THE SUNDAY OH EG ONI AN, PORTLAND, JULY 31, 1921 s REAL ESTATE. MOUNT TABOR COI.OVIAL. ONLY fi'JUO TERMS. rooms and sleeping porch, hdNT. Coorj, fireplace, bookcases; buffet, full cement basement, fur nace. 30x150 lot, fine view. Every thing first-claM. THIS IS A BAR UAI.N. IRVIXGTOX NEW BUNGALOW. Very distinctive with very best material and workmanship. Not another house in Portland tts equal at the price; 6 rooms and breakfast nock. Every modern ooo venu?nce - complete from fur nace to garage. Fine location on 23th st. Inlaid .floors. ONLI JSoOO. LAURELHURST. ., 7-room bungalow on a lot. best location in district, beau tiful home, near park, priced right, terms. MARSH McC ABE CO.. Realtors. 3 failing Bldg. , Mar. 3VJ3. NEW HOME, 950. JJ.-.0 cash and 15 per month and interest buys this new thjrea room bungalow near Lents only thpee b.ocks to the car; on uOxlUO lot; four small fruit trees; oflw-a open iunday, 11 to 2. OTTO & HARKSON, 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main OJ'.ib. 1RVIXGTON HOl'i-A.RAIi ..rif. N. E. corner 17th and asco. .trie -ly modern 8-ioom residence. ijxIOU cor ner. 3 fireplace... all hardwood floors downstairs, large, homey '"Vine room dining room and den and breakfast room, 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch upstairs: full base ment; Boyntou furnace Sara e inis beautiful home constructed by P"-5"' ownur; wilt Le sold at less than cost to build. For appointment se K1CHARD W. MAST. REALTOR. KITTEK. LOWE CO.. "ot--S-ri-T Board of Trade Bldg. 6iOO WASHINGTON high school dist. modern 7-room house; 50x100 paved sts. ' 6500 Rose City bungalow; attractive corner. . Laurelhurst, 8 rooms and garage. S.S500 Rose City, large bungalow. 15,000 View home, with every moflern convenience; beautiful grounds. 125,000 Country home; 21 acres; nines east of city; modern bldga.; ideal CTi AS. fuNGLKR & CO.. 225 Henry bldg. alAMEDA PARK. JU30 CASH! S3 50 CALIFORNIA BU NGALOV . " VEKY ATTRACTIVE AN D LN ?'N. LOCATION; 0 ROOMS HARD; OOD FLOORS. FRENCH UUORS TO MUSIC ROOM. FIREPLACE. BOOKCASEb; EAST FRONT. BALANCE AT Mu MONTHLY, INCLUDING INTEREST. HOUSE IS PRACTICALLY NEW. AT THESE TERMS IT WON'T LAST. ' R. SUMERV1LLE. BROADWAY 24 i 8. IRVINGTON NEW. 641 E. INth N., open today; seven large rooms, two fireplaces, tiled bath, ivory enamel, attractive paper, double garage, splendid value: tlu.uuo. looo cash. 100 monthly. E. J. MAL'TZ, East 5031. Broadway 5522. WAVERLEY HEIGHTS. Why buy from agent when you can save several hundred dollars by dealing direct with owner? 1 have a nice 5-room bungalow, fire place, hardwood floors, large attic, full basement, laundry trays, etc.. garage, free from all encumbrance. We are leaving city and must sell our home See owner and make offer: easy terms Sellwood 5!i. Evenings. Tabor 453tt. HOO 7-RM. BUNGALOW $4200. 5 rooms all d bath down and 2 nice rooms up. hardwood floors, bullt-ins in dining room and kitchen; basement, trays and pipelcss furnace; house ia In best of condition, in fact almost like new ; full lot and several fruit trees. 1101 Detroit ave. .about 1 block from car; $12O0 cafh, balance like rent. E. M lirnwn, 201 Consolidated Securities bids Bdwy. 3222. . 1300 CASH Balance easy terms, buys a beautiful 4 -mom bunaalow. cement basement, luiimlrv traA ' bedrooms, combination living and dining room, bath. Dutch kitchen. 50x100 lot; 2 blks. to car, easy walking distance to- Peninsula Park Price lor immediate sale, $3oOO. A. B. CHRISTENSON, 410 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4751. OWNERS SACRIFICE IX IRVINGTON. New 5-room modern bungalow, fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors through out. KDecial nlumbing. artistic design. Walking distance to west aide for less than same house has sold for in Rose City. Price cut to $5000. $1750 cash, bal. easy. WDLN 0260. ROSE CITY PARK. A wonderful double-constructed colo nlal house in the best district; a beauti f ul Dlace for entertaining : 4 bedrooms everything in perfect condition : built-in refrigerator; one block to car. near Kernwood. This Is a good buy and well worth inspection. sl'uoo will nanuie. HARRY BECKWITH. Main 0S60. Realtor. 104 5th St. ONE ACRE. New 4 -room bungalow, choice soil, on count v road: 10 minutes to car. V miles from city limits: house has French doors and windows, gas. electricity and t Bull Run water; J2S00. will take small p uy in tut d own. T ab or 5t 10. CLASSY 4 -room furnished bungalow, full bath, Dutch kitchen, sun porch, cement porch, full attic, half cement basement wood lift. gas, electricity, garage c lik-ken house, berries, garden, fruit trtLs. lawn : corner lot 57x102; three blocks to car; $3000, must be cash. Auto. 015-71 ROSE CITY PARK. BY OWN K K, modern 5-room bungalow; hardwood floors, cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays, fireplace, large clos ets, attic floored, Dutch kitchen; newly painted inside and out; Improvements paid; block to car. Price $5500. Marshall 4100. Apt. No. 21. 5 ROOMS $4000. Strictly modern ; garage, full cement basement, firr place, buffet, built-in con veniences, attic. Pacific Junior gas fur nace, full lot with shrubbery. Interior model of hand decorating. No. 251 East 70th st. N.. cor. Has.saio. MV carline. N EAT 5-room bungalow, modern, garage, screened sleeping parch, two lots, nice yard, shade trees, small fruit, flowers, large garden, chicken houe. rabbit hutch. Furnished. $3750. unfurnished 13500. terms. By owner. 6141 Woodstock - ave., Woodstock car. $1250 3-ROOM cottage, lot flOxSO. fruit and berries; $2500, 5-room cottage, terms. Sunny side lot ; $2000. 7-room n cottage, terms. Sunny side lot : $3500, "room cottage, lot SOxlOO. lots of fruit. J. P. McKENNA. Realtor. 11 51 Belmont, at 3iHh. Tabor 6493. BEAL'TIFIX 5-ROOM BUXGALOW, tTHXlSHED OR UNFURNISHED. In high-class district. Thoroughly modern ; exquisite built-ins; improve ments all paid. Very liberal terms. Owner must sell. Main 56J4. KEW 5-room modern bungalow, double constructed, hard -surface street. Haw thorne district. $4O00: $1000 will handle. Also new 6-ronm modern bungalow. Rose City Park, $4100. U. 1. Webb. 414 East Stark. !0S E. 32D ST.. N. AJLAMEDA PARK. OPEN TODAY. C A L I FOR N 1 A BUXGALO W. 5 rooms and breakfast nook. Fire' poe, hardwood floors, furnace. A man on the joT to show you. FOR SALK by owner, 6-room bungalow ; good plumbing, gas, electric lights; lot 100x100; .fruit, flowers, chicken houoe; 1 block to car, stores and school; a dandy home; $3400: easy terms. 5006 45th S. E. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow, full cement basement and garage, all street improvements in and paid for, $4250, term?. 122ti E. Lincoln st.. corner 41st. Phone Kast g?yts. labor 5334. IF YOU are looking for a home In North Piedmont call at 1321 Rodney ave. or phone Wood lawn 752 and save time and money BY OWNER New 5-room bungalow with large attic at Alblna and Morgan, near remnsuia rrR, iauu. jpen today irom i io o. OWNER MUST SELL 7-room home, cor ner lot. Good terms, good condition; $1000. 1275 Burrage St.. cor. Aiusworth nvc, 1 block to St. Johns car. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Modern b-room bungalow, fine view, select neighborhood, on carline; easy terms; $7500. Owner. Main 336. C-ROOM house, all modern ; paved street. garace, furnace, fireplace; in Hawthorne district; $420. good terms. Call Wood lawn 5C84. MODERN duplex house, ha furnace; per fect condition; lot 100x100: small house oa lot included; reasonable price. A 65S, tregonian. V10 CASH Balance monthly; I-room modern bunga.ow. half block to Haw thorn ave.: $4500. Call Main 7030 to- d a or Eut 3'02 eyf-nirgs. MODrJI:N fi-room bun.iiow. exee!!ent con dition: run oaat-nient; iouxj-ki corner lot; pavru hi., near- cur: t3ru; easy tarrus. M.V.I A Van Borate!. Main 14,;tJ. 3-noOM turn., 1 biock to cur. in St. Johns district, r'nee idiu. a arms. suO down $lo a month. X Gregonia-a, BEAL EST4TK. ROSS CITY PARK. About a half block from Sandy blvd., S rooms, bungalow type, with all the modern conveniences. Full cement basement. furnace and fireplace. FIRST FLOOR: Living room, dining room, kitchen; also music room or den. hardwood floors. SECOND FLOOR: Has 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch. Full &0-foot lot with a variety of flowers, trees and shrubbery. Be sure to see this for it is priced low at $B250 with terms. J. L- HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. -Branch Office : 45th and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 252. ALBERTA BUNGALOW. E. 12TH ST. You will like .this desirable 5-room modern bungalow. It is a splendid buy and in excellent condition. Near car and schools and the price of $33ot includes paved street and sewer. Terms. Take Alberta car to K. 12th at., then one block north to 540 Webster st. WOODLAWN 6200. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH. $700 cash and easy terms buys a large seven-room home, all modern and in first-class repair, located on three lots having nineteen full grown fruit trees, chicken house and garden ; two blocks to car; $j500. .Ofiice optn Sunday, II to 2. OTTO & HAKKSOX, 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main tio'Jb. S4SOO. 5-ROOM B C NO A LOW. BY OWNER. Absolutely modern. Double construct ed. Four-coat ivory finish. Dutch kitchen with dainty breakfast nook. Large fixtures in bathroom. Best quality snades and artistic electric fixtures. Highest grade paper and fine oak floors. r i replace and built-in buffet. Furnace ana large garage. Full lot with all im provements; in restricted district. This Is a bargain. See today at 2720 4tHh st. S. E. A BEAUTY '. $3090 EASY TERMS, 6 PER CENT INTEREST. VERY ATTRACTIVE LITTLE BUN GALOW. DESIGNED BY PROMINENT ARCHITECT AND BUILT FOR OWN ER'S HOME. LIVING ROOM IS lx 22 H FEET. WITH BEAUTIFUL OAK FLOORS, ATTRACTIVE BURNISHED BRICK FIREPLACE, LARGE. LIGHT BEDROOM WITH TWO CLOSETS FINE BATHROOM. WONDERFUL D U T C H KITCHEN. BREAKFAST NOOK. OWNER LEAVING CITY. R. SOMERVILLE. BROADWAY 2478. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. VIEW PROPERTY Owner must sel. at cost 4-room bungalow ; built for a home, extra large rooms, fireplace, etc Interior not quite finished; beautiful grounds, almost three lots; has view of the entire Tualatin valley; located on Fatrmount boulevard, two blocks from car. 15 minutes' car ride from 5th and W ashington. through Portland's ' most beautiful residential district; $400, on terms. Will sell house with lot 54x1 1:6 at $3300. Owner, Broadway 3205. HARRY BKCKWITH. WILL TAKE CAR OR LOT AS PART PAYMENT ON THE FOLLOWING GOOD HOUSES: 9 rooms. Kenton $5800 4 rooms, Alberta $2000 5 rooms, Hawthorne S4650 8 rooms. Rose City $4600 These houses are all real homes. Many more to choose from. See my list today. HARRY BEOKWiTH. Main 6S01. Realtor. 104 5th St. NEW IRVINGTON. 640 E. 17th st. N., large rooms, double garage, lot 55x100, 2 fire places; attractive and convenient ; wide street. $:5UO. $1000 cash, $!0 monthly, including everything. Open today. K, J. MAL'TZ, B. 5522. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 270u. ROSE CITY PARK; 4 rooms, neatly mniiMieu, iixiuu lot, l OiocK irom paved owner must leave city Dy Aug. 3. Good terms; see this Monday if it inter ests you. RICHARD W. MAST. REALTOR, BITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAURELHURST, New 5-room bungalow, nice large rooms, oak 1'ioors, ivory and tapestry paper, all the built-ins. a wonderful Kttcnen witn breakfast nook, floored at tic, fireplace and furnace; 2 blocks from car; garage; $0200; $1200 ash. Be sure ana see tnis. rJast 40i4. LAURELHURST SNAPS. Jfi.iOO Mod. ti-rm. bungalow, lot 50x100. xu.iou .uoii, o-rm, bungalow, lot 50x100. $ ,'tOO Mod. 6-rm. bungalow, lot "OxlOO. VSDU0 Mod. 7-rm. colonial, lot 50x100. J. P. McKENNA, Realtor, 1151 Belmont, at 30th. Tabor 6403. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. Five rooms, hardwood floors, cove ceil ings. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, wonder ful lawn and shrubbery. This can be nana tea on very easy terms and is sacrifice at $3000. 871 E. 24th N. Phone $3800 ROSE CITY PARK. 4-room bungalow. breakfast nook. attic, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays; corner lot, pavea street, garage, gas range; ciose to oanay ; S1U0U down. Owner, 7H1I E. 68th st. N. . . MUST sell my house as I am moving to Olympia, Wash., and do not care to leave my modern no use to a renter. It is good district. All improvements In and paid. Phone Woodlawn 3410 for ap pointment. ROSE CITY PARK Corner bargain. Go iook at . jc. cor. ji. -iotn and .Klickitat. $750 takes it and all imy provements are pain. uon t pass up tnis real pickup. R ITT c- T .1 I YV W M. ft -k t i 2Pl-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. RIVER FRONT 0-room house, about acre exclusive district, west side; exquisite aecoraiing, not water neat, two fire places, garage, cement river wall, etc. w onuenui bargain. Jenks. Milwaukie or., or pnone iiam o3. Portland. SACRIFICE FURNISHED DUPLEX HOUSE. Good furniture, iwed by two families nne location on paved street; great snap at ijiiu. wu casn. i:au .Main i DRIVE out to 3d 4-room bungalow, place and all the the property from $3500. and Klickitat. New Sleeping norch. fire built-in. Owner on J to 0 today. Pric ALBERTA BUNGALOW. A real nice cosy 5-room bungalow, nice ana ciean; cement casement; garage lovely roses, berries, etc. ; $3000 ; $700 casn. ;ee tnis. ,ast "(. ALAMEDA New 5-room bungalow, very t uuai i uvuuu nuu iui.iiy moaern ; full size lot. paved street. Price Stf500. easy terms. Call Main 7030 today, or r.ast con;. MODERN 7-room house, full cement base ment, sleeping porch, 100x100 lot. all Kinds iruit ana oerries; i bik. to Sunny .'Hie car. i uiht NICE little home at Capital Hill. 150x1 lot. house, barn, gas. electricity. Bull Run water; $1750; terms. Mall & Van r o rt e i . .nam 14S00 FINE 7-room home, arranireri fnr or 2 families; 100x100; fruit, berries, gar aen ; a-j. tuuuiwuu. kuuu oisiript. U3 W v e r: e r st- agents. BY OWNER 0-room house and garage o 100x100, walnut Park, near Jefferson hign. v ooaiawn awu. ATTRACTIVE 3-room house, modern con veniences. 1209 E. 20th st. south. Sell wood car. MODERN five -room bungalow, excellen condition ; eewer. pavea street; pric LEA l.N j roruma, must sen my b-room modern nome m Lauu m aaaition; rage and lots of flowers; East 2107. 1 SELL only my own houses; see me be' fore you buy. T. C St&iey. architect. i v y nam t. FURNISHED 8-room house near school and car. Owner, 365 E. 28th st.r near Harrison st. FOR HOMES OR LOTS In Westmorelan see John E. Howard (Realtor), 31 Chamber or lommercs u live there). WESTMORELAND 5-room bungalow, fire place. Dutch kitchen, $3 $00. Terms- Mar Monday. WEST SIDE home and garage, furnace and Broadway 3093. income. 9 room fi re p lace ; $ 6600. $2200 FIVE rooms, all conveniences, west aide; ttasy ttruii. h,. Jii. KKAL ESTATE. WM. A. HUGHES. 218 RY. EXCHANGE BLDG. MAIN 6102. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY. $4O0 cash puts you in possession of dandy 4 -room modern cottage on E- T3d N.. on lot lSOxHK). with a world of fruit, berries and garden on it. If you want a small home you can't afford to miss this. Full price $2750. Dandy 7-room semi-bungalow on Kood street, with sewer in and paid for, full cement basement. 4 bedrooms, garage, sleeping porch, plenty of fruit and shrub bery. Woodstock district. Price $45ot; $oOi cash handles. Rose City bungalow sacrifice; oa E. 54th N. ; all improvements in and paid; 2 blks. from car: 2 toilets and bath, furnace, fireplace. This home has 3 dandy bedrooms and la ia Al condition. Price $55to; terms. $2O0 cash gives you possession of dou ble constructed modern cottage on Dela ware ave. ; 4 rooms, toilet and bath, basement; one block to car, close to schools. Full price. $1800. Out In the suburbs on one of the best carline into the city, a dandy little 3-room cottage on full lot, 1 block from car, 3 from high school and 4 from grade school; full plumbing, plenty of fruit, elec. lights and gas. This is some buy at $1400; $3o cash. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 Ry. Exchange Bldg, Main 6102. DEKUM JORDAN. West Side Home. A most desirable and attractive home on Hoyt st. First floor has a large square cheerful hall with fireplace, living room, dining room. All with hardwood floors. Beautiful lighting fixtures and decorated with wall paper in most charming de cisive. Rutler's nantrv and kitchen, wood lift and window screens. Second floor has 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch. There Is one room furnished on the third floor. The basement is exceptionally dry and well ventilated ; has good cement floor. laundry trays and hot air fur nace. Price $5800 Terms. DEKUM & JORDAN. 323-4 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Fourth and Stark Sts. Main 2-'o3. ROSE CITT. Dandy five-room bungalow with sleeping porch, three blocks from the car, on corner lot; has full cement basement, fireplace, hard wood floors, all the built-ins; double-constructed throughout; $420, $120O cash will handle. Office oien Sunday, 11 to 2. OTTO & HARKSON, 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main k9S. 250 1288 E. CTH ST. N. Fine b-room house with .sleeping poreu urw wood floors, furnace and ail other conveniences; 75x100 feet of ground; all in good shape and ' ready to move into; terms to suit; pay ut $6900 830 Glenn ave. 2.. Alameda Park district fine B-room uuot, modern in every 'respect. The house alone would cost $8000 at present prices. Terms if desired. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Sixth and Morrison Sts. m ONLY $300 DOWN for 6-room house on 75th st. near Glisan, total $2300,. bal. easy. HAWTHORNE $3750.. 5 rooms, breakfast nook, garage, full lot. near car and school, all improvements, convenient terms. MARSH & McCABE CO., "Realtors. 322-24 Failing Bldg. Mar. 3903. LOOK AT THIS HOME FOR VAlL'K AND LOCATION YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. rn nf the nrettiest locations In Pled mont. 1105 Commercial at.; convenient t - -j hnut vrvt hinsr v a u want : library. Jefferson high. Peninsula park and 8 car lines; lot OSxlOO. new double garage and nice shade trees; house has 7 rooms and sleeping porch, splendid basement, tray and new furnace. Price $0000 and well worth it: good terms. E. M. BROWN, 201 Consolidated Securities Bldg. Broadway A EIGHT-ROOM RESIDENCE. -'rtnrt This well-constructed house on 66x100 irtt rtniv ii Viinok from Daved st. with alley Jn back; must be sacrificed at once: well-arranged with bedroom and bath downstairs ; 3 bedrooms upstairs University Park district. Terms. RICHARD W. MAST. REALTOR, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON $8500. Lovely colonial. 6 rooms, den and sleeping porch, large living room, in old ivorv. tanestrv uaoer: main bedroom extends clear across the front of the house; has cheerful fireplace. This is a good house in the best part of Irving- ton. All improvements in ; garage. HARRY BECK WITH. Main 6800. Realtor. 104 5th St.. LOVELY CORNER. ROSE CITY PARK. This Is a real homey home of 5 rooms. Seldom does one find such large closets. Living and dining has oak floors; ivory and tapestry paper; fireplace, exclusive norrh. Dutch kitchen, furnace: lovely shade trees and berries. This Is about 2 blocks north of Sandy below hill in finest part vX Ropa City Park; 1 .wou. rJast 3Ui. SOUTHWEST SIDE. 12-ROOM HOUSE. Grounds lOOxlOu ; hot water heating plant, fine basement, lots of trees and shrubs, dandy place for large family or for sub-letting part, price aiu.wu; cash, bal. to suit. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors. 2n 1-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MY EQUITY 6-room house, acre, chicken house, fruit, oerries, pavea street ; ciose to car and school; very good -soil and there's room for a cow if you want. Twentv minute. to town on the stree car; located 722 E. 30th st. S. ; $300 will handle: total contract $3C00; balance due $20 per month at 5. It'a bar gain. Owner. TARR CITY' PARK BUNGALOW. Modern and like new; 5 rooms, ivory woodwork and in excellent condition garage; near cor. See Sunday 10 t 650 E. 64th sL N. Tabor 5102. - FOR SALE Small modern .bungalow, 6 rooms ana Sleeping portn, near mgii school; fireplace, paneled dining room. den and bath, Dutch kitcnen. run oase ment. earaee and garden. This is a bar gain. Will take lots suitable for first payment. AG 834. Oregonlan. 3.-tt CASH FULL PRICE $3350 Owner will sell beautiful 6-room house, newly painted and paperea. new piumo (no-- pvcrvihinir the finest: walklne dis tani nst ide: owner will be at Prop erty todav from 1-5. 542 Gantenbeln Ht. $2300 BIG BARGAIN; 8-room house with cement oasement ; o.'iivu curuer, utai Union ave. car line. $3500 Modern 5-room bungalow, our list of bargains. CHAS. RIXOLKR & CO., 225 Henry bldg. FOR SALE. BY OWNER. New 5 or 7-room bungalow, 1 block fVrtm rrline: walk and sewer In paid; hardwood floors, fireplace, full oe ment basement, modern in every respect $4200. Phone Main 3030 or din. oo' $300 FIRST PAYMENT. Hawthorne 5-room bungalow, pave street, fruit, good condition. -?.oo. month. See It. T. O. Bird, 526 Cham. Com. Mar. 1022. pnsE CITY PARK. New 5-room bunga low. IVOry I m IF 11, iirfymcc , o uiuRK iu R C. car; $3500. $500 cash, balance $25 and interest monthly. Call Main 7036 todav. or East 3592 evenings. BY OWNER Hawthorne; 3-room bunga low Wltn LUTCH kiiciiii, uuiii-ius, it a hi - wood floors, fireplace, all improvements paid Call evenings or all day Sunday. BY OWNER Five-room house, lot 83 by 100' two oiocas iu iiaentoippi ana st. Johns carlines; $2600, half cash, balance flfT interest. Call 84 East Jesaup st. BY OWNER Rose City; $5350; modern 5- room bungalow; garage; nan diock to Sandy. Sunday after 1 P. M.. call Tabor 6035. 8-ROOM house suitable for two families. lot SOxluu, coverea wim Dearing irutt : furnace. fireplace; on paved street; $5250. terms. Call Woodlawn 56S4. $45y0 DOUBLE block on carline ; hard- suriace. wnmonwc , uUhl-iu, place. By owner, 4C9 E. 11th st. Phone Sell wood C-ROOM modern house with 100x110, at Portsmouth ; $2700. terms. Call Wdln, 3014. IN OVERLOOK One 5-room bungalow and 7-room nou?e. j wi, 0jd Long view. Wood'.awn 1777. FINE, modern, up-to-date 8-room house ana gam i x-aris aaaiuon. partsMOUTH DIST. Beautiful lor.atinn 2 corner lots. 5-room house. 3 blocks to St. jonns car; um.v mw. o;nj ay.racuse 4000 -7-ROOM modern house, fruit, R, c car: " NEW BUNGALOW, near park, school, cara 1260 g. Alder Main 3J94 o.n nnM house for sale. 2 blocks tn vt Tabor car Una. Call owner. Tabor 5563. REAL ESTATE. AT YOUR SERVICE. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, REALTORS. MAIN OFFICE, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. GENERAL REAL ESTATE. No. 1 Branch Office. Cor. Sandv Blvd. and 45th Rose City Park District. Phone Tabor 252. . No. 2 Branch Office. Sandy Blvd. at end of Parkrose PARK ROSE PROPERTY- Tabor 2004 No. 3 Branch Office. Cor. 83d and Bryee Ave. Go east four blocks. WILSHIRE NEW SU R-DTVISION. Phone Aut. 329-31. AT TOUR PERVTCK. L HARTMAN COMPANY, REALTORS. J. WOULD TOTJ LTTvE A LTTTLT5 HOME hid away in the wild woods where you can have peace and quietness, where the little birds sing and the wild flowers bloom, with a clear crystal spring bub bling forth Its coot refreshing pure waters? Here It Is! One whole big acre, and a half with a beautiful bunga low elegantly furnished, ready to wel come you right in; there is a cow shed and fine Jersey cow, a good chicken house and a fine bunch chickens, big fine carden with bepts. carrots, onions. corn, sjntatoes and everything that goes to make a reat garden. This fine layout Is only a short distance from Sandy road snd less than three blocks from an eleetrle station: $4500 gets com- nUla. nil If and atUfaftnrY terms Can be- had. See this if you want a dear little country home. My auto is at your service to show you. sree E. W. HUGHES, 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2S5S. LAURELHURST. We submit you one of the prettiest htinealnws in. this desirable district, con taining more modern built-ins than you win iimiailv fin, in a home of th1 type Of course there 's a garage. $07.50 is the price, with $l5O0 as the initial pay ment. Fee -Mr. Harp. POB A. McKENNA & CO.. Main 4522. Realtors. P2 4th St. OWNER -LEAVING. WILL SACRIFICE wrt'WF. Well built and practically new, large living room, library, dining room, Dreaa- rnom Iritnhan X nfd mOTTl S. bath - room, extra closet and lavatory, old fuuh hnrdtvnnd floors, fireplace; furnace, large garage, beautiful grounds (2 lots) ; price very low. reasonable terms. Owner. Marshall 24S6. LAURELHURST. Thl beautiful 6-room bungalow, bulrt by day labor. Is just being completer, A -1 wnrkmanshiD throughout: ideally Rented Ruv now. that you may select your paper and fixtures- Substantial cash payment. $6750. Not open Sun- HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Realtor. Tor. 3Gth and Haw. Tabor T4-Q3. BUY THIS HOME NOW. A double-constructed 5-room home, ex ceptlonal'y neat and attractive within, all rooms are very spacious, basement 2x42 ft. laundry trays, wood-lift, etc. 50x05 feet lot. 3 nice fruit trees; this house is close to school and two car linea. Price only $25O0. $450 cash, bal ance $35 per month. See A. BChristen son. 41 0 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 4-l. IRVINGTON. AN ELEGANT HOME IN IRMNO TON'S MOST EXCLUSIVE RESIDENCE SECTION. ONE YOU WILL BE PROUD TO OWN. EIGHT ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. - JUST PAINTED AND REFINISHED; BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS. TERMS IT DESIRED. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL 315-34. S3GOOT-MODERX R- C. BUNGALOW. BEST BUY IN DISTRICT. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace, fireplace. H. W. f lrs , all built-in, corner lot. Price is much less than house would eost. See it to day. Immediate possession. Term. Sunday and weekdays. Main 7(Xii. STTNNYSIDE. 131 East 32d Street. Here is a buy in a 6-room cottage. It Is in the very best of condition, ivory finish, tapestry wall, concrete basement, garage, east front. 1 block N. of Suo nvside car. Look it over. See owner at 1215 N. Wr. Dank bldg. PAY COMMISSION TO YOURSELF. 5-room. almost new, modern bungalow, only 5 blocks from Laurelhurst park; floored attic, hardwood floors, bullt-ins white enamel finish. full cemented basement and garage; $5300; $-n down, balance monthly. Auto. -3o-J 1284 East Davis, near 45th st. 2S2 POPLAR LADD'S ADDITION. Splendid 6-room home with large re tAnrinn halt reeentlv redecorated and painted outside; everything in first- class- condition; lot 4fxl witn paveu .n. nrta CftT.ftft 2000 cash. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark St. Main 831 x-PAT? ARt.ETA SCHOOL. Thl snlendid home of 5 rooms and den will not be on the market long buffet, furnace, neatly kept yard; easj HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Realtors. rnr 3th and Hawthorne- Tanor 7ft3 RlTvr.Al-OW AND ONE ACRE. New 4-room modern bungalow, 1 acre fine gard-en land; $3750, $2-50 caah, bal ance like rern-t; immediate possession Seo Mx. Nay lor. witli ELROD & DRYER. Stark St. Phone Bdwy. 1188. unJV. T .OVER'S BARGAIN. 6-room, large house, needs paint, well loeatea. pavement anu t;unoiucm,co, $3000 with $1000 cash, balance easy. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. 410 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4751, onnn vniTlTV In A-ronm house. 2 lots. convenient io scuuum, mu iFsohD v may be continued. Would consider for equity goad car ana casn or nuorty bonds. 4011 39th ave.. near 47th st. Phone 631-02. RirTiTFTfiE 40O0 modern 6-room home furnaoA fireplace. 1-O0xl00 corner lot; garage, nice lawn and shrubbery; lots of Derries anq iruit; o nr irew, a rem home : easy term. Restricted district. Auto. 610-81. 7628 57th ave. YOUR OWN" TERMS K-room ctttage-tVDe house, near E Ankony car barns, plumbing, electric lights, gas; all improvements in and -paid. Price $1050, on your terms. Sun day and weeKcays. aiain hhv.ap AND GOOD 7-room house in per feot order, bath and inside toilet, full basement, gas and electricity. 2 full lots, garden, fruit and shrubbery; near car line and two schools. Owner, 5006 30th ave. S. K. pnone t-'.'-44. ALRIXA ESTATE BARGAIN. 4250 cash buys Duplex house on Graham near Rodney. 50x150 lot, 14 rooms. Should bring $70 month. Lots of fruit, fine home place, worth $(1000. J. D. Kennedy, 32 salmon. iain iss. ROSE CITY PAFK, $24-00. Or completely furnished $2600; modern, c!cse to car; beautiful grounds; easy terms. Sacrifice account leaving. Call Auto. 310-10. $ 4 8O0 O W N E R. Close in 7-room house, full cemen basement, furnace, fireplace, bath and toilet, 4 bedrooms; berries and fruit, full lot, clear; some terms. 185 B. 13th st., bet. Yamhill and Taylor. ROSE CITY. Cosv 4-room house. pleasant sur roundings, close in, 2 blocks from Roae City and Montavilla cars; good value at $27."o. Terms. 122 East 27th St. N. East 6Q12. BEAUTIFUL 4-room house, furnished, full basement, lot 100x100, abundance of flowers and shrubbery; 9 bearing frui trees, 5 varieties of berries, garden spot and garage; terms, aen. s.ip. BY OWNER Very attractive 5-room bun galow. modem in every detail, restricted district, all-, assessments, including pav ing. in and paid. $4250 ; very easy terms. Tanor SH4. Main -UJ. MONTAVILLA BUNGALOW. Snappy. modern 4-room bungalow, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, n everything $400 down, balance as you like it. Mai 3S06. QUIN. Realtor. 206 Morgan bid 7-ROOM colonial bungalow, strictly mod em. SOxlOO lot. Karaite. Daved st.. Ron City location; a beautiful home; $6500 some cash; terms. Mr. Brand, 420 Henry bldg. CLOSE-IN. 2 modern houses, 6 and 8 rooms, on corner lot; good home and income; near Catholic church and school. D 859, Oregonlan. BY OWNER 1-room house. Gregory Heights. Newly finished inside and out PTice $1275. $dOO .cash. Balance $ per mo-nth. 70S E. 76th st. N. WESTMORELAND. By owner, classy 4-room modern bun aiow. 130T East 19th St. Sellwood 2650. 6-ROOM house, $25 down, $25 S00& 41st ave S. & month. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. SOME BARGAINS. FIRST TIME ADVERTISED. THESE ARB SAMPLES OF MANY OTHERS. $5500 ROSE CITY PARK; ft rooms, thoroughly mod. ; garage: terms. 600 ROSE CITY PARK; 8 rooms; 2 fireplaces; modern: will take good 5-roornt bungalow as part- 3000 SELLWOOD; 5-room bungaltw; will take 3 or 4 acres In trade. 5300 ALAMEDA PARK, 6-room mod era bungalow; only $450 down. 4750 SOUTH MOUNT TABOR; H acre and new 5-room modern bunga god. TERMS. 3500 E. 57th st. N., rooms, tarnace From $250 to $500 down. 3750 On Marguerite ave.. 5-room mod ern bungalow; furnace; fireplace; very good terms. 2200 ON WOODSTOCK CAR; 5-room bungalow, in fine condition, on a very small down payment. See this if you are looking for a real bargain. J. A. W1CKMAN CO.. Realtors, "Shortest Way Home." 204 Stark St. Main 583 and 1094. ALAMEDA PARK. t903 E. 32d st. N. is a very beautiful place. See it today. Open for inspection. Owner. 21ST STREET. $6750 IRVINGTON HOME. We consider this place one of the best buys In the district. FIRST FLOOR: Entrance hail, large living and dining room and kitchen. SECOND FLOOR: 3 bed rooms and a glassed-in sleeping porch. Paved street and sewer Im provements in and paid, lot on grade with the street and onlv 1 blk to the car line; possession will be r'ven in a few days. There Is a $.V0O mortgage on this place for 3 years, balance deired In cash, although will consider $12r0 down providing the monthly pay ments are good. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 20S. FOR LARGE FAMILY. Seven-room bungalow having sleeping porch, located on the east slope of Mount Tabor, command ing a wonderful view of Mount Hood and St. Helens; fireplace, 2 lavatories, large basement and ga rage, 2 block from car; $4O00 on easv terms. Office open Sunday, 11 to 2. OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce Main 0358. NEW MODERN BUNGALOW On the Hill' in the Heart of ALAMEDA. An entirely original plan, designed by an architect with 50 per cent more windows. The room arrangement of fers apartment convenience with home atmosonere. Unusual imported aecora ttons; liberal tile work In kitchen and bath. There are 5 rooms, sleeping porch. breakfast nook, and the design Is most interesting, with a beauty found only in privately built homes. Suitable terms and a low price for quick sale. Take Broadway car to 87,0 Dunkley ave. Open today from 2 to 4 and week-day eve nings from 7 to 7:30. Call Automatic 520-Ofl. HAWTHORNE. l43-05 J50O CASH. Hero Is something that is worth your time to investigate. A snappy little home of the bungalow type.- with two bedrooms and a sleeping porch; built ins galore, also full cement basement with laundry trays. Ana it on a 60x100 corner lot and on a paved street at that. . . See Mr. Harp. COE A. McKENNA ft CO.. Main 4522. ' Realtors.. B2 4th St. B I G-O EST BARGAIN IN HAWTHORNE. MAKK M IS AN Ur r t rt. I MUST SELL. VACANT. B rooms, bungalow type, good plumb ing, electric lights, gas, full basement, lot 40x100; all assessments in and mostly all paid; now vacant; Is an ex ceptional bargain; easy terms; see it. I have been asking $3:fcK. but am going to sell and want a proposition. Sunday and weekdays. Main 7-907. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. VIEW LOT. 5 dandy rooms with a full-floored at tic, oak floors, fireplace and furnace; tapestry walls, large, well arranged rooms, a most complete kitchen, with br. nook. I have an exceptional price for quick sale. Get In touch with me at once. C. M. DERR. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. SIX LOTS BUNGALOW HOME. Ground all in cultivation and set out tr fruit and berries: ffood fl-room bunga low, 2 bedrooms, full basement, large norches. linen closets, all kinds of hu1U.ini trnnrl nnnd lift, snlendid View on macadamized street ; newly painted inside and out: $500 cash, $20 monthly; total price $3050. FRED W. GERMAN CO , Realtors, 732 Chamber of Com. NEAT 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $3300. Strictly modern with hardwood floora fireplace, built-in buffet, bookcases, etc White enamel Dutch kitchen, concrete basement; only V block' from car; beau tiful view. Terms. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. A new modern home of 7 rooms and sleeping porch, fine garage, paved sts.; a wonderful, perfect view of mountains, river, timber and city; nothing more modern to bo found at anywhere near the price; shown by appointment. SAMUEL B. NORTON, 611 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 232ft. Main 40f0. $500 PIEDMONT SACRIFICE. Eight-room house, hardwood floora up stairs and down, fireplace and furnace and all built-in conveniences. Lot lOOx 120, with alley, double garage. This property la south of Ainsworth avenue and between Williams and Union ave nues. E. B. Holmes Company, 272 Stark st. Main 8051. f500 THINK OF IT $ BOO. 4-ROOM DOUBLE -CONSTRUCTED HOUSE, 50x100 LOT, ON CORNER Gas, city water, close to two carltnes, one block from cement walks, abstract perfect; owner called away, must sell. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 4rt5-6-7 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. VPW TP VTNGTON BUNGALOW. Built for a home, strictly modern and up to date In every respect; beautiful oak floors. Inlaid mahogany borders; 7 rooms, breakfast nook, tile bath, won derful built-in features; garage. Reas onable. Also 5-room modern bungalow, garage. In Rose City Park. 602 East 2."Uh st. North. S.100 ALAMEDA PARK. Five- room bungalow with steeping norch. earage. hardwood floors, fire place, ivory finisru A dandy little home going at a sacrifice. Act quickly. $1100 rash and 14Ci ner month, including in terest. Rea Mar. 865; 59 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main intra. FIVE-ROOM bungalow., no Incumbrance, hardwood floors in 3 rooms, cement basement, furnace, paved street, fine attic, garage. Price $4p00. Will trade for 6-room bungalow close to carline. Phone Tabor 6757. or call 430 rJ. 44ta st. Not home Sunday until 3 P. M. LAURELHURST. If you want to buy a modern well built bungalow at cost, take a look a 1103 Ka.t Flanders st. Oak floors throughout, garage, tapestry paper. Owner will be on premises between 4 and 6 Sunday. SMALL 5-room house, modern, 50x100 lot. Daved street ana all improvements paid. 1 block from car line. 15 minutes car ride from town. Ideal for small home owner or for renting purposes. Price 2Si'5. Mr. Hawkins, phone Bdwy. 4500. $500 CASH. $4500. 5-room house on 48-th st few blocks north or Sandy. GEO. E. ENGLETHART CO. 624 Henry Bldg. Broadway B173. CORNER UTH AND JARRETT $3450 50x100 corner with double-constructed house,, bullt-ins, breakfast nook; garage, small casn pavment, rest line rent. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark St. Main 831 ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow, one of the niftiest bungalows in Rose City; price only $55 per montn. w Kast 63fl st. N.( or call Main 5201. Boone-Clearwater, r.ori-50ft Couch bldg. MR. FAMILY MAN! We have a modern house of T rooms. furnace, fireplace, all built-ins, fine lawn, large lot; 2 ear lines. A bargain at $560O. Terms. Room 511 Railway Exchange tmg. IRVINGTON 8-room modern home, up to date in every detail, two fireplaces and furnace, garage; bouo; ooo casn. bal ance terms. Call Main 7036 today or E 3502 evenings. IRVINGTON- $1000 CASH, $6500 ON TERMS Well built modern home, near 17th ana Knott; aoume garage. Neu hausen. Realtor, 830 N. W. Bank bldg. Main yow. FOR SALE $2250. 5-room modern bunga low, full basement; terms. $T40 E. 9th st. near maweu ave. aeuwooa car. 12-ROOM. close in. double style, for 6 fam Hies; price $5000; 3 flats for rent, 582 E. 6th at. aoji JtsrooKiya. KEAL ESTATE. OX THE ALAMEDA. R06E CITY PARK. A beautiful home of nine rooms, with large grounds. 100x125 ft., nicely improved with trees, flowers and garden. There are five rooms on first floor, including a large sun parlor and a real den, which is simply grand, with a massive fire pi a re and Is really another liv--nBwIfMm' Second floor; Ther are 3 bedrooms, two of which open put on a balcony and are equal to large sleeping porches, and a fine billiard room, which may be used, as a sleeping room. Choice oak and maple floors throughout. You should see this home, and I am sure that you will agree with me. it is underpriced at $10.oOO. Will consider small bungalow as part payment. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, Branch Office 4Mb and Sandy Blvd. Tabor 2o2. WONDERFUL PlKHMnvT a r-n t vic-v. An 8-room bouse with hardwood floors inrousnoui. fi replace and furnace: every built-in feature; In fine condition; iwl2 ffpoimd, and allev. double ga rage; SOUTH of AINSWORTH. in a dandy location. Citv improvements In and paid. Price Sti5fo. Terms to suit. ' $45rt A NIFTY BUNGALOW. A 3-room bungalow, fine cemen4 base ment, wash trays, alt buiH-ins. Dutch Kitchen, flreplac; finished in ivory and enamel; oak floors; beautiful light fix tures, fmi lot. Adjoins ALAME7DA PARK hardsurface street, and sewer in arxl meluded in above price. $75 down, balance Hke rent. $,Vw HAWTHORNE. A 6-room bungalow, cement bswment, wash trays, all built-im. cabinet kitchen, hardwood floors. furnace. fireplace, sleeping porch. Sidewalks and sewe-r in and paid. $VM down, $33 per month, including Interest. LAURELHURST SNAP. A 7-room strictly modern houte. hard wood floors throughout. Tiled bath, etc. City Improvements paid; 50x100 lot. PRICE ONLY $Ji7oO. Terms to suit. RUM M ELL. & RUM M ELL, 274 Stark St. $3750 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, finished in ivory and lias f i replace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement base- j ment, furnace, attic, full lot and all improvements in and paid; $1000 cash handles. $4500 fi-ROOM HOUSE, reduced from $5250; this house has all modern features, such as oak floors, fire place, furnace and cement base ment. Better hurry. $4500 NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW; liv ing room across front, oak floors. buffet. Dutch kitchen and break fast nook, cement basement. beautiful home for so little money; terms. R. L. McGRBW. 10S9 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8S92. $00O. PIEDMONT. $6(XKK Splendid comfortably homa, full size lot; 9 largo, light, airy room a Furnace, fireplace and modern conveniences, beautiful lawn and garden and ideally located. WAKEFIELD. FTIIES ft CO., REALTORS. 85 Fourth St. . Broadway 2ft8 IRVINGTON. SOME BEAUTIFUL BUNGA LOWS AND SEVERAL HOUSES, $12,000 TO $18,000 AWAY BE LOW VALUE. YOU WILL BE HAPPY IF TOTJ LOOK AT THESE. BY APPOINT MENT ONLY. R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON AGENT. OWNER'S SACRIFICE. $5000 VALUE FOR $4000. SEE THIS! IT CAN'T BE MATCHED. 7-room house, sightly location, beau- I iiiui jooxauu grounds, fine assorted fruit, outhouse', greenhouse, fine garage, on torner, pavea street, 3 blocks to car, near school and phnrrh trrr,1 PAatrton. tiar district; terms. Call Monday, Broad- CUTE LITTLJ3 HO MB IN W OO DSTOCK. Just right for two; it has modern pain, ngnts ana gas; small lot, 25x11:2 Ieet. all in warden inrl hxrrU - ihiran house and yard; it is a neat little home on hard-surface; handy to carline and I stores, and a snap for $1650. and the 1 1 nest Kina or terms. Come in and let "its ten you more amout it. E. W. HUGHES, 50T Journal Bldg. Main 2S58. ' K6S50 IRVINGTON, wonderfully built nome, oeautiiully papered living room iw-, iripie oevei piate trench doors, leaded art glass bookcases and buffet: 3 bedrooms and enclosed aleeoinr wirch. Attic equally well finished. Tho pink of condition ; just liko new. By appoint ment only. R. T. Street, agent, residence $4500 IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Below market value is this five-room and s-leeping porch bungalow with beau- I tiful yard, garage, furnace, fireplace. It I is in the best of condition and a real I noma. JlOw cash, balance monthly. Phone today. Mar. 865. Main 1963, 500 tnamcer or commerce Piag. LAURELHURST. Ready to move in, semi-bungalow with seven rooms ana garage on a Beautiful corner; materials and workmanship of 1 the best. A special design to suit the location; paperea, decorated and fin ished to a queen's tastev No trouble, to snow you. Tabor lt4. A SNAP! 4000 $2000 CASH. T-4oom modern house, built-in buffet, I n repiaco, narawooa iioors. uatcn kitcn en. wash trays and cement basement. I 8 West Webster. Mississippi or St. Johns car. Phone Woodlawn S064. BY OWNER. J. B. ROCK. Compelled to sacrifice my n-roora nw bungalow in best location in Alameda, 862 Dunckley, corner 4t 28th rt. Leaving city. Have priced for $1000 less than coat. Open for inspection Sunday. Easy terms. w ooaiawn 4T.W. BEAUTIFUL 6-room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, built-ins, paneled dining room, beamed ceiling, exceptionally nice fix tures, white enameled kitchen, improved street, sewer connected, 2 carlines. $4500, good terms. Owner, 1020 Vernon ave. Woodlawn 3114. FOR SALE by owner. 6-room bungalow. Waverly Height; paved street, close I In, . fireplace, built-in features, Dutch-j kitchen, large attic, cement basement, I 4 fruit trees: must sen in August, sen- wood 3154; by appointment; $3M0t $1500 casn. ROSS CITY PARK BUNGALOW. 5-room bungalow, modern. Rose City Park; must be sold this week; very attractive price; terms. A H. BIRRELL-GILL CO.. 216 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. IRVINGTON. 6-room modern housa, furnished or nnfurnlshed, nice large rooms, not far from Irvington school. Exceptional good buy for $0O00. Including furniture. See Mr. Boehm, lO Oregon Piag. fctoy. l&as. SHINGLED cottage with screened porch, I 2 iota, water ana gas in street, x diock I from Willamette boulevard, $250 cash, balance $11 a month, including Interest. Call Main 4853 Monday. Tabor 13ft5 1 after 8 P. M. today. Will take you out. WEST SIDE modern cottage, five rooms. reception hall, large pantry, full base- I ment, house in fine shape, nicely pa- 1 pered, fine fixtures. Price $35O0, eay I terms. r'n cnamner ot commerce mag. Alain um.t. PALATINE HILL RESIDENCE. Among Portland's prettiest and de-1 Iightfut residences; a most sea ate nome I and beautitui grounds; aata upon re quest AH 8S4, uregoni an. FOR SALE by owner, 7-rofvna modern home, lot 102x100. garage, all kinds of fruit and berries, roses, nice lawn, gar den, chicken house. Terms. 1136 East 22d N. Phone Wdln. 14H. IRV1XGTON 575 E. 14th N., $7800, or including iwxiw corner. ju,ir) ; not i water heat; unlocked today; other good houses. Let us snow you our oxxeringa. R t. Street, irvington agent. S3450 TERMS $3450. K-room bungalow, double constructed. on paved street; garage; 2 blocks from car; nice place, with fruit, flowers and garden. Call wroaaway o-.i;. IRVINGTON BARGAIN. New, modern 5-room bungalow, ivory finish, hardwood floors, built-ins. garage, paved street, $5400, terms. Broadway 53 8. SELL OR TRADE Widow must dispose of 7-room modern house with garage and all furniture: terms, lnquireowner, 834 Kerby st. Call after o f. Al. Wood lawn sw HIGHLAND HOME 6 large, light rooms. sleeping porcn, oum-ini, inn oaiemen t. shade trees, some rruu ana Derries; J 1500 cash, bal. terms. Main 1503. A FLAT 4-room house, with bath, on macadamized street, $lsn0; $300 down, balance easy payments, raont z. 00. BEAL ESTATE. $5250 ALAMEDA PARK. Large 5-room bungalow with ga rage. This is new (never occu pied) and is the kind of a place that usuaJly sells from $1000 to $12oO more. evry room is large, living and dining rooms are beau tifully papered and old ivory fin ish throughout, paved street and sewer improvements are in and paid, cement runway to garage. This is indeed a good buy. ouiy $1200 down, balance $00 per mo. X L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Coin, Bldg. Main 2 us.. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. $t7o0 $07o0 $titoOL TERM A. One of the be-t buys In this1 beautiful district. Five larse $ooms, in perfect condition. hardwood floors, tapestry paper, all built-ins. inverted lighting svstem. tcarase. street improvements and paid, one block to ear; must have about $1SoO cash; owner leaving and ia sacrificing. Shown by appointment only E. 4Vyl cr 210-iol MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, in first-class condition, liv ing room 30 feet long; has 2 iireplaces, American ideal heating plant; 4 bed riimM and leiuinz Diirch: finest of hard wood Iioors, line lawn, snruuoory anu fruit trees, larce earae. This property is for sale by the owner, locatea at 1750 East Yam h ilk Open for inspection U to o P. Al. tiunuay. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. BY OWNER. Five large rooms, old ivory finish, hardwood floors. . fireplace, beautiful buffet, all built-in conveniences, cement basement, w aii trays, gas water heater. linoleum in Kitcnen ana Datn, snatie and drape fixtures; faces east; lot 5ox 132 ; garage, fruit and flowers, new house: must sell. $500o; $1050 cash, bal ance easy ; call evenings or Sunday 'i aDor ioy. KXOTT-STREET RESIDENCE. At the corner of East 17th and Knot tat Irvington ). one of Portland s finesi resiliences ; most bea u ti iui g ruuuud ana snruboery fquaraer oiock). lnu ivory ano manogany rinisn. nam wood floors throughout. Gasco furnace two hatha Oifered for the Xirut time Dy MRS. HAKKY PRICE PALMER. Ea st 2 s.4 FOR SALE By owner, in New berg. 5-room bungalow, with, all modern improve men ih: corner lots. !OOxl2 ft.: electr: litrhts. bath, wash basin, toilet and fuil cement basement, streets paved, and cam en t walka, 2 blocks . from business street, Z blocks to college ana a oiock; to public schooL Price $4"oy cash. Ad dres Christ Nelson, 214 N. Meridan st New berg. Or. . ALAMEDA. S50U DOWN. vkw .pnni r i.i (pornta BUN OA LOW ON 50x100 LOT; FINE OAK. FLOORS AND FRENCH DOORS TO MUSIC ROOM; HAS FIREPLACE, BUILT-IN BUFFET AND BOOKCASE VERY ATTRACTIVE HOME. K. SUM ERV1LLE, BROADWAY 247S. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. ini)ioa frtrnr 'list and M vrtle: very substantial 2-story house, well adapted for remodeling, oeautiiui gnruuoery auu fruit. TO g-et quiCK action a am unei ms this property- for less than value of lts. hk-rv w rsonriATtn realtor 243 Stark St. Main 831 T 1QTI.''' AVSWER. OT7ICK Her is the beat buy in Portland for $5000, and very easy terms too; seven modern rooms and sleeping porch, fire place, furnace, corner buxiA garage , can have more ground; am leaving for California at once, so HURRY and see my agent at 615 Chamber of. Commerce piag. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW. $100 DOWN. Has 5 rooms on lower tioor ana inree spacious rooms upstairs, piped for fur nace, full basement, large garage, lot 150x100. 1 blocks from car. If you are responsible will take as small as $100 down and long, easy terms on us ance at 6 per cent. deorge t. trow, 801 Mississippi avenue. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW $67o0. Fuv tei-ms? 5 lovelv rooms, sun porch. bathroom, best plumbing first floor; 2 bedrooms, sewing room, oainrouiu w"" floor; oak floors, ivory finish, garage. 830 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 807& NEAR ALAMEDA PARK. 7 ROOMS, PRICE $3150. Good 7-room, story and one-half bun galow, on 50x100 corner; double garage; $000 cash, balance like rent. See Mr. Acker. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder. 2-ROOM shack and nice high lot 5xl00 with 17 large fruit trees. Dernes; lo cated at 6th and Bryant, in Woodlawn, 1 block east of Woodlawn school; $1350; $900 cash, balance easy terms. Inquire of Mr. Graver, across the street, c address J. B Carson, owner, box &' Sherwood, Or. ARE YOU from the east? And are you looking lor a teautiiut come wun views that would be most- soothing1 and restful to the mind and nerves or any narann ni i n & A. OUlGt. restful home ? We have lust such a place. Bar rand Realty Co., 340 Salmon. Main 424.. $3750 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. Modem 7-room bungalow, double con structed, new and in good condition, extra large living room, beautitul fire nlnre Al olumbinsr. full concrete base ment, laundry traye, nice full lot; near Sandy blvd.. terms. Tabor e-an. ROSE CITY. 7-room houe. air nice, large rooms; 4 bedrooms with large closets, fireplace, fine, kitchen, cement basement, laundry tubs; real family home; only $3 44k) ; terms. Royal, 72d and Saady. Tabor 155; evenings Tabor 7174. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEX. Beautiful 5-room bungalow just com pleted. In Hawthorne district; will sac rifica for $4200; $1000 cash. W. M. Umbd en stock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 165B. $40O0, TERMS ROSE CITY PARK.. Classy new modern 5-room bungalow, Al condition, hardwood floors, fireplace, fine plumbing and fixtures, Dutch kitch en, full cement basement, trays; good location; vacant, move in. Tabor 4S03. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Modern 8-room houe, very large liv ing room, hardwood floors, situated on the finest level view looxloO on LOWER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. BROOKE, Mar shall 4S27. - PORTLAND HEIGHTS 4-room colonial bungalow, narawooa rioors, urepiace, cut-glass knobs, tine plumbing, beauti ful view of Tualatin valley. BROOKS, Marshall 4827. IRVINGTON SWELL BUNGALOW. Near 24th and Brazee; built for home; finest of finish, oak floors, plato glass, two bathrooms, garage. NEUHAUSEN. REALTOR, Main 8078. RICHMOND HOME. $450 down; 6-room residence! snd a dandy home; nice lot, fruit and flowers; $3750. easy monthly terms. Main 3SOi. QUI N, Realtor. 206 Morgan Bldg. IRVINGTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. BKKOKlfl dUI 1 -S (j, T. B. NEUHAUSEN CO.. REALTORS, 830 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main 8078, East 394. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 100x100, fine corner, close to Sandy, 1-Toom builiung, vacant, 113 K); very easy terms. rttoyai, -a ana sanay. 155; evenings Tabor 7174. FORCED TO SELL. 6-room house, good condition, corner location, cement basement, paved street. Price $220O; $30O cash. Sunnjaide. 1038 Belmont. Open Sunday. DO YOU want the. beat little home in Laurelhurst ? We have it; It's brand new, too; couldn t be nicer. Call Main 4 24 -V Barrand Realty Co., 340 Salmon. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? We have 2 bungalows, one 6 and one 5 rooms. See Johnson & Anderson, 124 Skldmore st. FOR SALE- Modern 12-room house and int. suited for 2 families : Mt Tabot district; $2650. Address J. C, 171 West Park. A REAL HOME. 100x100, 5 rooms, bath, full basement, gas, electricity, fruit, berries, garden. By owner, 1072 E. Yamhill. FOR BALE By owner, 5-room furnished bungalow in Rose City Park; close to car; paved street; modern. BC 866, Oregonlan. BY OWNER 4-room house, semi-modern, built-ins, garage, garden, fruit, chicken run. lot 50x100" $1600. 1345 N. Glenn ave.; Alberta car to Alnsworth, GI V E me an offer on that newly refln ished 7-room house -with garage, 405 E- Pine st., corner 10th; immediate possession: owner on premises. $U250 BUNGALOW $2250. $3O0 cash, bal- easy payments. Locat ed Eastmoreland district. A sure bar gain. Marshall 8X54. CHOICE two houses, tnree snd four rooms, plastered and tinted ; one-fourth acre with each; $1000 and $1500; easy terms. AL 9. Orison lam. MODERN 7-room bungalow, $ 4 050. Auto. 6V4. on carline. $-$50 BRAND new 4-room bungalow. Call 258 74th St. B. B. S16-83. REAL KSTATB. For Sale -Houtea. ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY. JOHN W. GR SEN H, formerly con nected with Morrison, liar wood & Jesse, Inc., of Miami, Florida, has taken charge of the real estate department in the of fice of J. Bruce GuddarU, 501-2 Couch bldg.. and wall an efticient staff of co workers will take care of the sales of houses and lots and fiirms. Mr. Greene has had many years' experience in the realty business and is prepared to give you prompt and efficient service. If you ant to sell call Main 455T. If you wwnt to buy, get in one of the automo biles kept for thai purpose and be shown the buys to be hayl in Portland. WUfciN DEALING THROUGH BRUCH GODDARD OFICK, YOU ALWAYS GET A SQUARE DEAL AND NO AFTEli TRui' KLi:. IMMEDIATE I'OaSFSSlON. This b-autitul bungalow of four rooms besides pantry and bath; lot 5ur 111; fine large fruit trees, lois of ber ries and roses; houi in finest condi t ton ; new shades, im ported Swiss cur tains, fine carpets and linoleum, fur nace ; price $3o.o; tome terms; will trrle part for acreage or car. Tabor W41053 E. STth st. J125i 3-room cottage, lxt 60xb0, fruit and berries. $25oo 5-room cottage, terms. Sunny aide lot. 7-room cottage, terms, Sunny- Sido !:t. $35h 7-room cottage, lot SOxlOO. lota of Iruit. J. P. McKENNA. REALTOR. 1151 Belmont at ; St. Tabor 6493. . IN BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA. Lovely new 0-room colonial bungalow, large living room, French doors; many beautiful built-ins; fine fireplace; hard wood floors, pipeleas furnace; garage and cement driveway; SOxlOoVs lot; price JOOOO; some cash and terms. MRS, SNOW, BROADWAY 4664. $$:0 1 RV1NGTON $MiO. Lovely small home, very beau tiful 1 neat ion ; recept ion hall, liv ing and Uining room, kitchen and breakfast nook on first floor; old; ivory and mahogany finish; abun dance of shrubbery and flowers; garage. ilHd. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 2N.VL No. 24. $3.100 ALBERTA DISTRICT $3500. Bargain. Large m oiler n houo, full cement basement, furnace, cement 'wall in front of lot, 50x100. large porches; alee ping porch upstairs, unuro t utu v la paid. REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO., 210 Lewis Bldg.. 4th and Oak Sts. LAURELHURST WUSGALOW. Almost finished, ideally arranged! and modern in every detail; 2 bedrooms on first floor; bedroom and? sewing room on second floor. No inflated vaJuee here. The owner, needing money, haa priced the house to selL See today OtH) E. Hoyt, one block nortn of Glisaa, near 33d. BY OWNER. For quick sale, will take ,$5250 for this strictly modern six-room bungalow, finished in old ivory, band painted walls, all built-ins, hardwood iioors, sleeping porch, fireplaco, cement base ment, furnace, etc. ; easy terms. 264 K. ni st st.: take Hawmorne ca-r- A REAL ARTISTIC ALAMEDA GEM. A new 5-room bungalow and garage, built-in effects, art wall paper, all hard wood floors, breakfast nook; in best dis trict, east of car lino; price $5950; terms. W. M. Uiabdenatock &. Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway lo5S. Sundays, Woodlawn 2726. , NEW Rose City bungalow of 5 rooms and. big attic, hardwood floors, pretty fire place and built-ins. French doors, plato giasa windows, fine location. The best buy we have found this week, $4b00; $0 ash PEARCE COMPANY. 201 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 4s35. Sell. 'Ilia. a Rl. TNG TON HEIGHTS. 7 ROOMS, PRICE ONLY $7500, Fine 7-room, strictly modern house-; unobstructed view cf city and mountains; only one block to-car; will consider auto for part, and some cash. See Mr, Acker DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 Panama Bldg.. Third ana Aiaer. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Strictly modern, must be seen to be appreciated, A wonderful home, easy terms. Let me show you one of the be&t buys you ever laid your eyes on. JOHN W. GREENE, with J. BRUCE GODDARD. S01-2 Couch Bldg. IRVINGTON CHARMING COLONIAL. Near 24th and Knott; artistic floor plan. 2 bathrooms, 2 fireplaces, all oak floora Ivory finish, garage; BARGAIN. NEUHAUSEN, REALTOR, 830 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Main HOTS, hasi a. 56x100 MODERN 7-room bouse, furnished. winters fuel, garage liit-u house 10x16; 56x100, 2 -room honse, $126 year income; 55x100. 4-room houae, $186 year income; lot 100x100; all for $6000; 5 per cent off for cash; owner. K 803, uregonian. ALAMEDA SWELL COLONIAL. HAMBLKT A V fcj. A wonderful home, well built, beauti ful Ivory finish throughout, oalt floors, sunroom, garage ; priced below value. NEUHAUSEN. REALTOR. East 394. Main 8073. LAURELHURST. T-BOOM HOUSE AND GAR A OBI. Located in the heart of LaureLhuret; surrounded by fine homes; price only $0800. See Mr. Acker. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. BY OWNER. Attractive East Burnside home, pleas ant surroundings, double construction, hardwood floors. Fox furnace, open grate, four bedrooms; unique arrange ment; $5OO0, $1000 cash. X. S66. Orego nlan. T?rK pity T' A RFC A wonderful buy; built this 5-room bungalow for my own use; art wall paper, fireplace and built-ins: must be seen to be appreciated; price $6250. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. - . $2300 CARPENTER or painter with a little money and some work can make money by repairing and selling a house we have. - GORDON MORTGAGE CO.. 631 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 1370J AN ATTRACTIVE; Rose City Park home, bungalow style, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace. All the built-ins. fine neighborhood, 3 blocks-from Rose City car, 302 E. 38tb st. N. tinoo down. Auto. 810-24 IRVINGTON SNAP $6750. Terms: 7 rooms, all oak floor. Ivory finish, swell sun room and sleeping porch, garage; near 24th and Brazea. NEUHAUSEN. REALTOR, East 394, Main 7078. FINE HOME OR SAN1TORY. 11 rooms and sip. porch, modern, not water heating plant, splendid grounds. 100x180; garage. Look it over. No. 140 B. 28th st. S. Phone Tabor 187. S. S or M. T. car. SNAP SN A P K NAP. $1500 4-ROOM BUNGALOW $1500. Gas furnace, cement basement, nm lot, garage, pavement and sewer; $700 cash, balance to suit. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK KJUJrt. HAWTHORNE, 6-room bungalow, with attic, modern breakfast nook, hardwood floors, fuw nace, fireplace, garage; this is a very pre.tty place and ready to mov in. Terms. Call main 7Q:U. Tabor 5oiq $2200. , jror sale, 5-room modern bungalow, berries, garden, street improvements rn and paid for)- small payment down, bal ance monthly. 5017 39th ave., S E. 1 hinir to Archer Place. Mount Scott car. PRETTY 4-room bungalow, two years old. large living room, 2 bedrooms Dutch kitchen. breakfast nook, Laura icon Heights. Price $3300: $400 cash. O. A. PEARCE CO., 201 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 4835. Sell. HIS. FOR SALE 6-room modern house on Woodward ave., Ricimo.n(Llstrict: built-ins, furnace. $5000; $150O down, bal ance on terma 5 per cent oCf for eaali. Sfllwood 4301. a' ROOMS, modern, with furnace and fire place, lot 50x100: this Is a real bargain for $365; $-00 down, rest $35 i montj to lncluda interest. Call Main Tabor SIX-ROOM modern. ROxlOO lot; 16 bearing; SItrees- grapes. 4 kinds berries, garden, eto. $1000 mtg. Consider light 4 or 6 ear aa cart pavment on equity. 829 66th sH S K ana 40th ave. Sunday and evenings. TABOR borne, all furnished. Owner iist: must sell, $8000, terms. K 652. Ora- goniaii. VP AMONG THE FIRS. t4,50' five cosy rooms; beautiful Tlew? oak floors, fireplace, bookcases, gas heat, paved street. Can you beat it? K 898. Oregonian. , . , NEW BUNGALOW. ROSE CTTY. NEW BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY. Tor particulars call owner. Main 93f. EAT IRVINGTON 8 rooms, strictly mod e'rn houpe. with garage. Wen improved lots hard-surface street, $6500, terms. .Tn bor 4 , -j. FOR SALE On easy terms, a 3-room house and lot, some fruit, close to car, school snd good roads; price $650. Tabor 4142. PPir-K X-2000 EASY TERMS. 5-room house, lot 50x100; 6 bearirnr fruit trees; 1 block Mt. Tabor car. 2040 East Taylor sr. to TilTY A HOME. See John W. Greene in charge of cdty home department with J. Bruce Goddard. CouchbUi g. gOOO VERY attractive corner home ia restricted district, every modern, con venience. Owner. Tabor 4553. .f