TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIA3T, PORTLAND, JTJXE 19, 1921 it REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. DISTTXCTTVE HOMES. Priced From $$500 to $14,000. LAURELHTJRST. 14.000. A pretentious home !n the heart f Portland' s loveliest, most ex clusive residential district. Ideally situated on a beautiful luuxlOO corner with native and Imported shrubbery, etc.; 8 spacious rooms, plate gas windows, hardwood floors and immaculate finish throughout; all appointment of the finest. A HOME OF UN EQUALLED OH A KM, and an aristocrat in its class. . Pine at. BOSE CITY. $3500. ROSTE CITY with Interesting lew! 7 airy room bungalow type home that's a perfect model of beauty, comfort and economy; ex ceptionally large living room with art fireplace, etc. ; handsome built-in features, sleeping- porch, etc.: STxldO will kept grounds, shrubs. A HOME OF LASTING HAPtPiNESS. E. 47 th. ROSE CTTY. BEAUTIFUL! $6500 When you want a home you want It fully equipped for living! You'll enjoy this one having T large rooms, besides a. sunny, "chatty" breakfast room ; Interior . finish old Ivory, hardwood floors, massive built-ins. furnace, fireplace; practically new and in excellent condition; fruit, flowers, shrubbery, garage. Can arrange convenient terms. E. 43d St. rRVTNGTON. $7500. FOR "PEOPLE WHO CARE." distinctive in design, both in ex terior and interior, and complete in everr detail; 7-room. Just com pleted IRVINGTON bungalow; ga rage and cement runway. Attrac tive terms. . 21st. PIEDMONT-J RFFERSO. I6A00. TOTLL LOVE THIS stately COLONIAL home; mas sive and beautiful built-in effects; breakfast room and sun parlor, sleeping porch, pipeless furnace, hardwood floors. NEW! VA CANT! Can t we show you this? Pattoa av, NOTH. Discriminating horneweekeT. you can satisfy your taste for the beautiful and different by visit ing our distinctive home depart ment. Always courteons, ex perienced salesmen to give yoa the best of attention. See FRANK I McOOHRB To Buy Tour .Distinctive Home. Abington Bldg. Alain 1068. - XRVTNGTON H01THL A small home, but most attrac tive, with large living room, lovely dining room, kitchen with break fast nook, two fireplaces, hard wood floors throughout, lovely lirhttng fixtures, wall covering, etc. Garage aa part of house. By appointment. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, EAST 7878. ARTISTIC BUNGALOW, PTTRXISHED OR UNFURNISHED. S350O rt50 CASH. FURNISHED. Four rooms, modern, with sleeping I fNrch and attractive sun parlor: long I living room with he.m ceilings, finished I in lvrfry; furnished in fine wicker with! a gioo rug. Dreanrast nooK, jths, na.ni furnace, cement basement, 2 blocks to) Richmond car. paved streets, full-sized lot. fine garden : practically new house. I R, SOM KRVILLE, Realtor, Broa d way 247S. U. S. Natl. B.ink Bldg. IRVINGTON" BUNGALOW. Typical California bungalow of ft rooms, in excellent condition; old ivory finish, finest hardwood floors, full cement basement. By appointment. MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, EAST 7076. OWNER LEAVING CITY. Will sell below cost of construction 1 beautiful modern house In splendid con dition ; large living room, library, din- I lng room, breakfast room, kitchen, 5 1 laree bedrooms and bathroom; all ivory f.nlsh. hardwood floors, laree fireplace. furnace. large garage, beautiful grounds, I Portland Heights. Call owner. Mar-1 ShaH 24Sfl. " 400 CASH $400. CLOSE TO FRANKLIN HIGH. $;;.1ft0 ATTRACTIVE AND MODERN BUNGALOW. EXCELLENT FURNACE, 5 ROOMS AND BATH FIRST FLOOR, ATTIC HAS TWO FINISHED ROOMS; DUTCH KITCHEN. REAM CEILINGS. LOCATED ON CORNER 4S35 E. 31ST AVE. S. E.. ONE BLOCK WEST OF 6oTH ST. (MT. SCOTT CARLINE). R. SOMEEV1LLE. BDWY. 1478. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 7-room bungalow, nice living room, I brant if ul fireplace, cove ceiling, Dutch I kitchen, cement basement, wash trays. garage. Will take Ford touring car and j very small payment; balance like rent. " TSa? Sandy Mvd. Tabor 153. MODERN MT. TABOR HOME. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, panel dining room, fireplace, all built-ins; fine lawn, fruit and ber ries; lot 50x150; can see Cascade range mts. for 100 miles; 2 mt. peaks. Will take Ford, new or nearly new, as part I payment. Phone Tabor 2ov4. 4750 o ROOMS, sleeping porch; fire place, furnace; full attic: full cement basement; lot 65x100; several large fruit trees; JIOOO cash: a home; Z bath rooms. 2 toiiets: In Sunnyside. J. P. McKenna. realtor. 1151 Belmont at 30th. Tabor 6493. YES. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. Come out this afternoon to 677 10th Street, strictly modem and up to the I minute, five rooms down, two up; only 17500: buy it now and select your tap estry and decorations. Week days Main I ft i.to. EOSE CITY PARK 6 rooms, strictly modern; lot 100x100; garage for three machines; Alameda Drive. 2 blocks of car: would brine $10,000; will sell for $400; some terms; this week only. J. P. I McKenna. realtor. 1151 Belmont at 39th. Tabor 6103. ROSE CITY. S.-iHO CASH. ; 5 $50 A TTKACT1V E 5-ROOM BUN GALOW: HARDWOOD FLOORS. Fl RE PLACE, FURNACE. GARAGE. OWNER LEAVING CITY. $500 CASH. H. SOMERV1LLE. BDWY. 2478. $240 5-ROOM cottage: modern plumb ing, sewer, streets: Sunnyside school; $300 cah, $20 month. This is a pickup; must sell this week. J. P. McKenna realtor. 115L Belmont at 30th. Taboi j M4H3. ' FURNISHED COMPLETELY. $400 down; 5-room bungalow-style home, garage, fruit galore and I lowers. etc. ; near schools and car; everything included at $200. eay terms, bee Mr. i Koenigs, QllN. Realtor. 2Qfi Morgan B:dg. FOR SALE By owner. 6-room house In! desirable part of Woodstock district. &1500: $350 ca.h. balance Sl. per montn. Can be made into an ideal home. Tabor I 6541. S u b u rim nil o m es. MR. RENTER. LOOK AT THIS. Brand new 4-room bunealow with Dutch kitchen, gas and rugning water, jooxioo lot. only a stones throw to Evergreen station on the Oregon City line: price only $1450. $250 cash and the balance like rent; you will have to hurry if you want this. Ask for F. C. Marshal!, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 24.". Abineton Bldg. Main 106S. Third St.. B't. Wash. . and Stark. lT, ACRES FOR JiJOO. MULTNOMAH STATION. Modern 3-room bungalow with bath. Dutch kitchen, electricity, gas and run nmg water: only 3 blocks from car and clo.e to school; owner will give terms or take a good Ford in as part of first pavniint. Ask for F. Or Marshall, with ' FRANK L. McGUIRE. 20." Abineton Bide. Main 106S. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. THREE-ACRE HOME. Six rooms, fireplace, bath, gas, run ning stream all year; near Garden home; $3750, easy terms. Main 54-"i6. . 1125 Gasco bldg. Sunday Sell. 2501). FOR SA LE or rent. 5 acres, house, barn, etc.. adjoining city limits Vancouver. Wash. Phone Marshall 547, or call 983 Water st.. Portland. Or. SUBURBAN home on Or son City car linet near river; 6 rooms and bath, lots of fruit; chicken houses. good garage; terms. Call Soil. 2011 week days. Owner. JV ACRES for $5o, level, good soil, at station, 35 minutes out; $10 down; save your rent. Owner, AE 748. Oregonlan. BUNGALOW at Jennings Lodge, on paved road: half acre, one block from car line, school, church, store. A. H. Peterson. SUBURBAN buniiaiow. half mile out. all conveniences, fine view. acre, garage, terms Bv owner. Tabor 6321. SUBURBAN home for rent. 1 acre, house, barn, Just outside 82d St.. Lents district. X 734. Oregonlan. $1175 5-ROOM house. Oswego; big lot, all in garden; close to new highway; terms. iicFajIand, Keillor, Failing bid.' BEAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes, OV PAVED HIGHWAY. One acre. lfa miles from city limits, all under cultivation, few young fruit trees, some berries. 3-room house and pantry, city water and gas, small barn, raraare. chicken house: included with place one cow, 35 chickens, garden tools and some furniture; only 5 blocks from station and school: good car service and low commutation tare; price ouv, ivou cash, balance $20 per month and interest at 6 per cent. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME CLOSE IN , m 5 acres. &fa miles west of Portland; 4fa acres under cultivation, balance in timber; all can be cultivated; best of soil: mile to electric station, 500 feet front Capitol highway; graveled road to place; 40 young assortea iruit iree. i tractive French bungalow, with best of plumbing and wire for lights; water sys tem, sleeping porch, garage, chicken house; buildings all new; price $btoo; Urge cash payment; personally In spected; photo at office. i k hinoir fnsm Mptzrer Station twn-rhfrria arm iinrifir cultivation, bal ance in pasture. 36 bearing berry SuchAt tvu fruit fri. 4-rnom nou.e, garage, chicken house, exceptionally fine son: Drice -'ioo: sruw casn, aiw 2 miles east Portland, at electric sta- -i ra t rw1 house. 4 rooms, chicken ' house, macadamized road, one block from pavement: price $1900; $600 cash; yispected by Brooks, t nivo Tjirr WITTS. acres. 20 miles . from center of Portland, near Capitol nignway. oo to electric station; w oven-wire fences, a acree strawberries and blackcaps, one acre other berries. 15 assorted bearing f ru 1 1 trees ; cheap 4 -roo m n ou se, oa rn 16x24. chicken house 12x20; price $-7o0; i'oo xaah hiknro for 2 fa years at 6 per cent, or will consider clear lot as part payment; inspected by Hunter. 5 acres, between Gresham and Port land, on fine rocked road. 100 feet from pavement, 2 blocks from electric line and school; all under cultivation; best of soil. 24 acres in bearing berries. acre of grapes, some apple, pars. plums, etc.; 4-room plastered house, barn, chicken house; included with place 1 cow, 1 horse and all necessary Imple ments; oftly 30 minutes out-inspected by Brooks; offered at a real bargain. S acres, 9 blocks from Huber Station, all under cultivation, fruit trees and berries that are bearing, very attractive house with water system, acre logan berries this spring, bara. garage, chicken house, gas and gas llehts. me owner is o!ng away and wi:i mike a large discount on this place if as much as $1700 can be paid cash, balance for 2 years. I cifina-nrv rtTJ-nfcwA W AND PORTLAND. 1 acre, all in nerries ana i fruit trees. 2 blocks to electric siauou, macadamized road, 5-room nouse, um u v.ia int rf nhrubberv. cow. chickens, furniture and d enoug-h for over 2 years included at $3500; $1000 cash: inapectea Dy nunier. NEW CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW j-w Divrn HIGHWAY. i Ail under cultivation. 1 block .tAni- .torinn ft miles from cen ter of Portland, 1 Mock to school, fine new bungalow, with best of white enamel plumbing, city water and and electric lights can be had. $10no r.fih. balance S20 month and interest 6 per cent; property is clear. -V-TT.MT nf ierrnirn WOTTSE 160ft. u acre. fi blocks from city limits, all under cultivation, some young berry plants, giuden and roses, new postered bungalow of 3 large rooms, city water in house, gas can ne nau; dmi- $r.00 cash, balance $15 month, 6 per cent Interest; Inspected by Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg.. Realtor. Over 500 Small Placrs Nonr Portland. Get Our Extensive Classified Lists. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 10 a., 6 cleared; lots of raspberries, lo ganberries, gooseberries, strawberries; 5h choice fruit trees; nice park, flowers; -acres in clover, 2 In wheat; modern dou-ble-constructd house, just finished, clear of incumbrance, on good road, mail route, paper, grocer, butcher come to the door; I can make good terms; take Estacada car to Sycamore station, then south to Foster paved road, then to left 400 feet, then to rieht; cream house trimmed In white. By auto on Foster road to Sycamore, then as above direct ed Mail. Portland. Or. J. H. Nnlta. OAK GRO V E. B acres with abundance of apple-s. cherries and berries; modern 7-room bungalow, electric lights, gas, prensure water svstem. improved streets on three sides, close to station, with sidewalks . ..r irutP- fruit Days all expenses; idoal for poultry; deliehtful place to live: can be divided into small tracts to good advantage; 10c carfare and half hour service on Oregon City car line; will sell all or part or exchange for city property. See owner, G. V. Ptnck ney, on premises. Third and Oak aves., Oak Grove TiPiHTIvrr. CLACKAMAS RIVER. 2 2 acres, right on the Clackamas and Pacific highway. Cozy 7-room bunga low with wonderful living room 18x30, overlooking the river; large front porch, furnace, fireplace, elfictric lights, city water, laundry trays, bath, concrete basement, garage, beach for bathing, fine shade trees, lawn, large family orr chard and berries. Why look further when you can get all this for $6300 with terms? See Mr. Hinkle. with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR) 318 Chamber of Commerce. ' TIGARD HOME. - Place 600 feet from Tigard. house 2 story, double construction; cement base ment, well-drained, concrete floor, frame barn, cement floor: 2 frame chicken houses: nearly 11 acres richest soli; creek through the place, with swimming pool, trout and crawfish; young family or chard, grape arbor, berries, crops, gar den, stock, chickens, etc. Place must be seen to be appreciated. May be seen any day except Sunday. Cash terms pre ferred. A. G. Sannniom, owner. ON VERY EASY TERMS. For the ones who wish to live in the country where the air is pure and re freshing, where taxes are low. we offei two exceptionally good buys in houses both have run piuniDing, ana are Dran new. 1 acre with each house. In goo district about 8 miles east of courthouse price $2850, $3000. Don't phone, but come In. R H CONFREY. Realtor, RITTER, LOW E & CO.. 201. 2. 3. 5. 7 Board of Trade Bldg REAL ESTATE. ONLY RESPONSIBLE MEN WHO PROMOTE THE INTEREST OF THEIR CLIENTS CAN i AIM AI.N MKMB E K SHIP IN THE PORTLAND REALTY BOARD. AND NONE EXCEPT M KM BKRS ARE ENTITLED TO USE THE COPYRIGHTED NAME KKAL TuK. BE SURE YOUR REALTY AGENT IS A REALTOR. PORTLAND REALTX" BOARD. BROADWAY 1002. HALF ACRE AND NEW BUNGALOW. Nearly half acre, beautiful grove of native trees, lust outside city limits with all city conveniences: between Stark and Gliean streets on Craig road new double constructed bungalow. rooms and bathroom below, large attic 100 feet to car; a great bargain at $2450. easy terms, s. P. Osburn, Real tor. lo McKay bldg. NEWBERG HIGHWAY. 1 acre right on the highway, 18 miles out. with a good 3-room oungaiow. large garage, acre In full bearing berries, some furniture and garden tools, close to electric station. Price only $2000, terms. See Mr. Jones, with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR) 318 Chamber of Commerce. THREE-ROOM house, lare barn, all cul tlvated. free use of other land adjoin lng. Near school, rock road, between Beaverton and Portland. $1."00; only $.oo down. orth $.0. Let me show this place. I have auto. J. EUGENE HEDGES, REALTOR, 201 W. Park. Main 2o00, I LOC A T E D IN HILLS BO RO. For sale by owner, 5-room house and half acre In asparagus and strawberries; one block irom Pacific highway, two blocks from grocery. !U Belmont st. Tabor 13117. or 008 10th St.. Hillsb 0 r o. 2H ACRES. ONLY $."00. $,V down. $10 per month: located In beautiful Titlatin valley, close to elec tric station, within 10 miles of court house: good soil. See owner, 500 Con cord Didg.. frecona ana btark. STRANGERS. COME SEE ME. Have best selection of farms and suburban property at real bargain prices. Will help you get started. T O Bird. Chamber of Commerce. Realtor SUBURBAN HOME $2000. One acre, berries, fruits, poultry cow little house BUILT FOR TWO. Some terms. 9c car fare. Mr. Colt, 526 Cham, of Com. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOMES and acreage, well located, near carline from $1M0 up. Inquire 3d house north of Risley station, on Oregon City carline. CHICKEN ranch, Fairview. Furnished house, barn. 1-3 acre. $000: $200 down balance $10 per month. 227 Wash 1 n g ton st 203 HALF acre and 5-room bungalow, $4.,00 $1000 cash and terms. Call on owner J. H. Beilan, Oak Grove station. Ore gon City car. $7."o 2 -ACRE farm, will make a beautiful home; hard-surfaced road, near city limits; only $750, terms. 392 Sixth St., aoartment 4. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to buy modern house and 2 acres at a reasonable price very easy terms. Owner. Auto. 626-471 $2O0 CASH New 4-room bungalow, Os wego lake; lights, water; 3 blocks sta tion; $2100. AlcFarland, Failing bldg. BEAL ESTATE, Suburban Homes, $1,100 BEAVERTON STATION, two big acres and a 2-room liouse, with city water and gas in street; only 8 miles from Portland; public high and St. Mary's boarding school all within near walking distance; cash $350, balance $15 per month; it will pay you to see us . about this bargain. $3HH) RYAN STATION. 4-room bunga low, bath, fireplace, gas, city wa ter, city carfare, garage, chicken house. acre with choice orchard. on good road, only 2 minutes' walk to. station. $3600 ALOHA STATION, a few miles west of Beaverton: 5 acres and 5-room bungalow, almost new, fine chicken house, woodshed and stor age room, fruit trees and berries; cash S1000. balance 30 Der month. Look at this one if you wish to see a nice country oungaiow wttn liv ing room and dining room combined. $10,000 NEAR BEAVERTON STA. 17 acres, on Beaverton road, 20 min utes' drive to Portland: 6-room house. semi-modern, ceiled and papered, Dutch Kitcnen, bath, hot and cold water, ga rage, barn, chicken house, orchard, ful bearing; 3 acres in asparagus, 1 acre in onion seed, some rhubarb and garlic. This will swm pay for itself, as owner can produce books showing gross income of $4000 lastVear; $2000 in asparagus alone was made last year; $3500 caah balance terms. Do you want a suburban home? The above are personalty appraised and se lected from 100 listings. See us before you buy. M. E. DE JOICE COMPANY, 221 Hnry Bldg. Broadway 1631. STRICTLY MODERN 5-ACRE HOME, VERY HIGHLY IMPROVED. SACRIFICE, $10,000. 11 miles out on paved highway; 2 blocks from Red Electric station; house Is strictly modern bungalow with hard wood floors. Dutch kitchen, etc., and less than 2 "years old; all finished Ivory enamel and tapestry paper; double ga ranre to match house. GROUND, 5 acres with ACRE heavy bearing logan berries; 2.0 bearing fruit trees; also plenty raspberries, strawberries, goose berries, blackberries; no better kept place in Oregon; good barn and all nec essary outbuildings; about 1 acre gen uine beaverdam ; loganberry crop alone has averaged $700 profit per year for : last two years. I We have the largest listing MODERN suburban homes of any firm in port land. Any kind of a place you want from J200 up to 950,fN. Also cnoice acreage tracts (with or without build ings) on all pnved highways. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St.. Near 2d. Main S220 or Main 931S. SUBURBAN HOMES ON ELECTRIC LINE. 20 miles from Portland, on county road. 6 miles from Hillsboro; 20 acres, 8 under cultivation; 6-room house, bath, toilet, laundry tubs, work shop, two sleeping rooms overhead, tools and im plements, equipment (gasoline) for saw ing wood and pumping water, etc. ; orchard, 20 each of apples and peaches bearing, small fruits, very much furni ture, range, go with place; also grow ing crop; price $5000 cash; $3000 bal ance mortgage at 6 per cent; liberal time. FRED W. NEWELL. Broadwav 5030. 407 Henry, Bldg. RIGHT ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 15 acres right on the beautiful high way, 20 miles from Portland, with an attractive 7-room plastered bunga'ow, dandy large living room with fine fire place; wonderful view ; garage, barn, chicken house, part of land now in crop. Some nice timber; family orchard in full bearing; some berries; with the place go 2 milch cows. 1 heifer and 20 chickens. Only $7000, terms. Mr. Hinkle. with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR) 318 Chamber of Commerce. COLUMBIA RIVER HIGHWAY. 1 '4 acres, facing highway and Sandv river, 40 young fruit trees; 4-room mod dern bungalow, attic, lights and water in house; $8500; half cash: th!s Is one of the very best sites along the river. 10 acres choice level lana in cuiuv.v tion. faniilv orchard: 6-room house, barn outbuildings; OVi miles courthouse: 500 Vtew district; K-MPU; goou easy inrnis. R. M. OATEWOOD CO.. 16.V 4th St. rnrifTV v. v STATION Wonderful 2 L - acre home; every deslranie improvement, about 4 acre grapes, all other fruits in full bearing; finest shruDoery, large, Tmnrtfrn 6-room buncalow. garage, out build in ss: a home really wort h about tr. noo- nwnpr will sacrifice for $0500, reasonable terms; might take strictly modern home up to ?4;on as part. , G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 22 Washington St Main 8220. Mnvrc TV TODAY Kew 4-room bungalow, modern, and 1 acre of choice land. $3600. $200 down, bal. $30 per month. Also 3 acres with 48 hearing fruit trees, 8-room house. sleeping porch, bath and toilet: good barn, garage, chicken houses and lncu bators. A. J. DeFOREST & CO. (Realtors) 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5500. WHEN YOU BUY THROUGH. OK lawr PROPERTY WITH A "KKAIIUK vnrr ark CFRTAIN THAT HE IS RE SPONSIBLE. BECAUSE NONE EXCEPT REPUTABLE KKAL j.r iaib ir-. a r if v VTITF.F.D TO THE USE OF THIS COPYRIGHTED NAME. WHEN IN DOUBT, PHONE PORTLAND REAL TY BOARD. BDWY. 100-'. ACRE HOME ONLY $1800 Good 5-room house and necessary outbuildings; fine for small chicken ranch or berries; only 4 blocks from bell station on duh ui.n fjreuhii m nnrl Estacada line and onlv' 8 miles out. Snap for $1800, $400 cash, balance $15 month at per cent. McCORMIC CO., '242 Washington st. M a In 8220 or M a In 93 1 8. ONE ACRE. New modern 5-room bungalow and breakfast nook. One full acre of ground In most excellent shape, just across street from the city limits. Price wll! surprise you when you see the place. $3500, ver v ea sy terms. PETERSON & YORK. 437 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 8005. r.nT.i.-RRS- ATTENTION! Fine 2 acres, thick with variety of trees and nice little house, water, elec tric light, gas. located at Firlock sta tion (Oregon Hlec). about 150 feet from 15th tee Portland Golf club course; readv to occupy, $3500; only $ir00 cash required. Owner. Mar. 808 or East 5521. LAKEVIEW VILLAS, plat 4; new tract just being opened. Here's a sample: Large homesite, 100x210 feet, with clear running nrooK, line sou, no roca, pipea water lights; only $525, $30 down. '$10 per month. Price includes rocking of roads. Get In on the ground floor. Call 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. Owner. CHICKEN RANCH. 6-room modern bungalow. 100x120 lot. fruit, berries, garage, chicken runs. 2 fa blocks car. WILL TAKE SMALL CAR IN OR $400 CASH. MARSH & McCABE CO., REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3003. LADD'S ADDITION. "EXTRA NICE HOMESITE." 6 acres in cultivation, lots of fruit and berries: 6-room house and barn, close to river, on west side; 20 minutes by auto from city; high and sightly; price $5000, $ looo casn, ba la nee 6 per cent this is exceptional value. R- M. GATEWOOD ft CO.. 1654 4th St, FOR SALE BY OWNER. Near Courtney station, new bungalow and one acre of choice fruit. If you i looking for a cosy little suburban home at a price that is attractive, phone 135-R Ohk cirove or se K. L.. Davis, window o. s, L.. s. at' I banK. FOR SALE 1 acre fa mile of Oswego lake, 2 blocks or riryant station, on east side red electric. Most all cleared, Small garden and house. Must sell on account of wife's health. Price $700, part cash, balance easy terms. Inquire at store for c. L.. Chapman. HAVE just what you want; the best buy in Muitnoman; a 4-room plastered house double constructed, modern Dlumbine: gas range and 2 lots 100x84H. 1 lot irvto garden ; tne in nouse norm oi srnooi. on Allen at.: Buckingham addition; price $2100. Phone Main 7161. Owner. CHOICE SUBURBAN HOME. 4 acres, all in cultivation. 3 acres rhoioe cherries, at their best: 7-room modern house, on the pavement, near station. Oregon City line; $0000; half cash; this is a real nome. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165U 4th St, NEW BUNGALOW. $2100; attractive new 4-room bungalow, water, lights, plumb ing, large homesite, 132x300; rocked road. J ust right for newly weds. Very small first payment. - See owner, 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark sts. A WONDERFUL SUBURBAN -HOME. Has 6-room bungalow. lots of fruit and berries, barn and chicken house: located on 1 1-3 acres, close to Oregon City car; fine view. To inspect this call Marshall 3352, or Tabor .1000; 150 CASH New cottage bungalow, acre of land; near electric station and Port land; all painted and tinted, electric lights; $1275. McFarland, Realtor, Failing b!dg. MODERN bungalow, 2 fa acres, on west side, close in: city water, school; Ryan station, Oregon Electric; garden, chick en house, garage; from owner, at $5500. Marshall 3230. i ACRES In Gresham, all set in choice fruit and berries: strictly modern 5-room bungalow, completely furnished; garage: t-e r ms. Tabor 2076. ACRE Park Rose, all in cultivation and bearing; good bungalow. $420O. terms. Price advances July 1. Tabor 2676. FOR NE ACRE, 2-room hoUfe, city water, fruit, $1550, $550 cash, $10 month. Tabor 72LL REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. ' FOR SALEt -LOTS. XOTS OF LOTS" AS HIGH JtS $S0O DARLINGTON STANFORD HEIGHTS WABASH-PARK WILBURTON ' PARKWAY AS LOW AS $250 CALL AUTO. 645-49 FOR APPOINT MENT. AND OUR MEN WILL COME OUT AND GET YOU. . THE JOHNSTON REALTY CO. REALTOR. 622 HENRY BLDO. RIVER ACREAGE. Also near Vineyard or Naeff stations district, acre and two-acre tracts, on the river bank, popular salmon fishing here; also new, very modern up-to-date 7 room house; furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors, cement basement, white enamel finish, cement walks, garage. uue-naii acre goes witn tnis property; more land available if desired; on county roaa, close to river, and paved road; a iino cuuiwry nome, never occupied; rea- Buuuuia price ana terms. FRED W. NEWELL. Broadway B030. 407 Henry Bldg. ACRE HOME ON HARD ROAD. This beautiful acre all m cultivation, 22 bearing fruit trees and some berries, 7-room house 'With bath, electricity, gas and wash travs. THI-S IS ON A HARD ROAD RIGHT OFF THE POWELL VALLEY ROAD. Owner must leave town and will include new range, dining table and six chairs a-nd 4 cords of wood. THIS IS UNDUPLICATED AT THE PRICE OF $.1500. with terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRA NK L. M cGUl R E. 205 Abineton Bid. Main 1063. TMrd St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE FOR A COUNTRY HOME. 4 acres, all in cultivation; good or chard, 7-room house, paved road, 12 miles from courthouse. Chickens, tools and auto go with place. Stream runs through place. This Is your chance for a snap on a Country Home. Price $4200. Buy from OWNER, 219 Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark sts. BEAUTIFUL CAPITOL HILL. , Fine large house with every city con venience a-nd built-ins. beautiful lawns and shrubbery. 5 blocks from car ana 2 blocks from school: fireplace, fur nace, hardwood floors. linoleum on kitchen floor. THIS IS IN THE BEST SUBURBAN DISTRICT ON THE WEST SIDE; $r,0O0 with terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FR A NK L. McGUTR E. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. Two acres, located In the exclusive Rlverdale district, Rivera station; mod ern home of S large rooms, sewing room, play room. 2 bath rooms, npacious wide porches, plate glass windows and doors; hot water heat; extra fine garage, mod ern greenhouse 16x4ttf lowers, shrubbery, fruit and native trees galore; all kinds or berries; I am offering above at a sac rifice.. FRED MALLOUX, owner. Main 0555. Portland. Or. A ONE-ACRE BUY. Fine house with 5 rooms, fireplace. good water, electricity available; just 7 minutes' walk from station on Oregon Electric line; some fruit and berries, barn, large chicken house and woodshed Price $2750 for quick sale. Another acre available. Best of terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUTR FL 205 Abington bldg. Main 1008. Third St.. bt. Wash, and Stark. MULTNOMAH STATION. New 6-room 1 -story bungalow. 2 fine view lots on Capital highway, only $4500 for quick sale. Half acre, fine 5-room bungalow, bafh, completely and beautifully furnished: owners going east. Bargain. 4 rooms with fa acre bearing fruit only $1400; $300 down. 3 blocks to station. Lots and acreage for $300 to $15,000. NED BURKE, Multnomah Station. M a i n 1003. Weekdays an d Sun d ays ONE ACRE AT PARK ROSE. Hero Is a fine acre right on the Co lumbia highway with a fine modern 5 room bungalow, bath, electricity and gas; 30 assorted bearing fruit trees, also lots of berries; places like this are scarce and in big demand. See us at once If Interested ; price only $."7."i0. terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. , 205 'Abington bldg. Main 1068. I nird st.. bet. ash. and Stark. fi ACRES for $800, inside B-mile circle; $25 down. Owner. AE 750. Oregonlan. BASE LINE HIGHWAY. 2 fine acres facing on highway, with 4-room plastered house. Bull Run water, large living room, kitchen, bath, 2 bed rooms, all built-in effects, gas heat and lights, wonderful view. To see is to buy. Price only $4600; $1500 will handle. See Mr. Hinkle. with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR) 318 Chamber of Commerce. CLOSE-IN ACREAGE $2350. Six -room house, with gas and city water, close to school; splendid car ser vice. 7c fare; one acre of ground with all kinds of fruit and berries: chlckep house and runs; owner is leaving town and is sacrificing for quick sale; $400 casn win nanuie. oaiance can be ar ranged. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington bldg. Main 1068. Third at., bet. Wash, and Stark. HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. CAPITOL HILL. Eight rooma, bath, two toilets, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, hot water, furnace, nice large rooms, large closets, electric ity, gas. Bull Run Water, near car and school, 9c fare; one acre berries, fruits, tennis court. Only JtiiSOO, terms. Mr. Colt. 526 Chamber of Commerce. THREE acres, close in, 5-room celled house, some fine fruit trees, old barn, all in cultivation, small creek, part of land Is quite steep, but would be suit able for berries and grapes, etc.; fa land is level; 'A mile off paved highway; price only $2500. See BRUCE HOLMAN. REALTOR. 200 Failing Bldg. Main 6327. RYAN PLACE SPECIAL. Here is a splendid half acre with fruit of all kinds and a pretty modern 4 room bungalow ; bath, electricity, gas. fireplace, Dutch kitchen and all other conveniences: $3850. with terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington bldg. Main 1068. SWELL BUNGALOW 3-room California bungalow, all finished in white enamel; bath, gas. electricity, Dutch kitchen; fa acre ground: 7 blocks from Garden Home station wtfh Oc fare. Sacrifice this nearly new bungalow for $2750. $000 ,cash. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington st. Main 8220. OREGON CITY LINE. ' PRICE ONLY $:000. 100x100 and 5-room house with sleep ing porch, small basement, gas and electricity available; 1 block to carline; hu casn. oaiance iwe rent. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 4Q5-6-7 Panama Bldg. Alain 9404. THIRTY MINUTES FROM BROADWAY, BEAUTIFUL ORENCO. Ten acres, all cultivated, fine bunga low, barn, poultry houses, fruit, berries. poultry, cows, implements, etc. Ne; high school, church, car, cannery and condenjer. Only $o000, sqme terms. Mr. Colt. 526 Chamber of Commerce. SACRIFICING HALF PRICE. Zfa ACRES $4500. Oregon City car line, choice location; rich soil, all cleared; buildings; ideal to sub-divme. uon t miss this opportunity. A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. HERE are two nice little homes, close In on O. E. ry., Oc fare; bungalow on acre. gas, water, fruit ajid berries; $2400, $300 casn, iv per montn. Ask about them. Sellwood- 2509 Sunday; Main 5456, 1125 Gaaco bldg. week days. BEAVERTON ACREAGE. Come and see the beautiful acres In Erlokson Add. to Beaverton, only eight miles from Portland. Drive out today or tane a. r. rea eiectric cars on 4th st. HOMESITE, choice & acre, $400; line soil water, lights, gas, view, auto road 7c far; $20 down. AP 730, Oregopiah. " $1275 BUNGALOW, new, on full acre. only siou aown. owner, AE 747, Ore gon ian For Sale Business Property. 3$ ROOMS. GOOD LEASE Every room occupied and waiting list; brick bldg., all one floor; right in busi ness center; stand closest investigation ; money maker: $4200, terms; liberal dis count If all cash. O. B. Rlppey, realtor 610-11 McKay bldg. SANITARIUM IDEAL LOCATION' Large house, ha'.f block shade trees. 20 on paved boulevard overlooking river; pricea rignt; notning oetter in city. .Tscoh Hans. Marshall 3:124. SALE Concrete building, 2 store rooms, with lodge hail above ; all rent ed : owner leaving city. Phone Wood lawn 5038. 100 REAL ESTATE. Tor Sale Business Property. INCOME PROPERTY BARGAIN. Lot 53x100, corner Williams avenue and Weidler street; 2 store rooms first iioor and four 4-room flats second floor; all occupied: income over 490 per month: price, for a few days only, $7000; $25t)0 cash, balance 6 per cent and $500 annually. BROWN & GRANT. 201 Consolidated Securities Bldg. Broadway 322ii. CLOSE-IN eat side business building. This property is oavlnsr 14 per cent net on Investment of $;h00. Want $ti0o0 cash, baiance assume $3000 mortgage, 4 years at 5 per cent. Has 2 stores on ground floor. 4 3-room apartments above and old house on back of lot. Geo. F. Crow with Albert Harala, SOI Mississippi ave. Homestead Relinquishments. CENTRAL OREGON RELINQUISH MENTS. 640 acres. 200 acres good tillable land, 60 acres cleared, balance pasture Land, good well of water, house and barn, partly fenced, on county road, price for locating $:i50. If you are looking for homesteads call at our office. We have others worth looking up. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 527 Corbett bldg. I AM LOCATING HOMESTEADS from 40 to 160-acre tracts, either Portland or Roseburg district, farming or timber land; am In a position to give you as good. If not better, service than anyone In the state; government map, checked up to date. E. W. Helm. 316 Board of Trade bldg. MONTANA land wanted from owner; state price and legal description. A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbemiens bldg., Portland. Or. BEST timber homestead obtainable; pos sibly two adjoining. A 73 1. Oregon u 640-ACRE homestead location; best stock range In state. AK 733, Oregonlan. For Sale Acreage. GOOD 18 ACRES. Nearly all in high state of cul tivation, fine soil, plenty of wa ter, complete set of fair buildings, including some modern conven iences, plenty of fruit and berries, including big lot of choice straw berries ana some stock and equipment might be included. Located on good roajl. In close in, highly developed district and will make price right and terms attractive. A good home, a good producing little farm and & good buy. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $165 PER ACRE. 42 ACRES, 8 MILES OUT. FOR SALE MAY TAKE TRADE. Located among valuable Improved farm homes. Every acre good smooth land, wail in nigh state oi cultivation win take bouse or small acreage zoi part or all. Land is fine for dairy pur poses. 10 ACRES AT TIGARD. $5500 $1500 CASH. 7-room house, barn, large poultry house, silme fruit, excellent road to Cap ital highway, near station and a special bargain. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., Bdwy. 5173. 024 Henry Bldg. ON PAVED HIGHWAY 3, 10 aud 20- acre tracts, all in cultivation; some nave full bearing fruit trees and berries; front on Portland-Hillsboro paved highway. RIGHT OPPOSITE ELECTRIC STA TION. only 13 miles out. Price only $400 per acre up. Don't wait; this acreage iM th rhsinAt and best located between Portland and Hllisboro and will sell for double present prices in less tnan venrn: water mains in street. Only cash, balance your own terms. Let us show you today. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. , 242 Washington St.. Nenr 2d. Main 8220 or Main :H8. VEWRKRr. HIGHWAY. acres, all in cultivation, with 2 acres of finest bottom land, right at the station, only 18 miles out on the high way; ISO fruit trees in Dearing ana Desi of condition; quantities of berries. Place beautifully kept. Lots of roses and growing garden; 4-room house and other buildings; cider press and many incidentals go with the place. Price onlv $3000; $500 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR) 318 Chamber of Commerce. T W O ELECTR1 C L I N ES AN D PA V ED HIGHWAY: GAS. ELECTRIC LIGHT, CITY WATER 20-ACRE RANCH. Near Hillsboro. fronting on paved highway, 45 minutes' drive to Portland, two electric stations, 3 minutes' walk from ranch; 20 acres all in crop, extra rich soil, no better in Oregon; house in an oak grove. Price $0."00. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ACRE TRACTS, with Bull Run water, gas. electricity, telephones ana siauwaiKS in the streets, on easy terms, located in sightly portions of the districts sur rouudlng Multnomah station on the Ore gon Elec. Beautiful country homes. The choice ones are being rapidly picked up. To make an appointment to see the property, call BEN R1ESLAND, weekdays Main 8S0, Sunday mornings Tabor 311. 404 Piatt bldg. MULTNOMAH ACRE SACRIFICE All in cultivation: tronts on gooa macaaam road, 3 blocks from Shahapta station, about 8 blocks from Multnomah station; hun sou th west alone and fine view; worth double the price asked; gas and Bull Run water in street; electricity accessible. For sale by owner, only $1250, half cash. For inspection phone McCormic. Main 8220. THREE ACRES OUTSIDE CITT LIMIT Escape the city taxes, yet you have access to all city conveniences; lV4-acre orchard, young bearing trees; four-room house, with running water, gas, etc; cIobo to Woodmero school ; price $3465, on terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK. L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., Bet. Stark and Washington. : AM THE OWNER of a great many lots Jnid some acreage in and about Port land, which 1 am compelled to sacri fice. If you want to buy a piece of vacant pro pert v cheap, be sure to see me. I win supply you in most any part of town. For particulars see OWNER. 44 Plntt bldg.. 127 Park St. OSWEGO LAKE. VIEW ACRES. $500. Suitable for summer home or perma nent residence; fine soil, ail cultivated any size tract; pay 25 per cent down, balance your own term a Mr. Colt, 5: Chamber of Commerce bldg. 4' ACRES, $2250 Beautiful, cultivated 4-acre tract; over 1 acre of young bear lng fruit trees; no buildings: located only 5 minutes walk from Metzger sta tion, on the Oregon Electric; best Io cated tract in this district : make won derful suburban home. McCORMIC CO, 242 Washington st. Main 8220. 5 ACRE suburban home, 2 miles from city limits on Foster road ; 8-room modrn house, hot and cold water windmill, basement, 3 chicken houses, fine orchsrd, best of soil, no rocks; 'Jfa acres In cultivation. A snap lor $600 terms $2500 cash. Other bargains. H. W. GARLAND. 01 Third St. 6 ACRES, ALL IN CROP, FOR SALE BY OWNER. Do you want a nice country home, where you can make an Independent living raising chickens, fruit and vege tables? Convenient to car, near city limits. Base Line road. Tabor 4317. WANT AUTO. 10-acre tract, about 3 ml. south of Reedville. This Is a chicken ranch and fa in cultivation. Wifl accept auto as 1st payment on $3500 total price. Call Main 7031 or come to 301 By. Exchange. J. ROB PINS. I OWN A number of acreage tracts, rang ing in price from $350 to $1750 and in size from 6 to 40 aerea. which I am anxious to sell. I am the owner of the property and wish to talk directly with prospective buyers. See me at my office. 404 PLATT BLDG.. 127 Park st. "CLOSE IN ACREAGE." 5 acres, choice level black land In crop, on the pavement at railway station; 10 miles from courthouse; $2500, $500 cash, balance to suit. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. 4 ACRES. BEAUTIFUL METZGER ACRES. Am ex-service man; in order to buy one acre must find buyers for other three; can secure all four at a bargain. C 760, Oregonian. . WILL sell or trade for city property 3 acres close to Oswego lake, value $2500; has new 4-room house, garage and chickens. Write S. D. Francisco, Os wego. Or., R. 1, box 60. 20 ACRES excellent soil; no rock; splen did creek: near town, highway and boat landing, $750, easy terms. 420 Henry bldg. 5 ACRES 7 ROOMS BARN. Beautiful tract. Columbia boulevard, near 42d; no assessments; $H0(H. terms. R. W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE -160 acres near Mist, Or., 40 acres have been cultivated, rest in fruit and second-growth timber; 2 running streams. O 744, Oregonfan. ACRE NATURAL TREES. $1250, terms; no gravel or assess ments; Alberta car. R. W. Cary, 121$) N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1843. ACREAGE near Milwaukie; houe, creek. spring; value uuw: traae ror modern home. Phone owner. Milwaukie 81 -T ACRES of land 3 miles, of Toledo, Or. i row or win const a er smau auto truck. E. Koon, Tonquln, Or. FINE acre, 1 block from station, S. P. electric, close in, water, gas, etc, terms. Owner, Main 8380. ACRES good land, 30 miles from Port land, some line timber. Price $ HI per acre, terms. Phoae owner. Kurt tjiti. 13 REAL ESTATE. For Sale-Acreage, 10 ACRES 13 miles from courthouse, 2H miies northeast Oregon City, on main macadamized road, 1 mile from Oregon City car, fa mile to school, all under cultivation: 50 beaiinr fruit trees, house. barn, chicken house. Price $3500 cash. jx iiue piece oi gooa lana, weu locaieu. AT FOREST GROVE. 1 acre joining the limits of Forest Grove, 7 blocks from the Pacific uni versity, on macadamized street, loo feet from pavement. Lots of berries apd bearing family orchard. Good 7-room house with complete plumbing, electric ugnts ana gas, wmte enamel uuicn kitchen with bullt-ina. laundry trays; small barn. large chicken house. This Is in line district on sightly location. Price tjzoo cash or JjU0 on terms. PARK ROSE BARGAIN. 2 acres 7 blocks from car, 8 blocks to school. All under cultivation, best of soil, 300 berry plants, city water in house, gas and lights 200 feet from place. 4-room house, chicken house, good back porch ready to screen for sleeping porch, .well finished inside, Price $2750, with chickens. Reasonable cash payment. Inspected by Hunter. 5 acres 10 miles south Portland by auto, mile from Oregon Electric sta tion. 1 acre under cultivation, all can be cultivated, balance In wood ; good welt, young bearing fruit trees; 5-room ceiled house, large barn, chicken house, wood house. Price $1800; $6K cash, balance $15 per month. Inspected by Brooks. 12 and 1-5 acres 15 miles southeast of Portland ; 5 acres under cultivation ; 25 bearing fruit trees; 1 mile to school ; good loam soil, 7-room log bungalow on rock foundation with basement, 2 small barns, garage and chicken house. Price $2700; $10o0 cosh, which includes crop. Inspected by Nelson. , JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. 1 acre fa mile from station, 7c fare, south of Portland near Milwaukie road. All under cultivation, IS bearing fruit trees, city water, gas In street: 5-room cheap house, small barn. 2 large chick en houses, room for 3U0 chickens. Price $1865 with 4 rabbits, 12 hens, 100 young chickens. $800 cash, balance 3 years Gr. On good macadamized road, only 20 minutes out. Inspected by Brooks. Nine acres land mile from New berg; 4 acres under cultivation, all can be cultivated: good soil; over one acre bearing strawberries, 4."i prune trees 3 years old, wire fencing, box house 18x24 shed ham. small chicken house. Includ ed with place 2 cows and chickens. Price Soooo; iooo cash, very easy terms on balance. IN McMINNVILLE. OREGON. 4 fa acres 1 miles from station, fa mile to grade school, 1 mile to hfgh school. All under cultivation, black loam soil. 2 cherry trees, 4-room plas tered house with attic, barn, chicken house and outbuildings. Creek through place. Included with place. 1 cow, 1 heifer, 50 chickens. Price $2200; $1400 cash. Nearly M acre. In city limits, all un der cultivation; bearing fruit trees, some berries:' 3-room house with sleeping porch, gas, city water, electric lights all in. chicken house with runways. Price 11575; $775 cash, balance $10 per month 6. Inspected by Brooks. ALL IN BEARING FRUIT. Acre tracts. Alberta district, on paved street with walks and paving paid, all in fruit and berries; very best of land; fruit in fine condition. Offered for very small payment flown. The income from the fruit is over $300 per acre. ONLY $1260 EASY TERMS. 1 fa acres east of Gresham. In small town". Good macadamized road 1 block from electric station; all under cultiva tion and the best of loam soil. New 4 room house, large barn. Offered on easy terms. OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. 1 acre fa mile from electric station, 2-3 under cultivation, graveled road, place all fenced, 2-3 acre in potato, s-as and electric lights there. Price. $850; $250 cash, balance $20 month 67e. Five acres fa miles from city limits or Portland; all can ne cuitivaiea w nen cleared; near school: good soil; Mt. Scotl car line. Price Sua casn. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. REALTOR. Ovec 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive, classified lists 6 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a 5-acre tract in this addition of "00 acres; down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad. river, auto stage ana traca: ocaum u lying land, free from rock and gravel: some tracts have beautiful view of river: there are also some with streams; fine location for chickenB. dairy, berries. fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DEFEL. 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. IRRIGATFD LANDS UNDER WRM SPRING PROJECT. ALFALFA. CORN AND GRAIN. DAIRYING. HOGS AND POULTRY. VERY LIBERAL TERMS. WHITE OREGON & WESTERN COL. CO., ONTARIO. OREGON. NEAR BEAVERTON. 10U. seres, all In cultivation; 3 blocks from highway and Red carline; barn ana other outbuildings; large orchard, good soil, city gas ana water. $61100 TERMS. WILLIAM P. MERRY. 301-2 Title & Trust Building. SUBURBAN HOMESITE. Almost 1 acre of A-l soil, level and in high state of cultivation; Bull Run water gas available: Just east of 8-d st., out Section Line road; good terms; drive out and look over the tract, you will see our sign; from $720 to $1100. R H. CONFREY. Resltor. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2 3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PARK ROSE. S-ROOM HOUSE. $2750. 2 acres of the best silt soil, all In erop, water and gas, double conducted house, chicken house and run, $00 down, bal to suit. A real snap. Main 5201. 50.j Couch bldg. Open Sundays and evenings. lit A PR PS S750 CASH. A WONDERFUL BARGAIN. JuM outside city limits, on east side; city water near; easily cleared; second growth fir; the price is $K00 an sere; the tract opposite is held at $1000 an acre; you can double your money here within 2 vears. Call us at once. COMTE KOHLMAN. MAIN 6550. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. " 11 ACRES. 2-ROOM HOUSE $1 000. Located 30 miles from Portland; fine fruit and berry iana or niiaeu " .., 1 urr. dpared. soring near house, close to station and P. O. Price $1000. rea sonabie terms. LUEDDEMANX COMPANY. 013 Chamoer of Commerce. Ar-av.a FOSTER ROAD. v.inir Hirptlv on pavement, all un- .,in,iQtinn' v-nu pan live here and -till work in the city: $2500. about $800 R H CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO., A1 2 3, 5, 7 Board of Trade Bldg ".npw.nv CITY LINE. 1 acre at Meldrum. between river and hlghwav, on good auto road, lies high and sightly. A wonderful building spot. Why pay $1500 an acre when you can buv this for $T!W? Mr. Hinkle, with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR) 318 Chamber of Commerce. "o ACRES. ROCKWOOOD ROAD. 5 acres under cultivation, fine place for country home: $4500. terms. . R H. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201. 2. 3. 5, 7 Board of Trade Bldg. BY OWNER 5 acres, $1100; 4 acres cul tivated, 1 acre in garuen, oai. in ciover, berries, fr,ult, new nouse of 2 rooms; other buildings. One mile of Clatskanie, terms. Address box 42. Clatskanie, Or. TWO ACRES, all la garden and berries. 3- room house, water ana gas; close to rhnol and car. in Parkrose for onlv $2700, terms. 505 Couch bldg. Main 5201.H Open Sunday and evenings. ACRES. ACRE, fa ACRE, $10 Down, $10 Month. Alberta car, Kennedy school, city wa ter; no assessments or gravel, fine view. R. W. Carey. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. BEAUTIFUL location for a home, 20 acres volcanic ash soil, unimproved, right in settlement near Trout lake, on good road north of Hood River. Owner, box 246. , Silverton, Or. OWNER. 1 acre, all in garden and or chard, good water, gaa, small house, chicken coops, fenced. 4 blocks to Ore gon electric station. $1270. $400 cash. E. Smith. Garden Home. Box 7. WRITE for map of western Washington, ehowlnir location, low price and easy terms offered to settlers. WEVERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. $3O0 CASH buys 20 acres of good land, on county road, 20 miles Portland; $2000. McFarland, Failing bldg. ACRES, aldo house-moving ou tlit, ' 6131 ttfd fit, S. E. Xumus Aiicu. uiy. REAL ESTATE. For Sa 1 e A v rrage. CLACKAMAS COUNTY ACREAGE. 22.76 acres, in high state of cul tivation, extra choice sotl; fishing stream skirts the land, splendid cold water; 8 acres wheat, 3 acrt-s logans, one acre filbert, corn, po tatoes, peaches, garden. All in cultivation but 2 acres. Choice va Vietv of fruit, grapes and nut trees. Good 6-room house, tarn, implement house, hop house, six chicken houses. Crop goes, also 40 chickens, cow and calf, geehe, bees, implements. Located 1-3 mile from O. E. station, on cream route, mail, school, near paved road. This Is a reul country home. Muit be seen to b appreciated. Price $10.0OO, terms to iiuit. t 10 acres. 9 In crop, 4 sere lo gans. balance potatoes and grain; 1 acre ready to plow, alt under woven wire fence, young orchard of 14 fruit trees, all kinds of ber ries, new 4-room bungalow, iarx barn, woodshed, hen house, 2 rood welis, 1 horse, 3 milch cows. 2 heifers, 1 calf, chickens, imple ments, all go with the place. Lo cated near Canbv ; half mite to , school. Price $3750, $2500 down, balance 6 per cent. This Is choice soil and new land. 6.00 acres. " fa acre beaverdam. In garden; 4 acres clover. I acre oats. 11 large cherries loaded with fruit, other fruit trees ar.d all kinds of berries: 4-room houee, good barn, 1 cow and chickens with p. ace. On O E. line at station. Price $2800, terms, OREGON CITY CAR LINE. 6-room plastered house with full acre of fine soil at Jennings Lodge. Full cement basement, screened porch, electric lights, good well, gas In street, chicken house and park. All kinds of fruit and ber ries and garden all In ; 2 blocks to Oregon City car line, same to paved highway. Price $38"0. Would take rexldrnce in Portland Real value here. 1 full acre with 5-room house, garage, chicken house, good well with gas engine and tank, hot and cold water, good range and lino leum, all kinds berries and fruit. Walking distance to Oregon City, where there Is steady work. Price $2100. terms. FR EYT AG-MEEDS CO., GLADSTONE. OR., Oregon City Car Line. Phone Oregon City 2G0-J. LAST OALL HTJRRY. HALF ACRES $250 UP. FULL ACRES $500 UP. 184 tracts sold, only 2S tracts left. When thee are gone you will never have another chance to buy half acres, four big lots, tor $200; full acrws. eight big lots, for $500. Pay $10 monthly. We charge no interest for two years. Bull Run water, two cariines. rich soil, fine for garden and chickens; beautiful district. Come out today Take Woodstock car to 52d st.. a.k south to our office at big sign atretehtd aero si the street. COMTE A KOHLMAN. 20S CHAMBER OF COM'MERCE. FOR SALE. 0 acres. 33 miles north of Portland. 9 mile. went f St. Helens. Columbia U. In the, heart or proven iron ytv tiict on Mt. litlcns-Nelialem to coant highway; good rock road: 10 minutes' walk from school and postoffue; l.ind ni-.ciipiliv all tillable: about 8 a errs hnrtMin iHnd rent blotting. Nice trout creek clear through the place; spring IMa r not much improved as owner a bachelor, only started 5 mo. airo. One acre about cleared, 14 acre slashed and ready to Durn n in. f""'1 Vow 2-room hou.se and closet, no out buildings. All land clearing tools, some carpenter tools, cooking outfit. ome furniture, nice garden, fence around the huse. $1100, some terms. Address AV 8t3. oregonlan. t iv w AClitO OAK GROVE. Cony bungalow of 4 rooms, wired for liprhtH; owner leaving lor uanrornia; win wll for $3000. $1000 cash, bal. to suit. No. mt g. to assume. TWO ACRES MULTNOMAH. Six-room houne. barn, large chicken house, abundance of fruit and berrien; will sell for $1750 or exchange for city residence with 2 or more lotn. 1 fa ACRES COURTNEY STATION. Four-room new house . chicken house, fine shade trees; also fruit and bcrrien; all In cultivation. $5o0 cash will handle. Price only $:t:.oo. Bl'RKITARPT BUSINESS BUILDERS. ,41 Plntt Uldg Realtors. Main "027 GARDEN HOME SNAP. $250 PER ACRE. ll' acres with frontage on Main st ; Bull Run water, gas. iectricity. Must sell Immediately to close estate. Garden Home Main S4M). WILLIAM P. MERRY. 301-2 Title A Trust Building. BASELINE HIGHWAY, 10 acres facing directly on pavement, at the extremely low price of $400 per acre on very easy terms: it Is situated about 3 miles east of 82d it.: good neigh bors, gas and city phone available: nenr carline; an opportunity you should not overlook. K H. CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201. 2 3, 5, 7 Board o f Tr n1e B Idg VIEW PROPERTY OREGON CITY LINE. Ifa acres, located near Park P'are. Has a wonderful view of the Willam ette river and mountains. Is partly wooded with beautiful trees. A fine spring snd good roads. Price only $250O; $500 will handle. Would sub divide. Mr. Hinkle. with JOHN E. HOWARD (REALTOR) 318 Chamber of Cnmmorre. 11 ACKES HOUSE. FURNITURE. $1250. Located JO mlies from rortiand. mile from station; 2 s'-res cleared; goon 4-room house, barn and all furniture, tools; 24 O. A. C. Leghorn hen; fine creek crossed place, good oII, no rock Price $1250. terms $5oo cash, balance to suit. LUEUDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber.. of Commerce. 160 ACRES situated on the Tillamook highway, 12 acres cultivated and some fencing ; nice stroa m of water runnitig throuich It; a splendid bee or dair iace : 30 acres creek bottom, balance f burned-over pasture land. Only $13 per aire. $500 ciufh, balance on time t ult purchaser at per cent Interest For further part leu! a rs call or address Box 204. ShrtMtian, Or BUY TODAY. 3 YEARS TO PAY 7 great big 50x100 lots, facing dirertly on Section Line roHd. .lust eaft of S2d st.. level and In cultivation. Bull Run water; an ideal suburban homesite. $1070. only $1 10 rash. R H CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE CO., 201. 2. fl. 5, 7 Board of Trade Bldg. "Jtt'RBANK" BUNGALOW. A little dandy, with large living room, bedroom and kitchen; neariv .'I acres of rich, deep soil, free from rock and gravel. Ttiis tract fronts on Barr rond. H mile wwt of Barker road. Price $2250. $250 rash, $25 per month. STRONG A CO., Realtors. Wo Chrim her of Commerce B'd g. 2 ACRES NEAR BEAVERTON $1 loO. Nice level land, all den red and fenced, shack and well : 1 mile from a tat ion. fa ml!e from school. 20 min ute drive from court house. Price $1 100; terms $2.".o rash. $20 monthly. L I ' E D D E M A N N COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. MULTNOMAH ACREAGE. Two -acre tracts 7 blocks from Multnomah school and 5 block to Ryan station. All cleared. Are high and sightly: city water, electric lights, gas. Onlv $000 per tract, terms. JOHN E. HOWARD REALTOR) 318 Chamber of Commerce. THERE IS NO CONGESTION HERE 1 big acre, covered with br-autiful grove 'of native trees, $400; $50 cafh,' balance $10 per month; out Powell Valley road. R H CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER, LOWE CO., 201 , 2, 3, 5. 7 Board of Trade Bldg 40 ACRES $725. 35 miles from Portland on county mad. lie fine: 1 acre in cultivation. small shack. 1O.000 ehinglea and lumber enough to puna a 4-room house; all goep; $475 cash, balance to suit. 61S Chamber of Commerce bldg NEAR BEAVERTON. 10 acres, no bldgs.. no timber, 1 m. roek road, stream through, m. school. Fine for berries. Easy put in cultiva tion 15'M. only $ir.n down. J. EUGENE HEDGES. REALTOR. 201 W. Park Main 2500. FOR SALE Sacrifice, 20 acres on Pa cific highway, 10 miles north of Van couver; will take $1500 or will take Chevrolet del. as part payment. Harry Wolfe, route 2, box 162, Rldgefield, Wash. 20 ACRES $1050. 2H miles from Portland: 10 acres In cultivation: good 5-room house, ail kinds of fruit, spring and creek; fa mile to school ; $S.0 cash, balance to suit. 619 Chamber of Conin err-e bldg. 2 ACRES, LENOX AVENUE. 2 acres, all under cultivation, $200 cash, easv terms on balance. R. H CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE A- CO. 201, 2. 3. 5. 7 Board of Trade BMg. WILL sell 40 acres near Forks. Jefferson county Washington, M 5j2, Orogoniao. K E. LKT A T K. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE BARGAINS. 15 acres near Multnomah station: gas snd water on tract, good rock ro.id. Can be bought st a batgaln. ee this BASE LINE ROAD. 10 acres, Juit eust of MontsvllU; tr snd water, hard surface road. ill make good price on this. FARM BARGAIN. 160 acre on Sholls Kerry rod, 5't seres In cultivation; running water. k and ash timber on ba lance ; fine corrt wood; 13 miles from Portend; only $' per acre. Before you buy your ranch or sereage come in nd see our list; we have a fine list of acreage and ran hea. larga snd small, both in slie and price, that we will be glad to how jou. SKK RE VERM AN INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors 210 Lewis BMR. Proadway 20M WEST-SIDE ACREAGE Four to six blocks from Council Crest car; have om of (he choicest acreage on the crest, Ith all modern cn eni encea. such as city water, gas. maend amtzed street, electric tight and phone S'ljacent Price for this property i from $1500 to fisoo per acre on terms, cash, balance per month per acre. Have other a-Teaiis without water, etc.. as low as $700, close to the atove prop erty. J. J. MCCARTHY. Ahlng'on hi a MODERN CHICKEN RANCH. ON I'AVEU HIGHWAY AND ELECTRIC LINE 17 miles from Portland: 6 new modern chicken and brooder houses, good 5 room house, new gamge. other out buildings, all paint i d white; spps. cherrirs, plums, piri, berries, grapii and garden, acre of spuua, H acres of good land; fine water; only $4u0o. Photos at office. tier SAM HEWEY st J. L. HAHTMAN COMPANY, 1 Chamber of Commerce Pidg. TEN-ACHE BARGAIN. AT GRESHAM. ' Located 4 blocks from station on fine road; the place Is In fine state of cul tivatlon and well-drained; 3 arrt-s In berries; 7S bearing fruit trees, large -room houe on concrete foundation; brn and other outbuildings; walnut and shade trees; better see this; the price right and cannot be duplicated in local ity; price $4700 on easy term. J K't''K ELK1NGTON, ORKSWAM. WILLAMETTE R I V K R K K 6 N T A G V. Will sub-divide to suit purchaser SK5 feet of fine river frontage. One of the prettiest spots along the river. Oregon City car line. Auto road to place. Won derful large spnug. 1 fa acres la full bearing orchard. Beit of surrounding. $sooo will buy entire tract, consisting of nearly 7 acres. Mr. Hinkle. with JOHN E. HOWARD 4 REALTOR) 3IS Chamber of Commerce. ACRE FOR SUMMER HOME ON THE COLUMBIA H IV E R H IOH W A Y. But an hour and a half drrre d the highway, close to R. R. station, store tnd pestoffire. Located In midst of ru u t if ul scenery with commanding view; fishing. bsthlng. boating and mountain climbing. Ressonao.e prt- snd good tenna. Call BroMdway 4074 or Marshall 1625. HESHAM distrirt. $r.O an sere, fertile soil and land lies well; less than half the price silked by anyone else in the district; 5 and 10 acre tracts; across the fence from highly improved farms: large school; fine macadam road; 40-rent fare to Portland; frequent trains. Fred F Huntress, 002 Spalding building. Main 2 41. CHOICE HALF ACRES AT PRICE OF CITY LoT. 82d st. and Powell valley: lev! tracts in cultivation with orchard; front on paved street; water, light and gas: Just outside city limits, low tax rate: H blocks to Hawthorne car. Price $725 and up; rash down $"o, eay terms. (i ner, 306 Railway Exchange bid. M i in 15413. 18 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 71 acres, 60 acres militated. 22 acres whai, 25 acres ots, 10 at'res c!orr, 1 ner corn, 4 acres potatoes; haianrs pasture and timber; fin 7-room house, spring Water piped to house, barn, out -buildings; family orchard; 3 horses, 10 cn. ihlrkAns, all farm machinery'; $12,oio, terms. C. W. Mi;lerhip, 165 fa h t . . A BEAUTIFUL wooded tr.tct of ifa acres fronting on Barr road, fa mlie west of Barker nad. We have everul of them for saU' on terms of $5' i"n an4 $15 per ni"nt h. To lh rirt purchaser mho iil build at once w ill give them 1m !,-r of tra- tn for $looo. STi mNG & Co.. R'M;to:s, fl(Ml Ctia -n l"-r nf Cummei o Hldg. A ACKES. WITH $20m INCOME. 6-room i.iodern- Ininnalow.' btment, city water piptd to Irrigate; on tar line, 2 excellent light trut k. nil gri-n tools, pxci I nt (ut building. Initio; terms or trl lor city or suburban gro ctr. M r. li .: t ith A. .1. DeFoi ;:T A CO. fRrsltors) 320 Henrv Hw. Broadway 5.im. 160 ACRES. 5o r rre.-k boi om In high State of t ,. timber and m:i. . fir and tedur, f n "0-foot barn, hi U a piped to bull'lin. t w o or -hards. sm.i ; Port Und ; $s5 pt i Mli:.rshlp. Irt.M. i th atlon. b tlnnoe f.n 5.000,000 feet of 7-tooin house, laign t-llar. spring watt r !! of outhulldinirs, f uit ; -o miles from inir, turn. C. W. IT ACRES of rich, prom li' e anil, nof H Ost: $ 1 Nil i-hpIi, Olll 0'i tntTel iii.i to rltir If il H lll pay iU Columbia river. 1 i : balance $loo per -.ir i n good road, mm 1 you are looking foi t to InvcsttKatr. JOHNSON. PC! 33 N. W. Ban k Bjl O V CO . Mm in 37T 2 ACRE S 2 nilN'ft E R I.S 2 niilftt E.Mad; excellent tl Mabl soil. i it hf il i rady lo butn; small stream : 3 -room fHiBli houpe . fine romls; 350 cords fir limber; cedar uft cunt for Hindi potM. I will py H per cord fr the wood on ruadpide I'ri $1000, $loo -Nh, bsl. wood and iiC. Hamlet. 1057 S2d pi. S. KJ'hone U-K SUB Lit BAN lio'MES AND ACREAOE. AT ('. HESHAM. A fine place for ur p mmm-nt hum"; Buil run water, ga. e,. etrl. -It) ; bc4Utf f Ul boiueHjlr and M 'til fit.tii K RIDER- A. i l.'v t NGToN fjreehmii. Y vphntv -':t 1 1 . 5- K m nul-rn l... .-a ! , I -a m m. 1. 1, light a and Bull Ron a,n . 1 fa at r-, acre brrrlt-s snd null. ?ii.tir. ga rage; $55tto, term a oi itli lor latiu cloe in. Mr. H ue A. J. DeFOREST 3jo Henry BMg. ct i. i Ki nli.trc Hr ,Ki .'...tut 5 GREAT big aerea, f;t !ntt ,.n Btltr road, Jum sout h of 1 !.; i.n- rod. for $J,i0 per aere; eauv term R H CONFREY. R.-..II,.;. R ITTER. LoWE a i o . 201. 2. 3. 5. 7 Board of T; .i. . ItMir t.SWEtiO LAKE H.Uli:, ONLY $5i 'il. i 1 1;. Magnificent U-w ov. rioniilna take; run pic and dogwood. ::, ;u.i a, rock roid, ee owner. 5 i-i i .. mi Second .ind StnrkJ I." tit. t, 40 ACKKS on CU kiiun ili-t, road and auto truck line, is Portland ; beautiful Mo In mi tion for dairy, clilcken-. n berries; $40 an acre. v,y im .V t t 1 1 ! h . Sell w on d 2 0 T . .i,r rvlB r. li. f: .on f :f lot a -'. i'. r .11-4 til S. li. 7 1-3 ACRES. West sle. cIomh In. .No bul' 1 In fine soli. All In crop, 1 a-Te or. ha.ii. Cht-up at $4i50. V ine view . McIK)NEI,L. R.allor. East 410. 45 ACRES $ 2 5 1 1 1 19 miles from Portl.in.l. ei. tric na tion on plafc; fine trout s'.r-itm and springp; ome n;m twit orn l.mti. "I hi Is name buv: $55o ruh, (mUix lo uli. 0 IS chamber of ' mm "r- e b V SUBURBAN HOMESITE. J30U PER ACRE 5 acres out t he B.t-lina r.-a-l, fcoud soil, good ditri't. "hv in clear. R H CONFREY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE CO . 2H. 2. 3. 5. 7 Bqh r-l of Tr.!. Bldg b 20 ACRES 15 acrej not mm l.uid. in Lincoln county, fnr th price o; mort gage ag:ilnt it OJ.HMD, clt-nr title; Join ing Al homepioad. location lre, ur wlil trade. Address T. 51 ..tjlvtni, Phlio math. Or. a 5 AC II KM West side, all 1 titlS(rd. cotiftfjo. e;'trir lights, rhx. fire view. Cheao st .(hi McDONELL. Monitor. Eawt 4UI. 4-room lull and ACREAGE $UHI do n. $10 nionihl 25 varieties nf trull and raptH , rte, on water, gas, che to school and car line. Mr. Hare, with A. J. IVFOREST at Co. fR.a!tor 320 Hen ry Birig. 1 1 roadway 5 5 1 FOR SALE 10 acre .f Und7 .n I'H'Tnc highway ; sew o-rom turns lo . and household furniture ; 2 acre is, cranberries; price j.oo, i,me exchange. Y Orr 10 ACRES. 0 acres in crop, ha:,m-- pamure and timber, uprlng and vi e.-k ; 4 1 n housn, furnlvht-d; burn. out bu;idin:, hore. bugg ; $t$5u. terim. C. W. Mlllershlp. H'5 fa 4' h sf. TIGARD 5-A RE BARGAIN. X II in cultivation beautiful piece of inl in p. into-: a Und, only $lftO0, terms to suit. W. C. HerktrM. 13'3 N. W. B.ink PMff ACRES ON PAVED HIGHWAY All in cultivation, plenty fruit; ,t-rom housa, barn: In smull town 0 mlhs from 1'ortla.nd; $25o, terms. L. o. Gerbt-r, 714 Shetland bldg. BARGAIN -Chukt-n ranch, ; ..ur. s house Maple utreet. 3 blo k el d f2d street, near Kendall fttai on. E-a cada line; Raving for falttnrms; make oTrr. Edna ArnoM 10 A' KKi, all in gra-, rttl t. cut. will pell t ouyer to cut crop, w trh $:'.im t ; bent 10 acres In Multnemsh cmintv, )fa miles from Gresham. Or , Walihi rt A- Fr nch. Sellwood Hank J-lde. ! II. 02 ACRES NEW HoUSK ?ic.o. 12 UiiiuS WvsU Wuud.awO ,. . . V