TTIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 12: 1921 21 BIINESS OPPORTTMT1E8. HotelH and Koomtm HoUhM. 15 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 11030. Six 2, one 2-room apt., bath and toi let, rent M. stove heat, water In every apt. Good building; Kas range in each apt. Buy this and double your asoney in the fall. - , - 11 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 830. J400 cash takes this swell little home, . rent only Hi. ' It nets Jiio: two 3, two 2, one 1-room apt. About 4 blocks from ileler ac Frank's. - a HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 800. Rent 137. U; excellently furnished, lo cated on IT'-h st.( close to Washington; aJaays full. We have the largest list of bargains In the city. 15 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 2000. Only 4 blocks from Olds & King's. Can secure a lease for a term of years, which will be worth some money. There re two baths and toilets, furniture ex cellent. If this don't suit, we have 100 others. 22 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $1700. West side, close in.-stove heat. Tou can get this for a cash payment of 4.,0. Don't delay If you have the money. 1.1 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 1800. West side, nets $140. This la one of . the biggest money makers on our list. Walking distance. Rent f45. We are headquarters for bargains. . 'I HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. This place Is right downtown. It is always full, - No "for rent signs out. Rent is !0. Income 340. Tou will be In business if you buy this. : Takes to handle. 15 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. The rent of thU place Is oifly S65. Jf Bets 1150. About 5 blocks from Mefe Frank's. Buy now while they are Ah. no. The above are only a few of 1000 bargains. Now is the time to buy. Jn 60 days these places will double In value. 83-ROOM APT. nn Is one of the finest In the city. Elegant furniture, rent only J73. . The set income is inuu; )iv,wu win aauuto. Walking distance, west aide. T O. W. TARR, Main 6203. 407 McKay Bldg, " " ANOTHER GOOD HOTEL. Considerably over 100 rooms, all strictly modern and elegantly fur- -nished. large lobby and parlors, everything that goes with a first- class hotel, leaae runs over 7 years; for price and further particulars call at office. 42-ROOM HOTEL. 12. 1 Fine west aide location, modern corner brick bldg.. furniture and rugs are good, lease at $250 per. Call and gel price and other par ticular. 70-ROOM HOTEL Kearly new, modern brick, on west aide, very well furnished and always full. 5-year lease at fair rent. $7000 will handle this. APARTMENT HOUSE. Close in on west side, modern lit tle brick, lease for 2 years, now clearing $450 per month; $5000 will handle this, balance easy. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. Completely equipped with beau tiful dining room and kitchen, par lors and everything that goes t make a high-claas hotel, $8000 can do business. 5-ROOM FLAT 5. Elegantly furnished and In one of the beat districts in city, rent only $40 per month, price includ ing musical. Instrument, 850. F. RIERDON, REALTOR. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WE WRITE ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE. VERY ATTRACTIVE- COUNTRY HOTEL. 28-room modern Commercial hotel, brick, fine lobby, good live Oregon town on highway; excellent opportunity for good hotel man to get In easy; building, ground and furnishings on attractive terms to reliable people; might take some good trade on part List 43. Have large listing of fine countcy and assort hotel propositions. SOME GOOD PORTLAND- PLACES. Hotel, modem corner brick, good lease. Clears over $700. Price and terms this fflce. List 84. Apartment house, modem brick, good leaae. special price J Particulars this oX fice. - List 21. Have some good propositions In hotel and apartment house leases, apartment house income property; also country and resort note-is. it you wish to buy or 8eu business of any kind, call at this office. WBSTBKN bnUKciKAUti CO., 817 Northwestern 1ank Bldg. BROADWAY. CLOSE IN. 100 rooms with Northwest heat. This pt. house has always been a money maker. On account of sickness can be bought for $1-4,000. It clears better than $600 per month. $6000 cash will handle. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. LEASE OVER FAIR. 16 modern aDartments brick building Close in west side, 6-year lease; this la good and priced right. See this. 28 apartments, 94 rooms, 4-year lease, brick building, west side location; a fine buy, priced to sell. E. S. KERR, Realtor, 891 Yamhill. , Marshall 5594 18 HOUSEKEEPING rooms; hot and cold water in all apts. Reasonable rent and clearing $140 a month above all ex penses. Electric lights and nicely fur nished. This is really a alee place and iouv win nanaie. TRY-US REALTY CO.. . Realtors. 160 W e s t Park St. A BAKUAIN. 22 rooms, we side, close fn; all h. k. wico only 17oo, $i:too handles. SEE THIS ONE. 10 rooms, all on 1 floor; rent only $16 Tr montn: clears over siou per montn; price aiuou. terms. , J. H. ELY. 123 14th St. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment nouse ox any Kino, anywnere. see F. Rierdon, RITTER, LOWB & CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. . We Write All Kinds of Insurance. LEAVING CITY MUST SELL. $1100. $600 DOWN. Furniture of neat, clean apts. Good income and borne. Every room rented. Only $47 rent. Easy terms to right party. See owner at 881, 6th sL Sun day. & ROOMS, close in, west side. lower floor rented for business pays almost all of rent; If you are looking for a money maker you can't beat this: net income over $200; you will have to hurry if you want thia at $3500. 391 Yamhill. .Mar shall 5S94. FOR SALE by owner. 42-room hotel; loca tion can't be beat; steam heat, cold and hot water: rent $117.50; above all ex penses $500: good furniture and good lease: price $&50O. terms $7000 cash, bal ance $150 month. Northern Hotel. As toria. Or. 14 UNFURNISHED rms., center of Astoria business section; white enamel wood work, Ra-Do gas heaters: hotels full and rms. at a premium; will sell lease or rent to responsible party. Dr. Dean, Portland, Or. Main 8657. DOWNTOWN. 22 ROOMS, ONE FLOOR. . Housekeeping, lease; $1050; can be fixed up; $13U0 handles. J. Eugene Hedges. Realtor, 201 West Park. Main 2590. - .FOR SALE A 36-room frame hotel on the Columbia highway, well equipped, best country location In the state, doing full capacity business. For further infor mation write P. O. box 126, Arlington, Oregon. -BOOM flat, very co5tiy furnished, clean ail through, rent $45; many side at tractions, worth $1200. but $850 takes It; $550 down. J. Eugene Hedges, Realtor 201 West Park. FOR SALE bv owner, a ten-room furnished house in good location that affords a comfortable home with good Income. It Is a bargain on easy terras. R 7o8. Ore. gonian. 1- ROOMS. Nob Hill.; water most all, H. K., good oatf furniture, elec, gas; nice Income. $1800; this is homelike; $1500 cowtK j. feugene rteages, Realtor. 201 w est far, aiain .miu. ROOMS. Montgomery at.; nice new fur niture: everything in tirst-claas shape: stove heat, reasonable rent; sleeping ruoms; $550 handles. Mrs. Alba ugh, with jonn J-erguson. realtor, uerunger bldg. DO YOU want a hotel, modern apartment. rooming house, business location, modern home or lease of any kind? If you do see E. S. KERR. Realtor. 391 Yamhill. Marshall 5S94. BEST I N V ESTM E NT ON E A RTH. Portland apt. house or hotel leaser ever the 1925 fair my specialty. O. P. Howe, with O. H. Skotheim Co., 409-16 Couch bldg. 11 ROOMS, close in. west side, housekeep . ing; rent $35, $1075 handles; near Wash- ington; $15O0. Better see this. J. Eu gene Hedges, Realtor, 201 West Park. HEART of city, 15 rooms, doing excellent transient business: always full; will sac rifle $ )0 ; part terms. 3S3 Davis, cor. West Park. BNAP From owner, C2-room apartment, west side, rent $55, with lease. Income $140, with own apt. 573 3d st. Other business requires time. 31 H. K. ROOMS, close in on west side; good furniture; will clear $250 month. Price right. Will consider ear. 4i5 Cham. Com.- Bdwy. 908. FOR 15EST bargain in apartment house see members of the Really Board. Yates ReaUy Co.. S46 4th st -r BUSIXKSS OPPORTCNITIES. Hotels and Rooming House. THOMSON & THOMSON. - REALTORS. 72 rooms. N. W. heat; some private Datna, furniture and carpets very good lease; rent, $600; clears over $1000; $15, ' uuo, terms. 52 rooms; lease; rent, $400; N. W, neat: some Drivate baths: clears 1750 furniture and carpets very good; priced ngiu; gooa terms. 50 rooms; transient location; 5-yar lease; rent, $175; nets about $400; price iwu, terms. . 87 rooms: rent 1275: lease, some .prl vate baths: nets aboiitSi$475; extra good rugs and furniture; all thoroughly ren- o vate a; S330O will Handle. SH rooms; brick building; central loca tion; clears $3.0 besides your apartment $4000 win handle this money-maker. 103 rooms; modern brick hotel" (some apartments): rood lease: rent less than .$8 per room; automatic elevator; needs some renovating; gross income $170. 54 rooms; brick building; 17 apart ments: ail well and completely rurnisnea 5-year lease; rent, $350; clears better than $400; $6000 will handle. 24 rooms, all strictly modern apart ments; class A; brick building; all extra well and completely furnished; ' lease over the fair; good home with Income price $2800, about $2000 down. - 18 - rooms; all apartments; furnace; electricity; water in nearly all rooms; rent $115; gross income $3o5: good fur niture .and carpets; clean as can be; lovely home (.White Temple); $3750, terms. 13 sleeping rooms with cafeteria; fully equipped; 3 -room apartment btaasdes for own ube; rent sou; gooa income; wen lo cated;, iwu, terms. 20 rooms and 2 kltchenetts fall house- -keeping); 2-year lease; rent $oa and $60; clears better than $135 -and own apart ment; a real bargain at $2500,, half cash. 16 rooms-housekeeping; Whjte Tem ple; rent $75; furnace; electricity; well furnished and clean; clears $130 besides lovely apartment; $1500 down. - , 14 rooms; housekeeping; rent $35; lease; stove heat: electricity; nice home and $S5' clear; $96o down. THOMSON A THOMSON, REALTORS. 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4880. COUNTRY HOTELS. Commercial men's hotel, in a thriving valley town, large spacious grounds, fine brick bflg., vr KM) rooms. lots of pri vate baths, large lobby, large dining nom and grill. This is strictly a tran7 stent .house and will clear the owner ;;o,000 a year. Owner wants to retire as he has operated this house for a number of years. $50,000 'cash to handle. 40-roora transient hotel In a fine southern Oregon town, corner brick, modem throughout, fine lobby, dandy paying dining room, lots of baths. Thli Is a good paying house the year round $20,000 to do - business. i Here is a finV eating place right os I the Columbia river highway; 8 steeping rooms and 10 more to be furnished, din Insr room seats 100 neoole. This is a fine proposition for a man and wife and cam be made a big payer. Building and furnishings $05u0; will, take some ex chance. Here ia a dandy small hotel, good buildings. 4 acres of good land, part in bearing loganberries ana oa ranee in rard-n. This hotel makes a specialty of serving phicken dinner ad does a fine business. For a man and wife it is a good proposition. J.l.w cash down or will excham for good home in city. CITY HOTELS. Transient hotel, fine corner over 100 rooms, 70 rooms with bath, hot ana coia water in all rooms, elevator, fine lobby, all tiled. To a high grade hotel man we can recommend thia house. $;o.0O0 cash to handle. 85 rooms, one of the nest transient corners in Portland, brick bldg.. hot and ,ai.h wt-r in all rooms, sfeem heat. good lease. This house clears $700 a month. SAOflO casn will namne. Over 1M rooms, corner brick-, modern throughout, fine leas.6 at vy low rental : clears 7XX a month. Price 112 .VKI, $70oo cash to handle. This is oni a few of the many good buys we have in hotels, Come in and W also have a large number or apartment houses and restaurants: some very gooti buys. Lortk these over before you buv. See Mr. Tice. -PACIFIC N. W. HOTEL NEWS. Broker OnJv In High-claaa Hotels and Apartment Houses. 714 Couch Bldg. . 28-ROOM transient brick hotel, west side, rent $100; a real snap at, $1800; good te'oBH K. rooms. White Tmple dist.; good furniture: will clear over $150 mo. Full price $2850; good terms - 30 H. K. rooms, extra good furniture, will clear over $250 month. Price $4L0; some terms. ti , 10 H. K. rooms. White Temple dist., water in all rooms. A snap at 11-60; good terms. Call at 425 Cham, of Com. Bldg. Broadway AOS. ' 84-ROOM APT. HOUSE. $3500 CASH. All private baths, pretty brick bldg., steam heat, 8-year lease, rent only $150, Good location and In excellent condi tio. Price $6000, with $3500 cash. See Mrs. Whonn. v O. A. PEARCE COMPANY. 201 Oregon Bldg. Cor. 5th and Oak. 11 ROOMS SS50. Housekeeping rooms; income and apartment for self. Dandy house, good yard; turmture gooa. - 1500 nannies. A. J. De FOREST ft CO., Realtors, 820 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. " RimMivr. HOUSE. 13 rooms and sleeping porch: fine close-in location; all housekeeping; fur nace heat, nice furniture, rent $.0. good income; price only $2000. cash uju. SPEED REALTY CO.. 307 Panama Bldg. Main 7264. mnn ROOMING HOUSE $1600. For 30 rooms of good furniture, cheap rent, brick bldg.. n. a. ana transient, right downtown, heari: of west side. Only $600 cash. baU easy. Peters, of cou rse. 15 N. 5th st. WILK SACRIFICE. Ka reasonable offer refused; 18-room. hardwood floors, elegant furniture, fire place, all modern, coxy noma ana gooa income, 346 College st., bet. Broadway and Park st. ' FIFTEEN ROOM S $ 650 FI RST PA Y- Modern, h. k., close in W. 8.. $60 rent. Good net. Bet of furniture; $1300. half cash. O. H. Skothelm Co., realtors. 40-ll Couch bldg. Main, S-ROOM flat, west side, close in. rent $85. Lease. Well arranged, pleasant rooms to sub-let, all furnished complete, bnap, $650. A. J. DeFOREST ft CO., Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5590. 70-ROOM modern hotel, steady and tran Mfnt. doin caoaclty business. Fine 10 cation, brick bldg., with lease; $7000 handles it. A. J. DeFOREST ft CO.. Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg Broadway 5500. 16 ROOMS FOR $645. This Is very good-furniture, all house lcMnlnr. rent SAO. Vest side. Buy this and sell next fall for IloOO easy. Feters, 15 N. 5th st FURNITURE FOR SALE. 9-r. house, walking distance: 3 3-room suiter, with piano $1200. without piano $1000; lease at $40 per mo. Rock at 403 Couch. Mar. 3:iv2 6TH ST. TRANSIENT HOUSE. 25 rooms, rent only $50; very good furniture, on v S1550. and any terms In reason. This Is a dandy money maker for the right party. Peters, 15 N. 5th. 20 ROOMS, all on one floor, west side. rent $55. lease, clears iuo a month; $1500 required. A. J- DeFOREST ft CO., Realtors, 320 Henry Bldg: Broadway 5590. 42-ROOM . HOTEL Well located, good furniture and carpets. Fine place tor transients. Nets $600 per month. Mra Maddux. 527 Corbett bldg. 11 H. K, ROOMS, furnace or stove heat fine furniture, electric light, good In come, besides own living rooms: terma 835 East Morrison. 25-ROCJM APT. HOUSE Some sleeping rooms, close In. Good furniture. Nets over $250 per . month? Mrs. Maddux, 527 Corbett bldg. IF YOUR place of business is for sale, phone Main 8075. We will call for listing. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMPANY 817 NnrtWfiem Bank Bldg. 26 ROOMS, h. k- west side, making $200 a month: $1500 handles it. A. J. DeFOREST ft CO., Realtors. 320 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5590. EL WIN APARTMENTS COMPLETELY FURNISHED. RENT CHEAP. CLOSB IN. WEST SIDE. JMMEDIATB SALE PRICE $2500, LEASE. MAIN 9400. DANDY 6-room flat, cheap tor cash: newly decorated : electricity ; good home and income. $325. 392 Everett. APARTMENT house in Astoria; income $240 per month; will sell furniture cheap and lease property. Write S. H. Webb, Astoria. Or. 16 H. K. ROOMS, well furnished. Goo3 location, lease, nets about $170 per mo. Mrs. Maddux, 527 Corbett bldg. NICELY , furnished 12 rooms, rent $60. income' $160; price $1250; some terms; 627"Bfodwy. Marshall 32oS. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. MARY E. LENT CO., HOTELS. ROOMING AND APART MENT HOUSES. 523-4-5 N. W. Bank Bldg. Phone Main 8560 for appointment. If you wish to buy or sell, come In and talk it over; 14 years in the business in Portland enables us- to give you satis factory service. APARTMENT HOUSES. "oO APARTMENTS. NEVER BEEN SOLD. White pressed brick apt. house, Close in, west side corner; netting over $1200 per month; if you have sia.ouu; casn required; long lease -at reasonable rent White rrnd brick, automatic ele vator, all light apartments, hardwood floors; 44 years lease; clears $700 per month; $10,000 cash required; balance as you make it. 25 APARTMENTS. Hardwood floors, all new and clean. beautiful apartment for manager and 8500 net monthly profip price sio.uuu; B0-ROOM APARTMENT. West side, brick, steam heat, hot and cold water, rent at srfoo per montn clears $500 monthly; price $8000; re quires $5000 to handle. VERY BEST BUY. I PRICE REDUCED 81500 for quick sale; will sell the nicest small bouse in the city: rent only sjf-v, dtick buildfng, all private baths, price only . i; requires $uuuu casn to nanaie; this will not last at this price. -22 APARTMENTS. A CLASSY PLACE fn the exclusive Nob Hill district; very large airy rooms, large porches, elegant' ly furnishd throughout; income $550 net; requires SioOO cash to handle this. 54-ROOM HOTEL. Corner brick building, elevator, ground "floor lobby; all outside, light rooms; price $14,500. 40-ROOM HOTEL. i Comer, white pressed brick, classiest place in the city, clearing $600 per mo.; rent $300; large, homelight rooms, rent by the month; caters to the very best patronage; if you have $10,000 cash, ask to sea this. 35-ROOM HOTEL. On two floors, steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms; rent only $1:00 good to clear $500 per month; all rooms rented; psice reduced owing to Illness was (DOu; last price oniy "i::au. ROOMING HOUSES. See Mrs. McClain. 44 rooms, modern apartments, all on two floors; rent $140; clears $225 above expenses and apartment for self; can be handled with $2000. - 26 rooms, close In; 'always full; colli springs, good furniture and fine place j all around; clears over $200 above every I expense; price $4000, terms. 20 rooms, near Taylor st. : beautiful place, clean and fine furnishings; rent I $75; clears $200; this can be handled on j easy terms; $-'000 down. Beautiful home In Nob Hill; rent $60 with leaser clean and beautifully fur nished, fine beds, all-steel springs, Cir cassian overstuffed chairs, etc. ; price reduced from z70O to $200( for sale I this week; terms to reliable party. Dandy small place, facing park, large I front porch, rent $47; new carpet, dav- j en port, attractive arrangement, good furniture throughout; lovely home for summer; can be sold at a profit; price I i-'ju, terms. Elegant little home, 9 rooms, garage, I hardwood floors, modern In every way 1 and bauttlully furnished, mahogany set. beautiful dressers, $350 combination! 'range, etc.; location one of the best in I the city; a place that you can sell at a big pfoflt; just listed today and can be seen oy appointment. SOME GOOD COUNTRY HOTELS FOR SALE MA IN WASHINGTON. One of the finest country hotels in the state: city of 3000 population; 60 rooms, strictly modern, exceptionally I good lease: net nrotit suooo a year. A positive bargain at the price I have 1 on It Progressive town of 24O0: 60 rooms. modern, good brick butldlng; doinlng al business of close to 86000 a month. Total purchase price for lease a-nd furnish- j legs. si'J.uoor moon cash. 85O00 cash, buys lease and furnishings of 58-room hotel in one or the best 3-50 towns in the state. This house will enjdlv nav for itself every year. 41 'rooms. Only hotel in town of 100 population. Price for lease and fur- I nishin;s $7500. $4000 cash payment Rnt xi2Ti. Good briek building. Not a hotel of the htwher class but a good money-maker. $1900 buys fur nishings and lease. 36 guest rooms. Big pay-roll town. GEO. C. BURKE. Exclusive Hotel Broker. 905 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Tel. Auto. 514-63. ONE OF THESE WILL SUIT YOU. THRY ARE PORTLAND'S BEST BUYS. 1 "n.mnm modern aoartment house. clearing $750 per month, for $18,000, on easy terms. White Temple aistnct; eie- L'OO-room apartment house. $22,000, clearing better than $1000 month- 25 rooms on Washington st. to ex- . Vianv for hniiHe. L0 rooms' with Northwestern heat, Hcht downtown, clearing $200 month. Will exchange for house and lot for home. 16 rooms; White Temple district, $1600; clears $90 month. i 26 rooms. White Temple district, at J low figure on terms. 10 rooms, close in. $1100. 10 rooms, new and clean, $1050. 36 rooms for trade. 28 "rooms for trade. 22 rooms on one floor. $2850. 12 rooms. Nob Hill, $1200. ft rnnm Lincoln hiirh. $1000. Many others of evfery size. Get ready : for the big fair. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg. OWN THE BUILDING. Here is a chance to buy the building and be your own landlord. We have for salt a Deauurui -nat ouumnit, wrs. side, with a wonderful view of the city, net above all expenses $100 per month; the full price 1b only $17,000 on easy tarm which would be 14 oer cent net on the total investment, furnishing this bnildintr into smaller apartments, the revenue could be more than doubled. SEE MRS. KELLER. GEO. T. MOORE CO- 1907 Yeon Bldg. THIS- APARTMENT HOUSE CLEARS $1S.OOO A YEAR ABOVE TAXES. IN SURANCE, UPKEEP AND COST OF MAINTENANCE; PRICE OF LOT. BUILDING AND ALL FURNISHINGS IS ONLY $77,000; $20,000 DOWN. BALANCE EASY; CONSISTS OF 30 STRICTLY MODERN 8 AND 4 ROOM j APARTMENTS. IN WHITE TEMPLE i DISTRICT; WILL CONSIDER PART TRADE". SEE THE OWNER AT 501-2 COUCH BLDG. 16 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. For $3000 we can put you in a well furnished 16-ro(n brick building, steam heat, hot and cold water in every room, ets'better than $150 per month, besides the use of a beautiful apt. This is a splendid buy and worth investigating. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. $600 CASH. Will five you possession of a 11 -room houee, iirst-ciass furniture, almost new, dandy house, fine location, se,ts $120 and - rooms tor eeir. T SEE MRS. HARRY. 512 Henry Bldg. Broadway 5487. WEST PARK STREET. Elerantlv furnUhed 18 rooms, close to business district, fine furnace and good money-maker. Price $3850, on terms. See Mrs. Kelfcr, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Teon Bldg. LOVELY furniture of 12 rooms, 4 2-room ants.. 4 sieeDing rooms, ciean as a pin. furnace heat, also fireplace. Cosy home , and rood income: Nob mil aistrict: lease. Deal direct with owner. Call Broadway 3445. - I WANT A ROOMING HOUSE of the housekeeping order; I have the cash to pay for one close ii on west or east side; I prefer to deal directly with the owners. Call Sellwood 2oo'J Sunday and Monday. 26 ROOMS and grocery store, partly fur nished; 6 2-room. a si-room ana z o-room apartments; good Income and - own apartment; $700 takes this, with three vear lease. 27l! Williams ave. WANTED Small grocery with living rra. Will pay casn. No agents. Call Sunday between 9 and 10. Woodlawn 3579. 20 ROOMS, west side, well furnished, clean. wasn travs, nice Dseuieni; gooa money maker; price $1600. terms, $350 cash other snaps. H. W. Garland. 201 Third. FOR RENT. 6-room close-in west side boose suit able for rooming house, rent $40. Call at PL'S Henry bldg. FOR SAL13 Large hotel, good chance for right party, come 100a it over, torn mercial Hotel. Newberg, Or. . GOOD furniture, splendid home,, can more than ciear expenses, womiag distance. Phone Main 7HM. 10 LARGE, clean H. K. rooms, close in; cheap rent : money-manr, snap, bick, most sell. 825 First street. $100 TO $000 WITH, services to invest in some proposition. o (,o. uregunmn. 13 ROOMS Housekeeping, clearing.. $ 100; $9 SO cash; owners. Ji.i otn st. 25-ROOM hotel, rent $50; $750 .cash will nana rs. otn st. 18 HOUSEKEEPING rooms; rent $60; brick bldg.; lease. 410 Gerltnger bldg. 11 ROOMS, houskeepiug, by owner; terms. Jd-arsnau BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. NOTICE. -' If you are looking for an apartment house, hotel or rooming house, no mat ter how large or small, be sure and see our listings before you buy. We have the largest fn the city, with good prices and terms. 58-room hotel, concrete building, 3 year lease, $200 per month, corner loca tion, entrance from 2 streets; all new furniture; full of steady tenants, show ing good net Income. Best buy In city. Other business forces client to sell; $4750 for quick sale. FIRST-CLASS APT. HOUSE. 45 rooms, rent $300 per mo.. Including water and heat, very close in, west side, 4111 clear 8450 per mo. Furniture and rugs very good. Jf you are in the mar ket for good apt. house see this. $8000; $5000 will handle. WORKINGMAN'S HOTEL BARGAIN. 25 rms., 22 sleeping rooms, kitchen, dining and parlor, good furniture, in cluding good piano; rent only $40; just the place fot man and wife. Shows net profit of $400 per month. Snap at 82100. $1800 cash. Terms. 17 ROOMS, 5 KITCHENETTES. Heart of city, rood furn.. clean house. low rent, 2-year lease. Good net profit above living. Leaving city;. $1300 casn, small balance, easy terms. 11 ROOMS, BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE. Newly remodeled; clean: 2 baths, toi lets; all rooms rented. First to soe will buy; $650 handles. BOARDING HOUSE, 12 ROOMS. Near Good Samaritan hospital, beauty and money maker; $1000 handles. Part ners' disagreement forces sale. MARSH ft McCABE CO., BUSINESS BROKERS. 822-8-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3993. OPEN SUNDAYS. BUY YOUR ROOMING HOUSE NOW. You can locate better by buying at this time than at any other time of the year, and also save money. Get in now and be ready for the rush In the fall Below are three seleet buys: OUT OF THE ORDINARY. 13 rooms, actually clearing-$150 mo. Very well furnished, furnace or stove heat, mattresses and bedding especially good; rent only $45. Price $1700, $800 down. BUSINESS DISTRICT. 16 rooms, practically all on one floor, furniture up to date, rent $65; rooms never idle; clears $145 and can be in creased. Price $2250, good terms. 29-OOM APARTMENT. -Tn splendid west side location, fur nishings in first-class condition; all good rugs. This clears 8225; has a good lease and is priced to sell, with excel lent terms. E. C. KENNEDY, 210 Stork Exch. Bldg. Marshall 2310. YATES REALTY CO. 15 rooms and sleeping porches. Hard wood floors on first floor. Rent $65 per month. Fine furniture, gas ranges and plates, hot and cold water In most rooms. Furnished complete for $2950. $1950 cash balance easy. Nob mil a is trlct. Here it is on wasmngron street near tOth 7 2-room aDts.. - sleeping porcnes, furnace, electric nnts, gas ranges. a mnnav.mjikr for some one. Rent $75. Net income over $200. Price $2500. $1650 to handle. On Wajihlnerton st. 8 2 -room apta with bath, good carpets and rugs,' fine furniture. Always run. et income $600. Hot and cold water in ail rooms. php. sik ftfin. tin. 000 cash to handle. We have some good listings on- oxner hotels and spartments. VAT KS REALTY CQ. ALDER STREET. KO-rnom brick ant. house, hot and cold water in all apts., rent only per room, which includes cont of steam heat and hot and cold water; SC000 will handle. A splendid money-maker. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. M V. T.EVT f'.OMPANY. K2R-4-!. NORTHWESTERN BANK BTDG. LsSAUlINU HU1TJU AIM' ArAAJa.i HOUSE AGKMJi. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL COME IN AND TALK IT OVER: 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. WHITE TEMPLE DISTRICT. 33-rnom ant. house iu aood condition, clearing better than $200 per month, mostly a-room apis., mti ynte ftwvu. Can arrange terms. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T, MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. NOR WILL DISTRICT. AO-mom nressed brtrk aDt. house, clears above all expenses uu per momn, ion lease at $4 per room; takes aDOUt ouuu to handle this proposition. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. luu7 Yeon Bldg. ONE OF OUR BEST. A srnnd corner brick hotelr hot and cold nt.r in u 1 1 rooms, steam heat, eround floor lobby, making a net profit of $000 nr month u e ran sell the iurniture and lease for $14,000 on easy terms. This is hard to beat. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 Yeon Bldg. TX)ST AND FOUND. LOST Friday evening, bill book with re ceipts, valuable only to wner; some currency. Name. H. S. Lamson, 324 4th st. Marshall 3672. Liberal reward. LOST June 10, gold Eversharp pencil, in scribed a. toneriaan si. teiepme, 1899-1920." Return to Oregonian. Re ward. LOST TWO KEYS TO SAFE DEPOSIT NO 620. ri. t. M. SA f Hi ana l TALE LOCK KEY. FINDER PLEASE CALL BDWY. 2. ROOM NO. 811. LOST Morrison st. between 6th and O.. w a K.. nose e lasses with chain and earpiece. Phone East 1710 Monday. Re ward. . LOST Lady's black leather purse con taining keys, papers, etc., on unnios road within 30 miles of Portland. Please call Automatic 218-71. LOST Waterman's fountain pen, with 3- lnch gold band. On Kroaaway aur or corner of Broadway and Larpabee. Call East 4794 , LOST Sunday, June 5, lady s black trave nr bae on Highway Detween uooie and Deer Island; reward; notify Mr. Morgan, St. Helens. Or. LOST Small white Spitz dog, license No. 2526; liberal reward. u itn st. juar. 6079. - LOST A brown 3-months-old pup with white spot on breast, long tail ana ears, answers to "Duff." Reward. Mar. 342. LOST Bead purse with bank book, key, glasses and small change. 985 E. Frank lin. Reward. LOST Oid black corker spaniel dog. name Jabe. can wooatawo, ow.. ste ward. LOJsT Lady's handbag containing gold .tch. some money ana papers. ne- ward. Main S.to4. LOST -Small black purse containing over $5 and slips from Muitnoman studio. Please call Columbia nil. WILL party who took music roll out of Gllsan and Bowy. waiting room p. ease call Woodlawn nav. -lq ST Wednesday afternoon on the street or in Meier & Frank's, P. E. O. pin Phone Tabor Bin: rewara TOUND A collie dog. owner may have same by proper laenuucauon ana paying for this ad. rnone wain. aai. LOST Seal brown and white fox terrier pup; turquoise etuaaea coiiar; rewara. Dr. Dean. Main wo.n. STRAYED From H. 14th and Davis, gray striped taooy. oroicen ta.ii, answers to D:nty atoore. cast tuug. I.OKT A diamond ring, in the Shetland bldg.. 4th floor. Call East 3674 before 10 A. M. FOUND Gentleman's watch chain at tached to keys. Owner may have same by paying tor aa. ,m arena n ei LOST Child's tan polo coat on Morrison st., or Ben Selling's store; suitable re ward. Tabor 17H3. LOST Gold watch with W. O. W. fob in Laureihurst park. Wednesday, June is. Phone Tabor i:io. LOST On Washington or road to high way. Brownie No. 2A folding camera Return to Ramapo hotel. LOST A boy's brown and white belted . suit coat in Laureihurst park. Wednes day. Phone Tabor 0202. ' LOST Child's coat, 10-year-old size; me dium color. Call Oak Grove 124-R. Re ward LOST Lady's gold wrist watch with Ini tials on back, A. W G. Call Sellwood 763. : LOST Bulldog with scar on back, named Jack: reward. Phone Auto. 314-35. LOST Lady's watcn. plain case. Tuesday; reward. Call evenings. East 3218. LOST Small diamond, unset. Valued as gift. Reward. ISA Caruthers, Apt. F. - 4 LOST Neighbors of Woodcraft pin. Sat urday. the 4th. Please Phone Tabor 2121. LOST Lady's gold watch. name en graved. Reward. Call Marshall 5032. LOST Lady's tur collar; reward. Phone Main 3305. room 8. FOUND OPERA GLASSES. PHY. MARSHALL l.',H5. D. F. MUR- LOST Purse in Rose City Park. Liberal reward. Call Tabor 4703. LOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Lign ft Power Co. June 10. 1921: 12 umbre las. 3 lunch boxes. 2 nurses, watch and fob, 3 suitcases, 5 handbags. 4 pairs gloves, 1 single glove, 5 books, Gillette razor. Key, rule, nat, overcoat, sicaie, auto crank, basket, 6 packages. Own ers may obtain same upon proper iden tificatlon at First and Alder St. station. LOST Auto jack, near the Harry Collins placer between Oak Grove and the detour on highway. Find er please phone, collect, Vancou ver S90-Y. . STRAY ED or stolen from my farm on Columbia highway on June 7, bays team, weight about 27a0 pounds, rangy puiii one branded on right shoulder, rope burn on one hind fetlock: other had collar mark on right shoulder, rope burn on left fetlock ; suitable reward. u. c Bates. Troutdale. Or., R. F. P. No. 1. PARTY is known who has cross fox fur and rarl necklace, lost or taken rues day night. May. 31. Return at once and save trouble. Reward. No questions asked. Apt. 32. Eimwood apts.. 10th and Hall. ' t.ost Tn- business district WednesdaY lavalier set with 2 diamonds and green gold leaves: valued a keepsake. Kewara Auto. i4-l. LOST EaBtman kodak Jr., in leather case containing one roll of exposed film and lost Just after rose parade. Name J. C. Moore written on shoulder strap. Reward. AV 902, Oregonian. LOST Friday night on. Oregon City car, a black leather purse containing $19 and draft for $40 payable to Broadway bank. Return to 504 Eilers bldg., or call Mail 666. Reward. wn.L nartv who nicked ud purse at Bake Rite shop No. 2 Friday, Yamhill street, niou-se leave at cashier's desk. Orego nian office and receive reward, as the contents are bmly needed. STOi.KV From cathedral school bldg. Vfl.iA hirvH blue with white trimming. No. 511134: rear fender loose. Reward for information leading to recovery. Phone Main 52S0. LOST Mole neckpiece Sunday. 10th st., between Morrison and Washington. Party in car was seen to pick it up. flease call Main gum; rewara T.riT iTilu haml ha containing bank certificate, ring, gold piece, keys and other money, near uroaaway ana r iw ders. Liberal reward. Woodlawn 46(18, LOST Lady's purse with small amount or monev. house key. papers, no value ex cent to owner: Roberts Bros., er Meier ft Frank Co. Call Main 19. iwt I jj.Iv's e-olH bar mn with 3 dia monds on Broadway between Alder and Morrison or near Trinity church. R- ward. Woodlawn bi6. LOST Black-and-tan Airedale dog dur ing fireworks east of Multnomah field; city license 448. Finder please call Tabor 3531 ; rewarq oiierea. WILL party who took package of ladies' shoes Tuesday evening in Wallace drug store at 37th and Hawthorne kindly re- turn them or phone lapor i--i : $150 REWARD for return to me of two diamond rings sent in launui y uy k to the American laundry, a 129. 4 1st ave. S. E. No questions asked. LOST $100 note, between Mt. Angel and Portland, on the Pacific highway. Finder will receive $5 by writing Y 704. Ore gonian. SPECIAL NO TICKS. I" WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Rao Simon. Roy Simon. M .srellaneous. TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR TlB DISTRICT OF ORE- Gln the matter of Morris Brothers. Inc., bankrupt No. 6653 in Bankruptcy: Notice is hereby given that, by virtue of an order duly made and entered by the above entitled court In the above en titled cause authorising and directing the undersigned as trustee of said estate to sell the property, efte-cta and assets of the estate of said Morris Brothers, bank rupt, to the highest and best bidder therefor-In whole or in part, sealed bids are hereby invited and will be received by the undersigned at the office of said Morris iiroiners in tne cny oi ui Oregon, from and after this date up to the hour of 12 M. of June 27, 1921, for all or any part of saW property; that is to say. Intending purchasers may bid for th entire property of Morris Brothers as it now remains in my custody and under my control, consisting of real property, leasehold estates, furniture, fixtures, . equipment, customers' list, safe deposit vaults, bonds, debentures and other se curities, or they may submit bids tor any part or portion of same, separately listed and considered. The right is re served to reject any or all bids either for the whole or any part of said prop erty or to tack the bids for the purpose of securing to the estate the higiust price obtainable for the property as a whole. Inspection of the premises and all physical property may be had by application to the undersigned and ta complete list of all the property offered for sale as well as the Inventory and ap praisement thereof may be seen, inspect ed and checked at the office of said ' Morris Brothers and copies of said lists will be furnished bidders residing out side the city of Portland, upon request. No bid submitted will be considered that is not accompanied by bank draft or certified check for at least 10 per cent of the amount bid. and no bid wfll be accepted or sale made except upon re port thereof to the court and confirma tion of such proposed sale had by said court, a it Li j. ri.ui a UUrl, Trustee of the Estate of Morri Brothers. Inc.. Banbmnl Dated at Portland. Oregon. May 21, 1921 NOTICE TO THE LEGAL VOTERS OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1, MULTNO You are hereb notified that, pursuan to a resolution of the board of school dl rectors of school district No. 1. Multno mah county. Oregon, a special school tax election will be held within the district on Saturday, tne lain day of June. 1021. to vote upon the question of authorising tne a i strict xo levy taxes within the district upon the assessment roll for the year larger by suau.uuu (be nr an proximately a three-mill levy upon the assessea valuation oi saia aistrict) than the amount limited by the constitution of the state of Oregon, unless soeclficallr authorised by a vote of the electors of the district, said amount being the amount necessary in the opinion of the board to provide for the purchase of necessary sites and the erection of necessary school buildings In various portions oz ins sonnet luring the en suing year. The polls will bs open on the day of election from 12 noon to 8 P. M.. and the qualifications of voters at thia election are fixed by chapter 90, general laws of Oregon for 1917. In this election, the voter must nave tne property ouailfl cations. Dated this 27th day of May, GEORGE B. THOMAS, Chairman, Board of Directors. R. H. THOMAS. Diatrict Clerk- NOTICE Or ANNUAL SCHOOL ELECTION. Notice Is hereby given to the legal oters ot scnooi aistrict no. i. Multno mah county, state of Oregon, that the annual school election for said diatrict will be held on the thirt Saturday of June, being the 18th day of June, 1921, for the purpose ot electing four directors to serve for three years; said election to De held at each, of the several polling E laces in said district as provided by the oard of directors; and the election to begin at the hour of 12 o'clock noon and to continue until 8 o'clock P. M. of said aay. iatea tnis a ay or May, 19 3L OlUriLiti U. THOMAS, Chairman, Board of Directors. R. H. THOMAS. District Clerk. NOTICE Is hereby given that on the 2d day oi June, ivzi, pursuant to a resolu tion of the stockholders of the D. C, Warren Motor Car Company, an Oregon corporation, the name of said corpora tion was changed to and will be known in the future as the W. R. DeLay Motor Co., Incorporated, and due and legal process as by law required has bee ml taken making such change of name ef fective J W. R. DeLAY, Pres. NOTICE OF S50CKHOLDERS' MEETING. There will be s special meeting of the stockholders of the Fidelity Copper company on aaturaay evening. June zz, at 8 o'clock, in the Altslty building hall, corner Third and Morrison streets. AH stockholders are urgently requested to be present. L. ti. KnaUK H, Secy. HAVING left my bed and board I will not be responsible for any debts con- tractea Dy my wne. W. Y. McABOY. ON AND after this date I will not be re sponsible for any debts marie at th Car Men's Club restaurant. 775 Savier st S. E. HAMILTON. rrNANCIAX. MONEY loaned to persons of good busi ness cbaracter on per cent unsecured note; state whether employed. Mutual Loan Co., 825 West Pico st.. Los Angeles. WE BUY, sell and guarantee automobile paper, sellers contracts and mortgages. GENERAL FINANCE CO.. 712 Lewis bid. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on reai Miaie., ure gon. H. E. .obie. 316 mmoermenabirtfr WANT someone to finance gilt-edge gold and platinum mine in loo county, Ore gon, w. yi, oriner. anerwoon. kjt. WE BUY first" and secona mortgages and sellers' contracts. . hi. sowman ft Co 210 Chamber of Com, bldg. Main 8026. FOR SALE Small block of stock in old established national bank. N 749, Ore gonian. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. V. H. Lewis, 414 e wis oiug., 4ia ana uaa sts. FINANCIAL. LJBERTY BONDS CASHED. 'AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE "WILL PLEASE YOU, OREGON BOND ft MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR INCOME PROPERTY FOR SALE. 30.000? A long term lease guarantees an lu come of 6 per cent on purchase price over ana aoove an iae auu mentals 602. Oregonian. SELLERS' CONTRACTS and econd mort gage bought and sold. . CDeYouug ft Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. $1000 7 PER CENT to loan on ?Uy prop erty. Phune East 5407 week days. Monr? xq u)an n rtcal Ewtate. TALK ABOUT LIBERALITY. READ THIS: RESIDENCES LOANS. 64 PER CENT. Five-year period, repayment privilege or iuu or any multiple tnereor. INSTALLMENT LOAN'S. 7 PER CENT 5-year period; will loan 60 per cent of tne value of your home ; only airaii monthly payment reauired with interest, you may pay more or all on the first of vacii month; no penalty. LUMNESS PROPERTY LOANS. W PER CENT. 5-year period : repaying privilege. BRICE MORTGAGE CO., Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudentia. insurance company or America, i.iu 117 Yeon bldg. Main h30. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates; no' commission on cnoice loans; long tune, snort time monthly payment; pay as you can sums to auil; contractu, second mort g:tR;s bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5tb and Alder sts. CBLLA RS-MURTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS on farms or city property. Prompt and neipiui service. Liberal repayment iriv ileges. Lowest rates. . WESTERN BOND ft MORTGAGE CO. SO Fourth St., Portland. Or. WH HAVE funds available for good rei aence loans; .also insurance money fcr ousiness property, at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO., Main 2831. Wilcox Bldg, " MORTGAGEI LOANS In any amounts at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service, B. LEB PAGET. Realtor. 622 Corbett Bldg. Main 6230. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission; no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO., -7 Sixth St.. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. On real estate security, any amount from $500 up pn Improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. 212 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. RESIDENCE LOANS. $1600 on $3500 property. $2000 on $57oO property. HERMAN MOELLER, REALTOR. 1025 Gasco Bldg. Main 1480. $300, $400, $500, $750, $1000, $1200, $1500, juou ana up, lowest rates, quick action, pay off $100 or more at any interest aaie. uordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. M ORTG AGE LO A NS. Any amount; low rates; promptly closed Attractive repayment priviU-ges." A. H. R-IRRELL-GTLL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Blig. Marshall 4114. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved farms ana city property; iavorabie repaying priviiege-i; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD. 309 Piatt bldg. Main 371 PRI VATE funds to loan on mort truces. Hvcuna mortgages ana sellers' contracts on real pHtate In Oregon and Wufabg- ten. unaries ueifei, 318 Railway Ex chunge bldg. $1000 $1500 $2000 2500 $3000. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com. Bid g . MORTGAGE loans in ums to suit; city, farm and suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY WILLIAM ;. BI'X'K, 21a Failing Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY. In sums of $1500, $J04H $3000 and larger amounts for immediate loans; no delay. Broadway 5K58. $1200 TO LOAN on improved city prop erty. 7 per cent. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. $1200 ON PORTLAND residence property Herman Moeller, Realtor, 1025 Gasco bldg. Main ft4N0. .MONEY TO LOAN. E. E. CUMPSTON. SELLWOOD 3033. I HAVE fundb available fur Tirst mortgage loans on improved city property. L. S. . Welas, 716 Cham, of Com. MjiIti lft2. $300, $400, $50O. $750, $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. G r mai; Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. Main M45. PRIVATE money to loan on real estate, low rates no delays. C. De Young ft Co., H10 Bpaldlng bldg. PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent if security Is ample. Edw. P. Mail.. 3'Mt Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on ral estate security at - going rates of intercut. Otto ft Jlarknon Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS, o and 7 r c-nt, Salomon & Co.. 307 Railway Each, bidrf. 8KB ORKOON INV. MORTOAOB CO.. J Chamber of Commerce, 4th and St.irl:. MONEY to loan on real estate, 7 per cent, Ceo, f. Lent. Tli corbett bldg. $1000 TO $3000 TO LOAN C. D. McConahy, Tabor on real estate. MONEY to loan by private party at b', good security. H 734, Oregonian. PRIVATE money direct from owner. Bdw y. 3306 evenings, and mornings. $1500 TO LOAN on good residence security, i per cent, iwarsnaij a.i., Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. DO YOU NEEtD MONEY? AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICn? LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. BONDS. ETC. If your "payments are too large on your automuuiie or iurniture contracts We will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. Ve make a specialty of these loans an A leave the security In your possession, and you can repay us in email monthly payment. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. frivate or rices. All busi ness strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (LICENSED.) 306-307 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 32R. 6. W. Cor. Third and Warhlnton. SALARY LOANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE. NO INDORSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household goods, pianos, -etc. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. OOLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. - (LICENSED.) 21 S FAILING BLDG. MONEY TO LOAN on goods In storage. Bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 53 Fourth St.. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. MONEY to loan on diamond and Jewelry confidential service; government licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros. & Co., 23 Wash, st., between 4th and 5th. Marshall 727. MONEY to loan on diamonds, jewelry. legal rates; artioies held a year; estaD- lished l.vv. uan Aiarx & ;o.. ai wasn. MONEY to loan; diamond, jewelry, etc.; legal rate; article? neicr one year, vin jgweier. uoi. ju a.iu n aaiiiuijiuii. QUICK" money to salaried people on un secured note; conuuenuai investigation 316 Cham, of Com. Licensed.) Loans Win te d. WANTED To borrow from private party. $4250. 7 per cent, on new, modern home, worth $8500. No brokerage. Main 5741 11400 WANTED. 7 per cent; 5-room mod ern cottage, west aiue, juhi aoia mp $2850. Call ai'J Market street, fliar. Hb. WILL pay 10 per cent interest for a loan of $lo00. . c jjespe ranee, Vancouver. Was h . $(u0 FIRST mortgage st 8 per cent for 1 year, on improvea reai estate: value about $14.500. call fliarsnall 3u, WANT $750, first mortgage on three lots and house at Multnomah station. O 5f0. Oregonian. WANT loan 150. dirct from principal. on my home. c. a. w imams, woodlawn 45 W. WANTED $2500 loan on residence prop- erty; comiuion oi nouse ana location f I rs tclass. Addryss R 750, Oregonian. WANT $12,000 on Columbia river. "De- If clous apple orcnara. -vaiue mo.uuu. k. owner, a i urrKunan. WANT $1U00 on 40 acres rich land In Clackamas county, o1. uwner, a im, Oregonian. 250 LOAN on car, wortff over $1800; $15 SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO 25Cham of Com Fourth and Stork. WANTED 1.j00 at 8 pr cen-t for 8 or 5 vears. rred v. spear. roonr pm-m. WILL pay 10 per cent on $5000 six -mos., give $2.0."0u security, n oregonian. 15410 i PER CENT, on new tt-room bun galow, value $3500. East 6329. WANTED Seller's contract for good. clear city lots ana casn. rgt pj.-y. 2500 ON 5-ROOM modern bungalow. Ku City uutney principals. aai Oi.v. FINANCIAL. Lottiib Wanted. FIRST MTGS. ON IMP. PROPERTY. $ M't Woodlawn, value $ U5"0 imm Lake Grove, value 35ou 1S)M Westmoreland, value .Vhw 20041 west side, Value s'Ml 250O Rose City Park, value .... 2"x piedmont, value 3ooa Alameda Park value ".' 450O west side, value 15.0W F. H. DESHON " 613 Cham, of Com.-BIdg. B. LEE PAGET. Clients want desirable first mortgage Ffxl !utt .nun am fnllnwn: $ 8(K on new bunaalovC, value $1000 $ MOO on 7 -room house, value ' $ 2(H) on bunt low home, value .... $mmmi li'.'ion on ItpBiimnnt residence. val..$6MM $J750 on beautiful new home, val..$5O0 B. LEE PAUUT. 622 Corbett Bldg. Main 6230 FRANK L. McGL'IRE, with his years o experience and expert knowledge ol vai ufs, in in a position lo safeguard you every interest In locating your money Hundreds of applications lor loans, ui fice of personal service. Let us loai your money. See J. Iogie Rich ir-in manager of loan department, Abington nuiicnng. Main lov HAVE a chattel mortgage $3MH) securt'd oy iurniture, fixtures and equipment oi 4U - and 1-room aoartment house payable at the rate of $150 each month together wlin 9 nrr cent Interest, se curity is worth four times the amoun of the mortgage. Will discount $300 for cash. AM 377. Oregonian. WANT $5000 on 100x150, Improved b store bldg. and 8-room modern houe, northwest corner East 10th and Falling sts. ; will pay current rate of Interrnt ior s to o-year loan, fiee Mr. uerorest, 320 Henry bldg. Bdwy. S.Vio. $3500 WANTED by .Monday or Tuesday to be secured by gilt-edge flrvt mortgage security on cloe-tn rettiuence property Will pay 7 piT cent interest. No com miBNion. 'leiepnone Main mi wonaay. $2500 LOAN wanted by wheat farmer for summer s work; excellent yifid on you acres to be harvested; willing to pay good interest. L 74. Oregonian. r'lHU'V mortgage loan of $1M0 wanted on new bungalow in Rose City Park district. Inquire of A. U McAfee, 410 Henry. WA NT ED to borrow Iroin Drivate DartV. siauu to $1000 on safe security Portland income property; will pay reasonable in terest 1,1 uti, oregonian. WILL sell an A-i tirst mortgage of $4"O0. ecurea oy acres or nne larm una in out jam county. r K. Bowman ft Co. 21'.. Chamber of Commerce bldg. WAXTttD To borrow $14,000 ior three years on' city home, valuation $32,500. commlKMon. A i2, oregonian. WANT $800 on Rood house and 2 lots. 6 block irom Hawthorne car; win pay 6'w aemi-anually. Ask for Mr. Hunter. John Ferguson. Gerllnger Mag. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 and S1 mortgage Donna in Jocal concerns see Oreaon ID' vestment A Mortgage Co.. 222 (Chamber ct commerce bldg. M O N" K Y W A N T E D Will exchange first mortgage bearing S per cent for liberty Donas at par; mortgage secured ty ore gon property, y 7-6. Oregonian. LOAN of $4000 at 7 per cent wanted by owner of improved real estate worm three times. Good income. R 743, Ore gonian. W A N T to borrow $ 1 5O0 at 7 ner cent. first mortgage good modern 7 -room house, no commission. O 740. Ore gonian. WANTED $2200 loaa on 200 acres fine agricultural land, where beat iron ore was found. Inquire 62 3d st. 9 PERSON AT lOO CHIROPRACTIC '.SYSTEM. (Camouflage and Jm- house stunts, with adjuncts foreign to 100 chiroprac tic principles only add unnecessary time and immediate expense to later deptr for patients. Dr. M-Mahnn (McMan) himself, Macleay bldg., Portland, is a chiropractor of experience, a nant ama- v teur, 1 loo chiropractic apecUllsL. with highest testimonials from patients rrom eastern states, familiar with the best ; from western and local people (doctors, lawyers. judges, ministers, prlentH, teachers, parents and children), having unfortunately had lea than loo chiropractic elsewhere, wit h, of course, corresponding disappointment In delayed relief physically and financially. Men and women are fully saTTrfled with my lott chiropractic philosophy, long experience end superior skill dem onstrated In consultation before tsklng courses of treatment, and later In ex amination, easy, careful and benef loial adjustments, lowest rtes and, finally, results. Eleventh year In this city. Acute attacks, colds, fevers, lumbago and "doubling Thomases" If at time, least expense. Chronic conditions full month rates. The rich can pay more. Extended time, 31 adjustments Of need ed). $15. Write, phone, walk In. Main office. Fourth and Washington sts. New home. 647 E. Palmon st. WHY THE HOT SPRINGS? When Portland Is the most beautiful and comfortable city to live In during the Hiiitmu-r and the HOT SPRINGS OK PORTLAND tan give you all the bene fits of any hot springs plus. Not only ,-the various water applications, hut sIj-o electricity, hake-ovens, light baths and manage, scientifically applied. In other words, the proven methods that con form to the laws of the physical body, and that produce the desired results. Better health at less expunfe. BROWNS HYDROPATHIC lNSTfTl'TE. Stevens HI rig., downstairs. Main muo. WHY BE FAT when I can reduce yout I weight a pound a day, safely, inexpeit-. sively and permanently, the ON I. Ye NATURAL WAY? NO DRUGS. IN- ! VKSTTOATH. CONSULTATION FREE. WOMEN EXCLUSIVELY. ONLY ES- H TABL1SHMENT OF ITS KIND IN EN TIRE WEST. I HAVE NO C )MI' TIT ION, as no one can successfully compete with the method I use. ELIZA BETH MARSHELLE. Obesity Special ist, suite (7-M8 Mroudwsv bldg Port land. Or Phone Main 273V ANY READER of thia pap:r suffering from goitre (big nk, can get positive information on how to cure it at home without the least trouble or discomfort. There is a pleasant surprise lu atore for if vou will write. No charge what soever. Tell others. It will help ua all. I Address Dr. Rock, Box .-i3J. miiwmu kee, Wis HANDSOME IS AS HANDSOME I)OES.f Good cheer Is the every-day prescrip tion that keeps the heart alive. Good teeth is the every-day necessity that keeps the body efficient. Our motto. "Truth, Service." Pyorrhea can be cured. Dra C. Smith Long and Steven son (dMitistL3J0Bu?h&I SCENARIO WANTED, any form; scena rios revised, copyrighted, pubiuhed. marketed. FREE advisory service. We will PRODUCE any fcenario considered exceptional. Scenario Service Corpora- t tion. oo Mason Opera-House, Los An grles. t'al. KEEPS BUSINESS MEN FIT. Renewal of life cells defers old age and keeps you fit for business; a new method that Is patronized by TortlDd's best business men. Dr. Dee. 413 Ar- tlfans' bids;. PICKWICK STAGES win start oDeratlng cars between Port land and San Francisco and way points June lo. Reservations can dc maue si 125 nth st. Phone Main w. U'bite a. mnc noeni love, mother, home, comic or any subject. I compose music and suarantee publication. Send words today. Edward Trent, 712 Reaper block Chicago i L'p ni.-.mcK hi BicA'STEi.N. the et eran Opticiaji, make jour eyeglasses; expert' optical service. Prices reason able. No charge rgr testing, i'.'o Mor rifon st.. near 2d. MADAME COCHRANE. Will call at your home. Shampooing, oiils. Krench baths, scalp treatmenti and manicuring. Call Woodlasvn 3777 in A. M. ; ALL the latest remedies soid st tos Ciem- enson urug -o-. w "rnn auf ou Charles hotel corner. At this drug stbrt you st nave n get just wnat you eaii iwr. we o substitutes. GALLSTONES Free nook tells of im nrovea metnoa oi irun inntmroiuui of gall bladder and bile ducts. Write today. Dr. Paddock, box VyiuL Kaosai City Mo. r'u i onPonlflT. manicurist. fa-e. scalp treatments. SUpeniU"PU nmr rmBciui.T removed : open Sundays. Room 2JJ Alikv Bldg.. 3d and Morrison REFINED lady would like to meet an other tO pian W-wm uu.inso. be refined and of mature age. M 747, Oregonian. PRESENT address of Louis Hugh (L. H.) Kelley woum uv irrmi, vyrotiamu. Ad f jress r v.t-. orpn"niHii, POSTAGE stamps for collectors, bougt and sold. Columbia Stamp C6.. U4 loth st. Broaqway hvij. TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no pay XI It cureu. lAciiiruj iriiii vu vnab Sunerha Co.. W. 314 Baltimore. Md. RELIABLE people would like lo go east witn pariy in ue pc In car phone East 330ft. ECZEMA cured or no pay. Send Jot a jar Of rnv lamoue wbp'm rmiruy. (iooa win's Mfg. Co.. 4621 H2d St. S. E. CHIROPODY OFFICE Finest electrical equipment m rortianu. r ibo iocs i ion. Broadway 5271. PACKARD twin six, going to Sun Fran- Cisco", naa room ior piiciiffr. rnon operator. Hotel Cornelius. DKIVJJUi- to San r ramciKcb; has room for or t pilg'urnrri. riiimn uumy. VIT-O-NET treatment. Parlor 70S Dekum bldg. MalD VT. jenevi-ve Locwe DRIVING to Los Angeles; will take pas senger. can i.owy. nmn. WOMEN'S diseases. 925 E. Couch. M in- tavllla car. OPALINE. Mrs. Summers remedies, pusl Uve 'relief. -i5 LhucuIu. slam Itt70. IKKhONAL GET WELL FREE. Flth.K. rRIH. Every day. from lu A. U. to 5 P M. and from o to S, and 'eundas from 10 to 12. THOUSANDS OF PUFFKRKIH WHO- UAVE FAILED' to get relief in any other way are In vited to Investigate Chiroprartio meth ods, hlch are permanently cunt, ( Bundreds every day THE DENT OK CHIROPRACTIC DIAGNOSTICIANS wlH thorougn.y examine you. make a complete diMtnofia of your case and direct your trtineuts WITHOUT ANY COST TO TOO WHATEVER. CHIROPRACTIC is the iaf. an, sure and modern science of curing and preventing dix-Ase. CHIHoPRACTJC will ' permanent. T cure U5 per cetit of all 1I -... . CHIROPRACTIC rtmovee ins cause heaith returns. The above service U att free to you at the college building aod may be bd lnprivate if desired. t PRIVATE TREATMENTS may alo b had In college building by memlw-is of the faculty, by aithtr lady or tnes practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of Park and YawntlL Tel. Main lulA. HObPlTAL fn connection with collrga. Will handle out-of-town patients at a mot reason able rats In order to show wtiat Chiro practic can do. DR. O. W. ELLIOTT. President. WHT THE HOT KP K 1 N OS ? When Port land is the nnNt beautiful and comfortable city th live In Ounn the summer and tlie HOT M'RINi.S OK PORTLAND can give you all the bene fits of any hot springe pi us not .n iy the various water applications, but ai electricity, bake-oven. light baths ai.I maasage. scientifically applied. In oihr words, the proven nietuoda that con form to the Is wa of the ph ysical b0y. and that produce the desired rout i a, better health at lens esprnae. BROWN rt HYDROPATHIC 1NSTITUTK. Htyfns Hlda, downstairs. Main hi;;io. HAVL your old firm kkmodmj.d to conform with the latest styles: sum mer rateji now In force; we can also of fer you exceptional values In fur gar ments rul(Mt! lor the seaun'a r. We hare a select snortment of chokers In mink, wtnne marten, fitch, mirrei, summer ermine and others at truly re. markabi price hee our window d piay and be com iru ed. THIS fciKTRIL Ft'R CO.. 405 Morrison St . Ret loth and tlth WHY THROW AWAY YOUR OLD fcAKK- TY RAZOR HI.ADKS- Hring or mall them to us. We sharpen HY HAND; make a smooth velvet edge like bur ber' rasor; S.'ic a dos for douiile edpe, 80c single. Mail stamps for amount. V also rehharpen all new blades and ll them at regular retail price. $1 doifh edge. Oc single. VKLVFT KDO SHOP, ins flth st. N. , Portland. Or LA Dl KS with small capital wno w tah t ecome indepoudent may do so by Join lng Madame patteneaud's school of beauty culture. J ncludea special treat ments ot skin and scalp maroelllng. hairdreKfdng, etc. My giaduatos are la demand eery where. School to com mence , June 1, with limited number. Inquire at the Benaon iiutel Improve ment Shop. ACTcoMrLlSHUD AT LAST. Ps In less dentistry, by the nerve-blocking met hod. wit hout after effects. I make X-ray elimination of train. I specialise In firHt-claas dentistry at rea sonable fees. Lady attendant. Mar. 3J04. 1'R A. W. KEKNK. Majestic Thester BMg S-'ilH Wan tiUARD YOUR KYhXIGHT. T employ onlv the mom modern In struments and the mortt s:lentitic meth od In examining your ej i-i; JO years' experience. Thousands of an tiff ted pa. t ten is. Evenings and Sundays ty a r polm ment. Charles W. Good ni an, op-tu-iitn. '-'i0 MnrrUmn. Phone Main '-'I ' I MINNIE YOL.NO. BK Vl'TV HPKi'l VI. 1ST. W1HHEH XL) ANNOUNCE TH R OPENlNti TIF HER SHOP AT mm NORTH IMD ST. YOUR PARTON JE WILL TIB ' APPRECIATED. MAIN 407 UTILITARIAN INSTITUTE. Success f ully treats rhuumat lam. stom ach and kidney trouble, steam and min eral baths. niUKHHBe. ldlex by appoint ment. Lady attendant. 710-711 -wetland bldg. Phone Main Of-V' A. M. in ft P. M. ' ELECTRIC MINERAL i-TEAM v HA I lls Hen title Pod v masses, violet rt and shiUFldal eieetrh? treatment fir u.l chronic difleape of both sexeit; lo to ik evening Pv appointment. Nettie llenon, D. P. Main TIM. X04 pfkum hi.! DltUULESK PH YhJCJ ANS. Nervous and chronic riie.4fteft a spe cialty. If others have failed, don't he come dlft-nuraffcd. hot Klve nit a trial Dr Ada N. rVott, Lit! 1,1th st , bet wen A ider and Washington Itroa t! wn :,tl.U NO TICK New patriotic sons Just out; fott "Uncle Sam Can Ha a Ha I l.r. Ten" "every American should S'-l nne" Yhe Riviera M uric Co. ot Clilcafct' Is tit publt shiT. A KARA ANTISEPTIC poWDKK t- sonttiliitf. cie.iiwina, n rating s-rnn hi ami ln iKoratiOK douche : a a 1I Im female disorders : M'c an 'I $1 per box Pm l I nnd 1 W Me' 'h ar in ; t v. DO THE NESTLE pirtnannt wave, nat ural. soft and silky. .'C a rurt. ahto luteiy clean your liead of tlali-lruff ran refer ymi to sntiMfieil eiitonieit. Tsbof gtHl. SJ7 Ksst street. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, permanently removed by multiple need' method: consultation free 504 Mwtitoft bltlg . Cth st Waah st Mln 130. iF'Ol! ARE TIRED AND NEKVOUSf nu ciin rejuvenate your nervous centers and poor circulation lr halnu a s:ien tliic body lnaaso. Dr. Ovidia I-arfn, tt:;4 Mi-rsan b1tf. Mum iM'.t'j. XJTt" l.ol ISK, N ETZEL 1 n-atirienta Tar rheurnaiitm, I u id ha so, eura!a, etc Electric blanket vibrator massage and bath. 540 Columbia si. near I V th. Mam ' a:,t)M. H'Mirs 1" to Nn HuntUr mrh CHIHOI'RAtrilC. BEST STEAM BATH, chiropractic, v I orator anl etri r iu 1 1 rs. n o. kt. -faret llaynle. -15 ewVland bldg. Kea sonabie prlreu. . EX PKK1 EN'KT nsrae gives tfm hatha, ahewera. body niasssge. violet rava an 1 vibrstry trentir.t nts. 10A M to H P. xi selltng-Hirs:h bldg.. room M Man W ELTM ER syatam of drurloas heal Ins. the moat up-to-date srit nrt prartirvd If others have failed see Dr. Ayers. Tls Dekuin bldg. Cooaullat ou fr. Phos Main 2079. , $1 GETS both fet fixed up at Dr. Elton's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH St'l.sT. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yra here; enm free. Globabldg.. 1 1th Wiah. Bdy 2hJ4 FEB VET" HANKBUT, leading wig sod toupe makers; finest stuck tiuinan hair goods; permanent snd marcel wmvIh ; scalp treatments 341 Alder .Main 14 k77e "TRI t" BO D V M A SSa" I K S V 1 I . !: HAY 415 BUCHANAN ULDG.. WASH RET 4TH AND ;.TH. HOLRS i '! . 1 M. ALSO SUNDAYS CoUPLE driving to C4l"iriU 1ivh r-.m for three adults; rferi tic; l av n about ths 15th. Addrcn 1'. o. Jlt nj. Vancouver. W ash. ' EXPERIENCED nuise g.v-s steam anJ hower OA lll .v , anare. FUednur bidg.. luth au.l Washington. STUDY MASSAGE. Portland Schools of M.i.-wmre Tnr ; etudents now enrolling. 51 tfe,.iig-Mlih. i poT-J.Y PRIM beauty p.rior, marc. i, inn. manicuring, facial snd m4 Kllers bldg. Muinjnl. Ip tralineiu. THE VANITY BEAUTY PARLoll tn aia Udles and gentlemen. 4u.-4aleiKh bid I M u i n Hi'H. H U'nnt r PR KLNA HORKNRKN. druglese rhya massage, baths, kidneys, const i pat im rheumatlim 50H Panntna bhig M 5tKt PILKS can be ptrmam ntly curt wit hour operation. Call or writs Df. Dian. bee ond snd Morrison GOITRE, enlaiKoa gianaa. -ura .r.j;r A. H. Strachan, routa 6, Hllistoro. ir No agents or repjewantatives. SUPERFLUOUS hlr, niolea warta removal by jU-neeniB liremuu. a... .1-- - . u ley. 614 Bush & Lane bidg M:nn VIT-O-NET hwemll, violet ra t rea t m- tilt boy massage. 10 A. Mi to P M. dany 4,V Morgan bldg. Main7.nH. SULPHUR steam bath ninimi, violet isl and vibratory treatment 4- Clav M:rr i. ::.. iu to o 'r "" I LEAVING for Kng.and June is. will un Ti . . l, irt irnHi'l mn v businem. ret u-r lng Sept.; references. C Tin, trrgnntan SCIENTIFIC massage, tni b.alis. tus. ment tor I"lM. nirmmi.nn nu iicMtlon. 417 Swetiiind b:iU FfiH i:OkKC1 titne call Main 357U I-oi aciffatiiic wir; next door to Majestic rfi-n. FOOT spvciallat. Dr. A.x. M. f' lirai i ay aaaiaiain. - u-i.ij and Washington, niruis v to i. MISS M. ADAMS, treatments for Jn..ryU manicuring, i jo jriisniai uiui. iduk 11 to tt;30. Sundaja 12 to J PACE, sculp and body massKso; tn H. 5'l Madison st.. hom 2. boura 1. .7,, 10 leasons, popular imiHir at out- Parser riwnn p'-mu"i, mt i,u-iw JUN1C1DR wi!l curs rheuiuattatn or niun-j back I'eKum ntoa. ' PP1MEDA BALM, formerly called B!in o flga "44 K. ad sen, ajia moraines. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you Sc ylewk. coiiet-tors. O'-Kum p.- m r; R a D I ! A T E nurfe. formerly at !Wm 3d now at ittl Violllg si. rnmn nin e THRU THE SHADOWS.7, Latest song L U - A t; musl( 'ores. Ft K T SPECIALIST nr IU: n a C'Hspi 1 Artisan liiog now j m - i DOLLV N i MITON. MANR'UKIsX. 41a BUCHANAN iJLiu,