8 REAL ESTATE. For : e H ( . 300 CASH. 13500 A modern 6-room bungalow In nice district; street paved and paid, hu.lt block to car. $3200 A neat 4-room bungalow with 8 large level lots, bt-rries, fruit and flowers of all kinds. This la excellent soil, is well fenced, facing on paved street, with all pavement paid, and will make an ideal home; can be handled on very easy terms. BEAUTIFUL MT. TABOR. $4500 A wonderful 7-room bungalow, built tor a home by the present owner. This house has the very best of material and workman ship throughout, beveled plate fclass windows, beautiful fireplace, oak floors, very large bedrooms, full concrete basement, furnace, lot 60x147, well improved, double garage. If you really want some thing for a home, you can do no better. The owner is forced to sell, being unable to meet the payment!!; near car and school. Can he handled on $1000 cash, and balance on easy terms. ROSE CITY PARK. 4T50 $1000 cash and $."0 a month. In cluding interest, will buy you one of those beautiful little bunga lows. This is strictly modern, large living room, plate glass, hardwood floors, all built-in fea tures, breakfist nook, full size lot, garage, street paved and paid. This house is about ii years old and Is now vacant. The owner is out of town and you can move right In, Why not save that rent? LAURKLHURST. f &5--00 This bungalow Is exceptionally good, attractive and new. It has 6 rooms and every modern fea ture, gara&e, all improvements in and paid. All we ask of you is to look at this bungalow and compare it with any other you have seen. Me can give you good terms. If we are not offer ing you a bargain don't take it, for you are your own judge. It itt our intention to offer you the very bt st there Is on the market, if we don't do it. then it is be cause our Judgment Is wrong. Call us fur appointment. H IIjL.HR BROS. Realtors, 211 Railway Exchange Bids. Main 80. Branch office, -lot h and Sandy. Tabor SiS't ; Open Sunday. JKVlXCTuN BAKUA1N New 5-room modern hung"'"', linished in ivory and mahogany, hardwood floors, plate glass win luivs in trout, fireplace. furnace, Iar-re unfinished attic, garage, beauti ful view corner lot. Skidinore and 17th sts. For muic'c gale $(;oou. $1500 cash, haiance monthly. Open every dav from 2 till 5 1'. M. See TKBsart. 1102 Spald ing biilg. Phone Main 27; evenings East 2!niii. I RV INUTON PARK $2000. Dandy littie 4-room house; 2 bedrooms; all finished In ivory, gas, light, laundry trays; sidewalks; unusually attractive grounds with cozy corner enclosed with vines; flowers; vegetable garden; very lavorHble iprnis to right party. -My, but tills is attractive! HAKllY BECKWITH. Main fiMlll. Realtor. 104 Fifth St. FOR bALrJ b$ owner, tor $0000, beauti lul wlilie brick bungalow near Piedmont and Union axe.. 7 rooms. Bleeping porch, bullet, veneered woodwork, leaded glass doors. iireplace, cement basement, laundry tiays. east front, double ga-rag.-. larse cherry tree, berries; easy term., by owner. Call Woodlawn ti37li mornings J! y EQUITY 0-room house, acre, chicken houses, I'rult, berries, paved street; close to car and school; very good soil and there's room for a cow ir you want. Twenty minutes to town on the street t ar, located 722 K. 3!th St. S. : $300 will handle; total contract $3700,' balance due $2(1 per month at 5. It's a bar gain. Owner. FOR SALE Modern double-constructed tt- room bungalow, newly painted, full base ment, good furnace; garage, with cement Moor; nice chicken house with yard- fruit flowers and garden spot, lot 50x125 feet; street Improvements in and paid; on .lum. iirr .Mini; price tor quick sale, $1400, $1000, $40 per month. Tabor 8855. . w.. mi. . cBinFiive. nil r. narrison. ALBERTA. Just finished. 5 rooms and bath, mod ern, ai in. irom Aioerta st. and car near school; garage, ivory enamel fln- isn, galv. screens, shades, up-to-date electric uMures ana plumbing; Dutch kitchen; partly furnished if desired floored attic; $2400, $1000 cash. 1067 East ttflth st. North! FOR SALE by owner, residence road: shown by ".- w estove appointment only. Dr. M. Kirk patrick. Main 2700. Stevens bldg. B OWNER For quick sale will take so.oO for this strictly modern 6-room bungalow, finished in old ivory, hand palnted walls, all bullt-ins, hardwood floors, sleeping porch, fireplace, cement basement, furnace and telephone; easv terms. 204 K. olst st. Take Hawthorne Hi OWNER Beautiful 8-room modern house, large living; room with fireplace dining room, hardwood floors. large Dutch kitchen, toilet on first floor, full cement basement. laundry trays and large furnace. 3 bedrooms, bathroom and sleeping porch upstairs. Floored attic. Price S(iOIH). Call East 101 f. $21150 5-IiOOM modern cottage, 280 Tilla mook. 100 feet from Williams ave car walking distance; interior in very goo.1 condition; price Includes kitchen inlaid linoleum, nice electric fixtures, new win dow shades, awning, screened windows and doors; owner in house. E.t s.-ti WONDERFUL R a n n i t v- Beautiful 2-story honie in a good dis trict, corner lot. newly painted and tinted, full cement basement, furnace garage. You can live on the first floor and rent the rest for J40 a month. Price 4,nK. Will take bonus Call Ru-t am (COMFORTABLE room modern h,,n.-n low. screened sleenine nnreh o.- nice lawn, shade trees, small fruits' flowers, laree nrd.n hi.i. i " ?' oi-ju, uniurnisned some terms. B141 Woodstock Woodstock car. $3500 avenue. I27r0! " VACANT. oSlTTEERPOSSESSI' 208LLINOBLDG. ' MAIN 1800. ALMOST NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW ' And garage; hardwood floors, built-ins fireplace, furnace, floored attic. 5300: good terms; will consider light touring iaI f,na f?e.?a?h for efluly- Come and see it. 12S4 E. Dav s. Aiuo 1Dfc,Best bargain ever orfeTed; b ne.r: very- good clean modern 5 ZLJH, cot'aS'- freshly painted and pa--nd ad "?d ready to move riBht in, u-n v ,Vne,-tnird eash io. See It UiO h. '1 aylor. near 32d. AN ATTRACTIVE HOME Owner must sell a. real barcaln 5- room moriern house In Konrt rnnrtni.; run paved street, near car line nlc neighborhood. Owner wants quick sale l, no incumbrances. Phone fun-s RnlAE?,""5 Clty Park- 4S0. 5-room bungalow, breakfast nook, attic, built "i. ha rdwood floors and fireplace, now h.r c"n"-u""n: will finish to suit . buyer. Owner. Tabor 7401. .BEAUTIFUL hoi me in Laurelhnror riA large rooms. a !' HBO "if "'""". naruwood floors. Kverything complete. nicely located. T-ihV.i" r?" P'"- "'y M4-S!. .mitra const. Co., Auto, O VV N Ell A 7T r. : r- Add 7- k. nonaaays eiectric ty-roiled nm ' bath "Tn? sfak8' 1 nen closet, woodlift. hot water heater fu" "'"e basement. Woodlawn i"t r" ii7' ...t m h 1 1 r. . : : : ' bath and toilet 7u 1 basemen slreei made: Kelly school district T. " . VJf ing ??r-'i.t.yi,i,ri''ed for quick sale. r.ART BROS.. 1JQ2 Spaldin "g Bldg. FOR SA Woodward ave.. Richmond Di-.f. ,'! built furnace t-.mm. bi.n.. '. ... V ciown, per cent off for cash. Scllwood 43(1, FOR SALE. CHBi pZi.- v ' ia-,,,. nuuse on .7"' ,L,"rS,J,'L l..Irult ,rBes- chicken H 'V- cty water. --. c. corner sa. ysth Davis. Montavilla depot car. and . - .a snap: Modern house in North Irvlngton on "'. fT 1200. . Owner. '354 Williams ave. LAI R ELHUKST Buy from owner, new h-room house, very desirable location S".,na-!'t ou,l;h "' See ' "dav. Ou"n . till o. T. B. Wlnshlp. Tabor ar.zx n GciOD close-in home, large Tot with JVLm. no"se- garden and fruit trees S1MM1 cash and small balance at -5 n"r month Deal with owner. .Sellwn-H 2U,,7; 4-ROOM house, lot 75x100. fruit trees-hTr". nes Alberta: $15(10. terms: onnsid.. Ford. 10.S4 venlViRs. E' 3"h N' Ca" s"nday OUR BEAUTIFUL bungalow on HolIadaV Just east of 33.1. will suit the most par ticular. Everything, and the beat. Owner on ground Sunday. ' ' 5-ROOM. 3 lots. 20 fruit trees, fake light car part payment, bal. $15 month. 73o4 (.u:h ave. a. K.. or Auto. 027-U8. WANT mudurn bungalow, paved, restricted district, under $4(100; mostly cash. 307 Vremont st. ATTRACT! VK with giu-ace allbuil!-in... -room colonial bungalow n U. C finished in ivorv 424 East 5jd N. 5-ROOM ItOse Cl!V Park Hun c k n ..- Sac deal iince equity ior casn if quick Tabor 930S. evenings. RKAL. RSTATK. For Sale -Hout.es. HITTER. LOWE A CO.. CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT. LAURELHURST BUXOAWW. Strictly modern 0-room bunga low, hardwood floors, fireplace, every necessary built-in. 2 bed rooms and tiled bath downstairs, pedestal lavatory, floor tub. one large bedroom upstairs, full con crete basement Bovnton fur nace, garage, concrete driveway and floor, Just east of the park. See this. NEAT 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3800. Strictly modern with hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases. etc.. white enamel Dutch kite-hen. concrete basement. only.Vi block from car. beautiful view; terms. SUNNTSIDE HOME. $550-0. Modem 7-room house, fireplace, built-in bookcases, buffet, large, homey rooms, S bedrooms, bath, and large double sleeping porch upstairs; terms. -VIEW HOME $0800. This Is a homey residence of 8 rooms, occupying one of the most sightly corners in Portland, large, attractive living rooms. 4 bed rooms and bath upstairs. 1 bed room and toilet downstairs, beau tifully parked grounds, 120x100. good terms. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW. $5750. 5-room semi-bungalow, strict ly, modern, every built-in conven ience, fireplace, hardwood floors. ,,Dearoon and bath upstairs, full concrete basement. Boynton furnace, grounds 50x100. beauti fully parked, excellent view, good terms. . - WEST SIDE. $4500. Home with an income. 8-room residence that is equipped with excellent' hot water heating plant and which will lend itself splen didly to needs of boarding or room ing house, or can be arranged for 2 or more families; terms. CORNER BUNGALOW. $2600. 50x100. corner, bungalow of S large, attractive rooms, basement, newly plastered and tinted one block from paved street. 3 from car, can take light auto.. Ford or Chevrolet, as part of first pay ment. baL easy terms. S-ROOM 'RESIDENCE. $2600. This well-constructed house, on 66x100 lot. only H block from paved street, with alley in back must be sacrificed at once, well arranged with bedroom and bath downstairs. 3 bedrooms upstairs: University park district; terms. FURNISHED IRVINGTON RESI DENCE. J 11000. Modern 8-room home, large, at tractive living room, dining room, fireplace, roomy kitchen, etc., gas coal and wood range. 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch upstairs completely furnished throughout, bee this and save the rent for yourself. RICHARD W. MAST. REALTOR. , RITTER. LOWE & CO.. -01- 3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg , Main 5G7. We -Write All Kinds of "Insurance. t . r'-T,,INUTE!' EAST DRIVE. LALRELHUREl' OFFICE, E. 39TH AND GLISAN. If you are looking for a S-room bunga low a.id will drive out today, you will ft1 urP-iae of your life; nothing ike it ever offered by me before. Owner leaving city. Call for key at office on the property. Easts 3uth and Gllsan sts 7738 T 3433. . Evenings call East DELAHUNTT. OPEN EVENINGS. ....IRmJTO:5 REAL HOME $8630 $1500 CASH. JUS PER MONTH Lovely large room, hardwood floors ivory woodwork. French doors, perfect East 418 " and out' lot 68x110. A REAL ARTISTIC ALAMEDA BUNGALOW. KV!t ? ew ,?"r?om bungalow and garage. rf??i .rloors- breakfast nook. In best district, east of car line; price $5030 J?8- M Umbdenstock & Co , 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. Keys at 824 t-Tienn ave. N. evenings and Sunday. FURNISHED $200X Three large rooms, newly painted- na-F-e.r,e.d .and "".?'; lots of roses and fruit trees. Interior finished in white can be handled on reasonable payments and terms, if desired. Exclusive HARRV m.-piru'iTu aiain noi. Realtor. 104 Fifth St. REAL HriMWS H.?l2dw" 5-'oonl house, new, modern, dalry barn for 7 cows, chicken house garage. 200x100 feet, bearing fruit trees yery choice; all kinds of berries: 100 feet from car; assessments all paid, $0000 terms. Phone Col. 78fl. ' LOWER PORTLAND HEIGHTS Modern, well-built 0-room house verv large living room, hardwood floors hot water heat, on 100x100 level view" cor ner beautifully landscaped; 100 feet car ' BROOKE. MARSHALL 4827 FA'.SRRVrrR wiv TAKE ADVANTAGE OF YOUR LOAN New 5-room bungalow. Rose City Park district; a dandy house, fruit trees readv to bear; small payment will secure. Owner, call Main 27. SHINGLED cottage with screened porch" 2 lots, water and gas in street. 1 block from Willamette blvd.: S250 cash bal 1"iCe -,,1r? cT,0"- lncl"Jing interest. 7-ROOM house, furnished on E -Mst st rear.Brookl3'n car: UPPer 3 rooms rent for ?25 per month; snap for $3350. See Mr. Boehm. 210 Oregon bldg. Broad Avay 1o.t8. HOUSE PLANS. ' Distinctive Homes." illustrated book of over 100 designs, $1; blueprints lu DISTINCTIVE HOMES COM PAN Y 024 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ' WEST.VIOREl.iKn For sale by owner, fine new bungalow -all latest improvements; street and sewer paid, to be sold at a bargain. 1347 East ISth st. Phone Woodlawn RISK JUST THINK OF THlsi In the heart of Irvlngton a beautiful 10-room home, hardwood floors prac tically furnished: all this for J05o6 -r,oo . cash, ternia. Call owner. Marshall 3132 FOR SALE My equity in 4-room bungT low and lot 80x100. good location near carline. $600 cash, small balance like rent. Phone Automatic 640-87. or call 4923 33d ave. S. E. a" GOOD 6-room house, near Washington high school. No. 81 East 20th street $3850, terms. Go look It over then see me. L. J. Lamb. Corbett bldtr VERY ATTRACTIVE 3-room modern bun" Balow. full cement basement, furnace lot 40x120, half block to car; price reason able. Owner 5721 Woodstock ave. PORTLAND HEIOHTS RESIDENCE See owner. 631 Chamber of Commerce." LAURELHURST, new 0-room bungalow complete and up to date. No 1173 e Irving. Better see this before buvlnc elsewhere. Owner. B. 2003. ' k IRVINGTON : : Beautiful, new. 5-room bungalow $5000. 605 Fremont, bet. Irvlngton and' Broadway car lines. Owner. Main K'05 ROSE CITY PARK $500 Five rooms and bath, hardwood floor fireplace, furnace, garage, new; terms' owner. 671 Rodney. East 4144. ' $2700 MT. TABOR. -$300. 7-room, modern, except basement 9 fruit trees, 2 lots, streets and sewer half block to car. 130 East 61st st. - ROSE CITY corner. 100x100. 2-room house" 18 fruit trees. 4 blocks south of Ro-e City car. Price $120(1. A. W. Peterson 1003 Graham, near 76th t. WALDEMKRfc. L1NNTOX Beautiful 7 room bungalow, enamel and mahogany" hardwood floors, large attic, basement c y . .. .-wain ft 1 1 'z. 1 SELL uniy my fore you buy. 70- Wygant at. own nouses; see m. bi T. C. Staley, arcnitsot, $1600 50x100. streets graded, sidewalk" nice unfinished house. Owner 1347 Ea' 34th st North. 8? STRICTLY modern 5-room bungalow" new ly painted, all improvements: owner forced to sell. 171 E. 44th st. Tabor li'M -ROOM house, lot. 100x100. good condi" tinn, small payment down; by owner 62; 4.-.lh st Southeast. owner. FUlt SALE Good room house. trZ k.. electricity, fruit and flowers, 50x100 lot' r.311 East 36th st. BY OWNER. $0900. modern 8-room house" 100x100. beautiful lawn, fruit trees, roses' paved streets. Sell. 3352 rosea. $3500 5-ROOM modern house. Sunnvsi.le' 11500 down, hibnr. .' .7- yslue- Phone 230-11. :., ...... ' vim!., uwner FOR SALE 0-room modern equipped house. 2l,tr down, easy terms on Tai- ance. 1117 E. Harrison or Tabor una A SNAP 4-room .house, with bath, on macadamized street. $1500; $300 down. balance easy pa,vments.Phone E. 6452. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalcfw" $4Sootcrmea:e 0rner 8t d ""'"i TIIE WEAL ESTATE. l'or Sale H ouaea. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. ' ROSE CITY PARK. This is a bargain at $ff650; beautifully furnished 8-room bungalow; much cheap er than you could build it. A strictly moaern home, full cement basement, fur nace. fireplace, oak floors in living roorr and dining room. There is one bedroom on ine rirst floor and 3 lovely big bed rooms on the second floor, with extra large closets, full 50x100 lot. east front. w.in trees, fruit, flowers and shrubbery. Terms can be arranged to suit pur chaser. Will sell unfurnished f'-'r $5050. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main -208. Branch office 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 2512. WHY PAY $6000 or $S0OO for bungalow or house on one lot when for $10,000. very liberal terms, you may procure 6-room house, bath, elec. etc., together with 3 blocks ground, located one block from car and paved street. Just 13 mtn nutes ride from center of city, closer In than Eastmoreland ? For full particulars see F. E. TAYLOR CO.. 12th Floor, Yeon Bldg: Marshall 8U2. CHEAP NOBHILL GOOD HOUSE. 8 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. Modern, furnace, fireplaces. In apart ment house district; fine for renting fur nished rooms; price $4330. $1500 cash. GEO. J. SCHAEFER. REALTOR, Broadway 5107 or Main 606. AT BIG REDUCTION. Mut sell at once new 7-room 1 storv bungalow ar u36 East Broadway: double constructed throughout; every convenience; Tfc-lnch oak Moons ail down, avtairs. floors stained upstairs: Qntst of paper, best of plumbing. Rudy furnace, garage, full lot; all improvement in and paid. Call East 6373 and owner will call for you. SOUTH PORTLAND. TER WILLI GER BOULEVARD. 7-room residence with about ,1 lots, adjoining the boulevard, faces with ex tended view; garden, fruit, berries, nat ural shrubbery and trees; about 5 min utes' drive from courthouse, but has all the privacy of the country. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR, . 243 Stark Street. ALBERTA. JOINING ALAMEDA PARK. o-room bungalow. S38.i0. easv terms full cement basement, double constructed. wasn trays. oreaKraat. nook, nreplace, bookcaee, writing desk, window shades, 2 floors oak. others imitation: Dutch kitchen; sewer paid; east front; lawn seeded. 1013 E. 28th. Open 4 to 8 P. M. AUto. 322-04. FOR "BETTER TYPES OF HOMES." See J. W. Crof?sley. with ELROD & DRYER. 2S3 8tark St. Phone Bdwy. 1188. FOR SALE 2Mi acres, all fenced. 3 blocks outside city limits, close to school; fine large barn with full basement, good house, all complete, large garden, chicken house, city water and electric light. In quire on Evergreen ave., near 65th ave. and Tilth St. S. E., Mount Scott line, af ternoons. Mrs. V. Bichon. A SNAP, CLOSE IN Pave carfare, 6 rms. with large hall, bath and pantry, gas and wood range and 2 lare kitchen cabinets Included; full cement basement and furnace. 488 East Davis, near 10th, half block to Rose City carline: $3750. $i50 cash. bai. long time. Phone R. R. R., Main 172. or call 145 Second st. WOODLAWN $1800. 5-room shingled bungalow; 2. bedrooms and bath. Is being tinted and painted inside; nice district: will take $350 down, $25 monthly, including Interest; full iot: very pretty yard: trees: flowers. HARRY BECKWITH. Main 6809. Realtor. 104 Fifth St. $23!)(. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FUR NISHED, well built, double construction, cement basement, connected with sewer and paid; full iot. berries, trees. 2 tons briquets, half block to carline. Owner. Automatic 321-58. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build rewidencea. of anv building. Assist in financing ame. The best service at lowest cost to vou. Es tablished 12 years. Security arid satis faction sssured. L. R. BAILEY CO., INC.. 024 N. W. Bank Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. Almost new; built for home: 4 rooms, large Uving room, fireplace, hardwood floors, ivory " woodwork, cutglass knobs, etc.; fine view of Tualatin valley; $3500, $500 down. BROOKE. MARSHALL 4827. FOR SALE by owner, modern home In close-In district: hardwood floors, large living room, sun porch and sleeping .porch, full cement basement, excellent furnace, garage, flowers, lots' of shrub bery; must be seen to be appreciated 301 .Larch st. Ladd addition. FUMIGATE that new house before moving in; take no chances of living with cockroaches or bedbugs: hydro-cyanic acid gas will not tarnish, Bleach or disfigure any thing. Call Reliable Insecticide Co.. Main 3350. WEST SIDE MODERN RESIDENCE WALKING DISTANCE EIGHT ROOMS. HARDWOOD FT.RS FURNACE. PRICE $8500. AT LEAST $2500 CASH. BALANCE TO SUIT. POl N DEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800 SUNNYS1DE. BET. E. 82D AND E. 3SD Six rooms, 2 stories, newly painted, paved street, very easy terms; two blks from entrance to Laurelhurst park; price $3000. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark Street. IRVINGTON $0300, $1100 CASH. Six lovely rooms, hardwood floor tap estry paper, ivory finish, large sleeping porch. Gasco furnace, full lot and ga rage. East 419. lil ounkk Rose City bungalow, five rooms ana sleeping porch; built-in book cases and buffet, fireplace. built-ins In kitchen: lot .40x12.".; streets in and paid: $4200. $2000 down, balance easy On East 6!)th, one block off Sandy Call SMALL 5-room house, modern, 50x100 lot, paved street and all improvements paid 1 block from car line, 15 minutes" car ride from town. Ideal for small home owner or for renting purposes. Priee S2S2S. Mr. Hawkins, phone Bdwy. 4500 ALAMEDA PARK 5-room modern bungalow, lust being finished; $3750. good terms. Let us show you. See Mr. Neil. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK CO 210 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1638. REAL VALUE Owner. Rose Citv. 2 blks from Sandy, corner lot, on paved street five rooms and bath, hardwood floors' , Dutch kitchen, cement, basement with lauudrv trays, floored attic. 340 E 4''d N. Price $:t!50, with terms. ' FOR SALE by owner. $3000, R. C. modern 5-room bungalow. 1816 Morris st 3 blocks from car, 2 blocks from school Includes draperies, curtains, some fur nitvre. Call Sunday or phone Tab 2414 4-ROOM 116-ft. house, bunt oniy o years. lnn lot, berries and fruit, large gar- den goes with it; located on the Penin sula. Columbia S!H. or see it at 1872 Fiske st. BETTER HOUSES FOR LESS If you have a clear lot and ."o0 we will build you a modern bungalow RYAN REALTY & BUILDING CO 4 15-6 Ablngton Bldg. Marshall 5848 OWNER SAYS SELL This is the best buy yet: seven rooms' modern: fireplace, furnace, corner lot' paved st. and carline; 60x122, fruit and shrubbery; $750 cash. Main 11(i6 FOR SALE by owner. 5-room bungalow modern except fireplace; interior and ex terior newly painted; corner lot; fruit trees and flowers: near Alameda: terms Woodlawn 1039 FOR SALE A seven-room home with garage, Portland Heights, living room mahogany, dining room oak, sleeping porch, good view of city, one lot- part cash, balance time. Call Main -!37 UK BALE CHEAP My new 3-room coT lage, nearing completion, at 731 Ober lin St. Take St. Johns car to Haven st., walk 2 blocks south to Oberlin st " Find owner on premises. NEW 5-room house, S. W. corner E 35th and Woodward ave., 1 block south of Richmond car line; with garage and large attic. $3800. Broadway 5080 A FINE buy in a 5-rpom modern house 1 block to car, 2 blocks to school: Dr'lc. $2300. $450 down, balance $17 per month and interest. Phone Aut. 637-85. ATTRACTIVE home. LadrTB addition 8 rooms, .den and sleeping porch, built-ins. hardwood floors, garage, lots of flowers East 2i)!)7. MODERN 3-room house, sleeping Dorch berries, garden. chicken run: Sifi-.o' terms. 6230, 52d st. S. E. Woodstock car. 5-ROOM house for sale, reasonable 332-o 961 Glenn ave. North. ' $25110 5-ROOM furnished cottage near found: Crest car. Phone Marshall52i"i WILL sacrifice very choice R. C. corner-6-room bungalow. Terms. East 221107 ' NEW S.room bungalow, large aUicbeat of material. $4500. terms. East 2")9 law busuaujw, near park, school, cars 1260 re Alder Main 3394 U PORTSMOUTH 6-room 100x110; $2700. terms modern house. Call Wdln. 10 1 4. t-wu --ki)u.vi Dungalow; ivory finish-brand-new. 115 Detroit. Tabor S85. SUNDAY OREOQNTAN, REAL ESTATE. LITTLE HOME SNAPS WORTH WHILE. Mr. Homeless Man. please read these carefully, stop and think, if you are pay ing out your hard-earned money for rent, where will you be when you get old with nothing but a bundle of rent receipts to cover your head? Come In and let me start you on the better way and you will tharfk me. NUMBER ONE. Neat little cottage, practically new. Jus-t right for two. It has modern new bath, toilet, lights and gas. it is neat and clean as a pin. small lot faces on hard surface street, handy to car, school and stores, and a real snap for $1650; small payment down, balance like rant. NUMBER TWO. Very neat little 5-room house, it has bath, lights and gas, fine big lot. 50x100 feet and garage, only one block to car line; handy to school and stores and a genuine snap for $1500; reasonable little payment down, balance like rent. NUMBER THREE. Dandy suburban home with lots of ground, it is a good 5-room bungalow, it has bath and gas for cooking, the lot 1 100x142 feet, all in fruit, flowers, gar den and berries. If you want a beautiful little suburban home, sure see this one. we will arrange very satisfactory terms. It is a bargain for $2750. NUMBER FOUR. Darling little bungalow In Kenton, it has 4-room beautiful lot. all covered with fruit and flowers, berries and gar den. It Ls handy to school, street cars and stores and is genuine snap for $1650, in cluding a lot household furnishings. NUMBER FIVE. Beautiful 5-room bungalow. In Rich mond, it is modern." UD-to-date in pvrr respect, every room and the closets have hardwood floors; fine gas fireplace, book cases, buffet In the dining room, beau tiful Dutch kitchen, fine cement base ment, it Is new. neat and clean.' faces -hsi. on tun size lot and Is an elegant little home for $4.'O0. $16.10 cash, balance less than rent. If you want real home values do not hesitate to come In and see. E. W. HUGHES. 50 Journal Building. Main 2S58. $4500. CLOSE TO FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. WTSSfi01" N BUNG A LOW -with S,R.LA,S?V.Fl:RNACE- HARWDOO I.OOR BORDER, massive buffet, book cases, writing desk. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement with cement floor and laundry trays. GARAGE. Paved street and sewers In. No bonded liens. A fine S?". ,5-ungaJ.ow ,n ,ln condition. A IT UP ' SURE AND LOOK o HEN'DERSOS-BANKCa CO.. 628 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4754. ALAMEDA. S-room modern bungalow on 32fl st., fireplace, all built-lns. st. imps, all paid: cement basement. Price X5750, $1000 "fli- balance $25 per month. This nifty 5-room bungalow on Preia cott near Olenn ave., all at. Imps. paid. rJ-If" 1 b"."mnt- modern kitchen. Price only $3000. $600 down. bal. easv r-!ier ,? " S-rmm bungalow in Rose lty. full cement basement and attic C?rn' loj. 2 blks to R C. car. paved ternis on balance. ' BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS P'att Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027.' InlvnS !i' rooms, verv distinctive, on 100x100 wl,h variety of shrubs and flow ts: this home Is striKtiv i 5?e and PYe street: the garage I r?P- S"ey: he,re ar! 4 """ on lstl r ir.l: ..? . ""ur""m" "no hath on 2d floor this house has splendid furnace. aaY?nnir".?ra"'ood flo: Price INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henrv Bid ROSE CITY PARK. $.11100 GOOD TERMS. a-room bungalow and sleeping porch mnnd"- fuL' Sf.men' run., strictly j u"""i' narawooa floors, do1rs- 'vorv fnish. fireplace, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen, fuli o.R.SIL McCABE CO.. Realtors. .--o-t railing a dir. Mnha)i lonv HAWTHORNE -FOOmTtOUSeT ... rwoiiivw IJAKUAIM. .. oLvn rn futures in this home, such s oak floors, fireplace, furnace and ce ment basement: price reduced from 52.-.0 to $44i5 for quick sale. There is a $1100 IIS Vo"" " lm" nome that la pavab'e n-.T ,?er mon,h without any Interest. CalVe.v5ndn Suhta'"Ial Payment. R. L. McGREW. IQSf) Hawthorne Ave Tabor SS!2. LAURELHURST. 7 r,ooms and garage, on a fine 1 11IB Is a better built house: river gravei nil cement work vafnnai in shingles on roof. 3 coats paint. V nalr . Liuitn unen snanes. etc.: an rangement and design that should ar ap- peai 10 vou. open today from 3 to 5 P. M., Hassaln and Imperial. 2 blocks south of Sandy road. B. T Ailyn owner and builder. Tabor 194 ' FOR SAI.F. AT REDUCED PRICE THIS MONTH ONLY. 8-room 2-story house, all modern and a garage, all Improvements in and paid in one of the best residential districts of the city. Price $7000. one-half cash. If you want this kind of a house, see It JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. ROSE CITY PA R K $S50O7 A beautiful nungn'.ow-type home of 7 large rooms and sleeping porch- this Elaje is complete and thoroughly modern, finest oak floors, large re frigerator, etc.: an unobstructed view from every room. Shown by appoint ment only. Main 4803. Tabor 864 4"4 Ahington Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. Have attractive bungalow home In this choice district, offered at real bargain, 5 rooms, large attic, full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors J."""; 11 ' a'1 clear and a fine buy for $4000. term suitable. A. H. BI RR ELL-GILL CO. gin N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar 4114 SOUTH MOUNT TABOR ONLY $500 DOWN $3150 Dandy 5-room bungalow, sleeping porch and garage, fireplace, bookcases. ;aeoi 2'ea.1s,!?lrt "nd very K0,i value. MARSH McCABE CO.. Realtors 322-3-4 Failing Bids. Marshall 3003. .ui R Ho"se and large barn; lust the thing for a man with a transfer business: .tut on Union ave.. lr, minutes ride rrom business center: lot .'0x100 improved street, full basement, bath- 7 rooms, electric lichts and gas: 2 che'rrv E. i-'th st. Phone Sellivood ruin $3750 HAWTHORNE TERMS -$3750. New modern 5-room bungalow, dou ble constructed. hardwood floors, French doors, tapestrv paper ivory woodwork, wood fireplace. Dutch tit-h en, cement basement, wash trays street imp. In and paid. 451 East 47th st. 1 siusi . sen immediately a dandv 6-room bungalow with fine bath, all woodwork In Ivory, living and dining room, tapes try paper, beautiful lighting fixtures 1 V. " , n kitchen, basement. 50x100 -m 1 ? D,wli 10 ab car line. JotTes? s?a-NVha'anCe " A "KDA PARK bungalow, on 2ith. near iPj k yJ i. i rooms: wonderful finish inside; built by owner for a home: fire-l!'ao,f- hnrdwood floors, etc. This can he handled with $mon -ah tt-,,11 $5000. 218 Ry. Exchange bldg. Main 6 102. J? LKMSHED DUPLEX $750 FIRST PAY- Price cut to $3050 on duplex house, a'l furnished; paved treet. modern: good Income-and home. Above price Includes real estate nnd furniture n u thelm Co.. 4n-10 Couch bldg. Slalri 1575. "im rooms and bath. Dutch kitchen completely furnished from bed linen up' elegant range and rusts, all garden tools' fruit, gas, etc.: 50x100 lot. 2M. blocks from carline: $3:ill0, cash, balance $-0 per month. 6 per cent interest. Week days only. IOCS E. 32d N.. Alberta ear WALKING DISTAKTH 5-room cottage, paved street. 4 fruit trees berries. $2400. $1000 cash, balance monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO 633 N XV. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ft-nrwi"VT wnTmc Nice homey place, near 82d st. and Foster road, 40x100 lot. fruit berries close to car.. Only $1330, $400 cash, bal ance terms. SMITH -WAGONER CO.. STOCK FX NEW MODERN 4-room bun io. hiiuu; small payment down. Ready to move in EASTERN EVfuivi. Room 203-4. ' "li'lG LUn .Tl. corner Second. Aut. 023-70. ON TH K Pirvrvuifr . New, has never been occupied; double constructed 4-room bungalow with ?nii FRED AV. GERMAN CO., 732 Ch. of Com. LAUR,T1?T DUTCH COLONI4.L MODERN AND COMPLETE TERMS FROM THE OWNER ' 1210 E. PINE ST. TABOR 4528. ALAMEDA By owner SSO Skldmore" $(1500. easy terras, reasonable reduMon for cash; modern in every respect: beau tiful a-room bungalow; open for in spection between 2 and 5PM Sun day or call Woodlawn (100 evening. 4-P.OOM bungalow, constructed in Laurei wood addition. 2 blocks from car line $3003, terms; large lot. De' THOMSON & THOMSON 620 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4880. SUNNYSIDE 5-room house: noma built Jna. 1000 E. Salmon, ouul POItTLAXD, AUGUST 7, REAL KSTATE. For Sale Houses. EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY , with us. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS, Shortest Way Home." courteous Salesmen at your Service. $2200 Just off Woodstock car. near 37th t. 5-room bungalow in tip-top 5?ndUion- Easv terms. 33Uu On E. o7th st.. near Flanders. Jis-story house of 6 large raoms: 1 bedroom down, 2 up; new fur nace; good basement, laundry T-ni-r,ay"- 500 wiil handle. 37oU Thoroughly modern S-room bun galow on Richmond car; 50x100 lot. furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors. Here Is a fine home in ,-- ?,xU.ent condition. $5.00 ROSE CITY PARK New modern 5-room bungalow, breakfast nook, hardwood floors throughout, fur nace, fireplace, garage. Here Is a chance to get an ultra modern ci-c . bun?a'ow at a pre-war price. TVS have In ALAMEDA PARK several yery classy bungalows. Some of them are new and ready for oc cupancy. They range from $5300 up and are modern. Let ua show you. J- A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS.' . Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark 6t. Main 583 and 1094. EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION. New six-room house In Hawthorne dis trict, with full cement bawement. laundry trajB. hardwood Boors in three rooms, fireplace, built-in kitchen. Ivory finish throughout; on paved street, near Haw thorne car. To a reliable ex-service man ii? e"Bible for the loan bonus we will accept a down payment of $200. $45 monthly, including interest. Here Ls a chance to get In on something good be fore the ruBh thl fall. Owner wants to go away and Is anxious to get this house disposed of before lea-ving. The price i'.-i101 Inflated even on these terms. ii u" ch- of Com. bldg. Main 163; res. Mar. 865 $3400. ATTRACTIVE EAST 12TH STREET BUNGALOW. Modern 5-room bungalow In first class condition. Inside and out: located on corner lot making it a light, cool ana very aesiraoie home: paved stree ana sewer: price Includes assessment of about $300: cart be bonded for 10 years; p.enty of room for garage: terms. See It today at 540 Webster street, cor. 01 12th street. Alberta car. $.-,400 NEAR IRVIN'fiTOX On East Sixteenth St.. four doors north or rremont, new nve-room bungalow that la being especially well built: large iiMng anu aining rooms across rront, with plate glassi windows, lireplace, uooacases ana oeautiiui puiiet, an ounc ins in kitchen. Including hopd over range: large breakfast nook, recess tu and dressing table in bath, large attic, suitable for two rooms, cement basement pipe furnace, garage, full lot. paving and fewer. lnis ls one of the few bargain today. Let n show vou: I540O 112 cash, balance monthly. 50! Ch. of Com, piqg. .Main I'.ioa; res. Mar, gn.i. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. BEAUTIFUL HOME. A most charming home; 6 large rooms down, with oak floors, ivory and tapestry paper, sanitary bath, pedestal lavatory, all the beautiful built-lns; 2 rooms up: fireplace, furnace, garage. Open Sunday be tween 10::i0 and 8 P. M. 1005 Ore gon St., off 32d. Call East 4074. $3350. Good 10-Room House. Can easily be changed into two flats. Lot 50x111. 1429 Mllwaukie St.. Cor. Knspp Ave. . (Opposite Westmoreland.) Terms: Assume $1500 Mortgage, Pay Cash $850. ; Balance $25 monthly and Interest. SALOMON & CO.. Established 1888. 307 Railway Exchange Bldr. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUILDING SITE S30U down and $25 monthly buys a 4 room rustic cottage, with about .8 of an acre of ground, all kinds of native trees and assorted bearing trees and berries; it Is located in a district of choice homes on a paved Btreet and has cost the owner nearly $70(10. We are authorized to offer this property for $4600, which in eludes street work. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 732 Ch. of Com. $8500 IRVINGTON TERMS. NEW DISTINCTIVE BUNGALOW. Wonderful construction with extranr dlnary built-in feature.. 6 rooms. Inlaid hardwood floors, full length boards, no seams, fine fireplace, buffet, bookcases, breakfast room, furnace, garage, 50x100 lot. MARSH McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3003, MODERN BUNGALOW OF 5 ROOMS ONLY $3000. A beautiful home on paved street, with tapestry finrshlngs. lovely large bed rooms, delightful kitchen, full of built ins, with breakfast nook besides; think! only $3000. $500 cash will handle; pay oajance montniy llKe rent. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE Modern nine-room house at turn East 27th st. North. In Alameda dis. trlct: five rooms and bath downstairs, four bedrooms, bath and hall upstairs; everything built In. full basement and garage: price $000. half cash. No agents need apply; deal directly with owner and purchaser. Can be Inspected Sunday or aionnay peiween w and 5 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Beautiful bungalow of 4 rooms, pan try ana Datn; lot owxlll: nve fruit trees berries and roses: house In finest con dition; new shades, imported Swiss cur tains, fine carpets and linoleum, fur nace: price $3ti0. Will trade part tor acreage or car, laoor 11410. E. Sith NEW UNFINISHED 4-room bungalow- owner desiring to leave the city desires to sell his place st a sacrifice. For quick sale $1400 will buy it; eood lot easy payments. - JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. . W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. $7500. Alameda, modern 7-room house, own er leaving city: possession given at once. A-l location, three blocks to Broadway car. improvements all in and paid Terms. SM 1TH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. jito CASH and balance on easy terms ouys seven-room bungalow in Wood stock, on carline; full cement basement. garage, laundry trays. Ivory nnish on full iot. with some fruit and lots of shrubbery: full price $4500. 21S Ry. Ex- cnange oing. .nam OMi. BY OWNER S-room bunjralow- llvinir dininp:. 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen down, 2 bedrooms, toilet. lavatory up: hot water neat, i-renrn floors, parage, c ment driveway, basement, trays. 00m e rurnisning; 9t.m; small payment, bal ance Appointment Ant. -3 4-01 FOR SAIE, by owner, 5-roorn moriern bun galow in alnut Park, hardwood floors, fireplace, breakfast nook. Interior finish white Ivory, full cenent basement, sta tionary tubs, garage; $4750, terms. 253 view street. ARTISTIC Tr-room bunjralow in Beaumont district: nreplace. hardwood floors, liv ing and dining room. -Dutch kitchen, bath. Can be bought for small amount cash, balance monthly contract. Phone i-unnay, .vain :;;7:.. week frays Main - 2 ,3 3 . NEW BUNGALOW, modern, a real snap; 5 rooms, fireplace, buffet, bookcase, old Ivory finish ; near Peninsula park, and Jefferson Hftrh. $2050. $750 cash. JOHXSON-nODSON CO.. fi33 NT. w. Rank Bldg. Main S77. IF VOU are interested in a new home, come In and talk to us. We have houses bqild in k or will build to your plans on your lot or ours. We assist in financing-. FABRICATED CONST. CO., 6lt McKay b!il ?r r $ 2 G50--B U X G A LO W 2 fir, 0. 5 rooms, almost new, fireplace, buf fet, bookcases, Dutch kitcheji. cement basement, on 71st. street N., 3 blocks to car. Main 4S03, Tabor S64. 4" 4 Abington Btdg. 6 ROOMS and bath, k a. rape, basement. Rats and electric; all kinds of fruit and flow ers: sewer connected: close to Franklin h!eh school: 3 bedrooms. 1 down and 2 upstairs : 9 K part cash, balance easy 0: '.0-43. :i:,30 54t h . terms. Phone IRVINGTON. New 5-rm. bungalow : hardwood floors, beautiful paper and fixtures, inlaid lino leum, shade, garage; material and workmanship of the best; $.1000. o3 Fremont, near- ISth. Phone Main 8205. FOR SALE BY OWNER. New 5. or 7-room bungalow with hard wood floors, finished In old Ivory, built lns, modern in every respect: price $4200, lerms. discount for cash. 2015 Eat Burn side. $2O0 CASH and balance in easy monthly payments: imr-ninm Dungaiow in ren inaula: full plumbing: one block to car line; on full lot. with plenty of fruit; full price $IRO0. 218 Ry. Exchange bidg. Main 8102. ROOMS, bath, furnace. T-ft. Tull-size basement, wash trays, fruit trees in bearing, chicken run. garage: house new ly painted: lot 50x105. Price $4000, $1300 cash, balance ". Tabor 7050. 3-ROOM new bungalow, vacant: $050 cash, balance terms. 151 1 - Mississippi. Mor gan, owner, athouse Sunday. Eaat 6753. WILL sell a modern 7-room home for less than cost; hardwood floors, all built-ins close in. B20 Borthwlck st. ' !I0 PER ACRE, 20 a. good soil, Co. road Has 1000 cords wood. Terms. McFar- iuu. reauor. railing piny. SEVEN-ROOM bungalow on Division and 5th, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace $4200; terms. Call Woodlawn 5BS4 8-ROOM house $2150. Bdwy. and 2013. garage in Firland, 1021 HEAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. HAWTHORNE. Here Is a real home, built five years ago; it it absolutely the best-built bun galow of its class we have ever inspected in Portland. The tloor joists are 2x10. siding inch and all the rest of ma terial in proportion: has large living room all across front, with fireplace, bookcase and mantle: dining room has magnificent buffet; -ir,ch hardwood floors and beast tapestrv paper In both. The kitchen, which contain breakfast nook, has the most complete and handy cabinet arrangement Imaginable: two bedrooms with large closets and bath be tween; floored attic, full cement base ment, furnace: full lot and. of course, paving and sewer. It is situated near good school and on one of the best streets In Hawthorne, You will miss something good if you don't look this up. Price $5250: $1000 cash, balance to ult monthly. 50!) Ch. of Com. bldg. Main 1!3: res. Mar. 803. REAL VALUES. $625. On 17th near Failing, all Improvements paid. $100 DOWN. $10 A MONTH. All improvements paid, on paved street and car, handy to store, etc. Price only $700. $50 DOWN. $10 A MONTH. Hear E. 20th on Division: all improve ments paid. Price only $1000. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $05(1. CORNER. On East 18th near Fremont, near school, car. etc., all improvements paid. $073. All Improvements paid: on E. Glisan near 55th. See this and you will buy. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. BEAUTIFUL CORNER. R. C. PARK BUNGALOW. A delightful, homey 5-room bungalow: large, airy bedrooms, finest ivory, tapestry paper, oak floors, all the bul'.t-ina. fireplace, furnace, garage, large corner lot. ehade trees; improvements paid; below hill. blocks north of Sandy; $5800. very reasonable . terms. You will like thlau E. 4074. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY HOME. ft mil ni.a with pvprvthinff modern, lo cated 14 blocks from Sandy on E. 89th street North. A wonderful house, re- rpminn hull. Ilvln&r and dinlnv room, sew inar room, kitchen and toilet on first firirtf ira vp ! v hdrnoinii. sleeoine porch, bath and toilet on second floor, also ad ditional bedroom in the finished attic; PYrpntinnal earaee with driveway, beau tiful yard, trees: Price $000, $2500 cash. INTERSTATE INVKSTMKM' -.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 47S1. 410 Henry Bldg LOTS OP OROIIXD. $200 cash, 15 monthly, buys lot 80x100, with well-built 3-room cottage, 1 block from car; total price $1100. $250 cash. $15 monthly, buys iot 100x100, with plastered cottage, 4 blocks from car; total price $1125. S450 cash. 25 monthly, buys lot 100x174. with 3 rooms and sleeping porch, 30 fruit trees: total price siaou. $350 cash, $25 monthly, buys 75x100 lot, with 5 rooms and bath, 18 fruit trees: total price $240O. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Ch. of Com. $G250 STOP AND READ. $0250. Beautiful Rose City Park bungalow. nramt new, and strictly modern, oak rioors in every room, beautiful fireplace r rencn aoora. breakfast alcove, corner iot w.rn garage. This place is worth $7500. but owner must raise money at once. Come out today between 12 and 4 o'clock and look it over. 672 East 50th sireei iortn. BURR E LI HEIGHTS living nome-, reception hall, large t, , w r V. U,I1U,B' oreaKiast room. uu.iii n.uciten, jaree out it- tor, den, beautiful fireplace, every builtl in convenience, a bedrooms and sleep- reirigera 1 - - (- wa 1 nun nrpiis np- rnm connected, each with own built-ins This Is 1' comfortable, commodious and nome; oarowoou tloors. nace, etc. Only STTillo ir.mrt to.. fur- .S'"R.t,iL Mc-CABH CO.. Realtor's. 3 failing Bldg. Marshall .inns ALAMEDA PARK. e--M'u. i !; . 1 put you ln Possession of ut-w h n (I modern hnn.. ".r ica i rum me Broadway f J , ;, 1. Pav'l street of course: de- IKS?.' rUUi .WS rVdUv" l- ia I lSKSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henrv Hid RflSP PIT7 1 , I) FURNISHED BUNGALOW -room furnished bungalow; large Ilv r?? dinln? rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace. built-in bookcase,.. built-in buftet. beamed ceillnsa in dinins room: larKe kitchen with everything bul ta cement basement, furnace, laundry trav: cor. lot i.tlxKIO: owner is forced to seli -.'1,nWeeki, Price- completely furnished. V ''(? terms. Call at .',17 K. :;sth 5r" .V Sunday between II A. M. and 4 P M Monday at .1.1:: Alder Kt. LALBBl.Hl'RST BUNGALOW .-oo ti500 f(l.-uo. .,ne .of.tl,,e best buy in this beautiful district. 5 larare rooms, hardwood floors tapestry paper, all built-lns. inverted lishtintr symem. street improvements In and paid. 1 block from car. owner leav ing and is sacrificing, must have $1H00 "10 M Shown by PP'ntment only. Call . HOSE CITY PARK ISOO" A dandy little 5-room house, lust two blocks from 'car: 2 bedrooms, nice kitch en: paved within 10 feet; laree lot. The wIr,mVn,y ,3r' down an1 - monthly, with 6 per cent. Isn't this the chance you want? Better see this nulck! , 0 HARRY BECKWITH. Maln nsrrn. Realtor. 104 F-lfth : FOR s. rAL.I-: OV nwnaw npu,t.. .t . salow: large attic 'and sleenlng porch nh,aJr8: ba,th-. hot an' co""- electric lights, sas. fruit trees and berries, barn ?."i,iC ifkif,n , nouse: close to Arleta school. 6 blocks to Stewart etation, M. line; paved street: !M.5.2Sn feet Ca'l between 1 and 6 P. M.. 5130 GOth st. cor. r2d ave. s. K IJ.12 GLADSTONE AVE " HOMEY BUNGALOW.' 4 rooms down, including 1 very large bedroom: hall floor gas heater, bath and separate toilet: one large finished room up: lots of closet room; heaps of nice fruit, grapes and berriee; near 3!th Go and see this. :i(IO will handle E 4074 : 10 luis. ioxiiiii, a-room com fortable home, partly furnished, 30 min utes from the heart of citv, lust off beautiful Capital highway. i must live and care for my old folks, have no more use for it than a dog- with two tails. Total prfce SjOO. S2U0 down. h ( one year, no interest. Owner. Main 4004 FIVE-ROOM bungalow in Irvlngton Park, i . " . ,, V r- "s urepiace, Dutch Kitchen, full basement, gas. electricity etc.. 50x100 lot. chicken house, and A real snap at 2500. ir.00 down, balance . i' Jt rarucuiara call Air. FURNISHED BUNGA.LOW 2750 EASY TERMS. 4 nice rooms, large basement, concrete foundation. 50x100 lot- good MARSH & McCABE CO.. Realtors 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3093 SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT. isew 4-room house, modern. H. W. iiuuia. uuuoie consirucien. finished thi wee, ioi .KIXU2 reet. improved streets Paid. 02 East 4ith street. 130 feet south ,1 iveene. unam. or Cora. .uiim punt, $4250 SNAP $4200. St. Johns residence. 2 blocks from ; iiumiiu corner, paven street, sewer, five rooma. full cement basement, hard wood floors, fireplace, garage; owner go ing north. 724 S. Jersey. 400 GIVES you possession of dandy little lour-room oungalow two blocks from canine ln good district: this little home is mooe-rn; iuu piumoing; on lot ISO bv 3(tu; plenty or fruit and garden. 21S cAiiaiise oioK. -wain om. (UK 6Al.fi OOOO little nome. 5 rnnrr,. oatn anu pantry, z porches, part base ment, electric lights, gas. water, lot 45x100, good location, streets paved: $1H00 cash. By owner. Phone 318-70 TO BE SOLD at a sacrifice today on ac. count oi neaitn. a iw-room house, upper rooms to rent-as flat, partly furnished; a iota 4.uiis eacn; on car line, $4500. Tabor 31!. 2010 E. Burnside. $1750 1-ROOM BUNGALOW $1750 Good modern home. A-l plumbing, full DH-iemeni, close 10 car ana nam surface $400 casih, balance at 0 per cent SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX. COME ln and talk to us about that new nouse. we will show vou hnw in a good home on a small down payment. own m McKay Bkig. BRYANT ST. HOME $3500 6 rooms, Iot 94x123. 17 selected fruit trees, fine home, in good repair: very easy terms. 424 Ablngton Bldg. Main 4S0.S. Tabor X04. 0O3 E. 32d ST. X. ALAMEDA PARK. OPEN TODAY. Xew, ready for occupancy; modern. 5 rooms and breakfast nook. OwneVs representative at house. $4200 IRVINGTON. " Strictly modern 5-rm. bungalow on 15th St.; flrepl., furnace, nice bullt-ins. attic, basement, 50x100 lot. R. B Smith Woodlawn 3S01. omiin. $3600 NEAR Peninsula park, vacant aix room bungalow, best of condition: amal! 4- . easy terms, rnone owner, RIGHT ln Sunnyside district for 25O0 on paved street, 5-room house. If in terested, call Woodlawn 5084. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $4200. TWO BLOCKS FROM ROSE CITY CAR. Five rooms, cement basement, laundry trays. fireplace. hard wood floors In living and dining rooms. kitchen with lots of built-ins, also breakfast room. 1 bedroom on first floor and 1 up stairs; best plumbing; full 5Oxlo0 lot. east facing. This place has never been occupied. It's a cozy little home and right up to the minute but it is not a $Gnii0 home. The price is $42u0 with $1000 down. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S. Branch Office 4r,th arid Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW WITH A VIEW. 5 dandv ronTnw wioi full r r.,.rr. . tic, modern to the letter, including built- wa. iirepiac. lurnace. Ivory finish. oreaktast nook, one block to car. I have a special price on this beautiful , uuntaiuw. aii me today. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. COSY AS CAN BE. 5 rooms, well arranged, best of con structKTn. oak floors, fireplace, furnace. .V. IS J.'Oiag porch. Let me show you this; 4M)0. See me for good price - . .. uuilKUlOWS. ,,. C. M. DERR. 1-15 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245 IRVINGTON. J450O. Here you are: Seven-room House. i''rnSSe firePiace. full basement. BJX100, corner, improvements all In and paid, lots of fruit: this is another giveaway; you must have anyway J1000 cash, balance to suit you. Call Frank Hahoney. COE A. McKENNA CO.. 83 FourtOi st. Main 6S71. 0uiil LAURELHURST SACRIFICE $0500. Modern 8-room house, Laurelhurst ave. near Glisan; lawn, shrubbery, fruit trees. You couldn't duplicate this I'm percy ior :oou. (U30U Washington high school district. , jyin st. Modern 7-room home SdbOO New modern bungalow and garage. M500 Modern C-room bungalow. T4bou Rose City bungalow and garage .Oasco furnace, corner lot, paved CHARLES RINGLER & CO., ' 225 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON. TERMS J(i300 TERMS. THIS IS A REAL BUY. SIX KOOMS i.LL, ON ONE FLOOR: HARDWOOD ri.uuKB THROUGHOUT: TILE BATH. IVORY FINISH: CAN GIVE IMMEDI ATE POSSESSION: YOU'LL HAVE TO ;n WL'ICKLY. AS THIS IS IN THE t,ST PART OF IRVINGTON AND w IL.U SOON SELL ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR. 204 BOARD OF TRADE. Bdwy. 37. Sunday. 22 3 - (1 7. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, BY OWNER. Five large rooms, old Ivory finish, hardwood floors. fireplace, beautiful buffet, all buiit-in conveniences, cement basement, wash trays, gas water heater, linoleum in kitchen and bath, shade and drape fixtures; faces east: lot OOx 132; garage, fruit and flowers, new house, I5U00; $10." 0 cash, balance easy; evenings or Sunday. Tabor l(l!2. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. LOVELY VIEW. Fine 7-room strictly modern house: one block to car; unobstructed view of city and mountains. Price $7DOO. Will accept medium-priced auto and some cash for part Balance terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., S09-10 Panama BUlg.. Third and Alder. 42O0 BARGAIN. Owner leaving city, offers 7-room house, in best of condition inside and out, lias sewer, gas. garage, full plumb ing, buffet, fireplace, furnace, double constructed, good district, near car, fine level lot with roses and shrubbery. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. GREAT HOME BARGAIN. 7-room modern bungalow-type house on a fine lot with fruit and flowers, two carlines, on east side; has all bullt ins. furnace and fireplace. Owner will sacrifice, take 2.10u down, balance easv. Call Monday, room 511 Railway Ex change. BUYER! Save $1S0 or $200. Buy from owner. 4 lots, good soil, fruit, good, modern, 5-room bungalow. basement, chicken house and yard, garage, fenced, on hard surface stroet, near school, churches and stores. A bargain at :!UO0 casn. rnone Auto. o.';s-til Mon., Tue; or Wed. A. M. Call for Mrs. Minich. RICHMOND BUNG ALOy. $700 handles this modern. 5-room bun gaiow style noma, ureaklast nook, two oecirooms down, etc.: gas heaters, ga rage, full lot. flowers, fruit: J3N00 and terms, aiain issuo. uum, I'OB Morgan bldg Realtor. SAVE agent's commission. Riverview Ad dition; good house, reception, living, dining, kitchen, pantry and bath down; oeurooms up. rtasement. garage, fru t corner lot: JSOO cash, balance $2so0 'ike rent, or 30 cash for clear title. Own- er. East a.-sss. or Main ..22. ai(.M sen at once, by owner. 5-room oungalow and garage near Laurelhurst all built-lna.. fireplace, gas furnace, good lawn and flowers; a sure bargain for -ft-uu. or make me an offer. Phone r.iist itt. FOR SALE Six-room bungalow. Rose City Park. All improvements. No liens. oO by 1O0 lot; open today. Immediate possession. Price $5250. 530 K. 5(th st. N'.. one block north of Sandy blvd. J. R. MUM MA. Owner. East 70K. BY OWNER Get ready for 11125 fair: own your home, save rent, commission, car fare, time: 0 large rooms, close in. modern, lot 50x150; apples, pears, prunes, cherries, berries, garage. Terms. Main 4057. FOR SALE li-rodin bungalow. Rose City Park; all improvements, no liens; 5(l 100 lot. Open today. Immediate posses sion. Price $525(1. 530 E. 5llth st. N.. one block north of Sandy blvd. J. R. Mumma, owner. East 7!M0. IRVINGTON. FINE HOME. JT.ifXI $1000 cash, balance monthly, large living room, fireplace, oak floors. double garage. 503 East 17th, near Brazee. Neuhausen, 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main b07S; East 3:i4. $2!50 BRAND NEW $2050. A splendid home on soth, near Powell, - nice lots, lu truit trees. A good buy, very easy terms. 424 Abington bldg. Main 4S03. Tabor 804. NEW 3-ROOM modern bungalow on East 30th St., near Sandy blvd.: many built in teatures: $350 down, balance small monthly payments. By owner. Phone East K052. MONT AVI LLA BUNGALOW. Pretty, modern, 4-room cosy home, about $400 down, easy terms on balance; will consider Ford car. Quin. 200 Mor gan bldg. Realtor. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. FURNISHED. $425 down, 5-rooin modern bungalow, full lot, near car and schools, easv monthly terms. Main 3S00. Quin, 208 Morgan bldg.. Realtor. SUNNYSIDE BUSINESS DISTRICT. 5-room house, east front, fruit, shade, nearly modern. $2375. Small cash pay ment, bal. $15 month. OWNER. 147 E. 34th St. IRVINGTON SNAP. BE QUICK $05O0. $10.000 ' charming home, near 24th and Brazee, all ivory finish, oak floors, art paper, garage. Neuhausen, East 304; Main SOTS. 830 N. w. Bank bids. SUNNYSIDE SNAP. 5-room cottage, hardwood floors. Ford car and some cash first payment, bal ance easy terms. 220 E. 34th st. FOR SALE Rose City d-room, new bun galow. Take one or two lots and some cash as part payment. G 872, Ore- gonian. $500 CASH, new 4-room bungalow on Kil- lingswortn ave. Price $3000. Main 703(1 or East 3502. 7-ROOM modern house, fruit trees and ber ries. $44S0, $1080 cash. -s'ance on easy payments. Call Tabor 5478. WILL take light car as first payment "on 5-room moaern bungalow, price $3800. Main 7036 or East 35SI2. 4-ROOM colonial bungalow with fire place, up-to-date in style, ln St. Johns district. Phone Columbia 311. A BARGAIN Houseboat No. IS. 2 rooms. with wood arm float. oot Vermont st. to river. Fulton cai $4000 7-ROOM HOUSE. 5OxlO0 lot on Union ave.: $24J0 cash, balance terms. This is a snap. Call Wood'.awn 571. FOR SALE Modern five-room bunga low; improvements paid. Bargain at $2500. Terms. Call Main 71311, Monday. FOR SALE; A bargain. 5-room modern bungalow; $-DOO. Call Main 7130, Mon day. BRIDE'S HOME, neat and sweet, 5 rooms: $2450; small payment. Monday cail W d In. 1B7. $4000 r-R( Ea OM bungalow near Sandy ?y terms. East C:2:. hlvn. $350 EQUITY, small, new bungalow. isast aum iiose t,ity car. 7-ROOM home in good condition. 100x100 lot, $400 will Dandle. Mar. 2339. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. A. G. TEEPE CO., A. G. TEEPE CO.. SSi ;TY ARK LAURELHURST. ROfcE CITY PARK LAURELHURST. fcandy Office Open Sunday. Call Tabor U5S8. ,",. yoa re tfolng to bor In either l-;-?e.se !'rirta see us. We have the. largest listings many real bargains. -none now positively no obligations. $4500 ROSE CITY PARK Folks. truly Is a h...in . her tlonally attractive bungalow wit large living room. hardwoo excep- ith tican riJ-Z: "e:ow- me nni: terms. $4S00 ROSE CITY PARK New -room bungalow with garage; modern to the last detail; moderate terms; price is low. You will ,-Jn.' tnls for your home. .j..0 ROi-E CITY PARK Circum stances compel immediate sale; rooms wdh large attic: ga rage: modern to the last detail: exceptionally large living room; well built: located 4rtth st.. be low the hill. $00o0 ROSE CITY PARK We are of fering this splendid bungalow located right on Sandy blvd.. at a very low price. You will hava to Inspect this property to ap preciate its real value. The quality of material and work manship speak for itself. $3330 LAURELHURST New bungalow to be completed In every way with hardwood floors throughout, furnace, firenlice. light fixtures, shades, linoleum in kitchen and bathrooms; garage. Built br one of Portland's best builders', finished in rich old ivory and while throughout, expensive tap estry paper. A real buy. See this. $0500 LAURELHURST Vacant, mora right In. Here's your chance, folks, to get a real attractive bungalow of 7 rooms, exception ally well built. A home you -will be proud to own. Hardwood floors throughout. everv con ceivable built-in convenience nothing lacking to make this the perfect home. Positively on of the best buys in all of Laurel hurst. An inspection will con vince you. In have can the other popular districts wa any number of good buys, which be handled on very reasonable terms, $4250 ALAMEDA DISTRICT This at tractive bungalow of 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, laun dry trays, all built-ins. paving In and paid; is a splendid buy for someone, and it might' as well .,,you- A SOOd buy; $750 cash . will handle. $G300 ALAMEDA PARK We are of fering a distinctive home of class and character at a price $1000 less than its real value; 6 rooms with 2 fireplaces. hardSvood rioors, furnace, full cement base ment, garage, etc. The quality or material speaks for Itself. $Coo0 NEAR 33 D AND HAWTHORNE Price was $7300. Folks, if voii want a real bargain, if you're in the market for a downright classy bungalow with lots of class and distinction, we want you to see this. You'd expect to pay at least $7500; located E. 3:1d. near Hawthorne. You'll find everything h'ere one could possibly expect, nothing lacking. Garage. too; $1000 cash will handle. Go, see for yourself. FOR A REAL HOME, SEE A. G. TEEPE CO., Realtors Insurance. 270 Stark St., Near 4th. Main 3092. Branch. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 05S6 Sunday, Call Tabor 05S0. $2750. LAURELHURST. $350 CASH. Modern fl-room house Just to Laurelhurst park: street 2 blocks improve- ments ln and paid; this house can be bought at this price if taken before ednesday. Otherwise the price is $3000. .T. L. 675. KARNOPP & CO., 319 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Maln 2300 BIG BARGAIN $2300. 8-room house, 62x100 corner lot, ce ment basement. Rodney ave near Bryant st. $3500 Modern S-room bungalow. Al berta st. $3700 Clinton at., 2Sth; 7-room modern. $-000 4-room modern house, 50x100 lot. paved street. E. 27th, netr Division. See Our List of Bargains. CHARLES RINGLER i CO.. --.1 nynry liiqg. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITV pink- Tills charming bungalow. 1 ri blocks north of Sandy on East 4(lth St., must be sold. A delightful homo in a lovely district, complete with all modern con veniences, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, and large plate glass windows; there are 5 rooms with bath on 1st floor, large billiard room and bedroom 2d floor. Price $7000; terms INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Broadway 4751. 410 Henrv Bid?. lH).U6Hfi:i, OFFER If vou are look ins for a HOME or an investment, here is your opportunity. A fine prominent !.xl0O. -room house, well built, fruit and berries, fine homes in same block, close to two carlines. and just look at this price: Clear title for $1200 cash; can get a $1000 loan on the property. Better do business quickly. C. L. Becker. 133Mj First st. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Has 7 rooms, center entrance, French doors, large living room. 2 bedrooma downstairs. 2 upstairs. 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, furnace, garage; lo cation 71S E. 21st St. N. If vou want real bargain, call owner. Tabor 229o or Marshall 4lt XEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $500 CASH AND TERMS. New 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, full basement, some fruit trees, etc. Price only $3soo. See Mr Acker, DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. $400 CASH. . My equity of $515 in $2000 home for $4oo; dandy 3-room house, full base ment, on fine lot with fruit, berries, grapes, roses and lawn; 2 blocks from car and school. If interested call Woodlawn 123S or 000 E. 24th St. N WORTH $5500 SELL FOR $4200. DI-.3 E. Broadway. Full lot. Look at the -house and s.-e CLEVELAND. 303 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 1150. ALAMEDA PARK COLONIAL. A wonderful home, well built, beauti ful ivory finish throughout, oak floors, sunroom, garage; priced below value. NEUHAUSEN. EAST 304. MAIN S078. ROSE CITY Five-room bungalow, three blocks from carline: modern, furnace, laundry trays, cement basement, garage; full price $:!''O0, easy term;. 21S Ky. Exchange bids. Main filo-J. TAKE VANCOUVER CAR to Staiford St., No. 357, 4-room bunga low; a great bargain: $500 down, $25 per month. Phone East 4000 or any Portland realtor. $54O0 IRVINGTON $5400. New 5-room bungalow, modern, throughout; garage; ivory and whita enamel finish; a splendid home at a reduced price. Bdwy. 5:X..S. Monday. 8-ROOM modern house, all buiit-ins, open fireplace. full cement basement; lot lOOxloo, fruit and shrubbery; on Will amette blvd.. beautiful view; $6000. terms. C. W. Millership, Ki5Va 4th st. Main 5275. MODERN 5-room bungalow ln Rose City Park, furnished or partly furnished; close to Sandy, garage. EC 802, Orego nian. 8-ROOM modern house on Lincoln st-. west side; some furniture goes; $2200, terms. C. W. Millership. Main 5275. 1(15 4th st. 3-ROOM plastered cottage. 100x100 cor ner lot, fruit trees, chicken house, dou ble garage, paved streets: terms. In quire 4.S3 Bidwell ave. Sellwood 3079. IRVINGTON'. SWELL NEW HOME. 75xIOO corner. Choice location. Fina ehrubherv; garage: $0500. terms. N'eu hausen, 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8'78. 5-ROOM cottage, 216 Morris st.. block from R. C. carline; $2300. 872 E. Main or phone Tabor 071. PRICE $1250, $50 down. $15 month, un completed 6-room bungalow. X 961, Oregonian. 3-ROOM house on 50x00 lot. sidewalks ln and paid, first sewer assessment paid; will sacrifice for $.S50 cash. Wdln. 3H50. IRVINGTON $700 cash. balance like rent, .0 rooms, hot-water heat. Phone East 3502. Owner. $400 CASH. 6-room home, modern, lOOx 100 lot. garage, $3250. Can use light car. Main 7('30 or East 3592. $650' CASH Fine modern house ln Sun nyside. Price $4100. Main 7036 or East 3502. ; FOR SALE 5-room house, lot S0x125 20no. Phone Broadway -54-13 or Main FOR SALE cheap, by owner. -4-room ceiled, cottage, lot KOxlOO. fruit and berries. 3523 c.3d st. S. E. FOR GOOD HOME BUYS. Agency. 7Q3 Dekum h!dg. call Modern, Main 7130. SUNNYSIDE HOME, near Laurelhurst park; $2450; easy terms. Wdin, 167, A -4