. - PRICE ONLY $50,000. Corner brick apartment house, close In on w tbt side ; absolutely the best buy in Portland. Completely furnished. Ab solutely no trade on this. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. WEST SIDE CORNER. Close to shopping district. Festival center, schools and churches; ideal lo cation for apartment or hotel; offered at extremely low figure; will consider part trade. F. E. TAYLOR CO., 1201 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 892. QUARTER BLOCK on car line, paved St., 3-story building, picture show and stores. Call Marshall 2455. FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop. In quire 31 N. 6th st. Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN HOME SNAP. 6 acres and modern house. All city conveniences. The place faces on the River highway a mile this side of Oak Grove. All for $10,500, or will divide to suit. NEILAN & PARKHILL, ' Realtors, ' 219 Lumbermen's Bldg., 5th and Stark St a. PRICE WAY DOWN. Capital Highway Ideal Home. Will make a fortune carefully cultivated. $19,5u0, some beaverdam land of genu ine quality, with high land for all build ings and production of grain, fruit and berries. Splendid buildings. Take house and lot or improved small acreage to $50OO or $6000. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., Bd. 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. BEAUTIFUL home on the Peninsula and finest opportunity for small dairy in vi cinity of Portland. Almost acre (4 60x100 ft. lots), with 35 choice bearing fruit trees. Modern 5-room house with basement, reception hall. etc. Tsrw modern dairy barn, chicken house, ga rage, berries, electric lights, gas, city -Water, 100 ft. from car. Street im provements all paid. Will ell all or part. Owner, Columbia 786. ONE ACRE WELL IMPROVED IN THE to, X. rAKT Ui-' THE CITY. Has a nice little 6-room house, 12 fruit trees, berries for home use, chicken house and park, place is. well keot and in good condition. Will sell for" $3is00 on exceptionally good terms. Might con sider trade for furniture in an apart ment house. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwest Bank Bldg. SACRIFICING HIGH-CLASS PLACE 2 ACRES. Abundance fruit and berries, poultry, etc; garag and modern residence with all city conveniences. A pleasant home with an income. Just outside city limits; convenient drive. Sacrificing equity lor $2000. MUST SELL. For details and photos see A. K, Hill. 42-6 L-miuicnueiia uiur. UNDER VALUE. Choice 84 acres; nearly all cleared; uiaca loam boh ; lair ouuaings; con venient to city. 2 blocks from sin tin- on . Oregon City electric. On hard road, close to paved highway into city. Ideal to subdivide. Sacrificing for S4.4)o- terms. See A. K HilL 426 Lumbermen! niag. n FOR SALE 10 acres, 20 miles from Port land on S. P. electric and Pacific high way, 3 acres bearing English walnuts also prune trees, some apples, good housei barn and poultry houses, spring water; price $7500, would accept Port land dwelling part payment, also some mortgage. am vh, uregonlan. SUBURBAN HOME. This beautiful bunealow with it rinw. ers and garden, must be sold to settle an estate, j? our rooms, Dath and sleep ing porch. About quarter acre of land Price $2050. To handle. $800 cash iKueasary. rnone r- u w y . Alonday. iiu i uuiiiB niu uttaeiiieii i, 10 mm. on west side red electric, Woodrow, 300 feet to station, city water, gas and elec tricity available, 100x145 up to 2 acres if required; $3250, $1000 down. 514 Panama. Marshall 4262. ACRE AND SPRING. Fine view acre In Lake View Villas, Oswego Lake, with sprincrs, fine soil. Rocked road, lights; only $500, with $50 down, $10 per month. Call 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. JUST opening, get first choice, acre home sites with water, lights, rocked roads, beautiful groves, spring brook, low price, easy terms. Ride out with us and look them over. Owners, 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. 3 4 . ACRES on pavement and electric line, on Johnson creek, large orchard and berries-; 4-room house and outbuildings close In: $4200, $3000 cash; owner. BD 932. Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL 5 acres right in city on main thoroughfare, all paved: fair buildings. Can subdivide at profit. Only $lOO0 cash balance easy. See A. K. HiiL 4$ Lum bermen bidjc REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. MULTNOMAH HOMES. $650 Buys 50x146 sightly ground with 2-rm. cottage ; modern conven iences; easy terms. $1375 Takes large half acre, choice residence property with small house; modern conveniences; easy terms. $1500 Buys nearly an acre on Clinton ave., close to Multnomah sta tion. A wonderful buy. Nothing like this in the district. $2000 Buys a new modern 4-rm. house on choice sightly lot in. Bucking ham Hts. ; easy terms. $2850 Buys a large tract of ground with new modern bungalow on the bivd. ; $500 cash, bal. easy terms. $3000 Buys an acre of ground with modern 5-rm. house, not far from Multnomah sta., oa terms of $035 cash, baL $30 a month, including interest. $3700 Just finished, new modern 5-rm. bungalow, one of the best built houses in the district; closs to highway in Buckingham Hts. $3750 14 acres of ground with modern 5-rm. bungalow on improved "county blvd., close to Multnomah sta. All modern conveniences. A wonderful buy at the price. Terms. $4000 Beautiful half acre with all kinds of fruit and flowers in Hillvals Tracts, overlooking Tualatin val ley; modern 5-rm. bungalow on easy terms. $4250 Two large sightly lots In Buck ingham Hts., with new modern bungalow; every convenience; ga rage; house just completed; terms. $4500 Four large lots with modern bungalow, overlooking Tualatin valley; wonderful view. Owners compelled to go east; good terms. Just the place for your perma nent home. $6850 Large sightly acre in Ryan place with thoroughly modern 7-rm. bungalow ; garage ; all kinds of fruit and flowers. A wonderful home for a medium slse family. Small cash payment, balance on easy terms. $8000 Thoroughly modern bungalow with large tract of ground; 3 fire places, double sets of plumbing, every convenience, suitable for family hotel or club house; close to Multnomah station. An ideal investment or homesite. I have all kinds of vacant tracts, ranging in size from a lot to an acre, in and about Multnomah. These aites can be handled on terms of 10 per cent down and easy monthly payments, with 6 per cent interest on balance. Take time by the forelock. Winter is com ing and unless you secure a home now, you will be compelled to be cooped up for another year in a rooming or apart ment house at exorbitant rents. Pay this money Into your own property. If you are determined to make a start la the world and make a home for your self, ba- sure to aee me. Anyone with a will and a few dollars to begin can ac quire home at Multnomah. Others are doing it every day. There are over 40 houses being constructed now around Multnomah station and many contem plated. There is a reason. Ask. the people who live there. My office at Multnomah on the boule vard Is now In charge of Mrs. Grant, who will meet you at all times and show you over the property. For appointments with her call Main 3439. Or I will be glad to take you out over the boulevard in my machine at your convenience. BEN RIESLAND, Operator Exclusively La Multnomah Dipt. 404 Piatt Bldg.. 127 Park SL Main 880. MULTNOMAH SNAP. SACRIFICE 5-room plastered bun galow with 1-3 acre; completely fur nished ; magnificent view ; will throw in Grant Bix auto in fine condition if sold before Tuesday night. Sacrifice price only $2700, $750 cash for everything; worth really about $3500. Owner leav ing state. - HALF ACRE with large, modern 4 room bungalow; cement basement and all city conveniences; 3 blocks to sta tion. Big snap, only $4000, $1000 cash. THREE ACRES, with modern 7-room bungalow, fine outbuildings. bearing fruit and berries; long frontage on fine macadam street ; a real bargain and only $7500; $1500 will handle. FOUR ACRES. $4000. fair 5 - room house and necessary outbuildings; all city conveniences; close to station on good auto road; owner a widow, forced to sacrifice. VACANT ACRE tracts at Multnomah, Ryan station. Garden Home and other points on the Oregon Electric or S. P. electric lines; prices reasonable and term to suit. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St., near 2d. Main 8220. Sunday Main 1501. 7-ROOM house, basement, barn, 4 acre on paved road, just inside city limits. 2 blocks to school and car, city water and lights. $3700. $700 cash. 6 rooms, basement, fruit, berries, hen house, cow shed, garden, acre, all city conveniences, 2 blocks to school and car. . $4000, $500 cash. 6-room bungalow, basement, all mod ern except furnace; 27 fruit trees. 2000 raspberry bushes, K acre potatoes, chicken house for 200, runs, garage, close to school and ear. just outside city limits. $4600, $1200 cash. 8-room modern home, except furnace, basement, fruit, flowers, berries, garden, 100x150 on west side, just outside city limits. $4500, terms. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFOREST & CO., Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. NEARLY 7 acres, all in cultivation, good 7-room house, h. and c. water, electric lights, bath and toilet; 50 bearing fruit trees, berries; 6-gallon cow, 150 thor oughbred W. L. chickens, incubator, 2 brooders. 1 hog, 2 chicken houses, barn, wired; also on same place 4-room house, double constructed, ready for lathing right at O. E. station. 94 miles out. For terms address Markle. box 28. Tigard, Or ROTH STATION OREGON CITY ELECTRIC. 2 acres on paved highway, only 2 blocks to car, 2 blocks to school, 8-room house. Including living room, kitchen and 1 bedroom, -screens and linoleum, fruit, shrubbery, gas. Terms. J. A. WICKMAN CO., Realtors. 264 Stark St. Main 583 and 1094. MULTNOMAH STATION, fttlUK ONLY $2400. acre, all in cultivation, berries and some fruit, good 8-room house with Bull Run water, electric lights and gas, large woodshed, on Capitol highway 'close to station ; cash. DUDREY INVFSTMFVT rn 509-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. 4 ACRES. ALOHA RTA tfnn All in cult., fine orchard of large and small fruits, in excellent condition- 7v room house, city water and gas; side walk to pavement and schoolhouse. Half cash, or reduction for all cash HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. a243 Stark St. Main 831. "ON BASElLiNE ROAD. JUSTEAST OF CITY. Good house, commercial orchard all in cultivation; has gas, etc. No rock 12 acres. Out-of-town owners are very anxious to sell. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S787. "FORCED SALE One acre, improved ; lots of berries grapes. 2-room house, chicken house city water; walking distance. Alberta car; $15oO, $250 cash, $10 month, 6 interest; this place must be sold at once R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 165 4th 1021 FOR SALE One acre, $900. House, chick en house, fruit, also adjoining improved acres at reasonable prices: these are worth looking at. Courtney Station. Ore gon City electric east to Oatfield road, south one block then east on Pinehurst roaa. reiiowi, jnuwauKie. rout e 1 PRIVATE party wants to buy suburban home from owner; must be within 8 miles from Portland, near highway and car line; not over $2000. Give full par ticulars to E. M. Kerr. P. O. box 1M5 Portland. HIGH-CLASS SUBURBAN HOME. 6 acres, good 7-room house, all ' city conveniences, garage, barn, large chicken house, 2 acres assorted fruit, good road, near station, 20 minutes out. at bargain Owner. Main 7750. TO SOLDIER who Is eligible to loan from owner, 1 acre, plastered house. city water, bath, gas. electricity, near car, school and paved street. Small payment and monthly payment, pending loan Mr. Silver. 525-35 Auto. 6-ROOM bungalow for sale by owner, 6 min. walk to station on O. E. Ry. ; thor oughly modern and up-to-date; big re duction for cash deal for my eauitv Call Bdwy. 244S. iy BEAVERTON BUNGALOW. Modern, 6 rooms, garage, half acre . ground. 20 minutes from Portland ; will sell or consider trade for Portland real- aence. v uuaia w n t 1 3, LnuiLC cu nL MiA.N HUMES, and acreage, well located, near carllne, from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Rlsley station, on Oregon City carllne PARKROSE ACRE. 5-room bungalow, garage. 3 outbuild ings, fruit and berries. Prescott st., 3d nouw east yraig roaa. sy owner. FOR SALE By owner, 7-room house, lo cated on Capital highway, modern ; 15 minutes from town. Will make big sac rtfice for cash. Call Bdwy. 2448. BEAUTIFUL home and 5 lots at Bull sta tion, iouv, jtuvum xwasi iUt, REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. 4UU RYAN STATION 0-room cottage. combination living room and dining room, 3 bedrooms and kitchen, aU on one floor; gas. city water, city carfare, garage, phone, one full half acre choice orchard with 13 f ull-bearlng cherry trees, berries, flowers, built back about 100 feet from a good stone road, showing a yard which is sheltered in the cool shade of beautiful trees. Cash $700, balance $20 per month. $3000 HUBER STATION, near Beaver ton, 2 acres. 4-room plastered house, gas, city water, barn, chicken house, fruit and berries, only G minutes walk to station; cash $500. balance $25 per month. $3100 BEAVERTON DISTRICT $3100. Three choice acres, 8-room California mission bungalow, bath, with best white enamel plumbing, brick fireplace, plas tered, combination living room and din ing room, semi-Dutch kitchen, gas, city water, wired for elect r4ty, modern chicken house; located on a well built stone road close to station; cash $1000, balance $25 per month; two additional acres can be had, price $4000. If you want a choice 3 or 5-acre tract that is selling below cost, be sure to see this. $4000 ST. MARY'S STATION $4000. 8H acres, 7-room house, semi-Dutch kitchen, bath with flrst-ciass plumbing, septic tank, gas, city water, garage, fam ily orchard, full bearing; fuel wood can - be obtained close by very cheap; also 4 acres in pasture adjoins. Cash $1000. balance easy terms. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. $4500 AT BEAVERTON BANK $4500. A rooming house with 16 rooms, most ly all occupied, big rental Income; 100 feet on paved street, across from the Bank of Beaverton, 200 feet deep. This is an assured investment, with 100x200 and a 10-room hotel in the business cen ter of Beaverton. Heirs desire a settle ment and now put on the market at a sacrifice; cash $2000, balance $100 every three months. Do you want a suburban home? We nave some of the best to select from. See us before you buy. M. E. DeJOICE COMPANY. 221 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1631. YOUR RENT WILL BUY IT. WESTAMPTON! M , (At Wcodrow Station) 20 MINUTES OUT BY FOURTH STREET ELECTRIC. COMMUTATION FARE $ CTS. ACRES $250 TO $500 ONLY FEW OF FORMER LEFT CHOICE SUBURBAN LOCAL ITY BULL RUN WATER NO CITY TAXES NO CITY RE STRICTIONS. ONE 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, MODERN WITH GROUND 100X 145 FEET, FOR SALE. WE WILL CONTRACT AND BUILD TO YOUR PLANS. TO DRIVE OUT TAKE TER W1LLIGER BOULEVARD AND BEAVERTON ROAO TO FAiR VALE STORE, THENCE SOUTH TO CAMERON ROAD. AGENT ON TRACT DAILY. 10 A. M. TO 4 P. M. CITY OFFICE 709 GASCO BLDG. Telephone Auto. 527-SL J. D. HAN LEY. BEAUTIFUL suburban home. blk. from Vancouver city limits, on car line. 11 acres, 5-room plas tered house, barn, garage, ma chine shed, chicken house, fruit in abundance. prunes. pears, peaches, blackberries, grapes, gooseberries, 2V4 acres strawber ries. Ideally located. Must bo sold Monday. Make us an offer. 8ee Earle C. Miller, at ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main SC. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE In Westampton, 20 minutes out on Fourth -street electric, Woodrow station; com mutation fare 8c; new house,' 4 . rooms and bach, standard plumbing, breakfast nook, many built-in features. Bull Run water; grounds 150x125 feet ; no city restrictions, no city taxes: $3000; terms. J. D. HANLET, 709 Gasco Bldg. Phne 527-31. 1 ACRE for sale, Park Rose, on Columbia highway, 1H miles from city -limits; 40 fruit trees. 7 walnut, 9 years old; 7 smaller fruit trees, 700 raspberry bushes, ail bearing fruit. 19 currant. 19 goose berry, 25 grape vines, all bearing lovely fruit; blackberries and loganberries. 2 lovely chicken houses, electrified; 500 chlck brooder; two 2-room houses, nice lawn; ISO pullets, lots of other things which must be seen to be appreciated ; good reasons for selling. Located in Parkrose, Failing st., 2 blocks east of Craig road. Johnson. CHEAP TO CLOSE ESTATE. THE HEITKEMPER PLACE. Beautiful country home of 7 acres, fine grounds, all kinds of nut and fruit trees; acre in grapes, ornamental shrubbery and hedges. Part beaver dam. Ha5 never-failing spring and ram. On hard-surface road and Oregon City car line at Courtney station. Might di vide. Inquire across the road at Lily Pond nursery. FOR SALE at Flrlock sta., overlooking th beautiful Portland golf links and a wonderful view of the Tualatin Valley, a tt-room bungalow, V acre, exceptional ly well built, full cement basement, fur nace, fireplace and alt built-in conven iences. Will sell for $5000, $2000 cash Make appointment - with owner. Main 1983. FOR SALE Small 5-acre suburban hnm. 30 minutes' ride to Portland on Capital highway, 1 miles south of Tigard; new buildings, 4-room bungalow, electricity, water, bathroom, 1 acres In potatoes. Price $3750, $1500 cash. Would sell 1 acre if desired. Address Karl Broeder, S herwo o d. Or. TWO ACRES desirable river front prop erty, east side of Willamette river, near Oak Grove; paved road, gasoline engine and pump, young orchard, two small one-room shacks; price $4500; terms it desired; no agents. Owner. Marshall 2336. HUBER STATION $1800. 14 acres, all fenced. J block from highway, half cleared ; good 3-room house, large living room ; $700 cash, rest very easy. On Red etec HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark St. Main 831. FOR SALE Park Rose, 6 lots. 150x200. fruit trees, berries and grapes, all bear ing, good house, water, gas and elec tricity in; 1 blocks from car, y block off Sandy blvd. Immed late possession. Phone owner. Tabor 7620. OAK GROVE. J 2 H -acre home ranch. 5-room house, near school and car Tine, water system, garage, chicken houses, barn, fruit and walnut grove. Ideal investment; equita ble price. J 924. Oregoninn. THE BEST BUY YET $1200. 5r. house. 50x100 lot, close- to high way, river and Oswego lake; all furni ture; $500 cash takes it, $25 month, incl. int. McFARLAND, Falling Bldg. OSWEGO LAKE. $2100 New bungalow with large homesite; water, lights, plumbing, rocked road, beautiful view of lake and Mt. Hood; terms. - 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. A NEW 5-room bungalow with an acre of ground; a wonderful view; water, gas and modern conveniences; 25 min. from City, on Oregon City line; $4500, terms. AM 956. Oregonlan. FOR SALE on account of death. Two lots and house at 7th and E st., Oswego; Also fresh cow. chickens and furniture if desired. Small payment, rent at 5 per cent. NEW BUNGALOW at station Oregon Elec tric; combination living and dining room kitchen, bath, 2 bedrooms, built-ins. One acre all cultivated, fruit trees and some berries. $3450, terms. Main 7976. FOR COUNTRY homes, acreage and small farms see John E. Howard (REALTOR), 318 Chamber of Commerce. NEW BUNGALOW, $1550. 4 rooms on 100x120. lights, water, gas, view; 9c fare, $150 down. Owner. 500 uoncora oiay. MODERN 5-roorn house with one or two acres, garage, all in bearing orchard, on county road. 20 minutes to town. Call Monday. Main 8796. AT MULTNOMAH station, small, attractive bunjralow on beautifully developed lot $2500; terms. Owner, R. J. Chapman, Work south of stat ion. Main 7623. 3 ACRES, under cultivation. 100 bearing fruit trees; good 6-room modern house, garage and chicken houses; Oregon City car line; S5000 cash. BC 992, Oregonlan A BARGAIN and on very easy terms; 6 room modern house and 1 acre of good soil. Owner, Auto. 626-47. SEE THIS new 4-room bungalow, large lot. water, light, gas: $130Q; only $150 cash. E 799. Oregonian. $1275 WEST SIDE 5 rooms, lights, wa ter, gas, view, fruit, 100x100 corner; 9c fare: terms. AM 784. Oregonlan. $500 FOR 1V6 ACRES, 35 minutes out. al most at station; $25 will handle. Owner AM 7MR. Oregonian. LOOK $50 down, 1 1-3 acres, all cleared; 2-room new house, neax station, for $750. C oil Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE MODERN HOUSE. Eight acres west of Portia nd, 1 ml.e from electric station with board waik all the way ; 4 acres under cultivation, balance In fir timber; all can be culti vated when cleared ; bearing orchard. Good 7-room plastered bungalow with best of white enamel plumbing. Dutch kitchen with built-in, private water system. Pries $4ihh, easy terms. Five acres, 14 miles from Beaverton, Or.; all can be cultivated. 3 acres un der cultivation, bearing orchard. Good 4-room cottage, large barn. chicken house. County road. Price $2S50 with $125U cash, or might discount for all cash or consider small house in Portland, balance payable at $25 per month and luterest semi-annually. Nearly one acre, about 5 blocks from station, on paved road, all under culti vation, bearing orchard; 8-room house with gas, electric llghia and city water. Included with place 1 Vulcan gas range, one gas heater. Price $-5tX). $500 cash. Or will consider 1 to 10 acres with small house in some good valley town. Get our extensive classified lists. Ons acre, 1 block from electric sta tion, between Portland and Gresham. 2 miles from Portland llmita; good 4-rm. plastered house. lot of berries and young fruit trees, woodshed and chicken houe. $o00 cash, balance $15 per month at o. ONLY $100 DOWN. Acre tracts. Alberta district. On paved street with walks and paving paid; all in fruit and berries, very best of land, fruit in fins condition. $100 down, easy terms at 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, ' Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. Over 54)0 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. MULTNOMAH STATION. Fine view sere with bearing fruit and nut trees; elegant 7-rm. bungalow, base ment, fireplace, furnace, built-ins, ga rage, chicken house, city water, else, gas; $7500, terms. Three acres, near sta., S-rm. bunga low, fine for subdivision; only $4500. y acre, fruit and garden, with one of the classiest bungalows ever built; strictly modern and new ; $3650, terms. $250 buys the niftiest little 3-rm. bungalow with electricity, gas, city water, mostly furn.. including new gas range and heater; 2 fine lots on Capitol highway, for only $1900. It wili pay you to see what ws have before you buy, for we can find you just the place you want. Sun. or week days. Ned Burke, Main 1903, Multno mah Sta, CUTE ACRE TRACTS, OSWEGO LAKE! 100x100 lot, water's edge, bet. Goodin and Lake Grove, piped water, lights, house, $2000. H acre, 3-r. house, on auto road, 3 blks. sta., elec lights, piped water. 3-r. cottage, garden, berries, fruit; 91650, $500 cash. 1 acre, 4-r. house, new, close to sta., modern. A snap. $2100, $200 cash. 1 acre, 3-r. house, new. $1275, $150 cash. 50x100 lot on lake, near sta.; $1000, terms. Single acre tracts, $10 down, $10 monthly, at McFARLAND'S STORE, Lake Grove, Sunday. Week days, 208 Fai 1 1 ng Bldg. $1250. Drive out and see this beautiful corner lot, 50x100, facing east and south, with fir trees, plum trees, also fine walnut trees in parkin?. It's the northwest corner of Bra zee and 39th st. Branch office, 45th and Sandy blvd. Open all day Sundays. J. L. HARTMAN CO. FOR SALE by owner, or would consider trade for home in Mt. Tabor district: Ideal suburban home, 2 acres, strictly modern 2-story bungalow, 8 rooms and bath, full basement with furnace; gas. electricity. Bull Run water, spacious porches front and back, back porch screened in ; fruit trees, berries, roses and shrubbery; chicken runs in back; close to O. W. P. depot on Estacada car line: good schools and churches : oleas- ant residence section; on Damascus road opposite Lawrence ave. ; price reason able: some terms : or would trade for Mt. Tabor property vicinity 60th and Hawthorne. Mrs. C. M. Zimmerman, box 243, Greshum, Or. Phone Gresham 2491. A SNAP. ONLY $300 DOWN. One acre and brand-new 6-room bungalow, on paved highway; city con veniences: nremace. r reach doors. Dutch kitchen, full basement. This place is offered at S3SO0. One-third less than Its worth. Hurry. Open Sunday. Phone for an appointment. Main o20L BOONE -CLEARWATER, 505 Couch Bidg. i Realtors. Always Terms to Suit. 6-ROOM bungalow, 1-3 acre, Ryan; $350 tawh, $3j mo. Mar. 3760. For ia.le Acreage. 10 ACRES. All good level land with 7 acres in cultivation,, 16 bearing fruit trees, 14O0 raspberries. 2SUU straw berry plants in bearing, 1 acres in potatoes. House; barn full of hay. new chicken house 12x50, milk house. Personal property, horse, cow, 90 hens. 1 pig, cream sepurator, plow. harrow, small tool. Everything for $2700. Terms, A. C. HOWLAND. 620 Main St., Oregon City, Or. Or 601 Swetland Bldg., Portland. Or. $45 DOWN BALANCE $9 MONTH city water and gas, close in on paved highway. f none us xor an apuowwueuw Main 5201. BOONE-CLEARWATER, 505 Couch Bldg. Realtors. Always Terms to Suit. A BIG BARGAIN. ' K.ftrT suburban homesite, 2 acres bot torn land cultivated, 3 acres as nature made It, right on car line, nouievara, 26 miles from city limits, a dandy creek, nothing around Portland like it for the price; $25U half cash and will take light car tor balance. Call Wood lawn 564. " $700 27 acres, 12 miles Portland, Skyline oouievaru, muaii uuutm, vnx a, creek, springs. $4200 3 acres, house, barn, fruit, creek, Powell Valley road, or 6 acres if desired. (5000 8 acres, Buckley ave., 4-r. house. $300 acre 27 acres, Huber, garden land. C H AS. RINGLER Sz CO.. 225 Henry bldg. THE BEST BUY IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. 10 or 20 acres, cl-eared; good, deep soil, suitable for fruit or berries; 2Va miles from good valley town; must be sold this week; No per acre. an Wbi Oregonian. lO ACRES, just west 92d SC. new $3oOO bungalow, good barn, chicken house, 13u Ahoica BmK cherries. t years oio : last year's cherry crop $450; a 10O per month milk route ; l.rO bearing fruit trees; $14M on rhubarb. . W2 U2d su Mt. Scott car. FOR SALE or trade, lo acres, under cul tivation, good sou, no use. Darn, iarg chicken house, lti miles north Vancou ver. Wash. Price $2ooO; would trade for house in Fort I ana. A b vi 1, oregonian POWELL VALLEY ROAD. ' Cultivated, ideal location, gas, electric ity, bargain for $1250, $350 cash. $25 pr mo. 44 3 Stock Ex. bldg. Mar. 3324. 10 ACRES ROTH E STATION $5000. All in cultivation and on good road; will sudbdlvide; 2 acres, $15tK). HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. Main S31. 243 Stark St. R ACRES SUBURBAN, $127 DOWN. near 82d st. paving; $25 minutes' drive center of town, easy walk car; no rock or gravel; uiO. J. C. Corbin Co., S05-6-7 Lewis Bldg. 4-ROOM house and 1 acre in high state of cultivation, running water, close to electric line; $1600, easy terms. See Merrlfieid. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 158 14, ACRES, 3-0 minutes out, Oregon Elec tric, 4-room house, fuii basement, 2 . cows, 1 pig, 35 hens, ss tons hay. $1600; one-third cash. Phone Wdln. 2497. bt;y FROM owner, 1 3-10 and house, to town; $850 buys this or will reduce for cash olter. can uowy. Z44S or see me at 204 Henry bldg. HOUSE and 2 acres in high state of cul tivation on highway and electric line, electric light, $1750, $250 down. Draper, 408 Board of Trade. A GOOD buy, 1 acre, shack, t blocks nortn Kose -ny car, sioh; term. J. Lleder, E- 72 d and Prescott sts. Zfr ACRES of good land near Bryant sta., r., cioe 10 romana, -j. s cui L. $S75. McFarland. Falling bldg. TH acres, uouse. orcnara. water pipea; a uargain, easy terms. Mai 0012. Sunday Sell wood 25Q9. FOR SALE 7 acres, 6-room house, Powell Valley road; terms. BC 144, Oregonian. REAL ESTATE. For bale -Acreage. NiW, FULLY MODERN HOME, i;2 ACRES LAND, EDGE GOOD COLLEGE TOWN. We herewith offer the acreage bar gain of the season. It will especially appeal to parties wanting acreage with absolutely modern houae and best school advantages. The house is new. leae than one year old, hardwood floors throughout, interior finish fine coat white enamel, best brass hardware with cut-glass door knobs; living room has tile fireplace, built-in bookcases, break fast room, large bath room, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, all built ins. It Is a 6-room house with large attic and sleeping porch; faces on pave ment. Just few hundred feet from city limits. It has electric lights and city water; about to forget but there are 22 acres of good land and all in cultivation; price $S500. Either the house or the land is worth right at the price asked for both. In eay walking distance of high school, college, grammar sen 00 is of McMiunviMe. Can make you. this price only for few dove. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North Sixth St. Broadway 4381. HIGHLY IMPROVED 8 ACRES. 10 MILES OUT. This Is the class of anything of same character around Portland; o a cits very best of land, lies perfectly, all in cul tivation; 2 acres bearing prunes, 2 acres apples. The house is a beauty seven rooms, plastered, basement, wash trays, hot and cold water, bath, patent toilet, fireplace, built-ins, wide front porch; presents splendid appearance and is a fine structure, especially well built and practically new; IO miles from city limits; pavement all way except last half mile, which is good macadam and to be paved right away. Right at - stores, bank, cannery and station. Price $Q4KM. HARGROVE REALTY CO., Realtors, 122 North ftth St. Broadway 4UiL WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY. 11 acres at the head of Terwilllger blvd., with wide frontage on the high way. This property has a number of large, graceful maple, cedar, fir and dogwood trees, wild berries, many tine springs which would supply enough wa ter for lakes, lilly ponds or swimming pool; city water piped on the grounds, gas and electric lights obtainable: only 15 minutes from Morrison and Fifth st. This is a fine and sightly location for country home, hospital or amusement park. The price (think of It) is only $10,000, terms. Might subdivide; this will make a fine platting subdivision. Call at once, don't phone. See Mr. Hinkle with John E. Howard (REALTOR), 31$ Chamber of Commerce. 0 ERY old man, sick and helpless, must have money; must sacrifice beautiful 20 acre place; lies beautiful, all tillable, -very much open land, no rock, some stumps, small portion cleared. In pota toes and oats, fruit, fenced, beautiful section of country, 2 miles city of Hlils boro, miles electric station, clear title for $2200; land near by is $."H and $0O0 per acre; rich country. This is your opportunity; secure something ex tra fine. C. L. Becker, 133 Hi First Bt. CHEAP HOME IN COUNTRY. 11 acres located 30 miles from Port land, reached by auto or train ; near store and P. O. ; good soil ; 1 acre cleared Nice littie 2-room shack. Spring at back door; nothing fancy about this, but owner needs money badly and is going to sacrifice it for $75-0 cash. If you have the money this) is your chance, LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. ACREAGE NEAR O. A. C. FOR CALIFORNIA. 125 acres within 14 miles of stats agricultural college on paved highway; all can be cultivated. Is unimproved, but in fair shape. Price only $125 per acre; want CaL GINNEY & CO., Corvallis, Or. 6 ACRES, bargain, by owner. 10 miles out city. 2 miles to station and highway, near school, all clear, 2 acres beaverdam. tiled, 2 wells, new chicken house, 130 leghorns, 4-room house, large woodshed, good milch cow, 2 pigs, horse. 6 tors hay, acre strawberries, acre potatoes, acre vegetables. 8 cords wood, furniture; all canned goods, every thing for $2500 cash. Write J. Watt, 1025 East Flanders. city. SEE US for acreage and suburban homes. We have some bargains. One piece we can trade for city property. NEILAN & PARKHILL, Realtors, 219 Lumbermen's Bldg., 5th aud Stark Sta WOULD you like to poasese something nice, close in, near Greahem? About 8 acres, fine, all tillable, but where run ning stream runs, fenced on 3 sides, spring, 2 acres cleared, balance brush, some rotten stumps, mile electric sta tion, good road, fine soil, and for quick sale, $5; $500 cash payment; time balance. C. L. Becker, 13:J First st. TEN-ACRE FARM, $4500. 10 acres of fine land, half mile from Gxeelmm, on fine road. 9 acres in culti vation, ti-room house, good barn, 2 good wells, all kinds of tree fruit and ber ries, walnut and shade trees. Price $45O0. Easy terms. KRLDER & ELKINOTON. Gresham. WHERE YOU CAN RAISE CHICKENS. 2 cultivated acres, facing on macad amized road, just outside city limits. Bull Run water; $800 each, on easy terms. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE fr CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 3 ACKES NEAR TUALATIN FOR $0O0. This Is a fine piece of land; faces on good macadam road, is near Red elec tric station and Tualatin ; some nice cedar and fir timber; price $000. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North Uh Sr. Broadway 43M. PRICES REDUCED ONE-HALF. We have several small tracts from 2 to 10 acres, within 8 to 18 miles from Portland, near Mt. Hood electric line and hard surface auto roads; very fer tile soil ; our auto at your service. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK & CO.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. 1 ACRE $100 CASH. Facing directly on Seo-flon Line road, all in cultivation. Bull Run water, Jut east of 82d St.; you will sea our sign; balance $20 per month. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE A- CO.. 2Q1-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $125 CASH and $15 per month buys a beau tiful 10-acre tract 15" miles from Port land; beautiful trees, spring, good road, etc. Ideal chicken ranch; price $1250. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. SURELY a rare offer, S acres, pretiy place, fine land, running stream, brush and rotten stumps, y mile electric sta tion, beautiful country, near Hillsboro, offered tor $1200. C. L, Becker. 133 Vs First t.. 10 ACRES, clote to Portland, all under cultivation, fine soil, and fine road right to place, nine miles from heart of the city. Price $4000. Wakefield, Fries Co., 85 4th st. SACRIFICE. 2 acres, close to car line and beauti ful rustic style house, just completed. Onlv $2000. terms. Se Mr. Merrifield. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg. B.Iwy. 1658. FOR SALE Approx. 10 acres with 3-room house, close to main highway. ThLa will make dandy place for ex-service man. Am pricing this at sacrifice. Call Bdwy. 244S or see me at 2Q4 Henry bid;?. 40 ACKES stump land. 3 mil-s east of Rainier on county road, f black soil, view on the CoHimnia river, water on land, $20 acre; $300 cash, balance on terms. H. Kralik, Box 127, Rainier, Or. FOR SALE 10 acrtfi good agricultural land in Tillamook county. Or. Price $12iK cash. A. D. Becker, 2ti25-A McNalr ave., St. Louis. Mo. 2 Vi -ACRE WOODED TRACT. On Barr road, 3 milea from city; price $1125, $50 down and $15 per month. STRONG & CO.. Realtors. 606 Chamber of Commerce B!dg. 8 MILES FROM PORTLAND. I have tract. unimproved, easily cleared, on the Oregon City car line; fine suburban homesite. The price? Well, you will be surprised. B. H. Stew art, 1654 4th St. Main 5275. FOR SALE 27 acres, 1 mile from Eagle Creek school. 10 acres cleared, 4 acra In orchard. New house nearly finished. Price $2500. Owner, C. L. Chambers, Eagle Creek Station on Estacada car line. CHOICE acre-age. 30 miles down Columbia h-iiprh way; a ny s i ze tr a c ts ; low prices, easy terms; can handle some tradje. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. -48 Stark St. - FOR COUNTRY homes, acreage and small farms see John E. Howard (REALTOR), 318 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 80 acres of land In Clatsop couiwy, 17 miH from Seaside ; house and small improvements ; $1 20O cash. Owner, A. Johnoon, 740 Water et. 44 ACRES, cloee to bus4net center Chula Vista. Cal.: house, gas, electricity, barn, chicken houses. Price $4i5AU Owner, a Stoutt, Holf, Or. For Sale Acreage. TERWILLIGER HEIGHTS. TTnsurpHseed homesites on Terwilllger Heights now offered for sale in tracts of one or more acres. You may have your choice of wood, d tracts or cleared, with unexcelled views of the city, rivers and mountains. it is as close in as Lflsirelhurst park, on a 5 per cent grade to the tract, w ith no bridges and no tracks to cross; along the most beauti ful boulevard In the city. Was than 10 minutes' drive from Sixth arrd Wash ington streets; building restrictions; no such value has aver been offered for the money. It is the cheapest acreage offered in the city and on easy terms. Why go bo much tarther out and pay so much mors T Why go the same dis tance out and pay so much more for a city lot with no view than we are ask ing for an sere wHh. such a view as you will soon be unable to purchase at any price 7 Knn R. F. BRYAN. 500 Cham- of Com. Bldg. Main 1983. EXTRA GOOD 29 ACRES. Fine soil, ail but about 6 acre In cultivation, running water, sev eral nice building sites, on good macadam road, near paved high way and good station, fine west side district and only about 25 minute riile from Portland. Owner refused $373 per acre for east 10 acres short time ago; he has since bought other property and Instructed me to cut price and seU the 29 acres more or less for $300 per acre. I urge a com parison of land and price with other nearby acreage. One of my very best acreage propositions and very best buys. Terms. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. Real Farms. Choice Acreage. COMMERCIAL EGO FARM. For sale, commercial egg farm, making a specialty of select' table eggs. My ggs demand a premium. Entire output engaged year round. 23 acres fine land; 4-room plastered house, good well; equip ment for 1200 laying hens. 700 Wh.te Leghorn pullets, all Tancred strain, 250 of them Tancred ImperiaJs, best in the world. Just beginning to lay. Good road V mile each way to liaae Line road and Columbia highway. Take Base Line road to Andrews road, first road west of Ruby stock farm, then north H mile to my place. Phone Oresham ,47. As I am, a dry goods man. would trade for store. J. S. LANG HORN E, Route 2. Box 92. Troutdale, Or. DIVERSIFIED FARMING. Tn SUNDERLAND ACRES at Eat 29th st. and Columbia blvd. This is close-in acreage, a fine location for a little country home that pays for itselC Roads no w under construction from Co lumbia blvd. and 29th st. to choice 6 to 20-acre tracts; outside city limits, low taxes, $400 to $000 per acre; lo down, balance annual payments. Rich river bottom lands. Fruits and. vegetables grown in abundance. ELROD & DRYER. Owners. 283 Stark St. Bdwy. 11SS. 1 ACRE OF GARDEN LAND $360. Buy today, before some one steps la ahead and gets this beautiful sightly acre for $SG0; the soil is exceptionally fine, adapted for all kinds of garden truck, it is situated so close to the city limits that you can live on it and still pursue your vocation in the city, no building restrictions. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ATTENTION, EX-SERVICE MEN ELIGIBLE FOR LOAN. Want four to. buy four 40-acre tracts adjoining, all in cultivation, good loca tion, eastern Oregon ; $2u00 down on each 40, balance of loan you use to work land with. Will take second mortgage for bal. and take part of crop each year till paid. Small payment now will hold till loan is available. Now is time to see it. Write Henry Kiessenbeck, 1216 N. 11th St., Boise, Idaho. 10 ACREd IMPROVED $1600. Located 30 miles from Portland, 1 mile from station; all good tillable land with 5 acres cleared, 1 acre in potatoes; good 14x16 rustic shack, Barn, chicken brooder and incubator houses, 2 good incubators and brooders, farming implements, tools, furniture, etc.; price $l0tK), terms $5t)0 down and long time on balance. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, P13 Chamber of Commerce. OWNER FORCED TO SELL. Ideal suburban home, 6 acres, near Gresham, strictly modern 6-room bun galow, concrete basement, furnace heat, standard plumbing, Dutch kitchen, private water system, garage, barn, hen house and runs; good assortment of fruit; owner ready to sacrifice. Price $55410. K RIDER & ELKIN-HTON. Oregharru 320 ACRES of land in the Litt'e White Salmon Valley, on good -country road near highway ; 240 acres of this cut over land, 80 acres good standing tim ber, abundance of good water ; would make good stock ranch; would exchange for city property, old house and large grounds with shrubbery preferred. Wili assume up to $400o Mrs. L. L. Cook, Cooks, Wash. ' 45 ACRES ON CARL1NE FOR $1300. 45 acres, rolling land, large fishing stream, some cedar and cord wood, 2 shacks, Joins electric line and lies be tween Boring and Barton. Price $1300l HARGROVE REALTY CO., REALTORS. 122 N. th St., near Glisan. Bdwy. 43S1. iiLMifM UL'U V- . .IT r A V I - TTYT 1 C M out Section Line road, just east of 82d st. for $825, all in cultivation. Bull Run . water, just a few left at this price; don't delay, buy now. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO., - 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GARDEN SOIL, ALL DRAINED. UNDER CULTIVA TION. BETWEEN MULTNOMAH AND TI GARD, 26 ACRES, CLOSE TO HIGH WAY. WHAT DO YOU OFFER? ALVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR, PHONE 37. 04 BD. OF TRADE BLDG. ACREAGE ACREAGE. The best located 5-acre tract on 82d st fair 6-room house, barn and out buildings, lots of fruit trees and berries; 174-ft. frontage on 82d st. What have you got to trade? Want small home or farm land. Come and see us. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK ECH- 75 DOWN and $15 per month will buy a beautiful country homesite on Clear crek. 45-mlnute ride from city; beau tiful trees, creek and good roads; five acres, price $750. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bdwr. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. 1 a.-i;k .iitst OUTSIDE CITY. Facing on macadamized road, all In cultivation. Bull Run water; only $325. on easv terms. R H CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. "01-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $50 DOWN, balance 2 years, no interest, U ACRES, $750 up; under cultivation; Bull Run water. 5 min. walk from 7c carfare. Call Bdwy. 1323 between 10 and 12 for appointment. THE JOHNSON REALTY COMPANY, fi 2 2 Henry B Idg. Realtor. S2DST R E ET $ 1 3o 0. acre on corner, all in cult., gas, wa ter and elec; very easy terni3; no pay ment down required if purchaser will bHBNRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR vfnin sa l 243 Stark St. SMALL HOUSE AND AL-Ktva. On Barr road. 3 miles from city lim its; houae is new with good wril; rich deep soil, part cleared; price $1050. $1.0 cash. $20 per Tnontb- STRONG & CO.. Realtors. 606 Oh amber of Comm erce BM g-. "BEAUT 1 FUL COUNTRY HOMESITE. By owner, 5. 07 acre, partly cov ered with magnificent grove of firs, ma ple and dogwood, mut't be seen to be vpreciated. lniuire vwin ana riarnaon 31 1 1 w f U K I -. -T M. J. Walsh. 0 ACRES good land. 4 acres ready to plow shack and good spring water, all fenced with woven wire, about 300 cords of wood, 4 miles from Gresham. Price $lSno $500 cash. 133 Vi rirst iL, room 1. Nelson. Jl ACRES $0000. 18 miles from Portland; good 7-room house; electric- light; barn; right on electric line; close to highway; joins Hillsboro; $1500 cash. Bundy, 618 Cham- ber of Commerce bldg. "STOCK. RANCH. 160 acres n. w. of Willamlna: running water, lots of grass, plenty of open land, part level, only $10 per acre, terms. 220 Chamber of Commerce bide. S EACH R EST BROS. FOR SALE CHEAP. 160 acres of good new wheat land, all under fence: near Weaver, Idaho. Call Automatic 234-53, or write O. C. Shelby, 41NI K. Davis ft.. Port land. Or. $50 DOWN, balance 2 years, no interest, y ACRES, $750 up; under cultivation ; Bull Run water, 6 min. walk from 7o carfare. Call Aut 643-01 for appoint ment. WHITE for map of western vV asnington, showing location, low price and ea-y terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wa-sh. 5, 10, 20-ACRE tracts, all under cult i ation, 8 miles from city, on paved road; owner muft sll; see me If you want a bargain. Phone East 3770. Pawson. W Sao. Oregonian. 4V ACRES, city limits Portland, for sale at a bargain, all in cultivation, fine ber ry land. Clias. Gill, Washougal, Wash. A A