22 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 19, lOfJl BUSINESS OPPORTTX1TTES. Hotels and Rooming hoii. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. One of Portland's high-class ho tels, with beautiful dining room and kitchen, all fully equipped, with the very best of furnishings. 97000 can hand.e this. APARTMENT HOUSE. Small brick apartment house, very close in on the west side, good lease, now netting $440 per month. Price IS000, half cash. TRANSIENT HOTEL. Large transient hotel, fine cor ner, brick building, large lobby, steam heat, running water, well furnished and doing good busi ness, long lease; will sell, but pre tty a good man to take half in canrest ana manage hotel. Owner wishes to take a trip. It will re quire about JIO.OOO. 40-ROOM HOTEL. Good furniture and carpets, sev eral private baths, fin west side location, lease at very reasonable rent; now clearing $"'00 per month .. net; JtiiiOO will do business. 71-ROOM HOTEL. Nice corner, modern brick build ing, elegant west side location, long lease at $7. 30 per room, now netting 000 per month. Can be handled with $7000, balance to suit buyer. 22 ROOMS 22. - All housekeeping. west side, rood leace, rent ItH) per month, price $2500, but $1300 first pay ment will take it this week. 5-ROOM FLAT. Nob Hill disttrct, furniture and rugs are first-class; price, includ ing muf-lcal instrument, $850; lease &t $40 per month. Some buy. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. One of the best in the city; fully equipped with the very best of furniture and carpets, strictly modern ; lease to 10211, fair rent. Knr price and particulars call at office. F. RIERDON. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 43-ROOM MODERN APARTMENT. Good furniture, fine location, rent only $100, 3-year lease, $4000, $-'000 will handle. 10-ROOM APARTMENT. All on one floor, nets $-'00 month, rent $"0, lease. 2 -room apartments, well fur nished; $1800 handWs. I.-, H. K ROOMS, HEART OK CITY. M200, good terms, lady sick, MUST SELL. A SNAP. 11 H. K. ROOMS, HEART OF CITY Pine furniture, clean house. 2 baths and toilets, a beauty. $tr.o handles. SNAP SNAP. 25-room hotel, well furnished, includ- j ing piano, sieam neat, can ciear a-tnv mo., nnt $40. Price $2100. $i;i00 cash If you are looking for apartment, ho te or rooming house, see our new list ings dallv. Any size and prices right. MAJISH & MrCAHK CO.. REALTORS, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall :!:i. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514 Swetland Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Marshall Marshall 1265. HOTEL. 44 rooms. wel furnished, 3-year lease with option of 3 more years. This is as near modern as they build. $850o is the price. $0,500 cash will handle thin. If you haven't the cash, don't take up our time. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514 Swetland Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Marshall HUA'X Marshall 1263. 14 ROOMS, west side, good local ion : all h. k.; water in ail ants.; rent $:i5: clears $1k mn.: price S13m: $s00 handles. 6 rooms, close in. west side: rent $30; imume .about $120; price $1000; $400 handles. 22 moms: rent $70: wet side; has net income $150; here is the chance you nave been looking for; price $1700. most ly cash. rt-room flat, cloj-e In all rented h. k.: taking in $100 mo.; price $700; $500 handles. J. H. FLY. 138 14th St. A KEAL APARTMENT HOUSE. $2500 CASH. 26 rooms, 13 lovely apartments, mod ern and furniture is of the best; pood lease, netting $275 per month. These places are hard to find and this won t la?t long. Well located. White Temple district. Price $5000. $2500 cash. O. A. PliARCE CO., 201 Oregon Bldg; Broadway 4S33. 20-ROOM rooming house, well furnished. low rent, close in west side; price $Jj00, terms. 2 5 -room H. K. house, fine location, well furnished; price $40U0, terms. 80-room H. K. house, well located, price $4500; bargain. Hi-room H. K. house, well furni;-hed fine location; price to sell. Call 1634 v . earn st.. see o. t . Anderson. FOR SALE. 35-room hotel, price right and term to right party. Other business demand my attention. This ia a good town and very iow rents. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, NBWBBRG, OR. M. E. LENT COMPANY. H23-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL ft)ME IN AND TALK IT OVER: 14 TEARS l.N THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO RIGHT DOWN TOWN. ?? rooms on one floor, close In; h. k. lease; nets $150 and two-room suite V.V; only $i:;u0 down. Will sell for "-HK when fixed. J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR. 20 fW. Park. Main 2500. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment bouse of any kind, anywhere, see F. Rierdon, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Wre Write All Kinds of Insurance. NEAR COURTHOUSE. 10 H. K, rooms on one floor, mod. ex ee-pt heat, fair fum., rent $50. Can feet lease. Reasonable terms. Take part iraue. tce me lor details. J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR. S01 W. Park. Main 2500. 4LARGE, .modern hottjJ. doing capacity Dusiness; good brick building, well lo rated on the west side; exceptional leae and good furniture; price $30,000. A. J. De FO REST & OO.. REALTORS, 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5530. DORCAS-BOON, 938 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. APARTMENT HOUSES AND HOTELS IF LISTED WITH US AND PRICED KIUHT. WILL. .BE QUICKLY SOLD. MAIN 7861. 100-ROOM MODERN APT. HOUSE. For sale at a bargain! clear ifion a montn : long lease and good furnish ings; jwtro nancies it. A. J. De FOREST & OO.. REALTORS. 320 Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. 55IH). IFOR SALE A 30-room frame note! on the Columbia highway, well equipped, beat country location in the state, doing full capacity business. For further Infor mation write P. O. box 126. Arlington, Oregon. HERE IT IS. FOLKS. 7 -room flat; rent $50: income $82: 2 romg ana Kitcnenette for self: in very heart of town. If you want a place of mis Kino, can at Vs loth at. after g P. M. and you wlil tind a good buv. pN E OF the best buys in an eight-room rooming house, close in on west side neat, clean, good dUtrlct; cost $1200: will sell now $150; owner called away. Cobb Bros.. 02S Chamber Com. bldg. ROOM apt. house. Sinks in each apt. Two baths. Close in, west aide. Price $1100. Terms. B. OWEN ft CO . 374 YAMHILL. ANT to buy good hotel, lease- with fur nishings: have flat bldg, value $14,000. as part payment. Clear. Fred G. Law son Co.. 41 Cham. Com, bldg. ROOM flat, completely furnished; beau tiful home and income from rented rms. Strictly modern. Close in on west side. $.VI0 down- 'Mills. 6!'4S Everett st. PARTMKNT house in Astoria; income $240 per month: will sell furniture cheap and lease property. write S. H. Webb, Astoria, or. ROOMS, h. k. east side, close in: 1500 handles it ; a good buv. A. J. De FOREST & OO.. REALTORS, 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 55tK). ROOMS, west ltie, on one floor: rent $50; lease: income $200; $1500 handles. A. J. De FOR EST & CO.. REALTORS. 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5500. ANTED I have $5000 to $6000 cash for first payment on modern a Dart men t house, east or wwt side. E 93. Orego- ntan. 'OR BEST bargain in apartment house see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co., SIS 4th street. HAVE some very good bus in country hotels. Geo. C. Burke, exclusive hotel broker. 905 Chamber of Commerce bldg. OOMtINO house for wale by owner; splen 14 did location; easy terms: will take good car In part payment. Phone East 6!l02. ROM owner. 40-room house, modem, good furniture ana lease, tail alter 3 p. M, Marshall 2113. ROOMS, fine furniture, good location. 11 ong leaoe; $1250. 4300 casli. Eat &425. No agent. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. 15 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS $1000. All on one floor, water and gas range in every apt. Oood building ana gooa location. Rent $60. A good buy. See our list of 10O bargains. 13 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS $2000. Close in, rooms always rented. Nets SUM) per month. $1000 cash will handle You will double your money on this in the ran. 22 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS $2300. Good location, two-year - lease, rent $57.50; nets $140. can bev increased by adding two rooms at small cost. A sure proposition. $1300 cash will handle. Buv while they are cheap. 21 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS $3750. Fine place, best location on west side. A sure money maker and a snap at the price. Rent $00. Clears $200 per month. STSOO cash will handle. 23 HOI'S E KEEPING ROOMS $4200. A first-class Dlace. Good location. Al ways re n t ed . Rent $ 1 25. Lease. Net income $270 per month. 2.1 00 cash will handle. Call at our office; we have many more. 31 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM- $5700, First-claps place. Fine location. Large, well -furnished. homelike apartments. Rent $110. Nets $300 per month. $2SC0 cash will handle. We are headquarters for apts. 19 3-ROOM APARTMENTS $10,000. Fine proposition in brick building. 3 year lease, rent $325. Nets about $400 per month. $7500 cash will handle. Housekeeping and apartment houses of all descriptions. If you want to buy or sell see us. O. W. TARR CO.. 407 McKay Bldg. Main APARTMENT HOUSE LEASE AND FURNISHINGS. $13,500 51 -room brick apartment house, close In, west side, walking dis tance, all full and shows a big return on the money invested. Very large apartments. Three year lease. Some terms. $10,500 86-room brick apartment, very nicely furnished, 2-year lease, west side, steam heat, gross re ceipts about $G50. Some terms. HOTEL. $25,000 Nearly 100 rooms, centrally lo cated, always full, three years' lease, with an option of two more at same rental, net in come over all expense. includ- ing insurance, janitor, cham bermaids and night clerk, is better than $1400 each month. Price of this is only $25,000, any reasonable terms. ROOMING HOUSE LEASE AND FUR NISHINGS. $4200 18 rooms, very elegantly fur nished. Place can be run as en- tirely transient house, also has a very nice dining room ana can be operated as a boarding house as well, 5 very nice sleeping porches and otherwise all that you would expect and more, three sets of plumbing, nice ballroom; ONLY S42(HI: some terms. WE HAVE OTHERS, ALL SIZES AND PRICES. PETERSON & YORK. 437 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8005. SMALL CITY HOTELS. 40 rooms, corner brick, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, new furniture and carpets, nets $7000 a year; Jb-'OO will handle, ba lance eav terms 30 rooms, corner brick, fine location and a transient house, modern, fine lease at a very low rental, nets $4000 a year; price $75no; $3000 cash to handle , 20 rooms, all on one floor, corner building, furnace heat, good furniture and carpets, nets $200 a month; price J4.XHI; ssoim cash to handle. SMALL APARTMENT HOUSES. 32 rooms, corner brick, all on one floor, modern. 2 and 3-room apartments and well furnished, nets $225 a month; price $5100; $3000 cash, balance easy terms. , 57 rooms, 17 apartments, 8 and 4 rooms, modern throughout, corner br'.ck. 5-year lease at a low rent, nets $4500 a year; price $T1.50O; $0500 cash. ROOMING HOUSES. 14 rooms, modern, fine location In the heart of the city, a house for one who wants to keep boarders; net $1 20O a year; prire $2050; ca?h down $1250. 0-room boarding, beautiful home, fire place and hardwood floors, everything in good shape; price $550; $300 cash down. For further information see Mr. Tice, or phone Main 048. PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS, , 714 Couch bldg. RYAN REALTY CO.. REALTORS. $S500 One of the classiest hotels In Portland : 30 rooms of fine fur niture In the heart of the White Temple district : very exclusive and caters only to the bettor clas of guests. Net revenue $450 per month: pri--1 S500; terms to re sponsible client. $8000 45-room apartment house, located in an excellent district and close in: three-year lease including heat and hot water: net revenue $450 per month; price $8000. with terms to responsible people. See this before you buy. $5500 Twenty-six-room apartment, lo cated in "White Temple district; 13 2-room ants. Furniture is first- class; this Is an excellent1 buy for some one who wants a nice home and about $175 per month net income. Price $5500 and only , $3000 cash will handle It. RYAN REALTY CO.. REALTORS. 415-411 Abington bldg. Marshall 54. THIS IS A BARGAIN. A BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW HOTEL in the HEART of a small Oregon town, netting $200 a month: 4 acres, all In a high state of cultivation; 2 in logan berries; FINE place for man and wife and the only HOTEL in town. The price on this place will Interest anyone at once. Exclusive ROOMING HOUSE In an EXCLUSIVE dftrlct: clears $150 a month and furnished with bras beds. (WICKER and OA' PR STUFFED furni ture. This is a real place and will not last long at the price quoted. SEE DORCAS-BOON. MWN 7961. at 8 N. W. B. BLDG. LOOK LOOK! BEST BUY TN CITY. 55 newly furnished rooms, all Iron beds, steel springs, cotton mattress, oak dressers, good rugs, new bedding, the best of linen, plenty of it; will sell at a bargain; byu direct from owner and save commission; something worth while looking into with a good lease. PHONE EAST 7559. COUNTRY HOTEL. Located on the main highway, where there is large transient trade: lOO-room, steam heated building; completely fur nished; furniture belongs to the hotel will invoice stock and take partner for $500. ANCHOR IXVESTTMENT CO.. 405-6-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. 75-ROOM HOTEL. LEASE RUNS TO 1025. Fine modern brick on corner; very nicel-y furnished throughout : ground flour lobby and elevator; price only $13,000: some terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-6-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. $."0O PER MO. NET $.100. . Big boarding housa, 36 room: rent $50, lease: Industrial dist., no competi tion. Business can be improved a lot Fine for lone person. $1S00. She's a dandv. T-et me prove It. 1 can. J. EUGENE HEDGE'S. REALTOR. 201 W. Park. Main 25IA, 'SACRIFICING TO GO AWAY. Nearly 30 rooms, close in, west side, modern brick : good income ; wen rur nished: make us offer under $2000, with not teas than $1000 cash; must have action. O. H. Skotheim Co., Realtors, 40V411 Couch bldg. Main 1575. HIGH CLASS. 12 rooms. 3 years' lease, rent $65. LOVELY NOB HILL HOME. Complete ly furnished with high-class furniture. Sacrifice sale price S3000; $1500 handles. 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE WANTED. Lease and furniture up to $19,000 will trade in a beautiful farm dose to Portland, fully equipped, and will as mimv O. H. Skotheim Co.. Realtors, 41W-41 1 t'nurn Ding. .Main l.iift. SOMETHING OF REAL INTEREST. $375 buys 10 rooms, housekeeping, close In; nets $120; lease; good furni ture; full price $1175. Call at office. O. H. Skotheim Co.. Realtors, 408-411 Couch, bldg.. on Fourth. 16 ROOMS lti. On corner, fair furniture, clean and neat, location where rooms are always rented; price $405; pay $200 down, bal ance easy terms. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. WILI' SAL Kih iu ir som at once, my beautifully furnished home; 13 rooms in best part of city; asking $1800; shows good income; make offer. 401 PAN AMA BIjHG. 11 ROOMS 11. AH on one floor, close to Washington street, fair furniture, a money-maker; $645: pay $200 down. Peters, 15 N. 5th street. FURNITURE of 33-room brick apt. houj-e; give long lease; l'imhi; income $500 a month; rent $200. Fred Lawson Co., 416 Chamber of Commerce bldg. DOWNTOWN nicely furnished 12 rooms, nets $100 per month; price $1250, $600 cash, easy terms. 327 W. Broadway. M a rshall 325S. UNFURNISHED rooms, finest location In Astoria. $125 per month. Dr. Dean. Portland. Or. Main 8057 after 11 A. M. FOR SALE Good lunch counter; good steady trade; just right for man and wife. By owner. 201 Salmon st. - ROOM rooming house, newly papered, 10-minute walk to town; cheap. 103 North 16th. Broadway 4450. 17 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hot-els and Rooming Houte. MARY E. LENT CO. HOTELS, ROOMING AND APART MENT HOUSES. 523-4-5 N. W. Bank Bldg. Phone Main 8560 for appointment. If you wish to buy or sell, come in and talk It over: 14 years In the business in Portland enables us "to give you satis factory service. . " APARTMENT HOUSES. 50 A PARTM ENTS. NEVER BEEN SOLD. White pressed brick apt. house, close In, west side corner, netting over $1200 " per month. If you have $15,000, cash required; long lease at reasonable rent. 30 ArAK TM K.MS. White pressed brick, automatic ele vator. all light apartments, hardwood floors, 4. years' lease, clears $700 per month; $10,000 cash required, balance as you make it 25 APARTMENTS. Hardwood floors, all new and clean beautiful apartment for manager and $5ou net monthly profit; price $18,000, terms to responsible party. n-Knnf a pa rtment West side, brick, steam heat, hot and cold water; ren at $300 per month; clears $soo monthly; price isuuu, quires $5000 to handle. VERY BEST BUY. PRICK REDUCED $1500 for quick sale; will sell the nicest small houe In the city, rent only $275, brick building, all privl te Dams; price oniy $10,000; requires $6000 cash to handle. This will not I act at this price. 22 APARTMENTS. A CLASSY PLACE In the exclusive Nob Hill district, very large airv rooms, large Dorches. elegant ly furnished throughout. Income $550 net. Requires $75o cash to handle tnis. A4-ROOM HOTEL. Corner brick building, elevator, ground rioor ioddv, an outsiae, ngni rooms price $14,500. 40-ROOM HOTEL. Corner, white pressedbrick, classiest place In the city, clearing $600 per mo.; rent $300; large, homelike rooms, rent by the montn, caters to wie very Desi patronage. If you have $10,000 cash ask to see this. . .35-ROOM HOTEL. On two floors, steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms, rent only $200; good to clear $500 per month; all rooms rented : price reduced owing to illness, was $7500; lat price only $6250. ROOMING HOUSES. SEE MRS. McCLAlN. A BARGAIN. 25 H. K. rooms. 5 blocks from Meier & Frank's, fine building inside and out. 3 baths, running water, gross Income $450, rent only $125 with lease; furni ture and rugs unusually good; price $4200, terms. 21 rooms, all In nice apartments, rent $60 .with lease: walking distance: clean and fine furnishings, netting $170 be sides very nice apt. Price $3500, cash to handle $2500. White Temple, 12 rooms and 3 kitch enettes, very desirable corner,-rent $55; always full ; running water In most rooms; $1500 cash, small balance. 10 rooms, fine location, furnace, elec, clean, beautiful rugs, overstuffed fur niture, heavy dressers. This place has big income and makes a wonderful home. Owner compelled to sell at once; $1000 cash, small balance to suit. REAL GOOD COUNTRY HOTELS ALWAYS DO BUSINESS. 45-room commercial hotel, well fur nished, nice place, good Washington town, big payroll ; $4000 handles build Ing. ground and furnishings complete; good proposition. List 03. 30-room commercial hotel, good Ore gon town, clears $500 to $800 per month Building, ground and furnishings, $10, 000, half cash. List 90. - 18-room commercial hotel, good live Oregon town, clears over $2.50 per month year round, filled with permanent and transient all the time; nice place, every thing in first-class shape; building, ground and furnishings, including four lots and garage for 5 cars. $4750, and $2000 cash handles; big snap. List 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE. 26-room commercial hotel, fine mod ern brick, on highway, good little Ore eon town, everything new; right party can work up a wonderful business here and have swell home; also fine pool room In connection with this hotel beautiful lobby and dining room. I an excellent proposition, sell on eas terms, tnis tine bumiing. ground an furnishings, or will trade for good farm or Portland property. Le a little cer erlty" if you want something good. List 43. Have some fine propositions In cou trv and retort hotel. We handle onl legitimate places of business and pro duce everything we advertise. Apartment hotel, excellent transie location, center of Portland's busiest district; account of sickness will tak some cash and good mortgage, or trail for home or smaller rooming house on east side. It s a good place. List Ml. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY. 818 Northwestern Bank Bldg. LEASE and furnishings high-class hotel 3000 population, 51 rooms, 10 with bath, fine lease; $16,500. Lease and,, furnishings. 58 guest rooms, county seat. 2O0O population, doing a business of $70,000 a year. Full price $12,000; $sooo cash payment. Lease and furnishings. 38 guest rooms, 1800 population; $700; $400 cash pay ment. Western Washington. Lease and fur ntshings. i.Mto population. 25 rooms, brass beds and hardwood furniture, con t-rete building; $6300; cash payment C3000 Best 3500 population town in western Washington, of rooms, big business $5u00 full price for lease and furnish ings. 36 rooms. Good payroll town, money' maker; $20(n buys furniture and lease. GEO. C. BURKE. EXCLUSIVE HOTEL BROKER. 005 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. TEL. AUT. 514-63. ONE OF OUR BEST. A good corner brick hotel, hot and cold water in all rooms, steam heat ground floor lobby, making a net proft of $000 per month. We can sell the furniture and lease for $14,000 on easy terms. This one is hard to beat. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.,' 1007 Yeon Bdlg. EXCEPTIONALLY well-located apart ments, well furnished and fully occupied. with applicants refused daily, 23 rooms with good appointments tnrougnout, earning $300 per month, located in best of college cities. For complete sale by owner, whose broken health occasions the offer. t59 Jefferson st., Corvallis, Or, Phone Tabor 5227, Portland. ALDER STREET. 50 rooms, brick apartment house, ho and cold water in all apartments, ren only $6 per room, which Includes cost of steam heat and hot and cold water $6000 will handle; a splendid money maker. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 30-ROOM HOTEL. GOOD OUTSIDE TOWN. Nicely furnished. with , complete kitchen and dining room equipment : one of the best towns around Portland: 1-vear lease; rent $60: price $2300; $1600 cash and balance $75 per month, ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-6-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. A W A K E ! Wl LL ADVANCE $2000 B E FORE FALL $45O0 FOR 63-KOOM BRICK HOTEL. Single and apartments; 3-year lease; central location; nearly $400fl a year net: reduced to 4.nu, half cash. o. H Skotheim Co., 408-411 Couch bldg., Main 1575. NOB HILL. Nice corner residence, 10 rooms, all new furniture, clearing nearly $100 per month; rent $.V; if sold before Wednes day $1750 takes everything. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 7 ROOMS, sleeping, etove heat, newly fur- nislieu; everytning very gooa; anoras a nice home and pmaii income over ex penses ; garage inciunea in tne rent, which Is moderate: $.Vi0 handles. We can sell you rooming houses or hotels at the rignt price. ive list noth ing that has innatea valuation. Mrs. ai baugh. with John Ferguson, realtor. 301 Gerllnger bldg. , FIRST-FLOOR FLAT ON BROADWAY. 7-room flat. completely turnisnen. with fine furniture, including birdseye maple bedroom suite; 3 rooms bring $64, rent only $45: everything goes. Only $1275; owner leaving city. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yepn Bldg. 20 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $1800 will handle. A fine place in Nob Hill district. Strictly modern, with hot and cold wa ter in all rooms. Rent $50. Big income. Furniture Is good throughout. Rooms always full. This is one of the best buvs in Portland. Investigate. SPEED REALTY CO. 307 Panama Bldg. Main 7264. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 33-room apt. house, well furnished, clearing better than $200 per month, mostly 2-room apartments; full price $5500, can arrange terms. . SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. 1 ROOMS, west side, clears $130 per mo. The nearest thing to classy little apt. house you can find; good furniture and rugs, water and sink In rms.. electric lights, furnace; $2650. Terms. 3S7 Taylor. ROOMS, all h. k.. Brood west kMa W. tion, good rurntture and rugs; good in- LOST June o, iemaie Boton bull come; $1SOO. Terms. 3S7 Taylor. I ward. Phone 633-. A6 11 ave. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming House. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. 72 rooms. N. W. heat, some private baths, furniture and carpets,' very good lease, rent $o"00, clears over $lO00. $15,- uuo. terms. 52 rooms, lease, rent $400, N. W. heat, some private baths, clears $750; furni ture and carpets very good; priced right. Good terms. 50 rooms; transient location : 5-year lease; rent $175; nets about $400; price $4twu, terms. o rpoms. brfck building, central lo cation ; clears $:i50 besides your apt. $4000 will handle this money maker. MODERN APARTMENTS. 54 rooma: brick bldg., 17 apts.; all well and completely furnished ; 5-year lease; rent $-150; clears better than $400. $0000 will handle. 18 rooms, all apts., furnace, electric ity, water in nearly all rooms; rent $115; gross Income $:J55; good furniture and carpets; clean as can be; lovely home (White Templej. $3750, terms. 13 sleeping rooms with cafeteria; fully equipped; :i-room apt. besides for own use; rent $50; good income; well locat ed. $1800, terms. 20 rooms and 2 kitchenettes fall h. k.) ; 2-year lease; rent $55 and $60: clears better than $135 and own apt. , a real bargain" at $2500, half cash. 16 rooxns, h. k.; White Templet rent $75; furnace, electricity, well furnished and clean; clears $130 besides lovely apt. $1500 down. 14 rooms, h. k.; rent $35; lease: stove heat ; electricity, nice home and $S5 cjear. $!00 down.. Mr. Pomroy, THOMSON THOMSON. REALTORS. 620 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4880. JUST FOR SALE. 10 rooms, west side, within business district, on J floor: all rooms rented; tove heat: rent $50 F lease; well fur nished with brass beds and V.-M. beds, full price $2000; $1000 down; an excel lent speculative buy. 14 ROOMS. $ 1 800. 14 rooms, one of best locations in cltv: choice! v furnished, corner house ; furnace: splendid Income: rent $5-5; only .$1000 down. NOB HILL CORNER. 11 rooms, with late model furnishings clean and neat: completely equipped electric sweeper and iron; keep 3 rooms and u will clear you $.: also 2 ngni rooms In basement, unfurnished ; price $1S00. E. C. KENNEDY. 210 Stock Exch, Bldg Marshal) 2310. IN BEST OF CONDITION NO TRASH. This 32-rm. house complete for h. k. apts. This Is desirable and good, clean furniture: net income now $250, can be increased. Present owner, over 4 yrs. Must sell on account of sickness. This house is no trash and can stand in vestigation. No floater need call. No phone calls ans. Take $3500 cash and bal. terms. Del Monte. 167 8tout st near 20th and Wash. BROADWAY, CLOSE IN. 100 rooms. Northwest heat ; this apt. house has always been a money-maker; on account of sickness can be bought for $14,000; clears more than $600 per month; $6000 cash will handle. SEE M RS. KELLER, GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. SAVE HUNDREDS BY BUYING NOW It is good business sense to anticipate sharp advances in the fall. Here Is a good one; only a few blocks from Port land hotel: 15 rooms, housekeeping, low rent and good net; full price $1300, half cash ; attractive home with yard, good furnishing.". O. H. Skotheim Co., Real tors, 40S-11 Couch bldg.. Fourth st. WEST PARK STREET. Well furnished, 15 rooms, close to business district, hot and cold water in all apts., fine furnace, good money maker. $3780. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. LOVELY furniture of 12 rooms, four two room apartments, four sleeping rooms, clean as a pin, furnace heat, cosy home and good income. Lease. Nob Hill dis trict. Must sell by July 1. Leaving on account of sickness. Deal direct with owner. Call Bdwy. 3445. NOB HILL DISTRICT. SO-room, pressed brick apt. house, automatic elevator, clears more than $700 per month; long lease' at $4 per room; takes about $M00 to handle. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Yeon Bldg. SPLENDID INCOME. MODERN WEST SIDE BRICK APARTMENT BUILDING FOR SALE ON REASONABLE TERMS; CON DITION A-l : NETS OVER 15 PER CENT. ERNEST COOVER, 209 FAIL- I NO B LUG. MAIN 6327. $M)0 CASH. 1ft rooms, well furnished, good loca tion ; muwt be seen to be appreciated. Nets and 4 rooms for self; only $1275 for quick sale. SEE MRS. HAUG. 512 Henry bldg. Bdwy. 54S7. FROM this date the office of Thomson & Thomson will be under the personal su pervision of Mr. H. L. Pomroy till Sept. 12. 1321. Your continued patronage so licited. Your interests will be protected as in the past. (Signed.) MRS. THOMSON. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. Corner brick, Morrison st. location; 38 rooms, clearing $375 over all expenses; $5500, some terms. C. E. BOWDEN CO. 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. SEVERAL LONG-TERM LEASES FOR SALE on. hotels and apartments; consult with us on high-class propositions. O. H. Skotheim Co., Realtors, 408-411 Couch bldg. 20 ELEGANTLY furnished housekeeping rooms, running water, lease. oo; ce ment basement, wash trays, fire escape, attractive house. POSITIVELY QUICK SELLING PRICE $1400 down: price $2500; nets $150. Main 7511. In Sunday. FOR SALE by owner, 95-room modern apt. nouse, nave a o-year lease on tne build ing and good furniture throughout; price $10,500; from reliable people will accept $5000 or $6000 down and the balance in easy monthly payments. Address X $733. Oregon i an. A SNAP. 44 rooms White Temple district, rent $100; lease: $1800 will handle; nets $275. SIMMS-KEITH CO.. 610 Henry bldg. See Miss Burke. ! H. K. ROOMS and garage, $250 first payment, less than $100 a room, 3 y year lease; running water and ranges in apartments, exclusive listing. 191 Park. BEST BARGAIN YET! 12 rooms, mostly h. k. modern house, fine furniture, piano. Nob Hill, walking distance. Rooms all full: $1100. small cash payment. Q. W. Tarr Co. MAKE AN OFFER ON A TRANSIENT BRICK HOTEL: A-1 LOCATION, LONG LKAoK, H KICK . flLUO. CALL MON DAY MUKNIMi. ERNEST COOVER, UW r A1L1MU BLDG MAIN 63-'7. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Leather pouch containing $45 or sou. an in currency, neturn w oregonlan onice. L.iDerai rewaru. LOST Y'ellow Persian cat; please returc to peruana Motor 5 oat club. Suitable reward. LOST One short-haired black dog, weight lbs. oouar witn tag. 4HS College street. Kpwara. Mars nail lioiu. LOST Bar pin. pussy-willow design, five baroque pearls; reward. AE 746, Ore- gonian. ; LOST Gold nugget breastpin set with diamond, west end Morrison bridge to E,ast i-tn at. newara. rnone East 1:0s 1 LOST A pair of eyeglasses, in or about the municipal auoitorlum. Broadway ,i -i on. LOST Small purse, last week, containing wrist watcn. in cnange. Key and re celpt. Broadway 1373. Reward. LOST Silver Eversharp pencil engraved wttn inuiaia w. c o. nease return to 18 secona street. LOST Liberal reward for return of brown silk amoer nanaie urn arena, Meier &, Frank s accommodation desk. LOtfT In Lipman & Wolfe's Saturday morning. iaay s umoreua; keepsake. Main 8510. LOST Two bed pillows from truck be tween Vancouver ana long ilea oh. Mrs. Perry Parrish. Long Beach, Wash. LOST Lady's crushed velvet handbag. Oak s Park, June a. Tabor 8o-' 1 . LOST Black satin ribbon sash with fringe on ena. aiar- newarq. ASTERN STAR pin with circle of pearls. Finder pnone lapor iioi. neward. DOST Chi Omega sorority pin; name on back. Phone -..--.). LOST Female fox terrier, black and white. Rewara. wooaiawn L'mua. OUND Package at Meier & Frank's. 701 Harold st. LOST -An Airedale pup, near Rose City 8f 1JUUI. I nunc io.mi Uiwi. LOST Tortoise ehell rimmed glasses. Re- wara. Bookkeeper owi urug co. LOST Gold horseshoe breastpin. Call Col. 1348. Reward. LOST Goodyear tire, 32x4. between Sa lem and Forest orove. fnone Mar. 1009. LOST Associated Oil Gasoline Scrip Book. No. inJ.WK:. tie warq . m e rce r, -ivj. LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Ligh & Power Co., June 17, 1021: 7 umbrella 2 lunch boxes, 2 purses, keys, 0 packages. d nandbags. 3 single gloves, z dooks. o M. S. C. Co. badge, rule, axe, grubbing noe, nat, cha r seat, sack or pans, iocne' Owners may obtain same upon prope identification at First and Alder stree station. STRAYED from 33d and CoIuniDia blvd June 13, bay team weighing about 2100 pounds; both have a white mark on head ; horse and mare with halters mare has left hind foot wnite. J'non Woodlawn 4537. WILL the young lady taking the goid handled umbrella marked M. J. Myers from the Columbia theater Thursday aft ernoon please return the same to Co lumbia theater and receive reward? Only valuable to owner as keepsake. STRAYED From Arleta. Mt. Scott dis trict, young white male dog, part hound, appearance of bird dog, 3 conspicuous black spots, brown on head, i'none 615-62. Reward. LOST Small beaver fur neckpiece be tween I0::;o and 17:30 A. M.. June l'l, on the Hfth or sixth floor of the Meier & Frank store. Phone Woodlawn GOG and receive reward. STRAYED Young black Persian cat. fe male. newara it returnea to aianiey station, corner brown house, l diock south of Parker's store, or call Miss Fitch. Broadway 660. LOST Small black coin purse In Meier & Frank basement, containing money and hemstitching claim check. C. Wards. Finder please call Aut. 624-22. WHITE silk skirt, bet. 4th and 1st on Tay lor, jrmay uet. li ana i . i.; rmoer call Mrs. Chin. Auto. 514-46. r return to Taylor St. Grocery. 4th and 1 ayior. LOST Jn the Held of Rose City speedway la.t Saturday. June 11. at i F. M. extra heavy green plaid auto robe. Finder please call labor 7-sns.. LOST In business district Monday eve ning, little wnite agate Ting, vaiuea as keepsake. Reward. Please phone Mar shall 4077. LOST In basement of Meier & Frank's, black silk umbrella with white stripes around edge and curved white handle Call Broadway 25P1. Reward. LOST Lady's handbag containing money and gloves in market between otn ana 3d sts. Thursday, 16th. Reward. East 4i-(. LOST Boston bull terrier pup, white chest and white blade on head, bat ears. small tail. Answers to name of Pat Call Mar. 1774. Reward. LOST In Irvington. small coin purse con taining pin. checks and some money; re ward return to Albina Fuel Co., 61 Broadway. LOST A dark fox fur, at Lincoln high school Friday night. Finder please re turn and receive reward. Call Marshal 709. LOST Seal coatee, Wednesday, somewhere between Kentou and 2Sth and Fremont; reward. 749 28th st. N. Wdln. 3978. - LOST At Peninsula park, a boy's brown coat. To advantage of finder to call woodlawn 4.. LOST Tuesday, purse containing over $100: J. H. Rankin engraved in purse. For re w a r d call W ood lawn 1 806. LOST Dark blue sCk umbrella, pigskin handle, on Taylor street aide of library; reward. r.ast 4 LOST Thursday A. M. long white kid glove between 11th and Col. and Broad way. Reward ?f returned to this office LOST Tuesday morning on, S. P. train, small gold pin with garnet, gift of late mother, reward. Wdln. 5272. LOST Friday afternoon, a lade and gold linger ring. Call Automatic telephone aiu-20. Reward. FOUND Kappa Kappa Gamma key pin. name R S- . H. C. Jarvis, Broad way 24HS. EMBLEM bicycle stolen from cathedral school, June 6. Reward. East 30u. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE PORTLAND BRIDGE & BUILDING CO. has been reorganized by the sons of the late Robert Wakefield, who con ducted the same for the past 30 years; they are now located at 32ti Worcester bldg. Phone Main 7094. NOTICE OF SALE. Notice is hereby given that pool hall located at 447 Washington St., Portland. Oregon, has this day been sold by 1 E. Blair and A. G, Lee to Sam Wahbey. Portland. Or., June 18, 1921. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. There will be a special meeting of the stockholders of the Fidelity Copper company on Saturday evening, June 25, at 8 o'clock, in the Alisky building hall, corner Third and Morrison streets. All stockholders are urgently requested to be present. L. B. REEDER, tiecy. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMO-BtlLES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. O R EG ON B ON D & M'CR TG AG E OO. . 208 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. WE HAVE for sale choice aecond mort gages and purchasers' contracts that will net better than 10. ELWOOD WILES & SON. INC.. 283 Stark St. CONTRACT OF SALE. House sold for $5500. first mortgage $1800, balance all paid excepting con tract of $ 1015, payable $35 monthly, 7 pr cent. Will discount. AM 775, Ore gonian. INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE. $30,000 A long term lease guarantees an In come of 6 per cent on purchase price over and above all taxes and assess ments. S. 602, Oregonlan. CONTRACT OF SALE. Sold for $J-MH, first mortgage $800 balance of contract SJ00 at 7 per cen payable monthly. Will discount. 100 Lau reinurat ave. HOUSE sold for $3800, first mortgage $1.00, $lo00 paid on contract, balance on contract $1700, payable $40 monthly. win discount. Tabor 16of. SELLERS' CONTRACTS and second mort gages bought and sold. C. De Young & Co.. 810 Spalding bids. - WE BUY, sen and guarantee automobile paper, sellers' contracts and mortgages. uti.v EiiiAi, nAta co., 71 uwis bia, CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate. Washington Ore gon. H. E. Noble, 316 Lumbermens bldg. REAL ESTATE mortgage or sellers' con tract taken in payment for trucks. snepara, w. JOth WE BUY first and second mortgages and seuera contracts. uownun & (Jo. 210 Chamber of Com, bldg. Main 3016. FOR SALE Stock of Western States Fi nance Co. at attractive price. Call East WILL sell at discount $600 P. R.. L. & P. evo old notes, due lvtf. G 7o0, Orego nian. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H Lewis, 713 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts, MORTGAGES OR CONTRACTS WANTED. JiMi Morgan bldg. Mocey to Ian on Real Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or aeiay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., 309 Piatt bldg. Main 371. PR1 ATii funds to loan on mort traces. second mortgages and sellers' contracts on zeal estate in Oregon and Wutumc ten. Charles Dei f el, 318 Railway Ex cnunge bldg. I. HAVE $1.500 I will lend if eiven secur ity of real estate in Portland with good ounuings ana gooa rent, u (40, orego nian. MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city, farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM G. BECK, 215 Failing Bldg. PRIV ATE money to ioan on real estate low rates, no delays. C Ue Young & Co. 810 Spalding bldg. CAN ARRANGE loan, any amount over $100,000, on farm property; mail infor mal ion447 EaM. l-'th N. Tel. East 7504. $300. $400, $500. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Cham, of Com. Main 6445, $5000 TO LOAN on city property. MA GOON & SPENCER, 517 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ALL OR PART of $6000 on income prop erty or first-class dwelling. W. M. Umb' denstock ft Co., L'10 Oregon bldg. MONEY direct from owner. No commis sion. Broadway 3366 mornings and eve nings. PLENTY of money io loan on real estate at 7 per cent if security is ample. Edw. P. Mall, 300 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on real estate security at going rates of interest, otto & Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 and 7 per cent. Salomon & Co., 30 1 Railway Exch. bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. 212 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent Geo. F. Lent. 717 corbett bldg. MONEY to loan on real estate. $3500. 8-2 Gasco building. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate, tabor anin. $1200 OR LESS to loan on Improved prop erty. wain i $2500 TO LOAN on good residence. BiuCK, 525 Henry bids. Bdwy. 5o5S. FINANCIAI. Mouej to man on neal Lttate. TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY. READ THIS: RESIDENCE LOANS. 6A PER CENT. Five-year period, repayment privilege or I00 or any multiple inereor. INSTALLMENT LOANS. 7 PER CENT. 5-year period1; will loan 60 per cent of the- value or your home; only sirau monthly Davmtnt reouired with interest, you may pay more or all on the first of eacu moiith, no penalty. I.UMNESS PROPERTY LOANS, GVi PER CENT. 6-vear period: repaying privilege. BRICE A1VRTGAGE CO., Portland mortgage correspondent the Pruden'ia Insurance company of America, 1210- 1217 Yeon bids. Main 8308. SEE US TODAY We loan mon-y on city propsrty; lowest rates; no commission on cnoice Joans ; long time, cnori ume monthly payments; pay as you can urns to suit; contracts, secoad mort gages bought. 725 Gaseo bldg., 5tb and Aiaer sis. CfclLLARS-MUKTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS on farms or city property. Prompt and neipiui service, liberal repayment priv llega. Lowest rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth St. Portland, Or. t WE HAVE funds available for icood real dene loans: also insurance money for busi nest property, at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 2S31. Wilcox Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS in any amounts at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and-helpful service. . B. LEB PAGET, Realtor. 822 Corbett Bid g. M a in 6230. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $500 up on Improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. .212 Corbett Bldg. ' Main 6915. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission; no delays. DHVBRBAUX MORTGAGE CO., 87 Sixth St.. Portland, Or. $300, $400. $500, $750. $1000, $1200, $1500, 9000 and up. lowest rates; quick action pay off $100 or more at any interest date. uuruon iuorigagc to., Oil Loam. Com. bldg.. Main 137. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount; low rates; promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO., 217 N. W. Bank BldgMarshall 4114. $1000 $1500 $2000 J2500 $3000. NO DELAV. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. PES HON, 615 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY? AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE, PIANOS, VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on vour automooue or lurniture contract we will pay them up and advance you more money ir neeaea. we make specialty of these loans and leave the security In your possession and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rate reasonable. rrivate omces. All busi ntss strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (Licensed) 306-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 3286. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY, on shrt notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSEE. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We al.to loan on household goods, pianos, etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (LICENSED. ) 21S FAILING BLDG. MONEY to loan on diamonds and jewelry: confidential service; government licensed and bonded brokers. Zeil BTos. & Co., 2H3 Wash. St., between 4th and 5th Marshall 727. MONEY TO LOAN on goods In storage. Bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 53 Fourth St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. QUICK money to salarleu people on un secured note : contiaentiai investigation. 316 Cham, of Com. (Licensed.) MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry. legal rates: articles held a year; estab lished 1SSS. Dan Marx & Co.. 315 Wash. MONEV to loan ; diamonds, jewelry, etc., legal rate; articles nelti one year, vines. Jeweler, cor. Sd and Washington. Loans Wanted. WANTED Tlrst mortgage money on new Domes. EL WOOD WILES A SON. INC. 285 Stark St. SEVERAL first mortgages for sale, repre senting about third value of property, bearing 7 per cent. In Irvington, Laurel hurst. Ro.se City Park, In amounts $1000 up to $2500. Will pay transfer expense and give small discount, i nese mort gages cannot be equaled. Address 100 Laurelhurst ave., city. WANT $1500. 5 YEARS, 8 PER CENT. WANT $4000. 3 TEARS. 8 PER CENT. WANT $5000. 5 YEARS. 8 PER CENT. City improved property for security. A. J. DeFOREST &. CO. (Realtors). 3I!0 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. B50. WE OFFER the following good mortgage loans on Portland property: $150 at 8 per cent, $100 at 8 per cent, $-50 at 8 per cent, $600 at 8 IXT cent. $SO0 at 8 per cent. Fred W. German Co., 7J; Chamber of Commerce bldg. $800 3 YEARS, S; value property $2U00 insurance JIMJO: W oodlawn diet. $500 3 yrs., 8; value property $1S00 insurance im)U. SMI T H-WAG ON E R CO. S TOOK E X WANTED The following loans: $2500, S2750. $3000 and $3500: all in Rose City Park: also $1500, in Irvington Park; all are firtt-class securities. C,. J. Johnson, 313 Henry bldg. FIRST mortgage loan of $18W wanted on new home in Rose City district. A. L. McAfee. 410 Henry bldg. Telephone Broadway 4 t ul. WANT $200 private loan. 1 year, secured with K. C. lot on paved street, worth $7Mi. Address G.. Sui Lawrence St., Eu gene, Or. S1500 TO $2000 WANTED on first mort gage loan on fine suburban house and 2 acres, a. a. xvorton, r enton mag Bdwy. 32. FOR GILT-EDGE? 7 and 89 mortgace oonds in local concerns see Oregon In vestment & Mortgage Co., 222 Chamber cf Commerce bldg. WANT loan of $2000 on Laurelhurst home. Will nay 8 per cent and expenses loan but no commission. T 767. Orcgonian $3000 ON HIGHLY improved city property close in; producing good income. E. R. S. 513 Couch bldg. WANTED Loan of $4000 for three years on hiKhly improved residence property state interest wanted. C 775, Oregonlan. WANT to borrow $1500 at 7 on good modern 7-room house from private party. E 014, Oregonlan. WANT I per cent loan on property at 1028 Caruthers, near iin. from private par ty. Tabor 7463. $2000 ON WEST SIDE business property vaiuea at su.uuu. in. orcgonian. $2250 ON FARM valued at $15,000, 103 acres, witn ouuaings, in ciacKamas county. B. Lee Paget. 622 Corbett bldg 4IO00 WA.NTED-r 3 years. 8 per cent, on bungalow in Sunnywde. no vents. T 7 WW, Oregonian. WANTED $2200 loan on 200 acres fine agricultural land, where best Iron ore was found, inquire s.'d 3d st. OWNER of improved Portland real estate worth $15,00 will borrow IitOOO. Near ce n ter of city. D 72a. Oregonian. WANTED $2wo. 1 year, at 8 per cent, on business property in Portland, vaiuea $7000. Main :;p. Garland. 2Qi WANTED A loan of $1000 on high-class property as sei urity. 404 Oregon bldg P hone Bdwy. 4S2S. WANTED Loan of $5200 from private party on highly improved residence property. AL 745. Oregonian. WANT a three-year loan on new bungalow worth $ou0U; want 2uUO; state interest wanted. S 740. Oregonian. WANTED $7000 at 6 for 5 yrs., on city residence worth 0,0U0. L, 627, Orego nian. WILL pay 10 per cent Interest for a loan of siooo. o. o. jespe ranee, Vancouver. Wash. WANT $3500 at 8 per cent on $10,000 business property. Bt-Civ, 02a Henry bldg. Broadway 5858. WANT 2 loans, $1000 and $1500, from pri vate party; will pay 8 per cent, on new houses. AC 721. Oregonian. $4000 7, ON FINE residence property; value si.uim); ciose in. KjBsi vav. WILL give $20 for $1S0 6 months; good se curity, c oregonian. WANT $3200 on modern 9 -room Irvington house. Call East i-hm, 120O 8. ON BUNGALOW and large lot; principals. East 6320. WANTED $150 from private party for 60 days, secured by 43 piano. Mar. 160o. 1600 SELLER'S contract; will discount 25 per cent. AP 7in. oregonlan. WANT $3500 on fine Laurelhurst home. 7 per cent. 621 Gasco bldg. Main 66. WANT seller's contract for cash and good clear city lot. hast fi.iL'ii. $4000 ON 50 ACRES valued at JH.000; ui pay o. c t-a uxegomaa. FINANCIAL. Ixans Wan tea. WA N TED ON F1 R ST M OR TO AG E S E CURITY AT 7'fc. $4000 3 years, on $12,000 modern house In Irvington. $.1000 2 years, on 8-room modern Lau ivi hurst hnm worth $MKM). S'Hwm ii :,.rA,m hAiin nnrl 10 lots. worth immjO. on K Stark and $1S00 On modern 5-room bungalow In Hawthorne district, worth $1500 On a Seliwood district 'modern i;;ym ft. room house. $1000 On a 5-room houoe in South Port land, worth J.KMMl. OREGON INVESTMENT & MORT GAGE CO. 221 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. M a rs h all 205. LOANS WANTED. DON'T DISCOUNT YOUR BONDS. I have three installment note contracts secured by chattel mortgage. These are for $2500 each and ar payable in six monthly installments, first payment due July 15. Will discount one or all of these notes 10 per cent and take your liberty bonds at par. Payment of these notes guaranteed. If you have the money or bonds it will pay you to Invwi. tigate tnis. G ore g ontan A-l FIRST MORTGAGE LUAN& $10no on dwelling, valued $ 2.50A $1500 on acre and dwell., valued. 3.5iKi $17on on modern home, valued... 4.5O0 $20OO on business prop., valued... S.noO $2500 on modern bungalow, val... 7.0O0 $:;ooo on Alameda home, valued.. 7.om $4500 on west side prop., valued.. 15,00 - F. H. DESHON & CO.. 015 Cham, of Com. Bldg. FRANK L. McGUIKE, with ni years of experience and expert knowledge of val ues, is in a position to safeguard your every interest in locatlnc your money Hundreds of applications for loans. Of- lice or personal service. l-et us loan your money. See J. Logle Ricu ir.ion. manager of loan department, Abington building. Main 10OS. B. LEE PAGET. $2000 on new 6-room house in Overlook. $2250 on farm worth $15,000. $2500 on Rose City Park new bungalow. $40O0 on Laurelhurst new home. $4000 on residence in Laurelhurst. B. LEE PAGET. 622 CORBETT BLDG. MAIN 6230. $1200 WANTED. $; 5 rooms, one flooi. west sloe; sold $.jO; have juitt spent $1 200 for new plum bins; and other im provements; lot i5x 1O0, assessed at $1400; adjoining owners say lot worth $o000. 510 Market st. Mar. 746 fore noons. PERSONAL. 100fi CHIROPRACTIC SYSTEM. (Camouflage and ja&s-house lunts, with adjuncts foreign to !Ot chiroprac tic principles only add unnecessary time and immediate expense to later despair for patients. Dr. McMahon (McAUni himrelf. Macieay bldg., Portland, is a chiropractor of experience, a pa&t ama teur, 1 Hni chiroprat-tic aprclaiiat, with highest testimonials from patients from eastern states, familiar with the beef, also from western and local peopie (doctors. lawyers. judges, ministers. prie.-Us, teachers, parents and children ), having unfortunately had less than 1 chiropractic elsewhere, wli h, of course, corresponding disappointment In delayed relief physically and financially. Men and women are fully satisfied with my 100 chiropractic philosophy, long experience and superior skill dem onstrated in consultation before taking courses of treatment, and later In ex aminations, eaiy, careful and benef Irial adjustments, lowest rates and, finally, results. Eleventh year In this city. Acute atutka, cold?, fevers, lumbago snd "doubting Thomases" least lime. lea.t expanse. Chronic conditions full month rates. The rich can pay more. ' Extended time, ol aduwtmenta Of need ed). $15. Write, phone, walk In. Main office. Fourth id Washington sta New home. 47 E. Salmon M. WHY THB HOT SPRINGS? When Portland Is the moat beautiful and comfortable city to live In during the rummer and the HOT STRINGS OK PORTLAND can give you all the bene fits of any hot ppring plu. Not only the various water applications, but alo electricity, hake-ovens, light batha and manage, scientifically applied. In other wordH, the proven method a that con form to the laws of the phyalcal body, and that produce the desired results. Better health at leaa expence. BROWN'S HYDROPATHIC 1NSTITUTK. Steven Bldg., downMHlrm. Main Mi3n, TO THK PUBLIC. I desire to prove to Buffering hu manity what my eyatem will do; there fore anyone who winhea to lnvea tigate will be given one treatment free. All manner of disease's treated. None too hard. , PR. J. SMITH. Kliedn.r U'dg 10th and Washington St.s. ANY READER of this paper suftt-ring from goitre I biff neck) can get positive information on how to cure It at horns without the least trouble or discomfort. There Is a pleasant surprise In store for vou if you will write No charge what soever. Tell others. It will help u all. Address Dr. Rock, Box X 737, Milwau kee, "Wis. tdctu TV Cl'RVirl.! In f ifliln which make for tne neiiermenc oi minKinu j ours Is an important part. We build up and create favorable conditions In the teeth, which insure better health and happlness. Pyorrhea and decay are pre- ventable. Drs. C. Smith. Iong & Ste- ve niton (Dentists). 310 Buh sc Lane bldic. i WE MANUFACTURE all Jewelry, submit designs and make In accordance with your ideas and save you money. We also do a very large Jewelry repair business, remodel and modernize your old pieces. All of the work Is done on our premises. DA V I OS. Jewelers and Opticians, 343 Washington Pt. MAN ANT WIFE, fond of children, with good home, lot of fruit snd playground, desire one or two chil dren to csre for by month. D 748. Oregonlan. SCENARIOS WANTED, any form; nena rios revised. copyrighted. published, marketed. FREE adviwory service. We will PRODUCE any scenario considered exceptional. Scenario Service Corpora tion. 505 Mason Opera-house, Loa An prlM. Cat. KKKPS RUN I N ESS M EN FIT. Renewal of lif cells defers old age and keeps you fit for business; a new method that Is patronized by Portland's best busi news men. Dr. Dee, 4 13 A r t i s ; na' bldg. . ATTENTION, RHEUMATICS! Tt matters not how long you have suffered; if you want to be cured at very small cost in your own home, write sales dept. Lloyd Chemical Co., Inc., 518 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOUND New discovery. To grow hair on bald heads: guarsnteea to grow in wo days or money refunded. Call H. Llrh tenwald. 326 Artisans bldg . cor. Broad way and Oak. Weekdays 5 to 8 P. M.; Sundays 2 to 5 P. M. YOUR WISH has been fulfilled; no more longing rir wnit you mouKm impofNi ble to find. Teag-Mou is that wonder ful remedy for dandruff and falling hair. Come and give uti a trial. Portland Teag-Mou Co., 51 Union ave. N. WHY NOT CARRY A SPARE driver as well as tire? I am spare. Drtv inv Tnrlfn'A In Glacier and Yellow- stone parks. I wish to get In touch with party driving east. Will exchange ref erences. Call Marshall 3 16. LADY going to Missoula, Mont., about July i. wisnes 10 communicate wnn party driving east. Addreaa E J. Wil lard, P. O. Bon 3l7fl. or call Broadway 2Po during business hour. WRITE a son k. poem, love, inottocr. home comic or any subject, i compose music and guarantee publication. Send words today. Edward Trent, 702 Reaper block, Chica go. PICKWICK STAGES will start operating ca between Port land and San Francisco snd way points June 18. Reservations can be made at 125 6th st. Phone Main 8. DO THE Nettle permanent wave, natural, soft and silky. 75c a curl; absolutely clean your scalp or nanorurr ; can re fer you to satisfied customers. 327 East 42d st. S. Tabor 3481. MINE OWNERS Contracts taken for as sessment or neveiopmeni worn, sam pling or assaying ; experienced, reliable man; go anywhere. C 704. Or gonian. CHIROPODY. PORTLAND ROSE BEAUTY SHOP. Swetland Bide-.. 5th & Wash. Main 1443. DR. CORA YALE BELL. A CONGENIAL couple going to California bv auto will take 2 congenial people reasonable. Phone Main 8103 for in ff rrnatton. REAL art in artiticlal teeth, combined with skilled fitting, win give continued satisfaction. Dr. E. C. Rossman, plate specialist. Sii Journal Ding AM LEAVING for San Francisco June 29. can accommodate mur persons. Tele phone Seliwood 2157 morning. LADY and child want auto parage to BH l Ingham about June -y, pay tare. B 730. oregonlan. ECZEMA cured or no pay; send for a jar of my famous eczema remeny; si.no a jar. Goodyln Mfg. Co.. Portland. Or. PARTY driving to San Francisco will take few passengers. Mr. uuniap, uroad way 917. YOUNG man leaving for California will drive ear to any point soutn; best rerer- er.re. B 7fia. Oregonlan. FRISCO BY AUTO MONDAY. 122 THIRD ST. PHONE MA IN -'W. AIR combing made up. S. F. Pierce, 24 Killlngsworth. Woodlawn 4-"S0. FOR adoption twin boys, 6, mother dead. N. 735. Oregonlan. PARTY going to Yakima has room for itra freight 607 Second sL PERONAU GET WELL FREE. FREE. rE. Every day. from 1U A. M. to 8 P U.. snd sxentngs from to S. and eunds from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF FUFFFRBRS WHO HAVE FAILED In get relief In any other way are in vited to investigate ChiropracUo meth ods, which are permanent; curiog aundreda every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTIC! ANS will thoroughly examine you, make a complete diMgnopi of your ess snd direct your treatments WITHOUT ANY COST TO T0U WHATKVtlt. CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, sane, sure and modern science of curing and preventing dirae. CHIROPRACTIC will permanently cure H5 per c-nl of all diseases. CHIROPRACTIC re mo we the esuss health returns. The sbove service la all free to yon at the college building snd may bs had In private if desired. PRIVATE TREATMENTS may ale be had in college building by membrre of the faculty, by either lady or roa practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of Park and Yamhill. Tel. Main K14. HOSPITAL In connection with college. Will handle out-of-town patients at s most reason able rate in order to show what Coirs praclic can do. DR. O. W. ELLIOTT. President. WH Y HE FAT hm I can re dues yui weight a pound a day, safely, inexpen sively and permanently, the ONLY NATURAL WAY? NO IH COS. IN VESTIGATE. Ct INSULT ATION FREE. WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY. ONLY h.S TAHL1SHMKNT OF ITS KIND IN EN TIRE WEST. I H A V E N O COM 1 ' K TITION, an no one can eucceanfnily compete with the method I use. ELIA HETH MA HSU ELLIS, Obrsity bped i lat, aulte 7-l Hrwadw ay bidg.. Port land. Or. Plume Ma.n -755. PREVENT LIS EAS hi OF liUMS. Do you know thai tartar, atalra, lirt prrftTt fitting cVownrt and bridt, over hanging tiiliiiKB. lrriiitt ing k uma. all contribute to pyorrhea, pu of gunia. in flammation o( guitiM. lontKMiiri ti'th and finally loss uf ieth? 1 ifeialix n ftrut-claaa drnusuy; X-tav ex.nniiLiuna. DK. A. W. KEKNE. Majestic Th nt-r Mldg . 351 S WfFi St lutbiKS witn Miiai capital who who te become independent may do so by join ing Maduine PaUetu-aud' achool of beauty cultureV Incluui-a special irest menis ol akin and aval p. marcelling, haird reding, etc. My gradual-. are in demand eer where. School to com mence June 1. with limited numkr. inquire at the Bcuiuo iiuiel improve ment Shop. UU.KKD VOUR EYESIGHT 1 employ on.y the numi irudern In trutnenta and the iniwt ientlilc meth od In exuiiiiiiluv your t'Vn. -U yvare' experience. 'I huuoanda vi a (lifted pa-llt-nts. venlna aiui SundM by ap pointment Cli a i ic V. liooilman, up Ulan. -Q'J M orrin. I't une Main M 1 N N 1 I'm YOUNG. HE A LTY SP KOI A 1.IST. WISHliei TO A..ML'. K THK Ul'KMMi OK HKR SHUI1 AT lUIVs NORTH -3l ST. V Ol R I A T K i ' N A G K W I L L li K APKtCCl A T;U MAI X 4'7 YoU K Mirh has lt n f u l il;l . no m.n lunging fur hni you t liouu ht Impo sil.e to find. Teug-.Mo is that wn derful retiifdy for dandruff and falling hair. Come snd give ut a 1 1 imI. Port land Tcag-Mow Co . 51 Union ve N. ZONK THERAPY. mu'ioitfTn. vollrt r? mineral STEAM BAT II an.l hw. rs. ai'ulp nni bv.tly maoruKP. .Naturopath method trrtidng nil iirm. of both pr &r a. UrndUHle Udy atlt mliint. 10 A M to !t P. M Main 77!. 34 l-kum bldg DRUG LESS I'H YMCIA.VS. Nt-rvuui and chronic dife a f- Clalty. If ot her have fsiled. don t c'otu dlcourxf d. but gle ma a trial. Dr. Ada N. tott. Llrt 13th (.. bt en A ider snd U ttvhtngton. Hrnailffwy 5tMiJ EXP K rTe N C E D n u r e g i v t t e .i i n n 4 showtr bntiiM and wicntif ic bod v m-ta-;ige. Open lo A M. lo 7 P. l 4 a o Sunday .t-'- Kiiedacr bldg., lOlU and aj" h i n K ton wis. LET "G LOlu; E li L Ul-NaTl.lN. too et eran optician, make juur r) eg ia-, expert optical pt-rvce. Prices reason able. No charge lor tesliug. i.-ti Alar ruon wt.. tvr iM. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC I'OV LEU is a suoLiilnv, cie.miitg, hcailng Kermlctda and in isoraiiiiK uuiu.he; a Kret aid Is frnialr tlUorOvra; io: nd $1 per bA- Portland Mote; Pharmn y. LL the tatevt remedies au.u al loa Cttm cnaon Drug Co.. -uo Worrnon sL, aL Charles hotel corner. At this arug store you get Jusl w hat you cail tut. We hav m tubjtltma . GALLyTON tS Free ooos tUs or in proved method ot treating inLammatios of gall bladder and bile d ucts. Write today. Dr. haddock, bus Uw-uL Kansas Cuy.Mo. INFORMATION desired bs to the Drepent whorralioutM of Mr. U it Lonff. former ly of Rend, or ; anyone knowing- of his pre1 nt ' hereabout a imaa-a rue to A Ml " ' .r. R REL'M A TI.M treated, stoin-h and Md- n,,v rouble. Miam and minoral batiut. maMSJge: iaH' by appointment l i i.i- tartan Institute, 710-711 rtw;lund bllg. Main tfct.Vi 0 A. M- ' M, H j noPoDIS T. manicurist. fact-. cAlp treatment, superfluous hu ir permanent ly removed : open evrnings i-nnn ! from 205W to 210 Alisky bldg. il, Mor r iti o n. . , .. EXPERIENCED nurao sivea su-am oath, showera, body manage, violet rays n vi oratory trtKtnitnm. 10 A M to M P M Selling-HH ach bldg., room 51. Min 7 7 S6. . Tk YOU ARE TIRED AND NERVOUS you can rejuvenate your nervous centers' and poor-.irculHiion by havinv a scien tific body massage. Dr. Ovidi Laraen. 634 Morgan bid g. M a t nj lt. DR. LOUISE NETZEL Trv-tmciils for rheumatism. iuiubaxo. neuralKia, etc. Electric blankrt vibrator niauKfl and bath 546 Columbia at., near 17th. M.iln 65U.K. Hour 10 to . ro :unqjy worn. CHIROPRACTIC BEST STEAM HATH, chiropractic vi bratory snd electric maswatce. Dr. Mar garet Haynie, 215 Swetland bldg. K-- sunabic pntt s. $1 GETS both fet fixed up at Dr. Eaton a, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH iSPLfrT.. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam. tree. Globe bldg.. 11th A Wash. Hdy. FIRST-CT.ASS pianlfrte wlshea position at summer report, daacei. solo and aecom pnitt: best of rul erencea . nrcheua lur- nishca ifo esireo; j h onrj o . St I'ERFLUOUS HAIR. permanently removed by multiple needle method ; consultation free. 504 s woUaad bldg ., 5th at Wash st. Ma i nJ 30 a. 5FeETS TRADING CO. Portland onur. shall we get togolhcr? If no. at nd name and addrtrf and suggestions to G Tit Oregonian. FEB VET & H AMOBi i, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock hunun hair goods; permanent and marcel waving; acalu trr atinents. 34l Alder. Miitn 546. CLECTH1C BODY MASSAGES. VIOLET RAY 415 BUCHANAN BLD'r. WAH. BET 4T H AND 5TH HOURS 10 To 9 y M ALSO SUNDAYS. EXP STCDEHAKER. Overland and truta ahop foreman; can lake complete charge, wlil consider out of tun. O 74S, Orego nian POSTAGE atampa for collectors, ooUKht and told. iniumoia mamp k,o., m 10th st. Broadway 2010 TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no ps fl if cured. Remedy sent on irut. Superha Co. W. 314 HaltHnure. Md. GOITR E. enlarged giandfl Cure ourif If. A. R. Straihan. mute 6, Hilltboro, or. o a g enta or representatives pEET SIiE7 See Dr. Ethel A Sa ry. pedicuring and manicuring; open even- Ing a Hi 5 R al e I g h b I d g DR. ELN A SO REN SEN. drug leas ph) s , manage, baths, k ulnryt, con( I pan n, rheum.ittsm. 50S Panama bldg. L50H. FOR COHiiSCl time call Main 357ll For scientific watch repairing see Miller, next door to Majestic theater. MISS E. ADAMS, treatments for dandruff, manicuring. 410 Panama bldg. II ura H to 0 30. Sunday a 12. to 3 PILES can be permanently curefl without operation. Call or writs Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Mnrnin. VIT-O-NET sweats, violet ray treatments, body masaag't. 10 A. M. to P. M. da;ly. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 757?). SUPERFLUOUS hair, nmlea. warts removed by 10-m-edle tnetnon; trial tree. jo Kin lry, 514 Bush A: Lane bldg. Main 38 SULPHUR steam t"ith masiane. vmltt ray mid vinra'ory ireaimeni. i.-u nay. wia 8359, 10 to 8. Dr. Percie Rolllna SCIENTIFIC massage, steam bathe, treat ment for Kl'invya. rnumausm ana Ct'D stipatlnn. 417 SweMand bid g. FOOT upeciallst. Dr. Alex M. Cochrane, lady n 911 am. in ie leay Ding., 4 la and Washington. Hours 9 xo 5. JAZZ. 10 leaaona. ppu'r music at one. Parker Piano .scnooi. nn r.nert bidg. JUNICIDE will cure rheumatlam or money bark. I'eKum pmg. PRIME. A MALM, formerly ail.il balm of Fins M k. fl.vi fe:i. z.'i3 mornings. DOESN'T Tom. luck or Harry pay yor See Vlerecn. coiiectora, i-kum bias. GRADUATE nurse, formerly at 308 34 aX, iow st ;ki innng i rnnne vdin. LEARN beauty culture evening. Mada.m Curtis, aiarynan 1 VIT-O-NKT bath parlora. Dr. li. Locks, 70 Prhum bldg. Mflin 4133 FOOT SPECIALIST Dr. Ruth A. CnapL 201 Artisans bl!g. Bdwy. 5271. DOLLY NORTON. MANICURIST, 1 5 BH HA N AN B L I M FACE, scalp and body mansags. hours 13 to 8. 370 Yamhill st . room 7. J. R. BLOWS. Saskatoon. Canada. air. Forrest at 4JL0 Usury bids, at ones.