10 THE SUITOAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JUXE 19, 1921 HEAL ESTATE. Fur 4ile House. J. A. W1CKMAX CO. . REALTORS. We have an undisputed reputation for handling QUALITY HOMES that Is. homes that are worth the money asked. We try not to list a home for ale unless we can recommend It to th homeseeJcer as beinc VALUE for money. That is the reason horoeseek rrs rerveated! tell us. "YOU HA HOW. US THE BE6T HOMES FOR READ THIS OPEN TO DAT. ROPE CITY. HALSEY STREET AT 62D. INSPECT this beautiful 5-room bun- ralow today. Beautiful livinr room. dining1 room. Dutch kitchen, two large. airy oearooms. breakfast room, and fme floored artic. Fireoiace, hardwood Iioors throughout, furnace, cement base merit, laundry travs. rarasre: all tm provementa in and paid. On!y $5750 for all of this. You can see the plans ai our otrice or rail at the nouse. SMALL DOWN PAYMENTS. We have a good many QUALITY xivmilo tnat caa ue bougnt on email down payments, say: $200, $250, $3O0, $350, $400, $450, $500 LOTS OF THEM at $300, and in the past wek we have hated several lovely homes that can be n a n a i ea lor sow DO w N. ALL ok THEM on very reasonable MONTHLY J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Realtors. "Shortest Wav Home." 264 Rtark L Main 583 and 1094. WEST SIDE. Kearney st., 100 feet from 23d Two 6- room modern houses ; can be sol separately; very modern, price rea sonaDie. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. T-room house Modern, rood condition fruit trees, etc; on Thurman at.: low price; literal terms. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Z. 44th, Just off Hawthorne 6-room house, three bedrooms, fireplace, cor Her lot, 6Oxl0O; hard-surfaced street price $3300, balance monthly pay ment. MOUNT TABOR, Jear Belmont, on E. Taylor 8 room a garage, lot 60x160; paved street; many old large fruit trees, small fruit; near H. 05th: very low price. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Hoselawn at., three blocks east of Union ave. Paved street, rot 40x08; five rooms, .modern, excellent condition price $3200; easy terms. F. W. NEWELL. T?madwnT S030. 407 Henry Bldg, SUNKTRTDB BARGATN". Good, substantial, unincumbered T-room house, including furnace and fireplace and several bearing fruit trees. Near store, car and Belmont st., snd In order to make quick sal I hve been Instructed to cut the price to $3250, accept $500 as cash payment and balance like rent; here is a good house, fine location a big- bargain and very attractive tarna to the right party. SAMUEL DOAK, 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. NEAR PIEDMONT. ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH $4250. Folks, here is a positrre bargain. The owner lives out of town and must sell. We cannot urge you too strongly to Investigate this property. Do not confuse, this with the ordinary house of fared at this price. It really should bring $3500. One of the finest-built homes in the district with hardwood floors, full cement baseme.nt, furnace, etc. : 75x100 lot; lots of fruit and snrubbery. Call Woodlawn 3822. A. G. TEEl'E CO. 270 Stark St. Main 3092. 40th and Sandy. Tabor K ENTON BARGAIN 5-room bungalow close to car and on a paved street; ail improvements paid for; a positive snap st the price offered; for quick sale, only A dandy 5-room bungalow on Stafford street, full size lot. close to car line; an excellent buy at $3250, only $650 down, balance monthly. ALRERTA 5 rooms and floored attic. close to car. a cracker jack for the monev; onlv $3500, and easy terms. RYAN REALTY CO., Realtors. 41. "i-4 1 A Ablngtnrf Bldg. Marshall SMS. DISTINCTIVE LAURELHURST COLONIAL HOME. On a large, sightly lot with a fine view of the city and park, consisting of nine commodious rooms, fine recep tion hall, extra large living room, dining room, sun room and breakfast room ; fine convenient Dutch kitchen. 4 large bedrooms, tiled bathroom with beautiful fixtures. Come out and see this. Open for Inspection afternoons. 10S4 E. Couch st. T. H. Winship. Tabor 2124. DIRECT FROM OWNER. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. New d-room bun ralow on Pi Or 100 cor. Vt. Just completed ; hardwood f loors, tile bathroom. Compare this real buy with other places. Will consider terms. Located corner East 43d and GUsan sta Or rail owner. East 4J4. CEW 1RVKSGTON BUNGALOW. $4200. Modern, 5 rooms, close In. every built in feature, concrete basement, laundry trays, furnace, nice lawn and shrub bery. This Is an unusual value. Be fore you build or buy you should see this. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. OVERLOOK ADDITION. $3000 By owner, 5-room modern bunga low, hardwood , floors in living room and dining room,' built-in bookcase and buffet, fireplace; full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, etc.; lot 50x100. sewer, walks, gas in and paid for; house buiit in 1119; terms. Over- look Lands Co. Phone Main 210- FOR SALE BY OWNER. 131 East 32d St. SUNNYS1DE. 6 dandy rooms, tn best of condition: frvory finish, tapestry walls. 4 rooms on 1st floor, 2 up; complete built-in kitchen, Inclosed back porch, concrete basement, garage, east front; one blk. to car. $o5H; terms to responsible parties. See ft tortav. 131 E. :2i1. street. PALATINE HILL. WORTH S20.60O PRICE SI .1.000. One of the most beautiful homes In thie district; strictly modern 6-room bunralow with 2 fine sleeping porches 2 acres of ground; finest view around Portland: cost over $20,000; $3o00 cash and rea-sonaoie terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 40O-6-7 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. $300 DOWN HANDLES. Beautiful 100x100 lot snd well built T-room home, together with garage. This Is a buy. Price $21)00. $30 per month. Including Interest. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. TMwv. 4TTiX. 410 Henry Bldg. ilY HUME FOR SALE Four rooms and bath, large back porch inclosed w ith screen, inside finished In Ivory; com pletely furnished ; large garage; house newly painted white; lot 100x100; roses and flowers of all kinds, garden In and up. 9 bearing fruit trees and five kinds of berries; $J2dU. beiiwood 2MJH. ROSE CITY PARK. I have a very attractive R-room bungalow with hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, garage. 60x100 lot; paving paid for; $4750. Phone Wood lawn 3S22 for appointment. f -ROOM modern house, furnished, with piano; full cement basemen i, lot iwxloO; all kinds of fruit; double garage; $47) HJ; equity $2000; will consider lot. some cash. C. W. Millershlp, 165H 4th st. Main S273. ATTRACTIVE ROSE CITY PARK COR. Six rooms, strictly modern, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, garage, etc. ; real buy ; leaving Portland; terms. Owner on premises, Slat street, corner Sandy Blvd. JJiVlNGTON BUNGALOW, $720, TERMS. Center hall, large living room, fire place, oak f'.oora, garage. Neuhausen, - realtor. East 304. Main bi78. 830 N. W. Bank bldg. isKAT little home, beautiful view, 2 blka. from Sellwood park; improvements in ; for sale by owner. Home Sunday and evenings. 404 Rex ave. Terms or cash. ROOMS, full lot, fruit, Hawthorne dis trict; leaving Portland, will sell hou.e completely furnished, ,$4200. D 741, Qregonian. BUY LAURELHURST LOTS DIRECT FROM LAURELHURST CO Fre J. A. McCarty. 207 u Stark St. Main 1700: evenings, Tabor 50S7. fi-KOOM modern house for $."000, $l.i00 down and balance on eay terms. Two blocks from Irvtngton car. 553 Mason and East 13th stu. BY OWNER New 2-room house, plas tered, electric liphts. closets: carline and food location, Sellwood 414, 565 East 5th st. 6-ROOM house, S lots, full cement furnace, !." fruit trees, berries, $G.,00, terms. In quire at house, 4S06 47th ave., corner 4Sth St. S. K: 1SY OWNER r rooms, bath, gas. elec tricity: full basement. lHxl0O. 9 fruit trees in full bearing; on car line, $2&0. T"rms, Tabor 2-V7. FOR SALE or for rent, furnished or un furnished, 2-??tory 6-room house on East Kith and Belmont. Call 221-36 on Sun riay or 220-44 on week days. IRVING TON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. BEFORE BUYING SEE T. B. N EUH AUSEN CO.. REALTORS. VtO N. W. BANK. MAIN S078. EAST 304. FOR PARTICULAR people is this fine R. C. corner of six spacious rooms; every heart's desire. $8400, terms. Tabor 2i7H. NEAR JEFFERSON HIG-H. $3'0 DOWN PRICE $2300. 5-room cottage, 50xi oo lot. SMITH-WAGON EK CO., STOCK EXCH. REAL ESTATE. For Sal e H o uses. SOME VERY GOOD BUYS. WOODSTOCK Neat little 4-room bun galow with an bOxi lot; house has gaa, city water and cesspool la In very good condi lion; 3 blks. from Wood stock car. Price $2000, $35 cash. $25 monthly, ALBERTA 5-room plastered bungalow with bath, toilet, gas. concrete foundation, 5ox JOO lot. 4 blka from car line. A danav little bom for $2350, $500 cash, $J " monthlv. ALBERTA Neat 5-room plastered bun gaiow with bath, gas electric lights, basement, concrete foundation. 2Vs blocks from Alberta car on E. 32d st.; price 'ihi, liu.ra casn, oai ance 1-5 monthly. Will sell furniture alo. WEIDLER 6T. Large, well-built room plastered bunga low. newly painted in side and out. bath and toilet, 2-3 basement, concrete foundation place Is in hrst-class condition; lot 75200, with 14 assorted bearing fruit trees. This la a dandy good buy for JoO.'.u. $500 cash, $20 monthly. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS, 732 Cham, of Com. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. 1 One of the finest corners in Laurel hurst. 10 and 100 feet frontage. Beau tiful new 7 -room bungalow with sleep ing porch, large living room, dining aen, bedroom, Dutch kitchen and break fast nook, tiled bath on first floor, all hardwood floors except kitchen; 2 nice Deurooms and sleeping porch un. oa rage in basement. The finish, material and workmanship in this clever home is all that it should be. It is an absolute bargain, $7500, and reasonable terms. THE LAWRENCE CO. REALTORS. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 69 1 5. FINE VIEW. Beautiful Mount Tabor view home at oarg-ain price, nine rooms, conservatory sleeping porch, large closets, running water in oearooms; hot water neat: lire place; all improvements paid; level lot xi.id; xruit and shrubbery; grand view of Mount Hood, fine neighborhood, near car. Price SioOO. or will trade for small first-class home; was built by owner for flome, wnen good material was caeap. WILBUR F. JOUNO. Broadway 4S37, 222 Henry bldg. FINISHED IN' SOLID OAK. ONLY $5254), $850 CASH. This beautiful Hawthorne 5-room bun galow, has the panels, window frames, buffet, molding- and floors in living and dining room finished in solid oak; also have Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, furnace and cement basement. Surely a snap. You had better hurry. R. L. MuDREW. 10S0 HAWTHORNE AVE. TABOR 8S92. .SUCCESSOR TO J. A. HUB BELL. ROSE CITY PARK ATTENTION. A modern in every way bungalow; 5 rooms downstairs, bedroom and sleeping porch upstairs, hardwood floors, fire place, full cement 8-foot basement, ga rage, full cement runway; improvements all in and paid for; roses of all kinds, shrubbery and everything to be a cozy home. To appreciate the place come and see it and deal direct with owner. 551 E. 47th st. N. Phone Tabor 1U7. ROSE CITY PARK. Only 150 feet from Sandy boulevard, modern 5-room bungalow with all built in features; two bedrooms with ward robe and closet to each; fireplace, fur nace, good attic, cement basement, hardwood floors in living and dining room, Deo rooms sera pea ana finished fixtures, shades and beautiful naoer Can be bought on terms; new and ready for occupancy. Call Tabor 2709 for price ami terms. BY OWNER. 6-room bungalow with every modern convenience and garage, mont select neighborhood in Lau rel hurst, directly opposite park. No. 6. E. 3iUh st., near Aah. No agents. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. $3000. Fireplace, built-in conveniences, 2 bedrooms and bath upstairs, larxe liv ing and dining rooms. Dutch kitchen, garage, 40x100 lot, lawn and fruit trees; terms. RICHARD W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER.' LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. LAUKKLIJULST. ENGLISH COLONIAL. ONLY $6300. 7 rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace. buffet, den with bookcases, sun porch. larre livinr room, s.eepins; porch. 1 years old: ideal location: 3 bodrooms. built-lns. THIS CAN'T BE BEAT FOR THE PRICE. MARSH & McCABE CO., REALTORS. t22-3-4 Fulling Bldg. Marshall 3:H3. ACRE of rround. new. modern bungalow lull cement basement, swell large sleep ins oorch. fruit and berries set out. laree cnicken nouse and yards, city ater, gas; ha to be een to be appreciated; S4k0 t or sale bv owner. J. M. John son. Park Rose, at Marx ave.. near Rich ardson st., i block nortn or aunuy Diva Inquire at any store. FOR SALE bv owner. 4-room buniralow electricity and bath ; 1M 75x117: garden in. fruit, berries, chicken run; 3 blocks from Mississippi carllne: will sell fur niture and chickens: $2.'0 payment down, principle $1700 and $1.i0 down without furniture; agents need not answer. WJln. 82.V A REAL SACRIFICE. A 6-room bungalow with breakfast nook, large attic, tapestry paper, enam eled throughout, fireplace, best of elec tric fixtures, on corner lot in best dis trict: priced at $."i7r.O for quick sale. Tabor 3000 or Marshall 33." 2. PENINSULA ADDITION. $1850. Small bungalow, partly furnished; 100x100 lot; aimost any down payment. Y'ou would not expect to buy so at tractive a little home for so litte money. Move right In. Phone Tabor 056. itOSE CITY PARK. Attractive little 5-room bungalow, lo cated In choicest part Rose City on paved street, 2 blocks from car. AH up-to-date features. Price $4S0O, terms. It will pay you to see this. A. K. Hill, 426 LumbM-mens bldg. Broadway 421. CRESTO.V add., modern bungalow, 5 rooms. Bleeping porch, furnace, wash traw. all improvements: near grade and hiffh school and car line; $;.5M; easy terms, or furnished. f390Q. Nice neigh borhood. Auto. 644-41. ALAMEDA PARK COLONIAL. Center hall, ivory finish, French doors, oak floors, art paper, tile bathroom, sun room, lovely yard, garage. Sacri fice. East 394. Main 8078. fc30 N. W. Bank bldg. 4-R. AND BATH, basement. 2 blks. to car; 1 Mock to high school. will ac cept $200 payment down. Place worth $1:500. Let's talk more. J. BOBBINS. 301 Railway Exchnn re. - ROOM furnished bungalow. corner, streets paved and paid: lawn, fruit, ber ries, immediate possession; price $5000, $1500 down. Come see it: second houe south of Knott street on Marguerite ave. Owner there Sunday. Might rent. FOR SALE Desirable 5-room modern bungalow, full basement, on paved street, good district; lot 8oxl00; 12 bear ing fruit trees. $1800, terms. See owner at place, 3915 64th st. S. E. Hawthorne car to R2d. or Mt. Scott to Laurelwood. liY OWNER New bungalow; comb, living, dining room, two bedrooms, bath, break fast nook, finished in enamel; fireplace, basement ; $300, caeh $1.K'i0; a bargain. 140A Morton. Woodlawn car to Durham street. WALNUT PARK, 1125 Mallorv ave. For sale by owner, choice corner, 6-room bungalow, garape. strictly modern, new ly installed $1250 hot water heat. House cost $8000. will sell for $7200, terms. Call Woodlawn 63, Mr. Fenning. OVERLOOK new bungalow. 5 rooms. breakfast nooK, ouut-ins, rurnace, fireplace, best of materials and workmanship; full basement, 50x 100 lot. restricted district. Call Automatic 312-07. IRVINGTON. For sale by owner. 6-room and alcove house, block from Irvington echool: ce ment basement, furnace. 439 E. 13th N. If Interested call on owner, 233 U. 8. Bank b!dg.. B. 2061. for price and term WEST side, weil-bullt 7-room house and garage, on Corbett st. Fulton car line. Price $2750. Reasonable terms. JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PORTSMOUTH. 4 lots and bungalow 20x30, full base ment; near Portsmouth ave. House is not finished. Need money. Will take $270O. $5Q0 cash. 40 Princeton st. YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Laurel hurst lots, while they last, at extremely low prices. See J. A. Mc Carty, 27014 Stark. Main 1700. Even ings. Tabor 5057. IRVINGTON BARGAIN; fine home, 55x lOO corner, all oak floors. fireplaces, extra' large bedroom, ivory woodwork, garage. $8750; terms. Choice location. Neuhausen. Realtor. Ea5tf 304. M:in 8078. ALAMEDA PARK. T-room house, all up to date, 2 blocks from car; a bargain at $6800. McDon nell. Realtor. East 410. FOR SALE Cozy 5-room houje. 9 bearing fruit trees: 11 blocks E. of Laurelhurst; bargain. Tabor 2454, REAL ESTATE, For Sale Houses. RALPH "HARRIS CO., REALTORS. THE WEEK'S BEST BARGAINS. NEAR PORTSMOUTH 6-room splen did home, with pantry and fruit room, cement foundation and full basement, sanitary wash travs, lot 100x100, with several full bearing fruit trees, berries and roses; price only $4300, with prac tically your own terms. A GOOD HOME: Splendid little 4 room home with breakfast nook; white enamel plumbing, in excellent condi tion; nice corner lot with fruit and ber ries; $1750: $500 cash. . JUST TWO YEARS OLD 4 rooms and breakfast nook, 2 bedrooms, bath room complete; full cement basement with laundry travs. Nlcs lot with ga rage; 3 blocks from car. Price $3300, witn souu casn. VACANT SPLENDID CONDITION ft-room bungalow; only '20 minutes out. Clean and splendid condition; lot 50x loo; sewer and sidewalks in and paid. rnap at -ioo; 4o cash. This is snap. WONDERFUL BARGAIN WITH FRUIT Choice 100x100 with 6-room cottage, bath complete, 3 large bed rooms, cement foundation 17 iuu bearing fruit trees, oceans of berries. Good chicken house and run; 4 blocks to car. price $2200, with $300 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO.. Realtors. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. MODERN 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Ths last word In perfection. Th owner and present occupant built it one year ago by day labor for hit own use. Now he is mov ing to Denver and does not want to leave his beautiful home to a renter. It Is well worth $7500. But It must ko at once, and it is yours for $6&50. Terms. NEILAN & PARK HILL, 219 Lumbermen s Bldg,, &lh and Stark Sts. 7-HOOM Alameda park, artistic bungalow. cut from xs.oo to lil'OO: terms. - This is distinctly different and with I shrubbery would sell for $10,000. Large living room, light dining room, I breakfast nook, one bedroom loxis. Inrro elosefA. tub and shower bath. hardwood floors, fine fireplace, cabinet I work the very best. I One block. from Broadway car, 892 E.I 30th N. salesman at house from 5 to 5 today. I COE A. MCKEXXA CO., Main CW71. 82 4th st. PARKROSE BUNGALOW. X2700. $700 DOWN. BAL. $30 A MONTH. Lot 80x100, 4-room house, modern, i large living room, two bedrooms, bath I room witn neautuui piumoing fixtures, dandy kitchen and breakfast room, I sleeping porch, garage, fine yard, large I garden an planted to vegetables ana fruit; to a party who wants to get a home In the suburbs, this can't be I equalled as the price Is right. Phone I Tabor 2206. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. $4800. Strictly modern bungalow, 5 roomi I end sleeping porch, hardwood floors, I fireoiace. every built-in convenience. buffet, bookcase.. etc.; full concrete base- I ment, furnace, laundry trays, etc.; good! terms. RICHART W. MAST, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. FOR SALE BY OWNER.' Furnished or unfurnished. Magnifi cent view; spacious landscaped grounds. Portland's choicest neighborhood. Sun-1 days Main SM; week days Main 1370. IF YOU want to buy an exceptionally nice! home, take H road way car to i-u st. I then walk two blocks south and see 7361 Halsey st. This is the last week it will be offered for sale: it will then be of fered for lease. It is a real bargain; come out and see it, and make yourl own agreement for either sale or lease I this week. Call at 741 Halsey st. for particulars. W. H. Herdman. WELL-BUILT DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED. $1000 CASH. 5-room strictly modern bungalow on I paved st.; has furnace, fireplace, nara- i wood floors, breakfast nook and garage; I beautiful arrangement, and below value I at Hnihi. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE New modern overlook bunjra- I low, 6 rooms and breakfast room, large I living room, beautiful dining room. French door, nlate class windows, tap estry paper, hardwood floors, tile bath-1 room, mirror, furnace, fireplace, ivory enameled finish throughout; garage; corner lot. improvement ail In and paid: restricted district; cash or terms: by I owner; no agents. Phone wain. .. MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER, JTTKT LOOK AT THIS. Just off East Glisan street, with -It hftrd-nurfuced street and carline. one beautiful acre, equal to 8 city lots, withl choice fruit and flowers, nice e-room i house, and only S3M50. i have nrnny others from $3000 to $4000 each. J. B. HOLBROOK, Realtor. 214-215 Panama Bldg. tRVIT.TOX RCNT.ALOW. 5 dandy rooms with a full-floored attic, oak floors, larare livinr. room, fireplace, complete kitchen, breakfast nook, pedestal lavatory, furnace, dandy int. onlv one blk. to car: price $tfo00; furniture for sale. Let us show you today. C. M. DERR. TABOR 6419. 121 S N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 2245. RY OWNER. $2250. TERMS. Ideal little bungalow for two; large living- room, dressing room, complete I bath, dandv Dutch kitchen, full base- ment, lot 40xloO on paved street; sewer 1 in; lawn, nowers ana garaen; every- i thing modern; cad be seen any time. Jt'.U rasc .t l si sc. r none iin'-fn. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity to own your home. W mow laay aiseausiieu wuu i renting, will sacrifice 6-room modern house on East J2th St., near Davis; t '.ii) rinwn a nd balance like rent. Mc- Clure & Schmauch Co.. 306 Railway I Exchange bldg. Main 1503. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 10500 $1000 CASH. Bt rwm modem in every respect.' located on corner lot, everything in and paid; be the first to see this. Caii-I fornia owner says sell. For appointment! call Marshall 3352. Sunday. East Jdii. FOR SALE BY OWNER vr home, fi.16 E. 31st: oaved st.. I hlm lr tn carline. 50x100 lot: four larre I rooms down and floored attic; furnace and fireplace; fine concrete garage: au i oaid. J4500. IloOU aown. inone oeu. 108. H.iMEriA PARK BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, large I floored attic; rooms are large ana iigni, usual built-ins. fireplace; cement base ment, laundry traya. furnace: 50x105 lot: fruit, berries, garage; price only $6u0. Call Mar. 2245. 10 to 1 sunaay. mi? SAi.rc Bv owner, a rood double- constructed house with full basement. . crwtri hum all kinds of fruit and ber ries; must be sold; or exchange for a I small place in Hood River. wtn su i S. E.. Portland. IRVING TON ENGLISH COLONIAL. Original design, artistic finish, just about perfect; 2 fireplaces. 2 bathrooms. sun room, garage; near 21st and Knott. Owner leaving citv. East 304. Main 80-78. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 5-room modern bungalow, fine loca-1 tion, price 3(ou; smaii payment oown, balance easy. Inquire owner, 323 E. 33d street. tve HAVE customers for modern bunga lows that can be purchased on easy I terms ir tne price is unaer nuu. PViV RRAI.TV CO.. Ren 1 tors. 415-416 Abington Bldg. Marshall 5848. SMALL 3-room house, modern conven iences on hard surface; one-half block to car; worth $2000; must sell this week; price $1300. $300 cash, balance I $25 month. Phone Automatic 331 IRVINGTON WHO WANTS A Phone Auiomauc asi-ts. bargain? 6 rooms, cement basement, fur nace, stove, gas water heater, all for : $4500; $500 cash; near 2 car lines. East i 304. Main nm. tmh .n . y . pana oicig. BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT; fine home, well built, center hall, large living room, mu sic room, oak floors, fireplace, garage. Sacrifice $6500, terms. Mallory near Alnsworth. Main 8078. East 304. $2700 NEAT 5-room house, full base "ment. one block from carline and paved street, near Franklin high; terms. Tabor, 2736. RY OWNER, JHawthome district, strictly modern 6-room house: all bullt-ina, hardwood I floors, furnace, fireplace. Tabor Mu. A-PiloM house. East 48th st.. near Sun- nvside cars. Just being finished. Tabor 742. i FOR SALE New modern 4-room bunga low with bath, between 20th and 22 d. on Reedway st. I FOUR-ROOM house for sale; $1000 cash; fruit trees and berries. 274 E. 57th str North. LAURELHURST LOT BARGAINS. See J. Ar McCarty. 2704 Stark St. Main I7QQ. Evenings. Tabor FURNISHED 5-room bungalow in Rose . Citv Park, close to car; paved street; owner. K 731, Oregonian. FOUR-ROOM modern cottage, just newly painted; good 50x100 lot; this is a bar gain at $1850 on easy terms. Tabor 8175. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room house with 2 lots: lots of fruit trees; H block from Al berta car. 1074 E. 27th N. IRVINGTON COLONIAL, $Hi00. Large lot, east facing, near Knott. Xeuhausen. Realtor. East 304. Main 8078. HOUSE close In, small lot; $1500; all clear. H 743. Oregonian. $-ooo EQUITY for sale; big discount. Auto. W3-13. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. EASY TERMS LOW PRICES Is what will sell these homes. Inves tigate them before you buy. HAfTHORNE PICK UP. 6-room modern bungalow, large living room, den, 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen and dining room, fireplace, newly painted and decorated, lVi blocks from HA car, large lot 66 2-3xl00?ft., aH st. imps, paid, price only $4700 with only JlOuO cash needed. I5M C A RTT MT. TABOR. 6-room bungalow, on car line, modern plumbing, cement basement, furnace. This is a real home, priced at only soojU. j.et us snow you. 1300 CASH 82D STREET. 5-room home, paved street, modern conveniences, fine corner. 100x100 ft abundance of Truit and berries, owner moving to farm; it Is yours for $-id. S400 C A STT U ACRE. 6-room house, fireplace, electricity rai nhirrvhinr 1.1 laraa fruit trees, ber ries, fine garden, paved street, 2 blocks from car and school. You can raise all your vegetables and fruit on this place, trice omy suu. FURNISHED BUNGALOW, Step in, .start housekeeping, 4 room mnriAr-n frmvnlpnf 2 blocks from Ca Waverleigh district, must be sold, $500 cash, balance to suit, price $27ou. 7K CASH E. SALMON ST. S rooms, between Hawthorne and Bel mont, built-in buffet, bookcases, modern kitchen, in fine neighborhood, all st. lmDs. raid: owner leaving city; will sell lor $3675. $350 CASH-i-7 BOOMS. Located in Firiand. 4 bedrooms, ras, eleotricity. modern plumbing, double constructed, price $3000. $2100 ROSE CITY PARK. Just right for two, cory 4-room fcun ralow nium'binr. aras. electricity, beauti ful surroundings, 2 blocks from Sandy blvd., $700 cash. . BURKHARDT BUPTNESS BUILDERS, 416 Piatt Bldg. Relators. Main 7Q27. IRVTNGTON. $5800 An exceptional bargain offered in this bungalow for quick sale. Has 6 rooms and sleeping porch and every modern feature in cluding garage; it is about 4 years old and is very attractive; it Is Just what you have been shown for $6500 to $7000; faces east on 17th street, 2 blocks from Irving ton car. Can be handled on rea sonable terms. Call us up and take a look at it, then compare it with others you have seen. HTLLER BROS., Realtors. 514 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. Tabor 485. Open Sunday, DEKUM A JORDAN. LAURELHURST HOME. 16700 Modern 7 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floors throughout entire house; cement basement, furnace, laundry trays. See this at 1173 East Couch hL or call DEKUM & JORDAN. Realtors. 323-4 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Fourth &. Stark Sts. Main 2233. $3750 iP A RKROSE SNAP. Here Is a place that has been cut for quick sale; 150x230 ft. of ground with a modern 4-rm. bun galow and bath; electricity, water and gas connections, large garage, ground all fenced and in cultiva tion, bearing fruit trees and a va riety oX berrie; half cash, bal ance arranged. J. L. HARTMAX COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Branch Office 45th and Sandy Blvd. $ 1 1 ,000 I R VI NO TON 1 1 1 .OOO. Built by present owner for nermanent home: plate glass windows, double con structed, three sets of French doors. living room is 14x32 with fireplace, the aen also nas gas iirepiace, t)ie sina, one bedroom ; tile hath on first floor, two bedrooms, sewing room and bath on sec ond floor; hardwood floors throughout. 6ee this perfect home at 501 East 25th .. bet. Thompson and i razee. Tabor 2ft54. Owner. $6500 LAURELHURST $0500. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow with large attic, just finished; mahog any trim and old Ivory; good plumbing, hardwood floors throughout, plate glass. bevel-Plate mirror door, tile bath and drain board, garage, shades, fixtures ansi everything ready to move into; located at ItOtt East couch. or sale by owner and builder only. Save commission. Ta bor t27. WE ARE ORDERED TO SELL. $200 CASH. Balance $55 per month. Jncl. Int.. beautiful large 7-room home on 150x100 corner, with pavement all around, has oodles of fruit, garage; opportunity knocks. Call at once. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bdwy. 47M. 410 Henry Bldg. ALA MED A $5000. Reduced to make immediate sale; takes very little money to handle and only $50 month. Including interest. Will sell furniture at a bargain. Don't miss seeing this today! HAKK 1 J BlU W 1TM, . Main 60. Realtor. 104 5th St. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Five-room modern home cheap; full basement and attic, fireplace, hardwood floors and all built-lns; Improvements in and paid; completely furnished, lnclud Ing piano; clear of incumbrance; imme diate possession; terms. See this at 304 E. 46 st. S.. afternoons. '1 to . A SNAP. $3000 $1600 down, balance $30 per month; 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace Dutch kitchen, all built ins, laundry trays; full basement; latest furnace; Sunnyside; 3 minute car service, 1 block from car; by owner. 607 Henry bldg. Telephone Bdwy. 203. A GOOD buy. -6-room houtse, nicy lawn, fruit, shrubbery and flowers. block from car line, close to church, stores and school. $500 down. bal. S20 month. or would trade for light car or confec tionery. A. J. DeFOREST A CO. (Realtors) 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway B590. A GOOD HOME $2300 $000 CASH. 6 rooms, fine shape, 3 down. 3 up, bath, toilet, 7 fruit, berries, half block car, walks, sewer. 50x100. MARSH McUAHK LU., KEALTUKS. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3003. TERMS PRICE $3200 TERMS. Bv owner. 5-room modern bunealow. When you first see It you will like it. When you go through it you will want it. When you leave you will have bought it. can at o4i wenster st. i aKe Al berta car to East 12th st., one blk. north MT. TABOR BUNGALOW. !t rooms, breakfast nook, fireoiace. bookcases, buffet, hardwood floors, well built, best of material, garage, paved street: will take siooo down. $.n montn. oo Jaat wen. ml xaoor car. aiar. 1433. . SUNNYSIDE OPPORTUNITY $3300, with one-third casn, very neat, attractive, modern 5-room cottage on Taylor St.. freshly painted and papered, ready to move m at once, uon i miss seeing mis. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Tabor 219. SUNNYSIDE 6-room Dutch - Colonial strictly modern, witn fireplace and fur nace. St, paveo, ouxiun lot, irait and garden: 2 blks. to car, $4200, cash $looo, balance terms. Call Main 7036 today for appointment. I MUST sell my 5-room modern bungalow this week and will sacrifice for $3100, located 5 blocks north of Peninsula park and block east of Albina ave. $500 down, easy payments; see this. 745 E. Stafford tt. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW, full ce ment basement, seven rooms, one bed room downstairs, 2 up, with sleeping porch, all built-ins and furnace, fruit and flowers; $850 cash. No agents. Bargain, must be sold. Tabor 76i2. SUNNYSIDE, close to Mt. Tabor $3J50, one-third casn buys attractive, neat o roora bungalow, large attic, corner fiOx 124, finest fruit .rees. Owner leaving city. Look at this . proposition. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Tabor 210. E. SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE. Cnnd 6-room house on E.- llth-atreet corner: price $3300. $1000 cash. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stark Street. M ain 831. $4500 TERMS SUNNYSIDE DISTRICT. 8-room residence, many built-in fea tures, fireplace, furnace, concrete base ment; improvements in and paid. See TAGGART BROS.. 1102 Spalding bldg. $2500 MODERN 6-room built-in bunga low, corner lot 83x 100, chicken house, garage, berries and garden. Small pay ment down, easy terms. Woodlawn 1573 e venlngs. $2200 5-ROOM houe, $1025 cash, the rest in monthly payments. 266 West Wln cheil. Take St. Johns car, get off on Peninsula. 7 ROOMS, modern: paved sjreets; garage; school; iow. a a our ima. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. A, G. TEEPE CO. ROSE CITY PARK AND LAURELHURST. Office 40th and Sandy. Open Today. Folks, I want the privilege of show ing you some of the best buvs in ROSE CITY PARK and LAURELHURST. I have been selling property In those districts for years know the history or nearly every house. Those who want to sell naturally list their property with me. This organization has a num ber of salesmen whose business It is simply to show you- the property they are under positive instructions not to urge anyone to buy the houses must sell themselves, Sunday we have our ROSE CITY PARK and LAURELHURST office open for the benefit of those who can not look at property any other day. Drive out today or phone Tabor 95N6 and one of the salesmen will call for you. We have photographs and com plete descriptions at both, of our of fices. I have In mind one very attractive 5-room bungalow in ROSE CITY PARK ' with hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, garage, on a full 50x100 lot; paving paid for; $4750. A year ago . you would have paid $1000 more. Another attractive bungalow we have on a corner lot with a garage; located below the hill in ROSE CITY PARK, for $4500; $500 cash will handle. It is finished in old ivory and white, throughout, hardwood floors, fireplace, etc. - Another place we have In ROPE CITY f akk lor $.roo with hot -water neat Inr Dlant. expensive olumbinr with shower. larxre Karaite, a wealth of shrubbery. Really, to build a home like this today, one so well built, so modern as Uils one, would probably cost $7000 to duplicate. The owner Is forced to sell, and has made the price o low that it will be sold today. Another home of 6 rooms and sleep ing porch with garage, in the ROSE CITY PARK district for $3000; you would really expect to pay $5000 for such a home. In LAURELHURST we have any num ber of exceptionally attractive homes. One bungalow for $5750 with hard wood floors throughout, finished In old ivory and white throughout, expensive tapestry peper. super-construction, won derful mountain view Is to be bad. Then, too, I have In mind a super attractive bungalow for $6000 with hard wood floors throughout, tile bath, pedestal stand, base tub, Tinished in rich old ivory and white, expensive tapestry paper, solarium alcove off dining room, and large garage with solid cement driveway. A year ago . you would have paid S7500 for sue a home. This can be handled on terms, too. Another 8-room bungalow for $7500. i mi is io ciassicany aesignea, so we decorated and so situated that you wi be more than surprised to find sue a home for that price. You would expect to pay $0000 or $10,000. Every thing good that one could put Into the construction of a house is here. Draw on your Imagination as stron as you like, picture your ideal home ana nere- you win find it. If you are in the market for some' thing more expensive, we have any number in laukelhuhst to oirer attractive prices. And in other parti of the city we have some exceptional! attractive buys. Over in HAWTHORN district we have a new 5-room bunxa low with hardwood floors, fireplace, til bath, tile dralnboard. expensive tapestry paper, on a full ooxioo lot, lor $4u00 $-rmj cash will handle, , DRIVE OUT TODAY OR PHONE TABOR 0586. " LET'S GET ACQUAINTED. A. G. TEEPE CO. Realtors Insurance. 270 Stark St. Main 3012. 40th and Sandy. Tabor 0586. STUDIO BUNGALOW IX ALAMEDA. A new artist's home, ready for occupancy July 1, at 870 Dunckley ave.. block from car, with sleepinr porch, breakfast nook, and usual 5-room features will be sold on easy terms. Unusual in plan and design, by nationally known architects; will be open today to prospective purchasers only, 10 to 12, 3 to 5, or call Auto matic 520-06. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. La r ire living- room with beamed cell Ine. naneled dlnlne room, paneled den all finished In dark fir, hand-rubhed finish, kitchen, pantries, etc.. on firs; floor; 2 bedrooms In cream, hand-rubbed finish, one In light fir, and bathroom and acDarate toilet on second iloor large, hlrh basement with toilet and photographic dark room with all con veniencea. House In the pink of con rilH on; first-class hearing plant; vie Irunffnn: mlnenlnz DOrch. This Is high-class home in fine neighborhood and will be appreciated by anyone de siring such; $8300, terms on part. Phone Main 5S."4. LAURELHURST, CHOICE LOCATION. Strictly modern 8-rom house, good oak floors, fireotare. every built-in con venience. large living and dining room, den and Dutch Kitchen on nrst noor a hori-mnrnfi and bath on second floor all newly finished in old ivory throueh- out: full concrete basement, lumacc. laiinrtrv travs. etc. garage, concrete floor and driveway; level, 50x100 lot price $7.".00. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, . RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade B'dg. $5,100. TO nVSRTON' ST. VACANT. WEST SIDE. WALKING DISTANCE. FULL LOT. 50x100; 2-STORY, 7 RMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. 4 BED RnriMS VI REPLACE. FULL CON CRETE BASEMENT. FURNACE. IM- MPniATR POSSESSION. TERMS, $3000 CASH. ' BALANCE MORTGAGE. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING KI.UW. MAIN 1RO0. RES. EAST 677$. " rmc THIS TODAY. $?50 cash and $20 per month and intumtt huvi a. new 5-room bungalow, hardwood floors, breakfast nook, fire place, cement basement, large modern kitchen, on corner only block from the car: $4200. Oft ice open Sunday li to OTTO & HARKSON. 413 ChambeT of Commerce. Main 0308. Rrt.fR CITY PARK Beautiful 6-room house for $4000, $1000 cah; 3 large, light and airy bed rooms upstairs, larare living room, nn .lahed in natural fir; fine fireplace. -kitchen finished in white enamel, witn an duui Ina also pantry, cement basement, wash trays, garage, paved street, assessments pain. W 4 k ' 4Tt n si. i or i COZY 7-ROOM BUNGALOW BY OWNER, UarHwnA flnorti- ftrenlace. buffet, bookcases, mirror door, window seat and other built-in, also garage, concrete runway; located on paved street: all Im provements in and paid ior; casn terms $4500. See It today. 647 E. 16tb st. South. LET US build your home to suit your re quirements, more than 350 satisfied cus tomers are living' in homes built by our builder. We now nave ll nomeg unaer construction, $2000 to $:ooo. fcee BRUCE HOLMAN, REALTOR. 209 Falling Bldg. Main 6327. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH. Large 5-room bungalow on paved street having furnace, fireplace, hard wood floors and garage: $48no, terms to suit. Office open Sunday 11 to 2. OTTO HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6308. BEAUTIFUL be?t appointed home In Port land; Tour rroni iois, cnicKen phtk. fruit trees, garden, berries, roses, good building and modern big 5-room bun galow near car; $4500; one-half enfh. Phone 512-69. or address P. O. Box 036 $4750 8 ROOMS, sleeping porch, fireplace. lUrnaCP. IUU aillC. iuu tnurni uanemem. lot 05x100; several large fruit trees; $1000 cash ; a home: 2 bathrooms. 2 toilets; In Sunnvwde. J. P. MeKenna. realtor, 1151 Belmont at 30th. Tahor 6403. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. For sale by owner. 6-room bungalow, large lot 66 2-3x100. Street and sewer assessments all in and paid for; Modem in every respect. Call Tabor 8762. FOR SALE by owner at a bargain. 5-room bunBalow, cement easement ana attic, garage, everything modern and com prete; located In Rose City Park. Phone Tabor 2900. SOMETHING good, price right, best of workmansnip ana material : .-room nun g;ilow with attic. 2504 67th st. East 704 NIFTY Overlook bungalow, 5 rooms. breakfast room, attic ana iuu oase-men-t. Call 800 Longview ave. Wood la wn 1 777. MY MODERN 6-room house with furnace. garage, etc., quick sa le 4:hi; terms ir desired. 500 E. 37th S., or phone owner. Tabor 3400 ' SUNNYSIDE DANDY BUY. 6-room house, paved street, 50x124 cor ner lot, 1 block of car line. $3000; only $050 cash. Marshall 24. " GOOD home for sale at a bargain; beau tiful snruooery, pieniy or iruic, Dernes and walnuts. 781 E. Main St., city; see owner, who lives in house. FOR SALE Five-room modern Alberta bungalow, run ioi : ou, easy terms. Owner, 1078 E. 20th sL N between 1 and 4 P. M. $r000 CASH. Six-room IRVTNGTON home. SEE BRUCE HOLMAN, realtor. 209 Failing Bldg. Main 0327. $1450. New, modem, three-room bungalow at Woodstock, near car. Easv terms. Owner. 4.71 Aider St. Bdwy. 2564. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $3800 FURNISHED. A 5-room cottage in fine condition, full lot. fruit trees and roses, fine location, city improvements paid. FURNISHED complete. Terms. $4800 ROSE CITY. A 5-room strictly modern bungalow, oak floors, all built-ins, cabinet kitchen, fireplace, breakfast nook, etc., 50x100 lot, city improvements all paid; $jO0 down, balance like rent. $5800 NEAR ALAMEDA PARK. A 6-room English colonial house, sun parlor, sewing room, breakfast room, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, all built ins, sleeping porch, Dutch kitchen, ce ment basement and wash trays: looxloO corner: garage; price only $6i00; $1000 down, balance terms, $4500 WEST SIDE. A 7-room bouse, walking distance, va cant and in fine condition, good base ment, bath, etc., 50xloo lot, city im provement! paid; terms easy. RUMMELL A RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. E. BROADWAY HOME. BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM home on East Broadway, near East 30th street; fur nace, cement basement, two porches, one sleeping porch, sun parlor, built-in buf fet and finished in old ivory. This Is an exceptional buy for $5000; lawn in re markable condition: close to Broadway and Rose City Park carlines; portable garage. This house is being sold at a remarkable sacrifice, as owner desires to leave Portland. Call Albert Cleveland, Broadway 1150, for appointment to see nouse Monday. $7000. WALNUT PARK. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL. 1107 RODNEY AVE. VACANT. NEAR FIVE CARLINES. VERY LARGE LIVING ROOM. FINE . DINING ROOM. KITCHEN, ONE SMALL BEDROOM FIRST FLOOR. 4 BEDROOMS AND BATH SECOND FLOOR, FIREPLACE. FURNACE, HARDWOOD FLOORS. LARGE AT TIC. BARGAIN IF YOU HAVE AT LEAST HALF CASH. POIND EXT ER, 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RES. EAST 6771. AN IRVINGTON B A RGA1N $54(8). Eight-room residence. large living room with fireplace. dining room, kitchen, double pantries, etc., den or music . room, 4 bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch upstairs, full concrete basement, laundry trays. Fox furnace. This is a well-constructed home which the owner is compelled to sacrifice, but it must be sold at once. We can ar range very liberal terms, can be bought completely furnished if desired. RICHARD W. MAST. Realtor, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WOODLAWN DISTRICT. $2250 Buys 7-room house, with bath room and pantry; all in first-class con dition, house newly painted, new plumb ing and interior all gone over, gas and electricity. Lot is 50xlo0 feet, with all assessments paid. Property is well located near 15th and Highland streets. 3 blocks from Woodlawn carline. An absolute bargain. JAMES J. FLY NX, 814 Chamber of Commerce. VACANT! VACANT! VACANT! $500 IS ALL YOU NEED $500. $3250 MODERN HAWTHORNE $3250. Six-room bungalow-type. 4 rooms and bath first floor, 2 bedrooms upstairs; g'ood basement, plumbing, electric lights, gas; lot 40x100, hard-surfaced street and sewer, nearly all paid; house could not be built for price asked ; quick posses sion; see this today, it is a bargain. Sunday, Mar. 5963, week days Main 7!67. MARIELS & WILLIAMS. REALTORS, 820 Chambeg of Commerce bldg. REAL HOME. This exquisite bungalow will appeal to the- most exacting; 5 spacious rooms, h. w. floors, beautiful built-in. A real bath with built-in tub and finest plumb ing, tiled floor, tiled sink and a kitchen that will make your work a pleasure, 50x100 lot; small cash payment, $4li.'i0. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Realtor. Cor. 3tith and Hawthorne. Tabor 7403. A REAL BUY. $350 cash and $25 per month and Interest, puts you in possession of a new 5-room bungalow having cement base ment, fireplace, furnace and garage. This price includes many conveniences just placed In the home, in addition to two large rugs and draperies; all new. Owner leaving city and must sell; $4250. Office open Sunday 11 to 2. OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6308. FURNISHED. Five-room bungalow, complete wit h Queen Ann dining Mt, birds? ye maple bedroom set, good range, radio ns heaters snd all necessary kitchen uten sils; house In best condition ; good neighborhood: price only $3o:m, with terms if needed. I can recommend this. HARRY BECKWITH. Realtor, Main 069. 104 Fifth St. ALAMEDA MAKE OFFER. Owner Jihs equity of $1500 in this beautiful six-room bungalow; snrlcily modern throughout with all built-ins; make an offer; the monthly payments are onlv $35 and interest. COB A McKENNA & CO., REALTORS (Meaning Reliability). S2 Fourth St. Main 0S71. SELLWOOD DISTRICT. 5 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. Cement walks, paved street, garage; newly finished outside and in; basement, cement foundation. Price $3250; $l.too cash, balance like rent; owner leaving city; deiil direct with owner. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. 405-07 Panama BIcIk-. 3d and Alder. $3500 TERMS. COSY LITTLE BROWN hunua iajw f ive rooms, targe living room, fireplace, bookcanes, dining rm., Dutch kitebptn, puss pantry, 2 large bed rooms, basement, furnace, trays, full lot, fruit, flowers, lawn, 2 blocks to car; pleasant neighborhood; a homo you will never want to part with. Call Main H327. BY OWNER. 3-rooTn house. furnLihed or unfur nished; gas, electricity, bath; lot 15ox loo or less; vegetable garden all planted, chicken run, all kinds of berries ; very attractive place and In fir?t-class condi tion; leaving for California, Mrs. E. White. 1 407 Lancaster st. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. Beautiful bunffalow on paved street combination living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen and break fast nook, only $5o75 with easy terms, Office open Sunday 11 to -. OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main YOUR OPPORTUNITY. 7-Room Irvine-ton Bungalow. S 7 24 HI. Price reduced by $1000 for oulck sale. Modern to every detail. Don't fail to see this If you want real bargain. See this at 718 E. 21t st. N. and then see owner. L. R. Bailey. m BY OWNER LEAVING. MODERN FIVE LARGE WELL AR RANGED ROOMS. 50x100 LOT; GA RAGE. FRUIT. LAWNS. PAVED STREET. SEWER, ETC.; ONE BLOCK FROM DIVISION; $750 WILL HAN DLE. 520 GREENWOOD. ROSE CITY PARK 0 rooms, strictly mod srn int 1 t n : erarnrn ror a machines Alameda drive. 2 blkn. of car: should brine $10,000; will sell for $S400, some ferma. thL week only. J. P. McKenn realtor. 1151 Bejmont at 3tlh. Tabor O403. FOR SALE by owner Modern seven-room bungalow-tvpe nouse. is on paveo street in restricted district of Kenton. One-half block from car. Must be said this week. 78 W. Schofleld st. Wdm 812. KENTON DISTRICT. 5 rooms. $2000; living room, dining mnm. 2 bedrooms, bath, kitchen bail ment paved street, all improvements paid. Only $20, $5O0 cash, balance as rent 1578 Albina ave. Wdlp th w r kst o-rom nouse: : ocunwrns everything in inm yuu u- auuwn for $''000; only ouu casn, otti. iiko rent. See this today if you want to get it. HARRY BECKWITH. Main Realtor. 104 5th St. IF YOU will take a SMALL DOWN PAY- M EN X en your limiir. v nawrr nmiij buyers waiting to look at it. List with us. J A .WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS, 204 Stark St Main 5K3 and 1004. OWNER English colonial Liiurdhurat ; 6 rooms, library, sun parlor and sleep ing porch extra. All Improvements paid. Big sacrifice, $.S050; will take good car as nart payment. Tabor 61H4. WALNUT PARK PIEDMONT. .Eight-room bungalow close to high school; hardwood floors, furnace and fireplace: garage; fences. Modern in every particular. Phone Tabor M. $?400 5-ROOM cottage; mod. plumbing, sewer, streets. - Sunnysido achool ; $:;o0 cah. t-it month: this is a pickup: must eell this week. J. P. MeKenna. realtor, lir,l Belmont at 30th. Tabor 0103. JvENTON sacrifice, 5-room bungalow, 50x 100 lot. paved si. Close to car. SEE BRUCE HOLMAN, Realtor, for this and other attractive bungalows at rock not torn prices. Main 0327. LEAVING city July 1, will sell R. C. choice-located home at a bargain; six large rooms: terms. Tabor 2070. 6-R BUNGALOW, modern, corner lot In "Westmoreland. $4100. Want $1000 down . Call Main 7031. Tabor 5.10. WAVERLEY HEIGHTS R-rooma modern home. 100x100; fruit, berries, rosea, paved streets. 574 E. 33d. Owner. Sell. 3552. JOHNSON A ANDERSON, owners and builders. Alameda Park. new. modern 5-room bnngalrfw. 024 Skid more st. $000 BUYS a home. Woodlawn 1703. REAL ESTATE. For Sale House. TRVTXfiTON'. FTXB CORNER. BEAUTIFUL SHRT'HR RTttli-TI.V MODERN R KSI- DENCJS, EXTRA LARGE LI 1NU ROOM, DINING ROOM. KITCHEN AND DEN 1ST FLOOR. DOWNSTAIRS FIN 1SHFD TV FINEST EASTERN OAK. 3 FINE BEDROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH i A'n RATH SECOND KLOUK, it A I U WOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT, F INK ATTIC WITH MAIDS' ROOMS. Ft R- V 4 C V. VI H l-'Pl.Al' E. G AR AG K. 1 MEDIATE POSSESSION. BARGAIN POIND ENTER. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1800. RES. EAST 677L iRVTvr.Tnv WOVE $0350 buys a modem 7-room house, with large bath and full cement base ment, equipped with laundry trays, good furnace and an instnntnneous gas heater. House Is attractive and In first- onnHiimn T.nf i 50x100 feet and , choicelv located, with an east facing on E. 8th street N. Owner is leaving the city, which accounts for tms ex ceptional bargain. JAMES J. FLTNX. 814 Chamber of Commerce. Rrwi.' rTTV t a nv- ni'VcULOW. $0750 Six rooms on one floor. In French and white enamel. Beautiful hardwood floors. fireplace. furnace, spacious bookcases, sideboard, unusual number of built-ins. single panel doors, large living and dining rooms, with French doors, also French doors be- "tween living room and den. Corner lot. unique grounds bordered with rockery of indigenous evergreens and peren nials. Fruit trees. Just the home for lovers of individuality. Telephone owner. 313-42. CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW. This little dream is right up to the minute in every detail. Every con ceivable built-in, piano and splendid xurniture throughout; $20ou casn, $iou. 5-room buncalow. west at 34th near Hawthorne, east facing, furnace. Owner going to Cat. Terms. sr.tM, HAWTHORN E REALTY CO.. R EALTOR. 3th and Haw. Tabor T43. 7-ROOM MODERN HOME, IRVINGTON. This Is not a cheap, thrown-together I House, but is a real, honest-to-good- net home; modern in every way. need for me lo enumerate each feuture, it is enough when I fay it is strictly modern. Now the price I am making is s.'onu under va.ue. Tms m not ttk or hot air, but a real fact. The houe is vacant and in the best of condition. The price is J'Hi0, plus $100 bonded. I'hone Tabor 81HJI, owner. ROSE CITY PARK. $2000 4-room cottage. $37 " A-room bungalow. $4200 5-room bungalow. $1850 5-room houhe and garage A. N. MIKKELSEN CO.. 52d St. snd Sandy Blvd.. Tabor 2580. open SunrtHys and Evenings. LAURELHURST. Magnificent new bungalow com- I manding view of park; hardwood floors I throughout with all modern conveniences I found in homes twice the price. lou will have to see this home to appreciate Its value. For quick s;ile owner has given us a price of $65o0; easy terms. I Orflce open sunnav n to i. OTTO & HARKSON. 413 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6308. BY OWNER, classy modern 4-rm. bungalow, just the nest for the June bride. Must be seen to be appreciated. Only $3S00. Will pay you to see this before buying. 1307 E. 19tb St., Westmoreland. $150 CASH ?14oo. MILWAUKIE NEW ROUSE.. 3 R M IMS 5 25x 100 LOTS. CORNER WILL RE 1 00 FEET from raved hikhway now undT con struction. Has Hull Run wter, wired for lights, nat and pretty, among beau tiful trees, in fine neiKhborhood. GEO. E. ENGLEHART, Bdwy. 5173. 021 Henry Bldg N E W RUNG A LOWS. 12 In Hawthorne $:i40O to $0750. 11 in Robe City 14OO0 to $!HO0. 4 in Mt. Scott $2000 to I3MI0. Thee are all attractive little homes. If they are not the tyi that you are I looking for we will build to suit in any! location tnat you nisy oesire. ,np HRUCB Hoi.MAN, REALTOR. 20f Falling Hldg., .Main li.TJl ROSE CITY. $:.;,(H TERMS. 424 EAST 45TH ST. NORTH 8 ROOMS AND H LK KIM NG I'ORCH. SIOUKKN HAHOWOMO FLOORS. FUR- N A "K. GARAGE. FULL HASKMENT. WIRED FUR ELECTRIC STOVE. 1M- M KIM ATE UOSSESSJON. FOINDKXTKR, I'OS SELLING BLDG. MAIN lhOO. RES. EAST 771. $7iH HOM E and Investment My laree I six -room vacant moiit-rn house, corn lot looxtoo, plenty flowers, shrubs, fruit, lawn. etc. With little work and re pairs this place will resell at good . profit. Dandy place for garden and enp Kens. l o investigate take ood- stock car to 57th ave.. ko three blocks e-aat to 5tt29. 44th st. Easy terms. I C. P. Morse, owner. Woodlawn 4fS. ROSE CITV. $300 cash and easy terms places you in possession or beautiful bungalow. combination living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, modern kitehen and break fast nook, hardwood floors throughout. $4..u. orrtce open simony 11 to i. OTTO A HARKSON. 413 Chamhor of Commerce. Main OflOS. YOUR OWN TERMS. $2000 NEAR ANKENY CAR BARNS. 5-ROOM COTTAGK. Near car barns and car; good plumb- In c. electric ugh la. ga.s, all improve ments paid; small payment down. Sun days, Marshall S9W; week days. Main 79tf7. Manels A Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce hlnir. STR I C TLY MODERN BUNG A LOW of 5 rooms and sleeping porrh. full lot. dandy garatte. all Imnrovemente in snd paid. Restricted district. Cnms I out fiTid make us offer for owner's equity as he is Roing to California at once. Geo. F. Crow with Albert Bar illa. ROl Mississippi ave. A BEAUTIFUL home on Willamette blvd. for S.'iOOO. $1000 cash. bal. $40 per mo. and int. All tn ivory finish, fireplace and furnace, 50x125 on paved st. Call Main 7030 today, $l!t(H) l-ROOM cottage, $350 cah ; lot 7 7x2.'6; 10 fruit trees, berries, potatoes; a cozy home: good reason for selling so cheap. J. f. MeKenna. realtor, iii Belmont at JrPth. Tahor 610$. Pi EDMONT 5-room bungalow, a)l very modern, garaue. ftnxioo on paved Takes $1750 cash. bal. $40 and Int. per month. For appointment call Main 7036 today ROSE CITY PARK. Modern well-built bungalow, large rms. All p-'ipered. large attic, large lot, paved I st. Price $A750. Easy terms If desired. Tabor oo. 4-ROOM bungalow 2 blocks from Jamei John high school. Beautiful river view. Value $:.ooo. Mortgage $17fl. payable $.l.i month, including interest. vt mi i take $iMi for piuft v. Ma 'f fill 2.". ONLY $300 CASH 5-room bungalow, lot 75x125. Good garden soil. 2 blocks to car. Forced to sell at once- to meet other obligations. Auto. fi2S-''0. $oKimi BUYS 7-room house !n Holladay Ad dition with full size basement. .s. elec tricity, wash trays, 2 toilets, one-pieee sink and roll-top bath; terms. Owner, Woodlawn IL'07. WELL-RU1LT. 7-room house. 50x100 100x100 lot. garage, rruit. trees, berries, street improvements all paid. 2 blocks from cariine, walking distance Jeffer son high. Terms. Phone Wdln. 2005, BEAUTIFUL OVERLOOK. Owner sacrifice for quick sale. l-room modern bungalow, garage. Call Monday. 10)5 Longview ave. WILL TAKE LOT OR AUTOMOHiLE AS FIRST PA T M H.A I Af,W O-K' M B CNGA LOW IN ROSE CiT Y. ACT. J10-14. HAWTHORNE bungalow, 7 rooms. 2 bed rooms oownsiairt. mouern, niirHnr. eac- rlfice $5250. Why pay more? No agents. Tabor 1351. Owner. 5-RO-OM modern bungalow; JSoO. easy terms. gABIN R I M A . 10:12 Union ave N. Woodiawn 50. A VERY good small house of five rooms. bath 7.1X1"". set io iierrie una i run. No. 54 E. 74th St. N., Montavilla; $2550; $1M'Q cash. $4joo NIFTY 5-room corner bungalow. In Hawtnorne. ee BRUCE HOLMAN, Realtor. 200 Filling Bldg. Main 0327. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, all modern conveniences, ri race, near carline. price right, terms. Call owner. Main 2QS3. or Tabor 1351. HAWTHORN E. Cosv 5-room f urnUhed !rap. 340 E. 45 th .-t. . house; will $34oO MODERN o-room new bungalow. lOt I iwuiiiri e. .jfi UUHII. Tabor 025. MODERN bungalow for sale bv owner. Furnaee. corner mx. rrun. k.ssv terms. Call Mam 4Q5S Monday 10 to 12. 0-ROOM colonial. 101x100 grounds; Uu- relburnt. i-none owner jiu ai. BY OWNER 7-room house. 3 Iota, garden and orcnarq. a 11 auto, a i"-1 1. 4-ROOM bungalow; garage; $400; easy payments, labor w.i.ii. MO'DERN bmngaiow. readv to occupy. 1200 East Alder Jiain do. RE A L KWTATK. For hale Iluu. ALL SNAPS IN ESTIGA TK $25O0 ALHhiKTA home. 7 rooms, fur nace, cement basement, nml plumbing; fruit lrr-; Muioo. Bik. cnr. $1(MHI cash, b I bnrg-tlti. $2750 SUNNYSIDE bungalow cottage. A large rm., bt .lumhinr. lull bayement. nireiy d'-crated. enr., puved sis.; fruit trees. Ht. 2 car lines; r.er SMh st. f ct-h. $2875 Close in NEW BUNGALOW; 4 rms., bkfut. shoe. Dutch kit white riunifl plumbing. eb'C. snd gas; fruit trees, full lt. Paving pd. S blks. to car, near Lud Add !;50 r:u-h. $3500 WBST SIDE, real nnbby bun., bui t-tns. bet plumbing, ormetit baement. firepu e. paved sts., blk. to oar; god ne.ghborhood. $7M ch. $2650 NEW 4-room. H sere, Cralr rd.. blk. Mu Hood eler., plumbing, attic, paved rd. $400 ch. $27.0 R HAND-NEW typical bunrw. buxioo; fruit. Near b-ld and Pow ell. $275 cash. $4250 HRAND-NEW bung.. Haw. dtst. 5 large rms., recept. hall, breaa fast room. cement basement, enamel piunibmg. fireplace, hrd wool floor built-in-. pt. dram board. Dutch kit. soxioo. pvd st.. restricted district. Bik car. t0 csfh. $4000 Rose City Park. T rooms, sleep ing porch, built -Ins. furnace, flrepUre and H the rest of the good things. $1000 under a'.ue, full lot. Just like new. pawd st , convenient car. $looO ctuih, esy on bsl. $2950 Sellwood, fl-roem neat home, mnut.rn convenience, full lot; fruit. Near car. $000 eah. $7000 Two modern flats; good income. Nr Fareo it ; 1 7-room. 1 fi-rm. Double n-iruRe; 50x12. Terms. $16.000 Four strictly modern flats. Hawthorne ave. Nearly 14 per cent gronn; consider s-mie trad. $3750 Kenton d'st., H-rm. on Lombard st. 7,"xlOO. paved St. Hlk "r. Elegant condition. $.too cah, consider lut or auto in part. $7000 Noh 11:11, 7-rm. residence, fur nished, fireplace, built-ins, ce ment basement, breakfast room, attie, m.iuin room; Brne: full lot, paved st. Blk. to car; terms arrange. $300 Six rooms, near S5lh and Bel mont ; cemttnt basement, enamel plumblntr. paved st., garage. Only $.150 cash. . C. OoU'KVRBRa, Realtor. Abfngton HJdg. "35 Years In Portland." Main 4oS. Tabor M-4 BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME OS ALAMEDA DRIVE. This home Is a new offering snd Is a most unusual and distinctive home; large central halt and ll v Ins room and sun room, very beau tiful dining room, most complete kitchen and pantry ; S bedroom 'one unusually lM.rge, sleeping porch, tile bathi, one equipped with shower on second floor; two maid's rooms and bath third floor; Gasco furnace, finest plumbing; floors In living, dining, sun rooms, also reception ball, are all s diirk green tile ; large grounds, beauti ful shruhber). Appointment ar ranged. MRS. HARRY FRIE PALMER. EAST 7U7. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. I hate to offer 2 small homes, both In ex'el'ent condition. One has lovely central hall, large living room, dining room, but ler s pantry und kltehen : second floor, 3 sleeping rooms, bath and open Prch ; all linoleum, drapes, fine electric range- and Radixntf Irn heater. Chm'o furnace; large lot, finest shrubbery. The other is all In old tvorv. witn living room, dining room and kiuhen on ftist floor and .1 sle--i-tng rooms and huth second floor; lovely lame porches. Hot h have unsurpassed view. Immediate possession can be glen. MRS. HARRY IMUCK 1'ALMKK. EAST 7070. READ THIS! REAM THIS! FURNISH ED! $ l"'i lOW $2(U5 OWNER MUST SELL Ql'irKLY! Hurry if you want a genuine ir- Kim in 5-i"oni er -le.in and sttiactive bungalow eotlMtie 111 splen.Jid condition : FU RN l.-.W KI i-aih- r roueh, lihr.iry t.ihli. et. , all furniture pnn tual.v n : paved street, cement siilewU atwl sewer alt 111 and p.iM t x ; tills IS Olie of tile biggest WlIlM in our offUc MiniieiMit ne We've 1210 other f"f .tlu. SEE) FRANK L. M.GI'IRK To iUV VOL'lt IMME. ABINGTON H L I M ; MAIN UN'S i PEN KIM'AY. DITCH COLONIAL. Irvington, large lot, central hall, large living room, off of htrti Is open terrae; lovely dlnin room, hreal'fast room and most complete kitchen, J sleeping room i full lenst h of living- room , finest t ile bathroom: a most charmiug home. liy appointment. SIRS. HARRY PRICK PALMER, EAST 7070. JRVINCTON. 570 E. 2-.TH ST. N. FINEST 7-RooM BUNGALOW TV IKVINGTOV J.ONO LIVING ROOM. DEN. TILED BATHROOM. KK''la TUH; GARAGE. FURNACE. ALL H A K I W( ion FL OJtS ; SHOWN li A l'- lOI NTM EST; I'KAt"l'l''A I.LY NEW. R. SU.MKHyll.Lly It 1 1 l . 1 NEW. CLASSV BCNGVLOW. WeniinorelHiid. 5 rooms. hardwood f'oors. modern built-ins. lurnme, fire place, full cement basement, larse self'. corner lOT . tum" , v i n o wuu Wiiukle. See tt or Phone Sellwood ..i for appointment. Very bent construc tion ROSE CITV DISTRICT. 6-room bungalow style, house. H bed- rc i m; large living rooms; nuiu in kiti hen. cement Ims-meni; ground 7.'x loo. All kind, of hemes ani rruit. a hMigain. $2y.0. terms. Sandy blvd. Tabor 155, WHY RENT? GET THIS Cov rot ta to hum n or 4 rooms, two bedrooms and full lot; fruit aa.ore. m) kinds; near to mr and n limns ; J IIMIO, rms. See Mr. Kornms "I N. Realtor 2"d Morgan B lg IRVINGTON HA KG V I N , 1 7250. 10oO .n.h. balance time; oeamuui. nnm room f rai:ace. rrenen ooorr. imk floors, extra room downstair 5 be-U rooms u. KhsI aiU. Mln wi.h. Slid N. w Bank l'l' i a SUNN SIDE. 220 K. 3TH STREET $3350 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT 5-room modern bun git low. haul wood floors, exeellent condition. R SOMKRVILLE. BIWY BARGAIN ALBERTA DISTRICT. 5-room bur.K.tlow with stile, real larg living and d-nfng room, all hurt- Ins: 1 nioeKs to car: mrn ifn in, nil for $.l.oo. $5oo down, o.t la nc cuy. F,at ""I : evening i a nor m .. PY OWNER Reuutiful five-room home with all built-in features, full basement. Must to hlir lest DKIuer. I omJ ami set- it. This is your ch.-tnre to get a beautiful home st a bargain. Col 05 OH ! Y U N K VY LY W E 1 H Here's your cha ne trt get a br nd new. 4-r. hunga low, complete, st v i ish. nappy for $-700 Small payment down, balance like rent. See It todfiv at r.i.? I, j, f., yrtte st. Phone own r. Emit 4"iio. 5-ROOM houhf, -mneeted with electrblty and gas; lot 30 205 ft., hi ek ftom Ar leta school ; 4 la rge 1 herry m nd 1 .1 pp!e tree. 1100. term?. Inoulto nt .ia7 7th St. 8. E. Tel. Marshall 1 HH and 010-33. HOW'S '-0 month and 0 per cut f.r deferred payments un a Tine O-room borne in t lie bept part 01 A liter tit uis trict. with flowers and abundance of fruit? price U onlv l.ioi:.. Q riN. Rial t or; 2"0.M ' r g.tn 1 IMg fiomi 4-Roo.M cottage; i.i.'.O ih. lyt 77x250; 10 fruit trees, berries, potatoex; a cosy home; good reason for selling rot cheap. J- P MeKenna. realtor.. ll:.l Belmont at 3Qth ht. Tahor tUH. HOUSES built, our lots or our. vl assist In making plans nd negotiate loans FABRICATED CONSTRUCTION CO. Old McKay Hl.ly $2iio Rose city park. Cosy 1-rnin bungalow, bath, toilet, electricity, gas. Dutrh kllrhen. niee;BWn, gnriige, gonrl 'o' iltltm. Til bor 2-ROOM house, $50; $150 down. $10 month; large lot with fruit snd garden; '2 btoeks from St. Johns earline. A. H. A K KKSi'X, 420 H-nt y t!lg. yail SALE on terms. 4-ro-m niiistered nouse, 1 tet'ic lights. ti 1 basement. 5nxlo": $j:.on Corner LUh, .".MH E m r so n. K "t 1 1 v 1 A HA RGA I N Modern 7-room bunga 'on. Haw! Home nisi ri t ; f 4 " rash . fine condition : nme shad a and fruit tre. a. Tabnr 4tV 0-HOOM sood bouse for sa in R City Park, easy terms Hunditv rl East 7S00j 'p,'k1?v"- M-irshu It 4TIT OWN F R $.T.50, modern A-room home, a1 condition, fine view, good 'o..ition. 5 E:tSt 'J 5th Ft. Se'j wood 2'V l SNAP Move r.ght in. 5-rootn cott-ig.-. f rutt, berries; rn ge ; pUr for garden Hnd chickens, r 2(hhi: terms Knt IT1. WEST side strie(!v modern fl-rmim, cmuk In. fine lew. You must see t r- it ts appreciate 1U Terma Main 5414.