TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 31, 1921 REAL. ESTATE. For Sale House. 5-ROOM bungalow, modern in every re spect; for quick sale $2500, $1o00 cash, will take mortgage for balance. AP 822, Oregon tan. KKA L ESTATE salesman wanted by es tablished realtors; must be hustler, with -1 relt-rentes. AC b-n, Uregonian. SNAP Good 8-room house, furnished, fully equipped shop in basement; close in; $."Vmmi. By owner. East 7036. 23 Y OWXER, 7-room 2-story bungalow, lot -Klxnm; modern; a real home ::; terms. 5 1 35 Woodstockave. Main 4245. fcUNXI ILi3 5-room cottage, corner Jot, fruit trees, close in, fine location. $2750. ea,sy terms. Tabor 804. M ain 48 03. HOSE CITY PARK. Thoroughly modern bungalow. Call at 605 East 54th st. N. ' ALMOST new, beautiful li-room bungalow; a sacrifice at $520(1, $500 down. No agents. "Woodlawn 4563. $3000 5-ROOM modern house, -North. Main 4780. $1350 HOUSE, la Rose City car. lot. 614 72d Korth. Suburban Homes. $650 BUYS a 2-room house with small basement; has Bull Run water, electricity; lot 50x140, overlooking the Tualatin valley; vonoenui view ; easy terms. $2850 buys a beautiful little home on Capital highway, close to Mult nomah station; house is new and modern; ground is over quarter of an acre ; $5o0 down and easy terms on balance. $3000 buys a 5-room house with large tract of ground, 200x150 feet, nearly an acre ; has a wonderful lookout over the Tualatin valley; terms $008 cash and $30 a month, including interest. $3500 buys a thoroughly modern 6-roora home close to Multnomah station on improved county boulevard; alt kinds of fruit, berries, grapes and flowers; party must sell and has reduced the price from $4000. $4000 buys a piece of ground in Hillvale tracts, with modern bungalow; one of the show places of this district; the very finest in horticultural de velopment; easy terms. $4250 buys a new modern bungalow in Buckingham Heights, with two large sightly lots; an up-to-the-minute home, which party built for a permanent residence; com pelled to sell on account -of change in business; terms. $8000 takes a large modern bungalow suitable for sanitarium, clubhouse or large private family; acres of choice sightly ground close to Multnomah station; on terms to suit. The foregoing are all good buys some Of them snaps. They are all within easy reach of Multnomah station on the Oregon Electric. 20 minutes from the center of the city of Portland by fine electric service or 15 minutes over the Terwilliger blvd. by auto. 1 have a great deal of property in and about Mult nomah, as 1 specialize in this district. Mr. Rogers has charge of my local office at Multnomah station. You can find him at all times ready to show you over the district. To make appoint ments with him, call Main 3439. BEN RIESLAXD, Exclusive Dealer in West Side Subdivision Property, 404 Piatt Bldg.. 127 Park St. Main 8S0, MULTNOMAH SNAPS. $2700 for the biggest snap around Multnomah. Magnificent view property; ne-third acre with 4-room furnished bungalow. If this place is sold before Monday evening we will throw in a fine G-cyl. auto. We want to move fast. This is a $4500 proposition! for $2700; 750 cash will handle. Phone now. Main 8220 or Main 0318. 4-acre sacrifice. Just beyond Mult nomah station on hard surface road ; beautiful 4-acre tract with fairly mod ern 5-room home and good out buildings. The ground alone is worth about $0000. But listen, we will sacrifice this whole tract to the first buyer who can show us $1000 cash at a price of only $4000 for the whole works. Come and flee us if you really want a snap and are in a position to buy. No trades, no maybe propositions considered. Vacant acre snap. Fronts on hard surface road just beyond Multnomah, line view, all cultivated; worth $3U00 according to adjoining values. Owner will sacrifice for $15oo all cash, or $lsou on easy terms. Price goes to $2250 aftr tiiis week. Listen ! We have some wonderful buva in this fast erowing west sido dis trict. Any kind of a place you want from t to 20 acres on pavetL nigQWi Let us tell you more about thulu uu jot own terms. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington Hi.., near Second. Main O or Main 11316. 2 ACRES 2 ACREd. MODERN SUBURBAN HUME. 7 rooms and bath; Kaa, electricity, Water, oaaenieut, lurna.ee; 2U0 leet froir "VV tiittoru station uu Oregon Electric ai Portland Golf club grounds; only 7 miles from Portland postultice; ground all in . cultivation; fine garden; fine stream ot water crosses laud; lots ot raspberries, blackberries, stiawoerries, gooseberries, loganberries, blackcaps, cun ants : tine chicken house; garage; fine yard, roses and shrubs. Tuis is an ideal, alrictly modern country home, only a tew min utes from Portland eitner by electric train or auto and terms to suit our own convenience may oe arranged; uu mediate possession. WAKtl-'lbLU, FRIES & CO., .REALTORS. 85 Fourth St. Broadway 2080. MULTNOMAH BAKU AIMS. Two aandy lots. 75 It. off tne highway, 10o ft. on Primrose st., wiLh a nice lime 3 -room house; $10uu; gas. water and electric lights in; $2o0 will handle. acre of fruit, berries and nuts; a lovely garden spot and j-room bungalow, 2 'bloctis from depot. A special price wli be made if sola today. A big half acre and 4-room bungalow a beautiful home; cobblestone fireplace, 3 biKs. Horn depot on good roau; vju. See tnls. See or call Main 1003. sih.L iioHiv e, Munn o man. Or. OREGON CI TV HIGHWAY. 8 acres ri&nt ou the highway this side of the Clackamas. A line large . tioine, with city water, barn, garage and uh.ck tn-house. Urcha.ru. of o trees in bear ins; berries o all kindjs; a good horse and farm tools. Wh pay $loo0 an acre when you can buy this piace lor $Cw; $JOH will handle. Mr. Hinkie, with JOHN K. HOWARD (REALTOR), 31 S Chamber oZ Commerce. ATTRACTIVE SUBURBAN BUNGALOW. Price $3500. Five rooms, bath and sleeping porch. Bull Run water, gas.heat anu lights; 13 to 4 aerea in choice "variety of wuit ano grapes; garage; threw minutes' walk. W Oregon Electric. AiKS, SNOW, Broadway 4604. look: what we have for $1000. Quarter acre, just outside city limits; good 5-room house with electricity and Bull Run water; three blocks from, car; a bargain with GOOD XhKiii. Ask lor F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Main 106S. 3d St., Between Washington and StarK. 2s EW STORE building, 3 living rooms. garage and storehouse ; acre of ground, on paved road, just outline city limits; grocery stock, gasoline pump and tank; building and fixtures $4uo0. stock at invoice; 25u0 handles; good com munity, doing a good business. A. J. DeKuRES'f fc CO.. Realtors, 3-0 Henry Bl d g. Broadway 550 0 . A HOME. FOR $SUU. Well constructed 3 -room cottage, with good foundation, sleeping, porch, Dutch kitchen, garage; on-iourth acre of land; he car lare; EASY TERMS. Ask. lor F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington BUlg. Main 1068. 3d' St., iU tween Washington and Stark. 3 ACRES and 7-room home on Pacific highway, spi-endidiy situated for small garage, store and stopping place. Tnis is an A-l proposition. Taltt it over with RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS. Sill Chamber of Commerce. Main 5J24. iiKA It O a p i t o4 high wa y l-ars:e tract of K round with 4-room buiwalow. Price 14tH. $74H cash; balance easy terms. For particu-lars see Mr. Rogers at our Multnomah office on the bivd. Ben Kiesland. 404 Piatt bldg. 127 Park st. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near car line. ! from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of , Kisie y stat on, on Oregon City carllne. $150t CLASSY new bungalow with lOOx 120 lot; water and lights; Sc fare: M 5 in the first payment. Come see it. Own er. Concord bid?.. 2d and Stark sts. J"lJi,"K GOOD 5-room house with one acre land near station - on Estacada line; 4550 down and f!5 per month. . Come to Stanley Station; ask for Miller. Sell. 1714. $11 75 N E VV SUBURB AN B U NO A LO W, I a rge lot. water. 1 i g h-t s, sh ad-e : Oc fa re. Monthly payments $25. McClure, 5oO Concord bldg. 2s E W B U N G ALOW a! station. Oregon Electric: 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen, com bination dining and living room; 1 acre ground. S. L. N. Oilman. - Main 84 80. $1.HH, $250 CASH, buys one acre with 3-room house; 75 young fruit trees, ber ries; end of Gates road, at Foster road. Phone Tabor &S04. Hall. A BARGAIN and on very easy terms; 6 room modern house and 1 acre of good soil; owner. Automatic 626-47. BARGAIN Fine cultivated acre, modern bungalow, city water, telephone, Sc car. Tabor 40SS. MT. TABUH 4 acre. Hawthorne car; oungaiow, sruii saxuen. xaoor REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. $2500 RYAN STATION, 6 -room cottage; combination living room and dining room. 3 bedrooms and k itchen all on one floor; gas. city water, city carfare, garage, phone; one full acre choice orchard with 13 full bearing cherry trees. berries, flowers: built back about 10O feet from a good stone road, showing a yard which is sheltered in the cool shade of beautiful trees. Cash $i00, balance $20 per month. $3000 HUBER STATION, near Beaver ton; 2 acres in a Yiigh state of cultivation; 4-room plastered house, gas, city water; bam. chicken house, fruit and berries; only 0 minutes' walk to station. Cash $500, balance $25 per month. $3600 ALOHA STATION, a few miles west of Beaverton. 5 acres and a 5-room bungalow, almost new ; fine chicken house, woodshed, fruit trees and berries. Casn $1000, balance $30 per month. $4000 BKAVERTON DISTRICT $4000. Five choice acres. 6-room California mission bungalow, bath, with best white enamel plumbing, brick fireplace, plas tered ; combination living room and din ing, semi-Dutch kitchen, gas, city water, wired for electricity; modern chicken house. Located on a well-built stone road close to-station. Cash $1000. bal ance $25 per month. If you want a choice 5-acre tract that is selling below cost be sure to see this. $4000 ST. MARY'S STATION $4000. 3 ls acres. 7-room house. semi-Dutch kitchen, bath with first-class plumbing, septic tank, aa, garage, woodshed, family orchard full bearing: fuel wood can be obtained close by very cheap; also 4 acres in pasture adjoins: a-bout 25 minutes' drive to Portland. 12 min utes' walk to station. Cash $1000, bal ance easy terms. Do you want a suburban home? "We have some of the best to select from. Ve give you the advantage of 15 years' experience and advise you -against those who wish to speculate and will assist you with those who are anxious to sell. M. E. DeJOICE COMPANY. 221 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1631. YOUR RENT WILL BUY IT. WEST HAMPTON. (At Woodrow Station.) TWENTY MINUTES OUT BY FOURTH-STREET ELECTRIC. COM MUTATION FARE 8 CENTS. ONE-FOURTH ACRES $250 TO $500 ONLY A FEW OF FORMER LEFT CHOICE SUBURBAN LOCALITY BULL RUN WATER. NO CITY TAXES NO CITY RE STRICTIONS. ONE 4-ROOM BUNGALOW MODERN WITH GROUND 150x145 FT. FOR SALE. WE WILL CONTRACT .AND BUILD TO YOUR PLANS. TO DRIVE OUT TAKE TERWILLI GER BOULEVARD AND BEAVERTON ROAD TO FAIRVALE STORE. THENCE SOUTH TO CAMERON ROAD. AGENT ON TRACT DAILY 10 A. M. TO 4 P. M. CITY OFFICE. 700 GASCO BLDG. PHONE AUTO. 527-31. J. D. HANLEY. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME. We offer for sale the combined sub urban home and small farm known as t he Berryhill farm, located between Gresham and Base Line road : unex celled view of Mt. Hood and surround ing district. The land is of the best soil, all under cultivation, having family orcnara ana o acres raspberries; beau tiful 8-room house, full basement, fur nace, large pleasant porches, bath toilet, two sleeping porches, electricity, gas, fine pressure water system, water piped to ail buildings and hoe houses. barn has concrete basement and place ior -u cows; Duilrtines all of verv best construction throughout : built for home oniy. x ou must see this pronerty realize its many advantages for home ana income; price 2 1,000, .oo cash. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. R I TT E R . LOW E & CO. . 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. P. 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $25 AN ACRR An TTP. $10 down and S3 oer month biivs a five-acre tract In this addition of 800 acres; down the Columbia river, on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transpoi tatton, railroad, river, auo stage and truck; beautiful lying land, free from rock and gravel; some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with rtreams. fine location for chickens, dairy, beires, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DEFEL, SIS Railway Exchange Bldg. $2500 $500 CASH rage: 50x100. -room, basement, ga- $3700 $700 cash 7-room. basement; acre. barn. $4000 $.100 cash 6-room. modern ex cept furnace; basement; acre, fruit, berries, garden. $5500 2 acres, 6-room house, base ment, barn, chicken house, fruit, berries; half cash. . All of above have city water, lights, close to car and school. - less than one mile from city limits. Mr. Hare, with A. J. De FOREST & CO.. Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. 4-ROOM PLASTERED HOUSE WITH BATH AT TIGARD 34 acres, all In garden and fruit; chicken-house. $3600. TERMS. GEO. E. ENGLISH ART CO., Broadway 5173 624 Henry Bldg. OUT 11 MINUTES from heart of city at Ryan Place. I have an 8-room house, basement, electricity. Bull Run water, gas, close to station and public and Catholic school, 3 full lots, shade trees, fruit, berries, garden; a sightly location, an ideal home for children; non-resident doctor .says sell. If you have $2500 r;uh I can give you a bargain. Mr. Hre. with A. J. De FOREST & CO.. Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. Beaverton. or., box 5ei. a 4-room house and 3 lots for sale: electric lights. city water and gas. good garden on lots, best of soil; price $2000. cash $4m, bal ance $20 month, pays interest and all; interest 0 per cent. This place is a bargain, handy to highway and trains. Answer by letter. No realtors. Catholic or public schools handy. FORCED TO SELL. 10 acres, all in cultivation, on fine rock road 1 mile from Hillsboro; owner up against it and for quick action offers tnis oeautirui tract ror l Adjoin ing tracts are held at $250 per acre and up. $t50 will handle. O. B. RIPPEY. CI 0-11 McKay Bldg. Third and Stark. Main 0220. SUBURBAN HOME BARGAIN. Half acre at Milwaukie. all in cult. lots of fruit; good 6-room plastered house, barn, chicken house, etc.; J.vu, very easy terms. House alone worth more than price. Tallmadge Realty Co., BIO Henry bldg. A NICE home, five-room plastered house. ncre of land all in vegetables, fruit trees, all kinds of berries, chicken houses and chickens, on Johnson creek, near Errol station: electric lights, gas and water. A. Buchel, route 2, box 203A Milwaukie. Cr. BY OWNER, 5-room modern bungalow, a!I modern conveniences: basement. furnace, fireplace. Dutch kitchen,, fruit trees and approximately y acre. Small payment down, balance like rent, 204 Henry bldg. Call Main 7115. ONE ACRE, fenced; 4-room house, fruit cellar, chicken house, fine garden, fruit and berries, creek; on good road. 5 min utes' walk to station: 22 minutes out on Oregon Electric. Terms, or very cheap ior ca;n. .MitFnn. Jieizper, ur. FOR SALE One acre. $000; house, chick en house, fruit: Courtnev station flriBnn City electric railroad, east to Oat held road., south one block. thn east on Pine hurst road. Milwaukie. Or., Route 1. box l'jj. ACRES and 7-room home on Pacific highway, splendidly situated for small ganige. store and stopping place. This Is an A-l proposition. Talk it over with RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS. Sir. Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. LISTEN LISTEN. 4 H acres. 2 acre berries and other fruit: small cottage, lots of shade, good birn. hard road, close to car; $::roo, easv. 61 5 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BY OWNER. 7-room house, close to depot, 53 miles out on O. E. : ptrictly modern and all city conveniences. Am sacri ficing on this. Call Main 7115, or see me at 204 Henry bldg. "OK SALE By owner, 4-room nouse near Multnomah station: water, gas and elec tricity. Price $2450: $20O down, balance e:sv terms. Call after 6 P. M , Main 5020. . $ 1 tion 2- ROO M house on i acre in gar den ana irun trees, plastered and neat lv finished. 2 blocks from school, rea sonable terms. Mrs. O. Neilsen, Multno mah Station. FOR SALE, by owner, approximately acre tracts only 5 S mt.es out, close to station on O. E. Small payment down, balance $15 per month and interest. 24)4 Henry bldg.. or call Main 71 1 5. OSWEGO LAKE shore frontage, big lot. 17.340 square feet; $9V. Monthly pay ments $15. Ask for McClure, 5H Con cord bldg. BEAUTIFUL natural park of 30 acres, large creek and springs, electric station on grounds, near city, $15,000. AH 79G, Oresionlan. 4-ROOM house, garage, chicken house; almost new; acre of ground, fruit trees. By owner. Call 400 E. Morrison St. $25 DOWN 1 acres, good soil ; level ; near station, for $500. See it . Ask for McClure, 5O0 Concord bld REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. Over 2 acres, between Portland and Beaverton, 14 miles from electric sta tion, hk mile to school; good bearing orchard, H acre logarvberries. Oreelt on place. - Fine black loam soil : good 4 room, plaster board house with some .plumbing; Portland gas: chicken-house and runways. Price $2500 with chickens and garden tools. Easy terms. ACRE TRACTS, NEAR MULTNOMAH. On macadamized road; best of soil; no rock nor gravel; very close to elec tric line; 0c commutation fare; city water, gas and electric lights. Nice sightly ground. Price $700 per acre and up: very easy terms. Or will seil half acre tractsx Mr. Kemp. 150 FEET FROM PAVEMENT. 6 lots, nearly acre, about 4 blocks from station near 82d street. 5-room house with gas and gas lights. 25 bear ing fruit trees, lots of berries. Garage, chicken-house and chicken runways, work shop, etc. Offered at bargain on very easy terms. The grounds at this piace are especia-lly attractive. Prop erty inspected by Hunter. FRUIT TREES AND BERRIES. Acre tracts, on paved street with im provements paid. Every kind of fruit and berries: Alberta district; city con veniences; $20O cash, balance easy terms at 6 per cent. Also acre tracts on ma- cadamized road for $100 cash, balance 6 per cent. Half-acre tracts also in fruit. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 5O0 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. SUBURBAN HOMES. One of the most desirable sub urban homes on the Oregon City car line ; 5-room strictly modern bungalow with acre of fine soil, near Glen Echo station. Full basement, fireplace, electricity, gas. city water, bath, toilet, beau tiful lawn, shrubbery and native trees, fine garden. Fronts right on the Oregon City car line. You should see this. Price $5500; terms. One acre at Jennings Lodge with 6-room plastered bungalow, full basement, electric lights, gas, screened porches, garage, chicken house and park ; fruit, berries. Two blocks to Oregon City car line; same to paved highway and good school. This is priced low at $3S00; terms. We have the finest acre on the River Road fobuilding site, paved road two sides; one block to sta tion, beautiful view. All cleared and in cultivation. Price $1500; terms. FREYT AG-MEEDS CO., GLADSTONE.. OREGON. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. PHONE OREGON CITY 260J. COUNTRY HOME'S. 3 acres, 4-room house, with 8 cords of wood, 50 chickens, 5 geese, 1 cow and calf, including 4 tons of hay, $3100; half cash. CHICKEN RANCH. 1 acres with all kinds of fruit; has a good well and spring water piped into the house. Has room for 500 chickens. Price $4200, half cash. I have other fine homes from 1 to 5 acres. Inquire, MRS. F. M. YOUNG, third house north Risley station, Ore- gon City car line. BEAUTIFUL CLACKAMAS RIVER. acre, right on the Clackamas and Pacific highway, cosy 7-room bungalow with wonderful living room JRx30 over looking the river. Spacious porch, fur nace, electric lights, city water, laundtry trays, bath, concrete basement, garage; beach for bathing; large family orchard, berries and beautiful native trees. Price $4540 more land if desired. Mr. Hinkie, with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR). :tlS Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL HOME ON O. C. LINE. See this fine suburban home on high way ; 7-room modern bungalow with every convenience dear to a woman's heart, furnace, fireplace, full concrete basement, French doors and windows: this HIGH-CLASS HOME IS PRICED AT $54100 FOR QUICK SALE; TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg." Main 1008. 3d St.. Between Washington and Stark. SUBURBAN SPECIAL. 1 acres. 1 acre in fruit and berries. H acre potatoes, garden ; chicken house for 200. garage, modern 5-room bunsra- low. full basement, flreolace. citv water and lights. Price reduced from $5500 to $4800 for quick sale; $1400 cash, bal ance $20 monthly, interest 6 per cent, paid semi-annually. Part of furniture and chickens for sale. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFOREST & CO., Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. PARK ROSE ACREAGE. 1 acre just off Sandy road with a most wonderful view of the mountains and surrounding country. Fine 0-room home with large living room, full base ment, number of bu Sit-ins, city water and gas furnace. Grounds in cultiva tion and beautifully kept; 20 fruit trees, all kinds of berries; 3 blocks to car. Mr. Hinkie, with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR), 318 Chamber of Commerce. THREE-ACRE SNAP. $500 DOWN $500. Three big acres, with good family orchard and berries: substantial 5-room house: tbis is at the city limits, two blocks from highway and five miles from Portland postoffice; ONLY $2500 EASY TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1008. 3d St.. Between Washington and Stark. COUNTRY HOM $25,000 Modern country home, 21 acres, 2 miles east city limits; modern buildings. $25,000 Country home on Sandy river and paved highway. $6000 Country home on paved high way and electric station, lO miles eait of city ; garden land, fruit and berries. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henrv bldg. DANDY HOME OF 2 ACRES. Good plastered house, barn, poultry house for 500 chickens. 8 apple trees, 4 cherries, 3 plums, 2 pears, - all in bearing; also young orchard set out, 24 grapes and all kinds of berries; large family garden, 33 chickens; all for $2000; $1200 cash, balance S years at 6 per cent. STEWART & JOHNSON, 31 5 Northwestern Bank Bide-. N E" WB E RG HIGH W A Y acre, just beyond Multnomah and within stone's throw of highway. A good 5-room house; extra large chiclcen house and store-room. Alt in cultivation and well kept. Lots of flowers; berries of all kinds and large garden. Onlv $1800; $.V0 will handie. Easv pavments. JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR), 318 Chamber of Commerce. A BEAUTY FOR $2950. 4-room bungalow, with tiled fireplace concrete basement, tiled bathroom with best of fixtures; fine view property; one-iourtn acre with rrutt and berries: TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with l-KA.MV Ij. MCUU1H t. . 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. 3d St.. Between Washington and Stark. OSWEGO LAKE. New tract being offered. Large home- sites with piped water, electric lights, rocked roads, sprintr brook, beautiful groves, pleasing view; 124c fare, low In price, easy terms. Ride out with us and look it over. Owners. 500 Concord bid 2d and Stark. FOR SALE Beautiful new country home, six acres, equipped for chicken ranch: all cultivation, fine soil; S-room modern house, finished throughout old ivorv. bath, gas, city water, bui It-ins; ouarter mile from station and highway. Broad way 2018. BARGAIN Large, new. well-built bun galow, not quite finished, to be moved off present lot. Price very low and plenty of vacant acres near. On paved road near city. Get a nice" suburban home at a big savlnsr. Wdln. 50S busi- ness hours, or Tab. t3 evenings. NEW BUNGALOW. $1275. Full acre with new 3-room bungalow. painted and tinted, electric lights, shade trees, close to station; terms- almost like rent. See owner. arOO Concord bldg., and Stark sts. BY OWNER 7-room bungalow-type, ivory enamei inrougnum ; every convenience, including garage and artistic fence: oer- feet condition ; Rose City Park. Jabor 744 i. For Sale BuninesH Property. lSr INCOME. 6000 RENTS $75 MO.. $!W0 YEAR. Corner 2-story bldg., 2 stores and 4 3-room apts. On Albina ave. car line, A home and Investment. Chas. Ringler & Co.. 225 Henry Bld. FOR SALE Best corner block, pleasant location, southeast Portland; corner where new Foster road comes into Powell Valley road; will sell reasonably or on reasonable terms. Oil station or garage. Owner. 610 S4th. 5OO0 SQ. FT. SPACE. To lease, A-l location. 2d floor, corner, very light, elevator, trackage; low Insurance, rate: price reasonale. SMITH-WAGON ER Co.. Stock Exch CAN'T BE BEAT INVESTIGATE. Business corner, west side, fine In come: price $1 8.0O0 ; half cash, bal. easy. P 638, Oregon ian. REAL ESTATE. For Sale; Acreage. BETTER buy now; study this list. 5 fine acres near Base Line road, in brush, price $15dO, $350 cash payment 3 beautiful acres near Tualatin, in brush, to close en estate. $90O cash. 5 acres, small brush, fine soil, near electric sta tion, west of Beaverton, $1500, half cash, lo acres, something fine, near Lents, graveled road, portion cleared, brush, etc., price $1200. $soo cash. 10 fine acrs. cost owners $2500, yours for $1000 cash. Pretty acres, lot of fruit trees, and brush, 2 miles stores and R. R. sta tion. 6 acres very fine timber, finesoil, very close in, for $650 cash. In beauti . fui section of country, near Hillsboro, 20 beautiful acres, owner very old, mus-t sacrifice for $204)0; also beautiful 13 acres, some cleared, brush, ever-running stream, close to electric station and highway, marvelous offer, for $1300, $800 cash. We have others.. These are spe cial offers for quick sale. Take your pick. C. L. Becker, 133 H First st. ASCOT ACREAGE. BULL RUN WATER. . 5 PER CENT DOWN. 1 PER CENT PER MONTH. $850 Per acre car line e-tvM thrnnarh tract and ha, nn m 1 1 f mr, la o-o nn "Ptu se Line highway. This property is increas ing rapidly, due to' the amount of homes going up. We will give second mort gage privlledge to responsible person. Gas and electricity available; will drive you out at your leisure. Open every day and evenings. Call Main 5201. BOONE-CLEARWATER, 505-506 Couch Bldg. DIVERSIFIED FARMING PAYS BEST. Tf you are looking for acreage where your investment is secure, don't buv un til you see SUNDERLAND ACRES, at E. 20th st. North and Columbia blvd.; only 4 miles out: 1 to 20-acre tracts; protected river bottom lands: no better sml any place for diversified farming. Choice tracts $400 to $600 an acre. 10 per cent down, balance annual payments. See Naylor. with EL ROD & DRYER. OWNERS. 2S3 Stark St. Broadway 118S. B1ICKI.F.Y A VKXTTR. . One acre near Powell Valley road. in cultivation, house. 12x30 chicken houe, city water, gas and electricity. 1 -r-nce iuuu. win take Ford or cash as urni payment. 15 acres, 14 in cultivation, 6-room noue. oarn. iamiiy orchard, close to elec tric line and highway. To exchange for residence in city, close-in. Will assume. V. acre, 4-room house, large bearing fruit tres. chicken -house, berries, be tween HA and MS car lines; $1750. small cash payment. BTTRKHARDT BUSINESS BTTLDERS. -i.t .r-iatt Hi ft ?. Realtors. Main 7027. THE MONEY YOTT T A v vrwt rcvt will buy a. deed for one acre, where you I ji.rf.ve neann ana ireeaom or coun try life without sacrificing all the ad vantages of the city, in a community whexe every home Is an investment that will rise in value a? the growth of the city rolls eastward, the soil is first-class jrarden land, high and sightly, with iuu nun water, priced at $720. and there Is only one at this price. Easy terms 11 a-esirea. R. H. COXPRET. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO , 2Ql-2-:i-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A MONEY-MAKER. YOU WOODMEN. 10 acres located U, mflen from Tierard. 3 acres in cultivation and gard-en; 2000 errawDerry plants: 3-room house, barn. chicken and cow rhed; 4 acres in heavy timber. A wonderful team of young horses, weight l.WO; Jers-ey cow, lot of I chickens; gasoline drag eaw. wood wagon and rack, feed cutter, cream sep- j prator, and garden tools. All goes for I $2i50O. More heavy timber land if de- I sired. Mr. Winkle, with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR), SIR Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 0 1-3 acres, good modern home, own water system, barn, chicken house and run. about 4000 Everbearing strawberry plants beginning to ripen. full of young fruit and blooms, will bear till frost; 1000 loganberry, 500 raspberry 00 1-year-old walnut trees, also other fruit; running water to irrigate entire place; price $5500, half down, balance 6 rer cent interest. Mrs. A. R. Strachnn route 5, box 17, Hillsboro, Or. (Moffat station, urepon Electric. ) DECLARE YOURSELF INDEPENDENT j of paying rent, and buy 1 acre out Sec tion Line road, just east of S2d Ft., where you can put up a small building. grow your own garden truck and pay ior it on easy terms, ssno. R. IT. PONTRET. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 2Q1-2--3-.-.-7 Board of Trade. Bldg. FOR SALE 11-acre tract, 8 acres in com mercial orchard. 3 acres pasture, 1 mile from station of 500 population, three churches and a standard era.de and hich school, 13 miles Hiuth of Eugene. $.irinn I cash, or terms to the right party. For further particulars, write Miss Leila Min- icli. Springfield, or. FACING BASET.INE ROAD. 4.72 acres for S2150, on easy terms; drive out and look it over, about nine I miles out; you will see our big sign on the rieht. R. TT. CONFPF.Y. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MELDRUM. ORESOX CITY CAR. 2 full acres sifrhtly located on Winter I road, lust off the highway, close river. Owlnsr to dath of owner will be 1 sold for $1-500. Terms. Mr. Hinkie, with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR), 31 S Chamber of Commerce. PRICED TO PELL. For a few days only. 5 acres with jjood S-room bung-alow. barn. drilled well. fenced, near station on Oregon Citv car, 20 minutes out: buUdinc alone worth price asked, S3R.-.0. T-fth $1000 cash. 403 Couch bldg. Mar. :i:;.u. J. B. ROCK. SMALL HOUSE AND 2VA ACRES. On Burr road, three miles from city: house is new with good well: rich, deen soil, partly cleared; $1750 takes it, $175 aown ann per montn. STRONG & CO., Realtors. 600 Chamber of .Commerce Bldg. PR T CF1 REDUCED ONE-HALF. We have several pmall tracts from 2 to 10 acres within 8 to IS milea from Portland, near Mt. Hood electric line nnd hard-surface auto roads: very fer tile pnti: our auto at your service, w. ax. TTmbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. ROCK WOOD, 1 or more acres, all cleared, close station on Troutdale electric and Base Line road. Ideal place for poultry and berries. Price S500 rer acre, easy terms. Pee Boehm, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1 or. 8. 20 ACRES BARR ROAD. Just west of Buckley ave., small bniFh eaply cleared; B. R. water, electricity; water shares. Price -hmi per acre. HFXRV W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Ptark Pt. " Main 831. ACRES of logged-off bind, down the 1 Columbia river, ncn son: easy terms: good road. Let us show it to you. Price I $30 per acre. .TOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WRITE for map of western Washington. showing location, low price and easy terms' offered to settler. WEYERH AUSER TTMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. FOR SAT..E 100 acres about 25 miles Portland, 7 miles North Plains; part timber, some cleared; 3-room house: $25 per acre, terms. A. J. Bell. Paulsen bldg.. Spokane. Wash. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. 2 to 5-acre tracts on East 82d st. (main Oregon City road), near Kendall station: paved road, gas, city water, etc. ; $750 acre; easv terms. Owner. 309 Piatt bldg. SACRIFICE account sickness. 3 acres won derful soil; garden; 3-room house; high-I class furniture, large porch. beautirul trees. About 3 miles out on Base Line; 5 blocks from Taxi Inn. on Elwood road. 41 ACRES of logged-otf land, down the Columbia river; rich soil, easy terms. Good road. Price $30 an acre. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 033 Northwestern Bank Bldg. r. ACRES ON ANDREWS ROAD. Easily cleared: on electric line and ! near Rise :ine. Knee 4uu per acre. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Ptark Pt. Main S31. 20 CRES on Mt. Scott. 4 miles from city limits; 12 acres surface cleared, level, best of soil. By owner: $4000. half cash. Tabor 2131. DIKED land. T and lO-acre tracts. Terms. Just outside city, on Columbia blvd. water and lights available. R. W. Cary, 12U N. W. fctanK Ping. 1 r-RK all cult., asst. fruits. 6-rm. mod ern house, garage, out bides., $2150; on Or Eiec line. - uitta. scnooi. r rea utw son Co.. 410 Cham. Com. Main 867. 2 ACRES near uoscn station, rrult trees I and berries. Price $3000; $200 down, balance easy terms. Call after 6 P. M., Main ,B2t. NICE Vz acre, o-room nouse. garage, as sortment fruit, water, gas, j H-cent fare Price yia'Ht, aown.. Draper, 408 1 Board ot 1 raoe. FOR SALE 5 acres, clear, 1 4 miles east Montavilla, suitable for garden or ber ries: terms: take all the time you want. Aonress v w ci uirgonian WILL SELL 15 acres in three or four-acrs I 101s. j a. n,., 1 forttanu. a PRE. close in. Gresham car. Bell station. 11c fare; $750, $50 down; will discount ; 100 tor casn. wain 4ii-'. STOCKMEN, atttention! 320 or 2000 acres at $10. near wna. ur. Address Adver tiser. 415 East 6ith St.. Log Angetes. CaL ONE ACRE, fine soil, close in and to car and pavea nignway: easy terms; city water. Call Main 5201. 160 ACRES stump land on Nehalem, river. O per aenh uui, avis. REAL ESTATE. For Sal -Acreage. 5 ACRESi one-third mile from electric station, between Portland and Hinsooro, wire fences, close to grade and high school, 3 cherry trees, lo prune trees. 10 pear trees, 30 apple trees, 2 plum trees. 15 currants. 1550 strawberry plants, etc. Fruit all bearing and in fine shape, small house, barn, if hogs, 3 tons hay, 1 cord wood and equipment. Price for everything $2200 cash, or will help you get a loan for part. Inspected by Nel Bon. Nearly t; acre, in city limits, all un der cultivation, bearing fruit trees, some berries, 3-room house with sleeping porch. gs city water, electric lights all in. chicken house with runways. Price $1375, $525 cash, balance $10 per month, 6 per cent. Inspected by Brooks. KE A T? riRTT-QM A "W OREGON. Over 9 acres. mile from electric station on macadamized road; 15 mlleo from ccnlpr nf Parrlnnrt All under CU1 tivation and the best of garden soil ; vounr orrharrt : one acre raspberries: one-room house, barn 20x28. Price $3500 on eajay terms. Will consider house in Portland and assume. TftTAI. TRTfTE S1-S25. Nearly M acre. Mt. Scott car line, all under cultivation: small bearing or chard, citv water, eas. electric lights 3-room house with sleeping porch, chick en house and run way; woodshed, some rurniture included. price i-, o cash. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. TERWILLIGER HEIGHTS. Unsurpassed homes! tes on Terwilliger hlvd. now offered for sale jn tracts of one or more acres, you may- have your choice of wooded tracts or cleared, with unexcelled views of the city, rivers and mountains. It is as close in as Laurel hurst park, on a 5 per cent grade to the tract, with no bridges and no tracks to cross; along the most beautiful boule vard in the city, less than 10 minutes drive from Sixth and Washington sts. : building restrictions: no such value has ever been offered for the money; it is the cheapest acreage offered in the city and on easy terms. Why go so much farther out and pay so much more? Why go the same distance out and pay , bo much more for a city lot than we are asking for an acre of ground? Why pay more for a cltv lot with no view than we are asking for an acre with such a view aa you will soon be unable to purchase at any price. R. F. BRYAN, ROO Cham, of Com. bldg. Alain POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Two-a ere tracts priced right : ea sy terms; gas, electricity; city phones. Se lect your tract now. Five sightly; acres Bertha district; bargain; $3000; terms. very Two and half acres on paved high way; Multnomah, $2500; snap. Half acre Multnomah district; house. fruit, $2000; $500 cash. Half acre Gilbert road: highly 1m proved; good house. $3250; terms. Mar. 334. 403 StOCK KXCfl. Hiag 40 ACRES. $1350. T milei from Portland. 2-room house, 3 acres in cul.. 1 acre of prunes, all kinds of berries, 5 acres slashed, hl. fino tlm hi ft- relc 2 cnrinns. lies fin-e: A-l soil, on county road, $000 cash, bal. to suit. 27 miles from Portland; 12 acre in cul., orchard, barn, 2 springs, lies fine: 25 acres of fine timber; new sawmill riirht bv the place and enough tinafr to pav for the place; $600; bal. to suit. BUNDY, 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. TtR 4TTTTKITL- SUBURBAN HOMESITE. 8 acres 18 miles distant, just off the Newberg highway and 2 mir.utes' walk to electric station. An ideal homesite, A wonderful grove of stately fir trees. Atw-ttit- nrrf nf 11 kinds of fruit and walnut trees. - Fine- creek of clear cold running water; 2-room house. Electric lights and water system installed. Price only $3000. V JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR), 318 Chanrbfr of Commerce. 30 ACRES 2V4 miles from town. acres cultivated, trooa 3-room nouse, nwreu horn full hwv: 75 bearing fruit trees, snlendid roothouse. good water. Price $3000. Good terms; 1000 cords wood. ih.arrA b i fh 1 v Imnroved farm miles from Banks, Or.; 25 acres in cul tivation, 22 acres clover, good 5-room house, splendid barn, 75 hearing prune triws, good well. Take $1000 car, some cab-t. Price $4000. F. REYNOLDS, RAINIER, OR. REALIZATION. Fine 3-acre country home, well con structed, .'-room bungalow of splendid architecture, pure well water, large gar den space. bea.utlful grove of trees, gas and citv phone, about SO minutes drive, paved road within Vi mile. $4000, good terms. R H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER LOWE & CO., 01-2-3-r.-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE. Over '4 acre right on the river, Mel drum, Oregon City car. This is a beau tiful spot with a number of native and fine fruit trees in bearing. x ou can purchase this for only $1500; terms. Mr. Hinkie, with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR). 318 Chamber of Commerce. 9 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 10 acres, all cultivation; 3 acres beav-owiam- npw fi-rftom nlastered bungalow. hot and cold water, bath, toilet, elec tric itc-htK. small barn, chicken house; creek runs through place; 100 yds. from naved highway; $0500, terms. C. W. Millership, 105 4th st. Main 5275. T7 APRt's TV ORCHARD 3400 Aloha station, close to Beaverton. 10 acre bargain, all in orchard, full bear imr with citv water and gas: located on a. very good road, close to station. Cash SI 500." balance $20 per month. See this. M. E. DeJOICE COMPANY, 221 Henrv Bldg. Broadway 1031 uavp the mnKf beautiful view acreage in Portland at a price- mat win surpn ,-, o n I v a few blocks from Council Crest car "facing on macadamized Dosch road; city water, gas, light and tele phone adjacent. Price as low as $1.00 per acre. J. J. McCarthy. Abington nin FOR SALE 20 acres of logged-off land. 5 acres cleared, iencea ; some iruu n small shack. 4 miles to county Mat, near good road, school and fishing stream: also good dairying country. Price $500. Terms if desired. Address H. H. Doane, 1035 Williams ave., Port- lanrt. ur. k -oriTTxr Tinl jr. OPPORTUNITY. 2 1-0 acres, hard street, cleared, fruit, berries. 6-room and sleeping-porch house, full plumbing, Bull Run and gas, elec tricity near: barn, chicken house, car service. 7 miles out; $3SOO. $1000 down. J. C. CORBTN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. $2250 3 ACRES $2250. At Multnomah station, paved highway, close to car and school. Elec, gas, water available. This is a gift if you want acreage; $500 cash, balance to SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. 123.16 ACRES of logsed-off land down the Columbia river, rich, productive soil, good road. Price $700; $175 cash, balance $100 per year. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 5 ACRES. 4-room cot tag close in; an excep tionally fine 5-acres; electric lights, gas, wei 1 ; -mile to elect, station ; bargain $3000. . McDONELL. REALTOR. East 410. ennnwnon PROPOSITION. 20 acres, heavily timbered; close to Oregon Cltv; 4-rm. house, outbuildings, good garden. 1500 cords wood million feet saw timber, $2300. Terms. B. H. Stewart. 105 4th st. Main 5275. BY OWNER 10 acres, only 10 miles out. Good 3-room nouse ana une cniun en house, 2 springs and well on place. Small pavment down, balance, $20 per month and interest. Call Main 711-3. or see me at 204 Henry bldg. IDEAL HOME. 10 acres, O. K. canine. 1- miles from Portland, on rocK roan, oer- ritrS, fruit, good 7-room nouse; moarn chicken house, garage, barn, mile north of Grenco. 4 miles ea-st of Hills boro. F. Klatt, Hillsboro, Or., route 4. CORDWOOD PROPOSITION. 40 acres, 1 acre oats, balance timber. 2500 cords wood, 5000 cedar posts, land lies level, close to Oregon City; $2500, terms. B. H. Stewart, 165 4th sL Main 5275. 27 ACRES $2700. West side, 12 miles out. about 7 under olow. fine soil, oerry proposition, rou ing. creek, no rock, near school; some timber, shack; terms. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. 10 ACRES BASE -LINE. All in cultivation, water, lights and gas available. Price per acre. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark Ft. Main S31 0 ACRES, running water, large house, ham and outbuildings, close to school, 15 acres in cultivation. $4000: $500 cash. See Merrifield, 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1053. 3 ACRES ON PAVED HIGHWAY. All in cultivation, assortment of fruit. 5-room house, barn; in small town. miles from Portland. $2500. easy terms. L. O. GERBER. 714 Swetland Bldg. per ACRE 10 acre tracts; wonder ful soil, running water, near Columbia river and highway, uooa terms. A. j. Akerson, owner. 420 Henry bldg. vc.n PLANT crop, worth $1500 per acre, choicest acreage in urepon ior eariy fruits, vegetables and alfalfa. Geo. C. How ard. owner. Tabor 7884. - SACRIFIFCE 2 acres, clear of all incum brances, 1 block south of Division, on 67th t.; make me an offer. Tabor 50S7. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. WE HAVE trades and buys that you win like. We have had 15 years' experience in judging val ues. Why not try us 7 It may save you money. N Fine home, 10 acres, no rock nor gravel all tillable, good build ings, l! M acres in fruit, balance garden and pasture. 1 mile school, on goods road, price $4000. only $1000 cash, balance terms. 18 acres of extra fine land. S acres in cultivation, on good road, running water, will make fine home. $10OO, only $000 cash, bal ance very easy terms. 20 acres, fair buildings, extra fine soil, alfalfa will grow in this locality, orchard and small fruit, price $3250. only $1000 cash. If you have $3000 In cash and . want one of the best locations and farms in Clarke county, all in cultivation, it would pay you to see us. Monday morning. Someone will buy it quick. ATKINSON & PORTER, 705 Main Street. Vancouver, Wash. No. 481. DANDY ACREAGE HOME. 14 acres, along paved highway. 1 mile out of good town, all on creek bottom, about 7 " acres in cultivation, fair house, good barn, chicken house, hog house, smoke house, woodshed, wash house and other outbuildings. fine creek running through place, and good spring water can be piped to house; have well at present time; personal property consists of cow, horse, wagon, hack, chickens. 3 stands bees, plow, harrow, cul tivator, plenty of other small tools; price $35O0; terms. See Mr. Stlger. with THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE, REALTORS. Third and Main Sts., Vancouver, Wash. FINE 30 OR 1 OR 10 ACRES. This very choice piece of acre age is. located very near Tigard station, which Is only about 25 minutes' ride from Portland over paved highway; soil extra good, and all but about 7 acres in clover, and much of that part not in cultivation considered fine onion land. It is crossed by lasting running: water, and can be so divided as to have running water on each of several 'tracts; also several at tractive building sites. Will make price far below what much of the other acreage is held -for in this district and sell all.v one-half or one-third, and give terms. Here is a very fine piece of property with much merit. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Real Farms and Choice Acreage. MR. SUBURBANITE. lr vnn ji chine- to tickle the SOll Sun days and evenings? Here it is. 4 fine acres only 5 blocks from Aloha station a aprpa - m r Fine new 3-room bunga low with French doors and windows. Good woodshed. A good well on porch. All this for the modest sum oi iuuu, Can you beat it? HKRR'S ANOTHER. Vnt Ta r from Os weco is a beautlf ul 6 level acres of cleared land ; ail under rnttivtion On this beautiful spot is verv homey 7-room 2-story house. It has 3 fine bedrooms uDstairs. basement. bath and toilet, fireplace, laundry trays, fruit, extra large garage, barn; very large chicken house, good well. All this for $7500 on mightv good terms. Can make it $6s50 for all cash. Mr. Fergu son, J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Realtors. Main 583 and 10it4. 264 , Stark St. Call Marshall 14S7 today. TV vntT nT,T KNEW what an advantage it would be to live in the great outdoors, where you have room for garden, fruit and chickens, and so close in that you could still pur sue your vocation in the city, you would buy this 4.83 acres at once. It faces Barker road just north of Section Line and will be sold on easy terms for $170U. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A BIG BARGAIN. 44 acres located at Park Place. Ore gon City car line, 5-room house, 18 fruit irees in bearing; garden, small barn, and chicken-house. A fine view; never fail ing spring; good roade. Price only $2200. Mr. Hinkie, with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR), , 31S Chamber or V-ommerce T7z ri? a1 :ARDEN LAND. In highest state of cultivation, John son creek, 4 -mile from station. Most of tract can be irrigated; 2 small houses, wm nn in a or 4-acre tracts. Price onlv SG00 ner acre: cash, balance terms. If you want land that will pro duce, close in. let us show you this. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. X RTP.AT. BARGAIN. so a ppp ni Government Camp on Mt. Hood loop road, jiartly timbered, suitably located for subdivision into summer homos ! timber will sell for amount asked for entire property, $4000, cash, balance easy terms. E.. Coalman, Mar mot, Or. 1 bi a pr ir orooW-hnitnm land, all level. finest of s'oil, good water, small house, 1 mile to town, nignway. scnooi, cnurcn, t o R H deoot: 15 miles from Salem. Price is $1000. Owner. BD 844. Orego- nian. "H.APHE BARGAIN $1000, IS miles out. 1 .mile from Newberg hicrhwav. 2-room house, barn, fenced. good water piped to house. 2 acres Ciearea, easy leriiia. A. H. AKERSON. 420 Henry Bldg. 0 ACRES 32 acres in cultivation; fine garden land or dairy farm; four miles from Portland; good spring and barn; on good road. Linn, 1043 Chamber of Commerce bid HALF acres at 82d and Powell Valley. on Htv conveniences, priced right, re mark able terms. Main 1503. McClure & Schmauch Co., 300 Railway Exchange bldg. la ACRES, y mile from West Woodburn oil fii t vatcii: 4-room nouse. oarn, uui Kntiiiinirg f nitt and berries : eood road. Price S4750. F. W. Newell, 407 Henry lildg. MULTNOMAH station. acre with beau- tiul bungalow, moaern in evtij , has hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, near car. French doors, $5500; terms. Tabor 5319. Main Ti'-.l. HAVE 2 acres just oil fcmcitiey ave, o? ( mm f h p ncurr 01 ruy. u urn exchange. Might consider lato model automobile or equity1 in a home. Call Bdwy. 3413. ask ior noom .1. a. a pr fs Oreeon Electric, city water R-rnnm house. Dernes, irun., ci, win sell for $1200 down, balance long time, or trade ior larger piace. 401 STOCK EXCHANGE tiiiii FOR i ACRE at Stanley station gaa, water, upins ' ' - no me to Stanley; ask. for Miller. Sell. 1714. 40 ACRES near Mount Hood loop for $1200. 3, miles east 01 runmuu, uur of ndv: easy terms. Phone Miller, Sell. 1714. jtoh SALE, or trade for property, 40 r-rom or n non itiver vane iuuu, uci petual water rights; owner. Woodlawn S5T. $1000 PER ACRE at station and on creek at Wichita Station: one or 4 acres; easy terms. Come to Stanley station; asu Miller. Sell. 1 il s-o DOWN. $S monthly buys nan-acre 30 minutes out. east side. 420 Henry bldg. Broadway 5540. 1-ACRE shack, chicken house, garden in 6 blocks north Rose City car, $1650 terms. J. Lleder, East 72d and Pres cott streets. 20 ACRES of iogged-off land, 10 miles from Scappoose. cheap; small paymen down. Owner, wain, ar-'a. 1 1 ACRES 4 miles from courthouse, on paved road, under cultivation, $10,000, terms. Call Main ."1'3I. 20 ACRES near highway. 3 miles east of Hillsboro; level land ; $100 per acre. Wm. Crowder. care Y. M. C. A. :.. An RES. all clear. 4 miles' to New berg. 3 miiea to highway. $3500. Call Wdln. SOS4. r ArY acre. Rose City district stumps, all in fine shape: best of soil $1400, easy terms, noyai. -q ana oana LAND in Marion county with buildings, $6.50 per acre ana up. iiagee, room 29, Murphy bldg. Salem. Or. iroR SALE acres. Sherwood. SALE 1 3 1 acres, Sherwood. 43 mi'es out. nea r electric- line ana scnoo A 844, Oregoman. 120 acres of land for sale, halem. Or. P. Wolke, Nft- 80 ACRES, fruit, timber. 5-room house $600 cash. 401 Stock Exchange ONE ACRE in Park Rose, near Sa.nd blvd. $300. $2o0 cash. Call Wdin. 56S4. Fruit Lands for Sale or Rent. FOR SALE by owner, 10-acre apple orch ard, 1 mue irom station at lamni: price $1000, half cash. Woodlawn 79 Kg AX IE STATU. Fruit Iandrt for Sale or Rent. ORCHARD THAT PAYS. 20 acres. IS in commercial apples and fruit; buildings and equipment; C'.arke county. Wash., 8 miles from our office. Buy now and get crop which will pay 1-3 of purchase price. Albert Haraia, SOI Miss- ave. Phone Wdln. 1201. LARG E sums have been lost on walnut properties 'in Oregon; expert advice could have reversed it. T. Withycombe's clients made 400 to 600 per cent on their walnut investments. Write 412 12th at-, Portland. Or. HomentendH. Kellnqulshmnw 160-ACRE RELINQUISHMENT. 38 miles from Portland ; good soil, some very easily cleared, bal. fine young timber; creek and springs; price $225. 120-ACRE RELINQUISHMENT. TillamrtrtU Cn 4 miles from the OCeati; fine spring and creeks; lies good ; Al soil; would make a good stock ranch. Price $225. Bundy. ilb Chamber of Commerce bldg. HAVE put. more settlers on Oregon lands in past 4J montns man an oiuer muiiu uals or associations in state combined; it,, Viunriroda. of satisfied clients refer to. Call at office for detailed de scription ot open tracts; maps $1 by mail M. J. Anderson. 531 Railway Ex- change bldg vmiR REST OPPORTUNITY to take a homestead is this month. Am watin? claims throughout western Ore gon, either farming or timber tracts; special inducements to ex-service men; satisfaction guaranteed by experienced locator. E. W. HELM. 310 Board of Trade Bldg. For Sale Farms. WE CAN sell you one of the best dairy ranches in the state, con sisting ot SOU acres, over loo cows, all feed produced on this farm. - extra fine field of alfalfa. lot! oC fine bottom pasture, ifair build ings, lots of fruit, plenty of fino running water, all equipment and machinery. Price $00,000; wul consider some trade. smaller farms; partners wish to separate. We have farm homes; here is one, 40 acres. 30 acres in crop. It) acres pasture with running water good 7-room house, barn 4.ax.u. and other outbuildings; all stock, machinery and tools, consisting ot 5 cows, good team, loo chickens, plows, harrows, binder, mower, rake, disc, wagon, harness, buggy and all tools to operate. Price $S500: $4000 cash, balance terms to suit purchaser. W have good 45-acre farm in Clarke county, all In Wgh 8te cultivation; good buildings, or chard, running water, paved road, near high school and grade school, all stocked and equipped, valued at S15.AOO. v in iriuc imted land Improved, c sell on terms to suit Purchaser. ATKINSON & PORTER. 705 Main Street. Vancouver, Wash. FARMS FOR SALE. 110 ACRES FIVE MILES FROM OREGON CITY. 60 acres cultivated; large or chard, 8-room house, new largo barr. with driveway, granary and other small, buildings; mai and milk route by place; school few hundred feet from house; prac tically all of cultivated land in one field! only $14,000; $4000 f cash will handle, balance on easy terms at 6 per cent. 450 ACRES ONE-HALF MILE FROM WREN, OR. Ten miles from Corvallis, on good gravel road; 200 acres under cultivation, all cleared out about 17 acres in timber; 70 acres ot bottom land along Marys rWeTf which forms southern boundary of land; good eight-room house, larjo fine barn, hay barn and other buildings, family orchard, spring water piped to house and barn, place all fenced; a good stock or dairy ranch; offered for sale at $"5 000 $5000 will handle and . balance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent interest. OTTO & HARKSON 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6398. COLUMBIA COUNTY. . M "es. Practically all clear and in mgn state i and Si bruits in abundance: fully, stocked and equipped. in ere is 'V t-irr, T."Lmt mirnoses. This is the bes rarn3SandnAstorliae Price $25.1)06. wit, S RUTHERFORD REALTY CO.. St. Helena. Or. K FARMS. '- 1 ..... i n . . . "RnHnfl. Or.: a.'clea'red, balance easy c le?r,inB'i1"e G room house, on good road. Price J00O. XV:. d""V fkill. land lies well: cleared, in orchard. Price 1 acre, close to Sandy. Or., pood -room plastered house, chicken house and yards. Price 000. , , I have some nice large places, stocKed and not stocked. Phone 65.. Write George Beas. Sandy. Or. ' 23 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED. All under high state of cultiva tion; modern G-room bungalow, splendid barn and outbuildings, 3 acres of berries; also family or chard; located near Albany: price for crop, stock and equipment WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO., 403 First National Bank Bldg., , Albany, Or. FARM AND ORCHARD. 35 miles from Portland on auto road and electric line, free and clear. Splen did buildinqs; every foot cultivated: -J acres in 12-year-old Spitzenberg PPles. 2n acres in wheat. Low cash value 14. 000 Will accept Portland improved property for part or full value. 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 10-ACRE home in southern OreBon ; house barn, chicken nou. . Bhed. telephone, spring water piped to house; 5 acres cleared and fe.nc,e5'ba n ance pine and fir timber, about 1,000.000 feet; thousands of acres outside range; great game hunting tounu... 1 ' ' trms. Write to .Nea jf.van.5. Wash., R. 3, box 41. Chehalis, L.r.o Git.v. IV OWNER. 197 acres, 14 miles from Portland hotel, on good roads, near paved highway 1 mile to good school. 175 acres in culti vation 22 acres good timber: deep rich soil, all tiled and drained: 2 good barns, crops, stock and Implements included ir taken at once. Make me an offer. AN 874. Oregonian. 342 ACRES near Eugene, all in cultiva tion, excellent son; gouu wells: J10.000 cash, balance 0 per cent, long tjgjjQjj MORTGAGE CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 1370. ; 20 ACRES 5 acres cultivation, Dai. pas ture; 4-room nouse. oarn- auu vu.uu, th ings, family orchard: 3 cows, 2 heifers, 3 calves team, harness, small tools; 3 1, miles from Stella, Wash. J1400 cash takes it C W. Millership. 13 4th. Main 5275. 40 ACRES near Hinsooro, koou ' larpe barn, outDUiiaines. lanmy uimo-u, fine "creek, spring water piped in house, all stock, machinery and farm wagons, etc, included. $7000, half cash. H. H. Staub 1027 Belmont. Tabor '210. 10 ACRES of good prune and berry land. lies nice, house. Darn, nen nouse. wuuu shed, water in house; 2 a. cleared, quite a lot of fruit. 2 mi. from Sherwood. $2-600, $700 cash, consider late Ford as part pavment. Box S". Sherwood. 50 ACRES, about 35 in cult., balance creek bottom, pasture ana nmoer; une sou ; 24 miles from Newberg on good hard road. Price $0500; $1500 cash, good terms on bal. No agents. This is a snap. R. F. D. 1, box 84. Carlton. Or. 1 ACRES, improved, good house and barn, outbuildings, fruit and berries, all cultivated, rocked road, near school; 11 miles from Portland. Price $S500. F. W. Newell. 407 Henry bldg. FARMS FOR TRADE. I have farms in every county in Oreeon to trade. Come in and talk it over. John W. Greene, with in , Couch Bldg, J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501 EXCELLENT stock ranch, northern Cali fornia, plenty range, water, house, barns, fruit ideal home site. Box E, Oregonian. 742 Market St., San Fran cisco. , , . BY OWNER 1 S acres choice land one mile from Gervais, on highway. Land is well-drained and good dark snfl. Fine for berries, grain, clover, etc. Will fell for :ux0. Terms. Phone Wdln. 311. 50-ACRE FARM, in cult., good soil, 24 mi. to Portland; good auto road. Price $4500; ex. for house and lot. H. W. Gar land. 21 3d. HUSBAND sick, must sell or trade my dairy, chicken farm, 20 acres; consid er small place or city property. J. E. Wolfe, Winlockr, Wn., Star route. FARMS FOR SALE. For real bargains in good cultivated farms, call or write J. V. Pipe, Albany, Or. 24 ACRES, half under cultivation; run ning water, good soil. Price $:G0. $200 down. Draper, 40H Board of Trade. FOR RENT 57 acres. 200 fruit trees. 0 room house and outbuildings. Castle Rock, Wash. Inquire 76 Division st. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Farms. FARMS FOR SALE. 110 ACRES FIVE MILES FROM OREGON CITY. 60 acres cultivated; lars or chard. S-room house, new l&re barn with driveway, granary and other small buildings; mail and milk route by place; school few hundred feet from house; practi cally all of cultivated land in one field: only $14,000. $4000 casn will handle, balance on eay terms at o si. 450 ACRES. OXE-HALF MILS FROM WREN. OR. Ten miles from Corvallis on irood, grravel road. 200 acres under culti vation, all cleared but about 17 acres in timber; 70 acres of bot tom land along Marys river, nwvich forms southern boundary of land; good eight-room house, laxgo fine barn, hay barn and other out buildings; family orchard, spring water piped to house and bam; place ail fenced; a good stock or dairv ranch; offered for sale at $25,000. $5000 will handle and bal ance to suit purchaser at t94 in terest. OTTO harkson; 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 639$. THIS RANCH COST $21 AN ACRE 3 YEARS AGO; I WILL SELL. IT TO YOU FOR $3.40 AX ACRE. Wheat ranches in this section produced 20 to 40 bushels per acre this season; 260O acres in this ranch can be cut into smaller ranches if purchasers desire to do so after buying; federal loan has been approved for $10,000; owner cannot wait for money can bo bought for one-half cash; 22iH acres . tillable land. most aU fenced. Some In cultivation; big spring on ranch; S miles from r. r. and lOo miles east of Portland. See SAM HEWEY. at J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, S Chamber ot Com. bldg. Main 20S. UNUSCAL PROPOSITION. A fine mountain ranch with hotel arrf valuable sulphur springs, situated rigai on the main highway leading to lh Tillamook beaches; 160 acres. 13 oi which is tillable, 13 in cultivation, bal ance fine grazing, also unlimited, out range; 14-rm. hotel, too small to ao commodate the rapidly increasing de mands; an average of 300 auto loadi passing daily towards the coast; larg barn, chicken house, concrete batfc house, lti-tub capacity. With this plact you get all cooking" utensils, team, har ness, wagon. 2 good cows, o heifers. 75 chickens, a full equipment of farm tools stump puller and cable, all for $12,004 and $3000 can stand at 6Vo-indefinitely The springs alone estimated worth a- least $10,O)0. For other information eei Mr. Rippey, at 610-11 McKay bldg o4 and Stark. 43 HIGH-GRAPE COWS JOT CATTLE WITH FULLY EQUIPPED RANCH. ALL. FOR . $6000. Good team of horses, wagon, harness and all necessary farm implements; 45 tons of hay in big; barn; house and other outbldgs. SO acres splendid land, well fenced, abundance of free grass for all cattle and cows; good orchard: well ' and creek; near r. r. and town; 60 miles from Portland. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAX COMPAX Y. S Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 20S. GRESHAM. Here is the best-located ranch, east at Gresham, consisting of 208 acres, witJ about 60 a. under plow and in cropt bal. timber; 5 a. in raspberries; 1 mill to Gresham; 0-room plastered house iJ fine condition, full basement, fireplace furnace, 2 baths and toilets, rooms at large, plenty of built-ins, 2 bams equipped for cows, hen house 16x130 ft. full set of farm equipment, stock, croi included, at price of only $45,000, $15 000 cash. , F. L. EDDY. REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO 201-3-5-T Board of Trade Bldg. IF YOU HAVE A LITTLE MONEY TO PAY DOWN', YOU CAN GET b 100-acre farm, 45 acres -cultivated 1i room furnished house, barn, cows, aJ machinery and tools needed; on ere an and mail route, rock road. See Oram Ho berg. FOR $3600. GEO. Broadway E. EXGLEHART CO r 1 7 3 . 624 Henry Bldg. 80-ACRE ranch for sale, 5 Vz miles fron Rainier on good road, good school, gooi barn, house, good fences, good youni orchard of 1 acre; 8 acres cleared; oi county road; best of water, creek ar springs; thickly settled neighborhood land generally rolling, suitable for fruit vegetables and hay. Abstract title: $4500, $2000 cash, balance 6 per cenl Would consider $2500 in Portland prop erty. Sale on account of other busj ness. Write or oaiL John W. Thurston Rainier, Or. . STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 odd acres close to Portland, nest school, store and good roads; gooi small dairy or diversified farm; ronninj water; this year's crop, including th hay in barns; possession at once; list a stock and equipment in office; attrao tive terms or will trade for houso a1 business in Portland or for improve acreage close to Portland. Mr. Harfl A.UJ. DE FOREST & CO., REALTORS. 320 Henry Building. Bdwy. 5590. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. All Kept in Fine Shape. 78-acre farm, well improved and onl! 3 miles from good town: 35 acres U crop, large family orchard, 6-roon house, big barn, silo, etc: 10 milch cowt 2 heifers. 3 horses. chickens, plows mowers and all other farm tools coir plete; price $8000. take about $1500 cash house and lot to $2500, balance assuna long-time mortgage. E. Wittmayex Owner, Castle Rock. Wash. FOR SALE Now, if you want a farm a H.t acres ana a oeauiiiui summer norm all in one, one of the best locations u Clarke county, on a good road, wher you can have fishing and game and al kinds of fruit and everything that goo with a farm, 10 minutes walk to stores churches, high school, and have al the conveniences of a ity; a fine tean and stock and all farming tools go. Al 633. Oregonian. CANADIAN FARM LANDS Last grea block of Canadian Pacific Railway com pany's reserve lands, remarkably cheap: on long and easy terms. Landseekeo excursion party leaves Portland for Cal gary. Alberta, on Saturday, Amjust 13 Reduced railway rates. For further par ticulars see Canadian Pacific Railwaj companv. 20S Railway Exchange Bldg L. P. Thornton, District Representative 178 ACRES, stocked and equipped, lo cated 27 miles irom fortiana near ew berg; 115 acres under cultivation, bal pasture, oak and ir timber; 106 acre commercial apples, good varieties am all in bearing; 8-room house, 2 ban and other buildings, complete water sya tern; $25,000, $10,000 cash, bal. term or will trade foi improved city propertj JOHN WILSON, Newberg. Op. 265 ACRES, 35 in cultivation, 40 In pas ture, with plenty outside rajige; 4.01M. OOO ft. saw timber contracted at $1 pa thousand stumpago; good 10-room houw barn and outbuildings; fine orchard am berries; 2 live streams running tbrougl place. This tract lies 10 miles east o crabtree on gravel road and is a goM stock ranch. $10,000, i cash, bal ano easy terms. Route 3. box 41. Scio, Ot SO ACRES, 30 cultivated, bal. timber an pasture; good 6-room house, barn am outbuildings: spring water; 4 cows. I bull, 3 horses, S hogs, 50 chickens. hives bees, all crops and implements evervthing In good order; fine orchard $8000. BC 830. Oregonian. 2 MILE'S EAST OF OREGON CITY. 90 acres, 30 in cultivation, all goot land, good live stream, family orchard fair house. 2 good barns, $9000; wil take house up to $3500 as part payment bal. easy terms. L. O. Gerber, 714- Swet land bldg 200-ACRE dairy ranch. 17 miles of Port land, well stocked, good house, severs large barns; 'will sell for $24,000 a trade for income property in city; U health. P. P. McKenna, Realtor. XL3 Belmont st. Tabor 6403. D3 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon"? in cultivation, well fenced; & good mij( or will trade. Owner, Tabor 6303. 30 ACRES, bottom land : high school al you can eat this winter; berry ran-ehi stock: and equipment;, cheap, eood tenru Box 102. Canby. Or. LARGE farm to trade Tor i well, improved place in N. Wila ntefj V. ui to $14. 000; easy terra on tha balance No agents. E. Jones. Crabtree, Or. ONTARIO. Canada, .t a., 14 a Clear marsh, drained, mining possibbdes, bal ance sandy; some timber. AH S0i. Ore gonlan. 10U-A. STOCK, tiouseno.G larm; machm erv $35O0; take $800 ':ash, ba.-un3 " tt-rms. Call Sunday. 7 A. M. to H;(J E. 57tli st. N. R C. or." C-HICKKN. FRUIT. GAlO-N RANCHES near Portland. 50 to X500 per acre; eaaf terms, best soil, farm "or nale. all slsxli McFarland, real to., iu FaUios bid.