THE SUXDAT OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 2Q, 1921 19 FOR KENT. Furnished Apartments. STBLWTN APTS. HIGH-CLASS. Resident and summer home for tran lent and tourist; handsomest fttrnUh? apta, in the city; no objection to cht'd under 2 years; 1 to 5 -room apta. ,tn sleeping porch; we also have bc1? apta and service; single rooms and Dam for refined gentlemen; refences re quired Marshall 2830. 166 St. Clatr Cfrner Washington. , IN IRVINGTON. , , m 5 large rooms, 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, parlor, dining room, kitchen, frcnt porch, cement basement ana laun dry, completely furnished, witn water, light, gas. phone and Janitor "erlc.: poJMi-?!ion at once: $s3 per month. E. D. Paul. 403 E. 16th N., cor. Hancock. ixuneAoto. 3.0-Q1. THE CliOM WKLL, Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank s tore; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3 -room furnished apts., out side, with French doors and balcony. Permanent and transient. WELLINGTON' COfRT. ONE 4-, ROM FURNISHED APT., 521 EVtHBTT. BROADWAY 4215. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1S6 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washington ats. : high-class apartment house: one S-room beautifully furnished in wickor furni ture, with rood rugs; fine view; outside balcony; mu-t be seen to be appreciated. Call Alain 33 - m URA.MtKSTA. I'NDKR NEW MANAGEMENT. The most modern, up-to-date 3-room apartments with bath, phone and every convenience; clean as wax; must be seen to be appreciated: good building, auto matic elevator. East -US. THE JACKSON. 51 V Union Av. North. Three-room apts., $30 and $40; private bath, steam heat, hot and cold water, phone service, 15 minutes walk to 5th and AI d cr. Hose C i t y car. East 26 46. 2D FLOOR our residence, furnished; 4 la rife rms., sleeping porch ana duo, gs range, e ectric lights; delightful location, 1 hllc frnm mr. nar Laurelhurt ; can be een Saturday and Monday. 7 E. 27th N. Phone East 2078. T H Pi ITl.MWfrflD Strictly flrst-cias 2 and 8-room apart ments. furnished and unfurnisned; new period furniture. Wilton rugs, silverware, linen, etc.: $50 to $75; aduli. 413 10th at. Main 660. 2k ICE corner apt. of 3 rooms and bath. with sleeping porch ana aieove. com pletely and well furnl-hea. ailver and tabU linen - new v oainied in wmic enamel; Irvlngton district. 6)0 Han cock et.. apt. 15. or janitor. THE PARK. First-class 3 and 4-room apartments, furnish anH unfurnished: lust refin- l.-taed hardwood floors, fireplace; lots of closet room: I-jO up; adults. Har rison. Marshall 133. THREE very large rooms, also extra r en nsr norch. all outsiae. uniur rushed, hot-water heat; beautiful place, corner: a Ieo 3 very large furnished rooms; see to appreciate; adults, 81 Aibina. Mississippi car. BL'ENA VISTA APTS 434 Harrison St Strictly modern 2 and 3-room apta, newly papered in tapestry; outside kitchen and tiled bathrooms, $50 and up; adults. Main 1052. THE CAMBRIAN. Nicely furnished 2 and 3-room apart ments in first-class apartment house, $r0 up ; ad ul t 433 Colum bla. Max shall 240ft. ; , THE DEZENDORF APTS. 208 16th., near Taylor. Mar. 128. Nicely furnished 5-room apt. lor resi dent or transient and tourist: no ob lection to children: walking distance. iiOSE CITY PARK Attractive 2 of 3 room apt., in modern nome, wen iur nished, every convenience, heat, elec tricity, phone, garage included; adults; io5 and $45. 615 E. 60th st. N. AUDITORIUM COURT. 2 and 3-room modern, free telephone, 2 rooms unfurnished, about the 25th. Marshall 5506. i THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon; 2, 3 and 4 rooni apts.; permanent or transient; also single rooms. Main 6641. THE LILLIAN APTS. Close In, 2 and 3 rooms, larjre and tight, modern brick building. Sol 6th t-t.. Marshall 137S. PARTLY furnished upstairs flat, three large rooms, sleeping porch and bath; beautiful view; $55; adults only. 167 E. 7th st. North. BUB-LEASE for 3 months, 3-room fu nished. in best house in city, close 1 low rent if good care is given. Mar shall 1513. MY LARGE, airy apartment in Waldor. Court to Sept. j-. ail outsiae room; large sleeping porch. Completely fur nished. East JTiCELY furnished apt.. Rose City Park home, with or without garage: mod era t rent. For further information call Ta bor 73S. FURNISHED 2-ROOM APT. Steam heat. $30 to $40, includln phone and lights. Adults only. The Lincoln, Fourth and Lincoln. JAEGER APTS., King and Washington one 4-room lurmsnea apt. TWO-ROOM APARTMENT conveniently arranged, all privileges; heat. bath. 135 Killings worth ave. Wood lawn 3t6 CUMBERLAND APTS. 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. all out side rooms, walking distance. West Parle and Columbia. D A V ENPOR T A PA R TM EN TS. Two and three-room furnished apts. private bath and phone. Main 5435. 505 Jefferson st. S LARGE furnished outside rooms, ba cony all around, large bathroom and kitchen, close in west side district, ren reasonable. 24 Madison st. 2-ROOM apartments; neat and clean; gas ranges ana running water. ntn Main 3156. S-ROOM apt., west sfde. good location, walking distance, by mother and daugn ter. Phone Aut. 517-72. except Sunday, FURNISHED 3-room apartment with ori vate bath, electric lights and gas, 314 Morris st. Adults. "WESTMINSTER APTS., 4-room fur. apt. witn oatn ana pnone. oca ana uaaison, Main o."SJ, BERKELEY APTS., 3f Trinity Plac Two nice froat 3-room, well furnished apts.. walking distance. Marshall 1U5U. MORTON APTS. Three-room furnished apartment. Washington street. Main 1082. S-ROOM apartment, private bath and phone. $35. Todd apts.. corner East 12th and starK. J-ROOM furnished front apt. by the let of July. 33 William ave.. near Broad way. fc.ast oIU4 a-4 ROOM furnished apt., steam heated free phone, 1 Mock fruin 2 car lines; 843 e:son st.. near -nn ana sanay Divd. THE STANFIELD. Modern two-room apt. ; light, heat, pnunc, low rent. Jiaui io;'.'. ARCADIA APARTMENTS. One 2-ruum and one 3-room furnished apartment. iub Everett at. PORTNuMAH 3 and 4 rooms; hardwood Hours. Sleeping porcnes, waiKilia- dis- tance; weii tumished , adults. 2UU E. 13th. IL-ZANTA APTS. Nicely furnished 3-rm. apartment with bath. 16'J N. l!3d at. Mar. 2'J-t.t. apt. ; neai, uam, pnone; garJlKe if d-yired. Woodlawn 4U71. 656 East 6th st. .ortn. 2 AND 3-ROOM unfurnished apartments by the wee or monin. ---a sortn 2uth. Zumoro loun. D1EL APTS. 7D0 E. Ankeny Modern, com pletely lurniMiva o-roora apt.. Clean, ONE NICE 4-room furnished apt., private bath, eiectric lights .and phone, 24i Kiinngswortn. titn. omij. UPSHUR APARTMENTS. 2-3 rooms, furnished apta., $13 month up- -i"p'i a. -cm st. THE PENROSE. Grand ave.. at Belmont, large, front 3-room, also 2-room apart ment, a v auauic j my TWO and thre-room apta., completely fur nished: couples or bachelors; clean and quiet. no:n?.c- min il KING DAVIS APTS, 4 -room furnished apt. Main 2058. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 2-room apt., nlcm location- - 1. t.api i iuo, PAGE APTS., E. 8th. Burnside. 2 and 3 rooms, $45 to $60. Walking distance. P7ESTONIA APTS.. 66 Glisan. 2-room fur nished apt., modern, reasonable rates. Sl'BLET 2-room apt.. Weilesley court July. Aug. Phone Ea st 27rit morn i n gs! fiAN MARCO. EAST STH AND COUCH" 3-R M. MOD ER:- APT. E. 2312. NICELY furnished 3-room apt . west side c e n t r a 1 1 o c ation. Ma in 2u7 6. SROOM apt., reasonable, walking tance. 328 Mill, near Broadway. dis rCTSELYN APTS 11U 21st st. .V 2-roVm modern furnished apartments. 15-DAY STORAGE FilEfi! Moving for !-sa. Phone Bdwy. 24 4 5. NEW YORK, apartments. furaiba, cor. CLEAN, modern 5-room fiat, 207 McMil- 2tnBelmont. East 238; ie:i. near Broadway bridge. LEONCE APTS.. 186 N 22d st. rurnished 4-ROOM upper flat; water, garbage. light 3 -roo ma pa r t ment. Mar. 22oG and phone. Tabor 1065. JULIANA APTS.. 43 Trinity piece. ud NICE 5-room flat, close In, $20; 4-room 3-room furnished apts. Mar. 963. flat $15J 474 E. Yamhill. t'NIO.N AVE. and Kiliingaworth ; furn. apt MODERN 4-room flat at Willbrldge. East $21. bo: a11 complete; concrete buildings 5014. Call Monday. GARFIELD I rooms, porch, reasonable 3-ROOM upper flat, 2 biks. from Broad- 361 block weet Union. way bridge. East 5S24. ALCo APTS.. East Couch and Union ave.. MODERN, lower, light, cool. 4-room flat; jjaodern 2-room apta., reaonabia, porches, yariL Adults. 582 Salmon, FOB RENT. Furnished Apartments. $27511 VERY convenient, 2-room furnished apartment; combination living room and dining" room with built-in buffet and disappearing bed; indirect lights; wood work old ivory; white enamel Dutch kitchen: breakfast table; furniture like new; ground floor: steam heat; hot and cld water included. The Meda Apts.. 877 Vancouver ave., jut across the Btcadway bridge: 4j blk. north of Bdwy. . Adults only. Lease for one year. 2-ROOM furnished apartment, within 2 blocks of Meier A Frank's, for tent for July and August; steam heat, lights, cooking gas, bath free; $32.50 a month, or will sell furniture very reasonable. Call Apt. 51)6, Goodnough bldg., 5th and Yamhill sis., Sunday after 1 P. M. and evenings after 7:30 week days. ' Large front, classy furnished apt., strictly modern, $50 per month. First-class in every respect; suitable for two to four persons; first-class jani tor service guaranteed; clean, light, airy, new, large. THE COLUMBIAN. 11th and Columbia. 6-ROOM FURNISHED APARTMENT. 175 West aide, walking distance, out side rooms, front porch, sleeping porch, 3 bedrooms, plenty of heat and hot wa ter; steady tenant; must be adults. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. 5-ROOM furnished apt., has always rented lor J3o if party wii lease lor 3 montns, will take I25 and for 6 months, still less. Have garage, 2 iots, plenty of fruit; modern. 6303 94th St., Lenta., Mt. scott car. GLENN APTS., HAWTHORNE AND GLENN AVENUES. Beautiful 4-room corner apartment for rent, furniture for sale; strictly high class, very complete. Apt. do. Taoo 1 356. . CnLynlshed. Aparteqt. WELLINGTON" COURT. 521 EV ERETT; 4 AND 5-ROOM APTS.. OUTSIDE ROOMS. INCLUDING TELEPHONE. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 1R1 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washington, high class apartment house; three or four room unfurnished apartments with dis appearing bed In living room, also bed room. Call Main 3883 KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washington ; high class apartment house ; three or four- room unfurnished apartments witn dis appearing bed in living room, also bed room. Call Main 3S3. THREE very large rooms, also extra large steeping porch, all outside, uniurnisnea hot-water heat: beautiful place, corner also 3 very large furnished rooms; see to appreciate; adults. 16 Albina. Mla- sisslppt car. IONIAN COURT. Larra modern 4-room comer ant.. completely renovated: white woodwork; walking distance; adults. Bdwy. CHAMBERLAIN APTS. 3-room apt., all outside rooms facing pane, large bay windows, o oiks, irom center or town, west Park and Columbia ALVA RA DO APTS.. 7.10 EVERETT ST. Elegant 6-room duplex apartment; will give lease, see Mr. nams, waKeiieia, Fries A Co.. Realtors, 85 Fourth st BEAUTIFUL new 5 and 6-room unfur nished apts. at Gordon Court; quiet and exclusive. Now is the time to reserve your winter apt. 530 Montgomery drive. IRVINGTON Vacant July 1. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, heat, water, hall light. Janitor service. $75. 40J East 16th st. N.. cor. Hancock st. East 7t6. A GOOD four-room apartment on 18th and Flanders streets. Best and most convenient location in the city. Call Broadway 4t36. LUCRETI A COURT. 4-room unfurnished, very nice, with hardwood floors, newly decorated, ex cellent service. Marshall 1513. FOUR and five rooms with private bath. -a and IJ7. Absolutely A-l. Inquire East 57th and Tabor 0373. -ROOM unfurnished apt., 5 111 floor; very desirable; all newly painted." Phone Eiat 6US0. $45 MONTH for 6-room unfurnished apartment, including heat, light and hot water. 4024 Third st. THE MO R DAUNT. 18th and Everett iarge 4-room unfurnisned modern apt, retinted, hard wood floors. Auto. 527 -1 0. LORENZO APTS.. 427 Salmon at.. Main , unfurnished 2-room front apt., clean, water, light, phone; adults. DOUGLAS COURT. 3-room. unfurnished apt., very desirable. 425 W est Park. Main 2729. or Marshall 423. GARDNER, 13th and E. Ash Very desir able 5 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, hot water heat, 2 bedrooms. East 2S71. S-ROOM front apt., all outside rooms, extra large living room, balcony porch. Irving apts., 21st and Irving. M a In M 231. TH E LEONARD 3-room apartment, un furnished; all outside rooms; private bath, steam heat; adults. 665 E. Main. 6-ROOM. 2 beds, front and back porches, gas stove, modern, referenced. 561 Glisan at. ree t. . BRYN MAWR 185 E. 15th. 5-rm. apt., all outside rooms; sleeping porch; $50. East 2154. 4-KOOM unfurnished modern apt., no children. $42. Waverly Court, East 26th and Clinton. FOR RENT 2 and 3-room apt., furnished or unfurnished. East 13th and Morrison sts. Phnoe East H00. CECELIA APTS., 22d and Glisan. Newly decorated, very aeairauie J -room unfur nlshed apt. $4S. SMALL unfurnished apartment. Silver Court, 22d and Hancock. East 7667 THE AMERICAN, moderu and 5-room apartment, bdwy. g160. PARTNOMAH. 8 and 4 roams, walking distance; adtma -uo u ldtu. GARFIELD 3 rooms, sieeping porch. 361 tailing, block west cnion. 5-ROOM unfurnished apt., 1st floor. Wdln. 3043 or wain. 7U. 3 ROOMS, toilet and bath. 64S Thurman near 1'tun. -Marnan 401. 3-ROOM apt., unfurnished, modern; adults oniy. tobo East Main st. MODERN, unfurnished, steam-heated 5 room apt. Mar, boo. DAYTON APTS. 5 and 6-rm. apts., $05 and $70. 6L' inlanders, buwy. 8134. Furnished or L'nturnNhed Apartments. JAEGER APTS.. 701 Washington, one fur- msued and one unfurnished apt. FINE 3-room, batn ana dressing room, hardwood floors, newly kalsomined. East 37 82. Flats. MODERN 5-room flat, in fine condition only 10 minutes walk from Union dtpot will be vacant on July 1. Phone East 3612. MODERN upper flat. 6 rooms and bath, gas range, water neater, gas plate and a reiser ior saie. ibj tn et. c,. b4-iO 5-ROOM upper flat, fine condition. Walk ing distance; west side. 7 - Lovejoy st., bet, -aa ana L'4tn. 5-RoOM modern Vut, east side, walking distance; adults only; references re- qutred. Call alter 12 at 60O E. Alder. 4-ROOM upper flat, gas and electric; all clean; $21 per month, including water. Inquire o4 tJortnwica st. FIVE rooms, fine district, reception hall fireplace, furnace, modern, water, care garbage, rnone cast iJ.ii. FIVE-ROOM modern flat, vacant July 1, near at. -'tun ana tmrnyiae. hj iU5, ore goni'in. . 6-ROOM flat, west side, walking distance. nice view, fireplace, furnace. 36l lttth st. s. Vinney. FOR RENT 5-room modern flat, close to car, per montn. can 215 washing ton bldg.. or phone Tabor 7726. LARGE, airy, neViy tinted, unfurnished b-room flat; ground floor. 330. 2tttf Gra ham ave. 28.30 ROSE CITY PARK. 1424 Sandy blvd., corner 52d, modern 4-room fiat. cean ana ngnt. Appiy on premises. MODERN 5-room flat, thoroughly cleaned, 200 Haisey; ?JU. Apply 2D3 Monroe, East 7062. 43 MONTH for 5-room unfurnished lower flat, west side. Free heat, light and hot w a ter. inq u 1 re 4U- Th 1 rd st. FOR RENT 5-room upper flat. 426 11th st. s. inquire aownstairs or pnone LARGE beautiful rooms and bath. Dutch kitchen; lath and Alberta. Call betwuin 9 and 4. Auto. 324-63. ROOMS near Multnomah club, all mod ern, $40. 606 Madison st. Inquire C. ce 1 oung uo.. siu a paid ing bldg. ROOM modern flat, walklne di- tance. 640 Second, near Sheridan. ROOM unfurnished flat. 1463 Union ave. North. Wdln. 2339. CHOICE 5-room flat, 2d and Montgomery, .'. cMai ouw. gee touay. -ROOM flat. 549 Powell at.. $30 per month. East 1986. ROOM modern flut. east side, near 20th and E. Flanders, Phone East 7811. ODERN. attractive 4-room lower flat, s. p., garage; adults. Wdln. louS. MODERN 5-ROOM lower flat. 166 E. 15th S. Adults. 140. FOR FOR RENT. Flat. MUST SELL AT ONCE. I will take a big loss on my seven room furnished flat, beautiful borne an income, west side, close in. MILLS, 69416 Everett SL it on titii i we have for rent 3 very desirable 5 and 6-room modern flats close in on east side; also a 7-room bun Ralow tyte house' clone in nn wnr nirie with furniture for sale. These are good d en i ra b le p laces. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO. Mroadway 343. 284 Oak St. ALL OUTSIDE, clean, cheerful modern rooms, sleeping porch, bath, front bal cony, fine view, ideal location, west side. walking distance; adulLs; references. 464 nan. near lath. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale; one oiock east ena or Broadway bridge. Rent very reasonable; furniture almost new; must be seen to be appreciated. inquire at io n,ast Hroaaway. FOR RENT TO ADULTS Unfurnished annex, a rooms, sleeping porch, bath, yard, garage if wanted; references. jiarsnau H17U. room 202. VERY attractive lower fiat, 5 rooms, nice iawn, rine view, desirable neighborhood $40, with heat, water, gas range. 961 iront. cor. Lowell ave. Mar. 3U7S. Furnished Flats. 5 ROOMS, well furnished, west side, walk ing distance, private entrance, irardci and large norchfH. niann. rrnmnnhnn library table, china and glassware for NICELY furnished 5 rooms; large kitchen fireplace; private telephone; walking uistance. win sublet until November 1; $45. Call evenings, between 6 and NICELY furnished 4-room and bath upper nai. buitaDie for adults only. 2t2 Clay st, near 5th. Call Sunday after i. or iwonaay. THREE ROOMS, PRIVATE BATH. 5 blocks M. & F. ; reasonable. Wiley, Broadway 200, or Main 7413. 4-ROOM furnished flat with bath at 820 vaughan street; adults only. $27. Call 745 y Roosevelt at., or phone Marshall at iv. TO ADULTS Furnished 4 room, bath and porch ; side entrance but a good view. Phone 545-89 or call 525 Mont- gomery st. 4-ROOM furnished flat, bath and toilet all on first floor. Large porch and yard. oas, electricity ana phone. 12 1 a hi. Tay lor. 3-ROOM furnished flat at 206 Tillamook, uldu per montn, inciuamg neat. Apply at premises, or Wakefield, Jrles sc Co, 85 Fourth street. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 5-room flat; isob Hill district. Reasonable price. mono ai a in loao or can ( tjiisan MODERN 3-room flat, nicely furnished. lawn at front and back.- and shade trees, close in. Sell wood 1068. , 3 OR 4-ROOM furnished flats or house keeping rooms. Call all week. East 3i2 LADY wishes to share her 5-room fur nished flat with congenial couple; $18 month, -bo LarraDee at. TWO 3D-FLOOR 3-room flats, 1 partly rurnished. 2uu4i and 2u2tt McMillan h t. ; ?12 per month. 6-ROOM furnished flat, also 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, 24th and v aughn sin. Main 6507. FOR RENT. July 1st. $45, furnished. modern, 4-room flat, turnace. yard, 810 E. 35th st. Phone Tabor 50 14; references. WILL share my 5-room flat to right party; walking distance. 202 .Mc Millan. Call Tabor 5242. FURNISHED 4-rootn flat, with garage. Adults only. 3.3 Sacramento, i-'hone Automatic 811-60. FURNISHED 2-room upper flat, phone and fuel, price $20; adults. Call after fi P. M . 10 East 0th st. N. TO SUBLET for summer, lower flat, four rooms and bath, 4u. woodlawn oo4l, forenoons. FIVE ROOMS, pleasant, furnace, fireplace, large poren, waiKing distance, $u. bus Belmont. NEWLY furnished 5-room flat with bath. adults. 370. 0 NEWLY painted and tinted flat, Sun-nyside- car; adults. Tabor 12S1. RuuM furnished flat, modern; no chil dren. 506 East 22d st. South. ROOM modern furnished flat. Main street. -ROOM furnished flat. 354 Hawthorne ave. 3-ROOM modern furnished flat. Cable st.. Main 3476. $2L 3-S3 MODERN 4-room furnished flat. Yard and garden. For adults only. Sell. 590, PARTLY furnished lower flat, Burnside. Phone Cast 8052. 717 East THREE large roome. furnished; oath, pan- try. bsi Commercial tt. W din. 43d. 3-ROOM nicely furnished flat for ren 3s.-i, 4th st. PARTLY furnished flat for rent. 15th st. E. 67S5. ATTRACTIVE. newly painted. tinted reference: adults. 5i0 East Salmon; $ IDEAL for the summer, furnished 4-room flat. Main : oi. MODERN 4-room furnished flat, sleep ing porch; adults. w ooaiawn iwis JULY I, 5-room furnished flat, rent $60 rererences. jast tuus. -ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale, DS8 17th st. Marshall 1751. NEAT 3-room furnished flat; adults. 539 Rodney ave. 3-ROoM. modern flat, private bath. Coupl employed. hell. Housekeeping Room. FURNISHED Chamberlain, East Stark. apts., reasonable. Hote corner of Grand ave. an ALTA VISTA, single or en suite, clean In side and out: special rates. Corner 16th and Fettygrove. 2 CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooms also sleeping; walking distance. 482 Washington st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, light and g-is furnished. Zb-i Vfe 14 th street. Marshall 6070. THREE nicely furnished h. k. rooms; free phone, heat, light, hot and cold water. laundry privileges. 1U North ISth. 1 SINGLE and 1 double housekeeping room; married couple; no children. 3ul lttth st. NICE furnished clean h. k. rooms, reason ubie; walking distance. 715 Everett at. c r r. 22 tl . 2 blot'Ks rrom wasn, FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. Everything furnisned, 93.00 pe; week up. 1;M '.3 rt st. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms very reasonable. Broadway 143. 631 Thur- man st. 3-K( HtM suite. $25. La lice front room with kitchenette,; electric UghU and bath free. 306 Fourth St. TWO PLEASANT front housekeeping 7 -nmu Aloftrif Ho-htj r-tnnn in tl r.O u week. Automatic n iu-. CLEAN h. k. room with sleeping Dorch lnr.?e yard and trees. 261 14th sl, near Jefferson. 3 CLEAN, furnished housekeeping rooms. garage, warning distance. Hiast 1U6. Also one n.. k. room. -ROOM apt.. hoUiekeeping room, electric lights, everything furnished, 19 a mo, 349 Twelfth street. FUR. H. K.- rooms, new mattress, fine loration. Call 54 n. lotn; no children. Call after 11 A. M. CLEAN, pleasant front H. K. rooms; also two-room suite, moaern, quiet place. 124 E. 15th, near Morrison. c.ast 4oU4. ONE 2-ROOM suite, everything furnished, S4..iu per wee., -w i. at. bu uawy, 1226; H. K. APTS.. including hot and cold water, elbc, gas ana linen. j roaa way, between 3iorrison ana Aiuer. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 1 and 2-room apts., $2.50 per weeK ana up. 364 East M orrlson. Automatic zd'.f-.t. LARGE light housekeeping room, 223 Pine street, petween isi ana za. -ROOM front suite, $30 monthly. 10th st. ROOMS cheap, or will exchange for auto, furniture or painting, cawy. maj. f& WEEK UP. completely furnished h. k. suites, xne taauiac, aa near jetiersoa. 2 AND 3-ROOM furnished h. k. rooms. heat. Mgnt ana teiepnone. ivy in. xotn. $3.50 WEEK up. furni&iied h. k. rooms. FURNISHED H. K. ROOMS AND SUITES, VERY REASON A PL. WAK. 33 I. FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished h. k. rooms, very reasonable. 4Q ltn st. NICE, clean furnishea housekeeping rooms. 3i6 lamhili. JEFFERSON APTS 2-room apt., 305 J e fferson gt.. corner Firth. FURNISHED h. k. rooms. $1.50 per week and up. electric lights. 326 First st. LARGE front H. K. room, first floor, rea sonable. 426 Burnside, near 10th. 2-ROOM furnished h. k.; adults only. Stephenson court, 16th and Mill sts. ROOM suite, telephone, bath, hot, cold water. 67 North 20th st. Broadway 4123. FURNISHED h. k. room with kitchen ette. 444 E. Broadway. H.'-. ROOMS, center of city, furnished. 227 Washington st office 31 2. RENT Room, $1.50 week; also housekeeping. 373 East Mill gt. ROOMS for light housekeeping. Tabor 4507, FOR RENT. Housekeeping Booms. NEWLY renovated and modern 2-room housekeeping apts., In coolest hotel in city; brick building; clo&e in; light, gas, hot and coid water; telephone service; clean linen once a week; all for $4.50 to $6 per week. Sleeping rooms $3.00 weeK and up. Grand union .otei, aoi E. Burnside. between Union ave. and Grand ave. $12 UP TO S16 oer mo., best light H. K. rms. In city, absolutely clean. Must be seen to be appreciated: each rm. suit able for 1 or 2 resot. working persona. The place where you can save money on rent. ueimonte. ltil stout, 1 dik. 01 20th and Wash. LARGE h. k. room, extra well furnished, $15 month; 2 rooms, $22; sleeping rooms, I2.3U-I3 week; board and room, a ween. uau mrs Madrona st Woodlawn car to Durham st. Phone Wdln. 2675. FURNISH SD h. k. rooms, I room with kitcheuette. hot and cold water; private pnone. electric light steam neat; ziv minutes' walk to town. 281 Columbia. near 6th. o civ ior - large nousettee pnig d.nce of hoV and cold Wer;" another apartment with, private bath, $8 week. inira st. 71 EAST 11TH ST. N. 2 large rooms, H. j k. apt., first floor; running water, out side rooms, private entrance; price $22.50; free lights, bath, telephone. laundry trays. Phone E. 5;S3. NICE, clean, front 2-room h. k. apart ment. $5.50 a week: close in. Why pay cart are 7 city Hall Apartments. otn st.. near Madison. Main win. WELL furnished and thoroughly cleaned large 2-room housekeeping apt., not and cold water, every convenience. 507 Clay St., near 15th. Mar. 3602. THRBB clean, well furnished h. k. rooms. 1st floor: running water; gas range, batn. laundry. Suitable for 3 or 4 people, in Irvington. 412 E. Oth st. ONE LARGE clean, well furnished house keeping room. Everything furnished. Rent reasonable. 101 North 2-d st. Marshall 22h8. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, single or double; gas. walking distance, tree 1 lights, bath and phone; reasonable renu o-; Morrison. .Broadway it-. 2 AND 3-ROOM housekeping apartments. clean and well furnished ; very reason able rates. 392 East-Burnaide, corner or Grand avenue. . SUITE furnished housekeeping rooms. light, water, phone and gas for cooking furnished; $20 per month. 343 10th st., I corner Market. 2 OR 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, light. gas, heat and phone included; nice place. Reasonable. 314 Failing st. Wdln. 2785. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, kitchen, lovely residence, 768 Park ave.. close to city park and C. C. car. See them. Main 4278. WELL-FURNISHED flat. waiKing ais- tance; adults only. 642 Belmont, corner of East 12th. NICELY-FURNISHED housekeeping rms. clean, running water; reasonable. i- 33th st. LOVELY large outside 2-room suite for housekepelng. So. 50 week:. Mont gomery. This la very reasonable: 2 beds. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms, $15 up, Including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. OR 2 FRONT housekeeping rooms, fur nished, walking distance Bdwy. bridge. I Adults. MancocK. iu-io. TWO-ROOM apt. second floor, facing park; one front sleeping room, first floor. Reasonable. 404 Park st. TWO LARGE completely furnished h. k. rooms, ba th, light and pnone, 12-.0U. Tabor 2720. ONE LARGE h. k. room, bath attached, $5 per week; 1 single, $3. 32( 3d. Opposite audltorium. VERY desirable front housekeeping suit, running water, fine larr windows ana porch. 128 N. 18th st. SINGLE h. k. rooms, $6 to $10 per month. including gas. bath and lobby privilege; suites $12 to $20 per mo. 412 N. l!Hh st. , -ROOM apartment, convenient, reason able. Columbia 343. 1717 Portsmouth ave. Hvae4trfpiitg Rooms In Private Family. VACANT JULY 1 Three well-furnished rooms, large and clean; old ivory and white enamel finish, in large, fine resi dence; lights, phone, water and garbage furnished ; adults only. 955 Interstate ave., Mississippi car to Prescott, west on Prescott to store. Woodlawn 4551. E WLY papered rooms for sleeping or nouseKeeping; ovenooKiag city; elec tricity, gas, telephone, west side, con veniently located between two car lines. Main 651. 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms, large and clean, on first floor, suitable for family or three or four adults; also 2 furnished H. K. rooms on second floor, near 2 car lines. 660 Savier st. Bdwy. 1473. IT I Vli! well fnrnicho1 nuitiia ami 1nin porch, piano, water, phone, electric I lights, garage and yard, suitable for 4 or 5 people, adults only, $75. No. 69 East 30th North. Phone East 40.6. $25 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, water, light and phone free. 3SU Lowns dnle, near old fire station on Mont- go mery!MarshaMlML FOR RENT Furnished h. k. apt., bath, heat and phone and stationary tubs; rent reasonable. n a )i I a HVi So uIpp Phnn Broadway 533t. LARGE, light, clean, well furnished room wlih small kitchen. gas range, sink walking distance. Bdwy. 2472, 553 Hoyt street. FOR RENT Front room with piano and use of kitchen ; walking distance, west ride; $20 per mo. c. S. preferred. Main 6412. LIGHT h. k. basement rooms for rent. Clean and well ventilated. Free phone and bath. Close in; reasonable rent. 315 Market Pt. Mrs.- H. R. Knudson. 4 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, lower floor of private residence, walking dis tance. 445 Fifth st. Marshall 3022. 1 ROOM and kitchenette; 1 single house keeping room; nice, light, clean rooms. 527 Taylor st., close In. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. walking distance from J road way bridge. Adults, $25 per month. 441 Ross st. WELL-FURNISHED 3-room apt., lights water, phone. Also 2-room - apt. 666 Hoyt st. TWO FURNISHED h. k. rooms, 2 beds, electric lights and gas ranges. isth st. 16 N, THREE clean, large outride east front partly furnished H. K. rooms; no other tenants. .Mam HMD. THREE housekeeping rooms, 2 furnished fit per month. 2x college St., Det. ta and 4th. 2 GOOD housekeeping rooms, very reason able; private home. Oob East Couch, near 30th. East 60S. 2 FRONT h. k. rooms, elec. lights and bath furnished; running water in rooms. 103 North 17th st. Broadway 4Hol. TWO LARGE, modern newly furnished front housekeeping rooms; adults only, 2-til i;tth st. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms adults. Call Monday, Auto. 230-16. 830 Glenn ave. 2 LARGE rooms, dressing room, pantry range, sink. Separate entrance, close in. 440 Jefterson. 2 CLEAN, furnished housekeeping rooms, good location, rent $25. includes every thing, ttast i. 2 CLEAN, well furnished housekeeping rooms, electricity, gas, phone, west side, walking distance. 2il Montgomery si LIGHT, clean, cheerful front h. k. room, very reasonable. layior. CLEAN, light front h. k. room, $4; close in 408 Main. LARGE downstairs room and kitchen close In. 321 6th. FRONT room, $10 per month. Gas. free elec. phone, batn. ao tn st. LoVELY, clean apartment, downstairs, fine home. 7io ioyt. jwarsnan aao. NICE large h. k. room, kitchenette, rea sonable. Call evenings, bast oojii. ONE FRONT housekeeping room, reason able. 6'Jo Davis. H. K. ROOMS, double and single, private home. 60 Everett THREE pieasant rurnished H. K. rooms to adults, ooo iamnni. main -iio, 2 LARGE h. k. rooms, private hall, use of laundry; walking distance, n.ast -awj. FOR RENT Furnished h. k. rooms. 389 Grand ave. N. East QWV. 2 FRONT h. k. rooms, sink, 180 17th St., corner Yamnii. FOR RENT 3 clean h. k. roome. modern, $20 per month. 68 Shaver st. H K. PRIVILEGES in fine, modern home piano. Sellwood 836. CLEAN, airy h. k. room. 300 N. 22d. Phone Broadway 2028. TWO LARGE housekeeping rooms rea sonable, walking distance. 3i2 I4tn st. URNISHED housekeeping rooms; light, bath, phone. 288 14th st. CE. light front suite, with or without light H. K. ; reasonable, ooo Ataqison st. WO FURNISHED H. K. rooms, close In, reasonable. 371 E. 7th Bt. S. WO CLEAN furnished housekeeping rms. 540 Stark. - CLEAN, pleasant furnished h. k, room to adults. o.o Yamhill St., Main 44io. WO LARGE front rooms, usual conven iences, close in; reasonable, E. 12th. ROOM COTTAGE. 825 SCHUYLER ST. NEAR 1ST. ROOM house, walking distance. 124 E. 18th; $45. Broadway 5358 TTR ACTIVE house boat, all modern con veniences. Sellwood 2443. $35 DELIGHTFUL 6-room home; 367 Weidler. yard; adults only. OR RENT 5-room house. 853 1st st. FOB BENT. FOR RENT. Completely furnished Laurelhurst home, only 2 blocks from park; 3 blocks to car; July and August. Everything furnished. $100 per month. 1 PHONE TABOR 1478. J poR LEASE 0-room house. modern, lower floor oak finish; newly reno vated: fine rpment basement: furnace on good corner in good neighborhood ana wanting distance; must oe rewu' kIKIa nnrtip with tm small children rent reduced to $75 per month: will lease for 2 years. W. B. Peaira, 14 E. Yamhill. Tabor 9563. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow fir-Anitas hniit-fn fPAturfi. danay uuic lriffh.n ' hu.ament eiriiCC. chicken house, fine garden; $35 per month; no Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR RENT-8-room house, upstairs can Ka nri. tun ?4H B. 2uth st.. end of Brooklyn car; vacant; owner there today, Monday call RALPH HARRIS CO.. REALTORS 8 Chamber of Commerce. Main 561.4, ai v -..wnow hunirainw to desirable ten ants: hardwood doors, run iNuomeu laundry tray, two lots, plenty of fruit Woodlawn district, one block from car J3t. Main oo'ju. vriR t.KAKK Kine corner houae, 7 large, Ho-Vit uirv rnnmH. tireDlaCB. OaS Iinifeu, plateglass windows; tenant mustbe se ible: rent $70. 353 Hol- laday ave.. East Third st. t-daau mniprn hniisA and 3 acres, io- cated on hard-suriace roaa station on the Oregon Electric; $40 pet mnnth- nn fhiidren. See McCormic, 24- AVashington st. Main 8220. 4 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in attractive home; wnue enaniei, entrance. Fine neighborhood. Adults only. i15 East Taylor, cor 30th. Tabor 5501 7-ROOM modern bungalow; will lease 6 months rent in advance, or u small cash payment, bal. rental terms. 662 H. 77th N. Rose City car, iapor iat-t. CALL BROADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. I.IftHT POWER HEAT. "WAS H I NGTON AT 10TH ST. T.nwKR floor of mv home, unfurnished middle-aged couple, no children; every rnnvninni'M. beautiful location, fine home. References required. 340 E. 60th. 8-ROOM modern house, clean, good shape, 1070 Eat Lincoln street. Rent $3o a month. 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1063 m ..- mm hnnlnw with earare. Ladd s addn. Rent $50. A. T. Wright, 366 Larch st. Phone East 8oC2. 6-ROOM unfurnished house. Sell wood, aear car. 30 montn. Air. romroy. THOMSON & THOMSON, Realtors, 620 Henry Bldg. Broadway 480. FOR RENT 5 rooms, modern, close in; well-arranged for rerenting one or two rooms; adults only; partly lurnianeu. 800 Russell st. FOR RENT. K.mnm bungalow on East 35th St. Only half block to car line. $37.50 per month. Phono Tabor 147a. u-ROOM house, 3 bedrooms, furnace, tun Dasement, on canine , muuci u. K w garage, close in- newly kalsomined. Call Monday, East 8646. van rknt s-room cottage. b34 Emerson at.. S12 per montn. Uiiii at j,xj.o jaat I 17th North for key. I 3-ROOM house for rent; gas and eiec- tricity, near car line. $15. Apply 231 East 82d street North ;uoiERN 5-room bungalow, $25. Couple with or without baby. Fine garden. Call 614-28 after 9 A. M. Sunday. 6-ROOM modern house on Moore and Kill ingsworth; large garden, garage. Phone East 8421. Johnson. ELK TRANSFER dc STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free. Furniture moving for less. Bdwy. . 244B MOVING Pianos, furniture and long-dis tance hauling a specialty. . c v. irucn Service Co., 40 2d st. Phpne Bdwy 5121, MODERN 7-room bungalow, close in, Irv ington, furnished or unfurnisnea; vacant July 1. AC 723, Oregonian. A LITTLE 3-room house, 2 lots, garden and berries. Woodlawn car to atn ana Dekum. 2 blocks south. 700 Liberty st. 6-ROOM house, modern, furnished or un furnished; acre or ground. acre iruit. Broadway 1437. . 5-ROO moJern bungalow, nicely lo cated. Capitol Hill station. $30 month. adults only. Marshall l4. IRVINGTON Modern 7-room house. East Broadway, corner E. 17th st. Rent $65. East 76t6 633 N 5-ROOM bungalow, bath lectricity, gas, newly tinted. 1173 Gay St., St. Johns car. Call at 1I7 3JA jay. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Trans. Ce , Main 1261. 202 Aider it. SIX-ROOM modern house. 531 Center st. Sellwood carline. $35. Phone Mllwaukie 1-R. . . KuUa house for rent. $25. 1246 East ... . w n l T ..... RJTi! sflu. 0th north. Phone Tabor 5476. after Sunday. FoR RENT Nicely furnished 6-room mod- ern house, including piano, fo. itf6 East 0th st. North, or cail Wdln. 46tiO. G-ROOM house, unfurnished, good loca tion. $30. Call today. 642 aat at. No cnifs after 5 o'clock. INSPECT bu E. lotn at. North; just va cated; 6-room cottage. iruit, garage, adults, $35.66. Owner, box 68. Astoria. HOUSE of S roomi with one acre. 2502 near Division. In Main 6278. East list street. quire 130 Sixth Bt. 7-ROOM, part furnished. Sellwood dis trict. Cail at b;i2 Marion at., atter 11 Monday, or phone Mllwaukie 44-Y 6-ROOM corner house, good location, 2 blocks from Hawthorne eve. can e&o East Main St., after 0 A. M. 5-ROOM house, electric lights, gas, bath room, fruit trees, Dernes, -:u. aaoor 4oi2 40th and East Hoyt. ALBERTA 5 rooms, bath, gas and elec tric lights, o per montn. rnone Woodlawn 156. LEASE to responsible adults. 7-room mo ern bungalow, about juiy id; reierences. AC 775, Oregonian. 6-ROOM clean, modern house. 5516 30th ave., Vt block of car. Archer Place sta tion. Mt. scott car, auiq. oie-ou. r.hoom house modern, furnace, conveni ent location; adults only. Inquire 660 Kerby st. a. fixe modern 7-room Irvlngton home newly painted: possession Immediately. N 762, oregonian. MOURRN 8-room houae. sleeping porch 636 E. 38th st. N., Beaumont. Tabor 3832. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 8 rooms. Mrs. L. K. Moore, 281 E. 14th st. N. E. 8254, FOR SALE or rent, two-story, six-room house. Bast 16th and Belmont. Call 220-04. For RENT 0-room modern house, 67 31st st. N., Irvington, near Fremont. $73, oodlawn 2'.u. FOR RENT 8-room modern house, 455 E. 12th st.. $50. Woodlawn 2OS0. CLEAN, modern 6-room nouse, good dis- trie t. walking distance. Call East 1006, 8-ROOM house for rent, wood 8157. Phone Sell- 6-ROOM house, walking distance, modern. 701 First st. rhone 3i-ui. MODERN, clean. 4-room cottage. 867 Hood st.: no children. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. 854 Hood st. adults. South Portland car. 10 ACRES and houe for rent, close in. 25 H 1st St. N JULY 5, modern 7-room house with sleep nig porch, wain. tsnn. LARGE 8-room house for rent. 655 North- nip. FOR RENT 6-room bungalow, 606 East 61st st. North, from 10 A. M. to 4 f. m 4-ROOM house, partly furnished, with H acre. Call woodlawn 5802. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow, Sellwood 112a. 4-ROOM housee at Multnomah station, O. E. Ry. J. D. Stewart. Multnomah. Or. 5-ROOM house lor rent, $30 per month. 6737 53d ave. CLEAN 5-room house to adults only. E. 26th St., $20. j 7-ROOM house for rent. 706 East 7th st. s. w oodiawn - i. 6-ROOM house, basement. 810 1st st., $13 per mo. Call Main 1038. Mar. Poop. Furnished Houses. 7-ROOM modern house, nicely furnished. lease 1 year; adults only. 173 E. 20th. East 4672. 6-ROOM furnished bungalow. Call 338 E. 4Tth st. Tabor luao. $75 ELEGANTLY furnished 8-room home. Call aionaay. iast aoo. FURNISHED 6-room bungalow, 240 East 2d st. nawtnorne car. MODERN furnished 6-room house,- $35. East 6080. 5-ROOM furnished house for rent. Call before 12 Ax. AUtomatio za-aa.. 4-ROOM upper floor, 338 Tillamook st,; wa lk ing distance. ROOMS, $25; modern, school. Powell Valley. Mt. Scott car. 533 FIVE-ROOM bungaluw cottage, 1012 Eaat Sth street North. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house. Wheeler st. $22.50 3-ROOM houae. furnished, includ- ing lights, water. o- .viarKet st. VERT desirable S-room house, beautiful garden, for rent; furnished. Main viv. FOR KENT. Furnished Houses. CHARMING bungalow, in best Irvlngton district, new. immaculately clean, ar rangement particularly convenient: In terior decorations and furnishings artis tic in good taste; will lease to respon sible adults or sell at startling reduc tion from original cost ; consideration given good car or diamonds as part pay ment; possession July L Private owners. 672 East Sixteenth st. North. SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES. 524 Heights terrace. Portland Heights; 3 rooms, large glassed-in porch, fine view mountains and city; 20 minutes' walk to heart of city; Hall-st. car on Morrison st. to 13th st., 2 blocks west. See to appreciate. Don't miss this. Rea sonable rent. ft-ROOM modern bungalow, fully equipped - chicken ranch, 1 acres; 275 select O. A. O White Leghorns. 1 yr. old, for $230; rent $45 per month; to lease for 1 year or longer; all city conveniences; close to Multnomah station. Call owner. Main 8166. FOR RENT A furnished 5-room house, floor coverings and curtains new. re cently kalsomined. very comfortable, modern, do not object to babe; 1 block to carline, get off at Anabel; pos session July 1; nine months' lease, $35 month. 5403 3Sth ave. S. E. FOR RENT My furnished 7-room home, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, in suburbs of paved streets; big. light and airy, in pretty location, walking dis tance Reed college. Franklin high, new Woodstock school. Mar. 1596 for appoint ment. LOWER PORTLAND HEIGHTS. BEAU TIFULLY KUK.MSHKU blKll i i-x MODERN HOME, 12 ROOMS, S BATHS, WHITE EN AM. THROUGHOUT, VERY ATTRACTIVE LOCATION. WILL RENT OR SELL. AL 756. OREGONIAN. WILL rent my 7-room furnished residence in suburbs; strictly moaern, duui-uih, paved street, walking distance to Reed college. Franklin high school and new Woodstock school. Mar. 1596 for ap pointment. ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS Attractive - room furnished house witn io n re places, two baths and large porch for July and August; rent $95 per mo. Mar shal! 856. WILL rent four rooms furnished of six- room house, reasonable, east siae, cioso in; references required. Phone East 6905 Sunday or Broadway 344, local 37 after wh rd. FIVE-ROOM furnished bungalow to rent for summer. In Hawthorne district. t,au Sunday or the fore part of the week. Phone Tabor 7154. 1126 East Stepneu st., Portland, Or. FOR RENT For summer months, elegant and complete Irvlngton nome, grana Diano. victrola. electric washer and mangle; sleeping porch, garage, tele phone. Monday or after. East 2932. OWNER leaving city, must rent at once for July and August, completely iur nished. modern 8-room house with ga rage; Alameda district. Call Woodlawn 2167. fc'OH RK 'T FURNISHED. Six rooms and large sleeping porch, 3 blocks from Portland hotel; very fine furnishings; also room ior s cars. ' shall 1278 or 800.5. WELL-FURNISHED house. west sld. seven rooms, tnree nearooma. an moa ern conveniences; one block twocnrlines. Phone Marshall 304. or call 306 N. 24th St.. after 10. . FOR RENT 2 months, at $30 per month. 6-room furnished nouse. a diocks irmn Irvlngton car. Call Woodlawn 3840 be tween 9 A. M. and 2 P. M. 7-RooM furnished house, west side, good location ; 175 month. si r. romroy. THOMSON & THOMSON, Realtors, 620 Henry B1!g. Broadway 4ks0. IRVINGTON attractively furnished home for summer. All latest electrical con veniences. Want responsible people. Rent no object. East 61 SO. ROOM cottage furnished, electric lights and gas. fruit trees, one block from street car, $25 per month. Phone Co lumbia 401. IRVINGTON attractively and completely furnished 7-room residence ior juiy anu August; bargain for the right party; references required. 811 Halsey. E. 2733. URN1SHED house for rent; all modern; garage: has always rented for $35. Will take $25 for 3 months or longer. Auto. LADY, alone, will share large, nicely fur nished house witn congenial young couple or 2 sleeping rooms for gentle men. Tabor 7173. 335 38th st. OR RENT 5-room house, partly fur nished, garden planted, o diocks soutn Eroll station. Estacada carline; 7c car fare. COMPLETELY furnished, clean. 6-room house: piano: east siae. waiKing uis tance, reasonable. 8 months, to adults. East 3013. f i .w. n: comfortable 7-room house ; yar sleeping porch, furnace and player piano for rent or lease for 1 year. by. 3Ji n. 44th, near Hawthorne. JULY 1ST, strictly modern. 5-room bun galow, completely furnished, near two curlines. 6u per montn; nawmuruo ui- trict. X 767. Oregonian. FURNISHED 6-room house, Irvlngton; .ininu- norch niann. Victrola. all mod- m imnrovements. large yard. Rent for July and August. Phone East 6S50. ATTRACTIVELY furnished 6-room modern house, glassed-ln sleeping porch, bearing fruit trees, Immediate possession. 3'0 . last Vin. sr. .orm. mo. LADY will share home with employed couole. Every home privilege, good neighborhood, walking distance. Reitr ences required. Auto. 214-80. IN BEAUMONT. Completely furnished 0-room bunga low with garage for July and August. Tabor 5IW1 E. 4 1 t st. N. FOR RENT Artistic modern 5-room bun galow flat, niceiy iurnisneu, mwu, rage, porches; permanent, adults; $o0. Automatic 616-73. FURNISHED house, facing ocean, near Breakers hotel, Washington. Apply . H. Page. 120 Front st. B-ROOM furnished bungaiow, piano and phonograpn. owner resei vch uw i'i i room upstairs. No children. Tabor 3H22. FOR RENT Furnished house, lower floor, walking distance. call alter ounaay. 4i! E. Burnside. FOR RENT 7-room furnished house, good neighborhood, near car line. t-au xaoor 8S5 -- FRONT, strictly modern, beautiful loca tion, eaat side home; $4 and $3.50 per week: references. East 4 SOS. FOR RENT Completely furninhed 5-room bungalow; garage. 7036 Powell Vaiiey road. Auto. 621-67. 8-ROOM home In Irvington with garage, no silver or linen. 673 Clackamaa st. Phon e E a s tJ 41. 835 NEAT 5-room furnished bungalow and garage for the summer. Call after 11 M.. 1117 E. 6th N. Auto. 321 -33. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room bungalow with garage, for July and August, $75 month. Tabor 5681. . 4-ROOM modern, furnished house, no bath; garden, fruit; on paved street. block from WS car. 3-ROOM furnished house for summer; modern and attractive; rent reasonable. Woodlawn JOhl. MODERN 6-roum furnished houae with sleeping porch, for July and August, $ii0 pgr montn. cenwooq tot. FURNISHED bungalow. 061 E. 17th N end of Irvington car, 2 blocks east, Auto."" 327-50. 5 ROOMS. MODERN. 1 BLOCK FROM HAWTHORNE; $60. 1274 EAST MADI SON, COK.N fill 44'1 M ROSE CITY. For rent, furnished 4-room bungalow. 674 East 67th street rsortn. crin iniv anH Aiicimt. fine furnished Ala meda Park home with nice grounds and garage, Ta per monin. oomawa owu. 6-ROOM furnished house, Woodstock or Sellwood car; ; rent, t-an cvciuokb. 6 o'clock. 5li0 Gideon street. FURNISHED 5-room modern house, St Johns car. Get off at Denver ave. 7t West Sumner street. Marshall 6070. K.TinriM nlainlv-f urnished house. Sunny side, $35; adults; references, can today. 1004 East Main. FURNISHED houae for rent, suitable for working people, cheap rent. 114 r. atn St., near Aider, aquiip. 5-ROOM modern furnished cottage. 3oJ E. 11th st. s., corner Mevens. ua rage, garden. East 5235. Cloe In. if'URNISHED house for. rent. July and Au- gust; 5-room nouse at r irioca station, Oregon Electric Call Main 10S3. Ta EAST BURNSIDE 6 large rooms, com pletely rurnmnea, piano, no. reierenco reo. u i red . M al n u4.; mornings. SIX-ROOM furnished house: private home; rent ior juiy anu auk-. m " - Schuyler st.. corner 10th. East 3746. FURNISHED house in Hawthorne district; 8-room house, piano, nrepiace, corner lot, 1 block from car; lease. 302 E. 37th. FURNISHED 4-room lower Loor in pri vate home, ior z moninB; reasonauie. 257 B:w t 32d. Tabor 9S4. FIVE-ROOM furnished house; want a 12- month-a-year occupant; a mon'.n. 455 13th at. 8-room furnished house, modern, 365 Hal sey near Lnion ave. MODERN furnished 5-room bungalow. Rose city, garage, a ot. oregonian. TO LEASE A home, 9 rooms, sieeping porch. Automatic $50 5-ROOM house furnished at 1012 E. .Main St. open p ;au mini o an nuaj. fi-ROOM well-furnlshed house, reasonable, close in. 103 e. i2tn st. r. cast nai. ROOM furnished for iease until first of year. 6303 04th st. Aut. 221-12. -ROOM house, nice place for children. E ast 20C5. 507 E. f!herman. -ROOM furnished house to Sept. 15; no children. Ca 11 East B0.S2 Sunday. 5-ROOM modern house, furnished, rent reasonable. 6u0 Clinton st. FOR BENT. Furn if hed Jlonsrs. FOR RENT Juiy. August and September, beautifully furnished 6-room bung low with, garage, in Rose City Park; adults only; reference required. Call week day or evening. 656 E. 53d st. N. MODERATE rent for ground floor of fur nished house during summer, upper sleeping room. $2. Call Monday after 9 A M., 16 East Sth st. N. . FURNISHED 6-room house Ub piano, west side; $50. Call before 11 A. M. Mrs. Glpason, Marshall 568. 6-ROOM house Cleveland ave. 332-30. furnished nicely. Piedmont; $65. 1201 Auto. WILL leae my modern, completely fur nished ti-room bungalow home, voo r.. Franklin st. SelJwood 2377. 6-ROOM furnished house. 883 E. 36th st. South; $50 month. Sell wood 2088. Houtf for Kent Furniture ior hale. MUST SELL AT ONCE. T will take a big loss on my seven -room furnished flat, beautiful home and Income, west side, close in. MILLS, 694 Everett St. IRVINGTON. , Close in, Broadway car line, 6-room modern house for rent. $45 a month ; furniture practically new, good grade, for sale. Small income if wished. East 324. COMPLETE furnishings two bedrooms, dining room, living room, kitchen; rent ing houe optional ; really first-class. Come and see it today if you want everything complete, ready to kep house; genuine bargain. It. K. iamnni, SEVEN-ROOM house, will sell any part of furniture, mahogany piano, fumed oak dining beds, carpets, sectional book cases, gas range. Ruud gas heater, elec tric carpet sweeper, etc. 450 East 19th North. FURNITURE for saie In modern 6-room flat; neat and clean; good home with income; right down town: if you ar looking for a bargain this la one you can't afford to mi.-i. Main 2207. 5-ROOM houso for rent, $23. to party buying furniture; 1 room rented $16; walking distance. Aut. 528-54. 466 W. Broadway. , SLEEPY-HOLLOW cottage. Manhattan . Bt-ach. beginning July 10; 6 rooms, fire place, plumbing, sleeping porch. 201 .Oregon bldg. Broadway 2403. 7-ROOM flat, completely furnished, beau tiful home and income from rented rooms; strictly modern; close in. on west side; jSOQ down. Mills, 604 Everest st. LARGE eight-room house, doss in, west side, 5 rooms rented to steady roomers; furniture good grade. Bargain; price Incl uries linen, dishes, etc. 2.5 N. 21st. GooD furniture "of 6 rooms, iiae r,ew7n vacuum cleaner: all for $375. House for rent. 52 K. 70th st. N. 4-ROOM house, clean snd neat; some fur niture for sale. Including range. 1610 E. HaUy. Tabor 8770 after 10 A. M 6-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale, 747 Everett St.. near 23d. Call alter 10 A. M.. Main 7S20. FURNITURE for 4 rooms for sale; one piece or all and five-room house to rent. 434 11th st FOR SALE 6-room house, well furnished" rent $6, $i50. 467 23d N. Automatic 524-12. CANNON ho u Fes. BEACH cottages. al?o tent C. L. Wfngard, 553 MnrrUton APARTMENT for rnt and furniture fur sale. Hroadwiiy 2032. 8-ROoM house at 36? "Broadway for rent anil turnif ure for fale. 5-KOoM cottage for rent cheap, close In furniture sh erf fired. Phone East 44'i 5-ROiJlM house, rent $22.60. Furniture for hho che;ip. 4 14 Hawthorne a ve. FURNITURE of an 8 -room hnuae for kale, house for rent ; close in. Est (Summer Keort. FOR RENT Beach center. 7-room house. 8 bedd, running water in house; $175 for fteason; 3-room, 2 beds. i0 for season; 3-room cottage, first two weeks in Julv, $25; all furnished. Box 36. Long Bech. Wash. OCEAN PARIv BEACH 7-roorn house for rent for season, 3 bedrooms, good gar den; furnished. M'llliam G. tipilter. Ocean Park. ash. 6EAfI DE. OR. Rose Court. 2-room apartments and cottages ready for the week-end. month or season ; 2 beds, wood, light and water. M. L. Hayes. 32 S 4th ave.. west side. 4-ROOM cottage, 3 rooms down and 1 up nirelv furnished: beautiful view ot oceal from upf-trtira porch ; . located at Long Beach. Wash, rent reasonable. Call Columbia 1043. SALTAIR FURNISHED COTTAGE. $650. terms, weli built, four rooms. 2 large norrhrs. lot 50x'.0. board K alk, short distance from ocean and station. East 3 D4, M iiln SH78. 830 N. W. Ba n k B.dg, TWO-ROOM cottage for rent. Rockaway Beach. Phone K. 1647. apt. No. 1. or write to Martha Smith, Rockaway Beach. Or. SEA VIEW, WASHINGTON. 1-room and sleeping tent, run ning water; for rent for July. Address AL 725, OregoniHn. FOR RENT, season. Seaside, 7-room cot tage, on Broad M ay, electric lights, hot water, near Seaside hotel. Call East 1 30S. , WANTED TO RENT 4-room clean cottage at Sea vie or Tioga. Address for 2 days. Mrs. J. B Tn n n e t. Long Beach. Wash. THREE furnished houses. all conven iences, at Twin Rocks, also tent. Tabor 8827. SEAVIEW, Wash. 5-room cottage, ocewn frontage, mountain water, hot and coid; 4 beds. East 1454. FOR RENT During July and August, seven-room furnished house at beach. Main 6324. FOR RENT AT SEASIDE. 6-rontn furnished house. block from ocean, July and August. Call 215-10. GEARH ART Desirable 8-room cottage, sun porch, fireplace, electricity ; rent $3oO for season. Marshall 2t2. SEASIDE 5-room furn. cottage, cozy, clean. 3 beds; mo. or season. Juiy, Box 354. FURNISHED cottage it Newton , Box 163. itatinn Long Beach, Wasn. 233-41. Auto. iron it E'T Two-roomed furnished cot tage one olooK rrom oeacn. ppiy H. P. Kimball. Seaside. Or. SEASIDE, modern cottage near ocean. 5-room East 7454. FOR RENT Rex cottage. Ocean Pnrk, Wash., 3 rooms; ov season. e.hii itoo. Kei. 100 K. 3th st. SEASIDE Modern 4-room bungalow, hot und cold water. Keierencea, s.'ou sea son. Tabor 13-M. FOR RENT For the season, rurnimiea cottage. Ocean rarK, waan. rveiirrni-e required. Mrs. Colllsnn, 443 E. Clay st. AT GEARH ART, rooms and apariiuent for rent on main street, n. m. ttooion, uear hart. Or.. Box 504 5-ROOM cottage for rent at Ocean Tark. W a III., rurnisnea com yieke uru ding. East 5J'.. WANTED Furnished cottage. Seaside or Tillamook beaches, last two weeaa jmy. Marshall 35S. FOR RENT, reasonable. 4-rooin furnished cottage st Long Beach, Wash.. Call Mar shall 3075. or apt. 40, Westfall apts. SEAVIEW Comfortably furnished cot tage, hot,- cold water, bath, four beds. Bex ' 06. Sea view. Wash. gEAVIE-W 7-room furnished houae; rent reasonable, gooa location, iojo n nmm ette blvd.. city. tii. i i;ooK REACH Two nice 3-room -ulaVea at Ocean lake, near depot. Tabor . 575(. rooms and board st Stop and Rest Inn a Cannon - Beach. Write I. O. Schram, Ecoia, Or. p rk-AiVAY beach. 10 coitai-i for rent. furnished, 1, 2 and 3 rooms. Address Box 21. RocKaway. r. LONG BEACH, Wash., beach cottage for saie, trade or rem. j oouaon, wuiuiuoi Beach Co., 248 Stark st. SE SIDE-ASTORIA stage leave New Houston hotel, 72 N. 6th St., 2 A. M., 9 A. M., 12 noon. 3:30 P. M. SEASIDE, Del Mar apta., cor. 3d st. and 2d ave.; furnished complete for 4 people, wood. etc. Weekend autolsta cared for. MOFKITT cottage. Seaview. Wash., roon and board, home cooking; cottages to let. FOR SALE Lots 16 and K, block DO, Rockaway 200 Concord bldg. 5-ROOM cottage on the ridge. Seaside. Marshall 4 t oi. STOP IN "Pop Inn apts., Barviw, Or. rates $2 To ?o per nay; ocean view. OWN NEW cottage at Gearhart which 1 will share ior juiy. Automatic aia-ii. SEASI DE Bungalow, modern, referenda O w ne r. la nor xai. OCEAN CREST, h. k. apts. Pnone 614 10. Add re ssoc e an t-rest. noemway, ur. A FINE 5-room cottage for tent at Ocean Fark. wooinawn CANNON BEACH tent houses furnished complete. C i wingara. ooa .tiorrison st. SEAVIEW, WASH. 7-room cottage to rent for s ea son. oooiawn 1 1 vo. OCEAN PARK, 4-rooin furnished cottage on ridge: rer. Udwy. 14.- SMALL house at Hammond, Or., some furniture, lis per season. isast n. 3-ROOM furnished cottage at Seaside for season. Main bJ'J. ueiore noon. SEASIDE Modern 6-room cottage ftnd room apt, laoor oi i. SEASIDE fami ly. -Room and p; nmih!f . board in private 15 2d t. SEA VIEW 5-rouiu cottage, f irt-plact, $50. July or longer. $ln wk. Tabor 6034. OCEAN PARK, 4-room furnished cottage on ridge; references. Broadway 1426, FOR RENT. hummer tteerts. LOT OWNERS AT MANHATTAN BEACH AND HIOHLAND PARK. WE ARE HAVING A NUMBER OF TH K EE AND FOl'lt-ROoM COTTAGES BUILT AT THE BEACH AT A VERY MODERATE COST. A FEW uF THESE CAN BE RENTED FOR SEASON; OUR CONTRACTOR IS OX TH E GROUND AND CAN TAKE ON A FEW MORE CONTRACTS IF INTERESTED. ADDRESS WET"H A MAC FALL. 4ul-2 lHMNOLuU LLDG. PHONE MAIN 367. $10 A WEEK. Fnx tents furnished lor housekeeping, wood and water includrd; camp grounds in beautiful grove, few minute' drl from the ocean: wonderful p-edwy on hard beach. The best of clamming and boating on inland streams. The first beach below AMoria, your moM beauti ful Clatsop bt ach. COLUJ1BIA BEACH BT-THE-SEA, Make Kef-ervat ions at 218 Stsrk St. Main 512ft. AN IDEAL stopping place at Rsld. The Pine Lodge." Large, commodious summer home. 1 Mork from ocesn, 2 Mocks from Proad ay ; lnrge Inbl-y. 2 fireplaces, bath, shower bath and tennis court, large grounds; rates $2 per day up. with kitchen privlkgts. Mrs. Flora Ferguson, manager. SEA CREST COTTAGES. NEWPORT, ORKG N. Furnished 2 and 8-room cottages, fronting the bench. Very attractive and comfortable. For rent by the week or month. Free bu. Baggage transferred. Chris. Arms, Prop. A BARGAIN at your own price. All of block 05. Srjivle w ; near Long Beach, nice hn Hon; per fect title. Write to R Kohl, 1124 23d st.. Milwaukee, Wis. HARMONY COTTAGE "LAKE LVTLK HV-TliE-SEA. Completely furnithed exoent bed Clothing, accommodate wix ptnous com fortably ; plumbing, o i-an viw ; ready July 1, month or kt-aon. May Enrtglit, P. O.. Manhattan, or. TH IS Alin i-ottagn l S' view. Vah , one of the show places of North Hni h. completely f urnifhe d. mountain spring water, electric lights, fireplace, view of ocean from all rooms. See Mr. Allen. 144 Fifth h(., third floor, or phone eve nlngs. Tuber 1331. FURNISH EH, with exreptfon of bedding ana silverware, d-room cottage, pvte ; cn the ridgu; fine view of ocean; run nlng water; electricity, 3 large beds; thoroughly cleanrd; $0 for July and August. Broadway 36oO. MAKE VACATION TIME A PLEASURE-. The Ocean Club Mansion at OskhIO Ridge beach. Nenalem, Oregon (via Til lamook train), opens July 1. Price rea sonable. For reservations address O. C. M. or J. H., L. li. Edwards. 16oSs 4th 're et st Morrlso n . M a ln 7 2 i 2. LONG BEACH NORTH BKACH IN.V Directly facing ocean. hurt but mux. Large shady grounds. Rooms $1 5tt d.iy and up. FURNISHED Ht 1E K E KIM V TENTS. $10 week. Hotel Orklt-y, Port Und. or N. B. Inn. Lung Bench, Wat-h. BOA R D an.! room on a Urge ranch in the mount In k ; lovely hum with elec tricity, almpinc porches, piano, benLti ful scenery, plenty of freih air and bet of food; Jtto pr month. For uthtr Infor mstion andreon AV ;i.v Of-ccnmn 4 ROOM iiouxe at Multnomah station, t. Hood loop, with 4 urren of park, ber ries and other fruit, for the summer snason. Address letter to otto Klee nmnn. Wooiisioi k J'. O.. box 11. FoR RENT at eidt. n. -r bt'ai h, nlm. furnished tent, 2 doiiM hela, ol, a a ter and elect rlclt y ; $12 ek. I 'hone Sunday forenoon. Main lt07. Monday, M : in 21 J. IN THE m.t wonderful part of TliUmook. To rent, furnished 4-rom houe, by the river. KikIi u g une&reiied. Modem a rent. Ideal for sutumor. O 7ta. Ore gninn. 2 NEW 1ioum', nicely furniNnt d. 4 and rooms, iiuur station and bench; 3 and 3 bedroom. Ity mouth or season, at Ocean Lake. Or , Tillamook Bench. Trices righU R. L. Sampson, Twin Horkx, jr. FOR RENT UNTIL JULY 10. CottMKe at SuItMir (Iillaino.)k beaoh), $10 per week. Phone East 3"t. FOR SALE or rent near Long Beach, fi- room furnivhed tottnge. fining ocean; rent $65 for season. Sell fur 65u cash. Call labor 61 NEAHKAHNIE BKACH For rent, 3-room furnished cotlHge fjd. July 1-15; $12 50 week, Auguat 21 onwards. Eaton, Main 2327. FOR RKNT during Juiy. modern bunga low, lurnisliefl, 4 rooms and bath, ga rage, every convenience. Excellent loca tion. Twin Rocks. $75. Tabor 3467. 6 i-i A SIDE 5-room cottHtte 4 Snug harbor) and garago. 124 Tent ave.; electrlo ItK hts. hat broom well furnished. i'hine . Brouilway 1H3I. Kve., Sellwood 2136 SEA SI DE New. wull-f urmhd cottase; electric ilghu. large living rooms, fire place; 1 liiiK k from oe-aii ; entire ut ou . references. Mar 234, ONE LA RG E house and one small hous; running wm r, coiupieieiy iurniiiieu i'hone Columhla 3 SO or Columbia 887, Catllion beat h. C A N NO N BKACH M o.l e r li furnished hung u low, hot and coid water. Ualli, IlreMace. Addrta M. B. McKay. Lu cre Ua Court. m """ OCEAN PARK. WASHINGTON. Cottage for rent for season, sleeping1 apartments lor a people or more. Phone E ast 5 1 7 ,i. FO R R E N T 5 - roo to co 1 1 u e. t u rn : h ed ; hot and cold w.tter, hah rs Included ; for July to LHhor dny. Ils5. P. O. H iX -' 4 L li' : ch Vah. FOR RENT At Rockaway Death, t-rumn furnished coRHges. tu per t-k; 5 blka, from bench. Mrs. J. A. Bnntt. Rock hwh y . t t . II i . xl i U. Te A RY! A R T Fu r n I It ed t'ottac'. by golf links, electric light., toilet, $50 for re mainder of J une and July. Call Ta bor tiU. b'M A LL, neat, clean, doirabie cot tag e, running water. grttxy, fenced ysrd; on ridu, sea view. $75 tor season. M. Wal ton. Sraview. Wash, LONG BKaCH, ah.. ou tli ridge. Com pletely furnished a pts , reimnnn bie. In quire Mia L. J. i'siker, Long Beach, Wash. MACLEAN'S CA M I OS W EGO LAKE. One summer cottage for rent, boating, fish ing, sw imining. See caretaker at camp. FOR JULV, Tillamook beach, near Ha.lmr station, 3-room furntsiied cottage nn ocean front lot; adults preferred. $40. EatJM:. Ht30 Eact Mornoii. AT SEAVIEW, attractive 6 room cottng7, fine location, fireplace, bat h, lei t no lights, for season ; alao 4-room cottage last 2 eeks In August. East 2'tO. FOR-RKNT UntiTAuguKt 1. 7 -room liouot Senvlew, Wash.; 4 buiirooms. batliroimi, on the ocean front, 1 lu k from stutioii. A pply Mrs. Whee UvrM a i n6iM 1 4 . WE WILL rent our cottage on Still creek, pear Rhododendron, luhy ftlrnthed. for the month of July. Call Mhim 3m7 day time, or SHIwood 4.6 evenlngit THE ALPi'l.N. Sleeping rooms, h. k rooms, h. k. tent good location ar.d rustic yard. Sead, Or. COS V l uriiilu d cot luge. Long ilea c It, Wash., to Augut-t 15, 55. Conveniently lot-Jtted. Eitst 11M4. FOR R ENT A 5-rooin furnished cot tag at Seaview, Wah. Inquire 2-'6 Stai k. 0KAV1EW. Wab.- 6-room coitsge Main 113. for rent, furnished. &ure and Huute I'imri. n. tn. avaliable about July 1; LARGE stoieiooi suitable for ret il, located on BawtJiorre between Union and Grand call :iM xj Hawthorne ave. STORE for rent, good location for cloth- ing or hardware or any other buiiness; reasonable rent; will give lease. Call ai 240 Yamhill STORE room wilIi living room in back, iieed of bakery or dry goods store at Archer PlMce station. Mt. fecotl car. Auto. 61 4 -m. FOR RENT Front-su eel store room with well equipped office, good room, weii located. Inquire Cars tens Packing C- 43 Front st. SL'HL'KHAN store room, new building, tun able for cah grocery, unxi-ry or tuu-h-r shop; reasonable rent. Ca il Ta hor 11 '6. FINE top floor 5txl(t0. good llglit, clectrto elevator, long lease. $75 a month. D. C W a x. 24 N. 5th. Bdw y 2 73 1. ENTIRE uppr floor. 25x50. good HuhU near luth ana iurnsiue, cneap. Udwy, M. DESlrtABLE space in fireproof r h n u phone Rroadwav 371B STORE to rent and fixtures for aale 5434) Washington st.. near itn st. STORE for rent, reasonable. Call 7"2 b-nuy blvd. STORE for rent, at once. 6ih and Waa.k. it. W ', tregonian. F K RENT 2-room houne at Gearhatt, f t5 for the senwo n hell, vi. FOR RENT Desk tpc with stnuraphlo service in steel oroser s on lie. rhuiie Auto. 527-31 LAWVER WANTED Fine office connec tion with leading broke ru go f h m ; bct office facilities. , Main 1575. FU R N ISH ED deiikroom bpaett for l a lit. " Apply 431 U. S N h tt. Hank bl.lg. OFFICE, with phone and entry roou 13.4 ortawesiern iaua uiug.