The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 24, 1921, SECTION TWO, Page 17, Image 35

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TJNJJSUAL opportunity, manufacturing
concern, wnose line of products is In
overwhelming demand, wli: establish
ambitious men In business a wholesale
distributors. selling th rough agents,
alssmen, dealers, Jobbers and by mail.
Experience or-capital unnecessary ; credit
extended; everything furnished; full co
operation ; tren.enduu repeat business;
200 per cent profit; newspaper aavertis
ing free ; contract protects territory.
Scientific Laboratories. 2W3 Court St..
Dept. 3531. Brooklyn. N. Y.
AGENTS Best seller; Jem Rubber Re
pair for tires and tubes; supersedes vul
canlsa tion at a savins; of over 8o0 per
cent: put it on cold, it vulcanizes itself
in two minutes, and is guaranteed to
last the life of the tire or tube; sells
to every auto owner and accessory deal
er. For particulars how to make big;
money and free sample, address Ama
zon Rubber Co., Philadelphia, Pa., De
' partment 74.
AGENTS Sell Mlnltmend for tires and
tubes; cost 2c repair; surpasses vulcan
izing, naves 6h per cent; every auto
and accessory dealer buys; profits amaz
ing. Particulars free and sample. The
Continental Rubber Co., department 25,
BURTON-BUILT Double-Mileage and Mld
Caslnga sell on sight; eliminate punc
tures and blow-outs; sturdy as tires,
about cost of tubes; never wear out; big
profits; no investment; we deliver and
collect. Must see. to appreciate. Write to
day for free sample and complete
agents' proposition. Andrews & Burton
Co., dept. 121. Kansas City. Mo.
QUIT worrying ov'ur labor un rest, r e f i n -bsh
brass beds, autotj, chandeliers, new
method, light work; no losses; no capi
tal; no experience required. Vast amount
of work ready in your city. You hire
others; profit on their work. Free par
ticulars and proofs. Gunmetal Co., 33
b'lm, Decatur. III.
AG B. NTS Sf:ii ilew concentrated soft
drinks; great summer hit; 30c bottle,
make 32 glasses; all flavors; just add
water; lightning seiler; small packages;
Citrry In pocket; outfit furnished free,
fend postal today. American Products
Co., 1171' American bldg., Cincinnati, O.
IS VOUH car hard to start in the morn
ing? Have you carbon or other ignition
troubles ? If you have, bring it to 0404
loOih st. S. E. and let us show you how
e;iv it is to overcome it. Demonstrations
eei-v day from 10 to 4 P. M. Agenta
want'' d. yred R. Du nla p. etat e agent .
SELL Roliy's wasiiday Wonder, new chem
. ical dirt solvent, harmless. Cleans with
out rubbing. Want agent and crew
managers. FREK samples and partic
ulars. Roily Chemical Co., Hastings.
Neb. - ; ,
WANTliD A few real live, energetic spe
cialty salesmen to sell a fust moving,
weil advertised auto accessory on a
commission basis; real profits; men with
cars prcl erred. Manufactured by a re
liable eastern corporation. AV 1168. Ore
gon: un. m
liEXKKAL agent to act as jobber for
distribution and sale of disinfectants
for every purpose, quick sellers, big
profits, no competition. Write for list
and terms. Bessemer Chemical Co., 1403
Third avenue, r-.:w lorn.
PRODUCING tailoring agents wanted.
Men's made-to-order clothing. Finest
materials. Prices cut to the bone. Fail
swatch line ready. Leeds Woolen Mills,
liEPKESE N T A T 1 V E S for "Kllla-Weed" ;
kills all pestiferous weeds, Johnson
grass, morning glory; economical, money
back guarantee. Miller Mfg. Co., -323
Uttht 1-th. Los Angeles.
A SALES MUU. for mfg. Co. est. 20 yrs. ;
every home. auto, store neeiis Py roclde.
a lire extinguisher elling for 1-3 the
price of otheis. W. F. A. Co., loub
tjpi"kt--l bldg.. San Francisco.
NEWSPAPER or magazine solicitors with
light car. for subscription worK in Ore..
Wash., Idaho and western Montana;
very liberal pay. American Fruit Grower.
3H5 1 i oard of T r a d e. Portl a nd. Or.
aTTeNTS WANTED Join money selling
our new soft drink flavors; greatest sen
sational success, steady repeats, wonder
ful tales. Particulars tree. Hurry! Pit
kin. Newark. N. Y.
WANTED Two capable women to take
entire charge of country home, 20 miles
from Baker. Or. ; $30 earn per month.
Write Mrs. Pat Powers. Medical Springs.
Oregon. .
fcCHOOLGIRL for helping with hu use work
and care of two children; pleasant home
surroundings ; Irvington. CalL E. 5441
after 3 I. M. Sunday.
ANY GIRL, in need of a friend apply to
the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May
fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main
3150. 1M car.
HOUSEKEEPER for W. L. Drescher and
von 12. Address 4!t2 New York ave..
Chehalis, Wash. No objections to one
EXPERIENCED hand pressor on flannel
shirts; ulso experienced operators on
power machine. Oregon City Woolen
M tils. 2W tiusseil St.
REFINED, capable g.rl for housekeeper,
mother employed; good home, good wa
ges. Call Tabor 70S except 10 to 4
Sunday. h
A GIRL, for light housework, no washing;
axe from 17 to 25, as companion for
mother and son. Apply 71 E. 11th St..
or phone E a st 5 3S3. Mrs. Robinson.
Ml DDLE-AGED woman to care fur sick
lady und do light housework. Call at 400
EaM. Burnside, Sunday, or after 0 P. M.
week days.
WILL give room, board, scholarship in
business college and 3-$ 10 month for
housework help. Paterson Business in
stitute.. LaGrange, 111. near Chicago.
WOMEN seeking employment in and out
of the city, call at Scott's Employment
Bureau, 320 Henry bldg., cor. 4th and
WANTED Housekeeper for gentleman In
city, unincumbered, state particulars as
to want's, etc.. In first letter ; no objec
tion to one child. G MJ, Oregonian.
HOUSEKEEPER in widowers home; 3
boys, school age; light work and your
own boss. Cal Sunday evening or Mon
day. Tabor SS13.
Wholesale lumber, thoroughly expe
rienced ; give references, address. S 833,
Oregon tan. '
WANTED Young lady piano player. Ap
ply between 1 and 5 P. M. at Claremont
Tavern on the Linnton road. Apply in
person only. AJ 841, Oregonian.
1IS KNiJACi ED school teacher or well-educated
business woman wanted for ed
ucational work; must have pleasing per it. v and initiative. X S33. Oregonian.
WOM AN to make herself useful about
kitchen In small restaurant for self and
husband's board or small wages.
First st.
YOUNG girl to help with housework and
children; high school preferred. East
2 N T .
W A N TED A girl experienced in checking.
Poliyanne Cafeteria. Apply Monday
morning, 1 Oth and Alder.
lOl'NO women wanting employment as
telephone operators call ut roi. 601
Tele phi -np build ing. Park and Oak sts.
MATl'RE, refined woman who desires a
remunerative life work of dignity and
helpfulness. AK 84S. Oregonian.
1M MEDIATELY Ladies to travel. $30
Aiirian notel, room 31. .Mrs. Jon
WANTEl Steam pres operator, prefer
one who can hand press and do some
repairing. Sl'J Union ave. N.
LADY of good ad-d-ress for profitable out
ante iKCuiutmi. Call 111 E. tith St.. Van
couver. Wash.
uors for a practical
household article. Call Moil. A. M. 044
Washingtorr st.
M'"AT and pleasing saleswomen for resi-
vork, J for ha.if days. S 531, Ore-
KXPERJENCED millinery makers; god
wages, steady positions. Apply Elsie Hu
c o m p a n y. Art fsans bldg.
WANTED Young girl to Assist dight
housework, new, modern home, every
convenience: Sundays free. Jl'-i to start-
Phone B.iwy. 4 mi.1 Sunday afternoon.
WANTED Wmuan fir general housework:
one t hat can go home evenings. Call
Broadw a y IJOrt-
SA LES WOM A N wanted for town-to-town
work, putting on displays; salary and
commission. 4.Vi t Wash st.
SK1KT MAKER Must be first class
steady position. S. Weiss, 344 Morrison
s-t.. mcT7tt nine fir., entrance Royal b 1 d tr .
GIRL f. r of I'ice w oi k in l idies' tailoring
estubl shmcnt. S. Weiss. 344 Morrison st.
jncz-ztnltu1 l'i.n-r, R oval Tlidff.
SODA iMfePLNSER None but experienced
need apply. Call 147 10th st. before 3
o'clock V. M.
ready to help any girl In d:tresa m
Lav, CT.isun "MV" car. East 370.
WANTED Lady to drive a Ford, f 10 week
c!'v" tfXpenses; Blead'- Write to Box 67.
W A NT E D Poultry picker. App'.v 4th
and Hoyt sts. Produce dept.. Swift &
Call enrly
Co4 Eilers. bldg
WANTBDTwo chambermaids. Princess
hole.. a4'.i E. Burnsuie.
KoUSEKEEPEH for small hotel, good
wages. AC S4H. Oregonian.
WANTED Raspberry pickers close to
..i':"!;.!:infii Tahorju.
W A IT H ESS. restauran t. $1 ,
1 to - t'- M.. 17S Madison.
Call today.
WANTED Machine operntors and appren-
tli-s. Pans HiitligICou;iS7 Alder st
WANTED Second cook: comerValiyT0
work. Cho.HttToury Hotel. 1M1 N Oth st.
GIRL for din in 7-room work In country
h o t e .. Ca ' I a f t e r Sun da y. Fas t 71 1 7 S.
.A.Mr.u r,,;w,;cnct1l COOK. bQuk Wijj.
fto45 MrUil at e.
S. OR 16TH-ST.' CAR.
W e require the services of a young
woman who has had experience in de
partment store advertising, and who can
write interesting, convincing copy. She
must be a stenographer, b able to un
earth selling points in merchandise and
must be fairly rapid and possess tact.
n,i rei)IyInS. give age. references and
lull details or experience. Address the
Crescent, advertising department, Spo
kane. Wash.
WANTED Quick and accurate lady book
keeper and stenographer for general in
surance office. Are willing to pav good
salary for one who is able to handle a
large volume of work quickly and ac
curately; prefer one with general Insur
ance experience. State experience and
ir.inimii.n saUry at which you will be
gin. If you can do the work we will
pay accordingly. Box 578. Pendleton, Or.
WANTS good woman to take charge of
hotel and rooming house department.
MUST be experienced and know the city.
Fine opportunity for right party. See
Mr. Fuiton.
500-lu Panama Bldg,. :;d and Aider.
HOUSEKEEPER" by widower; two sons,
7 and 14; 4 rooms in first-class apart
ment ; give full particulars age,
church affiliation, salary, telephone and
street address; a permanent, desirable
place for tha right woman who wants
a homo more than salary. Y 849, Ore
gonian. YOUNG lady tun secure employment tw o
hours a day for tnking a business course;
write full particulars as to education,
age, etc.; give phone number and-interview
will be arranged over phone; work
will not begin before August 1. P Si'J.
York city in its Home Department needs
the services of two or three cultured,
earnest women. To thoje who can meet
with our requirement tne pos'tion pays
92500 a year. Call at SOW Corbet t bidg.,
between '2 and 5.
AT ONCE Five brignt. capable ladles to
travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; 540
to 975 per week, railroad fare paid.
Write at once. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept.
fol B B. Omaha, Neb.
WANTED by wholesale house, competent
stenographer, one with billing and gen
eral office experience preferred. Answer
in own handwriting, giving references
and salary expected. BC h23t Oregonian-
WANTED Housekeeper for family with 2
children, almost grown; country home in
Grays Harbor county. Wash. Must be
competent cook of mature years. AV
. Oregonian.
NT ED Youiig lady experienced in
handling of invoices, checking and mak
ing of claims, also some know-ledge of
bookkeeping; state experience and salary
expected. BO S4!, Oregonian.
A woman to take care of nice home;
three grown children; good wages; ref
erences required. Call at 510 E. 7th N.
i-nona rnst n4 today (.Sunday) only.
U ANTED Two teachers to teach in the
grades for the period of s months.
Please state salary wanted. Address
J. L. Tubbs, Molalla, Or., clerk of dis
trict No. 5,i.
WOMEN'S Protective Division oca:d at
room 303 Police. Headquarters. 2d and
Oak sts.. will furn'sh information give
protection and assistance free to women
a no Bi'is. ennf lden tin..
EX P. PANTRY woman, out, room
and board ; exp. second maids, good
wages; girl for house work and laundry,
refs. Aiso other positions open. Scott's
r.mpi. cureau, o-u Henry Diug
GIRL wanted to cook for 2 men; good
handy home ; respectable ; Danish pre
ferred. For particulars write to J.
Scheel. Houlton. Or.
W uuid Domestic.
HIGH SCHOOL or business college girl to
heip with light housework for room,
board and carfare. Excellent home.
Call by 3 P. M. Sunday or Monday
morning A Uio. 322-S2.
GENTLEMEN desire to engage respect
able woman tor housekeeping position
in the country ; give brief personal de
tails. AV 33, Ortsonlan.
GI RL or young woman for light house
work and assist with children, beach
August and September; permanent if
satisfactory. Main 8403.
PERMANENT position for young lady
stenographer; no objection to good be
ginner; state experience and salary ex
pected. N 857, Oregonian.
COM PETE NT girl for general housework;
must like children ; all modern conven
iences. Phone 325-27.
WANTED Cha mberma id, experienced,
none other need apply. 312 Oak st.,
come la person. No phone calls answered.
CAPABLE middle-aged woman to" work
on farm, good home more than wages;
no children. Phone East 4574.
HOUSEKEEPER on small farm; two girls.
ai;ed 0 and S; mother employed during
day In Portland. A 11 S'.i'.K ore gonurt.
A i'AUle seamstress to come to house
this week ; call Sunday before uoon or
early Monday. East MJS3.
GIRL to assist with housework and help
care for 2 children. 10S0 Hood St., St.
Jolmg car.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
small family. Main 2iK)4.
WOMAN wanted for general housework.
Phone Columbia 7 ST.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
adults. East 4150.
EX PER IE NC ED 2d maid with references.
Phone Bdwy. 3743 before 10:30 A. M.
GIRL to assist with housework.
WANTED Several families to make ar
rangement to pick cucumbers, about
three months' work. Call at Kiverdale
Farm. Clackamas, , Or. Phone ortgou
City HiFlU. '
MAN AND WIFE. A-l farmer both in
grain and fruit, want work where both
can work at same place. R B20, Orego
nian. SELLING position open w ith large, w ell
know,n firm; college grauuate preferred;
give education, exepe Hence, age, phone
n umber. Y S2, Oregonian.
MAN OR WOMAN wanted spurt time sell
ing guaranteed hosiery to wearer; ex
perience unnecessary. International
Mills. Xorristown, Pa.
WANTED An organist at the Alhambra
theater. 40th and Hawthorne ave. Tabor
iaii up between 7 and li P. M.
WANTED Experienced cook, light house
work. 2 in family. Apt 73, 705 David st.
Auto. 575-21. 3 to 5 P. M.
T1CKKT AGENT Give experience, age.
ret ere nee and salary expected in lirst
letter. E fccij. Oregonian.
20 BERRY PICKERS wanted by W. S.
Brown, Jenue station, Gresham car, for
to day. S u n da y .
WANTED Solicitor lor high-class print
ing, lady or gentleman. Call Main U51G
BOOKKEEPING teacher wanted; Interview
ueaiieu. .- n q--q, oregonian.
O R EGG shorthand teacher wanted : Inter
view desired. BF Oregonian.
On a beautiful national highway.
$600 gets you both.
We require the following:
10 constructive millwrights.
1 sawmill crew.
1 planer crew.
1 box factory crew. . ,
1 basket factory foreman.
1 basket factory crew.
1 column factory foreman.
1 column factory crew.
2 electricians.
RAINIER MFG. CO.. y05 Cham, of Com.
MAKE application now and secure first
possible opening in co-operative box
plant which operates steady ; 9500 re
quired. Olympia Box tiz Package Co
Olympia, Wash.
WANTED A partner m a commercial
0 apple orchard, young man, a graduate
in horticulture, thoroughly understands
the business, some capital. Write AV
37, Oregonian.
HELP wanted with investment. Live-wire
salesman. Busrness experience un
necessary. Can secure good position
Investment of 95000 fullv secured Guar-
niee -o per cent. l fu. Oregonian
IF YOU have 910.0' to invest you can
make it earnVou 920(K per month. Safe
a a national bank. . Will stand the
closest investigation- Give your phone
number. A K &51. Oregonian.
WANTED A cook, who can take inter
est In restaurant; $200 down. 244
Wash i n g ton.
PARTNER wanted in greenhouse; good
opportunity for good worker; 9500 ra
quirpri. W 8'ttV Orrgonlnn.
A PARTNER for kindergarten, $50 will
handle. A J b30, Oregonian.
EX-sKRVICE man desires work of any
kind; can do- clerical work. C 645,
PRACTICA L land ciearer, experienced in
every branch of land clearing, will fur;
nish accurate estimates and superin
tend large, land clearing operation for
responsible parties. Good executive, can
handle nn and furnish equipment if
necessary. Phone contractor. East 642,
or write AG fe:!7, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and. office
man, good salesman, age 2S, 2 years
assisting manager of large corporation.
If looking for a. man who will stay
with you and be a real credit to your
business, give me a chance; must be
permanent and worthy of my best ef
forts. C 815. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED salesman, age desires
permanent position with local firm; must
offer possibilities for good income and
worthy of my best efforts; capable of
taking charge of office. C 823, Orego
nian. RELIABLE, ambitious high school grad
uate who Intends to study pharmacy in
-the future desires position in drug store.
Can handle Eastman agency. Best of
' references. . Ready Aug. 1 or AV
42, Oregonian.
MARRIED man, 20, would like to work in
grocery store or wholesale warehouse,
good steady worker, can give some ref
erences; m or near Portland; home all
day Sunday. Call "WMsdlawn 1248. after
Sunday call from 4 to 0 P. M.
EXPERIENCED sales manager with
established reputation will devote one
or two hours dailv to vour organization
and sales correspondence in return for
o e a k room ana nominal pay. f. j.
Box Portland.
GRADUATE College of Commerce. Uni
versity of California, wants permanent
position; do almost anything at first;
C. S. employer preferred. AF 845. Ore
Ionian. MAN. 40. EXPERT checking, billing, ship
ping, 3 years foreman receiving depart
ment, t imekeeper. commissary camp or
city. For interview address J. Y. H.,
care Y. M. C. A., city. '
IS MY ABILITY as a local salesman and 3
years experience as all-around office
man, coupled with efficiently applied
hard work of aiy value in your busi
ncss? AN S3j. Oregonian. k
DON'T try to get a position till we press
your suit- for 45 cents, while you wait.
Joy, the tailor. 104 4th. near Stark.
"BOBBIE" ROSS, the gardener, desires
your garden or lawn work, painting gen
eral house or yard cleaning, etc.; best
references; prompt service. Phone Main
Expert mechanic, auto repairing, sold
ering, gen. repairs at your home, 75c
per hour. Tinlin. Sellwood 2421. .
PAPER hanging 30 cents a roll, painting
and tinting, lowest prices, 1 room or a
block. Call Marshall 2403 and ask for
Mr. Carrfck. ,
FOR HIRE New 1-ton Republic truck
with careful driver, short or long hau's,
by day or week; no overtime charged.
T 845, Oregonian.
JANITOR, experienced, wants employ
ment; 5 years In present position ; un
derstands boilers and elevators. Mar
whaM 5555.
YOUNG man, 25, wants work in garage as
helper; can time valvee, magnetos, ig
nition : would leave town. Geo. Howe.
East 7741.
HIGH SCHOOL student, 5 years experi
ence, will drive any make of car by
hour or day. Best of reference as to
ability. Phone East 4S31.
KALSOM1NING. all work guaranteed, floor
graining a specialty; no furniture mov
ing or clearing; do work by hour or con -tract,
tools furnished. A K2P. Oregonian.
ACTIVE MAN. accurate stockkeeper, ship
ping and receiving, warehouse work, or
any line where earnestness, speed s nd
intelligence count. F 83U. Oregonian.
Don't put in another boiler if your
engineer has not made good in your
at earn power p lant. Phone East 103S.
EX-SERVICE man wishes position, eight
years cashier and head office man. Al
references, especially in lumber and ship
p:ng. Address T 831. Oregonian.
WANTED By steady young man, a posi
tion in or out of city, can drive Ford
truck. Woodlawn 43G4. 1315 Minne
sota ave.. Portland. Or.
FIRST-CLASS chef desires position, in
town or out of town, best references. AJ
811. Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER taking higher accountancy
course would keep small set of books.
R 830. Oretronian.
Open for engagement July 25, city or
country. Phone East 1036.
OPTOMETRIST desires position: 7 years
experience, own equipment, best refer
ences. AF 850, Oregonian.
LATHING and shingling by day or job;
reasonable; work guaranteed. L 850,
ROOFS repaired, flat roofs a specialty, all
work guaranteed. F. L. Rosegrant.
Phone 52S-4S.
STENOGRAPHER, seven years experience
legal work, desires position. AJ 831, Ore
gon ian.
PLUMBING and pipe fitting, soldering and
gen. repairs. F. O. Hovvland. W. EL Crop
per. 2d and Oregon. East 7!C5.
PHOTOGRAPH ER (commercial), good all
around practical man only need apply.
AM 844 Oregonian.
BY EXPERIENCED man and wife, con
tract to board men in eaw-mill or mining
camp. BF S41. Oregonian.
EX-SERVICE MAN wantes to contract for
city deliverv with 1-ton new Ford truck.
Bes t equipment. Phone East 3570.
EX-SERVICE MAN wants work driving
truck or touring; good at repairing; can
give good references. Phone East 3570.
HAVE you a car and don't know how to
drive it? An experienced youns man will
teach vou. Main 3530. A. K. P.. apt. 15.
PAINTER Fast brush man. 75c per hour.
Saves you money on material. Wdln.
HAVE your garden work done by experi
enced man: no job too small; no job too
Urge. Phone Main ft:.75. Mr. Baldwin.
RELIABLE man wants employment; un
derstands boilers, steam worker, had ex
pert encAH S4jLOregoni a n .
HOUSC painting in all its branches neatly
done; also papering. Woodlawn 2btfo,
Cha.. Barnes.
EXPERIENCED general etore cierk. single,
open for position; will go anywhere;
good references. N -S33. Oregonian.
WC'RK wanted for two heavy teams; ex
perienced and equipped for short logging.
Call Wdln. 4054.
COM PETENT chauffeur wishes position.
Have 4 years' experience. Broadway
1 474. Gns Lehmann.
JAPANESE, married man, wishes position
as family cock, any kind of hotel work.
Automatic 518-13.
5 A PAXESE wants position, porter, house
work, cook ; evenings 8 to 1 or 6 to 0
mornings. P. O. box 000.
PRE-M EDICAL student desires position
for part time, preferably in his line.
A V 20. Oregonian.
JA PAN ESE man and, wife want position
on farm, cooking, housework. Auto.
YpUNG Japanese wishes position in any
store or hotel in town. AP 831, Orego
nian. MAN wishes to . drive car," small wages.
Phone Main 201 evenings, ask for Mr.
Buholt. .
PAINTING, tinting and papering, good
work, reasonable. Sell. 1300.
YOUNG man 17 wants to learn trade;
wages no object. Woodlawn 63S8.
PAINTING, pn perhansrlnc or tinting; have
toolg. Woodlawn C130.
CESSPOOL; sewer connections; cement
work. Call Miller. Main 1818.
BUTCH ER Experienced meat cutter de
s i r" position. AJ 842. Oregon ia n.
PLUM BER First-class work done; larse
o rjma II Jobw. Tabor 132.
MAN wishes work of any kind in city.
Marshall 3 342. Aug. Xeuman.
CARPENTER wants work by day or con
tract. Tabor 25S0.
HOUSES shing.ed and re-shingled. 430
loth st.
I WANT job. first-class auto mechanic
Best reference. AH 831. Oregonian.
PAINTING and paperhanging ; first-class
every way. Feai rs . M ar-hall 577 'J.
JAPANESE wishes situation at housework.
R 82, Oregonian.
PAINTING"! kalsomining. reasonable
prices. Call Clauson. Woodla wn 5414.
Best work, reasonable prices. Call
Gaither. Marshall 2703. or Tabor
Reasonable. Call Tabor 1498.
BRICK contractor, everything In the brick
line. Tabor 8793.
HOUSE painted. 950-J05; rooms tinted. 91
5 : papering. 85c roll Woodlawn 6064
PAPERHANGING "ind tinting, inside fin-
ishing : f '.rPt-ciasB worn. i aDor bOSO.
ALL AROUND cook and pastry man; ref
erences. H. M.. Main 358.
WANTED Wood hauling contract from
r.oo to 3non cords. Phone Wdln. ,1 5fil.
PAINTING Best work, lowest prices. Cash
or trade. Tabor 0602.
CARPENTER work, good workman and
reasonable wages. Wdln. 4304.
CHAUFFEUR work or truck driving; ref
erences. Apt. 224. Alco Apt 8.
CARPENTER, A-l finisher. Phone Sell
wood 424.
PRINTER wants steady situation in or out
of city. AJ S37. Oregonian.
BOY WILL wax floors, $2 and- -ip per
room. Tabor 53S2.
PHARMACIST, licensed, relief work. AC
S38. Oregonian.
CEMENT and concrete, large or email
j oos con Lracieu. ji a i n t:
LATHING and plastering by day or coa
Uaa Phone .Eai bJ.o3. room 2
W ANTED Position with private family
by white couple (without children); wife
first-class, clean, economical cook ; hus-
- band experienced gardener, pruner,
painter, carpenter, chauffeur; all our
work guaranteed satisfactory. George
Thomson, room 219 Hotel Rowland. t
EXPERIENCED man can take charge of
small ra.nch. What have you? Single, or
can take my 17-year old daughter;
have own furniture; references; also
truck driver, same address; four years
in same piace. oul Rodney ave., Port
land. ORUHARDIST. poultrymarr and general
farmer. Practica.i and acientific experi-"-e-nce.
Best references. Wants place to
run. Will mKe very reasonable ar
rarvgwifnts on permanent job. F 6-.
POSITION wanted as working foundry
foreman; McLain graduate ; aeml-stee!
a specialty ; IS years experience as
moider. foreman and superintendent;
can handle all classes of jobbing work.
BJ 873. Oregonian.
F"!v years experience. seUinjr lo
cally, also territory, at prwetu e-m-ploye-d:
am able to harulle sales' force;
no oMection to leaving city: salary and
commission only. V 82. Qregcpian
DRAFTSMAN, estimator, superintendent;
good on residence and general construc
tion; also selling ability; wants position
with or without investment. V 850,
MANAGER of retail grocery store In city,
rienced in this line; test of references.
Addresct A 82?. Oregonian. or phone
YOUNG man, 28. reliable, experienced,
will take charge of E-mail ranch or work
for old party. Good home, or prefer to
- bach. Wages second consideration. AV
00. Oregonian. .
RETAIL business manager Young -m ari
experienced ail lines retail business. Will
go anywhere, but prefer Portland or
vicinity. Now employed. Best of ref
erenccs. K SBT Oregcmian.
WORIC wanted by industrious, conscientious
class. 'What have you? Main 1625
Sunday 1 to 3 P. M., ask for Ernest
KALSOMIN1NG Try me once. I make
your walls look better and leave wood
work and floors as I find them. Peairs,
Marshall 5770.
POSITION bv all-around newspaper man,
familiar with city and country work ;
state salary, etc. Address H. W., Black
stone hojel, Portland.
JAPANESE, first-class rook, with best ref
erencei. desires position, city or country.
Geo. Tanaka, 2GSS Everett. Phone Broad
way 45'.l.
Expert painting, tinting, reflnishing
guaranteed; prices reasonable. Auto.
HAVE your piano or furniture refinished
or polished by an expert. For reference
- ask the leading piano or furniture houses
In town. Call S. Moses, Auto. 524-08.
FIRST-CLASS "wash man with over 5
years experience as head wash man,
wishes position in city or town. AN
Sti.s. Oregonian.
IF iroU are in need of a milker, experi
enced dairyman, capable of taking full
- control, neat and ciean, answer this ad.
AR 833. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, experienced grocery clerk
and driver, wants work; have also had
some experience in butcher business.
Marshall 3075.
CARPENTER wants contracts, plans and
specifications furnished; bungalows a
specialty. Phone Marshall S17, call
WANT job in shipping, auto stock or
tool room, experienced; start reaaSn
able. W S74, Oregonian.
RANCH Young man, 22. wants to learn
stock raising on good range ; some ex
perience. Telephone East, 1071.
EXPERIENCED In business. wish to
manage business for lady; either wages
or percentage. K 871. Oregonian.
WANTED Janitor work; prefer a small
job; have experience and references. BJ
Mt. .Oregonian.
MAN with car to go harvesting. Am
acquainted, know country. References.
Main 4141, room 6.
WHEN you want the services of ambi
tious men and young men. call Pacific
School of Advertising. Main 57C.
PAINTING, tinting, interior arM exterior
work a special ty : reasonable prices, by
ex-service men Main 70i4.
PIANO and f urniture moving; cheap
rates. Ivy Transfer. East j-12.
MAN WANTS painting ka.Mominlng. grain-
lng, floors. 31 am oooa, room o,
A-l AUTO mechanic and electrician, 15
years' experience. Sell 20 JO.
PAINTIXO, kalBoniining. work guaranteed.
Call Auto. 523-OH, room 30.
PAINTING and tinting done, reasonable;
first-class work. bJJ-Ott.
"in tin
SEWER connections, plumbing, ra
East ;i24.
EXPERIENCED janitor wishes work of
any Kind. taoor ait,
BUTCHER and sausage maker. ( E. V., 24G
Salmon sareet.
WANTED Job hauling with 4-ton truck.
What have you. Call Auto. 322-74.
SHINGLERS When you need re-shingling
done call Marshall H72.
FOR expert landscape gardener. Call
Woodlawn 514.
HOTEL clerk wiehe position; can give
good reference 3o8 Hoiladay ave.
MAN OF 3 wishes eteady job in or oul
of city. AC S2fi. Oregonian.
GOOD boy, 1 5, wants work. What have
you? Broadway 3377.
FOR firs-t-class brick work, mantels, chim
neys. etc., call East T0fi8.
Al CARPENTER builds, repairs, finishes,
contract, day. East 3S.
PAINTER, with Ford delivery wants work.
AC 833. Oregonian.
Al LUMBERMAN wants mill to run; ref
erences. A V 50, Oregonian
EXPERIENCED waiter with references
wants work. 20T0 Hoiladay ave.
MAN and wife in private home; chauffeur
and cook; references. V 807. Oregonian.
tiookkeepers, Stenographers, Office.
Understand office work in all de
tail. Have executive ability, thor
oughly reliable; initiative and in
genuity; references to satisfy most
REAL ESTATE Young man wishes per
rnanent employment with establts-hf d
realty firm. Inexperienced, but capable
and will work hard at small salary if
chance, for advancement" is good. Have
saved $4000 at various work and this
would be used for financial backing if
chance comes for partnership when qual
ified Box 202.
With 17 years Portland experience,
now branch manager for eastern manu
facturer, wants sonnection with strong
concern in advertising, selling, account
ing credit or executive department. AF
ism, ure go man
EXPERIENCED lumber bookkeeper,
single. desires poeition, good typist,
thorough knowledge of lumber; will go
anywhere; eood reference. N S31, Ore
YOUNG man wishes permanent position as
correspondent; can write sales and col
Lection letters that will bring in results:
one year at O. A. C, this Course. AX
830. OreRonjan.
BOOKKEEPER, expert all-round office
man. stenography, crsjslits. collections,
correspondence, desires position. Out of
town preferred. Moderate salary. Single,
K 87. Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper, cashier, general
- office man. good personality, with best
of references; can take full charge; will
go anywhere; nominal salary with good
futu redes ired. AV 45. O regonian.
PUBLIC accountant, auditor and income
tax adviser deeires to engage with a
representative corporation In permanent
capacity as accountant oi auditor; local
references. P 305, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER Good office mav com
petent to take full charge; mightccept
assistant's poeition ; excellent references;
bond jf required. W S47. Oregonian.
YOUNG morried man attending school de
sires employment after 3 P. M. Office
work preferred- can furnish best of
references. BC 82S. Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT, married. 23 years' general
experience, needs clerical work. any
kind, at living wage ; satisfaction guar
anteed; references. M 839. Oregonian.
AN EXPERIENCED, sccountant desires
small set of books to keep. Systems In
stalled. Books kept by contract. Tabor
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires posi
tion; will consider any kind of a clerical
position. AR 831, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly practical, ex
tensive experience ; temporary, perman
ent. In or out city AH 845. Oregonian.
Al STENOGRAPHER, railroad, engineer
ing and accounting experience. A. E.
Pederson. 21 2 Railway Ex. Main 9rt7.
HOTEL clerk would work mornings or
after 10 P-. M., in exchange for room. Y
828. Oregonian.
A-l ACCOUNTANT, 15 years' experience;
best references furnished, desires posl-
tion in Portland. T 834. Oregonian.
OFFICE MAN, 38, married, wants posi
tion; business experience and legal train.
ing; good refere r. ces. E 837. Oregonian.
SALESMAN, exceptional ability, good ap
Hearing. re4tfting tiiea jinz. MiJi -Let.
Stales men.
WANTED Sideline by salesman traTeling
eastern Oregon and eastern Washington,
calling on hardware and furniture
stores; line must be suitable for this
class of trade. AP b40, Oregonian.
YOUNG man and w ife through business
adversity want immediate work ' to
gether; highly respectable and good ap
pearance; take charge hotel, apartments
or combination work ia hotel or store;
supporting wages desired until services
are va luub 1 e. a H t4 0 . Ore g o n i a n .
WANTED By reliable, neat young widow
with girl '4 years, nouseaeeper in apart
ment house or cooking for 3 or 4 men,
city or modern farm. Call atlor 10 A. M.
or write 137 Page st., giving full partic
ulars. ,
YOUNG girl desires position to learn
dressmaking and designing, where she
can have room and board and small re
muneration, commencing August . or
September. AV 27, Oregonian.
NEAT, clean, healthy and reliable woman
of 42 wants housework; good plain cook,
good bread baker and good worker; ref
erences; expect good wages. AR S32,
EXPERIENCED, competent lady wants
general Cleaning, washing. Ironing,
where only first-class, good clean work
is wanted; plenty of references. Call
Wdln. 5.176.
A .CAPABLE, refined woman of 30. un
encumbered, wisiie-s to take charge of
smBi lamLy and home lor respectable
widower in or near city. AC b2S. Ore
gonlan. WAR MOTHER, at I84B Washburn St.
wants light housework and sewing, four
or live hours dally, except fcunday; car
fare included and $15 per month.
SCHOOL girl desires place in good home
to work mornings and evenings for
board, room and wages. 1 AC 827, Ore
gon ian - "
desires position; 10 years' experience;
references; will go anywhere. AK 820,
YOUNG Christian widow with boy 7 years
old -wants position in widower's home,
with or without children, &715 00 th
ave. S. E.
EXPERIENCED Al cook and second girl
would like position at beach for month
of August, or girl would go as nurse
pirl. Address box 523. Beaverton, Or.
COMPETENT, reliable lady 'would care
for rooming or apt. house for furnished
apt. and small w age; can take complete
Charge. Main loo
WANTED By an elderly refined woman,
used to travel, a position as companion,
governeeis, chaperon or matron. Main
YOUNG SweLif" girl, newcomer, wishes a
place to assist with housework In good
American home. Call Monday, 9ti8
Kerby st. -
LADY wlt-hes position assisting family in
housework or governess on beach re
sort ; Cearhart preferred ; expert seam
stress. East 3517.
EXPERIENCED washer and ironer wants
work by day, also cleaning; will do any
thing: 40c hour, carfare and lunch. Au
tomatlc 510-31.
GIRL. 17 years, wants to work for room
and board while attending business col
lege; Catholic home preferred. , Address
box Sl, Mt. Ang e I. Or.
COMPTOMETER operator wishes position,
temporary or permanent; 8 years' ex
perience. D 83H. Oregonian.
RELIABLE nurse w 111 assume entire
charge of your home and family during
your absence. Automatic 525-51.
WILL wait on sick people, assist house
work, 8:30 to 5::0: (15 week (6 days).
Phone Auto. 510-73.
EXPERIENCED P. B. X. operator wishes
position first of August; references. Mar.
104. , ,
EXPERIENCED laundress wishes to take
laundry home, will call for and de
liver. East 170S.
HIGH school girl who will give children
intelligent care wisles position; refer
ences. Bdwy. 33 Hi.
NEAT, experienced laundress with refer
ences wishes permanent plaee in family.
Address D 844, Oregonian.
VUL'NG woman pleasant and dependable,
wishes to work mornings from 8 to 12
or i i-'. ai. n.ast ooo. apt.
T R U iT i woman wants position to care
for a rooming house for apartment. Ad
dress AH r4(. Oregonian.
REFINED eldeny wian wants light
housework, plain seeing, with small
family of adults. Good home, small
wages. Main 3i3S.
ELDERLY widow wishes position with
couple employed or will consider cooking
for a few men on ranch. Call Sell. 3122.
RKLI.TT3LE girl would like place to care
for children and help with housework;
would go to beach. Tabor 3857.
EXPERIENCED P. B. X. and long dis
tance operator wishes permanent place.
Will go to near-by town. E. 7451.
EASTERN woman, experienced, to take
charge of apartment or rooming house.
Marshall 581)7.
CAPABLE cook and helper, ready Aug. 1;
state particulars; go anywhere. AK. S40,
KEEPER desires temporary or perma-
nent position. Fnone .Last apt, oil.
YOUNG graduate attorney wishes position
where he could get practical experience
V 832. Oregonian.
YOUNG "lady. 18 years old, wants work In
confectionery or light grocery store.
Wdln. 2S2R. '
HOUSEKEEPER American, competent,
refined, wishes position where there is
no woman boss. W W31, Oregonian.
VERY experienced woman wants all
around day work; expert laundress. East
WIDOW will care for two small children
in horn. Hawthorne district. Tabor
STRONG, hearty woman, work by day,
washing, ironing, cleaning; ref . ; 40c hr.;
not less than 5 hours. Marshall 8ig.
NEAT and clean young man wants a po
sition as milker or take full charge;
best of references. S 840, Oregonian.
LADY wants position as saleslady or
cashier; 2 years' experience. Phone
B rna d wa y 1 S '8.
SWEDISH woman wishes work by week
or month ;. w ishes to go home evenings.
BJ 850. Oregonian.
AS SALESLADY in bakery or cashier In
good -class restaurant. Address S 848,
QUISETTE CURTAINS done up like new.
Will call. East- 8518.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as
housekeeper in bachelor or widoweY'a
home. 202 14th St.. room 5.
SCHOOL girl will take care of children
and assist with light housework. Tabor
RELIABLE woman wants to do light
housework in small family; no small
children ; $3 week. T 0i . Oregonian.
WANTED Children ovtr 2 years old to
take care of. private home. Inquire 172
West Winchell St.
GIRL wishes steady position in studio or
kodak department; has had experience.
AF 847. Oregonian. ,
PROFESSIONAL cook would cook and
serve dinners in private homes. Call
Tabor 0340.
HOUSECLKAX1.VG and laundry work, 40c
per hour. Call Aut. fi2S-3.
WANTED Work as maid or chamber
maid. Call Broadway 954.
BY experienced cook, cooKiug for harvest
era and threshers. AL 831, Oregonian.
LADY wants day work. Phone East 6030.
400 Vancouver ave.. R. 11.
COLORED woman wants day work Tele-
phone Main 2224.
YOUNG lady wishes work evenings for
room and board. -X 831. Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED laundress wishes small
washing at home. Phone Bdwy. 2458.
LADY plays piano would like employment
in music house. AK 830, Oregonian.
HAIR dyed at home, reasonably, by ex-
perienceo laoy. Jiairi oou,
WORK wanted by hour, curtains and other
laundry work done at home. Wdln. 374'.).
HOUSEWORK by the day or hour by ex
P e nenced woman. P h o n e63 1 Mi.
GOOD laundress and cleaner wishes work
Mon., T ues. Woodlawn 3040. .
GIRL. 17. wants to assist with housework.
Main 4013.
WOMAN wants day work by tfaemo
- Woodlawn 5807.
YOUNG woman desires housework by hour,
work guaranteed. V 847, Oregonian.
WOMAN wants day work Wdln. 1291.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers, OfficeT"
MIDDLE-AGED lady with long business
experience would like light office work.
M 840, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes position, as book
keeper: can type; Inexperienced. Phone
East fi:t
REFINED young lady light office
work ; experienced; will also consider
other lines of work. AN 845, Oregonian.
A BEGINNING stenographer with come
typewriting experience wishes position.
Please call Marshall 3239.
GIRL wishes position as typist; can also
take dictation in, shorthand. Call Clara
Forsett, East 5374.
TYPING, dictation, addressing, filling in.
muiti graph lng, etc.. reasonable. M. 5S6!
TYPIST, 5 yrs. experience general office
work; reasonable salary. Bdwy. 1808.
YOUNG lady desires position
nographer. Marshall, 21ol)
as ete-
STENOGR A PHER desire .pvSiUoh-
Bookkeepers. S enocra obere. Office. j
I wi!t accept a temporary position or
preferably a responsible permanent one
with a reliable firm; experience S years
-ff complete bookkeeping, typing and
general office work : manufacturing and
cofit systems; references. Broadway
M5.$, .
YOUNG woman, refined and well educat
ed, wants an office position; no expe-
rience, but great desire to work Jrd
and to become thoroughly fmiiir with
business in a short time; wages 910 per
weK. AC 847. Oregonian.
WANTED Position: one vear's experience;
understand all office w ork ; beginner in
shorthand: pleasant personality: willing
to start at moderate salary; accurate,
competent and reliable. Ak for Miss
Mink. Phone Marshall 1043. '
Bl S1NESS woman wants temporary
work in or out of city. Can take dic
tation, u&e ty pew riter and wait on
trade. M .-840, Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY capable stenographer, 7
yearn' experience, requires permanent
position ; can furnish references. Auto
matic 213-42.
THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer
and assistant bookkeeper desires per
manent .or temporary work. Telephone
Marshall 4410.
YOUNG college girl desires temporary- or
typing, clerical or exchange. East C523
-N o. I J.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes po
sition; small salary to start. Mrs. t,. ti
Edwards. Columbia Apt., 11th and Co
lumbia. fOUN'Cf lady, experienced bookkeeper and
typist, wants position, bookkeeper or'as-
xibuint, permanent or temporary. xei
references. Sell. 3721.
ONE OF FASTEST typists In city desires
stenographic position : shorthand and
dictaphone. East S0S7. Temporary or
BOOKKEEPER. 15 yrs. experience, wishes
work 2 or 3 hours daily; best references;
can install systems, audit, etc.; charges
reasonable. Broadway 2732
EXPERIENCED stenographer desire po
sition ; permanent or temporary. Ca.ll
East 5724.
REFINED young lady desires filing or
.lori.'-il nneitlnn ' M-i-J t-nnm S
CA PA BLE stenographer desires position
in city. Phone Woodlawn 4047.
MORE engagements by day. thoroughly
experienced dressmaker, design and re
model; reasonable; will take home
work. wVirk guaranteed. East 7506, for
merly Broadway 1507.
DRESSMAKING Ladles and children's
ready-made dresses: babies' clothes a
specialty. Notions for sale. Mrs. H. S.
Gilchrist, 24 East Kiliingsworth ave.
Woodlawn 5550.
WANTED By the day, dressmaking and
tailoring by first-class dressmaker; sat
isfaction guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn
MRS. ORR. 308 Panama, bldg. Hemstitch
ing. all collars, silk and cotton, Sc a
yard while you wait. Pleating. Third
and Aider sts.
BRING vour hemstitching, buttons, oleat
ing to 1Q06 Broadway bldg, corner Broad
way and Morrison ; we pay your street
car Tares pot n ways.
Gf,T YOUR fall sewing done, place your
orders early. Call Mrs. G. F. Warren,
Broadway 969. 03 North 17th st.
DRESSMAKING and alterations. 311 Cen
tral bldg., lUth and Alder, phone Main
340 8.
DRESSMAKING and alterations, reason
a bie. 410 Fourth street, phpne Main
SUMMER sewing, summer rate, dresses,
(oats remodeled. Tabor 302, all day
iun day.
WOMAN wants position for general house
work In small family or housekeeping.
Bdwy, 3451 after A. M.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, by day; ref
erences: alteration res-yonah'.e. E. 7f.
WILL make your summer frocks, $7.50 up.
Lelah Hutchinson. 827 Mo -era n bldg.
SPECIAL rates, July. August, high-grade
work. 1001 Broadway bldg. Main 5354.
COMPETENT seamstress desires work by
the day. Call Auto. 236-03.
DRESSMAKING, tailoring and remodeling,
done by day. Tabor 3213.
LELAH HUTCHINSON has moved from
K27 Morgan bldg. to 002 Broadway bldg.
I DO plain sewing, very reasonable. East
EXPERIENCED dressmaker, $3.50 a day.
Call Tahor 02O5 Sundays or evenings.
WANT Plain sewing, mending or ironing.
by the hour. Apt. 1. phone Bdwy. 4127.
X u rset.
PRACTICAL nu-se with reference wants
care of invalid or confinement case;
will do light housework. 6135 Wood
stock a v e .
NURSE Quiet home on good auto road
and car line; will care for confirmed in
valids, elderly people; references. Gi'esh
am. Or., Route A. Box 111.
WILL take maternity cases or invalids !n
my home and give best of car. 669
l n ion ave. n. East ooa3.
NURSE will care for patient in her own
home; excellent location. Call fore
noons. Tabor 573jt.
PRaTcTICAL nurse, confinement cases.
Phone East 877 for references. Mrs.
Royal. , g
MALE nurse wishes position, mental or
tubercular cases preferred: best refer
ences. Chas. H. Kellner. Aut. 520-50.
WANTED Place with desirable family as
nurse girl or helper. East 2533 before
11 A. M. or Monday.
STRONG undergraduate nurse wishes cafe;
will do light housework for same. BC
842. Oregonian.
PRACTICAL nurse, best of references. East
CHEERFUL practical nurse. Call Monday,
room 37. Bdwy. 3055 ; reasonable.
EXPERIENCED p'ractica fnurse, excellent
references. Wdln. 1241.
TRAINED, efficient nurses by day or week,
reasonable terms. Marshall 349.
PRACTICAL nurse wishes case,
reasonable. Marshall 4430.
REFINED, compete-nt woman who pre
fers keeping a home to office work
would like such a. place in gentleman's
home where daughter errvployed can
have home with her. Would enjoy orw
or two children or youn-g people. Might
consider care of home for owners leav
ing city. Best of reference given,
' V 833. Oregonian.
WANTED Position by capable, refpec ta
ble woman as housekeeper for men or
man with children, where good quiet
boy, 13 years, can be taken; will mend,
keep clothes in good condition; also put
up fruit, etc Woodlawn 1889. C 822,
NEAT, respectable lady, 36. housekeeper.
in refined widower s moaern nome, small
family or adults; walking, heart of city
or close-in; those of good character and
tirv 40 to 150 month need answer: must
K. be plain cooking and homelike. East
Ml DDLE-AG ED, refined lady, unincum
bered, wishes to take charge of home of
gentleman and sons or widower; best
rpferenrs. M 847, Oregonian.
WANTED by reliable middle-aged widow
with small child, position as housekeep
er, widower or bachelor. Address Mrs.
Eva Jenison, Hood River. Or., gen, del.
REFINED" middle-aged widow wants home
In country; I am Al cook, butter-maker
and gardener; salary $35 a month. J 835,
MIDDLE-AGED woman with 11-year-nld
daughter desires position as house
keeper in gentleman's modern home.
Ref. exchanged. K 874. Oregonian.
MOTHERLY woman wants housekeeping
out of Portland, where she is own boss.
Good cook. Wages. 6314 03d S. E.,
x Portland, Or.
REFINED elderly woman wants house
keeping where she can have full charge.
Clean, economical cook. AH 830, Ore
gon lam
LADY with small boy wishes position as
housekeeper for widower on a smail
place in country, close in. F 839, Ore
gonian. POSITION as housekeeper for men or man
with children ; middle-aged, good cook;
best of references. East 2246.
MIDDLE-AGED widow, tawith boy 13 yrs.,
would like position as housekeeper;
country preferred.. A 849. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED widow with girl, 10 years
old, . would like housekeeping; city or
country. W 873. Oregonian.
WANTED Housework In country or cook
ing for small crew of men, by middle-ag-d
woman. Main 1112. or 368 Cable st.
WANTED Position u housekeeper or tak
ing care ox sxnau apt. no use. &if 74,
HOUSEKEEPING wanted for middle-aged
widower or bachelor. Phone Main 943,
10 to 6 Sunday.
POSITION as h. k. on farm or country, by
young woman lth small child, S 845.
WANT position as housekeeper in hotel
or gentleman's home. Call Aut. 214-76.
POSITION as housekeeper for refined
couple for room and board. Tabor 1220.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailor-
lng. gowns, suits and coats. East 7773.
TRUSTWORTHY, dependable woman, good
cook, will cook for small family adults
or elderly .couple; no triflers. no phone
calls. t2Vj Grand ave.. room 14.'
EXPERIENCED woman desires house
work and cooking in private home. AE
841, Oregonian.
NURSEMAID wishes position In good
home. BP 83S, Oregonian.
ELDERLY lady wants light housework.
East 44 after 2 P. M. Sunday.
YOUNG girl wishes waitress work. Call
iisUn EoxssU, iuaat
Do m est ic&.
A WOMAN, over 30. with a hair lip. wants
a place as mother's helper in light house
work or taking care of children; expe
rience with them; want off Saturday all
day; wages $15 to $20 a month, Y 84.
W I N DO W CLE A N 1 N G . P A 1 N TV D
walls, ceilings and woodwork kitchen
and bathroom cleaned.
Phone East 8581.
Floor waxing and window cleaning our
specialty. Phone Auto 026-51.
Information and
Rental Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-dnte lists of desirable
vacant house. apartments and flats
w ith aefinite information pertaining to
Newcomers to Portland will find this
bureau of great value in helping them
get properly and quickly located.
Eighth Floor.
WANTED By sponsible party, 5 or 6
room modern house, on east side, for
one year; must be in a good neighbor
hood and reasonable rent; wi4 give place
best of care and will pay rent promptly;
state location and amount of rent per
month. J 843, Oregonian.
Llat your houses, fiats or apartments
with as; Quick results and gooa tenants.
53 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel.
Phone Broadway 3715.
couple without children desire
to rent up-to-date bungalow
i'nfl'rn ish e d. can promise best
of care and would rent in
definitely, prefer plage with
garage, but not necessary,
al 834. oregonian.
WHY HAVE your house vacant when we
can rent it today to reliable people?
Small houses furnished or unfurnished
as well as large ones. Call Mr. Pomroy,
02u Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4so.
WANTED To rent by the year. Someone's
unfurnished, handy, strictly modern 7-
. room or larger, city or suburban home;
large grounds, first-fiocr bedrooms will
be appreciated; best references. AC 684.
BY RESPONSIBLE people, 5-room mod
ern house (except fireplace and furnace);
must be in good condition, not more than
J0 minutes from business center; w 111
lease. W 872 Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE party wants to rent 5
room modern bungalow in Rose City
Park, Irvington or Laurelhurst: fur
nished or unfurnished. Call Main 6082,
before 5 P. M.
WANTED' By responsible couple, small
house or three or four rooms, including
kitchen and private bath, partly fur
nished: must be clean and reasonable;
permanent. W S34. Oregonian
UNTIL Sept. 1, 1921. furnished house in
quiet location, 5 or 6 rooms, preferably
w ith sleeping porch and garage; four
adults. Mr. Bailey, window 10. Fira
Nat, bank.
WANTED, TO RENT Bungalow, by re
. sponsible couple by August 15 or Sep
tember 1. M ust be thoroughly modern.
UU MSt IV-, I.
WANTED To rent seven -room house in
Irvington or Aiameda Park. Can give
beat references if required.- AE 873,
WANTED Any time in Augu.-t. 4 to 6
rooms, unfurnished house, between East
6 Oth and East 80th street on MV car
line. W S75. Oregonian.
W ANTED Unfurnished modern house, 7
to 0 rooms, close in; preferably Knob
Hill district. Phone Monday, Marshall
WITH garage, six-room bunsalow or house,
furnished or unfurnished, in Irvington
district. Would want at least one year's
lease. Phone Tabor 5273 Monday.
WANT to lease 6 or "-room house with
gara ge, anuist be modern and in good
district-. " Phone week days Bdwy. 200.
J. G. Howell.
WANTED By reliable party, to rent fur
nished or unfurnished 6-room modern
house or flat, walking distance, west
side. Y S41 . Oregonian.
WANTED In Rose City, irvington. 5 or
6-room furnished bungalow or flat by
3 adults. Phone Ea.t 5742.
6 OR 7-ROOM house by responsible fam
ily adults, references given. Main 571
Monday or Columbia 6G5 evenings after 5.
WOULD like 6-room bungalow with ga
rage In Rose City Park. Will lease and
can give reference. Pho ne Bdwy. 3407.
FURNISHED or unfurnished modern 5
rohm bungalow. 1S0S E. Hoyt. Tabor
WANTED to rent 5 or 6-room unfurnished
bungalow with garage, six months' rent
in advance. Adams, auto. 230-32.
WANT small house, furnished or unrur
nished, rent must be reasonable. W. H.
Ross. 184 N. 17th St.
WANTED 3 to 5-room house, furnished or
partly furnished house with garage,
within 20 min. Phone 235-52.
YOUNG couple wishes to rent 5-room bun
galow after August 1 ; year's lease if
desired. Woodlawn 4 US.
SMALL houwe, or few housekeeping rooms,
some ground, near Vancouver and Knott.
B 826, Oregonian.
CONGENIAL couple, best of references,
would rent a furnished house or share
with adults;- garage. Sellwood S36.
6 OR 7-ROOM modern house or bungalow.
Call East 733S.
WANT to rent 5-room furnixhed bungalow,
permanent tenants. Wood lawn 1 4'i
WANTED UnfiH-nished apt., 3 or 4 rms.
Would consider fiat,; sleeping porch or
balcony preierred. South of Morrison.
East 2 PL
UNFURNISHED apartment or flat, west
side. AN 843, Oregonian.
ONE LARGE unfurnished room suitable
for housekeeping, mother and daughter
employed; lights, water. Lincoln dis
trict. Protestant preferred. Permanent.
AN 833, Oregonian.
WANTED By woman employed, room
with kitchen privileges in private home;
can give references. - AL S2S. Oregonian.
YOUNG man wishes a furnished room in
a private Irvington family; rate $15 per
month. L 846, Oregonian.
BACHELOR wants sleeping room with pri
vate bath, in good downtown building.
Reasonable. K 834. Oregonian.
Rooms With Hoard,
WANT room and board by the week on
east side, between Morrison and Burn
side. Arthur Watson, 22 E. Sth st.
Housekeeping Rooms.
SINGLE and dou bie housekeeping rooms.
Electric lights, free phone and bath. St.
George hotel, 3014 First at., corner of
THE MAPLE. 30 N. 17th; one and two
housekeeping rooms, hot and cold wa-
ter in each apt.
WANTED After Aug. 1. 4 or 5-room fur
nished upper flat with porch, walking
distance ; preferably west side ; reasou
fthle. Call Main .
Business Placet.
suitable for a bakery, conf.. light gro
ceries; I am in business now, butcfriave
to move on the 1st of August; state
price of rent, location and lease. Write
C. Albert, 701 Savler gt. or caU Eaat 8404.
WANTED A store building. 20 to 25-foot
front, suitable for a variety store, in
suburb of Portland, at reasonable rent;
give all particulars. AV 3. Oregonian.
REFINED business woman desires room
with kitchen privileges, west side, rea
sonable. Marshall 3735.
GREENHOUSES, 17,000 square feet under
glass, close in; good place for gardener
and florist. S 826. Oregonian.
Furnished Rooms.
NICELY FURNISHED rooms, beautiful
grounds; references required. 243 11th,
corner of Main.
ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 Eleventh St.. near
Morrison; clean and modern rooms by
day, week or month at reasonable ratea.
LARRABEE HOTEL Modern rooms $2.50
week up; close to d-ental college and 3
blocks from steel bridge. East 849.
HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison St., at 10th
$1 day. weekly 5 and up. Free phone
and baths. Light and airy.
NICELY furnished rooms, every conven
ience, walking distance, reasonable.
Phone Marshall 3233.
BUCKINGHAM hotel, 652 Washington
Modera rooms. Ire phone, bath; reason
Large attractive modern rooms by
week or month. Rates reasonable.
RECTOR hotel. S Nbrt h Broadway, new
and modern Yale locks on doors, $1 per
day up. $ Pt week up. Private baths.
112 N. Sixth. 2 blocks of depot.
$1 per da f, $5 per weak and up.
75c DAY. 92.50 WEEK up; c.ean, baths
free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d rar Jefferson.
NICE front room for rent. 300 Park sl
Close in.
1 SLEEPING porch, 1 sleeping room, 1
2 - room a p t. 6.?5 Wash.
THREE furnished housekeeping rooms at
7us ata at. raoutt Ataux oi.
Washington at 13th. Rates hy th7
week, $5 and up; hot and cold running
water, hot w-ater heating system; tub
and shower baths. .
Steam heat, hot and cold water in all
rooms, ciean, light, airy, h'.I outs id a
-rooms; speeial rates for 2 in a roMii.
Und--r new managemenu Miss Selnta.
Petet-y n. manager. "
MEN, $5 PER WEEK. New. e'ean. beau
tiful, phono, bath, electricity, heat, ei-c,
eve.ry convenient n.
11.25 PER DAY. $6 PER WK. AND UP.
T A IT HOTEL, All outside rooms, best SI
day hot 'l m city ; rooms ? 4 to J 7, and
i with bath $8 to vl per week; pleasant
lobby ; automatic elevator. 12th and
STark. m
ANGELA HOTEL. 25 Washington sL
Large lobby, automatic elevator, phon
and running water in each room, room
with or without bath. $5.50 per week up;
excellent home-cooked meals n-xt door.
ROOMS, with and without bath, -0 and
up. Also elegantly furnished large suite
with piano, s;se room 17x35. suitable for
2 or S bachelors; reference required.
Marshall 230.
I LOVELY furnished room in first-class
apartment, continuous hot water ana
heat. bath, every convenience; separate
entrance; reasonable; 21st and Johnson.
West side. AG 830. Oregonian.
Nicely furnished rooms at moderate
prices; conveniently located. 6th and
Stark stt.
H O T 1 L CONRApINE. 22 North 10th st.,
2 blocks nortn of Washington st.; pleas
ant rooms and suites at very reason
a ole ra t eg by any or wcck.
A BEAUTIFUL furnished front room and
sleeping porch, suitable tor man and
wife or two men. 15 minutes' walk from
Meier & Frank's. Aut. 310-07.
BeXuTJFUL. cool room for rent In new
home of refined young couple, rent $20.
Call before 10:30 or Monday, Tabor
Ideallx located in the very center of
the the.rter and shopping district. Spe
cial summer rates now in effect.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished large living
room with alcove bedroom, use of elec
tric grill; also one single room, walking
distance. Main 4 of 5,
HOTEL BAXTER 150 Goldsmith st.,
clean and well furnished rooms, all out
side, free bath, close in on east side.
M. A. car to A Ibina. Ea at 7550.
573 Washington, at 18th.
Large, clean. airy rooms, privats
baths : rates to permanent guests.
Attractive rooms and suites at reason-
able rnte by week or month.
THE ST. PAUL. 130 4th. cor. Alder. A
Rates 75c up. Private bath ?2, Special
rates by week or month.
733 Washington. Rooms w ith or wlth-
out bath, reasonable prices.
THE MAPLE. 30 N. 17th at. Rooms, $3
per week y.nd up.
I'nfumished Kimhu.
3 UNFURNISHED rooms and bath 22.
See janitor, Waverly court. East 20th
and Clinton sts.
TWO unfurnished rooms, with bath, walk
ing distune e. $io. 2S0 n. y. u t ns t .
Furnished Rooms in Private Family.
LARGE front room, nicety furnished, bath
and phone. 12 minutes business center;
s u mmer rate. 870 Albina. Wdln. 43T5.
FURNISHED room, all conveniences, close
to business center. 214 11th st. Mar-
shall 0'4.
$10 A MONTH.
Small front sleeping room for wprk
Ing girl. 330 Taylor st.
NICELY furnished large front room, walk
ing distance; rent $16. 531 Montgomery
drive, pr phone Marshall 3233.
LADY with a good home desires to take
tare of 1 or 2 children, a place where '
father can room and board. Main 2 61 5.
FRONT room in newly and well furnished
flat, reasonable; 10 min. walk to Bdwy.
and Wash. 02 '' Ella st. Mdwy. Sail.
PLEASANT room lor rent with C. S. fam
ilv, near Laurelhurst park, gentleman
preferred. . Call Tabor 3056.
LARGE front room with alcove adjoining,
Uath, beautiful west side home, easy
walking distance. Phone Marshall 61.
CHEERFUL front room, piano, sewing ma
chine. August only; suitable for visiting
couple. 266 14th. nenr Jefferson.
SLEEPING and sitting room for one or
two people, $4 per week; 2 meals if de
sired. 007 Glisan. Broadway 2048.
2 FL'KMSyliED rooms, 1 block to car, $12
month. 4614 67th st iiu Scott car.
Call early In morning.
FURNISHED room, newly tinted, suitable
for single lady, reasonable rent. 403
12th. west side.
NICELY furnished front room in modern
apartment, disappearing bed. See or call
apt, z. 45 ixtn st.
NICELY furnished room in modern home;
all conveniences. Phone E. 3704. 426
E. Harrison st. J
LIGHT, clean front rom for young man,
no other roomers, 4061 Broadway. Mar
shall 1009.
LARGE front room, suitable for two, and
one single room for rent. 03 North lith
street. -
FIXE room for a quiet refined business
woman; Mt. Tabor. Tabor 7734. Refer
ences required.
FoK RENT Sleeping rooms on St. Johns
car lin, 5 blocks from Mississippi car
line. 14 E. KilUngswortn ave.
NICELY furnished sleeping room,."" Light
and airy. 325 3 Ith SL 1 block Bouth of
Haw-fhorne ave. r
NICELY furnished, clean and cool outside
rooms, bath and phone; walking d:a
f nee, $3. 3 01 14th st. Auto. 521-64.
NICELY furnished room with use of
kitchen to lady only. Reasonable.
Broadway 4106.
THREE rooiiks. furnished, 1 with sleeping
porch, in private family. Main 822
after 4:30 evenings.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with hot
and cold water, nice home, easy walk
ing disiance. 215 14th st.
MODERN furnished front room. Very
reasonable. No other roomers. Close
In. E;ist 5063.
LARGE front room In modern Irvington
home, reasonable near Broadway and
1. nion. Last 5?Q7.
DESIRABLE room In apartment. Every
convenience. Wa Iking distance. OoO
Flanders. Bdwy. 2687.
NICELY furnished room with alcove and
electric grill, 10 minutes walk to town;
just off Wash.. X N. 21st st.
WWLL-KL'KNISHril) room. 3 windows
modern home, privileges. 351 6th st. Nr.
" Market st.
LARGE furnished room at $20. Main 3'J01
320 BroH ihvay.
GOOD, large light room near Multnomah
club; reasonable. Alain 7505.
NICE room and pood board within walk
in gdsuince
NICE large front room, walking distance,
H44 East Stark. Phone East 5486.
IRVINGTON room, breakfast. 1 block to
car and Brazee sr.. near club. East 410.
257 12TH ST. Large, modern room, large
WELL furnished, airy room, ?16 per mo.
to permanent gentleman. 531 jCouch.
SLEEPING room in private home; Haw-
thorne car. 1045 East Grant.
LARGE wetl-furnished front bedroom in
apartment. Phone Broadway 5534.
PLEASANT, furnished room for lady, close
in. Main 7127 400'. Jefferson, apt. 201.
260 14TH ST. Choice room, modern con
ven i e n c es; wa Ikin g distance. M a :n 3a03.
SLEEPING rooms facing parit, gentlemen
only. 3'i4". Park st. Man 2.00.
FURNISHED room, modern conveniences.
564 Couch, bet. 17th and 18th, apt. 8.
2 NICE rooms for 2 gentlemen, close in.
very - reasonable. 324 loth st.
LARGE! airy room for gentleman, west
side. 720 Gllsan st . R ef. Mnr. 3613.
VERY choice, well-furnished room, rea
sonable. 655 Everett. Bdwy. 35ul.
NEWLY furnished rooms, light and airy;
gentlemen preferred. Mar 2018.
NICELY furnished front room with fur-
nace heat; board If desired. East 3510. "
LARGE outside room for 1 yr 2 nurses.
21st and Flanders. Phone Mar. 131.
FURNISHED room for rmt, gentleman
preferred. 4S N. 15th st.
$10 LARGE room in nice home for gent.
Mar. 60i. 54 Lucretia, nr. 23d and Wash.
3 FURNISHED rooms in private family.
875 E. Couch st.
ATTRACTIVE room in modern home. Call
Mar. 3042. .
LARGE, pleasant room, close in, for gen- -
tleman ; rent reasonable. East 1062.
$25 PER MO. 2-r. sleeping apt. suitable
for 2; central. 415 W. Broadway.
FURNISHED room with garage.. $15; Wast..-.
of Laurelhurst. E. S.'HW.
NICELY furnished rooms with aT.i horn
conveniences. 741 Hoyt. Main 6u04. . -
CLEAN front bedroom, modern horne on
car line; no other roomers. Tabor 9006.
IRVINGTON. lovely room, mode rn home. .
, walking distance; reasonable. East 6042.
vu- lor raai. .oo Juurr-ioa w rt r. w
yy io9.o