10 REAI.JBSTATJ5. lor Sale Houhm. DISTINCTIVE HOSrES. offered for your consideration by FRANK. L. McUUlRK. They Satisfy Tour Innate CraT tn for Beauty," Ran ff in i? in Price From TO 1G,000. - ' IRVTXGTON. $10.0U0. n" One of EXCLUSIVE IRVING TON'S loveliest homes. 12 rooms; immaculate appointmelts throughout; servants' quarters on third floor, billiard room, etc ; large beautiful grounds with rare shrubbery; trees, etc. E. -1 st st. A HOME OF GENEROUS HOS PITALITY! fttjno. relJffht fully different Irvlngrton ENGLISH COLONIAL. 6 woll pro portioned rooms, - fireplaces, re plete with finest modern features, tjt 11 th street. HEIGHTS HOME. 11.5U0. Ideally located on 100x100 cor ner, a low, rambling, picturesque story and a half bungalow with great front and side view porches; massive cobble stone pillars; 8 rooms, Tlvlns; room 15x30, etc, library, Mexican court In rear. A HOME OF STRIKING INTO. VI D -UALITY! Elm street. "T.T.iM KTT K HEIGHTS. $7000. W HERB COOL BREEZES al ways blow. Embracing one of those wonderful panoramic views for which Portland is justly famed. A beautifully fitted out, airy bung-alow; 5 rooms, with some of the finest built-in features. A HOME OF INSPIRATION AND PEACE. ROSE CITY. One of the most desirable homes In all Rose City today. 7 rooms in a bungalow that Is a perfect model of beauty, comfort and economy; sleeping porch; handsome built-in features; solid oak woodwork and paneling; a fireplaces ; hot-water heating svstm ; splendid 87xl0O corner. OWNER leaving city is only reason for selling. East 47th and Halsey. LAURELTTURST. $7500. Lovely English cottage type homo l-i LAURELHURST; 8 rooms; A HOVE OF QUIET BEAUTY AND ITM O ST RE FIN FTM E NT . Laure 1 burst avenue and Imperial place. $5..10. In heart of Sunny Piedmont, among beautiful trees, you'll find waiting for you. this 6-room HOME OF YOUR. DREAMS. Haight ave. NOTE Our High-Class Home Depart ment has an especially attractive lifting of homes of THE BETTER TYPE. A selection that will please the most discriminating. See FRANK L. McGUIRB To Buy Your Distinctive Home. Abington Bldg. Main 10BS. "A HOME FOR EVERYBODY. MARSH &. McCA.BE CO. $1975 TERMS. R-room cottage in fine condition, nice home for someone; 1 blk. car. $2650 EASY TERMS. 8-room 2-storv square 100x100 lot. This Is an exceptionally good value on paved street. Newly finished through out. $2050 GOOD TERMS. 6-room cottage, full cement basement, fruit room, beautiful 50x100 lot, fruit, rapes, berries, paved St., sewer, garage. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW NEW. Hilwd. floors. firi'Dlace. bookcases. buffet, breakfast room, all modern con veniences. Paved st., sewer, close to school and car. Only $4250, on terms. See Us for Good Value. New Listings Daily. MARSH & McCABE Co., Realtors. 822-3-4 Falling liltlg. Marshall 3'.ll3. $6750 IRVING TON. We consider this one of the best buys in the district. First floor Entrance hail, large living room dining room and kitchen. Second floor 3 bedrooms, a glassed-in sleeping porch, paved street and sower improvements all paid. Lo cated on -1st st.. one block to car line. Lot on grade with street. Possension will be had in a few days; $H5 mortgage on this property for 3 years, balance In cash if desired, although easy terms with good monthly pay ments will be considered. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. pivr noon buys. $3000 Terwiltger blvd., 100x100 with S-rooin modern cottage, lots of fruit. r)l-n.)id value: S.'.OO cash. 20 montniy $3A0t) Waverleigh Hts., 6-room mod ern bungalow, on paved street, sewer all paid; s.MH cash. 130 monthly. 4.M10 knton district. 0-room mod ern bungutow, fireplace, furnace; $1000 cuMh, 2u monthly. $4700 Sellwood car. 100x100 with 6- room modern house,, lots of fruit, con Crete garage; $1000 cash, $25 monthly. S.'itHHi Alberta car: 5 rooms, hard wood floors, fireplace, hot water heat o0 cash, ?40 monthly. FR1-1D M". GERMAN. Realtors, 7;t2 Cham, of Com, lildg. A V K V HARfiAlXS, Ifl rooms and sleeping porches. Nob Hill district; nets $100; price $2300, terms. J3 rooms. White Temple district, nets $00 ; price $1MM, with terms. 2t rooms, nets $100, rent $60 with leae; price $."1250, terms. We alo have some real hotel buys, come In and let us show you. Portland realty co.. 531 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Broadway 21'50. LOWKIl PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Fine Mow of city, 100x100. level, and beautifully landscaped. Modern, well built, ll-vnom house, very large living room, hardwood floors, hot water heat ing. 100 f'tt to car. Will sacrifice. l'.UOOKK, Mar. 4S27. BtiAl T IKL'I, HAWTHUK N E lU'NGALOW. 50x100 lot, half block to car. large rooms, attic, fully double constructed, strictly modern. Reasonably priced, good terms. Buy from me. You save. Auto. M23-17. 1GUT-KOOM house, delightfully situated on corner lot, two blocks from Sandy; lar.ne living room off of reception hall; dining room with alcove; tapestry paper Mild hardwood floors downstairs; three bedrooms and sleeping porch. Call 315-34. $ 1 5 1 ' E R M O N T H $ 1 5. $150 down. You can have a nice little home for $1050. Four rooms, electricity, gas, basement, near car. It's a bargain. Main 53 s 5. ROOMS and bath, furnace, full-size basement and garage, fruit trees and berries, chicken yard and house; im provements all in and paid; 70 ft. from hard-surface street and car line; lot 50U)5. 3 1 East 0th N. Tabor 705tJ. JJY IMV.NKR, 7-iuum, bungalow style, mod ern, almost ne w. painted walls, imps, all in and raid; lot 40x100. cement waiks; a real home, $HN00, t-rms. 3135 Wood stock ave. Main 42-15. $40iiO ROSE CITY PARK. New 5-room bungalow, built-ins, full cement basement, laundry trays, window seats, tapestry paper, fireplace, near Sandy. Tabor 4mW. THAT LALltEr.HURST BUNGALOW. Here in the one big bungalow, swell location, strictly modern, new; ready to occupy; one block to car. None can equal price. Easy terms. Auto. 023-17. FOR SALE New 5-room bungalow, under construction; price $514. 30: nothing down to purchaser who has $500 to finish. A. C. Miller, ltH5 Mifestppi ave. Wood lawn 3S7S ALA M EDA- Owner is very anxious to move to California and is offering his beautiful home at a greatly reduced price. $0G5, on terms. Call Main 736 today. $275t -A Sl'LEN DID 3-r. bungalow, 5 b!ks. from Union ave., nnar Deckman. A stna.l cash payment. 314 Couch bidg. Main 7030. HERE is a snap; a y-room hoiwe, modern in every re.pect, 20 minutes walk to business district. See owner, 6SS E. Tny'...r St.. call East 7 1!0. BARGAIN $7500. New Rose City bungalow, discount for cash or gcod firt payment. See it. 5S5 East ft 1st st. N. Owner. 31 i-iO. BY OWNER 7-room house in Hoiladay v Addition ; - toilets, pas ana electricity, vr"ii rim i' Wd'.n. 126" rim nam ana smK; 3SUU, terms. PoR SALE llouso paid for. Price come and see it. car. Owner. and lot; improvements l. h.i; equity s imto 612 Leo ave., Sellwood vmi fV4.SH. S2550 This will not last long. ti-room home, cement basement, bath ; Sunnvytdo. it' ueimont, E-P L"Nt? ALOW, . utmost new. all on one floor, $3Ho, $.Vi0 cash, balance monthly. " Main 7ti0rt. Call today. liY OWN ER--ttlofl-. .130' -A niftv 4-room modern bun E. 10th st. Sell. 2030. M O D E R N bun galow, "corner lot. gars g. 3 rooms and 0S4 Knott st. KKtf HOUSE Call E. S2-'2 and garage, J1S00, terms. AN ATTRACTIVE by owner. East 6 -room S3 5. colonial house, TWO -ROOM house, ca.s. elCC, 50x100 lot. 500, terms, -oi. iJJ.,,, REAL ESTATE. I-'or Sale Houses. GOOD BUYS IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. W E 15 V E HUNDREDS OF HOMES FOR SERVICE MEN. COME AND SEE THEM. $3000 In SELLWOOD ; 5-room bunga low on 50x100 lot. Will trade for 3 or 4 acres, west side or Es- $5300 ALAMEDA PARK. C rooms, 1 floor: all modern conveniences; only $05O down. Think of it. 3500 E. Tttth st., near Market. 7 rooms, 1-atory bungalow on lOOxloo; - $500 ill handle. $3500 E. 57th st. N., near Flanders. nice rooms; good new furnace. From $250 to $500 will handle this. $3750 A BEAUTY IN RICHMOND. 5 rooms, with furnace, fireplace and everything. See us about this. $2750 On tSOxlOO lot. 5 rooms in Mt. Scott. Only $50O down. No busi ness paying rent when you can handle this so easy. $3500 ON GLADSTONE AVE. is a fine 5-room bungalow that could not be built for the price. Gas fur- nace. $500 will handle. We have a large list of high-class, dis tinctive homes In ALAMEDA PARK. IRVINGTON. ROSE CITY PARK. LAURELHURST AND HAWTHORNE. Most any of these can be sold to SERV ICE MEN who will apply the state loan. Drop in and see us. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS. "Shortest Way Home." 264 Stark St. Main 5J3 and 1094. I THE BEST BARGAINS. These are especially selected buys; owners WANT TO SELL. No fancy prices. Inspection will convince you. 7-room modern bungalow, all hard wood floors, garage; JfiSouO. The best in Alameda. . 5-room bungalow, Irvington, hardwood floors, garage ; $4200. 5-room bungalow, floors. In Rose City, modern, hardwood on 53d; $5250. "-room semi-modern, 100x100, sightly location, garage, greenhouse, fruit trees, etc., on paved ttrcet, 3 blocks from car; $4000. 4-room semi-bungalow and finished at tic, in good district, near car; $2S50. Be sure to see us before you buy. Try us. IT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. Office closed on Sunday. STAR REAL ESTATE INV. CO., REALTORS, 331 Stark St. Broadway 5358. FURNISHED HOMES. MOVE RIGHT IN AND STOP THAT HIOH RENT. 4-room bungalow, furnished, double construction, good location, sewer, walks, 2 bias, cax. Uniy -,ou, ouu casn. $4500 for this completely furnished 5- frtrm hnn train w. including DlbtlO 1 hdwd floors, fireplace, bookcase, buffet. Gasco furnace, fine furniture. In fact every thing to make a, good home. $1000 cash. RI'VVVRinR MODKRV BUNGALOW. Completely furnished, even to a bll- Harrt tAhu: hdwd. floors, fireolace. book cases, lavatories in bedrooms. In fact everything one could desire for modern convenience. $7500 complete. Terms. MARSH & McCABE, Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3003. BRAND NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $4200 TKKMS 14 UU. $4200 TERMS $4200. 753 E. 63D ST. N.. ROSE CITY CAR Strictly modern 5 rooms and large leenim? oorch. hardwood floors, fire Dlace. Dutch kitchen, built-ins. full ce ment basement, fine plumbing and elec trl fixtures, breakfast nook with port' able table, ivory and enamel finish. East front, corner lot, fine view, restricted rfiMfrfnt.. handv to car: sewers, etc.. in eluded. See this today from 1 to 3 P. M. Phones East 0516 or WoodlawD 15.10. LOTS OF GROUND. $200 cash, $15 monthly buys lot 80x 100, wltn weil-Duut i-room couage, hlnelt from car: total nrice $1100. $250 cash, $15 monthly buys lot lOOx 10O with 4-room piasterea cottage, blocks from car: total orice $1125. $430 cash, $25 monthly buys lot lOOx 174, wltn, 3 rooms ana sleeping porca, SO fruit tree: total orice 1350. $350 cash, $25 monthly buys 75x100 lot, with 5 rooms and bath, 18 fruit trees; total price S24U0. FRED W. GERMAN, Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. Bldg. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. BY OWNER. S laree rooms, old ivory finish, hard wnnri floors, firenlace. beautiful buffet, all built-in conveniences, cement base ment, wash trays, gas water heater, linoleum in kitchen and bath, shade and drane fixtures: faces east, lot ooxtrf earaee. fruit and flowers, new house. Must sell, $5000, $1050 cash, balance easy. Call evenings or Sunday, Tabor IO'.k:. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER. 5-ROOM HOUSE. RPOK A N HI AVE. SELLWOOD. Newly painted inside and out; 3 blocks to car: orice omy sduw; nan caan balanie like rent. Phone Sellwood 24: or call and see owner at 403 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. R. C. PARK Bargain lor Quick sale, very neat 4-room bungalow, completely iur- nished. $:00U, easy terms. uwner leav iwra town, must be sold Monday. Tall mad go Realty Co., 019 Henry bldg Phone Broadway 073; residence phone, Marshall 3Q50. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW Well built and arranged, modern bun galow. fireplace, 3 bedrooms. Lot 50 by 140 facinir on 2 streets. Mce trees, beautiful view and surroundings. Close to club, stores and Ains worth school. BROOKE. MAR. 427. BRAND new 5-room bungalow, completel modern, garage, sleeping porch, shower bath, fireplace, hardwood lloors, Dutit-i cud board a. linen closet and buffet. Wal nut and cherry trees. S4UO0. $2500 down, balance terms. See owner. 38 E. Winchell st., bet. Minnesota and Montana. VERY attractive heme. 30S E. 38th corner of Hancock; living room, den, dining room, kitchen, breakfast room, lavatory on first floor; 4 bedrooms up stairs; finished floors throughout. Own er, T. abor 4 .o3. 11-ROOM house, double set of plumbing fine corner lot: ail improvements in an paid for. Price $IKH0. Easy terms. One of the best residence sections or the city. For particulars call on iE.N iClbaLA.MJ 4U4 fiatt Diug., it rarn st. FINE HOME Hdwd. floors, gas, lights, water, built-ins. snower batn. room fireplace, 100x150, shade, lawn. Will take late model big car and some cas as first payment, balance easy terms. Wdln. 21M for appointment. $3100. Five-room cottage, lot 50x100. Ra3 ant fireplace, fruit, berries, roses, tw blocks north of St. Johns car; 12o3 De aware. Phone owner. 327 -OS or 510-1 MODERN 0-room house on Portland blvd full basement, garage, fruit trees. lOOx 110 lot. paved St.. 4ou0, easy terms. - MALL & VON BO R ST EL. 104 Sd tft. Main 1436, 3-ROOM bungalow, everything in and to-date. full basement, attic, garage, etc, Tainted 1010 Holladay. terms. FAB Rl CAT ED CONS TR UCTION CO., 010 M C Kay oidg $3500 NEW Rose City bungalow, ivory Iinisn, urepiace, au on one iiuor; o o : k to two car lines. $io0 cash, balan $25 and int. per month. Call Main 7036 today. HAWTHORN IS HU.MK, 7 rooms, garage owners leaving city, a bargain. call at 2SS K. 35th St., near Hawthorne, Sun day. Phone Main 0012 Monday. 4-ROOM bungalow. Rose City- Park, newly finished insiue ana out; price sj.3.u, $500 cash, balance $20 per month. 708 E. 70th st. N. Sunday A. M. or evenings. A 5-ROOM house, lot 75x100, covered with fruit ana Derries; in gooa snape; i 3 blocks to car. Price ls $2500, half cash and terms. 54 E. 74th st. N. MODERN BUNGALOW on E. 45th st. N. ; garage, plate glass winuows, ail bullt ms, $4000 ; terms. Call Main 34b5 or Tabor B321. Owner. $ lotto $200 CASH, 2 small houses on 4 acre, an lencea; a nice piace. r Tea v. tpear. 3520 05th st., near Millard ave. Aut. 1-1?. ALAMEDA PARK BUNGALOW. Five rooms, modern, one block from Broadway car: $5800. 851 Bryce ave., Woodlawn 4275. FOR SALE l-room uniinished house; rea sonable casn oner tanes it. I4th st reet S. E. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 7-room classv bungalow. 2 lots, corner, garage, paved streets. Best location. Tabor 6337. FOR SALE b- owner, 0-room house, corner lot. ctose to three car lines, at a bar gain. 4:il KUlingsworth ave. FOR SALE 5-room houe, 50x275, water, gas. light in; at Sellwood Gardens. feti3 Morris ave. $050 CASH. $2200. 4-room cottage, bath, toilet, cement basement. 2 garages. 1038 Belmont. LEAVING town. 3-room bungalow, fur nished; $1850. $500 cash, $25 per, month, 6 per cent. Automatic 313-35. NEAR J. H. S. Buy from owner. A real home; modern; 7 rooms with sleeping poreh. Woodlawn SS."t. HOME for saie by owner. A beautiful room house, good district. 405 Emerson st. This is worm looKing up. ROSE CITY PARK. Sandy blvd fur nished or unfurnished, fine bungalow. Owner, terms. Marshall 1079. PIEDMONT, $3S00 7-r. home, modern. 4 b. r., furnace, full lot. Easy payments. Call Alain jimo, toaay. REAL ESTATE. I"or Sale liuutn NEAR ALAMEDA PARK. A 5-room new bungalow, hardwood floors, all built-ins. cabinet kitchen, cool ing closet, cement basement, wash trays, fireplace, all finished in ivory and enamel; wonderful light fixtures: city Improvements in and paid; full lot ; a nifty little home for $4250 and YOUR TERMd. $4500 WALKING DISTANCE. $4500 WALKING DISTANCE. 6-room house on Kearney St.. near 23d; vacant and in fine condition; cement basement, bath. etc. : all large rooms; city improvements paid; $350 down, bal- ance like rent. $3500 A REAL BUY. A 6-room house, with cement base ment, bath, etc.; furnace; some built ins; 100x100 lot; lots of fruit and ber ries; fine lawn; owner leaving city, must sell; terms. "WONDERFUL BUYS in homes ALA MEDA PARK. LAURELHURST. ROSE CITY PARK and IRVINGTON. Let our salesman show you these homes before you buy. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. DO YOU PLAY GOLF? In beautiful Eastmoreland, the com ing high-class section oi me tuy, c have a really beautiful new bungalow for sale. There are 5 lovely large rooms and an additional finished room In the attic; hardwood floors, fireplace, clas sically beautiful built-in buffet. Ivory finish, with walnut trimming; a wonder ful Dutch kitchen, fu.l cement basement, furnace heat, large garage. This bun galow is located near the golf links and aviation field and only a tew blocks to Reed college. Look at the price, only $.-s50, with $10O0 cash down. You 11 pay as much in a cheaper district. Call us today (Sunday). , A COMTE & KOHLMAN. Main 0-o0. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NEW BUNGALOW. $400 $500 Cash. A nfftv little home on a paved street with all assessments in and paid. COB A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th St. Realtors. Main 4o-2. unn'rr.A N T HTS. BUILDING SITE. ,iun unH .-. monlhlV bUVS a 4-room rustic cottage, with about 8-10 of an acre of ground, all kinds of native trees and assorted bearing fruit trees and berries. It Is located in a district of choice homes on a paved street and v. j D rtt thP owner nearly $7000. We ar now authorized to offer this prop erty for $3020. plus bonded assessments. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Realtors. 732 Chamber or commerce ttmn- uncK rrrv $5200 SPLENDID BUNGALOW TYPE 5-ROOM HOUSE. OWNER LEAVING CITY; LARGE LIVING ROOM: PLATb GLASS WINDOWS. FIREPLACE. TWO EXTRA LARGE BEDROOMS. ON L OPENING ONTO FINE SLEEPING PCH. FULL CEMENT BASEMENT. LAUV l.nv tov vn U'l RVACK. BbAL- T I Ft VTj LAWN. TREES: .FACES EAST. FINE LOCATION. EASY TERMS. R. SO.MERV1LLB. BPWY. 2478. A SLJlIARK DEAL. New 4-room modern bungalow, one acre of choice soil, on county hard-surfaced road. 10 minutes from car line; . lfctricitv. Bull Run water, tele phone and garage, 114 miles from city limits; house has low ceilings. French will take your car as first payment and give good terms on balance, $2850. Ta bor 5010. . VKVV T RVtVliTfiV. Most beautiful 7-room bungalow. 3 bedrooms down and 1 up; breakfast nook, wonderful oak floors, mahogany inlaid borders, tile bath, with pedestal howl, ivorv woodwork. All hunt-ins, every modern convenience and comfort. ; wit iii- for n home. Very best of ma terials and workmanship, garage. Just finished. 502 EAST 2STH ST. X. $4500. GROVEL A N D PARK. CLOSE TO FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL. 6-room modern home on corner lot; I firnlnP. Tutch kitchen, buffet, cement 1 basement with laundry trays; corner lot I with all improvements In and paid. East front. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 023 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. ROSE CITY PARK. Here, folks, is truly, a sacrifice; owner mine on acreaee. can give posesslon at once. This was built for a home, not soeculation. Owner and builder will tuL-P than cost to him for this beau tiful new 7-room bungalow, modern, all hniit-ins. ice box. etc.: unsurpassed view from every room; fine lot with beauttful shrubbery; very easy terms. xaoor out. X4i-T kki.i. in the next two days: will I edit r ca m v 4-room nouse wiin cnoit i lot near Kenton school and clubhouse, 3 I Diocas irom ine car, an muuh ut nun, berries and flowers; $150o; $500 cash; balance $20 a month. For particulars see my attorney, 4U- 'J-a i i aiiljkj.. - I'ark st HOME for sale by owner; modern 5-room bungalow, vacant, Al conaition; iire- niai-P huiit-in. hardwood floors through out: furnace, garage; improvements in and paid; price $3030, $1000 down, bal- nc e-ood terms. Owner on premises Sunday 9 A. M. to 8 P. M-. 1072 Lambert place. Phone automatic 317-50. FOR SALE IN BEAUTIFUL OVERLOOK. ; Beautiful 7-room nouse, tun Dasemenv, "Vrt xxu (Colonial avenue, corner of Ma- Kori. for sale by owners; $5000, $20O0 cash, balance monthly payments; can be n rl m v Snndav or Dhone Wdln. 1S80 for appointment, AM 641, Orego- nian. HAWTHORNE. 1300 CASH. J3850 NEW ATTRACTIVE, MOD ERN 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. DUTCH KITCHEN. BREAKFAST NOOK. AT TIC. CLOSE TO CAR. R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. FOR SALE o-room bungalow, double ga- rdc. mortem anu in iirst-ciass siiauo. HOxlOO; full basement; new paint; lots! of shrubbery; can be handled for J1000 j cash and easy terms. Cail at 277 West j Russett st.. Peninsula ciist., or At- 01, Oregoman. MODERN HO i: S E $0000. irin 7-room house on Knott, near E. 30th North. with all modern conven iences; corner lot. This property worth $75u0, but will take xuuuu now; casa. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. T RVIXGTOX BARGAIN. 49S E. 10th st., near Brazee. close to , school and car line; 7 rooms and large sleeping porch; strictly modern;, hard unmi floors, n late-el ass windows; com nlte built-ins. fireplace, furnace, fruit trees. Owner leaving city. East 2084. KIT V F RO M O W N E R. $42 50. Whv ra v sti.' 00 when you can get home that will suit just as well for S4'.-0: modern 5 rooms. H. W. floors. fireplace, full cement basement, etc., re stricted district, paving and sewers in and paid; easy terms. Tabor 864. EAST 32D ST. $3500. 6-room modern him?nlnw on naved St.. Mi block from car. This is an excellent buy and can be handled with $000 cash, balance iiKe rent. Call t'SO Gladstone ave.. or eu. 1005. Suburban Homes. (!Vf iT.T. PITMEVT TOWN Over 2 acres, between Portland and Beaverton. mile from electric sta tion. mile to school; good bearing orchard, acre loganberries; creek on place; One black loam eoil; good 4-room plasterboard house with some plumbing; Portland gas and electric lights; chick en house and runways. Price $2500. with chicken and garden tools; easy terms. Nearly 2 acres on the paved road, just east of Portland; k mile irom station, mile to school; 50 bearing fruit trees. lots of berries: 4-room piasterea nouse, garage, chicken house: conveniences can be had. Price $3000. $10O cash. House has basement and the soil ls good. -In spected by Brooka. acre. 3 blocks from city carllne, 5 blocks to school; lots of fruit and ber house. as. city water and j aU in. Price $1170. nes; 4-room : metric liehtH cash, balance $15 month. AT MULTNOMAH STATION. i acre with lots of berries, 5 blocks from station ; good 3-room plastered bungalow, best or piumoing. garage chicken house, gas. city water, elect n lights. Price $2700, $700 cash. In epected by Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON. GerMnger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland- Get our extensive classified lists. THREE-ACRE HOME. Six-room house, gas. bath, water, run ning stream, all-year, near garden, must sell. $3750, easy terms. aiain a4.0. 131)41 CUT tor auick sale; 234 acres Gresham; fine family orchard; modern 5-room bungalow, completely furnished; kh ra ge; S2541Q will handle. Tabor 207B. SACRIFICE 2 choice acrej, cultivated. room modern bungalow, Sc fare: will divide; owner leaving, make offer; terms. might taKe car. Manor 1U75 FIV E-ROOM house. .OxIOO lot. war den, gas; water, etc.; auto road Oswego. McFariand. FslMng bldg. ONLY $10 down, 1H acres, level, good soil; close In. near station; for $500. Owner. C S20. Oregonlan. A BARGAIN and on very easy terms; ti ro om modern house and 1 acre of good soil. O w ner. Auto. 020-47. MT. TABOR. Ms acre, bungalow, all kinds fruit, fine garden, loam soil, $4050, half Cash. Tabor 2474. . A rR W in r.rphim t tn fruit- m n r pt-t t bungalow; $2200, terms. Tabor 2676, REAL ESTATE. Suburban - lomet. $3000 HUBER STATION, near Beaver ton. 2 acres in a high state of cultivation; 4-room plastered house, in good condition, some built-in features, gas. city water, barn, chicken house, fruit and berries; only 6 minutes' walk to station : cash $500. balance $25 per month, $3600 ALOHA STATION, a few miles west of Beaverton. 5 acres and a 5-room bungalow, almost new. fine chicken house, woodshed and storage room, fruit trees and ber - ries. cash $1000. balance $30 per month. . $4000 BEAVERTON DISTRICT $4000. 5 choice acres. 6-room California mis sion bungalow, bath, with best white enamel plumbing, brick fireplace, plas tered, combination living room and din ing room, semi-Dutch kitchen, gas. city water, wired for elec. : modern chicken house, located on well-built stone road, close to station,, cash $1000. balance $25 per month. If you want a choice 5-acre tract that is selling below cost be sure to see tms, t-innn RT MARY'S S4000. 3 acres, 7-rooni house. semi-Dutch kitchen, bath with first-class plumbing septic tank, gas. garage, woodshed, fam ily orchard, full bearing: fuel wood can be obtained close by very cheap; also 4 acres in nasture ail loins : about -O min utes' drive to Portland: 12 minutes' walk station; cash 100U, balance easy terms. - Do you want a suburban home? We have some of the best to select from. We civ vou th advantage of 15 years ex perience anrt aavise you agams. uiujc who wtsn to speculate ana win iiiwim yoa with those who are anxious to sell. M. S. De JOICB COMPANY. 221 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1631. RESTFUL SUBURBAN. TtointffMi siiinirban bungalow; com ttin-inn livlno anH lifnintT room ltXoO. rititf-h kitchen. breaKIast nooK. uain. hMii-nnm doanins- nnirh. screened laun drv room, private water system, Delco lighting plant, gas. large basement with toilet and shower, imisneu room a;..m in basement with attractive iirepiacr ... ,i,ir, fir. hflllit-H room : two lire places. 20x2O tile garage with two sleep ing rooms 10x20 each: young orchard; 400 feet of 10-foot drive ay; i wiu in shrubbery; receipts for over :ww ex pended on house ana gruuiiue, w ill throw in 3 acres: Johnson creeK flows through the grounas. .i-... house to creek; all for $W5O0 with very good terms. "Shortest Way Home. 2fv4 Stark St. Main osj ana nnw ii i-1 t-vct i it STATION TlMUtifuI little- bungalow, bath, firm- i.. ..wt'jliv trimmed Wltn CODOIC aAnAa- ha lartrp sleeDtng porch ; half cr nf fruit and garden; fine auto road 4 acres witti o-room u 11111 1" . wtr. efi and electricity. easy New G-room oungaiow, ui.t, porches, garage; with two nne view ious, .jUXU". Wltn -r-juiii w..e . r-'i water, gas and eiectricny , view; only $050. . See our 11st 01 piaceo ucviw j Any size you want. Multnomah Station. Main ISO. SUBURBAN HOME. Half acre at Evergeen oia.. Citv line; 3-room t-ounso, - r'n h halnni'A PHV. One acre choice black lana. fi-room kitchen. bungalow, urepiace. jui-- pIasp to rv. sta.. store. school. church: $21 00, ea?-v terms. acres on the pavement at ry. sta.. 1(M fruit trees bearing: 4-room cot tace and outbuildings: Joniump creek runs through place; large spring: IO mi'en out; $42nO. 10 acres near Reedvllie; a(T tivation. . acres pat urc - 4-room cottage, brooder house and outbuildings; :i5H: Rood easy terms: take auto i-"". "'--'""'- T M. G VTEWOOD CO. ir,r, y. 4th st. 3 1 ACRES M I N UTES F ROM PORTLAND OREGON ELECTRIC. All fenced, fine soil and all cultl-Q-rt modern 0-room bungalow w ltr fireplace, Datn anu 1 . linoleum on uaiu a" " ; floors; nearly new kitcnen hot-water tan connetic". JT fruit room. Rood well, pump and pres sure tank, small barn, some irun, nsi at atation; price r,"vvterm' 201 Consolidated .Securities Bldg. hroaoway AGE AND NEED Of a little money . It necessary tor me w ' o,7r of home of 0 acres on west side at a .. - ,t inma f (id til pnc(. barn. Sn i,oue; ever-fallln well on back from rSck, nd Bravel; lie. fine partly cleared and cultivated, fenced; land can be divided; faces on fine road. tor farther- particular, of reduced price . n ,1 .1 nu-nr. 129S E. 1-ttn S v.,fh PoMUDd. or phone Woodlawn A ,,. or "less. 10 mile, from post- ri rtn hrd-surface road and near ..atlnn Troutdale electric; real bargain. easy term. Tr , ,a On Bull Run electric, near station. ' acres or less, unimproved and .. acres o less imyiu.pu, v.- v,ivn farm and berries. irtimuu. "VBDSTOCK CO HO Oregon Bldg. ' 1S-'8: acre right on the Clackamas and Pacific hifthway. cozy 7-room bun , ... j v room 1 8X3U, over- Lir'f.hi'ular-la'uT- Sr Uv. hath5, concrete basement; ga raee beach ior Dainms , ' "chard and berries native trees: ; price . mnra ianH if desired. Mr. Hlnkle j . : . fam V -i't.h John E. Howard (REALTC Chamber of Commerce. ACRE HOME $500 DOWN. ONE ACRE, all In cultivation with fruit and berries. line o-room bw with bath, builtins and fireplace Oregon Electric line; THIS lb A BUY FOR $3000 with only $-00 DOV N. owner will accept a Ford ns Part pay ment Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main ! Tli-H Btrpet. Bet. V sn. ana trees and all kinds of berries: 2 blocks to car Mr. Hinkle with John E How ard (REALTOR). 318 Chamber of Com merce. COZY. CLEAN, NEW BUNGALOW. h,;tittn iras and city water, half acre at Huber station. garage and cMcken house; will sell f. ar 2mW i with EASY TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, WUh FRANK T,. McGUIRE. " 205 AbinRton Bldg. Main . t-vhi-h StrfPt. Bet. Wash, and Stark. -,,.T,,-, t ook- THIS OVER. 6-room plastered house, bath, toilet. In first-class condition. 1 acre with 14 bearing fruit trees, chicken houses and yl?ds;Ktotal price $3B0O. with only $400 bash" very reasonable terms on the bal ance Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Half acre in rruii auu den. 1 diock irom ui""'' Jlr r-aoitol highway on macadam road, story-and-half house, double construct ed 5 rooms and bath first floor; 2d floor unfinished basement furnace, lanndrv trays. Call Main 1032. 1 A SNAP. 10 acres on capuoi nig n way, ItlllOf from counnouse. j ihh. v. w- For only 7nm?. ea.v term.. NED BURKE, Multnomah station. Main 1903. vrrp ttomE RITE. f-- ". nearly an acre; B bUSXul jrovt. .prine brook, water. i4-ht rocked street. 3 minuiM rme. 12V.C fare; J25 down. Owner, C SOU. Oregonliin, I tjuii'TIFUL 100x100 lot. on the shores of I Oswego lake, 2-room cottage, electric !!rht water, auto ronu. i.i, nt". boat dok. $2000. McFarland. Failing bldg. . n -c i-oom bunealow. water ano lights, overlooking Oswego lake 1 minute from station; closing &aestA' so must be cash. gonian. MULTNOMAH station. 5-room house. Clots v?ew; Bull Run water; toilet, hot and cold water; 10 minutes 4o station. P S:;0, Oregonlan. i FOR SALE one-nan aero at tractive j-rooni wuuc . "r trees. a i o ''nt pui teis ; un wui blocks south of 0"th ave. $5041 CASH, cottage, Vi acre, garden. Der rles fruit, water. lights, good road, near electric station. Lake Grove; $lO-0. vriRI AXO. Failing Bldg. Main 3072. RIDE out with me ana see inn ciaaay new oungaiow i - station, for V27.. monthly payments l-5 Owner, C S21. Oregonlan. r-unTPl.-. SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline. from $1800 up. Inquire 3d house north of Riolev staton. on Oregon City carllne. BE DUTIFUL natural park or 30 acres. iaVff creek and springs, electric station on grounds, near city. $15,000. AH 790. Oregonlan. no CASH 4-room cottage, water, electric lights plastered, tinted, wooded acre, near electric: "clean as a pin. move in." 1MOO McFarland. Falling bldg. I jjoDERX R-room furnished bungalow In choice suburb. Main 7 PARK ROSE ACREAGE. 1 acre just off Sanely road wit won derful view, a fine home of 6 rooms, large living room, furnace, full basement. aSumbir of built-in.; ground nicely .4 ail in rll rivai on. v- REAL ESTATE. Suburban iftmrs. 1375 BUYS large acre of ground with mall new house: all modern con veniences; terms. $1600 buys a 3-room house on H acre of ground: easy terms. $2S50 buys a beautiful little bungalow with a large acre, on hard surfaced boulevard ; terms $5u0 down, easy payments on balance. $2900 buys a modern 6-room house in Buckingham Heights, surrounded by beautiful yard covered with fruit and flowers. $2950 buys a modern 4-room house on large h acre, facing improved county boulevard: easy terms. $3500 buys a modern ti-room house with beautiful hi acre of ground, 07x 142 feet, facinsr im Droved county boulevard a wonderful place for a permanent suburban home. X40OO lakpi a U. u i-rf nf trround with " beautiful bungalow ; all kinds of fruit. franes. berries. flowers, chicken houses, rabbit houses. In fact a complete suburban home with all modern comforts and im orovemen ls : terms. Al! of the foregoing are close to Mult nomah station on the urecon .fcieciric, and can be seen bv calling on Mr. Rogers, my loca 1 agent, at the office on the boulevard. To make appoint ments with him, call Main 3430. BEN RIESLAND Dealer Exclusively in West Side Suburban Property. 404 Piatt Bldg. U7 Park St. Main SSO. 2 ACRES 2 ACRES. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME. 7 roomji nn bath. eas. electricity, water, basement, furnace : 200 feet from Whitford station on Oregon Electric at Portland'Golf ciub grounds; only 7 miles from Portland postoffice; ground all in cultivation: fine garden; fine stream of water crosses land ; lots of raspberries, blackberries, straw berries, gooseberries, nennbrr p. blarkcaDi. currants. un chicken house, garage; fine yard; roses and shrubs. This is an ideal, strictly mnHrn inuntrv hom. onlV a few min ntM from Portland either by electric train or auto and terms to suit jour own convenience may be arranged; im mediate possession. WAKEFIELD. FRIES &, CO., REALTORS, 85 Fourth St. Broadway 29S0. SUBURBAN HOME, on car line and close to school, six rooms, basement, outbuild ings, fruit, garden, everything in Al shape. Pric and terms to uit your Modern 3-room bungalow, basement, rarsttri. hen house. 1 W acres, all in Cul tivation. city water and lights; part of lurniture if wanted; $5O0o, terms, trade. i mom, hasemclt. Karase. all new, furnished or unturnished, 2 blocks to car and school; $2500, $500 cash; city conveniences. 7 rooms, basement, barn, Vz acre, on nuvftmonf. '2 block ro car. citv conven iences; $370, $700 cash. Mr. Hare, with a T H..FORF.ST &. CO.. Realtors. 320 Henry Building. Broadway 5590. FOR SALE In Westhampton, 20 min. out on the Southern Pacific electric rourm street line), one 5-room new double con atructed houfce. Bull Run water. Full se ft-Toiecn standard dumbing: living room 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. Ground 150x145 feet. Adjoins Woodro station; will be ready for occupancy next week. J. D. HAN LEY. 709 Gasco Bldg. Auto. 527-31 FINE ACRE. ONLY 4nu DOWN. Fruit and berries, all in cultivation 6-room 1 bungalow with bath, Dutoh. kitchen and basement, chicken house and eara etp ; clone in. with nnlv 8c car fare. SoUto. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK La McGUIRE. 2U5 Abington Bldg. Main 10GS. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark SUBURBAN HOMES IN CITY. 350x100 ft.. 7-room house and bath, ras. electricity, cement basement, wasl trays, etc., house 4uxl00 ft., creek run ning tnrougn. center 01 property wit trout uonds and 3 beautiful artisti flower beds and creek, fruit, berries; must be seen to be appreciated. $0000, easy terms. Sellwood 388. MOVE RIGHT IN. Cozy 5-room plastered bungalow on concrete foundation, near st n tion, on half acre of good soii; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Only $2000 with EASY TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main HW8. Third Street. Bet. Wash, and Stark. SUBURBAN HOME. 10 acres of fine fruit, 11-room house and 2 cottages on place; an ideal coun try home. AU the modern improve ments you can think of; only $12,000 with good terms. S miles out on paved road. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum Bldg. SEE THIS SIX ACRES. All under cultivation, family orchard and all kinds of berries. 5-room house with electricity and running water. 8 miles from Yamhill market; I4S00 with terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 A bins ton Bldg. Main 1008. Third Street. Bet. Wash, and Stark. FO K SALE- 5-room cc ttage, corner lot, 5()xlO., elec. lights, gas and Bull Run water, built-in kitchen, two bedrooms and bath; berry bushes and fruit trees, two blocks south of Multnomah station on Oregon Elec. line for $3500; $1500 cash. Call Main 4225. FOR SALE One acre with 5-room house. at Briarwood station, on fa. f. Electric electric lights, gas and water; 1 block to Willamette river with right of way to Oswego paved highway. S bit, ore goniun. BY OWNER Dandy new 4-room plastered California bungalow; newly lurnisnea on 2 acres of rich soil; cultivated; 3O0 chickens, wood. etc.. near school: minutes from Portland. Price $:ctoo, cash or terms. Mrs. lienacK. 4.i -tn st. NEW HOUSE with well and 2 acres. deep, rich soil partly cleared ; on Barr road, H mile west of Barker road ; $1750, $175 cash, $20 per month. Strong & Co., VH. Chamber of Commerce A SEVEN-ROOM house with all conven Iences. large barn, garage, 1 acres with all improvements, for $500O, 2 V for $5S00, on Maple, near 82 d. Phone Main Jl4i. FUR SALE Boat hull, double ei:d cabin troller. Some equipment. Bargain if taken at once. Would consider Ford. L. M. Hyde, Gearhart, Or. PARK ROSE, ideal home, on Improved acre or Vs acre; convenient terms. Tabor 27G. 7 ACRES, near Beaverton. good house, snap for some one. East 8431. - For Sale Buslnem Property. FOR SALE by owner, 28 ft. at 517 519 Main st., in the center of tiie business district of Klamath Falls, Or., 1 -story brick building, ex tending to the alley, with base ment. Bringing $100 per -nontb rent. Will sell for $li.000. MRS. E. G. BOND. MELBOURNE, FLA., BOX 304. FOR SALE Store building and 7-room house on lot 60x00, at Foster, Or.; $1500 In all. Take $500 or late model car as first payment: balance easy. W. J. Law rence, S27 X. Central ave. Col. 1455. 1-Tuit Lancia tor saie or Rent. FILBERT ORCHARD. 5 acres, finely cultivated, 250 trees, room for 305 ; woven-wire fence, only $2ft40, assume mortgage $000, money in this; not much attention required. FRED W. NEWELL, Broadway 5030. 407 Henry Bldg. HE IS IT ON WALNUTS. If you want a bearing orchard or any expert advice on walnuts, writ T. Withy combe. His clients have all made good money on their investments. 432 12th st- Marshall 3118. FOR SALE 20 acres, 8 acres In 8-year-old nrunes. 2 acres pears, balance plow land; small house, orchard very thrifty, in fruit district in Willamette valley. AV 54. Oregonian. K ACRES bearirur walnuts and cherries Yamhill county, worth $2500; sell for $ 1 5 0 0. half caeh. AF S4::, Oregonlan For Sale Acreage. 4 ACRES, 5 miles from Estacada, on good road; 2 all-year-round creeks; some fir and cedar timber. Price per acre; good terms at uvfc interest. CARY REAL ESTATE CO., Estacada. Or. 1 ACRE. 0-ROOM HOUSE Fruit and ber ries; good location; $37O0 : $500 down, or acres for 15200. See J. E. Musgrave, with O. H. SKOTHEIM CO., REALTORS, Main 157j. 40, 80 AND LARGER TRACTS AT $25 PER ACRE. On lower Columbia highway, close to good town, good rich soil, easy terms. A. H. AKERSON. 420 Henry bldg. 5 ACRES $1100. Near Tualatin, 3 -blocks station; 2 cleared, balance easy; berries; best soil; no rock or gravel. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg SIX ACRES, house, barn, good family orchard and- berries, near lifjard, win sell on easy terms, $3t50. Main 5450. 1125 Gasco bldg. DIKED LAND. J4n0 TO $300 ACRE Terms. Near Columbia blvd. and citv limits. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg, 4 ACRES, on electric line and highway; food sou. no rocks; $400, down. DRAPER. 408 BOARD OF TRADE lft ACRES. 134 miles Portland, mil electric. some improvements. $254X1. terms. P. O. nox out. rortiana. FOR SALE; 4 acres on Columbia river cheap for cash or terms. 3i4Vi K. Mor- riSpn St.. ItQOIn J3. SO ACRES. 5 miles from Estacada, unim proved. 10 an acre; good terms. Wdln. 5 G.S4. Mctiee & Dennis. 'JG9 U nlo n ave. ONE ACRE known as Newhurst park. Address Laura Stulta, 166 V. Watts St.. Portland. Or. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. FRUIT LANDS. GARDEN TRACTS, BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE3 in SUNDERLAND ACRES at East 20th st. North and Columbia blvd. Approx imately one mile east of Union ave. Convenient to Alberta and Voodlawn cars. One to twenty-acre tracts. Best of soil for choice fruits and vegetables, a rich river silt deposit (no gravel). A hard-surface road is now under con struction from 30th and Columbia blvd. to north part of district. Some very choice tracts fronting on this road are now open for sale at prices of from $400 to $W)0 per acre. 10 per cent down, balance term of years, making possible for land to pav for Itaelf. Oet In early and have a better choice while prices are low. Values will double In this new district within very short time. Repre sentative on the grounds Sunday after noon. ELROD & DRYER. OWNERS. 283 Stark St. Broadway 1188. Second Floor Gordon Bldg. ?. IO AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. J25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and to per month buys a five-acre tract In this addition of 800 acres; down the Columbia river, on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transpoi tatton, railroad, river, auo stage and truck; beautiful lying land, free from roc and gravel; some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with I'reams. fine location for chickens, dairy, beii'es. fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DEFEL, 218 Railway Exchange Bldg. ACRES on paved road. 2 miles from city limits 01 ronmuu, ' fruit trees. 1 acre of assorted berries, running water, also spring : 4-room house, barn and other outbuildings; price only Jfi.'tOO; terms on part. $200 CASH. BAL. TERMS. Buys 1 acre and 0-room house, gas, elec, city water, fruit and berries; 1 block from car. Sc fare; price reduced for quick sale. 2 acres near Aloha station on Oregon Electric. 4-room house 2 chicken houses, fruit and berries, 1 blocks off highway. $ 1S0O. terms. .. BURKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 415 Piatt bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. SPECIAL. 8.7 acres at East 29th street, near Columbia blvd., convenient to Wood lawn car. Beautiful homeslte. dandy view, best of soil (no gravel). Price $4375. terms 10 per cent down, balance annual pavments. See Mr. Naylor, with ELROD & DRYER. OWNERS. 283 Stark St. Broadway 1188. Second Floor Gordon Bids. NEARLY AN ACRE. 0-room plastered house, barn, chicken house, all kinds bearing fruit trees and berries; electric lights, gas. Price $:!2o0. Write or call E. J. Hepp. 32d and Harri son sts., 2 blocks north on 32d st, Milwaukie. Or. NEW MODERN BUNG., 1 ACRE. $300 CASH PAYMENT. This beautiful acre facing on paved highway, with a new 5-room bungalow, strictlv modern, is priced at $3sn for immediate sale. Just $300 cash, balance 125 month. Main 521. 5a Couch bldg. Open evenings and Sunday. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. One acre of rich garden soil, facing directly on macadamised road, just out side of city limltn. along bection Line road. Bull Run water piped to the land, all clear and in cultivation. $800; only $lu0 cash. R. H. Confrey. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $45 DOWN BALANCE EASY. 1 ACRB. BULL RUN WATER. GAS. One full acre, stl cleared, all city conveniences, fine soil; on paved high way, close In. Main 5201. 505 Couch bldg. CO-ACRE FARM HIGHLY IMPROVED. On highway, near Dayton. 0-room rnH hum l acre lo can ber rles. family orchard, 15 acres clover, balance wheat and oats; exceptionally fine sou. Ideal location; nothing better In Yam hill county. Sell, trade or rent. owner. Write or call owner, ol E. idth st., near -starK T7i rrora TV ORCHARD. $3400. Aloha station, close to Beaverton. 10 acre bargain, all in orchard, full bearing. w ntir ufirsr una iras. located on a very good stone road, close to station, cash $15O0, balance $20 a month. Big sacrifice. see mis. M. E. DeJOICE CO.. 221 Henry Bldg Bdwy. 1631 8 ACRES good land under cultivation, Yamhill county, near Carlton; fruit, clo ver etc.; 7-room bungalow, barn, city water, electric lights, garage, chicken house, 2 fine Jersey cows, fine place This property complete, $4o00; small cash pavment. oaiance yea.i. WESTERN BROKERAGE CO.. SI 8 Northwestern Bank Bldg. SACRIFICE. 10 acre just outside city limits; fln large house, barn and other buildings horrid anri irr;mea. This place i . V. io iun hut- t am obi iced to sell; no reasonable" offer refused; will consider trade on small place. Owner. 109 10th gt. Main asm). WHO WANTS IT? $2250 FOR THREE ACRES. At Multnomah station, on paved high way: Just think. 3 acres for price of one. Sickness causes owner to give this to you. $500 cash. bal. to suit. ilTTH-WAGONER CO. Stock Exch. 2 'A ACRES of lana, .-room nouse, guuu barn, oiks irom . tivation; 1 acre straw, logan and rasp berries, fine vegetable garden; 42 chick ens. 1 pig, furniture goes with place. Very reasonable. George Newerd. owner, Sifton Wash.. 7 miles from Vancouver. 4fRiirirK ACCOUNT SICKNESS. Three acres wonderful soil, nice gar den 3-room house, large porch, newly furnished, first-class; about 3 miles city limits, on Elwood road, opposite Taxi Inn, 5 blocks from Base Line. $2700. Eustace, nox rouiw AT 04TH 'and Ainswortn, just ouisiue city limit?. acrea. ims" ta ' tivation, $1300 up: also 1 acre, good 6-room house, city water, fine assorted orchard. $3500; good terms, or would consider bungalow same price. Owner, Woodlawn 2375. i.- fivi i RASK LINE ROAD. Almost 5 acres of level land, a bargain that should not be overlooked. $21o0. on very easy terms. R H. Confrey. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 0l-'-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 0 AND 40-ACRE tracts. $35 an acre and up 18 miles from Portland, on Clacka mas river, near railroad and auto truck u. r.uaiHfnl Ivfnar land, fine location for dairy, chickens, vegetables fruit and he rri"s. o. . f mit, TEN ACRES MSWBBRG, ATL CULTIVATION, some fruits, new hunenlow: K mile pavement. beautiful view. NON-RESIDENT MUST SELL. $750 down, $10 mo. 520 Cham, of Com. in ACRES. BASIS LINK. AU In cultivation, fair house; water, ltirhts and gas available. Price $500 8HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark St. Main 831 itrks iA ACRES, $10 DOWN 110 month. Alberta car. Kennedy v.i nn assessments : city water. R. w arv 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. U MILES DOWN COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. Choice 10 and 20-acre tracts, best soil, no rock or gravel, low price, easy terms. nan handle some trade. Johnson, 248 Stark st. Main 5429. x-o c a t.f. IS1. acres C acres In crops acre in strawberries; H mile from mt 1- .hnnl: sell stock and lmnl ments with farm. B. H. Zimmerman, Strassei. ur , t i? fnP man of western Washington howlng location, low price and easy offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. P-S ON ANDREWS ROAD. KMiiv cleared; on electric line and n'VRY W GODDARD, REALTOR, ola stark St, MalnJ531. r-HRAP by owner, iu imyrovea with CiZZ., aid barn: S mile. S. VV. of Hood River. Or.L route 4. River. EXCELLENT land at $30 per acre on the Columbia T5V.?DODSn 'cK?" '" 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. iTs ACRE. Just outside city limits; Oresham car. Bell iUUob; 750. $150 down, terms. a ACRLS between uaston ana Ullley. part of Spring Hill farm; $8O0. MacLachlan. 8;H Cleveianq, ivii-L SELL 15 acres in three or four-acre lota Thoma Allen. 6131 2d .t. S. Ji." Portland. B ARG VIN $S0O; 1 acra, Ascot Acres. S miles from Portlami. n paved street. Tnnulre SO w. rnuiM. otog. xio acres of land lor sale. P. Wolke. Ne halem Or. CHOICli acreage adjoining- Portland; snap, by owner. East 713, . REAL tSTATE, For Sale- -Acreage. A HOME WITHOUT A P RED IS A CAM P. AND THE OTHER FELLOW OWNS IT. The greatest satisfaction you will eve? know wiil be the satisfaction you will get in working un the land that is yours; Ritlow acres offt-rs the man with small capital a wonderful opportunity. It is divided in tracts of 2H to 5 acres and there is a tract to suit the most exact ing; some have beautiful trets. others are practically clear. A little healthful exercUe in the cool of the morning and late afternoon or evening will have a home ideal, the product of the garden will set your table and the remainder will buy the things you cannot grow, and make money for you. "Vou can improve your place and still pursue your vocation in the city, for this property is situated within 0 miles of the heart of the city. There is Just enough small gravel inter mixed in the soil to retain the warmth of the sun through the early spring and bring ail fruits and garden products to early bearing. It alo renders the drain age excellent; It is especially adapted to all kinds of berries and poultry raising. The price is extremely low, vith unusu ally attractive terms. see tnem toaay. They face on Base Line, Barker road and Section Line roads. You will see our sign. R. H. Confrev. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 21.64 ACRES FOR SALE. 5 miles f rQiu Canby, 1 mile north of Weedy school. R. F. D.. phone, good road; 7 acres, culti., rest in pasture, easy cleared, good fences, running wa ter, spring at barn, the best of land. -acres strawberries, 1300 raspberries, all kinds of fruit, acre potatoes, garden. 7 room house, not finished upstairs, barn with hay fork, room for 7 cows. 4 horses, chicken houses, with place goes. 17 tons hay, team. cow. S heifers. 00 chickens. 2 sets harness, hack, wagon, disc, plow, mower, 3 culti, cream separator, range, lots of 10-inch wood cut, small tools; $4250, some terms. BOCK HOLD BROS.. REALTORS. 001 Swctland Bldg. Main 5700. HAVE YOU $500? A MONEY-MAKER. This 1 Irarl in nriced $300 acre below adjoining property; it's the biggest snap we've seen for months: it is located 3 blocks outside the city lim its on East Holgate st : Bull Run water in avniiahie: vou can buv the 10 acres for $5850 or $5S5 an acre; you'll pay as much for land 2 miles from the city limits: in our judgment you can double your money here within 2 years. Call us today. COMTE & KOHLMAN. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main O-'ioO. X- P". V RKHCi HIGHWAY. AV- acres, very neat and attractive, all in cultivation, with 2 acres of fine hnitAm innH tild: rieht at the elec tric station, 18 miles out over the hich- way; line prune orcnara, iois oi mi-. phorrlM. rears, cherries full bearing. grapes, all kinds of berries, potatoes and lam zarden : 4-room house. located among wonderful large shade trees. This is a fine place for a nome or nign business location. jonn r. now arc., Realtor. 31 S Chamber of Commerce. MAKE AN OFFER. 70 acres, level, enough timber for 1000 cords of wood, part of land easy clearing : mostlv naved road. balan rock road, about 9 miles from Vancouver and 1 U. miles to electric line; will take cheap lot or light car as part of first payment. HODCOMB REALTY CO.. 211 Washington Bldg. Main 5306. Woodlawn 971 Evenings. 1G ACRES HOUSE. BARN $1H0. RnlllniF land but nearlv all tillable arrt rimrpd: comfortable 2-room house, good barn; place all fenced; no rock or gravel; 30 miles irom roruana; iainu. P. O. and store handy; price $1400, terms $500 cash, balance a years. 6 per cent Interest. LUEDDEMANN COM PA NT. 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. OREGON CITY LINE. 7tt acres, located this side of Oregon City, lies high and sightly with a fine view of the Willamette river, mountains and surrounding ountry; part in beauti ful native trees; a wonderful spot for countrv home; only $2300. will subdivide and sell on easy terms. Mr. Hinkle with John E. Howard (REALTOR). 313 Chamber of Commerce. HERE Is your chance to own a small farm down the ooiumoia river, jo.o acres on pavments that you can make. It is rich, productive soil, on a good road; price $558: terms $140 cash, bal ance $s3 a year. Let us show it to you at once. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. RT! : ; N o r t b western Bank Ring 80 ACRES, partly cleared, fair house ana good barn, H miles irom iuiur. jo-mne creek runs through this tract making ir rigation easy ; cleared land suitable for garden and alfalfa, balance good for graving; owner must sell at once on ac count of health; place worth $SOOO; will consider any reasonable proposition. G 820. Oregonian WILLAMETTE RIVER FRONTAGE. Over sere right on the river. Mel drum stnV.on. Oregon City car. This is a beautiful place with a number of na tive trees; a number of fine fruit trees In bearing. You can purchase this for the low price of $15tH. terms. Mr. Hinkle with John E. Howard (REAL TOR). 31S Chamber of Commerce. EXTRA EXTRA. 18 acres verv finest land, only 5 miles from Hawthorne bridge. $75(0 In improvement?. all under, cultivation, worlds of fruit, berries, grapes, etc ; worth $10,000 above price, but must sell. Our best bargain. Only $ 13.5(H). OTIS C. BECK. 525 Henry Bldg. VERY cheap, close in. about 20 acres on the Barr road. 2Ji miles east of city limitf. good gravel road, and -i mile to Mount Hood electric railroad 2 acres cultivated, family orchard of 3.i trees, now in full bearing, fine soil, all easilv cleared, price $325 per acre, very easy term?. D. McKinnon. 8 E. 03d st. Ili ITRES, n-nm huncalow. close in. 3 blocks i .i.mti- oirtrIe licrhts. Kas. wa ter. fruit, berries, nice little home; cheap at 35McDONBLL. REALTOR. East 1 ACRE, Bryant station. S. P. electric. 35 minutes to .rortiana, a it. iu o.a.iu.., gprinir water piped to building: 2 fair buildings of good lumber: Ideal for chicken ranch: easiest of terms or trade rt machine. Call Monday. Main Mr. eiss. -s ;Dfi ihu'ehtox DISTRICT. Fine level land, all cleared: shack and veil: station 1 mile, school 2 blocks: lt(M) takes It: terms 250 cash. 2u monthly COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. AT IfiTH and Ainswortn. Just outside city .,tm hich state of cultiva tion. 1300 up: also l acre, soou 0-ruu... i I- . fine assorted orchard. 3!h'm: good terms, or would consider ,...inw same price. Owner. Wood lawn 237.1. nm-M.np.EGflN CITY CAR. .,n .,!- siirhtlv located on Win ter road. Just off the highway, close to river; owing to dep.th of owner will be "I; 1" ..inn .rm. Mr. Hinkle with tvT K Howard (REALTOR). 318 Chamber OT Lqmmfr. ; PnrtlanH 1 acre cleared -it stoves, bed. spring and mattress: lies fine on county road close to neighbors, no rock: tlr, cash. bal. to suit Bundy. 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. rTKE-lN ACREAGE. n . - ..ir. tracts on Kast R2d St. (main Oregon City road), near Kendall station: paved road: gas. city water. etc.: , .... acre. j . . , 3i! Piatt bidg. ..11 irsKS BAHR ROAD. Just west of Buckley ave., .mall brush v ciearea: . -. . water shares. Price J400 per acre. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR "13 Stark St. Main S31. . H! RiRfiAlX Jl.nr. .7. ia mil., out. 1 mile from high way -room house, barn, water piped to house, In cultivation, balance easy cleared; price H AKERSON. 420 HENRY BI.PG VOH SALE i ...re. buildings, garden in. 6 block north Sandy boulevard. price terms, no agents. J. Lleder. tlft.VI. E. and Prescott sts. r. irnES S2' . .iA ...t nf nr..on Citv limits, fin -.. .tii m.l;. b rood chicken ranch ii .'h. bal. to suit. 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CHOICE half acres on Powell Valley and K2d st-. just outside city limits, low taxes aH citv cdhiic., ii-r-li'ire & Schmauch Co.. 306 Railway Kxchange bldg: s ACRES. a.rftom cottaire. elec. liryht, ra. water, hard-surface road; cheap at 13900. n -McDONELL. REALTOR. East 41 n-ivv'ltS PER MONTH. t acres, frontlnic on Barr road: par rirh soli, free from stravel 'xc mile west of Barker road. Strong & Co. 0O6 Cham, of Com. i t..ic. v. aore eround. 1. minute; t -tortment fruit: water, ga; 7 a r.t car fare: $1100. 12.10 down. DRAPER. 40S BOARD OF TRADE. pnR hale l.1.1 acres. Tine lana. adjoin inr Sherwood. Or., close to electric line running water. Owner, AJ 81i6. Ore gonian. su. . .-tt-c v,.ri7ain. interest in l Jii acre: burned timber land; price $000. AH 840 Oregonian. wvv atrt.ntian 30 or ooo acre ... -u - Ttnd. Or. Address Adver tiser. East fii'th St.. Los Angeies. CaL ACREAGE adjoining Portland. 10u per acre. Owner. i.aai n REAL ESTATE. l or ;ale Acreage. OVER 500 CORDS OF WOOD. 10 acres near Oregon City, 1 mil from station, miie to school. t acres can be farmed when cleared; good loam soil; H mile of dirt road, balance paved and graveled; lti mtlt-a from center of Portland. Price $J50, $550 -cah. In spected by Ntlaon. FRUIT TREES AND BERRIES. Acre tracts, on paved street, with im provements paid. Every kind o fruit and berries:. Alberta district, citv veniences; $20t vah, balance easy tt at 0 per cent. Ai&o acre tracts " cadamized road tor 1W cash. ta.ancTs 6 per cent. Halt -acre tracis also in f ruiu ACRE TRACTS NEAR MULTNOMAH. On a macadamised road, best of toil, no rock or gravel. Very close to elec tric line, 5c commutation tare, city water, gas and electric lights, nice siKhtlv ground. Price $700 per acre and up. on very easy terms, or will soil half-acre tracts. Ask for Mr. Kemp. OREGON CITY LINE. 1 2 acres, located mile ea&t of Court ney station, near OatHeld road: 1 acre under cultivation, all can be cultivated; 1 acre onion land, city conveniciuvs can be had; $250 cash, balance $lu per month at per cent. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. Over 500 small places, near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. $45 DOWN, ONE ACRE. Price $!5o. Bull Run water, gas. Close to car and paved his away. Cleared. $33 DOWN. Vi ACRE. Price $050. Bull Run water, gas. Facing on carline. 100 ft. to paved highway, all cleared. $00 DOWN. 2 ACRES. Price $1MH, Bull Run water, gas; 230 ft. paved highway; 500 ft. to caruae. All cleared. The above acres are In the Ascot track, 7 W miles E. Morrison bridge on Base Line paved highway. 20-minute drive. You can build on these tracts and live there and still work in town. Come to our office or phone an appoint ment. We will take you out there. Main 5201. BOONE : CLEARWATER. REALTORS. 505 COUCH BLDG. ALWAYS TERMS TO SUIT. FTNR 30 OR 15 OR 10 ACRES. This very choice piece of acre age is located very near Tigard station, which is only about 25 minutes ride from Portland over paved highway; soil extra good and all but about 7 acres in clover and much of that part not In cul tivation considered fine onion land. It is crossed by lasting running water and can be so divided as to have running water on each of several tracts; also several at tractive building sites. Will make price far below what much of the other acreage is held for In this district and sell all, one-half or one-third and give terms. H-re is a very fine piece of property with much merit. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 10 l- ACRES. Just outside of West Linn, gocd 3-room house, basement, outbuild ings, fruit, on river and highway; $4200. terms. 5 acres, all In cult.. 70 fruit trees. 2 cows, chickens, all farming tools, mod ern 6-room bungalow, water piped for Irrigating, y acre everbearing strawber ries, light truck; on car line, in West Linn; a dandy buy; U0O0. terras, or trade for city or suburban grocery. 20 acres. 5 acres clear, 2-room shack, at Donald station; $250o, your own terms, or trade for city property. Acreage, all In fruit and berries, city water and gas on tract. $100 down. $10 monthly; good home site, close to school and car. Mr. Hare, with A. J. DeFOREST &. CO., Realtors, 32Q Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. 10 ACRES with a good income, 2 miles from Newberg, or., on gooa nara-sur-faced road; good 6-room house, good barn and chicken house; i mile to 8th grade school and church; all in cultiva tion except 3 acres in pasture; logan berries, blackcaps, strawberries. R. A. cherries. Italian prunes and good fam ily orchard; city water .piped in house and barn; all stock, farm Implements and crops go with the place; sickness in Tamily only reason for selling. Price jtU, s.kmiu casn, Daianue ici ma. ---- . R F. D. No. 3. box No. 46. New berg. Or. t'uR SALK tt 1-3 acres, good mouern knm nu-n watpr Rvslem. Darn. chicKew house' and run. about 41100 Everbearln strawberry plants beginning 10 npt:u, full of young fruit and blooms, will bear till frost; looo loganberry, oOO rajspberr. DO 1-year-old walnut trees, also other fruit; running water to irrigate entlrj place: price $5500, half down, balaDC per cent interest. Mrs. A. R. Stracxa-i. route 5, box 17, Hillsboro. Or. Moitat station. Oregon IMectric. I 3 AND 10-ACR1C tract. V-i mile or t-st- cada; gooa roaus, cny waier, j...... timber for own use; ground lies lev. no rock, but with the best of shot soi' none better for fruit, and only hi mri from a good cannery. Small paymen down, balance long time at M'k interest In my oi'fice Sunday mornings. CARY REAL ESTATB CO.. Estacada. Or 1 ACRES. . POWELL VALLEY ROAD. All in cultivation, level, beautiful loca tion gas. electricity, city phone, city water available shortly. A real bargain for 1J.".0; Sar.ll cash, $25 per mo. 40o Stock Exch. bldg. Mar. 3324. li ACRES, all in fine state of cultivation. facing a good gravel roau anu ma., route; 'i mile to railway station, store and school. Price l-'5 per acre; terms at 0 interest. CARY REAL ESTATE CO.. Estacada. Or. FIVE acres rich level land, nearly an under plow. -rice an .-.. is a real sacrifice by owner. Only 3U miles from city limits. Located 1 m'fie south of Foster road on the Rock creek roud, or call Mr. Towson. East 12 ACRES. FACING POWELL VALLEY ROAD. All In cultivation except acre; about BOO ft. on paved road :' excellent for sub division: 3 miles from city limits; fair house and fruit; cheap price. Marshall 3324. 4Q3 Stuck Exch. Bldg. GARDEN HOME OPPORTUNITY. 2 o-O acres, hard street; cleared; fam ily orchard; berries; 0-room and sleep ing porch house: modern plumbing, gas. electricity available; chicken house, barn; car service: :lsno; $HHlu down. J C CORBIN CO., Realtors. Lewis Bldg. ACRES. Va ACHES. lu DOW N. $10 month. Alberta car. Kennedy school. City water each tract. No as sessments or gravei. Let me show you. R V. Cary. 121'.i N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1B43. P-es. Muln 1377. 40 ACRES FOR $1000. EASY TERMS. Good rich land, close to good town stores, etc.. 1 mile to paved highway, between Portland and Astoria. A. H. AKERSON. 421) Henry Mdg. Homestead. HeUnmusuincnt.- HAVE put more settlers on Oregon lands in past 0 months than all other individ uals or associations in state combined: list of hundreds of satisfied clients to refer to. Cail at office for detailed de scription of open tracts; maps $1 by maiL M. J. Anderson. 531 Railway Bx- change bldg. YOUR BEST OPPORTUNITY to take a homestead Is tlii. month. Am locating claims throughout western Ore gon, either farming or timber tracts; special Inducements to ex-service men: satisfaction guaranteed by experienced E.C w"r'HELM, 818 Board of Trad. Bldg. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale; free land, house, barn, chicken house, wood house, spring water, creek, plenty timber, garden, potatoes, strawberries, on public road; finest kind of range for stock; this place will go cheap if sold soon. rj S3. jrcKuiiinn. l'U-ACRE R ELLNQUISHM ENT. Tillamook county. 4 miles from th ocean, fine spring and creek. lies good, A-l soil would make a good stock ranch: price 22.. Bunday. 61b Chamber of Commerce bldg. ; 160 OX PACIFIC highway, nearly all ulow land" near Grants. Pass. 2000 cords wood or. nice creek: 20 acres easy cleared; If quick sal; MOO. 3"! Coroett bldg. su- tKK honiestsesd rt l.nquisnmeni : z mile timber, house and barn: 23 miles from Portland; cheap. AP 32. Orego- nian. HOMESTEAJJ relinquishment of 640 acres for $200. Kaiph Ackley. 527 Corbett blilg. LOT value $o'io. and some cash as first payment on Tillamook dairy farm, value of 8-.-il)0. Sellwood 421. or Tabor 5S5tt. DAIRY ranch in the hills, well watered: $101)0 cash and assume some. M. 870. Oregonian. For Sale '-ACRE Tillamook Co. dairy, best river bottom, house, barn. siio. machinery. 4 cows. Price $76ilo. F. P. Thuu. Clovor- S0 ACRES with 2 M ft. first-growth tim ber. 18 miles from Portland; a snap for cash. Y Bitf, Oregonian. A