14 THE SUNDAY ORECOXTAX, PORTLAND. JULY 17. 1921 TOR 8ALE. Miscellaneous. BEFORE you buy your wire cable, tools, 1 or supplies, new or second-hand, see Lcvft first, as his trfces are so low thrit they defy competition. If you want to save money, come and be convinced. We carry in stock hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. Below are Just a few of the many bargains we are offer Ins to the public. We carry In stock at ail times the largest anu most com- , plete assortment in the city of new and i slightly ueed crosscut saws, wedges. splitting mauls, broadaxes. siedce ham- i Triors and other woodsmen s supplies. GARUKX HOSE GARDEN HOSE. II lo reduction in price on new and econd-hand garden hose. If you need a hose, see us before you buy. . Our low price will surprise yoijt TENTS TENTS. Biff reduction in price on our Her cules brand of new tentj. If you need a tent, se us before you buy; it will pay you. Only a few left, so hurry up and get In on a real buy. 8x10 at B.Btf each 20x12 at 12.50 each ROOFING PAPER. Big reduction in price on roofing paper, f renh from "factory ; each mil contains J'W square fet, including nails and ce ment inside each roil. 2- ply $1.7S per roll 3- ply 2.2." Pr roll Mail orders answered same day re ceived. J. LEVK, Front street's lowest-price hardware. Mill, Contractor. Logging and Woods men's Supply Dealer. lMt-lfsit ill Front St., Between Yamhill and Taylor Sts. Main SUkS. WRECKING COAST SHIPYARD. Ail kinds of building material. 75,000 fe't of shiplap. 2x4 and :xH and floor ing; 3x12 and 4x12 plank, good as new; timbers tlxH and 12x14, any length to OS ft. Other material not listed. Wood cut from 3x12 and 4x12 plank. Block wood rut from 12x12 timbers, any length. Special price on big lots. Come pick out what you want. All goes at Irs tha n half price. Se Walker, Coast shipyard, or p h o n eKfi s t 74 2 3 . PREVENT DISEASE OF GUMS. Do you know that tartar scales. Im perfect fittiriir crowns and bridges, over hung! ng fillings. irritating gums a II contribute to pyorrhea, pus of gums, in flammation of gums, loosening of teeth and finally lo.-s of teeth? I spevialize in firat-cla! dentistrv; N-rav examinations. DR. A. W. KEENE. Ma.1'stle Theater Bldg.. 3." I Wash. St. ELKCTRICAP REPAIRING. Fan?, irons, motors, vacuum cleaners, washing machine, etc. We sell, repair and fxiAatige everything .electrical. Will call aprt deliver. HVNSON ELECTRIC CO.. C2 6th St. Broadway 4203. AY, RILL, diamonds must be going down, aren't they? Why, I was looking at M tiler's window, t here next door to the Majestic theater, and bis prices deemed to i-t about iio per cent lower than the other s;oieh. Well, you know how he gels n in diamonds, d on' t you ? .1 ust go la an.', nsk Mm, he'll gladly tell you . Fo-R SALE or exchange, imported ivory handled silver mounted French sword nine, apprara nre of regular cane. Cost Jfi.'t. Will accept Corona typewriter or 32 Colts or 3Sf Iteming ton automatic. 210 Corhett 1)1. Ig. Sft uKOl'HbAu sewing mac nines, com plete with attachments, in good sewlnic order, $H to 2o: sewing machines rented $3 per month; machines cleaned and re paired. E. R. titeen. 152 Grand, tvi. East IB59. CHERRJE3 FOR .SALE. Ft oval Amies. Dings. Lamberts, "Black lU'pulUruns, n: lb., pick them yourlf; nil gouTi. .Hist ripe ; no bum ones. Henry A. Fick, owner. Bertha Hta.. on Hoffman and Herman roads. fcUlTS 1 reach dry cleaned ana pressed, $1-25; naif what others charge; take to our nearest store, 104 4th. near Stark; 151 Grand ave., 1043 Beimont, 86f E. Ankeny. 217 X. Jersey. Joy. the Tailor. FOR SALE Auto OrafU-x camera. .3 Vi x 414 F4.". nnaMigmat lens; has Graflex roll holder attachment, in perfect con dition; have on 1 V t a ken (t exposures ; a bargain at $00. Y S03. Oregonian. III FLKS. SHOTGUNS. 1MSTOLS BOUGHT. SOLD. EXCHANGED. BEAUREGARD'S. Colt Dlstr.. 702 Main St. Vancouver, Wash. JF YOU appreciate splendid watch repair ing, see Miller, next door to Majestic theater. 1 have never used anything but genuine watch material. FULL-ENAMELED gas, coal and wood combination range; perfect condition; used one year. 444 E. 24th at., corner Sherman. BAIUUINS Itest offer takn them. Tent. 14x12. 1 oz. ; autn robe, fine all wool; 3.'i Victor phonograph. 3531 05 th it. S. E. ICE CREAM FKEE.ER, carpet sweeper, bed pan. kitchen table, bed and springs, R-rasn catcher, crocks, hose reel, glasses, grape Juice, etc. Main :iR3fl. BARGAIN. Commercial fruit tree sprayer ?or sale cheap; can arrange ionu time. 143 Grand avenue. SUITS pressed. 45c; take to our nearest tore. Joy, the Tailor, 104 4th, near htark; 151 Grand ave., 1043 Belmont. HUO K. Ankeny. 21 7 N. Jersey St. 1)1 EBOLD nafet. new and second hand; fpeclal prlce. Pacific Scale & Suppi Co.. 4 S Fro n t t. Broad w a y 1 '.CO. FOR CORRECT time call Main 3579; for scientific watch repairing see Miller, next door to Majestic theater. CERTIFIED iu'i all boo-ks in evenings, n pt. nint ant will sell any library. Call Sunday A. 45 1 11th Bt. or PILKS cj.ii Lie permanently cured witnout operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Second a n d Morrison. WICKER sulky, $5; heater. $S; 0x12 seam less kxm luster rug, almost new, $ ;!5; baby corral on wheels. $S. Ta b o r 1 2 4 o . CHILD'S playhouse, miniature bungalow. hxl2 ft. 1541 Division at. Phone Tabor 13. evenings. Vol' AL A N X and Lambert cherries. Yel low Transparent apples at lowest prices 1100 E. 37th ft. Phone Sell wood 3118. J&UGS washed on your floor with Ham 11-ton-Bcacli electric carpet washer; also Vacuum cleaning done. Eat 4045. 11 EM ST1TC I UN 8c A YAItH; one yard free by bringing this ad. 330 Mohawk bldg., over Roberts Bros. CHERRIES 2c pound, pick them your self. 400 South Decatur St., St. Johns, just off Richmond at. EaDIKS. and children's garments, new and slight ly used, for every occasion. m It. 4Q.t Al 1 s k y b 1 1 lg.3 da n d M orr isonsts. BARGAINS IN LINOLEUM. Cork Fluor Products Co., Broadway at Taylor. fOR SALE CHEAP Registered Guernftey bull. IS months old. A. W. Bensiev R. F. I . 2. T rnu t dale, Or. CE M r. N T L Al'N I H V t uurantt'ed. Factory ton. TRAYS, reinforced. 314 East Washing- 1'VHI SALE A x ml nster rug, S-3xl0.rt, in jH?rfect condition, 20. Farrcll, 0tth t und 07 th a ve. S. E. CCOD drop-head sewing machine, $20". 1242 Glenn ave. X. Alberta car to J ar ret t. CHICAGO steel range, good Condition. $25; reliable gas water heater. $12. U20 East iVl.-un. Tabor 13S2 TWO THINGS i do and do well iewelry repairing, watch repairing. Miller, next door to Ma.icstjc theater. HIGH -GRADE double barrel 10-gauge shotgun, $7. 4'J5 Davis st.. Room 15. Call Sunda y mornln g v'w MiM wrti i(Mimc,ti)i., 4-ourner gas m . , r. . oucn st. WILL SELL my "Tieddeman on Real Prop erty" cheap. Tabor lft'4. SCREEN doors, wind, turo repairing, cabin ws. mirrors ; f urni t work. Wdln. 14H7. IUFLE, high-power Savage, best all-round i 1 unlc F"n V1"' g i n. M a i u 4 7 1 tfc JmR bAlK Am leaving city, must sacri- i ice ma mo mis. o, regonian. FOU SALE Household gondii. 20 East 10th ii; KKi.H iilib adding machine, nearly new. V A NT K L 1 12 1 c 1 1 v Thornton . :i5 " H : i ! I diiec ory. E. H, FOR SA LE A n evening suit, also Prince Albert coat n nd vest. Phone HI 1 1. FUR S A 1.B--H and crocheted bedspread, S74 Vancouver ave.. or eaU East H5:. HALL gas furnace, bargain, $4u. 53d st. N. 425 E. ST I'JNt )T V 1'E shorthaud machine VI. 53d st. X. V'A RDKOHK tiunk for sale, cheap. Main 4 220. roo m 411. AUTO CAM P outfits at reduction. SJe Court it. 224 ta 3d. Wdln. 5313. FOR SALE Set of Harvard clasTTT ShaKi-sp care a nd other books. "X lain i 2! $25 SPoUT Jacket, never wornTlOl Maiu HA BY Ko-H U tfuMing fioor pen). Phone y tlln. r.:ild NEW :i.;x4 COLD tire, inner tube and rim t heap. I'lmno Oa k i I rove 1 53-J. JSbl ES for ale; healthy stock ir Ui v--s. W. L. A rant. Oregon City. good FOR SA LE Cash register, safe, adding machine. shou case. 43 1st st.. near Ash. VACUUM cleaners for rent. 8 5c p e r d a jT delivered any w here. Wdln, 34J5 i-AllES, ' be well dreaded." Exciusi used Karme.nts in a home. Tabor 22o, 'aiTAK A STAR" shingles dlrecT rrom mill Call Taylor-street dock. Main8u65. SECOND-HAND tents and coven Tor s'aTe Pacific Tent Awning Co., No. 1 1st st HANOE and two hcus- hoiii goods. il stovea. We need ta 1 oodlawn 20 tilt rOTATOKS. new. 2c and 3c lb. Deliver 50 lbs. E.ut li'Vl, 31 K.mt Everett. TWO LARGE Brussels rugs, clean and FOR RALE. Miscellaneous. TENTS TEXTS TENTS. We have a limited stock for spot de livery of 7xi S-oz. and 10-oz. tents. 8x10 H-'jz. and 10-oz. tents. 10x12 8-oz. and 10-oz. tents. All our ten ts are made from govern -1 ment standard 21-lnch width duck, full 3-foot to 5-foot ide walls and 1-3 pitch. We do not handle the cheap grade tent, but we do sell good ten ts cheap; mail orders filled. We also make the CONWAY AUTO TENT. 7xfl. to fit any car. Lean-to," 8-ounce. IO..lO 7x, tn Tit any car, ounce, $12.50. 'Lean-to," 10- Storm curtains if desired. 7x7. to fit auto tent. S-oz., $2.4.V "We are" now making the K. D. AUTO TENT, DETACHABLE ENDS. 7xS. with 3 2 -foot wall, S-oz., 7x8. with 3V3-foot wall, 10 oz.. $12.50. $14.50. CONWAY" ARMY STORE. Third and Taylor Streets. GUS H. CRAMER Jeweler. ' 712 "A" Selling Bldg. Main 602. Manufacturing and designing special order work. Jewelry,' . emblems, and souvenirs. Expert diamond setting, cutting and polishing. Services of one of the best watch makers -on the coast. All watch and jewelry repairs con scientiously gua ran teed. Precious metals and stones appraised and credited. Difficult work solicited. 20 years' experience. PLAYER PIANO. A beautiful burl walnut. Miller. nte player-piano. In wonderful condi tion, and :;o music roll?; specially priced ut $:W5; .$5o down. $15 a month. Hyatt TMklne Mnehlne Co., 350 Alder st. TH E FOLKS back home will cherish and appreciate a souvenir from Oregon, send tht-m an Oregon agate mounted in solid gold; a wonderful selection to choose from. Miller's, next door to Majestic theater. STYLE 10 Victrola nnd $100 worth of records. This complete outfit is worth '!75; machine and records like new; $250, terms if desired. HENRY JENNING & SONS. 5th nnd Washington Sts. KR EH LING PIANO. Krehling pinno. dnrk oak case. In splendid .condition, exceptionally good tone, specially priced at $225; $25 down. 15 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. :;.10 fA!rier st. FUMED onk dining tnble." 0 chairs with real leather :seats, $50. Collapsible, ad justable dress form, $12.50; black Han nan shoes, size 8 '4 C. $5 ; mnn's black una tomic shoes, size S AC, $4. Phone T;thor 701 s. NISLEY PIANO. Nisley piano, mahogany ense. In splendid condition. exceptionally good tone, specially priced at $275; 50 down. $15 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. :t.-.o Alder Ft. SIRLOCO pipelesH furnace $7!1.00, $135 and $150; radically improved. no better guaranteed, future price protected, mu tual gain by immediate persons! investi gation. Signed. L. T. Woodruff, 1201 Msllory ave.. Wnndlawn 2103. BUIOK SNAP. O-cylinder, 7-passenger Buick. good mechanical condit ion. Delco lights and starter. Good tires. . Price $'i75; $150 down. $25 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. '150 Alder st. FOR SALE Light blue taffeta evening tlress ; navy duvetyn and taffeta dress; black Baronette satin dress; brown jer sey jdck' t : all small, very cheap ; gray suede pumps, small; all in best condi tion. Main 4155. I OR SALE cheap, Kingston air com pressor. Vi-h. p. motor. 25 ft. hose and coupling: De Vilbia Aeron spraying out fit for painting, also furnished with U h. p. motor and fan. K K22, Oregnnian. PAINT, $2.50 PER GALLON. Enamels. varnish, stains, calcimine, at attractive prices. ARTHUR C. BUCHM AN' CO.. -' " Salmon St. Main 1014. WANTED Live poultry of all kinds; also have fine laying, strain of White Leg horn and Barred Rock hens. Carneaux Squab Co., phone Oak Grove 23-Y, route 1 Milwaukte. P H O N OfillAPHS. $:; MONTHLY. Remember we sell you new, latest type Victrola. Edison. Columbia or Brunswick up to $50 for $.1 a month Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder at. SU PER HO automatic water heater, almost new, price $100; Radlantfire ga heater, used six months, price new $41.50, sell for $25; 'two-burner gas plate, $2. 423 tith st.. near Hall, no phone. 1 OR SALE One pair lady's new brown oxfords, size rt, AAA, $7.50, cost $15; one pair brown kid pumps, one-strap, military heels, 7-A. 733 Washington St., room 3 IS. STAMP collectors, we carry a fine line of -iamps. ainums, etc.; stamps and collec tions bought Columbia Stamp & Coin Co.. 04 N. Hlth st. Phone Bdwy. 2010. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER. Just like new Xo. JO Remington type writer only $t5; $15 down. $5 a month. Hr.xtt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder st. MULTIGRAPH. slightly used, with tlty of type and equipment. $UOO; also paper cutter cheap. 7 Board of Trade bldg. LUNCH WAGON on wheels, glass windows, tin roof, painted white, $35; easv terms Make big money with this. 201 West Park. See it. FOR SALE, cheap, one baby folding bath tub, folding dressing table. Oriole basket and baby buggy; all good as new. Tele phone 35K3. i FOR SALE. HALF COST PRICE Champion register. Just the thing for grocery or garage. Main 6100. during week SEND tis your babv carriage, repairs, enameling and upholstering. 348 Harri son. Main 5533. We buy and sell car ria gcs. BEAUTIFUL cabinet model Muscla phono graph; cost $100; price $r.o. $10 down $0 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. BOOKS for sale cheap, classics and others 1 Ruud heater, heating stove, crayon and pastel pictures. 1 lunch kit. piano 0t F.. Burnside. - REPEATING rifle, elecfrlc generator, pipe dies, 1 to 2 inches ; pedigreed Airedale puppy; will exchange. Taboc, SMALL Columbia, hornless, disc machine; just the thing for canoes, $20; $10 down. $5 a month. Hyatt Talking; Ma chine Co.. 350 Alder st. h OR SALE Set New Marvel shock ab sorbers for 400 Chevrolet. $10; regular price $35. H. D. Green, 348 Alder st . Portland, Or. DRESSES, suits, hats, shoes, everything at bargain. Union Apparel Exchange 7IJ I nion avenue North, corner Ivv rc lft-R SPLENDID toned organ. $25; $7.50 down. $2.00 ? month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 35Q Alder Pt. WHITE enameled wash trav and 2 nickel faucets, been used 2 months, $15. Tabor ON ACCOUNT of leaving city will sac rifice latest style round bobbin Slneer for an. 1002 K. Washington st. fier LARGE Thor vashing machine, nrarii-, i;- new. cost $200: will sell for $100, perfect condition. Call Sellwood 2033. NICE brawn Sturgis folding b;ib bucgy I''1; ,al- ''h,iH!v Cal1 Sunday morning. MH r,. ith ,t. N. Bl(.. baby. Lloyd wicker; looks and is . iwV"- r-ee n ana you will buy. 031 E. 18th North, near Stanton FOR SA LE 2 very fine e't-ctrlcal fix tures for dini-ng and living rooms Price rea son a ble. VK 1 R 1 0 BLACK leather bed d ivennnrt. $25: Hart. man warn rone trunK. never used Woodlawn 2414. $40. DANDY 30-."O Savage, new rug 0x12 good range, sma'l bug. Singer sewing ma chine. East SODA fountain. 12 ft., and other fixtures. TENT, wall, excellent shape, snap C31 E. ISth North, near Stanton. ELECTRIC -h. condition. $ to. P. coffee milt, first-class 1 :i rsnati 10 ft. FULL SET of watchmakers' tools, lathe HEMSTITCHING COTTON, fic: SILK Sc 352 YAMHILL ST.. CORNER PARK. GOOD wheel hair cheao. Inuutr vator iiit n. 1 ti n st. it-IR. drop-liead Singer. -DRAW like new, for $1 Must sell. Auto. 3. BEJIRY hoxes, immediate delivery. Phone CArMA-N camera and case. Phone Tabor SM ALL rubber stamp outfit, t vpe, dies vulcanlxer. $75. easy terms. Main CoW" I : A It G A I N New East 3Itij. xl2 Axminster rug. POST AG E .stamp collection. ith duplicates. Ta bor 379 In album. BI.A"K ReTiuhlican cherries. 2c on tree. Hull Mountain. Tieard. John Sch m i c! t. 3 Ai REo of standing spring oats for sale cne-a p. Jiaan t ' 1 . At TO camp outfit, brass bed. Wilton run. 3inrrnan 1 41. SMAI-I- writing desk and good Ice box cheap. 52 Mississippi ave.. cor. Russell. FOR SALS Gas stove 732 K.earney. FOR S A LE. M iMcrllanrous. IX THE MARKET FOR A TYPEWRITER? Here's your opportunity to get a good machine at a REAL BARGAIN. 8 slightly used machines. 8 will be sold on Monday at a big sacrifice. A year's-guarantee with each. Be on hand in time and take jour pick. . THE REBUILT TYPEWRITER CO., 304 Oak Street. HOT-SHUT SALE Another one this week of furniture, hardware; can you find any fault with the price of $i for a new a!l-copper wah boiler or a good-as-new oak dining table at $12. or an up-t-date oak. leather-seat dicing chair, worth $fl, this hot-shot price, $3.25? A pipe cutter, cutH -in. to 2-in. pipe, new ones. $2.5T.i55 N. 17th st., all tifxt wok. ULE.voE DON'T FORGET.. Go to DAVIDS FOR DIAMONDS and you can't go wrong. DAVIDS, Jewelers 6c Opticians, 343 Wash. St. at Bdwy. A FINE Steinway upright, will take $380. This piano has beautiful tone, interior almost like new. Have also a larger size Sieinway, somewnat older, only $270, terms haif cash, ba lan jt easy paynienu. Exchange department. 2d floor. Eilers Mjjsic building, 2S7 H Wash. st.. Just be- 1pw 5th st. DO YOU KNOW THE BEST WAY. TO MAKE A DIAMOND GROW ? The Plan Is Simple. Glad to Tell You About It. Come In and See Us. DAVIDS. JCwelers & Opticians. ' 343 Wash. St., at Bdwy. A BEAUTIFUL brown mahogany Sonora, the $10 model, with records costing $-'7, total value 1187. for all casta will sacri fice $75, or adds. $15 and pay $10 per month. See this at once. Phonograph headquarters, d lloor Eilers Music bldg., entrance and elevator -J W Wash, st. A BlSH&LANE upright. "very fine ma hogany, just like neew, wilt be sold for lews than half its lowest regular selling price. Also a dandy walnut Busn & Lane smaller size, only $235. reasonable terms If desired. Oregon Eilers Music House. 27 't Wash., just be.ow 5th. BUY YOUR PHONOGRAPH AT . HYATT'S. Remember we sell you any model of Victrola, Edison. Columbia or Bruns wick up to $125 on payments of $5 a month. Hyatt Talking .Machine Co.. 350 Alder et. A FEW CARS, 1-inch ami 2-inch random No. 1 and No. 2 common f. o. o. Wrens, Oregon, $11; also 3x12 bridge planks, f. o. MfrEstacada. cheap. 'Call U. D., East 1 H5H. - MUST sacrifice this week, cash registers, vcales, showcases, elect ric fans. , root beer barrels, soda fountains, meat slice r. 240 Washington st. DON'T MISS IT. ELECTRIC .FIXTURE SALE. Swe New Today column in this sec tlon for, picture." and prices. SAFETY RAZORS, scissors and knives sharpened; blade and shaving articles for sale, special attention to mail or UtT. The Grinder. 7 V-i th st. A SUPERB Conn saxophone, the finest In town, complete with case.. Get this in strument now and save $70. Oregon Eilers Music House. LEAVING city china cabinet, .Duntley vacuum cleaner, other furniture and household goods; no dealers. , Auto. 221-02. WE P. KINI AY HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL INDS OF RIFLES, SHOTGUNS. ETC. BEN S. BACKMAN. 110 THIRD ST. CREDIT system. National Cash Register system worth $225 new. Price' $100 for quick sale. Sell. 1030. NATIONAL bicycle, 20-inch frame, cost $05, sell for $35, new. Phone East 212, Apt. 3. ONE LARGE Opal ref rigeratot . one Day ton computing vales; one show case and other fixtures. Wdln. 5300. HAY WARD vulcanizing outfit, complete ; sell for $H00 on easy terms. 17 Beaver bldg.. Oregon City. FOR SALE safe, this is a bargain, brand new. Cail 8 3d st. DIAMOND, bargain, save $1000. buy my 3 Vs -karat stone. Call U. D., East 1850. FOR SALE Al'TOMOBILKS. FORD raer-r, underslung. new, $325. 120 E. Water St. Aut. 231-G4. SNAP FROM OWNER. ' IS Buick t touring. 3 new tires, bumper, spot, gearshift lock, good splire tire. - Car in perfect condition; $$50. Terms. 251 1 2th. apt. 35. 4 1920 FORD touring, by private party, de mountable rims, four cord tires, spare, speedometer,, dash light, .large wheel. cutout, foot' throttle and other extras. Will sacrifice for quick sale. East 1200. WIN TON six in A-l condition; this sure is some car; 11 you want something exclu sive or for a stage run see this; I can arrange terms. Mr. Jungers, Bdwy. 1572. evenings Marsha!! 450. MAXWELL BARGAIN. Out of work and must sacrifice ,my Maxwell, in perfe-ct condition; buy this at your own price and terms. E-ast 5-134. 31 East 2Gth st. . HAVE a 4-cylinder full electrically equipped car ; . five good t ires ; new top ; good running order; at practically your own price and terma. Bdwy. 1572. Mr. Jungers. Evenings. Marshall 4 5. REO SPEED WAGOX-f-Speclal body, cord tires. van De Dougnt at a oar gain price. Call Joe Good fellow, Broadway 1400. Nortltwest Auto Co., 18th and Alder. A U B URN "BEAt'TY SIX" touring car In f in shape. Cord tire eoitipment. I'll make you a real bargaifr on this car. Joe Gootlfellow, Broadway 140. Xorth west Auto Co.. ISth and Alder. 1921 CHEVROLET, 400; not 2 months old; factory guarantee on this car; owner wants a baby grand and will sacrifice. Call Ho pk i n s.Ea st490. ' 1018 REO SIX touring car. I will make you a special proposition as to price and terms. ' This Is a real buy. -Call Goodfellow. Broadway 1400. 120 FORD sedan, by private party, spare tire shock - absorbers and spotlight; must sell at once. Can arrange terms. 722 Shuyler street. OAKLAND, in good running order, good rubber; 1 am going to sell this for $425. Bdwy. 1572. Marshall 45G evenings. Mr. Jungers. FORD, $350, terms; spotlight, speedom eter; 6 good tire, etc. S14 Smith ave., St. Job us. BUICK roadster, excellent condition, re cently overhauled, new battery. $575 cash or short time terms. Marshall 303. 7-PASSENGER I'AlUli. worth $1800: sacrifice for $1400, Mr. Argo. Broadway 3281. IftlS; terms. 1919 FORD touring car. fine condition, no starter. $350 cash takes it. Call Wood Is" wn 0337. ' NEW 5-PASS touring car. . price. Call today or Monday. Chrlstensen s garage, 13th and Burnside, west side. HUDSON 7-passenger, in excellent condi tion ; cords all around : a buy for $.00 with terms. Bdwy. 15T2. Mr. Berreth. lyiH FORD touring, this car is in the best of condition, and a bargain; private party. East 12t0. FORD Sedan, motor A-l. All new tires. new paint; $4o. .Main Jlvl, or Bdwy. GRANT 6. looks like $500; $350 cash takes it; good tires, just overhauled; new gears, fine motor. East 411. Wdln. 14S1. A NEW Chevrolet ; 5 tires, shocks, spot light; will bear inspection. Mr. Jungers, Bdwy. 1572; evenings Mar. 456. 1021--DODGE roadster, must be sold at once. Inquire TGI Williams avenue, be tween 5 and 7. li17 BUICK six touring, new top; re painted : overhauled, $i50; terms. Call Auto. 230-.V. mornings. SACRIFICE beautiful sedan, practically new; moderate price; best offer. Terms or eash. Bdwy. 3135. Room 617. litis MAXWELL touring, $2S5; nearly new tires; good paint: $I0O down, $2i a month. Mi 10th st. 1017 HUDSON Super T 5 cord tires, new paint job. $i00. Phone Bdwy. 4tiJ3. Terms. 1U17 MAXWELL touring, $175. If you wand a car in fine running condition cheap, here it is. Call Auto. 630-52. 1920 OLDS 6, touring, cash purchase, spare tire, spotlight, etc, $1050. Call Dumais, Broadway 2270. ' CHALMERS Master six, newly overhauled, good tires; fine for stage run; snap at $450. 2 North 1 Oth st. 1019 AND 1021 OLDSMOBILE roadster, lightweight, cheap, terms. Call Dumais, Broadway 2270. 1919 OLDS S, Pacemaker, in Al condition, service with this car. Call Duffy. Bdwy. 2270. ' 1910 PAIGE. I Bdwy. 2270. -pass, price J COO. Call Duffy, FOR SALE at a bargain. 1921 model Ford truck. 9622 Foster road. 1U10 FORD sedan. $415; $115 down and $30 a month. ft6 10th st. WILL trade 5-pass. Studebaker lor furni ture. Sellwood 3501. 400 CHEVROLET. 1917. rood running condition. $200. Phone Mil. 64R. PACKARD twin six. want light car and cash. 435 Williams ave. 1919 FORD $350. B s: touring with '2. Oreconian. starter block. AUTO SERVICE TOWING Campbell. Broadway 3801. CO., call 1917 DODGE touring, cheap, aa offer. 606 euth, ave. M.aka ma Tim SALE AtTOMOBILES. BARGAIN PRICES. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM . SAFETT AND SATISFACTION. We rebuild both Hudson And Essex used automobiles and se'l them with a warranty the same a riven with the purchase of new cars. We also give 00 days' fret service, the same as is gUen on new cars. On other makes of- automobiles that we trade In we repair and overhaul them so that used cars that are not sold with a warranty are In first-class condition and are sold with ten days free trial, subject to their being returned with full credit on any other car you may select. 1917 Hudson soort model, re built throughout, over size cord tires, now be ing repainted. A won derful automobile and a bargain T.. $1300 1918-191 series Hudson Su per Six, rebuilt, and re- painted, sold with the wa rra nty I -n0 1020 Hudson Super Six. re built and repainted, sold - with the warranty 1775 1920 Hudson Speedster, like . a brand new car; sold with the warranty 1S50 1919 Essex automobile. re- . built and repainted, sold with the warranty 1125 1920 Essex. like new, sold with the warranty 1250 1919 Maxwell, all gone over, repaired nnd repainted; a fine little car 575 1919 Grant six. a dandy little car. good tires, good paint, and In fine run ning condition, excellent buy at 675 1919 Chalmers, first -class con dition throughout 10S0 1919 Chandler. In" fir.t -class condition, wire wheels, cord tires. A real buy 1918 Hiynw light six Chum my roadster: all in fine condition, a bargain at. 700 1920 Olds 8. 4 -pass., sport model, fine condition. good tires excellent buy at 1100 1920 Studebaker special six. full cord equipment and a bargain at 1400 Our store for these used-car bar gains at 40-4d North Broadway, which s Broadway and Couch st. Phone Broadway 573! or Marshall SOT. Open evenings and Sundays. - C. L. BOS3 AUTOMOBILE CO. SACRIFICE. 490 Chevrolet i Maxwell touring "I""" Maxwell touring I. .II Commonwealth touring ..". Ford. 102O. touring Maxwell sedan, 1918 .. Elgin 1920. nearly new '. ' f-Mitchep . Studebnker. excellent' c on d it ion. ". ". Elgin s-dan, new Westcott roadster, new Columbia 0, new 85 fj 380 450 7i0 450 425 850 800 450 2200 1900 1550 RUSSELL H. LAWSON AUTO CO.. 354 East Broadway. TAKES -TWO TO - MAKE A BARGAIN. You want -m. GOOD car at low price. 'We offer economical, light weight, easy riding Oakland "6" model 34-B; engine and other parts overhauled, new paint easy pickings at $700. Liberal terms NORTHWEST OAKLAND CO. 344 BL'ftXSJDE. BDWY 8-' FORD BUG. ; ine rebuilt car. all new tires and tuhes runs fine: top and windshield; i'.a JaIi the hIIls on hiBh and i re finished bright red bodv with cream gears and wheels; looks fine. low price of f .12. ; take $1 25 down, balance easv. Open Sundays. Take late- model touring and pay cash difference, ltiih and Ald er street. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 5-passenger Nask touring car in ex cellent condition. 1920 motor, four Miller cord tires, one Goodrich Silvertown corfl; wind deflectors, spotlight, new batteries n harvufn foil A ,.f . i 1 .... 1920 STEPHENS 6-pass.. Just been over hauled and re-painted. Has good cord tires an1 sold with the same guarantee as a new one. This is a very beautiful car. and a real snap at the price asked Call Propst. Bdwy. ?rpg. FOR SALE By private partv. ti7 Buick 6. five-passenger. Just had car over hauled, in good shape; I must sell at once and will cive a bargain on the price of this Burck, $500; private partv cash and terms.no trades. Tabor 7299 OVERLAND SNAP. 1919, the famous model 90, ti good condition every way; sacrifice for $375 terms. Thin car is really worth $550-' don't overlook this snap. Mr. Area Broadway 32S1. -rfco. PAIGE BARCTATX " A Paige ownr is always satisfied; 1919 model, mechanically perfect sacri fice. $1250; terms $400 down. Mr. Argo Broadway 3281. Argo, FORD. 1917 model, good mechanical con dltion. good rubber. Hassler shocks Yale lock, speedometer and tool box : $225 takes it. I need the money. Tajior FOR SALE TEMPLAR Speedster, absolutely new and unused six wire wheels, six cord tires, a car of quality at a substantial discount. Aanress j. jaconson., Pendleton. Or. 11S BUICIC 6 ROADSTKS L,lke new. mechanically perfect - 5 prac tlcaliy new tires, new top. Gabriel re bounds: $100 under market value- $soo Woodlawn 0004. 1 3U - GUESS you will be interested In this Olds mobile S; $550 Is the price. Yes. It's at the Weller Motor comtpany. N. W cor' 15th and Washington. HUDSON super six; tires almost new; good mechanical condition; a real sacri fice and a great bargain. PhonV East 7910 for demonstration ; no dealers. " ONLY $550 for this Stearns Kniitht. 1918; needs paint, but Is overhauled ; terms. Mr At go, Broadway 3281. 1920 OLDS 6. new tires, all extras. ue5 privatNy on paved sts. Would accept small roadster and give terms, l2l West Anna st. Phone Col. 870. FORD bug cheap; good top with side curtain, windshield and fenders, speed ometer, shock absorbers ? a real car. 2 J rsv st. ?t. jonns distrlc t. MODEL. "X- HIT, cord tfr-s, ,od me chanically. $05O. terms. Trade in Ford. Billingsley Motor Car C.. Hawthorne ave. at Sth. East 720. 1918 OVERLAND -passenger; this la a frond car for $.i 1 . on terms or less for cash. Call at 1101 E. Morriaon at. Moli na y 10 see 1 STUDEBAKER HgTit 20; would make a dandy oug:.will take lot in exchange C. H. Hemstreet. 224 Fesenden st Columbia 1072. 1-011 -SPECIAL SIX Studebaker touring car in excellent condition, run 10 noo miles. Price. $1000. Call owner. Mar shall 228. DODGE. DODGE. Private party must sell Dodge tour ing car at once. In fine condition, a real nargain. ior t-an. --ee n at 1st st. BIG USED CARS PRICES RIGHT. STOCK "No Misrepresentations. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. OVERLAND 83, good condition. well i equipped. License and insurance, $"7o ca. h. Phone 013-18. 1920 FORD coupe, fine condition, good tires, good paint, extras; $G75. tesnn. Mono ay. r.nt ELGIN SIX overhauled, refinished, good tires; could use a Chevrolet as part payment. Broadway 2329. FORU pani cioeu ouyt aimost new; will sacrifice. Call 10. 5th at , Oregon City. Or. WB PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel, crankshaft turning. H. B. Black ma ch'ne stmg; 534 Alder st. Bdwy. 20S1 COLUMBIA SIX, $1550. PORT LAND " RUSSELL H. LAWSONT AUTO CO 3 54 EAST BROADWA Y 1920 CHEVROLET, panel, delivery" 7 3000 miles; bargain at $450. 93 1st Kr jl A lit 4tiO CHEVROLET, like new. $4S5. term's . Trade In Ford. Billingsley Motor Co' Hawthorne ave. at Sth. East 720 120 FORD sedan. $550; good running or der. BF K25. Oregonian. FORD coupe, like new. Extras. Terms. Tabor 7H72 ' 1920 DODGE roadster, rua 5200 miieH $750. Eaat 60S8. Ftm HA LE AI TOMOB1LKM. AT THE COVEY MOTOR CO. PLANT. How easy it is to pay from $150 to $0O too much tor a used automobile through the simple factor of not get ting a rebel It and ref inished car. An exclusive used car dealer cannot afford to rebuild his cars and sell them at or below market prices. It is only because we are depending on our new car sales for our profit and operate an elaborate used car de partment tofVurther the sale of these new cars that we can afford to give so much value for the money expended. Good cars priced so as to give good value sell with bargain store ease and the volume of business obtained this way does not limit the number of cars we can accept in exchange on our new car business. Our new car business therefore Is brought to a maximum volumjfe and our eventual profit is ac cordingly sa tisf aciory. DOLH'E BROTHERS MOTOR CARS. Thure is really no used motor car ! value at the present time to compare with that to be found in a used, re- ; built Dodge Brothers car. The pres ent low prices us compared with the sterling- quality Involved establishes this enviable position; isrjn Buick sedan $20OO 1974 Oakland touring 400 1915 Cole 7-pacs. privately owned " car. only 750 1911 Briscoe touring, excellent con dition - 475 1917 Grant touring - 3S0 tfrji Ford sedan; a dandy mis Ford roadster 4fo 1920 Ford roadster 475 J!2 Chevrolet sedan S50 1i20 Chevrolet roadster, fine shape 545 192 Chevrolet touring 575 10t Chevrolet touring 4O0 litis Chevrolet baby grand 475 1920-Maxwell . sedan, an excellent car for 12nn 9120 Maxwell touring 5JMt 191S Willys-Knight, only 12'' 1120 Nash touring, special price., lltni 1911 Studebaker big six. 5-pass 1475 191S Studebaker coupe; real buy. . tioO l!17 Studebaker 4. touring 3'0 1919 Haynes touring, only 15ou lOlt Buick roadster lloO 1120 Hudson speedster, extra fine . ItMKt T.20 Hudson. 7-pas 1750 191 H Chandler touring, new tires. . JS50 1919 Chandler chummy roadster, fine shape 1-" 1920 Chandler, good condition, snap 1400 1919 Oldsmobile tt. roadster 50 1919 Oldsmobile K touring 9.0 191 Packard, a wonderful buy. . . 14mi 191S Scripps-Booth coupe 1S50 1919 Peerless S. touring; not re built, only -34 -J 1920 Overland roade-ter; a good one 5s. l2l Overland 4. sedan 950 lttl'J Hudson limousine. In fine con dition; a wonderful taxicab 102O Liberty touring . 3 275 1915 Dodge touring car-' 42-i 1910 Dodge roadster and touring.. 1917 Dodge touring JjV 1917 Dodge sedan ' 191H Dodge roadster and touring. 2- 191S Dodge sedan ,2'- 1919 Dodge touring s'-'" 192l Dodge touring 950 DELIVERY CARS. , 191S Dodge, screeiyside delivery.. 72 9is Dodge, panel, good shape 1919 Chevrolet, panel delivery 4'NJ 1920 Ford delivery, st.rrter - 1918 Buick delivery ; 00 CADILLACS. : Ued Cadillac sales have been stimu lated greatlv owing to the excellent stock of rebuilt and refinished cars now on hand. This is a good time to se lect one of theje excellent c rs instead of Investing the same money in some new but cheaper car. AJ1 Cars Guaranteed and Sold on Easy Terms. AVE ARE OPEN SUNDAY. 21st and Washington. -Main 244. Also a big display at the new Broad wav salesroom downtown. Call at the saleeroorrl most convenient for you. Our automobile transportation service makes It qulcklv possible fort you to look over BROADWAY USED CAR BRANCH. js-od . uroanway. Main 0244. . EASY PICKINGS for the one who knows valce; 4 cvlinder Studebaker, 1 7 model, new paint, deep Turkish uphol stering, mechanical condition Al. Easily worth $675. Offered at $475 Verv liberal terms. NORTHWEST OAKLAND CO. 344 BURNSIDE. BDWY. 82 1M HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Wire wheels, five of them cord tires, and all the tools and Instruction book that come- with it when it left the fac tory Now we will sell this car Just like vou can buy a new one; guarantee it and service it: Rive any trial you like before you pay for it. and sell it with $S(Mt down, balance $100 per month for ten months. Take late-modM road ster In trade or liberty bonds. Open Sunda vr. 10th and Alder ft. MURPHY .M 1 1 uk v a n, ' NASH CARS AND TRUCKS AT REDt'CPD PRICES. For a few days only we will sell a limited number of these FINE NEW NASH caru and trucks at a reduction of $250 to $500 cash. THE AUTO UTILITIES CO., N'RFh DeHlers. Dallas. Or. AUTOMOBILE owners, garage men. me chanics, repair m"n, send for free copy of-thts month's issue; it contains help ful. Instructive information on overhaul ing, rgnitlon troubles, wiring, carbure tors, at o rage batteries, etc.; over 120 pp., illus. ; send for free copy today. Auto mobile Digest. 217 Butler bldg., Cincin nati. Ohio. . 50 HUDSON suDer lx, 1910 model, new finish, nearly new cord . tires, new top and curtains open wnn aoors; line me chanical condit ion : must sacrifice. Price $H50. terms. Always used privately with best of care. East 7910. If you ar a dealer you can make good profit on this ca r. - 191K BUICK -touring. 3 tires, new bumper, spotlight and other extras; looks good and in wonderful mechanical con dition ; Must be seen to be appreciated. Sacrifice H7.V Oive terms and guarantee name. East 4210. 1920 HUPMOBILE COUPE, 3 cord tires, two bumpers, well equipped ci.d in fine condition. Your chance to get a popu lar car at a, bargain price. Billingsley ?totor Co., Hawthorne ave. at bth. East 720 1919 OVERLAND; model 90; all new rub ber; motor In Al condition; a car to be proud of. See this buy "for $485 at our new home. Weller Mrtor Co.. .. W. nr. ISth and Washington. CHEVROLET touring. late 490 model; curtains open with the doors; good rub ber; looks like new; must se'l; will give terms. A snap. Call Mr. Blggerstaff, Broadway 24Q. 1920 BABY grand touring car, Jooks and runs like new; this car will be sold with a bona fide . warranty backed by the district Chevrolet distributor. Call Mr. Wentworth. East 49U. 1921 HUDSON touring limousine, run very little, same as new. A bargain. Chan. Af roller, 428 Yamhll st. Marshall T68. ON ACCOUNT ol being too large will sac rilice o-pass. light sedan, car in first-class condition ; will accept light roadster In exchange. Can be seen at ft 5 8 E. Bth N.. Apt, ft. 1020 490 CHEVROLET touring car. 1921 license, spot light. 4 good tires. 1 spare. Run less than 9000 miles. By owner only. Prlc $300 cash. Phone Tabor .4 75 . - BABY grand model F. B. Chevrolet tour . Ing car. This car Is in the best shape; look at it before oU buy. Call Wdln. OLDSMOBILE six. 1919 model, run 7500 miles, and in excellent condition. I need the money and will sacrifice for $750. Privately owned. Phone Auto MO-47. BUICK 6 overhauled, well tired and spare, painted, bumper, spotlight, new battery, alemite throughout, clutch lock; Ford as part payment. Sellwood l-itl OLDSMOBILE 8. bet of condition, 0 cord tirea. 2 brand new. A bargain, terms. Boothby. Main 1771. Evenings and Sun days- Tabor 2378. 1918 BUICK 4 ROADSTER. Excellent mechanical condition, cord tires, all around with a spare. Tabor 949rt. A PPEHSOX SEDAN. Will sacrifice for $2000 leaa than cost, run only 4000 miles, good as new. See Mr Argo. Bdwy. 321. ELGIN SEDAN FTCaP. 1918, 5-passenger, overhauled, refin ished, good tires, a beautiful little car, $975; terms. Mr. Argo. Broadway 32S1. FOR SALE or trade, one Arbor press, good 2-wheel trailer, with demountable 33x4 tires; almost new; capacity H ton. Call Sell. 2553. after 6 P. M. Sell. 1253. 1917 MAXWELL touring, first-class shape mechanically; good tires, new top and new paint. Call owner after 6 P.- M. at Wdln. 362. 1920 CHEVROLET- touring, $500; new tires, new batteries. Call Mr. Frohman, Broadway 321. Also 1 Ford coupe dem onstrator. 1918 FORD tourfng with 20 model block, all in Al condition for sale right; some cash, balance easy terms. Call Propst. Bdwy. 300 . 1018 OVERLAND 5-passenger, a good car for $375, terms, or will not refuse any reasonable offer for cash. Main 7141 Monday. Ralph Ackley, owner. HUDSON roadster; new tires, new paint; best buy in city; can be seen Lawior ga rage, 009 4th st. Just out of shop. Price $ s 2 5 P r I v ate owner. 1910 CHEVROLET" coupe. This car ,has been completely overhauled, repainted and takes a factory guarantee. A real buy. cash or terms. Call Evans, East 490. WHITE auto for sale cheap. 1030 East :2d st. X $10o DOWN, balance to cult; fine light touring car. Broadway 2329. 1918 490 CHEVaOLT, 1320. $250. Gall ilar. ACTOMOBILES, HOW LOW IS DOWN? A-s low as you can get." we told a man last week, speaking about oi:r need cars. And then w explained to him why prices could be no lower than those we are mow asking for our used cars. When you hit bottom there is no lower. We have alone that and our prints are down. . Just read them: 1910 Studebaker sedan, a beau tiful car "00 Classy Ford bugj full of pep . 375 Sporty Ford racer; passes 'em all 350 191S Allen ton La -is: how's this price? T. 150 19H Bri5coe touring; can you beat It? 395 lOlrt Overland touring; worth much more ; 295 1910 Chevrolet touring, priced . way down 225 We hare a few larger cars, lome later models and priced a little higher. Just come to our sales rooms and look around. W. R. DeLAY MOTOR CO.. Distributors Velie and Peerless. USED CAR BRANCH. ' 342 Burnside St.. Near Broadway. Phone Broadway SG4S. REBUILT BUICKS, THOROUGH LT REBUILT AND GUARANTEED, AND SERVICE SAME AS NEW CARS. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO. New Salesroom: TWELFTH AND ALDER. Phone Broadway 1130. FOR THE CHOSEN FEW who can use a roadster give this 29 Oakland the t0." It's the answer to what you have hoped to lind but didn't until now. You can buy this righx. NORTH WEST OAKLAND CO. 544 BURNSIDE. BDWY. 82. USED RADIATORS for all makes of cars. Alt radiators are carefully rone over and rnHe tight before sold. BURN ESS & MARTIN, 12th and Everett Sta, MAXWELL BARGAIN. $600. 1920; run less than 10.000 miles; new tires, windshield wiper : excellent me chanlcal order. Body like new. MAXWELL MOTOR S AL ES CORPORATION. 19 OLDS SIX TOL'RIMi. This fine light six is reff niched and will stand any test you- witn to give it. Has arood tires and one extra and full set tools; - looks Just like brand-new car; come and try it. open Sundays ail day; low price and will take car In trade or $:150 down, balance monthly. loth and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. 1920 STUDEBAKER. 7-pas., privately owned; you chti hardly tell this car from a new one: five cord tires, bumper and spotlight; will accept smaller car as part payment, oa lance on terms. Call Propst. Bdwy. 3006. 1920 STEPHENS ROADSTER, run less tnan nuuu mnes. nas wire wneeis. a goon tires and looks and runs like a new car sold with the same guarantee as a new car; a real snap; some cash.al. on easy terms. Call Propst. Bdwy. 3WB. MAXWELL touring; $3O0 Is all we ask for it: you be the Judge. Welter Motor Car Co.. 15th and W ashtngton sts. ; in our new home on the north side of the street. xaVK A THtU'SAND DOLLARS. Buy my lale '10 Oakland seMan. driven less than KO0O miles; wire wheels and lots of extras. Need the money. Phone Main 2Hr2. 1921 BUICK roadster, driven 3500 miles in fine shape every way. spring bumpers front and rear; extra cora ttre complete, chains, motometer. 6910 2d st. S. E. Automatic 020-54. OLDS 8. 1918. has been overhauled from stem to stern; has good tires; this car must be sold: small payment down, ba ance on easy terms. Call Propst. Bdwy. 3000. 1920 STUTZ BEARCAT, like new. driven onlv 5152 miles, fine condition through out, 5 cord tires, well equipped. Trade it- small car. Billingsley Mo:or Co Hawthorne ave. at .tn.- East 720. jATB MODEL Chevrolet, good condition, oversize tires, also spare with cover skid chains, tire lock and other extra Snap at J450. Wdln. 219. 1100 Union avenue Aorth. WE CARRY a full line uf auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc Also do towing. pn aay and nignt. LONG & S1LVA. ' Phone East By40. 402 Hawthorne. roRD. 1020, without starter, good con dition. extraordinarily good puller. Slus sell. $30M cash. Woodlawn 4024. See the car at Bridge ton, near Columbia Beacti. SCRIPPS-BOOTH, used aus demonstrator carries new car guarantee; mechanically like new; must be sold at once. Phone jir. i'lcKens at uroaaway 41:01 or Bdwy. $37.V 1918 490 CHEVROLET. In aood condition, new too. cood rub. ber and paint. A good bargain. Phone Tabor 144. MODEL 57 CADILLAC 8. 5 passenger touring, just completely overhauled from stem to stern ; an excellent buy. Call tirant. Knst '.u. MAXWELL 1918. 5-passenger, extra wheel spotlight and signal. Owner must sell tck in hospital: $2O0 cash. See car ai 414 ; 1 1 g. n . rnr. 1 ut n. , 1918 OLDS 8. in fine shape. 5 eood tires 5595. term. Real bargain. BMMnirKlev Motor Co., Hawthorn ave. a-t 8th. East 720. 1919 OLDSMOBILE speedster, factory fin ih. cord tires, one extra tire with t in cover, one bumper and spotlight. A good Duy at f 1 mo. ,ai 1 a mo. 1:1 ft-1 1. FOR QUICK sale. Nash sport model, run 2500 miles, best of condition. Leaving ior oaiiiornia ana muse ueii. AP 793, oregonian X)CR-CYL. Chalmers, wheels cut down 3X4, gooa ruooer, in rine running order. Ainue a sweu ouy, uu. nud.on la.' moaci. very cneap. Auto. a23-fi. 1917 HUDSON 7-pass.. In first -class con union. n oum con.imcr r oro or Dodge aa pari psymem. uuer i . lamhilL. I none r. mi 1 HAVE a good used car, will trade for a good used motorcycle. Call Propst, FCRD touring. 1910. .good condition- chanlcally. good tires and top; bargain. nil ren um. arn uf. NEW 1921 Maxwell cheap; will take small car in iraue. .eea some cash quickly. r or pa 1 v iiu;in. tTmmmwn t . 1919 FORD roadster. tarter tvne fin, shaoe. $345. terms. Billinsslev Co., Hawthorne ave. at Sth. East 720. OAK LAN D 5-pass. ; f irjt-clasa modifier. private owner; will soil on terms; $joo a real snap. Jag, n . -Cole. 100 10th 1920 NASH touring, run 3S00 miles pavement; quick aale, $1250. Globe rage. 1917 FORD roadster with delivery back. new tires; ,iuu uown, per month Ntt 3 ot n st. 1917 STUDEBAKER "4." Good Daint nrt mechanical condition. A snap. Tabor 75 49 . LATE 1920 light Overland four touring car. excellent condition; cash or terms. wrjRiJ our ne. oem. runs, orana new fnn in good shjip every way. For sale quick. 1916 DODGE touring car. new top, new tires, one exir. a gooa Duy at 2 450, Call Auto. 218-11. 7 WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto wrecKintr -o.. 031 Aldtr, near 17tn. fctowy. aot. 1 iTP! luto CHEVROLET tourinir car. oric-. inat finish, 6 tires, terms if desired. Mar. R741. Ft jR SALE or trade. 1921 Oldsmobile first payment on an apartment house. Call Tabor ii4 arier n t. ai. WILL sacrifice my late 1916 roadster a $1 ttO casn ; starter ana iuu electri equipment. o nil, vjrsonian CHEVROLET. I00R and runs liki new, 4 new tires and one extra. $550, terms. Main "' 1921 FORD coupe, cheap; Al condition by owner. tasiJJiu, 3ACRIF1CE dandy bug, $175. 13io . FOR SALI FOR SALE ArTOMOBII.ES.. bargains: bargains: used cars. We have a" lot of hirh-Ade standard ued cars of late models that we are sjnply forced to seil and have put the prices and terms so that you will buy. If you are looking for a car. take the time to c:-Il in and look them over, you will find that it will pay you. We are listing a few tliat we will sell for $5o down and give you one year to pay the balance. Maxwell touring. $50 down. $0.50 per week. Case, 1917, touring. $75 down, $10 per week. Ford bug. $50 down. $30 per month. 191S Saxon louring, good running con dition;, all good tlrej. ready to go amv w he-re: $50 down, $30 per month, this Is a snap. Late model Studebaker 6. 5-pass, $75 down, $8.50 per week. 1918 Maxwell touring; good shape, J75 and $30 per month. . 1918 Chevrolet touring, just over hauled and refinished, like new. and ail good tires. $100 down and $27.50 per m onth. Overland per month. ih, good shape, $75 and $30 1920 Studebaker special six: thi car is like a brand new one.. $1075 1050 950 925 l:'2o hasex touring, guaranteed. . . . 1920 Olds liht ix. a snap 1020 D;xie Flyer, ai most new 1920 Chandler Dispatch, snap 1!2, Pan-American roadster, new.. 10J0 Stutz roadster, almost new... 1120 Klcar, new, $400 off 1919 Oakland six, fine shape 1918 Oakland six, refinished 191S Overland 90. fine shape . IftlS Olds 8. excellent shape 1918 Buick light four ,... 3018 Liberty six 1918 Maxwell roadster, good shape. 1918 Cole 8. wire wheels T918 Mitchell, fine shape 1918 Pathfinder twin six. a bargain. 1918 Chevrolet Baby Grand 1918 St ut x touring sport 1920 Chevrolet edaa. Baby Grand. 1918 Chevrolet 490 touring 1918 Hupmobiie touring, cords 1918 Haynes. fine shape 1917 Reo touring, fine condition.... 1918 Pan-American - touring 1918 Studebaker six 7-pass. 1915 Buick C 25 roadster ItiOO 1 450 2 7 50 115U h5J t'25 950 525 750 &50 625 1850 1200 375 875 950 550 1 250 W We will make liberal terms on any of the above cars and take your car in exchange. In making comparative pricea you must take Into consideration the condi tion of the car. Our cars are all in ready-to-go shape, and we guarantee them as represented and stand behind every statement we lyake.- OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. A-l ANTO WKS. & WAREHOUSE CO.. 522 Alder St.. cor. Kith. WATCH THIS AD. THE PRICE OF THESE CARS WILL HE REDUCED EACH WEEK UN TIL SOLD. SOMEONE IS GO ING TO GET A BARGAIN. FOR SALE FORD one-ton truck with dump body. $300. Classy two-passenger 30 -IT. P. ROAD STER, electric lights, starter, generator, top. windshield, seat covers, demountable rims, good tires, good paint, good bat teries; just overhauled and in first-class running condition; $4"25. Five-passenger. 40-11. P. TOURING CAR, good tires and in good running order; $525. Five-passenger, 30-lf. P. WHITE TOURING CAR, good tires and In good running order; $475. Eight -passenger, 40-H. P. STEAM TOURING CAR. good tires, demount able rims, two extra tires, luggage car rier, front aad rear bumpers, clock and speedometer, good paint, fine running order; Just the car for a stage; $22oO. Four-passenger, 40-H. P. STEAM ROADSTER, very speedy, good running order; $550. 40-H. P. STEAM CAR without body or tires, in good running order; will make a good stage or power plant for boat; $4. CADILLAC DELIVERY CAR. capacity 100O to J5ot pounds, good running order, good body; $425. Will sell on terms, or will take hay or grain in trade. FRED DUNDEE. 107 North Broadway, Clty 19 OAKLAND TOURING. Refinished and cord tires; car runs a good as the day It left the show rooms and looks the same; some exra liberal terms; iow price; take $250 down bal ance monthly: take liberty bonds full VALUE. . OPEN SUNDAYS. 10th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. WHILE THEY LAST NEW OAKLAND TOURING CARS. $1100. Prevailing retail price $1375. Save $275; terms. Open Sundays and nights. Will gln.dly demonstrate at ans time. Willamette Motors Co.. 100 N. Broad way. Phone Bdwy. 41S4. LIBERTY. 4-PASS. SPORT MODEL. Must sell this car quickly, so I will take a fair offer; looks and runs like new, is In" wonderful condition; a dem onstration will convince you of its value. Call Mr. Tradewell. Broadway 4184. See car at 320 Flanders. 1920 OLDS "8" Used seven months; ex cellent condition ; cord tires: car prac tically new; will sell at 50 per cent re duction on present prices; a demonstra tion will convince you. Call L. Bounty, 737 E. Taylor, or East 3158. 1920 FORD coupe. $675. Terms. Good mechanical condition; Kts of extras. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave. ami East Yamhill. Open Evenings arvd Sundavs. East 471. Wet -Sid Bra-nch. Broadway near Gllsan. HAYNES LIGHT SIX. 5-pass.. refinished; looks like new; tires nearlv new. one extra: - also wind shield .hade. Priced only $1000. A. C. STEVENS. 10th and Washington. Bdwy. 1614. 1920 FORD tourin-g $.VK. Has speed ometer. Hassler shock absorbers, flash light. It tool boxes, -pare tire. Frac tion II v pew rubber. Terms. Call Bdwy. 1572 before 12 Sunday. 191 FORD touring. Good condition. Price reasonable. Col. 432. evenings or Col. OO deys. KING 8 Seven-pasenger car; driven less than 10.OO0 miles; in Al condition; price $850. Inquire for owner. Win. M. Hoover at grocery store In TouriRt Auto Park, across street from Peninsula park. MITCHELL 1015. FORD R -PASSENGER, STUDEBAKER 101. WILL. PELL FOR KILLS AGAINST FOR SALE Leaving town: 1019 model 00 Overland; S new tires; runs and looks like new will demonstrate anywhere : $550- good terms. Car at Tourist garage. .. . . a ,1 r. w. I VT h r 1 1 r- Vl 1 SEE THIS 1020 Olds touring if you are looking for a real buy. Looks Rood, runs good, is good. Terms. See Chiar monte. Northwest Auto Co.. ISth and Aider. rsroauw n First-class condition. ' run 4400 miles; K good tires or can use Ford. Call Auto. I NEED MU.M u. 1 . Ford touring, starter and lots of . . . j a Will Hlfieounf ext ras; " - - --- $300. Owner. Automatic 2.--l. FOR" SALE. 1017 "Buick 0, good condition. $673 East 3401 $475 TAKES good 7-passenger car. $200 down, balance payments; can be seen at 108 North -l mro. m. FOR SALE Ford car. model 120: good starter and demountable rims, lots of extras. 147 K. 30th at HUP BUG, windshield, top. gooa ruDDer. new oaint. See at 201 nest i-aric: nu. easy terms.Qvner must sell. toi7-TiTJDSON Super C 5 cord tires, nw paint j '- - Terms. 1020 CHEVROLET. Good condition; only $550. terma Mr. Argo. Broadway 32S1. 1017 FORD Good rubber, good u terinff. motor O. K. $225. Call D upho!s- umais, Bdwy. Jq-'O FORD roadster, starter, speedometer. cheap f t cash; owner leaving town. Main 4040 1921 i BUICK .t-p:iss.. anven oovij miles, like new. Bargain. Apply F. B. Cole, 6th and Main sts. ancouver. wash. iaiw xi a x W r L Li cneap. gooa running con dition, $2t5. Call Bdwy. 504, aak for Jim. WILL sell VeHe sport car to first party giving; me first reasonable offer. Mar. :i4ti. c-np fiii.K OR TRADE For smaller car. U10 Cole, in good condition. 2 new cord tires. East 71QO. - LATE 1017 Cole 8 California top, seat covers, 5 cord tires, many other extras. $ 1 -JOO. Phone- Bdwy. 4H'3. Mr. Adams. N TION A L six. excellent condition ; best "buy in Portland. Manager Depot restau rant. . , irO CHEVROLET touring. petKect condi tion J000 cash; run 1000 miles. Wood lawn 0H'.. ; AM LEAVING town and mut eell Stude baker bus; name your price. Pnone PIERCE-ARROW limousine: make good stage or for hire car, 600. AN 813, Oregonian. '10 OLDS 6 roadster; private owner. Phone Main!". SAVE $100 on new Chevrolet 400, Call Hopkins, East 4U0, FOR SALE AfTQMOBIl.ES. PARTS. PARTS. PARTS. PARTS. WE WRECK EM WE WRECK 'EM. WE WRECK 'EM. PARTS FOR ALL MAKES AND MODELS. WE JUST PURCHASED THE ENTIRE STOCK FROM TWO LARGE GARAGES. OVER 40 CARS ADDED TO OUR VERY LARGE STOCK GIVES US A VERT COMPLETE LINE IN GEARS AXLES SPRINGS WHEELS BUG BODIES. OVER 5.000,000 PARTS IN STOCK IN OCR THREE BIG STORES ON THE COAST. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION COMPANY. THIRD AND GLISAN. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE. 1015 Ford touring, as l $ 135 1116 Ford roadster, Al 15 1017 Ford roadster, extras 2-0 1017 Ford touring, snap 2l. 1H1S Ford touring, extras - 32." litJO Ford roadster, Al shape C5 1020 Ford touring, sta-rtrr, extra. 4!5 1021 Ford touring, starter, extras. fi'0 101 8 Chevrolet touring, new tires. 32. 101 ! Chevrolet touring;, overhauled 4.".0 102O Chevrolet express, cord tires.. 450 1020 Chevrolet touring. privately owned 575- 1916 Dodge touring, new top, over hauled 475 1017 Overland 75, touring, over hauled 1010 Overland 00. country club Son H21 Overland 4 roadster, like new frfir 1017 Buick 0 touring, overhauled.. 7."0 101 Huick 6 touring, sacrifice.... lo."0 1017 Hup 4 touring, first class . Sr.O 1017 Coie 8. 7-passenger 625 1012 Packard SO. 7-passenger. Al shape 450 1016 Jackson 6, 7-passenger, Al phape Paige bug. top and fenders... 175 VRANSO.VS USED CAR EXCHANGE. Union Ave. and Belmont St., Upstairs. Open nights and Sunday. East 4376. 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Investigate our new policy. One week trial. 1015 Studebaker, 3-pass, roadster, W. C. GARBE. INC.. Broadway and Burnside. Phone Broadway 61. Open Sundays and Evenings. COLE -8" SACRIFICE SALE, $675. The former owners paid $i;."i0 for it Just recently, but they had to have some money and we bought it at a bargain. Good cord tires and 2 spares. This ts twice as good a car as you would ex pect for only $675. See it right away. St. George, at Northwest Auto Co., ISth at Alder. Broadway 1460. . HUPMOBILE TOURING CAR $700. Here is a real value, car in fine con dition, will give wonderful service; will not last long at this price. See It and try it, it Is the famous model N and will st'ant rigid test. Call Air. demons, Broadway 4184. See car at 100 North Broadway. WI XT OX 4-PASS. SPORT. This car has only been driven 0000 miles by owner; painted beaver brown with brown Spanish leather, also brown top, wire wheels and cord tires, includ ing one extra. Tour inspection invited. A. C. STEVENS, 520 Washington. Bdwy., 1614. ROADSTER. $325. With $ 125 down, balance easy monthly payments; will let you ride homo In. this fine late madel roadster, newly re finished and new seat covers; good tire a. one extra; take bonds .full value. Open Sundavs. 16th and Alder sts. MURPHY MOTOR CAR CO. 1020 FORD touring. $485. Can't be told from ne-w. Goodi rubber and mechan ical ' v perfect. UNIVERSAL CAR EXrHAXGE. Gran-d Ave. and Fat Yamhill. Open Evenings end Sundays. East 471. Wet.'Sido Rra-nch. Broadrway near Gllsaiy attention: !Jr20 Paige, 5-pass. coupe: run 00 , miles; never off pavement; perfect con dition; the most luxuriant, dignified, comfortable car In the city: will dis count ? l'H0. Owner. Woodlawn 600. FORD touring. $2-00. Te-rma. 1910. flna hape, good rubber, just th-o oar for & long vacation trip. . . UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHA1E. Grand Ave. and East Yamhill. Opn Evenings arxl Sundays. Kast 471. Wewt'Slde Branch. Broadway near Gllsan, 19'1 Ford sedan, positively Ilka new. Call 614.-T3. . $275. WITH $.V) DOWN. A splendid Overland roadster, in best kind of condition. Starter, electrlo head and side lights, spotlight, speed ometer etc. Tires fine. Phone Jager. Broadway HW. FOR SALE or trade for unincumbered real estate. Douglas touring car, me chanically perfect, equipped with best cord tires, motor same as Daniels o. Call R'.'P Savier street BRAND NEW ALLEN 5-passenger touring car. brand new, at $2H disccunt. Don't overlook thia. St. George.. itroaaway 3 410. Northwest Auto Co.. IKth at Alder. FOR SALE. 101S Saxon six. Runa f'5. N'ew battery, new tranmIslon. $3o or will trade for late Chevrolet. Owner, Auto. 028-67. 1021 FORD touring. $100; lights and start er If you are in the market for a new Ford It will pay you to eee this on at 3!0 EaFt 0th st. Hl"I0 St'PER SIX; a real buy for $H,-o. Weller Motor Car Co.. 15th and Washington: in our new home on th north gid e of the Ftreet. i j0 OVERLAND, in find condition,. $45, trrms. Trade ir. Ford. Bi'liis'.cy Mo tor Co., Hawthorns ave. at 3th. East 720; , . 1919 DODGE roadster, Al mechanical con dition, cord tires, a snap for $7o0. Tal bot and Casey, Grand ave. and East An keny- East 8118. 1H20 OLDS light six, like new, well equipped; trade in Ford. ' Billingsley Motor Co., Hawthorne ave- at Sth. East "T-O. VELIE. Late model, mechanically perfect, prettv car, cash or terms. $30 and $50 ino., $700. Answer today. Wdln. 3U83. Fx5RDtourin"g. late 1020; license, starter, ued for pleasure only and in excellent condition t h rough out : $4."0 cash or terms. Main 44S. ttOJ. Everett st. $.vr.-, BUICK. TO U RING. 1018. 6o"d condition. Call 701 Northrup. . 5-P APSENGER Studebaker iu ogd con dition Sellwood 6501. 2