THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN , PORTLAND, AUGUST , 7, 1921 11 FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT. If you are looking for a farm, to leaae, call on us, as we spe cialize in farm leases. The follow. ""tn are only a few of ' those wo have: 80 A., R E ET V I LLEL. 60 acres, with. 25 a. under plow, berries and orchard; 5-room house, 2 bam a, large chicken house. ? cows, bull, team, 50 chickens, 6 hogs, 25 tons hay in barn, 150 bu. wheat, all farm toois and crop Included at 1So0; $15u0 cash. 100 A., CARLTON. lfiO a., 85 a. under plow, family orchard and berries, 6-room mod em house, large barn, full set of farm implement!, 3 horses, lO cows, 17 sheep, 20 hogs, chickens, geese, ducks, furniture, 40 tons hay, 300 bu. oati; everything oe at $3000. including 1 yr. rent. 40 A., TROUTDALE. 40 a. with 20 a. under plow, family orchard, 2 a. strawberries, 6-room house, barn, 4 -ton truck, horse, harness and farm tools, 2 a. spuds, 1 a. horse radish, 2& a. cabbage; rent paid to Sept. Price only $1000 cash. 103 A., VASHOUGAU 103 a,, with 40 a, under plow, 2 horses, 2 cows and all farm imple ments furnished, lease $1000 per year. 1040 A., SIFTON". This la a combined stock and general farm; 100a. under plow, haL. pasture; family orchard and berries, 1 1-room modern house with furnace, 2 large barns, per sonal property can be bought if desired; rent 5 yra., $1500 per yr. F. L. EDDT. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bld. TrVE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE, PARS FOR LEASE. PERSONAL. PROPERTY FOR SALE. NO. 89. The following personal property for sale: 8 cows, 2 heifers, 1 calf, farm team, 6 pigs, chickens, 25 tons hay in barn, 4 acres grain, 1 acre potatoes, harness, 2 wagorrts, buggy, disc harrow, grain drill, cul Ova tors, potato digger, stump puller, 14-horse gas engine, cream separator, tester, spray pump, plow, harrow and all small tools. Kitch en range, 2 tables, chairs, rockers, dressers, 1 commode, rug, carpet, center table, dishes; In fact every thing complete. 40 acres, 22 a. in Cultivation, timber for domestic use; open seed ed down pasture ; good 6-room house, new barn with all conveni ences; prune dryer, all necessary outbuildings, water piped to house and barn. Small prune orchard, varieties of fruits and berries, on main automobile road with all rural advantages; 1 mile from good Pacific highway town. Price of personal property, $1500; $200 per year rent. Must act quickly on account of sickness. THOMPSON, S WAN & LEE, Realtors, Sji and Main sts. Vancouver, Wash. KO. 166 SMALL FARM FOR SALE. Near S. D. A. academy, about 1 mile from pavement, in dandy dis tric. About 5 acres in potatoes, some of balance easily cleared; all f euced and cross fenced ; a good spring and well, black loam soil; small house and barn. Price $3500. Smull payment down. NO. 481. 14 acres, about 6 under cultiva tion, some of balance easily cleared. Plenty of timber for domestic use. All fenced and cross fenced. Has large running stream through the place and good spring. Water can be piped to buildings; 6-room farm house, good new barn, hog houses, chicken house and yard and other outbuildings too numerous to men tion. This price Includes cow, horse, wagon, cultivator, plow, harrow, about 7 tons of hay in barn, chickens and wood enough for winter In woodshed. This is located about 100 yards from paved highway, about half a mile from good town. Sale price, $3500. Terms. See Mr. S tiger, with THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE, Sd and Marin sts. Vancouver, Wash. LEASE AND PERSONAL PROP ERTY FOR SALE. NO. 350 220 ACRES. All cleared and under cultiva tion, large dairy barn, fair 7-rm. house, buildings all electric light ed; 1 miles from city limits of Vancouver. Rent. $120 a month. Personal property for sale consists of 47 young Holstein cows, regis tered Ho lutein bull, large team of horses, new Fordson tractor with plows and disc; electric light sys tem, new Ford delivery truck, steam boiler, bottle filler, milk cooler, about 1000 bottles with cases, milk route, ensilage cutter and blower; 2 wagons, plows, har rows, mowers, rakes, all small tools. Income on this place Is about $1200 a month. Price, In cluding personal property and business, $18,000. Will exchange for city property or acreage. See MR. BLAIR, with THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE, Realtors. Sd and Main sts. Vancouver, Wash. 73 aches 30 miles north Portland; 55 jre3 cultivated. uravesea road, nea school ; rural conveniences, fair build ings, fruit, spring and creek. Large viw&eii huusb ior ouu cnicaiens; 3 good vu1b uiae, iv cnicsens, nam ess, ma . chinery, int. in 20 a. potatoes, 20 a. oats, hay, etc. Price for stock, crop ciuijiiiicul anu rent: to jct. l, J.yJiz i.m, iuuu casn. Arter that, rent $300 a year. 81 acres. 6 miles from Portland; 30 uie-o cuiuvaiea; x acres orchard, 3 springs ana creek; good buildings; 7 sooa team, wagon, harness, machinery, 2a tons hay, 15 acres oats potatoes, garden, etc. Price for stock ana equipment, fieuo. Including rent to Oct. X, 1022. Will lease for $300 a. year. 5 acres, 8 miles west Portland; fair ""uo tai go rooms, utner Dutmings. uiy water ana gas; near station and Luivcu. roau; unaer cultivation: creek. long lease with privilege of buying Rent $12.50 a month annually in ad vance. Also other places. Ask for Mr JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerllnger Building. RANCH FOR RENT. 7 acres, all fine soil, 45 acres Jn cultivation, balance fine pasture, house, large barn, silo, running stream, pressure water system and all outbuildings; orchard and ber ries; located (J miles from Vancou ver on main road. Rent $400 a year, payable semi-annually. The following personal property . for sale : 12 fine cows, 1 registered Holstein bull, good team, wagon, 3 sets harness, chickens, plow, mower, rake, cream separator cooler, 11 milk cans, gas engine, 40 tonsof grain hay, several acres corn and potatoes, all small tools and other equipment. Price for stock and equipment, only $3500; $S00 cash, balance $25 a month. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO.. REALTORS, 410 Washington Street. Vancouver, Wash. HA E two farms for rent; will consider nothing but cash rent; one is 630 acres practically all high land, 400 acres under plow, iair nouse, gooa aairy barn for loo cows, several sheds, close to high way, rent $225 mo. Other is about 400 acres. 80 of which Is high land, balance uvirii.irw j..aiui:, some oi wnich may be planted late; fair house, good dairy barn for 40 cows, rent $150 ner mnnth oft these farms are within an hour's drive of the center of Portland and you have no personal stock to buy in either in- e.iniue. r idiiK aj. omttn, smithshire. FOR RENT TOO ecres. 70 unaer cultlva' lion, good orchard, house, outbuildings and water; seeded to clover; reason for renting, husband dead; $150 per year cash advance. Auction sale April 16 im plements and stock. Call on or address v.. a. hi i:is, veronia. ur. 25 MILES south on Pacific highway 14 acres, about 4 acres in berries 'and ii uii. suuu lucation ior retreshmen stana, earning ana camping. Apply n in, apt, . 12 ACRE'S FOR RENT Adjoining city limits, go in lane E. 42d and Alberta, 3 acres orchard room nouse. Datn and Bull Run ; barn rnii-hen nouse. leveiana, 30S Hoard Trade. Bdwy. 1150. uu hh.r 2.h acres by owner; prefer in weman or v iss ; a rine aairy oppor lu-nity for cash; 5-year lease. 561 Oil sun, .i.-s i t.eni -t.u acres bv owner. Prefer Swedish or Swl?s. A fin rtaii-v opportunity for oe-sh. 5-year lease 5til FOK RENT FARMS. WILL rent my farm for a term of three years to a reliable tenant. Fifty acres under cultivation; 14 miles from Portland; with some new buildings and two- new houses one five rooms and one three rooms; tenant to buy stock and lmple menfs and all the crops. Priced at $1550; rent $:50 a year. For full par ticulars apply to E. 3th at., Port land. FARM for rent, SO acres, 17 acres cle'ared; good buildings; 8 cows giving milk, 2 horyes and complete equipment for farm ing, for cash rent for one or more years. Signed C. H. Owens, Clatskanle, Or. TO KXCHANGE REAL KSTATE. SELL IS ACRES OR TRADE. Charming country home on good auto road, 17 miles from business center of Portland; 1250 prunes, 50 apples, 60 cherries. 30 peaches. 40 pears. 50 wal nuts, all bearing; S-room house, bath, hot and cold water, gravity flow from springs, barn, outbuildings, dryer. Beau tiful yard, ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers, picturesque surroundings. Take home i-n Portland, part, payment. Price only J0OOO. J. A. HK.VKLE. 512 Gerllnger Bldg. V2 ACRKS 2 miit-s from Oregon City. 10 acres cultivated. 5 acres orchard, 3-roora house, shack barn, well, chicken house. mile to school. Team, fresh cow, harness, 4 tons hay. Wants house on Fulton car line. 1 acre Concord station, good plastered house of (J rooms, well and gravity water, 10 bearing and 20 young fruit trees, barn, garage, chicken house, want 7-room modern house, if priced right. BOCKHOLD BROS.. Realtors. mi Swetland BIdg. ' ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room completely furnished bunga low, large light rooms, all the bullt-ins, fireplace, beamed ceiling, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace and laundry trays, cor. lot, 50x100; will take Ford car as part of down payment; easy terms on balance. Call at 517 E 3Sth st. X. Sunday between 1) A. M- and 4 P. M. ; Monday at 353 Alder st. Price S3G00. A BIG SNAP, a wonderful opportunity! 224 acres, good house, large barn and buildings, prune dryer, hog house, run ning water; place all fenced; 20 head milk cows, 4 head horses, plenty tools, binder, etc. Barns are full of hay, good corn crop, everything very complete and Included in the price $10,000. Will trade for small house and some cash as first payment, bal. long time at 60. Magoon & Spencer, 517 Cham. Com. 10 ACRES ESTACADA. In city limits of Estacada, 10 a. ; 7 a. cleared and in cultivation ; 3 a. In ber ries; brooder house 12x28; poultry house 14x42, 2 feed rooms; tt-room 1-story house; will trade for 16 a- and up close in on Oregon Electric; Must have good 6-room house. J. A. W1CKMAN CO., Realtors, 2G4 Stark St. Main 583 and 1094. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. "With 2V4 acres highly developed; va riety 100 bearing fruit trees; acre deli clous berries; garden, poultry, etc.; mod ern residence, garage, all city conven iences; Ideal location, just outside city limits; will sacrifice $:i54K equity- or exchange and assume; quick deal nec essary. See A. K. Hill, 426 Lumber mens bldg. WANTS BIG CITY PROPERTY. Clients have big irrigated, highly Im proved ranch in eastern Oregon, stocked and equipped, price $175,000, clear of incumbrance; will trade for building any good western city, and assume or pay difference. LUKDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW 100x100 LOT. 21 bearing fruit trees, all kinds ber ries, garden, chicken runs, modern 5 rooni bungalow, gas range goes, all for $2750; terms. Will take Ford as part payment. Main 5201. BOONE & CLEAR WALTER, Realtors. 505 Couch BIdg. Always Terms to Suit. PORTLAND suburban home to trade for smaJl farm; 7-room bungalow, water and gas, on acre; fruit, berries and poultry yards; 2 cajrllnes; city accom modations; $3500. Want lO acres or up, improved, cleared and tillable ; about $2)00. S, D. Shank. Gilbert road (Lents) and 112th St.. Portland. Or. BEAUTIFUL 40-ACRE FARM. In Multnomah county, 23 nfiies from Portland; fine soil, rolling land, about half in cultivation; fair buildings, pres sure water, excellent orchard ; near school; price $5500; incumbrance $2000; want city property and will assume. BD 808, Oregonian. HOP LAND. 60 acres, near town, 12 acres in hops, 100 prune trees, meadow, living stream, new house, outbldgs., farm imps., hop nouse, aryer, etc. tseii or traae ior apt. house lease, etc. Mr. Magoon. 517-10 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. WANTED. TIMBER OR SAWMILL Have 9 acres, cultivated, fruits, ber ries, house, barn, paved street, near car; fine to plot into lots. Trade for timber or mill. J. A. HFNTCLE. 512 OerHnger Bldtg. DO YOU WANT A FARM? 160 acres, 25 miles from Portland, near Sherwood; SO acres in cultivation, some timber, orchard, fair buildings; fine Boil. Price, $19,000. Incumbrance, $11,700. Will trade and assume, prefer city. BF 512. Oregonian. CONCRETE BUILDING TO TRADE. I own a 2-story concrete bldg., in Washington deep water town, best build ing in the town. Price $40,000. Incum brance S11.600. Will trade and assume. What have you? Forget the price and iet s traae. am. di, tjregonian. is, W MODERN country home. 11 miles jfortiana, xuaiatin valley; equipped chicken ranch, best soil; 7-room, fin ished in old ivory, bath, gas, city water; cunsiutr iraue on mo a ern nome - in Piedmont, Walnut Park, Rose City Broadway 3560. wjn acres of fine land, near jsena. xair Dias., yo acres cleared, bal. in sagebrush. Is worth $20 per acre, but win udue, Ancumorance iiui. will trade for anything. What have you ? BK 594, Oregonian. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade tor you. Bring in your proposition and we wlU match you am anything of merit; lots, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchandise. K.. R. 8.. 513 Couch bldrr. WAN'i car as part payment on ti-room modern, or 4-room modern, in or out of city, $1000, 7 per cent mtg. to stand; has fruit, berries, in fine shape, 80x100; no bonded indebtedness. 382tf 66th st. S. E. A. M. J. NOW LISTEN to this. I have 10 or 12 acres of improved land with 3 water rights on paved road near Hoise, Idaho, to trade for Portland rooming-house property; owners only. Inquire Square Deal Furniture Co., 325 1st st. SEE ME FOR EXCHANGES, ANYTHING, BIG OR LITTLE, I'VE GENERALLY GOT IT. B, F KELLY, 715 Swetland Bldg, Main 777-6. SALE or exchange, 25 bldg. lots, s. e. cor. ou. ana uivision, ouu each, plus city liens. Waut income Portland or any good town. J. H. McMahon. 2606 E. 43d st. Tabor 53C1. TO TRADE Improved city hits for used car; as many lots as car is worth; must be in A-l condition; not larger than a Iodge. Call Sun. or Monday. No. 4 E 71th st. N. 90 ACRES, good buildings, 25 a. cleared; o nines rauroaa ; sell or trade ; $2500, terms. Owner, Lewis, R. 1, box 51 Boring, Or. 20 ACRES, partly improved, good soil, 20 miles out, Estacada car line. Price $lSOO; consider lot or light auto first payment. AE S59, Oregonian. 320-ACRE farm leased for 1-3 crop in eastern Washington, fair improvements; 2oo acres in cultivation; value $6000. Take rooming house. E 930. Oregonian W ANT one or two lots in good district for $1200 equity on 4-room bungalow, St. Johns; mortgage $S00. W. C. Green & Son. Columbia 1025. WANT a good lot or contract paper t first payment on 4-room bungalow j St. Johns. Price $2000. W. C Green Son. Columbia 1025. WILL exoha-nge my $lii0i0 equity in a $3000 bungalow for a light car or a buildunc lot and $250 cash. 652 76th st. North. Tabor 8793. FOK SALE or exchange for Cal, 2 bunga lows in at, jonns; also 11 acres in wasn. county. -none Mrs. Clark. Main 3411 before Wednesday. to-KUUJi nouseKeeping. close in, west siae, 10 iraue as nrst payment on 15 or rooms. r-uwara x. urr. Realtor. 115 Grand ave. 2 ACRES, small house, equity. Edward T. Grand ave to trade for house Orr, Realtor, 115 WANT Canada for Portland. Residence nere ior ianauian iarm. or city. b Oregonian FOR SALE or trade live-room house and lot 80x125. Phone Bdwy. 5443 or Main WHAT have you for $1200 equity in 4-roon bungalow one block Willamette blvd. ' Marshall 2307. 10O ACRES Montana wheat land, in oi district, for western property, farm pre ferred. AF 8T3. Oregonian. UP TO 42000 CASH and modern home in , Vancouver for home in Portland. Main ?u:m. or c-. WILL TRADE three acres black loam with small house and garage, for house and lot. tall Main dial evenings. 00-ACRE FARM 45 acres under cultiva tion; good fences ana buildings; 16 miles from ortiana: w.'1 giviue. -c.ast 3153. WANTED to trade, baby grand Chevrolet ior int. can laDor 03. TRADE -$2.i00 equity in 24-room apt.. west siue ior nouse. aut .ran ma bids, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 560 acres best river loam; CO acres cultivated, balance hardwood timber, ash and maple, some balm and fir, easily logged ; Willamette river borders place, two miles from railroad station, one mile to paved road, five miles from Corvaliis. Or. ; will take in trade Port land residence up to $10,000; price $28, 000; terms. 60 acres black loam; 8 -room modern house, good barn and outbuildings; built about five years; fine family orchard ; all crojis good, hay in barn ; 4 cows, 4 horses, 50 chickens. machinery; 3 miles from CorvalIis,"Or. ; price $12,500. HUGHSON & TAYLOR, Corvaliis, Or. WILLAMETTE VALLEY." We offer for exchange a good 313-acre stock and grain farm tn Polk Co., Or. Improvements consist of a good 8-room dwelling with hot and cold water tank; - barns, machine shed and large hop hoube. The place formerly had 60 acres in hops but now in grain. All the bal ance of the p!ace in grain but 100 acres f upland pasture with scattering oaks; good roads: school near by; cash selling price, fo per acre. Will trade for in come property or will take small im proved farm up to $17,000; balance runs for 20 years. Rural credit loan. REAM LAND COMPANY, 133 Lyon St., Albany, Or. BRICK BLDG.. EXCHANGE FOR VALLEY FARM. This is a first-class building and a big income producer. Price $45,000. Farm must be priced right. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND COMPANY. 403 First National Bank BIdg. ALBANY, OREGON. GROCERY with buildings, one acre of ground. Stock fresh and clean. Invoice about $4000. Postoffice and express of fice in building. Two R. R. and two saw mills. Only store in town. 30 miles from Portland. Price $8000. No incumbrance. Will exchange for house pr income property In Portland. Aged lady, owner, cannot care for the busi ness. This is a going business. A money maker and a snap for someone. PETERSON & YORK. 437 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8005. E EXCHANGE PROPERTIES. $7800 Apt. house, 2 -story frame. 22 rooms, rents $75 month, exchange equity for house to $4000 or west side apt. site. $35,000 Apt. house, west side, brick, $20,000 equity; exchange for Portland. Want building, well put in, clear in come property and assume mortgage. Farm, highly improved, valley, for Portland. 10 acres Beaverton, for home. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry Bdg. 160 ACRES 2 mile- from Dallas: SO acres under cultivation, 15 acres in prunes. 7-room house, large barn, other outbuildings, fine spring of water and well; price $100 per acre: clear of in cumbrance; will exchange for income property, assume or pav difference. DEKUM & JORDAN. 323-4 .Chamber or Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark Sts. Main 223:1. FOR EXCHANGE Small sawmill and sev- eral hundred a: res pine timber and cutover land near Goldendale; good local trade. land fine for wheat when cleared; springs and creek on land ; want im proved city property or small farm west of mountains: trade or sell all or part. Add rets J. C. Buker, Goldendale, Wash. FEED STORE In good Willamette valley town to pell or trade for stock ranch up to $22,000, Tillamook county pre ferred. We have a good farm, well stocked and amproved, to trade for a stock of mdse. or hardware up to $15,000. F. L. BLANCHARD, 401-2 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 829 WANT IMPROVED ACREAGE. Have 7-room modern house, vfelue $5000; will turn in on 10 to 20 acres, lo cated between Portland and Reedville. Must have fair buildings and not bei over fc mile from station. Will go to $8000. LTJEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. WORTH THE PRICE. Will take lot, car or a small house In city up to $2000, some cash, terms on balance, for a 5-acre tract near station, 20 minutes out on Oregon City car, 5 room bungalow, good barn, well cost more 5 years ago than price asked, agents or owners. C 912, Oregonian. EXCHANGE OFFICE DEALING IS A FASCINATING AND PROFITABLE PLEASURE. To have your property constantly man ipulated, see A. Gordon Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS, Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. STOCK RANCH. I have a stock ranch east of Bend, Or., 638 acres, abundance of outrange, good water, value $0500; will exchange for house and lots in Portland, or small ranch close in. Write E. M. Peck, Sis ters, Or. 4-ROOM furnished cottage In good dis trict. Will accept good used Buick. Hup mobile. Dodge or other good make as part payment. Balance $20 per month and interest. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N". W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. INCOME PROPERTY. East side corner, 3-story. 3 store rooms below. 8 4-room apartments above. Income about $400 per month. Will take small farm, acreage or home in city up to $10,000. Cash and terms on balance. Rock, 403 Cou chb 1 d g. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. 42 acres, all unde-r cultivation; on rock road, 16 miles Portland; 25 head stock, 3 horses, chickens, milking ma chine, tile silo, full set farm machinery; Portland milk route; sell or trade at a bargain. Owner. R. Hoard, Laurel, Or. TO EXCHANGE for Portland property. I have 150 acres, 6 miles from Gsld Hill, Or., 2 miles from paved highway to Med ford, 50 acres in cultivation, good house, barn and chicken house. Marshall 14t7 or Eaat 556. HAVE an equity in good store building, nouseaeeping rooms in rear, rents for u per monm, ana nuu secured by mortgage, to exchange for good vacant lots or a good roadster car. Charles TioucK. vaz cnamper ot commerce. 2 ACRES on Oregon City line, at Rathe station, as nrst payment on modern 5 room bungalow In good location. Here's where you can get clear property for your equity and get away from high city litxea. umier. ur. uarreic, .wain 3.!:tS. EXCHANGE 8-room residence in best resi aentiai district in Ban Diego, Cal., also 80 acres in Imperial Valley and lot in Los Angeles, will exchange for Portland residence or vacant lots in Portland: can put some cash in deal. B 862. Oregonian. EXCHANGE. Apartment nouse, apts., in 2-room suites; income $70O; oil burner; $10,000 casn; taae excnange, terms on balance price $35,000. Fred Lawson, 416 Cham of Com. Main 807. -ROOM modern cottage with 3 lots, all fenced, with garage 12x18. chicken hoixwe with runs, fruit trees and berry bushes, close to car and school. $4000, consider o or iu acres up to juuu. Oalance cash 5515 GOth st. S. E. 21 ACRES timber land, main lin fi t railway runs through land, about 3 m! ft. 80 acres, rolling, make wonderful farm when cleared. Both tracts clear 01 incumbrances ana liens. AC 851 Oregonian. FOR SALE or trade for car. livable 4 room house, lot 80x100, good garden. berries, flowers; close to car. just off city limits. a. Aieiuy, xsox 3S, Wood stock, city. , A FIN E building site on Portland Heights. Larse enougn ior o nouses. Will trade as part payment on small house on will consider trade for mdse. Phone Main .-itb evenings t,asi ::jmi. HAVE two Portland building lots which cost me iouu total live years ago, will exchange on Los Angeles, or vicinity. i ' v . - i uuisl'u, oanta itosa, 120 ACRES timbered land, section 19, Bayocean; first-growth, timber, fine creeks, good soil; to exchange for farm or ousmesa. uwner, box 105, Tilla moolt, Or. 100 ACRES, 4 miles north of Manning wasnington county; nouse, barn, sprint: about 5 acres cleared. I. Brunn, 321 y asnmgton at. iviain t-ti. ci 1 x income property, want going valley farm to JdO.Ouo or residence in good dis trict, $3000 cash and balance mortgage. WANT to trade fine Hood River annm r chard, 31 acres, 8-rm. house, good barn, for fir yard stock, timber, or sawmill. w rue i;ia amnn oiag.. Seattle, Wash. TO EXCHANGE Small modern rpsirj in New Mexico town of about 4500 peo ple, iui x ui 1 mil 1 j vt suuuruan property, N. W. Mosely. 500 Leo ave., Portland. 31 ackks wheat and pasture land, stock and machinery. $7000, for city property or small close-in farm. Phone Columbia EXCHANGE Store building with flats, rentea ior oetter man fill a month consider auto or what have youf Mar ehall 5H38. TO EXCHANGE, 6 acres near Osweeo Ink value $2500, for grocery stock, by owner. 22S W. Broadway. Main 4S&4. So ACRES free from incumbrance, wiTI trade for city lots or good car. M 926, Oregronian. I HAVE a beautiful close-in suburban home to exchange for town house in good district. E 003, Oregonian. HAVE lot, will build small bungatow -to suit as first payment on satisfactory dairy farm. Tabor 5S56.y WANT to trade $2000 in stock of manu facturing concern in Portland as part payment on a home- East 11 18. LOT 00x100 FOR SALE or trade for housi and lot. . Woodlawn 4010. HAVE 5-room more modern. house, Sunnyside; want AR SCO, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE KEAL ESTATE. SELECTED EXCHANGES. Want 20 acres within 20 miles of Portland; to $10,000. for excel lent 6-room house on 100x100 cor ner, finely improved, value $6000. Want apartment rldg. or flat, located, for a delightful bungalow and 1 acre, all in cultivation. Just beyond city limits; value $05OO. Want auto to $750 tor 1-3 acre in city, same value. Want residence In Portland to I70O0 for 5-acre suburban home at Garden Home, Want bungalow to 54500 for H acre and 5-room house on GOth St.; will pay $2000 cash. ( Want suburban home for 3 fine lots in Fairport Addn.; will as sume. Want 7 or 8-room house In Port land to 9700O for 2 good residences in Independence; will assume. Want house or vacant lots for 2 acres and bungalow at Fir lock Sta. to $4000, Want Portland home to $45M for beautiful home and 10 a, near Chehalis; this is extra good. Want residence"" or apartment for 61 acres, only 12 miles from Portland, fully eqiupped; alue $15.O00i Want small houa to $3500 for 25 acres near Hubbard, all in cul tivation, with stock, and equip ment; value $7500. Want Portland homo or Income for 96 acres at Carlton, lO q in walnuts; value $0500. g Want Portland homo to $4500 for 40 acres near Canby, 25 acres in cultivation, with stock and equipment, a fine opportunity, $7500. Want residence to $3500 for 120 acres near Castle Rock, Wash., a going farm, for $5400. Want eastern Oregon or Wash ington wheat land to $25,000 for finest orchard farm home, of 65 acres, bet. Salem and Eugene; crop estimated 5O0O boxes fruit. Want small home to $3200 for 140-a. stock farm in Lincoln co. ; a very good exchange Want Portland home or acreage to $4000 for fruit ranch, 11 hi acres, only 1 miles to Medford, Oregon. Want wheat farm to $16,000 for 320 acres irrigated ranch in Idaho; a fine property. Want lots along 82d st- to $1200 for 40 acres in California. A few of the many exchanges we can offer; we devote our entire time to this branch of real estate and give expert service, MacINNES, Exchange Department, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg., WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. PORTLAND PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE. . 'Attractive apartment house on west side, with big income; price $45,000; con eider some trade. Fine big corner, close in on west side, showing fair income on price. $60,000. Consider trade to $40,000, balance mort gage. Wants larger apartment house; will give attractive brick apartment house on fest side with big income, price 945,000, nd pay cash difference for larger prop erty. We have several other attractive city properties for exchange. LUKDDEMANN COMPAN'T, 913 Chamber of Commerce, Bldg. 80-ACRE LTNN COUNTY FARM TO EXCHANGE FOR IRRI GATED FARM. This is a very good farm, nearly all under cultivation, family or chard, a splendid set of farm buildings, located near Albany, Price $16,000. Prefer a place near Prosser, Washington. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND COMPANY. 403 First National Bank Bids. ALBANY, OREGON. QUARTER acre, , good four-room house. garage, plenty ot choice rruit, on hard road, 20 minutes from postoffice. Will take a car or lot to $700, balance $740 at $20 per month. Half acre, modern 5-room bungalow, cement basement, garage, plenty of fruit, and good garden, just outside city limits. Will take a good building lot as first payment. Price $3500. PETERSON & YORK. 437 N". W. Bank Bldg. Main 8005. WANTE D C ALIFOHXI A L A N D. Will only consider small improved land from 10 to 30 acres. In good fruit dis trict. Santa Clara valley. Santa Cruz or So. California; submit in any good dis trict; in exchange for fine Portland prop trey, large grounds, improved at present with houee and garage; price about $11, 000; on line wide street; will consider any reasonable offer. Might assume some. By owner, 167 Grand avo. N., Portland, Or. THREE farms near Gresham ; owners want homes in Portland; 20 acres, nice ly improved, good buildings, stock and equipment. 38 acres, well located, modern build ings. 40 acres, close In, highly ' improved, first-class buildings, fine water system. What have you to offer? KRIDER-ELKINGTON. Gresham. FOR SALE or exchange, DO acres, well located, on rood gravel road on mail and cream route; some timber; mostly under cultivation ; good buildings and fences; might consider property close to Portland or furniture of a good rooming house if well located and suitable, as part payment. Call Main 3615. or address 289 11th at. No agents need answer. TO TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM OF S7 ACRES; 35 CLEAR. 7 ACRES EASILY DRAINED BEAVER DAM. BALANCE ROLLING; GOOD FOR FRUIT; BEA VERDAM LAND "WORTH $1000 AX ACRE WHEN DRAINED: ASKING $7500; EQUITY $4000. BO 859. OREGO NIAN. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Owner wishes to meet buyers for . fine ranches. These properties well located, easy terms; now is time, buy when everybody wishes to sell. Further details by writing S 867, Oregonian. FOR SALE. EXCHANGE OR RENT. Very choice 1 -acre farm or building site, east edge of Laurelhurst; 6-room nouse, abunuance or choice iruits ana shade.- 1 tan use a good farm close in. or a little cash and easy terms. Owner home Saturday and - Monday. 24 East 47th st. N., corner East Burnslde. GOOD list of large first-class fully stocked and equipped stock ranches, some of them with several hundred cattle, to ex change for good city Income properties, also lots of smaller farms for sale and exchange. Tallmadge Realty Co.. 610 Henry Bldg. 100 ACRES of good piling in Lincoln county, about 3 miles south of loledo. Or., will trade for new Buick 6, 5-pas-, senger car or will sell for $1600, worth $2200. Address D. S. W., Box 52, Timber, Oregon. FOR SALE or exchange, 25-acre fruit ranch in Shasta county, California; new 6-room house, fine barn, fully equipped; will exchange for foothill ranch with running water. Particulars, F. A. Gore, Anderson. C I. 12 ACRES near good town ; hard-surface roada; all under cultivation : berries, or chard, S-room houwe. well, outbuildings; cheap, or trade for Owner. 135 Curry st. ciose-in acreage. LARGE farm to trade for smaller, well improved place in N. Willamette V. up to $1 4,000; easy terms on the balance. No agents. E. Jones. Crabtree, Or. FOR SALE or trade Will take car and cash payment or farm on electric line or close for 7-room bungalow; lot 50x100. O w n e r, 2402 Cedar St.. Asoria. 20 ACRES, near Gresham, half cultivated, small house, fruit trees; $3500, mort gage $1000; trade for house and lot, sell at discount for cash. B 854. Oregonian. EXCHANGE for Willamette valley farm, well improved 15 4 acres close to good town. 12 miles Stockton; $12,000. H. N. W he Ian, Manteca, Cal. SPECIAL attention given to exchanges, no matter where located; ask for Mr. Brace. 314 tJoucn Piag. WILL SACRIFICE choice 2 acres, 42d and Alberta, or trade for good 5 or 6-room bungalow. B 954. Oregonian. WANTED LOS ANGELES OR VICINITY IN EXCHANGE FOR MY HOUSE AND 7 LOTS. 2071 DELANO ST. A .SNAP Trade small farm for city prop erty between Grand ave. and Laurelhurst district. R. Keller. 508 East Everett st. CHALMERS" roadster for city lot clear of .Incumbrance, about $050, or small home I nquire 427 E. 10th st. S . WILL trade good installment mortgages and contracts for good building lots on paved streets. Call Tabor 2740. TRADE good lot, worth $750, for used car of ame value. J 816, Oreeonian TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. OTJR TRADES TRY TJS. 63 acres near Merlin, Or., well -improved, well located, valued at 12.500. will trade for income property. loo acres near Vale, Or., well Improved, fair buildings, 100 acres irrigated, plenty of water, all in crop, harvesting now, ood time to see place, valued at $30,000. mortgage $18,000, easy terms. Will trade for farm Willamette valley or Clarke county. 40 acres well improved, good buildings, near Houlton, valued at $S500; will trade for stock of mer chandise or groceries. 10 acres near Colville, Wash ington, north of Spokane, well improved, good buildings, making money; 100 acres in crop ; valued at $16,000; will trade for well located and improved farm. We have the trade you are look ing for. Why not try us? We have income property valued at $150, 000, located close in, Portland, west side, to trade for merchan dise or farm. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main St., Vancouver, Wash. 160 ACRES 4W miles Goldendale. Wash. 40 cultivated, 40 more easy cleared, 16 acres commercial timber, 4-room house, barn, etc., Vz mile school, hi mile to main road, $6300. Will trade for apart ment or rooming house. 874 acres 40 cultivated. 45 acres tim ber, family orchard, spring and 2 small creeks. 8-room house, hot and cold water, gas lights, . barn, granary, wood shed, tool shed, 2 chicken houses, 2 root houses, team, 3 cows, 3 heifers, chickens, pigs, binder, mower, rake. plow, harrow, cultivator, hack, wagon $12,000. Take some Portland property. 60 acres 50 cultivated. 0-room house. barn, chicken house, root house, hog house, $(000. Take Portland property to 40 acres 30 cultivated. Family or chard. 7-room house. barn, chicken house, 2 miles Col ton. Good team, 3 ow3, chickens, rake, disk plow, wagon buggy, hack, harrow, cultivator, cream separator, t mm. u raae. BOCKHOLD BROS.. Realtors. 601 Swetland Bldg. Main 5760. No. 493. FARM FOR EXCHANGE. 50 acres, 20 a, under cultivation, 1 mile from town and railroad, short distance from paved high way, all stocked and equipped. New house, just finishing ; per sonal property and all, $11,000. Will exchange for city property. See Mr. Stiger with THOMPSON, SWAN & LEE, Realtors, Third and Main Sts., . Vancouver, Wash. Al STOCK RANXH. 750-acre stock ranch, 3 miles from station, 150 acres farm land, balance rolling pasture, with 4 million feet of timber. Fair build ings, creek and a dandy ranch for sheep or cattle ; plenty of grass and outrange. Price $30. Will take in good trade for one-half the value. KINNEY & COMPANY. CORVALL1S, OR. TACOMA HOME FOR WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. A neat 9-room modern home. 2-story, 2 sets of plumbing, 2 fireplaces, full basement and furnace, earatre and out bldgs., one acre ground, all kinds of iruit, nest resiuc-nce on -minute car line. Price is $8000. or will exchange for improved 40 to 80 Willamette val ley farm up Uo $12,000 and pay cash KINNEY & HYDE, REALTORS. , fti3 AVillamette St., Eugene. Or. BEST BARGAIN EVER OFFERED. 40 acres near Gresham, all fenced; 30 acres cultivated; some timber, pood or chard, running water; fine 5-room mod ern bungalow, 2 good barns, outbuildings, 2 horses, 3 cows, pigs, chickens, tools farm machinery, crops. Onlv $0500 S2000 cash, or take Portland home to JuiHlli, bal. time, no money. DUBOIS. 804 SPALDING BLDG. H,i km 1 lAcoMb will justify you paying lu,uik; win taKe small business, hotel or rooming house up to $3000 in part payment, balance easy ; 4 corner lots, improved with apartments, houses and seven 2-room cottages, ideal ior smal family; never failing income. Particu lars see O. F. Anderson. 163 M West 1 rk st., jrort!ana, nr. SQUARE DEAL SALES AND TRADES of general farming, chicken, fruit and truck farms near Portland; also city and suburban. We have prospective buyers and trad ers; what have you? See John W. Greene, with J. BRUCE'GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Bldg. ONE ACRE TO TRADE. $3000; just outside of city limits; with 4-room cottage, has bath, toilet, gas arid electric lights ; some bearing fruit trees and berries; owner wants place of same value close to car. See Mr. Stephens. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Ch. of Com. WANT CITY PROPERTY. We have several big stock ranches to exchange for city property ; owners will assume or will pay cash difference on larger properties. LUEDDEMANN; COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 20-acre farm, highly improved, good buildings, water system; all kinds of fruits bear ing; close in and cheap at $8500. Will trade equity for Portland property. See or write W. E. White & Co., 703 First st., Newherg, Or. HAVE ranch of 10 acres, house. Darn, chicken house, good well, about 5 acres under cultivation; land the best; 5 acres in pasture; will trade for house or part ly finished house in good location or some good business in city. What nave you? RF 870. Oregonian. EXCHANGE PUGET SOUND FOR PORTLAND. A most c-harminig- farm home; elegant modern buildhrga, fine soil. aImot?t joins beautiful town; overlooks the harbor. Trad-e for Portland or nearby property. J. A. HENKLE, 512 Gerlinger Bldg. WILL trade for city property, fine 200 acre ranch, stocked and equipped. 125 acres of this is fine creek bottom, level as a floor and the best of soil. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. I ACRES 4-room house, easily made into 5 rooms; barn and mature orchard of about 10O trees, on Sd street. Value $3500. To trade for unincumbered city property north of Powell Valley road. Call Monday. Main 2554. HAVE a 7-room modern bungalow in Irving ton Park to exchange for good lot, acreage or small home, with some cash and easy terms. Main 7-027. 413 Piatt bldg. WANTED Equipped cattle ranch up to $50,000. Have three improved Linn eounty clear ranches to exchange and will assume some indebtedne&a. BJ 803, Oregonian. 40 ACRES of good logged-off land, Clarke Co., Wash.' 25 Terrebonne lots, Des chutes Co., Or., for Portland property. August Fuera-tenau, Broadway hotel, Portland. TROUTDALE FOR NEWPORT. Nice home in Trout da le for home In Newport; might take Toledo or some other up-valley town. J. A. HEXKLE. 512 Gerllnger BIdg. S-ROOM HOUSE Suitable for rooming house' or two families; close in on east side: will take lots or car or builder's contract as first payment, balauce terms. Phone East 7070. O wn er. FARM FOR SALE. Nice Improved farm with crop, stock and equipment, near Newberg; price $17,50O. Trade for a larger stock farm. .T. A. HENKLE. 512 Gerllnger Itf'ie. BEAUTIFUL large home and grounds, ex clusive Portland suburb, actual cost $16, 500, sacrifice in exchange for less ex penslve home. Owner, phone Main 9563. SEND ME FULL DESCRIPTION OF YOUR FARM TO TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY. B. P. KEXLV. Swetland bldg. Main 7770 IJIVINUTON duplex, $700, want house in Rose City, Irvington, Laurelhurst. Ladd addition, Sunnyside, to value $4500. East 7504. WILL exchange $35,o0u clear property and some cash for property ; no agents ; will deal with owner. AN 856, Oregonian. II LOTS, close in, Spokane, all clear, val ue $3500, trade for Oregon or California. W. Albert Jones, 312 2d st, Newberg, Oregon. MODERN bungalow, 1 acre ground. New berg highway, to trade for lots or mod ern home In any good residential dis trict. Owner. East 3077. SIX-ROOM modern house, good location; price $:i500; will consider an automobile as part. Apply 621 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 1734. INCOME property, producing $200 month ly, under secured lease, to exchange for farm or city lots. Phone Sellwood 1036 or a k to, oregonian. HAVE 3 lota 50x1(10 each near end of Aineria line, fcxenange for small house - and assume or will sell, $25 cash and $10 monthly. Sellwood 2000. 40 ACRES, with water right, ntar Shoshone. Idaho. Will trade for Port land residence or automobile. 449 Uma tllla ave. Sellwood 2004. LARGE-SIZED lot in Eugene; will trade for car or anything of equal value. Sellwood 1774. ' 5 ACRES, close in, to trade for house in city. ooi, uregoxnan TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. POULTRY RANCH FOR WEST ERN WASHINGTON. 40 acres, 1 miles from rail road station and village, practical ly all good farm land but 10 acres timber. Fine, good 6-room house with bath, good bam, 6 colony houses for 1000 hens, brooder houses, etc. Buildings are all new, worth $6000; fine flowing well with running water to house and henhouses. One of the very best commercial poultry farms in Benton county. Price $10,000. Wants smail ranch around Ta coma or thereabouts. Must be priced right. KINNEY & COMPANY. CORVALL1S, OR. EXCHANGE. 40 acres, 30 acres- cultivated, 3 miles from North Plains, 25 miles from Port land;, family orchard. 4-room house, barn, chicken houtse, English walnuts, all kinds berries, croo. team horses. 2 cowsv i heifer, brood sow, 10 plfes. 2 wagons, plow, harrow, full set of equip ment; will accept Portland property as unst payment, frlce siooo.- 156 acres-, 65 cultivated; half mile from good high school town; 2,000,000 feet timber on one 40, balance open pas ture; family orchard, good house and barn, hog house, chu-ken house, all farm equipment and a Jot of personal goes ; will accept Portland property to one half, balance your own time. Price $125 per acre. HILLSBORO LAND & REALTY CO., By England & Mellar, Managers. Hillsboro. Or. SEE VS FOR EXCHANGES. We have several farms to exchange for city property, any size. Wheat land in eastern Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Dakota. What have you? GREAT OPPORTUNITY. For resort on Columbia highway. 151 acres all tillable, with lake half mile long. Water falls, power for all pur poses. Bridge of the gods to be con structed within half mile of this site. Will 1 exchange. Full details furnished. SEE US FOR EXCHANGES. MARSH & McCABB CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3093. WANT INCOME PROPERTY for one of the best farms in the Willamette valley, improved with 2 large houses, barns, garage, ma chine sheds and blacksmith shop; creek through farm, water at all buildings, over 6O0 acres cleared land, located right at R. R. town. Cash price $55.ooO. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND COMPANY. 403 First National Bank Bldg. ALBANY, OREGON. SMALL FARMS, alfalfa and fruit ranches suburban homes. A variety in choice lo cations near Portland, Hood River, Med ford, Or. ; Vancouver, Chehalis, Kene- wtck and Grand View, Washington.; Or land and Shasta valley, California. To exchange for Portland property, also Portland properties, vacant and income, to exchange "for country property. Some income property and cash for country property up to $30,000, $40,000 and $120,000. Especial attention is invited to a bargain in Hood River improved ranch for Portland residence. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. VALLEY FARM FOR CANADIAN LAND. 222 acres 2',i miles from King's valley, 150 under plow, 20 acres timber, balance open pas ture. Rather rolling, but good farm land; 0-room house, 2 barns, fenced and cross-fenced; creeK. Price $70 per acre. Will consider good improved Canadian land, KINNEY & COMPANY. CORVALL1S, OR. SEE ME ABOUT THIS. 4-room cottage with K0xl2d iot, 3 blks. to car; chicken house, barn and some young fruit trees; owner wants place up to $5000 in good district. Dozens ot other legitimate trades. See Mr. Stephen FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Ch. of Com. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. FINE BUILDING LOTS FOR A CAR. I have two fine lots on paved street, curbing, cement walk, sewer, water, etc., all in and paid for in full. Located on Alberta car. Bldg. restrictions. Legal description: Lots 41 and 43, block 40, Irving ton Park Ad A., located almost op posite 1210 E. 30th st. Value $1500. Mtg. $350. Will trade equity for car. Write C. F.- Stamper, Box 846, Eugene, Oregon. ' NEARLY new Mack truck with 3-yard dump box; $l0O0 will handle, or will take light truck or touring car in ex change; owner "sick, must sell. Call Wdin. 3S77 Sunday or Monday m ornln. WILL trade (no agents) Dodge sedan, in fine shape, for acreage on graveled road or building lotj on paved street; give clear directions for location in first let ter. E 048. Oregonian. NEARLY new mahogany player-piano, value $050; will exchange for auto, real estate, or what have you ? Write AM Oregonian. y. WILL trade for bug or bell for cash 1020 Reading Standard motorcycle with dream tandem, electrically equipped. Call 625-38. Ask for Bud. WILL exchange 2 H -kt. diamond, perfect stone, for lte Buick, Paige or similar car; value of diamond $1200. BD ti04, Oregonian. GOOD lot 60x125 on E. 82d st. near Fos ter road to exchange for good team of horses, cows or heifers, or what have you? A V 6. Oregonian. HAVE motorcycle, fireproof safe, phono graph, vacant Astoria lot; $000 install ment note, want good car any make, 1020 or later. Sell. 214 today. FURN ISHKL) 0-room bungalow, close in. east side; sell cheap or take improved farm and assume. Sell. 214. EXCHANGE lots in Washington lor pho nograph or lots Portland or what have you? Automatic 624-32. 100x100 S. AND E. FRONT Sightly; overlooking new city park. Take a good light car part. Woodlawn 5737. WILL trade my Studebaker 6, A-l condi tion for milk cows or work horses. G 021. Oregonian. WILL trade a lot 50x105. S3d and Mor- rison, two blocks from car, for good tone piano. Call Monday at Tabor 3102. GOOD saddle horse for sale or trade for cow or chickens. Col. 1170. 72S East Charleston st. 1915 STUDEBAKER. overhauled, $350. Take concrete work or real estate. Mar shall BPl. 40 ACRES of land, improved, value about $850, for automolnle or anything of equal value. Ta bor 7007. WHAT will you trade for a 5-passenger auto in good running order? Klectric lights and storage. S 805. Oregonian. HAVE a $175 gents' diamond ring to trade on cheap car; not over $300. 1033 E. Grant st. Tabor 5811. 66x166 LOT FOR trade for hemetitcher. BD 829 Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE 1018 Dodge for lot in Rose City park. Phone Wdln. 702. TO EXCHANGE Dentistry for pain tin? and kalsomining. J 912. Oregonian. 1 SPRING-EDGE couch for sale, or ex change for sanitary couch. Main 2S07. WILL trade my equity in good piano. Tabor 5QS3. 1021 Ford for 5-PAsS. 30 Packard auto. $500; take dia mond or small car. BF 861, Oregonian. FOR SAU- HorweH, Vehicles, Livestock. OATS and vetch hay, baled, price $16 a ton ; 1 good horse weighing 1400 lbs., price $40: also 2 good dairy cows, 0 and up. 632 E. 24th. Woodstock car. ONE GREY mare, 1 250 lbs. ; good farm horse. Bay driving mare, perfectly gen tie. ' Near Turner. AM S58. Oregonian. WANTED Stock pigs. Phone 13 F 3. Kong Lay, Vancouver, Wash. R. 1, box 18. WANT livestock for Saxon Six car. Phone East 7076, or write owner 520 E. 12th ft. N,, Portland. FOR SALE Good dairy tows; must be sold. Inquire Twelve-Mile store. Base Line and Falrview ave. FOR SALE $65, or trade on Ford tour ing car, Swiss Jersey cow giving 8 qts. rich milk. 508 Clatsop ave. Sell, car. GUERNSEY-JERSEY cow ior sale or ex change for chickens; prefer Rhode Island Reds. Tabor 7.8. FOR SALE Six horses; reasonable prices Holman Fuel Co., bam E. 6th and Ivoa rtreets. FOR SALE 1200-lb. bay gelding, 6 years old. 1 miles east of 82d st.( Section Line road. yabor 4TT3. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Phone Milwaukie 6UJ for best service. V ETERINARTAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Ca 1 1 day or night. Auto 627-64. FRESH Toggenberg milch goats at bargain prices. C. Herzberg, 940 Macadam st. FOR SALE Registered Shropshire ewes and rams. Holman Fuel Co., 94 5th st. ASK ME about milk cows; good stock. 0 t3 Williams ave. FOR SALE Milch goats. Linnton, Or. B. Alexander, FOR SALE A fine young Guernsey cow. Phone Automatic 312-27. FOR SALE Fresh Jersey uow. Sell. 3ti'J2. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicle. Livestock. CROWN STABLES, INC. 150 head of horses for sale, hire or exchange; have any kind of harness you are looking for. We have horses, 'grading implements, harrows, mower, rake and 30 head of horses that we are going to sell for feed bill. When inquiring ask for horses that are to be sold for feed bill. We hire by the day, week or month to responsible people; have 1 Holstein milk cow giv ing about 4 gallons a day; 1 Durham and 1 Guernsey, 27 rabbits. 1 milk goat; 1500 to 2IM10 lion n (is bolster springs. $5 and $6 set, which cost from $15 to $20 v set. cverytn;ng guarantee'! aa icr sented. Phil Suelter, President, 2Su Front st. TWO GRADE miich goats, one part Saanan and the other part Nubian ; . goats came fresh recently. Price rea sonable as have to dispose of promptly as location not suitable. AH feuS. Ore gonisn. 1 E AM colts, full sisLersv well broke, 200 lbs., harness, wagon, ifne Guernsey cow ; got to sell; w reasonable offer refused; one block couth S. P., Milvtaukte, Or. Phone 60-W. Henry Smith, Oregon Citv. Or. 30 HEAD 15 cows, 15 heifers. Heifers fresh in rail. All from good Holstein breeding. Must be sold at once, as own er is going out of business. Marraccl & Cozzulino, Warren, Or. . i MATED team weighing 2200 lbs., fat and best of workers anywhere, harness -and farm wagon, sell cheap. Hazel wild Fuel Co., tiSlO Foster road. Mt.- Scott car. - 1 PEDIGREED Hols;ein, milk Durham and Jersey, G-gallon milkers when fresh. Will be fresh in October. Giving a good flow of milk now. At the Rose City hos pitai. 415 E. 7th St.. for the T. B. tests. jL'ST IN large quantity used desks, chairs and equipment. Complete new line. Cheap for cash. Wax Office Equipment - house, 2 X. 5th. Bdwy. 2733. MILCH GOATS, soon fresh, bargain; serv ice pure Saanen bucks, none better. See their daughters; best always cheapest; goat milk. Woodlawn 4001. 1100 Henry avenue. ' FOR SALE CHEAP Span of bay gel dings, weight about 3000. with harness. Good, honest workers. 300 00th st. S. E. Automatic 623-74. . TEAM weighing ItiOu eacn with harness and wood rack. Also 10 tons baled hay, cheap. Route 1, box 237, Oatfleld rd., Milwaukie, Oi GOOD sound young team Just off the farm mare and gelding. 5 and o years old, weight 3300 lbs., gray; sell cheap. Phone after 6 P. M.. Tabor 70.V FOR SALE Dandy team of horses, wagon and harness; horses weigh 1000 each: nearly new harness and wagon. $50. J. T. Thompson, route 2 Sheridan. Or. SLK or trade 30 eastern Oregon horses for cash, good notes, cattle. 1021 Buick. Dodee or Ford; want pasture. Address X. E. Moffitt. Clackamas. Or. TWO LARGE teams of mules; one large team of celders: also team of black mares. 2600 lbs., with harness. 420 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE Young Holstein dairy cow and St. Mawes registered Jersey bull cajf cheap. D. M. Smith, Garden Home, Oregon. WANTED Fresh or soon to freshen dairy cows; state price and age. Ru 1, box 10 Portland, Or. A YOUNG fresh Guernsey cow, milk. 420 S2d. very rich Pianos, Organs u nd M usical Instruments. IF YOU WANT the best $125 Victrola ever built with the finest kinds of records that cost $44. total value $169, you can get this one left by party gone to Alaska half price; all cash not necessary. om Oregon Kilers Music House, 2S7 Vj Waeh insrton street, lust below Fifth. . P1ANOS for rent to select from 1 number of fine ones rent applied on pur- chase price. KEED-FRENCH PIANO CO., 433-35 Washington St., Corner 12th, Broadway 750. BEAUTIFUL Kimball piano, $050 tone value, only $255; the best buy in Port UndREED-FRENCH PIANO CO.. 433-35 Washington St., Corner 12th. Broadway 750. NISLEY PIANO, piano, mahogany Nlsley piano, mahogany case, in .nAntri f.m.i i t u-n xetDtlonaiiy gooa toned, specially priced at $250. $50 down. $15 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. cniivv nhnnnPMiih. Edison re-creations complete library all late records; phone your orders. liroartway -u. REED-FRENCH PIANO CO.. 433-35 Washington St.. Corner 12th. Broadway 750. PRACTICALLY new Brunswick phono ,.-., t-,v. niBhniranv case, cost $150, spe cially ' priced at $llO, $15 down, $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st . rr.'i--u' vn .& nlnvpr niano. oak case bungalow style, good condition. See this hutrnmnnt. TOmiS given. '"',Jn T,1T,-IJTAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st. HOLTOX cornet, silver plated, goia Dew and trimmings, including all accessories, eood as new. $05. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6th st. KINGSBURY Piano for sale by owner fo fnii kW mahogany case: swee tone; 1 am leaving city and must sell. AN S55, Oregonian. FOR SALE OEl RENT Piano, grafonoia with late rocoros. EMPIRE TRANSFER, 254 Broadway. Broadway 1 55. t,t-i iiwmond Disc, modern type, ma hosany case, used but a short time, $00, &lu down, $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder St. a iTTnxfATin coin-oTerated pianos placed out on a percentage basis. Restaurant men call Broadway 3123 and ask about this. BUSH & LANE player piano, mahogany case left hy party to dp wjki , mie us . price. SE1RERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., Fourth street. WILL sell or trade my equity in Singer niavpr niano. walnut case, for diamond or as oayment on Ford sedan. Main 2207. A PRIVATE party wishes to sell their ma hninnv imrleht oiano. modern case; prac ticaily new; will sacrifice for cash. Call Auto. 551-49 after 11 A. M. ww. rs I'm- bargains in new and u pianos of standard makes; lowest prices PRH!pst terms. Soule Bros., 106 Tenth; near Morrison. nr(s:T-(M.A.KS Edison cylinder horn ma chine and 100 records, $15.50, $7.50 down, $3 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder st. BARGAINS in used phonographs, Bruns u.iL-u putVif Victor. Columbia ana otnt makes, truarantetd. from $15 up. terms, Soule Bros.. 106 I nth, near Morrison. i'OI.ITMHIA phonograph with three dozn records: A-l condition. Se this bargain SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 12 Fourth street HARDMAN mahogany case piano, practic ally new and in excellent condition, term given. te:ueriuis -j-uuia -i uot -v., j. Fourth street. TT XO BARGAIN. - STEIN WAY B A BY GRAND. ALMOST NEW BIG DISCOUNT. APPLY 10 EAST 3HTH ST. N. CHTCKER1NG PIANO Refinished case, the highest grade piano at a small price, Don't overlook this one. Terms. G. F. .lnhnson Piano Co.. 140 6th st BTY. SELL. KENT OR TRADE PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. XKWMANS RECORD EXCHANGE. 12S Firt. near Alder. .Main 4405. WE HAVE a dandy mahogany l nompaon piano only $1S5. worth more than Twice this amount. Oregon rollers aiusic riouse, just below Fifth VK HWE a uanay mahogany mompson niano. only $lb3. Oregon LUers Musi' House. 1.-1MUAI.I. .-iiliinet erand. practically Wonderful buy. Beautiful tone. Call Main 0170 COLUMBIA phonograph, 14 records $J.. Stait-r violin bow and case $25. 645 Williams ave. UPRIGHT pianos, $U. Why pay more? Terms. to $175 each. 311 Worcester bldg. FOR RENT Beautiful mahogany piano, per month and moving charge. AP S.,3. Oregonian. FVK S LE New saxophone. This is a bargain. See it at Parts Department. Field's Motor Car Co.. 14th and Alder sts. YORK cornet ojtlit, silver with gold beii, n easv-p!ayUg instrument, $55. G. F. Johnson piano co. 140 6th st. FOR SALE High-grade piano, mahogany case, good condition. 1014 Tibbettd st. S.-llwood 870. $050 KIMBALL, nice oak, only $175. 311 Worcester bldg. $To0 HOBART M. CARLE, latest mahog any. $20(1. terms. 311 Worcester bldg. 5700 KIMBALL, mahogany, $225, terms. 31! Worcester bldg. Ir'OR SALE or rent. Responsible penpl uprigh l p. a no. terms. . Rdwy. 17N2. WANTED Piano for cash; must be bar g a in; goo d condition. BF 8Ss. Oregonian. $.S00 EVERETT piano, beautiful walnut, orrty $lw5, terms. 311 Worcester bldg. UPRIGH'F- piano, mahogany finish, will sell very reasonable. Broad way 207. $S(Ht EVERETT upright, dark case, only $1 65. terms. 311 Worcester bldg. SOHMEK baby grand for sale. Call Mon day afternoon. 51Q Eilrs bldg. FOR SALE Mandolin Tabor 8 430. and case cheap. WANTED Steinway in good condition. Baby Grand piano R 850. Oregonian. $07 KINGSBURY piano, plain case, only i5, terms. 311 Worcester bldg. ONE CABINET phonograph. Good bargain. Auto. 510-02. price $40. PIANO WANTED, pay cash. Mala FOR SALE, Pianos, Organs and Municol Instruments. HTATTS PHONOGRAPH .BARGAINS. The following machines have been taken in on larger types. Each one is guaranteed mechan ically same as new. We offer them on exceptionally easy terms. $45 Graionola. like new $ 30 $175 Stradivara only U5 $150 Stradivara only 0 $100 Musola cabinet type, spe cial 40 Edison disc and records, cost $100. price 123 Edison $120 type only 75 $150 Brunswick 110 $125 Brunswick 00 $150 Victrola XI. fine shape. ,115 $125 Paihe special t5 Edison cylinder horn machine and loo records 15.50 $32.50 Columbia hornless . IV $20u Brunswick, latent type, and 100 records 250 $115 Edison disc only o5 Also the following pianos; $450 Ludwig, fine tone $275 $4oO KrehMng 225 $450 Nlsley 250 $450 Kohler & Campbell .... 210 READJUSTMENT PERIOD SALE. Some of the finest pianos In the world, including demonstrating and used pianos, player pianos and phonographs. SAVING OF $75 TO S300 FOR YOU. Ivers & Pond, last year's model. . . . $5H5 Ivers & Pond, last year's model. 675 635 Hazelton Bros., last year's model.. Haines BroB., last year's model. ... 4't5 Haines Bros., last year's model.... 505 Franklin upright, In mahogany.... 4i5 Foster & Co., upright, in oak...... 805 Hobart M. Cable, player piano 495 Stuyvesaht, mahogany player piano. 575 Kimball, large upright S5 New England, large upright 225- Cash or as low as Is to $15 a month. Seventh Floor, Lipman. Wolfe & Co. PHONOGRAPHS Some reduced over 50. iew ana used cabinet Models. Readjustment Period Sale. Victrola, model 10 $110 00 Widdicomb. No. 6. walnut 100 00 Pathe. No. 10, cabinet, w 75, 0O Stradivara Melody k 112. 5u Bluebird, in mahogany 125. CO Pathe. fumed oak, model 12 115. 0O Stradivara Chopin, mahogany. BO.-00 Victor, style 9. small 40.00 $10 or more at time of purchase, $5 or more a month thereafter. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO.. 7th Floor. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. do j. .f. wale & Co. used upright ..$210 1450 Peerless, upright, mahogany... 105 $275 Collard & Collard. upright.... 5 $750 Pianista player piano 205 $250 Pianola player, walnut..: 45 Parior organs, $1S, $25. -S3 5, $3S, etc 103 TEiNTH ST.. CORNER STARK. RCHWAN PIANO CO.. Downstair Store. $050 Kimball used, best style, mahg.$30S $675 Singer, upright grand 29S $750 Adam Schaaf player 405 $000 SWger, in rich mahogany 495 $000 Steinway & Sons, upright 315 $475 Hallet & Davis, upright 195 $10 to $25 cash. $ti to $12 monthly. $150 Pathe, mdl. 10, used phonograph. $S0 $125 Brunswick, No. 107. phonograph. 5 $05 Stradivara, In oak $75 Victor, in mahogany 45 $50 Victor, in oak 80 Terms. $5 cash, $3. $4 and $5 monthiy 101 Tenth St.. at Wash, and Stark. AMERICA'S CHOICEST PIANOS. HARDMAN, fine shape J250 STEINWAY. apartment size J3K7 PACKARD, art walnut $438 MEHL1N. American burl walnut ... 4b7 Perfect interior. Fault 1r3 exterior. PHONOGRAPHS SLAUGHTERED. Players and Phonographs far Rent. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 34 Yawthill. Pianos Sold, Rented. Repaired. PAKLOR-S1ZK Weber grand pianola, player piano; must be sold at once; a very beautiful tone piano; the price is less than one -ha If a new one; must be seen to be appreciated ; easv terms. REED-FRENCH PIANO CO.. 433-35 Washington St., Corner 12th. Bro a d w a y 7 5V . I BOUGHT a portophone talking ma chine to take on my vacation. I can not get away, therefore my reasons for selling. You carry t his machine like a small hand grip. It is bt-auiifully fin ished in Spanish leatherette. 1 paid $45 for it. I will sel! it for $30 with a good selection of the latest records. Phone East 4453. BIG SALE used pianos; more than 23 fine ones to eelect from including Weber, Chickering, Kimball, etc.; prices $10o, $150, $175 up; terms, 2ft years iu which to pay. REED-FRENCH PIANO CO., 433-35 Washington St., Corner 12th. Broadway 750. BU Y Y OU R PHONOG RAPH AT HYATT'S. Remember, we sell you any model ot Victrola, Edison, Columbia or Bruns wick up to $123 on payments of $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st. . TEN G RAND pianos, new and used ; a special clearance offering; see the beau tiful one at $0S5 best buy in Portland. REED -FRENCH PIANO CO.. 433-35 Washington St.. Corner 12th. Proa d way 750. USE YOUR brains and save money on, your piano; schools, colleges and dealers buy from us; they know where to save money. Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester bldg- KREHLING PIANO. Krehling piano, dark oak case, la splendid condition, good tone, specially, priced at $225, S25 down, $15 a month. Hyat t Talking Machine Co.. 35 0 Aider. PHONOGRAPH SPECIALS A large-sizo cabinet Brunswick, $100; a cabinet So nora, $75; a Columbia cabinet with spe cial filing- system, $00, terms. G. F Johnson Piano Co., 140 0th st. $175 PRACTICALLY new Stradivara pho nograph, beautiful mahogany case, spe cially priced at $05.' $10 down, $7.50 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder -st. FOR SALE latest model "C" Mtlody Conn saxophone, complete with- case; used about one month ; first $75 cash takes it. See E. Little. 50 N. 20th St.. evening. Broadway 55(4. $105 BUYS a fine tone piano, lully guar anteed : cah or easy terms. REED-FRENCH PIANO CO.. 4:3-35 Washiugton St.. Corner 12th. P.road way 750. PHONOGRAPHS $3 MONTHLY. Remember, we pell you new, latest type Victrola, Edison. Columbia or Brunswick up to $50 for $3 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. KRANK'H & BACH walnut case, best ol condition, equal to new, at big reduction. SEI BER LING -LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 Fourth street. i $150 VICTROLA Fumed oak case, use-1 but a short time. Price $115, $15 down, $ 10 a month. Hyat t Talking Machine Co.. 350 Aid tj r st $ 1000 CHICK?: RING piano, plain cas, wonderful tone, like new, with bench. $375, easy terms. Brokerage Co., 311 Wor fester bid?. HAINES BROS. PIANO Mahogany case. a dependable instrument at a small price. $205. terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 fi J st. MARTIN " mi melody saxophone, silver with gold bell and pearl keys, including ease and war tax, ii.-. terms. i. jr. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 0th st. FRANK LI N piano, wnlmit case, $375; terms given. SEI LERLING-LVCA3 MUSIC Co. 125 4th St. TWO splendid buys in Brad bury pianos, one at $235. the ot her at 345. terms. G. F. Johnson PinnoCo.. 140 0th st. STUDENT'S v7o!in outfit, includes violin case. bow. rosin and extra strings, $25. G. F. Johnson I'lfino Co.. 140 0th st. VIKHKR r.iwn.t. beaut i f ul walnut ca. in pood condition: terms ir:ven. Ssiijsji.t- LTNO MUSIC CO., 12" 4th street. SCHULHOFF PIANO Walnut , case; a bargain at $250. terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 0th st. 050 STOFlY & CLARK piano, latest plain mahogany; almost brand new, $273, easy terms 311 Worcester bldg. MELODY C" saxophon-. complete with case, $110. terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 0th st: FISHKR piano, cheap; will make fine prac tice piano ; terms given. S Kl BERLIN; LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 1 25 Fourth stret-1. A CHENEY PHONOGRAPH Used a short time, an excellent value. See this one. O. V. Johnson I'ia no Co.. 149 6th st. $T200 WM. K NA BK, a wonderful piano, the world's best piano, only $375; equal to new. terms. 311 Worcester bldg. $73 EQUITY in new upright piano for sale or exchange for anything of equal value. Bdwy. 400t. PIANO WANTED from private parties; pay cash for bargain. AR S44, Greu- nlan. CONN alto saxophone in silver, complete with case, 125. terms. G. F. 'Johnson Piano Co., 140 th st. WANTED Oood-toned piano; pay atpot cash. Marshall 57K. PIANO, saxophone, xylophone, now open for dance work. A F M. Oregonian. FOR SALE 25 head ew e sheep. Al r! Rogers, Hillsdale. Or. SKLM EK saxophone. perfect cheap. Hazel Thorn py on, Ma i condition 7517. RESPONSIBLE party will keep piano tat storagej good care. Phone East fcCv.i. UPRIGHT piano, walnut case; wlU sacri fice for quick: sale. Bdwy. 24S3. WANTED Piano; give Main 4421 Monday. cash; uo dealers. 1 OLD HOPE violin. 1 :iew guitar and ense. 595 H Davis, cor, lnth. Rdwy. 4317. C MELODY saxophone w ith case. $95. Phone ScUwood lUb-i. boO Tacuma avo.