THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 14, 1921 19 JTAN-TED TO BtSI, Koomn With Board. WANTED By couple wita llysar-oId boy. to rnt. but prefer leasing for year and mlKht buy. 5 to 8-room house near as possible to Irvinston school: would consider furnished house; rood references. Give bouse address, number of rooma and price wanted. L. 886, Ore gonian. TWO COUPLES want good rooms and board in. well-furnished modern home; Irvington district preferred. AJ 8S8, Oregonlan. ' llowikeeplng Kooms. LADY with young daughter wants two houspketn rooma or would Keeo house for business peopl- In or near Roe City references. A Ir w, uregontan. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, toilet, bath and gas: nice place for two. S8 E. 11th. between Halght and Mc laughlin. Phone Sellwood nl. WANTED liy a elderly people, two east side furnished housekeeping rooms. R 943. Oregonlan. 1 BUSINESS man. wife, girl 9 and baby 11 months, want 4 or 5 furnlshad rooms, one month commencing August 15, flat, apartment or bungalow, good loca tion and moderately priced; may re main indefinitely. J 7M1. Oregonian. MOTHER and daughter employed want three-ronm furnished Hat or apartment; bet references. Phone mornings, at 7 1 IkS. RESPONSIBLE adults desire S or ft-room furnished flat, close in. west side only. Reasonable. G 918. oregonian. LOWER flat, clean, not over 2S. i!S5 or Aut. 3U-00. Wdln. liusincss Places. WANTED torSe, living rooma and fix tures, suitable for grocery; good location on car line; corner preferred- Auto 25. WANTED To rent building with, grocery store fixtures. Main 71U. . WANTED To rent store, good location, reasonable rent. 442 Washington. WANT good downtown location for candy store, soft drinks, etc. C -'. Oregonlan. DOWNTOWN location wanted lor musto studio. J 930. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WOULD like to rent or sub-lease good duck lake for one yar or term of years. Phone Main f4S7 : ask for Porter, or write 2S1 Hawthorne FOR RENT. 1 SLEEPING porch. 1 sleeping room. 1 2 room apt., porch. 653 Washington St. furnished Koonas. HOTEL. FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th.. Rate; by the week, to. and up; hot and cold running water, hot water beating system; tub and shower baths. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST TH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. 1.25 PER DAY. tl PER WK. AN D UP. CONVENIENT ALL-N 1GHTGARAGES. BAKER HOTEL. 263 H &th St., opp. City Hall. Strictly modern and up to -date; quiet and refined. Under new management and thoroughly renovated; 1 per day. $5 per wk. anduo-Transients solicited. ANGELA HOTEL, S-5 Washington street Large lobby, automatic elevator, phone and running water in each room, rooms with or without bath, per week up. excellent home-cooked meals next door HOTEiLS ROWLAND. ANNEX. MART LAND, VIRGINIA, 170 guest rooma 207--2UV!l 4th st. Rates 75c. 1; per day. With bath. $1.50 per day up. Centrally located. Spec, rates to permanentgueBts. SELL ladies' dresses at wholesale direct from manufacturer to consumer; big profits; write for free sample outfit Murie.1 Dress Co., 306 W. Van Huron. Chicago. EUCLID HOTEL. 573 Washington, at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths; rates to permanent guests. SHEFFIELD APTS. " One large outride room with bath, a dandy downtown location for business woman or man; 125. Broadway 4U75. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington ot. ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. THE HAr.EL. Thoroughly renovated outside rooms, strictly modern, from 4 to tS per week. 3M5 Third st. K1TZ HOTEL PARK. AND MORRISON. Ideally located in the very center of thutheater and shopping district. Spe claT summer rates now In effect. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooma and suites at reason- able rate by week or month. THE ST. PAUL. 130 4tlr cor. Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 75o up. Private bath 94. Special rates by week or month. LA RR AC EE HOTEL Modern rooma $2.50 week up; close to dental college and 2 blocks from steel bridge. East Sia. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 Eleventh St., near Morrison; clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. LARGE furnished room. Glen Court apt., near HelliB theater, private entrance to room. Phone Main 32ob. apt. 3. 2 FURNISHED rooms, close Jefferson reasonable high and Thompson schools, rates. Woodlawn 11H4. MARL YN HOTEL, 17TH AND CoUCli. Large, attractive, modern rooms by week or month; rates reasonable. ' RECTOR hotel, 9 North Broadway, new and modern Yale locks on doors, 1 per day up. 5 per week up. Private baths. HOTEL BARR. 112 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot El per day. 5 per week and up. TWO fine large sleeping roomsi front view; well furnished. 171 West Park, Westonla hotel. -tuT UCKLiV, Morriaua St.. at lo.h . $1 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phone' and baths. Light and airy. BUCKINGHAM hotel, 632 Wash. st. Mod, rooms, free phone, bath, reasonable. N.1CELY furnished sleeping rooms, and up. 22Ni Washington. i&o DAY. $2.50 V tCEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. ROSE-FRIEND. Bdwy. and Jefferson Fur, room with private bath. Mar, 1410. GOOD outside sleeping rooms, $2.50 week up. 426 Burnside. bet. 10th and 11th. THE MAPLE, 30 N. 17th. Furnished rooms, hot and cold water in rooma FURNISHED room, gentleman onlyT Call afternoon, 54 N. loth st. SAN MASCO HOTEL, ilth and Wash, st. Rooms 10 per month and up. I'nfumisheil Rooms. UNFURNISHED third floor In Irvlngton home to adults, two large rooms, closets large hall and bath, het, lights and water Included. Phone East 640S. 3 ROOMS, bidg. oth and Stark; steam heat, hot and cold water. Apply lOul Board of Trade bldg. $23 ALL LOWER iloor, 3 nice rooms; bath, water and lights. 470 Vancouver ave. THREE rooms, private bath, sleeping porch, private entrance, adults, refer ences. 541 Montgomery st. TWO unfurnished rooms for rent. Bhall 30f5. THREE unfurnished rooms, walking dis tance. 858 Ross St. Automatic 317-14. FumKlieil Koomw in Private Faintly. WELL-FURNISHED sleeping and cold water. 200'. 5th rooma: hot LN A COTTAGE, clean, comfortable room for clea.n man. 169 17th at. SOU 14TH ST. Choice room, modern con", venlepcea; walking dlstanje. Main 3803. NICELY furnished front modern. Main. Phone East 1801. 633 E. DOL RLE room, hot and cold water, twin beds. Broadway 4001. LOVELY front room, also housekeeping in a modern flat. Main 2350. NICELY furnished rooms. t. Bdwy. 3ort!. Uod Northrup SINGLE room in quiet family, on Couch. Bdwy. 1429 after near 17th 6 P. M. COZY furnished bedrooru and kitchenette, near car. Tabor 2743. 23S 11TH ST.. a clean, comfortable room with all conveniences. VE11V desirable rooni adjoining bath, walking distance. 62 Ella St. TWO rooms for gentleman. 2 meals, mod. conveniences, private home. Tabor 3S22. ROOM, finely furnished; a large front sleeping room: reasonable. 06:1 Kearney. NICELY furn:hed venionces. 367 E. room, modern con 7th st. N. $ ATTIC room, gentleman, west side Roferences. 729 Glisan. Mar. 3613. FURNISHED room to 1 or 2 men 900 East Burnside. $10 or $12.50 per month. FURNISHED room with bath. $10 mo. 1184 Union ave. N. 237 12TH ST. Modern room for two nes men only. TWO BEDROOMS for rent, 030 Kerby t Phone Woodlawn 6202. ONEKIC1S sleeping room, close in. Bdwy. FUR N ISHED rooms for business men. Call Sunday or evenings. 326 loth st. SLEEPING room with close in. 209 Halsey bath, reasonable; LARGE front room, modern, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 86 N. 17th st; FINE room with running wnterTwest-ildeT clow in. splendid view. 321 Clay st. ROOM with brenkf.isr in private family, use of phone. Call Tabor 3202. GOOD room, new house, neat club, gentlemen, reasonable. Multnomah Main 2U19. ROOMS for rent, 53 5th street. Main 1103. FOR RENT. tirni-.h-d Rooms In Private Family. ROOM and board in private home for em ployed man and wife or two girls who would share room. Instead of board would give kitchen privileges, reason able rate. Marshall 2800. FURNISHED sleeping room, good furnace heat, new furnishings, newly decorated, every convenience. walking distance, best surroundings. 781 Glisan St., west aide. Main BSS4. BEAUTIFUL large room in private home; twin beds, parlor, piano, home conven iences, close in; congenial young man wishes roommate. 64 N. 18th st- Broad way i 1 . 141) NORTH 22d St., large room, facing north, suitable for bachelor apt., travel ing or business man; hot water at all times, bath next room; family o. 3 adults. Main 6S7. WEST SIDE, near library, nice front room, 3 windows, big clothes closet, electric lights, for 1 or 2 men, $4 per week, no carfare. 228 10th st. Phone Main 5733. LARGE, airy room In beautiful Ladd's Add. home.; suitable for one or two young men: breakfasts if desired. 60 i Orange at., at E. 16th. LARGE sunny room, beautifully furnished, bath and phone; references exchanged; must be seen to be appreciated; gen tlemen. Broadway 4232. FURNISHED large front room with fire place, suitable for two people, with or without board. 000 Savior st. Broad way 1473. BEAUTIFUL furnished large room in apartment; suitable for 1 or 2 nurses or business girls. 425 West Park, apart- mem No. 202. 1 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN FINE HOME. ONE 10 PER MONTH, ONE $23 PER MONTH. NEAR GOOD SAMARI TAN HOSPITAL. MAIN 4234. FOR RENT Large sleeping room, nice for couple; piano and home privileges; Sun nyslde district; one block from carllne. 120 E. 34th at. Phone Tabor 51SS. VURN18HBD room in private family for gentleman, with or without garage, near Municipal golf links. Inquire today or evenings. Phone Sell. 809. FURNISHED room, private family: use of kitchen; for single woman, in ex change for help with housework. 1S Curry at. THREE well-furnished rooms, all modern conveniences, in sinewy privaio 328 13th st. 15 per month each. Phone nin 7104. HANDSOMELY' furnished front room in an Irvlngton home of refinement: board if desired. 20 min. to city; garage. 023 E. 2.1th X. EAST SIDE, walking distance, nice clean room, electric lights, large clothes closet, furnace beat, close to bath, 1 or 2 peo ple. East 8333. BUSINESS woman want ployed, to share home pense; pleasant suburb. gonian. two glrlav em moderate ex AK 803. Ore-. NICE front room, close in. furnace heat: could give two rooms to congenial people. Call East 6105 before noon. Sunday, ROOM in private family big enough for 2, newly furnished, never used before; private lavatory, walking distance, ref erences to be furnished. East 2109. COMFORTABLE front room, modern; walking distance. Nob Hill district. MHin 04S5. NICE housekeeping rooms, very clean; 13 minutes out, in young widow's home; llKht. gas, phone; f.!5. Sellwood 8. NICELY furnished, clean and cool, outside, sleeping room,, bath and phone, walking distance. 13.50. 361 14th st. Auto. 521-64. TWO NICELY furnished rooma in private family; board and home privileges If desired. Phone Tabor 5667. NEWLY furnished room in private family, private bath; suitable for two 668 Ever ett, near 21st. THREE, sleeping rooms, one large front room suitable for two. 171 East 13th su Phone East 2617. EXTRA large front room, large closet, 4 windows; also smaller room; modern home; walking distance. Eaat 3748. ROOM with dresser for 2 young men, in a small private family, 1 block to car. Call Tabor 3202. TWO ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, kitchen privilege, to right party. Phone East 3277. 2 WELL furnished rooma; water, light, phone; close in. on carllne. 3D 4 Clinton, corner 13th. LARGE room, running hot and cold water, very reasonable; sleeping porch; large closet: 8 per mo. 431 West Park. 2 FRONT rooms; free phono, parlor, bath; all comforts of a private home, for gen tlemen. 314 Salmon. Phone Mar. 1278. DESIRABLE room and alcove fireplace; modern home for men; Nob Hill; walk- Ing distance. 738 Hoyt. Main 2U04. FURNISHED room to rent, bath, modern conveniences, close in. walking distance, 133 E. th St.. corner Ash. PLEASANT front room, strictly modern home, walking distance. reasonable. Holladay Ad. Call East 4401. CONNECTING sleeping and siuing room for one or two; $4 a week; board if de sired. 607 Glisan St. Bdwy. 048. NICE clean room for a clean bachelor, $10 a month. 163 16tb, west side. Main 4933. LARGE cheerful front room, running wa ter, quiet, refined home. 21st. near Washington; references. Marshall 3735. NICE, clean, high-class furnished room, connecting bath, reasonable; walking dis tance. 230 10th St.. near Salmon. SLEEPING room in private family, J12; near hospital. 234 N. 24th, cor. North rup. Marshall 1009. LARGE, pleasant room, close in, for gentleman; rent reasonable. Eaat 1962, Garage room. DESIRABLE front room with sleeping porch, all conveniences, suitable 2 or 3 gentlemen. 784 Pettigrove. KXTRA-WELL furnished sleeping rooms, $2.50 week and up. 228 Washington street. Abbett hotel, LARGE, pleasant room, walking distance, for gentleman. 549 Wash. St., flat B, second floor. $14 LARGE, airy room, heat, light, phone. two or three young men or employed couple, In modern home, close in. K. 3534. NICE, clean housekeeping, room, also sleeping room; suitable for gentleman, for rent. 3,S5Va 4th st. TWO CONNECTING rooms for rent, suit able for 2 or 3 gentlemen. 305 11th St., Mat l. NICELY furnished room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; references required. '4:i i i tn st. NICELY furnished room, suitable for one or two ladles with privilege of cooking oreaKfast: references required. 243 nth. SMALL sleeping rooms, Columbia st. Modern. $2 per week. 414 -viarsnail ONE FRONT room, suitable for man and wife. Alberta: transient. Wdln, lo2. NICE ruom for two. Hawthorne ave. Board if desired. 500 FURNISHED room with garage for rent. ,(!( Hawthorne ave. FURNISHED sleeping room for girl em- pioyeu, wanting matance. aiar. 04. ONE big front 430 5th Bt. room, $12.50 a month. FURNISHED front room, light and cool. Jiyj ntn st. Main 2io.. DESIRABLE rooms, newly furnished; e with sleeping porch. 548 Yamhill. PLEASANT room. Nob Hill district, near hospital; pre-HKiast ir qejiirea. Main 6U01 Rooms With Doara. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of .he best known residential ho tels on the Pacific oaet. American p'an. with or without bath $2.50 a day up, ratei by day or month! Meals served to transients. ONE OF the finest homes ia the city, now converted into exclusive family hote. catering to families, business men and women; home conveniences, home cook ing, large grounds, porches, sleeping Vutciica, K w n K a. eiu., transient mesiS rates reasonable. Phone East 7384. JEANNE D AKC Furnished roomti ivitH or without board for business girls and iaay tourists, permanent or transient Special features within the liniilatioo uk iiib iiiit;iuuin wtige earner; sy pef wetv wim ut. ii.n S'.. Alain iH'.l. NORTONI A HOTBL. Portland dowctewn high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or slegle. with or without board, for xamiiies anu ousiness men and women We give you all the comforts of a home! ncnsuiinuio i air. . UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. ' Nicely furnished rooms, steam heat hot and cold water; with good table Doara. 034 leaia st.. corner of Market, .Main uooi. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern cuuveuieiices ; wanting distance $5 per week. Auto. 210-74. 12 E. Tth t- MARTHA WASHINGTON HOTEL fcr bus! ness girls at moderate rates. 380 loth DINNERS 30c at mother cooked. the Snule, cooked like lin inn st. DAY BOARD, home cooked meals, $5 week. 101 11th street. DOUBLE room, close in. west aide. 6421. Rooms With Board In Private Family. ROOM and board with family. 669 Savier street. broaaway 14 (J. LARGE, airy, front room with board for two gentlemen. .,. eacn. lot E. 11th ROOM with breakfust for 2 young business in-iipn.. p'lwy. Mja. est siae. NICE room and gooa board. Reasonable, v aiKing Qistance. Aiarsnait d'JV. GOOD room and board in private family, FRONT room with board. 2 gentlemen preierreu. sroaoway oofo. FOR RENT. Rooma With Bosrd In Private Family. PRIVATE family on East 17th St.. near Broadway and Irvlngton cars, oners homelike, comfortable accommodations, room and board to congenial young lady or would not object to two frlenda wlsh Ing to room together. East 5878. WANTED A lady employed to room ana ooara in a private name. s-ust have best of references and a desire for a real home. Irvlngton. T 915. Ore gonlan. A FRONT room with board for two men who will share room, or father ana boy; home privileges; a small house, but comfortable: 8 per week. Russell Shaver car stops at door. 205 Monroe st. LARGE front room suitable for 2 people. in small private family, located in one of Portland's best districts; every home privilege given; a real home. Auto matic 213-79. LADY owning nice modern home- wants to take 2 or 3 teachers from wooamere or Arleta school to room and board. Ap ply to 701T Woodstock ave. or call Aut. 612-79. , NICELY furnished room with large sleep ing porch adjoining, suitable for i gentlemen; also 2 single rooms, walking distance, opposite Multnomah club. 580 Salmon. Main 3732. fJICE LARGE room for 2: hot and cold water, hot-water heat, excellent ooara. very reasonable. Also a single room. iui ntn st. FRONT room, suitable for man and wife or - men; iota 01 not waiter, - bath, home comforts, first-class table board. 6S1 Glisan WIDOW, owning attractive home, would like to board ana room wumhc, vr professional man; references. M 934, ureaonian. WANTED To board two small children. excellent care, iinBii" ....-. - month each. Recomended by Women a Protective division, m. buj, orcgunH. BEST OF COOKING and home privileges to two gentlemen m lamuj jwiij young people. 509 Commercial. Auto. 312-06. . ROOM and board for 2 young men or young couple employee ; goon nume ct ing ana pieasaut ow. 7162. East LARGE, beautiful room with wonderfu. view. In modern vt luameuo fxe.g-iia home, 2 meals; one or two gentlemen, $50 or $86. Marshall HO. ROOM and board in modern private home for employed couple or two. men wno will share room: one block to car. Phone Automatic 328-24 STEAM-HEATED room and use of kitchen in attractive apartment, tor siri or woman wishing a quiet, refined borne; walking distance. East 4741. MOTHERLY lady will give best of care to two or three cniiaren; wesi. . Mat. 4121. WILL board two girls going to school. will give them a mothers care; private room for each girl. Woodlawn 2134. UNFURNISHED room, private entrance, in nice home: piano; 2 diocks irom naw thorne, 30th st. : breakfast. Talior 3S3. WIDOW with large house would like to board couple employed or widower wita children. J 031, oregonian GOOD room and board and piano lessons for little girl or years or over; near good school. N 882. Oregonlan. NICE front room with board, ciose In on west slue; walking ais'tance; price rea- aonaple; pome cooaing. aut oiu-ao. . ROOMS with or without board, real home atmosphere, splendid car service. Phone Auto. 212-37. 712 E. Taylor.-cor. 21st. TWO ROOMS, 1 with sleeping porch, twin beds, running water, excellent meals, block e'er, garage next block. Brd. 4633. A LADY alone all day would like care of little girl, good home, with mothers love; no other children. Tabor 6413. XICE furnished room and board for two men to room together, $bo per month. 400 E. Ankeny st. AN EXCLUSIVE horns offers homo and board to business men: close in. Broad way 4;14. IF YOU are looking for one or two pleas- ..ant rooms with board in a desirable location, call Tabor 4216. PLEASANT room for two respectable men, good cooking, in widow s nome: west side. Main 254. CHOICE single or double room; 2 meals; walking distance. Just like home, feast 8362. PLEASANT front room with or without Doard, to lauy or gentleman; wa:jun-g distance. East 166. FOR 1 OR 2, large room, Irvlngton home; 2 double beds, home cooking: reasonable, 4112 E. 8th X. East 5S07. ROOM and board for young man willing to share room with congenial young man. Reasonable rates. Phone Mar. 2781. WILL room and board two high school students; reasonable. Tabor 2.s. NICELY furnished room with good board, walking qistance. luajioyi. PRIVATE home for children; 2u years experle.nce .14 Everett at. Mar. 2162 ROOM and board in a private family, $30 for two meals, taii i.ast ion. FURNISHED ROOM with board, 143 . 1 11 ana nayt. jiain aoos. BOARD with rooms, private home. near Broadway 403 Benton. bridge. CHILDREN boarded. Phone Tabor 8633, Furnished Apartments. IF YOU are looking for a very elegantly lurnisnea modern apartment, white ' enameled woodwork in high-class apart ment house, full or light and sunshine, all outside rooms. Call 16 St. Clair St., cor. Washington. References required. LARGE, lightt front 2-room apt., con- venieiii to rii ,i n. ot. jdiihb ailU an- couver; on Kenton car. 20 mln. to town; adults, $22.50. Albina ave. at Lombard st. Wdln. 2042. or Auto. 511-75. LIBERTY APTS. 3 rooms. $8 per week; :: rooms, at and up: electric liithts. water in rooms; just across Hawthorne bridge, walking distance. Phone East FURNITURE FOR SALE. Furniture of a 7-room flat for sale everything in flrst-olass condition; rugs, draperies and dishes; going away, flat inr rent. no .N. -iin St. FOR SALE High-grade complete fur- nisnings -.-room apartment, owner leav ing city, apartment for rent, Morton apts.. Main 4128. THE ARCADIA. Two and three-room outside apts.. brick building, residential district. 709 cverett, oetween iai and jjtl. CUMBERLAND APARTMENTS. Two and three rooms, newlv rennvat ed ; all outside rooms: walking distance. west rara and . Columbia. FURNISHED apartments. Harrison Court- private pnonea ana bath. 31M oth, cor ner or nnrnson. MU.NCEY APARTMENTS, 390 Clay Two- room apartment ana kitchenette, one oasement apartment. KATHERINE APTS. Homelike 8-room apt., light and airy. Newly decorated. Marshall 2906. NICE, clean front rooms furnished for nouseaeeping ; nice yaru, close In. 151 1 itn St.. corner aiorrlson. 5-HUOM apt., strictly modern. $35. 748 rtoosevei-t st., near sto-ntgomery-Ward. Automatic ojj-ju. BOZANTA APTS. Nice -room front apartment. 189 23d st. Aiarsnnil ::i',t WESTONIA APT.. 666 Glisan st. wo rooms, front, furnished and unfurnished apt-, mimcin. NICELY furnished S.rnnm ar,t 1 close in. Phone Main 2750 before li t, i-ntrn or arter i t . at. aunqay. NICELY furnished apartments, one large room and kitchenette; reasonable. 710 i.ovpjny. De LAIR APTS. 3-room furnished amrt. meui, privHte oatn. steam neat, laundry pn inontn. cast lilic:. FOR RENT Nice clean outsld-e two-room apartment: Ural floor; very reasonable. rnone nenwonn i-.l. o:t Kast 11th st 2-ROOM apartment, private bath and Phone, $23. Todd apts., cor. E. 12th and 4-ROOM apt., nice aiid clean: piano. Irv. jng apts. 21st and Irving. Main 92.19. auufcK., one and two-room apt., well i urin.Ht n, waiKiiitr Qistance. -tl4 4th st, 3-ROOM basement apartment, modern close in.. 526 Flanders. 2-ROOM apt., $lf: 3-room. $20. 327 N, S - ROOM front apt.; also 1 roorn and J37 12TH ST. Large room, kitchenette; NICELY furnished 2-room apt., modern reasonable: close in. 440 Williams ave! BANNER APTS., 4S0 Clay St., near 14th modern 2-room furnished apt.. $22. ELBRIDGE APTS., 274 N. 21st. 2-room furn Ished apt. Bdwy. 4 730. DRICKSTON APTS., 448 11th Two-room modern furnished apartments FURNISHED apartment, close HT yard 105 E. 11th. ' ' CLEAN, well-furnished H. K. suite per week. 614 4th street. ' $i NICE large modern 2-room apt., close inl rent reasonable. 280 10th st. CLEAN. completely furnished 2-room apartment. 6S0 Lombard.CoI. B17. 15-DAT STORAGE FREE '' " M ovl ng for less. Phon eBdwy. 244a. CLASSIC apartment. 662 Ollian. 2 rooma with bath, modern. Broadway 2934 MADISON PARK APTS. a. S and 4 -room furnished apartment!. 262 Park at. UNION AVE . and KUllngaworth: fur apt" I2VS0- nil complete: concrete buildings SAN MARCO. K. 8TH AND COUCHZ 3-RM. MOD. APTS. E. 2312. PLAIN, cheap apt,. 410 South 4th at. Mam i-:o 1 . -UQDERJii two-room apt. CaU Mart, hail Ofc FOR RENT. Famished Apartments. MAKE TOTTR HOME AT THS GRANDEST A. V tfty 3-room apartments, private bath. Tree phone in every apartment: wholo house thoroughly renovated, clean as wax; steam-heated brick building, auto matic elevator, all other conveniences for your comfort; nice home for nice people 68 Grand ave.. corner Stark st. East 208 STELWYN APARTMENTS. HIGH-CLASS. xesldent and summer homes for tran sient and tourUt; handsomest furnished apts. Jn the city; no objection to child under 2 years: 1 to 5-room apts., with sleeping porch. We also have bachelor apts. and service; single rooms and bath "'-"ed gentlemen; references re quired. Marshall 2830. 166 SL Clair St.. corner Wa.hl.rmn FOUR-ROOM APT.. $30. All outside rooms: large, light, airy. well furnished and equipped for 2 to 3 peopa: bath, garbage lift, built-in re frigerator and all up-to-date conven vlce lne-udlng first-class Janitor aer THE COLUMBIAN. 11TH & COLUMBIA. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sta, Five minutes' walk to Meier Frank's store, good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and S-room furnished apts., out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. ROOMS, elegantly furnished apartment, all modern improvements, easy walking distance, west side. 344 10th st. Will give lease, commencing Sept. 1; large veranda, front and back lawn. Call Sunday 10 to 12 A..M. or Monday. Fhone Main 6783. THE ELM WOOD. Strictly first-class 2 and 3-room apts.. rurmshed and unfurnished: new period , furniture, Wiiton rugs, silverware, linen, etc., $50 to $73; adults 415 10th. st. Main 6000. -".i.0.0M FURNISHED APT. 715 wAl.E STREET. NEAR WASH ground floor, private entrance; heat and water; nice and clean; adults only; shown, by, appointment only. Main 6280. SMITH-WAGONER CO STOCK EXCH. -NICELY FIT7R VTSWP:r 2-i-rwim. nrat h ciean, grouna-xioor spartment, steam heat, close in walking distance. The Meda Apts.. "377 Vancouver ave. Just across the Bdwy. bridge. V4 blk nortn ot jroadway. THE JACKSON. 51 Union Ave. North. Three-room apts., $30 and $40: private bath, steam' heat, hot and cold water. phone service; 15 minutes' walk to 5th and Alder. Rose City car. East 2848. ATTRACTIVE apt. in fine home (hot water heat); white enameled through out; absolutely new; large living room, sun bedroom, bath. Dutch kitchen, part ly furnished; beautiful location; fine neighborhood; $43. Tabor 4337. THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 16th. near Taylor. Mar. 123. Nicely furnished 3-room apts, for resl. dent or transient and tourist; no ob jectlon to children: walking distance. NICELY furnished 2-room apartments. walking distance; steam heat, no extra charge for lights and private phone; adults only. The Lincoln, 4th and Lincoln. Main 1377. SUNN YSIDH APARTMENT, fine furnished 3-room apt., vacant tomorrow, all out side rooms, steam heat, modern building; high-class house; rental $45. See this today. Tabor 8900. 1-ROOM apt.; heat, phone, bath, etc., with cooking privileges, suitable for married couple or two gentlemen. Alice Court, 453 E. Burnside St., Apt. 7. Phone East 232. AND 3 ROOMS, light, sunny apartments. Clean, moderate walking distance: rea sonable rent. Arllne Apts., 17tb and Lovejoy. Broadway 1812. THE ST AN FIELD. Modem outside 2-room apts. Light, heat, phone, laundry facilities. $20 and $22 50. Main 7302. WANTED Employed business woman. middle-aged, to share modern apart ment with woman; references. Call 340 Montgomery st. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon: 2. 3 and 4 room apts.: permanent or transient; also single rooms. Main 664!. . THE CAMBRIAN. Furnished and unfurnished 2 and 3 room apts., in first-claas apt. house, $50 up; ojlults. 433 Columbia. Marshal'. 2406. . MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Two rooms, furn.; hardwood floors, ele vator, strictly modern; all outside; walk lng dint. 386. Sd St.. cor. Montgomery. HISLOP HALL. 410 Hawthorne ave.; strictly modern three-room furuiahed apartment, East 8S2. HOUSMAN APTS.- -2 to 4 rooms, large. desirable, clean, well rumlshed. large closets, sleeping porches. Main 1552. 2 AND 3 ROOM furnished apartments light, heat, hot and cold water. 1092 Hawthorne ave., apt. A. Call at 'MERLIN." Broadway and Grant Nice 2 room furnished apartment, neat and clean, only $23 month. HAN THORN APARTMENTa. Nicely fur. 8-room modern apt., 3 beds, private balcony, 251 12th st. CHETOPA APTS. Three-room apartment In Al conattlon; just painted and tinted; best location In city. Broadway 4036. ALICE COURT APTS.. East 8th and Burn- side, modern. 2 and 3 rooms, 2 beds. fireplace, walking distance East 8566. 850 THURMAN at 25th St.. west side, 3 and a-room apartments running water: free phone and baih. THE CHELTENHAM -2 and 3-room apart, ments. alP outside rooms: nicelv fur nished. l'Jth and Northrup. Bdwy. 3658. POKTNOMAH 3 and 4 rooms; hardwood floors, sleeping porcnes, walking dis tance, well furnished; adults. 200 E. 13th. COMPLETE furnished apartment In high- class rtsiueuce. near jeilttrion high school. 1034 Williams. VERY desirable and well furnished 3-room apartment, private bath. Alamo apts. Main 26-M ROSELYN apartment 110 N. 21st St., 2 rooms, batb, dressing room, disappear- lug pea, BERKELEY APTS., 2-ropm front apt. 39 Trinity Place Marshall 1950, call apt. 6. fclNG ALBERT APTS. 2 and 3-room fur nished, strictly modern, tile bath, ele vator, 11th and Montgomery. Main 859. THE ELMS. . 2 and 3 room furnished apts., close In. 11 14th st. YOUNG MAN to share apartment; one who travels preferred; rent $17.50. K 804, oregonian C AND 7-ROOM apt., high-class. See Mr. Ballis. Wakefield, Fries & Co.. No. 83 4th sL FURNISHED basement Mr. Ballis, Wakefield. 83 4th St. inf., 3 rooma See Fries & Cp., No. VILLA ST. CLARA APTS. S-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENTS. 203 121'H ST. 5-ROOM apt. with 2 bedrooms; steam heat, bath, phone. 856 East 61a North. Wood lawn 4971. WANT working girl for roommate; desir able apt. right price; very close in. Main 3359. A. M. IRVING TON. 1, 2 and 8-rooin well furnished modern ern apts. East 4832. 769 E. Broadway. NICELY furnished apartment with private bath and private eulrauce in a cottage. Mar. 4460. THE LANDORE. 2 and 3-room apartments, nished. 2J8 10th st. newly fur- 6-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. Iiu. tau .uain o.mj. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. MODERN 5-room front corner spartment. nicely furnished, sleeping porch. Mar shall 360 ONE LARGE front room apartment, suit able for two ladies; new furniture and rugs. 20 E. 15th., c orner A ah. - " CLACKAMAS APT3. Completely furnished 3-room modern apt.. $40. East 2376. 272 Williams ave. MARSHALL APTS. 3-room apt., also aenii-basement. elevator service. 024 Marshall st. Broadway 8831. 8-ROOM furnished apartment, bath, phone light, linen included. $70. 235 N. 21st' corner Northrup. Auto. 531-08. ' GARFIELD 4-room. bath, reasonable. 361 Failing block. West Union. 4 ROOMS and bath, $50. Call Broadway 2487. 672 Kearney at. THE JEFFERSON I AN, 16th and Jefferson z ana o-iuuiii tci y reason, h i liKXi'OSl) 2-roora apartment, $45 This Is a nice one. JULIANA APTS.. 43 Trinity place. 2 nd DK1CKSTON APTS.. 44S 11th at.; modent two-room apt. AUDITORIUM COURT 3-roorn modern Pt., frfe phone. 331 Sd wt. 57r66M apt., walking distance from S. p. gliopa. U 'j, rm v uiwg i. pen, l , 19. MORTON APTS. S-room lurnlehed apart m e nt. 6U7 Washington at. Main luhii TOUKNEY BIDtl.. lid anJ i-ayior -1 nA 2-rm. apt., newly renovated. f.3Q up liLENA VISTA 434 Harrison, b if-l-cLl 2 ano 3-rm apta. Main 1052. Unfurnished A part men ta. 6 ROOMS, Bleeping porch.'hardwooJ floors, steam heat, fireplace, shower. 875 Overton. PORTNOMAH. 8 and 4 rooms, distance; adult;. 2Q0 E. 13th. walking 6 ROOMS, modern, steam heat, gas stove. GARFIELD 3-room. sleeping porch, reas onable. 361 Failing blk.. W. Union. 4-ROOM apt. for r-ant-, $&iidy bivi. $30. itith n4 FOR RUNT. Unfurnished Apartments. 80O EAST HOTT STRHTET. NEAR EAST 24TH STREET. Portland's newest apartment house will be ready for occupancy about Aug. 20: applications for apartments are cow being received; 2 and 3 room unfur nished apartments, ail outside rooms facing large lawns; electric ranges and all modern conveniences. Apply at building or at 707 Gasco bldg. GORDON COURT APTS. 630 MONTGOMERY ST. New bungalow apartment of $ and 6 rooms, unfurnished, in white enamel; hardwood floors, French doors, tiled bath; these apartments with a terrace front and flower boxes make wonderful homes: xj5 and up: only few left. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 3 rooms and bath. clean, suitable for two; Universal disap pearing bed, fine range, oak and old ivory finish, hardwood floors. 8 win dows (one large plate glass): French doors open on large porch overlooking lawn and trees. Main 8342. HAKRlMAN Annex Apt., 7o5 Irving St.. 3d floor, large, light 5-room apt. with two large sleeping porches, with three real bedrooms and two disappearing beds. Adults only. $30. Come and see It. Some furniture If desired; possibly 4 room later. BENSON APT3. 205 N. 20th. 3-room unfurnished apt., newly tinted and thoroughly renovated; price $35. Broadway 4448. STEVENS aDts.. 731 Northrup. near 24th 6 large sunny outside rooms, front, back sna sleeping porches; best, water, yara rnone jiain ao8. CHOICE CORNER APARTMENT. "Merlin," Broadway and Grant Strict ly modern and up to date; fine view Phone Marshall 420: only $42.50 month. LIGHT, large 3-room basement apartment. wnite enameled, newly nnisnea; elec tricity and gas. walking distance. $23. 337 12th st. FOR RENT 5-room apt. on Portland Heights car line on or before Sept. 1. sleeping porch, sun room, bdw, floors, fireplace. $05. Main 3553. GRACE APTS.. 24th and Northrup: mod 3 outside rooms; newly decorated; front and sleeping porches; janitor services. iuarsnau 00-1. THE DEZENDORE. 208 16th st., near Taylor: Marshall 128 1-room unfurnished apartment. UNFURNISHED basement apt. See Mr. Ballis. Wakefield. Fries Co.. No. 83 4th st. CECELIA APTS.. 22D AND GLISAN Very desirable 8-room apartment, new ly decorated in ivory; second tloor. UNFURNISHED apartment. 4 rooms and bath 1 Laurelhurst. 1006 Holladay ave.. corner sad street. Automatic -31-31. IONIAN COURT. 18th and Couch. 4-room front, corn-er apt., newly tinted and painted; close ln Adults Bdwy. 2761. UNFURNISHED apartment. 4 rooms and bath. In Laurelhurst. 10O6 Holladay ave., cor. :i.n st. Automatic ;:tl-3l. THE ORMONDE. 5-room unfurnished apartment. 06 Flanders. Bdwy. 3S73. 3-ROOM unfurnished front apartment on ground floor. Marshall 3ll. THREE large rooms, unfurnished apt.. $23 per month, can Auto, au-d-i. TilE AMERICAN, modern aau 5-room apartment. Bdwy. 336U. 4-ROOM unfurnished apt., 169 11th st. Main 6017. MORDAUNT, 688 Everett Large, modern 4-room. come and inspect. i'uruisried or Upluriiisoed Apartments. JAEGER APTS.. 701 WASH. ST.. 8 AND 4-ROOM APARTMENTS. UNFURNISHED 4-room apt., large out side rooms. Also 3-room furnished apt. Guild apts., 394 Guild st., near 23d and Thurman. Main 3705. ONE 3-ROOM; has dressing room and bath, is exce p tlon al.y nice, r. aitasi BARKER APTS. 2. 3 and 4-room apts.. furnished or unfurnished. 685 Irving. H. K. ROOMS, Stephenson Court, cor. 16th ana Aiiii. Flats. THIS 5-room flat has all the advantages of a bungalow; Dutch kitchen; every thing new. In white enamel; close in and ready now. Apply 442 Ross sc cor Dupont G-ROOM flat with large sleeping porch 5 blocks from Journal bldg.. to exchange for 7 or 8-room house within 4 blocks of Ladd school or very centrally located, Phone Main I2. WALKING DISTANCE. S-room and 8-room flat, with sleep lng porches. 3 blocks from Broadway bridge. Tabor 8794. HEAT AND WATER FURNISHED. Six rooms, strictly modern, high-clas went slue district; aauits only: fin. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH THREE-ROOM Broadway S.. west side 5 minutes from center. Sunday phone Main 5431, or week Mam 3744 3 to o'clock. 5-ROOM modern flat, sleeping porch, un furnished or partly lurnisnea; wanting distance. -f-'H-a Rodney ave. r-ast eoi:. 5-ROOM flat, clean, light ltMi at-ry. reno v&ted throughout. 13 E. 28th st. N Main D'lOL 4 LARGE, light rooms. Rose City Park. $25 per month, water ineludea. 1424 Bandy blvd fir, i ROOMS, bath and disappearing bed, near Jelferson high school. 1033 Rodney. pnone gn-n. 6-HM. LOWER FLAT, sleeping porch, wa ter, garbage, $42; garage, $52, all to be newly tinted; adults: rer. -j:iv is. imn. GOOD 8-room flat, Belmont near 34th, $35. Call Monday. 1027 Belmont- Ta bor 219. G-ROOM unfurnished upper flat, furnace gas range, electricity, walking distance. Slartliall iza-j. MODERN five-room flat, sleeping pore garage, $35; 397 Fargo St., near Union ave. N. Inquire 807 Railway Exchange. FIVE ROOMS and sleeping porch, all new and clean; close-in; adults. Apply 442 Ross, corner Dupont. UPPER flat, modern, newly tinted, ti place, furnace, attic; Nob Hill, wes side. 701 Everett, near 22d St. CLOSE, 0-room unfurnished flat, (30. East S.2. 306 Eujrene st. 14 EAST 18TH ST., eor. Ash. modern 5-room upper, fireplace, furnace. E. 2871 5-ROOM modern flat, newly tinted; ML Tabor carllne; adults. Tabor 1281. UPPER FLAT, side; adults. 5 roofns, close Marshall 2973. LOWER flat, close-in. cheap, some fur. niture for sate. Marshall 2o82. FOR RENT Unfurnished flat. 414 an 414 East Harrison. Columbia 610. 3-ROOM lower flat and garage. Woodlawn 234. Phone UNFURNISHED nth st. flat, three rooms, 450 5-ROOM unfurnished fiat, close In. on east side. Call East 7008. References. FOR RENT Upper 4-room flat. Call Mon day at S61! Union ave. North. Wdln. 500. 5-ROOM modern flat. Donald G. Woodward, 616 104 E. Madison. 2d st. STRICTLJ. clean modern 5-room uppe; fiat.snl . Benton street, fnone js. -I1M 4-lluoM flat for rent. 1135 Williams ave. 4-ROOM lower flat. 624 6th st. Furnished Flats. k'UK?XlSH&L 5-room flat, 15 minutes' walk to postofflce, electricity and Eas; neat and clean, njv uth St. COZY flat of four rooms, modern, furnlshe or partly furnishes, on west side; rea eonabie: a d u 1 ta. M am 2738 Monuay. FIVE-ROOM furnished flat . and garage for rent. I3ud si istn st. s., or Mai 7123. 3-ROOM nicely furnished flat: furnace heat, walking distance; adults, 61 4 E, Stark ATTIl ACTIVELY furnished 3 or 4 rooms; piano: Nob Hill; reasonable. Mar. S40. 701 H Ho t- . ATTRACTIVELY furnished S-room flat, permanent, adults. Eaat 4911 for ap- pointment CLOSE-IN 6-room flat for rent, furniture for Bala reasonable. Can rent 8 rooms If deaired. Main 7132. FIVE-ROOM flat, larffe front porch, fur nace, fireplace. Eaat 8727 after 0 A. M., Saturday night. Auto. 218-SO. FIVE-ROOM furnished upper flat, modern, garage ; uduUa only. Call at 1072 E. IQt h a t. K. 4 ROOMS and bath, neat, clean, walking distance, $;JS; adults East 7722. FOR RENT A furnished 5-room flat 1318 Corbett St.. take Fu'.ton car. $30 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 5C1 DaveQt port at., 4 rooms, piano, adults. 3-ROOM flat, $16 month. nicely furnished, 274 Mill, WELL furnished 5-room flat, close in, east side; references. Call Eaat7Q8. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale. 269 Clay st. Main 486.1. 28 E. 13TH ST.,' NEAR ASH, Very desir able 4 and a rooms; adults. East 2H71. FURNITURE in modern up-to-date flat for sale, flat for rent. Main 3022. 4 ROOMS, west side, walking dlstanca, $43 a month. 4o4 11th St.. apt. D. CLOSE-IN corner flat, 4 rooms, bath; rea Bonable to couple. Phone Main 4803. UPPER flat, 4 rooms and bath, on we si side. 400 Market st. JN IRVINGTO, four rooms, ler street. 603 Weld 5-ROOM furnished flat for rent; steam NICELY furnished. 4-room flat. 5Co Irving. Bdwy. 3tW2. fKOOM lower flat, partly furnished, f2o. adults. 740 Minnesota ave. 3 ROOMS, including piano and. phone. CaU Main 5104 a,tr X M. FOR RTNT. Furnished Flats. BUY! A BARGAIN! A SACRIFICE! Are you looking for a beautifully fur nished, modern, up-to-the-minute 7-rm. flat, in a respectable neighborhood on the west slda, with an $S5 a mo. Income at a reasonable price? Then phone Main 4848 for further Information. Am not a dealer. t00 FURNISHED 5 rooms and sleeping porcn. duplex fiat separate furnace and wash trays; silver and linen furnished: 1 block off Sunnyside car line: adults only; references exchanged. AF 8o9. Oregonian. 1-IVE large rooms and bath, beautifully furnished, good location, ' on car line, reasonable rent. Cai at 100 E. 18th St. N. Call Sunday between 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. Give reference. Take Al berta car. 3-ROOM flat, hardwood floors, tiled bath. Bleeping porch, fireplace and furnace; about August 20; rent $30. 288 Gienn ave. MODERN 4-room flat; Dutch kitchen. wash trays, disappearing bed In dining room. Near Jefferson high school. $30 per month. Call Woodlawn 3763. A FURNISHED modern 6-room upper flat. has a fireplace, a nice porch and walking distance, rent $45 month. Call 441 11th st. TWO LADLES, employed, will share fur nished flat with congenial couple or two ladies; close In; reasonable. Cail East 470. - FLAT for rent and furnishings of 8 rooms for sale; corrvecniient and lign-; close In. East 6642. . FIVE large rooms and bath, beautifully furnished, close to car line; good loca tion. Wdln 667. S3 3 ROOMS and private bath, very de sirable: 12 minutes on R. C. cac. East oxi9. COOL, clean, furnished flat: suitable for : or 3 ac-uits. bi e. a-tn st.. ataric Hoiiskeeping Rooms. 2-ROOM apts.. newiy renovated, light, hot and cold water, clean linen fumianeu brick buildina-: close in: laundry prlvl leges: $4.50 and $5 a week. Grand Union hotel. 887 E. Burnside. New management. furnished H. K. rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone, electric lights, steam beat, fl-o minuteer waia to town. r. -.oiumuis, near Fifth. THREE clean, desirable rooms, light housekeeDinx. suitaDie tor 4 or 4 peoy.e. also sleeping room, with kitchen priv ileges if desired. Walking distance. 4U3 Montgomery. Main oiu. 2 SLEEPING rooms, bath, kitchen, dining room, good range, not ana coia water, all on one floor. Lovely and clean lor girl employed. 74a Hoyt Bt. HOUSEKEEPING rooms with gas range. absolutely clean, newly painted ' ana tinted; adjoining bath. Walking dis tance. 263 11th St. FURNISHED housekeeping room, water. Hants, aas for cooking. $10 per montn 4614 67th st.. Mount Scott car, first house north Kern Park station- THE BEAVER. I2th and Marshall Fur nished ri. l. rooms, )ia up, including hot water, electric lights, launary room ONE FURNISHED H. K. room or sleeping room, front room oa ground iioor. 100 N. 18th street. 2 LARGE front rooms, with kitchenette on first floor; very reasonable rent, e.i Montgomery, between xiin ana i-tn. FURNISHED housekeeping, sleeping rooms, west side, walking distance. iioO ttoyl st. tjroaqway aoii. EXTRA-WELL furnished housekeeping rooms with running water, week and up. ; Washington st. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, poroh: fine location; no children. Call Monday afternoon. odu Davis st. ONE LARGE room for housekeeping, new furniture, rugs, suitable lor Z ladle 20 E. 15th, corner Ash. 2 AND 3 hbusekeeping rooms for rent very reasonable. 9i is. . .uurusiao ana Grand ave. - NICE, clean front h. k. room, first floor large yard, trees 261 14th. near Jeffer son street. 2 H. K. ROOMS, clean and light, modern, reasonable: 2 blocks from mn ana Mont gomery. out iiarrison. auio. oia-ia. ONE 3-ROOM suite, near street car line, $5 per week. 290 14. 21st. Bdwy, 1226. HOUSEKEEPING suite, partly furnished bath, private entrance and clean, adults only, lii'tu iaat Aider, -taoor ii. SINGLE H. K. room, large, airy room just been papered and painted. 391 Yamhill. HOUSEKEEPING apt., good home for winter, clean, light, can, see io lztn su Main 4412. - EXTRA large furnished H. K. rooms In 1 or 2-room apts. $3 and up. 228 Washington. NICELY ,fuirnis.hed housekeeping rooms. waiKlnjr aistanc-e, tree gas ana. ynone, 146 16th st. near Hoyt. 2 NICE front rooms, gas ra-ne. $20 and $23. 3"0 4th st. CLEAN, comfortable housekeeping rooms, s; a week and up. ,wjt Hawthorne. 2 FRONT rooms. 413 Montgomery, shall '23. LIGHT, clean housekeeping rooms, res sonable. 204 i:th FURNISHED h. k. rooms, 2-room apts. NICE clean h. k. rms.. hot water always, $12 per mo. up. 147 ldtn st. TWO FRONT room apartments with pri vate ' bath. Adults only. 394 12th st ONE SUITE of light housekeeping rooma 1171 Minnesota avenue. LARGE room and kitchenette, singl rooms ; very reasonable. 655 Flanders st. $5 WEEK UP, completely lurnianed b. k. suites. The caaillac, aa nar jerterion. 2 ROOMS, $3; 1 room $3; sleeping room, $3. 208 Washington Bt. NICELY furnished housekeeping room with kitchenette. 668 Everett, near 21st. NICE, clean H. K. rooms, moat centrally locared. rjiMi Mormon. LARGE front 11. K. rooms; clean, well furnished. 50T Clay St. Marshall 3QO;. 4 ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping, 2019 East Burnside. HOUSE for rent, $23 per mo. 209 Gibbs at. South Portland. Main 2605. 3 LARGE h. k. rooms, walk, distance, suit. able for 3 people. adz Mangers. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, rent rea sonable, 30j Market st. BEAUTIFUL large two-room front apt. 261 t ;Mh at. 1 ne jiannou. ONE FURNISHED h. k. room and garage for one adult. :j,s Hancock. E. lmu. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, near school Main 8118. 415 4th St. THE MAPLE, 30 N. 17th st. Furnished H. K. rooms, hot and cold water. GOOD, clean h. k. room, 153 N. 16th., $15 per month and up. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. Phone Broadway .yn. llouscieeping itooliu In Private Fumlly LARGE, clesn. newly papered housekeep' lng room, running water and closet: $16 a month; no objection to one child. 300 .jeffer-5on st.. near ntn. FURNISHED housekeeping room, pink o condition, in exclusive locality. 70S Park eve. Main 4273. Half block CC car. LOVELY large room. with kitchenette modern, private home, for two working people. 145 orlh 23d st. 1 KirEl.V FURNISHED H. IvL ROOM AND HATH; VERY REASONABLE. 94 BELMONT. NEAT, large h. k. room, $3 per week and up. parlor nrst iioor, eo.ou per wees.. Call 206 13th St. VACANT the ISth. 2 completely furnished n. k. rooms, aiso sleeping room, o Montgomery, corner of Park. ROOMS New and clean 2 and 3-room apt. and sleeping room. 9 E. 7th st. East 6.")3S. S1G 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, yard, side entrance, close in ; space for auto. o Lincoln. LARGE, clean houek-eTirg room for gen-t.ema-n. with 2 single beds; $12 mon.h. ."iOO Jefferson St.. 7ier 14th. NEAT housekeeping room, alcove, kitch enette furnished. 202 14th st. Main 2 7 0.". 4 NICE LARGE H. K. ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH AND GARAGE. CALL 1030 EAST MAI X. 4 KUOMS partly furnished In private f am - iiy, 9h. mh tirana ave. . . IN IKV1NGTON, four rooms furnished, 60s Weidler rtreet. Wt.ST SIDE, two nice, clean H. K. room in private home. 445 Sith st Y. S.. 2 nicely furnished H. K. rooms. Broadway -(H-v private entrance. 7 12TH ST. Large room, walking distance kitchenette, HOUSEKEEPING suite, sleeping porch, suitable ior a peop.e. iftt js. istn st 2 OR 3 housekeeping rooms: cheap rent Brooklyn; Woodstock cars. 528 E. 20th S. 2 H. W ROOMS, with or without niano reasonable-, waiKing oimance, ,ST2 14th HOMELIKE h. k. rooms, newly furnished even-thin g furnis neq. 04a Yamh i 1 1, H. K. ROOM, kitchenette, newly papered, gas, eiec. oatn. pnone. iwu i7tn st. NICE clean h. k. rooms reasonable, wes side, girls preferred. Main 012. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cheap rent, for auto, furniture or painting, oso Couch, LARGE, clean h. k. rooma Madison. 603 East LARUE single housekeeping room, we f urniBhttti. gooa location, dl 12th at. $18. NICE, quiet home. 8 rooms, bath. ROOM furnished for t. k., bnth, f 12 month. walking distance. East 4239. NICELY furnished h. k. rooms near Broad- way bridge. East 5014. FOR REVT. House4igTrlng TCoonw Private Family. FOR RENT With private family, two large front rooms, nicely furnished tor light housekeeping, suitable for four adults. 424 Third it, corner Hall st. Phone Main 830. 25 A MONTH. A 3-ROOM SUITE FOR HOUSEKEEPING. HEAT. LIGHT, WA TER AND PHONE. PHONE - MAR SHALL 3742. S'.'2 N. 24TH. THREE clean, unfurnished housekeeping rooms in private family, at 3 j w neeier street, between McMillan and Halsey. Reliable couple only. THREE turn. H. K. rooms, well located. moderate price, for two adults: pcrtna nent tenants. Phone E. 83SS forenoons. liou-s. WHY PAY RENT when you ran own a nice stiDuroan tract larger than two ciry lots for ten or fifteen dollars monthly? These tracts are on the Red Electric. Commutation fare 8 cents. 20 minutes out. Bull Run water, gas aurl electricity avallnhle. Prices are from $230 to S00O. Get some lumber and build a couple or three rooms add to it as your pocket book will allow and soon you will have a home of your own and all paid for. Others are doing it. so can you. Come out and see for yourself. No city taxes, no city restrictions. Call any time and make appointment. Will show you the property. Agent on ground every eve ning and Sunday 10 to 6. WEPT HAMP TON Sl'Rl'R IE A N TRACTS AT WOOD ROW STATION ON RED ELECTRIC, CITY OFFICE 70 GA3CO BUILDING. J. P. HANLEY. HAVE A FEW HOrSES AND FLATS FOR RENT CALL AT OFFICE THIS WEEK. NOTICE. ON ACCOUNT OF ATTENDING THE INTERSTATE REALTY CONVENTION AT MOUNT RAINIER. MY OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FROM AirOUST 2rt TO 2!. G. G. ROH RER, RENTAL REALTOR, 206 PANAMA BUILDING. LAURELHURST. THE MOST BEAUTIFUL B-ROOM NEW BUNGALOW, COMPLETE IN EVERY WAY. 110S EAST DAVIS. BE TWEEN 30TH AND 41ST STS. WILL LEASE FOR A TERM OF YEARS. $100 MONTHLY. OPEN FOR INSPEC TION TODAY. 2 TO S P. M. EAST 434 S. PIANOS moved. $3; stairs extra, $1 each flight; 30 days free storage on all house hold goods; furniture moving, one-ten truck, $2 per hour; large truck. $2.75 per hour: we are eiDerienctd and have cood packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer & Storage Co., 104 N. fith au Open Sundays and evenings. FOR RENT. $20 per month for one year; 4 rooms, 1 acre, crop of vegetables, fruit and ber ries included. Inquire GORDON MORTGAGE COMPANY. 631 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Main 1870. Soliday Bro. Transfer Ac Storage Co. .Broadway 4222. FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING. Long Distance Hauling. Storage, Packing and Shipping. Bollday Broa. Trmnwfer & Ship p i ng Co, C-ROOM, modem, hardwood floors, close in, west side. $00; will lease. When your house, ia vacant phone me, I'll rent it xor you. J. EUGENE HEDGES, REALTOR. 5nt w. Park. Main 2r00. WILL rent 6-room bungalow for year in Rose City, Laurelhurst. Am willing to pay reasonable rent and will consider Durchasin at end or lease ir value v rirht. Best references. R 040. Oregonian. FOR RENT 7-room partly furnished house; gas, bath, full basement with wash trays, 2 lots, barn and chicken house; $25. Call Vancouver -ItSl-L Mon day. PORTLAND HEIGHTS DISTRICT. 7-room plastered house, sleeping porch. Bull Run water and hath, one acre ground and fruit trees, $20 month. Phone Oak Grove o-J. 6-ROOM house, new Inside and out; grained, varnished floors, French doors, elec. and gas. Sightly and quiet; yard. No children, $30 to the right people. 71)1 Corbett st. 5-ROOM duDlex. strlcXly modern; hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, etc.; dome in; references; rent reasonable to permanent!. 100 E. 47th st.. near Taylor st. 8 ROOMS, on paved street, close to car, ioOxIOO lot. some fruit, for $25 month Call Sunday or eve. Sell. 3023, week days Marshall 31K3. 6 ROOMS and bath. 648 E. Morrison St., K rnnmA and bath 480 Grand ave., partly furnished. Geo. P. Lent, 717 Corbett bldg. FOR RENT 7-room house near higr nrhool. Ft. Johns car to Portland blvd. west to 580 Willamette blvd. Inspection 10 to 5 tmlay LIGHT-ROOM house, suitable for two families or roominf house, to rent. Open from 2 to 6. 415 Tillamook st. Phone Fast 707B. CALL BROADWAY 5h0 FOR NO RT H WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. S4(T MODERN 9-room house, furnace, ga raxe, 1 block car, near school, business center St. Johns. 303 N. Smith ave. East 7S20. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest price, ureen Transier K.o. Main 1261. 202 Alder street. MODERN house for rent, unfurnished, lower floor. Call after Monday noon, bargain. 400 . E. Burnside. 6-ROOM modern house, near Laurelhurst park. 107 E. 40th. Auto. 227-56. Tabor 5501. Call between 9:30 and 6. TO RENT 7-room modern house, easy walking distance to business section. Phone Marshall 3 iu. PIANO and furniture moving, long-dls tance hauling our specialty. Ivy Trans fer. Phone East 5312. MODERN bungalow, furnaco. fireplace, large yard, adults : reference. an couver ave. $45. Woodlawn 106. TO RELIABLE TENANTS (ADULTS), MODERN HOME. HOT WATER HEAT ING SVSTEM. 566 E. 86TH ST. S. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-dis-tance hauling a specialty. C. & W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. IRVINGTON HOME. Beautiful 8-room with sleeping porch. Ca 1 1 East 'J.tttJ for appointments. 7-ROOM house in Nob Hill district for rent and gas range lor saie, naif price CaU Mar. 1 32 be twee n 10 an d 4 Sunday WILL LEASE my Tiome tn Piedmont for year, modern, convenient, near car line, woodlawn 3m:. ELK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free; furniture mov ing for less. broadway 44 a. PIANOS, furniture and long-distance haul ing; get my price before moving. Call Broadway ai'.'o. 112 GOOD Usalian familv wanted for 5 room house. See Wopdard, 104 2d st Main 14;(HJ 5-ROOM modern bungalow, Richmond car, 30 Vacant. Sellwood 2421. MODERN 6-room. large basement, fur nace. i4 ueimont. ?'), C-ROOM modern house. Broadway bridge. 201 Cherry, near $32.50 5-room clean, cosy cottage, close in. Wdln. 400. HOUSE for r-nt. S23 per mo. 2-uO Gibbs St., soutn i'ortiana. .1a1n unoa. MODERN 6-room. house for rent. 103 Knott st. 6 AND 7-ROOM houses, modern, sanitary walking distance. Firart at. 112.50 3-room house with large sleeping porcn, water, no aeneca st. 6-ROOM furnished house, 31t and Clinton . Se 1 1 wood 41 'J. LAURELHURST S-room new house. 11S5 E. Davis. MODERN 7-room house. 415 25 th and Vaughn. East a'.73. 6-ROOM modern house, now vacant; for particulars, can t?enwooi MODERN 7-room house, three bedrooms, -;) : garage. o. rnone ias c Jt 1 . SMALL, attractive country home, 20 mln utoi from city. Auto. 551-06. 2-ROOM cottage, pear car line, only 8. Tabor IVJ02, 6-ROOM house, 35th and Taylor, $30. Woodlawn 1700. FOR RENT A new 3-room house, $15 per mown. Ph-nne Auto, o-.t- 1 i. FOR RE-NT or sale. 7-room house. 724 E, Tyler st.; i$t. jon-ns car, v-tom. o '.. MODERN 4 and 5-room houses for rent, Mroa d way i.;si. 5-ROOM house, $15. S00U 41st ave. S. E HOUSE for rent. ;"". 23 67th st. 3. E. I'urnihhed lioua. 5-ROOM furnished modern house, $40. Ta bor 0743. 1252 Belmont St. 3-ROOM furnished cottage for rent. In quire 465 Jefferson st. WILL share my modern, well-furnished house. Taoor aii?. NICELY furnished house, five rooms, c J o.--e 1 n. cast J--:'. FURNISHED 0-room home in Irvlngton for rent. rnonc Taoor oni 7-ROOM modern house, completely fur- nlshea, piano, etc. v,aii 5 NICELY furnished rooms; 783 Kelly st. 510 MODERN 7-room furnished bungalow, i room rg-fr eti. 1 a uiir 1 t.o. 2-ROOM suite, telephone, bath, hot. cold water. bi .ortn j-utn. uuwy. 4i : . WIDOW will share home with congenial couple. rnone v oooiawn 110. FURNISHED 0-romn house for rent, good location. on w imams ave. FOUR rooms. $25, modern, school. 5330 Powell valley. Mt. Hcott car. 176 CARUTHERS ST., west Bide south. $ or 4-room house, furnished, for rei 6-ROOM house, furnished. 644 E. 25th t. FOR RKST. Furnibhed House. TO RENT. Fine west aide home, completely and eiegajitl furnished; will lease for one er two eyara. ' WAsCEFIELD, FRIES -ft CO.. REALTORS. S5 FOURTH 3T. CALL TODAY ANO 8EB MB Have elea-n 5-room furnished cottajee, eor. -tr.h st. and (UkUi ave. ; garage, freo water; -ren $-'t0 per month. Rent, to responsible parties only: a-dnHs preferred. Particulars, owner. 4oO" 70th. cor. 4,th av-e. ml fc-ott car. SCENIC LOIM1E COTTAGES. 524 Heig-hts terrace. Portland Heights, 3 rooms, large glassed -in porch, f in-e view mountains ami city; 2t mi mites walk to hsart of oity; Hall-st. car on Morrison st. to ISth St.. 2 Moeks west. Ste to appreciate. Don't miss this. Rea sonable rent. WILL RENT my furnished modern 5-room bungalow, gas range, cement garage, to responsible party. Near fine car serv ice, good neighborhood, near Peninsula park. Lease if desired $40. 1473 Min nesota ave. LEAVING city; will lease for year fur nished house. 5 large rooms, modern in good location, near school, on paved et. and carllne, 22 minutes ride. Sea at once; 1501 E. Gliaan; $00 per month; garage near if n-e-eded. 4 ROOMS and attic, completely furntsheU a Jots, good chick-e-n hoiMe anu pense; Wodstoek oistrict- W4U give good, re-s-ponaible party lease for ft months; $".0 per month. Call today. 120 Grand ave., or phone East 040. FOR RENT 8-room house, very nicely furnished, west side, close in $100 a month to responsible people. Owner will lease for year or more. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 63 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. WELL-FURNISHED 5-room house, fur nace, combination range, large lot, ga rage, close in; will rent, lease or sell. Responsible tenant. Three blocks Hawthorne and E. iOth at. East 5504 after 3 Sunday, re nt $5 0. . FOR SALE Completely furnished ; the coziest new cottage at Oak Grove; built by owner, for year round use; must sell; 10 months of your city rent will pay for it all. B. S. Wilson. Phone Oalc. Grove 117R. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room house to lease for 1 or 2 year, furnace, fireplace and garage. 266 E. 27th st. N.; $55 per month. Call Sunday 1 to 6 P. 11 Phone for appointment. Tabor 5704. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. 6-room bungalow, modern, attractive, beautifully furnished; adults only; leai-e for v months from Sept. 6, $S5. Call East 3385; references required. FURNISHED HOUSE $40. East side between 2 car linea ; give lease if desired; nice place. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6 -7 Panama Bidg. Third and Aide r. BEAUTIFUL furnished modern home in one of Portland's best districts, old ivory downstairs, white enamel upstairs, glassed-in s.eep4ng porch, garage, adults only, yiQQ per month. Tel. Aut. 317 -0 H. AT 000 HAWTHORNE AVE., modern. ciean, completely rurmshed 7-room house, 3 bedrooms, ' furnace; $00. Tabor 205. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, modern 8-room furnished house, near Ainsworth. Wiil give long lease; $100 per month. Phone Marshall 54!S. 7-ROOM furnished house, pferno. fireplace and furnace, f-00 per mon-th; l-ea?e one year, first and la-Kt monU in advance. East M02. WELL-FURNISHED 7-room house and garage in good location, Sept. 1; sleep ing porch, furnace, fireplace, elec trio washer, piano. $S0. East 4278. FOUR rooms, well furnished, to rent, rea sonable, id family who will csre for girl in s-chool, while mother works. J i32, Oregonian. $35 4-ROOM cozy home, fruit, flowers, lawn, walking distance, west side, adults, absolutely clean. 24U Bancroft avenue. VERY desirable completely furnished 7 room house, will lease. 656 E. Mh N. East 7167. All day Sunday, after 5 P. M. weekdays. FOR RENT In Irvlngton, bea.utifuliy furnished 10-room house, new grand piano and grafanola included, garage, 1 block to street car. Phone East 3-tfttO. FOR RENT 5-room comfortably furnished modern bungalow; will lease: adults pre ferred. Call Sunday after 10 A. M... tli West Jarrett st. FOR RENT Furnished house of 3 rooms, bath, and toilet, woodshed and tent house, some garden. 4227 58th ave. S. E., Woodstock. BY SEPT. 1. beautiful strictly modern furnished home in Iaurelhuret for several months, with privilege of reserving two rooms; references. Telephone Tabor C!W3. FOR RENT Modern six-room f urniihpd house, furnace, fireplsce. piano, parapf, Waverleigh. H-MRts. $e5 per month. Sell. 830. Call Monday. FOR RENT Modern 5-room cottage, well furnished; piano, bath, electric lights and gas. Near C. C. car line. CaU Main 3386. 6-ROOM furnished house. 10 blocks from Franklin high, 1 block from Mt. Scott car. Archer Place." 5023 4uth ave. S. E.t $40. FURNISHED S-room house. No. 106 Eart 30th, Sunnyside, between Alder and Washington, $45. gas, light and bat h. Call Monday, 1027 Belmont, Tabor 21. 5-ROOM bungalow, nicely furnished hard w.ood floors, fireplace, piano. 561 Rey nolds. Sellwood car. Sunday and Mon t day. $lOO MONTH Elegantly furnished, seven rooms, garage. Sell house, lot, furniture, $100 month. 4G14 E. 41st st. Woodstock car. MODERN 6-room house, sleeping porch, furnished. $), or will rent unfurnished to party buying furniture for $40. 3SS Pacific st. BY SEPT. 5 Modern six-room houwe, well f urniahed, desirable wet side location, or wiil sell part or all of furniture. Call Mar. 3552 after 10 A. M. i 7-ROOM furnished cottage, furniture new. clean ; one block north of Alberta $25 1-ROOM furnished house, close in. walking distance; adults; space in yard for auto. 246 Lincoln. 6 ROOMS, rlcely furnished, and garage; furnace heat; walking distance; adults. 674 E. Stark. .NICELY furniphed eight-room house, good location, walking distance. Phone Main 4301. t 5 ROOMS, sleeping porch, $30 per month; paved street, good neighborhood. 711 Spokane ave.. Sellwood. 6-ROOM furnished house, Holladay, t adults. Owner would like to reserve one room ; references. East 0C3. 6-ROOM modern residence, furnished; 3 room house, not furnished, Quln, 206 Morgan bldg., realtor. 5-ROOM cottage, well furnished, electric lights and cooking system; most deslr able location. 1O0 East 35th South. LADY would rent part of house to young couple with small child or working woman. Auto. 021-50. 6-KOOM new apL-flat, close In; white enamel, hardwood fjoors, mahogany furnltu re; adul ta Mar. 6070. . FURNISHED 6-room house for rent. $25 per month. 6106 36th ave., S. E. Mt. Scott or Hawthorne car line. MODERN furnished house, 7 rooma and sleeping porch, adults only, references. 41 East Oak st. East 4071. ATTRACTIVE 5-room bungalow, com- pleuly furnished. 295 E. 73d st. N. MV car. Tabor 6T4Q. FURNISHED 6-room house, 1 block to Alberta car. See thla Sunday. 1007 K. 3mh street North. 3 ROOMS. furnLshed. 1206 E. 15th N.; 10 month. See bouse and phone Marshall 309. Carlin. FURNISHED 4-room house, Kenton dls trict. $2 5. Wdln. 5104. 6-ROOM furnished house, $40. 00 East ISth, near Washington. 1 8 R.MS., furnished. $75. ref. required. Nob Hill, not new. Marshall 200. FURNISHED house, $15.50 a month. Ap ply 1141st St., corner Washington. J nnsw for Rent Furniture for Sale. ALWAYS house shortage when school be gins. Profit seven rooms (3 apts. pays furniture eight months. Rent $30. Apt. free; $33 profit other two. Sacrificing, y:too. 0 5 2 Williams aye. . FURNITURE of a completely furnished 5 room modern house for $350. Terms. Furniture all in good condition. Rent reasonable. Walking distance. Call after 12 o'clock. 432 E. Pine st, 6 ROOMS, good furniture, laundry, fur nace, nice bath, house In splendid con dition; must sell at once; reasonable offer, trade or terms. By owner, 500 Overton at SIX-ROOM cottage; furnish-ed house for rent; turniture for sale: ween. side; close in ; close to "school; $450 caah. 447 1-tToaxi way. ' FURNITURE of 7 -roorn house for saTfl. house for rent; Income pays rent, lights, wa-ter. telephone and gas. 02 N. 21st. 5-ROOM house, furniture, reasonable, rent $25, near grammar and high school. Woodlawn 3621. No calls Sunday. 5-ROOM modern house, furniture. $275. rent $27. walking distance. 63 East 11th st. North, corner Davis. $75 MODERN 6-room cottage at Sea side; overlooking ocean. Phone evenings. Tabor 7371. EXTRA good furniture of 7-room house; 4 rented for housekeeping ; price reason able ; cheap houae rent- 233 Eaat 6th mu