10 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JULY 10, 1921 REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. RIGHT OM THE PAVEMENT. 2 acres, joining city limits c, Portland, 4t blocks from station: ail unucr cultiva tion: 4-room. beaver-board houa. large chicken house with capacity for 800 chickens, brooder house, Portland gas in house, city water in street; included it h place. 2C0 chickens, furniture; etc Price $3400 for everything, $1000 cash, balance $20 per month. Inspected by Kemp. LOTS OF BERRIES. 6H acres. 20 miles from center of Portland, near Capitol highway, 500 feet to electric station, woven wire fence. 3 acres strawberries and blackcaps, one acre other berries. 15 assorted bearing fruit trees; cheap 4-room house, barn 10x24, chicken house 12x2U; price $2750, $1200 cash, balance for 2 years at 6 per cent. Or will consider clear lot as part payment. Inspected by Hunter. ON" COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. Home Bites of 20 acre and up, on the paved road, facing the Columbia river, with fine view. Creek across tract. Can be bought for lens than $30 per acre If 135 acres Is taken, or will divide Into several tracts, all having frontage on the highway. Between Portland and Hood River. 5 acres, between Gresham and Port land, on fine rocked road, 100 feet from pavement, 2 blocks from electric line and school. All under cultivation. Best of soil, 24 acres in bearing berries, acre of grapes, some apples, pears, plums, etc., 4-rooin plastered house, barn, chicken house; included with place, one cow, I horse and all necessary imple ments; only 0 minutes out. Inspected by Brooks. Offered at a real bargain. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. Over BOO small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. tANDY 4-room bungalow, on V acre, living room and dining room finished in oak stain, built-in bookcases, window eat a; a fine fireplace ; bedroom fin ished In Ivory enamel, large closet; Iutch kitchen, ail built-ins. kitchen and bath finished in white enamel: all rooms are large and roomy; shades and linoleum Included with house; large back porch suitable for sleeping porch; good dry basement, gas. Bull Run water, tel ephone and electricity in house and conncted; on hard surface county road, 20 min. drive from town: 4 blocks from O. E. station ; nice chicken house and run, all small fruits, young fruit trees, roses and shrubs, near 2 schools; price $3500. I120O down. bal. $15 a month and int. Address AR 785, Oregonlan, or call . Mar. 470. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Do you want a suburban home on the Oregon City car line? Here is one acre all in fruit, berries and garden In fine location at Jennings Lodge. 2 blocks to car, same to paved highway. There Is an especially well-constructed plaatered bungalow of 6 rooms with full basement, electric lights, gas. good well, screened porch, garage, chicken house and park; 2V4 blocks to fine school. The price Is f.'isoo. with terms, and owner might con sider Portland residence. Let us show you. FREYTAG-MEEDS CO., Gladstone. Or. Oregon City Car Line. Phone Oregon City 200 J. XF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR A SMALL PLACE, YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS, NO MATTER HOW LONG "YOU LOOK. Two acres at Newberg all In cultiva tion, Vi acre in strawberries, young or chard, other berries for home use, bal ance in oats and family garden ; good 6-room plastered house with cement walk in front, 5 rooms below, with floored attic above; house Is nicely fin ished with closets and built-in features; there Is about $500 worth of good fur niture that goes with place; all for Only $310 If taken sonn. STEWART & JOHNSON. R13 Northwestern Bank Bldg. MULTNOMAH STATION. Nice 5-room bungalow, bath, acre of fine gnrden, lawn and small fruit; for only $2K50, terms. 4 acres. 5-room house, on auto road; near station In the city, water, lights and gas; only $45oO, terms. 2-rooni bungalow, lights, water, gas, 1 Vs lota; for only $650; fine view prop erty. Let us show you, we have everything In the way of fine homes, acreages, etc. NED BURKE. CAPITAL HIGHWAY. MAIN 11103. 5 ACRES, with an Income; 2 cows, chick ens, "-a acre everbearing strawberries, assorted fruit, all tools, water piped for Irrigation, on the car line, new 6-room bungalow, light truck. $0000, terms, or trnI for city or suburban grocery. 2 acres all in garden, fruit and ber ries, city water and gas: 6-room house, 2 blorks to car and school; a dandy buy for $5500. terms. Mr. Hare, with A. J. De Forest & Co. Realtors. 820 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. ON CITY LINE. A FINE ACRE. Left by the hand of nature apparently as an ideal for a home. Then all the city conveniences, too. gas and elec trJcity Installed and prospects of early city water, up-to-date chicken house for 4imi hens, small dwelling, fine shade trees, paved road to gate, right at Hull ave. station. Price $3500. Must have $2200 cash, balance easy. A. L. Hampton i owner). WHY PAY RENT? Nearly 4 acre with new bungalow, 4 rooms and balhroom, targe attic, double constructed, beautiful grove native trees, 3ut outside city with all city conven iences. 10O feot to car, on Craig road, between Base Line and Olisan st. Bar gain at $2450. easy terms. S. P. Osborn, 010 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. Main 2i;n. 6-ACRE SUBURBAN HOME ON CREEK. About 8 miles from court house, facing en hard surface road, full bearing or chard, large assortment of berries. 4- ronm house. 2 chicken houses ami hnrn splendid solLall la cultivation, near eta- wun; price t.i.tuu. 1 R H. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5 7 Board of Trade Bid. QUARTER ACRE. $250. At Grays Crossing. 2 blocks south ot Mount Scott car. at 82d st. ; 12 beautiful homesltes' of garden soil. water, gas. electricity; easy terms: buy direct from owner: H original price. 641-21. A. E. an Ejman. street. GLEN ECHO STATION. Jennings Lonorc T-room modern house and two acre of errouna, niceiy fenced, concrete walk. water, gas. wired for electricity, fine wieignnornoon ; an ideal summer and wl: ter home ; price very reasonable. For particulars write owner, ah 7t, Orego nian. "EXTRA NICE HOMRSITIT " ft acres in cultivation, lots of fruit and berrie; 6-room house and barn, close to river, on west side; 2") minutes by u to from city; high and sightly; price hhjv, jiiw casn, DAiance o per cent; this Is exceptional value. , R. M. GATEWOOD fc CO.. Ift.Mfr 4th- St. BOOD RIVER. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. 20 acres, part in berries, two good houws, hardwood floors, fireplace, beau tifully furnished, also good tenant house, farm buildings, to seil cheap; will make beautiful country residence. "S." Phone Marshall 3402. FOR THE NFTWLYWEDS ONLY $2100. Fine new 4-room bungalow; plumbing, lights, boating, swimming, a fine grove of trees, close to electric station, and auto road: very easy terms. Owner. BOO Concord Mdg.. 2d and Stark. OSWEGO LAKE FRONT. Lot 50x175, st Goodin station: restrict ed district, piped water. electricity bathing, boating; $775 if sold at once, some terms. Albers, Marshall 4700, or Oswego 311. 3000 BUYS A NEW MODERN BUNGA LOW with large sightly tract of ground near Multnomah Station, on the Oregon Electric. For Particulars call on BEN RIKiSLAXD, 40 Piatt bldg.. or his Multnomah office on the boulevard. Mr. Rogers in charge. SALE OR TRADE Choice suburban home with 24 acres highly developed, all city conveniences lie sure to look this up. Al K, Hill. 420 Lum hermens bldg. CHOICE home site. 15Ux240. for $500; beaut trnl grove, rocked auto road, water, electricity, 12MrC fare; $10 monthly. Sea It. O wn er. P S00, Ore c onlan. N ACRES, only $500. $50 down. $10 per month; close to electric station, within 10 miles of courthouse; good soil See owner. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Rark. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline. from $j.siK up. Inquire 3d house north of Rinlev station, on Oregon City carline. 5 A $1450. Excellent soli, all cultivated, at sta tion, went side. A. K. Hill.. 426 Lumber men s bldg; ' J-ROOM bungalow near Oswego lake; one acre, near elec. sta.; $1275. $150 cash; also 4-r. house, same district. $2100. Mj.- Farla n d . Realtor. FalUng bldg. TH.V ACRES good land. 6-room house, small creek and spring. Milwaukle dis trict, trms. Owner, E. Coleman, Coleman " station. Carver R. R. fi; ACHES in Greshnm, all bearing; mod ern bungalow. completely furnished; garage. Terms. Tabor 2676. DO N'T mis this: 6-room. modern house and 1 acre, at a bargain and on very easy terms. Pwnr r. Outo. 62fi-47. RYAN PLACE. 4 rooms, electric, water, gas, fruit; acre. Call .Main 103$ or JaolL REAL ESTATE. Suburban llomt't. FOR SALE 2 1-3 acres on Oregon Electric line, 30 minutes out, 7 minutes' walk on good walks and road to station; 5-room bungalow, two years d'.d, will take $150 to finish; on mail route, lots of berries next year, house has large screened back porch with extra fine well on same. Good fencing and nice lawn, well ap pearing place. With place goes new $150 Monarch range and inlaid linoleum. If taken this week wilt sell whole thing for $2U0 cash, or $3200 on time with $400 cash and balance at $30 a month at 6 per cent. If interested see Mr. Lowe person ally at the Vltrolite Construction Co., Grand ave and stark St., or phone East 30M. Place is easily underpriced $1000, but business condition compel me to sell. Will consider auto in good condition as part payment. BEAUTIFUL CLACKAMAS RIVER. 2.2 acres right on the Clackamas and Pacific highway; cozy 7-room bungalow with wonderful living room 18x30. over loofting the river; large front porch, furnace, electric lights. city water, laundry trays, bath, concrete basement, garage; beach for bathing, fine shade trees, lawn, large family orchard and berries. Owner asking only $6300, terms. Mr. Hinkle, with J OHM E. HOWARD. Realtor, 318 Chamber of Commerce. FIVE acres, with an Income, 2 cows, chickens; his acre everbearing strawber ries, assorted fruits, all tools, water piped for irrigation, on the carline; new 6-room bungalow, lig'ht truck, $0O00. terms or trade for city or suburban grocery. 2& acres, all in garden, fruit and ber ries, city water and gas, 6-room house, 2 blocks to car and school. A dandy buy for $5500, terms. Mr. Hare. with. A. J. D FOREST & CO. (Realtors). 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 55i)0. . CHOICE acre or h acre Parkrose, all in cultivation ; modern home and garage. Terms. Tabor 2078. For Sale Business Property. BUSINESS corner, 100x100, brick, improvements, worth $30,000, in sured, for $25,000. Circumst aices compel a sacrifice price of $10,000 cash. Income $2800 a year. Address P. O. Box 377. FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY. For sale, weat side property, ctose-ln corner, 3 blocks off Washington st., cor. 15th; house bringing in good rental. Will consider trade or sacrifice for cash. Good bargain ; forced to sell. Phone Owner, Broadway 307. STORE BUILDING AND APTS. Sorrth- Portland corner "lot. Paved ertreeu Big revenue payer. Price $5600. Income $110 per month. Splendid in vestment, Jacob Haas. Marshall 3324. STORE building with comfortable living rooms. Inquire 10S Union ave. N. Homesteads, Relinquishments. YOUR BEST OPPORTUNITY to take a homestead Is this month. Am locating claims throughout western Ore gon, either farming or timber tracts; special inducements to ex-service men ; satisfaction guaranteed by experienced locator. L. W. HELM, 816 Board of Trad e bldg. 80-ACRE homestead relinquishment in good irrigated project; part in alfalfa; nouse. Darn ana otner improvements. $3000 with stock and implements. See or write CLAUDE MYERS. Boardman, Or. 640 - ACRE homestead relinquishment. central Oregon ; house, woodshed, well, some fenced, at school; also Ford run about, sell or trade for small business In PnrHflnil BOCKHOLP BROS., 601 Swetland Bldg. VALUABLE relinquishments on Pacific highway, Grants Pass, farming land, will give $4000 for timber on each; springs and creeks, some easily cleared ; $400 and $600 tor quick sale. 301 Corbett bldg. THIS is your last opportunity to get a valuable homestead in Oregon; correct and satisfactory locations guaranteed by reliable ex-govt cruisers; maps' $1. M. J. Anderson. 531 Railway Exch. bldg. FOR SALE Good bofnestead .relinquish ment, with buildings ready to mori in, with good creek, good for farming and splendid range for stock, C 7s3, Ore- gonian 120- ACRE RELINQUISHMENT. 3H miles from Portland; liea good; some fine timber; price $225. 61$ Cham ber of Commerce bldg. RELINQUISHMENT. 167.15 acres, 5,000,000 ft. saw timber, Jackson county, near R. R.. Magooa & Spencer, 517 Chamber of Com, bldg. .Fruit Lands for aie or Kent. FILBERT ORCHARD. Flv acres. 5-vear old trees, anprox lmatelv 25u trees, room for 3U5. all fenced, woven wire; also included 350 sprouts; price $2O0O; assume mortgage ftiou; in exceient state oi cultivation ; little attention required. ' FRED W. NEWELL. "Broadway 5030. 4o7 Henry Bldg. ao-ACRB bearing orchard in one of the best sections of Hood River valley, almost ad loin inn- Mount Hood loop highway fair buildings and complete equipment. Price for immediate sale, $8500. $3500 cash, bal. terms. Owner, AV 000, Ore- gonlan. ACRES. BEARING ORCHARD. White Salmon valley, splendid apple orchard. 5UOO boxed, prospect lor sea son's cron: eood buildings: also 40 acres pasture and timber. Special price if taken soon. $5O0O cash, bal. terms. McFARLAND, Realtor. Falling Bldg. UK 19 IT ON WALNUTS. If you want a bearing orchard or any expert advice on walnuts, write T. Withycombe. His clients have all made good monev on tneir investments. a. 12th st. Marshall 8113. 5 ACRES bearing walnuts and cherries, Vumhill rnllnlv no bulldlnEB: WOrth $2500: will sell for 42000. half cash. AC 72, Oregonlan. For Hale Acreage. WEST SIDE ACREAGE. Have a few choice acre tracts within blocks of Council crest car, witn city water, gas, etc., that I will sell as low as $1500 per acre on very easy terms to parties that will build within 60 days. I have a large tract 20 acres, close to the Bhnv a-crease. without improvement. as low as $700 per acre cash. If you are in the market for west side land see me before buying, as 1 know wnere m oar gains are. J. J. MCCARTHY. Abington Bldg. HOOD RIVER LAND at sacrifice price; cleared 40-acre tract in Hood River valley under irrigation, for S4000: think of it: rich, deep soil, nearly level tract, directly on route of new Mount Hood loop road, for less than half the cost of clearing; unusual condi tions make necessary this unheard of low sacrifice price, and it is open for a Tew days only. J. W. CRITES. Agent, Hood River, Or. OREGON CITY LINE. acres located this Eide of Oregon City; lies nlgn ana signny witn a won derful view of the Willamette river, mountains and surrounding country partly wooded, fine spring, good roads. just trie place lor a suouroan noma. Would subdivide. Mleht consider home In the city. Price only $2500. $500 will handle. Mr. Hinkle, wit.a JOHN E. HOWARD. Realtor, 318 'Chamber of Commerce. SMALL FARM IN THE CITY. 14 acres, all in cultivation. 24 acres loganberries, 2 acres raspberries, acre strawberries, asst. family orchard. 6-rm. plastered house, chicken house, barn and garage; 4 cows. 2 horses and all imple ments needed. Will take small suburban place as part. 615 CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. FOSTER ROAD. Two fine acres in cultivation, with 1 acres in strawberries ana raspberries, balance in fine garden. 4-room bunga.- lnw eltv water. 10 blocks to car. Onl $2500. $500 will handle, balance $20 monthly. Mr. Hinkle, with John E. Howard (REALTOR), 318 Chamber Commerce. OREGON CITY LINE. Four lots at Evergreen, west of track 1 H blocks from station, partly cieare and In cultivation, some fruit trees, cit water available; also gas and electric lights. A fine buy for only $it50. terms. Mr . Hinkle. with John E. Howar (REALTOR). 818 Chamber of Commerce, CLOSE-IN BARGAIN ACREAGE i.t m-TPn high state cultivation: eoo nil. no rock, gravel: family fruits, ber ries, barn, concrete base, floor; 6-room house; hard surface road, close to school, 4 miles city; running creek; bargain $6500, terms. 526 Chamber of Commerce A 16 ACRE BARGAIN near Tigardville ; good 4-room house ; owner is old and has put the very low price of $6500 for quick sale. 403 Couch bldg. Marshall 332. WALNUT ORCHARD for sale. S acres of 13-year-old trees; fruit trees also; lovely valley location; $3800. Write box 744. Dallas, Or. ' ONE ACRE in clover. 4 blocks south of Stanley station; $850, terms if neces sary; a bargain. MILLER AT STATION. PHONE 638-13. $100 PER ACRE: 5. 10, 15, 20 acres, nine miles Oregon City; will pay for Itself with the wood that's on It; terms. McFarland. Fr.iling bldg. $3 PER ACRE SO acres burned-over land. 45 miles from Portland. Owner forced to sell. A. W. ESTES. 905 Chamber of Com. BY OWNER 15 acres excellent land, 2 miles from Milwaukle; paved highway, etc. Call East 556. 40 ACRES. $25 month; mile from Springdale, Columbia highway. Mrs. Gray, Trout dale, route 1. CLOSE-IN acreage, cheap. Simpson Aiberta car . 37th. and RKAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. SPECIAL! ON BASE LINE ROAD! Four and a half acres with 80 full bearing fruit trees, 4-room house with full concrete basement, new concrete garage. THIS IS ALL CLEARED AND LAID OUT AND PLATTED INTO HALF-ACRE TRACTS. EACH TRACT FRONTING ON A ROAD. This is a pictfup for $5500. FIVE ACRES sFRUIT AND BERRIES. Garden and potatoes in, 15 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of berries; 4-room house with floored attic; all necessary buildings, 2 fine wells; close to Durham on Oregon Electric Hue; $4750, some terms. TEN ACRES ON RIVER! Seven acres in wheat, oats and pota toes: RIGHT ON WILLAMETTE RIVER; a-room cottage, good well; one mile to Butteville on good gravel road. ONLY $2000 with terms; or otner will consider house in Portland of same value. A BUY FOR $2100! About lVt acres of good land, all has been cultivated, small garden in now, some young trees and berries; 4-room cottage with city water; Just 2 blocks off highway and close to school at Huber station; $2100 with, terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Main 10fl. Third St.. Bet. Washington and Stark. 6, 10 AND 20-ACRH TRACTS. $25 ACRfcJ UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a B-acre tract in this addition of 00 acres, down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and truck. Beautiful laying land, free from rock or gravel; some tracts have beautiful view of river. There is also some with streams. Fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DELFEL. 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. SMALL ACREAGE SPECIALS. $18O0 buys two acres. 3 blks from electric station and highway; 4-room house, chicken houses, . berries nd fruit. $1000 buys Lacrfl. 6" blks. from Rose City Park caf line, 2-room house, chicken house, city conveniences. $1000 buys half acr 3-room house, Oregon City line; city ga$ in house. $1500 buys 1 acre and 3-oom house near Oregon Electric station: chicken house, woodshed, fruit and shrubbery. Easy term can be arranged on any of these. BDRKHARDT BUSINESS BUILDERS. 435 Piatt Bldg. Realtors. Main 7027. 6. 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $25 AN"ACRB AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buy a 5-acre tract In this addition of 800 acres: down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and truck: beautiful lying land. free from rock and gravel; some tracts have beautiful" view of river; there are also some with atreams: fine location for chickens, dairy, berries fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DEPEL. 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. SUBURBAN home bargains at Mllwaukie, 1 acre all in cultivation, best or son; 5-room bungalow, gas and Bull Run water; $1900. 1 acres all in cultivation, all kinds of fruit, berries and shrubbery; 6-room house; $3000. 1 acres, acre In timber, talanee In cultivation; good 6-room house with, basement, gas and water; some fruit ; $37uO. All choice places. Many others, all sizes and prices. TALLMADGE REALTY CO., 619 Henry Bldg. COUNTRY HOMES. $10,000 20 acres, 14 acres in cultivation; 3 acres beaverdam; 4 acre logan berries; 2 barns; modern 5-room house; hot and cold water; 1 mile south of Cook station on S. P. Electric, on good road. Terms. $1100 1 acre, lOO yards from Bryant station S. P. Electric; 2 small buildings. Easy terms. - See Mr. We is. with J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. 264 Stark St. Main 5S3 and 1J1M. FOR SALE 6i.fc ACRES LOCATED BE TWEEN BE AVERTON AND REEMS VILLE; 2 ACRES IN LOGANBERRIES, 1 ACRE STRAWBERRIES. LOVELY GARDEN. GOOD OUTBUILDINGS. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW, COW, 500 LAYING HBN'S AND 800 2 - MONTHS - OLD CHICKS, PRKTB $8000. HALF CASH. REST TERMS; MIGHT CONSIDER BOMB TRADE. WRITE T. B. SPARKS. BB AVERTON, OR., ROUTE 4. BOX 119, FOR FULL PARTICULARS. BASE LINE ACRES. The special features of tract contain ing almost 5 acres are: It Is within 30 minutes drive of the heart of the city; It Is In one of the best school districts In tjhe country, near car line, city phone and gas available. The price is only $2150, $250 cah R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE DAIRY FARM. ISO acres, 100 acres good bottom land. 80 under cultivation and in crop. 31 head of cattle, horses, hogs, chickens, all kinds of farm Implements, 8-room house, large barn, silo, electric lights, 3 miles to town, 40 miles out In Cow litz Co., Wash, Price $20,000, mort. $7000, 8 years, 5 per cent int- Terms. Albert Harala, 801 Mississippi ave. STOP! LOOK! READ! Over 4hk great, big. juicy acres, fac ing right on the magnificent Base Line road, about 14 miles e.ist of Buckley ave.. for $2150. Only $250 cash ; you never heard of such & bargain before, get behind it quick. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 20 ACRES. $2900. 7 cleared. 1( slashed, 8 timber, good bouse; bungalow style, insured for $12M); barn 85x50, insured for $60O; 1 horse, 2 cows, 1 calf, 80 chickens, 1 sow. 3 pigs, buggy, wagon, plow, cream sepa rator. On county road, 4 miles from Woodland. Wash. Price $2900. all cash. Albert Harala. 801 Mississippi ave. ACRE AND HOME. $10O0. One acre and small house, 12x30, fac ing on Buckley ave.; will accept small auto or piano up to about $200 as part payment. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5 -7 B o ard of Trad e Bldg. ACREAGE BARGAIN. 4 acres, all In cultivation, n'cely fenced; 2 fine wells; family orchard and berries; good 6-room house, large barn, 6 cords of wood in woodshed ; 1 mile east of Parkplace, $2800. small payment down, balance to suit. L. O. Gerber, 714 Swetland bldg. . 20 ACRES, 7'i miles out, 18 in bearing orchard, good new barn, large house, city water, 5 minutes' walk to car line and citv limits of Vancouver. All'equip ment, i Ford truck and household fur niture . goes with place. Price $15,000, terms. Albert Harala, 801 Mississippi ave. BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE. 5 acres, near Bertha. 4 acres cleared. balance In grove, excellent view, city water, gooa sou, genuine Dargain. $uuu per acre, terms. WILLIAM P. MERRY, 301-2 Title & Trust Bldg. 300 ACRES splendid stock ranch for cale, southwestern Oregon. 5 miles from coast. 4 miles from town and one-and-half miles from school. For further par ticulars write to E. H. CHEEVER, - Lan g lols. Ore go n. FOR SALE 4 acres near small town 70 miles from Portland on toiumnia river; H acre in berries, spring on place: sell cheao for cash or email payment down. balance to suit. Call after 5 P. M.. room 8S Buckeye apts.. .304 e. Morrison, Portland, ur. 1 ACRES of land. 3-room house, good barn. 3 miles irom scnooi ; an in cul tivation; 1 acre straw, logan and rasp berries. Tine vegetable garden; 42 chick ens, -1 pig; furniture goes with place, very reasonable, ueorge reuerai. owner. Sifton, Wash., 9 miles from Vancouver. DO YOU WANT A HOME? I have 40 acres fine land, all under fence; all kinds of Trutt; good house, rooms: 6 miles from railroad town. 1 miles south of Portland: my price $1600 cash; no agent. 44 w est Jarrett st. Phone Woodlawn 4077 after 6:30. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE Two to five-acre tracts on East S2 m. (mAin Oregon City road), near Ken dall station; paved road, gas. city water, etc.; $750 per acre; easy terms. Owner, 309 Piatt bldg. WRITE for man of western Washington. showing location, low price and easy terms orterea to seiners. WEYERH AUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. $200(1 WILL handle 20 acres bottom land with buildings and tools; 15 acres cleared: mties soutneast Sherwood L. H. Bootn. Tonquin. ur. FIVE ACRES NEAR VANCOUVER and carline, about 4 in crop, small house, furnished: outbuildings; $1600, $1000 cash. OWNER, 1037 Garfield avenue. 61 ACRES, 40 in crop; located on Oregon Electric, 30 miles out, for sale cheap; " am building and need the money. Own er. C. T. Gates, 4 West Lombard st. FOR SALE 2 4 acres norbh Park Rose; water. 2 blocks to car, ready to plow. Owner 1397 Sandy blvd. Terms. STOCKMEN, atttention! 320 or 2000 acre3 at $10. near Bend. Or. Address Adver- tiser. 41Ti East 6th St.. Los Angeles. Cal. 5 ACRtS between Gaston and Dilley, part of Spring Hill farm; $800. MacLachlan, 801 Cleveland. 15 ACRES, also house-moving outfit. 6131 93d st. S. E. Thomas Allen, city. 120 acres of land for sale, P. Wolke, Ns baiem. Or. REAL ESTATE. For le 7 BIG ACREAGE BARGAIN. Nearly 6 acres, one-fourth nile from station on Red Electric line. lO miles west of the center of Portland, one-half mile to school; 4 acres under cultivation; all can be farmed when cleared; best of black loam soil ; 6-room house with fireplace, Portland gas in house, small bam, 3 chicken houses; price $2700. terms. . Over 6 acres 12 miles west of Port land, one-half mile from electric sta tion and good town with substantial payroll: county road, black loam toil, 4 acres under cultivation; all can be cultivated when cleared; nice level Jand; new ruHtic house. 2-1x28 ; price $ 180 ; $500 catfh, balance $25 per month; 4 acres at this place is in potatoes. 10 acres, 10 miles from center of Portland, 4 miles south of city limlta: 5 acres under cultivation; all can be cul tivated 100 young fruit trees, 6 bearing, 4 rows red raspberries, K0 young prune trees; 3-room box house, barn, chicken house and yard; one-half mile to school; price $2500; $1004 cash. Personally in spected. 10 acres, 13 miles from courthouse, 2Vt miles northeast Oregon City, on main macadamized road, one mile from Oregon City car, one-half mile to school: ail under cultivation: 50 bearing fruit trees, house, barn, chicken house; price $35K cash. A fine piece of good land, well located. NEW PLASTERED HOUSE $1600 One-half acre. 6 blocks from city lim its; all under cultivation; some young berry plants, garden and roses: new plastered bungalow of three large rooms: city water in house, gas available: price $1600; $500 cash, balance $l. month, 6 per cent interest. Inspected by Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. 10 ACRES 84 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and easy to put Into cultivation; 1 a. in clover, orchard and berries: good house. 2Nx:td, barn, tool house, chicken house and woodshed, good well of fine water, extra fine garden, jots of fine water, extra ine garden, -lots of fruit: all crops, household goods stock and tools go at $2000. Only $1000 cash, balance terms. We have a large list of small farms with stock and equipment. Try us before you buy. e can give you bargaina because wa list right. ATKINSON A PORTER. . 705 Main St., Vancouver. Wash. 29 ACRES 14 MILES OUT. 2Si acres, all under high state of cultivation, splendid soil, all In crop, nn.ihirfl bapi to buver: small house large barn, all kinds of farm tools, hay, etc., goes with place. On good gravel (German tow n road. Miik and mn II rniitP T'rlff onlv S5S00. A Cash. bal. 6 per cent int. Albert Harala, 801 Mississippi ave. Wood lawn loi. PUWELL VALLEY ROAD FRONTAGE t ACHES. 1150 DOWN. fiffiLated about 'A miles east of 82d St., In well settled, thriving country. In good school district, leve;, part ciear, f hf rear ha nlcft erove of tre-s on it. ?as. electricity, phone available. Price 1400. This is a real pickup and will not last long. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. " 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FINE SUBURBAN HOME TRACTS. FACING POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Joining town limits of Gresham; half- acre tracts; one-acre tracts, two-acre tracts, four-acre tracts, all high, sightly nrf.Yif.rfv with wonderful view. tJUU Run water, gas, etc. ; easy terms and low prices. Come out and look them over. KRIDER FLKINGTON, GRESHAM. Telephone 2346. HER H. FOLKS. IS A FINE FIVE ACRE HOME IN A GOOD NEIGH BORHOOD, Firi hbiH ' vunvt phpti 4n TWO Ml LES rn'nT TT) p:k.T CAR LINE "XII rm K.rnn-m TilsstFrd hOUSe. gOOd voVn nri mi t hu f 1 ri l n (th. vounc orchard and berries, all in cultivation; the price is only 2300; $1500 cash will handle it 8TEWART & JOHNSON, 815 Northwestern Hank mag. THE RIGHT LAND IN THE RIGHT Almost 8 acres of beautiful wooded land, facing on Section Line road, about Vt miles east of Buckley ave.. an ideal location, containing beauty and utility; you can enjoy the gre-at outdoors and 1 11 worn in ine cny. i", t i. R. H CONFREY,. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. wc VP-RTn DISTRICT. ' oa a .wm faii bouse, barn, orchard, well. 10 tons hay. 15 acres, oats, 6 of corn, 10 wheat, 1 or Kaie, x m i'""". i L-inda fa tt implements, milk cans. 8 cows, calves, brood sows. 18 pigs, 50 cords wood; also lease of 70 adjoining -cflth runn nir water: price nm cash $2000. balance 4 years at 6 per cent. FRED W. NEWELL. Broadway 5030. 407 Henry Bldg. ct'dt-o TI4V KOMESITE. Almost one acre of Al soil, level and In high state of cultivation; Bull Run water, gas available, Just east of 82d St.. out Section Line road, good terms, drive out and look it over; you will see our i-t706nfrkT. Realtor. DTTTirn T.nWE Sr. CO.. 2 01 -2"-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CHOICE improved ftVfa acres: age ana neeji Of a little money uiiih" " ; Z. 1 hnmo at . sacrifice, whic is close to city on west side; good resi dence, barn, chicken hoose and some land cleared and fenced: beautif ul ylew land Is fine, lies nice and can be divided, for price and particulars address owner, 129R East 15th st. North. Portland, Or., ot Phone Woodlawn 6305. "Tactc ft 1 is IN YOUR HAT. 'Without exception the best buy In acreage, near Portland, located on ma cadamized road, abont 9 miles from courthouse, in the heart of the berry di-trlct. on t'he east side. 4.82 acres for $1700 $175 cash: e-asy terms on balance. R H CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & oni-o-a-K-7 Board of Trade Bldg. "TEN ACRES AT TIGARD. $4500. 8-room house. barn, large chicken house, some chickens, cow. fruit; on srood mad; terms. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., -RrnndwaV 5173. 624 Henry Bldg. 4 ACRES OUf POWELL VALLEY ROAD. ADout a mil- - L i. t v . ered with beautiful grove of trees just the place for summer home, $400 per acre, good terms. R H CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 01 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ctVW.ArRR Tt ARt5AI N. Five acres, all in potatoes. sJl level, near Tlgard on Oregon Electric: a beau tiful piece of ground! only $1SOO for potatoes; nny. all: eay terms. W. C. BKCHTELL, inx TC W. Bank Bldg. Main 6200. 1 U. A PRES. 5-room bungalow. close in. hree blocks electric station; electric lights, gas, water, fruit, berries, nice little home; cheao t $3500. . McDOWELL. Realtor. East 410. . TT.T-C-T-T- (t.ifPW "PT'RCE $3000. In high-state of cultivation, best of soil; good new garasre, large enough for tWO rooms. II aemrt-i. r-w. v 1 HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. Stark Street. Main 831 on ir-nR JtS PER ACRE. 88 miles from Portland; Joins good ranch: fine spring. Al soil: one-half cash, balance to suit. 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg, FOR SALE At bargain, llrt ncres loggect off land ; 10 ncres cleared, containing Iron ore assaved 50: 0 ml. from Port land Will stand investigation, E 7ul. Ores-onion km 1 fin'e Bu Y sua buys my equuy in acre tract facing 52d ft., close to two car lines Fine soil. Bull Run water. For particulars inquire 11 W. Killings worth ave. ' 40 ACRES. 30 in cultivation. In Yamhill county. -gravel road, mile from highway, S P crosses, station on adjoining 40; no buildings. Owner. Mrs. T. J. Smith, Lents, route 3. box 41S. Portland. Ot. GOOD two-acre tract on Pacific highway; running water. $1000. $50 cash, balance $15 per month; cloe to Vancouver city limit Umbdenstock & Larson CO. 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. FOR SALE Ten acres .unimproved land, 11 miles from Vancouver on Pacific high way; lots of wood and water, good level land; easy terms: low interest. P. E. Blackman. The Dalles. Or. EXCELLENT land at $ao per acre on the Columbia river: good rod; easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. W-5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ACRES, half acres, $10 payments; Al berta car; city water; no gravel ot assessments, R. W. Cary. 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 143. Res.. Main 1377. BARGAIN, 11 acres, Clackamas river, part cleared, houae. fireplace. Auto road. Ideal for summer home, summer camp or poult rv. Marshall 3403. FIRST-CLASS acreage adjoining Port land, sale or trade. East 743b REAL ESTATE. For Sale- -Acreage. SOU E CHEAP LAND. FIVE ACRES, with 4 acres in cultiva tion; 2-room house, graveled road ; price $y.o $100 cash. $15 monthly. TEN ACRES of level ground, 2 4 acres in cultivation, good road. S blocks from Oregon Electric station: price $1350; $luu cash. $12.50 monthly. TWENTY ACRES, with 1 acre in culti vation, balance first and second growth timber; land practically level, best of soil, good road; 12 mtles from Oregon City; price $1100; $50 cash, $15 monthly. TWENTY-FOUR ACRES 8 acres In cul tivation; level land, good soli, rock road;- one-half mile to electric line; price loo; $300 cash. $100 semi- FORTY ACRES, with about 8 acres in cul- ' tfvatlon. shack buildings, z springs, some first and second-growth fir; 5 miles from Oregon City; price $3200; 7m cash. $300 monthly. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS, 732 Chamber of commerce. TERWiLLIGEK BOULEVARD ACRES. Unsurpassed homesitea on Terwilliger btvd. now offered for sale in tract of one or more acres; you may have your choice of wooded tracts or cleared, with unexceled views of the city, rivers and mountains. It is as close in as Laurel hurst park, on a 5 per cent grade to the tract with no bridges and no tracks to cross, along the mrtt beautiful boulevard in the city, less than 10 minutes' drive from 0th and Washington s.s. This is the cheapest acreage offered in tho city arid on easy terms. Why go so much farther out and pay so much more? Why go-the same distance out and pay so much more for a city lot than we are asking for an acre of ground? vv hy pay more, for a city lot with no vie'w than we are asking for an acre with such a view as you will soon be unable to purchase at any price? R. F. BRIAN. B9 Chamber of Commerca bldg. Main 1903. . . 13-ACRE SACRIFICE $0500. Onlv 11 miles from Portland, on line macadam road; all in cultivation; almost new 6-room plastered bungalow; modern dairy barn for 25 head; large new silo; all well fenced: fine neighborhood; only 1 mile from electric line; on mail and milk route. Would be cheap at $8500. Owner will sacrifice for $5tH), good terms. Will accept good city home worth to $3000 as part if really worth the money. Let us tell you about ths best homes around Pdrtland. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington st. Main 8220. 10 ACRES. 26 miles from Portland. 1 Vt miles from Ridgefield, Wash. acres In cultiva tion 1 u. acre pasture: fruit, berries. house, barn, largo chlcWen house, root house. Included with the place is the crop. 1 mare, harness and wagon, fresh Jersey cow, 50 R. 1. Reds. Implements, Mnla arifl furniture. Th personal prop erty could not be replaced fo"r $500. A bargain at $2000, terms. Owner. L, A. HALL. Route 1. Ridgefield. Wash. vrtn raI.r 15 acres. acres under cultivation on gravel road, close to Maplewood sta tion on O. E. line. ' This tract has a fine elevation, lies level and is a beau tiful homeslte or subdivision tract. Price only $700 per acre; tracts across street seeing ror 1-3 more. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. Realtors. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg, liAHdAl.M HUNTERS. LuOK AT THIS. Six acres, with new 0-room piasterea bungalow, located few blocks outside city limits, east side; electric lights, city water, bath and toilet; land all culti vated ; 2 acres berries; price reduced from $63'KJ to $4'uu; terras, aiuvf tasu, balance 3 years, 7 per cmt. LUDDEM ANN COMPANY, 918 Chamber of Commerce. i .rtifi f.fi.nh' I .A vn F.ASV TERMS. Tracts from 10 acres up, located nlthin yn milpa nf Portland, with rail rnu H ra nminrtii t inn nrnnertV : rood Soil ; if vou are ready to locate on a piece of land we are ready to give you terms you can meet. Come in ana se us. LCODEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. -nc attthttt. wnnDEn ACRE. Faclne east on Buckley ave., less an 9nn too south nf Powell Valley road, water, gas, electricity and city phone. What more can you asic $1250? Terms. R. H. CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IF YOU ARE looking for something really fine and very cheap, here is your op portunity. 40 acres fine land and soil. tmanie. no orusn, iew ten stumps, seeded, fine large spring, valuable lana around it.. nine ex cellent large banking, r. r. town: $400 straight mortgage, $250 cash gets a deed. Becker. 133H First st TO SETTLE estate, 11 acres main high way; splendid soil, mostly in cultivation, about mile from Oregon City: good two story house. good barn and fences, graded school right at place, living spring, good neighbors: a real attract ive country home for someone at a bar gain for quick sale. Phone Monday, Tabor 826L BY OWNER. 2 acres, rich sandy loam soil, cul tivated, new 4-room plastered California bungalow, newly furnished, new out houses, poultry, wood, garden tools, near school. 90 minutes from Portland; beautiful little home. Sacrifice $3300 clear title. Terms. Mrs. Benack, 403 4th st., Portland. 11 icRKS ".HftnM HOUSE H00. Located 30 miles from Portland, one half mile from station; good 2-room house; 1 acre cleared, good soil, spring near house; terms, $40O cash, balance to suit. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. OWN SOME ACREAGE. Over 4V4 acres, facing east on Barker road, very easy to clear, for $1050. $17o cash bait easv terms; the land is level and the soil Is good, put a small bldg. on this and enjoy the country air. R. H. CONFREY, Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 10 ACRES. coti S A T.B Three. 5-acre tracts planted to Yellow Newtown, Pippins, Spitzenberg and G ravens tein trees, 11 years old; 3 miles Corvallis and Oregon Agricultural college; all front public highways. Price $3500 each. Including crop. Address A. M. Lundeen. owner. Corvallis. Or. 40-ACRE bargain, 5 acres cleared, good house and barn, orchard, fine spring and creek, some be.verdam, land lies well ; $1000 worth of tftber: 2 miles from Carrolls, Wash., $1uIt; $500 cash, bal- ance 4 years. A. W. ESTES. 005 Chamber of Com. BEAUTIFUL 5 ACRES AT COTTRELL. All cleared, on corner of ctosb roads, no better land to be had, in thickly settled community, close to school and church; price $1300, on good terms. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Hldg. MULTNOMAH ACRE SNAP Fine culti vated acre fronting on good auto road, only 3 blocks to electric station; owner will sacrifice for $1250. half cash. Phone McCormic, owner. Main 8220, or Main 931S. V YOUR OWN TERMS. 80 acres good unimproved land, 45 miles down Columbia county road, creek, near neighbors and school, 5 miles from town, $13.50 per acre. A. W. ESTES, J05 Chamber of Com. NEAT 4-room plastered house with one acre all in grapes, berries and fruit: also fine garden; good garage; well located near Oregon City car line; own er leaving town: make us offer. E. B. HOLMES CO.. 272 Stark st. Main 8051. 20 ACRES, $1 5 per acre ; 5 miles from Carrolls, Wash.; county road, near school and neighbors, all tillable, easy cleared, fine soil, spring water. Terms to suit. A. W. ESTES, 905 Chamber of Com. $S50 $200 CASH, Vk acre, all In cultiva tion, fenced, 6 blocks to car. 1 acre, large building, fruit, fence, $1800 cash. $2000 on time; $250 cash. 5520 65th st. S. E. Automatic 610-10. OAK. GROVE FIVE ACRES. Good sprinK water. Nothing so cheap In this district. Price $-1250. Take hooise or give terms. Jacob Haas. Mar shall 3CI24 70 ACRES, partly timbered land. 2 miles south of Gresham, all or part at $75 per acre, terms. MILLER AT STANLEY STATION. PHONE 638-18. FOR SALE 10. 20 or 30 acres unimproved acreage, 4 miles east of Gresham; some timber, easily cleared: $125 per acre; terms. L. R. Pugh. 4714 71st st. 6. or call Auto. 643-03. MULTNOMAH DISTRICT. Two half-acre homes priced right. One neat three-room, one four-room. Price $120O for three-room. $2250 for the four-room. Marshall 3.T24. ONLY $5 per acre. 100 acres, house, barn, fruit. 3 acres cleared, nice creek. 10 miles from town, 50 miles from Portland- Ideal for stock; $300 cash. A W. ESTES, 005 Chamber X Com. MAKE me an offer on equity of $700 on 3-acre tract outside city limits; price $3500: would take Ford or clear lot. End of Utopia ave. on 72d S. E., past Tremont. TWO ACRES on highway and electric line; all In cultivation : small house; electric lights; $1750; $250 down. Draper, 408 BfTwrd of Trade. ONE, TWO-or three acres, $800 per acre; all clear; near city limits. C. S. Tlgard, OSO Corbett st. FIVE ACRES Near Scappoose; $500 cash; good soil; will sell 1, 2, 3 acres. Mc Farland. Failing bldg. $J8t)0 CASH, 10 acres. 4-room new bunga low, horses, cows, chickens, barns, fruit, on highway. Tabor REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE BUYS. One acre on 97th st., gas and water, close to school; make us an offer, or we will trade; make your own terms. $460O Three-quarters of an acre Just east of 82 st.. with a lovely 5-room bungalow. Dutch kitchen. fireplace, bookcases, buffet, cement basement and sleeping porch; gas. lights and Bull Run water. This Is a regular bargain; terms. Before you buy your acreage or farms come In and see us. we have a fine list of farms and acreage, large and small, both in size and price we will be glad to show you. See RE VERM AN INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2054. NEWBERG HIGHWAY. A very neat and attractive 414 acres, all In cultivation, with 2 acres of the finest bottom land: right at the elec tric station, only 18 miles out over the highway. A fine prune orchard, lots of apples, cherries and pears in full bear ing : grapes, strawberries and all other kinds of small fruit: lots of roses, pota toes and fine garden: 4-room house. located among wonderful shade trees. This is a fine place for. a home or ruh way business proposition. Price only $3000; and $50O will handle; easy terms on oaiance. - JOHN E. -HOWARD, Realtor, 318 Chamber ef Commerce. RIGHT ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 15 acres, right on the beautiful high way, zu miies irom Portland: an at' tractive 7-room plastered bungalow; ex tra large living room witn line lire place; wonderful view, garage, barn, family orchard, some berries, part in beautiful timber; with the place goes 2 line cows, 1 heifesv and 20 chickens price only $7000; will accept a home in Portland up to $4000; no Inflated values considered. Mr. Hinkle. witn John tu. Howard (REALTOR), 318- Chamber 0t Commerce. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. 1 acre and 5-room plastered house with basement, losated at Evergreen, fine - garden, berries and fruit tree. Price $30O0. will accept Portland home In ex change. John E. Howard (REALTOR) 318 Chamber om Commerce. ror bale -t-armt. THROW IN $2500 WORTH OF HIGH-GRADE CATTLE AND COWS WITH GOOD 40-ACRE RANCH. Fine stock in splendid condition, harvest over 50 tons of clover and timothy, big barn, hold all the bay and stock, house, other out buildings, fine orchard, garden, 2 good horses, complete s-et of im- plements, abundance of good pas ture for stock, creek and well, five miles from good town on R. R. and Pacific highway. 1 mile to school, 57 miles from Portland. Price $00OO. . See SAM HEWET at J. L. H ARTM AN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 40-ACRE RANCH. 2 COWS, 2 HORSES, IMPLEMENTS, MOD ERN 5-RM. FURNISHED HOUSE. BATH AND TOILET, $3tOO, Chickens. turkys, fine sprfcg. good fences, 30 acres, extra good sn-il, 5 acres In garden and crop, 1 mile from school, phone in house, on main coutrty road, 42 miles from Portland. Price $37O0. Photo at office. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HAKTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg, 18S-ACRB FARM, about 14 miles this side of Salem and Vz mile of highway, with good. rod. All clewed and fenced- We will take good Portland property in trade for this land. Party own ing thfs property lives away froi here and wltfhe to sell, as he is not in a position to hold it longer and haspiaced it with us to sU at $l2i per acre. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO., Realtors. SO 4th St. Biwy. 2980. 120 ACRES, about 30 in cultivation, part creek .bottom, fine creek, can develop water power or irrigate. isew o-room houae, also comfortable 5-room house, barn, etc., family orchard, some good timber, close to neighbors, grade and high school. miles on gravel road to good town wrth, 10 daily passenger trains, only 2 hours to Portland, dally mail and telephone past door; 2000 acres logged out range for stock, plenty work at good WHgfn; all good soil, lies rolling. Price $5400, small payment, bal. long time. Owner. Box 07, Cawtle Rock. Wash. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 40 ACRES, SHORT WAY SOUTH OF BEAVERTON. There Is about $2000 worth of per sonal property goes with place as fol lows: cows, 2 horses. 2 brood sows, lot of shoats, 50 or more chickens, full set of farm machinery and tools, all crops, 6-room houe, barn, large poultry house, potato house; live creek all year; everything goes for $8000, some terms. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 61 ACRES 10 ACRES HOPS. Here is one of the best farms, con sisting of 61 acres with 50 acres under plow, family orchard, berties, 10 acres hope, all in A-l shape, dark shot soli; 5-room plastered house, large barn, tank house, etc.; 2 plows, harrow, wagon, etc., team. 1 cow, few chickens; 8 acres clover; price $12,OOOT $5mio cash. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. R I TTE R, LO W E A CO. 201-2-AX-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HUME ON NEWBERG HIGHWAY. Consists of 24 acres of good land, all In cultivation, 2 acres of berries set out this spring, other fruit for family use, balance in oats, potatoes and garden; new 5-room bungalow that anyone would like, good barn and outbuildings; with place goes good team, all implements and. tools. Let us prove to you what a nice place this is. t STEWART & JOHNSON, 1 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 40 A.. 18 A. CLEARED, in crop, all good land. lies good, good barn, chicken house, orchard, close in. Price $3ouo, . half cash. 20 a.. 8 a. cleared, balance nasture. good five-room house, lair barn, ber ries, trice uu down. 20 a., S cleared, small house. Fine young orchard, water piped in house. Price $1500. $SO0 down. I have lots of big farms; also write George Beers, Sandy. Or. Phone 65. WHEAT FARM. &40 acres. 3 V miles from town, 700 acres tuinoie. ijw in cultivation now; good buildings, well and windmill." Onlv $25 per acre: $5000 down, balance vour own terms at 6 per cent. Part of this will be irrigateo. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, l l.'t Chamber of Commerce. 133 ACRES farm land In heart of Wil lamette valley ; 35 acres prunes. IOO acres wheat, oats and spring crop; bal- afico timber ana pasture, ALSO 225 acres of bottom land. 35 miles from Portland, all in cultivation and crop; can be purchased cheap and rea sonable terms. For further information cali at 57 1 nam per or commerce Diqg, BARGAIN 3 4f-ac-re farm. 11 miles from Portland, on t?andy Diva., close to school cement' basement, barn, chicken houae iilfivatlnn Pnittvplv th hxt buy. Just like stealing It. Only $Sooo, $35v0 handles. Call ill Panama bldg., j A IMsr FARM BA RG A I N. 67 acres. 55 in cultivation. In crop ; utrrnm near barn: 4.-a.. li-yr.-old orchard ; good buildings, 7-room house with fireplace and telephone, 60x1 0 barn, good outbuildings, h-tk mi. to school, church and grange hall.3 mi. from Estacada on 2 gravel roads. $S:t.5. Term S. U U.je rcr, ill jv ruaiiu r-uviP FARM NEAR DALLAS. 160 acres. 14 miles from Dallas,' 100 acres in cultivation, balance oak timber; nil lies line: good Drn uuu viuwivrii house. Price $05 an acre; this bargain COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce DAIRY farm In famous Tillamook. Co., good meadows, pastures, large creek, springs; good buildings, orchard, ber ries garden; 22 cows and heifers, team. impliments, pigs, cim-wis. iww' i:i .nri .inn. Onlv 00O. $1000 cash good auto., balance long time 5 . AV ri7S. Oregonlan. 84 ACRES, 25 miles south of Portland, mile from S. P. R. R-: 10 acres hops, 40 acres grain. No buildings; fine soil; $150 per acre. . Terms to suit. Phone Tabor 2840 or write W. B. Tull, 476 East 4Btn st. .ortn. rWAi. WITH OWNER. 10 acres good level land. 7 miles from Vancouver, on paved highway. 3-room bungalow. 60 chickens, good Jersey cow; price $2800. $00O cash, balance $30 mo., including interest. For further informa- tion call Main 100 ACRES cheap, only 14 miles to Port land; price $47 per acre; some in cult!- vation ; house and barn ; timber to pay for place; on good auto road; a snap. GARLAND. 201 THIRD ST. FOR SALE Hay and stock ranch. 250 acres, one of the best farms in Trout lake valley. Washington. Part terms. Owner. Auto. , RKAL ESTATE. A SNAP AT CAN BY. 112 ACRES. 15 acres hops. 3H acres walnuts. 4$ acres oats. 8 acres hay. family orchard. Bk-room house, larpe barn, horses. os, sheep, hogs, chickens, binder, mower' and most all implements new. Price right ; good terms. GEO. E ENGLEHART CO.. 624 Henry BMg. Broadway 5173. SMALL FARM HOMES. As we are headquarters for farm lanta, me suggest you call and go over our list before locating. We offer below a few places priced for quick sale. For in stance, this one of 6 ACRES Is located only 2S miles from paved highway towards Scappoose, a. under plow and in crop, fam ily orchard and berries, fine trout stream and neat 3-room, house, with running water piped in : barn and granary, buildings all In first-class shape; included with place are the crops, consisting of 1 a. clover. 2 a. wheat and oats, fine 3-yr.-oId cow, chickens and 2 pigs, and complete outfit of furni ture. Price only $1325 $725 cash. 10 ACRES, which Is located nea& Hubbard In the berry section.- H under plow, 1 Vi a. loganberries, 30OO strawber ries, few fruit trees. 5-room house, barn 22x2S. farm tools such as plow, harrow, cultivator, etc.; 1 car, 67 hens: the price Us only $2tt54) $1250 cash. 12H ACRES located southeast of Portland, only 1 mlie to electric lin. 6 acres under cultivation,- GO bearing fruit trees. hk mile to school, 5-room bungalow, barn 20x2i, gar den, some farm tools and chickens included, at only $2100- $i50 caeh. 1 ACRES of bet swale, fully tiled and drained, only 1 H miles south of Aloha, near Beaverton; ideal for asparagus or garden; there ia now 1 a. parsnips for seed, 3 a. In squash; city gas available; good road; certainly a bargain at only $37O0 $1000 cash. 40 ACRES located near Woodland, Wash.; 25 a. level, 6 a. in crop, berries of ail' kinds. 5-room house with hot and cold water, bath and toi-let. barn 24rx24, garage, wagon, plow, har row, etc.. team, 2 cows, heifer, 2 dos. chickens, 3 doi. turkeys; everything goes at only $3 .1H cash. 42 ACRES. In the Estacada district. 10 a. bottom land. 2 a. assorted orchard and berriea, 6-room house, barn , 60x50, ruit drye-r, 2 plows, har row, harness, saddle and other equipment, 3 cows, 2 heifers. -steers, team, hog, M chickens, and all crop at only $3700 $2540 cash. F L EDTY, Realtor. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3 5-7 Board of Trade Bid g. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. ' 5000 acres of delta lands all ready . . crow Bliv- IOr piOW, no v ll.nc io.nu, ..... c-- - .cnMlh- relerv. onions; is Mm- . ' un.i.Tir Stockton. Cal. that sell from $400 per acre and up This would be ideal ior nun This land can.be sold in small tracts for not less than $150 per acre, and will pay large dividends on a valuation of $500 per acre If properly farmed. I will sacrifice this tract at $60 per acre, one third cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent The land is located on R. It. In south central Oregon. Particulars G. A. Sarles. SHASTA CO. grows garden, alfalfa, or anges etc. ; iruil ami i iRanu,, " never fail; no Asiatics, fog. alkali or adobe: big game, fishing, health resorts, cold mines, mills, markets; 80 acres on river. $3 per acre; 80 acres part irrigated- old house, barn, live creek. $15 acre' 324 acres, on river, 8 miles city; houie, barn, pumping plant, stock $22 JcrT I lead, others follow. PETTAY. 1 1 03 Pine street. Redding. Cal. POR SALE Improved wheat ranch. lo cated In Douglas county, Washington; 300 acres -in cultivation, the balance "good pasture: small orchard, 8-room house good barn, chicken house and other outbuildings, good well and wind mill Price $oO per acre, with posses sion" Oct. 1. For further information see or write H. P. Jacobsen. St. An- j -V-i - H A RAKK HAKiiAl.'N. A 313-are beautiful farm on Coos Bay highway. 15 miles west of Rose-burg- fine monev-maklng location; store and P. O.. - schoolhouse on farm; cre-k bottom land, bench land and some tim ber free soil; 120 acres cultivable: sickness cause of sale. Will sell all or separattUy. Sacrifice price for quick sale. Address box 2S. Camas A alley. Or. 80 acres. 30 cultivated; good 6-room semi-bungalow, with phone, barn and outbuildings, chickens. bees. horses, cows. hogs and Implements; croiw. wheat oats, clover, potatoes, kale; bt young prune orchard In country. $suoo terms. SANDSTONE. Fstacnda. Or. R. F. D. 1. . FOR SALE HIS acres, stock, and yuU farm: ricn aarn loam . water good road, near school ana mar ket; 30 acres in cultivation, the rest I rnme pasture and valuable timber; all fenced, good barn, fair house team -cows 3 2-year-old heifers, all farming machinery; would consider small P:f Titus Kurtichanor. Chitwood. Or. 1UUB nurutiiain". vn..-.. FOR SALE, at a bargain, 040 acres good i- oorea In timothy hay. an other 20 acres cleared: .t-ronm house, horse, bam for eight head, cow barn for 15 head, chicken house, root house, etc.; fine creek through the property. On good road. Price $7000: one-third cash, balance long time. Write Mr. C. Mor- T-'won Vandernooi, n. u BO ACRES, well improved farm. ,a miles irom . and good outbuildings, stock and ma chinery, $12,500. Will consider house, lot or acreage In trade or take less for cash Paul Amort. 875 E, 15th st. N., o r phone au toma tic a -.-. 0 ACRES Tillamook county ; -"U acres river bottom, balance timber; fine hunt ing and fishing; 5 miles to R. R. sta tion $30 per acre, part cash, balance vacant lots in Portland. A. Keller, vjmi , c, t LL farm for sale. 1 mile fror" Clats kanle a large team of horses and all kinds Of farm equipment. half cah. balance easy terms. For. Information tiaripaiai. write owner. auiu. rcicisuu, u-- j.. owner. oiatflkanle. Or. 16 ACRES of good prune and berry land, lies nice, house, barn, hen house, wood shed water In house; 2 a. cleared, quite a lot of fruit, 2 ml. from Sherwood, $000, $700 cash, consider late Ford as part payment - ; aChES adjoining Swedish colony at Venersborg. near Vancouver. Wash. (lood soil; small creek supplying water , ,1 a n rc Will sell verv rhean nr pov-ment. Box Si, bnerwooa. trade. Owner, 2ol Alisky Bldg. Main 7621 40 ACRES 12 acres in cultivation, trout stream through place; fair buildings, arravity water system, fine crops. 24 miles from Portland, near Columbia highway. X2500. easy terms. L. O. Ger- per. 1 n Bwrnan" .....f. pyrKPTIOXAL BARGAIN. Good farm, ten miles out on P t'allev road; 73 per cent cultivated in crop best of buildings; $375 Powell and acre. 1 :s tnucn U1M&. EXCELLENT land at $30 per acre on the Columbia river; good road; easy terms. L JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Mam 3787. FOR SALE. 80 acres, fruit and stock farm. 30 miles from Portland ; crop And imple ments and stock go with place. $75 per a,.re. 14 cash. Y 70". Oregonlan. " 1 SOUTHERN OREGON. BETTER LAND FOR LESS MONEY. Best fruit and farm lands in the state, UNLIMITED VIRGIN TIMBER, Write LAKK & Aitwft, biggie, or 83 VCRES, partly improved, near Kelso. Wash., $1400. Small payment down. bal. like rent at 6c. Ask us about it. Many others also. Kelso Realty Co., Kelso, W ash. 03 ACRES, six miles south of Lebanon. 65 in cultivation, well fenced; a good iuy. --iii trnrfp. Owner. Tabor 6:tOR. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $5O0 per acre; easy . Kaai or-.M farms for sal, all ai McFarland. realtor. 208 Failing bldg. r ncfiRD-OFF lands. C10 acre up; runnin water good soil. tillable: school, easy terms' J. R- Sharpe. S3 Third at. 10 A- stump land near Scappoose ; creek. Bhack county road ; some level; $5uo 8 . V , .1 H. Sham. SLA V. SH , caan. - FOR SALE 40-acre farm in Florida. 35 acres under cultivation. W. L. Martin, acres m Hillsboro. Or. casn, -- "7 FARMS in 37 states described in "Home acpkcre' Guide." Free copy on request aeeelS ,.,'nrrlnlr OaV'Qn1 . "! I TfL-I f- 14 5- ACRES. 2 houses. $400: cn Columbia "highway. Rowena. H. W. Lewis, box 224 10 OP 7 ACRES -evel timber land with cree k. nr Beaverton. J. R. Sham. 83 H 'd. "To -ACRE farm, 16 miiea OUU Wdlc Call M.onday. REAL ESTATE. EXTRA fine location. bet of soil, less than IS miles to Portland; 4 acres. 30 acres in good crop. 10 acres fine pasture with running water. Good 7-room house, barn 45x50 and other outbuildings: fenced with barbed wire and ctdar posts. All stock, tools and ma chinery. 5 cows. 1 heifer, good team. 100 chickens. 6 shoats and all farm toolaMieceasary to operate place; $S5ou. cash $40o0. bananco time at 6. We know the value of real estate; we list right. W have large list of good farms of all stcea Why not gee us bsfora buying. ATKINSON A PORTER, 70S Main at.. Vancouver. Wash. VERT FTNE T2 ACRES Best shot soil, all In high stats of cultivation, fine growinr crops, complete set of good buildings, including many modern conveni ences, fine water system and water piped to all buildings; nice bearing family orchard and choice Jot of berries: extra well fenced and good stock and equipment. On good road, fine district, and only about 25-minutes ride from Portland. Circumstances make It possible to offer this splendid farm and attractive home at a big bargain and on very easy terms. This farm Is rated among the very best and the price is right, and to all of which I think you will agree after Investigation. . SAMUEL DOA K. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. CLARKE COUNTY FARM 120 A. Rich sandy loam, river bottom, no overflow. 55 a. in grain, clover, pota toes, foudan gra.un. field peas, H a. berriew: harvest about 2O00 bu. grain; two fine springs, many natural advan tages. n Lewis river; good fishing, lots of birds and wild berries; 5rvom house, barn. silo, other buildings; price $12.0H; federal loan $4750. Also two other f irms, no a. at $rtTnk and 120 a. at $10. 50O. Call 414 Abington bldg.. IO to 12 today or phone Main 3126 any time for appointment. ' SIDNEY G. LATH ROP. 414 Abington Bldg. (The Sign of the Hor.-shne ) FOR SALE. 4ft acres 12 miles from Cottage Grove. 4 mile store, church; 15 acres In culti vation. IO partly cleared, all but 5 c:tn be farmed ; all good laud : 5 acres nr timber; creek across corner. spring water piped to ho urn: 75 fruit trees. 12 acre in crop, 3-room house with porches, chicken house, barn, some im plements, lighf wagon, buggy, horse. 6 cows. 4 shoats, 55 hens, some h. h. goods, separator, churn: low price: must leave: half cash, balance terms. Address owner. W. E. Harshman, London route. Cottage Grove. Or. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. 24 ACRES. U mile of paved highway; 12 acres In wheat, seeded to ciover. balance in pas ture; mostly clear; land joins river; ideal dairv farm; 6-room house, out buildings, including 3 cows, 1 sow. 40 c h lekens, cream separator, small too la nd houehoId furniture: all go for $4500; god terms; if you war.t a bargain look this over: vour income will start when deal is made. W. E. Kidder. Carlton, Oregon. 20 ACRES near Sherwood; 18 in cult, and In crop. 2 acres rich creek bottom, some beaverdam: creek. spring, good family orchard, full bearing; 3 acre set to ber ries, good 6-room house, large barn, lots of other buildings: price $7i0, including crop, Ftock. farm Implements and house hold furniture: micht consider house in Portland from owner for part; no agents. Inquire nt garage at the 0 corners on Newberg highway. A. J. Walker. Sher wood . Or., route 4. FOR SALE Now-, if you want a farm of 25 acres and a beautiful summer home all in one, one of the best locations In Clarke county, on a good road, where you can have fishing and game and all kinds of fruit and everything that goes with a farm. 10 minutes walk to stores, churches, high school, and have all the conveniences of a city ; a fine team and stock and all farming tools go. AV 033. Oregonlan. FOR RALE 40 acres, good Improve ments. 2S clear, bnl. pasture and timber; lots of fruit, well at house, running spring in pasture, nil crops, team, implements go with place. Price $45(10. $2no cash. bal. terms. Write Box 137, K. 3, Hillsboro, Or. IS ACRES FACING THE PAVED ROAD. 17 miles from Portland. 2 miles from street-car line, on Jitney line, 5-room bouse, barn and out bu ild Incs ; 5 acres In crop, 5 slashed in pasture, balance good timber; 3 head of Jersey cattle, some chickens-, all for only $3oo. $llo cash, balance 4 years at 6 per cent in terest. . STI3WART & JOHNSON. North w e-stern i-tanK BY OWNER 5ti0 acres. 3JO under the plow; stable room for IOO head of cattle; drive barn and horse stable for 10 head of horses, pig pen, potato house, bunk house, blacksmith shop, large dwelling house; living water on the place; about 30 minutes from courthouse. Portland, lving between Powell Valley road, and Estacada carline. Can be divided. Tal'or 224Q. residence 1033 Oregon st. -YTT--r- jvk SOLD Good SO-acre stock ranch. 5 miles from R. R. town of Dor ris Siskivu county. California. ;0 acres in crop: good house, large barn, rood well water, outside range ana wood- 5 horses, full set implements and tools.' Borders Irrigation district. Good stock country. Frank F. Mullan, Dome. California. . 10 ACRES, 5 acres cultivated, balance eas ily cleared, some timber for- wood; good 5-room house, barn and chicken hoitoc. -acres bearing loganberries with heavy crop- Vz acre strawberries, other garden truck abundance of tree fruit; only miles from Portland city limits; pnveu road most of way. Price $3200. terms. F. R. Jesse. 527 Corbett bldg. Main iH ' SEASIDE DAIRY FARM. T A monev-mnker. n ideal home: i- acres; paved highway, city water, elect, lights: station at place, modern build ings an excellent herd of Guernseys, a beautiful location and a mighty good buy: $15,000. Accept some Portland RrF?rFE K MST E R. 417 Abington Bldg. : STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 30 acres. 40 minutes from Portland, 9 cow?. 3 calves. 4 brood sows, 18 pigs, team, harness, wagon. 15 ncres oats, 10 acres wheat. 5 acres corn. S tons hay in barn can lease 70 acres pasture ad joining place; $2000 ensh. balance mort gage. years. Owner, 520 Cham, of Com. $2500 BUYS my 100-acre western Lane Co.. Or., ranch; about 40 acres creek bottom, part cleared, rest easily cleared, balance low bench: wagon road, telephone Una through place: fine for dairy, fruit; close to school; will take good late model Ford touring car as part and give time rn stoftrt W. A. Mead. Reed. Or. BEAUTIFUL 40 new. dairv. with eilos: 3 miles north Xewberg: all kinds Improve ments and berries, orchard: grows best Qualitv of potatoes: best of soil; In crop 1-3 to owner; going away: can be bought at bargain. Particulars write ow ner. W. Albert Jones. 312 2d St., New- Dcrg. ur. A beautiful tract of rich, tillable land, with ten acres in cultivation; gooa. small house, barn, orchard, spring and running stream; enough fine timber .o buy the place : sawmill close by; on.y $4000. Easv terms to right party. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 22 acres, choice level land, all In cul tivation; house, barn and outbuildings; mile good valley town, Yamhill Co., Or 2 cows. team, chickens, hogs, tools and implements, all complete; $05tio, $"000 cash, balance 5 years. 0 per cent. r" M. GATEWOOD & CO., 4th st. " BY OWNER SNAP. " IN LINCOLN COUNTY. 160 acres, good house. 2 barns. 5 head stock young team, implements, cop and household goods: 15 acres cleared more can be cleared easily; all goes for $3000; no trade. East 594S $300 A SNAP $300. 21 -acre farm. 1 S miles from court house good road, mostly paved. 6 acres in cult., all tillable; small house, barn and chicken house ; fences: $21 00; $:too cash: exceptional opportunity. 417 A bin gton nirig. FARM BARGAIN. 60 acres, 20 acres in cultivation, all In crop, water system by ram ; 4-aom houSe, small barn. 1 team and coit. 2 cows, 40 sheep, chicken, farm imple ments, 4 miles from Boring; $3u00, good terms L. Q. Gerber. 774 Swetland bldg. 0 ACRES, 15 cleared, running water, iarge houe. barn and outbuildings. Close to school and chwrch. S miles from Vancouver. Price $4000, only $500 cash. Umbdenstock & Larson Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 105S. 40 CRES rolling land, 2 cleared. 7-room house good orchard. berrie. plenty of ecnnd-growth timber. pasture. good barn three miles to R. R., 1 mile to s.-hool ; good road ; $3000, terms. S. M. Boals. Mayger. Or. EXCELLENT land at $30 per acre on the "Columbia river: good road; easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. CrVS Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR SALE $5000. , 220-acre stock ranch, sawmill and logging outfit. Will- sell separate. AV or.:t. Oregnninn. 20 41 kc.v sinnii U4j iint- from city limits, in cultivation, on Tay lor ferry road, Fred Staiser.