18 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, JULY 31, 1921 FOR RENT. Office. 6 ROOMS, upstairs over drug store, brick building, Portamouih ave. and Lombard St.; have always been occupied by den tist and physician; ideal business loca tion. JAMES J. FLTNN. ' ' 814 Chamber of Commerce. BROKERAGE company about to rent larger office wants to sublet 1 or 2 private offices with. reception room; good building, good light, stenographer nd office service. Miss Kerr, room 210, rear on bide. Broadway 1658. HAVE attractive suite in Lewis bids.; want tenant to share reception room and first-class stenographic service. Call Monday. Broadway 48Q5. FOR KENT Office with use of reception room, high-class building. All 872, Oregonian. DESK room, for rent in office, use of phone and typewriter free, ill- Railway Exchange bldg. WILL share office, centrally located. all furnished, with some business man; cheap rent. BC SOS, Oregonian. ONE-HALF finely furnished suite. 506 Ar- tisans bidg., $30, with stenographer $60. Broadway 2353. ' DESK in nicely furnished office with re ception room, phone, etc.; $20 month. 1029 Chamber of Commerce. X-av room, with telephone axia sieno graphlc service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. FRONT offices, modern. In Railway JEx cnange bldg. Apply room 312.. SMALL office in best building in city; rent very reasonable. Phone Alain 3077. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. EXCHANGE. ISO acres, southern Oregon, and five passenger Ford car, good as new; total value 2S50, clear. What have you to offer? Will assume some. I will take busines op pa. or real estate; prefer cheap property needing repairs; I am not an agent; if possible give details by letter; owner. 1U1 11th sU. or phone Broad way 4383. $luU,0O0 CORPORATION wants capable man, open office, manage sales for high class new device. Kvtry home a pros pect. Big money-making possibilities for the rigiit man. Opening in every city. Cost $2, retails $5. 5O0 to $2000 neces- sary to finance exclusive agency. JVlr. Ho?ar, si: v. wasmngton, uiucago. CUArriCTlU-Ni-Kl, best paying one on the Mi. Hood loop; $i00 stock, back bar, front bar, pool taDle. chairs, showcases; good place to live in connection. Come out, we will make a deU. Sickness Is cause for selling. Phone 65. Write George Beers, Sandy. Or. WEST FIDE GARAGE. Excellent location, 2-story building, rood income; rent $250; 5-year lease; fully equipped repair shop. Price $80O0. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4004. CiROCERY store at a bargain; living rooms In connection. Will sell at inventory cost. Is doing a. good canh business. ' Owners must go to Seattle at once. See this early .Monday if you want a dandy good store. Harper & Royer, 418 Rail yay Exchange. CIGAR STAND. WEST SIDE PRICE $1000. Located in the lobby of large build ing ; 3 -year lease at $-5 per month; good place for a lady. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg., ad and Alder. . WANTED To get in touch with a respon sible party to form partnership for hotel business in California or Oregon; one who has capital to help finance; expe rienced -man preferred ; first-class refer enda expected and given, F tioo. Orego nian. ELECTRIC BAKERY. Excellent location, electric oven, com plete fixtures for an up-to-date bakery; steam table and light lunch. MRS. SNOW, Bdwy. 4064. VERY DESIRABLE CIGAR STAND. In lobby of prominent downtown of fice building, to lease for long term. Simms. 610 Henry bldg. PROSPECTOR wants $500 for half inter est in placer and quartz claim (gold) ; character of formation recommended by geologists; U. S. govt, has record of over $100,000 from the creek. E bSS, Ore gonian. BARBER SHOP. West Side. Price $400. ' Close in, west side, 2 chairs and other necessary equipment. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG., 3D & ALDER. GROCERY store, good suburban location, building aud ground included; two mod ern living rooms, marble fountain, scales, etc., about $150 in stock, all for $-000; building alone could not be duplicated for the price. 314 Stock Exch. bldg. OPPORTUNITY for hustler. For instance, your county has 1000 cars; sell 20 per cent of them at wholesale price, you earn $500, retail $1100; $400 buys county right and enough stock to do it. Piper Saies Agency, box poll, Portland, Or. Only $1100. Neat and clean, base ment, furnace, living room. Dl.'VI.'lIM A W IV V U'QTI UT XTT CC 210 Lewis Bldg., 4th and Oak Sta. TWO CLEAN RESTAURANTS, Columbia highhvay, county seat, splendid outfit, growing trade, $1300; $22o0; terms; will show by auto. Main 3072. McFarland, Realtor, Falling bldg . CORNER cash-and-carry grocery, with living rooms; rent $-3; lease; about $1400. BUR HUE, Grocery Specialist, r1 S C hamber Commerce. FOR SALE Half interest in woodsaw on Ford truck : plenty work ; have other business; price $300; terms. 021! 8 92d Ft. S. B. WORKING partner wanted for an old established fuel yard; $-500 required; don't answer unless you mean business. 4M Hawthorne ave. Phone East 6100. IF YOU have $54o cash you can step in and take charge of my light grocery and confectionery; balance terms. Owner, 200 Larrabee st. V ANTED To hear of a good business that from $3000 to $10,000 will buy in Oregon or Idaho. JONES, 232U Van Huron. Chicago. FoK SALE soft drink and lunch place; stock, living rooms; good for man and wife; east side; rent $25 per month. AP S6H, Oregonian. GoOD opportunity for young man with $350 to $750. who Is willing to work hard. 4Q1 Stock Exchange 31dg. WANTED A- capable business man, to take charge of ofice of small growing corporation; must invest $1500. AH 783, ' Oregonian. . DANDY suburban grocery w ith four liv ing rooms. $1350; rent $15. Bl'SHUB, Grocery Specialist. 51 S Chamber of Commerce. CIGAR and news; good preposition, low rnt with lease; lady can handle. Call Monday for Ransom, with O. K. Skot-h-im. 400-410 Couch bldg. Main 1575. Fo i SA LE Strong battery and electrical repairing business in best town on Co lumbia, highway. Terms. E S01, Ore- gon inn. WE CAN SELL YOU OUT. List your business chance with John W, Greene, with BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg. WANTED Partner with $2000 to assist In financing large company. This ex cellent opportunity is open onJy for short time. AC S75. Oregonian. KEWSPAPBR Good one; Oregon; money maker; town 2000; big field; great op portunity for man of ability; price $3800. Half cash. AV 110. Oregonian. CAN MAKE 50 per cent sure on $3000 to $5000 In 12 months, and still more with services. C 862. Oregonian. I'AHTIES wiih $:0O0 to $5000 as partner In $40,000 business; to your Interest to investigate. W S53. Oregonian. $5o WILL locate you in a light hunch and cigar business. Call Monday. 409 410 Couch bldg. Main 1575. FINE furniture, piano for sale; double flat for rent, $28. Call Main S164 1 CLEANEST cash meat martet that $1500 to $1So0 cash will buy ; prefer close in, E S00. Oregonian. CM ALL. clean grocery stock for sale at low wholesale price. 405 West Lom bard. St. Johns c.ir. COM PETENT office man to invest from $25iH) to $50tio in good paying manufiic Miring concern. X St". Oregonian. NICE little cash-and-carry grocery. 2 nice living rooms, no fixtures to buv: nice businsa: price $1025. 314 Stock Ex. bldg. tinutbK x t. asn anu carry ; no fixtures to buy; doing $05 daily average; price 9 -mm. o i -i mock e,icn, ouig fX'R BARGAINS in business chances see John W. Greene, with J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg. $900. Small grocery; some terms, 401 Stock Exchange Bldg. 11 AVE cafeteria and rooming house for sale at reasonable price on terms in busi ness section. F 854, Oregonian. $4O0 CASH gets neat restaurant, country town ; $15 month, lease. Main 3672. McFarlnnd. Realtor, Falling bldg. $i;:.-.i BUYS my neat, well-paying cash-and-carry corner grocery. Owner, 1295 Belmont st. MAN wanted to learn shoemnklng trade; little money required. 234 First st. J'OOL and billiard equipment cheap. 702 Wash. St.. Vancouver. Wash. HESTAURANT. west side, good location. Charles Rlngler & Co., 225 Henry bldg. GROCERY store., good location; reasonable pri'e. AC Oregonian. GOOD money-maker, serv ice battery sta tion. $3300 with terms. 307 Panama bldg. FOR SALE at a bargain, small eoap busi ness. 24 A. bin a ave. BCSEfESS OPPOBTCMTIE8. SAND AND GRAVEL PROPOSITION. In 1909 I bought a little over three acres of land at Wichita station on the P. R-, L. & P. Co.'s electric line to Esta cada. I bought It on account of its high and sightly view. But when I took my wife and stepdaughter out to see it they begged me to buy in St. Johns, which I did to please tiiero. It now seems to be more valuable for the sand and gravel that Is in it than a house on top of the hill. It fronts 200 feet on the right of way of the railroad and runs north over 700 feet. There is a nice place for a residence and a fac tory. A few years ago the railway com pany concluded to put in a switch from Bell station to near Wichita station. I gave them the privilege of building across one corner of my land. The railway company tut in a sand and gravel plant and gave old man Shultz j.u cents a yara royalty for all the sand and gravel they got from him. He made a fortune, went up the valley and bought a fine farm. The county judge of Clack amas county told me last year that the counly was paying the Shultas boys 45 cents a cubic yard for all the sand and gravel the county got of them. These are facts. I am not asking you to be lieve anything. All I ask of you is to come and let me take you out and show you. Seeing is knowing, and knowing win cause you to think about the great possibilities that blind nature has blessed me with. I worked like a negro from the time I was 7 till I was 50. I am now 74 years old. Have heart and kidney trouble and but little money and it rains too much. I want to go where the sun shines more. These are so.ne of the reasons why I want to sell. Here is a great opprotunity for some - one who has money and health. Wt K. Nolan, 320 S. Front st., Portland, Or., near Jef ferson-st. station. GROCERY STORE. Stock and fixtures will invoice more than the price necessary to settle the partnership, which Is $60O; good location, rent $35 per month Including living rooms; some terms, t CONFECTIONERY. One of the best of its kind In the city; completely equipped, first-class confectionery with small stock of groceries; doing a busi ness of $5000 per year and can be improved ; long lease at very low rent; $6000 can handle or might take good city residence as part payment. GARAGE. Good west-side location, room for housing about 80 cars; filling station and repair shop in connec tion ; 5-yr, lease at $110 per mo. $3000 will do business, or would prefer selling only interest. RESTAURANT. One of the best buys In Port- ' land; long lease at $85 per month; ' this place is thoroughly equipped and doing an elegant busines other circumstances compel then a. to sell. Price $2700. F. RIERDON, REALTOR, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bid. NOTICE, SAWMILL MEN! Best lumber proposition offered. Prof itable orders, more than can fill. Any quantity best stumpage available. A-l mill outfit that Is priced way down at $8000; $2000 cash or take ranch or acreage. Dandy confectionery. doing better than $50 daily. A place you would be proud of and will make you pay in come tax. At $2900 cash. Grocery, cash and carry, good busi ness downtown apt. house district, large living room, stock and fixtures; $1000. BORLAND & PARSONS, 303 Stock Exchange. Aut, 529-04. A SUPER MONEY. MAKER. Through health reasons the owners of a high-class style shop, selling wom en's, misses' and children's ready-to-wear apparel must sell; location good; town of approx. 8000 with payroll; will sell stock which now is approx. $10,000 at invoice; lease and fixtures at $0000, which is a sacrifice. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS, Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. TRANSFER, STORAGE AND CONTRACT BUSINESS. It requires $2500 and a man of good standing, as this Is a $25,000 proposition; this company is fully equipped with trucks, horses and wagons; has solid contracts on all hauling of wood and for factories in one of the best coast towns In the state. For further information call at 8!tS2 56th ave. S. E., or phone Auto 612-23. YOUR opportunity; I want to sell exclusive automobile electrical repair shop and battery station; doing paying business, with an exceptionally good trade ; have a very good Portland weet side location at reasonable rent; will stay short time and help you get started right; my rea son for selling is that my other business requires all mv time: takes about $2500 to handle. AC S50, Oregonian. PATENTS Write for free guide book and evidence of conception blank; send model ' or sketch and description of invention fo- our free opinion of its patentable na ture; highest references; prompt atten tion: reasonable terms. Victor J. Evans & Co., Hobart bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Main offices, 642 Ninth st., Washington. FOR SALE OR TRADE. ASTORIA GROCERY STORE. Invoice $8000. Up-to-date place In every way. Will take good income prop erty for part. Sickness cause of dis posal. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., Tfrird and Alder. A FINE t GARAGE AND REPAIR In a fine coast town; will sell for $1600; fully equipped; concrete building, rent $25 per month: $1000 cs.sh, balance easy. Automatic 612-23. or call at 8032 Sfith ave. S. E. $1400 CONFECTIONERY and lunch busi ness located on two railroads and Pa cific highway: good Willamette valley town, 800 population. This place is dojng good business: will invoice about $1 00. Address Box 204. Harrisburg. Or. COUNTRY store, 18 miles out on paved highway, good location, low rent, sale or trade for stock or poultry farm or for stock or poultry; give or take cash difference, about $9000. AV 78, Orego nian. WASHINGTON-ST. BARBER SHOP. Two white enamel chairs, 2 wash ba sins. $250 mirror, cash register, all other necessary equipment. Price $1000. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 4Q5-6-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. WOOD BUSINESS ESTABLISHED! $2.35 cost wood per cord on contract, tow up the river and sell on contract $6 cord. Should do hundred cords week. Entire outfit cost $2750. Can arrange iimc 1. jir. v ooa, jiu Oregon Dldg. WANTED Eevry man or woman looking for an opportunity to better their pres ent position or income, write for "LOOK ING AHEAD." ADDRESS THE" PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Park and ""imiii, rurnana, KJr. FOR SALE, GARAGE AND SALESROOM. One of the best located, fully equipped garages In city. Agency two best selling popular cars In territory. Price right and will stand thorough Investigation WANTED To lease sawmill or cut by the . thousand, by practical sawmill and lumberman ; best references. Address manager La Belle Vue Sawmill, Granite. Oregon. SERVICE STATION. Good going business, accessories, vul canizing, battery service; about $2S00 to handle; sell or exchangee for 20 or 40 acres, improved. AM 826. Oregonian. BARBER SHOP Two Kocken chairs, free heat and water, rent $20. Price $400. Some snap. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. CAUTION; BUYtiKs Beiore closing a deal of so-called interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1B02. PARTNER wanted to buy half interest In trolling boat; sure of big profits; one with fishing experience preferred. AE S42. Oregonian. ON ACCOUNT of sickness must sell my grocery store at 6142 Foster road; has 2 large living rooms; rent $20. Act quick. GROCERY and feed business, good living, established 9 years. $2300. or invoice' ' Come to 6203 S2d st. S. E., or phone 620-45. $55(V Wanted, partner for greenhouse with service. and $550. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. Pyror and Patterson. $1000 BUYS a clean little grocery, pastry lunch and ice cream; terms; can't han dle alone; fine place for man and wife. Call 5.12 Wash. st. $300 AND your services If you do not want to get rich in one day: Investments se cured. AP 836. Oregonian. $25 BUY'S deeded interest 320 acres; gov ernment, report recommends drilling on this land for oil. N 847, Oregonian. RESTAURANT with 2 living rms. ; will sell right if sold soon. 340 Front st. See owner H to 7:30 P. M. SAWMILL Valuable timber contract near Portland; real bargain. "Write BD 842, Oregonian. FOR SALE, lease or exchange, 40-room partly furnished hotel : onlv hotel town of 1000. Address AV 970, Oregonian. GOING CHEAP. ' Grocery and bakery; must leave town. See me at store, 291 10th st. FOR SALE: Half interest in lady barber shop, doing good business. Address lifi 14th IU Astoria. Or. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SURETY INVESTMENT CO. 311 Paouna Bldg., Portland, Or. Phone Main 2990. CONCRETE GARAGE. SURETY Capacity for 80 cars, excel lent location; equipped, with fully up-to-date repair shop, employing number of men; long, valuable lease with low rent; full to capacity with steady storage ; books will show an actual profit above ail expenses of $600 month. Price $3900. PARTNERSHIP OFFERED. SURETY In one of Portland's most fully equipped auto repair - and machine shops; excellent downtown location, employ ing several mechanics; experi- ence not necessary if willing to learn and take charge of books; can easily clear $250 month each and up above all expenses; good lease with low rent : $2250. LIGHT LUNCH AND CONFECTIONS. SURETY Excellent downtown location; handling cigars, candles, gro ceries, etc. ; low rent; can easily clear $300 month above alt expenses; dandy buy for man and wife; 2 living rooms with furniture; $15O0 handles. EQUAL HALF INTEREST. SURETY Offered to congenial man in auto generator manufacturing business; well established; doing an enormous business throughout U. S- A., employ ing number of salesmen; busi ness will warrant each part ner $50 week and up; experi ence not necessary if willing to learn: money fully secured; price $20O0. CONGENIAL PARTNER WANTED. SURETY To buy equal half interest In a good paying, well-established business; must,, have fair education; work eas and pleasant previous experience not necessary; profits are large and will warrant $200 month each above all ex penses. Price $450. POOL HALL. SURETY Best of locations; 3 tables, cigars, tobaccos, etc.; good business, making good money; experience not necessary as owner will remain to teach you business. See this first. $1500 handles. PARTNERSHIP OFFERED. SURETY To man handy with tools and willing to work and learn th auto repair business; some storage; this is a fully equipped and good-paying shop; previous experience not necessary; can easily clear $175 month each and equal share of monthly profits; price $050. SURETY INVESTMENT CO., 311 Panama Bldg., Portland, Or., Phone Main 2990. FOR SALE All or part of tne stock In good sawmill proposition, 25,000 ca pacity .mill, situated on main line R. R. with storage capacity for 2.000,000 ft. logs in pond; 40.000.000 ft. timber tribu tary to mill: mill now operating on pay ing basis but additional capital needed for economical operation. Will stand strictest investigation. Give telephone number for appointment and address A V 72. Oregonian. NEED A PARTNER Real estate, mort gage loan and land development business; will make purchaser secretary ; counter sign all checks, handle finances: will secure Investment xwith first mortgages on farm property, repay from income ; will set aside stock Interest to credit of purchaser and profits will pay for in short time : have doubled assets In last six months: $2500 Investment required. BD 846. Oregonian. BIGGEST SNAP IN TOWN. HIgh-c'.ass west side confectioner' and lunch. Crackajack location, reasonable rent, good lease, doing big business MUST BE SOLD. It is a shame to sacri fice this place at the price, but It must go. $1500 cash handles. Simms, 610 Hnry bldg-. - CONFECTIONERY. GRAYS HARBOR DISTRICT. LIGHT LUNCH. Finest store in town. Established 13 years; rent $60; fixtures $3000. Every thing high grade. $130O will handle. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. CONFECTIONER V. POOL HALL AND CARD ROOM. Now, Mr. Bargain Hunter, if you are looking for something for 60 cents on the dollar, here it is. Price $3000. Out side town location. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., SOfl-lO Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. HIGH-GRADE POOL HALL. Large snooker table, several small ta bles, elegant fixtures, 2 cash registers, fully equipped 2-chalr barber shop. All goes for $4500. No dump. ANCHOR IXVEST-MENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. FOR SALE Vulcanizing shop. Owner leaving town must sell at once. Good location, complete repair equipment and stock of accessories. Will sell entire business or equipment and stock sepa rately at attractive discount. Address 400 East Burnside. Phone East 4616. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH. " Brick building on corner; doing $75 a day business. Trial given. Fully equipped and up-to-date. Price $3000. Some terms. Working five people. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-6-7 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. I HAVE no money to take care of my mfg. business; would like to get In touch with someone who has money to invest but can't give, service; will give mortgage on business and equipment to secure and same insures large returns P 844, Oregonian. GROCERY. 5 LIVING ROOMS. Plenty showcases, counters, shelving; scales, etc., rent $25, about $200 per month profit. Price only $1250. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. RESTAURANT. 40 miles from Tacoma. an Pacific Highway, doing $1200 to $1500 per month ; good established business: less than $1000. for quick sale; reason? for selling. Ideal place for man and wife. AV 1000. Ore gonian. OUT-OF-TOWN BARBER SHOP. In eastern Oregon. 2 chairs, complete ly equipped with electric clippers and ad vertising pole, rent $16. Price $600. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 4Q5-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. CONFECTIONERY and pool business In good highway town, close to Portland; 3 business rooms and 6 modern living rooms for $50, with lease ; Is clearing $350 per month. Final price. $4250, some terms. 314 Stock Exchange bldg. A BARGAIN Stock of dry goods, show cases, etc., for sale: fine location on east side; no competition near; on ac count of Illness the owner will sell for $1825. 781 Williams ave., or phone East 1419. MEAT BUSINESS. Buy cattle at your own price and weight, kill in your own slaughter house; wholesale and retail, in an extra good county seat town, good payroll. Tabor 21 SR. fiOG E. 60th North. DRUGSTORE REAL STORE. DOING $2000 A MONTH: WILL STAND STRICT INVESTIGATION: INVOICE STOCK AND FIXTURES. ABOUT $10,500; WILL INVOICE OR LUMP: OWNER MUST GO SOUTH. P 693. OREGONIAN. CONFECTIONERY and restaurant, pool hall in connection, main corner of town on Dalles-California highway, 1 living room, f'ne soda fountain and fixtures; good te ms: $2500; by owner. Address H. Anderson. Maupln, Or. WILL furnish space ort profit-sharing basis to a thoroughly experienced auto repair man; must have tools and suffi cient capital to finance himself until well established. T. B. & E Co., 411 Davis st. Bdwy. 5168. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP. Here's a chance to get into a paying business1 for small sum of $150. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. JOIN National Institute Inventors. 118 Fulton. New York City, strong protective membership society ; will help secure, develop, manufacture, market - patents; dues $10. Booklet free. COMPLETE wholesale and retail milk plant, located close In on east side. Cheap rent. Will sell or exchange for small residence. F. L. Miller, 355 Washington st. Main 3579, FOR SALF. 36-room frame hotel on Co lumbia highway, well equipped, best country location In state, doing full ca pacity business. For further information write P. O. box 126. Arlington. Oregon. FOR SALE Barber shop, pool room, con fectionery, only one in town: lot 50x100. building 3Sx4S. stock and fixtures. $600; price $1600; easy terms or trade. Ad dress Box 124, AumsviUe. Oregon. FOR SALE: Blacksmith shop fuTTv equipped; only one in town : has all business one man can do; $300: rent $6. Must sell on acconffl of death : 30 miles from Portland. AV 65. Oregonian. GROCERY . and confectionery, doing $100 day, operated six years by present owner, 6 modern living rooms; no fixtures to buy; will invoice about $2500. Z. Eaktns, 815 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st. LADY or young -man who has about $2500 can buy half interest in good mfg. business which brings" returns. Sales man or office help preferred. T 841, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED widow wishes to interest parties with sufficient funds to handle large tract of land in central Oregon Phone East 6492. 542 Belmont, upst airs. ABSOLUTE BARGAIN Road house on Co lumbia River highway at Horestall Falls for sale, or will take part trade. Address jars. ueooii. w arrenaaie. or. WILL write up books and take trial bal ance monthly for corporations having a limited amount of bookkeeping; very reasonable fee, N 797, Oregonian, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. VULCANIZING SHOP, OUT OF TOWN. East of Portland on highway; stock and fixtures, $4000; several molds large enough to take tire frame; retread molds; tube plate and clamps; xinc top work tables; tire spreaders, etc.; more complete than ordinary shop. Price for one-half interest $1500. Have another good one in Portland, whole shop goes for $160. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT GROCERY. In live little town near Port land: stock, fixtures and lease all go for $90O, with easy terms. Has living; room in rear. This is a snap. MARSH & McCABE CO.. Realtors. 32.-24. Failing Bldg. Mar. 3993, CORNER CIGAR STAND. OPEN FRONT. GOOD LEASE. Good fixtures and plenty vf good clean stock; handles cigars, tobaccos, confec tionery, soft drinks and magazines. Rent $45, Lease. Price $1650. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. OUT-OF-TOWN GROCERY. Town of about 3000 population. About 50 miles from Portland, takes in $5000 a month, rent $70, good lease, have select trade of town, completely equipped, in cluding Ford deliverv truck. Price $6000. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.,' Realtors, "a-t-v fanama nidg., 3i and Alder. FOSTER road to be Improved. 1 have for sale grocery, bakery, confectionery, ice cream and soda water business on the Foster road and 67th st. S. E.. Kern park; an excellent soda fountain and brick bake oven In bakery : corner lot 113x54. Call and Investigate this. NEIL SMITH. Phone 628-78. 6R11 Foster Road. OUT-OF-TOWN POOL HALL. Town of 10.000 population. Cleared $12,000 last 2 years. Owner now wealthy nd is going to travel. This is a real pool room and a money maker. Price $4500. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. GROCERY. 4 LIVING ROOMS. ' v Stock and fixtures all at Invoice, $3300; doing $75 a day business: rent $36. 50. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. GEARHART House of 7 rooms, 2 lots, ocean facing, modern bath and kitchen, fireplace and new range, furnished ex cept linen and blankets; will rent for August or will sell. P. B. Van Nice, East 517 after today, or office 246 Stark at. GENERAL mdse., located about 35 miles from Portland, on electric-railroad; grow ing town; good farming country. $12,000 stock, doing good business: will be glad to go Into details with prospective buy ern. A V 0002. Oreeonian. IMPORTED FISH. Also delicatessen and groceries. Nets $200 a month, rent $40, equipment com plete and store Is doing business all the time. Price $1250. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-8-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. MAN OR woman partner needed, enlarg ing plant, investment required, plenty of business, real estate security; no spe cial qualifications other than clean business methods. Box AN 795, Ore gonian. TAILOR SHOP OUT OF TOWN. Close to Portland. Takes In about $350 a month. Rent $40. Up-to-date place, in cluding Hoffman press. $500 will handle ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-6-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. RESTAURANT. On east side, on transfer corner. Fully equipped. Doing business all the time. Worth $3000. Will sacrifice for $800. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Here's a chance to get into auto re pair business for $500. Shop fully .equipped. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. MODERN CONCRETE r.AT?A f.R Choice location, on main highway and best residential district; 8-year lease; big sale gas, oils, tires, storage and auto repairing; for sale at a reasonable price. FOR SALE by owner, the best buy In the state, tailoring, cleaning and pressing outfit, Hoffman presser, new Singer, model 31-20; good lease. Rent $10 per month; In best town, close to Portland. AV 63, Oregonian. RESTAURANT. West side, in vicinity of courthouse. Rent $32 50. Nice business. Price $750. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, -ranama. cmg.. jq ana Aider. RESTAURANTS 3 good buys, each one safe, sure income producer and at a price that's bargain. Well located. For detail, see Quin, Realtor, 206 Morgan bldg. CONFECTIONERY AND TEA ROOM. A real place and real buy, doing ex cellent business, pays good income. Snap for quick sale. Accept light car in deal. QUIN, 200 Morgan Bldg. Realtor. HOTEL DINING ROOM. Rent $35. free' heat, light and water. In industrial district. Price onlv $400. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 405-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. FURNITURE AND UPHOLSTER Get this, pays $300 month income; re quires $1650, takes equipment, stock, etc. Owner called away. QUIN. 2 OH Morgan Bldg. Realtor. MILLINERY store in Klamath Falls, good lease, in new building, plenty room for millinery and ready-to-wear; reason for weuing. sicKness. n Oregonian GROCERY and confectionery doing $50 day; old established place; living rooms, stock will invoice about $1100. Z. Eakins ql.-i Loucn Diag.. 109 4th st. SALESMAN In automotive line who has $500 to $1000 to 'invest in live proposi tion: do not answer unless full of pep and a sticker. H 836, Oregonian. WANT partner In mfg. business that is now In operation and has bright pros pects for the future. $2000 or $3000 will handle. D 829, Oregonian. CREAMERY for sale, doing strictly whole sale business: making excellent profits. Do not answer unless von mnn viitnoC and have the cash. Q 841. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE broker, sub-dividing large tract, wants small private office. May consider partnership later. AE 863, Ore gonian. HAVE good, going manufacturing - busi ness; want party to take interest In or furnish about $3000 to help incor porate same. D 826, Oregonian. MILLINERY Snappy up-to-date stock, good class trade, doing good big business. Call at 206 Morgan bldg. BEAUTY parlor, best equipment in city, equipment worth considerable more than sale price; plenty of business. Call at 206 Morgan bldg. LET ME show you where to Invest $0000 and let it bring you $100,000 Don't pass this; investigate it. AP S63. Ore gonian. FOR SALE Live, clean grocery business on west side; modern building, corner store, cheap rent. Must be sold at once. 374 First st. $850 GROCERY and confectionery; mod ern bldg., living rooms; no competition; strictly cash business. 2. Eakins 315 Couch bldg., 109 4th st. A GROCERY SPECIAL. A cash grocery. Invoice $2500, clears $30O month. Good lease and fine living rooms. Room 401 Dekum bldg. CIGAR STORErornerlocation, Washing! ton street. Reasons for selling, closing FOR SALE Sandwich counter doing good business; one of the best locations in city. Address 467 Bond st., Astoria, Or. FIRST-CLASS family dining room in fam ily hotel, fine location. A bargain. Call at 435 Yamhill, between 12 and 2 P. M. PARTNER WANTED $200 month to right man; small In Testment. 409 Commonwealth bldg. PILES can oe permanently cured without operation.- Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. HAVE good list of grocery store bargains all sizes and locations. Tallmadge Real ty Co., 619 Henry bldg. FOR SALE A meat market in live east ern Oregon town. Only shop. Big farm ing district. AV 21. Oregonian. POOLROOM and soft drinks for sale, good location and business ; deal with owner. 622 First st. Phone Main 7459 $1600 WILL buy moving picture theater In best small town in Willamette v alley AV 997. Oregonian. A REAL buv light grocery, delicatessen and soda fountain; a bargain if sold at once; terms. 352 23d st. N. $500 CASH Downtown cleaning and press ing shop ; lease; steam press, laundry agency. Broadway 1077. GROCERY in apartment house district, invoice around $3000; must sell quick. S 781. Oregonian. SOFT drink and confectionery and cigar store. 103 North 6th. BARBER SHOP. $450. 62 N. 6TH ST. MILLINERY store on east side, living rooms; particulars call Se 1 1. 294 0. FOR SALE First-class snoe repairing hop. 113 Broadway North BARBER shop location ; plumbing and lights In. A 826. Oregonian. $450 BUYS old-established second-hand itore. s lotn st. STtiAM LAUNDRY Good paying business. WANTED Silent partner with $2500 by a mining engineer. AJ S6S, Oregonian, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. EAST SIDE GROCERY. Brick bldg., 2 nice living rooms, clean stock, all cash and carry. Too much work for lady, must sell. Rent $21.50, including water. Long lease. Price for quick sale $2100. . , WEST SIDE GROCERY. Corner location, fine fixtures and stock, doing $75 daily, no de liveries. Will sell at invoice. POOLROOM SNAP. Fine fixtures, 4 tables, show cases, money maker, getting $50 month on barber shop lease. Snap at $1800, $1000 cash. CANDY SHOP. Next to movie theater, fully equipped and living room: will in voice more than price asked; rent only $25 month; $850, $650 cash. RESTAURANT M AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. Owner must leave city and will ell his restaurant for $775 cash. Place is doing from $50 to $75 per day; rent only $20 month, includ ing an extra storeroom. CALL EARLY. THIS WON'T LAST. - CIGAR STAND. Doing $50 per day. Rent $50 month. This is a little mint. See it. NEW LISTINGS DAILY. SEE US. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Mar. 3993. EAST SIDE MEAT MARKET. Connected with large cash gro cery, fine fixtures, splendid loca tion. Owner's health necessitates sacrifice at $1750, $750 down. SOME SNAP. West side grocery, nicely locat ed, cheap rent, other business. Go ing at $1000 cash. MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-24 Failing Bldg. Mar. 3993. GROCERY, confectionery, ice cream, soft drinks; one of the best locations in city, for good business: doing a profitable cash and carry business now. I pur chased this place recently from previous knowledge of Its fine location and small investment. Fixtures rent with the building, including good living rooms, gas range, linoleum, etc. Place Is worthy of your Inspection. Good reasons. Please, no agents: $1450. Woodlawn 4339. A WELL- EST A BLTSHKi) ladies' waist and underwear factory. This iactorv is well and seasonably stocked. Hns an excel lent location in PortViM-l. Will 1eae on reasonable terms. Machinery modern and efficient. Complete inventory and infor mation at my office and inspection may be had upon appointment. Will take about $25,000 to handle and satisfactory terms may be arranged. O. A. Cote, 641 Plttock block. Broadway 3726. ONE-HALF INTEREST BARBER SHOP AND POOL HALL. Two barber chairs. 4 pool tables, back and front bar, in fact, fully equipped. Need not be barber. Bring $1000 and step right In old established place. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-6-.7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. GROCERY STORE. East side, a very nice, clean stock, doing good business; rent $40. including living rooms. Price $1800. or will in voice. Good reason for selling. . JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. EQUAL half Interest in incorporated hard ware store In Eugene. Or.; $25,OoO stock and fixtures: location best In city: busi ness well established; part cash, balance terms, or exchange in improved property. Owner leaving state. Real bargain. Write owner. AV 81. Oregonian. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK. Good established business In Columbia highway town ; did over $100,000 business past year; small overhead expense: will Invoice at present cost price about $15, 000. Miht consider house ns part pay. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce Building. ESTABLISHED comnany wants state dis tributor to open office and manage sales men for article needed bv everv mer chant and factory : big proposition for right man: $.VM to $1000 required. CON TP CT MANAGER. 171 N. Dearborn t., Chicago. PARTNER FOR AUTO BUSINESS. A concrete garage; 40 cars: steady storage; sell gas. oils, tires, auto re pairing, etc.; will sell equal half In terest to handy man: v54 will handle it. Room 401, Dekum bldg; GROCERY STORE. Nice, clean stock, tn good neighbor hood ; long lease: doing good business; rent $25. Price $1800. some terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. WEST SIDE GARAGE. One of the best large ones: owner will show you can clear $800 a month or better; storage $10 month; must be seen to appreciate ; price $8000; small terms. Room 511. Railway Exchange. CONFECTIONERY STORE. Must be sold quickly, owner Is 111. wants to- go south : will sacrifice fix tures, pool tables and stock. $1400. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. 15 INCOME. $6000 RENTS $75 MO., $900 YEAR. Corner 2-story bldg., 2 stores and 4 3-room apts. On Albiria ave. car line, A home and Investment. Chas. Rlngler & Co.. 225 Henry Bldg. HAVE interest in established mfe. business; on hand at present about $9000 of stock and equipments; patent article: will sacrifice or exchange house and lot or apartment house. Give your phone. AT 869. Oregonian. WOULD you invest $2000 In a fuel and transfer business that will give a nice income the year around ? 2 -ton truck and Ford touring car goes with the busi ness: no agents. Tabor 5478. FOR RENT A desirable corner at 12th and Washington sts.. suitable for a clothing store, millinery, drug store, etc.; state nature of business. AP 821, Oregonian. GARAGE IN VALLEY TOWN. Specializes In gas, oils, auto parts, tires, vulcanizing, etc.; profits large; S2OO0 handles it. Room 401. Dekum bldg. A GARAGE PARTNER.. Opportunity for a reliable man as partner in a busy garage; a money maker If suitable; owner will take $12i50 down. Room 51 1 Railway Exchange. A PARTNER WANTED. Auto tops and auto painting; working several men; profits large: want a part ner who can meet the customers, etc Room 401 Dekum bldg. BARBERS and jitney drivers. I have a two-cha4r barber shop and a seven-passenger car now running for hire; will sell either or both. E.,L. Morley. Houl ton. Or. RESTAURANT. Here It is; location cannot be beat; clean, neat, dol-ig big business: swell fixtures: partner cannot agree, so will sacrifice for $4U5 Pete.-s. 15 N. 5th st. A COUNTRY GARAGE. On paved highway, big travel; also good local trade. ' Good sale gas, oils, tires, etc; $1500 will handle it. Room 401 Dekum bldg. A CLOSE-IN GARAGE. Storage and auto repairing. Sell gas, oils, tires, etc Net profit $500 month. Sickness reason for selling. Price only $2100. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. 125-0 Battery Service Station I25u. Located in oe of the best garages In Portland ; fully equipped; established trade: good lease. Owner, T S68, Ore gonian. I DESIRE to get In touch with physician 1 who wants to enlarge his business: I have a treatment that will cure rheu matism, social diseases. Please give phone number. AH 872. Oregonian. AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Chance for active young man as part ner; business Increasing; price $350. Room 511. Railway Exchange. BAKERY and restaurant for sale. $2000 will handle it. Write for further particu lars. Address W. O. Sutherland. Hermls ton, Oregon. ' t A CASH-AND-CARRY GROCERY. Apartment location, clean stock. $75 day business; owner will invoice. Room 511. Railway Exchange. MANUFACTURING. Partner wanted for a solid growing business; $3000 to $5OO0 required; fully secured. Room 4-01. Dekum bldg. CLEANING AND PRESSING SHOP. Fine west side location, cheap rent, lease and 2 living rooms. This shop is clearing $50 per week. Call Main 6475. SMALL grocery and soft drinks, doing $30 to $35 per day cash ; no fixtures to buy; rent $10 per month; fine loca tion; $1000. 077 Borthwlck. A CASH BUSINESS. Duties pleasant and easily learned. Active man can clear $150 month. Only $:'.00 required. Room 401 Dekum oldg. FOR SALE Soft drink and card room, lease cheap rent, 4x9 pool table, bar gain. 34S Gllsan st. Main 6133. TIRE VULCANIZING SHOP. Fine location; good profits; $500 handles It. Room 40L, Dekum bldg. FOR SALE 4-chair barber shop in good location. Apply to Lewls-Stenger Bar bers' Supply Co. CONFECTIONERY with candy kitchen; good business, cheap rent. 552 Alberta st. Owner. A VULCANIZER with equipment can get a first-class proposition by calling at 330 Burnside st. I HAVE a buyer's contract on Portland property; will aell at a liberal discount tar cash. 220 D st Saimn. Or BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SUCCESSFUL FACTORY. Wants a successful business man to assume half the duties of management. Business has increased so that addi tional capital is required to handle the business. We want a man who will stay with it permanently and subscribe for $10,000 and able to put in half of It in cash. Company was started three years ago, being successful from the start, and has paid large dividends and is earning good dividends under present conditions. Some of the most successful and prominent business men in the city, including sev eral bankers, are stockholders. Will I stand tne acid test or investigation ana so must the man who comes into the company in an executive capacity. Re plies will be treated confidentially. BD 865, Oregonian. BLACKSMITH shop, garage, filling station, 5-room house, barn, chick en house and acre of land on paved road in good town; doing a fine business and no competition; will sacrifice for $2600, half cash. COLUMBIA INVESTMENT CO., 407 Main Street, Vancouver. Washington. 20-M CAPACITY saw m-ill, edger, planer, donJcey. 2 million feet A-l fir tim-ber. Good contraot on hand. 11 v miles to railroad on good road. Trado for larger mill or large ranch. Flour milk capacity 25 bbl.. and 1H ton feed on 6 acres. 17 mil-es to Port land. Trade for about 20 Improved. BOOK H OLD BROS.. Realtors. 60.1 Swetiand Bldg. Main 5769. FOR SALE Hydro-electric power plant tn the northwest, supplying 3 rapidly grow ing towns and rural community, con nected by 43 miles transmission. Two complete units, one not yet Installed. 1920 gross earnings $20,584. Will sell all or controlling Interest. Best of reasons for selling. None but responsible parties need apply. Ad drees AV oregonian CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH. Suburban Location. In center of busy business district. Very nioely equipped and in every way a desirable business. Complete bakery equipment. Rent $50. Price $3000. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. B09-10 PANAMA BLDG., 3D & ALDER. FOR SALE Best-paying suburban meat market in state; nearest competition one mile ; country meat route established : near two general stores and sub-postof-fice; good lease, cheap rent. Hougland & Bilby, Vancouver, Wash., P. O. Sta tion A. CONFECTIONERY store. including line notions, books, etc., $600; soda foun tain fixtures goes also. Good location, cheap rent, lease O. K.. 2 living rooms in back. Address owner, K .844, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Meat market at transfer point, doing -cash-and-carry business; have -been located at present location for 16 years; best close-in transfer point on east side; rents reasonable: price cash; no agent s AP 825. Oregonian. $3500 TAKES the best thing in city, clear ing $500 per month ; good lease. Grab this. It's there for a live wire confec tionery soda fountain and light lunch. A. J. De FOREST & CO.. Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. I HAVE A GUARANTEED $6000 MORT GAGE on apartment house, payable $250 a mo., which I will apply as full or first payment on business or Income reafi es tate; will asume. See my agent at 409 10 Couch bldg. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY. Rent $50. ' 3-year lease. Selling price of $5000 includes all furniture in 2 liv ing rooms. $3500 will handle. See this. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 405-6-7 Panam aJB 1 d g.. Third and Alder. INVEST $150 and own half interest In centrally located real estate office. Business is very good and requires two people In office to handle. Investigate this oppor t unity at once. Main 7204. TO SELL on account of poor health, dandy little millinery and dressmaking estab lishment; just the thing for 2 ladies; good location and have a very good trade built up. Write Box 678. The Dalles. Or.. BIk. 3171. BEAUTIFUL cash and carry grocery. In good brick bldg.. on busy street ; aver age receipts $80 day. Rent $45. lease, large living room; $3000. Simms, 610 Henry bldg. BARBER SHOP. 4-chair shop in one of finest down town office bldgs. One of finest In city. Everything strictly up to date, $750 'Cash will handle. Simms, 610 Henry bldg. OAKESDALE. Wash., Tribune for sale; established, paying weekly, fine outfit. In great Palouse. selling to take up daily field. Bargain and what you are looking for. AV 104. Oregonian. ACCESSORY STORE. An old-estabjjshed business. located on Broadway : a good business for sale at invoice: always done fine. Room 511. Railway. Exch a n ge. . ANY BUSINESS or property sold quickly for cash, no matter where located; quick ale: square deal, no publicity ; nation wide system. Chicago Business & Rlty. Exchange. 327 So. La Salle. Chicago. SAWMILL of 10.00O ft. cap., complete ex cept belts and some very inexpensive small items; price $900 or cash and auto worth $550, must be in A-l condi tion. A. C. Redifer, Ashland. Or. CONTRACTING corp. has opening for business man who can qualify to fill position of secretary and invest $10,-' 000 to $20,000 (secured). Y 681, Ore gonian. WANT lady who can cook and has man aging power to take Jialf interest in restaurant. Must be able to furnish bond. Call personally, 775 Savler St., at 23d. GOING concern; box factory with full equipment of machinery, stock and trade fixtures. For particulars see Ben F. Woolner, 615 First National Bank bldg., Oakland. Cal. GOOD store building, three nice living rooms furnished, clean stock of gro ceries, good fixtures, garage, nice home place, doing nice cash business, all for sale, some terms. Woodlawn 565. $1600 CONFECTIONERY ana light lunch, living rooms, rent reasonable; clears $200 month. Terms. A. J. De FOREST & CO., Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. SMALL MANUFACTURING. We have several chances for a party desiring to invest $5O0 up in these lines. Call 511 Railway Exchange. IF YOU WANT to sell or buy a business see us. We can care for you and place you in business at prices that will please ynu. Harper A Royer. 418 Railway Ex. $350 H'lLL place you in an honorable business for yourself, where you can make from $15 to $20 per day. Let me show you. AK 871. Oregonian. WANTED Partner to split wood with machine; must have $300 t purchase half interest in machine. -.527 Chamber of Commerce. GROCERY FOR SALE Good east side lo cation, doing about $60 daily; 70 cash. Will sell at invoice. Call owner, Mar shall 514. FOR SALE Blacksmith shop in good . country town, gas engine to run band saw and other tools. Price without building $000. terms. AV 75. Oregonian. INVESTMENT BANKING HOUSE will handle stock Issue of going concern with 300 or more stockholders. Brokers, ten twenty city nail square mag.. Chicago. HARDWARE stock and bldg., good busi ness location, Portland suburb;, sell or consider some exchange. Chas. Ringler & Co.. 225 Henry Bldg WANT manager with $5000 for my whole sale corset business. Will show where investment will make big returns. AF 586. Oregonian. A PARTNER WANTED. Garage and repair shop, on busy street: have all the work we can do; $650 re quired. Room 4Q1 Dekum bldg. FOR RENT Tannery; can be used for otber factory ; also warehouse: between river and carllne. 737 Tacoma ave. WHOLE or half interest In one of the best garages in the city. K 846, Orego nian. PICTURE theater and dance hall, price $1800, trade for rooming house or apart ments. K. Prltsch, at Broadway 017. GOOD restaurant at a price that will inter est you. Call and look it over. Harper A Royer. 418 Railway Exchange. $600 GROCERY and living rooms; must be sold at once. See it Monday early. Harper v rtoyer. ia rtauway Exchange. NATIONAL touring car on stage run for sale, $300 down, easy terms. Call 540 4tn st. feunaay IN EASTERN Oregon town, furniture, stock and bldg., or will rent bldg. Call Main 8216. CLEANING and pressing, good location, fine place for woman to do all kinds of sewing. Call up Sunday, Main 4810. GOOD business proposition ; big returns for hustler; small capital required. Owner. A K S45. Oregonian. A WELL-ESTABLISHED dressmaking par lor for s -tie or rent reasonable. AM 868, Oregonian FOR SALE Two grocery counters; back bar for soda fountain. 1567 Albina ave. WANTED Partner for dance hall and academy: established. AP 846. Oregon ian. FOR SALE Cleaning and pressing shop. Hoffman Press. Phone Ea.t 34oO. FOR SALE Household article, patented; something new. AK 858, Oregonian. SACRIFICE for quick sale, restaurant. cneap. .-. w asningion ec. FOR SALE Ladies' specialty shop. Mrs, J. S. Sparling. Kelso, Wash. RESTAURANT, west side, good location. Chas. Ringler ft Co.. 225 Henry Bldg. .GOOD location loir. denUsU Tabor 5 13, BUSIXESa OPPORTCNITTK8. OWNER of oil. mineral and royalty rights to 320 acres located on one of the best 011 structures in Montana; will sell part interest for $250 and giv purchaser deed; four large operating companies, each one of which already has several producing wells in Montana: are getting ready to drill on this structure: one rig is now drilling; I have U. S. geological report, which recommends drilling on this land ; also abstract showing clear title. Understand me, this is not a pro motion or stock-selling scheme, but of- f"s you an opportunity to become part owner with me tn the land and any oil. gas or other minerals that may be pro duced on it without any other expense to you. as the land is under contract to a strong company that already has 12 producing wells. They have agreed to pay all expense of drilling and deliver part of the oil to me for the use of the land. You may never get another chance like this, so don't fall to at least investigate it. as it offers you a real chance to make one hundred times your original investment. M 852. Oregonian. A BARGAIN In nice clean stock of groceries and confectionery, 3-yr. lease on bldg. 24x60 full basement, four nicely finished liv ing rooms above, cheap rent ; fine fix tures, Incl. soda fountain, milk shaker, comp. scales, etc. Will Invoice stock at present prices; stock will Invoice ap proximately $250O, fixtures only $600; might give some terms on fixtures. It will pay you to see this. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. IF YOU want a quick business snap for $350 cash, run down to Oregon City Monday at 407 Main st., adjoining best hotel, cars pass our door. We offer established razor-sharpening business with power machine and sidelines: have jgood clean store with show window and room for other lines If desired ; rent only $25 a month: hundreds from woolen and paper mills oass the door; best pay roll town. Call Monday or write K. 858. Oregonian. SPECIAL. ' GARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP. HALF INTEREST in building, tools, gas tank, pump, all accessories. 3-year lease on grounds at $10 per month; comer location on cross highways, near city limits. , Price for quick action $550. MARSH & McCABE CO-Realtors. 322-24 Falling Bldg. Mar. 3993. FOR SALE GROCERY AND BAKERY. A good stock of groceries, queens ware and bakery in connection: this Is one of the best businesses in the Wil lamette valley; sales average $70,000 per year: stock and fixtures will Invoice about $12.001) ; this is a real bargain and a good business; business is offered for sale to close an estate. For par ticulars address Box 245. Albany. Or. COMPLETELY equipped hardwood saw mill for sale, 10,000 capacity, includes rights to several million feet maple, ash and Myrtle timber, dry kilns and com plete logging gear, band rig; mill near Myrtle Point, Or. Have contract for good portion of output to yield nice profit. Phone, wire or write N. E. Jones, Guerin hotel, Myrtle Point, for complete Information. GARAGE AND SHOP. 60x100 CEMENT BUILDING. Located in fine suburban location; about enough storage to pay the over head expense; one of the best equipped shops in the city; 4-year lease at $125 per month: price $4000. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. SO9-10 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. WILL Eell restaurant at your own offer if you are good honest judge. Very good place for right kind of manager. I bought It through circumstances and not knowing anything about the busi ness It does not go. Am compelled to dispose at once. Cost me $1300, $300 mortgage. Give me a reasonable offer and take it over. BJ 865, Oregonian. A PRACTICAL poultry and egg man wants partner with or without employment to take over a large going business, now clearing over 20 per cent. Will require investment of $10.O00. part cash, and Portland property. Subscriber wilt invest $5000 and manage a successful business; inventory over $25,000, real and per sonal. BC 811. Oregonian. RESTAURANT SNAP. Downtown restaurant, fine location In the business district, best equipped in the city; good lease: seats 150; lunch counter and tables; doing a business of $350 a day; nets $1000 a month. Price $7000. Some terms. See Mr. Tice, PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS. 714 Couch Bldg I WANT A BUSINESS OR GARAGE, either In or out of Portland; will apply a splendid 8-acre property on Col. river near Portland. with bldgs. and wharves, suitable for industrial establishment, cost me $14,000; will assume: may con sider Portland home. McCord, with O. H. SKOTHEIM CO.. realtors. 408-11 Couch bldg. Main 1575. LARGE manufacturing corporation wants capable men to open branch office and manage salesmen : $300 upward neces sary; handle your own money: exclusive rights; patented article; money-making possibilities unlimited; will pay expenses to Baltimore if vou qualify. Address sec retary, 03 N. Eutaw st.. Baltimore. Md. SMALL RESTAURANT. WEST SIDE PRICE $600. Owner leaving the city at once and wishes to sell; doing a good business and in good location. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 5Q9-1Q Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. SHOE SHINING PARLOR. Shine stand In the best location in the city; long lease; doing a big busi ness and growing every- day. Pries $2400. See Mr. Ti ce. PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS. 714 Couch Bldg. CONFECTIONERY, etc.. with it goes lease on store and apartments, that nets holder $80 to $100 monthly; doing nice busi ness and a good place to live. Stock fixtures and all $2100. BORLAND & PARSONS. 303 Stock Bxchg. Auto. 529-04. A PARTNER WANTED. Wood and coal, feed, building ma terial, etc.; a growing business- and profitable: need help of steady man; $2000 required, which will be used in the business. Call Room 401. Dekum bldg. DANDY LITTLE RESTAURANT. OUTSIDE TO WIS. This is a real restaurant, where you have all the business you can handle. Price only $1200. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG.. 3D & ALDER. BARBER SHOP. 4 chairs, completely equipped, and small cigar stand, positively doing the best business on this street; owner going east; price $1400. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. MANUFACTURING business, established by man with 10 years' experience and good record, desires partner, $3000 to $5000 to handle office and sales. Will show good profits and safe investment to right man. Give phone, AL 750, Oregonian. BOX FACTORY 50 miles from Portland, in live town, doing good business, wants man with sales and business experience to Invest $20OO with services. Will pay salary and show good returns on In vestment. S 691. Oregonian. NOTICE. Are you about to purchase the fur nishings of a hotel, rooming or apart ment house? If so, get the real value by an expert furniture and carpet appraiser. Fees reasonaoie. rnone jiq-w- FOR SALE Stock of general mdse.. In voice about $3500, country store, about 15 miles from city ' on paved highway; po-stoffice In connection; 2 living rooms; rent, of store, fixtures and living rooms. $25 month. AE S40, oregonian. FOR SALE Well equipped west side cleaning, pressing . and dressmaking , shop, rent $25, with lease. Doing good business now; $150 cash, bal. like rent. Call at 155 13th st. WILL lease, sell or take half interest in best location on, best equipped place for handling wood. coal, hay, grain and building material in southeast Portland. Owner. 619-84. RESTAURANT partner; want man or woman, capaoie or taKing iuu cnarge of fine downtown restaurant: must know business; $2200 required. C 897, Orego- nlan. ROTARY BAKERY AND LUNCH. Doing $75 dally, cheap rent, fine loca tion; $2500 cash handles. SIMMS. 610 Henry BMg. NEW AND second-hand men's clothing, furnishings, shoes, suitcases, trunks, etc. A bargain; cheap rent. E 895. Ore gonian. I HAVE valuable concession, too much for one man to handle; If you have $500 to $1000 and can take active part, see G. F. Durst, 406 McKay bldg. CORPORATION has splendid opportunity for man who has $250 to invest, with out services; returns unusual !y large, amply secured. L 8itS. Oregonian. RESTAURANT CHEAP. $500 BUYS GOOD RESTAURANT. 293 V- N-- 16TH ST., COR. PETTY GROVE. BARGAIN. MOVING PICTURE. $6000. In good Oregon town, fully equipped and cooled. Own-r retiring account neaitn. a v mi. vreginuiin. DINING ROOM In high-class, west side residential hotel. serve 2 meals day. f ine place tur iauy , m uauuic. RESTAURANT, west side location, lease; best of equipment; a real place and the right price. $1750 will handle; balance out of business. i- vm. oregonian FOR SALE Shooting gallery, soft drink and card room, good location, rent reas onable, special reason for selling, reason, able offer accepted. 26 N. 6th st. $300 MONTHLY net; does this interest you? If so buy this boarding house ; low rent, lease, $1300; part terms. J. Eugene Hedges, realtor, -01 W. Park. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUTCHER SHOPS. SOME REAL BARGAINS. $1100 Fine suburban location; in thickly settled residence district; no competition. $2000 Old established business; present owner there 12 years; in good business district. $1400 Located in outside town of about 2300 people; cost $4600 to fit this up several years ago; does his own butchering. Mr. Bargain m Hunter, here is a REAL buy. $5500 Located in one of the best towns in the Willamette valley; first class equipment and doing $5onO business per month; price $5500; $3230 cash, balance mortgage, DUDREY lN'VESTMKXT rh 509-10 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. SOME GOOD RESTAURANT BUYS. In .business district, $2750; terms; doing big business; cost to equip over $5000; good lease; can clear $600 to $1000 per month. One on 1st St., at very low figure, easy terms: man is worn out and must sell. Newly equipped place in business dis trict for sale at half its value and on easy terms. Other in all parts of city. Get in my automobile and 111 show you. JOHN W. GREENE, with BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Bldg. INVESTIGATE THIS. If you axe looking for a good business, this lady has a patent right for sale on a perfect machine; our experimental work is done; if manufacturers, bring big profit; great demand for them; does not take much capital to start it; will trade for land or city property; a per fect machine goes with the business and all patterns; come out and see it work. Mount Scott car to Arleta station, 1 block south: 4S23 65th St., S. E. VULCANIZING. S DANDY GOOD BUYS. $1000. $1300. $2200. All of these are in first-class locations, doing good business. REAL buys for the price. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. S09-10 PANAMA BLDG.. 3D & ALDER. CLEANING, pressing parlor. Wash. st. lo cation; all equipment; 1 6-A Hoffman press, degks, choice carpets, electric fix tures, etc; 2 living rooms partly fur nished ; rent only $45 with lease. In voice more than price asked. Location o. k. for any business. Opportunity for man and wife. Owner leaving city. In quire for Ransom, 409-410 Couch bid?. Main 1575. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT LUNCH. PRICE $1350. CASH $700. Good building, complete fountain fine fixtures. large living room in re&r; email candy-making outfit, good work room; rent $30; good location; stock of candy and light groceries. MRS. SNOW. Bdwy. 4604. COUNTRY HOTEL AND TRUCK ROUTE. Here is a chance for man and wife. 12-room hotel in a good valley town and a truck route to Portland. If you are looking for a paying business and have $5000 cash, see Mr. Tice, PACIFIC HOTEL NEWS. 714 Couch Bldg. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY. TWO LIVING ROOMS RENT $40. Fine suburban location, on corner; very nice clean place that has been established for years; good equipment and clean stock ; price $1550. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. GROCERY DOING $70 DAILY. Clean as a whistle, brick bldg., llying rooms. RENT ONLY $7 MONTH. No -mistake SEVEN DOLLARS. Invoice Price $1700. SIMMS, 610 Henry bldg. RESTAURANT SACRIFICE. COST $3000. PRICE $900. Mr. Bargain Hunter, you will have to hurry to get this. Well equipped res taurant, located in fine business center, for 3U cents on the dollar. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG.. 3D & ALDER. $60 PER WEEK CLEAR. An old-established business, fine west side looatlon; cheap rent and lease; good clean work, easy to learn; this is a real chance for a good live man to be inde pendent and make big money; $!KiO cash; will invoice $1300; good reason for selling. Call at 690 Washington, today. CORNER GROCERY. 5 Living Rooms Located in good district and clearing an average of about $200 per month. Rent $25. Price only $1300. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG., 3D & ALDER. RESTAURANT in one of the best loca tions in Centralia ; no opposition In the district; first-class fixtures; seating ca pacity 60; 12-chair counter, 6 booths; a paying business ; August rent paid ; $1050; $1000 cash, bal. $50 monthly. Ap ply room I, Hotel Belmont, Centralia. CLEANING AND PRESSING. Fine west side location; has Hoffman .press, counters, showcase and some fur niture; two living rooms: rent - $45; clears $50 per week; price $100o. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. WOULD you be Interested in a store 20x20 in the best day and night location in Portland, suitable for confectionery, hab erdashery, jewelry ? Principals only. E 8S6. Oregonian. Business Opportunities "Wanted. A CASH BUYER. To sell your business quickly, quietly and without publicity, see or write PIONEER BUSINESS AGENCY. INC. 401-402 Dekum Bldg. WANTED To rent equipped garage with storage capacity of 30 or more cars, in good live town, or in good residential district by 3 A-l experts: want option to buy; give particulars first letter. 1061 East Seventh st. North; WANT APARTMENT HOUSE. 10 to IS apartments; can pay all cash, west side or east side; I will buy direct from owner only; absolutely no agents; please answer at once. K. 857, Orego nian. " WOULD like to meet party with $2000 or $2500 and will equal the same amount tc go in partnership, or will Inveet $2000 with services; money for expansion: age 35. T S43. Oregonian. BAKERY wanted in town of 1500. Union, Or., and restaurant equipped, to lease or rent at $25 per month; large dining room and kitchen. P. H. Stack, owner. Union. Or. I HAVE business experience, selling ability and some capital; want to invest all to best advantage. What have you to of fer? Address J gifa. oregonian. SMALL APARTMENT HOUSE WANTED. Close In on west side: will trade lots on Council Crest and pay cash differ ence 1305N:BajlKJmg WOULO like to care for apartment house for apartment rent, with wage, by ex perienced party. Reference given. D S7o, uregonian. BUSINESS man of means desiring to lo cate in Portland wishes to invest $50,000 to $100,000 with services in established substantial concern; give details In strict confidence. AV 33. oregonian. HAVE $3000 to invest In some established business where services with experience tn offices and sales work. AM 750, Oregonian. WE H AVE buyers for small grocery stores with living , rooms; agents may answer. Walter Thoroughman, Main 7540. . WANTED Billiard hall and confection ery; good country town preferred; must be making money; information in first letter. AH 8a, oregonian. I HAVE $500 to $1000 to invest with my services in a garage, a wood and coal or any good business. No agents. Address me, J 78. Oregonian. "WANT confectionery and light groceries, near school, with living rooms; trade 1919 six-cylinder auto and cash, or improved 5 acres. Box eu, uregon uy. vr. HOTELS, rooming houses, or any other kind of business to buy or sell, see JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S787. I AM WORKING man. have $500 to in vest that will give me reasonable wage; no objection to hard work. W 694. Ore gonian WANTED A garage or repair shop or tire vulcanizing shop; will pay cash. No agents. Address Q 100, Oregonian. WANT to run a small apt- house for a 4w room partly furnished apt.; best of ref erences. Tabor 5799. WANTED Well equipped dying and clean ing works. Owner please describe equip ment. P. T. AR 861, Oregonian. I WANT from owner, rooming house, 12 to 30 rooms, or grocery store. Give price and location. BC S55, Oregonian. WANTED To buy a modern bottling plant. Portland location preferred. AP 851, Oregonian. 7-PASSENGER car, been used very little, to trade for grocery. Will pay sHtfac ence in cash. Tabor 3919. I HAVE several amounts on hand for mortgage loans from $500 and up. . C. J. Johnson. 313 Henry bldg. ROOMING house, 12 to 30 rooms, or grocery store wanted direct, from owner. BC 856. Oregonian. WANTED Modern apt. house, about 35 rooms, good condition. AF 852, Orego nian. WANTED Cleaning, pressing shop or men's second-hand clothing store. Must ' be good location. AG 838. Oregonian. SUBURBAN picture snow wanted; give full particulars, ii w. ryier, at. Johns. WI LL buy control in country bank, WIN la mette vaiiey. .vi ,ti. uregonian. WANTED To rent small meat market with fixtures. D 842. Oregonian. $oo0 WITH services for legitimate busi ness. AL 866. Qregonlnn. WANT grocery or confectionery, with liv ing rooms, ilain 7540. (