THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAXt), JUNE 19, 1921 19 SITTATIONS WANTED MALE. TOUNO man, 20 years old. with mechanical Inclination ana abil ity, desires post lion; hare com- Eleted manual training course la gh school and 2 years me chanical -ngfneerfng at O. A. C Have worked in lumber mills and shipyards and am not afraid of hard work; excellent refer ences. Phone Columbia 35. WANTED By man and wife, young cou ple, logging camp or highway cook job; can handle large crew; Al bakers; not afraid of hard work, or where located; references if required. Phone Broadway 321tf. or write or call 3i2 Everett at., upstairs. RESPONSIBLE Portland man of good habits, age 34. desires position as hard ware stock clerk, or in charge of ware house ; experienced in stockkeeping. shipping and receiving and some book keeping; good references, G -. u :e gonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED in clerical work as well a selling automobiles and accessories, o- with building trades. I have my owr car and prefer commission basn with salarv stiDulations: 37 years o age and references furnished. Address fcfP 340. Oregonian CAPABLE and reliable boy of la wishes work at beach for all-around chore oo or errands for room and board and lit i besides: mother is widow. Phone betwee: 7 and 9:30 P. M.t Aut. 61S-66. Addr&ss -il-' 73d st . s. E. ION'T try to get a position till we press you suit for 45 cents, wnue you wait. Joy. tns tailor. 104 4th. near a tar. JOY. THE TAILOR. 104 FOURTfl STREET. YOUNG Chicago man now residing in Port una desires connection as sales re pre ivnativ with local firm; can furnish best of references as to ability and char acter. AF 75 6, Oregonia n. CARP EN TERI NO. R EPAIRING, House painting, cement walks, founda tions: prices right, work guaranteeo. a. J. McFadden. phone Marshall 3702. RETAIL-STORE manager or clerk, ten years' experience, cigars, confections, groceries, hardware, sporting goods and auto accessories; ex-service man.- F 741, Oregonian. BL'sINEiiS executive witn wiae expe rience in commercial, financial and le gal matters is open for engagement. Can organize, control and obtain results. A 750. Oregonian. fiiTUATiON by exp. butcher and meat cutter, 18 years experience. References. Will buy If suited. In or out of Fort- land, 1463 Union ave. North. EXPERIENCED chauffeur and mechan wlil exchange his services for expenses as far as Butte, Mont. Call L.. u. wnue. room 637 Y. M. C. A. ' WANTED Position by expert circular saw filer or foreman; will contract mm; rood reference. Address 1138 Lincoln st, Eugene. Or. PRINTER Combination machine and floor, w&ntfl situation? married: can come at once. Address AV 855. Ore- gonian. 31 ACH IN 1ST Expert loco and donkey man wants te connect with good outfit. No job too big for me. A 771. Orego- nlan. FOR competent culinary help for camps, mill boarding houses, country hotels and restaurants, call Hansen, Auto- . matie .Jfe-4o. . BAKING superintendent wants position in v bakery or fLour mill; thoroughly experi enced, practical and technical. Address R 731. Oregonian. POSITION as mechanic's helpey wanted by graduate of good auto school; has had outside experience. E 764, Ore gonian. . AN EXPERIENCED janitor with good references wants 5 hours' steady work every day for $11 a week. G 750, Ore- gonlan. STORAGE battery man seeks employ ment where the game is on the square. D'Orsay, Multnomah station or box H 7fl, Oregonian. . CHAUFFEUR, thoroughly experienced, with first-class city reference, desires driving by hour or situation for rest of cummer. Call Broadway 5.'i64 mornings. LIVK wire young business man. exi eri- enced in mercantile business, desires po sition or will travel on the road. AH 74 8. Oregonian. WHY SO ROTTEN? I have answered about 100 "Help Wanted" ads during the past six months and have inserted at least a doxen ads for work without getting even one re sponse. Have employers ignored the "Situations Wanted" columns entirely ? There must be something radically wrong In this much-heralded "city of pros perity." 1 am a taxpayer and home owner here and am losing property through high taxation and lack of employment, having been forced to borrow money and otherwise burden myself In a manner that spells "bankruptcy" for I have been unable to support my family as a white man should be able to do In any thriving city. If you need a thoroughly reliabl and efficient man. let us get together have many years experience as office manager and sales and advertising man ager and am first-class correspondent and can furnish first-class references as to ability and integrity; am not ashamed to srive my name, but no not want to ap pear as a knocker and will kindly ask you to address iiu .ri3. uregonian. SITUATION'S WANTED MALE, Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office. YOUNG man, 26, Seventh Day Adventist. observing Saturdays and working on Sundays, of good appearance and ex- ceptional moral character, energetic and willing to learn, desires permanent of fice position; am a graduate bookkeep er and typewriter operator and will do the best of my ability to meet your busi ness requirements; references. C 733, Oregonian. GENERAL hardware and implement man. 33 years of age, married, U years' expe nence office man, salesman, manager. would like to connect witn good con cern in country town. Can give satis factory references. Prefer place where might be possible to become financially interested. Will go any place. AV 871. Oregonian. . SITUATION wanted by thoroughly com petent general muse, man, one wno nas had experience in all lines of mdse; good . salesman and stockkeeper; out of city preferred; would consider commissary work, timekeeper and checker; some lumber and box factory exp-rience. Ad- dress A 775. Oregonian. EX-SERVICE engineer, experienced, ver- satile, desires permanent association with lumber or other industry where service ability. Initiative and loyalty are para mount. Address Edward a. Hayaen, cure Y. M. C. A., Seattle, Wash. POSITION by expert licensed driver, either passenger or auto truck. Just out of college and willing to work at anything honest J Address P 741. Ore gonian. YOUNG man wants position with export firm; college training and office ex perience. References. Todd. Multno mah club. A LIGHT job in some country saw mill or large camp where I can do barter ing In spare time. F. W. Messner. 802 E. Burnside. BLACKSMITH and handy man around machinery and general repairing, years of exp. ; wants position in City or cam p. Q 733. Oregonian. POSITION wanted by first-class auto mechanic; can give best references; either in or out of city. K 730. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS trouble shooter and gas en gine mechanic; 1 years as instructor in auto school. Wood lawn 60o6. Ask for Mr. Finch. MAN WANTS permanent job driving truck or as chauffeur; seven years ex perience; can do own repair work. AV 873, Oregonian. BOY WANTED Work dairy ranch pre ferred. Phone Vanoou-er between 10 A. M. and 5 P. M.. or write T27 1st st.. Portland. TWO MARRIED ex-service men with wood saw want contract or will take most anything with living wage. M 730, Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED accountant desires small set of books to keep. Systems in stalled. Books kept by contract. Ta bor "Hft. WANT rough carpenter work, will re- sningie your nouse or built you a nice garage or summer cottage, cheap. Wdln. 37. rO U NG MAN, EXPERI ENCE D TS OF FICE MANAGEMENT, ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING, DESIRES POSI TION IN OR OUT OF PORTLAND, FIRST - CLASS REFERENCES. 1219 NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING. PHONEWDLN 5493.MAIN 1643. OFFICE manager, accountant, college grad uate, thoroughly experienced; trained also in law and stenography, desires po sition and will sacrifice immediate In come for future. L. S. Goldberg, East 6302. WANTED By experienced accountant, set of books to keep In spar time. AH il i. uregonian. . SITCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED By school teacher, permanent work in any of the following: Offices, wholesale houses, groceries, hardware, or drug store; capable, ambitious and will work reasonable until learn. Call Main 6470. Edith Beck. MRS. H. MAMERO, a leading tailoress and dresmaker, has returned to Port land and will at present do sewing- at her home. (East 6031.) She Is a sister to J. J. Jonason; he was leading ladies' tailor in Portland for years. EXPERIENCED girl wishes work in fam ily of two; would like to go to sea shore or mountains for summer; can furnish references. Write box 1152, Rosebiirg, Oregon. . SITCATIOyg WANTED FEMALE. Nurses. FRENCH competent infant nurse with best of references wants a Dermanen position to take care of infant. C 7S, Uregonian. PRACTICAL nurse wishes Dosltion: wil take Invalid, elderly person or children to beach it desired; beat of reierences. Phone Main Sutra. REFINED, capable hospital trained nurse wants care of invalid, young or elderly. during summer; references; reasonable pay. T 775, Oregonian. WANTED Young woman not afraid of work, position in small restaurant, cook or waitress or combination girl: camp or - highway cook job. Phone Broadway 3218. 392 Everett st. Salesmen. SALESMAN wants position: have had sev eral years experience soiling to gru. trade? ran handle snAcln.! linn and fur nish car if wanted; have had 8 years in gro. store work; I would like something permanent: references furnished. B GOOD side line by traveling salesman making eastern Oregon and soutnern Idaho. Address R, E. B.. care Foley Hotel. La Grande, Or. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. SITUATION WANTED Young woman. teacher, wishes to accompany young iaoy to beach or mountains aa companion or will care for children; small wage. 74, oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wishes position in doctor's or dentist's office as doctor's assistant or bookkeeper; general clerical work. Tabor 2ol7. CHRISTIAN woman seeks position, H. K., in respectable widower s home or -J or 2 children school age; neat, econ. Home more than salary, pnone tHj-aa. GOOD plain cook for July and August at Seaside or resort where 1 can keep my little girl of 6 years with me. Portland, ur., route i, box 2TU. WOMAN wants general housework from e A. jm. to 4 Jr. al. , goo a piain cuon, one not afraid of work. Phone Colum bia 830, apartment 4. MOTHERS While shopping or attending movies, leave children at 4tn ana .Mor rison; will furnish references ; 1 or 2 children, 50c 1 or 2 hours. Main 3312, TEACHER attending summer school de sires room and ooara or part oi mea In exchange for light service or care of child evenings. AF 752, Oregonian. A YOUNG lady of pleasing personality de sires position with reputable concern as demonstrator or waiting on customers. AF 774. Oregonian. REFINED mother and daughter, 16 years. wish position in country home or beach as housekeeper and child's nurse. (Mon day only) phone Tabor 64, A YOUNG lady wishes to go to the beach to care lor children. Phone .. sows alter Sunday. ' RELIABLE woman wiii oe working part ner in any money-making concern; no cash to start. AR 721. Oregonian. WANTED A child to care for in my home, over 1 year; best of care; call Auto. 627-13. . A WIDOW, middle-aged, capable and refined, wishes position aa companion to elderly person or invalid, or would keep bouse for one or two men; best of references. Phone Main M9. WANTED, by trustworthy, capable wo man, some salary and 2 or 3 room fur nished apt., for light, suitable duties in respectable-apartment house. Broadway 3423. Ask for apt. 1. YOUNG lady wants board with nice family on ranch or farm; or will assist light housework or care of children in ex- change for board. F 746, Oregonian. REGISTERED nurse successfully treats nervous and chronic cases in her home. Sellwood 763. WANTED By practical nurse, experienced any kind of nursing; maternity pre ferred. Woodlawn 1jS. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes to secure position as practical nurse. Mrs. vVer ner. East 6192. GRADUATE nurse accepts all cases of nurse care; also practical nurse. Call Tabor PRACTICAL nurse, strong and healthy, will care for in-valid or-elderly; in or out. Auto. 520-32. REFINED practical nurse wishes care of, invalid or elderly patient; wages rea sonable. Main S4:n. TRAINED efficient nurses, by day week ; reasonable terms. Mar. 340. CCK) W anri ,., .aruni nf midriff full chares- or hotel or club. best of references: give particulars in first let ter, atfd otn st. viain iJi RKT.IART.K utonnirranhpr. Pxnerienced in machinery and drugs, desires either permanent or temporary work. AR 74o, uregonian. ELDERLY woman will do light-housework In plain workingman's family for 3 per week. In answering give phone. A 743. Oregonian. S1TLTATIOV wanted . icoverness by teacher willing to go to the beaches or country, state salary, oi "11UU,CLW iNewoerg, Or. OiINll lanv nnanpssinir tct. courtesy and ability to meet the public desires posi tion; experience in Dnysicians on no. Teiepnone Sellwood 2b7o. LADY of refinement would like position aa companion to cultured lady; nas no incumbrance; would go anywner. 3. Main 4&4. or X 752, Oregonian I Miiini.K.ifiKn larlv will rare for chil dren afternoons and evenings wnue mother is absent; best reference, la bor 1530. ; . REFINED lady past middle age desires light work in family a or shim good home biggest essential. x. 4Qii College st. W. YOUNG lady desires position at once; ex perienced in casmenng. cicmms, irB"' confectionery and demonstrating. Main 202. room 68. or AP 739, Oregonian. JAPANESE couple want position, wife housework, man no cook, ji oo gonian. Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office, BY YOUNG MAN. POSITION AS PLUMB ER IN APARTMENT OR HOTEL BUILDING. ROOM AND SALARY. H 740. OREGONIAN. EXP. STUDE BAKER. Overland and truck shop foreman ; can take complete charge; will consider out of town. O 748, Oregonian. WANT work with Ford car. Am a good driver and careful M 757. Ore-gonian. K X P t: li I N C H D summer pruning, hedge trimming, etc. Spraying. Main 1BU2. Residence, Main 613. CARPENTER wants contracts, plans and specifications furnished free. Marshall S17. Call mornings and venings after d. F. West. . STEADY, reliable man desires your garden and lawn work, general house or yard cleaning, painting, etc.; beH references. Telephone -Main ask ror noss. iuiLDEH just arrived wants a start ; would like repairing, or can give reason able price on houaes. Eaat 661. Eve nings, Tabor 6442. TRAFFIC man desires connection with growing concern as traffic mgr. or asst.. Good reference; state salary. ',etc. C 7G7, tjicponian EX-SERVICE man, married, defires per manent position with future. Salary no object. Good references. P. O. Box 112. Portland. TO UNO vulcanlrer wishes to learn battery work, kalary no object. Am willing to pay for learning. F "4fl. Oregonian. XX-SERVICE man, 31 years old, married, handy with tools, wishes steady position at anything. Wdln. 1031. J. L. Young. FIRWT-CLASS chauffeur wishes to drive car for party goin south; lling ex penses. McFadden. 115 21et st-. city. CARPENTER and builder, day or contract, estimates furnished. Berkey. Woodlawn 6101. ft , APARTMENT or club, janitor work by re spectable man and wife; no children. Phone Broadway 3410. YOUNG MAN wishes position as chauf feur, experienced mechanic AF 751, Oregonian. SIX-SERVICE man. experienced grocery clerk, wants a job; knows city well and can drive a car. Tabor 1386. WANT janitor work that can be handled mornings before 11 o'clock. X 740. Ore gonian; ' COMPETENT A-l auto mechanic now em ployed as fore-man in large shop, wishes to make change. V 7't.'t. Oregonian. WANTED To cook In a respectable bach elors home for 2, 3 or 4 men; would expect .gqd wages. N 687, Oregonian. TWO girls want position together in country hotel or camp; both experienced and steady MainvN room jix REFINED, neat and reliable woman wants to take care of 1 or 2 children at the beach. C 756, Oregonian. m WOMAN would like day work, Monday and Friday. Ask for Mrs. Johnson. Phone Woodlawn 3677. WIDOW with girl 10 yrs. wants house work In Christian home; out of city pre f e rred. B o x G T37. Oreg o nlan. GIRL 14 desires position caring for chil dren and helping with light housework. Tabor 9124. YOUNG Japanese woman wants work --assistant housekeeper in small family 2.i1 1st st. s. EXPERIENCED young woman desires a permanent position as secretary, can take charge of details of small office, keep records and handle customers: have knowledge of the geography of the northwest and acquaintance with city; now employed but desire more responsible place. First-class local ref erences. AP 728, Oregonian. COMPETENT young lady desires position with first-class business house; has had 11 years commercial practice (six years abstracting and five years with large western sales agency, part time in full charge of latter); stenographer, private secretary, etc.; would take temporary position. Y 742, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY, thoroughly experienced as secretary of welfare and social service work In large manufacturing plant in east is seeking position along similar lines in Portland or vicinity In private Institution or business concern; excellent references. BF 729, Oregonian. FOR TRAINED nurse call Tabor 152 Reasonable terms. Best reference. House keepers. WANTED, by a reliable middle-aged lady, position as housekeeper in gentleman's home; good home more than big wages, or to take charge of rooming house. W BY NEAT, capable woman with child 5 years old. position as housekeeper In gentleman's home or In small family of adults. Reasonable wages. Call East 40f0. WIDOW with 6-year-old boy wants i sit ion as housekeeper la gentleman's home; no objection to children. Call or write, 12.-o Montana ave., take missis sippi to Ainsworth. Mrs. Ellen J. Grubb. WANTED A position as housekeeper for two or more men or a man witn cnu dren; I am middle-aged, good cook and neat housekeeper; can give the best of references Phone Broadway 364'J. POSITION by middle-aged widow whew there is no other woman; good cook ana housekeeper. 291 M E. Morrison st.. apartment 34. EXPERIENCED housekeeper will work in small family where all are employed; will care for semi -invalid. D 736, Ore WANTED By capable woman, good cook. neat sewer, in widowers modern norae, children school age, or summer house keeper; Portland only; no trifiers. J 74L Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER, unincumbered, wishes position In widower s or bachelors home. Business man preferred, city. X 753, uregonian. HOUSEKEEPER with girl 9 years old wishes position, gentleman s home; rea sonable wages if otherwise aceptable AR 7fi6, Oregonian. WIDOW, with daughter, aged 8, desires a place as Housekeeper lor gentleman; home more than wages. H 750, Orego- age; steady position as housekeeper or cook for summer months; out of town no object M 727. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. Houses.. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, fiats or apartments with us; quick results and goou tenants. PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 63 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah Wo tel. rnone Broadway 3iio. WANTED (-room house or 3 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, close in preferred Kent -must be reasonable. Phone Mar shall 4S52. Apartments. WANTED 2 or 3-room furnished apart ment with kitchenette and private bath nest or rererences. r i ia, uregonian WANTED Four-room furnished apart ment by young couple, in first-class apartment house. Main 7057. FURNISHED apartment, close in. with piano; couple without children. Mar. 84. Rooms. WANTED Furnished room, close in. for lady. In exchange for three hours' nurs ing each day or massage and electric treatment. E 731, Oregonian YOUNG couple desire unfurnished room in exchange for services. K 740. Ore gonian vV ANT room and kitchenette and place for car, -North Portland preferred. C 726, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. YOUNG man and wife want room and board In a nice, quiet home where there are no ocner ooaruens; preier me room and bath on ground floor; give location, price and telephone number; reference h 131. uregonian. YOUNG lady wants board with nice family on ranch or farm; or win assist ugnt housework or care of children in ex change for board. F 746, Oregonian. NICE large sleeping room with board and all privileges in modern home. wain. 3337. ON EAST SIDH. bv vounir lady employed close in, home privileges and use or piano. BD 527, Oregonian, COMPANIONABLE girl desires room an board and use oi piano, call Main m.j apartment C. ROOM, terms. i meals, private family; state AC 747, Uregonian. Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED Housekeeping rooms for mother and daughter in h-aet or w eatmoreiana or Hawthorne district, pnone &eu. -tji ROOM for light h, . k., unrurnahed; pri vate home: gas. eiec, pnone; wesi siue. M 7o3, Oregonian WORKING girl wishes furnished b. k. room In respectable place; -.M week. 4-t. oregonian. Business Place. STORE bldg. for grocery and meat market. Might purchase. Jri 74o. uregonian. 4 tints. 4-ROOM flat, partly furnished; Sunnysida or Hawthorne district. asi no. FOB RENT. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms. $15 a month; best iown-town location. -Main MU4 1 SEPARATE sleeping porch, 1 sleeping room, 1 apt.: clean. wasningion su Furnlbhed Rooms. YOUNG lady wishes position as house keeper tor gentleman, m or out oi city l tot, uregonian. COMPETENT stenographer with some ex perience In lumber and Insurance; these two lines of work preferred, though have had more experience In other kinds of business. Will consider out-of-town position. AR 744. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, 10, desires work of any character; can give referencea S 736, Oregonian. COLLEGE man, married, desires charge of fruit ranch. Experienced. J Hawker, Lebanon. Or. 2 EX-SERVICE boya desire work; any kind of housework. Address 272 Davis street, Portland. Or. WA NT position a.s day or night watch man ; experienced. Address iu u.aai Yamhill or call East 4361. REFINED middieaged. woman desires place as child s nurse or mother s helper for summer. Y 763. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wants work Mon days and Tuesdays where electric washer Is used. Woodlawn 5000. LA DY would care tor Invalid or elderly lady at night; Christian Science pre ferred. Tabor 1344. . MALE nurse, 9 years' experience, first class references; take care of invalid gentleman. Call Bd wy, 208 7. LIGHT delivery car and my services; pre fer laundry route; reference as to hon esty and ability. AF 773. Oregonian. A JAPANESE boy wants position in home; will help with cooking, also lawn and garden. Columbia 133. 2 GOOD TEAMS. Wlil 6ff excavating and all kinds of work. V oodlawn fs.'t. YOUNG man leaving for California will drive car to any point south; best ref erences. B 760, Oregonian. ALL-AROUND country printer wants job at a lair wage, permanent position de sired. SO E. Baldwin st., city. WANTED Work for 21-j-ton truck, also have trailer; haul anything, day or cqn tract. R 726. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS painting and tinting; all work guaranteed ; best of references if desired. Cnl! Pdwy. 444S. CARPENTER, millwright. general aM around mechanic, ex-service, married. BD 761, Oregonian. PAINTER Paperhanger; quick work, rea sonaoie price; can come any day. la bor 0.163. BHLLINti contractor, new or alteration, la rge or small estimates furnished. Auto. 630-25. C E M E N T WOR K G A RAGES. Reasonable. Call Tabor 1408. PAINTING, paperhanging, kalsomining; first-class work, reasonable. Tabor 2328. COOK and wife, waitress or helper, desire Sosition In camp, hotel or restaurant. . Stage, Broadway 5454. FORDSUN tractor, work wanted, plowing or grading, or win sen tractor. i,au Sellwood 3063. CARPENTER New or repair work; small Jobs promptly done. Kstimates cheer fully given. Blaco, Tabor 3503. STATIONARY engineer, experienced with electricity and sprinkling systems. Phone Woodlawn 3777 BRICKLAYER, contractor, tile houses, garages, everything In the brick line. Tabor 8703. YOUNG married man wishes position as shipping clerk or stock man, experi enced. Call Tabor 4011. WANTED Tordwood to cut, any amount; I have two d rap saws. Call Aut. 641-97. 4760 58th St. S. E. . BAPKRIENCED Filipino boy wants work in family for small wages and go to auto school. E "20. Oregonian. CAPABLE young man, just graduated from high school, wants employment. Call E iitit S547 mornings. CHACKFE)UR wants position with private family, six years' experience, best of ref erence. B 774. Oregonian. PAINTING, tinting and paperhanging. Barnes & Gaither. Call Barnes, Wdln. 2rt. or Gaither. Mar. 27U3. YOUNG man H. S. graduate wishing to go to college would like work of any kind during summer. A 774, Oregonian. CARPENTER and cabinet work; esti mates given; satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 6143. JANITOR " ants position, understands electric elevator machinery and steam engines; will tnke anything. Mar. 5.i YOUNG married man wants Job as helper m garage. l, uregonian. PAINTING, tinting, papering, good work reasonable, hell, i .!. WAN WANTS to mow lawns or any work by day or nour. .rnone wast 431. ROOMS tinted, $3 and $4; good work and satisfaction. Marshall 81i. PAINTING, tinting, Interior and exterior work a specialty. Main 7094. PAINTING and tinting, first-class reason a ble. Broadway 4182. YOUNG MAN. 19, desires position as as sistant to electrician. O 742, Oregonian. HOUSE painted, $50-105; rooms tinted, tl 5 ; papering. 35c roll. Woodlawn 6084. CLEAN young baker wishes position in city or small town. T 740, Oregonian. CARPET laying, furniture repaired, screens put up. Aut. 513-H5, BOY WANTS WORK OF ANY KIND. PHONE WOODLAWN 5477. PLUMBER, work done, large or small .ions. Tabor las'j. REGISTERED pharmacist wants position in mftQium-Pized store, call East 1441. i'EHIKNOED man wants day work gardening; references. Wdln. 1572. RELIABLE elderly man wants work. BF tJS, Oregonian. HIGH school boy, experienced farm hand, wants work. Automa ttc fil8-(;t. LACE AND SILK SCRIM AND MAR OUISETTB CURTAINS-done up like new. win can. Kast yaia. 126 16TH ST. Would like day work for Monday and Thursday. Silk shirts worked at home. Broadway 4649. HOUSE CLEANING for Wednesday and Thursday; references. Woodlawn 4ubo, apartment 4. SCHOOL girl wishes position, half days. in nome witn rerineo ismny; Deal reier ences. T 764, Oregonian. WANTED Place where girl 13 years can stay during summer for room and board and help witn work. nr.M Aimna ave. PORTLAND primary teacher will coach a few children for six weeks. Room 401 Ramnpo hotel. THOROUGHLY experienced elevator op erator wishes position. Broadway 3441, apartment 20. W OMAN wants work by hour; curtain and other laundry work done at home. a f.rdiawn 74. REASONABLE Family laundry. table linen and dresses especially all hand work; ref. given. Woodlawn 4S5. RELIABLE lady would like to read, write letters or be a companion for few hours daily. X 72B. Oregonian. COLORED lady wishes laundry work by the day; also nrst -class cook ror din ners. Telephone Broadway 4719. WANTED To care for one or two small children in a reliable home: references. 6403 80th Bt. S. E. Automatic 614-24. PORTLAND grade teacher wilt take pri vate pupils to tutor. AK 734, Oregonian. RELIABLE middle-aged woman wants cooking or housekeeping, b or o. E T-o, Oregonian. LADY, quiet, refined, wishes position as companion to elderly lady or couple. A. 735, Oregonian. DAY WORK. Phone Main 1818, call before 8 in morning, or 6 to 7, evenings. Ida Brugel. ' HIOH SCHOOL Kirl wants position during summer months: can use tvpe writer; o experience. Tel. Wdin. 1 117. YOUNG lady employed wishes to help with housework mornings and evenings for home. A 761, Oregonian. YOL'NG lady wishes position us nurse girl. eiiner in cuy or at oeacn or country. D 753, Oregonian. CAPABLE college girl wishes to tutor or will care for children by day or hour. East 1520. CLEAN, competent young woman cook for hotel, caieterta or delicatessen, capable or taning cnarge. xiawy. -ftnt. WANTED A position as comptometer operator. Willing to start at small sal ary U there Is a chance lor advance ment. AK 731, Oregonian. BEGINNING July 5. bookkeeper wants 2 or 8 wka,' work; can run a Burroughs bookkeeping machine; have had general office experience and can type. Call 324-16. WOMAN with little girl wishes position as housekeeper in rooming house. J ido, Oregonian. WIDOW, experienced, wants housekeeping Mra M. Brown, 140 7th ave. ., Eugcn Oregon. ELDERLY American woman wishes house keeping; no incumbrance. Emma Hunter, Aberdeen. Wash. A MIDDLE-AGED widow lady would like housekeeping position for gentleman. B 504, Oregonian. LADY will keep house for 2 or more gen tlemen In modern home or manage apt. nouse. r 74 .$, uregonian. WANT LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING IN SMALL FAMILY. 574 FIRST ST. SO. MAIN 1653. BY GOOD reliable woman, position housekeeper. Phone Auto. 646-21. Domestics. COMPETENT stenographer desires po sition, experienced lumber, banking, wholesale, all commercial lines; ten years' practical experience. Phone Tabor 5 5 i9. . REFINED young lady wishes position from 1 until 5 o'clock P. M. Can do most all kinds of office work. Including bookkeeping, f ive years experience, r 731. Oregonian. LADY, neat, refined, wishes housework, good plain cook. will assist with chil dren, neat seamstress, economical and reliable. Can go to beach. Auto. 517-61, not before 10 A. M.. $50. references. NEAT, reliable nurse girl would like rlace where there is one child; will also assist with upstairs work. J 737, Oregonian. RELIABLE woman wants housework housekeeping; plain people. Sellwood U4( after 10 A. M. LADY student of O. A. C. experienced stenographer. accurate typist, wishes position during eummer months; best of references given. A 747. Oregonian. COMMERCIAL hiKh school girl wishes permanent position in office where du ties would be light to start. Call Main 6133. iu UNG colored girl would like 6 or 7 hours' work every day. Phone East 524. Call between 8 and 10 o'clock in the morning, 2 to 4 afternoons. BOOKKEEPER, 15 years' experience, wants work 1 or 2 afternoons each week. Can install systems, audit, etc. Broadway 2732. MIDDLE-AGED lady would like position. short hours and pay accordingly; can take care of accounts or reception room. K 729. Oregonian. SWITCHBOARD operator or clerical work in apt. or hotel office, steady and de J pendable. T 735. Oregonian. THOROUGHLY competent stenographer desires immediate position, or will sub stitute; 8 yeara' experience. Mar. 3028. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, 10 years' experience, wants work; go anywhere. Main 4013. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and typist wants posiuon; best references, beilwood 3721. NORWiBGIAN girl wishes housework in small family. Can't understand Eng- i i s n. ca ii worn. 33. GIRL wishes to assist in housework. Out of town preferred. Wdln. 6380. MAID wants position, general housework. in family adults. ( 7 HQ. Oregonian. at the beai wcjm.. Phone East 5002 Houae cleaning. EUREKA HOUSECLEANING CO. Floor waxing and window cleaning our specialty. rnone nti-ai. WANTED TO BENT. House. MEIER A FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, np-to-date lists of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite Information pertaining to aoh. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. COMPETENT experienced sterographer desires permanent or temporary posi tion. Mar. 3041. ASSISTANT bookkeeper, cashier or typ ist, moderate salary. AK i n, oregonian. CAPABLE young lady wishes office work; can do bookkeeping. Phone Sellwood 3415. BOOKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER col lege graduate, desires position. Mar shall M, room ;ilO. HIGH SCHOOL graduate in commercial work, w;shes general oifice position. T 762. Oregonian. TYPEWRITING TO DO AT MY HOME; RATES REASONABLE. MAR. 981. YOUNG lady typist would like office work. . temporary or permanent. I abor o.t2. BEGINNER wishes stenographic ixwilion: moderate salary call East 3-S60. WOMAN All-finisher, embroiderer, wants work in shop. A 700, Oregonian. LADY wants position as housekeeper in widower s nome. ;tw commercial st. COLORED experienced girl wishes day worK, 4 to nours. ast o03. COMPETENT woman wants day work: references. woodlawn 2328. A-l ELECTRICAL and gaa engine man. Kererences. H i zi, uregonian. WITH 20 years' experience as carpenter and concrete foreman. Ref. Tabor 9119, WANTED Bright, energetic boy needs worn. call ast &307. TRAP drummer would like engagement. Call Tabor 1L'4. JJOY, 15. wishes work on farm during vacation, k. rt. .. wasnpurne st P A I NTI N-G . TINTING. Reasonable estimates. Main 4601, apt. 21 ALL-KOUND printer wantsjob on country paper or joo tnu p. j ioj. ureg oman. TO PLACE boy paat 16 for summer. K 742. Oreponian MAN Si YEARS old wishes work. Handy around garden or lawn, i t i, uregonian. JAPANESE wants position; any kind of work. r . rtox :uu. CARPENTER All kinds of jobbing and snop. jji imp st. Mar. ll5o EXPERIENCED chauffeur wishes posi tion. K ion, uregonian. YOUNG married man desires position as cnauneur or irucKuncr; Jiain WANT house painting, kalsomining! A. R ogers. East 0023. 5oY. 16, wants any kind of work. Auto matic 2164 7. TOR ALL kinds cement and concrete work call Main lftST. RB3H ING LING or shingling, work guar anteedPhone Col. 1056. BOOMS tinted. 2 up; painting, papering, for reasonable wage. Marshall 2341. A. E. ROGERS, HOUSE PAINTING. KAL SOMIN1NG WANTED. EAST 6023. CARPENTERING and jobbing; good work, reasonable. East 5410. KALSOMINING, 60c hour, you furnish, phone East 2u34. PAINTING, tinting ana papering. Lopp Willi & Co. Phone Woodlawn 2107. TRANSFER or hauling, any kind, by hour or contract. Tabor 4 iv0. CEMENT WORK OF ALL KINDS. TABOR 6888. CAMP cooks and helper now organising at 22 Ankeny at. GOOD janitor wishes work; handy with too is. u it, uregonian. ROOMS tinted. $3; call and be Broadway 3523. Utsfied. WE DIG cesspools cheap, any kind; good worn guarantee,. wooq xwn o2a. MILKER, experienced, open lor position. L 727. Oregonian. MARRIED MAN WANTS WORK. PHONE EAST 3462. WANT nauling contract, wood. etc. E. Salmon. Phone Tabor 7D. CARPENTER contracts to build: saves you Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. EAFRIKNC 1 BOOKKEEPER wants extra worn. un nandie income tux details and show where you are making ui iubiiik muaejr. x, uregonian. BOOKKEEPER, several years' experience wnoiesaie ana construction line-, good office and credit man. desires position city. BD 775. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT, with general experience, desires clerical work of any kind hav ing opportunity tot make good; refer ences. E 732, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, well trained in bookkeep ing and higher accountancy wants posi tion with local or out-of-town firm, X 591, Oregonian. WANTED By energetic young man just graduated from high school, commer cial position with chance for advance ment. Phone Tahor 6412. EXPERIENCED office man wishes office work of any kind, preferably mill; will ing to apply myself; references. Tabor lsr.s. HIGH school graduate would like po sition clerking. Two years' experience. Call Auto. 621 -35 morning. BOOKKEEPING or clerical work, com petent, in or out city; temporary or per manent. S 735, Oregonian. POSITION as typist or office clerk; ex perienced waiting -on the public. Call East 635S. EXPERIENCED lady wants charge of Toom 1 n gh o u s eJ74 Uregonian. WOMAN wants day work. Main 5840. EXPERIENCED 0023- laundress. Call Main EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work Hon., rues, ana i nurs. eijwood 1032. 4JAY WORK Reliable woman would like M or... Tues. and Wed. Sel Iwood 3 27 2. WANTED Work by hour, way 3502, apt. 6. Phone Broad- WASHING, ironing and day work, 40c hour and car fare. Automatic 516-31. WOMAN wants work by the day. lawn 2705. . Wood- LADY WISHES DAY 6i2. WORK, TABOR RELIABLE woman would etay with chil dren while mother shops. 517-02. EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. WOODLAWN 43. WOMAN wishes day .work; experienced. Phone Automatic 311-57. GOOD work guaranteed, lady work. Woodlawn 6305. wants day EXPERIENCED telephone operator wants position on private exchange. Main 195. WOMAN wants day work, cleaning and ironing; 35c per hour. Tabor 3304. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi- tion. Addreas Art, uregonian. 2 ADULTS desire to lease modern 6-room house, preferably bungalow, in first class condition, with garage, in good dis trict; potwesslon on or before August 1; best possible care to house and premises. East 5574. WANTED To rent, by man and wife, modern 3 or 4 -room furnished bunga low or housekeeping rooms in private family, on first floor; must be clean; southeast preferred. Call -Woodlawn 465 between 9 and 3 Sunday. WANTED To rent by the year, someone's unfurnished, handy, strictly modern 7 room or larger, city or suburban home; lar&e grounds, first-floor bedrooms will be appreciated; best referencea AC 684. Oregonian. HOTEL FRANKLIN. Washington at 13th. Rates by the week $5.50 and up; hot and cold run ning water, hot water beating system, tub and shower baths. HOTELS ROWLAND AND MARYLAND VIRGINIA, 207-211 -th st. Central ly located; 169 rooms; special rates, 75c, $1, $1.50 per day, $3.50 per week and up. Rooms with private bath $1.50 per day and up. " Y J T 1 ' I f 1 I."" li'Ab I . PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 6TH. QUIET DIGNIFIED AND REFINED. SI. 25 FER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT OARAGES. tor am. Fnrn ished Rooms In Private Family SIMMER home within the city. Mount Tabor diHtrict, 3 minutes from car line can accommodate married couple or ! gentlemen in private home: breakfast and evening dinner if desired ; fresh iruit. okbs and vegetables or our own; Treasonable charges; no other boarders. Tel. Tabor 5S77, . NICE clean room, bir clothes closet, elec tric lights, etc., adjoining bathroom; rea sonable; for one or two gentlemen, near library. rl at 228 10th St., or phone Main 5758. 2 COMFORTABLE sleeping rooms in pri vate family; largs closets, lectric lights, telephone and bath; $3 50 a week; S blocks from Laurelhurst park, 8, S. ear to 33d. one block north. 1002 B. Morrl son. LOVELY den, fireplace, mantel disappear ing oea, closet, piano, private entrance lovely porch, complete home to you; walking distance. Auto. 624-SS. 703 Nortnrup. GENTLEMAN may have real home with ail privileges in private ramiiy: conveni ent to St. Johns or Kenton; Ideal sur roundings, excellent home cooking. Wdin. 2047. , FOR RENT One lovely front alcove room. verv desirable for couple, and one single room for gentleman: west fide, walking distance; private home. Phons M-r- shall 01. IRVING TON Nicely furnished front room. pleasant surreunding. in noms or re finement; excellent table board: 25 min utes to city, Broadway car. East Sd27. 523 E. 25th N. C. S. REFINED employed lady of 40 or 42 years. act as roommate; one attends looge ana parties preferred. Address or call eve nings 272 6th and Jefferson sts. W., apartment 89. 1,1 G H T, airy furnislied rooms, hot and cold water In each room, nome priv ileges, bath, walking distance: gentlemen onlv, references; reasonaole rates. East 362?. TWO NICE SLEEPING ROOMS. $4 PER WEEK; WALK 1 NG U 1 S i A.M Ii. .u i. HARRISON AND BROADWAY. 8l4 BROADWAY. MAIN 4!mi3. ' rOR RKNT. FurnUhetJ Km. mi in l'ri Vmil . CLEAN, light, clirerfut. airy front sleep ing room, $4 k; close In. 4"S Hum st Kuoiu U un IWurd. CAMPltEI.L H TE !. 23D AND HOYT Ms, CAMPBELL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON tT. Two of the beftt-known residential bo tels on the Pc:Lc coast. American plan, wlih or without bath, $250 a uuy up. rates by day or month Meals served to tran.iit-nta ONE OF the finent home in city now eon verted Into exclusive familly hotel, ca tering to families, but int ss men and women : home con ententes home cooh inr. Urge ground , porchw. ;rx, shower, si- pi uK p'Tclics. etc. ; rmon able rates. 223 E. 2Mh. Phone K 7lts4. NORTON I A HOTEL, Portland's duantown high-class family hot!; ruomi en suite or single with or without board, for families and buine men. ind om-tw We gie you all the comforts of a home; rasnnsM rati. J LAN Nn. D'Atic r urmned ruomi with or without board for business girls and lady tourists. pmanvat or transient. uclal feat urea within the hnvt alios, of turn win earner; IX rr week and u- 2S I4ih st Main Si2 CHUSTKKHCitY HOTfeU 2"i ,. joth - TRANSIENT. KKSIPKNTIAI. RATES BV DAY. VKK OK M'NTH. . M KAI.S SEKV F.P TK A N S I EX Tff . WEAVER rCsiDENTlAU HOTEL. 70 Wash. St.; AmerUan p. an: rooms with bath 12 50 p-r dty up: rates by wftk or month. Mrs! to trsnnents. ROoM and board "or buMtiP girls, ail modern convenience : ulaing distance; $5 r-r wtk. AutJ 21!-74. 12 E 7th at. NORTON HOTEL, 1J1H AND MOKRISON. residential hotel, rooms en suns or sin k le; ratew reao na ble. N 0K TON HOTHU 12TH AND MyKRIWN, r'nintntiMi hole! ; roui en uu or slnr'e ; ratf reasonable, h KKKKOKP HOTEL, 73A Hovt St.; eacl- lent board: all pennant outside room WEST SIDE, walking distance, comfurt- able bedroom for business man. aujoin Ing bath; breakfast if desired; $1S month. Auto. 526-5S. NUT ELY furnwhed rm. for 1 or 2 gentle- men: home privileges; oniy motner n son in family: 6 blks. from center of fcity. 348 4 ColumaPhne522-M. NICELY furnished room in first -clart steam-heated apartments, waiKing ins tance, reasonable. Oul Garmelii a pi.. Ltth and J'ffron. Main 4720. IN 1 R V1NGTON, near car line, loveiy front room. very niceiy lurownru, kitchen nrivilea-ea for breakfaat. East 3147. 2 FURNISH ED bi-iliouma jUy. Aut- .-''-' 7 . Room With Hoard in I wl-h 2 ma yulmt.y rlate ramtlj. MAN ANY WIFE, fond vt children with good hon.. lot of fruit and playground, tU-stre one or tw chl. drtn to vare (or by month. D 74 Oregonian. FOUR nicely furnished rooms, upper flat in private house, 40ft ciay. west sin, walking distance. Phone Main 7208. Don't call before Monday morning. CORNER front room in beautifully fur nished private home Tor l or s gentle men. $20. 71 Trinity place; walking distance. Bdwy. 2M6. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room and dress ing room with hot and coia wair; m. home: easy walking distance. 215 14th st. Call after Friday. NICELY furn. room In private family. bath, phone and omt-r pnvurnw. - garage tf wanted; gentleman preferred. Bant 34 r. FURNISHED front room, suitable for one or two ladies; board ii asirca. mihu distance. Phone Marshall 12.t. 00' King st. LARGE, light, airy room, private iainn. business district, walking distance. Everett, corner 17th. Gentleman pre TA1T HOTEL AU outside rooms, best fl day hotel in city; rooms $4 to $7, and with bath $8 to $10 per week; pleasant lobby; automatic elevator. 12th and Stark. . ANGELA HOTEL, 625 Washington st. Large lobby, automatic elevator, pnone and running water in each room; rooms with or without bath, $6.50 per week up; excellent home-cooked meals next door. FOR RENT Large sitting room and bed room on nrst noor. including piano: want ing distance ; euitable for married cou ple or two laditw. 76.t Hoyt st. HOTEL CONRAD1NE, 22 North 10th L, 2 blocks north of wasnington st. ; pleas ant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. STEAM-HEATED room, every convenience. Nob Hill district. wanting utwni-c. Broadway 304o, Sunday or after 6; rea sonable. COMFORTABLY furnished room with bath adjoining in quiet, private family in Irvington ; gentleman preferred; refer encea. E;tst 6165. TWO MEALS pr day for couple ith new living room, bedroom, bath and laundry accommiMlatioD, including trie phone, $s per month. Mt. Tabor dis trict, 2 blocks to itreet car. 03 Kat Hist sL Phone Tabor 6441. References e xc hanged. ROOM and board for 2 gentlemen or a couple emp'.o ed ; home pri il ge. mod ern conveni ncrs. walking dUlancs, il9 r E, HurnMde. East mum. LRGK. nicely furnished rm. wtih board, suitable for 1 or 2 young ladle: home like; all conveniences; easy walking di tance. 567 Glt-sn. Broadway 2i:t3 IN SELLWOOD Mother with two little Children will board child between S and years; $1$ per month. AR 77.1, Ore goniun, .. M"KLV furnished room in Ivory, with or without private bath; home phi In conKeninl home, ivlthsood surround- Idsji; reasonable. r'tt "'. LOGAN AIWUTMEN I'S, ftMrt GltsMti St. Two and three-rmnn apartments, with bath, light nrnl phone. Hrnmlway 4 71 H. DO YOU WANT A HoME? Irvington: elegant double room, board; single riMim; Uundry privileges- Et 6i;4.V - ONE ROOM for 1 or 2 young ladies, wiih references; home privileges; will give piano lessons in exchange for some serv ices. Phone Tabor 04t3 Sunday. NICELY furnished room, beautiful home and grounds, close In. walking distance. 243 11th; references desired. LARGE, comfortable, furnished room in private home, close in; suitable for busi- ness man. Call East 1"S.". PLEASANT outside large airy room. nicely furnished In first-class front apt. Private familv. Phone Marshall l.M.Y WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month. RECTOR HOTEL. 9 N. Broadway; newly furntahed mod ern rooms, $1 per day up, $5 per week up; private baths. THE ST. PAUL, 130 4th L, a respectable downtown hotel ; transient toe up, pri vate bath $2; low rates to permanent guests. KITZ HOTEL PARK AND MORRISON. Ideally located in the very center of the theater and shopping district. Special summer. rates now in effect. STRICTLY modern sleeping rooms, first- class) beds: walking distance. Nob Hill; transient or permanent guests; summer rates. Ed wy. 2618. FOR R ENT Large front room, modern. TOT, verett st. ; give breakfast if de sired. Tel. Main ROOMS reasonable; suitable two workln girls or men; breakfast if denired. Phone Woodlawn 37 56. NEWLY furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2. all privileges. Appiy street. Call Mar. 511. , . . WANTED To care for two i hiMren under In country home. For further particu lars write Mrs. C. Earl Howard. Craw ford. Wwfh LA KGK room in modern home. e e..ent board; suitable for one or two gentlemen or couple empiod. Tabor 4 43 E. V-M SL , BoARP and room in a rel homo, not boarding houe, for two girls who wlwh to fhuru room or man aiid w Ifs em ployed. Phone Automatic 32S-24. W I LI tnke one or io children In ni home in suburbs; $-" per mo : lots of pln ground. For Information "a!l feast 4222. - REl.IHLE. refined couple to i-hare vmatl hofnr. In renidential dt-trict; hM refer rnce exchanged; $30; breakfast and ' 1 1 n n " r ? r"t ' 1 Mlwn , ViTLlT give board and room with excellent Hie l Klrl lo H -r of age or ol.b r. Use of piano, private home, 2 sdulls. A K 7:i. reironi;in. ROOM with privileges. 1731. Greene ave.. near 23d and Wash. $1 per month. Mar shall 3M. FRONT room, suit 2 young men or ladles employed; meats If desired; walking distance. 414 Market. FRONT room to employed people only ; ouiet home, close in, home privileges. $13. East 6317, LARGE front room suitable for 1 or young mn. walking distance: $10 month. HK7 Glisan. Brodaway 2t43. NICELY furnished front parlor with com fortable folding ned and Hewing machine If desired: walking distance; $20 month ly. Call mornings only. 4l2 Market. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison St., at 10th $1 day, weekly so and up. j ree puui-e and baths. Light and airy. BEAUTIFULLY furniahed large, clean sleeping room: iurnace neat, can ti 4 Johnwon st.. cor, 21 st. SINGLE or double rooms at moderate prices; attractive rates ror permaneni guests. Empress hotel. 6th and Stark. BUCKINGHAM hotel, 20th and Washing ton, attractive moaern room, iree pnone and bath. Rates reasonable STRICTLY private home for gentleman or lady, with a garage, home comforts; references. Hdwy. 172. DESIRABLE room in modern home. ner 23d and Wah. All conveniences. Mar shall 3HW0. . CLEAN, auv room, close in, west Mde. $12 month. 346 College at., bet. Broadway iind Park st. Phone Main 3HB6. WOMAN on farm want one or more chil dren to care for, private rsmfT, all farm privilege!. Bo 32. W o nd I m n ri . W a f h . H M E! privilege 8 "a n 1 bent of rooking fop two gentlemen in family of Jolly young people, .'ptill CotnmerclKl.Aut.S12 BV ROOM and sleeping porch In modern sub urban home, bren k fant and dinner serv d Call morning. Tabor 1041. t LARGE r n. with hoi and cold water, with hoHrd for two 161 14th st., corner Morrison. Phone Mnin 1 . $4 A MONTH Itoom. hoard; t oy room In cosy home; Im-hides ail home prlv In t?en. 72-"i TllUtnook. WANTED 1 or 2 children lo board, 2 to 7 ynars old. Mrs. Alexander, 47l3 43d ave. S. K. HHI w ood M. STEAM heated furnished room. al mod ern conveniences. 364 Couch, bet. 17th hipI ISth. apt 3. m ROOM in ooJ home lor gentleman. S6 E. Madison street, near 13th. Auto. 21 ROOM Mini boHrd K.e CI I v Turk, one blk from rarilne; nrier man employed; borne p rlvlbgt Tabor 1 LAfiGK front room, upitarrs in nlr Irv ington home for young i ounie or 2 young men: home prMVcs K-t TIM? FOR RENT Furnished rooms on ground floor of house; large D&sement, close to car line. 6M Savler st. Broadway 1473. SUITE of rooms with private bath, suit able for 2 or , witn ooaru. wnue riau hotels 411 EAST Pine, near Grand ave., 2 clean. furnished rooms, $s ana il per month. W a Iking distance. CJLEAN, modern. Heht down town; sleep ing rooms and apt, wesionia nolel, lit West Park, near Morrison. LARGE pleasant room for 2. very clean. well furnished and cooi; rent reasonable. 38 11th st. Marshall 417S. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position;, references. Last 4!3i EXPERIENCED clerk wants Telephone Woodlawn 3337. position. Dressmakers. MAKE dresses of alt description, new suits into one piece dresses: alterations of all kinds and up to date; gentlemen's silk shirts to order, and summer B. V, P.; all work guaranteed Marshal1! 3fll DRESSMAKING: we specialize in chil- drena frocks. 70o Everett st. Tel. Main 4o&4. (Prices reasonable.) ANYONE wishing fancy or plain first-class sewing done, please can Mam 322J, apt. 1. SEWING done neatly and reasonably. Phone Main 5756 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. 210 5th st., cor. Salmon. WANTED To make complete baby lay ette; dainty nana work. .reasonable. AK 732, Oregonian. WANTED Dressmaking-, cniidren's clothes specialty. Mrs. King, v7o Haight ave. DRESSMAKING, plain sewing". Hazel Skin ner, 405 Ralelirh bldg. Main 898. DRESSMAKING and plain sewing, reason- aoie. Mrs, rniuipg. moaoway ipto. DRESSMAKING and tailorins; modeling by day. Tabor 3213. aiso re- LAD1KS' garments altered and refitted. L Reubin. tailor. 4u austi & Lane bldg. DRESSMAKING All kinds, reasonable. 422 Vt Morrison st., room 6, upstairs. SEWING very reasonably. Skirts plain blouse. tl.To. iSast 00tt2. JAPANESE woman wishes housework or care or cnuaren. a i oregonian. TWO GIRLS want position together. Will do anything. Fhone room 7, Mar. 11S0. WOMAN wants day work by the hour. Wdln. 58i7. YoCNG school teacher will care for chil- dren. Hdwy. 27rf2. RELIABLE lady desires day work, 45c per nour. rnone oaa-on. WANTED Sweeping, eleaning, by day; no washing or floor waxing. Main 5077. WILL care for children by the hour. inroad way z 4U. room 4tu. WANTED Work by hour, washing, iron- ing. nousecieaning. gast zsu. EXPERIENCED woman wishes work by aay or nour. oeuwooa buo. WANTED Engagements to sing at pri vate entertainments. Tabor I54. COMPETENT cook and housekeeper, city preferred. Room 1, Marshall 33s. WASHING and sewing wanted; moderate charges. 402 4th st. Marshal! fiii Eaun DRY done at my home; five years' experience, road way 1359. GOWNS, suits, coats made to order. Lelah Hutchinson, 827 Morgan bldg. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing Dy aay. auio. aj-oa. FORMER New York City modiste. 3.00 dv to Introduce. Tabor 4272. EXPERIENCED dressmaker desires sew ing by the day. Main 1717. Phone ALL KINDS dresmaking. wood 1057. i Sell- EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tai lores by the day. East T77S. SUMMER rate. In sewing, homes. remodeling. Tabor 302. EXPERIENCED practical nurse. Phone Sellwood 1861. NURSE will take aged or convalescent in he r home; reasonable. Auto. 628-00. PRACTICAL nurse wishes employment lm- mediately. Kast 4 'ST 7. PR ACT1-CA L nurse wants morning work. rnnne 'Jionaay, uroaaway ;u.o. room 37. NURSE wishes case, invalid or eiderly, reasonable terms. Main 4809. PLAIN sewing at your home. Od-ds and ends. Can, cut and fit. Main 33 1 2. PRACTICAL nurse ready for cases, ma ternity cases considered. Sellwood 3071. A YOUNG couple will take excellent care of your home for summer, also pay rea sonable rent. Write Mr. Alger, 212 Leeds apt., or phone Marshall 3oU7 after Sundays TH REE AD U LTS WAN T TO RENT A HOUSE WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE OF JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. WOODLAWN IB21. LaRRABEE HOTEL Modern rooms $2 50 up; close to dental college ana 2 blocks from Bteel bridge. East 84ft. " HOTEL BARK. 112 N. Sixth, 2 blocks of depot. $1 per day, j5 per week and up. 7c DAY, $2.50 WEEK Up; clean, baths free. Hoiel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson. BUSHMARK. Wash. iU, cor. 17th; clean, modern rooma, also apts., i reasonable. LARGE desirable rooms, modern residence. 327 Sixth street. WANTED 5, 6 or 7 rooms, modern, un furnished house or bungalow; Rose City, Irvington or restricted district ; will lease; references; adults. Sellwood 1240. WANTED Furnished 5 to 7 -room house, close in; must be good location; "prefer hou?e with large yard; beat references. 772, Oregonian. WANT 5-room lower flat, unfurnished flat or bungalow by July 1, Sunnyside or Hawthorne preferred. Best of refer ences. H 753. Oregonian. IF YOU want to rent your home to re liable people, list it with Mr. Pomroy. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS, 020 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4880. WANTED By responsible party, 4 or 5 room furnished or unfurnished bunga low or flat In good district. Can furnish references. Phone East 3R27. WANTED By young couple, modern 4 or 5-room bungalow to lease; partly fur nished or unfurnished: rent not to ex ceed $40; references. Aut. 320-07. DAYTON HOTEL, First and Taylor at., modern rooms; rates reasonable. NUB HILL, walking distance, beautifully furnished room; running water in room. a 1 s(flrepjnce. Main 57V. NICELY furnished room In modern flat for 1 nr 2; walking distance; west side. Mar. 087. . NICE large rom with board In private l.unily ; beau tit ul location. Phone Eat 7:t2S. . WELL furnishrd bedroom adjoining bath, for gentleman. Phone Main 341. Refer ences exchimged. FURNISHED rooi.. fr rent in private family; women preferred. Call person ally at 23 Larreben gt A VERY nice modern room In a home, see to appreciate alt the advantage; price $5 per week. East 4K!tS. NICELY furnished front room on car line, walking distance. 510 Jefferson St., tiur 10th tI rrct. , 1V G LA KG E outside rooms. 1 blk. from two cars, clojte in; modern conveniences. ,"all 70ltKearneyor phoneMaln 3H13. FOR RENT Four room, furnished, with bath. t32 12ih st., near Beacon. Take Se 1 1 w ood car. 1 lHH'ttl.K room. 1 mini room In private tin-: $S a week. 43UH (Will St. Auto. II 1 - 2 2. - LAFIGK front n-oni with board, tuilahl for two; modern, walking dilancv, fins location Eat 5715 ROiTm and 2 mo;T. home prlv IItrc. pi ano, per month to young lady or girl. Woodlawn OILY Roo.M and board in pn at fumllv . n -t-nnahle rate. Home privileges; close In. i 'all Kss ::so2 , WILL tnke 1 or 2 children to th coun try for th summer; t"st of care. Tle- lihone Automatic .m . LADY 1 or :n2;t. lil board an-1 give bent of cars la boys or gtr.. Phone .Maransn LARGE room, modern home. uiiaule fori. Marshall 4 41". TTO lr vj ng. t irt vfsilKD room with board. 407 Claf st rt M.i s3 I. Ii H -M and b st . corner J it per w vkW. 11' c- 4J th ROOM and caie to chli-I bet. 2 ami ' Veais, o nf a r rn nmrj'i 1 ; n d Aut S 3 2J I'KIVATK home for children under et-n years. f.V VV. Goinu.cor DilerMiit e. iTrlE-room" for twoTno other boarders. .".M2 Montgomery st; CHILDREN well cured in uburbn home of responsible prly. Auto. in2 PLEASANT sleeping room for 2: phone, bath and all conveniences. Very home like. Marshall 2.M5. 428 Milt street LARGE front sleeping room. 300 Coium bia ave. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, walk ing distance. 3W7 Oregon St. FURNISHED room, connected with bath; phone; one or two aauus. aw-t iu. Mor rison st.. cor. 15th- 2 BEAUTIFUL rooms, complete. 3214, LARGE double front room In refined homo for 2 or 3 gentlemen . ft minutes from postoffice. west side. Phone Main 7Q'..' TO SUBLET, one beautiful single room, close In, west side. Call Tabor 03 .'ft. CLEAN, light outride room. Broadway 1033. Funiifhed Rooms jp Private Family! WELL-FURNISHED room with hot and cold water; walking distance. E. 2303. WELL furnished room in private family for 2 men. Wdln. 3098. A LARGE room near Multnomah club. Auto. D23-77. 501 Taylor. NICE room, easy walking distance. East Alder SL MODERN 5 or 6-room bungalow or flat by responef b,e adults: lease, one or more years. Call mornings week days. Auto. 318-4A. WANTED To rent seven or eight-room modern house; family of four; no small children: would like privilege buying. Reply, stating rental. y isi, oregonian. FAMILY of three adults want strictly modprn unfurnished v-room house with garage, can weea aay iorenoons. Mar shall 714. ROOMS in private family at 300 Benton n. Pnone ,t,ast i win. NICELY furnished sleeping; hot and cold water. 269 y Fifth St. FOR RENT Two clean, nicely furnished rooms, walkin g distance. 53" John son. ONE BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room for rent, telephone and bath. 135 13th st. NICELY furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2. Main 0746. 422 Jefferson. VERY fine, modern furnished room, suita ble for 1 or 2; no other roomers; close in; 70V E. Broadway. COMFORTABLE room for gentleman, walking distance center of city. 21)j E . Firs t st. X,. ne;ir Ho Ha day ave. WELL-FU'HN ISHED rooms, w alking dis tance. 0j E. Taylor, corner 15th. Eat o:o. CiO f room, board. 3 4 garage. Call Tabor W KI.L furnished room with good board. Walking i 1 1 t h n e. 7"3H t. XJX A GENTLEMAN In ni-e home with c o n s i n i a 1 o : k . K a f t 7 PRIVATE h"ine for children: 20 years' -. erU-nce. 714 EtvjwJjwrslw'.l 2102. u'ivi-i'n To board ehild under at J."i; no other children. Main !470 DA N D Y large room for rent, furnished ; nice location. Inquire 13Vi E. 2Mb N. or phone Auto. 227-2 NEATLY furnished room for 1 or 2 men in modern home: close In. 426 E. Har riwon. Phone East 3704. CLEAN sinRie sleeping room, close In, for $10 month. 600 Jefferson, near 14th. Main 02SN. THREE pleasant h. k. furnished rooms to ndults. ftftS Yamhill. Main 4413. ROOM for rent for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 321) 13th. Main 4623. ROOM with sleeping porch, use of living room. 71M Hoyi NK WI.Y furnish"! sleeping rooms, private family. 440 Montgomery ml. SoMKONE ho wishes a home to share my flat. G 773. oregonian. CI. KAN, comfortable room. Juft like home, 2 meals, walking distance. E h.102. KtOM Tnd board f'r t wo K"nth nu n, horns rrivlbge. Woodlawn 4f7. jITmiM and board in atractiw home, horns p r I vllrifeff, board reasonable. Wdln. 2J'2. ROOM with inesls. pndid food, sleeping n re h ; woncif r: ui vie w. CLt'SE in for 1 or 2: a cony front room with breakfast 400 Clav pf. Main 2-'2K. handy ROOM and boaid tor 4 gentlemen: to St. J oh ns or Kenton Wdln. 10 NICE home for gentleman, near Mult nomah club; reasonable. Main 221 TV WANT 1 r 2 gentlemen board. 13T Bei'tiontst. I urnlnhed Apart mentn. FOUR or five-room modern flat, furnished or partly rurmsheo. for one year or longer; west side and steam heat pre ferred. AR 743. Oregonian. WANT 5-r. bungalow or cottage between 2Sth and 60th sts., not over 2 blka. from Sandv blvd.; $1000 cash, balance montb ly. Call Main 70:1 today or Monday. DESIRABLE tenant wishes to ' rent S or l-room modern bouse on west side : Heights preferred; no children. P. O. box 1109. WANTED A 4 or 5-room furnished houee bv July 1 or before. Phone Woodlawn 2102. WANTED Small furnished house or 3 rooms, out from center of city; describe and give price. H 774. Oregonian. WANTED To lease bv July 4, 6 or 7- room good house, j erreneon high difi trlct; references. Wdln. 5467. BY RESPONSIBLE party, on or before July 1, a modern 5-room house. Address B 773, Oregonian. WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room .house with or without garage. Phone Marshall 2300. WANTED 3 or 4-room modern house. Osburn, I4.S E. 30th st. MODERN 5 or 6 room houe, west side. $2 or j AC ii OreKODian. LARGE front sleeping room. $3 week. 34S Williams, at Broadway. NICELY furnished large room, close "in. Phone E. 183. LARGE comfortable rooms at. 240 E. 13th street. Phone East 472. FINE room with young couple where you feel at home. Garage. 872 Sandy blvd. FUK N WH ED R OOM S. FO R PARTICU- L A RS CAIL TABOR S072. 2-ROOM suite, best in city for money. Marshall 3214 SLEEPING room, nicely furnished and clean; reasonable. 2ft5 Clay st. FOR RENT i rooms, furnished, with bath; rent $13. Phone Automatic 610-4S. PLEASANT sunny room with private en trance. 60 N. 22d st. IRVINGTON 2 rooms with garage. Broad- way car. East 2QI2. CLOSE-IN, clean sleeping porch for man, 3 week. 201 w. Fark. . FINE room with young couple where you fed at home; garage, fn -J fanny otvo. SMALL sleeping room, Montgomery st. $3 a week. 311 ROOM in lovely home, walking distance ; breakfast if desired. 714 Overton. SLEEPING rooms, private family, $3.50 per week. 43; v nnams ave. CLEAN, liKht, single sleeping room, $2.25 week. 4..4 Taylor st. TWO SLEEPING rooms. b4 E. 8ttf near G. ave. and E. Morrison. $13 snd fl. BEAUTIFUL front suite of rooms; bed room. sitting room. Nob Hill. MHln IQolK 237 TWELFTH ST., front room for 2 men. hot and cold water. 2oa 14TH ST., choice room, modern con veniences; walking distance. Main 3M3. FOR RENT Small room, nice view, bath, C. S. preferred, $10. Marsh. I01U. NEWLY furnished rooms to rent, $2 week. 371 19th st. North. CLOSE in for 1 or 2; a cosy front room with breakfast. 469 Clay st. Main 222S. NICE clean sleeping rooms, 474 Y'amhlH, corner 14th. . 1 LARGE, light, airy room for gentlemen. 434 Main. young 3 PA RTLY furnished rooms. 1000 Grand ave. N. Woodlawn 4U1. NICELY furnished room with board. Broadway bridge. 4H Benton st. BOARD and room for one or two mn. 300 E. Schuyler mtft corner Third. LARGE rm.. vate bath. beautiful home; lawn, prl ft4 N. 21st.. cor, Everet t . IRVINGTON Neatly furnished room, con- v-niences; Broadway car line. E. 324. FIRST-CLASS room with piano for music teacher. N21 Thurman. 4o w. -Jtbi- bt.-uw vwih uAKAOfc. J FOR RENT Clean outside turn-feed rooms OUM5. 2.0 wJuy up. H) MorrlMD. at ZJo Fourteeutb suetL HERMENIA. 400 Hall st. room monern iroin cor. 10th. Adiilts ATTRACTIVE 4-foom apt. 414 11th SL Marshall 1160 ELBR1DGE Al'TS, 174 N. 21st nt., 2 and 3 -ro o m furnished ais Broadway 473'V r.:io East K. store. COSY 3-room apartment, chea,.. loth. S'tl. 1S. Roland, O. W. NICE 3-room apt" with dreeing room a n d bath, van nt June 21. East :;7S'. 1, X 3-ROOM apt nr mont h. reasons prlvii te baths; week 4 14 4th st. CGAII'LETKLY lui nhed r-nt. 42S Davis at. pai tan nt for 5-ROOM furnhed apartment, summer m n n t h a. w a Iking d i stance. 1 ulwy. 3 f I a. 3TeVLV" furnished apartment for rent. In quire No. 2 Grand n v e. or cull 2l7-:i'i ' l.VDAY STOR AGE Fl. KK. M"vl"g for !en Phone FJwy, 244V FoR RENT 3-room furnished apt" wnK bath and sink. Call FRONT 2 ami 3-room apt A PTS.. 31' Trinity Place. Thuiman st. blrkkllV Mar. P.C.O. ;-ROOM APT.. ol. 33. 1717 convenient, I'ortsmouth i 3-ROOM furn. apt., steam healed, pri t a to lath: acinus. i ia, 4-ROOM modern suite, nl- ely f urn is hi d , w a lking niMance, ipiy tminy, n r li'NloN AVE and Killingsworih; $:i-M all co mplet . corrreto building. NEWLY RENOVATED 2-rooniand ba'.h apartment at Fairmont, 2t Ilfh at. NiW YoKK apartments, furnuht-U, ur. 7U aod LUiquoL iast 23s.