10 THE SUNDAY OREGON! AN, PORTLAND, AUGUST 14, 1921 KEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A REAL. HOME? Com to our office and let us know Just what you want, and if we haven't got what you want on our list we will Duua it lor you. SAMPLES: 4-room new modern bunralow. break fast nook, hardwood floors, on paved street. Rood district; $3000. with terras into rent. 5-room ultra modern bunealow. In Ala meda. The owner must sacrifice her home. AU built-lns. beautiful carace: a place that mun he seen to be appre ciated. Price (5500, fiooo cash, bal ance easy terms. We have listed hundreds of homes, old and new, in all parts of Portland, and have a force of efficient salesmen who can show these homes any time you call or by appointment. Bring us your home-buying or building1 troubles and we will help you solve them for yu. ALWAYS READY TO SHOW, W. M. TJMBDENSTOCK & CO., 10 Oregon Bids. Broadway 1653. OWNER LEAVING CITY. A home near Reed college and municipal golf links. Seven rooms and sleeping porch. Beautifully finished, one extra fine bedroom with windows on three sides. Large living room with windows on three sides. All in fine condi tion. Lot 75x100. Concrete ga rage. Owner leaving city. $1500 cash first payment needed. See this or our Sfl.00 bungalow In same neighborhood. LADD ESTATE CO.. REALTORS. 248 Stark St. 1RVINGTON INVESTMENT. We have been Instructed to offer for sale one of the finest corners In Irving ton. This property is on Broadway. 100x100, and improved with an excellent 10-room home. It Is priced way below its actual value and can be purchased on very reasonable terms. With a little additional expense the house can be made into four apartments that will easily rent for $50 per month each. We have the exclusive rlsht to the sale of this property, but the owner does not want It "peddled" and we refrain from advertising its exact location. Interested investors can obtain all of the details by Inquiring of the RYAN REALTY & BUILDING CO.. Realtors. 415-411 AMngton IJlcLp. Mar. 5343. IRVING TON. Modern fi-room bungalow, hardwood floors. Dutch kitchen, ivory and white enamel finish. Karaite, furnace, laundry trays. This Is a new double-constructed bun pa tow ; price snd ternia are right; Immediate possession; shown by ap pointment. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., Realtors. Broadway 535R. 331 Stark St. Sunday and Evenings. 810-07. PIEDMONT" HOME. 7 beautiful rooms, very distinctive, on 100x100 lot. with variety of shrubs and flowers. This home Is strictly modern of course, and on paved street. The garage faces alley. There are 4 rooms on first floor, 3 airy bedrooms and bath nn second floor. This house has splen did furnace, fireplace and hardwood floors. Price $A000. $2000 rash. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. IRVING TON HOME SPECULATION. $n.-,sn TERMS. Six rooms one floor, hardwood through out, large bod rooms, tile floor in bath, f tne plumbing, French doors, furnace, fireplace ; lots of built-lns : garage with concrete runway. Nice porch and plate gin. The house has .lust been oa In ted. Fine district. IRth. near Klickitat. ALV1N JOHNSON, Realtor. Bdwy 87. 204 Board of Trade. Sunday. Wood lawn 0200. "CHEAP LITTLE HOMES." 5-room cottapre, lot 50x100, Alberta; $140, $250 cash. 3-room cottage, pt. Johns: $150O, $650 cash or Ford auto $400, $150 cash. 3-room shinnled bunealow, West Em erson St.; 1nn. $400 cash. 1 room. 16x21 ft., lot 4Sxl02, Franklyn at 38th; $700. $200 cash. 3 rooms, fruit and Garden. VUlard ave nue: $1 fino. $000 cash. R. M. GAT EWOOn &. CO.. lfiS 4th St. HAWTHORNE ft-ROOM HOUSE. A POSITIVE BARGAIN. AU modern features in this home such as oak floors, fireplace, furnace and ce ment ba.ement: price reduced from $52..0 to $4475 for quick sale. There Is a $1100 mortgage on this home thnt Is payable at 23 per month without any interest. Better hurry. Substantial cash payment. R. L. McGREW, 10RO Hawthorne Ave. Tabor SS02. CLASSY NEW IRV1NGTON BUNGALOW. $0500. Living room 25 ft., full Dutch kitchen, breakfast alcove, all tile drainboarrts, tile hath. 2 fine bedrooms (1 is large), oak floors and ivory finish throughout, tapestry paper and Indirect lightinir. solid concrete runway and garage; $2000 cash. A similar one in Laurelhurst. Have us show you these and other bun galows R. T. Street. East R04. MUST sll for best reasonable offer S room modern home, east exposure, Haw thorne Addition, southwest corner East 14th and Madison; hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, furnace, full cement base ment, enrage, paved streets. 6 blocks from high and grammar schools; now occupied by owner, who desires to sell direct. 53 E. 14th st. R. East 2374. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW-GARAGE. 1193 FLANDERS ST., AT 41ST ST. New modern 5-room bungalow, hard wood floors throughout, plate glass windows, fireplace, all hullt-tns; large floored attic : all large rooms; located close to park and only 1 b'ock to car; terms. For sale bv owner. Tabor 660. HAWTHORNE. Strictly modern 6-room bungalow by owner; east front, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, all built-lns, Dutch kitchen, large attic, full cement base ment. Liberal terms to responsible party. $5500. 205 52d st.. bet. Hawthorne ave. and Madison st. Tabor 2501. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. Westmoreland, never occupied; very classy hardwood floors, lovely Dutch kitchen, furnace, fireplace, large attic, concrete porches, corner lot, garage; built by owner, selling at cost; terms. T. O. Bird. 520 Cham, of Com. Mar. 1022; no mortgage. SIX-ROOM house, pas, light, bath, toilet; 4543 Olst st. S. E.; 2 blocks from car; corner lot 50x150; seven bearing fruit trees, berries, fine garden spot, chicken yard; $2300. $1500 cash ; terms $500 and will consider small car; this is a real buy. Phone Auto. 015-04. LARUE modern 1 1 -room house in one of the best residence sections of the city dose to good car. A fine private home or can be used for a rooming or board ing house. Price $0000. on rasv terms For particulars call on Ben Rlesland, 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park St. BY OWNER Furnished new 5-room bun galow. Mount Tabor district: new daven port, mahogany desk, silk window drap eries; decorated enameled bedroom suite etc.. S42O0; unfurnished $3S00; terms 3404 62d st. Hawthorne car. Walk south. $b0t0 IRVINGTON ; hot-water heat, uT tra -modern : hardwood floors through out, large living room; close-in, handy location: 4 bedrooms on second: one of the best-constructed homes in Portland R. T. Street, spent. " HAWTHORNE AND RICHMOND" 4400 down, dandy 6-room modern hnm: excellent locality; nice lawn and shrubbery ; c'o.e to school, 3 car lines, etc. Only $3750; monthly terms. Quin 2O0 Morgan hMtr. Realtor. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow in Rose City Park. 604 E. 50th st. Under con struction: win finish to suit buyer. $4000; all built-lns, hardwood floors and break fast room ; some terms. Owner, Tabor 7401. BUY A REAL HOME. We have a good one; 7 rooms, mod em, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. A fine lot with fruits and flowers. 2 car lines; price S5800; $2500 cash, bal ance easv. Ml Railway Exchange. A BARGAIN IN WEST PIEDMONT. 5-room house, bath, toilet, some bullt ins. chicken yard, barn. lot 50x100. some fruit trpes; 2 blocks from car. close in; $2500, $300 down. Woodlawn 5084. KENTON. For sale by owner. 6-room modern bungalow with garage, all street im provements; 1 block from Kenton M. A. car line. lt0 Brandon st. t-m.i mouern no use ; a.i nunt-ins ; open fireplace; lot 85x85; fruit and shrubbery; on Willamette blvd., facing river. Beau tiful view. $0000; terms. C. W. Miller- snip. !'; -tn at. .Main a' 7 s . HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. $3250; 5-room classy bungalow, 46x100 rt. lot, paved and paid, near schools. Nice neighborhood. Easy terms. Rock, jiar. .i.t.i-. oun., lannr atr.iu. NEAR LAURELHURST PARK. 15200 : $75o cash. 7-room new modern bun g low ; parage, oak floors ; tapestrv paper, fireplace, cement basement. Built of the best m teria 1. Rock, Mar. 3352. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW, $3000. $tOOO cash, no mortgage; excellent condition ; furnace ; owner must slt this week. T. O. Bird. Mar. 1022 Monday. A SNA Pi by owner, house, large grounds. Suunyside. 14 East 20th at. Tabor 454. HEAL ESTATE. lor Sale -Houses. NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL, o Rooms and Sleeping Porch, $4000. rt A REAL BARGAIN. Only 1 block from Franklin high school : attractive 1 -story bungalow ; 1 bedroom and bath downstairs; 2 bed room and sleeping; porclt upstairs; sewer In and paid; 50x00 lot: real bargain for S4000, $luoo cash. $50 month, o per cent. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH $3130. 7 Rooms. $800 Cash. Block from Jefferson high school; good "-room plastered house: full cement base ment; ail street improvements in and paid; upstair has hot and cold water; suitable for renting; H block to car; a real bargain If you hurry and no car fare for the children. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St., near Second. Main S22Q. Sunday. Main 1561. $S300 TERMS. A home close In on the east side, as close as is possible and have good residence surroundings. All hardwood floors, lots of plate glass, the fourth room on first floor has a fireplace; new fur nace; ex,tra large front porch, four bedrooms and plastered at tic; all in fine condition. Near 14th and Hawthorne ave. $S500 TERMS. 4 LADD ESTATE CO., REALTORS. Ii4 Stark St. GOOD HOME WELL FURNISHED. Close in-, right . here on E. Belmont; it has living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom, reception hall, modern bath, lights and gas all on main floor and one sleeping room and store room up stairs, full basement; the house is newly white enameled and is In clean condi tion and well furnished ready for house keeping; all city improvements are in and paid; good garage; handy to school; only one block to Sunnyside car line ; $4500 gets complete outfit: pay one-half cash, balance easy monthly payments; quick possesion can be had. SEE E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2858. MUST BE SOLD. Seven -room modern bungalow, sleep ing porch, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, laundry trays, furnace, and garage; on paved street, 3 blocks from carline; close in; $4500. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., Rea-ltors. Broadway 5358. 331 Stark St. Sunday and Evenings, 319-07. FOR SALE IN WESTH AMPTON, 20 MINUTES OUT ON 4TH-ST. ELECTRIC, WOODROW STATION, COMMUTATION FARE 8k CENTS: NEW HOUSE. 4 ROOMS AND BATH, STANDARD PLUMBING, BREAKFAST NOOK, MANY BUILT-IN FEATURES, BULL RUN WATER; GROUNDS 150x145 FT. NO CITY RESTRICTIONS, NO CITY TAXES; $3000. TERMS. J. D. HAN LEY, 700 GASCO BLDG. PHONE 527-31. $2500 ALBERTA $2500. New 5-room bungalow, fa block to car. double constructed throughout, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook. 4 coats enamel finish In all rooms, fine light fixtures Including floor plugs for sweeper and lamp, screens and shades, garage, full lot; terms. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO., Realtors. Broadway o3". 331 Stark St. Sunday and Evenings. 310-07. IRVINGTON'S BUNGALOW HOME. NEW LISTING. Open for inspection today, 612 E. 18th st. N. ; G large rooms 071 first floor In old ivory finish, beautifully papered. o?nt floors throughout; latest electric fixtures, tile bath with pedestal lava tory and costly tub; breakfast alcove; garage; large unfinished attic; a very beautiful bungalow home throughout, in best possible location. R. T. Street, agent. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Queen Anne bungalow, best view In Portland ; furnace, fireplace, oak floors. Imported Japanese grass cloth, bearded celling, bookcase, best electric fixtures and plumbing; 5 rooms and sleeping porch ; full set copper window screens; street paved and paid for; 50x100 lot, flowers, etc. ; only $4750; $1350 down, balance easy terms; might consider late model light car as part. Auto. 526-21. LOVELY PIEDMONT HOME. $3500. 7 beautiful rooms, 50x100 lot; com plete with furnace, close to car line. A real bargain; only $3500, $700 cash, bal ance monthlv. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS, Broadway 4751. 410 Henrv Bldg. TH IS IS a marvelous offer, indeed, fine corner property, 100x100, abundance fruit, berries, good 3-room house, can enlarge, furniture cost owner $1000, close carline, delightful location, a warranty deed to the property and bill of sale for furniture for $1700 cash; must act quickly to get thus. C. L. Becker, 133-16 First street. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, E. 4 2d St.. One Block From Sandy. Now and modern; only $4400; this house is built double; located on a cor ner lot; a snap. W. H. ROSS, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LADD'S ADDITION $1500. Exceptionally fine 6-room home, all large rooms, newly decorated, furnace, fireplace, house just painted; large lot with paved alley, HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor. 243 Stark St.. Main 831. NEW UNFINISHED 4-room bungalow; owner desiring to leave the city desires to sell this place at a sacrifice for quick sale. $1400 will buy it; good lot, easy payments. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. BUSINESS REASONS compel me to sacri fice immediately my 6-room house, acre, fruit, berries, chicken house, paved st., close In. 722 E. 30th S. ; $300 will han dle, discount for larger payment, bal ance at 5Vfr, total $37,000. Owner, Auto matic 226-32 or Main 1274. LAURELHURST. Beautiful bungalow, prominent cor ner; large spacious rooms, hardwood floor, plate-glass windows, tiled bath, large cement porch, garage, fine lawn and shrubbery; can be seen today. 3074 East GMsan. $700 EQUITY FOR $500 CASH. Attractive Rose City Park bungalow, 5 rooms, ivory woodwork, fireplace, buf fet, hardwood floors, breakfast nook, cement basement, etc.; built- one year; corner lot. Owner, 455 East 53th st. N., corner Tillamook st. Call after 6 P. M. NEAR GLENCO SCHOOLS. Get this: 8-room home, plenty of room, garage, pretty grounds; large lot, -plenty fruit. Couple hundred down, balance monthly payments. Quin, Real tor, 206 Morgan bl d g. NEW HOUSE BY OWNER. 5 or 7-room bungalow, with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-ins, finished in old Ivory, modern in every respect; $4200. terms. 2015 Burnslde st. Phone Woodlawn 6020. TO SETTLE AN ESTATE. Graham avenue, near Rodney, d-uplex house, 14 rooms; valued at $65K, for $425-0; SfeclAO lot nearly worth the price. J. D. KENNEDY', Main 47S0. 320 Salmon St. COMPETENT builder is open to take on one or two contracts. Will sell you modern bungalow in improved district for f250 down, balance easy, if you can furnish satisfactory references as ' to responsibility. BP SS5. Oregonlan. LAURELHURST. One block to Sandy blvd. A new 5 room bungalow, fireplace, oak floors, papered, cement basement, furnace, full lot; only $5250; $1500 cash. To see this today call East 2371. Mon.. Mar. 3352. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. New and modern, by owner, 1167 Mult nomah st., corner 30th. Oak floors throughout, beat plumbing; fixtures, tn- estry paper. Open Sunday. Bdwy. 2034 $50 DOWN', $15 month. Uncompleted California type 5-room bungalow with fireplace. Not new. but has good pos sibilities. Can be occupied. Price $l2v0. G iH2. Oregonlan. MT. TABOR DISTRICT. $3500; 5-room nifty bungalow, corner lot, paved and paid; near car and schools, $1300 cash ; terms on balance Rock. Sun., East 2371. Mar. 3352. LOVELY 7-room bungalow, modern, ga rage, Linnton road; make offer. Tabor :s:i7. FOR SALE By owner, 7-room modern house, 1 block from school and car; p r 1 ce ijjju. icriTia. w uin. oouv. BEST house value in the city; 1300 Minne sota ave. Price $1140, $600 cash. bal. j.'tr inu. nuumgnu iowo STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow, new. ly painted, all improvements; owner iorcea to sen, in b. -in st. labor 62S. NEW 4-ROOM hoiw with 75x100 lot, eat sine 01 jauunt moor; no agents. Tabor 1 026. 6-ROOM new modern bungalow, large lot, improved street, 3 blocks car; terma. Tabor 742. BUILDERS of honestly constructed home-a. See us for plana and terms. Fabricated C o n s t. Co . . 616M c Kay bid g. STRICTLY modernS-room house, colonial preferred, $10,000; good location. Main SQ52. 2 MODERN houses on one lot at Overton St.. West side, $2300: terms. C W MWership. 105 4th st. Main 5275. FOUR-ROOM cottage near Laurelhurst park and Ankeny carbarn; $2000, terms Owner. East 8719. S2O0 DOWN. 5-room dandv close-in horr 1 11th near Lincoln east; snap; only $1615 ( $2a monthly. 206 Morgan bidg. REAL ESTATE. tor Sale SURETY INVESTMENT CO-. 811 Panama Bldg., Portland, Or. Phone Main 2090. SURETY ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful 6-room house, lot 60x100; all built-ins, den, two fireplaces, cement basement, furnace, garage, stationery trays; close to school; all improvements in and paid for; this is a beautiul home and worth every dollar; price $5500; $1500 down, bal ance easy terms. SURETY ROSE CITY PARK. New 4-room house and bath, base ment; all improvements in except street work: a cosy little home, partly furnished; will take $500 down and $5 per month and inter est; see this and you'll buy it; full price 2100. SURETY OVERLOOK DISTRICT. 1-story 5-room house, lot 50x50; all improvements in and paid for; 12-foot alley on side; near Jeffer son high school; wash trays, base ment; the best buy In town for the money; beautiful lawn, shrubbery, etc.; $3000; $1000 down. SURETY VERNON DISTRICT. A splendid 4-room home, bath, garage, fruit trees, berries, etc; all improved; lot 50xK5; a bargain at $2100, completely furnished; without furniture. $1S50; $1000 down, balance $15 per month, including interest. WE HAVE A FINE LISTING OF CITY AND SUBURBAN HOMES. TRACTS, SMALL FARMS, ETC. SURETY INVESTMENT CO., 311 Panama Bldg., Portland, Or. Phone Main 21)00. EAST SIDE HOUSES. 6-room, 2-story house, lot 50x100 ft.; $3000. $500 cash, M mo.; 21st at. O-room modern house, newly painttd; paved street, close to car, good district, on 3.,"th St.; $45O0, $1300 cash, bal. easy. 5- room modern cottage, fine repair; lots of fruit, berries, garden. This is a choice little home for $2300. 8-roora mod-ern house, E. 12th st.. near Ankeny st.: $3500; rented for $40 a month ; terms, 6- room modern house; furnace, fire place, paved street; lot i0xl00 ft.; Tay lor near 27th; $4200; good terms. 7- room modern bungalow, like new. cTne to car; lot 00x100 ft. ; $4300; good terms. This is nice. 3-room cottage. 1124 E. 24-th st. N., Alberta; $1450; $250 cash, balance easy. Take a look. thn come In. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. 165 4th St. TWO IRVINGTON BARGAINS. Each has four bedrooms and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplaces and all modern. One has all enameled woodwork and garage connected with basement. Extra fine yards. All street improve ments in and paid. One has real den on first floor and ono very large and attractive bedroom on second floor. $M(iO0 and $8500. May We Show You? LADD ESTATE CO.. REALTORS. 246 Stark St. EVERY" ONE A BARGAIN. 6 rooms, double constructed, every convenience; splc and span : 4 bearing fruit trees. berries;beautli'ut 50x100 lot, on E. Harrison near 37th : paved street all paid. $3200. Easy terms. 7 rooms, west side, on Clay near Thir teenth; every convenience ; no car fare, $6R00; easv terms. 5-room cottage, 50x100 chicken house and runs; on Bayard, near Peninsular, $1250; terms. 4-room cottage South Portland, blk. from Macadam. $800; terms. S acres, acre in cultivation; 4 rooms and sleeping porch; beautiful grove, right at Osburn station on Osburn ave., just off Sn-ndy blvd; 30 mimites by auto. O. B. Rl PPEY. REALTOR. 610-11 McKay, Third and Stark. Main 0220. BROADWAY ADDITION $5400. By owner, new buniralow, ready to move into; 5 rooms, hardwood floors in front rooms, ivory and white enamel, all built-in features, cement basement, garage. Equipped with the popular To ledo gas furnace. See this bungalow from 2 to 6 this afternoon or phone Mar shall tl for appointment. Located at 002 Hancock st. Terms. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. If you are on the market for a real classy bungalow In Rose City Park let us show you this; it has 5 large airy rooms, hardwood floors throughout, every Imaginable built-in feature, won derful breakfast nook, cabinet kitchen, 8-foot cement basement, laundry trays, furnace, fireplace, large clothes closets, 2 linen closets, beautiful light fixtures, large bathroom, Roman tub, etc. ; 50x 100 corner lot, garage and runway; city improvements paid ; price $GS00 ; terms to suit. RUM M ELL RUM M ELL, 274 Stark St. IRVINGTON HOME. Eight rooms, 1 blocks from Irvlngton en r and school, near Knott st.: first floor, reception hall, large living and dining room, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors; second floor, 4 dandy sleeping rooms, finished attic, white enamel paint throughout: full cement basement, good furnace and garage; good terms. RYAN REALTY & BUILDING CO., Realtors. 415-16 Ablngton Bldg. Marshall flS4S. Sundays or Evenings. East 5050. $33 50. GOOD 10-ROOM HOUSE. Can easily be changed Into two flats. Lot 50x111. 1429 Milwaukie st.. cor. Knapp ave. (Opposite Westmoreland. ) Terms: Assume $15oo mortgage. Pay cash. $S.V. Balance $25 monthly and Interest. SALOMON & 'CO., Established 1SSS. 307 Railway Exchange Bidg. BUNGALOW $B85( ALAMEDA PARK $6850. Large bungalow, best part of Alameda park, not new, but absolutely modern and like new; ivory finish throughout; five large fine rooms and bath on first floor, two bedrooms and sleeping porch on second ; garage; owner must leave state at once; by appointment only. R. T. Street. East 4280. COZY 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. ONLY $3300 $000 CASH. This brand-new bungalow has real fireplace, buffet. oak floors, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement base ment, large combination living and din ing room, 2 tine bedrooms, full lot, dou ble constructed throughout. Call R. L. McGREW, 1080 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8802. NEW ROSE CITY PARK. Living room, dining room combined, two bedrooms, complete kitchen, hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, full ce ment basement, furnace, double con structed. 2 block from car. hard sur face street, all liens paid. $5250. Terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 033 N. W. Bank Bldjr Main 37S7. NOB HILL RESIDENCE AND INCOME. 10-room house, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, concrete basement, furnace, sleeping porch, strictly - modern and In splendid condition; for quick sale price onlv $S000; $3000 will handle. See Mr. Hinkle with JOHN E. . HOWARD, REALTOR, 31R Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID HOME $3450. East Oth street, corner Jarrett. lot 50x100; basement with laundry trays, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast room : house double constructed; garage; $7o0 down, rest I'ke rent. HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor. 243 Stark St.. Main 831. Lovelv bunpalow with larg living room 14x24. dining room., fine kitchen, 2 bedrooms, keeping porch, modern in every detail ; wonderful shrubbery, finest construction end ideal location. Handle wit n terms, t au aui. " Irvlngton, fine 10-room house, two baths, mortgaged for $2750, appraised at $7250; rented $50, should rent $73; equity for $2250 If taken at once: terms. No commission. J. D. Kennedy, 320 Sal mon. Main 4780. $lft0O. For sale, 5-room house: light, gas, bath, hot and cold water. Freshly painted. I will sell my equity. For further particular see owner, 205 Mon roe street. Take Russell-S haver car. ALAMEDA PARK SACRIFICE. Colonial style; center hall, larpe living room, sunroom, all oak floors, ivory fin ish, irarage; consider bungalow In trade. 830 Hamblet ave. (Seen by appointment.) N e uhauaen. East ;t 4. .Main : 1 ijv o.fvo A WIDOW'S SACRIFICE. Five rooms, furniture, fuel, cement basement, electricity, gas, good plumb ing, nice lot, trees, berries; near car line: all or part cash; owner. Auto. 321-58. a RTT4I. BARGAIN MUST SACRIFICE. New 5-room modern bungalow, close to A ins worth blvd.. good garage; will sacrifice for $2850. $300 cash. See MerrifleM, 210 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1658. MODERN 6-room house, 100x110 lot; fruit trees, garage, paved street, near car, Portland blvd. $4500. Easy terms. MALL & VON BORSTBL. 104 Second St. Main 1436. 8-ROOM modern house on Llncoin st.; bath, electric lights. West side. $2200. Good terms. C W. Millers-hip. 105 4th st. Main o.ft. BY' OWNER New. modern, 4-room bun galow; will take tn small cax. 1307 E. lUth sL Sellwood 2 G00. REAL ESTATE- For Sale -HoitMM. MY FINE IRVINGTON HOME FOR SALE AT BIG SACRIFICE. Located at 620 Wasco street, quarter block, corner Sixteenth and Wasco; house built in 1013. 6 rooms first floor, finished in Siberian oak; 5 bedrooms second floor, finished white enamel; toilet and bath rooms tiled; third floor billiard room,- bed room, bath, sleeping porch, two storerooms; full basement, fine heating plant, good garage, finest ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers, a real home, show you at any time, save you $lo,000 on the price. R, M. GRAY, Phone days Main 1200, eve. East 2552. $3400. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. NEAR CAR AND SCHOOLS. My 5-room modern bungalow In dandy condition; clean and attractive; plenty room for garage; price Includes paved street and sewer: terms. Come and see it today at 540 Webster St. Alberta car to E. 12th St., one block north. Wdln. 6206. FURNISHED BUNGALOW BY OWNER. If you are looking for a home and want something out of the ordinary, here it it. A beautiful new w-room bungalow with breakfast nook, elaborately fur nished for a real home In the heart of Roe City Park. Finished In Ivory and white. Corner lot. best grade hardwood floors, even to the closets; electric fire place, superb hot-water heater, oriental rugs; living room furnished in mahog any; dining room has brown walnut ( hip.n Anna fnrnldira- ar rtrTrt are Terms. Calj At BONUS MKN ATTENTION. New 6-room house in Hawthorne dis trict with hardwood floors, French doors, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment. Ivory interior finish and on paved street. To a reliable ex-service man who is eligible for the state loan, the owner will sell for $2t0 down payment and reasonable monthly payments, until the loan la available. Price $4750. Call today. Marshall 805. 500 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1!)63. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, v A clever little home; modern, except hardwood and furnace ; five nice rooms, living and dinina- room tn tapestry paper; built-in bookcases and buffet; pretty fireplace; two good bedrooms and sleep ing porch; large bathroom with built-ins; Dutch kitchen; pretty lot; ten nice fruit trees. Good value. 3050; terms. Royal. 7 2d and Sandy. Tabor 153: evenings. Tabor 7174. MODERN BUNGALOW OF FIVE ROOMS. ONLY $3ioo. A beautiful home" on paved street, . with tapestry finishings, lovely -large bedrooms, delightful kitchen, full of built-ins with breakfast nook besides. Think: Only $3b00, $5tm cash will han dle, pay balance monthly like rent. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. UNIVERSITY PARK CORNER. $2750. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow with electric lights, gas, furnace, fireplace, full basement, 52x100 lot, pleuty ot fruit and shrubbery; terms. J. L- KARNOPP & CO.. Main 675. 31U Railway Exch. Bldg. BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL BUNGALOW. Genuine sacrifice, by traveling sales man, transferred; ideal Irvlngton neigh borhood, new, immaculately clean; 7 rooms, modern in every detail; any reasonable terms or trades for auto or diamonds considered- Owner. 672 East loth street North. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. WILL SELL AT GREATLY RE DUCED PRICE IF SUBSTANTIAL FIRST PAYMENT IS RECEIVED. 6 ROOM, STRICTLY MODERN BUNGA LOW; EVERY CONVENIENCE AND ALL EXTRAS GO WITH THIS COM PLETE HOME. 579 E. 2UTH ST. N. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. VACANT. Modern 6-room house and den, fine condition, full cement basement, furnace heat, oak floors, garage, corner lot, big bargain at $4750, $1250 caah. Key at 12s(i East Lincoln st. IRVINGTON $4500. 5-room bungalow with sleeping porch, floored attic, fireplace, furnace, full basement, garage, paved street; in very beiJt condition; $1000 cash. balance monthly payments. Marshall 803. 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1003. A REAL HOME BARGAIN. $5000 Seven rooms and sleeping porch, furnace and fireplace, 60x122 corner, with garage, paved street, on good car line; plenty of fruit and shrubbery; easy terms. Prentiss. 615 Chamber of Com merce bldg. Open Sunday. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Just built; beautiful 6-room bunga low, sleeping porch, cement basement, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, hard wood floor in living and dining room. Terms, balance like rent. Inquire 622 Eist 23d street south. FOR SALE 4-room bungalow, 50xlO0 lot, nice chicken run, sleeping porch ; Im provements in; 6 blocks west Mississippi and Kenton car line ; 3 block to St. Johns car; $2700, $800 down, balance $30 mo.. Including Interest at 6 per cent. OS West Emerson. Phong WpodlawnJlSGa. BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR NE W LY WEDS. $3900 Living and dining room, kitch en with breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms, paved street, close to car, brand new; $500 cash. Open Sunday. 615 Chamber of Commerce bldg. GOING TO BUILD 7 We design and build residences, of any building. Assist in financing same. The best service at lowest cost to you. Es tablished 12 years. Security and satis faction assured. L. R. BAILEY CO., INC, 924 N. W. Bank Bldg. FUMIGATE that new houee before moving in; take no chances of living with cockroaches or bedbugs; hydro-cyanic acid gas will not tarnish, bleach or disfigure any thing. Call Reliable Insecticide Co., Main 5359. A SNAP. A 5-room modern bungalow adjoining Alameda; cement basement, wash tras, double-constructed ; garage, lS-foot al ley, lawn and flowers. Price $29O0, $ 050 down. Wood 1 awn 5684. MOVING TO IOWA. PRICE $1850, EASY TERMS. I must sell my home of 5 rooms, lot 50x100 ; 6 bearing fruit trees; 1 block Vt. Tabor car. 2040 E. Taylor st. Phone Tabor 3100. 7-ROOM MODERN HOME ONLY $5250. Beautifully located, h blk. to car. 3 blks. to school ; 3 bedrooms up ; paneled dining room, beamed ceilings in liv. and din. rms. 50x104) lot, all Imp in. Easy terms). Main 7027 or Automatic 320-23. FOR SALE 7-room house in Linnton Ad dition, 2 lots, some fruit trees, bath, electric lights, gas available, beautiful view; must be sold by Sept. 1. $20 cash, terras on bal. Call Columbia 474, any time. 748 E. 27TH ST. SOUTH. 6-room modern house; hurdwood floors, fireplace, street made; near Clinton Kel lv school: reduced for quick sale. TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A dandy 7-room house, lot 65x100, 2 blocks to school, 1 block to car, paved street paid ; price reasonable, with terms. Phone Wdln. 3275. $400 HOUSE not finished, but am living In house; $200 down, balance $5.50 per month Including interest. Call Sunday and evening at 1357 E. 35th st. N. Take Alberta car to tne ena or line. 3-ROOM house with steeping porch, lot 40x125, outhouse suitable for garage. Small payment down, balance like rent, 32i lst st. S. E. If you have a clear lot and $500 we Will build you a modern bungelaw. RYAN REALTY e BUILDING CO.. 4 1 5-6 Abington Bldg. Marshall 584 3. FOR SALE 3-room house, lumber for I more room, two lots, 80x100. $1000; sidewalks in. Inquire 6126 tiOth st. Mt. SCOtt CST; 6-KOOM house including breakfast, hard wood floors, fireplace, large attic, full basement, near Peninsula park. 325-13, between 10 and 3. after 6. LAURELHURST. . New 3-room bungalow, complete. 973 East Irving. If looking for a home you should see this. Owner. East WESTMORELAND New 5-room bunga low; kitchen, bath, white, living, dining bedroom- ivory; 50x100, corner; paved' all paid; $2700. 1482 E. 21st S. ROSE CITY bungaiow, $451)0 5 rooms, all built-ins, full cement basement with wash trays, big attic, fine yard. Owner 711 E. 70th st, N. BRAND new 4-rom bungalow; ail latest built-ins. fireplace, buffet, hardwood floor, cement basement, lot 45x105, on 50th sL. S. E.: 13730. Tabor 3S50. IRVINGTON SWELL NEW HOME 75x100 corner; choice location; fins shrubbery, garage; $1500. terms. Neu auaen, SJ0 N. W. Back bid?. Main SOTS, KCAL ESTATE. For Sle ROSE CITY PARK. A beautiful home ef nine rooms with large grounds. 100x125 feet, nicely improved with trees, flowers and garden; there are five rooms on first floor. Including a large sun parlor and real den. which is simply grand; with a massive fireplace and is really another liv ing room. Second floor there are 8 bedrooms, two of which open out on a balcony and are equal to large sleeping porches and a fine billiard room which may be used as a sleeping room; choice oak and maple floors throughout: you should see this home and I am sure that you will asrree with me it is underpriced at $10,500. Will con sider small bungalow as part pay ment. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. Branch office, 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. A HOME WITH AN INCOME. Listen to this: 10-room house. 586 E. Davis st., near 14th, (walk ing distance over town). 5 rooms down and 5 up; can easily be con verted Into two dandy 5-room apartments; furnace and modern conveniences: fine 50x100 lot. shrubbery, flowers, etc.. roomy ga rage; price only $4500. terms $1500 cash, bal. $00 monthly (interest 6 included); price includes about $500 worth of fine velvet, car pets and draperies. Imrneriate possession. House open for inspec tion Sunday from 12 noon to 6 P. M, See J. W. Crossley. with ELROD A DRYER, 283 Stark st. Phone Bdwy. 11SS. $0800 IRVINGTON HOME. Fine six-room home on 18th st., also garage; In heart of Irvington; only 3 blocks from 2 car lines: in side finish ivory; every appolnt mept in taste ; two bedrooms and sleeping porch; garage; built when real houses were built ; owner anxious to Ket away and posses sion may be had immediately; $1000 will handle, aattume $3500 mortgage, balance monthly. Shown by appointment only. Call Mr. Chessman. Main 208. East 5SG1. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. FORCED SALE. FORCED SALE. H A W THORN E SNA P. 6-ROOM COLONIAL HOUSE. Here la the chance of your lifetime to get -a real bargain from a man who must raise the ready cash immediately. The house has oak floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, buffet, full cement base ment, fine lot and is located In best part of Hiwthorne. -Examine the house and make an offer. Substantial cash payment required. Only too glad to show you. Call R. L. McGREW, 108ft Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 8S02. BY OWNER. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $55fM. JUST COMPLETED, MX ST SELL, 5 ROOMS, SOLID OAK FLOORS 14-IN. THICK IN LIVING ROOM AND BED ROOMS. YOU COULDN'T HAVE A HOUSE BUILT BETTER IF YOU HAD IT BUILT YOURSELF. AS IT IS DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED. INTER LINED WITH HEAVY PAPER; FULL BASEMENT. BEST PLUMBING WITH BUILT-IN TUB. OPEN SUNDAY. 625 EAST 8TH NORTH. $500 CASH and $25 per month and interest will handle a dandy lit- tie bungalow having hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast nook. 2 bedrooms and large combina tion living and dining room, near carlines and schools. $3200. OTTO & HARKSdN. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 630S. FR A N K L. McGUIRE SPECI AL ! COUNTRY HOME IN CITYI OWNER has authorized ue to ell this property AT ONCE! Here is 140x2S5V. feet of ground with an abundance of rruit ana berries, etc., and a good, modern, substantially built 7-room at tractive home. 2S5 ft. of paved etreet. cement sidewalks, sewers, all in and paid for. Raise your own fruit and vegetable.. E. 87th and Gllean. A SACRIFICE SALE AT $5100. See FRANK L. McGUIRE ' To Buy Your Home. Ablngton Bldg- Main 1008. UNIVERSITY PARK BUNGALOW. On Willis blvd., near Portsmouth, new 5-room, on corner lot, for $3750, with $40O cash. See it and phone me. Mr. Harp, with COE A. McKENNA St CO., REALTORS. 82 FOURTH ST. MAIN 4522. IRVINGTON REAL HOME. $8650 $1500 CASH, $65 PER MONTH. Lovely large room, hardwood floors. Ivory woodwork, French doors, perfect condition inside and out, lot 68x110. East 419. SUNNYSIDE BUNGALOW'S. Located on corner. 1 block north from Sunnyside car on 32d St.. just com pleted; living room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, with breakfast nook, one bed room and bath on first floor, and two bedrooms upstairs; hardwood floors, fireplace, "buffet, full cement basement with garage, lighting fixtures and shades. $500 down. bal. like rent. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. In good district, near car anil school. This property is like the $5000 places you have been looking at. Let us show it to you now at $3700. KEILAN & PARKHILL, REALTORS. 219 Lumbermens Bldg. 5th and Stark Sts. Office Open Sundays. BY OWNER. SUNNYSIDE. 4-room bungalow, just completed, hardwood floors, full basement. Ivory finished woodwork, lot 50x100; every thing paid. A splendidly built house, will make a dandy home for someone. Owner leaving city and will sell at rea sonable price, easy terms. Phone Mar shall 5642 after Sunday. NORTH EAST SIDE HOMES. Good 7-room house : full basement. garage, noxloo lot, on Kerby st.; price $4000. $750 cash. Good 7-room house, lot 50x100, on lioing mi, 1 price .iuu. caan. 6-room house, lot 50x100. on Minne sota ave.. near Beech st price $2500, Albert Harala. 801 Mloetesippi ave. Phone woodlawn 1201. NEW $1700 DOWN $200. Niftv and cozv little 3-room bungalow bathroom with full equipment, breakfast nook, built-in Dutch Kitchen. See this at once. HARRY BECK WITH. REALTOR. I Main 6-S00. . 104 5th Street- (See Picture !n Window. $150 CASH. BALANCE LIKE RENT. I Save your rent money. See this new. mooem l-room uuiikhiu ion 1 renin- tmlar ave. today. Only $150 cash. bal. $3000 at $43 month, including interest : 100x100 corner, sightly. A wonderful little home. , IRVINGTON UNLOCKED TODAY. 575 E. 14TH NO.. NEXT KNOTT; $7500, WITH SO FEET CAN INCLUDE 100x100 CORNER, OR 175x100; REALLY' BUILT; HOT-WATER HEAT. R T. STREET, AGENT. BARGAIN 5-room California type bun galow, furnace, trays, fireplace, built ins. Dutch kitchen, fine lawn and fruit, 4411 44th st S. E near Holgate. Go look Sunday sure. First customer gets it. $3200. 2500 $430 DOWN. 5-r. bungalow, in Irvington Park, has cement basement. fireplace, living r. dining r.. kitchen and 2 bedrooms, larg? attic; 2 blocks to car; price oniy -0UU. R. B. Smith. Wdln. 3801. EASY TERMS. Brand -new bungalow, cement base ment, laundry trays, etc., H acre with 30 fruit trees. SOth st.. near Powell. Your own terms. Main 4803. Tabor 864, 424 Ablngton bldg. ALAMEDA bungalow, 5 large rooms, very well arranged, modern in every respect; large attic and basement: fine location. Require $ltiOO cash, balance on contract Call owner, Woodlawn03.10. FOR tjALE Nine-room modern equipped houee in good condition ; good garden ; small payment down, balance monthly payments like rent. 1117 E. Harrison. Call Sellwood 577. 7-ROOM modern house, hardwood floors throughout, all built-in effects. 100x100. Will sell house and 1 lot if desired; cement garage, walking distance. 131 East 19th st. N. BRAND new, $2000 cash, 4-room bunga low, bath, basement, Dutch kitchen, large corner lot, 30x124. 84th st- and 70th ave. Owner, Aut. 627-15. $4500 ROSE CITY attractive modern 6 room bungalow. Excellent condition and ne 1 ghborhoo d. Ta bo r 4044. NEW 5-ROOM Rose City Park bungalow; $650 cash, balance $35 monthly lnclud Ing interest. Tabor 7072. ROSE CITY bungalow. 4 rooms, bath, base ment, fruit, flowera; furnished, unfur- 1 ai&hed, terms. 659 E. TSth at. North. KEAL ESTATE. CHOICEST VIEW PROPERTY ON WISTERIA AVENUE. ROSE CITY PARK. We are offering here a lovely - home of 6 rooms. It is built high and sightly and commands a won derful view of a great part of the city of Portland. It has cost an immense sum of money to build and Improve this place and must be seen to be appreciated and we will be pleased to show it to you. The living room is 14x27 feet and all the rooms are large, dining room, kitchen, breakfast nook. three bedrooms including sleeping porch. Full cement basement. A large cement porch extending full length of house commanding a wonderful view for miles around, also a good garage. The lot is 60 xlOO. well improved with lawn, flowers and shrubbery. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Branch office 45th and Sandy Boulevard. BETTER HOMES FOR LESS. $2790 A dandy four-room bungalow, clofe to Brooklyn shops; $500 cash and $23 per month. $2950 A dandy modern 4-room bunga low on Stafford St., near Union avenue. $500 cash and $25 per month. $3200 On Halleck, near Burrage; two sleeping rooms; breakfast nook : buffet ; built-ins; hardwood floor In living room; concrete basement and cement porch. Easy terms. $3350 Corner of Halleck and Burrage; 2 sleeping rooms; breakfast nook, buffet; built-lns: linen closet; ful set of plumbing; hardwood floor in living room ; concrete base ment and cement porch. You would never expect to buy it for such a low price. Reasonable terms. RYAN REALTY A BLDG CO., Realtors. 415-6 Ablngton bldg. Marshall 5S48. WESTMORELAND 8-ROOM BUNGALOW, ONLY $5200. Cannot be duplicated anywhere In Portland for this money. Hardwood floors, massive fireplace, cabinet kitch en, a full cement basement with laun dry trays and good furnace. Also a garage. This is on a paved corner, 2 blocks from car. Priced $1500 under value and is a pickup with $2200 cash. See Mr. Hajp. with COE A. McKENNA Sc. CO.. REALTORS, 82 FOURTH ST. MAIN 4522. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS AND GARAGE, About two blocks from Sandy boulevard, all improvements In and paid; if you are in the market for a 5 or 6-room house and want something good, call and let us show you what we have near Sandy and not far from our branch office at 45th and Sandy blvd. Ta bor 252. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. ROSE CITY. $3650, $050 CASH. LOT lOOxlOO. LIVING ROOM WITH HARDWOOD FLOORS, FINE LARGE F! REPLACE. KITCHEN WITH GOOD BUILT-INS. 1 NICE BEDROOM, GOOD BATHROOM, FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. FUR NACE, LAUNDRY TRAYS; ONE NICE TENT HOUSE. 2 CHICKEN HOUSES. GARAGE. GARDEN, 1 BLOCK OFF 57TH ON HARRISON, NO. 1535 HAR RISON. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR, 204 BOARD OF TRADE. PHONE BROADWAY 37. LAURELHURST. $R00 cash buys a beautiful five room bungalow, having break fast nook, furnace, fireplace, ga rage, hardwood floors. French doors and built-in bath; windows In all the clothes closets. Wonderful view home and only a block and half from the park: $6300. -OTTO & HAKKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6308. $5350 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 5 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH; HARDWOOD FLOORS. FOX FUR NACE. FIREPLACE, GARAGE. IVORY WOODWORK, NICELY PAPERED; BEAUTIFUL YARD; CLOSE TO CAR; 54TH ST., SOUTH OF SANDY; EASY TERMS. SEE IT TODAY? SURE I WILL. EAST P04. BY OWNER. SUNNYSIDE. 4-room bungalow. Just completed, hardwood floors, full basement. Ivory finished woodwork, lot 50x100; every thing paid. A splendidly built house, will make a dandy home for someone. Owner leaving city and will sell at rea sonable price, easy terms. Phone Mar shal 1 BIH2 after Sunday. OWN Kit must sell 4-room house, with bath, sleeping porch, lot 100x100. on paved street; all kinds of fruit trees, chicken house, garage. Don't overlook this, it's the best buy in city; will sell furniture and car with place or sep arate. Home Sunday only; easy terms. 7S Nehalem ave.. Sellwood. BY OWNER. Strictly modern six-room bungalow, including all bullt-lns, hand-painted walls, finished in old ivory, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, fireplace, full basement, furnace, beautiful lawn and roses. Only $5500, terms. 2G4 East 51st st.. block off Hawthorne. COM PORTABLE, modern 6-room house; wash tray a in basement; 3 full lots, chicken house, baring fruit trees; 3 blocka north of Gllsan, near 60th st. Price $2000; equity for sale reasonable or will trade for auto or lot. Phono Auto. 215-14. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Beautiful, new, 6 rooms, breakfast nook, fine hardwood floors throughout, ivory woodwork, unusual built-ins. fur nace, garage; built for a home; reason able. 592 E. 25th N. BARGAIN. Hawthorne district; mod ern 8 room bungalow, Vt block from Hawthorne ave.; best of plumbing, full cement basement, fireplace. Dutch kitchen, built-ins; all improvements in and paid; $3800, $10o0 cash, terms. Tabor 70. 280 E. 43th. LAURELHURST. 8-ROOM NEW HOUSE. UP TO DATE. 1185 EAST DAVIS. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, $0500. Attractive small bungalow, new. well built; oak floors, ivory finish, garage. NeuhaUtien. S30 N. W. Bank bldg. Main SO 78. WOODSTOCK CAR 5-room typical bun galow, furnace, fireplace, full level lot, fine lawn, fruit trees, pleasant neigh borhood, convenient to car and stores. Main 6327; $3200 ARTISTIC modern bungalow, five larire rooms and sewing room, attic. Improved street, sewer connected; $4500. terms. Exceptionally nice place. Best buy in city. Owner. Woodlawn 31 1 4. $2050 BUNGALOW $26.50. 5-room bungalow in fine condition, fireplace, cement basement, all built-lns, garden, all fenced, nice yard. Main 4803, Tabor 804. 424 Ablngton bldg. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. We are forced to sell our home, seven rooms, fireplace, furnace, corner lot, your chance, $5500. terms. Sunday Sell. 2500, Main 5456. Main SHU 2. $1000 EQUITY. $15i0 balance, $20 per month. 5 rooms, bath, light and gas; good basement, sleeping porch. - Some fruit and garage. ML Scott car. Ar leta. 4226 6Gth st. S. E. A PRETTY. MODERN HOME. COxOO lot, 5-room modern, 2 blocks to Hawthorne car; a real home; $4650. easy terms. Phone Auto. 623-17. HAVE a talk with us about that new home. We assist financing. Your lot or ours. FABRICATED CONSTRUC TION CO.. 616 McKay bldg. $1800 BUYS a 5-room house in a good residence section of the city, on easy terms. For particulars see Ben Rles land. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. 3 BLOCKS FRANKLIN HIGH. $50O down, cozy 5-room bungalow; modern: on car line; terms, $25 monthly. Quin. Realtor. 206 Morgan bldg. $0S(W 343 E. 7TH NO.. CORNER WEID LER; A VALUABLE CORNER, FINE FOR 2 FLATS. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. R. T. STREET, AGENT. BEAUTIFUL 5-room R. C. bungalow with garage, finished in Ivory, hardwood floors, breakfast room and all built-in; bar gain. Owner. 424 E. 5 2d st. N. $1050 5-ROOM house, some furniture, will take Itfht car and some cash as first payment. 151 3 Mississippi BEAUTIFUL Westmoreland 6-room mod ern house. See this. Deal with owner. $4300. $1200 cash. Sellwood 225. WEST SIDE, on Jefferson st.. good 7 room house and lot; $5000, easy terms. 804 Spalding bldg. HERE la a 5-room hoube and lot on 12th st., near Alberta car, $1000 cash will handle. 41 S Railway Exchange, REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Six-room cottage west of 32 d st., near Hawthorne: shrubbery and fruit. $iH0 CASH; $30OO. Five rooms with sleeping porch. Al condition, east facing, ideal location; terms; $3750. Five-room bungalow with every built in feature; lot 46x110; immediate pos session; $4200. Four-room bungalow with breakfast nook, fireplace, furnace, sightly loca tion; your own terms; $3250. Six-room bungalow and den, artistic buffet, splendid basement, furnace. Al plumbing, neatly kept yard, near school. $500 CASH, $U0OO. New 7-room bungalow, right up to the minute in every detail; east facing. To see this is to buy; good terms; $4400. HAWTHORNE REALTY' CO., Cor. 30th and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. PARKROSE. ON SANDY BLVD. Dandy suburban home, yet Just outside city limits on the Colum bia highway; only 1 block from the end of the Parkrose car line; cor ner tract; nicely improved. Variety of fruit trees and berries: a modern bungalow; 6 rooms. hardwood floors, fireplace, larsre breakfast nook, modern plumbing, full ce ment basement. Remember, this is outside city limits where you have only county taxes: this place is only 2 blocks from common and hltrh school. Department stores de liver out here every day. To see this today call at our branch office at the end of the Parkrose car line. This is a snap at $7500. only $2000 down, balance arranged. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S. QUALITY HOMES. $6750 Beautiful 7-room home on Haw thorne ave., near E. 24 th st. A real home, modern throughout and now in excellent condition. Owner offers at attractive price. f 6000 Good substantial 8-room home on E. Broadway near E. 14th. Owner will kalsomine through out and can give possession on Sept. 1. Very attractive home on E. 27th st., bet. Hawthorne ave. and M t. Tabor car lines. Full lot, extra well built house In fine condition. $5250 Choice modern 5-room bungalow in ElmhursL This home is of fered at very close price. A. H. BI RR ELL-GILL CO. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. BUNGALOW AND ONE ACRE. Within city limits, 4 rooms and bath, brand new. convenient to school, trolley, etc. : one acre fine garden land ; price $3750, terms $300 cash, bal. $40 monthly; imme diate possession. See Mr. Nayior or Mr. Croasley. with ELROD & DRYER. OWNERS. 283 Stark st. Phone Bdwy. 1188. ALAMEDA. Beautiful colonial type bunea low having five rooms, hardwood floors, garage, furnace, fireplace, French doors and all the built-in features; located on paved street and all assessments paid ; $5000. $1000 cash will handle. OTTO A HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6308. TfTf nf ' TWFRTMUVTS MAKE MONEY WHILE YOU SLEEP. LET ME SHOW YOU SOME BRICK APTS. ON V fc. r SIDE THAT WILL DO THIS. NOT LEASED, FROM $07,000 TO $150,000. ATTRACTIVE HOUSE ON ALAME DA AND AN EXCLUSIVE BUY CLOSE IN ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS. CALL ME FOR HOME NEEDS. MRS. BERRY, MAR. 16S4. OWNER'S HOUSE SACRIFICED. Circumstances compel me to sell at once mv 6-room modern house. ALL FLOORS HARDWOOD, fireplace, fur nace; the grounds with tneir snruns, flowers and vines make this up-to-date bungalow the most attractive home in the district. Buy it now from the owner and save agents' commission. Price $0500. For appointment phone Wdln. 732. BF 881. Oregonian. ACRE AND BUNGALOW. Nearly M acre with new. double-constructed bungalow. 4 rooms and bath room below; room for 2 rooms above. 100 feet from car; Just outside city lim its with all city conveniences, beautiful grove native trees, near Glisan street; bargain at $2450; easy terms. S. P. Osburn, owner, 610 McKay bldg., Sd and Stark. IRVINGTON'S BEST. $(1850 A wonderfully built Irvington home; beautiruliy paperea living room, 16x22: trinle bevel plate French doors, leaded art glass bookcases and buffet. 3 bedrooms and inclosed sleeping porch, attic enuallv well finished: the pink of condition, like new; by appointment only. R. T. Street, agent. TWO SNAPS. Well-built 5-room bungalow, furnace heat, paved street, choice close-in loca tion : Richmond-Hawthorne section; $3500, terms. Also west of Piedmont, close to car, dandv 5-room bun era low with attic and sleeping porch, $2750, easy terms. See A. K.. rl li-l. A iumoermens piq. GROVE LAND PARK, $4!i50. NEAR FRANKLIN. Beautiful, new, modern, seven -room bunealow. Dartlv furnished. $1000 under value, small pjayment and easy terms to responsible buyer; overlooks city and near r'ranKim. owner, aaz tu. o-ita at. Phone Tabor 2413. IRVINGTON NEW. Most attractive bungalow. T rooms and breakfast nook, ideal floor plan, beauti ful hardwood floors throughout, ivory woodwork, artistic paper, tile bath. nnique built-ins, cement porcn. tur nace, garaxe; best material and work manship. 52 E. 25th N. FREE PLANS. FREE ADVICE. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? LET US HELP YOU. Come to our office and let our de signer help you plan your home. PORTLAND HOME BUILDERS, 216 Abington TtAdg., On 3d st., bet. Washington and Stark. IRVINGTON BARGAIN HUNTERS, here's a typical 5-room bungalow. It's not a shell, it's complete and compact; east front. Priced $1DU below value at $6300. Nothing in Irvington like it for the money. Phone Main 6327 for ap point merit. NICELY furnished 5-room bungalow ready to move into: large lot. rruit ana berries Will sell my equity for $130. Take good securities in place of cash, balance $25 per month. Including interest. Ca 11 owner evenings. a a dot uuoo or 1st u.u, Oregonlan. BY OWNER. Lovely house, on East 0th, near Knott Plate alass front, cement porch, garage. fireplace, all built-in. dining room, kitch en and breakfast nook; interior finished to suit buyer; will sell cheap. Tabor Hlus. Kder. 142 5 0 B RAND N E W $ 4 2 5 0. 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, all built-ins, patent drain board, paved streets, sewer, re stricted district, 1 block to cart very easy terms. By owner. Main 4b03, Ta bor SV4. 424 Abington bid g. BARGAIN 5-room California, type bun galow, furnace, trays, fireplace, built ins. Dutch kitchen, fine lawn and fruit. 4411 44th st. S. E., near Holgate. Go look Sunday sure. First customer gets it. $3200. $1500 t-ROOM hoiwte and bathroom, no fixtures, gas. electric light, water in sjnk in kitchen, lawn and roses, one block south of car line: might consider car up to $S00; no r ord. Parkrose, cor ner Ryan and Bralnard. IRVINGTON bungalow, $0000; will give terms; 6 rooms, hardwood noors. rur nace, fireplace, built-ins, ivory enameled finish, full cement basement and a- rage; east front. 50x100 lot. 535 East Sth street North. BY OWNER, CHEAP. Near Reed college, 6 large-room bun galow, fireplace, furnace, buffet, Dutch kitchen and full cement basement. On paved st. 4319 45th st. S. E. Phone Automatic 630-58. $4500 NIFTY bungalow and one-third acre ground near Oak Grove. Oregon City car line, very attractive; $1000 cash will handle. Main 6820. ERNEST WELLS CO.. 006 Couch Bldg. 5-ROOM cottage, full basement, double garage, on a. beautiful corner lot, paved street, close In, $.'000, good terms. Owner, Sellwood 3623 Sunday or evenings, week dava 3903. ALBERTA 8 rooms, double constructed, fine condition, strictly modern except h. w. floors and furnace; full lot. fine lawn, paraire. Take car. good lot as part payment. Main 6327. LOSE CITY PARK bungalow, modern in every detail; no mortgage to assume. $10O cash, balance like rnt. Let me show vou. Sunday, Sell. 2500; Main 5456, Main !M112. IRVINGTON DUTCH COLONIAL. $6500. terms; large living rooxn. fireplace, 3 bedrooms, garage. Neuhausen. 650 W. Bank bldg. lain REAL ESTATE. For Sale ROSE CITY PARK. $3000 A BEAUTIFUL little 5-room bungalow, located near SOth and Freemont; has all built-in fea tures, also a nice sleeping porch and garage and is located in a beautiful hr grove. The owner mue4 have money and It will re quire $1500 each. $1000 $500 cash and balance easy terms; da ndy 5-room modern bungalow with fireplace, furnace and ga rage; lot Mix 100; street work and sewer in and paid; near Sandy, under the hill. HAWTHORNE $500 CASH. $3900 A new, modern 5-room bungalow on a paved street, with all im provements paid lor. PENINSULA. $2S50 A 4-room modern bungalow, two years old; extra large livin-r room, kitchen with lots of built-ins. breakfast nook; thlm La on a cor ner lot, one block from car, and will make a wonderful home for a small family. Can be handled on extremely easy terms. LOVELY ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $4S00 ONLY $750 CASH. BALANCE EASY TERM S. This is a sreiiuine opportunity; owner In a hurry tn sell; 5 large rooms. Ideally arranged; oak Moors In living and dining rooms; extra large living room with fire place and full plate glass windows), buf fet dining room. Dutch kitchen with cosy breakfast nook; two large, light, airy bedrooms with bath between; plenty of closets, fine lighting fixtures; old ivory and white enamel nnlsh throughout, ce ment basement, stationary tubs, full lot; paving and sewer paid in f ull ; young roses, fruit and flowers. Place Is only two vears old and in a beautiful neigh borhood. Someone will grab this Quick to hurry. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Tabor S4S5. Open Sunday. A PERFECT ROSE CITY BUNGALOW On beautiful Wisteria ave ; 5 lovely rooms and breakfast nook ; larfre bath with built-in dressing table and bevel plate mirror; all modern conveniences of every kind, cut si ass hardware ; beauti ful hardwood floors in every room; Ivory finish throughout; immense living room; perfect basement; pipeless furnace; lare attic; fine garage and cement driveway; pergola porch ; choice shrubbery; inlaid linoleum; automatic gas heater; shades and some drapes included. For appoint ment, call MRS. SNOW, Bdy. 4664, LAUR ELHUR ST. LOVE LY N E W BUNG A LOW. Large living, cheerful dining, 2 lovely large bedrooms; all oak polished floors; sanitary bath, ped estal lavatory; really a grand Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook. All the built-ins; plate gla?s windows, fireplace; 2 bedrooms up. Fox furnace: Rarage, all impts. paid. This is one of the best built and mostt complete bungalows in Portland. $6750 and it is worth it- East 4074. EAST 32D ST. and Hawthorne ave. 7 room house In good repair, on large lot, fruit, shrubbery and improvements all in and paid. See this home. 4-room double constructed bungalow" on 6tith st. Laundry, kitchen, In sep arate house, with water in ; a wonder ful buy. House set on two lots; $1000 will handle. If you are looking for & fine home, see it. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. 620 Henry Bldg. Broadway 43SO. WEST SIDE New. modern 6-room bunga low, furnace. buffet. laundry trays, hardwood floors. French doors between living and dining room, old ivory enamel finish, cement retaining walls and pi I la rs, 13 m 1 n u t es' wa Ik from cou r t house, unobstructed view of whole city and mountains; no contract house; it was built for home; no objection to real estate dealers; price $6000; $1500 will handle; will be shown by appointment; ready to move In Id days. Woodlawn 3Q40. Ida It. Gillette, owner. LIVE IN IRVINGTON 57tt E. 25TH ST. N. ' FINEST AND MOST ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM BUNGALOW IN IRVINGTON. ALL HARDWOOD FLOORS. LARGE LIVING ROOM. FRENCH DOORS TO BEAUTIFUL DINTNO ROOM. DUTCH KITCHEN. BREAKFAST NOOK, TILE BATHROOM. RECESS TUB. IF YOU WANT A BE A UT I F LTL HOM E, SEE THIS. OPEN SUNDAY FOR INSPEC TION. R. SOMERVTLLE, BROADWAY 247. HAWTHORNS AVENUE BARGAIN. Either as a home or an Investment; number of house 1014 Hawthorne ave nue, cor. East 34th; 7 rooms and sleep ing porch; good basement, furnace, fire place and but It-Ins; lot 50x100; splen did garage; price $6500; terms. This property is occupied by tenant and can only be shown by appointment. E. M. BROWN. 1122 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 2422. IRVINGTON. $5000. New 5-room bungalow, large living room. artlFtic paper and fixtures; wash able enameled walls in kitchen and bath; all built-ins; ventilating hood over range; shades. linoleum; garage. 605 Fremont, near 18th st. Owner. Main 8205. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST HOME 1215 EAST PINE. 100x100 corner; wonderful shrubbery; first story pressed brick; 8 rooms; mod ern in every detail ; b"st cus true t ion; several thousand dollars under value. Drive by and see this distinctive home, shown by appointment, Win. C. Murphy, 403 Stock Ex. bldg. Mar. 3324, East 1304. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. A clever little home, 5 nice rooms, liv ing and dining room in tapestry paper, built-in bookcases and buffet fireplace. 2 good bedrooms and sleeping porch, large bathroom with built-ins, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash traya, pretty lot, fruit and flowers; good value. $3050: terms. Royal. 72d and Sandy. Tabor 155. $0150 MODERN R. C. BUNGALOW. BIGGEST SNAP IN DISTRICT. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, good basement, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, all built-lns; corner lot; $180 bonded liens. This is a gift at the price, but owner is leaving and says sell. See it today. Immediate possession. Terms, Sunday. Mar. 5063; weekdays. Main 7067. 8-0 Chamher of Commerce bid g. POPULAR ALBERTA DISTRICT. Six-room bungalow, with modern built in conveniences; street imp. paid; hot air furnace; garage; concrete driveway; close to Catholic and public school; block to car. Would consider lot aa part payment. Price $3000. MRS. SNOW, Bdy. 4664., I OWN A NEW MODERN HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. NOW VACANT. 6 rooms, one floor, fireplace, hardwood floors. cement basement, all built-ins, breakfast nook, tapestry pa.per, garage, all city liens paid. near car. sold for $4750. e&sy terms; MUST sell. fee me at once. Sunday, Mar. 5963; week days. Main 7007. OWNER LEAVING CITY. HAS REDUCED PRICE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. Attractive modern 10-room residence, practically like new; large garage; beau tiful grounds; paved si reet. Price only $9800. Reasonable terms. Owner, Mar shal 24S6. ROSE CITY. 4-room bungalow, 2 blocks from car, on good lot. with plen ty of fruit and eh rubbery; electric lijrht and cap; fin ished in old ivory: full price $10."0; on easv terma. 21S Railway Exchange bldg. M a i n 0102. WE HAVE a most beautiful little home In Laurelhurst, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bath, combination dining and sitting room, built-ins. furnace. It's brand new. too, $1500 will give you possession. BAR RAND REALTY CO.. 340 Salmon. $2S50 FOR QUICK SALE $2S30. House, 5 rooms and bath, 10xl00 lot. 6 kinds of berries, 11 bearing fruit trees, garden; valuation: $3250; leaving city ; call Sunday only. Auto. 610-14. or BC f26, Oregonina. OWNER LEFT CITY'. Beautiful Irvington home. 11 rooms, 8 sets plumbing, all in old Ivory, com plete, practically new, choice location; a snap for $15,000. Call Epton, realtor, Eat 7.104. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful 6-room bungalow, near car line, in best part of Rose City Park; modern in every way; lots of flowers ami shrubbery; garage; $5500. 056 E. 40th st. N. Auto. 323-0S. MODER-N 5-rrn. bungalow ; living room. 1 2x22, beautiful ftreplH.ce, stippled floors; interior ivory and enamel ttnish ; 50x1 UO lot; shrubbery and berries ; Imp. in aitd. p aid. 540 E. 37t h S. Owner. $4(H) DOWN and small monthly payments, 6-room modern home, on car line, 10x 100; garaare. pa Men and about $LV0 worth of furniture go with this bargain. Main 7030 today or East .l2 evenings. b-ROOM residence with gas furnace and store with plate glass front, on good business street, all for $7000. Wood lawn. 508 a.