1G TTTTJ SUNDAY OTtEGOXIAX, PORTLAXD, AUGUST 7, 1921 HtLP WANTED MALE Help Wanteil Salesmen. JL LA ROE and successful San Francisco firm of importers and exporters is about to open a branch at Portland and to cover Seattle and the state of Washing ton with a line that every household nepds and buys and it Is looking for a capable man to take hold of its office, or a live vHlesman with automobile, and one who can invest several thousand dollars. Big money can be made and there is no possible chance for loss, as branch manager handled his own money. T 858, Oregonian. F1KLU manager for big- orRanlzation cov ering: Pacific coast. This Is one of the best positions of the year. Requires no investment but demands a man of excellent judgment with an understand ing of human nature. Will pay as high s $10,000 per year to the right man. This is not a soliciting proposition nor la it a cinch. But it is a dignified op portunity to connect with a sure selling plan with unlimited possibilities. Tour reply will be considered in the strictest confidence. State present occupation and previous experience. P 875, Urego- bi'Ki IAI1'V salesmen for western states and Canada; hustlers with tntiative ability who can get over territory, whip oil the cream and leave agency in town worked; this calls or Investment of $100 up; it's an opportunity for every hus tler in the selling gam ft. Piper Sales Agency, box 559, Portland. Or. "WANTED Salesman to place with mer- chants a sales contract where no initial investment Is required ; a real salesman ho is not afraid of conditions can make fio.rmo to $15,000 a year in commissions. B5 our other men are doing. SKRENADO M FG, CO.. C KDAH RAP1 PS, IOWA. WANTED Experienced retail salesman for cutlery and toilet goods ; must understand windows and taking care of stork; experienced people only need to apply: written references required; state age and salary expected. O 895, Ore gonia n. WANTED AGENTS. UVUSUA L opportunity. manufacturing concern, wnose line of products Is In overwhelming demand. will establish Ambitious men In business a w holesale distributors. selling through agents, salesmen, dealers. Jobbers and by mail. Experience or capital unnecessary: credit extended; everything furnished; full co operation; tremendous repeat business: 200 per cent profit: newspaper aavertis ing free; contract protects territory. Scientific LaboratorU. 2!3 Court St., Dept. 3531. Brooklyn. N- Y. WANTED, for city of Portland and state of Oregon, a dependable working solicitor or salesman (or woman ) having ref erences and successful .experience hand ling magazines or books to represent new national magazine, taking orders a ad ad vert ising ; g real earning possibili ties. Address the Talmud Society, 525 Market St.. San Francisco. California. AGENTS Best seller; Jem Rubber Repair for tires and tubes; supersede vulcan ization at a saving of ovr 800 per cent; put it on cold, it vulcanizes itself in two niinutts, and Is guaranteed to last the life of the tirr or tube; sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. For particulars how to make big money and free sample, address Amazon Kubber Co., Philadelphia. Pa., Dept. 70. AGENTS Sell Minltmend for tires avid t ubes; cost 2c repair; surpasses vulcan izing, saves 500 per cent; every auto and accessory dealer buys; profits amaz ing. Particulars free and samples. The Continental Rubber Co., department 25, P hilad el phi a. , GARTS1DE S IRON RUST SOAP CO., 4054 Lancdatfr ave.. Phlla., Pa., mfrs. of the best and the original iron rust soap, want agent;.; trademark, print and copy right rgiitered in U. S. patent office. This soap removes iron rust, ink and unwashable stains from clothing, marble, e t c, like m a g ic. 2.ic tube. Big profl ts. GOOD PAY WEEKLY Free samples, lowest priced gold window letters for h tores, offices. Anybody can do It, Large demand. Exclusive territory. ACME LETTER CO., 2804 Congress, Dept. 149. Chicago. AGENTS 300 per cent profit'selliiij? mar velous new chemical gas lighter; no friction ; replaces 10,000 matches ; sam ples lO cents; investigate. National Liter Co.. Dept. KK, 702 E. 63d st.. Chicago. 111. AGENTS Men. women. Something dif ferent. Wonderful seller, 400 per cent profit. Every housewife must have It Sale guaranteed. Enormous repeat business. Write quick. Universal Prod ucts Company. Oakland. Cal. GolD PAY MADE weekly telling Rolly's Washday Wonder. New chemicai dirt solvent. H armless. Cleans without rubbing. Want agents and crew man agers. Free tamples and particulars. Holly Chemical Co.. H 5, Hastings, Neb. HURRAH! GREAT NEWS! Lucky II now at pre-war prices. You can coin money from now till Christmas. Act quick. E. M. DAVIS CO., . Dept. 704, C hica go. NEW INVENTION, oil gauge for Fords; sells on sight, big profits, small invest ment, exclusive territory; unusual op portunity for agents and selesmen. Ad dress Sales Mgr.. 440 Sta. C. Omaha. Ne"b. A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN Make sparkling glass name piates, numbers, checker boards, medallions, signs; big it! ust rated book free. E. Palmer, 201, Wooster. Ohio. WANTED Good live agents to seii a real money-getter, needed everywhere and an unusual article of merit and easy to handle. Wood wort h. 387 East An ken y. Home all day Sunday. PRODUCING tailoring agents wanted; men's made-to-order clothing. Finest materials; prices cut to the bone ; Fair swatcft line ready. Leeds Woolen Mills, Chicago. !- A SALES MGR. for nifg. Co. esc. 2o yrs. ; every home. auto, store needs Pyrocide. a tire extinguisher selling for 1-3 the price of others. W. F. A. Co., 100$ Snrerkels bid g.. San Francisco. SIDE LINE men wanted, sell auto road maps to trade and advertisers ; popular line ; requires little time ; profitable. Clason Map Co., D enver . C o I o. 7U A WEEK GUARANTEED for selling 4 average Cresco raincoats a day. Out fit free. We deliver and collect. Im proved Mf g. Co., Dept. 144, . Ashland, O. AGENTS Sell Cresco" Utility Bags and waterproof aprons. Something differ ent. Big profits. Improved Mfg. Co., Dept. 145. Ashland, Ohio. AG ENT to handle carpet dyeing on floor by new method, any color, ready in two hours. P. O. box 4046. 6-ROOMS extra good furniture; good in come; rent reasonable ; a bargain for raMh. 431 Market st. AGENTS wanted to sell hair nets to users. Profitable business. Peecar Hair Goods Co.. Utica. N. Y. INCREASE your profits selling soap, per fumes, extracts, etc., as side line. LA CASPIAN CO.. Dept. 642, St. Louis. Mo. LADY to sell high-grade toilet prepara tions on commission basis. BC 803, Ore gonian. LIVE agents, fast sWler, 10O per cent profit, free sample. Chapman Co., Kansas City. Mo. HEALTH, accident and noap tal Insurance. Big commissions. 601 Coifett Olds'. HKI.P WANTED r'KMALK. MARRIED woman to do housework in pri vate family ; will pay good wages and provide nicely-furnished housekeeping rooms in fine home for man and wife ; free gas. etc. A splendid opportunity for the right people. Call Tabor 1751 Mon day morning. WANTED Girl with pleasing personality and ability to wear all types of clothes; must wear size 3i; experience not essen tial. Apply Monday after 11. H. Liebes Co.. fourth floor. WANTED Two or three ladies to help pick evergreen berries. Pay 25c a crate and board. About 2 miles east of Ore gon City. John Tucker, Oregon City. Route 2. box in. S i TUATED in" the heart of the Indus -trial district of the east side ; want elderly lady, good plain cook, to go in with me on the dining room. Call 733 Pacific st. W'A.s'i'tiD Kef ined educukd woman, in terested in child welfare, for several months' employment to do work along sex hygiene line; salary JtMj per mo. BD H01. Oroeronian WIDE-AWAKE woman with selling abil ity, one with previous experience pre ferred; must have at least high school education. Call at Pit toe k block, room Vol. bet ween 1 and 5 Monday. W A.N i'iilJ Experienced operator and fin ishers on dresses. Elson Mfg. Co., 433 hi A WOMAN cook with a 14-year-old daugh ter, preferred, small hotel. Lewis Era ployment. 43 ', N. Second. DISENGAGED teacher for educational work; good salary; advancement to risht party. W 8!H. Oregonian. "WOMEN to cook in light Evening work. Must be took. Call Bdwy. 89 luncn room, good pastry GOOD home for middle-aged or elderly lady who will assist with housework F OSS. Oregonian. "WANTED -Teachers for mission school. Apply 170 First at., from 2 to 4 P. M WANTED Experienced a n d r a Cou r t. waitress. MIDDLE-AGED or elderly lady to do light housework. 182 Uibbs st. W A NT ED Girl for a candy store North 3d st.. corner Burn side. at 13 HOI SEK EEPEK, with small child, for ranch in the country. AH Mt, Oregonian. of work and wnt work call at litn. lit. 4U. WAITRESSES wanted, end street -4 k North Sec- HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS. also woman to help in cutting department, one who understands patterns and has a general knowledge of sewing: and fitting. Baby's Boudoir Factory, 3stV Washington at., Selling-Hirsch. bldg., ' 3d floor. EXPERIENCED hotel waitress, $45, room and board. Experienced waitress, hotel, out, good wages. Experienced pantry woman, out. General maid, institution, in. Good cooks, private homes, good wages. Experienced second maids. Also other positions open. SCOTT'S EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 329 Henry Bldg.. corner 4th and Oak. WHOLESALE broker wants first class stenographer. Don't apply unless thoroughly competent and experienced. Johnson-Lieber Co.. Broadway 1240. A LADY to keep house and work in & general merchandise store In country. Give full particulars as to age, church and political affiliations, salary wanted, correct address, references. I have no objections to children. Am within few steps of good? school. AV 0183, Ore gonian. THE UNIVERSITY SOCIETY of New fork city in its Home Department, needs the services of two or three cultured, earnest women. To those who can meet with our requirements the position pays $2500 a year. Call at 309 Coroett bldg.. between 2 and 5. GO D weekly income mailing circulars at home all or spare time; splendid travel ing positions also open; dignified, legiti mate work for honest, sincere persons ; experience unnecessary. Address post card. Home Service Bureau, dept. 32o, station P, Los Angeles, Cal. PERMANENT position, with future, for capable, experienced stenographer; lum ber experience preferred, but not essen tial; must be able and 'willing to as sume responsibilities; moderate salary to -start, but will increase as worth is proven. BC 860. Oregonian. DANCER wanted, young lady assistant teacher; good opportunity, free instruc tions: also experienced lady teacher, capable of conducting children's classes. Call at DcHoney's Academy, 23d and Washington. MAN AND WIFE for clubhouse; man at tend to beat and janitor work, woman, cook and serve, cafeteria style ; living quarters furnished; wages and percent age; give referenced and phone number. J 914, Oregon! a n. AT O XCE Five brig nt. capable ladles to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; $40 to $75 per week, railroad fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. 101 BB, Omaha, Neo. YOU CAN make $"0 by selling the pear! necklace with little effort; investment not required; ladies who have made friend and acquaintances will have more opportunity. Write for particulars to AV OS. oregonian. WOM EN'S Protective Division, located at room 303 Police Headquarters. 2d and Oak sts., will furnish information, give protection and "assistance free to women and girls. Interviews confidential. ST EN OGR A P HE R understanding bonds and policy writing: $100 a month; ste nographer, noiseless machine, and dicta phone operator, $ 1 00; stenographer, sec retarial position, $1 00. Williams Person- nel Service. 504 Spa Id in g bldg. SWEET-VOICED alto singer, trained pre ferred ; piano accompaniment necessary ; only those of reputablejcharacter and re finement need apply. Write for appoint ment. II. Eschenfeld. 55th ave. and 04th st. Southeast. YOU CAN make a comfortable livelihood ifl the magazine business. Hundreds of other women are doing it. We have openings for three or four women, be tween 20 and 35. 211 Stock Exc. bldg., corner 3d and Yamhill. MILLINERY TRIMMERS. MAKERS AND SALESLADIES WANTED FOR CITY AND OUT-OF-TOWN POSITIONS. AP PLY LOWENGART & CO.. BROADWAY AND BURNS1DE; ONLY EXPERI ENCED PERSONS NEED APPLY. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may earn good income corresponding for news papers; all or spare time; experience un necessary ; no canvassing ; subjects sug gested. Send for free booklet. National Press Bureau, Buffalo. N. Y. WANT energetic woman, preferably with car, listing and tale apt. and rooming houses, free rent. 50-50 basis; give full iniormatino as to ability and experience. AN 854. Oregonian. 3 YOUNG ladies of good address and pleas ing personality for sales work in city, good salary if you can qualify. Sunday, 1 to 4. or Monday before 0. Mr. Weber, 45 Trinity place, apt. 18. Main 6901 COOKS for boarding house ; lady for fac tory work, 25 years old ; w ai tress hotel, out, $40 r. b. Two waitresses, out, res taurant. $75 r. b. 801 Raleigh bldg., 327 Washington st. LADY agents to sell home comfort spe cialties, part or full t ime ; our line is first class ; earn from $5 a day and up. Agents also wanted for out of city. Ap- pi y rootn 216 Stock Exchange bldg. NEAT and refined lady to keep house for self and three children. One who will work for moderate wages. Call in per son anv time today or phone after 1 P. M. Tabor 3708. WOMEN to represent us in city and outside towns all or spare time, $ l.2u an hour to workers, experience not necessary. Call or write for details. Wright Chem Ical Co . 240 Holladav ave. WANTED Plain elderly woman, "light housework, for man alone, country town, good steady home and wages to right Prty. Write particulars. AV 1O0. Ore- gonian. STENOGRAPHER. " Bright stenographer, typewriter and general office work; permanent position; Mate experience and salary wanted in first letter. Q 028, Oregonian. WANTED Cook and general helper for road house work; good place; good peo ple to work for. Call or phone Os We Go Lodge, Wilson ia station. Phone Main 0511. WANTED House to houe solicitors for a new patented device for the housewife. Women who have canned with Economy fruit jars preferred. Call Main 3046 tor appointment. COMPETENT SALESWOMAN, with per sonality and ability to handle apart ment houses, can obtain fine position by calling at 400-10 Couch bldg. Should have auto. WANTED Experienced stenographer for bond and financial company, salary to start $125. Apply, giving experience and references to AH 78S. Oregonian. AN Y GIRL, in ned or a friend apply to the Salvat'on Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander street. Phone Main 3450. DM ca r. POWER . machine operator girls with ex- ftMieme sewing mattress ticks preferred. United Manufacturing Co., 25th and Holladav ave. WANTED Woman to can fruit on shares at my farm home. For particulars in quire weekdays, 812 Washington st., Van couver. Wash. WANTED Good stenographer. State age, experience and salary expected. Ad dress in own handwriting. H 005, Oregonian. SALESPERSON for house-to-house canvas. sening lurmture, commission basis; opportunity to make good money. Apply at warehouse. 104 Union ave.. Monday. SIX LADIES WANTED. You can earn $1 an hour; pleasant outside work r 2 to 5 hours per day. 627 Corbett building RELIABLE WOMAN OR GIRL HOUSE KEEPER, 3 IN FAMILY. IN MEDFORD OR. GOOD HOME AND WAGES. CALL AT WASHINGTON HOTEL. ROOM 42" COOK for small country hotel on highway" must be good, economical cook. Answer immediately, stating salary and phone number. X 924. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER for Portland corporation; applicant must state age, experience, references, salary expected. BD j3, Ore gonian. P. B. X. SECOND operator telephone ex change, small town. 100 miles from Portland; experienced middle-aged wom an preferred. AC 814. Oregonian. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home is ready to help any girl in distress. 955 East Glisan. "MV" car. East 316 CAPABLE girl for general housework and cooking; no washing; to go to Pendleton. i an at apt. . naypooie. WANT first-class experienced cook for small mountain hotel. Homer A. Rog ers, Parkdale. Or. PARENTS, both employed, desire some one to take care of little girl, living near 15th and Oak. Call East 87S1 EXPERIENCED cloak and suit saleslady Apply at the Fashion Cloak & Suit Co . 3!4 Wash. st. CAPABLE women for high-class residence work, $3: mornings; experienced solici tora preferred. R 030. Oregonian. WANTED Young attorney to take charge of branch office while building up trade AM 875, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHS R and office work, morn ing or afternoons only; positively state J" .v wauieu. a lj aoa, oregonian. wan 1LD Experienced custom shirtmak er; also operator on butchers coats, G. yjiciinct, nut H1UH ae. iN . WANTED Experienced cafeteria girl; must be competent. Inquire Buffalo Lunch. 3S5 EastM orris on. WANTED Lady bookkeeper, state experi ence. references. wages wanted and phone tn first letter. H 934, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED millinery makers; good wages, steady positions. Apply Elsie Hat company. Artisans bldg. YOUNG women wanting employment as telephone operators, call at room 601 'r'f""'"e u,u.. rarx ana Oak sts. WANTED Six girls. Apply Monday, Hael Skinner. oa RieijfU bid. HELP WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED woman to act as field manager for big organization covering Pacific coast; requires no investment but demands a woman of excellent judg ment with an understanding of human nature. This Is not a soliciting prop osition but a dignified opportunity to connect with a sure selling plan that will bring you $10,000 per year If you are the right person. Your reply will be considered in the strictest confidence. State present occupation and previous experience, p 873. Oregonian THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of & first-class corset salsewoman. Must be thoroughly competent, understand fitting and give beet of references. Apply superintend ent's office. 0:15 to 10:30 A. M, THE OLDS, "WORTMAN" A KING STORE requires the services of a thoroughly ex perienced stenographer; temporary work, 0 to S weeks. Apply superintendent's office, 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. STENOGRAPH ERS. STENOGRAPHERS. BOOKKEEPERS. BOOKKEEPERS. OFFICE HELP. OFFICE HELP. Call and eee us if you are out of work and need a good position. "We can place you. WILLIAMS PERSONNEL SERVICE, ft 04 Spalding Bldg. WANTED L.adies who have exacting eye work to do to have their eyes EXAMINED FREE OF CHARGE, by our eye specialist. Latest instruments. Conscientious service. Low prices. DAVIDS. Jewelers and Opticians. 343 Washington St.. at Bdwy. WANTED Widow lady, take cook house, board men, small camp. Call Monday evening after 6. 204-1.. 4th st. Wantetl 'Domesticft. WANTED experienced girl for general housework in small family, no young children: must be good plain cook and capable in dining room, none other need apply. Pleasant quarters in new home ; refer ences required. 270 Shenandoah terrace. Main 7057. GIRL or woman for general housework and plain cooking, washing machine. 3 chiWren ; only neat and congenial party wno can be treated as member of lam llv need apply; wages $25. Tabor 2006. 1088 Multnomah. GIRL or woman for general housework and plain cooking ; nice room in new home, 2 children. Aut. 640-76. 712A Powell Valley rd. NEAT, capable girl or young woman ex perienced in cooking, family of 3 adults. Good wages. Apply after 10 A. M., b22 Marshall st., near 2-"th. WILL give woman or girl good home and some wages to assist with child and light housework. 1002 E. 17th N.. Al berta. EXPK R IKNCEU girl for general house work, 3 in family. 812 Overton st. Main 81 13. WANTED Colored girl or woman to as sist with housework. 915 E. 30th at. N. Broadway car. W A NTED Housekeeper, not over 35; no objection to little girl. Good home for right partv. N 8?j, Oregonian. E.vij.KiENCEl girl between the agcti of 20 and 30 years for generai house work; must like children. Auto. 3-5-27. A'OM aN tor general nouseworK. adult.s; city references required. r.;.3-31. Three Phone A COMPETENT maid to assist wth house--work and care of two children; small house, west side Main 5547. GI RL cook, light housework, 3 rooms. 2 adults, wages $20. Piper, 442 E. 15th st. N.: Irvington car. Call forenoon. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. References required. 71 Trinity place. WANTED Girl for work in small apart ment, good home, good wages. Apply Monday 475 Schuyle apt. 1. RELIABLE woman to do little housework and care for 2 children: good home for right party. Call Wdln. 5153. WANTED Strong girl for general house work, family of 3; electric washer; must be good cook. Cail Tabor 0100. MAN AND WIFE wish positions, hotel or apt. house. 10 years' experience. Los Angeles. Wood lawn 2350. Call Monday. WANTED A woman Brow ns ville. Or. Box 256, GIRL for general housework, west side. Main 2210. GIRL for light housekeeping, no laundry. Call 193 N. 23d. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WEAVERS. SEVERAL GOOD WEAVERS AT ONCE OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. OREGON CITY, OREGON. HOP PICKERS WANTED." I will be at the St. Charles hotel In Portland, Or., on Monday and Tuesdav, August 8 and 9. to register 175 people to pick hops. Hops good and picking fine. 65 acres and will take from 15 to 20 days to pick them. Ground clean, no weeds, all clodmashed and in fine shape. One ot the very best camping grounds in the country, the best of water right in the middle of the camp. Plenty of sawed wood on the grounds for cooking. Tents already stretched with plenty of fresh straw in them when you arrive A few shacks left. Tables and benches furnished. Will haul pickers to and from station free of charge. Good store on ground and will sell at city prices. I will pay at least $1 per hundred or more if it is customary. Come and see me at St. Charles hotel, or write me at 417 North Commercial St., Salem, Or. T. B. Jones. NOTICE TO HOPP1CKERS. If you wish to register to pick hops or for day work in our ya ds. or at the kilns, tor us this season, please write at once as to the number of pickers in your party (families preferred). Price, 50 cents per box and the prevailing price lor day work at the time of pick ing. We iurnlsh you tents, etc., as usual. Will notify you later as to date of picking and a card will be sent noti fying your registration. SPECIAL NOTICE to all pickers It Is imperative that all hops must be picked clean and i.t Is expected that this rule wili be strictly adhered to. Apply to WIGAN, RICHARDSON Sc. u., w igncn jtancn, independence, Qr. 1000 HOP PICKERS wanted for T. A. . Livesley & Co.'s hop yards; splendid river bottom yards, good camping grounds and pure water; we furnish tents, tables, stools, wood and straw for beds; store and meat shop on grounds. Registration will be taken by our repre sentative from August 8 on at room 207 McKay bldg.. Portland, Or. Come prepared to buy your railroad ticket. Phone Automatic 5J2-86. HOP PICKEha WANTED BELL HOP YARD. Salem Or. loo acres of finest hops, good camp ground, tents and cut wood xurnlshed, restaurant and store in camp ground. Register Monday and Tuesday, Aug. S and 9, at 222 Pittock block. Come prepared to buy your ticket to Livesley station (Oregon electric ). Picking will begin about Sept. 1. Fam llies only registered. WANTED Parties to pick prunes, pears and apples, also some sorters, packers and men In warehouse, long Job, good camping place, board on ranch if de sired ; rooms furnished if you have no tent. Write East Hood River Fruit Co., Mosier, Or. TEACHERS, graduates standard normals and colleges, wanted for positions now open; high salaries; write or call Yates Fisher Te-achers' agency. Broadway bldg. PICKERS wanted for evergreen black berries, fine crop, easy to pick; 1 mile from Oregon Electric, 10 miles north of Salem. Mrs. Lyons, phone 630-46 SALESPEOPLE can earn from $5 up; un limited selling silk hosiery from fac tory. Apply 8 Xo 10 Monday. 406j4 Broadway. HOP PICKERS wanted, big yard, usual accommodations. ApdIv Bishon Rnw.. 408 Flanders st.. cor. 10th. Bdwy. 3103. JANITOR and wife, small ant. Iiouhk. on fur. apt. and small wages. 656 Flanders. Broadway 3S73. COUPLE wishes work on dairy farm, first class milker, woman for light work; no children. BF 855, Oregonian. WILL give meals to man or woman to help in restaurant evenings. 52ti Union ave N. MAN AND WIFE want work; janitor, maid and handy man : city or country K 008. Oregonian. A SOLICITOR who can sell printing. BC 8S1. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED apt. house janitor and wife. Mar. 2OQ0. HOP pickers wan tea. For Information, Addreaa Geo, I Ems. ladepaodenoe. Or. HELP WANTED MALE OR TKMAUS. MEN and women can, make good money sailing my product direct to the con sumer. Article sella for 25c; you make 100 per cent every sale. This Is a house hold necessity, not a luxury, and is an easy seller. Call at 1029 Chamber of Commerce bldg., all this week. HELP WA NTE I WJ T II Piy ESTM EXT. LABOR WITH INVESTMENT. Co-operative box factory, shingle Tnlll and sawmill want 4 sawmill men to in vest $500 each in preferred stock to draw 89o interest. Mill now In opera tion cutting on 2.000.000 shingle con tract. Orders ahead and work for next five years. A'.l present stockholders working in Tnlll or timber. A chance for long, steadv work at good wages. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO., 14 North Second St. Broadway 22 a, MAN. NOT afraid of work, with $3000 to $5000; besides a good salary investment will undoubtedly net from $150 to $300 a month additional ; total capital la only $15,000 of which $11,000 Is sub scribed; would consider an investor with out services, but really need a man. A 947. Oregonian. GOOD positions open in several reliable companies for real workers who can. In vest $500 or more. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK A CO.. 2TO Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1658. CIRCULAR sawyer with little money to buy interest in small mill, wages besides share of profits. Call Maple Grove Lbr. Co., Wilson ville. Or. WANTED Man. with about $500, to put into a business; also his services. Phone for appointment. Mars. 2200, rm, 223; no agents. LADY or gentleman partner in manufac turing business ; small amount will handle. AP 857, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. TO THE LIBERAL PRESS. A writer of proven ability forceful, logical and convincing well informed on social and industrial economics, who knows how to present the truth and has the courage to do so. wishes to ob tain editorial employment on a paper of progressive policy, preferably one which champions the cause of labor and the farmer. Have had 25 years' experience in newspaper work, as a practical printer and thoroughly acquainted with all branches of the business.. References from the best men in the progressive ranks in the entire country. If there is a newspaper In the northwest that needs such a man. get into communication at once with the undersigned.. Will be in Portland until August 15. at Hotel Tait. A. A. DIMM ITT. EXCEPTIONAL high grade sales adver tising manager, one who has and can put over big things; can promote, plan and execute sales, political or propa ganda campaign, organize, develop and control a successful selling force. Have earned as high as $50,000 per year and would not be interested in less than , $10,000. with a drawing account of at least 100 per week. The 1025 Fair op portunities appeal to me. I can help you plan and make the next five years exceedingly profitable. AV 113, Ore gonian. MR. P. E CLARKE. CHIEF ENGINEER FOR THE BRIGHTON MILLS CO.. OF MOHLER, ORRGON. FOR THE PAST TWO AND ONE-HALF YEARS. IS NOW AT LIBERTY TO ACCEPT ANOTHER ENGAGEMENT. MR. CLARKE HAS HAD CHARGE OF THE RAILROAD LOCATION AND CONSTRUCTION WORK FOR THE COMPANY SINCE MARCH. 1919. MR. CLARKE CAN BE REACHED BY PHONE OR WIRE. AT MOHLER. OREGON. T. F. N. EX-SERVICE man. 31 years old, single, experienced traveling salesman, commer cial lines, and loan inspector for largest financial corporation in the west, have traveled all over this northwest territory. Will not consider straight commission proposition without drawing account. Advance or straight salary and expense account. Can give bond and good local references where connected before. Woodlawn 20O. PAINTERS Two men skilled in one-coat work. They make one coat do the work of two. Get our prices. One building tradesman. Anything in construction work. Main 1222. JOB or ad compositor, IS years at trade, in good offices, wants position with first class printing house, superintendent, foreman or floor man. 209 Failing bldg. Main 0327. D ESI RE position in printing office until college opens in f all ; can handle either reportorial or printing end, but do not operate linotype. Write or phone S. F. Saekett. Sheridan, Or. EXPERT blacksmith, tempering, anneal ing, high speed and carbon steel ; ail around b tack smith ; any clas of work ; want steady job. Tabor 43J0. TWO MEN want wood cutting Job, 1000 cords or ricks; will furnish all tools. Call A. M. Jess, New Royal hotel. Main 5353. PAINTING AND REPAIRING. First-class work at reasonable prices guaranteed. Estimates freely given. J. H. JENKINS. East 7842. ALL-ROUN D country print ter wants per manent position; ads. job and press work, also linotype experience. Address AV 89. Oregonian. HUSTLER, accurate stockkeeper. shipping and receiving, or any work where, earn estness, speed and intelligence offer ad vancement. W 027. Oregonian. CARPENTER Expert remodeling and roof man ; don't wait for the rain ; let me give you a figure on your work. Phone evenings, contractor. Mar. 740. POSIT ION wanted with a barber as ap prentice; steady job; have had eight months' experience. Reply to box 391. Qntario. Oregon. OH AUFFEU R or mechanic going to New iorK. win arive car through for ex pensea. AC 855. Oregonian. MAN WITH 4-ton truck wants any kind of hauling, lumber -or cordwood. Call Sunday. Auto. 322-74. YOUNG man wants work evenings and Sat urdays. Is not afraid of work. Call E. 8161. YOUNG married man, handy with tools, wants any kind of work. A J 885, Ore gonian. 50-1N. MAHOGANY' roll top sanitary atyle desk and chair, almost like new at a bargain. 209 Faili ng bldg. Main 6327. MAN wants roof painting, house painting, kalsomining, graining floors. Main 9058. Room 5. EXPERIENCED pruning of shade and" or namental trees, etc. Main 1602. Resi dence, Main 613. PAINTING, tinting, exterior and interior work a specialty ; reasonable prices; ex service man. Main 7094. CARPENTER. First-class finishing carpenter will do your work reasonable. Call E. 8267. JAPANESE man and wife want janitor work : have experience and reference, AK 883. Oregonian. PAINTING, tinting, enameling, either in city or country; prices reasonable. Chas. Barnes. 1347 E. 6th at. Woodlawn 28G0. HAVE your garden work done by experi enced m;n; no job too small; no job too largo. Phone Main 9375. Mr. Baldwin. YOUNG man wishes position as truck driver or chauffeur, six years exp.; beat of references. K. 2210. WANTED Position as steward hotel or sawmill, in or out of city. D 972, Ore gonian. MARRIED ex-service man with experience heavy duty truck driver, can do all re pa iigPJmneEat2h99after 4 P. M. POSITION wanted as janitor by - single man. Have experience and reference. Prefer a small Job. AC SSO. Oregonian. WoRK by practical painter by ay. $6, with tools furnished, or contract. Call Phone East 2S4H. Ca HP ENTER wants contracts, plans and specifications furnished. Mar. 817 eve- n i n gs. IF iuU want painting at the right price. Call M&r. 34 3. v , WANTED Painting by practical painter. day or contract. Call phone East 284 6. W ANT position with live real estate firm. pan iurnisn car, an 8Q4. Oregonian I REPAIR your car in your own garage. Phone E. 1720. ELDERLY man wants lanitor or any kind of work. W. J.. 203 Fifth st. PAINTING, tinting, papering:. Good work reason-hie. Sell. 3 399. CARPENTER contracts to repair or to build. Manny. Sell wood 2421. EXPERIENCED janitor and . fireman wants employment. Tabor S779. LAWN mowing, odd jobs. Phone East 1562. PLUMBING done very reasonably, by hour or job. Auto. 235-51. L WANT contract hauling for two-ton truck. Wdln. 1403. YOUNG Filipino wishes work as schoolboy. D 960, Oregonian. TRAVELING salesman wants side line. Q 941, Oregonian. HARDWOOD floors cleaned and polished, charges reasonable. Phone East 8344. YOUNG man wants work as gardener or chauffeur. Call Woodlawn 5553 Mondav CARPENTER jobbing wanted. Call East 31 58. SHINGLERS When you need reshingling done, eall Marshall 1072. WANTED Contract cutting cordwood Mar. 513H. PAPERHANGIXG- 25c per single roll. Es timafe on painting. Main 1032. WE CUT graso and weeds from your lot. Cqll Auto. 612-63. YOUNG man attending school would like work mornings or evenl n g s. E. 3392. POSITION desired by experienced Japanese cook. Henry, Broadway 4659. BOY. 16, wants Job as apprentice In print shop. Sellwood 380. CARPENTER, fast and accurate work, rou&Jb, oc Xmlauuifi. Marwhall 239i SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MACHINIST-OPERATOR. I -wnt to make Oregon my home. Competent machinist-operator with lots country experience, want location on Pacific Northwest (Sally or weekly: now employed, good speed, no floater, steady, reliable ; work in every department ; clean record; 14 years printing. Charles R. Cook. Concordia. Kansas. Position as SALES MANAGER. At present employed in that capacity by an automobile sales organization. Record : Six years selling automobiles and nine years sales manager. Accustomed to a good income, but sal ary is second consideration to business associations. AF 870. Oregonian. LUMBERMAN. 37. 12 years thorough ex perience lumber and ah in glee, as man ager manufacturing mill and woods, salesmen, buyer and retail ya-d; at pres ent employed, desire change: win go anywhere; am also competent book- Keeper and typift..AV vi, OTegoman YOUNG married couple, exp. in farm work, wish job on ranch; wife good cook, would consider cooking for men; employed now ; not afraid of work ; want good steady job; have run place of our own. Write V. L. .box 122, Moyjer, Or. PAINTING AND PAPERING. First-class work at reasonable prices guaranteed. Estimates freely given on large or small jobs. J. H. JENKINS. East 7S42. WANTED Cooking In camp or mill boarding house by man, wife, up to 35 men. or would take anything to work together. See us at First and Alder, room 7. Tipton hotel. . MR. GROCERY MAN. I have had some experience In the retail grocery line and want to learn it thoroughly with a man who believes that honesty is the beat policy. Call Hampton. East 3570. YOUNG MAN. married. 2S years, wishes permanent position general otiice worn includ Ing typewriter, "Bui rough's cal culating machine. comptometer: no shorthand nor bookkeeping; best of ref- erynces. p. o. 13 ox 112. Portiana. DON'T TRY to get a position till we press your suit lor 45 cents, wntie you wait Joy, the tailor. 104 4th. near Stark. JOY. THE TAILOR. 104 FOURTH STREET. BY MARRIED man. janitor, apartment house; can do painting, tinting and all general repairing; years experience; have furniture, good referencea. 451 E. 11th ft., city. YOUNG man. 35 years, badly in need of employment, has had considerable busi ness experience; wiil taae anytning, must have work. Address T 8-a, Oregonian. . WORKING farm manager, accustomed to taking full charge, is available at once: wide experience in livestock, dairy and orchard on large scale; college training; married, age 34. AV 106. Oregonian. C MELODY SAXOPHONE player desires position with dance ore nest ra or nana ; 8 years' musical experience. Call or write E. Llttlw. 50 North 20th st. Phone Broad- way o.i04. evenings JAPANESE boy, neat, willing and reliable, wishes to work for a good family outside of school hours, for room and board : references furnished. K. Ohgi, 34 North Thtrd st. WANTED To exchange a few hours work per day on nearby farm for board and room and feed for a number of laying hens; good milker. L. Fierce, 1309 East 12th street North. WISH to place boy. 13 years, on ranch for good home and can go to school. Phone Sunday. Bdwy. 1977. weekdays. Main 70K8. 130 H 3d st. E. G. Trantow. MIDDLE-AGED man wants work as jani tor. -handv man and landscape gardener references given. 227 Broadway. Phone Alain 04. . IF IN NEED OF A WILLING WORKER FO R ANY KIND OF WORK C A LL EAST 5374. MUST HAVE WORK AT ONCE. HAVE FAMILY. YOUNG man. age 26, desires position with reliable firm : f iva vears' general office and sales experience in wholesale; steady and reliable. A r Si4, oregonian. PAINTING. Now Is a good time to pafnt. It costs you nothing for estimates, peairs, jsaar shall 5779. DENTIST, 25 years of experience (not registered). wants laboratory work wages no object. Address E .861, Ore gonian. MAN AND WIFE, Swiss, want position on farm or dairy; would take job to run a farm or rent on shares. AC 854, Ore gonian. YOUNG man. 29. wants general dry goods and furnishings, out of city ; good rer erences, reasonable salary. AC 873, Ore gon ian. PRINTERS Supt., forcefui, energetic manager, capable salesman, seeks con nection ; able to make financial invest ment. Address D 927, Oregonian. EXPERT auto mechanic will reline your brakes, grease and tune up your car at reasonable charge. Call Tinlin. Sellwood J. 4 L 1 . YOUNG man, 20 years of age, is willing to work for board and room, with light expenses ; good character and clean BD 800. Oregonian SINGLE man, 65. wants work on country place; fruit and poultry experience handy with tools; references. W 928. Ore gonian. FORD delivery and my services; references as to honesty and ability. ios vernon avenue. AH 884. Oregonian. WORK in warehouse or as watchman by elderly, experienced shipping clerk; ref erences. W 3n. Oregonian. PAINTING, kalsomining. enameling, paper hanging. Gait her, Marshall 2703. Tabor 0588. ELDERLY man wants position as janitor, watchman or dishwasher. Experienced. Tabor 1576. POSITION as driver, private or truck, or will take charge of repair shop; 10 years' exp. AK 866, Oregon ian. SET OF books to keep at home for firm not employing regular bookkeeper; ad dress W. S. R.. 1035 Hancock. WANTED Miscellaneous drafting work at home and wili charge reasonable. 186 N. 22d st.; Portland. Marshall 2250. EXP. JAPANESE cook wants position, ho tel, restaurant, !n or out of town. Tom. 47 U North Sixth at. WANTED All kinds repair work, shing ling and carpentering, painting. Phone Sellwood 2001. BUTCHER Experienced meat cutter and shop man desires position, in or out city. E 873. Oregonian. EX-MARINE cook, has wife and child, would prefer restaurant work, but will do anything. Phone Aut. 520-19. PRINTER Competent, references, would accept situation or foremanship any where. O 021, Oregonian. BAKER on bread, sweet rolls, wants Job. Phone East 7295. E. Maze tier. 411 Sac ramento st. ROOFS repaired, flat roofs a specialty ; work guaranteed. F. L. Rosegrant. Phone 528-48. TRUCK DRIVER and teamster, exp. fur niture man or freight lumping, know city. Phone East 82. room 309. FIX IT CARPENTRY All kinds repairing, shingling, jobbing; quick service. Wood lawn 6018. COLORED Seventh-Day Adventist wants garage work, day or night; 12 years' ex- perience. East 4S13. POSITION wanted by band and circular saw filer; can give best of references AC 853. Oregonian. FOR SEWER work Broadway 568Q. and septic tanks. A JAPANESE boy wants a position as schoolboy. S. Sato. o4 North 3d st. PAPER hanging, tinting, painting, class work. Tabor 8080. first- POSITION wanted as cook or kitchen helper. J. Stage. Broadway 2577. YOUNG man wants work driving light truck. Ford preferred. Tabor 4516. PAINTING. kalsomining. reasonable prices. Call Clauson. woodlawn S414. WANT steady work of any kind in city Marshall 3342. Aug. Newman. EXPERT landscape gardening, lawns, etc Woodlawn 514. NEW SHINGLING done right. $1.15 M. Work guaranteed.' Phone East 6713. BRICK contractor, everything in the brick 11 ne. Tabor 8793. EXPERIENCED couple to manage apart ment house. Call East 5531. JAPANESE boy want housework. Tabor 1474. . Al AUTO mechanic, 8 yrs." experience, go anywhere: married. P 867, Oregonian. CEMENT concrete building: blocks and stone work. Main 1987. 15 YEARS repairing aU makes of cars, want work. Phone 311-63. JANITOR, experienced, office bldg., under stand elevators and heating. Mar. 5555. OLIVER SMITH, brick contractor. Phone East 62S2. WANTED Painting and kalsomining. HAVE Ford car and my services. What have you to offer? Morgan. East 2376. PLUMBING, heating, general repair Joba, large or smau. v ooaiawn 4.i.t3. PAPERHANGIXG KALSOMINING. Reasonable; reliable. Tabor 2328. ELDERLY man wants work as janitor or houseman. BF 8G9. Oregon ian. WOOD SAWING DONE REASONABLE. TABOR 8479. EVEN LENGTHS. PAINTING houses and tinting; summer priceg. Main oti, ape. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. COMPETENT office executive: knowledge of freight rates, routeings. claims, corre spondence and Office detail. N 10O0, oregonian. OFFICE man. good knowledge of book keeping, desires portion, best of refer ences; will accept f eauooabift aaiajy. AK Oregon i a n. SITTATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. ACCOUNTANT. thoroughly experienced. banKing, lumbering, departmental stores, manufacturing and public auditing, de sires permanent salaried position with a good established corporation : would In vest in. suitable proposition. AM St8, Ore gonian STEADY middle-aged unmarried skilled traffic accountant desires bookkeeping position in small city; salary secondary to genial surroundings, . H 994, Orego- nlan. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper and cashier, thoroughly capable and trustworthy, age 31; 15 years' experience, married, desires position of trust. Tabor 8794 or BJ 670. Oregonian. YOUNG man. 20 years old. with clerical experience in warehouse, mac nine snop, office and as timekeeper, wants job with a future. X 922. Orojronian. YOUNG man, lumber steno., wholesale, mill, retail yard experience, wishes io sition. Phone Woodlawn 1572. BY EXPERIENCED accountant, books audited, small seta kept, systems, income tax. Main 06. SHIPPING and traffic clerk. 7 years' local experience; can get results with crew of men ; first-class references. Wdln. 5568. CLERICAL work of any kind; would like a permanent position ; can furnish ref erence. AK 876. Oregonian. . (Salesmen. SALESMAN. A real producer. My past and present selling records prove my ability. Know trade In Pacific northwest. Al references. At pres ent employed. Will make change where ability and hard work will be recognized. R 954, Oregonian. ONE WHO i a permanent resident of Portland, desires a position In furniture store as salesman; can furnish local re commendations as to ability and honesty. What have you to offer? AL S52. Ore gonian. EXP. SALESMAN wants steady position selling gents' furnishings or shoes in store or on the road. Max Brum berg, care Elks' club. city. - AN EXPERIENCED accountant desires small set of books to keep. Systems in stalled. Books kept by contract. Tabor 7S.VS. POSITION wanted as country salesman, groceries preferred ; have had retai 1 ex perience. J, W. Eckert, R. No. 2, Trout dale, Or. POSITION as traveling salesman; grocery preferred ; experienced, O 00, Orego nian. SITUATION wanted by first-class account ant. 12 yeara' experience (married). Best reference. D 862. Oregonian. J A. FORBES, public stenographer, Worcester hldg Main 2616. EXPERIENCED lautidress wants to take home. Marshall 4094. SITUATIONS WANTED FKMAI.E. ATTENTION. APARTMENT HOUSE OWNERS. Are you satisfied with your manager? I am open for a big position with 3 years' experience of managing a high class apartment house and hotel to mj credit; referencea exchanged. AM S4. Oregonian. A TEACHER of genial personality, suc cessful experience, broad culture, schol- arlv attainments, desires position as teacher of shorthand Gregg or Vil man) In h icrh rrhnol or f irst-daSS DUSl ness college latter preferred. AV 95, Oregonian LA15Y, young, well educated and domes ticated, wishes Immediate engagement In fnmtlv nr Ttrivate school fiS hPiP or eoverness to children; good needle work, fluent French, highest references; state salary. K OOl, Oregonian. ELDERLY ladv wishes light housework U .mall fa m'lTtr an Hn D 1 ft 1 n COOklng r.o care of m'all children; wages $3 per week. Phone Columbia. 60j. morn- logs. :v fr-a4. oregonian TWO TEACHERS would like position in two-room or graded school in Oregon; primary and advanced; have taught to gether; best of references. BD ebl, Ore gonian. REFINED, middle-aged, single lady de sires position in home of cultured peo ple; C. S. preferred. Excellent driver. Surroundings and considerate treatment essential. 3S4 E. 02d st. N. COMPETENT woman over 25 in good health and with some experience in busi ness for opening which offers unusual opportunities Not office work. E 93o. Oregonian. TEACHER open for contract, young, trained, experienced. State grades, sal ary and exact location. AV 94, Orego nian. DAY WORK. washing. ironing. house cleaning. Call Auto. 219-18. before 11:..0 A. M.. Sunday; also before 8 o clock Mondav. EXPERIENCED competent lady wants day work where first-class good, clean work is wanted ; best of references. "Wood 1 a wn 5376. MILLINER in business, 15 yrs.. wishes position; capable of taking full charge Phone Marshall n io, or auaress 10 Kings court. LACK AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR QUISETTE CURTAINS done up like new. Will call. East 8518. MARRIED WOMAN, no children, take care of rooms in exchange for rooms. AM 860. Oregonian. POSITION as cashier or checker, can iur nish best of references. BJ 864, Ore gon Ian. MARRIED lady wants position, manager apartment house, for rent of apartment; best of references. Tabor 8593. ANY KIND of dav or night work, nursing or sewing preferred. Phone Main 2490, apt. sr. POSITION wanted in theater by experi enced operator for American Fotoplayer. . 451 East Everett st. Phone East 3072 . YOUNG woman desires position with fam ily going to Seaside. Address 412 29th St., Astoria. Or. RELIABLE woman will care for children by the hour. References. Phone Ta hor 471. . WANTED Neat appearing girls, can earn good salary; all or spare time. Call 702 Dekum bldg. , TOUNG woman, good cook and housekeep er, wishes place to work for room and board. Tabor 6341. ELDERLY woman wants plain cooking and light housekeeping in plain family. $3 a week. X S5-4. Oregonian. JAPANESE young girl wants a position as light housework and wishes to learn English. Broadway 272. WANTED Position as companion in ex change for room and board; will assist with light housework. Phone East 5.S21. GIRL wishes to take care of children aft ernoons or make tatted edgings. Call Miss Kale. Broadway 3059. Tli L'fc'i' W OKTh'Y, experienced lady wants bousecleanintf, washing or other work; good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. LADY wishes steudy work In dance or chestra or other orchestra. Wdln. 4093, or address. 1 145 Alblna aye-. A. L H YOUXG woman. commercial drawing stu- dent, wants place as apprentice, pay. Tabor 7118. Some YOUNG lady, experienced in office work and elevator operating, wishes work of any kind. Call East 2939, apt. 14. LAUNDRESS, with references, wishes work for Monday and Tuesday; 40c. X 026. Oregonian. i RELIABLE young married woman wants day work. 45c hour and car fare. Wood lawn 1385. REFINED, educated girl. IS. wishes care of children; will assist housework if de sired : references. Phone Main 081. WANTED Position as private shopper, careful driver and No. 1 references. AN 881. Oregonian. RELIABLE and capable college girl would like the care of children during vacation, hour, day or month. East 1520. GIRL wishes place in country assisting with housework ; state particulars in first letters. AP 865, Oregonian. YOUNG lady, employed, wishes to help mornings and evenings for a home; fond of children. BD 897. Oregonian. A DEPENDABLE nurse will take entire charge of your home and family. Mar. 340. EXPERIENCED lady elevator operator wishes position. East 2604. WANTED day work, 45c hour. 5967. Woodlawn MEN'S family washing, hand laundered by expert. 402 4th st. Mar. 6059. WOMAN wan is general house or house keeplng in a small family. Bdwy. 3451. GIRL wishes work evenings, private fam ily, room and board. Auto. 641-27. WILL wash dtshes and care for children evenings; light laundry. Tabor 3413. WOMAN 311-57. wants day work. Automatic MARRIED -lady wanta position, manager apartment houae. G 932, Oregonian. WOMAN wants work, evenings, of any kind. Auto- 644-51. - FIRST-CLASS woman wants Phone 631-86. day work. COLORED woman wants all kinds of work by hour. Phone Woodlawn 4097. MIDDLE-AGED widow, position manager apt, house. AH SS9. Oregonian. WANTED Work for Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Reference. 543 Northrup st. COLORED woman wants day work. Phone Broadway 4853. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants day work. Phone- Marshall 242. room 10. EXPERIENCED maid wants general housework. 60. Call Wdln. 870. EXPERIENCED maid wants general ' JirfMLsaworic, G0. Coll Wdla, &70 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED General housework in private iamuy or adults by experiencea woman will in ir to work for small wages In order to secure congenial home; no waUing. rtnei Martin. Newberg. Oregon. Bookkeepers, tenograpnem. Qfficg. STENOGRAPHER - SECRETARY. COL- .Lfc.UK EDUCATION. 10 YEARS' BUSI NESS TRAINING, DESIRES PERMA NENT POSITION. AH 887, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady ot business ability desires toe management of branch office, office work or any position of trust; good city references or bonds. AC 852, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY, experienced in bookkeep ing, typing, cashier and general office work desires permanent position; can furnish good references. A. M.. E. 8464. RE LI A HLE, EXPERIENCED STENOG RAPHER WISHES POSITION. WEST SIDE. REFERENCES. SALARY $110. K 9 10, OREGONIAN. EXPERIENCED bookeeper and cashier wishes position ; use typewriter; have had 5 years' experience ; would substi tute. C 914. Oregonian. WANTED By young lady, clerical posi tion with knowledge of stenography; 4 years' experience; best references. Auto- matic 02 5-92. CAPABLE stenographer desire position in bank, A years' experience. BF b04. Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER-CASHIER, S V years ex perience, knowledge of typewriting, fil ing and general office work. Main 912. EXPERIENCED stenogra pher desires per manent position, have initiative and executive ability. AN 880, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER who can read notes and make accurate transcript wishes position. Phone Sellwood 1700. EXPERIENCED bank bookkeeper wants permanent position ; best of references. AP K!4. Oregonian. COMPTOMETER operator with five years' experience wishes permanent position ; references. C 913. Oregonian. HlCiH-GRADK legal commercial stenog rapher, accountant, desires position. Apt. 311. East 201. STENOGRAPHER, 7 years' experience in commercial and railway work, desires position vf trust. Auto. 213-42. BOOKKEEPER-STENO. desire position of responsibility; good references; c. s. pre ferred. K 903. Oregonia n. INSURANCE clerk and steno p raphe r with ten years experience wants position; best reference. T 856, O regonian. YOUNG lady wishes copy work, typewrit ing at home, ex perienced. Ta bor 56 67. TYPEWRITING TO DO AT MY HOME; RAT E S RE A SO N A B L E. Mar. 981. TYPING, dictation, addiessing. tilling tn. muitigraphi n g . etc., reasonable. M. 5686. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, stenographer, desires permanent position. Tabor 1150. ST E NOG R A P H E R , experienced, desires permanent position. Auto. ".20-1. D f e m m a k e r . THE DEAREST LITTLE FROCKS. Dresses so very seasonable ; get your order in early. When they are done they are done well. 307 K. 11th st. And Clay. . WANTED Bv the day. dressmaking by first -claas dressmaker and tairoless; at Ufaction guaranteed.' Phone Woodlawn 510. MRS. ORR. 80S Panama bldg.. hemstitch ing, silk and cotton. 8c a yard, all colors, while you wait, and plaiting. Third and Alder sts. EXPERIENCED, reliable lady wants po sition as housekeeper in hotel or gen tleman's home, in or out of town. Aut. 214-76. RELIABLE dressmaking, all kinds; alter ations; prices reasonable. 195 11th st. Marsha Uo04 DRESSMAKING and alterations. 311 Cen- tral bid M. 340S 10th and Alder sts. Phone MOTHERS, are your daughters' clothes ready for school? If not. call East 2694. Pla in and fancy dressmaking. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, rea sonable. 101S Union ave. N. Phone Woodlawn 6384. SEPT. 1 Two-room, well-furnished apart ment, close in. Must be reasonable. AK 801, Oregonian DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. alo children's sewing ; reasonable. Phone East 3511. ENGAGEM ENTS by day, thoroughly ex perienced dressmaker, remodel, design, reasonable; work guaranteed. East 7506, SPECIAL rates. July. August, nigh-grade work 1001 Broadway bldg. Main 5354. HEMSTITCHING. 8C yard, blag. Main 6473. 1006 Broadway LELAH HUTCHINSON has moved from 827 Morgan bldg. to 902 Broadway bids DRESSMAKING. reasonable : children's clothing a spec laity. M. 4121. EX PERIENCED dressmaker w ishes work by theday; Tabor 84.ttf. I DO PLAIN SEWING, VERY REASON ABLE. EAST 6833. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by the day. Main 3305. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by the day. Call Mrs. Holmes. 616-45. PLAIN SEWING WANTED; ABLE. EAST 5120. REASON- EXPERIENCED dressmaker. $3 50 a day I abor b-Oo faunaay or evenings. ANY ONE wanting first-class, fancy plain sewing done, please call Bdwy. 969. EXPERIENCED dressmaker by day; erences. Bdwy. 2217. EXPERIENCED seamstress; reasonable. East 7665. ref. ; reliable; N urhfh. WANTED By experienced trained nurse (children's hospital certificate) care of baby or delicate child, country sur roundings, best of care. Y 866, Orego nian. A PRACTICAL nurse wishes position with elderly people. Wdln. 3514. Call after 12. noon. PRACTICAL nursing, W 854. Oregonian. will go in country. EXPERIENCED nurse maternity preferred. would like cases Woodlawn 1580. PRACTICAL nuraing by day prices reasonable. Main7484. PRACTICAL nurse wants case; sider housekeeping. Auto. 5 might con- 10-32. YOUNG girl wants position as nurse girl in good home. Inquire 12S N. 16th st. PK ACT1CA L nurse wishes case. Terms reasonable. Marshall 4410. PRACTICAL nurse, ready for cases; men nr children. Main 5135. Honsekeeprra. MOTHER and nice children need home, srirl 9. boy 6. refined and respectable ; prefers housekeeping for respectable re- lined gentleman; reference exenangeo. AK 860, Oregonian. A NEAT reliable woman wants position as housekeeper for three or four men or married couple that work; no triflers nct'd apply. Tabor 858 or 23 East 52d st. North. PLEASANT, neat, reliable young woman wa nts work as housekeeper for 1 or 2 refined young men; would like a neat nice home more than good pay. Broad- way 1 779. A REFINED. trustworthy middle-aged widow lady wishes housekeeping for re fined gentleman with or without chil dren, or cooking for small crew of men. A F 8 69. Oregonian. WANTED By cirl. nosition widow with good little as housekeeper for man with children where child can go to school. Kind and saving and will give children mother care. AV 95, Oregonian. AMERICAN woman deirea housekeeping for elderly man : good nome more than big wagec no lncumorance; references. G 917, Oregonian. CATHOLIC lady, 4S, wants position as housekeeper: am good cook, neat and reliable; can give Al reference. Address B o Svj. oregonian. HOUSEKEEPING, for widower or elderly couple, in or near city ; one who would appreciate good home and some wages. AM Mi. oregonian. "YOUNG woman with 2-year-old Eirl de sires position as housekeeper for gentle man of good 'character in city. v 928, Ore g on ian. 2 RESPECTABLE bachelor sisters wish to keep house together for widower, bach elor or family; like children, are good cooks, capable h. k. Box 53. Phedd. Or. REFINED young wiaow wishes position as housekeeper for widower .or bachelor. Write Mrs. Marion Philips, General. De livery. Hillyar d. Wash. ; WIDOW with girl 14 wants housekeeping in or out of city, where girl can help. Call or write Mrs. G. Blankenehip, Bea verton. Or., care Max Berger. RESPECTABLE and refined lady past 30 desires position as housekeeper for wid ower in nice, small home. AK 885, Ore gon iaii LADY with 15-year-old daughter wishes housekeeping for a gentleman who lives In city. Phone Main 1628. MIDDLE-AGED widow wants position aa housekeeper in refined widower's home. c i t y preferre a. aiv ant, uregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes housekeeping for widower with grown children or couple employed. Automatic 632-28. REFINED elderly woman, clean, econom ical cook, able to take full charge. 5135 Wood st ock avenue. WIDOW with best of references wants po sition housekeeping for widower: no ob Jections to one child. G 875. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED reliable lady wishes house, keeping for gentleman with children. AJ 892. Oregonian. LADY wants housework, good cook. Phone Bast 639. DRESSMAKING by the day; guaranteed. Tabor 1324. satisfaction LADY, with boy. 16. wants nousekeeping in gentleman's home. D 935, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes housekeeping; Xor e-decLx -coupdo. XaXor SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Domesli n. A "WOMAN over 30. with her boy, wishes place as mothers helper in light house work, no iamily washing or cooking; Saturday off all day except wiil look .after children in the sfternoon. as I am very fond and experienced with small children; can give references; wages $15 to yjp a month. AE 807. ore yoium. YOUNG woman wishes 3 or 4 hours' light work daily, except Sundays. Call Rubena Stnit h. Broadway 3059 WANTED A good home in a plain plac in exchange for lifeht service. Bdwy. 2325. VoL'XG lady wishes housework. Good cook. Eest Svl75. H n iik ecjean i n c HOUSECLE ANING Expert white and ivory enamel cleaning: floors waxed, fur niture polished, carpets cleaned, win dows washed. CITY HOUSECLE ANINO SERVICE. 188 Chapman st. Phon Main 11 57 HOUSE CLEANING, FLOOR W A X I N G, WINDOW CLEANING. PAINTED walls, ceilings and woodwork, kitchen and bathroom cleaned. FIRST-CLASS WORK. PAST 85S1. P. J. ROWE. 248 CHERRY ST. WANTED By neat and capable young woman with girl 5 years, housekeeping position in widower's cr bachelor's home or small family of adults. Call today. East 4000. , WANTED TO RENT. FAMILY of 3 adults wishes 4-room cot tage or i lat, not over 20, furnished or partly furnished, for the winter. BF . Sti3. Oregonian. MEIER A FRANK'S. In form at inn and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable vacant nouses, apart ments and f Lat with definite Information pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find thia bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with uk; quick results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 63 Fourth St., Cpp, Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 37 15. WANTED To rent by the year, someone's unfurnished, handy, ' strictly modern 7 room or larger, city or suburban norr.o; large grounds, first-floor bedrooms will be appreciated; bst references. AC 684. Oregonian. KEl.lAlil.E ADULTS ARE DESIROUS OF RENTING 0 OR 7-ROOM. HOUSE IN GOOD DISTRICT: W ILL TAKE 11 EST OF CARE OF PROPER T Y . PH ONE U ROA D V A Y 43-18 O R CA LL 1111 BOARD OF TRA DE B LDG. WANTED TO RENT Good house or cot- tase 5 or 6 rooms, east side, rent rea sonable, to family which will take ex cellent care of premises. Possession de sired before Sept. 4. Call East 2U4 or mldrtss N S95. Oregonian. WE HAVE severe desirable people wish ing to rent furnished or unfurnished houses immeri lately. Li-t yours with, this office, for quick results. THOMSON & THOMSON. 62 Henry Bld. Broadway 480. WANTED About Aug. 20, 6 or 7-room modern furnished home, convenient to Jet ferson high, lor year or longer, by careful tenants with good references. Rent not to exceed $10. AL t64, Ore gonian 5 OK 6-ROOM furnished house, west side, walking distance, by refined family. 3 children. 13, 11 and 2; if you disliko children don't bother me. Call CoL 1399 before 11 A. M. LIST your housea ana fia'.s with us for rent. We have many daily calls for them In aU parts of the city. PARRISH. W ATKINS & CO.. 252 Stark St. Main 1644. RESPONSIBLE Portland business man and wife wish to lease cosily furnished bun galow with garage. Take excellent care. B est references. Answor at once. E Sii7. Orosjonian. OR 6-ROOM unfurnished bungalow with garage. Will pay advance rent and lease. Rose City Park or Laurelhurst preferred. Address 310 Giein ave. Phone Auto. 230-32. WAN TED To lease for 10 months by re liable part y. 5 -room modern house, near school; must be reasonable rent. Vool lawn 702. WANTED By responsible young couple, a reasonable furnished flat or house with, garage. Phone Mr. Carlton, Main 2592, or Sellwood 121. "WANTED To rent, by responsible young coupfe. with girl 4 years. 5 or 6-room modern bungalow, not over $40 : refer erences furnished. U 919. Oregonian. WANTED, to rent, by responsible parties 3 adults, modern 5 or 6 rooms, well lo cated; place wrill receive best of care. East 4947. WANTED TO RENT 5-rm. modern bun galow, Alameda. Laurelhurst or Rosa City. No children; will lease. A J 870, Oregonian. AUGUST 20. furnished 3 or 4-room modern cottage or apartment, east side, insida of 30th st., near school ; 1 girl, 8 years. Automatic 625-42 Monday. RESPONSIBLE couple, no ch ildren, wish to rent 3, 4 or 5-room furnished modern house for winter or longer. Phone East 4257. FIVE to 7-room house, about Aug. 15, northeast side or Peninsula addition. 714 West 2Sth fft., Vancouver. Wash. WANTED To rent, by couple. 5 or 6 room bungalow in Rose City Park, with opt Ion of buying. BC 877. Oregonian. WANT to lease 3 or 4-room house wit h garden, fruit, chicken yard. A. L. Leavell. 1417 Vancouver ave. WANTED To rent 5-room bungalow, close to school and not over (25 per month. Call Wdln 901.- WANTED To rent. 7 or 8-room house or bungalow in Piedmont or Walnut Park. Phone Broadway 4 751. SEPT. 1, 4 or 5-room house; modern, clean, close in. Rent must be reasonable. 3 adults. Phone 217-06. MODERN furnished house for family of 3. Must be clean. Immediate posses sion. Wdln. 4571. FIVE or six-rm. modern unf. bungalow; hardwood floors, before August 23. Op- tion to buy. Best refs. Broadway 4715. TWO ADULTS desire about Sept. 1 four or five-room modern bungalow with garage. Telephone Main S2. WANTED To rent, thoroughly modern, house, garage, adults. Phone East 953. WANT to rent or lease Laurelhurst bun galow; references. Mrs. Cox. Main 6641. MODERN 6 or 7-room house or bunga.ow w i t h privilege of buying. East 733S. WANT to rent small unfurnished house, no children. Main 1112. Apartment. 2 OR 3 ROOMS furnished, with or without private bath. In reply give full details 'as to location, conveniences, etc. AR 878, Oregoni an. WANTED Nice 2 or It-room furnished apartment near car line, preferably in Irvington district. Phone Main S97i after Sunday. WANTED Apartment or flat, close in, by musician and wife. M 900. Orego nian. WANTED Two or three -room furnished apartment, modern, near Central library, Sept. 1. Adults. F 796. Oregonian. SEPT. 1. by couple, 3-room furn. apis; must be reasonable. Sunny side pre ferred. B 946. Oregonian. 3-ROOM furn. apts, St-pt. 1st: eay walk ing distance, west side; permanent if suited. Wd In. 5 WANTED By middle-aged couple. no children, small steam-heated modern apartment, close in. VlJL Oregonian. Room. WANTED After 20th inst.. by elderly gentleman, large, clean room in private family, with convenient hot water and bathing facilities, one with large cup board preferred. Must be west side and easy walking distance of new postof fice, reasonable, permanent if suited. Full particulars. No rooming house considered. B F 862. Oregon ian. WANTED An elderly lady living alone wants 2 or 3 unfurnished rooms (mod ern) in quiet home with lady or elderly couple; ciose to Rose City Park, Depot Morrison or 23d sL. car lines. B 940, Oregonian. WANTED Wt.-11-l.eated room with hot and cold water, breakfast or facility of getting same, ia modern home or apart ment within 30 minutes' walking dis tance. S 960, Oregonian. REFINED young man desires room ia private home, must be good neighbor hood. State price and number in fam ily. Address Q926 Oregonian. ELDERLY couple, no children, desire fur nished rooms in private residence; Chris tian Scientists preferred. Phone Slam 1 j!06. ROOMS in private femlly, suitable for 2 young business men; breakfast preferred. In reply give full details as to convert lences. location, etc. AR 89 1. Oregonian. BY TWO gentlemen employed, a single or double room, with twin beds, in a pri vate family; hot and cold water in room if possible. F 98Q. Oregonian. LADY wants room with piano, or use of one ; must be reasonable. AN 853. Ore gonian. ELDERLY lady and son desire room ajid board, garage ; vicinity Mt. Tabor. AR 85Q. Oregonian. WANTED Room with garage, not too far out. AM 863. Oregonian. CKNTLEMAN wishea good home; no ob Jactioa 14 child rnri, I &Xv prrgnnu